HomeMy Public PortalAboutCouncil Minutes 1963 Jan-Dec January 7, 1963 A regular meeting of the board of Trustees of the Village of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Roberts, Fortin, Elliott, and Blair. Fogg excused. Flair moved the meeting of December 3, 1962, be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Elliott and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. ^* Roberts reported the Toning Commission had met-January 5, 1963, and had organized and elected Frank Brown as Chairman, Don Boos as secretary, and would meet the fourth Friday of each month. Fortin presented maps end the new quitclaim deed to the road right- of-way in the Timm Subdivision known as McBride Street. Following discussion Fortin moved the deed be accepted, which motion was seconded by Blair and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Ackaret reported the drain pipe at the Fish Came Property had been installed. Remaklus briefly reported on the golf course suit and stated he was still working with Hamilton and his attorney. It appears that nothing definite would happen until sprint . Roberts briefly reported on the proposed new dump site and stated he did not anticipate any problems in netting an easoment for access from the Union Pacific Railroad. He had discussed the situation with a representative of the railroad and will meet With them again the week of January 13. It was reported the law suit concerning the police officers had been referred to the insurance company and the company had accepted the responsibility to defend the police department in the law suit arising from the recent automobile accident on Lake Street new the Bob McBride residence. It was also reported that the insurance coverage for false arrest had been placed into effect. t'emaklus presented a map received from the State Highway Department with a question as to the exact Village boundary in the area west of the Payette River bridge adjacent to the Shore Lodge. Pemaklus stated he would meet with the State officials following further investioation. A proposed quitclaim deed from Max '-Vrinht to the Village of McCall was found to be in error. It appears the frights wish to make a property trade with the Village on adjacent ground. n.o action was taken pending further discussion. Blair moved that a transfer of : 1000. 00 from each of the expenditure budget items, airport and legal, be made to tie hospital to keep the hospital expenditures from being in excess of the budget. The motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The 1963 budget was discussed without approval as the figures were not complete. An additional meeting would be held to consider the budget, which would be called by the Chairman in the near future. The several bills were read for payment. The -iaterworks Equipment bill and the Allied Steel Erection bills were recommended to be held for the approval of Bob Fong. Leonard Ackaret street-.eater 336. 57 "fi l l iam Kirk clerk /55. Cfl 1- arion Allen lib-clerk-sewer 11 '>. 31 ohert S'eraklus legal 5fl.Op Vi l l icm Acker police 36,3, 71 James ravenson police 337. 13 Elmer Allen golf 325. 63 •`lestcott Cil Corp- Idaho 1' r 110. 50 First Ewa1 ' l Bank Volley County Recorder hoard 5. 00 James Morley polio 314. 13 . ,. Freco, Inc. street 82. 30 Norman Curpess fire- 2. Uu i';r-mco t-;etal Products street coast, . 75. 25 Leonard Burns fire 6.00 Noel Eddins fire 6.00 Wayne Webb fire 00 Frank Stewart fire 6.00 Pill Fitzwater fire 5. 50 Doane Michael fire 4. 00 Paul Vackerman fire 7. 50 Carl Rosselli fire 4.00 Bus Johnson fire 7. 50 Ed Baker fire 7. 50 Ted Drewniak fire 5. 50 • Frank Lamphier fire . 50 Ernie Maurer fire - 10.00 Chas. J. May fire 26. '12- Prawn 's Tie & Lbr. Co. water const-streetLgolf const 1229. 2.3 Van Waters & Rogers water 47. 00 Gem State Telephone Co. police-clerk-fire-st-lib 78. 74 Sawtooth Co. fire 5. 38 Service Farts Co. police-street 17. 39 McCall Drug Co. police 11 . 00 i-lay Hardware fire-police-water- 31 . 84 Loggers ' Supply coif-fire 17. 45 Ilautz Auto Parts water 1.00 Goodman Electric st It 4. 10 Baxter Foundry ' t-rach-ine water const. 127. 80 Puss Service street-golf-fire 8. 39 Jack Hayes Insurance clerk-golf-police 103. 60 Blumenthal Uniform Co. police 1 . 95 Burroughs Corp. clerk 72. 65 Idaho Power Co. st It-water-air; ort-st-lib- 533. 70 police-bd-sewer Payette Lakes Star sewer-water 28. 21 Rowland Pros. strer- t-water rent . 586. 65 Norco water . 8. 95 %estern Store fire 8. 57 ........ Ceo. F. Cake Co. police 3. 75 Forrest Cans police 23. 91 Idaho h'unicioal League hoard 113. 84 Colorado News Ce. lib 24. 70 Petty Cash water-sewer 31 .06 Ralph Murray sewer-water 30. 84 .Asa Clements sewer-hosp-water-st-police 229. 53 Ira A. Anderson board 6. 75 American Municipal Assoc. hoard 10. '-`0 Texaco, Inc. water-police-st-tib 353. 54 Cregen News Co. " lib 73. 27 State of Idaho 4th °tr. Withholding 147. 92 Director of Internal Revenue 4th fltr. Vithholding 986. 20 Employment Security Agency 4th ,-)tr. 168. 25 Valley County Trust Fund 4th '?tr. CAB 458.33 Waterworks Supplies Co. water const 681 . 98 Blair moved the bills be approved and crdered paid, which motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board the meeting was Glared recessed until the call of the Chair. ' --_,1-_,r_....-----247. ---- airman Clerk : ATTLST / January 30, 1 e63 A continuation of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on the above date and the following members present. Roberts, Elliott, Fortin, and Blair. Fogg excused. The Chairman declared the meeting was called primarily for the purpose of considering the rrw budget . Roberts informed the Board of aerial photos which were used by the c ovr ramen t of the Village of McCall and stated two copies had been ordered fr,r Vi l lace use. It was also reported maps from tl:e state 7ax Commission had been ordered for use by the 7oninr Commission. Roberts rear.' a letter to the Union iccific l:ailroad on the dump around ar,ree,ment currently in effect with the 'itate of Idaho for road richt- of-way. lease or easement to the Village of McCall for the right- of-'way was requested. The difficulty on getting title insurance on the (river luhdivision, a re-subdivision of Lirundage -subdivision on the property of Crown 's Tie <" Lumber Company was reported and discussed. The problem appeared to be the cl.er_rinc of any question of the public use of the old Mather Coad which had been replaced by new l cther [load. oberts reported on the legislative requests of the Idaho Municipal Learue. There followed a lengthy discussion in review of the budget items for the coming fiscal year 1963. No further business coming before the t•oerd the roe -fin!, was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. j�-�' "-" - � airmen Clerk : 7 �T ('� February 4, 9"63 A regular meeting of the board of Trustees of the Village of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Poherts, Blair, frlliott, and Fortin. Foga excused. The minutes of the previous meeting were read end approved as read. No report was made on the bill from Allied Steel Company. Cemaklus stated he hod no report at this time on the city boundaries adjacent to the river and Shore Lodge. No further information had been received on the proposed dump trade with the :;tote of Idaho. hemaklus stated he had no report on the suit at the disputed ground at the coif course with T''onald :iemilton end it appears that no .:action will be taken until sorina. Elliott reported the proposed trade of ground at the ( elf course with orren brown would be delayed until aerial photos had been received. The bother road deed to Alpine ores, l nrorpora ted and %?:e problem of the read rleht-cf-way vre.s briefly reviewed and the requirements of the title ins,:ronce company were discussed. Following- discussion Fortin moved the board talce such action as may be required in order to vacate that portion of %`aaher Pond that had been in fact deeded by the Village of (McCall to Alpine Homes, Incorporated. The motion was soc- nded by Elliott and upon vote declared carried unanimously. ; emaklus reviewed the possibility of addition-! ( emergency water repair. .. 111111. The budaet was again discussed item by item and reviewed in detail . r 'oberts again reviewed legislative proposals by the f:unicipal League. Following further discussion Elliott moved -te budget in the amount of 266, 25C.CP be adopted for the fiscal year 1963 with a levy of 5n mi l l s. The motion was seconded by Clair and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Fred Foss, who was present, re:.-,=nested information on when the existing dump would be moved to the proposed location. ['oherts briefly reviewed the rir,ht-of-way prob o s ,,,bich must he solved crior to the moving of the dump. 7.he se+ erol Lille vier ;n• l /sse .ration Fire 25. ''C Valley County Recorder Board 2. 10 Leonard Ackaret CAR refund 30.00 ari . Stabilization &: golf-zoning 11 .00 Conservation Commission Leonard Ackaret water-street 384. 17 `Ji l l i ar.1 Kirk clerk 154.20 Varian Allen lib-clerk-sever 117. 52 Robert Remaklus legal 50.0'G lillfam Acker police 367. 25 James Pavenson police 335. 13 James '?orley police 213. 13 "estcott Gil Co. - Idaho First p b 100. 50 Nat ' l flank H. E. Armstrong lib 28.69 Valley TV police 9. 40 Northern l'_'ui lders Supply water 22. 50 Idaho Power Co. st I t-bd-sewer-water-st-1 ib- 477.27 police -'oninr, 2ulletin zoning 15.00 Estano 's police 11 . 84 Nelson Plumbing water 28. 90 Gem State Telephone Co. police-fire-lib-st-water 85.09 Clue Flame Cas "o. water %00 Van "a.tors Roers water 45. 00 Texaco, Inc. lib-police-water-street-fire 233. 46 OK Tire Store dump 34. 63 Payette. Lakes Lbr. bo. water 4. 3-' "cCall 'exalt Drug clerk-police 16. 10 Paul Dehlin parks-water r0 Idaho First f!ct ' l rank clerk 3. 85 Pus 's Service notice-street 2. 95 John 's Texaco water-police 3.25 Megorden 's Store for Den police ''restcott Gil Co. water 5. 30 "'ay Hardware water-street 7. 60 The Outdoorst;an police 29. 60 Shaver's water-street 4. 15 Pump, Pipe Power Co. water const. 58.76 Ravid Smith water 52.43 Falph Murray sewer-water 111.02 Asa Clements wafer-police-sewer-street-hosp- dump-p o- b 294. 69 Chas. J. May fire 20.24 7ed Lrewniak fire 1. 50 Carl Rosselli firr 3.00 Norman Burgess fire 4. 50 Del Catlin fire 3.00 Ernie Maurer fire 4. 50 Paul Vackerman fir 1 . 50 Colden fire 1. 5' Timm Electric sewer 11 . 73 Colorado clews Co. lib 24. 67 State Insurance Fund 960.00 police 20. 25 1ilson F. Przybylski clerk 2.00 Following N e reading of the bills Clair moved the bills be approved and ordered paid which motion was seconded by Elliott and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business comma before the hoard the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. airman Clerk : /TT'-ST March 4, 1963 A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Roberts, Fortin, Elliott, and Blair. Fogg excused. Fortin moved the meeting of February 4, 1963, be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Elliott and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Mr. `-unningham, Industrial Case dealer from Boise, presented material on a four-wheel drive Loader and backhoe and quoted a cost of approximately $16, 300.00. Also discussed were several finance plans which were available. No action was taken by the Board. ..... No further report was made on the Village dump. Roberts stated a report on the River Subdivision would be held until Fogg returned. Roberts reported on the legislative status of municipal legislation. The Lions Club request to hold a parade on the Fourth of July was made and briefly reviewed. Following discussion no objection was had by the Board. No report was made on the request of the State for a clarification of the Village boundary adjacent to the river and Shore Lodge. It was reported the Allied Steel Company had not yet picked up their welder and had not met with the Village on the cost of the erection of the water tower. Remaklus being absent, no report was made on the suit at the golf course. The budget for the 1963 fiscal year was again reviewed following which Blair moved the budget by approved as prepared, calling for a total budget of $266,250.00 and a mill levy of 50.0 mills. �* Blair introduced and moved the adoption of proposed ordinance #230, an ordinance termed the annual appropriation bill, appropriating such sums of money as are deemed and necessary to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of the Village of McCall, Idaho, for the fiscal year 1963, and fixing the tax levy for the Village of McCall, Idaho, for the fiscal year 1963. The ordinance was read at length, following which Elliott moved the rules be suspended for the passage of proposed ordinance #230. The motion to suspend the rules was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The ordinance was read twice by title following which Elliott seconded the motion moving the adoption of proposed ordinance #230 and the motion was declared carried unanimously with Roberts, Fortin, Elliott, and Blair in favor of the motion. The Clerk reported the deed from Ed Free had been received on the additional ground necessary for the extension of McBride Street in the Timm Subdivision and would be recorded. Elliott reviewed Village ownerships and discussed the proposed trade with Brown at the golf course in conjunction with the aerial photos which were examined. Following lengthy discussion Elliott moved the proposed trade of property with Brown at the golf course be from the Village on the basis of the discussion which would include the package trade of ground at the golf course north of the Lick Creek Road and starting at a point approx. 660 ' east of the junction of Lick Cr. Rd. &. Golf Course Rd. then S. approx. 100 ' then Eiderapofotic49Z0' ,den N. approx. 