HomeMy Public PortalAboutCouncil Minutes 1955 Jan-Dec 144 1nLeraountai n hquio Streets !k2. 82 Robert 'Re na (11).;-3 Legal a a 16 Lewis c;eiber d golf 1J3. 33 halnh Faris Mob 12 .Q0 State of Idaho S'ot Recay 25J .03 '\ 25J. JJ1 Valley County Payette La, es Star Felice bill BLeiow dumb 111-7j ," Robert Shanahan P lice 32- 341, ViLiaae of , c(20.11 Shari ian dater J. o.) Fill ten , otel Attach neat of Snanahan 112.53V toctwei F Stores L,ittace. lent of Shanahan 106.)p11) Robert Snananan Police 19 .601 Spielman ,noved the bills be bald vnich was seconded by -core and carried unaniviously. Meeting kecesset. u_ntil the c311 of the Uhliiii r I. airnan 4.4 7 /7;-- XT 1---nerk January 3, 1 )55 r37u1 r ooetinr of toe Vilil.a e oard vas held on the above iltc and the Coilowins nzsness tr ,nsacted. Roberts bra scot Moore ) )1elnan Arr1steonn excused -xur-)y oore :loved the rece ,sed neetis -, of beaenbir J, 19J1, be adjourned. he 113tion was seconded by Sbielman and aari7ed lnan: nou /ly. The rilialtes of the )revIous neetilo .vere read and anbroved as rod. Roberts renortet that he nal received 1j .JJ fron orville brooks to aDbly on his account with t e 7illae . Thnerts also I ;nortod that he hor si nea a voucher for the State in the aroalt oC ,_ 733 .30 in full )aynent or tne airoort land vhicn the Stde 3articLnated. Robe t stated that tue Vilia5e sna/ e was now cut to about 1J Di' tse total project cost. 1-,obeits also disc73sed innrove- nents that c ul / be 1, e over a eerier' or year F,0m-ts read J letter fron it7chard Jonns., n in re -arJ to t- e sIdeTalk renoirs tAd were node in front of t n laos stole . he Clerk was in3t- ructel to answer the Letter. the Collovin ,; bills were read for n _inent. Leonard Ackarte :troets a later ,3aJ .q0 V nernan --'lac/ well r )lice 7. 4./ Jack :,-1-Kon Police 11. 7oi 'arbara -,outh JD . ) 1.11 Crooke Poljce 326'. 33dill Bir-elo -N ouln 24--)3" j ,rrold Steiner Police 91.294 , . c. bIsterCield tr- ets-'„ater 3 {- 5JV ,onroe Co. Streets 4.1 .254 bus ' s Service Sire -Streets 23. 39 . -5 '•un ralow Store Police 3•1 -, Payette Lakes Lbr. moo. police P.0L 7 i'ayette Lakes Star Clerk-Police j-k). 17 ' Gem S4-ate Telephone 'r. J stockwells stores o1r ce 211.0 '' Petty Cash tangs 9. 00 St l -1 iar•+3 Oil Co. :'iatsr - ire -ui br .ry 91 . 35 "v. H. h. anttin; Co. ,iorary i2.00 i. . tilson Co. rt 1. 52 - Fook�;r r.lec troche n' c al _ .'Cater . "�t� r alnh Paris Taxe �' )on snort � • 1- 0 '` .; rbani=s , . orse Co. Seer 1j. D7 1. Gaylord Bras. aiurary rJ 35`r'", ;': rsoa al )00k. "'a0o it 11. 3U k auk.t s Body Shop Police 1J .00 I _aho Paver Cc. 273.20 ;T -antz Trar.st'er Streets 3.53 37 I aternount i - r�quillp. 'do. rt 10 $, tnaloih Paris :,.hen _2).OJ State of I :aho Slot Renay 25J .J0" %/alley ',Ounty rt +t 25'J :)0 Valley °oun;ty Trust ��und '}t:-. qtr. ,:A'-3l,�b.��01, I. Salon Pacific i . h. So. .streets 2: • ) 7' .y -- ' aL cri.n r ire onnly ire 2. 31 roore _gave ' the bills be n,xi_ _i as .r Ad. the nation was seconded by Solel n mn and c:lri i e:i unanimously. 10 furti-h_ur• business coninf, ce.fore aE Boa1d, the Chair_na deciar t'ne meetin, recessed until tqe call of tie Char. f'' air;nan n Clerk J r'ebr•uery 7, 1 )55 A re4ular .n...at 7.n�r of tie V i I la:?e Board ;vas held on toe above date and the follos in =` business trensact 'd. lloberts Present rl : pore '.rms trot r rt II nielmnan herby 91 ,dool'e Grovel to 1.,7 journthe neet-_n of J'ia ar r 3, i )55. lotion vas - econded ny ,;Im.stronr all carried unani.nously. lne minute _> of toe orevious :netti h , 'vere read and an')roved as _Leal. i,e V lairman re ,'re`it cd t:iat each :ne:nbcr of the ..?bard rrenar'e a sud'pet J for his ne partWent for the coming, year for cons i ieration at the next meeti n' rioberts r•ecarted a complaint of excessive speed of cars on * fie road -outh of toe Co ilroad tracks . rloberts alsi requested that Kerby give an estimate on the cost ner foot of exten.aic - tie runway at the airport. -ie reported that tie CAA would particl.nate . ri discussion t'1e width of the runway etc followed. 0 I 46 IA ehertoredo r-,to th-I., t .:1P h ad ;net -.NIL.:In. ,.-,.e ..-ka*.- .1.0 o and ha.:d d 1..Scn u.,:3e-3 1::.-.1e revene cr-1. Icaice for the sewer extehs ! on Co-h . ,-'el.lowiha. 2,2 0-1-.-1.neeps feasIcltj Heocrt al once He rl..-11-..1.31.:s -t-:.-)e--, 'yr:',.:)c.H,.•:'7'.'(--H t c' 1--' .--!.,-' tn,e er Hi ---1 an.e e ---,r )v-I di_n,-T L'or the levy, s a. le ,---ra.i. retI re -b,.3 h t 1..' -tn e : f3T.11r "n-r-rTh,. };'o 13 -11)-re' tn.° readin7 or ah-!-,rex„ ,L.) n a T,..e s chi.' teh:3 al-II n ,-,...cCe ,. '.-• 01,-n:3.-n ire, d to 31W-37)(2 ad Chuct tie r reIn"; the nrn-1 11._'--t2c.•.,. '"rae :1.o 3-,leo-1 'An,: ., se c,-...,nd e d, by F."o:n'hr J.-n.,d co/Tod u,-),,a n-;m.... o -::.1 y. .1.-.oert3 ctatod tn ,tt H0 wo121 . 11H3 t-_, -lave t -e --).-oard .-ncet '.,v1th one h.(-.1‘..3b I ta 1. -...--,:1 ..._.sr- n.-,,s t -le a,-.)e.T.'e t I .7Q1 crr aL..] I n I,s tr a 3. I.on of - off bee 1:1p3,7) t, .1 . .. 'r . i'n_Thx-,. who ..18L1 'T)reent -.Y.,,--- otty .,I.oc'.1.n3ed tne /- 11.tion.9111-(,) nee- e.,J9.ry t-.Are c c the . --..).3n:I.t al Ooard :and tee V I 3. 1a ..:;e -1c:3o:c9, i'L 11..3 c-,..L3.3 ion an tn.° .3e, .:,ro-n3 o!. dohtrol tHo t -I l to•,-.e 'he-,1 as-.3 t -1.--'e t rA In bo c onicly w 1_th 3--, To law C oil..-.)we d. 2 no co:On'ac t o ity .,-)..e ., Tar;ineionr '-Ti.-r..3 -,:n.(:--i u,r c 1--1 I t e&ct followed. -1-' 1e hoToitat 3-..-7I...eor:" oear --H. bho nn...tlicor to 2.,.:rve on the .3oard -wa.3 I;ee ,-3.I.o.,c n. ..-. o I.1 win:, .1H.a cht .;..-,lon, ,-. o ore ---,.0-',..red, t ha L H.),..e '2-131.c1te 3uard of..--- t 90) a tescital hovluory noard 0on907Gt1.9.3. of oeveh .-fte:nero , 12091)03ed of two ,.--Lewhers (Di' -, -.i.e TIAl.a. ..e --toard a_nd flve 1.1., 1nlen 1r0..-1 anion:.,; tne:-Io i---C,7(- 71:1- er- :!ad 1-):: t ho creJeht, 'hos---,.-3. t a 1 ‘..-:o , .,1t tee a-,.. L t he re,-.)tte'..-• re d dap ..-J-r.1(--,n de d .._, r;, Le hu 3`-) 7 ;-",..-:, 1. '..-_;)ce:a 1''1. .i n(.1 190")0 I.!at e(3, b-;.-/ t, ie. V Ill?2, ;--; .-..,:;,..,r(3. '---',,,,-.. ..fet ion secon...-..e.:h ,r) ,, ,3berts . •1.1,-.-;3 t I on; In favor ,--.0 t,--...e .7.390 -i_ 111, '-ah-iel:13an, •.:acre si.31,-3 "onerts . :i"--,a I.---rs. t, H c rby anc-i :irel..- tronw;. -,-, .;:bet s then ...;tated. -_,.e '''0',1 I.,.. cha nh,e L-IIh-2. ',rote to tic. he -no tloh ,NH s J.e f e a to d -t":".ree to -'-.,Are. ollown ---..- Irther Als .-nl_alon, ierny floved th ., t LAP HosnItal P,oard ne co-n000ed ut ueven r!erncer. o tNr.) .._, I_' ..7 -1;._ C9 '!10-.!-11_ 'DO 7I. Llae -'oard. t -.a, tbInr,d a -.--..-)c t or .if a 11 .-e :else:3, arid a."-o-v31 hted by- the V111.a-37e 'curd- 4-. -le -notion '.:a .; ohended .-:.,./ :, ore . n-023tI09, In favor, •.'Tio ore , V er by, --'0 ‘, e 1 '.-Lan i-3.'1'i ...,r a s.,tronT. C..-....i-r _E-3(.1. ',anal-I-IL-nous 1-y. .r-',.em '.. L:i3 , -=,.n J ns,...ve r i--, ,. a -J:le L:3 tI01-1 .0 f tae --.'.'f..)ar Cl, (,)a toe, '.;')C 2-1-.; "net-,0 id o f ch:,-. e n. ., , '1 - t,ne 7-1: 11 .:-3. .re, 1 -:-i.I_Os, J". : 'se 3ted thit a ..-)e t I t-I.,--Dn by the --)e 0 e-.1 e 11197197 In oe oi I.071 I.t te,d, theh the '.:07,..t rd ohs...; an. orein.a--).c e thkI-c : the -)eople in tle V-111a :e 11h-21t2 . t. oberts re n),ez', to if3 3 re he it Cr90n. too -3 a-.:-.:, -)1 t al ,,,o.rIni t toe t..)-n. 1.--,e.e Jibe Cor tfi.0 -219090e71 i-lon ! -- -31. . .-,....rney 1L10 wau )-roeht, stotee that Conrteen o -iteo had huen conT :ored -Dot ''..'ew had boen 9cp1o7e,1 bj the architect. ? erby 21XX reccomehded that the 3elect902 oC a slbe be referrc;:e. t o t rp -.1,o:-.3---) I. t,--11 3:.),..1.-rY-3. . a-)er t L-3 3 ,''LI 1-,e,s_J ti h•':.t •!..;i 10 oho n1-1 •:-..,e re cc -.o e,d. tic rn-_,ns I._do r ra,. .',.---hai t-I ens for t.3. .3 he 3 e it at '-?.oard )e, 0010 -the .-il te -‘,-,ia 3 c ho Tna-.3 contract wi th tnie ,:i roLitc c.:-i: 7:1--u..; HPle.1.- 1_;" - I-:-;c u.3 ,. d. .-, letter froi:, nihnar ., .1 o hh3o h I.n -.1...a. --„..;.rd to Lie S.1. deWal if': 9000 1 r ct the _-_;-t ore „v ah; -i-a-..n..i 1 ;...-) L-....,-ye , (..)991. ,;:c..-)ore :-r.--,), '.0 Cik ,.-:,:-.:at t--00 -1)e u-:=>I.0 1v09te:I to el t.--ier tax or 1-„a 12.-e sole action ,._,n i:::•.,..e. 90.,.-1 call aae!---, '..:us au -they are :I llle::al an,-.3 nInors are c 1 a,1-1.-rr-T t-,Lten. . lec-_-noe re c comoie'-.-ide a t':.-la t a tax -)(7; eiht; .. -!•- t:r.,,e nac;•.--Itne,s if :00s31 bic --,.. ilernIsoion fellowed • Ch,e a, -,h90 h..a t 7 O....1 :0 r 7:i -.)cer 11 dens e from ".1cto " I...ho-:, vas re a. to the '.-;oar ; r .ere 1.oved., to .i1.--) 112o7e the a.h7.D1-I c a t7o h. which was oeconded 'cy ',=',pie , - [(lan, a n d cna rrIed un a.niT,a Ta t ly. J.:he f 01 low i r-1.7 '.-\Ill s were read f or oaynent Leonard ;:c'..>:-.are t .3tree t- A ter L,3...)D -VD-) L.1 ia[r1 I-I Oleri, ._!,..? .•Jo , arbara ,=o7th. 1,1 br ary 1 e rI(- -)',..) ,;( ) ..".37.,1_1, ,.',rooke T3c3,11_ce 37_-1 1 •- -1 ••,:e-Low -,,ufrin 19 . .7 Jerr 31:73 '-'to I nor r c.:1 too i 2 -r e r - . 71 ,--- t o Ire c tor ,o.I.' Int . 0e7e a-,.-to -.3 .'.T. 4th. ..'Or. 902 .90 l' 1.rut .I.,ccn90t-,7 3a90 -..rInsL'er-ewer T---; DO '• i ...:. • iLober t -,e.