HomeMy Public PortalAboutCouncil Minutes 1968 Jan-Dec 7 January 2, 1968 A continuation of the regular meeting of December 4, 1'?67, w¢s held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were: Mayor Sizemore, Councilmen Schaufelberger, Braden and Archer. The Chairman stated the recessed meeting was called to order for the purpo3e of filling the v..cancy on the zoning commission created by the resignation of Don Boos. Following the discussion of several names, Archer moved that Leonard r'owland be appointed to the zoning commission to fill the vacancy crated by the resignation of Don boos. The motion was seconded by Schaufel- berger and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The Clerk was instructed to notify Leonard Rowland of the appointment. Braden moved the meeting of December 4, 1l)67 be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Archer and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The Mayor called to order the meeting of January 2, 1968. Members present were : Mayor Sizemore, Councilmen Schaufelberger, PPraden and Archer. Also present were newly elected Mayor Don Boos, and Councilmen George Pappani, and Bill Evans. The minutes of the previous meetings here read and approved ,.s read. The several bills were read for payment : lliam A. Kirk Clerk, water Sewer 280.00 Robert Remaklus Legal 100.00 Villiam H. Acker Police 426.04 Forest E. Gans Police 343.26 Guy Bfcon Dump 71 .70 David Smith -treets 400. 57 Lois 'la lace Library 101.72 Norman Burgess Fire Department 16.46 Larry Chalfant 'ater Sewer 3`6.44 leer "llen Golf Course 285.27 Norman Thompson Police 404. 53 Jack Seetin Streets ."Water 464.09 Idaho First National Parks and Beaches 100. 50 Association of Idaho Cities Insurance 138.03 #12268 Voided Employees Retirement System Retirement 306.08 Payette Lakes Star Board 13.26 G & B Shell Fire Department 8. 10 Brown's Tie P Lumber Co. Street Dept. Equipment 353. 21 Southern Idaho Equipment Street Dept. Equipment 1334. 65 Valley County Treasurer oiling (after sewer constr. ) 622. 92 Noels Cash Market Dog Pound 10.80 Shavers Street Other Expense 2'7.25 May Hardware '''atcr Department C. 1 11 .75 ~cheson Motors olice 7. 50 Payette Lakes Lumber Water, 0ireets, Police, sewer, etc 19. 96 Genera! fire equip. `'o. Fire Department 25. 63 Bus 's "ervice golf Course 4. 90 Mautz auto Suprly Water Street Lolf fire Sewer 68.46 dycoff Co. later Dept. 4.00 C. Vright Constr. Co. Oiling constr. 40.00 Treasurer Valley bounty fewer 0. E. 2. 64 K. M. C. L. Police Department 91.70 Larvren Hutchens Police 0. E. 40.00 Tirewater Oil o. Police 0. E . 4.47 Idaho Telephone L-o. Utilities 287.07 Peals Cafe Police 0. E. 11 . 13 Sinclair Refining Police O. E. 40. 59 Texaco Police 6. 93 Childrens Press Library 18.24 Baker Taylor Co. Library 6.24 New Method Book Bindery Library 7. 68 H. . 'ilson `'o. Liti; ;:ry 27.09 Silver Eurdette Co. Library 4.40 The Book Shop Library 3.64 Standard Oil Co, All departments 539. 69 Ida.' o Power Co. Untilities 752. 03 Huskey Disposal Library Police 2.00 Continental Cit Col Alt departments 2. 90 • 0. K. ire More ater streets sewer airport 6E.44 Van !a tens Rogers later C. E. 26. 94 Caxton Printers "ewer and uoard 118.35 Munichem Corp All Departments 25. 80 Arnold Machinery All Departments 304.07 Jack Seetin Street 4quipment 37. 50 consolidated."upply "'a ter Dept. 100. 47 uon?s Lops,ers 'up/Ay Golf Course 8. 50 City Clerk Petty Cash >✓ater sewer police clerk library 33.82 festern Lfntion olive 5.02 Jim Madden I ,; e D;eparhment 5.00 Rardon Devil ( " 9.00 Don Johnson 10 9.50 Norman Burgess r' 17.50 Fred ratzacorta " 2.00 Don Fitzwater " 27. 50 Lewis Eddies • " 2.00 Boyce '-'urgess " 5.50 blue Flame Cos 'o. 'voter Dept 24. 13 Valley County Trust fund FICA 1092. 62 Intennal Revenue Service Cuarterly withholding 1138.20 Idaho State Tax Collector " " 233. 63 Following the reading of the b ' lts, Braden moved the bills be approved and ordered paid. The rnot .;on was seconded by Schai,felberger and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The Oaths of Office to the newly elected Mayor, Don "loos and Councilmen George Pappani and Bill Tvans was administered by Mayor Sizemora and they were declared duly qualified and Certificates of Election presented. Sizemore thanked the members of the Council for serving with him and the many courtesies over the several years. Don Boos presented a short policy statement which reviewed previous policy statements prior to election regarding the City Administration, inter—Govern— ment Committee and Planning Commission to plan the future of the City. The duties and functions of the Council President were revdewed following which Pappani moved that Schaufeiberger be unanimotsly elected as President of the Council. The motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. There followed a discussion on the interim appropriation bill following which Pappani introduced and moved the adoption of Proposed Ordinance no 273, an Interim Appropriation Ordinance appropriating a sum of .: 133, 617. for the paymentof expenses and sal -ries until the annual appropriation bill ofthe City of McCall is approved. Archer moved the rules be suspended for the passace of the proposed ordinance no. 273, Yhich motion:aas seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The Ordinance was read by Title and at ILeng't•ii, following which Evans seconded the motion, moving ANN the adoption of the proposed Ordinance Mo. 273. Upon vote the Mayor declared the Ordinance carried unanimously. Boos instructed the Clerk to write to all members of the Board whoae terms had expired expressing the appreciation of the City and thanking them for their service. Following discussion on other offices of the `'ity, a`chaufelherger moved that 'fillicm Kirk be hired as City Clerk and Treasurer, which motion was seconded by Pappani and -upon vote declared carried unanimously. Drib cemaklus reviewed the position of Public Defender and a letter was read regarding the Statute, and the position was clarified. There appeared to be no conflict between the position of r uhlic Defender and the