HomeMy Public PortalAboutCouncil Minutes 1964 Jan-Dec The meetings with Dick Adams from the State Department of Public Health was reviewed and it was pointed out that several tentative sites in the Village of McCall other than the requested site would be approved as far as the State Health Department was concerned. Also discussed was the interest expressed by the citizens when the Toning Ordinance was passed at which time large groups of people expressed their approval for the orderly growth of the Village and certain areas were designated as commercial and as residence and because a lengthy study had been made at that time it was felt the ordinance should be upheld. Following further discussion Mason moved the appeal be denied and the decision of the Zoning Commission be upheld regarding the request to rezone Lot 2, Block C, of the Brundage ubdivision. The motion was duly seconded and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. 1 Chairman Clerk: Attest January 3, 1964 A continuation of the regular meeting of December 2, 1963, was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Roberts, Mason, Blair, and Fonc . :. lso present was Ed Jiz_emore. The Chairman reviewed the request of the McCall Memorial Hospital for approval to exceed the hospital budget in lieu of the increased business which had been done during the latter months of the year. Following discussion Blair moved the Board approve and authorize expenditures in excess of the budget for the Mcr'all Memorial Hospital in the amount of i12,000.00. The motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The request of Robert Remaklus for an advance of 4;200. 0C on fees due him on the litigation at the coif course has read. Mason moved the advance be approved and paid, which motion was seconded by Foci- and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Mason reported on a meeting with Brown on the proposed tr -de of the r-olf course ground and stated the transaction would be completed in ;he spring after a survey had been made. He briefly reviewed the status of the clearing for the additional holes and stated that would also be completed in the spring. Roberts reported on the correspondence with the State Health Department on the sewage disposal plant and the requests of the State Health Department were reviewed. Also discussed was the possibility of taking an additional area around the lake into consideration prior to any final sewage disposal plan. Roberts reviewed the status of the financing of the additional nine holes at the golf course on any basis other than a piecemeal construction plan. The additional holes would possibly' have to be constructed over a period of several years because of the financial situation. The Trustees Oath of Office was administered by the Clerk to the newly- elected trustees .Raymond L. Mason and Edward Sizemore, and they were declared qualified. Fogg reviewed the committee assignments to the various trustees and re-assigned the water and sewer departments to Sizemore and the fire department to Blair. There followed a lengthy discussion on the Hospital Board status and the appointment of a Village Board member to the Hospital Board. Following discussion Mason moved that Margaret Ulmer and Corey Ehnen by re-appointed for three-year terms to the McCall Memorial Hospital Board expiring December 31, 1966. The motion was seconded by -)izemore and upon vote declared carried with Foes, Mason, Fortin, and Sizemore in favor, and Blair opposed. Blair stated he wished to clarify his vote, that it was no reflection on any of the appointees, but because a Village hoard member should be appointed. The hospital would he assigned to Fogg. The Clerk read a hid from Pert .olfe in the amount of 15OC,nn for the tearing down cf the water tower. Following discussion Fortin moved to reject the hid which motion was pconded by Blair and upon vote declared carried unanimously. There followed a lengthy discussion on the years of service rendered by Arthur h', Roberts are Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Villa!;e of McCall and some aporeciate should be expressed by the Board of Trustees on t= half of the Village. Following discussion Flair moved in recognition of 15 years as Chairman of the Board of Truestees of the Village of McCall the city park be named the """'• Arthur M. Po! erts r'unic ipa l Park and a water fountain with an appropriate plague be erected. The motion was seconded by Mason and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The status of the Village property at the end of First Street which had been acquired from Brown Tie ' Lumber Company was reviewed and Mason reported on proposed plans for a city pork. Following discussion Mason moved the Board notify Ceorpe Leone that the area adjacent to the Pork Motel was to be developed as the city park and the signs and encroachments by him on the property he removed by June 1, 19E4. The motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. o further business coming before the -oard the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned. Chairman V.F Clerk: ATTFST ,lanunry F, 1aF4 A rerular meeting of fhp Board of Trustees of the Vi t Inge of McColl was held on the nhovp date and the following business transacted. members present were Fogy, rortin, '''asr.n , Flair, and >i.7emore, The minutes of the previous meeti.ne were rent and approved as reap. A croup of business men were present rerardino the progress of the oropc ed construction of nine additional holes at the golf course. There folloved a discussion on the oosshilities of r Cenerel Chfiration Bond, the binding legal requirements rrcardinn the / imitation; of indebtedness, and etc Mason stated that were any lnnr•-term financing not available he vould proposed to hugseet as much as poosihfe and build two holes a year and use as mitch volunteer labor if other financing is not available. "emak/us was instructed fe cheek- the legnfity of adc'itional genera / C-'hliagticn bend no for tt-,P curpose of construction of the ae'di Cigna l hetes . `.'e rera ! estimates on the insul,-,t ;nr. , f the Cf d pine e f tG;f, ynter trier were read and ore , ., r"nnee r ,-ter l ,,,1P4f.!,rl . uei# /pd(•e r,.o fhers //giro he-at rah 'r and fibre r /a_s `12(?n. nre s other bids were get to be received n^ action was talren. h request was mrdn for a si^noel / ir'ht an "tole J-eiebwav 15 and ! eke ''treet. 7he year-reuno' employment of F lmer Allen was di sceessed red '''e-n stated he was present / v wnrkinr non dray a wept,- doin lsc•er at the - elf course. Ar•lrarr f reportr•'r the 1-,r •,•l e for fire, rig ter had not vet hero received. It was reporter' the checu from the ?en^.rt:mert of Aeronautics on the cnnrtruelior of the crr ports had not yet been received. The estimate of feral feet ae-d engineers foes foe" the lowseit on the litigation at ti•e r*otf pou•-ce was estimated at 1ran.nn. ills brief /y reviewed thy, stnfis- of the seat ,:'t stated the date yould he set in may following an inseention of thy, premises by the jud-n, Mason staled that fe,ff _limn empinvoes should he use'.'( on the cn-structicn of the f!",'n holes at the golf course and the inft 'nn peregrine, fhe cost should he available by the February meeting. Fortin reauested what information would be necessary cancerninc the closina of an alley. �' t5^ discussed was an ordinance reauirina a moving permit for house movers. The toilets at the (?avis Poach Park and the downtown park were reported as a necessity for the coming year. The nenartment of health was to he contacted on the proper type and the aocr^ximate cost of two toilets and washhovls at C/avis Peach were approximately t1150.0c including drainfield and septic tank. The hid from `Jack Parks in the amount of 125h. 0^ for the tearing down of the old water tower was read. FO / /owina discussion Fortin m"•ved the hid be accepted with the provision that aa'eg"ate insurance aoverace be rc-uired by the contractor and completion he made by June 15, 19F4. The motion was seconded by Flair and upon vote declared carried titian 7mct_rsly. Flair moved the Clerk and the assistant Clerk he authorized to use the ni--ht depository at the Idaho First 'rational :"'^r,k. The "-oti^r was seconded byFortin and upon vote declared carried unanimou7ly. Fortin moved that Stair ` e authorized to Sian the Village checks in the absence o s the Chairman. Thn motion was seconded by Mason and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The following '- ills :.'ere read for payment. Leonard 'ckcret water-street 415, 28 "'illicm A'irk - lark 168. 6F Marion Alien sewer-lib-clerk 11° . 99 pol'ert °em^klirs /era ! 5n, 0n -'illiam Acker potion 401 , FS rimer 'Alen golf 78. 45 James "orlev notice Forrest Cans police 348. 12 John ^enton dump 4p. 19 Idaho First ^rat i l rank- p ^ h 100. 50 'lestcctt flit Corp. Pane--h "i l lard lib 1n. 5n Floyd Morley calf Pobert ^emak l us calf 2nn,ni? nem State Telephone Co. l ih-'.eater-nol ice-fire-street r'us se l tic l tke p !, 17, 5r, Pohert mandery water-.street-se ^.er-notice r, A", Vice notice ^4. 00 lack Hayes Insurance golf 75. 72 '-'tandard Cii Co. water-fire- lib Idaho Power Co. st l t-sewer-st-hrd-airport-water- 653. 9 lib-notice P. F. "'rmstronc lib 57,09 County Acents Fund coif 2. 00 "!estcott Oil Corp. police nu s i s Se ry i a o g o t f-fire 11 , 9n Idaho Municipal l.eaa',e hoard 11 ?. 84 Arnold machinery Co. street 51 . 9n Caxton Printers hoard-election 2n 5'7 A"a"a l l nexa l l nrua oo/ ice 1n. 47 / oaaer ' s rupo l y colf %(),nF Shave� �s police 1 . 75 ter•vorks Ceui^.went Co, water 16, 22 intermountain Paui^ment Co. street 107. 4E Servi -•p Parts Co. street-water 45. 7.R, ^rn-nrs Tie p lhr. "o. -rl 'ce-sewer-p h-dump-airport cnnst270, 84 s traet Payette / akas Lbr. co , -•o, lf aanst 47, 7P ^lr,r, Flame Pas "a. „olf 17. 25 Elmer V. Ellen golf q3 91 Fife, "i / snn ° Pr?yhv(.ski clerk 5. 00 51u.menthal /'niferm Co. no / ice 15c. 4.p Pay uardware water-",oliae-sewer-fire-erolf-const, Qo. n9 Aorco street 1.2. ?4 McCall Cleaners notice 6. 75 (r,s 's service street 1, 35 Crandy's Carace fire 2F .00 Sizemore Chevron police-street 44. 10 Millard Cush Golf coast 14n, 00 Larry Jarvis o-olf coast 210, Cr) r'etty rash dice-rclf_olerd--wafer- r F4 %c: hilrire•n ' s '"cnk Cotdreil lib F. %n r--,,,rrl l 1?711 l ih 2.0r �'. n. `'"unttin^ o . t ih 2. 74 roo-d.r'e Flractric ^ /earl;nn-street 17. 45 ?=or;ehi1t "n, rrlf Yacht ^lc:b nfPrtia.n R. 65 4 rm^" " pta / rrodrrcts street 2fiR. 75 e t ro lane-Cwyhee r'n s water ^n. n(? Timm nirnrrt <`cr'4f 5 , 05 onve 's .^. rket ro l i^n R �� 'doh^ r'amera police 27. 3R ":'oe 1 Eddins fire 2 . 6? "m. riit?•:rater fir( r �n r.,c,tsman !urge s s fire 9. 50 Inane i char+ l fire 1 , 5n rrn, ie t•"':,rr.r fire 1 , 5i^. ervin Colder Ted 'rrewn;ark fire '"stern Store n' lice c, 'n ''estern atom-'- Frank sewer-water-street 12-4. nr' Lanphicr Franr 1-annhier „-ter-sewer- r!f?, F" (aleWay " Y' service ,no / ice `_^ if Lake "nrdwore ro. airport cons. t. 4-c. C» (K Tire Stare street 427. 14 State of Idaho 4th 'tr. Yithholainc 7R1 . 22 r)irpctor of Internal ';'avenue 4th '"tr. ilhhoi' inc G9c. FC' V., / le„ County Tr,, ' Funs! 41h ^tr, (,11F 551 , �� P. l . r. •,•,n ter 4,nr Folln inc the readinc of the hilts 'i7emore moved the hills be approved and ordered r(-1 d, ^rh i'-h, „ f i cn ,.,,as s ccnded by A-'.son and upon vote declared carried unanimously. "o further business cominr before the r''oard the meetin, was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. -ha i rnan Clerk : ATTf ST January 2 , 19F4 ,1 continuation - f the r-rylar meetinr of January F, 1964, was held on the above date and the fol lo,"inc t,r,sines,s transacted. Yemher" present ^.,verc Far'!, ,. Fortin, °'ason, �`1!'! tr, and .:izc^ic,re_ . ' lsn present was =art "oherts. The Chairmen declared the meetinc was called for the purposed of workinn on th' cronosed hudcpt . Follo'vinp lenethv discuss ion on revenu•^s rind rr000sed expenditures the tentative hrrdcnt was to be discussed in final form at the rerulcr Febr,?ary meetinn. The stands of the recodificati^n of the Yi llrce ° rd;nances was rev;e-ved the the work can•, had 1- eec exr+r-inod by the attorney and (. hotirm,^.n of .... the Pc^red. ro. 11owfoo -'isrussion Fortin moved that payment be made to aterlina Codifiers in the nmount ef F,nr '' which was one-half t e cost on the recodificatinn as ,necified in the contract . The -motion .