-30i,12102 '.3,e gal . ,3. 32 i,qon. Da v I s ...' Ire- ,,at e r 31 : oh..-• , , . The motion was made by Trustee Spielman and seconded by Trustee Burnside , that the rules requiring ordinances of a general and permanent nature to be fully and distinctly read on three different days be dispensed with and that said ordinence be placed upon its final passage. Thereupon, the clergy was ordered to call the roll on said motion and the roll called upon said motion was as follows: Roberts Those votin c, Aye . Burnside Spielman • . Moore • ••••,•.••••• •,.••••-•• ••• Those voti% May: None. The Chairman thereupon declared that the motion, having been duly passed by not less than three-fourths of the Board , had been duly cerwied. Thereopon, Trustee &ow, moved the adoption of said ordinance, which motion was duly seconded by Trustee purnsicle The Clerk was then instructed to call the roll on the passage of the ordinance and the roll call on said passage of said ordinance resulted as follows : Those voting Aye: Roberts Burnside Moore Those voting Nay: Nono. The ordinance was thereupon, by the Chairman, declared to have boon duly i.:aesed. It was moved by Trustee Burnside and newedaper published and of general circulathe Village of McCall , Valley County, I40k_kw ,:74„ Thereupon, the Clerk was ordered to call the roll on said motion and the roll call upon said motion was as follows; Those votimg Aye: Roberts Spielman Burnside No ore Those voting Nay: ofle The Chairman, thereupon dedasmed that the motion was duly czried. Trustee Spielman then introduced s and there waa thereupon read in full, the followinc ordinanoel Mulyznammixtbar saxx*zMxtjixf*tL . ORDINANCE NO. 410 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPUNWINE BEST BID FOR THE "VILLAGE OF McCALL SEWER REVENUE BONDS, SERIES DUNE 1 , 1955;" PROVIDING FOR THE INTEREST SAID BONDS SHALL BEAR; AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE AT OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEFEA in accordance with th., statutes of the State of Idaho , bonds of the issue designated of Mall Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series June 1 , 1955 ," 4410444vortised or public sale; and WHEREAS , the bids receivedmROVO been publicly opened and considered; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the bid submitted by Blyth & Co. , Inc. , Portland, Oregon, and Wegener & Daly Corp-- oration, Boise , Idaho , was the best bid submitted for the purchase of said revenue bonds. . 47 February 7, L9 55 ,,elson r'lumbin ater 13 .26 H. o. P` ison °o. Library 12. 30" Arn;ri.can Lib. Assn. " 0. JO ' Aordlin; Parts Co . Streets 4 .7 3' Yo'nralls o i.cuards ' ater 7 . 92,' TTorcoShop 7. 15' Cu,-(ton Printers Clerk 2'.54 Standard Oil_ "o. L:i_b- ire-'Eater 204.95` vostcott Oil Co. Streets 3.90v Campbell lea il Library . .)0 , Lola' s Cafe Clerk 5.. 51- Lewis Seiber =olf 3 .92' `?ill Crooks Police 7 .50,- Serman Blackwell " 1i.7. 94' Petty Cash " ater 12. 93' .lantz Transfer Streets 1.001 _`Iilltoc "Motel Streets-',eater , ' � 3. 35 Western store sewer-Streets 7.o3'' i�icCall Prue; Co. Police .50 . 4-4 ( -, Payette Lakes l'i r. Col eater-Police 13 ;03 / 1.;, Payette Lakes tar Police-L,1erk 121.P9 ` -_-, Frown T i_ ti L r. -t r e e t s 35. 13 , =. T oodman electric ',Ire 11.99 ,e7Z!. bns ' s ,ervi ce otreets 10.20 ' C . . tubber solders otreets 137.95' :.gay T ardmare Oo. Clerk-Police 3 . J3 , Paul ' s -'b,_:dy Tho > Police l6.00' Ida. 2 Jr•st Tatl irocosit Sox 3. 30 Idaho Power `do. 293.21+ .< Hatch Paris Shos 125.00 `l State of Iiaho - lot tepay�i nt 250.001, Valley °ounty " „ 253.00 a -1ol a Cook Insurance 60 . 39 -, Gem State 'leleohone 0o . 91.53 4/ _." Barbara South i'en;istrar 03 . 50.i i-arian "l1en Llecti.on Judge 11 . 89' Beulah 'ii.mm " " 4.,00 , Kate Hayes " " 4.00' Louella Toff It +' '4.00 , Dorothy yinsley " " I, Or0_, . -t . cielman moved to pay t le bills as presented. be motion was seconded by Pero,- and carried unanimously. There follor.oed a discussion on the amount of insurance carried on the V . llar-ie Hall. ' ol1ow-i no d. ' scussion, I`"erby :roved to raise t :1e covcra,''e from ,1530 . to r5, J00. . 'he motion was seconded by Ar nstron.; and carried unanimously. =irnstr _1"" :roved to buy the insurance from _irk. ne noti l on was seconded and carri_cd unanimously. do further business eominn oil' le tale -to: rd , e "wa , li oorts declared , mec;tinr recessed until tic call of tie ' r. r ---,:d; , r.. /// Attest: ale /T 1' tla.irma.n /rkk 14 Crirtvioat. o r re:rn1 ,r 1eetin' of raar' r 1, l -/ t itoberts r'reseot . rrs tror� It rt '-ni lman 1,oher'ts cabledcaLled to rder and staLe t tie the apnointrient`" sn nid 'ne :made to l:,ae iosn i t-:al oard. 'e stated that l'ober' s and 1i•oore von] . serve as e asers of tic Villa -o Board. ollu.a:_n:r .ii.scussion and Vot-•in;„ the fOlbOV ..:"it poonLe were ma 1 .d to the t'"1e .._03!7taL hoard . 'ar . , de '0, T' 1 , 3.T' 2 111r:ton r ria � -ac:ary ,, ., ar "e • eCK. iit;lr.3Y':7 nosed '�JE'1'�-: Fat `'s.i�e:3, :�L7^.- -';��7F'S, �,� �'"] r' � r is i l `Jvons 31 i ,_' t�l wa .:;ar. 1'Y_e :nemhe.--S 'Jere to e conticted to see if tie , Noll serve, aend.e i_ , °:nit1 `vho 'was nresent 'sresented his contract !'or t :1e sever c( nstruction. the -n rineers ienort was read to toe hoard which included orosoective rats for users . Noberts askeJ For and, corrections or recco:nnenriati o ,s on the ren.ort . the nooslation fu -ure was chanced from 1533 to 12)J . -Y7strons -loved to accent the report. the :notion .was seconded o,-, -crbf and carried unani_rao>>sl;r, r'olloNirs further d scus:> n - nit contract A ;t c n a _ ' o �n i �s , r:n; r �.. • :not c,r-� t� a�ut:,uri-ze the to enter into _. contr ct ',"ai-t 1 "endel -)siith on the se ven constrincti.o n. ne notion .tan seconde ! -oore am-A n Ca:.'ri 1 7.n,oni- son sly lsabe_ is stated t.. -'..t so 10 contra ,` t sho1. , J -so entered into JI �h he l s _ '1�ai�1 1� and iiu.,n..ne Ll, Marled and AIONIMP a ._ fort er ouslne:ss nation `' f re Vale hoard the la l ratan declar_� -d A t'1 -neetant_' race ,se'h until_ .1e call of the ,a >ea y LLerk 9 .,.arc . 7, 1 )55 A re_*il.l'ar :neetiriJ of the VillaJe Coard a held on the a:aeve date and the folio vin - business trei.$acted. "a 'erts Present yr tis tron 'core '1 Solelman Absent i<erby r, Ioer'e :moved 10 the n+;o tin of O'Obrtiary 7, 1 )55. he iottr n was econdcd by --rmst.rarn , ant carried unanimously. hie .ninutes o;' +she Previous meet.ar)' were read. 'he m' nutes of v ebruar'y 7, t'arac;ran i 7, in re ,ard to federal Cart cioati on on the aircort shoull read as follows ; the CAA °.voel_d possibly ) r•ticl_nate, 1, not iet ini tely )artici') lte. he minutes dere annrove i vit i this correction. C . L,. 'ur ;:ette rino v-ia ere sent st :t l ne soul .-) like the use of the u)stei.rs of the City :lull for oIlirc'h use. yhe church vould like to r take over the mall on the 1 _ ne arran-e pen' s as tn.e JayCees . L he Church. 'foul also handle tee rental of the hall to other users . olllowin tiscus s Lori, oore novel to have i.ev )klus draN on a lease with the LLS "hurch :and tue JayCees be riven foriial notice of the termination of the ' r lease . the motion mi.) )econded b,T arm ,tronu and carried unani_.nousl boberla st.at :d tie .._oso", tel hoard ,as held two ise'el in-s . "1_1 the men )ers were contacted al :i o: i.cers vere elocte_i. rtalod Paris, lairrian, :J,ary 'tint: ton, Vice-L1„-,i rnan ;_ "l i -ara,e -ecrotary• '_notrer meeting a' ?s neld ,'! -arch O, 1 )55 fur the rurnose of choosln.r a site and rules to -rover- tie uo nnittee . Faris contacted John arm'?I of the 30130, Fayette lumber "o. ni on o:fere i to $ '.xxinch donate the s Lte if a '.:iosCo tul oul i )e erected of a-)eroxi. e.tely 1. 2 acres . lso the n.i_sconal .tArch which held an o tion tie lot would release the u;:otlon to the Vill_ace- . hticr nreoerty tiscu. sed ,vas `thecooks Oeach rronerty of anorox ,_rnately acre at the coot of r'Y.5JJ . 00 . the as )ects of the properties were discussed as t:o l ceti_on, cost, etc .. l,oilo.vi.nJ discussion, Armstr>omb moved to accent the site l.on=ated by tie 3o i:se, Fayette Limber moo. li_c i are Lots 1 ; 2, Muck G, 3rtandage Subi ivision, Villa -, of ecCatl '.NniCi see unanimously recolvaem".fed Sy t:t : -:':psoi t._,l L'o'ninittee • the notion_ :vac s condod hT chore mcd carried e.nanimossly. lie Jut i es of tale esii.tal card 'n relation to the Vi llaee hoard were briefly ' i acuesed. -t vas 3u- es ted that the veneers t lar ;e follow the sale term of o _' ice at t le n.'illa r. Joar t members . the Locter ' s would oe ind.efini_te and could he reclo'Ted at any time . The and anooi-nted o'hort.s and ,r. Pf lu- to vork v i-th :,yrnan Zachary to draw un the n :'-laa for `,he ho oni-ta.l Co ' n' t;tr e. 1'o'serts e;tnlcined that the old hasn ' t 1 cor oaratten ,:ve l not oecause o.f nossi nle use for d oat Ions etc . the architect ' s contra, t as amended sea explained to toe card. Un ier• tne avended contract the erchi- ' ect "Jould. not receive ax commi:3si.on on either tee op'il.. ).'c'e''it or t'he Zonations. Tolle in:; )'urtuer dl.scuss.1_on, ;tore moved to e'itbor'i ?e t ie bh iruan to enter into a contract with en:nel, ? t lnel_ and pones for arc ii.tect services . lrie motion was seconded by ar nstron , arid carried unantriously. Several anrlics Lions f r tie conceiun at the `- nl `course ''Dore read to t a oard. l'oberts renurted that Orville 3r.00ks has paid j75.JJ on the Lila -Lieck Artns tr ,n r ra ported that monde had informed 11'm that no orsen under the a�;o of 21 could walk thou -h her place t ) tie dinin room. Crook stated that tie :iattar would be straihtened out. ,L di.;cussion on the new laws follow ;d. Various items in tie nrono:ied bud'-et were ; i :acused. the follocvi_n:r bills were pr`)sented nor m T:rent . TLoenard lcharet •streets-":ate" i11ia ,1virk 'H.00 / .50 111 Yroo''.e P c 71:1 1. 