position of attorney for the City of McCall . Following discussion, Evans moved that Pemaklus be retained as City Attorney. The motion was seconded by ,-"archer and upon vote 9 declared carried unary?mously. Following discussion on the various departments of theCity, The Mayor announced the following appointments : Clyde Archer -treets, lights and Dump. George Pappani Police Department and harks and Beaches Al Schaufelberger McCall Memorial Hospital, Library and Airport Bill Evans 'ater and Sewer, Fire Department and Civil Defense. Don Boos Golf Course It was reported the terms of Sam Defter was expiring on the McCall Memorial Hospital Board and following the recommendation of the Board, it was duly moved, seconded and carried unanimously that •Sam Defter be reappointed to the McCall Memorial Hospital Board for a term of three years. The Mayor stated that the Board sho; ld consider holding future meetings at 7:00 t'. in order to finish at an early hour. Following Discussion the attorney was instructed to draw an ordinance chancing the dates of the City youncil Meeting to the hour of 7:00 A. Boos stated that he was appointing Jack Seetin as Administrative Assistant to the Mayor as previously discussed and outlineihxxsxssx under Section 50-264 here followed a discussion on the duties, responsibility to the Mayor and responsibility to the individual Council members. Following discussion the appointment of Jack Seetin cis administrative assistant was unanimously approved by the (-ounci 1. Pappani reported on the request of theChamber of Commerce to block off a street to detour traffic for the parade for the Minter Carnival Program on January 26, 600P.M. to 9:00 P. M. and on January 27 from 10:00 A. M. to 12:00 O 'clock noon. Following discussion Pappani moved that the Board ap- prove the request oftho '-hamberof Commerce and the t-ity Crews cooperate with the Winter Carnival Committee in any way which might be helpful . The motion was seconded by Schaufelberger and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board, the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. ' oi,,,tif „dr/n.4. Ma>or Clerk January 17, 1968 A continuation of the regualr meeting of January Z,, 1968, was held on the above date and the following business transacted: Membbrs present were: Mayor Don Boos, ouncilmen Schaufelberger, Evans and h'appani. The Mayor declared the meeting was called for the purpose of considering portions of the 1968 Budget and the Golf Course Sub-Division. There followed a discussion on the naming of the street on the wolf Course Sub-Division adjacent to No. 9 Fairway which wbuld connect Davis Avenue to the road proposed on the Brown property. Following discussion, Schaufelberger moved the street be named Fairway Drive and the Sub-Division be named the Fairway Subdivision and the Engin -er so notified. The motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. There followed a discussion on various salaries which would ba paid under the new budget, and Seetin was instructed to work with the individual members on their departments. There followed a discussion on the various salary and budget items. during the past year. Following discussion Bchaufelbercer introduced andmoved the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. . 274, an Ordinance repealing and reinacting Chapter 4 of title 1 of the 'Villoce I-ode of i4c0all, Idaho relating to the time and place of holding s ggular and special meetings of the City Council oerscribinr the time and place of regular end special meetings of the "ity Council providing that special meetings may be held in parscribinq proceedure for calling same and prescribing the hour and special meetings shall be held. The Ordinance was read by title and at length, following which Archer moved the rules be susbended for tee pas age of Proposed Ordinance No. J274. The motion for the supension of the rules was seconded by :vans and upon vote declared car- ried unanimously. '-rcher seconded the motion moving the adoption of the pro- posed ordinance 42�4 Which motion was carried unanimously. Boos stated that the term of B. C. Armstrong on the McCall '1emorial Hospital Board also expired on January 1, 1968 and the Hospital Board had recommended his reappointment for the coming three year period. Following, discussion /Mow Pappani moved that Blair C. Armstrong be avpointed to the I,'c0all Municipal Hospital Board for the Three year period effective January 1, 1968. The motion ,vasseconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board, the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the chair. HA YC R CLERK 7 February 5, 1968 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of McCall was held on the above dcto and the following business transacted. I embers present were Mayor Poos, Coanci lmen Pappani, Schaufelberger, archer and Evens. Sch ufelberger moved the previous meeting be adjourned which motion was sec- onded be Pap- ani and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Norbert Heying was present representing the Lions club requesting a license to sell Fireworks d cine the Fourth of July. There followed e discussion on the . whzch` type of fireworks could be sold and on the interpretation of the City Ordinance. Following discussion, no objection washe :' by the Board. Chief Acker was present and demonstrated a tranquilizer gun of the State of Idaho of the l epartment of Fish and Camp' which he proposed be used for Bop Control and ex iained the method of operation. The minutes of the previous meeting .