-'as scocno'cd '-v and ran vnte dec 'arcd carr e -' unanimously. "7izemore reviewed the rorc , i tiro of hiring full-time -an to assist -aknret in lief of additional extra help. The proposal was discussed and t'-e nrnblems of findinc a competent -dn were reviewed. .7er,rdine the deselnoment of the nrorc -ed pork at the end of Third utrcet Fo^f' reported en a meet ins with (eor'e 1 Pane by himself and %•''ason and the si^ t,7s of th-' property re"7rdinr the access read was reviewed, No further business cadsinr before the F'cord the m,,etinc' was declared adjourned. T>r<1: 7;iC - ' ha i rman e .fi am- T� Clerk : ATTrTST �ehruary 1, 1264 !°—• A reruI r meetinc of the Poard of Trustees of the fllace of McCall wa.s held on the above date and the fcllo.vin business transacted. "'embers present roar, Meson, ' i7emorp, Fortin, and .=1c r. The minutes of the previous mcetinr were read and aperoved as read. Ted -dariood was present represeoHon a rroup of businessmen on the nra'" reSS on the construction of the additional nine holes at the coif course. Pemaklus reported on the oossihility of the ';e.neroi ( t+lirntion Pond lssue to he used far the construction of the additional holes and stated the 99F1 legislature amroded the statutes to include rencral ohliration issues for recreational and 7,00 purposes, Pe stated the bonding ot'orne„s reported tj"ev rad'ld approve '.n issue on a general oblio Lion basis for golf course construction. mason reported on the mef hr'rd of ftnancinr used at +he Caldwell calf course and outlined fhe crrnor- tion formed by the golfers to ccauire the property cad borrowed money ,hirh was ruaronteed by the city. The arc,oerty was furred over to the c tv after a five year period. There followed discussion on the several methods which could be used for fho financirr followinr which the city clerk wa.s instructed to contact the fiscal anent reaardira charges far handlinc a cenercl oblication bond issue. Joeseoh fc?nielson was present, and stated he was but ldinc house on Pewi tt Streof and discussed aettinc water to the lot. 1-Pe reported cotentic. l users were ccnsiderin< construction in that area and fhe nronosel of the property owners adv,orcirc the funds for the Dine and the i,/illore install Lion of the lines were revie .ed. 0ollo:vina discussion Canielson stated he would contact other Property owners for their aocroval to build a line to Vi l lac-e soeci f icationS. lorry Jarvis and •„'it lard Bush were oreseat to present fiouires on the construction of t,_,,c holes at the ruff cor:rse . etorcst of -4. sf per hour or c forty hour week and,/or '+F. (:)(7) per hour for any eoui,pment includin' the operator. in v ev of the ocssibilit•., of a cenerrxl nhlir•ation bond issue no action wa.s taken by the ='card on the bid for the construction of the two holes. 4-red LOSS, w'"o was oresent, discussed with the Roard the 0•r7S5ace of a comou/ spry rarboce ordinance and the installation of a one sanitary type carhaae disposal unit which would convert the carbape and seworre to fertilizer. rollo.vfnc discussion the '"lark was instructed to contact ''-endell Smith, the ennineer, on use of the machine for scwaae disposal plantour-roses. The specifications for the proposed water improvement system were received from Vendell smith and reviewed. The combo date was set at !'arch 2, 126'-, with tan days romaleticn time . t'a.son reported on complaints rpreived on the double oarkinr in front of the nest ,office durinc the noon hours. t!cd-er stated that citations would be issued fol inwinc public notice. Mr ,son reported a rnmrtrint receive from ''n ,mi .)ohnson on the naming of the city part,. Pollo ,Tar discussion no coti^n was token by the Poard. The Poard oroceerlina to work on the budr'et for the 1z764 fiscal year roviewinc expenditures and income. Col lo<rinc discussion of a full Time Vi l loon employee ,'lair moved that the Board hire Pave Smith at a scdr'ry of 4nc. r,n ner month. The motion was seconded by "izemcre and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The fol lc vine °> f l l s wero read for payment . Leonard 4ckaret Nester-cfreF t 317 1s Sterlinc Podifiers Icr'ai Fo rC ilnrinn ' 10" - / F'-- tort< 12 ▪ ert Inn- / crs. r.) r oo / fo,. inrrnc F. nni ;,7,7 31n. ?F 17/ cr• `'• /Pei ' ref gorrof Cons r-o / ;ro r9 ''orfor '-7111 c'-nk- k,c.trn± i "I(v"), nit r:nrn. ry, r e7e, 2. co • e r : 'ondory t:rned ir, 7n rd bnnrd cr- n - / nhnhinr r • tnvc soiroot 47. 5,r) f r-p F ' • ▪rnln r fir- I / c 7.* V.'`7 f Tod r.rowniol,7 fir- rre v'ord,vdro -o•nnt, 7,,r. 7r • ' frtr To /ophono Cn. -fire Yo,Yoon, Inc , / nkn thr, rlt:n 7.7erro Chc,Vr . ,c; -1,011^P 52. 6R "nrnit r'Innresr,, c, `r, / r?, / 'rtnrc.. / t-not 47' ,}0v - 1 / t-co/,or- d-orlioo- 7-7;1--,otor-F15, c)7 cirrort Potro /ono-(..,,-,/hro k2 nirrk-prI ;cn • c futomofvo noNoo cA, F4 "rn 7,• iiI Int 72/1 1!7. (1,7) wriletmel "nrtirc 1 1 r• CIO Texoon. Inr. nntire-rrlf-viter-str ,f h ??4, 0,? : - If 2C) n v c; r, 2r7, strds,, t r Tru tP_o roo'lin7 P hill rnr1 ;n r,nvnel hill hn rnnrnvn-1 nnr/ nt-cln er, r,‘" r r, r ^("' )y 1 rr 1,-on voto ' L' rri o furthPr oornin, hofnro the Enrrl doolord reoo.r.,:,,e, until thn cnIl of oloo; r, (71 nrk 7-r r-e^hrrir,ry -fort, t-72,n U f rr?,- r r f = ,,brrir"rs, / 1 ' r r t ; , n 7 r, /-"`"sr' 7 r' r r'• r•-• r I(",v e, r m." rinnli " r o oonod s f o o r JS b r) -T 1,7, f f•-• •-• rY 71' !;. .1r in rrrun •"" C'rljnn 7thf. cov,r, / r 7/nr1n rn t'- rrru1r thE, r .c3 f.)r P rA (7 r:^ r h I ry f GROUP INSURANCE PROGRAM For Employees and Their Dependents of Member Municipalities of the IDAHO MUNICIPAL LEAGUE RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS, the Idaho Municipal League, the association of the municipalities of the State of Idaho of which this municipality is a member, pursuant to a motion passed in convention on September 23, 1950, has established a group insurance plan with the Washington National Insurance Company whereby all municipalities may, at their election, become participants for the purpose of providing their officers and employees and their dependents with death benefits, surgical, hospitalization and other sickness benefits, and WHEREAS, said group insurance plan, its benefits and costs are more particularly described in the insurance policies entered into by said company and the League and a booklet marked Exhibit "A," a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, said plan contemplates that a portion of its cost or premium payments shall be paid by the municipality and a portion by its employees, i. e., the municipality will pay all of the premium for purchase of benefits of an employee without dependents and the employee will make the premium pay- ments for the provision of benefits for his dependents; and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the City Council or Village Board of Trustees that this plan of group insurance will not only be of great benefit to said employees and their dependents but will benefit the municipality by stabilizing its employment and increasing the efficiency of its government; and it is deemed that the payment by the municipality of its portion of the premiums are payments for a munici- pal purpose; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council or Village Board of Trustees of ,Pcrrd r-f Trustees cf the Vi hare of Ve-Crf ll , Idaho that this municipality become a participant in the before described group insurance plan, thereby pro- viding death benefits and surgical, hospitalization and other sickness benefits to its employees and to the dependents of such employees as elect to provide such benefits for their dependents. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper fiscal officers of this municipality be and they are hereby authorized to pay to the Idaho Municipal League, sponsor of the plan, its proportion of the prem- ium payments specified under the terms of the attached policies, which during the initial year shall be as follows: Full premium upon employee, $ ,a• 75 per month. (Combination by employee with dependents, $ 12• cr per month or total premium paid by the municipality and such employee with dependents, $ "" - per month.) and that said officers be and are hereby authorized to establish a system of payroll deduction from the salaries of employees who elect to include their dependents in the plan whereby their proportion of the premium payments required by the plan may be paid. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper officials of the municipality do all things necessary to carry out fully the terms and conditions of said insurance policies and the plan of group insurance thus established and that two signed copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Idaho Municipal League BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this municipality become a participant in the above described group insurance plan, effective this 1st day of orch , 19 Fu ATTEST: By r - T The resolution to odc2t thr t7roup r-rried unonimcusly. 777 f o I a djo I Ie review of the nroroqer' ucce t for 1° 4, fot 71ent< WO5 instrurferl to o-iverti.se thr f- rscicoTed hL-7-1r.t in 'the #0 nf rorn sloted that SO/TP r-Prr/ r,,r -: of the "Illore !Tooro' ghoul," m9pf with fhp r0(inty ot their re--ulor merlin(' reordirr finnnr-irt ocsiltonne on the. Vf. /roe r, rsnn P^.7' / Pvv, ofi,o '•'r-r7r? rnrr f Iv ex,- loined the ^^n(4 7.,^7 t -•r f' r h 05 / i reci r -t "4 'C "' "4; "`? c c-tr- tn'i ‘1 ,,*:°(` tiI t r , o A-,e,f+r-7 cr-r,fr-r. ""' o f+Jr f ' ; pirri : I 0 / 1: ,C , - let"4'4 `7-.:brtir'r" 2 , / •F or- t (-f r,ht ,1! r ; I I I r, r / * 4-!-- f- I to - or' 1 4( n- st--n rp , - 10", P' I X f r . 7-hr r. .- rir'r 11-1," rr-- , ' ', f •() : cf ' sf ; 4 -" 11 '" f' t'• r t —tin 7:o i s -• I.e ,z) !- L, • ,• ' rr - ri / / vof ;-,-; /- r• n ,- e- - / r17 ,', 7. rN ; ^ #•• re- 7r-" n ' 1111.101•0% //r17::. • - C-Z-1 T*1 - , , • r r•�,i rlr^ /v nn'-rnt,n rf n _ nnnrf.or ^„n^ !n ••,o r•n nn, r.'ti ;n f!,r ? ,n c^ - 'r".. on tL)o I.. fr•rl. , r r '' f n • ^f n h ? h 47, ! n n fnr ,..,,, ,,n h. !, i. r,. i.n r •1<-r, f ^f mn,-•./.n .., !r -,r,.- ? +t-,<. / ln,, nr, nr fn •,Ir 'r.r ,.n, .Jnn inn• ..r r c,,. ...., -t,:, I ! ^ n.,,-. n-.f -•., +h n h I.. n ..t 4 1,r, !-., ^n .--...,, r f. , I ! n f ?a,_. 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'!� r`^ f , ^n J^'- - I- -d 4,p 1:: ff'r frn - ,!. ^ynp , rf f !-,n of ;r:^,'rifv ^no qt. fin,- fhnv 1••."n-l(p icc,In if ; f NF r. n nvr,rd fnr ft,r, r„-!rCf ; crlt nr.,,!^cc nxornsio.n fnr, �,F F."`, (1^ -,rrr ?'r' 1/; I f^,rn. -•'v trr fhr, t.-.rn ( n^ . 'ion of hn ^n rer ^!lflpr, v =.- ,a^ i f ftc r: rr!• if fhn alnr• ? {rn c,J„noscfuf f-'nv .,n,s1 ^' n^v for, thn nro_-o /nn! ic'n hrn 'I- c nnol it ftir, nlpntirn we're rjrc'-^nrgcf,, 1 floe? Vi / /nnr, .,n,// n^v fnr fyn Frn^Yr'r^s, The r•rr"xi,, -' f0 t'^,r'' rnnr?rfnrt ^n . ,_nfinr ;ifh 'nr Llr.r.•nn.! - rf n -nnnSrr? - nrfhpr m•c,nfirr :n1 fhp ''.h..rn ? nr-/rp rp rr-ir-•ri n, fhp fin^nr'2rr rf +hn ..rf r:'; fii nnf rli:np hrinc of fho n / f rr,I/rco ?!-� ncfi { ,,,rJ I n /fin /,a ,-,n n.., In t n l I 1 "?fnrn^fnr-1 n-•rf ' n., ,r 1 nx•, rrnoc f/"r" ;Ir 7hnr, fr l tn .rn r fhrr i o^ucsic•n r,f fhr nr,n ^r,n' lr,of fnr 41- n f, ,;r•,. I vnnr 9n Fl. fn / /n inn .,y;n... rn re.r,:;! 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Vi ( In- c •- t ' -r':- I ( , /r,'.,hr frr fd,n f; .rr, ( ,<,e r,r r) '" r r r t i n n t,n•' 4h, r r I(r' ' f, r n r/ f r y r,,., ^ry,..,, Of rrnnn. _ rrrlin n p yi y n ' inn 'vrs cprn.n,fprf by ^`ry^nn nr, f „non yc"e rt r,r lnrn./ nn rrir,n" c .---n r-r,rrJn r•! fhn r-r•f ir•,., „r-'c .,c-' nr/inncn .,r� ^re' fr, ! lrn._,,; fhr• ;nc ? r ? --i f n n r•r� h r. i r,,r rr,•, !''n n 1,.r.s�r y 1�z`? ,:,r� i n n r•r nr: I � ,•� ^rnrr' 'n 4.nrfcc' - c' rric-- :n'n.C,rI' ( ,,i fF, `--n �n • n 'I-- . rf r,r. ;i ' c'"-. rr...r•,rfcn' o,, fhr, I ;F.r,n r., d,r,,.rr7 mr,r,f ;, ,- ."-'i^G, we" otton -'n,t I.,r thn �'1'lir rr^nrtn_.r nn . - - iq--' I - f ?hn cn,-nr ' ( b; ; 1 1 -^ rn rood fnr 7vrrr,r)t, fr ( ln,yi,-1r• �•,hirh 't„-,,,,nrr. n,,.,,,1 thr, . III c r nnrr,"p:1 nr nrrio r!'+r-' `} ^h � i r.•7 „n ; o t,n r•n r,o,:, h"i rnr 11^nr vnfn 't ;, ( (nr nn 1 r /,.9 '!4 1 n_r h'-,r•-I '^..-, rc ,,r +r,r-c resr I 412. 1 r; • i ( ( i i r1. - I c'r!