1 LCr,11 il:71-fi '"c1 ;„.,;7,),e . E--Leapal;1;_ls -• - • 3 . =-'aryes tor Co . 'oil' 1 ,1] , I-) iutt Han-la-a 7.)-1 c1';;;;,7,2, o J. 00 P:etty t t • i C.:• bber ',,troots 6.50' 71.11tor) :IA;-reets; L.) • • awn.. ar. C I 0 • J3 n -1 , • ,,I;;; • T.,Or. Co . :itrec,.,t2 1H - • r 1'n 11.11. ). • ,at,C? , -12.fer =troc,ts 1.004 P.T.'Inters "3.43v J.iaratt r 11.5.12 f 1 1 =:r / I= - Y,t.,3nill,rdil (-;o. Lit-itreets )L) 7,Tn1. ui 1111.-lb La.?. I-,el- L.,),:av -3 O.treets-:Lati-;r 3 1 .09 -3=7 ar • 73 P t ' t ?;:' • 2 • = 1 „ 10'3 . -r.,)ore LnVe9 ble b11. 3 il lilYr r,e nLv7. (3.. 4-'20 motion :71 IOCOflOOY -.1*-2 9ren 103 or 7 n ir,‘u 3 1:17 C 0.1TC 01 3 100 thn 1oard, I eCi 1t.I r, rene ,;--;Y ibb3 tin a cal `-'-f AMNON, = !•ia tes oiltoiIticn of t re ;_•;,),.:1_ r filnii4 - arc:i 23, ri-n,3 t , ohe .1:oore • . The I11Jn. Ht.c c 1 e - tn.; t the , s -1053c1 i l3 le oIl -1 13011 0i 71E= t n;;,. h;- ;ler- re ny:,fflil e T1.7-t1 o. e o e 1I1diJ1)111. :at,4, on •s;end s -1 1-, c •"?. ''', 4-, 3 t.) t T;;1' 1 0r jto-; 3. iroDT, Dn. 17,:7 e 1 bon.:=3 d , :10 1 ' 0 17; l0l it '" (01CC1 on ,)71bn into-_ne t 3 ie 11000 , nlman lovo . to t ]o ol c0ltl1 YO 2100 = O•11: --= 1 -o• on tio 1ot10-.1 1)y Loore 10 -rnn alovo o 0 •mOe.1 0 t e r t 7 arc ] i , ntin'lation , '' " le re "ul ir of j- o . on the leneral — , ;?it I sn ;s . ne notion ;-19 ,econded 'nielgan and carried ,Ina/ria )1,317. further bnsine -1 coain- before tle hoard the O5 ifirsOn declared rae lieetInv. recessed until he call of t'.e 'hair. irman (r7 ttes b: nri1._ I., 1 )55 re ,q1ar moot of of the hi Lio ',oart vas held so toe above date and the followinr bus 'ness transacted. t-toberts 'resent ornstron " ' "roan Epelnan derby oxcused .ristron ; -loved to adjourn the -1 ,etiLn7 or larch 7, 1955. Aot 'on -N=is sec nded by Seiel(nan and carried unanimously. 'ne minutes of toe orevious in ,catin-r veva read and annroved as rood. ail ovans who was present on behalf of tie --rronnd Observer Corn, stated the ,ir -J'arce is nressinc, for an observation tower. ,-).ee expl 'ained toe functions of and the reasons neeessarr for toe observation retest for rinacial aid rol.tne VILla o vas elaae and the various costs for cri-,trtction were disc. issed . Yollowin- discussion, "oherts st_ ted the Project on ild be bran it nn q-;t7ere the new 'oard of Tr'iste s . both who was nresent nrooted tho pard a netItion request- in,-; toe zen7n: o toe nrnnda7e s-ubdivislon. lo'insnn 7,1c) was niC0 nres-nt prested a netit! on reinest 'n - 'h , -on in ; the -outh hors Property. l'onert - sto to SOC Z020 0iai '-)ec,1" .onsidered for sole t' , e 'P'tt fl L or2 bad no tal en, hro followed a len :thy Ii3cnalina on t'-e sonbns nrpl,lels ond the reasons for tie roanost fro the neonlo Pent. )ect. ' on of 1., )- : taho Code 'n r , :ard to the zonine. -1pc'tanies "r95 re_,S onI 11scussed . d ° 3c'Ission, .rqstran7 stated that , -on In s*otld he annainted. blake hanoosi enp vas OCsent nresertdd ,n s0 -)110 -t ' or fos a 0r—tit to hnild a trailer 'louse court en ]_* E; pronort-y Iccated in to -ant . -here area. foltowin - ---,aborts stated the ncr 1 ',Joni 1 consT1 -r The (natter all the ' )- /-(] bake some action w thin one Neck. the nu:1Per of and functions of a zoninr commic -aion were anlefly dis- cu "s ,ed. irnstron - moved the '-n-rairnan of the 'oal-'d be authorized to appoint a 7,c)lan : Pr ' ri' d The notion was seconded by hoelnan . uest' on; In f'avor 1.-;-mstron ; "Anri neTuon. ainst; t,oberts and .:nore . e notion was de^-L-11-c3 lefeated. fntther h!.ocuao boo, , nore moved e 1,, airnan be oShcrizcC to ann( int a zonin7 commission of at least flve nemners unifaroil y distr'uted 7-o-ra#1-aTeally- fra-1 tie 7111a (-)tion - ,s .r-n ,trnn7 and carried un- ,r-,1stron ; t a o at t1to the )eonle r-sent the he ;nifal -as locat d to tl 2riodrono 502on1 - ' cn i -isead ( f - tier oronosed sites . 1 3 „Horefl -T.on '.`ler) ) - eStS7 ":10 t 1--] 0-7_ r n 12 a ys•; • , .115 slot slH H lill ts e ,e,f2 1-'71 f 1:21Yletar 11, 7,715H '75 h 1 ••'"7• 1'1 • 1 57 155Ot 0 n I- .'-•) r••' C r '":71 7)7 :2 r -r•.!C'):7;h,e'111o. ise ‘-)n :s 171. 7 -11.11 o 7 •7! •7 -7)-7'7, •' 5 -11' ) 7 ) 1 "el lc.'!T, "7', "•'. '7"..i•'D ; .".1 77, -7 r C771 -:7 •C C 7h ) fT. t'h,e I I (1. n enc e 5 n 1C2 . 7 7") , ..lir, ), :7)•fi --2,71(1 71057 , t":.'" =PO'77_71 •C." '70 700C • '17 ,C7'"1 1,73 7.7 C-;7,11. r.rte , ;le o'' irt ! se Hi) 0 ,A r!0,0 t e ? ,r31'en„;p3 re -firnle(1 ) "."1r ' •CH}H 10 nrente-ItH te te ('.1sorss :: onl 1:7! t nen 7 'r-197!,---1. to 5-)'Tr; snoT S r rev e.7; a :0 t "L. rle 7! fl7-1 ' . 555, !yor, ti'07-1 7 e -tanso not 'n ii riui e Os t.; • the L'r 1.e 3. -n:1--] , inoVed th_e Clerk '--)e therized to e-Kcee,i. the 'ell I not is 17:he, rollov!rin tics sxo. , ,the jr , i".1 Hir,1 ice, , 1-4.alo,ry Help, Police, 'iso, 50755 t , rsnot, -Parks bn " so ore „is j C. 1:171 7.1),n (nO 1.131.y. .!--,orl7 0'-' 11 1 -ì ::r.r1C,bck 17D1- 17, to ! 1er Ply L 7_ e I led -ran, 11,e ef' o L 1 111 ter I,.77a h e : 7 ) / • ; 1 Cro'Y:ri Pollee 32 . 20 1) .60 Jerrol('.. 0teirler Police 'obert 2571a'',1113 rie -d 05 Gem ,3tate r-rone Tnte.rnatIonal --jarvester Lo. ,.1 t re e Ps -:1±1 , 7er 2 -r) . .1() Caxto r:-,ers .::.15011-r! '12•1,DLI . ' "t-ree Si-Fiter 3D.03 _co rnlan771H 7).il F.' 7 • .-ArJ3rIdy 2 7e 2(-). ri (.:0 „ t ThrdlinT 1.)arts Cr . L,tretG Ureor 7,1,2orry Personal 5700 1.57 It 7. ji -'oc -.rsJ_oscHis ifif , ociL 'rhs . 27 .30 iuntt-1n- Pet-h: . u ' - or L'r•als :treete 1. -1 120 .00\i :Tette I 7(7'.2 t ar I J ont of 1 ) )5 Jest -ra 1Tj Police Hinton i',otel at,,r- 'tr ;ets 2 . 73 hd Lewis Police • 10• ,- , cCa ' Druf:, Co. 3. 30. Payette Lakes Lbr. 'Jr). Police-doter 11.12e '3411 Porrid at ir 22. 3 ,1" Leon Davis r'lre-Yater-:ffwer 311-. 64 / Idaho '-',1,1eorint -unnly Mon Interqonntain - min. `'0. -)treets ,Jestcott -,treets 3. 11v H. a. In-ebretsen J:ency Police oad 5.00 "// Valle County Trust 'und 3 3 7 • Arnstroa: nov,'d the bills be allowed end rnerol raid. e action was seconded by 3nielman and Corned unanimously. ho , 150 .0) Dill maid by johns a lyins ervir.o for the Villa-0 was road ao Chairman nctrnctod the bill he read for nai-lent at the next m ntin7 . - e oneratifla of the concesion at the -olf course :fas brTerly . 7scussed. ho further business comn before the 'cord the LairDon declProd_te m :etil - recessed until the call of the Cla ' r. hai ,iman Clerk 'ontialat' on of the re:7u1sr meetinoP rnil 1955. lxie hoar' of Trustees not at tie Viilaae h011 April 27 1955 to cnni'ass the votes at the Trustee election held Anril 2o, 1955. Present rere - obcrts, --rlstren7, ,00re and -,nielman. ?oliox ' n ; a recount f the Dallots the results 'vere as Follows : 1 )5 -)allots cast. H. ' lean ',1ral " de-171 votes, Joel Henderson 53 votes, Jess L. :core 131 votes, .. ,. , oberts 1.13 votes, , enneth P. losecrans 1 )0 votes, P. C . ornstronJ 2 votes, Kenneth Johnson 1 vote, bol 'in-FT 1 vote, Jack -eetin 1 vote sad lion l'ullap 1, vote. Armstron moved the count as found by the election Clerk and Judges be accented. 21e notion was seconded by i ,00re a lx carried uaa imouly. o furt.:ur bus The s conin oefore t do he C inman decl' dd the m.eetin recessed until tie sill of' the na * Cria rInan p eric 154 tin-1 ri " [t. ii e . -)r! [ • 'notion. on 1, J.; [_ -1[71, [1[[[ [ ;1 [/- • [[, , [ , -:[[,-[-1 [;[ ' ! [-)11.. .) pi [DC 4 '1)111 (1" ;f11,11' 11„1 13 I0 CC. 70 , 1"11. 11:1 nt- 111' It 70-12 -;:; 7 . 0 717 . 0 1 ') r )I' . ' (''-`13 *) '21'1 1 --, 1,.:-][2[1 [-21 ° :"1 2[1-' t II 1:13c n[-[ [ 1.-1(1,. r.-()17:11 f -][.21 , 911 t. -3[..; t- 111 1."'(1 1 S 1:I 1: 7 -17 1, . [‘-[2101 LI ct ;[)in Ltr2r nt [.; 11 11, r'; 71* 1 1,1 :1 -71 7 .' 1 r. 11 1 ' C I 1 1 ) 1-11 11, -1 C-,) 11. ;1 . (; 11113,1-1 1, ,e • ' 1 *1 117." 1[1 1 .D1171: fl n111 1- '1 "11- (12: 0fl t e 1:1 22 it ; i[3c[_.-)2 .0[: [ 107 . [ -)1 [.. 1_ - [-) [r[i- [ 7 *1 C .07' 111 •t- t 02IC0t 7._) 1-2 71 :011 127 ),31111-,,,-.; , [11 4,[:[[f• "[[„[ [ ; [[; 112 1 -1 t, 1-•7 [ [ [ . t .1(2 7' I1 •[[-, ..)1[..• t I H ) • • 11 e •=) 2 1 '-' -A.3 1"1. 2 " :e -1 ("117.; 7'1( t't1.:•'::3er1 '1 ' 1fl 1;(-)1." 1 '; ,1; 7.01 e. . ' ,11 ‘ 1 '177'"*1 ) t I ri , H ) ' _ [21, [i ) 1. 17 r L • 1 11,1" 11- - 111 * * • I • 7 7p )2, 1 1 - . - ) 1 • , • H • ? 111 ) 1 4.-: if- r:- ,ii 4 2 :'-'.:.-.° o-. '-- ' -',,-1 ',-,1,:-•,,-,t 7 •--: - of '.Tt:/- ",-) , ] )7:,.'