✓ere r cad and approved es read. Newton :'h i tehead was present from the Union fl c i f is Pa i lkoad Company and ""h reported that young school children were walking to school along the rail road tracks and reviewed the hazard involved and the possibility of the children being unable to net off the track because of the high snow hanks. He also reported the vandalism on the railroad signals. there followed a discussion on the possible solutions and the clerk was instructed the school administration be notified and the paper and radio publicize the hazard. In the event the situation was not corrected in several Jays, the ,''otice Department could take appropriate action. He also reported on the traffic hazard on the. corner of third and Lae ..:;treets and st ted that if an additional parking area were available oh third street it weuid greatly increase the visibi ity, perticulary in making, a loft turn off Lake street. He also stated that posting of III 'ay 55 could be better placed and sueoested the area eihere the Fonderosa. ;'ark sign is now. loceted. arren Froam was present te give the City wooden Keys made in Spain te , resent to distingeti4;hed visitors to the City. Ed Rowland was present on the Snoa Removal problems and stated that Rowland Brothers was operating or approaching capacity in equipment for snow removal. He stated that the City should be aware of the situati'n for future planning. Boos reported on Seetins reccomme-ndation of the City removing all snow for this year. Neal "oydstun vs present and questioned when the Zoning; Commission would hold the hearings for the Zoning of the Lardo Area. Boos reported that the hearing would be held and that action was already taken b; the Zoning; Commission. Murray 'a`illiams was present on the unattended self-service station located in the South end of McCall and the severe. ( complaints ere reviewed. The Hospital bud get as proposed by the Hospital Board was reviewed and i'appani suggested that the Hospital aoard project their operations for a five year ,.- period, so a large major expenditure would not be unanticipated. Following discussions, Archer suggested a registration fee for non-residents of the City be charged which could be used for a building fund for future use. Following discussion, Remaklus was instru- ted to check on the legality of such a fee. Following disaossion, Coos requested the Hospital gourd . ive a projection of operation by September 1, 1968. The Library Bo rd had requested a three mill levy for the 1968 fiscal year. The resignation of Lois ?a/ lace as Librarian was read, following which Pappdni moved the resignation be accepted. The motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. that Schaufelberger moved that public notice be given,se the Library position was open through news items in the paper. A motion was duly seconded and upon vote was carried unanimously. Regarding the operat 'on of the Municipal Airport, .Schaufelberger reviewed a proposal to add a one-cent per gallon tax to all gasoline sales at the Air- port which could be used far Airport improvement. There followed a discussion on the County Airport levy and Pemaklus abated he would draw an ordinance levying a one-cent per gallon tax on gasoline sales at the Municipal Airport. The reccomendation of the Library Board to appoint Jeanette '. eetina for a five year term to the Library Board was read. Following discussion Schaufeliherger moved that Jeanette Teetin be appointed to the Library Board which motion was seconded by Cvans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. There followed a discussion on the Surplus Property ,'.gentsy, following which Archer introduced the adoption of the resolution that the City of McCall parti- cipate inthe Civil Defense Surplus Property Agency Program and that the City certify and agree for participat 'on in the Federal Surplus i-`ro,• erty Agency as noted and that the resolution be spread upon theminutes of the meeting and that Jack Seetin and illiam Kirk be named representatives of the City of McCall and that their signatures be authorized to obligate the funds of the Civil Defense Unit of theCity and to obtain transfer to it from Surplus Property Agency upon and subject to the terms and conditions relating to transfer of property for Civil Defense purposes as set forth. The motion was seconded ,,. by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The extension rider of the dump encroachment from the Union Pacific Railroad was read following which Ychaufeliberger moved the Mayor be authorised end in- structed to renew the agreement. The motion was seconded by :'.rcher and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The map of the lagoon site from Toothman and associates was presented and a statement in the amount of "'1, 4)8. P0 presented. Also read 'as the letter from James Schiller, Attorney for Dr. Kenneth Droulard, regarding trespass by the City on his property from the lagoon site to the river. The sketch and the legal discriptions of the 1c-gc n site were discussed and it was the opinion of the Board that possibly all parties concerned should present at a meeting„ so a solution could be worked out. Remaklus stated that the office of Public Defender hadnot been established by the County Commissioners which was previously discussed. Remaklus also stated that arner Mills had contacted him on possible legislation regarding snow mobiles. • The application of Larry Tiegs for a dance Iicrnse for the Fink ;`anther for 1968 was read. Evans moved the license be approved, which matton .as seconded by ;-nppan i and upon vote declared unanimously. The enforcement of the Dog License '"rdinance .as discussed and it was stated publicity sho ld be given to the enforcement. The reccommendrtione made by Jack S etin were briefly reviewe by the Mayor. The Mayor reviewed the purchase of the equipment at the Caddy house from Jasper and a list and cost of equipment were reviewed. Ile stated these items shocld be clarified but would be included in the 1^6 budget. It was reported the pipe for irrigation at the Golf Course would be approxim;r'tely: 2, 24.2. for new pipe. Eldon 2o ;ers was to check on used pipe which mlht be available for this purpose. . The several bills were reed for pa;ment : N. H. Acker Police Salary 426. 04 Guy Bacon vumo a 71. 70 Donald woos Board 33.73 Norman Burgess Fire De; .rtment 30. 18. Clyde Archer Jr. Board 1.00 Larry Chalfant :ter/'Sewer 356. 44 Bill Evans Board 23.-90 Forrest Cans Police 343.26 'vi l l iam A. `:irk Clerk h ter fewer 280.00 George Papp.-,n i Board 21 .97 Robert Pemak lus Legal 100.00 A. H. 5chaufelb.,. per Board 21. 