370' & including Village land on N. l�he tde would also include the property at the end of Third Street and the approximate fifty acres at the golf course. The motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried with Roberts, Fortin, and Elliott in 'favor. Blair opposed. The rates for the 1963 season at the golf course were reviewed and following discussion Elliott moved the following rates be adopted. A single daily ticket $150 except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, which would be $2.00; a weekly single $9.00; a weekly double $15.00, with $6.00 per child over 12,with parents; a single season ticket $35.00; a man and wife season ticket $50.00 with 512. 50 per child over 12 years if the parents have purchased a season ticket. The motion was seconded by Blair for the adoption of the new rates and declared carried unanimously. Elliott recommended and moved that Potty Greaves again operate the caddy house at the McCall Municipal Golf Course for the 1963 season and negotiate the operation with Greaves. The motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Fortin reported an interview with a man interested in the dump operation and was instructed to negotiate with him for the position. The following bills were read for payment, following which Fortin moved the bills be approved and ordered paid, which motion was seconded -- by Blair and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Leonard Ackaret water-street 384. 17 William Kirk clerk 154.20 Marion Allen lib-sewer-water 117.52 Robert Remaklus legal 50.00 William Acker police 366. 58 James Eavenson police 335. 13 James Morley police 312. 13 Elmer Allen golf 147. 44 Idaho First Nat ' l Bank- P & B 100. 50 Westcott Oil Corp. Jack Hayes Insurance clerk 17. 50 Idaho Power Co. st It-lib-police-airport-golf-water- sewer-street-Board 536. 13 Idaho Camera police 168.43 Sizemore Chevron golf-police 56.72 Joe Bayok water const. 41.85 Rowland Bros. water const. 207.00 May Hardware water-golf-police 5.27 Norco water 15. 55 McCall Rexall Drug police 5. 96 Shaver's street-police 2.69 P. I.E. water 8. 12 Schoen Studios police 14.50 - The Merc police 1. 38 Hilltop Motel sewer 1. 50 Asa Clements sewer-water-street-hosp-p & b 252. 34 Northern Builders Supply water 183.50 David Smith water 15.42 Leonard Ackaret Board 29.00 Gem State Telephone Co. street-police-fire-lib-Board 73. 54 Petty Cash police-water-sewer 52. 59 George F. Cake Co. police 130.41 Standard Oil Co. street 83.49 Payette Lakes Star water-sewer 12. 50 Texaco, Inc. police 3.24 Texaco, Inc. lib-water-street-fire-police 367. 40 Western Road Machinery Co. street 82.78 Service Parts Co. water 33.21 Consolidated Supply Co. water 54.05 State Tax Commission board-zoning 12.00 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. water const 208.00 Mautz Auto Parts street 18.30 Brown 's Tie & Lbr. Co. golf-street-water 46.73 Normon "urgess fire 8.00 Chas. J. May fire 22. 17 Leonard Burns fire 1 . 50 Guy Ireland fire 2. 00 Frank Lamphier fire 5.00 Del Catlin fire 3.00 Carl Rossetti fire 1. 50 Doane Michael fire 3.00 Ernie Maurer fire 8.00 Ed Baker fire 1. 50 Ted Drewniak fire 1. 50 Payette Lakes Lbr. Co. police-lib 29.23 Pacific States Cast Iron water 68. 39 Pipe Co. Valley County Recorder Board 2. 10 Allied Steel Erectors, Inc water const 5000.00 No further business coming before the Board the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. 7 airman Clerk: ATTEST March 16, 1963 A continuation of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Roberts, Fortin, Elliott, and Blair. Roberts reported the State had approximately ,320,000.00 available which will widen the road from the business district to the Shore Lodge to a 32 foot street, a center line will be painted, and a sidewalk strip will be designated on the north side of the street. Roberts reported at length on the difficulties at the McCall Memorial Hospital between the hospital administration and the doctors currently occupying the rental portion of the hospital . The circumstances were reviewed at length and a letter of resignation from Frances T. Vassar, administrator of the McCall Memorial Hospital, effective May 1, 1963, which letter is attached, was read. Roberts reported on an executive meeting of the McCall Memorial Hospital Board following receipt of the letter. Also read was a letter regarding the hospital operation from Mary Thurston, which is attached, a letter from the McCall Memorial Hospital Board to the Village Board was read, recommending the acceptance of the resignation of Frances T. Vassar and consideration of the termination of the lease agreement with the McCall Medical Clinic, which is attached. Following discussion Blair moved the resignation of Frances T. Vassar as administrator of the McCall Memorial Hospital be accepted with extreme regret and that the thanks of the Village Board for her operation of the hospital during her tenure as administrator be expressed. The motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Following lengthy discussion on the lease agreement between the Village of McCall and the McCall Medical Clinic, Blair introduced the following motion. The Chairman and Clerk of this Board are hereby directed to notify the McCall Medical Clinic the lease agreement now in effect will be terminated July 1, 1963, at which time the premises will be vacated and revert to use by the McCall Memorial Hospital . The motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. Chairman G% Clerk : ATTEST *MOM * � March 21, 1963 A continuation of the regular meeting of March 4, 1963, was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Roberts, Fogg, Elliott, and Blair. Fortin excused. Also present was the McCall Memorial Hospital Board with the exception of Corey Engen, who was excused. • The Chairman declared the meeting was called for the purpose of a meeting with a committee representing a citizens group for the purpose of clarifying the action taken regarding the termination of the lease with the McCall Medical Clinic. Walter J. Them and Don Boos were present representing the citizen group and requested a clarification of the action taken, possible other avenues of action, and possible solutions. There followed a lengthy discussion on the overall aspects of the action by the Village Board and it was agreed with the people present that should any meeting between the McCall Medical Clinic and the Village Board be desired to further discuss the action a request should be made. No further business cominc before the Board the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. airman Clerk : ATTEST March 26, 1963 A continuation of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Roberts, Fortin, Fogg, Elliott, and Blair. The Chairman stated the meeting was called for the purpose of a meeting with the McCall Medical Clinic at their request. Drs. A. E. Pflug, Harold Nokes, and Wayne Allen were present representing the Medical Clinic. Dr. Pflug stated they were present not to discuss the lease termination, but to discuss mutual problems and assist in the solution of same. Several recommendations were made for consideration by the Board, which were as follows. A two-year extension of the lease termination by the Village of McCall for the McCall Medical Clinic to allow the clinic to better adjust and comply with the termination of the lease, a new method of appointing hospital board members. It was suggested that three be appointed from the Village, two from adjacent areas such as Donnelly, Biggins, or McCall, and a physician from a member of the staff be appointed to the Board, and further recommended that a member of the Village board not be a member of the hospital board. Under the new proposal this would create a balance of power on the McCall Memorial Hospital Board and encourage people in surrounding areas to use the hospital by giving them a voice in the management. There followed a lengthy discussion and additional reasons were outlined for acceptance of the several recommendations. There followed a lengthy discussion on the methods of security which could be provided for the practicing physicians and other possible solutions which would be acceptable. There followed a short discussion on whether the Board could be legally able to comply with several of the requests which were made, however, they agreed to take the recommendations under advisement and following advice of legal counsel would consider the matters as soon as possible. No further business coming before the _Board the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the chair. hairman /7 Clerk : ATTEST April 1, 1963 A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Roberts, Fortin, Elliott, Fogg, and Blair. Elliott moved the meetina of March 4, 1963, be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Several people were present regarding the possible improvement and oiling of the road between Brown 's office and the golf course in front of Sylvia Close 's house. It was pointed out the road received considerable use and because of the traffic could be improved. Fortin stated the road was scheduled for oiling although the widening of the road at the crossing would depend on the railroad. Bill Leaf, who was present on behalf of the student body, requested a high school insignia or a slogan such as "Home of the Vandals" be painted on the municipal water tower. Following discussion the Board agreed to consider the request at such time as the work could be completed. Roberts reported no report from the railroad company regarding the additional ground at the proposed city dump. Fred Ross, who was present, reported on a machine for use at the dump for grinding and compaction of the refuse at the dump for an approximate cost of '25,000.00. A shed or a cement pit into which the refuse would be dumped was not included in this cost. The only ground required for the dump would be for stumps, car bodies, and etc. Under the plan the garbage is converted to fertilizer, the paper is baled, and reshipped to the pulp factory, and the tin cans are baled and returned for the scrap metal . Under the plan all garbage collections of the county would be centrally dumped to be processed in this matter. There followed a discussion on the operation of the machine, costs, etc. Roberts stated he would contact the city of Sacramento where such a machine was now in operation and report to the Board. ....� The request of J. D. Benton to occupy the house at the village dump prior to moving to the new proposed dump ground was made and following discussion it was pointed out that the dogs would also be included in the duties of the dump man, which had not been previously discussed. No objection was had by the Board to the occucancy of the house. Grace Hoff was present on a request of placing "No Parking" signs in front of her business house and reviewed the inconvenience when people left their cars parked all day. Following discussion the Chief was requested to make a survey of the areas in the village which should receive either no parking or limited parking signs and make a recommendation to the Board. A letter from the Department of Highways regarding the proposed improvements on State Highway 95 was read, making a 32 ' street from the Yacht Club to the Shore Lodge bridge, the elimination of parking on the north side of the highway, and the marking of the oiled portion for a walk-way on the north side of the street. Following discussion Fogg moved to request the Highway Department to meet with the Village Board for further clarification of the project if possible. The motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The vacation of the street in the River Subdivision was briefly reviewed and the request of the Title Insurance Company was noted. Remaklus stated he had no report on the clarification for the state of the village boundary between the Shore Lodge and the river bridge. The Allied Steel Erection Company bill was reviewed and information on why the bill had exceeded the estimate was requested. A meeting was to be held as soon as possible between members of the Board and the company. Elliott reported that Dave Samuelson, the golf pro, would not be back this year and reviewed other possible candidates. Elliott further reported there was no progress yet made on the trade of ground at the golf course because a meeting had not yet been held. Elliott reported Charles May, the fire chief, was leaving town for employment elsewhere and a replacement was necessary. Following discussion it was the opinion of the Board that Bus Johnson be contacted regarding the acceptance of the chief 's position. Fortin reported complaints on the street by the hospital and Cemetery Road, Forest Street, and people getting stuck because of the frost going out of the ground. Fortin stated he had ordered the road blocked off until such time as it improved. Blair read the police report for the month of March. Following discussion the attorney was instructed to draw ordinances increasing the pay of the watermaster and the Chief of Police as approved under the new budget, the chief 's pay being increased $25.00 per month and the watermaster's pay .5520. 0C per month. The diagonal parking in front of the Yacht Club was briefly reviewed in line with the requirements of the State of Idaho for curb to curb maintenance. Remaklus reported on a request for a gas station permit in the commercial Class C Zone and the storage of flammable liquids. The matter was further referred to the Zoning Commission for clarification. Roberts reported on a visit to Orangeville Hospital and a meeting with the Mayor of Grangeville regarding the possible changes in operation of the McCall Memorial Hospital . Following discussion Roberts read a proposed compromise solution between the Village of McCall and the McCall Medical Clinic which was briefly discussed and referred to the Hospital Board for their approval . A letter from the local merchants requesting better street conditions was read and the possibility of the purchase of a street sweeper to be used on the Village streets. The Clerk presented the audit contracts from Rife, "Filson, & Przybylski for the coming year for the audit of the village books. Following discussion Fogg moved the audit contract be accepted, which motion was seconded by Elliott and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The following bills were read for payment. Leonard Ackaret water-street 384. 