--." ll'Irector of To.!--,(,,,r--,:,1_ E,',co. .') --T4 --)' 7 -__': : 3C7 7,=',oh c 1-t '' 1..o -.a', 11 -_-1:• r - 1 r- -, - 11] J-2`)* il .71 51, t,;.:71-1. 7 i'l_f 2 3 .,--17,.t z :.'/-an 3 (. e r (,)''''.ti:-a.-:''r.) ,',-"). ))),,y-, I',1•-a _ n )09,7: r '2,,-) . I-:,.t- -2?--' ) -.) . ::-).),,i-) .„ t 2-1 el.-) ).]le e : 7: :- _-- - _. . ..._, '11 3 -_',r, r)beil z -all, r',i'')r)-.)-1."-7- )__-. . !!H - ',,, " 0 ,.) -.-- • I i If 7 ' . ---:) 4 (DT.'(77 70-nr 'S.e-ITS '-'a. "o')/1Li cid ' r os . 7.'.....)0 .' '.‘Tor .-))11."-i : ,. :)11.' ),_i 'o . ;tr,:-.) ) t)-3 - ?-L-_-1 -''.fa-1;Or-11,.1:11210 S 1 '11.-171 1 :,n1<".7n 11 . e01.):er lc:: c t..)po c' _(.--3n I c al .:ator 22.• 77..).-! ,--c0(1-)1.)-)3-1 -`31ec t 12 i c :0 1 -,c, 1 • /, 7 aye t to r).,-)lre s --'-tiir P.-,-,1I r. e--ler;t !on ,, ) .1 i .-., 1.1.1t,(2,--) :rt,- 71., ::.tl' ,=? 1,:,,,3; ',( 1--'7T-I r! '.' I t I'.::;`,-.: t.,7. P'-.'.'. 3r) s....,'..:' T-1 1);'-, rre :t - '). )''. r 1 al.c); s t--t-,kr . ,r)at or- -)1_1, ,‘c) ..,.. ..).. s1 '--31 o^' ':,or's )2tre.-3co - . ),t' -r) .:',t -1.zi a r-1 , ' i ''(- . •. to :,) to - . - ter 132. 53 onc '---,o. ._.„ Ct,--: "'. nele ) -) , -,e •--). oo a ') 1.o_ -).)' n - :- - ..it 7 ,i ,' ..:5 tr-Jr' -3. 53" :,',i iri: ant( :3, .or.)3,a ‘-'(..., . ) ,, „).)..,),-, ) . 30' 1pl.--, -1,-) -"LitC,' '12 ij .:2f.) --53 ,Dt, ,-, , --, n ='; ) .• .K)'• <I !T %' a la ' '-•e'l--3,1, " 2:7::),) . DDI 1 )! .) .1. ), ) 50 .).:_)1)7 11 11 r! ) -';',Hal I c.:::y ,-,21t ), • ).,(1.0' :,.,7' ..,3'' 1 '1 -.:.', L.,(17. •:a I 7 • 71, ' 1 • ,..,,e, .......... .::.ril.'):(). r.: J1'1. 1 . '_ ,_. 215.,) . 9 3)i _ tn e I:-.-,s ',-a-' . ic,-?, li.--r,_i 13L) • 1)9d -2 '-' 1 1 i .-' H_. .',,;'''' :,..1 3!n ('in(-:-'(.3 '')''.3 100 0-le-,) '-),', . . r 3.-)-,, ..-, ::-.. - c 1 1 - I In'' : ,,-) ?ore -,- le a '))))-a 1_r-fl.,,J.-, 1(''),--...).)-1-co--1 ,ha ,I;e c,:, -; '.1(-'.'1 "1:"-1',-;I 1 1.: ,2... C .1 1 -1. .:)2 -,' ..--...J-7.--1-'• ' . -"': - — i / i _ ..•__ .,,,,,,e,,.....' ,.0.!---.e.- 't _ _...e."--e- _ ...1 ._... c• 1 e I-1F - 1 ), 1 )5'-') -c-2-:-It''). ,--(:,' •.:1-I c -,, 9 i. 7"`"":7! r,:lit ;-)o -. ,-.)t-' ,-)- if at ,, 1-'1) .-3,-)c- t ,- -c 7 olor1 !f -,i0010:; .lan. r,10:-21c re 2. ':-. re 3 -1,3' 3c.») (-If. t io --1-:-.31-1. c. -',.:,-,I, .)r I 1'Uln Ce 7-..A 1, :,:t"I (..'1'1-'0 r -!-. j:'1 . t.-. 'it, i 0 . 1,c- )1 al"''as 30o 2 j :13:D(_1. ::.'1 ,r'.-2. 7 vi.-t-,,r!e Li r.,-_,,n,l,- In 7 ;'-. '. '-), •"IC C 4.''.,. 1 H OH 0 - i, 7 ;-- 1.--" ' 7 nn , i4,7 4 el'r".1-7:2-L1',D,j-1(7.0(1 1 -Th. 11 r)"0'3 t "'',3 •,:,H(.1'.-)i', 7 fl 7-1 (_.) ':: Trance ;1 . ''..00re :7')eved to 3i..1 -; )c-nd --.,:-.-.) L-:ile c nor t'-le, -).) sa-7,-- or 5re nr..3301 orilli:-1'in P /1',Y5. :30 'II)-.:-,1 n. so :3 e Cc)12.,:7 3 t_ ,) r '3-r-)H) l_cle ,--):3-', r'''-nr 7.ed ) 03 0(3 0'2'1 -I 'r- '")0 ;,--)F3 P i I --.1 1'1111 553 )-)1 ,3.(3-I .t.):), I'1'.-1,11. r--):•:), s 3 a-5;:, . '?i irn.E, 7de s'eco3-) 10,1 Hoe not-I on to .-J , 0,31- :)0 tin5l--1,?r, 11_qr-_-; ?,p ao t 10."-) 1,7,' ,i'-.3. t or 1 7 r00 ice 1 fi5, ',Too c a-2.--1.-•I e 1.1.)-3.3c-L1 156 '-i-•••• . 1_, 71_ HIY •' • ' 0 a 03 t I 0(;) lu . i- r L1 • (_ 10 t I I .) .4-1(t) 7701s,L,Itr, 1- 7 • 1 k • () -)- 1701 t; ,7* ! -1 • „ - . r _-1.11.-. 4,47, 17 • t 7 ) ," e 'Hlf„; 0:1 t 1(3 lig : 0 7 :7-7, i .;17 ! - 7 ••,-77...1 • !i .'1' on t -7; 4 .4 [•• 7, 012 t 1 '; "CN (1' Yci e 111,,•- 1 7 (;.--1 .: he c.:2 • -_-;) 10nP .:, :,•.-ir-t 7 , • +: • "C):: •;,:'t- 33:;":11 ri02n.S' I, I '0 C. 1-• l30 3t O33t321 03 , , Juiuoc ", ,.•••. c,, J.. 4.4 t al_ 1 •-3 „f„'. 0LlY1. le f , ' (10 -.,441(11 ,,_ ' t . I; t '" ,7.re.' t 1ror i ' oo LI-Lir...","-• L i ^,P 'iv: :re 7;^.2 ,r 7I el 'D Cs. n IC . C)t) : •":: (_! ,..,r74.1-.1 e C_ , •r-101.7.3 2'011 4.! ' .1-7 r 1 c7 ' •.4,4; ,L; c1 1 -1.71 '' UC t •c; : •, .4 03),, :_'-) ,)(T; ) 2)';11',1, .' IIH2(':1120 : •.,44- 44: 771 1 , . r . L 11'31 (7, t`o1-2.pr ; Or ,D-C;) i 7 • r 7_ al') -)2`=T) 1 35. 1.; t 1,„:! 1: -•);-1,7;,1 --)ro '4)osed (4r, o. 171'2 rc=0; '`Y C '`) e rra'] In1 (-7. ..13-7-1,-7 4J. 4-17 3.•-.)-4) . r- r. 1 .), •-• „ ;•) [DC 'T7,13471-171 , ,,r7 , 3 ' ') :!1 • :! r (:)2 T1 -• . •7 7- , • 7•7.7 7 I t •. 1 ; ' I t- C 17.IC 7 ' C 1 ' ' '),1)'") : in_ : t' r ). I • ) 1. 1-11 11-r.7(..43r 17 7 -; 12;'; t ' 2. _Lr• _ , . 3 • 31 ( ;C:n A .7T ' ,7 "„, r.; ";.: --', t ; • ' :7r 31L1 ' '"" 7 1 157 (,-;en Jr,ihm-tt1 m. or re-7111. ir 2fri t in-,. of The 2 , 1 '-)5-.-) VaY 23, 1)55 Hobert s P re 9‘-'n t i I 5 b 1.01 -la n r? Purns 1._de ., , o ore i\erby H.bsent 1.-.0ber ts (.e el ared the nuroose oC the rr t-_ -1b2r to cons -1 fer In ordi ,-1,11-12e set tin- the rates for t he sorer revenue bond. ' ollowl_nft dtscussToo, :2oore introiuced and 21.ove0 the adebtion of or - inance is,10 . 137 iel--) t 1 n-r an:l reT,•ula tin: trio i)se of the -30101 -7-stem of the Villa:re ,,f. —cC all , es tab li sni n 7 t le nses e,f sril_d se-Ter and se tt1, n7 t ie rotes for sewer rise end riy in- a hay for rein ,e r ii.,-, bull E.> on senor service . 7.),,:trns1de hayed lee rules be msnendad for tie ?9, -: l',an of nrenosed Ord- inance ,/137. ne ;-,:.o.+,-,1on oas seconded by Eniolr'..en and carr led Tina iimeosly. va s re ad io f oil En :t b 1 ac ed nb on t s f I nal ba s s i.. s 1 de 3e co he e d th e 'no tI on for t .2, :--J dent ion of 2r/31non,ce ,i1.37. To f: vor .--t ,--, of aJobt1n r ,)rdi na-1. :--,- /13 7, i',shorts , P,u-ns the, ]acre and :,-p -! e 1 m an. ,....-, IQ ve a t he -1 opl: 'be In itImeted to '->iin11 sh L)rci in a ice, ; 1 1 ,....6.. co Li on Nos sec 0 "r1Ci e d b,,y , 00re O c err i eh 71 na b11 ,n o Lts1 7. <rs I'ne ../'din a`Y.! e no 1 '7)13,1")1-1_CaLi on cer t' Ll'' cote ,i are e t7 Larded t cod a not of these ni_nntes . ... he b or 1:ic en se A,' A . ,T,. 7-,00niers sac ilscuss ed. core novel the license be anbroved aid 1 cried. he not 1 ,n ''as Se,con led by -piel r1,9 Tn and carried uric ni,:no'Isly. ,--,1.so d is cu3se d was a out ld op for hest Uoast Airlines at the A ir nort ILi'o 11 C)'11 in: i i -73 C 123 S i on on the costs and avail 1_10 77.11 t7 or a dui 1:1 3n7, °ni 'A.,-5ah move J the '-'ha'r non be ,-,;. ethorize:-.1 to enter into -,In a --re cirrient to , _.. nove an i, mrchasr3 sa-7„ d bnil dl ns: for 2 Irbort for use by .':et (-oast "Irllnes be notion yQs seconded ey ':':urnsIde -=-1-ni carried hnanimousLy. io rnrtner b,is 1 he is comb h 010re the Po Jr-2 the Th ir man de cl a-e d--- e no et1.-n '; Pe co 3s e 0. riot 1_1 t he ea 1 1 of tee C hal r , ,- .. . , - . <S:-.___F X--- -.47 /: ' A 7:la IT rein ...----, 1 ---_- Clerk .- Cc,,nt' nua !-ion of re rhl en ne,1ti.n7 e f! 2r,'1.,',/ 2, 1 )55 H',ay :',":, 7, 1').--:',5 ocher Is Pre '7,',1arit rl •='1') le 1;TI:2-1 Thrns1 de F erby xcased. — ':.ionerts state the onr:-)nse of the lee he op to nnen the bibs on the nre- , nosed sewer b rd n 4 a . i IT'IR a Thy h 1 d nresented fro rn be 7,ener - Daly and 'lyth - uo . with interest at 3 3/4,1:; '',Jos reed to the heard . ' ollo-11.n : discus ion, ..: oorto mnsed the hi -,I fro n ,ie, :ener 2. ),,a1,7 an i ""17th z uo. it 3 341!, 'oe accented . he rnntiior wan se,:s,onded by nnie11,an and carri,o2, unanimously. A :vire from. the C \..A in roirard: to -.,ie-ti i_es .9 vialiale for ,-1100;-,,it 1,130 las read to the ',oar 3 . he le r'c was 7,n:s trnd te d to ans.110'. ',V? th tine re TIC 3 ted i.nfor:nat ion. letter fro ri 2 yen ia tie t ih re ,J,rd t ,d the hosn 1 t al nuns was read to the '',o arr.', "ohort:s :- - fl,'7: ri lb ,L, lie too she t ten a ,ie noria 1 se tt i -I:- on a 11031 ' tal - I IT 1 . • r.,, • ' rl LittF, j.'- 71 0 r 111 ,1 nnrt 1 )-1 lr• !Lc. s 'se -) ) tts. , r e rni deal ctf'e iI r r it / :' 1 • ' ,-fr = 1;1 - •a. . -* •• 1 : , • = Z,:.7 ,r. ,• - • „ - ` T "". "- „ • .)-11-,7 - •-• "1" '"' ;11 , .1 I f7.17._7 " • r . 1 , 8„. ° • L ABM. 1-1 1 - "I 4' . _ • ° , 1,-or - ' r ,L, I59 j1lri,:? (.1 1 % ri'rt .'.'lei orcll r} i1i A on 2 1': T ''Y'.. ._r'i , t.. 7 17,r i 71 !Ill S' 1• Ti 1e1-;." Lent; 7vater _ f were C1 i iec 1 -r'C the Clerk z& ir,_s1r.. t L4;! i�i11 t rn1'.f' -t,J <iv-r I >: r, T... of d l ri ant ,?'1 ] lt:. • 'lE C ;LE _ ,o 1 -1• c 1 1.,. 1 +' t.,%iI' h`�r r . h .•r,1 t.^ti ,1 ricXt.�,,,." Iris"• { 1 T1-19 o11 „ri 7,11 SvrrE pre 'i`:-.UVeil for Px,Yr;?nt• 4 3 r, T,F"'. r rri i,�jC";r0 t, Ster "`.i -y'ai- -i' n, ^, ', r. V 11, ,, "J'0 71_11 Crooke Police 330J30 71 vE hIl ` 1'`.r }�l t', 11 ow }'iY' ,•n^I JO rr01(1 T', '.ner P(, !cce ^ .70' 1 r. 1 r, J L ,1. ? • ,0 },,'yrt- ., .;1^r? J14.7 0 y :7.or{iL 1'nrt..` "it:• . ,,. ._ ..s Y:•10`` Tr ,r..;_trir`-21acl,-w�?1.1 Pr,i�ir,e 7.72 .-- —;i - 11• r'' y is C - .7( -a. 1 _ rrl �?ry _ .,.',2 ..U:CCc) -o-r;,r 11.77 . ^• f^ C �V-• li 1 1 �'; 1� .. rrr Co. St ;ts---.7.' ,e1' 1 '�.7G'' ' Tie T1 'r. f' J 7.50 p �'r, r,,t.er r.,e v t, ^:?r-j; ` 21 �e_ "+.re0ts 20.70 7,'1r l e:^r :.re ..f ''.:'.:Thy . Pub a ' I. 'ctes 1,1-.r• vh'• '1'07.;(:,.. :101f7-.3«'.-'1- r-,+%t r 1 ,) . :f -,ll - , r V1t` !1� j ; n� . n ,1_,ner 41 1 _rd 'r� y,,• i 7 O,_iee .'�' •rt 7i,. ^n',. , ' ..r^J 17n .?i r::`,Drtt 700•00 * <' n rwors .,,_ . '.r? ,-,lec r ' Pei . . ..T. ' 1. ( Po ,at ,„ i r-r_ l i.37 . 1 1 n :Try �'1 .--- :1(: 1 Y'1,: �V1 •'+. . -t ?'' ii �•(). .:2-1.