97 Jack Seetin •Voter Streets 464. 09 . David Smith Streets 400. 57 Norman Thompson Police 404. 53 Lois '7allace Library 101. 72 Association of Idaho Cities Insurance 128. 34 Idaho First National Sank parks and Beaches 100. 50 Employee Retirement System Retirement 248. 99 Shari Sateen Library 60. 00 Browns Tie Lumber Streets water surer dump 235. 20 Valley County reed Control . irport CT 122. 24 Consclid ted "apply Co. 'ester 209. 69 Municipal Supplies Uarley Co. Fire department 47. 05 Jack Hayes Insurance Golf/ Clerk Hosnital 32.00 Pardon r'evi l t Jr. Fire department 4. 00 Donald Johnson " 3, 50 Norman Burgess it 10.00 Jim Madden " 3.00 Bland Ye l ton Jr. j' 3. 00 '-)oyceBurress II 6. 50 Done Michael If 2. 00 Jerry Jurva a 2.00 Bus Johnson Ft 2. 00 Ernie Burgess " 2. 00 Shavers Sewer/ '"ester Streets 19. 32 Fayette Lakes Lumber sewer waler streets 9. 31 May Hardware water clerk 6.86 Sizemore Chevron .Streets 1 .21 1 Continental Gil Co. Board 11 . 18 Houtz_ Auto Parts sewer water streets 18. 15 . Idaho Power Utilities all dept. 820. 32 Idaho Telephone " 104. 97 Moore 2usness Forms .'ester ' Sewer 210.60 Star News hoard 9.49 .gate of Idaho Surplus Alt departments 125. 00 L.K. c lec trio New ever Construct on 79. 75 Rife "+ilson Jl P ybylski Clerk 5. 00 Tudor Fnc inc erina Co. street Const. 160. 46 Association of Idaho Cities i..-'ues for clerks, etc 5.00 Assoc of Idaho Cities Association dues 1968 7ourd 113.84 13 Sonnys C K ` ire Streets 7. 50 Timm electric Street lites 2,39 Don 's 76 Police 2. 03 Mc`-a l l Rexa l l Drug Library i"a l ice 9.35 Salt Lake Stamp Co. olice Dog Tans 16. 80 • Petty Cash .ater Sewer Police 30.07 Libby Battery & Electric Entice 2. 11 ontinental Oil Police 44. 13 Shell Oil Police 49. 33 Union 76 Police 31. 81 Service Parts Police streets 10. 90 Huskey Disposal Library Police 2.00 Pecs Cafe Police 9. 14 Acker Police OF 27. 90 Standard Oil 565. 94 The Look Shod Library 15. 18 Caxton '',-.inters If 15.60 Mc`'all Public Library " 10. 58 Doubleday & o. " 10. 70 New Method' Book Bindery " 11. 37 . - Laylord Bros /n. c " 37. 21 '.Lois `Val lace " 1.81 DorisBruce " 60.00 Pon Fitzwater Fire Department 20.00 following the reading of the bills, 'archer moved the bills approved and ordered paid. The motion was seconded by ;fehvfelberger, and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Ro further business coming before the Board, the meeting was declared re- cesseduntil the call of the chair. ATTES. : �.� MA , Ci CL eK March 1, 1968 A continuationof the regular meeting of February 5, 1963, was held on the above date and the following business transacted: !:'embers present were Mayor Don Boos, Councilmen Evans, Archer, Schaufelbereef Jack Seetin was also present. The Mayor declared the meeting called for the purpose of preparing the 1968 budget. `,.. No further business coming before the Board, the meeting was declared re- cessed until the call of the chair. MAYOR CLERK March 4, 1968 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Mayor Boos, Councilmen Pappani, Schaufelberger, and Archer. Evans Excused. The minutes of the previous meeting .;ere read and approved as read. Velma Shoemaker was present on behalf of the Progressive Club to offer the 4 cooperation of the club on any cleanup program for the City which might be forthcoming. She reviewed several sugestions made by the Clubfor the im- provement of the Park and stated that Hovers had been e urchased for the barrels along the sidewalks for the coming; year. She also stated that the litter could be better picked up and while working on one of the projects noted there :)as no water outlet into the Library. The request for a Taxi license from Elton Corbit was read and reviewed as to any requirements by the City Ordinance regarding insurance coverage. Following discussion, Schaufelberger moved the license be approved, which motion was seconded by Archer and upon vote declared carried unannimously. Mr. Corbit also requested a parking area near Peg 's Cafe, following which the acute parking problem was reviewed in the downtown area. No action was taken pending a further review of the request. Roman Klott was present and stated that some of the Boy Scouts needed work 'tea for a Conservation Badge and questioned if any work was available on the sewer projects. Following discussion several projects were reviewed which could be participated in by the Loy Scouts. Archer reported that Seetin had been working on the street tight programs which consisted of 14 new street lights. Schaufelberger reviewed the new lights as proposed. Seetin reported that crank case oil would be available for spraying the streets to hold down the dust in the summer months. Pappani reported the Police budget was repaired and reviewed the tentative totals. Pappani stated that he had talked to members of the Police Com- mission who were unavailable for a meeting and it was the opinion that the Commission be dissolved especially in view of the new position of the Ad- ministraitive Assistant. Following discussion, Schaufelberger moved the Police Commission be dissolved which motion was seconded by Pappani and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Schaufelberger reported that the projected plan for the Hospital Operation • had been reviewed and would be complied with at the date set by the Council . This projection was also necessary for the ledicare - regram. A letter from Gladys Shelton of the Library Loard was read, recommending Eva Neisinger be appointed as Librarian. Following discussion, Pappani moved the recommendation of the Library Board be accepted, which motion was seconded by Schaufelberger and upon vote declared carried unanimously. A resolution levying a tqx of 10 per gallon of gasoline and 5C per gallon on lubricating oil at the Punicipal Airport was read and discussed. No action was taken pending a clarification of the resolution. Pappani stated that some action should be taken on the old theatre building and Remaklus reviewed the possibilities of action irf petting the old building declared a nuisance. Remaklus was instructed to proceed on t;,e be sl Boos reported