17 William A. Kirk clerk 154.20 Marion Allen lib-sewer-clerk 117. 52 Robert Remaklus legal 50.00 William Acker police 366.58 James Eavenson police 344.77 James Morley police 312. 13 Idaho First Nat ' l Bank- p & b 100. 50 Westcott Oil Corp. Sizemore Chevron police 23. 87 Western Union Tel . Co. Board 1. 90 Bus 's Service fire 3. 30 Mautz Auto Parts water 6.65 Petty Cash police-water-sewer 33. 60 Hilltop Motel golf 6.00 Caxton Printers police 11. 90 M. N. Golden fire 8.00 Wayne Webb fire 3.00 Carl Rossetti fire 1. 50 Norman Burgess fire 9. 50 Frank Lamphier fire 5. 00 Ernie Maurer fire 9. 50 Doane Michael fire 3. 50 Chas. J. May fire 23. 61 Nm. Fitzwater fire 3. 00 Bus Johnson fire 2.00 Noel Eddins fire 2. 00 Leonard Burns fire 3. 50 Ted Drewniak fire 5.00 McCall Rexall Drug police-clerk 9.42 Payette Lakes Lbr. Co. police 1. 33 May Hardware police-golf 113. 48 Leshner Corp. water 1. 50 Logger's Supply golf 5.08 Texaco, Inc. police 3.78 Idaho Power Co. st It-Iib-bd-airport-st-water- 559. 20 golf-police-sewer Van Haters & Rogers water 45.00 Elmer Allen golf-street 189. 17 Norco street 10.45 David Smith water 46.26 Gem State Telephone Co. street-police-clerk-bd-lib 40.01 CK Tire Store street 58. 57 S. N. Dehlin golf 12. 60 Valley County Trust Fund OAB 1st Qtr. 542. 88 State of Idaho VH 1st Qtr. 126.09 Dir. of Intrrnal Revenue 1st Qtr. 840. 40 Northern Builders Supply water 114. 75 Asa Clements water-hosp-street 161 .07 Addressograph-Multigraph Co. water-sower 67. 94 Texaco, Inc. fire-police-street-Lib 153.21 ''tandard Oil Co. Board 7. 06 Alpine Homes, Inc. water 462. 36 Rowland Bros. water 265',25 Consolidated Supply Co. water 83. 80 Nestcott Oil Corp. Board 5. 67 Sinclair Refining Co. Board 7. 18 Employment Security Agency 1st Qtr. 202. 17 Payette Lakes Star clerk 54. 99 Service Parts Co. street-water 14. 15 Village of McCall Hospital 3845.00 Bond Redemption Fund Following the reading of the bills Blair moved the bills be approved and ordered paid, which motion was seconded by Elliott and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. airman Clerk : ATTEST A T'H , A - rt r:uat or. t { re )lar nr thL a Tr s _ t'r.r_-r1-, _ - T• ,} , _.i. Y• '•? _ �'.':�� �.- r' ri�7_'r S- _ fl f Ci>r'_-n :ler i og s i,r` _ :1 rrr t =rs •. ..'1 r, - l,ta er fr„ + re Farm. =f Sacr. 7,nf- r er r t i _ :c _ ..i " e J,�'".. l' ��^ ._f•�C'a r =a!'. f r).s :.') 4- �� .717rr:r . 'rhe ] -' +.._r fr.•r n+c sl a'e. + he c't-'t ir1.'os rot tise le- er was reierrel_ ,n a i! fnr Th• cC 'r? ' f` r T : + Zo r i' r T s r, C i :± r r `1. ..'a .f nf, . .. _ = n C „"s ): ! . z,r ," ?'�;a,. fir. } rec rr ..nia i •-s w,r. riv,.. t: t e `. ,.1 . . -`i for {I] fir. �' ;..tr�f'•�'ai.!%7.. o r j t =- .. n t. - - e-C s` r yr ,ww,; A _1 {r,Irr tH ., -,7icc_ r.-. fir n{ 7.r?r-Tr . ., - J ?E =8rslerrecl .l o Cl erk. Ro i^.':r r't 5 r rl,- r t o I•:=c t' v,cr h -i d w i "s, r! r 1 f ocurs t _ i;` c 'r ']:'? .)f 1-1-.e -,f .,-hT}ya ca. + flrH jtic font -'t-f'f-'4ot. or. `]' ti .. 'nri-r g r: iir A letter Ir 3s roa', 4, - Ron ;:. ,( ' 7' Tar rr ,o•)t of ttl -. add't oC al Orr 1 ?t li-at :{ n^Cir•.1l 'i 1{ �n')r ;= ± rlr fi..'r!.� soy -r c,r`,. rr'L.: rr otta Wfls r elx- o f _ . ? ; c tr r - c .rP-urd ,49s rn to g+' i t -,7 un* 1 ` s •4. ..rr. •r, ,xactir -h mpe 1'as7 ,it+ ? Yr ' _f, c R r ad ^.. iry :on -t, o n' loroncse .lumr) was !scl)ssed ani follnwIng discoss7or ' W1F rer,orted ar -.asenent , onli_ be gr L f of ':cCall for the land fill-i dump an. the road ;r.cr ;ac' . eat for a tn'<er fee. Fo11n7."np' d scuss'ort Togs moves to `jut or'?_ ' he C° r' °r: to s gr 1 e1 - ..se wIt' • the Union Pac'f' c Ra'1.rr:ad C rr:an*, for tt,,e du r ground and road encroachment for an annual fee of `' 'r. per year for a . e rod f {'ve years exr!. n on February 1 , i ' • The . .t ;on was secnried by Elliott and upon v:-t: 'eciar carried uran'nousi. . Roberts . _lriewe t :n fi arc a1 e t at nn ,;r the water ear•.ter fond r ewel the state oiling program as proposed which would oil the highway from the Yacht Club to the bridge which would be laid on the top of old wooden rain which sight have to be replaced at any time, which would necessitate tearing up the oil . As estivate of cost to replace all the wooden main in the Village including hydrants, hardware, a 200,000 reinforced concrete reservoir including a cement cover, engineering fees, would be approximetely 353,351 .00. As this sum would not be available under the budget it was felt a bond issue should be considered so the completed water system and replacement of the existing main could be accomplished. It appeared a general obligation issue would be preferable because the present revenue bonds would have to he refunded which were at a low interest rate. demaklus reported a conversation with a bonding representative on information which would be necessary to determine if a con( could be marketed. There followed discussion on the possibility of the selling of the bonds to the psoole and it was the ocin on of the Board that the bonds should be for aporoxir:ately 60,000.00 which would be the maximum general obligation bonding cap^city of the Village under the present debt. Following discussion Fogg moved to proceed with the information_ to the bonding* houses and to get the engineers' estimate to determine the cost of the entire project. The motion was seconded by Fl1Lott and declared carried with Roberts, Elliott, Fogg, and r'ortin in favor, Blair abstaining. A letter from t''e i,emor1.al Hospital Board wae read rege.rding a change in- the by-laws changing the fiscal year to coincide with the ',Tillage of "eCall effective Jaalualy 1 to lee I'?.•er 31 of each .,Beer. r 'discussion Fortin moved the recommendation for the change in fiscal year be accepted which motion was seconded by "ogg and upon vote declared carried unanimously. A letter from the McCall 7emori al Y7oseottal, Boa*.d Was-read .recuesting approval for the disposal of an obsolete bed. No objection was had by the Board. A letter was read from the "cCall 'semorial Hospital Boar' stating that at a meeting of the Board held April 9 the followine notien was made for the consideration of the Village °oerd. "r. Befler moved that ac a sec--nd staa�' of negotiation that r. .Roberts ': proposal be brought to t''e Vi_l l a,g-. Board for their cons .deration and in so doing in Ttem 6 to clan:'e the word advise to inform. ''r. Corey non seconded the r'otior an,, ' t was declared carried unanimously. Copies of the proposal for the administration of the McCall Memorial Hospital and the YeCall. Medical Clinic were distributed to the members of the Board and the doctors of the McCall Medicial Clinic who were present, and the proposal was read at length. Following discussion Fogg moved the proposal be presented to the McCall Medical Clinic for their consideration. The motion was seconded by Fortin and declared carried with Roberts, Elliott, Fogg, and Fortin in favor, Blair against. Elliott reported on the golf course rates for minor children which had not been included in the new schedule as previously approved. Following discussion Elliott moved the rates for single persons between the ages of 12 and 18 be . 20.00 per season, whose parents to not hove season tickets. The motion was seconded by Fogg and upon vote declared carried with Roberts, Elliott, Fogg, and Fortin in favor, Blair opposed. Blair clarified his no vote as the rate being too high. Elliot Maurer stated he was now fire chief and following discussion Fogg sup.wasted that a ballot be taken by the firemen for a new chief and submit it to the Board for their approval. Elliott reported Scalding had a F.E. Class for golf instruction at the golf course and requested use of the practice area. No objection was had by the Board. Elliott also reported applications for the pro work from Charles Allen and '°ill Spalding. Uo further business coming before the Board the geetirg was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. / n ?ern ST Y ay 6, 106 3 A regular meeting of the T'oerd of Trustees of the Village of �'ccall" was held on the above date and the "cllowing business transacted. ':embers present were Roberts, Fortin, Elliott, Fog, and Blair. Fortin moved the eieetin- of April 1 , 1963, be adjourned Which motion was seconded by flair and ,7;on vote declared carried unania eusiv. The minutes of the previous meetin: s were read and approved as read. A group of people resi in` Plong 7ather Read in the l'rundage Subdivision were present regarding the im.)rovenent and oiling of the _Father Road. The amount of traffic on the road was reviewed and_ the :1ossibi7.?tir of additional traffic bece: oe of the State oiling nregreri 'ibis discussed. The conditions contributing to the mud holes, dvainage, coal etc, were discussed following which Robert:, apn.ointed Ackaret and Fortin to meet with the prooert;r owners at their earliest convenience. Prrc Shelton was present r^en.rding a renuirer:ent of the PPuilding Code which would rerruire several toilets to be planed in the proposed new office building he is constructing on Third Street. The recuirements of the Building Code were reviewed and several suggestions made toward possible solution. Shelton informed the Board the Peabody lots would be logged off and chares me.oe for narkingduri_r the summer months. palm Jim Black, a ren'^esentative of Southern Idaho EelYnment Somaan'r', was uresent to )resent information on a rubber-tired loader. Also ores!ent was a representative of the Sa.wtoodh 0Ompane and a d'.sc rssfon followed on the several loading machines w'-ich coul(' be used for comract_ion at the Village Plump. Jack .'' ayes was rr'o;ent on the renewal of the 'Tillage liability.r insurance crver`sge and quoted nremi rr", of 7,4169.70 for renewal of the ;'?resent coverages with a reduction brine: the secen,l and third years or the policy. Pollo ing discussion Asir moved the hi be accef tell' which motion was seconder by Elliott and ueon vote declared carried unanimously. The doctors from the '.IcCall helical Clinic were present to discuss the counter-nronosal for the lease of the premises at the McCall Ped; cal Clinic and submitted a statement of position on their views concerning the lease extension and other pro)osals, a cony e' wi icd, etc tement of Position is attached. Roberts reported a meeting of the Hospital Soard and stated that no recoil on'ation except to refer the statement of posi ti or of the `•edi cal Clinic to the Village *Board. Conics were distributed and were read at _eng,tb. Pollow;'.,r" rr length discussion of the statement of position of the. _eCall Medical Clinic Flair moved to renew the lease to the 1.7,cCall Medical Clinic end a spirit of mutual medical cooperation exist between parties concerned and the amount of gross of the. d-eau MOOMPOR and laboratory fees to be m yid to the Medical Clinic be arbitrated by disinterested third parties who would leave a kno-'Tledge of hospital pract icie.: en"d would be acceetal:`do_ to both narti es. Pollowi_ng discussion the motion was seconded by Fogg and declared carried three to two; in :a.,v)r of the motion were Flair, Fogg, r'n d Fortin; against Robert and Elliott. Roberts instrected the doctors to select one arbitrator and the V' llage would choose one and the thin . one would be chosen by th'e appointed group. The several spalica Lions for the position of sd inistre or at the hospital ,:are .rev' ewei an Co'l^.,''1.1? 1i sc'1nsion the clergy: was instructed to check further on the refercmc s Of the isle vi i u,ls nd arrenge for possible 'ersanal i ntc r r ews. Roberts reported that ne reply had been received on the machine for ome'etion at the dump as arevio'aelg pronosc d by '10 n. it was reported that J. D. Benton was employed and now working et the Village duan. Regarding the previous :^a^lest for limited parking on Lenore Street, Blair :read the recommendations and a survey of the Chief of Police which is as follows 1 . A thirty minute time zone from the alleyway by the Table Supply to the corner at the Laundera.c:a. 2. A ten minute time zone from the corner at the Launderama to the alley at the Post Office. 3. That a curb of some type, possibly log, be placed on both sides of the street between Shaver's and the Dog ':louse for the full block. This area then being striped for diagonal parking. This would provide considerably more parking and reduce a traffic hazard now present due to the lack of a defined entrance and exit to the vacant let, adjacent to this street. 4. That a two hour time zone be established on Lenora Street between Second and Third Streets. 5. That a curb be installed in front of the Village Park next to the Western Store and that area be striped for diagonal parking. 