- `.• 1 •r° T9rl.. , rn r1.. 'i Ir 'n. nt, 1 C.50 r.1 .:i":i{- _ . r, ... _ .'y"'. •^n F.• -. - c., -, 1 1. f_ .. .. t i • :j •26 °lice 1 %•%c) T,f:1', •1 1: ^ , .. 1 r-1•0: 1. ,1 , i 1,,, .':1 - - T�i � r _ 1 �1 r' `,-, ,1 r,--- -,F, ., . .'rc , f'- 1.1..cc 1'-F' .:2-.1.0 .'1.1. t1. 01 .;1,'1' y .. • l,. '} . on '6i . ( r..._'(` 4,., 1 fi(.) 5.5 WNW. rC. • rt 3 3 • I ' 0 • - • /7/ r • °'4 •-• r.*, 1 . r 1, 7 ..- :•-• 1 '71 .fl C,,L' • 1 1 . 1.01-4 H H ir 1- • • • f . . ?J•;._ ' ' • , • '; " ' 11 • RECOMMENDATIONS by the McCall Memorial Hospital Board to the Village Board 1. We recommend to the Village Board the ap royal of the hospital floor plans as submitted subject to the approval of the U. S. Public Health Service and (in ad.ition) to the inclusion of the doctors and dentist offices with the full knowledge that Hill—Burton does not participate. We also recommend that the Village Board call upon the Hospital Board for the raising of money if it is necessary. 2. We recommend tothe Village Board that the roof plans for the hopsital be changed from the proposed concrete construction to one of wood construction, knowing it will lower it to a Class B Structure instead of Class A. This will save consierable in the cost of the building construction and thus making available more funds for construction of doctors offices. Also it would invite more favorable bids to the contractors due to weather conditions. sLoin : Isc,i Uc 1,:'11Ch tvr-r.en. • I t ioo ertoil t concrete, 1 w th 2(1 ,) N?ein all. 7_7a/-,r13,``H.`"' , ,,coo tal:e an; corrf,:ct, L;( nz, a nt-,il ri.f' tLo treets ylL; irStrnCted to tLe pair 4r1 of strr,ets. or cr: pd. :;,,-,ore e taxi, stand to lo at4 Cr1 fr4. of Lola'r3 Cafe ar...1 • —0,-J, all fltr, or Irst -oos Rrlr e5, E041: I 1.!:-.31--! an ed r ; ,y2L,• , 7^ ir rte:-.1 5.4 r 4-- t • : rni,n ( - Ji-Lr .77 i‘ ' -0 • -ICH 5;1 elrlan ; , .1 .1:_fly• kv 1?:5 ,==li rri '$0 :tt-.,',7" 7: 1-0e r ccl 0ii ,VFOl -r to Lt,cr 1 ,, = . .17.,E•rr,-)1,,,1 ' --• 7 -' 7, 2 = lc; = 1 • . - I • "' °act fCC . : •- • • • ' :l • - ' as • _ • .. - _. ., - • - - - n' _ • _ _.. 1. . 1'1 • • • • , n f • • • { J •n • - 1 • • • L - • • • r. - _.. •' . _- .. 1 CP 3 - 7 7 7 7 , ' L' V ,-' ,(_.'r:_ al- --.-1-" .-,‘‘,..''. •, -, 1 :' • _ '-: .4-' -.1- ''. .1 7 -:.- • 7 ', r'n ./ ,--,, .-• '-`177 , L -, 71: , '' , . 1- ' ' .` '2... ,i, '' '':, ' , -,, s - •-. r r, no, .•..... ' ^_7,-: "21'-^. .c, " L•, i _ , , •1 C. ''')-. • - II ' . . •-, ',_--," I ?? 7•r-'1' • , ,......: ., --, ' :- :,,..'7 , 7 • - r•,-, , , • - • , 0- 1,5 ,.., • --- , 7 1' a -., , -,- -,,, -,L.- J._'_. '',.-.7 ,- 1 -.-- • • 7 12' '!..."'.... -4,..C -.. " : r '''',,-;., --,4-', - T., '-r.,- -1" r• ' • r. -, • r.1-. ' '_ _ ........ .._ _ ‘, , •_,, ^ -- - 7 - -7' n .„_ •, 1::) ''',. ' . i ::'-1-2' 3 „ .":1 2" -: :--, 1 t--! ' -7- ,,,,,..•,1 "T,1- -1_-, : , , • 'f...1 '2( , 7 " .. - ': a _ ' n '1 11,77:1( Z' 0"." 25 r2.'"n i 4. : 4-'r ' 417_7 ', --- pellk.,-.-= .1 - -,,' -,-,' -- -1,1, ,..', " .1 nri.11' --, f'-',.' '-,- r' .1.- .]:-.-' _ ,•-;i. ' r'-r-r ' ' - r ' r ,"-,-; ,-, ,c - ,' ,--, -,,-,; -; t; .1-1, C. .1, 7 i 0• 4 - e"-------' ...„..../( 1--'1-1. ._— 1 August 1, 1955 A regular meeting of the Village Board was held on the above date and the following business transacted. 1, oberts Present M ore n Spielman rogg n Burnside Moore moved the meeting of July 11, 1955 be adjourned. The motion was seconded by Spielman and carried unanimously. the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Following discussion, Roberts instructed Remaklus to check on an ordinance closing the clubs end also on the Uniform Traffic `'ode. Velma Ingebretsen who was present requested a change in the sewer charges. Roberts discussed the sewer charges, the need for same and how the rates were set. there followed a lengthy discussion on the rates for motels and trailers. ollowing discussion Roberts appointed a committee consisting of Roberts, Rer:aklus and Spielman to furthur investigate sewer chhrges in other Villages. A brief discussion on the golf tournament followed. Fogg discussed the tanks at the Airport. 'dith the permission cf the Village Board the tanks will be left in place until next year. 'o„ga no stated he wanted to set up a building code for any hangar construction at the airport. Various rental plans of hangars were discussed as well as the specifications and leases of ground. Renalltts was instructed to check on the best plan of rental or. lease. Roberts reported on a meetin g of t e hospital "ommittee with Peterson, Hatley and Shawver. +he plans and specifications were discussed and Shawver stated that it would take about two months to get the detailed 'l ns drawn and a minimum of three weeks for adverti sue nt of bids. ender this schedule it would not seem possible to start construction this year. the street oiling was discus ed. following a survey of the street ebott t 1.6 -miles of streets would be oiled. The contract with A.D. .Manley was also discussed with the costs of hauling the gravel etc. "oberts stated he would met with 'Mayne and go over the contract with Stanley. Roberts made the following re-a. si„nments for the Board members. Village Dump and moving of same- Bob logg. Golf Course- ilenn Burnside. Roberts to continue with the streets. Spielman stated he had several complaints on the appearaneeof the streets The streets shouls be kept clean and the night policeman is aesigned to the job of keeping them clean. A. discussion followed on the streets and also several complaints of speeding of traffic by the shell Station. there followed a general discussion on the enforcement and police problems in general. The mileage allowances for the police were discussed. Zollown„ discussion, Loore reccommended that the mileage allowances for August and September be increased 10.G0 each per month and that unless results are forthcoming there will be a change in the force. Loore then moved that the allowances be raised ` 10.G0 each per month for the months of .cIugust and September. he motion was seconded by Burnside and carried unanimously. Spielman stated that there is an outside toilet on the Hancock property Loore stated ee would talk to Blake Hancock about the discontinuance of sane. Correspondence from the Union racific Railroad which stated an agreement iovering the sewer pipe line crossing and encroachment would expire Octoberl, 1955 he "lerk was instructed to check and renew the agreement :.f necessary. FORM 2552 8-50-200M UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY MCCALL , IDAHO - JULY 22, 1955 VILLAGE OF MCCALL. , DEAR SIRS: AGREEMENT LD 1468S, A-74977 COVERING SEWER PIPE LINE CROSSING AND ENCROACHMENT AT MCCALL EXPIRES WITH DATE OF OCTOBER 1 , 1955. PLEASE ADVISE IF YOU WISH TO RENEW THIS AGREEMENT FOR A FURTHER PERIOD UNDER THE SAME TERMS AND CONDITIONS. VERY TRULY YOURS , UNION A40-16, RA I ROAD CO. , L� -.f._ N g N, AGT. 1 1 65 August 1, 1955 ontinued the following bills were read for payment. Leonard Ackaret Street-Water 3296.14 William Kirk Clerk 98.00 Barbara South Clerk-Library 104.12 Bill Crooke Police 327.37 '' Bill Bigelow bump b.60 • Jerrold Steiner 22kxk Police 27643 ~ Lewis Seiber golf 307.14' r'-- T vrtie Seiber " 30.38 Chet Grandy Water-Sewer-Streets 190.86 Dennis Combs Police 10.50 `" Wayne Webb Police 9.00 Herman Blackwell " 82.32- General Paint Corp. Water 19.61- , Daxte r Foundry & 1 achine Water •135.75,'• Western Bearings Fire 311.40 - Idaho Power o. 350.145" F ord's Cafe Police 2 2.40 a- Hay Laapin V ater 83.85" a.":, Standard Oil Co. Golf 30.714' '"' L.,D . K. Motor Repair Sewer 84.00 1 Bill Crooke Police 1.50 f Leo Butts Water 3.25 ` Nelson Plumbing Sewer •1(.25 ° Oregon News Co. Library 6.05 ' Leases Garden Center Golf 21.754/ Petty Cash Sewer-wolf-Clerk 24.001 Jeanette Azcuenaga Sewer 22.40 i Bill Morris Police-Dail 35.28i Walt t`ubey Police 8.75" Western's Store It ' 11.85'd Brc.:n's Toe " Lbr. Co. Golf-Streets - 1. 6.00'' Lyn Kerby Street-Sewer-Water 1�,/G;25'1 ._ - Bill Morris Police Li.614 - Consolidated °upply moo. eater 222.89` Idaho ''oncrete Pipe o. Water 94.49 Kowallis Y chards Vat r 16 .75 J.H. Hayes Clerk-ire 123.00 f" Robt. Remaklus Legal 83.32- Idaho Municipal League Cues 120.00 ,3 Ralph Paris hop 125.004' State of Idaho Slot Repay 250.00 / Valley dainty tt It 250.7)01 Frank Wayne Oiling ''upt. 182.50 ' A.D. Stanley Streey Oiling C949.26 Intermountain Co. Plan Deposit 10.00 ' R.H. Brown Co. . tt it 10.00 '' F.D. Powler 'o. 't II 10.00 .E Wm. S. Turner Co. tt It 10.001 Nottingham Const. 'o. " �t 10.001 Ptility `'onst. "o. tt It 25.00' y Burnside moved the hills be approved and ordered paid. he motion was seconded by Fogg and carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board, the "hairman declared the meeting recessed until the call of the Chair. j ('' .,„7,_,,' --&c.,_ . ‘- . _,, ..<.' f ai rman (J / (- /„..