that some of the school children were still walking down the railroad tracks and the police department was instructed to attempt who the children were and report it to their parents and/or the school admini- stration. The Police Chief reported that the tranquilizer materials hod been ordered and should be received shortly for enforcement of the dog license ordinance. The Chief of Police was instructed to enforce the ordinance requiring the payment of a : 6C. per year license on music boxes. Remaklus stated that he was not yet prepared to give an opinion on the pro- posal for a fee for non-residents at the McCall Memorial Hospital and re- viewed the ramifications of such a fee. 15 • Bob Fogg was present and following discussion on the proposed 10 per gallon tax on gasolines at the Municipal Airport, the resolution was to be amended to make the wholesaler responsible for the collection of the tr_x. Burton H,alker was present and reviewed the Claude High offer to .%onate $1000. for paving of the street and stated that possibly other property owners would make similar contributions. Pappani suggested that some folding chairs could be obtained through the sur- plus property agency for visitors to the City Council .meetings. Following a discussion on the water and sewer billings, Schaufelberger moved the clerk be authori -ed to proceed with the moving of the water and sewer billing and collecting systems, including and assistant clerk to the Library Cuilding. The motion was seconded by Pappani and upon vote declared carried unanimously. c A letter from the U. S. Forest .Service to the City of McCall was read thanking the city for its cooperation in the search for Lost youth. A letter from Jean Leone was read requesting an easement through the City Park to the lakeside units of the Park Motel . No action .vas taken pending further investigation and inspection of the premises. The several bills were read for payment : William Acker Police salary 426.04 Guy Bacon Dump 71. 70 Donald boos Board 33. 73 Norman Burgess Fire Department 30. 18 Clyde Archer Board 1 .00 Larry Chalfant sewer water 356.44 Bill a. Evans Board 23. 90 Forrest Gans Police 343.26 William A. Kirk Clerk %a er Sewer 280.00 George Pappani Board 21 . 97 Robert Remaklus Legal 1 0.00 A. H. Schaufelberger So rd 21 . 97 Jack Seetin later Streets 464.09 David Smith Streets 400. 57 Norman Thompson Po ice 404. 53 Association of Idaho Cities Insurance 138.03 Idaho First National Parks and Reaches 100. 50 Public Employee ^etirement System 345.47 Eva Neisinurer Library 27.00 Donis Bruce Library 60.00 Lorna McClean Library 85.00 Continental Oil Co. Police 78. 52 Rexall Drug Police/Library 1 .87 Standard Oil Police 19. 54 Hibbs Laboratories Police 10.00 Jeffs Automotive Police 30. 16 �.. Libby Battery & Electric Police 10.28 Sh vers Police 2. 58 Jim Madden Fire Dept 3.00 Norman Burgess Fire Dept 8.00 Don Fitzwater Fire Dept 18.00 Doane Michael Fire Dept. 1 .00 Don Johnson Fire Dept. 6. 50 Bus Johnson Fire Dept. 1 .00 Jerry Jurva Fire Dept. 1.00 Ernie Burgess Fire Dept. 1.00 Bland Yelton Jr. Fire Dept. 3.00 Mautz Auto Parts Streets ."l; er 48. 93 Norco Streets 8. 95 Service Parts Streets 5.06 Bus 's Service Fire Dept. 14.92 'ilLiam Kirk Ins. Agency Library 76.00 Brown 's Tie and LumLer Street Equipment 934.32 Blue Flame Gas a t e r 84. 74 Consolidated -)upply Col 'ester 25.34 Dan 's Shoe Repair Street 1. 50 rt • Star News Clerk OE 23. 66 John 's Texaco streets 6.40 Van Vroters Rggers water 19. 89 Idaho Telephone Co. Utilities 111 . 94 Nelson Plumbing car Electric '/ester 15.75 Idaho Power Utilities 753.01 Thatham Stamp & Coin Co. Library 1.00 Lee ''jards Library 8. 11 Demco Library 12. 35 San Val Inc . Library 32. 40 National Geographic Society Library 18.00 Bro-Dart Inc Library 8. 50 Doubleday & Co. Library 2. 25 Baker r Taylor 'o. Library 46.29 Petty Cash Sewer 'later Clerk 2 .00 May Had ware Fire Dept and !ater 11. 43 Fayette Lake Lumber Streets 10.24 Eldon koeers Golf 'ourse 81. 17 State Insurance Fund all departments 1027.47 Schaufelberger moved the bills be approved and ordered paid. The motion was seconded by Pappani and upon vote decl~red carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board the meeting was declared recessed until the call of t '-e Chair. AT. ST: IPA Y 4714 MAYOR CL CPK March c, 1 -68 A continuation of the regular meeting of the City Council was called on the above d to for the purpose of working on the 1968 budget. Following lengthy discussion Schaufelberger moved the proposed bu,2et for the City of McCall for all departments in the amount of y712, 188. be approved and advertised which would carry a mit levy of 52. 5 mills on all taxable property in the City of HcCell and a proposed budget hearing be held at 7:00P.M. March 21 1968. The motion was seconded by Archer and upon vote dec `.uredoarried un- animously. No further business coming before the Board, the meeting wos declared re- cessed until the call of the Chair. �T7r�T: J104 e/ t4.1YO( CLEC K March 21, 1968 continu tion of the r, gular meeting of theCity Council was called on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Mayor boos, Councilmen r'appani, Archer and Schaufelberger. Evans Excused. The Mayor stated the meeting .,,nas called as advertised for a hearing for any protestants for the Pcoposed Budget for the City of McC-:ll as advertised for the fiscal year 1968. The Budget in the amount of ; 712, 188. with the mill levy of 52. 