6. That a "No Truck Parking" sign be installed in front of the office at the Park 'Motel. Following th,P recommendations Flair moved they be a.dopted, which motion , es seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Remaklus was instructed to complete the vacation of Mether 'load in the Brundage Subdivision which had been repuested by the title insurance comna,ni:es. Fogg reported on e meeting with representatives of the Allied Steel Company and was sotisfied the excess amount of the bill over the estimate was due �.... and should be paid. Following discussion Fogg moved the balance he paid to the Allied Steel Erection Company 'which motion was seconded by Flair and upon vote declare' carried unanimously. Elliott reported on the golf pros which had male application for work at the golf course and stated that Charles Allen appeared to be the best qualified and moved that Allen he employed for the coming season. The motion was seconded by Fogg and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Regarding the position of Fire Chief Elliott stated that Bus Johnson was to get the firemen together to choose a Chief, however, no report had been received as yet. Roberts reported a phone call had been made to maldoch in regard to the layout of the additional nine holes at the golf course. 'Mans had been sent to him for preliminary planning. Following discussion on the project Elliott moved the expenditure of a750 to Faldoch for the planning at the golf course be approved, which motion was seconded by Fogg and uron vote declared carried unanimously. Remaklus was instructed to check on the .Zonir g Ordinance on the previous request for the storage of fl:Lmmable liquids in a Class C Commercial Zone. Remaklus was also instructed to draw the ordinances increasing the pay of the Chief of Police and the Village Tatermaster. Roberts reported a phone call which had been received from the State Department of Highways requesting the deed to the old dump ground to complete the transaction on the proposed trade of ground. The quitclaim deeds on the Avery property and the Deinhard property on the right-of-,way to the old damn ground from the Village e of McCall to the State of Idaho were revi ewed. Flair moved the Chairman be authorized to sign the deed on the Avery nronerty in return for the ground traded by the State Highway Department. The motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared cerried unanimously. Fogg move j the Chairman be authorized to execute the deed on the Deinhard property which would be traded to the State of Idaho in return for the new d'JT'7m ?ronnd which motion :was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declare'_ carried unanimously. Roberts read the descrint'on of right-of-way on -o-porn;' deeds fro- rrown to the 'Ti]lade of .c'Jall on p-". erty located on the north end of ThArd .street ana 0 foot right- f-c aTT south of the cemetery and the hope that an easement col.l.'t be obtained from the lrrt} ,rest eunt:ii :'i ssion in the area west of Cemeter;. ''-.oad from the ohool house to the c :te tor . which would give a . ois+e . right-of-way to the proposed .:.*,T fl ground. The deeds from Frown would be °resented to [lire for signature prior to the wronose.i golf course trade as it might not he knew for some ti^''' how much land roul'' be nec weary to retain at the golf course. Roberts read an a between etween the U.S. Forest 2erv'-ce and the ..11•0. 'Ti' is e of i,cdoil for the aasi stcnte r' the oiling of thr runwa'r at the cvall Atnicioal ?i reo t i .� he _..""count of �� �. 1�.1� A the r._il ge c')i 'trj.hution to he am'e..up _„ Village y"avel a:� counts funs e.nd county reuipmc''' t . Thl1owi'"i7 li ell^`;''_on ''on` '^'ve i the Chi:i r"'an he t;. rizerl to s, 'v"1 the agreement with thGe J.2. Forest :przli r•c mlie .,r _ .coded by Fortin anf, ueon vote declar ;orrie:: The csti at"ar received fr(-7- 7Terdoll 'r;; the propose] water system construction were revioned and a letter frem Smith was read '"ri tl1 reconrren.hotions on reservoirs rs and o, r:.able . er fan= Ali tie; in lieu of ground storage. There followed iis{uce-i on en the accent ti . l i try. 1, h a fire underwriters if the ground storage were nit continuedi. ".e*P.akl)lti reported a. phone evil from the bending ee7)-.1.e stating that Ll;i to 4 3 /1. could be exnectea on revenue bonds end goneral Obl_i tier bonds woul_„ oossib y "one closer to Ltr, , to .1 . Pe a,klus statod he would 7-et t.a'_'.. to ,:dwa.rd L. Bur+e'. and Los' ,any. }-or° followed discusslo in the ai7e of the issue il.' c'. could be marketed and the ',ieci^,ion would be male following ,'ecei nt of information. Successor to 'lliott es a. member of the 1l_i lla:ge Board was r'v'.ese'd and following discussion of possible ap"lacants 'o"tin moved that '.ev' on;l _i,as n be cppoi need to fill the unexciro:i term of Eiliett 7' ich "oull expire in Tlcve:Kiel', 1015. The motion was s"r'On.'?a I';; Fogg and . non vote declared carried unanl ::iousl.,.r. MOM Hob arts reported Lt rccomgondati on would come from the '-'nn a1t<'.1.. .Ftoord for ar ao'wiint 'ient to fill the vacancy on that hoard. Elliott stated he woes tioned the odvi sa=:i ll ty of coati,oinr, the rn'ortren for t 'e yo .aia °ea-Die at the rch_ool which Led bane iono last 'rear luring the summer months. =r a1..30 stated a question _.ad arisen concerni_n;' the aroc')ril'g golf carts -t the :,cCall :runi-:i''al 'Golf Course }y the Village. l=e did not feel at pthis time that the Village should obtain the. carts, however, f the 40(l rC )of the Oi f course s ec ii,r,.7, it could be -lone through them. A service contract for the re ro�;ra -h machine use,' in tl.e water a n l sewer billing was reviewed and following dier=1ss>ior, it was the opinion of the board thet because of the 1i7ita.d use of t'"'e r".,cl'ine a service contract -.',o'll.d not it advisable. The follari n hills were re ' for payment: Leonard Ackaret street-water 3E'4•17 William :ark clerk 1,A.2n l`ari on Allen lib-clerk-sewer 117.52 ,.n Robert Rem-,,klu legal cn- • l lli Acker police 1566.59 ...A James _"evenson police 3.14.77 Timer Allen golf 725.65 James F. 'orle;r police 512.15 Idaho First "'.Tat'1 PeriL- 'l t 1nn.'.w0 ' 'estcott Oil Corp. J. T3. .. ^ton J.S. Dept. Pf Agri. Stab. golf-zoning 27.50 Conservation Service Leonard rka.re t .'1oard 19.0n Asa Cl' -ents street_nolice-'r:'ater-?loss-sewer 314.57 `'alnh 7urray sewer-street 1 rlc /!n Colorado ^Te:;s Co. library '1.05 Caxton 'Printers, Ltd. library 't•n'n Ca',lnbell Hall, Irc. library 5. 36 Nat'l Library .','Pc : library 5.05 _. aiolibrary 25 T" State lib;r��.-� r -: o' f4.50 State of Ida. Dept. of library 3.50 Commerce of Develo ment Petty Cash water-police-water-sewer 26.42 The ''erc police 2.43 Hobbies Radio TV Supply noli.ce 9.72 Idaho Power Comnany F 1-sewer-lib-water-poli ce-golf-st- 490.43 st it-airport General Fire Equipment Co. police 20.00 Rife, Wilson Przyb,rlski audit 391 .00 Brown's Tie Lbr. Co. -golf-s greet 31 .58 Waterworks Supplies Co. wate 45.60 Standard Oil Company Board 9.97 Texaco, Inc. police 5.49 Van Waters & i ogers :water R4.55 H H Automotive nolico 13.n4 Service Parts Co. street-police 35.77 Consolidated Supply Co. water 23.64 John's Texaco Service police-golf-fire 12.40 McCall Cleaners police 2.00 May Hardware police-dump-golf-street /4.95 Shaver's police 2.29 Northern ?guilders' Supnly Co. water 6n.00 'Seca)1 Rexall Drug polico 1 .65 ;Western Store 15.n0 Payette Lakes Lumber Co. noline-water 11 .65 Carl Rooselli fire 1 .50 Del Catlin fire 1 .50 Guy Ireland fire 1 .50 Ernie l'aurer fire 3.00 Norman Burgess fire 3.96 Hautz Auto Ports water 3.15 Blumenthal Uniform Co. ;l.kce 6)1 .37 Gem State Telephone Co. rd-lib-hose-rolice-w^.ter-fire-st 134.02 Texaco, Incorporated lib-police-Fire-water-street 270.25 Allied. Steel Erectors, Inc. water cons' . 4115.61 7-aterworks Equipment Co. water 9.25 "(ill_i_am Acker police 50.00 Following the reading of -Ghe bills Blair moved the Tills be paid, which notion was seconded by Fogg and upon vote declared carried unaninsa. ly. No further business coming before the B iard the meeting was 'lecla _ ---� recessed until the call of the Chair. a,rman Clerk: ATTEST May 14, 1963 A continuation of the regular meeting of May 6, 1963, was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Roberts, Blair, Fortin, and Fogg. The Chairman declared the meeting was called for the purpose of the consideration of several matters of business. There followed a short discussion on the marketing of the proposed water bond issue. The oath of office was administered to Raymond Mason, who was appointed to fill the unexpired term of George Elliott, and upon taking of oath of office was declared duly appointed. There followed a brief discussion on the pay increases which were included in the 1963 budget following which Fortin introduced and .moved the adoption of Proposed Crdinance #231, a-n• ordinance repealing Sections 1-303 of the Village of McCall Code of 1949, as amended relating to the salary of the watermaster. Repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, fixing the salary of the watermaster and providing that this ordinance shall be- retroactive to Jan. 1, 1963. The ordinance was read at length and twice be title following which Mason moved the rules be suspended for the passage of Proposed Ordinance #231. Fortin seconded the motion moving the suspension of the rules, which motion was declared carried unanimously. Fogg seconded the motion moving the adoption of Proposed Ordinance #231 and upon vote the ordinance was declared carried unanimously with Roberts, Blair, Fortin, Fogg, and Mason in favor. Blair introduced and moved the adoption of Proposed Ordinance #232, an ordinance repealing Section 1-304 of the Village of McCall Code of 1949 as amended relating to the salary of the Chief of Police repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, fixing the salary of the Chief of Police and providing that this ordinance shall be retroactive to January 1, 1963. OMR, Following the reading of the ordinance at length and twice by title Fogg moved the rules be suspended for the passage of Proposed Ordinance #232. The motion to suspend the rules was seconded by Mason and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Fortin seconded the motion moving the adoption of Proposed Ordinance #232 which was declared carried unanimously with Roberts, Blair, Fortin, Fogg, and Mason in favor. Al Hansen, who was present to be interviewed by the Board of Trustees for the position of administrator of the McCall Memorial Hospital, was introduced and a length discussion on the hospital operations, administrators job, and etc. , was reviewed. A letter from the McCall Memorial Hospital Board was read regarding the resignation of George Elliott as a member of the Board with recommendations to fill the vacancy. Following discussion on possible appointments, Fogg moved that Blair C. Armstrong be nominated to fill the vacancy of George Elliott, resigned. The motion was seconded by Fortin, and upon vote declared carried with Roberts, Fortin, Fogg, and Mason in favor. Blair opposed. There followed further discussion on the proposed water bond issue following which Fogg moved that the Village proceed on the basis of a general obligation bond issue based on variable pumping rather than reservoir type storage in accordance with the cost estimates �, as submitted by the engineer. The motion was seconded by Blair and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Roberts read a letter to Baldock regarding the preliminary survey at the Golf Course. Regarding the previous request of the McCall Medical Clinic, in their Statement of Position requesting 25% of the gross income from laboratory and X-ray, figures were presented frod, the annual audit showing the effect of a toss of income based on this proposal. Mason reviewed tre rates at the McCall Municipal Golf Course and following discussion moved that the following rates by adopted�%% The annual rates on children under 12 no longer free, now �SI4,60, age 12 to 18 years be reduced from 520.00 to ';'15.00, and the playing after 5:00 p.m. for half fare be changed to half fare after 6 :30 p.m. until August 15, 1963. Following discussion the motion was seconded by Blair and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Mason briefly reviewed the floor sealer at the Caddy House costing approximately '5. 00 per gallon for the concrete floor, three tee-off mats which would be necessary, and also possible new fairway mowers. Following discussion on the golf course advisory board, Mason moved that Pete Jensen, Del Middlecoff, Dude 'Alidner, Dan DeFrancesco, "WNW and Ralph -Wilde by appointed to the Advisory Committee. The motion was seconded by Blair and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Mason reported a conversation with Bus Johnson on the new chief for the Fire Department and upon his recommendation moved that Noel Eddins be appointed Chief of the Fire Department. The motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. // ` " : /- Chairman - - - , �/10.Z,ef. /1 -44 Clerk: ATT'ST ' May 23, 1963 A continuation of the regular meeting of May 6, 1963, was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Roberts, Blair, Fortin, Fogg, and Mason. Also present was the McCall Memorial Hospital Board Margaret Ulmer, Roberts, Defter, Engen, and Armstrong. The several applications for the position of administrator were read and reviewed at length. Following discussion on the several applicants Fogg moved the position be offered to Donald W. Stubsten with an annual salary of $7500.00 per year with a i600.00 moving allowance. The motion was seconded by Blair and upon vote declared carried unanimously. In the event that Stubsten would not accept the position of administrator Blair moved the Board offer the position to Alvin Hansen for $7200.00 per year. The motion was seconded by Mason and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Regarding the previous motion to set up an arbitrating committee to arbitrate the request of the McCall Medical Clinic on the laboratory and X-ray income of the McCall Memorial Hospital, Roberts reported he had attempted to contact John Hutchison, Executive Secretary of the Idaho Hospital Association, and had been unsuccessful . He would attempt to meet with him as soon as possible. Roberts reviewed his itinerary for the next month and his absence would necessitate someone else to be authorized to sign the hospital checks. Following discussion Roberts moved to authorize Blair Armstrong to sign the checks on the McCall Memorial Hospital account in his absence. The motion was seconded by Engen and upon vote declared carried unanimously. .