- �cr �c r l ^.,n ( !E n C t'.l'F•r_ 1 i f -,. , 1 -. r7/. ' rhprl p ^ !r c /c.r l c, r,.r, / I irr' n1-c..r nn a , n -r> ^ ( i r , /..,•r•L. .r i r,r I `r + / I n i,- n - L, r^•a 'nne1 ; l ! i! -,4 OP s t i 1(; .04 C ( r ; • r 7,r, 177 , x t ; I { •- 4 c- , .• ii; „ , h ••• ^ c; ••••14. ,4 ,, c.,x,---,n -- ; 7'Hrc., r'," 4 1 `14-'' 1 1 ' n F •v r-,•c - • f 7`" ••- -.---- • r n r{+ S n P n, -F ; I f L,r, ^F April 6, 1964 A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Fogg, Sizemore, Fortin, Mason, and Blair. Fortin moved the meeting of March 2, 1964, be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Sizemore and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. J. H. McLean was present regarding the investigation by the Board of the traffic problem in the alley between Sackerman's station and his dwelling which had been discussed at the previous meeting. Fogg recommended some type of sign be posted in all alleys in the Village and various signs were discussed. Following discussion Fortin moved that five signs be ordered which would state that no parking was permissible in the alley with another sign posted directly below which would allow pickup and delivery only. The motion was seconded by Blair and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Regarding the lease proposal for additional funds at the McCall Municipal Golf Course, Remaklus stated it did not appear feasible and would not recommend it for the proposed expansion. He reported the best method appears at this time to be a revenue-type provision which could be enacted by the next legislature. Blair introduced and proposed Ordinance #239, an ordinance appealing Ordinance #232 of the Village of McCall, Idaho, fixing the salary of the Chief of Police of the Village of McCall, Idaho, and providing that this ordinance shall be retroactive to January 1, 1964. Fortin moved the rules be suspended for the passage of proposed ordinance #239 which motion was seconded by Sizemore and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Sizemore seconded the motion moving the adoption of proposed ordinance #239, which motion was declared carried unanimously by the Chairman with Fogg, Sizemore, Fortin, Mason, and Blair in favor. Remaklus reported a pre-trial conference on the golf course litigation and the trial was set for early August. Fred Ross was present on the request for a franchise in the Village of McCall and reviewed his repeated request for same and asked for some definite action by the Board. Following discussion on the need for a franchise it was the opinion of the Board that a franchise is not necessary at this time. Ross stated he would take further action with the residents and taxpayers of the Village to possibly influence the Board and reverse this opinion. Fogg reported a conversation with McBride and the possibility of a D-7 caterpillar to be parked at the dump which could be used for compaction. It was reported the county had set aside approximately $1000.00 for aid on the municipal dump. There followed the opening of the bids for the purchase of the police car for the Village as advertized. Following examination of the bids Blair moved the low bid of Bob Rice Ford be accepted in the amount of $1284.49 in accordance with the terms of the advertisement. the motion was seconded by Sizemore and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Also opened were bids from Motorola and General Electric on the police mobil unit and base station. Following the opening of the bids the needs for the mobil unit and base station were reviewed and the Clerk was instructed to write to the bidders thanking them for their bids and would advise them when the Village was ready to purchase. A request from the McCall Memorial Hospital was read for permission to cut a doorway into the coal room to utilize the area. Following discussion Fortin moved the request be approved which motion was seconded by Blair and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The proposed agreement between the Village of McCall and 'Nill Spalding describing his duties at the Golf Course during the summer season was read and discussed. Following discussion Mason moved the agreement be accepted, which motion was seconded by Blair and upon vote declared carried unanimously. A letter from Remaklus to Robertson N. Smith regarding changes in the recodification of the Village ordinances was read and it was reported no reply had been received at this time. The Clerk read a letter from the Idaho Municipal League regarding the change from a Village to a City of the second class by other Villages in the state. The claim of Mabel 3urgess was reported received by the Clerk on March 23, 1964, in the amount of :519.95 for burned out elements in a water tank which were incurred when the water was shut off about March 2, 1964, by the Village of McCall. The Clerk was instructed to turn the claim over to the insurance carrier. A letter was read from the Progressive Club expressing thanks from the Club on the assistance by the Village of McCall in the development of the city park. A letter was read from the State Board of Health regarding the development of sewage treatment facilities and a resolution of the State Board directing the Village to conform to their request to take action by June 1, 1964, regarding the bond issue was reviewed. A letter from the Continental Bank and Trust Company offering services and the issuance of any general obligation bonds were read. Mason requested permission to order the flooring in the Golf Course Caddy House which had been included in the 1964 budget. No objection was had by the Board. Fortin requested information on the right-of-way on the road to the dump from the Northwest Mounted Mission. A description was to be obtained as soon as the snow permitted inspection of the area. Bob Fogg made a short statement regarding his position on the Board of Trustees, the State Legislature, and his personal health and his resignation was presented to the Clerk and read to the Board. Sizemore moved to accept the resignation of Bob Fogg as a member of the Board of Trustees, which motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Allen Blair was unanimously elected Chairman Protem by the remaining members of the Board of Trustees. Fortin moved that Arthur M. Roberts be appointed to fill the unexpired term of Bob H. Fogg. The motion was seconded by Mason and upon vote declared carried unanimously with Mason, Fortin, Sizemore, and Blair in favor. The Trustees Oath of Office was administered to Arthur M. Roberts by the Clerk. Following the administration of the oath, Mason moved that Arthur M. Roberts be elected Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Village of McCall. The motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Roberts stated that all department assignments remained unchanged from previous assignments and Roberts would ....., assume the hospital , library, and airport departments. Blair reported that Noel Eddins had resigned as Fire Chief and requested permission to appoint Norman Burgess as Chief following a meeting of the department. No objection was had by the Board. The following bills were read for payment. Leonard Ackaret water-street 413. 15 William A. Kirk clerk 156.66 Marion Allen sewer-lib-clerk 115.25 Robert Remaklus legal 50.00 William Acker police 382.41 James Morley police 340.24 Forrest Gans police 341. 16 John D. Benton dump 48. 19 David Smith water-street 372. 32 Hannah Willard lib 21.00 Idaho First Nat ' l Bank- p & b 100. 50 Westcott Oil Corp. Ida. Municipal League insurance 149.75 William Fitzwater fire 3.00 Ernie Maurer fire 8. 50 Norman Burgess fire 10.00 Mervin Golden fire 2.00 Ralph Murray fire 2.00 Frank Lanphier fire 2.00 Wayne Webb fire 2.00 Frank Stewart fire 2.00 Bus Johnson fire 2.00 Ray Dunn fire 2.00 Bob ?hitney fire 2.00 Doane Michael fire 2.00 William Kirk-Ernie Maurer water 4.00 Noel Eddins fire 10.00 Leon Davis street 19.20 Larry Chalfant street 25.60 Hiram Stevens water 4.00 Floyd Morley police 35.00 Margo Acheson street 12. 80 McCall Rexall Drug police-lib 23. 13 Gem State Telephone Co. lib-street-police-fire 173.44 Service Parts Co. police 11. 53 Sizemore Chevron police 24. 92 H & H Automotive police 5.05 Acheson Motors police 17. 50 Western Store police 11. 13 Petty Cash police-water-sewer 33.00 H. R. Huntting Co. lib 89.66 Bus 's Service sewer 2.40 Standard Oil Co. of Cal . lib-street-fire-police-sewer 125.57 Pacific Intermountain Express police 1.80 --- L. & K. Motor Repair sewer 24. 50 Waterworks Equipment Co. water 61.08 Consolidated Supply Co. water 55.00 The Merc police 3. 90 Payette Lakes Lumber Co. police . 90 Intermountain Equipment Co. street 20.73 Shell Oil Company street 47. 30 Shaver's police 6.65 May Hardware water-street-police 7.49 McCall Cleaners police 1. 60 Brown 's Tie & Lumber Co. street 36. 16 Timm Electric & Plumbing sewer-water 14. 50 Hilltop Motel water 32.30 Bus 's Service water-fire 5.70 Mautz Auto Parts street-police 35.42 G-K Machinery Co. street 61.42 Hesse & Son Shell Service police .50 Rowland Bros. water-street 193.26 Kalbus Office Equipment golf 6. 70 Payette Lakes Star clerk 16. 70 Westcott Oil Corporation police 2.00 Idaho State Penitentiary police 21.20 • Norco street 17. 85 Thompson 's Inc. golf 294. 95 O.K. Tire Store dump 247. 14 Valley County Sheriff police 6.00 Idaho Power Company water-sewer-airport-st lt-st- 584.05 board The Outdoorsman police 19.20 Petrolane-Owyhee Gas Service water 22. 99 Hospital Bond Redemption Fund 4800.00 Valley County Trust Fund 1st Qtr. OAB 579. 38 State of Idaho 1st Qtr. W.H. 145.06 Director of Internal Revenue 1st Qtr. N.H. 682. 30 Following the reading of the bills Fortin moved the bills be approved and ordered paid, which motion was seconded by Blair and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. ( (i7 . C `i rman 1 c Clerk : ATTEST May i, , 1964 A regular meetinb or the Board er Trustees of LLB. Villaon of McCall was bald on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Roberto , Fortin, Mason, 'Sizemore, and Blair. Sizemore moved the meeting of April 6,, 156' , he adjourned, which motion was seconded by Blair and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. James Hardy was present on the location of his boat house and dock which is partially located in the street right-of-way and requested either written permission, a license, or lease so that improvements could be made without fear of removal. Following discussion Remaklus was instructed to check on the legality of the lease with the city. J. H. McLean was present and requested information regarding when the sign would be posted in the alley restricting parking. Ackaret reported the signs had been ordered and should be expected shortly. Ted Harwood was present with a delegation of interested people on the orcoress the Board had made en the proposal of leasing the Golf Course so additional funds could be made available for expansion. It was reported the possibility of private financing was available and Roberts appointed a committee. comprised .of Roberts and Mason to meet with .,., Warren Brown regarding the conditions and availability of private financing. Mason stated if the proposal did •n,ot materialize he would like to hire a man full-time this summer to work on the construction. Roberts stated the Village should appoint a manager at the McCall Municipal Airport and following discussion Fortin moved that Bob H. Fogg be appointed Airport Manager. The motion was seconded by Blair and upon vote declared carried unanimously . The recodification cf the Village Ordinances was reviewed and the several errors noted. Following discussion the Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Sterling Codifiers stating the Beard was not fully satisfied with the recodification as presented and if Sterling Codifiers would give the Board written assurance that the necessary corrections would be made the balance or their account in the amount of k690.70 would he made. Roberts read a letter from the Idaho Municipal League regarding the convention and requesting the waiving of fees at the Municipal Golf Course for elective officials. Following discussion on the benefits to the Village of McCall derived from the League Convention Sizemore moved the golf course fees be waived for convention delegates for the