5 mills was read and briefly discussed. Ed Rowland was ;present and stated several items of sewer construction si, uld 17 be reviewed and the street oiling program I ee:e ; ly amended. The Plat of the Fdirway Subdivision of the City of McGill as drafted by Toothman and Associates was reviewed by the Council Following which Schaufel- berger moved the ' lett be accepted as presented. The motion was seconded by Archer and upon vote declared carried unanimously. There followed a discussion on the possible sale of tots in the Subdivision and an appraisal Which would be made for the calling of sealed bids. Regulation 4!1 at the McCall Municipal Airport was read, which placed a charge of 1¢ per gallon on all gasoline delivered to the Airport and 5¢ per gallon on lubricating oil was read at length. Following discussion, Schaufelberger moved the regulation (copy of which is attached) be adopted. The motion was seconded by Archer and upon vote dect • red carried unanimously. A letter from Shell Oil Company was read stating that they had evaluated a pro- posal to provide a jet fuel installation at the Mci-all Municipal Airport and further reviewed a ^plan to relocotesel the aviation gas pumps and dispensers at Johnson Flying lervice. The proposal included turbine fuel installation from two 12000 gve ground tanks and a request to lease the property on which the equipment is installed for a period fo ten years with an option tc re n+ww for an additional five year period. No objection was had by the Board after referal to the City Attorney. A request was read from Dr. Pflug, requesting a refund of the monies advanced for the water line installation on Mather Road because of the sale of his house. Following discussion Archer moved the credit balance of the water account be refunded (in the amount of 126. ) which motion was seconded by Schaufelberger and upon vote deddared carried unanimously. Don Boos again reviewed the letter from Claude High which Stated a contribution in the amount of 51000. would be made toward a street oiling program on his street. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to him thanking him for his generous offer. The Chairman declared the meeting would be temporarily recessed at this time. Following the recess the meeting ., . s called to order by the Mayor and the 1 )68 Budget ,tias further reviewed and discussed. Archer introduced a-.d moved the adoption of proposed ordinance r275, an Crdinance termed the Annual Appropriation Bill Appropriating such sums of money as are deemed necessary to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of the City of McCall, Idaho, for the fiscal year 1968 and fixing the tax levy for the City o' fc c ll for the fiscal year 1968. Pappani moved the rules be suspended for the passage of proposed Ordinance .4275, which motion was seconded by Schaufelberger and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Pappani seconded the motion moving the adoption cf proposed Ordinance #275 and upon vote was declared carried unanimously. No further business comin.; before the £card, the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. ,.- CfPMAY �"R • • CLERK RK --� April 1, 1968 The rr gular meeting of the City Council was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Mayor Boos, Councilmen Schaufelberger, Archer, Evans and Pappani . Schaufelberger moved the meeting of March 4, 1968 be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Pappani and upon vexte declared unanimously. Evans stated that the Forest Service had started a program to train famiy medical survival 6ndieing units. He also reported on a Sanitary Landfill meeting and proposed land which might be available for sanitary landfill dump pu°'poses. Additional information w uld be available at the next meeting. .rvans reported that Vatkins had been in McColl with the engineer from the Union Pacific Kailroed on the large excavation which was washing underneath the railroad track adjacent to the Calf Course. The metter ..was to be set- tled between !otkins ' onstructicn Company and the Refire d Company. He also reported that a barracade had been erected for the safety of the small cs• i lc:Iren in the arca. The minutes of the previous meeting eere reed and approved as read. kepresentatives from the State Park .Department were present and reviewed the proposal for construction at Ponderosa State Park which was being let for bid. He also reviewed the proposals to construct a sewage line which would be connected with the city sewc7ge system. Detailed plans and speci- fications were ;_resented and revie.Y•--d. Following discussion, Schaufelberger moved that permission be granted to the State of Idaho to csnnect to the City 'ewer System as the specifications set forth, which motion was seconded by Pappani and upon vote decl,." red carried unanimously. Marc Hamilton was present on a proposal on extending the existing parking area at the municipal golf course. He reported that Ronald Hamilton had proposed a trade of ground behind the Scrogham House in trade for other greund owned by the City. The background was reveiwed by the %•• yor and the the proposal would be considered following additional informetion. Regarding the tearing down of the old theatre building, Remaklus stated that Lane would not attend the meeting and relayed the cc'nversutiins with Lane which was to proceed to get a bid to demolish the building. There followed a lengthy discussion on possible courses of Action and the demolition of the bui lc+in,e. The Clerk read a letter of resignation from Donald . Stubsten as administ- rator of the Iecdall Memorial Hospital affective April 28, 1968. Following discussion Pappani moved to accept the resignation with reluctance. The motion was seconded by Schaufelber-c,er and upon vote declared unanimously. Plans were reviewed in the event a new administrator c utcd not be hired by April 28th. A brief resume of the hiring proceedure was reviewed by the Mayor. A request for a change in the Hospital Budget to ;purchase a Cardiac Memory Module in lieu of other equipment items which had been budgeted was reviewed. No objection was had by the boor°. The request of Jean Leone for a perking easement on the D'unicipal ; ark was reviewed and delayed for another motelh until the premises could he inspected. The /oning Commission report +ffz.s re d and briefly discussed. Following dis- cussien, s verel items were referred to the oninc:`-ornrnission for alr_f+cfication. A request to inst ll a log boom bgrhind the 1-:c`-ell marina from the City mock to the existing deadheads f_ r the protection of swimmers was tabled until the Board could review and inspect the pr000sol . Pemak l us reported on the Legal ,Toning proceedure and s t_:-ted the notices of hearing approved. There followed a discussion on Proposed Ordinance 1276 regarding the use of metal in beildincs. in the inner fire limits, following which Archer introduced and moved the adoption of Proposed Ordinance 12V6, an ORDINANCE A," 77ND,N ; SECT IT NS 6-3-2 CF 774r CCDP.:• OF MCCALL I DAlHO i'F-L AT I NP TC /6` ;C ? c `. h ,- 2 nr r�R,,I-3SICN OF -•ramNMC - , TC n T A ,£'l' l I '/ :' V l `JlRC OF ^,,. I ' OF L / C SEA.. F r, A HE ,! .