--- It was reported that Frances T. Vassar, administrator at the McCall Memorial Hospital, would be leaving about May 29 and the new administrator would not be able to be here until the middle of June at the earliest, which would necessitate someone being authorized to sign the hospital checks in place of the administrator. Following discussion Defter moved that Mary Rose be authorized to sign the McCall Memorial Hospital checks as Acting Administrator during the interim period of the arrival of the new administrator. The motion was seconded by Engen and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board the meeting was de recessed until the call of the Chair. airman J �� CAL - Clerk: ATTr:"ST June 3, 1963 A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Foca, Fortin, Mason, and Blair, Roberts excused. The Chairman being absent Fogg was unanimously nominated and declared to be Acting Chairman. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved with the exception that the rate for children under 12 at the golf course be 512. 50 instead of 5"`10.00. Bill Deinhard .vas present and requested information regarding the cattle guards at the road to the old dump ground and stated the gates were being left open which destroyed his pasture rental and requested the gates be kept locked. The matter was to be investigated by the Board and would be reported at a toter date. several bidders were present on the proposed r•urchase of the front end loader by the Villace of McCall and the sever- I bids on the loaders with the several options as requested were read. Follo.vine len-thy discussion cortin move^' the bid of the Arnold Machinery Company in the amount of "1P. 963. C`O for an H-5C-B Houge loader be accented on a rental basis over a five year period � ith simple interest at 5' . The motion was seconded by Flair and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Fred Boss, who was present, reviewed his proposal for mainfaininc fhe Village dump, ac.auirinr, new equipment, maintaininc the road, and etc. No .action was taken by the Poard. Followinc discussion with Ross on the aarbaoe nick-up, Boss stated he would nick up from the three city parks and the h. snital on n doily basis for `7'LB. 00 per month durinc the summer months. The hospital nick-up daily would be ' 1C.00 per month. Follo.vino discussion Mason moved the offer be accepted for the pick-up far the three parks and hospital for the three month summer month period at '4+O.CO per month commencing the first vfeek in .tune thre uch the first week in eec tember. The motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Dr. A. Eurene Pflug vas present on the lease renewal for the McCall Medical Clinic and the status of the arbitration for to request of the Medical Clinic on the laboratory and X-ray income. Following lencfhy discussion on the financial effect of the nronosal Cr. Pflug stated a possible different percentage would be acceptable and stated that 50% of the net profit of the lab and X-ray he proposed to the Hospital Board. The Clerk was instructed to write to the Hospital Board reviewin- the motion by Flair to renew the Lease and the proposal of 50 ;. of the net profit of lab and X-ray in lieu of the previous proposal . It was reported the Fish Hatchery road was built up :with -ravel and ready for oil . It was reported the parking time zone siens were on order. The vocation of blather Road as previously reviewed was tabled until a Later meeting. Fortin reported a dispute at the dump ground rerardin"r the matter of salvage and also the violitio"n of people hculinr to the dump in uncovered vehicles. Pe also reported that the oil on Second Street adjacent to Shaver's parkins lot was brea.kinc- up and a request mode for repair of the street , however, funds did net appear to be available. Reaardino the co / f course, "Insnn stated the tournament would be the second week in Aueusf and reported the lights in the caddy house were not adequate and would obtain an estD.,nte for fluorescent fixtures includinc installation. The s ion for the coif course as proposed was received with an estimated of l'f0. 00. Followinc discussion Mason moved the sign be , urchased and installed in the south end of town, which motion was seconded by Fortin and a-on vote declared carried unanimously. Reperdinc the public, beaches, Mason reported the Davis reach Park hod been posted and -ravel for parkinc would be hauled in; the beach would be patrcled and moved that a la :00 p. m. curfew be ,placed into effect „. on the Davis Beach Park. The motion was withdrawn followinc further discussion. There followed a brief review on the rrivate clocks on the Davis Peach and the restricted areas for public use. Mason renorfed he hod -attended a meetinc on the boat safety program and reviewed several items which would be acquired under the orocram. Pee-sardine the enforcement of the deo license ordinance Blair moved that Acker be desir"nated as Pound "aster which motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The proposed spray procram was reviewed and ro^r stated the equipment would he available if the nroaram were done in the near future. Followinc discussion Fortin moved that coo- be authorized to order the sorry and the equipment neressory for the scr.ay orocram as soon as feasible. The motion was seconded by Flair and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The lease .with t/ c U,. S. Forest Service on the McCall M.•,n.'c :,oal Airport was reviewed following which Blair moved the lease be renewed. The motion was seconded by Masnn and upon vote declared carried unanimously. 4 bid for the paintinc of the City Hall in the amount cf 230.00 was read. No action was taken. The several bills were read for payment, follo.'- ina Yhich Blair moved the bills be approved and ordered paid. Leonard Ackaret water-street 459. 84 "'tlliar. A. ' Kirk clerk 226. 48 Marion Allen sewer-lib-clerk 161. 28 Robert Remaklus lecal 50.00 `"!illiam Acker police 466. 27 James Eavenson police 344. 77 Elmer V. Allen calf 32 . 63 James Morley police 212. 13 J. D. Fenton dump 48. 19 Idaho rirst Nat ' l Bank- P t}' 100. 50 Westcott Oil Corp. Valley County Recorder Board 1.80 Union Pacific Railroad Co. dump 25.00 ' ichnel Hoffman r " h.-street , freet 4s, elements notice-sewer-water-hasp-street 288.71 Arthur Hoffman p ? b-street 111. 02 Doane Michael fire 4.00 Pus Johnson fire 9. 50 Frank l.anphier fire 8.00 Frank Stewart fire 6.00 Carl Rossetti fire 5. 50 William Fitzwater fire 5. 00 Del Catlin fire 3.00 Ted Drewniak fire 5.00 Leonard Burns fire 5. 50 Wayne Webb fire 2.00 Jim Rutter p ° b 12. 50 Idaho Camera police 26. 03 Robert J. Mandory a R b-street 21. 55 Floyd Morley p b 26. 21 Alvin P. Fulton p p 30.00 Petty Cash water-sever-police 26. 18 Sizemore <'Mevron police-coif 73. 50 ^oubleday c° Co. library 105. 00 Texaco, Inn. street-lib-water 154. 81 John 's Texa'r service street 10. ?5 Loccer's Supply golf-p n b 7. 00 Fus 's .Service street-dump 7. P? McCall Rexr l l Cruc police 5. 66 Payette Lakes Star coif-Board 26.28 Brown ' s Tie - Lbr. Co. street-street coast. 125.20 Pacific States Cast Iron voter const. 111 . 05 Pipe Co. Waterworks Lauipment Co. water 36. 58 Idaho Power Co. st It-st-sewer-police-golf-lib-bd- 481 . 08 water Van ''/a ters a- Rocers water 45.00 Addressorraph-Multiaranh water-sewer P.00 Corp. Kowallis Richards, /nc. street 6.32 David Smith-R. P. Zachary water 55. 51 Jack Hayes Agency 1169. 70 Haldeman R i t l iamson p h 116. 35 Northwest Turf Assoc. golf 20.00 Sonny 's OK Tire St-re street 2?. 00 William Pine /ow tuff 95. 13 Noel Eddins fire 23.61 Norman &urcess fire 15. 50 Ernie Maurer fire 13. 50 Mervin golden fire 2.00 Standard Oil Co. street 4. 82 P. F. Crawford street 25. 98 Remaklus reported on the bondinr ordinance and the receipt of the proceedincF by tho bonding attorney vhich croceedinos are as follows, l M , ammo 100111 NOOK No further business "coming before the &oard the mertino was declared Accessed until the call of the Chair- 2 Clerk : 47-TPST July 1 , 1O6? A regular meeting of the Poord of Trustees of the Village of McCall was held on the above date and the following° business transacted. Members present were Roberts, Mason, Focp. Fortin and Blair absent. For^ moved the meeting of June 3, 106', be adjourned, which motion was seconded by "Mason and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Clarence Spielman, who was eresent on the oarkin-- problem in front of his house, and stated the employees of the Gem State Telephone Company and Service Parts Company have been hloc'*ino the driveway. The previous request of Brace Hoff for limited parking in this area was reviewed and it was the opinion of the Board as soon as the signs were received and postings made the situation should be relieved. 'Mayne Cox and Fd S17emOre were present to request an area for use by the lion 's Club for the sponsoring of a carnival . ' hey stated the old area, the parking lot adjacent to the Idaho Power Company was not available and requested the use of Second Street between the Fire House south to the Pete Wallace house from July 5 to July 12. Following discussion it was the opinion of the Poard that the property owners adjacent to this area should he contacted Prior to approval by the Board. Fol lowinc further discussion the use of the J. H Hayes property adjacent to the Payette Lakes 'tar was suggested, which request received the approval of the hoard. The group also requested use of the Villare patrol to level a portion of the property to better facilitate use by the carnival . No objection was had by the Board. J. I . 1-- cLean was present on the parkin, problem in the al ley between John 's Texaco service station find his dwel ' in' . He stated t"e access to and from the d.vellinc throunh the olle.j is often blocked. collowino t-- discussion the Pocrd had no objection to a sicn beinc posted and the • possible stripinn of the ' llevwav across the Waved portion of the lot. Burt "Walker, who was present, requested reserved parking in front of the funeral home a-nro. oately two car lengths rn each side of the driveway. - ro objection was had to the reservation during funerals, however, this area would also he posted for two hour corkinc which should relieve the congestion in front of the driveway. Roberts read a statement on the general Chlioation Fond Issue the election which was to be held on July 9, 9Q63, and reviewed the several reasons which code the bone issue necessary. Roberts also read a stoter'ent repardin° the operation rf the new dump and resorted n telephone conversation with the State urging the Villare move from its present site. ,a Defier was present from the Hospital Board and °oherts read a lease from the Hospital -Board to he entered into between the Villare of McCall and the McCall ''edical Clinic. Following the reading of the lease Fog,a moved the lease he presented to the Glinic which motion was seconded by Mason and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Fong, reported a roller had been received from Chet ''oulten for use at the niraort. He also .stated that Larry "arvis would mow the hay at the airport in the near future. • Mason reported the sign had been posted advertising the mcCafl Municipal Golf Course at the south end of town. He also reported the Davis .Reach procrarr way prorrecsinc and gravel vas to be spread for c ncrkinn area. Mason reported the seal coat put on the floor or the golf course caddy house had resulted in a slick floor and some type of floor ooverinq would he necessary to avoid possible injury from the slick floor. The Ronald Hamilton compromise request for the disputed prc•und at the golf ^nurse was reveiwed and the compromise was deemed unacceptable. Acker reported on preparations heinr made by the Police Department for the Fourth of July week-end. The Clerk reported on a hid for the painting of the water tank from "r. Vinrrer in the amount of 111c, n0. a_Fr odic'- ':vas tr'kc'n by the Porrr+ The ^ever^ l hills -✓err rend for cayent . Leonard /cknref street-...•ty-nr 299. 30 • /i1lia.y7 '''irk rler'. 15 7. 6F 'ehert mr ! l us l'ri- l 50, ('Q Marion ^ l !en clerk-sewer- lib 123, F7 ''''ti l 1 irrr cker Vallee '86. ,rj4 J7res FaVenson no / ire '44, 77 Elmer V. ,' ll'n golf 37". 53 'rr^h ;' r?e,n tar 4 ' 10 <. For, st ^. t ' l Tank- r, 1 C. ''( '''e s t c o i f a i l Corp. Hannah fi l Ecrd Li.'; . SC' shaver ' s ro L f-pc i ice r;. P3 ,The flufdoorsman nn / ice 11 . 54 Ralph F'urrav =eater-:'✓ater-street 7CQ. 71 ('r 1 Faven c'n p.^ I i ce '' rc no ce '. Ackor notice i. 5n Johnson rlvinr Cervire ' irocrt 117. 70 Asa Clements vrrt' r_se.ver-street ?12. 8,9 Clarence Dickerson nr`rk s-street 127. 67 ',`nr=ha1l rood rolf 149, 4n ",i. lLi^m Fieeloof r*o / f 5r, rn Jo.mo- `orlev n. cl ' re 2. 50 Larry Cfarvis coif ?F. ^0 .Pcy Yoakum narks-street 1?. .9/ Vil !ace of r'•`rToll- street 7n cr^ lt'oy Yorrkurn "el Catlin fire 1 . 50 Ted arewniak fire 1 . 50 i l l iam F; t7'va ter fire 1 , 5o top c'.jc'ihs fire 21 . 00 rrank Lanohier fire ' . no 7rn t e l'a ure r f ;re % , 5n 'wiLi tor,'-;an "urr''sc fire 6, `.0 Arthur , ro! erts Ponrd 27. (1 "ussell "-'o / tke prrks 10, 00 ^on sr l i dei ted ' ucn l y ,^0. ,dater 77. on r'. 'l . h. coif-water 15. 4 Idaho "trite Penitentiary coif-corks 36. 32 Idaho PoNer "o. It 1 t-rrirrorf-se:vcr--'water-hd- '79. 96 l ih_streot-^ lice "cm `'trite Telephone '"o. .d-lie:-st-nc / ice-fire-golf-hoc , 15?. 9 Payette Lrtrrs t r. Co. Calf-narks 264 , 58 =rvette Lck" ; Star coif-noiiro 1F, 70 Standard Ci I Co. water 2n The `'Pettey 'Co. r0l f 81 .00 :a ter:-.'or'rs `.unr F ir-:s Co. ,.