period of June 18 through June PH, 1564 . The motion was seconded by Mason and upon vete declared carried uranirnously. The several bids which had been received on the replacement of the ;, sr statinn for the police radio were again reviewed following which Blair moved the low hid of Collins Lilectror.iic Company in the amount of 6527.00 for replacement of the base station be accepted. The motion was seconded by Sizemore and upon vote declared carried unanimously . Regarding the Fire Department, Blair reported a man was to come from the Boise Fire Department for inspection of the Village equipment. The disposition of the old water tower was reviewed and the hid which had been awarded to Jack Parks ,,an not accepted by Parks as he was unable to acquire adequate insurance for the tearing down of the tank . The bid of Jack Eeetin in the amount of 500.D[i was discussed and a meeting was to be held with Seetin regarding the conditions of tl n. contract. Sizemore reviewed the diagonal parking on the portion of the city park and the previous objections of the Progressive Club were discussed. Mason reported a meeting with the Wateworks Committee and Valley County was to receive a large portion of the boat funds from the State. The request for speed limit signs in the Stibnite Subdivision for 25 mile per hour posting was made to the Board. Limited parking signs were also requested and were to he posted from the Post Office to the corner on Third Street. Regarding the bill which had been received from the County in the amount of ,500.00 for gravel hauled on the Stibnite Avenue and boat parking area, Ackaret stated he had met with Forrest Robb and it appeared the Village owed the bill to the County. The request by Hoffman and Wright for the street to be opened adjacent to Reedy Lane was made to the Board. A letter from the Hospital Board requesting permission to drill holes for room dividers and the installation of television and telephone conduits was read to the Board. It was moved by Fortin, seconded by Blair, and upon vote declared carried unanimously that permission be granted. The complaint from Mrs. McMurdie on the street obstruction adjacent to the Walt Byer property was reviewed. It was the opinion of the Board that if the obstruction extended into street right-of-way, it be removed. The monthly library report was read to the Board. The following bills were read for payment. Leonard Ackaret water-street 413.15 William A . Kirk clerk 156.66 Marion Allen sewer-clerk-lib 132 .04 Robert Remaklus legal 150.00 William Acker police 471. 15 James Morley police 340.24 --- Forrest Gans police 331.66 John D. Benton dump 48. 19 David Smith water-street 372.32 Ida. First Nat ' l Bank-Westcott p & b 100.50 Oil Corporation Idaho Municipal League insurance 149.75 William Kirk-Ernie Maurer fire 1.50 Ted Drewniak fire 4 .50 Fred Ross fire 2 .00 Ralph Murray fire 2 .00 Bus Johnson fire 2 .00 Ed Baker fire 2 .00 Noel Eddins fire 2 .00 Mervin Golden fire 2 .00 Norman Burgess fire 22 .17 William Fitzwater fire 4 .50 Shaver's fire-street-police 12 .45 McCall Rexall Drug police 14 .22 Bus 's Servics fire 3.50 May Hardware police-golf 103.57 George F. Cake Co. police 24 . 15 The Outdoorsman police 12 .10 Idaho Communications police equip. 77.72 Brown ' s Tie & Lbr. Co. street 312 .00 Petrolane Owyhee Gas water 2.75 Payette Lakes Star clerk-police-golf 91.68 Valley Tu & Radio police equip. 20.00 Sanitary Refuse Co. police 4 .50 Waterworks Equipment Co. water 4 .50 Texaco, Inc . street-water-police 248.97 Rowland Bros. water 24 .00 Dave 's Market police 8.25 Sizemore Chevron golf-police 6.85 Acheson Motors police 3.00 Westcott Dil Corp. police 8. 10 Idaho Power Co. st lt-st-police-lib-water-brd- 507.94 sewer Gem State Telephone Co. lib-clerk-street-police-fire 71.99 H. W. Wilson Co. lib 20.00 McCall Cleaners police 6.30 National Library Week library 4 .85 Petty Cash water-sewer 22 .62 S. Id . g E . Ore. Bldg. Official Board 3.00 McCall Memorial Hospital police 2 .0D James H. ,6tewart, M. D. police 10.00 Sawtooth Company fire 12 .45 Service Parts Co. police 5 . 19 Elmer V. Allen golf 84 .60 Sterling Eodifiers legal 690.70 Bob Rice Ford police equip. 1144 .06 Following the reading of the bills Blair moved the bills be approved and ordered paid, which motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Beard the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the Ehair. --- - Chairman C re r k: ATTEST t-F!_-,!!-Ap1Hr! T-ripptin!J T ti t;E.,C.? of the 01 1 id F! f 0oell JOC held no th.e r:j;-•71f,p cid t0e 7.11-1 .r.--1! ricy -1.. ±-,H 1,1f:! I 1., e m d 0000. r 0090ilt. f."•; z v the Tr!P!P. 1_,1 n !Fs toaH Fripn1nr n tin ;.5fld vr.r1 ti Trdru p :11y L'H .1'HHF•! Dp pn LOP TO H1,-;'f'-hrd v t OH 1d1i! : 11000/lflhj on tnr, ott. cordo nm I I L Lid t, It LOF _Lf•riund CU w;;H ,!1 I v p Lj-c npupLIJ HI. mo Lpill On PpPrip::!. p!!:1 ,TH 1 r! HHLpp,i- P hhr7p, P L vP LPR ;RH:JP I !I HE 1., I 11 1 v rd 1-P, rift; To H Hr c•F--, niif 1 In un ,2• i oH : 1 if 01 H. 11,,H -; .• !re-P Hr!:;tL OHC -: Hin ppv,p I !!!'0r' \“!:, r : ! H puol- ln.or 1.. n. o e.ided rihil r rIm ilf]\./E211 ph,31.r.',. 1 in In , v ;'/H upon v . t.o P: 1,! fu tc 1 I j , h:u11 1 0 LPrl r• -!LILF pl t. '773. P-? ..1r117.1 L hp r v[i1r1 0, L-2 to 12 fit:. to the* °oird LI,0 prj 1 ,,s; ly roPed IC Prnin in C'111.1;;Iir.Y1;11_117 !,I*!!: -LHe onlf churs :10r-70 L,H.f prifTpr !,L1Pv r.t77.71(,•3Lid =•.• iot i CO, L7, n i.s1ri in • H: I. w HP cy.." • riP• :I r7-7 , ; ppL.t r [ Trl i:l 111,1 III-rp pr! 1. ! r iLPHIL Tr) 1:11 h:L.. n F.1 nr Li. - pLAI ; pi ! -H . Li! [-p !_01 1111 !H! '•!! '!! f• -• oh Ljr1:1n cornedimyincund hOT. Robert'- HI 1 pt F r'nfri t. °HIT; II th Hj I :!!fl 1r.o s pppv ipp'-•Thj sr:!!HF,H, .! !!.:1 I - I c!r-PtFy! I ',II .-1 !! T-Lopv -PrIA recodiFihatinn nF in, Willage nrdinnecep was reviewed and stated hn had net. witn knhert. rn Smith -r-1 tt cirrnetinnS and that ill onfrsntiLos heen reneivnC en I hocks were on tu date. falliwing further hiscusslen FArtin introduced aod moved ti e adoption or prop rsed ordinance 4737, an ordinance previnini FHI tI e revision , cnniFice'tinn , comp thp ijer Tel Odil rrre tie sr MEL 11 , cialir Y ?unlit P, 11 nil t;11 'tY FtIST PihiAd f-Hp t` e pasoanp iif pnir spd ordinaHoo Thp mutinn fur -D-upcninn r I, rule,- was ::,1-'12. 1dPd !IV ;Yi'lH"11-1rind ir wrthl dphiarnd carried flasnn seuir;:::Rd I. 1111ti 11 M: Vi the adention AF prrino-isn nudinance M? -57, w, iuh wift read twici ti at 1 ,t - I : r e orhipti p spit iiiIuI t.1 1 , ".i! f---1111 hAnlareh f:HY: Ihh HHH ! I ; fir term d-* , I. Uanno '.-] 1 . IA- .A •re imon ;: 1 ! 01 -, 1H'-; rr: r Hr. .1; I: 1 I ; 1 ! ;Vii; -1" I H I V hi-1 1! unaoiJnnely . Rejurding the letiieT Fr m Remo', 11, 11, h tin drown oi Pr-m-!v hh H d moat Enmpany , P1 1W is 1 -1Lori Ih -11F el ' emnre tt et iemakiD, he inctructud to draw np a usR etmne IC ,1111agR or iflurfiall E-ind Hardy . ;,i;f1111-j!f; 1,1 uHLI LIHC;r1 unite 11H1-111'1! unHnimilusly . Regarding the hill received rrum the county in the amount of Ackaret stated he had met with Forrest Robb and the charge was fur hauling or gravel wLich was on Stihnite hvenun and the boat parking area in the lake. Fortin mnved tin hill he nild, wlich motion was secDnded hy Mason and upun vote declared carried unanimnusly. The diagnna3 parking at, the Yacht L-lub reviewed and lihR easement for the Village sewer pump war. discussed. Roberts reported meeting with the Rtate on possible solutions to the prnhlem. Following discussion Dr rRvenues, tort in moved that the ehairmun and Clerk be instructed and aut1 orized to transrer from the water revenue Fund and 5oco.nn rrnm the sewer revenue Fund to the oel oral fund. The motion was seconded by Flizemore and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The street obstruction complaint LW ibh nod b -en inceivnd ty the Euard From Mrs . Mcflordie was reviewed and it was reported the pl structiun had bnen moved hack nnt of str, et-right-or-way. The uoard received a hid From Jack 'seetin iin the teiring noun of the old water tank in tie amount hf- ;i157111 .1.1D. Folloming discussiun :iii/emore moved LLP bid or : 15:111.1.Pfl so accepted, 0 iCh motion was seconded Hy Mason and upon vote declared carried unDnimuosly . flasem reported arrangements wero mane Fur Me improvement on the ponlic bract- U U P toilets w 're tn be cleared up And rep-irnd. Roberts reported run the :Hahn flonicinH3 IPagne runventiun to he held in floCall un tu June 2[11' Following wi ich 17emore moved that ilThherts be designated a the voting delegate from the Villago or McCall with Mason as alternate. IThrp mction OHS senonned by Fortin Hid upu- vnte declared narried unanimously . A letter Fr um thP L . M. Forest Service requesting extenuinn nr the agreement on the uPe of the McCall Municipal ,Airport as road. Following discussion 5izemErn moved the L4m,---Iirrndh hi., authorized and inotructed to sign the renpmal agreement 1.1.0- ich e, tended agienment to June 3U , 1965 . :Pe application For Peer license from Noel Eddins :,:as read to the Eoard following wi don Rizemnre moved the license LY -hhrhvHd u 1FF motion ReChndRd UV 'aunand upon vote deolared carried unanimously . The complaint ur Piga Peru .fl the appenrance hr the Max ',:rig,ht ground which had been cleared acd burned !oHS reported to ihp Board. Manion stutad ie whnid Cinthflt tu e -Wfler. The status uF street el ]ns to be posted were FL,VIPWed. "-2ick'pr rehu,-.25tHd approval Flit tje use nr radar For speed control during portirne of tt months , jectiern txrdh had by to board. Thpii fr t L!:;H [--? H:•J rj- FT H. 1:F1 H - ! Frjul,Lf---, on juin; 11,i hp, I I I H I „ ry_ 1 ,1' I; - :LEH ; ',II _ f ! Hy: r-11,H ruk- I h c :;; Frin ! in4-;['.;;:.inlj • -cH , ' ' 1 •c• EH! , 1.r t,1I fl - :•11, i+ 111,.r Lrirrn; 1_',1 ir`ririn Trr r--IS ri rill Li .1 lir/ I - •Hrri-.' A AL r-rEi1 riCrj iiTrrir• 7,- LiF f r- •-, IF) • Dri Hrir r.17 r : Jr?r' irrr trjr f,r A !," rirr, 'H ,I AL p 571 .1••••! ,te.2 ) t.1 c;7? 9.;-;,.\./HT-H;1 1111 ; '7; rrm•-•:mpr-, k. i-rr' 117.Pci ri 7,r-,,rrriik, I - r--11 7H .nr ri - r] r". r .71 C:4M riUMH r).•,\,, ! •;1 111,1:H • rpH1 71 r ' — ? — I. riri 'rririI F, [- f 1r • Tin .:1!"11 : i;JH — 1 tz.-1 1, rAP ilc; i 7711 I • ,rrir, r.; TAP1 F : i! 71 I-- t ; • i'r: _; 1 C-'lit 614 .▪76 r, I .L.11 , ft 1_ ::L,Filur.itl Fili f. Inn HI,HiH,111! ; ;• 1'71' • , — 1L4 .Lr-a, Hilt-, r rrirr'r riJri tr,1-!frirrir r r 1_ 11 1 1 :- f Hi-!-,t, , rt,h `. ,I f' /4.1;2;7 \yr_ ilip,,i ii irrti ,, ri ,•iii, - i.I: i i f, iirr i ,i i -i, r_i, il 1 EH-- li 1,1,iii'l Hi. H; 1 1-,xif_iri , 1 ill: , 'Jr: 1 r- ir,r LP:1.-r,-, tirriii-r. 1 -iiiir i *, c.:H `,P\tH k.,-:12.i-,T7 !;1. , jLi r- 31,, ui, 03 1 , . --,,', L.I.' I I, I, '' ' ' i: -- 1, i'', : ,1 : Lc-. if iii 'ii ; 4, ' nii-irliir f;r- i fi i ii ' i Hr. 1.• Hi, 'iii i. 1 i,-iii i i, , -iii -iiiiiir.' -7 1 i i- ,i il 1 ri --it.- ,—...„ , r,' • , 0.10. 1 ,-:! 'ily :, :'1 , , , I I 1 11, ''; l'i :11 1.111:1 L.-11 . , f'. • '7 ,,liii HI 7,i17.1 '. Fr-'rril;-11, H,11 ! : 1I: 1 .. i--11'ti-,,, 1 !, . ! ',.!--.;:=,,H ; Hull,' .,• 11--1:{11: r: :n, H IFICi. ' -I 1 iiirii-f'Pti y ;-;',I, !; :',111 1 riri "iiiii,r,i1H 1 iiiii•iii i), iyill ii, . ririfii li 77 in ',71 ] FT i rr,, `,1')r.-,.\,,,it, i- iii. 7 %-r: ', . Fi i 1 IN f: . 1--,i . t;.1 ii- Hill 7 i . , .i-i-- 4,, 1i'i7 PX i). r; rf 1 ih.,-..,,r. L, H:: r rii ii - I„ 7-,'::, .r,E, VIH . 'i I:, ' I rn: P , ! '1 4,- :ii i ii,,t,„ ri;1 1 i i!di :11..i ITr rt, -,i15 :,,Lj r r I-.i H I 11 1:-i 1 P '1 rP Hilkil-NI tiP t 1 11H 11-, ',{1.;',,CI I\/Pc.1 iirrif i iirsirli- r•Piriii riifif 1 ri FL: 1 l':: - r! L.11111 ;u,----,9 '-,1H1-, LCi--1:, LIV '1-,;--1!:;111, r-1 .FL ttlInri VH IF-',r,1 il 1, erl 1:,1 f'n31--'d IP i-in I iiiirr iii:Hri • r 1 rtjr t; PI 1;; 1" ,IR:-.I'--.; l'!1 ,1 H!, yi->, i,i Lii. 'iriiii,:'d Li I-i iiiiriiii,i,ifii 'i f f_j 1,fri:, _rJE:Lladle_d. irp.r,H.,,-5sHci ti!, 'Li I U •---.! n.,-11 I ', !r I,, -,-,, L-:•;:i 1 t . ...--------..) ,---7- 7".--- c _,...."- /- -7?"--' •,-,, I ! ni!t1 (----;---4/ ,_, -e-e-c"-e-e,-s-'t---Z_--- -e--5'.. _4.1"-------_-/6 ..- {71 ,: ri: : i'iiTTEf3ir , . . •. , . . .„ — .. - . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . - — . . . . ' . , , • 't -- I „ .. c:oaE-&'. rGA/eI f...