�. A r, . , L � Y, _> J l.a'1 � i_t� Cr, U''�l r,Jl `�,- O "'1Td1N SUCH I'.';VPR FU':- LP- ITS. The Ordinance was reed at length, following which Fappani moved the rules be suspended for the passege of proposed Ordinance "c^76. The motion • fas seconded by Archer and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Pappani moved the adoption of Proposed Ordinance ;`276 and upon vote declared carried unanirnouly by the Mayor. It was reported that the Cankers could not appraise the lots adjacent to the McCall Municipal Golf Course and the Cleric as instructed tc cntact Harley McOowel for the appraise! . The lease at the KcCall Municipal Airport between the City and the Shell C, il Company was reviewed and would be available for the next meeting. A letter from Carl H. Sh;.ver was read requesting permission to ceastruct a drinking fountain on the Seventh Tee in memory of Lob Benson was road. Follo.eing discussion, no objection vas h a by the Board. The Clerk Reported on the prod es.s be ing made to p lace the water and sewer billings back to the Library :Ina requested permission to purchase a f le and chair. No objection was ha;: by the Board. The Audit for the Fiscal Year 1967 by Rife, i l son and :=rryby l sk i as pre- sented and briefly reviewed. l'apyani moved the audit be accepted which �.- motion was seconded by Schaufelberuer and upon vote declared carried I • unanimously. The Ingebretsen water billon property which had been repossessed was re- viewed and the Clerk was instructed negotiate the pest due balance with In ebretsens. The Mayor briefly reviewed the parking' in the downtown area and there fol- lowed a discussion on the log curbing on second street and Lenore street, with diagonal parking on .second street between Lake street and -enore street, and parallel on Lenore Street. Following discussion no objection was had by the Board and the street superintendent was instructed to place the log curling on the streets. Seetin reported that a Jeep had been acquired from the Southen Idaho Timber Protective Associ:: ti n for use by the City. Remaklus reported that the Police Chief and stater Masters salary which had been previously set by Ordinance could be changed and recommended that an ordinance be drawn creating the Administrative Assistant and that the salaries of the two appointees be set by resolution. Following discussion the attorney was instructed to draw the ordinance. The several bills were read for payment : William Acker Police Salary 525.00 Guy Bacon Dump " • 75.00 Donald Boos Board 40.00 Norman Burgess Fire Department 35.00 Clyde Archer Board 1 .00 Larry Chalfant 'later Sewer 500 Bill A. Pans Board 25.00 Forrest Cans Police 525.00 William Kirk Clerk, "!aterSewer 525. 00 George Fap,t an i Bo:.rd 25.00 obert Pomaklus Legal 100. 00 A. H. Schaufe lberger Board 25. 00 Jack Seetin all departments 1366.03 David Smith Streets 525.00 Norman G. Thompson Police 510.00 Eva Neisinper Library 125.00 • Parks & Beaches Idaho First Nat onal Bank 100. 50 Valley County Trust Fund uarterly report 1060. 19 Internal Revenue " " 1045. 90 State lax Coll -c for r, yr 207.49 Public Employee retirement fund 312. 59 Association of Idaho '-i + ies Insurance 138.03 Hospital Bond R demption Fund Transfer 50(0. 00 Tudor Lngineering Golf Course Constr. 960.00 "vi l l iam Acker Police 0 E 18.00 Forrest Cans Police 0 E 11 .70 Norman Burgess Fire Department 0 E. 10. 50 Rard. n Bevill Fire Department 2. 50 Ralph Murray " " 3.00 Bob Cameron " " 3.00 Don Johnson " " 1. 50 Boyce Burgess " " 3.00 410 dal Oland '!eiton Jr Fire Department 6. 00 Jim Madden Fire : epartr;;en t 6. 00 Con Fitzwater Fire Department 20. 50 Star News Clerk GE 36.28 Huskey Disposal Library Co / ice 2.00 Sonny's C.K. Tire : tore streets 11.00 Idaho Po er All departments 748. 46 U. i . k: i I read Jump oe 25.00 /d'cLo 'etep hone o. all departments 101 .21 Idaho First National board 15.00 Vc.,n -titers <', e:oeers _oter 24. 94 Library CE 14. 08 Doris Eruce Li rary 30.00 Gaylord Cros Inc. Library 10135 Pub fishers Central Cureau Library 24. 14 Baker r. Taylor Co. Library 54. 81 mft Standard Gil of olif All dep:crtrents 523. 17 Shell C i l Police Cop rd 25. 97 Union Oil "o. Police ;8. 75 Lent inenty l C•i l Co. Police 70. 19 A.:'l.•. l 1 exa l ( Library, Clerk-,.. .� Drug Police Streets, � �f.64 1.; ,.,y, Hardware Police Streets o l f 'ourse 381 .88 Texaco Police 5. 49 George F. Coke Co. Police 38. 45 Sargent So.tet 1 , Inc i- ire 30.05 l-hsutz ~uto Parts F'O l i:'e 24 . 44 City Clerk Petty Cush Fire Cept, `titer 3e :'er 27. 85 Fappani moved the bills he approved en.. ordered paid. ' he motion was sec •nced by Ochaufe lber :er and upon vote declared unanimously. No further business coming before the ooard, the meeting was recessed anti '. the call of the Chair. ,ryTTE ,D611eth,I",YG 1 (444-*OefM.17- CL05K April 22, 1'7,68 4 continuation of the regular meeting of April 1, 1968, was held on the above date and the following business transacted. t':ernbers present were ' aor Loos, 'oune f. lmen Ovens, Archer, Schau/Zfe lberc er and figs ;-ani . The tO'savor st-sted the meeting •es called f,. r the purpose of considering several ordinances, the Airport lease with the Shell Gil Company and a report from tre zoninu Comr,ission. Schaufelberger introduced and moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance `277 AU ORDINANCE 0? z_ '7 INC•' 7C 3 L, r i E ;,� , `.r<'I,`. , .F F1I='�=G I t•i, I ✓� CFr l:.EE;, FP--IPL 'YE . Ci0 7 CITY F , .. hL L, 0/0. ./I.. l,',' T; . : :;;.'C/-% SALARIES BB ESThC:L_ IS/1173 .,! r ->CL_UTICd CF TIC: CITY COOI'Clb AND 1,',_.FEAL / '0 .:;£..'