-rtPr 0?, Fn Servire .''arts Co. street-po / ice 17. 50 'rrnoo ':etr' L Fror:'r✓cts parks-street 2'72. 06 L.onr Vralley Farrr 7ervice Wolf 1P 7^ Collins electronic Co. police 5. 75 Plurventhel t'niform c. po / ico 5' of l'n i o n c i f i r i-'a i t rc..od roil-wrier P. 21 di" cutler . elf 1rC. 00 flue Ammo r'as ^o, street 77, 70 7irnlot oi 1hui lders .sorry 1040. 00 ^wtooth f2o . fire 10.07 ... Imeriran Linen -'upnly coif `.. ('() "niter rounr'ry water 75.Cn OK Tire "tore street "'1 , n0 H rr automotive police 2R, 47 Caxton Printers clerk 1 ?, 13 Petty ('ash water--se er-rcclf-or, lice 4('. ,4n McC'r, l t exa l l i)ruo clerk-police 5n, 41 ,,rry Hardware '-elf-water-fire-Tali"e 29, .. . Texaco , Inc. snr:av-police-street- ,oter 598. 6 Tex.^rc, Inc . action r. C`5 `'rown ' s lit t' Lhr. Co. sf ornst-street-''um.n 1 !1 , 4; ,'!orman ouraess a ' h 41. (0 Charles 4Llan, Jr. coif 161 . 60 "ohert J. ^'andery street - p ° b 127. 67 Valley County Trust Lund C,. ?nr` fltr. 7f'3. 70 State of Idaho ,VI-1 2nd Ctr. 161 . 16 Cir. of Int. Revenue "✓H 2nd ctr. 107'• 80 Fmplcyment Sec. Apencv 2nd Ptr. 60. 87 Idaho Municipal Leanue Foard 14. 00 Arnold Fguioment Co. 5163. n0 Following the reading of the hills to son moved the hills he anoroved and ordered paid which motion was seconded by coo cod upon vote dec !ored carried unanimously. No further business cominr befarethe Board the meeting was declared recessed until the coil of the Choir. airman clerk : r.T -7T July 16, 1063 A continuation of the regular rrmeetina of July 1 , 19F3, was held on the above dote and the following business transacted, Members present were Roberts, Fern, Mason, Fortin. Glair absent. The Chairman declared the meeting was coiled for the purpose of meeting. with Mr. ,.1. l. . Yirhaels of the rirst Security Pant,7 to discuss the possible contract for the fiscal orent for the Cenerat Chliration Ponds to ho issued by the Village of t'-'cCal ('_ There followed a lengthy discussion on the services to he rendered by o fiscal agent and the approximate char- es for the services; collowin- lencthy discussion mason moved to retain the First .Security Rank of 'daho as the fiscal accent for the Village of for the renerol Obligation on Issue to he hold on July 9, '^F?. The motion ,Nog seconded by rope end anon vote deolored carried unanimously. C gon arcs; r rev ie'ved the slick floor -'t fhe Co l f Course and his investigation into seven / tyres of floor covering and moved to ' re.nd a-rroxi.mately `"15C. C^ for floor covering nt the golf course. The motion was seconded by "coF and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Roberts reported on the coversation with `-aldoch on the possible expansion and lovot-t cf the gdditicnal holes at the f=olf Course and stated that Raldoch woulr' he here in the near future . Rol-erts reoorted a complaint on the hauling of crave / at the %avis Reach Public Peach and the rcauest of the people in that area for a .meeting vith the Roard. No further business coming before the Roane' the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. .hairma.n Clerk : ATTrST lu l y 29, 1 QF 3 A continuation of the reou(ar meetinc of July 1 , 106', was held on the above date cod the follcuinr business transacted, members cresent :were °-herts, F: rtin, Fora, and mason. Flair absent. The Chairman der I mreo' the mee t i nn .vas called for two ruro.c se of ccnsiderinr the several bids for the reoloce-"ent of the wooden main from approximately the 1 . P. Drew residence to the Shore Lodge on Lake Street, a distance cf aonroxirrately 15nn feet. Four bids were considered ,and the ooeo1fications were reviewed. Following discussion loon moved to accent the apparent low bid of Utility Construction Company. The mot ;an was seconded by Fortin ur-). vt dectr,rprf crie un2 ;mruc1v. r -sm;nt.- frr,"" thr, Fr-2rri fkP MPPfinr rip^ tr'IrP,4 un+ fl fhp ,-ot ! cf f;-p ( 11(77.r. ,hr, trmon c:terk : • 17- Naki/NA, I n.,no.rei !r'rrt rs f .,, +nr._c +rnn+ ' Q',7. -1S ; I t G';r(r Inrt: "IF.o- F,F „r,,ri r,n .' i /nn i i h-,,.." v'r-r !0rk l ir, QO Pr -.Pr f r1'r•lr l u`' ,,,,, / 5r, nrl '1i I / i nrr "rlrn r nn / {' ' ?R�', '29 /rw^n5 .--.vm.,, nr, n / i ^P "4?. 4F c-l.....,r .'. / /Pn ^n / f 2,7 n? L,ir r, /'nr!r , n0 / i"P ?'/n ?7 frin!nn rirc f t,'nf l l rtJ:- - ° h lnr. cn 'ncfrrnff r' i / nnrn, r r• , (---- rth -r, 1f 4FI. rr rnrrr> o+ „ra -n / irp /, . nn /_ no nrrV,,n.,rr 7 '7+,11 1 c I i' e . n n r' ,rf ng rr-v n '^n 1c I ;rr� r, nn h r,ri, P. "el 'rs / ir^n / . nn Cr.'', f,, fr. 7',. /p..,1-- 'h-; - "n . ,,f-fir£,_ , 1 f-n0 1 .^F-1 i f,--nc;-- ;r.fF.r.- cr, .n rr,,,r) '',G, _ l n n f 1.--,P "(l, nn r'n ..rn ,.+.rr nn ! ir-o 1F, nn r',-,n-v '-r,hr nnI ;.-P '/5, "n rn, i / cr7ver,,zcn nr- Ii-- I4. r,,r' rnrrp^f rr,nc nn l ir,F^ OF, 7" ' ',,,, r' nrn,crn n.' I ir. .... -,. +rr 1n7 04 A q., r'/o--nn f^ n q h- {c r-er,,,ce r 7 07` , ') n:-, !r,l, , 'r,rr, v r,,,pr- .nfpr-efrr'n 1 4-F. 2F '-'1„re.,r•r 77.-1-,ergnn ^fr1,4,f 7g., G7 A,rnn J l ',*r.rr_ Ir,r..r.< -!Pee t r r f rPn f -7 7 fi.n trhr rr"n lr P rrrfrr in--n c,ss rPr gf rnn + Th .,,n 1 r,r,,.,nr tiff,-hn,l- r.r t f r/.., '7F. 1 .-.rr,, -('. lie n ;r,..r rf /71 , nr n t-.., In -•r,r r,, -r I f n n '-'r're,/•.ry I I r'r.`r01 rr I f 4'•S 4n II ?r,.,: r7 r,r I r,.. C' l f - f-' r' 07, 3rl f---, !'r,rrr'n n,,rr.r, e fir, 9. Srl r r-, k ! n n h;r r f r r, 7 no 1 i r i f -'•,n f c.r t, re, /, „ rrl '1,, r n r,+ 1 f ; 00 r. ,•, nn I"rnn f;re' '' r.n T":.^/ r'rr„yn;-r t f , r.' r',n "'nvn„ "5.!--i. f irn n nn rrnin f'^Iirnr tir-, �, nn c n# Iny r'n rn1t cn ct 0*.!..„•, I Tim c il,r• ^n . nff_c+_ ., /,-rd,r-.,n-',vr•f'r-C' ir' F9. 75 'r; ( l +nn " nfnl 9+r9r7/. 7. Fr' ,71-rr VPrI r; n.^ / , rr 9^, `~9 "'(rs.lf-- ^ufn nrnr+c ' +rr•Pf "17, rn ''c i f h r` 'i O "_r (V n c !'r. , c.'..r n r> -r i f_e f-- ! ;',--!-- . .-F,-•-"- f r,r-n R ti' ?^f?, G O v, t !r," r,( -n i i„A i %t-.,,.,r,- 1'„v.-s e F- r,n i a l,r,n '/,-,f n r,n r fe e '//n e, / ;n c ' n, e , + ,r, ',7 C .97 7-,xrrn /nr;. , I f_nr, ! I(.n-e,. ;pr 27/. , 74 TPx^,^r,r /nr _ nn / i -- '), F(') T-e, fh, '-'n ^ ', r( nn / t 7/ nn n/,r , clnmr, rr*e "n , ef .-rnf c,, 4n l'r..hr ..fnfr. F'onianr++ inr'✓ r,,,-n-r,ni , r,P ,ol, F4 Arhe ,.. -n 1"r +,re nr / ir"m r' , nr? (,....- r.hl' in I c -1±'nn ! ., .,r „n I ;-n 9F, . ?P f .,, r c ., , r 1 r' ye, I1 "rr.rr rI in r_.rn ' f- / i/ I! , 7 ! f-- ft'- r -.1 ! ,-.-. r7C -' Jrr nnl r •.r~n .^(', 77 r'-:•n+f r, i !.p, !'•n-- f ^r._ ^nti„- r, nn ' ' ' ,-'V I ^ r`;.rn r,G. ' rc- f O/', ''ncfPrn f:-re, rii--r 77 nn Tryt, Ir Tunnl " 01i-0 7, 1n "nF-.1__ ._ 'nrr l 1 r'„ .,, 1 S, nT. 1 nfr,r-.,rU..,+r ;el r^,rri n ,",f rr,r,f -,• -' o >,n v f,,,-, 1-'✓f n i.,r'- r / ;7, 7 ,R? .,..nc, f+ I a I i-P //, - S7 n'' T;r.r, 'i- re- car-.r 4 . 11 rPr' „n.. I ;rrr. nn / ., If 7 no t, +nr-, nr r,rc .. frr 4r nn • c+r, - '''r,-' ; ! r'n , ',f r c.r' f_, ". f n r 4F . f- .nrr, r.{nr 71. 74 fr.ri i PA rr,u;^. r'n, f;rn rn ^... F, ,#., f<.t �., f t rrn r ( (. "1r •I n).,.., r `n X 7" ,,r„ ,_ 4 P- Y - r• r• r+ #, r i—- r r , r ?, r r r,r-± - . , „r!_ ,.� ry i „ 1 r'r_ n r1 7 I-.- (`• }- n 17. _- ,- q�r�o f n r ram, ;.- rn -" [ ; -r__ f Fr. I _. .r fn nrr . • _ ^fnr-rn,;rnr•. ^`?^ '. r,t-�, ,^n•e,nr r"„ ,. f ! .. e•n .,,,r,_..„r.#r>r._ f._. > ri`C__r "P r'"°I_'r- n 1. nrr ;r^n r# r n. •1 r.,,< r F n r..n r•+ , r- i G r`r n r• - f- . h r-_ -, 1 /„., • r ft r,-I; ! #! ra !,. fry, h , ( ^,n nvn f vc-rr �. . -I r -,.r.^...r -v `-J ^r { i ,. •�f� ''F�C:° h., :..'nr r., •rl r•,'l l/C' #^ ., r ( •,r'c• "+r r r. t I✓'*r.. ; t f _ !n Ft•r 7 ^ tnF - r•c, ++ +hr, nf a;rr, r'Ir r• !r r,c. -f r�r^r g rn} ; ( • ?nr- •�/r,rl•. oimor r 'I F j o f +r..r r r j I !,. ,- F I / .v.. .. f l..,r fnl °p,n+h.n r.,^' -- .1f . r(ti .''r.}-.nrf - _ !ri ry " , _t ,.f�,rF !, nhr l #!"-P r; e,•{ nn fV ^rl I{r rl r` 041.pr htacincec f rnn•; ,rfn ! _ rrr•r rc,-!n r�r.r+ ;-,� f(^r � j rnnr+ I rr ce• r^ f rr+re f r-r• f ho nprnrt 'Cr f rf Aprnnnrrf7^q r+n rj ef^: p- + :,n nrr ..n rC n\rr ; /rlr f'r ,•o of ' - rr'7l ' ;nnrr+ r f n rornrtc r fhr ;f fc n i f.. r ;,a_h ( f .,f ,f +hp rer -- (r•c ierrs- roc,:_r„n'e n r* rePserguip of .. v,menf ^.nr.^c ,-rr cfr.r for use. '• I ^.r rnar;n•f,rr r! ;pro fhp Iirri3„ + jnn' rn ft-r, t.fp rf fhe, ^r.r, The rr *: f rf r'r,nrrf trr,! .-4 .he (f Sc thin "-rnn, nn ,7 c r r 1!j l I n r r r h r r n. 7 h n n p p rr c f n r f t-r r r. .,r f i c v rnr !•n r n r n v, ram•,..,r,d ,In-! >-r cfrf"^I fhp rrt;nf,,. ,'r.trrrr . ..rf ; r7ff' frr r Dorf;r+n rf the rr; l l7- p c' rp rf *"..e -- cf . ..r,.. evrrr f hp r!r rc,e.-r'r. f i f h the ''tr tc' of lrfrhn 'purr+ ^rnf rf ^prrrr,,rf irc or fhe t.vr ,.nurtecv rr'7rc t -F cfnf ; nne,,e, rr f +t'r 'r..• „ 1 S r; rnr rf hp nrrn" +r r^/ »-.r fhc n rlfhrrt.7prl tr cjrr fhn rrrrr-,,'rf , n f"rfr- ".' nrrv;rfprf +hrf the !ri l I' cam' -Inn" rf thn cfr ^rt ;rr - f tr . rrnnrt nrt pxrep^! Thr -.r f ;rn v^r r r. errIrpe4 h,r "r cnr rn;' uprr v:, fe -ter !'rpr? erIrri r.rf unr•ni,mnr, c ( v. There fol (o ,rp f r rr r.,fcc;nr rr fhe fj,nr,neir , rnrr'i tiro rf t,r^p tvnfer revenue fun,' r-,- r fhr sr...,!er rrverur fuer' fnl rrwinr Vtt,irl^ Cnn, mok,rrf to trencfer frr,r, tho rpri-. ! ",n+rr Pevor,j ' cur-4 ar•f fr:n.., fd-,., .c..,rr ^n: "Warn .,n.-g fr•. thr /i / 1n"p of rVri,r+ ( l renrrr. r F,fn 7h. ,- fjnr .,nc cR err:-!rr-a v ^Inir rnrf H.rr . vrfr c,^ !„r"P CrTrr;orf r?n7n;mr!"' I v. rrrrorr r rri;mere -'I^?f-D en rrrrj nerre .mr!-i»r if unfewfari fn ir-... ; t'a hver, Set fire fn, ^r r-rrrrce fr ?-urn WP7f r;71c r^-r fhe rri / 17rr rfur-" r.r"O'rr- "- c nrrv•'.-'in.' 7 7,nnn a tv ft•,c,rpfrrr. NMS r.'''r'' ' t lr irrth. r0Cr, j n f rrffrrror? -,,,..a .•-vrd f hn r.?'nn t ;rn rf rrnnn co'1 C r^r;n^r^n "??c. ''r ccr mrvnr' t!'-s' rafrpc hp c!acrrnrlr-d frr th- nncrrrp rf !'renocerf rrrdinerrn ^rc .htr/- r,f ;r,n e - need h, ^I' 'r rn ! r:.nrr v^ fp _ r•rrirrf rfrnniror,,c t v, Thr rrrlir„ere es :n rprrrf n+ leer th rnrf a.. ir•r h,• t41r fnl (r'.Vnr -a-;rh 1;.'rr ,;r!'7 the .r,rlic-r r^nvi rri fhrr n.-rnnf ;nn of rrrpo Sp.., rrpr, !nro..! thr -.rr,inrnrn j n frv. r^-^ further huc''npcc rr r hp Fr-.-e fr-r, , •,nrrl fhp n,nn+ + n rr rrrnn rnnr{�p„I r.,,f , ( fhc. r.-rlI of rhr„r..-r,•,1 /77 - 0.410101 .1041111.141 ,n f n 40g, T h,n r nrrinr ..,o r+,i , rn n •� thn ,.•rJ of 'rr,•cfnnC ^f fhr, 1/! / /n^'p of ',r",c �:? ).-` nn .:/..n r!'-q;vn r+'• fr-+ '^.i ts•F fn ! tn,,,j nr 1?rJej-,r cc tr,.n c_ n ! a. nrp7pn+ nrn rn^n 7,r7kf, r-nr( n/n : r, i. iS nhr-nf, nh ;rr,-^--,. Thr ,• Inrl. hpjr n/-. gin^f / f.?n r'/.--. ir' e Th :ntrjr, C of �L,n nr^.1/ n i :nn •[ern rp-.rJ 1n74 (7"n•^nVt',-1 7.- jf,,, ,,pmnnf nrn ;pr.i ,fr' rr r•n r'•-. ! f .,4,i!^).. nrn nnrvnrf ^ Ccr'r 'en." nn,7nin.7 nr, ihie ,fnfn r F t n l l .... n., /`r�n 1 G.n,•F,1 / ,K'^ 'J l:t' 7 G- - _,(n ,oS "r-,(:,r, ."lrJ: t- 'n., 'r • nhnr!1,/n '�? r'n /n, ''24_ nn7 n(? 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'r•n nn -.n f,n,rr F;a•!.. 1 n+L ,.,r! '! �+t•. 1•nl fryvi nn +hn nn nLn.✓.J ! /11 of #t- - nrnnnSnr'J '<n fnr nrr•vPr..nr+f r,+e fe.m J nrrrn.n^ , / rry r'nr1: of jnc fF',^ nfpr ,^ni vnI n +h cl7,./7,7, 7ft+r 7rin',' r\sc.fnrx+C n•-/ ,. r{nro-! "try f'-t<r, tl'+r ..f,^rC+ ! ,nmhr..rc nn ,- fnrJr +r, ,-nn fhn n,r...n i n nrni nn Thn ^nV' ! H7t, .,nn'_.pej\'r. I�/ 'JFI f-,r^ 4 " i.rnnrf+,rpmslrjf nr fLn 1✓i lln„n rf, 4inr „174 ^f(',ro •,s,r n n n n e i d-r.^,f n t I r•r.. 41, h„ f h to J'1 n.'r ni n n r' fhn ^r\.r,r n ) m o o n ,-, / e /r p r.rZ non-rsvp,'✓ n'^ rn inn fpn.', ^n r•--r(1';nr ft.,n F':rp "lnn^ ..fr'nr+j 1!,-. can rp nnrirs^r fhn rn,fin 'fnr*` nn fhn r;r,n fr',,r!% wnc fn , -n / l fn«e r.X17r ,,n ^nf „,/,. i !nh /<, fn !^nn /nn.. +hp ., r;••-r fn I. .•nr!I^I n + f<, i f rnnnir,�-!„ ,,,., - rnnnrinr/ +)-n r.- ,nl:. n/ 'nir n,-- � 1.,n ^v+ -nnnh nnr,nnrf,r pr + nr t th fhe rrnrr, n nrl< /rrS ^n^crs e fpr fn r!t,pnk v^!Jl4 f•.nn fnilc.+ in^, f^ 1 / fi.-r f^f, lp. fhn nr1 r./j f :nr+n ! hn / - .•. + f' ' nl f r'n. ^c Mnenr qt.,n"l nprm eS— i 'nn f.n ci..r•[ nn fh ,t,nr^r. f,vn h.n /ten nn nrnnn ..n..r e infp,f fLni nxi -.rt, ( • , . .e`n nnlr r"n1•, cn fr,, f . f(rrerf nrf•1 r,r,r(^' fr, in n -•nn. n.;'f nr, .n ,l rrn fnr,r (n4�n. r,nnrfp<f +hn nn, / f r'nr'r^n ^r+,., -r. nn. i + f. n ^nrnn-..n.,�pr•/ fMn ,.. ..,1< .-noon-/ nc Cnnn ^"N, ..111. ....,t, n - :'', I I n nn. , j / , +., ., t I. irr t , f.-r -. (,.f-,n> +n /)+ • r^t.,C :rr}, nn nh r.. /,.. ;/-,n r r.n r� f r t., ,..t a t.r ^.r f I-r. .,•-J; f , n n / h r /<, . . n ..+n,-I +1-, -, + n t n l ,J [... n..,r.I r..,rJ f^ f e i„/ of -r ?n fnr lr, Ti nc /r,v r4 7 !.I'n^ h^!d /-rr�^ rn^r i J,-.nI Ll I!t nn f •• (• nfnr'I . .-., r. n-. „.J r. + i.,,.,r ' /n .41,n,,! .4 ..f +n-..J fN;, ^ ( t .. r rrh.r ( + ^n. -' 7 -4 - r +, r ^ r' n 1, �^ + n 'V r• L..-rl h., f h n ^n.�,.,r" f 4 r .4 I-r C,,h / 1 '-!_,,,.r 4 , - i J ,,.._,J I r / 1 n .,,-, - , .-r- F f 4, r.,-.r-,/ +„ r!-'��t.. ,,r f!- ' ^' /tn ,.ern r_. ,,r, nr I.,, r. ^hnrr , • / "T"i^:•. -, ..-^ n ,,: n-•! !,,, f h r .„- +„-.- .., .r 1,r n h , - �-? t n M n/'+j r^ I p I + r,,. I I l<, .<, f r / h.-... ,. I h r.., .-,,:+4,.- r r•I f r, r +(.... I.'., .. ; +,... I ., -r, n/ mr J f t J ..f rha+nr, ('+r.. ;f f 1^<, " f/, F' •f^`�^ r r'' .. / ' ;� c",* f' fog riiy I t rn, ,. - 1 , +c +hn rn,.rf� .,,,-.. r , .. ,--,,-n+ 'rn -, ,✓ +L..., r .•.+ r r n„ r.f nt.,.. '- f ,. , +o r-- - 4 rr ..: fC)r7 "c r, I I h-- r I r, / I s. -r 7 I -'F^ Fn f - ' n nt+ t- .. 74. t^ + I "rt'rr,or, +. lc , -,r� Cr) r h rt , /47.r -*C , f C %n :7 ..rl r•,.+ �. ^/r.. + .. • " fir . it^r { c /r -^ On • 7 r'.n n^ry ,rr L.r f: ro i �n n irn Robert Femak lus Water Const. Fund 262. 11 Chapman & Cut Water Const. Fund 306. 34 "•.. • r r; „ 1) - r 7 4 I- r,177 r.) ; cnr rY7 • „. r, r: "R n7 4 7 P , or, , F ,e r CI -7 or, .1111111., 4 r, „ • 7r- - 4 r T, r; f nn 4 n - 4, ,.. I ,C 14` zo. 0 '77e7,, 64 AWN*t. • ! r 1 z•-j . ) „ ft, - I- 1 r, TI-orc, rn 1 !n n n ' ., fp-,, 'i ..,,7,i n l,n, ff-,r rn 1, f-,r 1.,# -.. rnnf ;n 46 , 6, i,, n I 4 e,r, . ,r., ;r, ,,,-.. f r 1 1 n , , - r4 i ...S, r , .,n, !