-7 / - •`Clerk August C, 1955 ontinuation of the regular rig. :ti ng of eugust 1, 1955 Roberts Present Spielman " Burnside " Moore Fogg The meeting ,eras : all for the purpose of opening bids on the proposed sewer construction. Bids from C.B. Lauch vonst. "o. in the amo"nt of 3 Statewide s lumbing & Heating 'o. . :„ Intermountain Co. Nottingham. "onstruction moo. Jay Van Noy Lollowing discussion of the several bids presented, Wendel Smith, engineer, recommended the acceptance of the low bid of C.L. Lzuch Co in the amount of 51,341.70. Spielman moved the low bid of C.B. Laugh Co. in the amount of 151,341.70 be ccepted the the Village Board. he motion was seconded by Moore . Question: ^In favor of the motion, Aoberts,' Spielman, Boore, Fogg and Burnside, declared carried unanimously. There followed a discussion on the sewer contract, date of completion etc. A letter from the Waterworks Equipment `'o. in regard to sewer pumps was read to the Board. jhe alternatives of repairing the present pumps and the pur- chase of new pumps were discussed. Wendell bmith recommended the the use of one of the present pumps as an emergency pump and the purchase of one new pump. `ollowing further discussion, Burnside moved to purchase the new pump recommended — by Smith, the motion was seconded by Moore and carried unanimously. There followed a discussion on the ewer running into the river at a different location that now planned. robe _.ts brought up for discussion the purchase of a patrol car for the police Dept. There followed a discussion on the present costs and the posts and mainteince of r. new unit. F ollonir ; discussion, Moore moved the Board advertise for bids for a patrol car. the motion wee. seconded by Spielman and carried unanimously. the pre:-alit street of Ling plans were briefly discussed by Aoberts. e stated that second street and the street behind the vita- Hall caould be fixed for �:65.00 per ststion or about T650.00 which is a favorable price. `he Board agreded that the streets should be fixed while the equipeLt and price can be had. No further business coming before the Board, the "hairman decl: red the meeting recessed until the call of the Chair. Chairman r'. i 'Clerk 67 Continuation of the regular meeting of August 1, 1955 Members present: Roberts, Burnside, Moore, Spielman and Fogg. Roberts stated the purpose of the meeting was to take care of the annual approbriation bill and to consider the report of the sewer committee. „-„ Moore introduced and moved the adoption of Ordinance No. 194wh±eh provides for a levy of 42 mills for the next fiscal year for the Village of McCall. Burnside moved the rules be suspended for the passage of proposed Ordinance No 194. The motion was seconded by '''pielman and ca_ried unanimously. Spielman seconded the motion moving the adoption of Ordinance N o. 194. Question: In favor of adopting Ordinance No. 194, Roberts, ,)pielman, Burnside Moore and Fogg. +he motion was declared carried. Roberts reported that the total cost on the street oiling was now between ;�11,000-12000.00. where followed a discussion on the completed construction quality, etc. of the oi '_ing. Roberts also reported on the meeting of the Sewer "ommittee. He told of the discussion on rates and the report on the water bills which was requested by the sewer committe was discussed. It was the opinion of the Sewer "ommittee that a percentage of the water bill of the user might be a more equitable rate to administer. her followed a discussion on the percentages of the water bill to be charged. No further business coming before the Board, Spielman moved the mee adjourned. the motion was seconded by Moore and carried unanimously. --- i Chairman A test: L,lerk September 12, 1955 A regular meeting of the Village Board was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Burnside Present Spielman " Roberts " Moore Fogg Absent The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved as read. Ed Parent and Llcyd Scott appeared before the Board requesting that a street or alley-way be opened behind LaVe'.le Thompson f s. Ackaret was instructed to proceed with grading when it world be possible. Roberts reported that the sewer project was progressing quite satisfactorily to date. He also reported that the oiling on main street would be done this coming week. After considerable discussion Spielman moved that all water meters be turned off on all delinquent water or sewer charges by the tenth of the month following billing. Motion seconded by Moore and carried unanimously. A statement from Bus Johnson was discussed regarding the lawn on the City Dock Hill. Glen iurnside was instructed to talk to Johnson about this matter. 1 6s Continuation of September 12, 1955 Spielman moved that the bell from the City Hall be returned to the Progressive Club with a letter of appreciation for the use of it in the past. Lotion oeconded by Du_rnoide and ca.riied unaninousLy. The following bills were read for payment: Leonard Ackaret Streets Water $296.14 William Kirk Clerk 98.00 Barbara South Clerk Lib 106.40 Pill Crooke Police 337.37 ' Bill Bigelow Dump 4.60j Va' ley County Hospital Bigelow feet. 30.00 • '"'". Jerrold Steiner Police 286.63 / Lewis Seiber Golf 307.1h ' l yrtle Seiber Golf 30.38 Robert Remaklus Legal 41.66 i Lynn Kerby eater 11i2.72J Gem State Telephone Police-Shop 74.35Z Bible w: Tannen Bib 13.00 Campbell & Hall Lib.. 10.26 '! Syms York Co. Sower 22.93 Hilltop Motel Streets 140.39 A. Y. Roberts Sewer-Hospital 24.09. Crystal Beach Golf 79.00 Todd Co. Clerk 97.06 State Ins. r and 109.56 Brown Tie I Lbr. Co. Streets 57.36 Busts Service Streets 20.35 L. M. Johnson Fire 32.00 Ken losecrens it 3.00 Jim Poison " 4.50. Crawford Lciride " 6.00 Wayne -Webb " 7.50 Wayne Cox " 12.00 TomKiirmery " 6.00 Ernie Mower II 4.50 Ed Parent " 6.00 Merle Hall 11 6.00 Gene Chalfant " 9.00 Bud wason " 9.00 Chas May " 3.00 M. . . Golden " 4.50 Del Catlin ri 3.00 • Robert Er -wn " 3.00 Hoore Rife & ASV. Audit 325.00 Standard 011 Co. Golf 29.92 Barbara South Petty Cash 38.-d( Gantz Transfer Parks Streets 44.50 Stockwells Sewer 7.75 ` Coreolid ted Supply Co. rater 266.07 " .0. Payton Repair Hall 1184.50 Donnelly Auto "o. Golf 24.00' Ray La-bin Water 41.i59 = Rube Stees Water 36.21 Statesman Newspapers Sewer 30.10 Shell Oil Co :',later 19.97 McCall Drug Co. Golf 1.10 Rowland Brothers Dump ' 311.00 Goodman Electric Fewer 10.38 LcC5ll Pert Streets C.98 Pay Hardware Gold-Police 40.69 • Walt Rubey Police 4.50 Payette Lakes Lbr. Police-Golf 23.10$ John's Texaco Service Gold' 5.00 Raymond Plumbing "Water 147.89 Payette Lakes Star plater-Pol.Golf-Sewer 116.78 Nestern Equip Co. Streets 26.66 Western Store Sewer 9.06 OK R.0 ber Lelders Streets 311.39 Hooker Electro Water 22.78 Oregon News Co. Lib 9.78 Jeanette Azcuena;a S&Wer:` 10.50}- Souther Idao Timber Assn. Golf=Streets 73.10 ` 69 Continuation of September 12, 1955 Idaho Power Co. 3549.95 Rube Stees Water 15.68 ' Bill Morris Hall 13.96 v` Ralph Paris Shop 125.00 " State of Idaho Slop Repay 250.00 Valley County " 250.00s Herman Black fell Police 160.23 , Janes E. Marley Police 9.00/ Dennis Combs Police 30.871 Jim Butler Police 24.75j Burnside moved the bills be approved and ordered paid. The motion was seconded by Spielman and carried unanimously. The following buds for a Prowl Car were opened and read to the Lord. John Eaton Co. bid 11552.48 less discount of 124. a total cost of 11426.48. Donnelly Auto Co. bid 11894.65.65 less discount df 1200 a total cost of ;,169 .65. Spielman made a motion that we accept low bid of John Eaton Co. Motion seconded by Moore and carried unanimously. No furthus business coming before the _Board, the Chairman declared the - meeting recessed until the call of the Chair. / _ 7irman 1' lam/ A"TEST: Clerk / September 26, 1955 Continuation of September 12, 1955 Members present were Burnside, Spielman, Fogg, Moore and Roberts was excused. Fogg moved that Spielman be Acting Chairman. Motion duly seconded and carried unanimously. Lowell Davis and Jack Sakerman were also present to protest the shooting of their dogs in the Village. Moore explained to the people present the Ordinance and informed the Board that the Chief of Poli ce's resignation has been requested. Moore introduced and moved the adoption of Ordinance 4195. Burnside moved to suspend rules for passage of Ordinance 195 and the motion was seconded by Fogg, adopting Ordinance'#195• Question: the motion adopting Ordinance #195 carried unanimously'. Moore moved that Ordinance #195 be published in the Payette Lakes Star. .The motion was seconded by Burnside and carried unanimously. The Sewer easements were discussed and new sewer statements discussed. Rosecrans wanted to know if Village would buy X-mas tree bulbs for their decoration. After discussion the Board agreed on the purchase of a case. C. B. Lauch Const. Co. estimate # 1 in amount of :,315,00L .17 on the Sewer Construction was read to the Board for approval. Moore moved to approve the following resolution. Be it resolved that estim:ter6f the Sewer Construction approved,by the Engineer, be approved and ordered paid. Resolution seconded by Burnside and carried unanimously. Moore moved Dave Spielman be authorized to sign on General Fund of Village of McCall. Motion seconded by Fogg. Carried unanimously. In regard to previous discussions on the closing hours of the Clubs, Remaklus pointed out that Village already had a. closing