`.1 Ft-rt. • a 7 • S , 7 • • • • • • 7 7 • • 7 • r -__. _ ' _ _. - - ..; - - - f f - _ .. • • _. - - r- - _ ;.,' - _ _ . • • • • • • - - .. _ .. - . . • . ,. • • • • .r - - - -. _ -.. -- - _ _ L ` _ _ _ . -. .. - _. _`_- .. .. r - .. • • ...*. • • • • • • • „W.,,, • • • • • • • • • • • • • August 3, 1964 A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the village of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Roberts, Sizemore, Mason, Fortin, and Blair. Sizemore moved the meeting of July 6, 1964, be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Blair and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved with the correction that the McCall Chamber of Commerce was assuming the financial collection ❑f the monies necessary for the mosquito spray program. Ackaret reported the new pumping system had been installed and the switchover was now completed. Roberts reported the County was apparently fencing one side of the right-of-way on the Deinhard property to the old dump ground. Regarding the golf tournament, Mason stated that there were not as many entries in the Ladies and Juniors Division this year as in prior years. Ut H. iwr61,11t of co,cc The bid from r ; F ;ter, ConstructionAto demolish the old water tower and clean up the premises as directed, with the exception of the removal of the concrete piers was read to the Board. The bid was also conditioned that an alley be opened for access to the property. Following discussion, Sizemore moved the bid of $1200 from F<< , r;1r, r Construction Company be accepted pending release by Jack Seetin of the previous award due to the time of the proposed removal of the tank next winter. The motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. It was reported that one crosswalk had been painted and the balance of the painting was to be completed when the State marked the center lines on that portion of the highway running on Third Street and Lake Street. Regarding the permissive use permit requested by James W. Hardy, Remaklus reported that after a meeting with Hardy a two-year permit had been requested. Remaklus reported on the status of such a permit which would be revokable at any time. The status of the Village park adjacent to the Park Motel was briefly reviewed and an engineer's assistance would be necessary to lay out the park before work could proceed. Mason reported the Public Beach was in operation and the proposed merry-go-round to be constructed by Murray Williams was not yet constructed. It was reported the property lines had been established on the Walter Byer property and they would pay for an additional meter upon installation. Remaklus reported the trial would be held on the disputed ground at the McCall Municipal Golf Course on August 11, 1964, and reviewed the status of the case. Roberts reported on the water pollution meeting with the State of Idaho and reported he also attended the County Commissioners meeting and they had agreed to go along with a study of sewage disposal facilities for both the Village of McCall and the area around the lake. The cost of the survey is necessary and rough estimates of the cost, problems of construction, cost of main- tenance, etc. , will be reviewed. He said he had also requested a full-time deputy to be stationed in McCall with no action taken. The deputization of Village officers was again reviewed and no action taken. The enforcement of boating regulations was reviewed and it was reported there was a possibility a boat might be purchased for this area. Ackaret reported the street oiling would commence about August 15, 1964, and Nelson and )61-)p,' were to crush the chips and the Airport was scheduled to be sealed. Gravel was to be placed on the streets scheduled for oiling. Remaklus reported on an ordnance prohibiting drinking of alcoholic beverages on the Village streets and Blair introduced and moved the adopted of proposed Ordnance # 240, an ordnance declaring it to be unlawful for any person to consume alcoholic beverages on the public streets or ways of the Village of McCall; making it unlawful for �.4. any person to have in his possession any open container, can, bottle, or glass containing an alcoholic beverage or mixture containing an alcoholic beverage on the public streets or ways of the Village of McCall; and providing a penalty. The ordnance was read at length and Sizemore moved to suspend the rules for 3tbe pasdage:of. proposed Ordnance # 240. The motion for suspension of the rules was seconded by Mason and declared carried with Roberts, Sizemore, Fortin, and Blair, Mason in favor of the motion. Sizemore seconded the motion adopting proposed Ordnance # 240, which Ordnance wets declared carried with Roberts, Fortin, Sizemore, Mason, and Blair in favor. Mason reported the work was progressing on the hauling and skidding of the logs at the Golf Course and the logs should be hauled to the mill sometime this week. Dave Spielman's complaint on the culvert at Dave's Store was reported to the Board and, following discussion, it would appear the culvert should be repaired by the State. Mason reported that "No Camping" signs had been posted at the Public Beach. The problem ❑f fires being set at the Village Dump was discussed and the method of preventing them was reviewed. Sizemore reported a complaint on the water line of Danielson's extension; however, the meter has now been received and will be installed. The contract with Boise Cascade Corporation regarding the sale of the merchantable timber at the Golf Course was reviewed and, following discussion, Trustee Blair moved the contract with Boise Cascade Corporation be approved and the Chairman and Clerk be instructed and authorized to sign the contract and the amendment to the contract authorizing Boise Cascade Corporation to withhold the costs of har- vesting the timber, which were a part of said contract. The motion was seconded by Trustee Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Several disputed water bills were reported to the Board and, following discussion, Blair moved4 following billcbe adjusted: Ted Harwood, $46.60; Bob (Sing, $14.00; Shore Lodge, $75.00; Pete Wallace, $99.96. The motion was seconded by Sizemore and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The several bills were read for payment: Marion Allen sewer-lib-clerk 107.69 Leonard Ackaret st-water 413.15 William Kirk clerk-ins 156.66 Lois Wallace rr-sew-clk-lib-board 83.79 Robert Remaklus legal '75.00 William Acker pol 412.65 James E. Morley pol 340.24 Elmer V. Allen golf 365.71 Forrest Gans pol 331.66 John D. Benton dump 48.19 David Smith wat-st 372.32 Ida. 1st Nat'l Bank--Westcott Oil Corp. p & 8 100.50 Idaho Municipal League 149.75 Payette Lakes Boat Co. pol 31.13 Brown's Tie & Lbr. Co. golf const.-golf-p & b 223.55 Russell Moltke pol-lib 15.00 Joseph Cardwell sew-st-dump-p&b 203.95 Alphe Ackaret water 8.00 James Cook dog pound 5.00 Gene Gans pol 8.00 Merton Logue pol 18.00 David Smith p&b-dump 50.79 Harold Lukehart p&b-st 55.14 Sanitary Refuse Co. pol 4.00 Logger's Supply fire-golf 12.08 Francis Dunn p&b 3.00 Dave's Market st 1.79 Acheson Motors pol 45.00 Bob Whitney fire 2.00 ---- Norman Burgess fire 27.95 Bus Johnson 4.00 Mery Golden fire 4.00 Doane Michael fire 5.50 Wayne Webb fire 5.50 Ralph Murray fire 6.00 William Fitzwater fire .7;50 Fred Ross 4.00 Gem State Telephone fire-pol-st-golf-lib-bid 115.06 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. water-sew 27.49 Payette Lakes Star clerk-sew-wat-pol 88.58 Bus' s Service golf►+st 5.55 Doyce Burgess p&b 30.40 Charles Tinsley golf const. 8.00 Clifford Gravat golf const- 70.20 Don Buchanun golf const 161.16 Don E. Wirth golf 289.56 Gary D. Koskie golf const 49.34 Alan Haycock golf const 214.59 Charles Shelton golf const 227.02 County Agent golf 1.92 Jack Hayes Insurance fire 113.00 Payette Lakes Lbr. Co. golf const-p&b-pol-water 26.75 Larry Jarvis golf 35.00 McBride & Towery golf 24.48 O.K. Tire Store dump 45.46 Waterworks Supplies Co. water 180.00 Van Waters & Rogers water 45.00 Standard Oil Co. pol-golf-golf const-st 98.76 May Hardware dump-golf const-golf-p&b-water-st 130.29 .. Westcott Oil Corp. pol 30.86 Blackline Asphalt Sales st oiling 498.25 Texaco, Inc. golf-st-pol-wat 354.74 Texaco, Inc. pol 4.46 Steve Regan Co. golf 34.50 Idaho State Penetentiary pol 99.66 Service Parts Co. pol 9.00 Waterworks Equipment Co. water 163.31 Arnold Machinery Co. streets 80.96 Intermountain Equip. Co. st 41.74 Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe water const 678.44 G K Machinery Co. st 12.76 Timm Electric pol 7.43 Idaho Power Co. st lt-lib-wat-airp-sew-st-pol-brd 460.86 Oakley Moody Service pol 5.50 Sawtooth Co. fire 258.31 P.I.E. pol-fire 5.00 McCall Memorial Hospital pol 8.00 Petrolane Owyhee Gas water 7.50 Hannah Willard lib 20.24 Petty Cash pol-wat-sew-wat 27.10 There followed a discussion on bills for the patroling of the lake by the Village Police and it was the opinion of the Board that someone be placed on this enforcement. Blair moved the bills be approved and ordered paid which motion was seconded by Sizemore and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board the meeting was declared in recess until the call of the Chair. ` rm n Clerk: ATTEST August 13, 1963 A continuation of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Roberts, Sizemore, and Mason. Fortin absent. Blair absent. The Chairman declared the purpose of the meeting was for the inspection -�- of the parking area at the Golf Course and the consideration of the replacement of the old police radio. The Board inspected the Golf Course ground under litigation and no action was taken regarding any compromise in the stand of the Village. Regarding the Police radio, Sizemore moved that negotiations be entered into with Burton Walker and the R.C.R. Company for the re- placement of the mobile police radio. The motion was seconded by Mason and upon vote declared carried unanimously. An appointment of a Police Judge to serve when Ackaret was not available was also reviewed. No action was taken. Sizemore reported the request for water and sewer to be extended to the proposed nursing home. The budget limitations and precedent which had been set in the past was reviewed regarding the request. No further business coming before the Board, the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. -- Chairman Chairman Clerk: ATTEST September 8, 1964 A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Roberts, Fortin, Sizemore, and Mason. Sizemore moved the meeting of August 3, 1964, be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unani- mously. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Jim Eiseman, who was present, reviewed the proposed nursing home being constructed and requested an area of 60' in width and approximately 975' in length be accepted by the Village of McCall for a public street to the proposed nursing home. A quick-claim deed from William Deinhard for the described area was presented to the Board. There followed a discussion on the feasibility of accepting a stub street which was not a through street and would be a dead end at the proposed nursing home. No action was taken pending an investigation on acquiring additional right-of-way to make a through street between the old dump yard road and TIld street. Eiseman stated the water and sewer would go to Floyd Street for con- nections and hook-ons. Roberts explained that in the past, water lines which were constructed to Village specifications would be assumed by the Village of McCall for ownership and maintenance. However, there was no precedent for this procedure on sewer lines. Following discussion, the Board authorized the Clerk to write a letter to the State Board of Health stating that water and sewer would be available to the nursing home upon construction of lines. The action accepting the road right- of-way would be deferred for further investigation. riam Williamson and Betty Walker were present to request when they should appear on the road oiling on Ma-ther Road. Roberts reviewed the pro- cedures followed under the budget and they would appear at a later date. Several people were present to complain about the loudspeaker at Ing's Drive-In. Following discussion the Board directed the Clerk to write a letter stating a formal complaint had been made and that, unless the situation was corrected, appropriate measures would be taken by the Village of McCall. Ralph Nutting was present on the sanction from the Board of Trustees on the use of the Golf Course for the coming tournament. No objection was had by the Board except that no players should be denied the use of the course because of tournament play. Bob Fogg was present on the use of the "Courtesy Cars" at the McCall Municipal Airport and reported on the operation and use of the cars. The expenses and receipts which had been collected and paid after one year were reviewed with an approximate net profit of 90 per mile. Fogg stated the Department of Aeronautics was looking for an area to construct a maintenance shop for adjacent airport maintenance. The area necessary would be for a Quonset-type warehouse and Fogg reported that a location would be available at the McCall Airport with the approval of the Board. Fortin moved that Chet Moulton be informed the Village would approve such a warehouse and negotiates a location with the Department of Aeronautics. The motion was seconded by Sizemore and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Mason reported the galvanized pipes on Greens 7 and 4 had been leaking and that approximately 500' of pipe should be replaced. Following dis- cussion no objection was had by the Board for the replacement of the pipe pending quotations on cost through Village sources. Mason also stated the plastic pipe was leaking and they had experienced several breaks. The breaks appear to be caused by surges in pressure which could possibly be corrected by a pressure reduction valve to equalize the pressure. The cost of a pressure reduction valve would be approx- imately $200.00. No action was taken on the ordering of the valve pending an ❑pinion from the Engineer. Mason reported the power saw being used at the Golf Course should be replaced and he had received a quotation for a 7 horsepower McCulloch 450 saw at a bid price of $179.00 which would include our power saw being traded in. Following discussion, Sizemore moved the saw pur- — chase be approved, which motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Mason stated that Millard Bush and Larry Jarvis were available for hire at the Golf Course ❑n the pro- posed discussion and could cut all the trees in the fairways, pile them, and burn them at $4.50 per hour which would include their saws. They could start about the 21st of September and work until the weather permitted. They would also cut the trees which were already down into shorter lengths to facilitate burning. Following discussion Fortin moved that Millard Bush and Larry Jarvis be hired for the Golf Course construction as proposed which motion was seconded by Sizemore and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Ackaret reported the pumps which had been recently installed in the water system were in operation. The County right-of-way to the old dump ground was briefly reviewed. Remaklus reported that he had received no opinion yet from the Judge on the recent law suit regarding the disputed ground at the Golf Course. It was reported the water tank which was being dismantled by William Huckstep was almost complete. Mason reported the Public Beach would be seeded to grass in the Spring. There followed a short discussion on the Davis beach property. A letter from Bob Gordon was read on the property line dispute between Gordon and T. F. Thompson and the location of his dock in the lake. Following discussion the Board instructed the Clerk instruct Gordon the dispute was a private matter to be settled individually. Roberts reported a representative from the Lux-Point Association was to go to the County Commissioners meeting requesting a full-time County Deputy be stationed in this area. The coming Tri-City Golf Tournament which was to be held at the Golf Course was reviewed and Mason stated the golf fees had been going into a pool for Tournament fees and requested if the Board approved this procedure. Following discussion Mason moved that unless the Village of McCall is the sponsor of a tournament, the greens fees will be paid for all tournaments and prize fees will be in addition thereto. The motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The insulation of the stand pipe at the water tower for the coming winter was briefly reviewed and the previous bids which had been accepted were discussed. No action was taken pending the receiving of additional bids. The six-month audit from Rife, Wilson, and Przybylski was presented to „�, the Board. Sizemore stated that blueprints or drawing on the location of the Village water and sewer system should be brought up to date and be available for use for inspection. Ackaret reported he had received a call from the R.C.A. Company on the Police radio regarding transmission and receiving frequency options available. Following discussion Fortin moved the two-frequency 42.54 and 42.24 transmitter and receiver and the receiver on 39.82 mgc. be approved which motion was seconded by Sizemore and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Ackaret reported on the activity of the Police Department during the summer months, the Police Patrol hours and mileage, and reviewed the increase in the work load. The Use Permit requested by Jim Hardy was reviewed and following the reading of the draft, a copy was to be presented to Hardy for approval and signature. The Clerk reported a request from the State Highway Department on the clarification of the Village limits at the Bridge crossing the Payette River. Under the present ordnances, the line surrounding the Village did not appear to be connected. Remaklus was instructed to check the descriptions and, if necessary, an ordnance could be passed. The several bids for the supplying of petroleum products to the Village of McCall for the coming year were opened and were as follows Westcott Oil Company. . . Regular gasoline .21174 Ethyl Gasoline .24180 Diesel fuel .13072 Stove oil .14095 Texaco Oil Company. . . Regular gasoline .2219 Ethyl gasoline .2569 Diesel fuel .1364 Stove oil .1542 Shell Oil Company. . . Regular gasoline .223 Ethyl gasoline .258 Diesel fuel .145 Stove oil .160 Following the reading of the bids Sizemore moved the low bid of Westcott Oil Company be accepted which motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The resignation of Allen Blair was read t❑ the Board and upon the reading Sizemore moved the resignation be accepted, which motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The bids for the purchase of a typewriter for the Library and Village Clerk 's office from ITEX and Kalbus Office Supply were read and, fol- lowing discussion, Sizemore moved the low bid of Kalbus Office Equipment in the amount of $176.25 be accepted, which motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. There followed a discussion on potential Trustees to fill the vacancy of Allen Blair, following which Fortin moved that John L. Beitia be appointed to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Allen Blair. Sizemore moved the nominations be closed and a unanimous ballot be cast for the appointment of John Beitia, which motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The several bills were read for payment: Leonard Ackaret st-water 413.15 William A. Kirk clerk 156.66 Robert Remaklus legal 75.00 William H. Acker pol 412.65 James E. Morley pol 340.24 Elmer V. Allen golf 365.71 -.. Forrest Gans pol 331.60 David Smith st-water 372.32 Hannah Willard lib 26.98 John D. Benton dump 48.19 Lois Esther Wallace sew-lib-clerk 132.06 Western Store golf-pol 356.84 IPOA, Inc. pol dues 24.00 Lauren Hutchens pol 45.22 Larry Jarvis airport 180.00 Payette Lakes Lumber Co. st 11.12 Bus's Service fire-golf-water-pol 9.65 St. Alphonsus Hospital pol 15.00 Brown's Tie and Lumber Co. st 17.12 Valley TCC and Radio Service fire 4.50 Certified Laboratories golf 65 .25 Westcott Oil Corporation pol 16.63 I " Nelson Plumbing and Electric golf 7.00 Jack Hayes ins 42.78 The Outdoorsman pol 14.15 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. pol 7.85 Bob Rice Ford, Inc. pol 4.48 Rife, Wilson, and Przybylski audit 206.96 State Insurance Fund ins 233.97 Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. water 45.00 Blackline Asphalt Sales st-airport 3,946.08 Intermountain Equipment Co. water 13.77 Texaco, Inc. pol-golf 51.43 Waterworks Equipment Co. water 50.79 Gateway "66" service pol 2.00 Logger's Supply golf 15.00 Service Parts Co. pol-st-golf 37.24 Norco water 10.45 McCall Memorial Hospital pol 2.00 Mautz Auto Parts st-golf 30.38 G & K Machinery Co. st 1.59 Blue Flame Gas Co. st 11.70 Mountain States Wholesale golf 9.95 Sizemore Chevron Service pol 12.83 Shaver's pol-st 14.98 Payette Lakes Star clerk-golf 59.61 Quality Electric water const 25.16 Rowland Bros. golf-sew-water 62.80 James H. Stewart, M. D. pol 20.00 Wm. R. Padgett legal 400.00 American Linen Supply Co. golf 19.91 Consolidated Supply Co. water 109.74 Idaho Power Co. st-airport-wat-pol-lib-board-sew 610.34 Pacific Intermountain Express pol 1.80 Lois Wallace pol-water-sewer 35.22 Gaylord Bros. , Inc. lib 39.90 The H. W. Wilson Co. lib 25.00 American Library Association lib 6.00 The H. R. Huntting Co. , Inc. lib 15.87 Yacht Club Hotel pol 10.30 Nelson-Deppe, Inc. airport-st 297.50 Petrolane Owyhee Gas Service water 8.25 McCall Rexall Drug lib-clerk-golf-pol 28.90 May Hardware water-golf-pol 106.12 Firestone Stores pol 99.34 Gem State Telephone Co. golf-lib-pol-fire-st 110.87 Willard Spalding golf 525.90 Charles G. Shelton golf const-p & b 134 .14 Lonnie J. Shelton golf const-p & b 62.93 Don Buchanan golf const-p & b 190.46 Alan B. Haycock golf const-p&b 151.56 Russell Moltke pol-lib-clerk 10.00 Bud Peterson st 24.75 Harold Lukehart st-p&b 57.86 John Hess st 29.25 Alvin Leaf st 33.75 Joseph Y. Cardwell dump-park 110.55 Marie B. Clements water 40.09 Joe Danielson golf 100.00 Don E . Wirth golf 244.94 L. W. Heckathorn golf const 52.32 Mery Golden fire 2.00 Ernie Maurer fire 2.00 Norman Burgess fire 24.09 Bus Johnson fire 4.00 -- Larry Jarvis airport 161.27 Idaho First National Bank water bond int 1152.50 Idaho Municipal League ins 328.65 Following the reading of the bills Fortin moved the bills be approved and ordered paid which motion was seconded by Sizemore and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the chair. / j i� ,/ airman Clerk: ATTEST September 24, 1964 A continuation of the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of September 8, 1964, was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Roberts, Fortin, Mason, and Sizemore. The Chairman stated the meeting was called for the purpose of adminis- tering the Trustees Oath of Office to John L. Beitia, appointed to position of Trustee in place of Allen Blair, resigned. The Trustees Oath of Office was administered to John Beitia by the Clerk and he was declared qualified. Roberts assigned to Beitia the position of Trustee — in charge of Police, Fire, and Dog Pound. Conditions at the Dog Pound regarding cleanliness, burning of the Dump, responsibility of the Dump Master, etc. , were discussed at length. The request of Don Boos to install a storm sewer drain between the alley on Second Street and Lake Street and the request for permission to make an excavation in the street right-of-way for construction of a retaining wall was read to the Board. Fortin moved the Board grant permission to install the storm sewer, which motion was seconded by Sizemore and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The Board had no objection to the excavation providing it did not conflict with any portion of the Zoning Ordnance. The Clerk reported the signal light on the junction of Park Street and Highway 15 is a Village signal and the State Highway Department would not assist in removing the light to another location, but would grant permission to the Village to move it to another location. Roberts reported the Idaho Power Company has a 7,000 lumen light for use by the Village and the matter would be referred to the Street Light Committee for consideration. Roberts reviewed the recent decision received from the Court regarding the disputed land at the McCall Municipal Golf Course which had been held in favor of the Village. Double parallel parking at the Green Lantern was briefly discussed. No further business coming before the Board, the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the chair. --- — ---c"-- -Z-----1- - e_._ ---->4( airman 6-Lie-cd-e-- el.5---- -i Clerk: ATTEST October 5 , 1964 A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Roberts, Fortin, Sizemore, and Beitia. Mriterem absent. Sizemore moved the meeting of September 8, 1964 be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unani- mously. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Jan Williamson and Betty Walker were present regarding the inclusion of the oiling of the Mather Road and Forest Road in the Village budget for the coming year. Jim Eiseman, who was present, on the proposed nursing home, stated that Bill Deinhard had called him and stated the necessary ground would be available for a through street adjacent to the nursing home between the County Road and the and the old dump yard and Floyd Street. The deed to the right-of-way was presented pending signature by Deinhard and appeared to contain the proper reversion ...w ... • clause. It was stated the land had been surveyed and the descrip- tion of the engineer had been used in the deed. There followed a discussion of the construction of the road, as proposed, following it was the opinion of the Board that additional right-of-way be ob- tained to reduce the grade to not over 5%. Fortin moved to accept the deed pending signature by Deinhard with a notation that the request for additional right-of-way be made, the motion was sec- onded by Beitia, and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Roberts appointed Fortin and Acharet to meet with Eisman to deter- mine the amount of fill necessary for the road , as proposed, to meet specifications of the Village. An applicant was present for the job of Dumpmaster and was informed the position had been filled. A representative of the Machinery Co. was present to present to the Board the cost and specifications of a used street sweeper. He stated the cost would be $2500.00 which would include extra brooms, and broom winder, and instructions on use of the machine. Following discussion no action was taken pending budget limita- tions . during the current year. The clerk informed the Board the letter to Inglis on the abate- ment .of the noise at Ing's Drive-In had been written. The clerk reported that a letter had been written to Chet Molten regarding the location of a Department of Aeronautics Warehouse in this area. Roberts reported the airport levy on a county basis was not being levied this year because of adequet funds which were available. Mason reported he would like to spent approximately 550.00 for screening to be used on the baseball field on the school district property. Acharet reported the power line to the dump was in the process of r-- construction. It was reported that Jarvis and Bush were to start work shortly on the clearing and burning of additional holes at the golfcourse. The work which had been accomplished was discussed and the progress reveiwed. Regarding the recent law suit at the McCall Municipal Golf Course with Ronald J. Hamilton, .Remaklus reported that Judge Achenbrenner had ruled in favor of the Village and the decree had been drawn. It was pointed out that the other parties could appeal within a given limit of time and the platt was reviewed covering the dis- pute of ground. Access to the golf course from Ready Lane was discussed and the possibility of access to Village propertythrough other areas re- viewed. Remaklus stated there was no report on the status of the Hardy permit. The request for a term of longer than one year had been made but no permit had been signed. The clerk reported the request of Pauline Miller and her activity in the Lardo Area on people being anexed to the Village of McCall. The problems were discussed and a meeting was to be held with the people in that area on the 12th of October. Fortin reported that Guy Bacon would accept the position at the Village dump. The salary had not been reveiwed, but there appeared to he an adequete amount in the present budget to take care of this year. The building was to he repaired and he would possibly live there follbwing improvement of the living quarters. o dRoberts uiLmu Fortin, Acher, and Acharet to investigate the fencing fo the Village dump , the hours and days of operation of the dump , with a possible restriction of use in mind. Acharat reported the water meter for hoskella and Walt Beyer was ready for installation. The clerk read a request from the Employment Security Agency asking the upstairs of the Village Hall be rented to that agency for the taking of claims for $30.00 per year. Fortin moved the lease be signed and the upstairs be rented for $30.00 to the Employment Security Agency, which motion was seconded by Beitia, and upon vote was carried unanimously. The clerk reported a bid in the amount of 180 a gallon from the Blue Flame Gas Co. for the supplying of gas to the Village of McCall. Sizemore moved the bid be accepted, which motion was seconded by Fortin, and upon vote declared carried unanimously. A letter from the State Department of Highways on the removing of the flasher light from Park Street to Third and Lake Street was ...., read. Following discussion Beitia moved the light be moved to the junction of First and Lake Streets, which motion was seconded by Sizemore and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The several bills were read for payment: Larry Jarvis airport 161.27 Leonard Ackaret st-water 413.15 William A . Kirk clerk 156.66 Hannah Willard lib. 20.24 Robert Remaklus legal 75.00 William H . Acker pol 412.65 James E . Morley pol 340.24 Elmer V. Allen golf 365 .71 Forrest Gans pol 331.66 John D. Benton dump 48.19 Lois Esther Wallace sew-lib-clerk 132 .06 David Smith st-water 372.32 Wescott Oil Corp. pol 9.73 Hesse & Son Shell golf-lib 1.50 McCall Memorial Hospital p❑1 2 .00 Waterworks Equip . Co. wat 164 .99 Payette Lakes Lumber Co. wat-equip 2.95 Norco wet 7.75 Boise Cascade Corp. vat 1.22 -- Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. vat 45 .00 Tidewater Oil Co pol 5.08 Logger's Supply golf equip 186.93 Standard Oil Co. of Calif . lib-st-wat-st-golf 110.72 May Hardware golf-wat-st 175 .16 McCall Rexall Drug lib-pol 15.08 Kalbus Office Equip. lib-wat-st 176.25 Merton A. Logue pol 48.00 McCall Cleaners pal 2.30 Valley County airport const 1,266.75 Westcott Oil Co. Parks & Beaches ' 100.00 Bob Rice Ford, Inc . pol-equip 140.41 The Sawtooth Co. fire-equip 238.75 American Linen Supply Co . golf 14.58 Pacific Intermountain Express pol 4.96 Texaco Inc wat-st-pol 244.58 Dave's Mkt. pol-p&b 4.04 Yacht Club Hotel pol 13.90 Thompson 's Inc. golf 35.40 Mautz Auto Parts st-golf 4.03 Idaho Power Co 676.41 Libby Battery and Electric pol 8.55 Petty Cash lib-wat-sew 25 .00 Gem State Telephone Co. pol-fire-golf-st-lib-clerk 89.76 Norman Burgess fire-golf 45.30 Marie B. Clements vat 199.14 Alan B. Haycock pRb 7.71 Bill Fitzwater fire 2 .00 Mero Golden fire 4.00 Doane Michaels fire 2.00 Ralph Murry fire 4.00 Bus Johnson fire 4.00 Ernie Maurer fire 4.00 Doyce Burgess fire 9.50 Petrolane Owyhee Gas Ser. ,Inc. vat 8.25 Oscar Deownend golf 99.75 Idaho Municipal League ins 141.00 Hospital Bond Redemption Fund transfer 725 .00 Valley County Trust Fund Director of Internal Revenue 3rd F .H . 1,358.70 State of Idaho 3rd W.H. 318.21 Sizemore moved the bills be approved and ordered paid, which motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board the meeting was de— clared recessed until the call of the chair Chairman Clerk: ATTEST ///////////; yWrif/hi0/0pW&H/liAii`064/16,7A6 X/JUOZtfleVgiM ////// November 2, 1964 A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Roberts, Beitia, Sizemore, Mason. Fortin ab— sent. Sizemore moved the meeting of October 5 , 1964 be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Beitia and upon vote declared carried unani— mously. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Joe Danielson was present, representing the McCall Chamber of com— merce, to thank the Village of McCall for use of the Municipal Golf Course for the Chamber Golf Tournament. He requested the use of the course again about August 29, 1965 for the second annual Chamber of Commerce Tournament. Roberts thanked him on behalf of the Village and stated the Commerce should contact Mason, trustee in charge of the golf course for the future tournament. Paul Drew was present regarding the speed limit on Lake Street be— Shore Lodge and the U. S. Forest Service. He requested the speed limit be reduced to 25 miles per hour. The various factors such as State Highway control of the speed limits, the existing limit, and better enforcement of our existing law was discussed. Following discussion, it appeared the best solution would be stricter enforce— ment of the existing speed limit. Al ka91-e"—t"""tfTrom the Idaho Power, was present giving information regarding rate reductions on the power rate for the water pump house and street lights. He pointed out the dollar savings would amount to more than $60O.i10 per year on the water pump. He showed slides on the new Mercury—Vapor lights, following which Roberts stated the information should be presented to the street—light committee for reccommendation. to the Board proir to the annual budget meeting. Regarding the proposed road to Eisman 's Nursing H me, Ackeret reported on a meeting held. And following discussion Eisman was to meet Dienhart and report to Ackeret on the additional right—of—way requested. .._. Ackeret reported the house at the dump yard was being renovated. However, the flue is yet to be constructed for which bids would be obtained. Mason reported a complaint from Ernie Ward on the debris from the Inglis property which had been pushed onto his property. Following discussion, the matter appeared to be between the land owners in— volved. It was reported that no word had been heard from Chet Moulten on the establishment of a State Department of Aeronautics warehouse in the area. Regarding the golf course, Mason reported the two holes on the north were cleared and the burning completed. The clearing was completed on the other seven fairways and the burning approximately 50% completed. The bigger stumps on the fairway have not yet been removed. Regarding the litigation at the golf course with Ronald J. Hamilton, Remaklus reported that no appeal had yet been filed, although the period is n❑t yet expired. Regarding access to Village property from Ready Lane, Remaklus said there appeared t❑ be a 10—foot access to Village property. No additional report was made on the reeuest for a permit by James Hardy. Roberts reported on a meeting held with the residents of Lardo and the residents on the west side of the lake on sewage disposal and contamination of the lake fromthat area. Roberts also reported a meeting held with Wendell Smith and read a letter from Smith on the preliminary cost estimates and area to be included for a sewage sur— vey . The cost of the survey wns approximately 650. Arial maps have been supplied and the county has aggreed to participate in the cost. The state Feels the survey is neecessary and would comply with their requests. Roberts reveiwed the past histories of the surveys in the contamination reports. Following discussion,Sizemore moved the Board authorize the sewer survey and engineering study Which m❑tion was seconded by Beitia and upon vote declared carried unanimously . Mason stated some action should be taken on the beach next to Park Motel. The cement should be poured in the old foundation and the lot cleaned up . N❑ objection was had by the Board. The dump c❑mmittee which had previously been appointed was still working on the fencing, hours, etc . , ❑f the Village City dump. It was noted the traffic control light had not been moved from the junction of Park Street and Highway 15 to the junction of Lake Street and Highway 15 which had been approved by the State of Idaho. A letter from the chairman ❑f the library board regarding the library operation, and the board' s appr❑val of the hiring ❑f Hannah Willard in the library, was read. Ackeret reported the water meter had been installed for the Koskella— and Beyer property. Roberts reported that the final settlement for payment to Viking Plumbing & Heating on the water c❑nstructi❑n had been reviewed with Smith and Ackerat was instructed to make a final inspection checking the control valves, and other items which