- .,. n .n f L.e, L. i n'r ar .•n irnf^ n,k, -'',"1„ 't 7 rt +L,... ..,r-,r ; r ... innc ,... n , .' 1' +„ " �,i „t.. .�.�, n ..�.. ,,.r - 14 r r -,,.l n-J ti... " c e I n n n \..,f,,, r!r, 1,-r n ne „r -e unar+' n' l 14 .-ne,.6e4 46,, - h" - -'- r ..r.d F.,., ;e., ,,e„ 1,.., +n rrn,.i,4n ..n ,. + f,,.-! 1^,, 4,-- ,J r.n, , ••,r r.-! n / 4 +n r +r r.•, t7.. , -!n 1,d- r r, ..,J. f - mr44,' 4 ;nn„ 1 n$r,.».nf ,.., 1, r•e- .r,:.. i ,! i-" ,r.,r -.n.-d • +h ' en r11 rrelr;;n /elca_-n ri rf5 "-e-n _.n 'n 'n ,-,,-:l.nne,n ih 41-<, "'f., fn rf 1re..1-n ems; rf nn{ ^. f R'r.-' 1f{, ! ; „,- - r,n•,n r f e,"1 f j,n r c,-,,.,-, ,r.. i.,r. / .-.-1 /^..nn n n f-.,s.n^/ n- '1...r n ! /, ..-f fl-n "p ,- fn + f " i e nr.,,-,ea.....f.., L... -... rc r r' eyt- .,,,' nn fy.e., _ e. . . nn f. ^r 1 /.. ,,i nr 'i ._ .-.,n r,- nh ;nn f _ 11^r1 h' fi-ti-, ''r,,r.,a f., ,fir. f ln ! n'r!- ir.- "n!-! ir' .v_ I!- /`n4.:•:l`n.1 41- ^ +^." T!-r. ,- f ,. f r`nr r_n a n., .-, +n r \rn ;.L,n i,ri 1 fr n rnn rf , rl ;r'nE;n? f.- f' .. ! r t, 1'r f I .. .- n • fr, r r-,r i ram.,.n!,/ n-e,n, f lh n rn f r;n ! n n r r n ;d-,r. ,a.�n_4 ,.. n n r-r f n m 1.•�, ,r i,r., "„ ..+ ,.., I_ {h i } . 4L, .,,.n.. .--f, •-.,r,., l r! r I e:, iL ' i . _ /...- i - t- ,:- .'. !'E ! r'. . i ; 1i..;. r, -.f h .., 1.e e e• ,..n ,... ,. ter", I-,., f. r, 4-L . "n..r r? a h n -.,n F. i r•.n ..n c .e r. _ n '. r,n,J r n r - ..! n f ; 1 f e-r, n n i ' o f +1 -, : , 15:� C > ''i _.---de: : ; ..6(ett--"Vkt r(.- '-*1nrr- • ^Tr ^T r.`. ' r.r '' i r';-i A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Roberts, Fortin, Mason, Fogg, and Blair. Mason moved the meeting of September 9, 1963, be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The regulatory sign at the Village Dump was reported installed and the dump operation and volume from the Village of McCall were briefly reviewed. /t was reported the police negligence suit has been settled and the judgments reviewed. The status of work by the Progressive Club in the Village of McCall at the Westcott Oil property was discussed. Mason reviewed the volunteer labor program for season tickets at the Golf Course and stated that 750 per hour would be figured for the donated labor on the cost of the season tickets. / t was reported that several of the streets in the Village had been graveled, however, the oiling program was cut because of cold weather. Regarding the Golf Course operation Mason stated the new mower was necessary and with the present equipment would give him five mowers. Following discussion he stated it would be budgeted for next year and ordered under the new budget. A small shed suitable for storage could be constructed for approximately $50.00. A stove could be obtained from the Forest Service enabling the building to be heated. No objection was had by the Board. City equipment to be usep' on week-ends for skidding trees on work at the Golf Course for the new "14tgways. Ackaret was to check out any operators on the Village machines. Mason reported that $210.00 were in the Ron Dunlap Memorial Fund and requested permission to construct a drinking fountain at No. 5 tee. Following discussion no objection was had by the Board but the fountain should be cleared with the Golf Course Committee prior to construction. Remaklus reported that a vault-type toilet for use at the Davis Beach Subdivision was not prohibited by law. Mason reported that some moneys were to be received from the State for construction of additional boat ramp facilities adjacent to Hardy 's dock where trailer parking was available. Regarding the construction of the additional two holes at the Municipal Golf Course, Mason stated he would attempt to get a D-6 or D-8 cat to ..wb get the trees down then skid them with the Village loader and burn them following the skidding. He stated the fairways were surveyed and flagged and the clearing operation would start as soon as possible. If a cat cannot be acquired he would start with power saws and Leave the stumps until such time as a cat can be hired for clearing. No report was made on the checking of the water pumps for winter use. Fogg stated the old water tower which is not now in use should be torn down and requested that the bids be called for the next meeting of the Board. There followed a discussion on the collection of moneys from use of the Courtesy Cars at the airport and it was the opinion of the Board the moneys be specially earmarked but p laced in the General Fund. Fog reported the total cost of the carports at the airport appear to be less than a100.0". Blair stated the Doc Pound at the Dump would be moved to its new location by Rowland Brothers. It was reported that the Village elections for the election of two trustees would Le held on November 5, 1')63, following which Blair moved the Village Clerk be instructed to take all necesary steps including the appointment of clerks, judges, preparation of ballots, etc. , for the election. The motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The application from Jacque King for a taxi cab license was read to the Board. Following discussion Fogg moved the license he granted which motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. There followed the opening of the bids for the petroleum products for the coming year for the Village of McCall which are as follows: Name Regular Ethel Stove Diesel Texaco . 223 .258 . 156 . 131 Sinclair .224 .259 . 1562 . 1357 (. 16k-) Shell .244 .279 . 1665 . 1515 Standard . 224 .259 . 1553 . 1303 Wes tco t t .255 .29 . 171 . 156 Following the reading of the bids Fogg moved the apparent low bid of Texaco in the amount of .223¢ per gallon for regular gasoline and .258¢ per gallon for ethel gasoline and Standard Cil bid in the amount of . 15530 per gallon for stove oil and . 1303 for diesel being the apparent low bids be accepted. The motion was seconded by Blair and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The lease agreement from the Employment Security Agency for use of the upstairs of the City Hall for the taking of Employment Security claims was read to the Board. Blair moved the lease be renewed with the Employment Security Agency for the coming year, which motion was seconded by Mason and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The following bills were read for payment. Leonard Ackaret water-street 397. 15 William A. Kirk clerk 168. 66 Robert Remaklus legal 50.00 William H. Acker police 335. 31 Elmer Allen golf 322. 02 James Morley police 319. 86 John D. Benton dump 48. 19 Hannah Willard lib 10. 50 Marion Allen sewer-lib-clerk 116. 99 First Security Bank of Utah water const. 650.00 Forrest Gans police 348. 12 Village of McCall-Hospital Transfer 800.00 Bond Redemption Fund Donald Payse police 24.00 Scheimer Const. Co. water Const. 2440.80 Elmer Allen golf 66.83 Rowland Bros. golf-water-dump-airport • 157. 18 . Idaho Power Co. water-sewer-st-lib-st lt-bd-golf- 608. 07 Airport Idaho State Penitentiary parks 2.60 Union Pacific Railroad water 4.07 Consolidated Supply Co. water const. 232.00 McCall Rexall Drug police 12.24 The Outdoorsman police 14. 40 Sizemore Chevron police 17.24 Valley County Hospital police 16.22 Service Parts Co. water 12. 11 Payette Lakes Lbr. Co. airport 700.60 :pgcer's Supply golf 4. 33 Shaver's police 3. 52 John 's Texaco Service street 5. 40 Sanitary Refuse Co. p & b 30.00 Pus 's Service fire 9.00 O.K. Tire Store street 60.25 May Hardware police-golf-water-p & b 194.20 Jack Hayes Insuran.^e di.unp-st-sewer-water 114.23 Cascade News clerk 8. 58 Caxton Printers water 27. 33 Bob Baldoch golf corst. 750.00 Texaco, Inc. lib-golf 53. 85 Van Waters & Rogers water 45. 00 National Chemicals golf-sewer 251. 65 Dr. James Stewart police 5.00 McCall Cleaners police 4.25 Western Store police 12. 60 Gem State Telephone Co. st-golf-lib-water-fire-police 78. 19 Sawtooth Co. water 30. 00 Petty Cash golf-police-water-sewer 44. 74 American Library Assoc. lib 6.00 The Meter Man water 171. 00 St. Alphonsus Hospital r,olice 5.00 Pacific State Pipe Co. water c,,nst 862. 56 ✓aterworks Equipment C : . water const 63. 58 Smyth Hat Factory police 7. 75 Hiram Stevens water 8.Q0 Herb Allen golf 4. 80 Noel Eddins fire 22. 17 Norman Burgess fire 8.00 Wm. Fitzwater fire 4. 50 Roger Ross fire 1. 50 Doane Michael fire 2.00 Guy Ireland fire 2. 00 Bus Johnson fire 2. 00 7ed Drewniak fire 3. 50 Frank Larpph i er fire 2. 00 Frank Stewart fire 2. 00 .. Mery Golden fire 2.00 Bob !.Nhitney fire 2.00 Fred Ross fire 1 . 50 Norman Burgess golf 86. 35 Asa Clements-Alex Brown water-street 112. 57 Asa Clements water-sewer-dumpst-p & b 318. 81 P. I. E. p & B-water-colf 11. 76 Brown 's Tie & Lbr. Co. water-street 5. 44 State of Idaho 3rd Quarter Withholding 246.79 Kate Hayes election 8. 50 Buelah Timm election 8. 50 Ann Scott election 8. 50 Ilah Gillespie election 8. 50 Luvella Evans election 8. 50 Valley County Trust Fund 3rd Quarter C.A. B. 878. 14 Director of Internal Revenue 3rd Quarter Withholding 1388.70 Following the reading of the bills Fogg moved the bills be approved and ordered paid, which motion was seconded by Mason and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. Chairman o` ° CLERK: ATTEST November 4, 1963 ..�. A regular meeting of the Board of trustees of the Village of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Fogg, Mason, Fortin, and Blair. Roberts excused. The Chairman being absent Fogg was duly nominated and elected acting chairman. Blair moved the meeting of October 7, 1963, be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Bill Deinhard was present to object to the posting of the sign in the alley near Sackerman 's service station which stated "No Parking at Any Time". Following discussion the Board agreed to removed the sign. Fortin reported that trash and papers were noticeable on the road to the dump and requested the enforcement of the Crdinance providing for covered vehicles to be used in the transportation of garbage cr refuse. Mason reported on the progress of the sea wall at the ✓estcott Oil property and stated the sprinkler system had been ordered and would be installed this fall if possible. Seeding would be done in the spring. Mason reported two fairways were cleared at the Golf Course and the trees were down and stumps removed at a cost of approximately 125C.CO. He stated Elmer Allen would work on the proposed fairways as soon as the other work permits. Mason stated that Grandy was repairinc the radiator on the fire truck to keep the truck from heating during pumping and the hydrants would be checked for winter. The request of Pelen Bailey to tie on to Village water was discussed by the Board and no action taken. It was the opinion of the Board that a survey be made to find if that area could be annexed to the Village. Blair moved that Bob H. Fogg be designated and authorized by the Board of Trustees to sign Village checks on the several accounts at the Idaho First National Bank. The motion was seconded by Mason and upon vote declared carried unanimously. A bid from Jack Seetin in the amount of l;2217O.O0 for the tearing down of the old water to.^per was read. Following discussion Blair moved the bid be rejected, which motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Regarding the insulation of the stand pipe on the water tower Ackaret stated that specifications should be drawn on the type of insulation required so bids could be called for as soon as possible. Fogg reported the carports at the Airport were completed and the total cost was approximately "215. CC. The State of Idaho would pay 50X of the cost and Johnson Flying Service would pay the balance over a100.00 net cost to the Village of McCall . Nendell Smith was present and Fogg reported on a meeting with Ackaret and Wendell Smith on the proposal of using water pumps versus water storage in the Village system. Smith then presented a program to the Board on ground storage versus variable speed pumping. Following lengthy discussion it was the opinion of the Board to call for bids on flow matcher controls and electronic controls as alternates for a cost comparison in the variable speed pumping system proposed to be installed. The small gas engine to be overhauled and used in conjunction with the new pump and as auxiliary during .winter usage. The sewage disposal systems, lagoon-type oe rations required equipment for a sewer disposal system were reviewed. John Carico was present regarding the previous trade of ground with the Village of McCall and requested written permission for a 25 foot right-of- way for clearance for a road in the subdivision. No objection was had by the board, however, Remaklus was to approve the legality of the request. Ackaret reported that the street below the water tower was not fully cleared and Brownie Hoff had requested permission to clear the area which was either street right of way or his private property. No objection was had by the Board. Mason reported a request for the clarification of the Caddy House operation by Polly Greaves for the coming year. The several bills were read for payment. Leonard Ackaret Water-street 404.43 William A. Kirk clerk 168. 66 Marion Allen sewer-lib-clerk 125. 34 Robert Remaklus legal 50.00 William Acker police 385. 31 Elmer Allen golf 322.02 James Morley police 319. 86 Forrest Gans police 348. 12 John D. Benton dump 48. 19 Idaho First Nat ' l Bank- p & b 100. 5C Nestcott Oil Corp. Norman '-'urgess p & b 69.39 Dennis Golden p & b 1. 60 John Frasier p & b 40.00 Waterworks Equipment Co. water 30. 99 Idaho Power Co. st It-st-airport-bd-lib-police-290. 10 .. sewer Arnold Machinery Co. dump 128.06 Brown 's Tie & Lbr. Co. street 75. 61 Idaho First Nat ' l Bank Board 3. 50 Baxter Foundry & Machine water 90.00 OK Tire Store street 63. 