ordinance on the Clubs Meeting declared recessed until the call of the Chair airman • Attest: Clerk 17 0 September 3n, 1955 Continr,ction of regular meeting of September 12, 195 Pembers present were Roberts, �pielinan, Bore and Burnside. Fog , was excused. This meeting was called for the purpose of discussing the Chief of Police's position. Roberts stated that the problem should be discussed as a Board. After considerable discussi.:n on the whole problem, it was decided that some action should be taken by- the Board as the deadline for decision is September 30, 19`5• Moore presented a list of reasons for the discharge and it was presented to the Board by the Clerk. Bill Crooke stated the arguments in his behalf, and Moore was called upon to discuss in more detail the reasons for his being discharged. The several, Board members stated their various views. ;3pielman made a motion to accept the resignation of Bill Crooke as Chief of Police. The motion was seconded by Burnside and carried unanimously. doberts reported on the street situation. The cost of a seal coat, the patching, etc. of main street was also discussed. Meeting declared recessed until the call of t Char: airmthn ATiEST• Cler October 3, 1955 A regular meeting of the Village of McCall Board was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Present were Moore Spielman Roberts Fogg Burnside Fogg moved that the meeting of September 12, 1955 be adjourned. The motion ,vas seconded by doore and carried unanimously. The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved as read. The final discharge of the Chief of Police, Bill Crooke was made effective October 4, 1955 and that he be paid up to that date . Roberts reported that the final work on the Village streets had been completed. Ackaret also reoorted that some work had started on the street behind LaVelle Tho_mpson ' s . Burnside will be able to give a more complete report on the Beach at the ne meeting. The construction on the new sewer was discussed and.:Ackaret estimated that it was about one-fourth completed. Burnside moved to transfer :$10,000 from the Water Fund to the General Fund. The motion was seconded by Moore and carried unanimously. The West Coast Airlines schedule was discussed and with the approval of the Civil Aeronautics McCall will be put on their permanent seasonal schedule . lip to the present time it has been on their temporary schedule. Fogg stated that it might give McCall a longer air service during the s umme r. There were several patrons present requesting additional Xmas lights to be used west and south of the Village center . Following discussion on Remakiusts bill for the Sewer and Hospital Bond issues, it was suggested that he reconsider his bill and turn it in at a later date . I The hiring of a new Chief of Police was discussed. Spielman suggested that perhaps one man would be sufficient from now till spring. However, it was the general feeling of the Board that another man be hired. The Board also agreed that the police should have definite duties prescribed to him by the Board. The Board instructed the Clerk to advertise for a Chief of Police in the Statesman. There was a report given by Bill Crooke on traffic tickets and arrests made during the last months, The following bills were read for payment: Leonard Ackaret Water & S{.re is $ 296 .1 V William .irk Clerk 98.00" �. Barbara South Clerk :x Lib 106.10v Bill Crooke Police 337.37 Bill Bigelow Dump 4. 60 Valley County Hospital Bigelow Assgn. 15.00 Jerrold Steiner Police 236.63 Lewis Seiber Golf 307.14 Myrtle Seiber Golf 29 •40 Void Idaho Blueprint Supply Sewer 1.70 Mitchum Specialty Repair Water 22. 50 Allied Steel Co. Streets 106.92' _ 4 Payette Lakes Star Clerk-Police 53.9 �., Idaho Power Co. 196.05 Stockwells New Sewer 2.10 Iilltop Motel Sewer-Streets 32.04 ' Payette Lakes Lbr. Water-Sewer 8.84' Void Statesman Newspapers Police 4. 75E Brown? s Tie k Lbr. Co. Streets 22 .62' Consolidated Suplly Co. Water 26. 38 ,,, The Todd Co. Clerk 97.06'1'' R Oregon News Co. Lib. 12 .53 Barbara South Water & Clerk 8.80 Lola' s Cafe Police _ -35 Gantz Transfer Parks x Streets 11.00 Arthur Roberts New Sewer 6 .25 Westcott Oil Co Streets 1'1 . 38 Standard Oil Co. Golf & Lib 66.95 '" Ray Lapoin Water 42. 87 Rube Stees Water 20. 58 `b James Moreley Police 12.00- Herrna o Blackwell Police 111.72 Lowell Davis Sewer & Water 73.501 Art Smith New Sewer 12. 00'"' Robert Remaklus Legal 41.66 '' Chet Grandy Streets-Water 260.78 ' Waterworks Supplies Water 297.60 Bill Crooke Pnlice 68.40 Ralph Paris 125.00 State of Idaho Slot Repay 250.00' Stalley County " 250.00 Valley County Trust Fund 2469.04 Director of Internal Rev. 55•State of Idaho Inc . Tax Y""` A .Stanley Final on Street 3675.32' Frank Wayne Street Oiling 80.00' Fogg moved that the following bills be allowed and ordered paid. Motion seconded by Burnside and motion carried unanimously. Bob Remaklus on behalf of the Cascade Chamber of Commerce extends an invitation to the Village Board to attend the ceremonies of their street dedication at Cascade . The meeting was recessed at 9;50 P.---M.,--until t call of t ai . C !/`� ii`�ai rnan 6<%1" �. 74; / ATTEST: Clerk October 27, 1955 Continued meeting of October 3, 1955. Present were Moore Roberts Spielman Burnside Fogg Excused. The Chairman stated that he had called this meeting for several purposes. The Municipal Audit contract with Moore, Rife and Associates was read to the Board. Spielman moved to approve the Audit contract. motion seconded by Burnside and motion carried unanimously. The bill of Frank Wayne in the amount of $80 was read to the Board. Spielman moved to oay the bill. Motion seconded by Moore and carried unanimously. The two statements from Bob Remaklus in the amount of $1131 .75 for the issuance of the Sewer Bonds and 545.55 for the Hospital Bonds were discussed. Moore n3ved the bills be paid as presented. Motion seconded by Spielman and carried with Burnside, Spielman, Moore in favor and Roberts against. Motion declared carried 3 to 1. The letters from Jack Sackerman and Lowell Davis requesting 200 each for their dogs that were disposed of by the Chief of Police. Spielman moved the clerk be instructed to turn the claims over to the Village Liability Insurance . Motion seconded by Burns ide and carried unanimously. The request of Mr. Sackerman to install tanks under the sidewalk next to his property was discussed. The various aspects involving the Departnent of Highways, maintance of road and by-passing the Village, etc. were discussed. Burnside moved to an rove the request of Mr. Sackerman providing the Department of Highways approved of his request and the proper agreements signed. Motion was seconded by Moore - an_l carried unanimously. The bill on the oiling of the .rain street and the final bill yet due A. D. Stanley in the amount of $3678.82 was discussed. Spielman moved to make final -)ayment to Mr. Stanley. Motion seconded by Burnside and carried unanimously. Moore read the several letters of application from the applicants for the position of Chief of Police. The clerk was instructed to write for references on Mr. Peck and Mr. Stewart. The delivery of the Police Car was discussed. The Board preferred delivery about January 1, 1956 . Moore moved to order a black car. Motion seconded by Burnside and carried unanimously. Meeting was declared recessed unt)„,1, call of the Chaff . K .. irman �- 'ATTEST:Cle rk 1 7 November 7, 1955 A regular meeting of the Village Board of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Present were Roberts, Moore, .pielman, iurnside with Fogg excused. Moore moved to adjourn the meeting of October 3, 1955. The motion was seconded by Moore and motion carried unanimously. The minutes of the several meetings were read and a correction made in paragraph 5 page 170 on Burnside ' s motion that should read t'o transfer up to $10,000 if legally possible . Minutes were approved as read with this correction. A discussion on the tanks of John Sackerman and the encroachment on the highway also the Possibility of State and Federal Aid including a by-pass. Another discussion on angle parking followed and the Clerk was instructed to write another letter requesting this type of parking in the Village . Remaklus was asked to write a letter to the Village with a copy to be sent to John Sackerman including his report from the State of Idaho. (; Roberts reported on the new rulings from the CAA in regard to airports . Discussion on the airport improvement which included possible improvements on fencing and runways. Roberts said he would see Chet Moulton personally and make a more complete report. '; I Roberts also reported on the Groudn Observers Corp and of an alert that was held. Roberts had considered the top of the Village Bump House as a possible Observer ' s Post. The GroundObservers Corp was discussed at length as to the organization , the location, and construction of a building, etc. 3urnside was asked to make a survey of possible locations and Roberts woull ore ;e:it the pro -ra..n to Rotary Club . ---- Wendell Smith reported on the Sewer and that there had been trouble with