had been installed. The only apparent work to be done was a small anount of painting. The final payment was approved on the engineer's inspection. The installation of the stand pipe at- the water tower was reviewed and the several bids which had been requested had not yet been received. The clerk reported a bill from Harvey D. Florence in the amount of $11.40 for the burned out element in a water heater was read. Follow— ing discussion ❑n the circumstances no payment could be made by the Board. The bid from Petrolane Gas Company for the supplying of gas for the Village in the amount of 18.70 per gallon was read. As the previous bid from Blue Flame Gas Company was lower and .had been accepted, no action was taken. The bid for the typewriter stand for the Village library in the amount 433.33 was read. Beitia moved the bid be approved which was seconded by Mason and upon vote declared carried unanim❑usly. The several hills were read for payment: Leonard Ackaret st—wtr 42Q;45 William H. Acker pol 412.65 William A . Kirk clerk 156.66 Robert Remaklus legal 75 .00 James E . Morley pol 340.24 Hannah Willard lib 26.99 Elmer V. Allen golf 365 .71 Forrest Gans pol 331.66 David Smith st-wtr 372 .32 Lois Esther Wallace sew-lib-clerk 132.06 U. S. Dept.of Agriculture sew- 7.80 Campbell & Hall Inc. lib 18.92 Mautz Auto Parts st 10.07 Southern Idaho Timber Protective Ass, golf 312.00 Petty Cash pol-sew-wtr 48.70 McCall Cleaners pol 2.25 McCall Medical Clinic pol 15 .00 Eldon R. Rogers golf 86.07 Don Wirth golf 3.09 Larry Jarvis golf 146.42 Hugh Willey golf 186.49 Harold Davis golf 223.55 Doug Woods p&b 4 .80 Oscar Downend golf 121.44 Lilybryn Helmick golf 606.00 Blue Flame Gas wtr 60.84 Standard Oil Co. pol 13.18 Rowland Bros. wtr 5.00 Merton A . Logue pol 75 .00 Boise Cascade Corp . st 10.00 Brown ' s Tie & Lumber st 179.40 Timm Electric airport 24.50 Norman Burgess fire 24.10 Ernie Maurer fire 4.80 Neal Eddins fire 2.00 Bob Whitney fire 2.00 Ralph Murray fire 2.00 Doane Michael fire 2 .00 Doyce Burgess fire 2 .L0 Westcott Oil Corp. pol 14.91 Service Parts Co. golf-pol 9.06 Idaho Power Co. 571.11 Consolidated Supply wtr 105 .31 William G. Fowler st 16.00 Robert Remaklus legal 200.00 -.. Lauren Hutchins pol 10. 0 Payette Lakes Star golf 2.25 Blumenthol pol 196.03 John ' s Texaco Service wtr-pol 9.15 Alan Haycock p & b 5 .41 Idaho Municipal League grp. ins 132.25 Guy Bacon dump 72.28 Idah❑ First National Bank p & b 100.50 Westcott Oil Corp golf 20.33 Marie B. Clements wtr 74.03 Richard Kirahn golf 123.77 Sonny ' s Oh Tire Store st 16.70 Following the reading of the bills, Sizemore moved the bills be approved and ordered paid which motion was seconded by Beitia and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board the me ing was declared recessed until the call of the c r. _ x/thairman Clerk: ATTEST December 7, 1964 A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Roberts, Fortin, and Beitia. Mason absent, Sizemore absent. Fortin moved the meeting of November 2, 1964 be adjourned which motion was seconded by Beitia and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Bob Scales was present, representing the Chamber of Commerce, on the turning on of the Christmas street lights following Thanks- giving of each year. Following discussion on the time the lights should be turned on in the future, the Board instructed the lights be turned ❑n, effective immediately. Scoles requested information on behalf of the Chamber ❑f Commerce, on the statis of the county stationing a Deputy Sherrif in McCall. Roberts stated the Board had been attesting the County Commissioner's meetings regularly , making this request for approximately one year. With the hope the request would soon he filled. Scoles also requested the Board nive consideration for the instal- lation of a street light in the Brundage Subdivision Area. And it was reported the street light committee was taking the area into consideration. Fortin stated no report was yet made by the street light committee. Regarding the request for additional right-of-way ❑n the road re- quested from the nursing home through Floyd Street, Ackaret re- ported he had not yet met with Eisman since the request had been made. Ackarat reported the house at the Village dump is not yet completed but because of weather conditions would be finished next spring. It was reported no word had been received from Chet Molten on the Department of Aereonautics Warehouse. Roberts read a letter from Chet Molten on the curtisy cars regarding the agreement under which the cars were furnished t❑ the Village of McCall. The letter was referred to the Airport manager. Remaklus reported that an appeal had been filed by Ronald J. Hamilton regarding the disputed ground at the golf course . • Roberts reported on the Sewer Survey statis and read a letter from Wendell Smith on the progress of the survey. The county has agreed to participate 50% in the cost of the engineering study. The background of the sewage systems were reveiwed and the needs dis- cussed. Roberts reported on the proposed improvements to the public beach adjacent to the Park Motel and stated a bulk head would probably by constructed in the old foundation in the future which could be filled with rocks and other materials. It was reported the traffic light had been moved to the junction ❑f Lake Street and 3rd Street. Regarding the insullation of the stand pipe at the water tower, Ackaret reported that no hid rad been received and the tank had been cut off because of cold weather. The clerk read the following applications for Beer Licences for the year ending December 31 , 1565; Ray Mende, Yacht Club Hotel; Francis Frost, Chicken Roost Supper Club; Gordon C . Smith, Shore Club Lodge, Inc . ; Dave Stillman, Dave's; H. C. Ruorch , McCall Mercantile Co. ; Roy Stover, The Doghouse; Gus Herschberger, Forester's Club; Charles A. Hill, Table Supply; Jean R. Leone, Park Motel; Bob King, The Green Lantern; Noel B. Eddins, Noel's Cash Grocery; Ernest E . Ward, Jr. , Lake Bowl, Inc . ; Donald Bowes, Shaver's No. 2. Beitia moved the applications be approved and the licences issued and the motion was seconded by Fortin and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Roberts reported the request of the hospital Board to remove a petition in the Emergency Room and explained in detail the changes . A bid price of ta130 had been received by the Hospital Board. Follow- ing further discussion Fortin moved the request be approved which motion was seconded by Beitia , end upon vote declared carried unanimously. Roberts reported on a meeting with the Attorney General ' s Office regarding the level of the water in Payette Lake . A portion of a from the Attorney General 's Office clarifying the status of a previous injunction as stated by the District Court was read. There followed a discussion on the problem of water fluctuation involvinu the Village of McCall water supply and the logging operation of Boise-Cascade Corporation. Following discusion , Ackaret was instructed to check with Noels on the present level of the lake. The continued employment of Elmer Allen after the season at the golf course was discussed.and the possibility of his being employed in another capacity with the Village of McCall was reveiwed. Al Schaufelberger was present to present the Board with a new contract with the Idaho Power Co. for street lighting. The con- tract was the same as previous contracts and any changes would be made bv letter. Following the presentation of the street lighting contract, which contract was read at length and after a full consid- eration of the same, Fortin moved the adoption of the following resolution which was presented in writing and read in full to the meeting. Be it resolved the Board of Trustees of the Village of McCall . as follows: whereas there is now before this body for action a form of streetlighting contract with Idaho Power Co. and said porposed contract has received careful considerati:.n of this body , and it is beleived that it is for the best interests for this muni- cipality, that such contract be executed and entered into; now, therefore, the chairman is hereby authorized and directed, in of- ficial capacity, to execute said contract in duplicate and the clerk is authorized Wi06iNdx4dtd and directed to affix the corporate seal of this municipality to each of said duplicates of said contract, and to attest and certify the same, and upon full execution thereof, to deliver one of said duplicates ,to the Idaho Power Co. and to re- tain the other as part of the records of his office. The motion to adopt said resolution was seconded by Beitia and a yay and nay vote was thereupon taken with the following results: Those voting yay Ro erts, Fortin, and Beitia. Those voting nay none. More than the majority of the whole number of members elected to the Board of Trustees having voted yay the motion was carried and the resolution declared duly adopted. Roberts breifly reported on the status of the policy radio . Fortin reported the school buses being parked on the highway or the street right-of-way were restricting the snow removal in the winter and requested they be parked off the right-of-way . The several bills were read for payment: Leonard Ackaret wtr- street 431.28 William Acker pol 428.05 William A. Kirk clerk 156.66 Robert Remaklus legal 75 .00 James E . Morley pol 340.24 Elmer U. Allen golf 365.71 Forrest Gans pol 331.66 Guy Bacon dump 72 .28 David Smith strett-wtr 372.32 Lois Wallace swr-lib-clerk 132 .06 Hannah Willard lib 13.50 Idaho First National Bank p & b 101.00 �-- Norman Burgess fire 23.62 Mery Golden fire 2.00 Doane Michael fire 2.00 Ooyce Burgess fire 3.00 Ernie Maurer fire 9.50 Bob Whitney fire 3.50 Sanitary Refuse Co. pol 7.00 Starline Equip. Co. pol 28.83 McCall Medical Clinic poi - 15.00 Consolidated Supply wtr 183.14 Lake Irrigation District air 72.72 Arnold Machinery Co. , Inc. street 13.33 Zoning Bulletin zoning 15 .00 Van 'eaters & Rogers , Inc . wtr 45 .00 Mautz Auto Parts street 5 .69 Westcott Oil Corp. pol-lib-street 337.73 Pacific Intermountain Express So . wtr .4.00 Service Parts Co . golf-pol-st 9.75 McCall Rexall Drug pol - 16.39 May Hardware st-fire-golf-wtr-p&b 234.64 Idah❑ Power Co. 612.26 Payette Lakes Lumber st-lib 1❑.76 Hilltop Motel & Service pol 3.75 Kalbus Office Equip .G lib-clerk 33.03 Brown' s Tie & Lumber Co . st 41.51 Sonny 's ❑K Tire Store pol-dump 442 .38 Shaver' s st-pol 8.48 Smith - Blair wtr 27.75 Southern Idaho Equipment Co. st 4❑.82 Jack Hayes golf 75.72 Merton A . Logue p©l 12.00 Dave Smith golf 15 .00 Idaho Concrete Pipe So . , inc . wtr 180.00 Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co . wtr 109.87 Blue Flame `gas So . wtr 51.56 The Sawtooth Co . fire 95 .00 Logger's Supply golf - fire 19.65 Don A . Greenwell pol 12 .08 Gem State Tele. Co . lih-clerk-pol-golf-st 193.70 Holmich Logging golf 630.0❑ Floyd Jordan st-sir-wtr 128.0❑ Western Union Hoard 6.90 Clean R. Rogers golf 337.04 Idah❑ Municipal League group Ins. 141.00 Mobil Service golf 23.50 Petty Sash lib-wtr-swr 36.80 Lois Wallace lib 8.26 Following the reading of the bills Fortin moved the hills he approved and ordered paid which motion was seconded by Beitia and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board the m -etineewas de- clared recessed until the call of the chair. Chairman (Lesel, Clerk: ATTEST January 4 , 1965 A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of McCall was held on the above date e d the following business transacted. Members present were Roberts , Mason, Sizemore, and Eeitia. Fortin Absent. Sizemore moved the meeting of December 7, 19i,4 be adjourned, which motionwas seconded by Mason , and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The minutes of the previous meeting were road and approved as read. Ackaret reported the Street Light Survey was completed but the report was not made as Fortin was absent. bckaret briefly reviewed the proposed receommendations . Roberts stated he had attended the County Commissioners Meeting and was informed that a deputy sherrif was ;proposed to be moved to Mcall. It was re orted that no word had been had from Lisman on the additional right-of-way which had been requested by the Village on the road from the Nursing home to Floyd Street. A report was made from Fogg ❑n the operation of the curtesy cars as