74 Hilltop Motel street-water 361.28 Long Valley Farm Servic+ golf 11 .64 McCall Rexall Drug police-golf 3. 96 Sizemore Chevron police 13. 85 Shaver's police 7.24 Logger's Supply golf 10.23 Consolidated Supply Co. water 68. 90 Texaco, Inc. lib-police-street-water 400. 33 Texaco, Inc. police 8.75 Waterworks Supplies Co. water 57.03 Kalbus Office Equipment clerk 4.48 Sawtooth Company fire 104. 20 Van Waters & Rogers water 45.00 Intermountain Equip. Co. water-street 31 . 94 Jack Hayes Insurance clerk 10.00 Bus 's Service golf-water-street 6. 15 Esther Gans police 6. 00 Fayette Lakes Star election 43. 33 Ron Hill Police (Doc Pound) 6. 40 May Hardware golf-water- p & b 35. 44 Bus 's Service water 1. 50 Western Store golf 379.26 Noel Eddins fire 20.72 Norman Burgess fire 9. 50 Wm. Fitzwater fire 4. 50 Ernie Maurer fire 3. 00 Ralph Murray fire 2.00 Bus Johnson fire 2. 00 Doane Michael fire 2.00 Ted Drewniak fire 1 . 50 H. R. Huntting Co. lib 19. 91 Walt Rubey golf 3. 50 Petty Cash golf-water-sewer 48. 50 Gfm State Telephone Co. water-golf-fire-lib-police-st 97. 48 Warreh Campbell dump 250.00 Asa Clements st-sewer-water-p R b-Dog Pound 337.44 L.uvella Evans election 8. 50 Ann Scott election 8. 50 Euelah Timm election 8. 50 Kate Hayes election 1 . 0C Grace Hoff election 7. 50 Wendell H. Smith Water Const. Fund 1500.00 Following the reading of the bills Fortin moved the bills be approved -nd ordered paid, which motion was seconded by Blair and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. Chairman Clerk : ATTEST November 8, 1963- A. continuation of the recular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village cf McCall was held en the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Fogg, 'Mason, Fortin, Stair. Roberts excused. The Chairman being absent, Fogg was duly nominated and elected acting Chairman. The meeting was called for the purpose of canvassing the votes in the Trustee election held November 5, 1963. Following a canvass by the Board the results were determined to be as follows. For the office of trustee, Raymond L. Mason 135 votes, Arthur M. Roberts 80 votes, Ed "Swede" Sizemore 83 votes, Ralph McDougal 5 votes, Wayne Cox 1 vote, Dick Bier 2 votes. Following the canvass of the election, a special meeting was set tentatively for November 18 for reorganization of the Board pending the opinion of Robert Remaktus as to when trustees would take office. No further business coming before the Board the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the chair. // y/ ---- '�/f Chairman (/ Clerk; ATTEST December 2, 1963 A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of McCall was held on the above date and the following- business transacted. Members present were Foga, Fortin, Mason, and Blair. Roberts excused. Fortin moved the meeting of November 4, 1963, be adjourned, which motion was secnded by Mason and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The minutes of the previous meeting were rear' and approved as read. Several people were present and S. 7. Harwood, spokesman for the group, requested the Village Board speed up the construction of the additional nine holes at the McCall Municipal Golf Course so construction could be completed as soon as possible. He reviewed the history of the course and offered several possible methods of financing the additional construction. The Board agreed to take the matter under advisement and investigate the method of financing the add tional construction. The Clerk read a letter from the Zoning Commission advising the Villace Board that the zoning request by Jim Eiseman for a change of 7one A to lone B in the Brundage Subdivision for the construction of a nursing home had been denied. Jim Morley, who was present, requested the possibility of a signal light being installed at the _;unction of Third and Lake Streets. There followed a discussion on an additional signal and the possibility of moving the signal from Park and Third Streets. Reaardina the proposed trade of ground with Bro.in Tie & Lumber at the McCall Municipal Golf Course Remaklus was instructed to draw the deeds for completion of the transaction. Remaklus reported on Ronald Hamilton suit at the Golf Course and stated a pre-trial conference had been held. He reported on the photographs which had be<:n taken and said that abstracts had been prepared of adjoining orcperty. Thp judge would look at the around so the trial was sct for May 1964. Regarding the flooring at the Golf Course caddy house, Mason stated he had received an estimate for rubber tile for the flooring at the cost of approximately ' 680.00, which would tile the front area of the caddy house. Mason reported a small cat and tractor were working on the clearing of the new fairways and that Elmer Allen would burn and make fence posts as long as the weather permitted. He further reviewed full year employment for Elmer Allen, possibly utilizing him in other departments of the Village. Fortin reported on the bill of Warren Campbell for the moving of the dump house in the approximate amount of -580. 00. No action was taken by the Board. • Blair reported on a recording machine for use on the telephone at the Police Department at a cost of '20.00 per month. A bid from Jack Parks for the tearing down of the old water tower was read in the amount of $1750.00. Following discussion the bid was rejected by the Board. It was reported that Pendell Smith, engineer, was to have specifications "'"" for the insulation of the stand-pipe in the new water to.ver. Allied Steel Erectors Company had made an estimate of "1840.00 for the insulation of the pipe as proposed. Following discussion Ackaret was to contact additional contractors for bids. The following beer license applications were presented to the Board for approval : Dave Spielman dba Cave 's Store, Ray Mende dba Yacht Club Hotel, Gus Herschberger dba Foresters Club, Frances Frost dba Chicken Roost Supper Club, Bob King dba Green Lantern, Shaver's 2 dba Shaver's Store, McCall Mere, Jean R. Leone dha Park Motel, Charles A. Hill dba Table Supply Grocery, Lake Bowl, Incorporated, Roy Stove dba The Dog House, The Shore Club Lodge, Inc. dba Shore Lodge. Following discussion Blair moved the applications be approved and licenses by issued. The •motion was seconded by Mason and upon vote declared carried unanimously. A letter regarding the airation of a lagoon-type sewage system was read to the Board and the matter was referred to the engineer for further study. The complaint by Mrs. McMurdie stating the entrance to the alley was being blocked by an obstruction which extended into the street was reported and Ackaret stated he would investigate the complaint. The bid of the Waterworks Equipment Company for the replacement of the bowls in the existing pump in the amount of $792.00 was read. Following discussion Fortin moved the bid of Waterworks Equipment Company be accepted, which motion was seconded by Mason and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The Board reported several requests retarding the turning on of the Christmas tree lights and following discussion it was the opinion of the Board that the lights be turned on two weeks before Christmas. The several bills were read for payment. Leonard Ackaret water-street 415. 28 William A. Kirk clerk 168. 66 Marion Allen sewer-clerk-lib 125. 34 Robert Remaklus legal 50.00 William Acker police 390.75 Elmer Allen golf 322.02 James Morley police 319. 86 Forrest fans Police 348. 12 J. D. Penton dump 48. 19 Idaho First Nat ' l Dank-Westcott p & b 100. 50 Oil Corp. Robert J. Mandery water-sewer-street 76. 78 Frank Lanphier sewer-street 49. 34 Asa Clements golf-sewer-water- p &b 203. 10 Mountain Title Co. ,golf 113.00 Sanitary Refuse Co. p P b 30. 00 Noel Eddins fire 31. 8C Norman burgess fire 8.00 Doane Michael fire 3. 50 Ernie Maurer fire 5. 00 Bus Johnson fire 2.00 Frank Lanphier fire 2.00 Wayne Webb fire 2. 00 Norman Burgess fire 10.00 Charles Tinsley golf 6.00 Blackline Asphalt Sales of Idaho airport coast. 8938.62 Treasurer, Valley County airport coast. 2931. 25 Rowland Pros. dog pound-p & b-golf-golf con 354. 63 Valley County Tax Collector airport 72. 72 May Hardware golf-election-water-street 7. 45 Dave 's Store police 1 , 65 Gem State Telephone Co. police 6. 25 Oakley 'Yholesale Inc. police 1. 35 McCall Jewelers Lib 1 .00 Payette Lakes Lumber Co. p ? b- golf-water 6 . 51 Van :eaters r hogers water 4c. 00 Timm Electric police 27.25 Idaho Power Co. st lt-sewer-water-street-lib- 506. 99 police-board Idaho concrete Pipe Co. water 206. 38 Haldeman & Williamson golf coast. 60, 00 National Coif ;oundation golf 1 . 00 Consolidated ''upply Co. water 330. 15 Vestcott Cil Corp. police 2. 00 Waterworks ''applies Co. water 49. 50 Service Parts Co. water-stro t-dump 26. 19 ,�..A Hesse p. ''on Shell Service golf . 50 Lakes Electric sewer 21 . 1 James H. Stewart, M.D. police Standard Cil Co. of California street-golf 80. 90 Mautz Auto Parts police 15.81 Cascade Transfer water coast. 10.00 Zoning Bulletin zoning 15. 00 Steve Regan Co. golf 21.23 Valley County Weed Control golf 118. 74 Walt Rubey golf 2s,00 Following the reading of the bills Blair moved the bills be approvd and ordered paid, which motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Following the reading of the bills Pemaklus reviewed the laws concerning_ the election of trustees and assumption of office. It was the opinion that new trustees take office to coincide with the fiscal year which would begin January 1, 1964, however, the Board should reorganize prior tc that date. There followed a secret ballot at which Bob Fogc was declared the new Chairman of the Board of Trustees///effective January 1, 1964. No further business coming befor,- �the Board the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. •' December 3, 1963 Clerk: ATT' ST " Chairman A continuation of the regular meeting of Cecember 2, 1963. Members present were Foco, Mason, and Fortin, Blair absent, Roberts excused. Also present were Ed Sizemore and Frank Frown. The Chairman declared the meeting was called for the purpose of acting on an appeal from the decision of the Toning Commission which had denied the request of Jim Eiseman ter c chance of .'one A to 7one 5 for the construction of a nursing hone. • The letter requesting tie appeal from Jim Eiseman was read. The meeting with Dick Adams from the State Department of Public Health was reviewed and it was pointed out that several tentative sites in the Village of McCall other than the requested site would be approved as far as the State Health Department was concerned. Also discussed was the interest expressed by the citizens when the Toning Ordinance was passed at which time large groups of people expressed their approval for the orderly growth of the Village and certain areas were designated as commercial and as residence and because a lengthy study had been made at that time it was felt the ordinance should be upheld. Following further discussion Mason moved the appeal be denied and the decision of the Zoning Commission be upheld regarding the request to rezone Lot 2, Block C, of the Brundage ubdivision. The motion was duly seconded and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business corning before the Board the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. Chairman Clerk: Attest January 3, 1964 A continuation of the regular meeting of December 2, 1963, was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Roberts, Mason, Blair, and Fooc . lso present was Ed Sizemore. The Chairman reviewed the request of the McCall Memorial Hospital for approval to exceed the hospital budget in lieu of the increased business which had been done during the latter months of the year. Following discussion Blair moved the Board approve and authorize expenditures in " excess of the budget for the McCall Memorial Hospital in the amount of 12, 000.00. The motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The request of Robert Remaklus for an advance of 200. 00C on fees due him on the litigation at the reif course has read. Mason moved the advance be approved and paid, which motion was seconded by Ferry and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Mason reported on a meeting with Frown on the proposed tr de of the golf course ground and stated the transaction would be completed in the spring after a survey had been made. He briefly reviewed the status of the clearing for the additional holes and stated that would also be completed in the spring. Roberts reported on the correspondence with the State Health Department on the sewage disposal plant and the ren_uests of the State Health Department were reviewed. Also discussed was the possibility of taking an additional area around the lake into consideration prior to any final sewage disposal plan. Roberts reviewed the status of the financing of the additional nine holes at the golf course on any basis other than a piecemeal construction plan. the additional holes would possibly" have to be constructed over a period of several years because of the financial situation. The Trustees Oath of Office was administered by the Clerk to the newly- elected trustees .Raymond L. Mason and Edward Sizemore, and they were declared qualified. Fogg reviewed the committee assignments to the various trustees and re-assigned the water and sewer departments to Sizemore and the fire department to Blair. There followed a lengthy discussion on the Hospital Board status and the appointment of a Village Board member to the Hospital Board. Following discussion Mason moved that Margaret Ulmer and Corey Enren by re-apponted for three-year terms to the McCall Memorial Hospital Board expiring December 31, 1966. The motion was seconded by Sizemore and upon vote declared carried with Fogg, Mason, Fortin, and Sizemore in favor, and Blair opposed. Blair stated he wished to clarify his vote, that it was no