ro.T's but fair progress was being made . Burnside reported on the water bill of Bus ' s Service. He had been watering the lawn by the City Dock for some time and wanted some kind of a.ijustment. Burnside recommended that the overrun be written off if there were no objections . The third estimate from Lauch Construction Co. in the amount of 15, 301.06 was read to the Board. Following discussion, Moore moved the following resolution to be approved whereas Estimates // 1 and , 2 had been presented for payment and whereas the engineer had approved the estimates, that the said estimates be approved and ordered paid. The resolution was seconded by Spielman and carried unanimously. Moore discussed F. B. Hamnerick' s request for a road to his house. Ackaret stated it was rocky and that a cat would almost be necessary to grade a. road. However, Ackaret agreed that something would be done in the future possible while they were working on the other street of LaVelle Thomoson' s. Moore also reported a complaint from a truck driver and requested that the holes in the alleys be fixed. The following bills were read and ordered paid: Leonard Ackaret Streets Water $296 .14 ) William Kirk Clerk 98.00/7 Barbara South Clerk 3c Lib. 10640 v Bill Bigelow Dump 4.00)/ Valley County Hospital Bigelow Acct. 15.00✓' Jerrold Steiner Police 305.37. Myrtle Se fiber Golf 15.68✓ Lewis ;eiber 307 .14 Bill Morris Police 26 .4 Don Suber Golf 24.00- Del Woodward Streets 237.81 James Morley Police 259. 19 . Petty Cash Water-Streets 10.08 ' Idaho Power Co. ).00.33' 1 1 4 Edward Lewis Police p 3.00 v Shell Oil Co. Streets 52.08v Herman Blackvell Police 47 .04 ,; Garlock Packing Co. Sewer d. 91v. Nelson Plumbing Water 29.654 Stockwells New Sewer 2.0 4 Robert Remak lus Legal 41 .06✓ Payette Lks Lbr. Co. Police 49.45 . Hilltop Motel Water 12. 28v Rowlan_i Bros. Streets-Y4atr • 36.00' Bus' s Service Streets .69, --. Brown' s Tie x Lbr. Water-Streets 16 .22 Standard. mil L'o . Fire-:eater-Library 49 .16 'gem State Telephone Phone _ 27. 70 Nestcott Oil vo. - °hop 5. 34 Sawtooth L'o. Streets 180 .90 . Statesman Newspapers Police 5.16 Tucks Gun hop Police 15.00 Goodman electric Water 10. 72 Norco Streets 3. 4 Gantz Transfer Streets-Parks 7.501 ).N. Nordling Parts Co. Streets 3.00; Texas `'o. Golf 15.30 May -,ardware Co. Golf-PI1ice 23.41 ' H.R. Huntting Co. Library 52. 49r Western Union Police 1.74 Acheson Motors " Campbell x Hall Library 5.90-- Oregon dews Co. tr 29.52 ' Ralph Paris '. hop 125.00 ✓ State of Idaho Slot Repay 250.00 ,- Valley County t` t' 250.00./ First SJcurity Bank Transfer-Sewer 1575.00V James B. Morley Police 129.5L Valley County Slot neoay 250.007 State of Idaho t' II250.001 '-""` Following discussion, Moore moved to pay the bills . Motion seconded by Spielman and motion carried unanimously. Moore reported on the recommendations of Chief or Police applications . Following discussion, Moore recommended that Mr. Lloyd Peck be hired for the position of Chief of Police with a six months probationery period. :lotion was seconded by Spielman and carried unanimously. Moore discussed the Village ordinance pertainin!, to the selling of liquors after certain hours . Moore requested the feeling of the Board on the enforcement of the Ordinance. Following discussion it was the oo inio:1 of the Board that the Ordinance should be enforced. No furthur business to cone before the Board- the meetin ; was .ieclared re cesse l at 9:47 P-M. f1 / =, a.i rn an !/ /, ,c a �, 7 wed_ii HTTE:'T: Clerk ' - r 15 Dece� ._ .;r 5, 1955 A regular meo ti'nj; of the Village car,-ara Was he,i on the above date and the following business transacted. Roberts-Absent burnsi to_T're en✓ Moore S-)ielman The Chairnal being absent, the Clerk called for nominations for an Actin; Chairman. Moore move I Spielman be nominated as acting Chairman. The nomination was seconded by 3urns i:l.e . 7o further nominations being made, Spielman was unanino'Isly elected Acting Chairman. 'Peggof 1)55 be a a, e lr. pied. on movedthe meetir.? ^1ove,n:�er� ; , ,,Toti,,.. seconded by Moore and motion carried unanimously. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. A correction on Page 173 paragraph 2 was male to read that Moore did not second the motion. Moore moved to an -)rove the minutes with t:ti_.., carrecti on. Motion seconded Jy burn 'aid e and motion carried unani°.7"io %sly. anollcaj:_ien3 for beer l- i.cense from bob King, Ray Mende, Gus ?ierchberger, slc;� l? ;ercantile, tockwel.ls Store, Shore Lodge and V. L . Park were read to the 3oar.l. Moore :-novel to approve the above ap slieatis Mot ion seconded of Burnsi Xe an-1 :motion carried unanimo:l.sly. A letter from the State Highway Department per: i ttin angle parkin for one Tear was read to t _e Board . inc Christmas li,-,ritin2 of trio Vill.a�-e was discussed and they are to be turne 1 on this weekend . It was agreed that the new bulbs be taut in where needed. Turns ldc renortee on the ;round Observers Corn. N . plans had been received from Tber on the .,..Zi.ld 'n:, but he would present cost figures as soon as ,laps arerecci re .. o g re noted': hat several pee -,le in his area were complaining about their Sewer charge bein, based en 60 f of their water use. Discus i-n follc-,ted on fearer revenue and the ne.c,ple it pertained to . :'ol1_owin discessi_`n :Moore requested that a private phone be installed in the Police Denart<exit . Motion seconded by _ urn lde and me1i en carried unanimously. The :rdinanee enforcing the from 3 A.M. to 7 A. I . was discussed and Fen e l-as 'was instructed to dray an an or dl.na .' e perto._ni_n ; to t_als problem. Police Chief Peck wanted ,:1e beard ' s opinion on the closing lours of the Clubs in toon. The following bills were read and ordered paid: Leonard Ac`.caret }ree s-:ra er $296.14V William Kirk Clerk 93 .00 /' Barbara South r' an x Lib. 136.' 0 tc Sill 3igelow Duno ✓ Valley Co inty dose. -ige.iow Acet . 15. ?0 Jerroldt finer t;o1.` ce 283.96 / Lewis r'eiber :golf 3S7 .14✓ Lloyd Peck P01 ' c 1 -7,^.25 MMitc hem Specialty Liter 2 .50/ Re ert 1}1 .66 1 I;:•� �rhu ,,altar Co . 325•r[ Carl . Le ibel Lib . 15.40 / Orep---Tjo-. News Cc. 'Mb • 2( . 36- america:i Li :r'ar As. n. L b. D. JO , ;a .pbell Hall i i ;:, . 11 . 30 Petty Cash 13.13 , ;randy' s 'Tara e, Streets ;) . 15 ,I, Moore l,i fe Asso. Audit 293.-;!fi McCall Drug Co. police 1 .150' 176 aly hardware A'Afer-",----)lf t.:,:-1 State Tel 1,0. 30 / Hint P •.otel --, • -.'-' 2ayette -2.1-es L. -v. Stro -Its-.:,ater a , L„, L ... . ,..,„ , =1:,,. i---A--, , - --, ... .-,,c - • 12 . o9 -A, Haok r-,Lloct-o , .1... ...._ l'e., -) ) -I ..' T1 _,-1 LlectrIc :later ol 5.00 3tandard aT1 - • -,_ . • 157 . )4 ' 2r9vn 'fie a: Leo . 3tro-ts :,estovn 2i- ro elf ' '— ) •.i- --) 'i /MY, 7t ,atarricr'' s 11, 1 ]in Sover 023 . ,'11' Cor :,fl111'.4Dd ZJp -,1 1 Coo 1 ;o, 2va ,-- 2.1--la ' I ,--,-. ter 4. ..., )/ Rly La-ni :,,,,ter Rba Stees ,., :ter 11 . 71) , .-av_ „-vo4s .,ater 13. ) 7 ocri barber ater "Y-7 . .A..'1 ,...., , LaDell ,Voo .wari -, , ter '-' -)--, ,--) i L._)).c." Cal.-:la Tare .non inr-: -) - , - t'_..te. of 13 -.A.-- Slot Repay ti Valley Cpnnty c ,'')'-' l„ _3-) Har -,an 'laci,.well F -1. 'ce , -0 .ii • J_I_ / Cr-. A. L. TfL. - ." ,1 ' :e , • . . Or,,in ;e Trans . 'hater Cl. /5 ',Jo1.2_ 1 i ! ttE.-- i -,11 ' )17 '.d- ',.t J r 75* 53 Ol. Rlbepr ',Lelders -',4,-. !-"C -,2 ) ) . 11.i. c^ 1.n t;C.:r• ' J Int a in - .., ,1* p -1- '_,urnPide nc ',.ej to an -r . vo t ,o till ,, , --, ,',:* n. 2e ' nnJed v ,ae..--e 1-1'1 ':Dt:en carried anunil_ 'sly . Ir ad_II. 1-i --,n_ '..L tne ..a .ve ':LOT1s I-1, ront 'Pit'-' the UnI 'mn 2acIfic R. R. In re ;ari to '' „ ,a Cower -ISI.n.,_1;q 7'tl-e una!II 1 , - .1; --..vp.2, 1,y -47'.,-:. 7 _11 -. -- :r1 and the . On air 1 :n a 'd Ole - -; -0 autl,...,' ' .- f-- ,.. - 11- , .,__ ..-,, - -:`, A VIOT.9 . ...--<.".',....,'- , / . - , , (.- AmT'-, ST: Clarl: Comtirution of Tin re,--,,alar aeet : ::17 of bep :Le:, 5, i )-5 „lor,:. -. 1.,..—e- ' --‘urniiqe " 'oberts nx(... .Aed ,, Actl_n - jnair,031 2,nielnian called the ';-1 ,01,in - t or lam al declared L',,,, pun-nose of the rieetin - to coon proposed oldilanee No. 1 15. -',arnside introlued Riad 'loved the floptIon of -)ro )oGed orJ ; nec 1:o . 1 )5. ,400re novel tr,,e rules be suoponie..1 for toe paa -e, of or -,Posed ord- inance Co 195. --).'nrnsile aecoded the ..,_)tion to -,a,-, en the rules for t a pap :a_;e of nr-posed ,rdlna-ce No. 1i5 and tnp -a-LIo-. w-Aa carried uninoasly. „,,00re :. ec:-)ndpi ta:-. Lion Cor t adDotIon of Proposed orlinAraPe Co. 1 )5. he oti -as carried nmanc 's1j, .21th -)piel.ftan .4011. ' Lvnside a,-, 1 hcr ';) A 1 tIer fro , Ro_nakl„Is in re ,_cri iJ ' 1 111,1Jor 11c:nso Jf -ern : ark ,,,,i•_i3 1,,,,,ar-i to too s,o,PLi. -,--(:=. apr,licat :pn for J beer licon ,o fro- :vanclo :viit an(-1 Isabelle Ren:on was re .d to the -card. . .;,r -valle onone non ,-,-liclto1!3 'oe A-pnroV,, f,. 4.,_1::: i-ti '-. : a,' sopn7cd ,,y - oo-o An .-, -vv_.'Ied InanI L )asly. Co farther bus laces coo to 'cc for' ' tie -, iv :" t'-1,- I, I' r-a- doclrel the AeatIn •; 1ss- 3 .intIl L1,o -all of 1 -e C .alr. - -- , - ------- - ' ' . ,„•-C-- , ,..--- -,-;