.TICKS 1-8-1 and 1-8-2 CF TOE VILL-:;GE CODE OF I'CC„LL l,OrtP'C . The (Ordinance was read at length, fo l lo•vicsc wh irh Archer moved ti-c rules be suspended for the passage of proposed Ordinance 4277. The motion for the suspension of the rules was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Pappani seconded the mot on moving the adoption of Proposed Ordinance 1277 and upon vote .r. _s declared carried unanimously. There followed a discussion on the Juke Pox Ordinance, following which Archer introduced - nd moved the adoption of 0ropc3ed Ordinance A278 AN 0POI 1/ CE AP•./if/CINC SPOT ION 4-3-12 Cr TI_ ,- VILL -Or CODE OF IICCALL l;:)4PC ?I:ILATI", : Ti '!SIC f./C:: L _ The Ordinance was reed at length, following which .ichaufelberger moved the rules be suspended for the passa'.ea of 21 • of Proposed Ordinance , 278. The motion was seconded by Pappani and uaon vote declared carried unanimously. Evens seconded the motion moving the adopt- ion of Proposed Ordinance ;;{278 and upon vote was declared carried unanimously. The Airport Lease Let'veen the City of McCall and the Shell Oil `"ompany was read at Length and discussed. Following discussion, the fee for the Lease was to be set at 11.00 per year and the Clerk was instructed to for- ward the Lease to the Shell Oil Company for signature. The request of Al Lambert for proposed sewer charges based his trailer court. operation was read. Following lengthy discussion, the matter was postponed antil additional information on other users inside the City Limits could be determined. The Zoning °ommissions report was read and referred to the Commission for .-• clarification on condiminiums (?) Evans reviewed the BLM ground which was aiailable for '2. 50 per acre for a land fill dump. No action was taken pending inspection of the site. Seetin requested approval to install a recording telephone which would be placed in the City Shop at an approx ',.aate cost of 510. per month on a trial basis. Following discussion on the advantages of the teleph ne, Schaufel- berger moved the request be approved. The motion was seconded by Archer and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The request of the McCall Marina for the construction of a log boom as prev- iously outlined to the Board was reviewed and the Clerk was instructed to advise hire that the approval of the Council was granted for the construction as requested. Pappani reviewed the parking areas on the Lakeshore behind the t/ay Hardware drug store a a1 :`he Park Motel . No action was taken, pending further in- formation. The Mayor stated that Vatkins onstruction Company should be contacted im- mediately as all the water lines to the Golf Course had been cut and the greens were in need of water. The Clerk was instructed to contact Toothman and associates and have latkins make the necessary arrangements to repair the damage. The parking at the Standard Station on second street ,✓as briefly discussed. The clerk reported that Joye Catlin had been tentatively hired as the assist- ant clerk for water and sewer bil ' inr. No further business coming before the Board, the meeting was declared re- cessed until the call of the Chair. ATTEST: fi611-02 ..GC ildir11) CLERK May 6, 1968 The regular mcetin& of the City Council of the City of McCall was held on the above dote and the following business transacted. Members present were ('ounc i lmen Schaufe lberger, Archer, Evans and Pappani . Also present were numerous people - from the Lardo Area, pursuant to the legal notification of Hearing of the Lardo Area. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Marc Hamilton was present and stated that the lots which had been prev- iously discussed were Loca ".ed in davis .Beach Tract, lots 4 & 5, in section 9. The location of the lots in regard to the present location were re- viewed and he stated th.• t a value of 2600. per lot was placed on them Lao • by the owner which were 5C' by inc , lots. The owner, Ronald Hamilton, would prefer trade for smiler property. The request of Hamilton to hook onto the City dater .system for a nominal fee was reviewed. No action was taken pr'ndinc' further infere7atien. / de Lee-atien was present from the Chamber of Co;. , erce on the- ark inn situation, in the down town are a. Dan :lefranc i sco, spokesman, reported on several areas which hod been inspected and could be used to helpal'l ,?viote the parking problem. The number of cars which could be accemmadated in the vericus (-rens were reviewed and it w s stated that with city help on clr?anino the Car-es up, they could be made inte offstreet parkin.: . It was also requested Ih':rt the one-hear parking li- it be enforced on the downtown ar• a and 'the attitude of lie- police department towdrd tourist was reviewed. There followed a short discussion on "'he financial c,/! li>:;a- tions which mirl;t be incurred by the City in the improvement of the Far'ting areas. Following discussi -n _;c5,-•ufelbercer sti eected the park- ing problem be start,. ,.: with the request that ell downtown e ployees park off the main area and to improve one proposed arca at a I die. Follow in<; discussion the proposal was to he further considered pending adciit :oneI infor'ar'ti:!n. Acker briefly reported on the attitude of the I'c) li':'e :ep -rtnent and the present enforcement policy. Cr. and t rs. John r'ollock were present on the c reveled street in the Lardo Area and re:':.,u+":st.oe additional infor`" ':' tian on the right-Of-way e,nich was was being cleared and travel being hauled. 76e ,•o ...Iter s^.,a.s referred to :eetin on the strei+ hteninc of thr- street crud the location of the rI.ht-of- wa y. Following the hearing, a l:~rc.e group cf Teeple- from the l_czrdo Area were present and di :;cesed at lenrTh the Zoning- ( roinc"oI,ce aid id— map zoning the area. do protests were rr::ce by a ;ycne present, following aI..arificetion of the zoning ordinance and the Attorney 'was instructed.:' to Jr w the ordi- nance adopt ine the proposed map. Fred `3cudder of Continental Life and Acci,'ent Dom; any was present on u proposal for !'r' ur Insurance ": v.rrce' for ell rity erv,, lnyf==es. ., :~cfion was taken pendin , c:';r:-r,cc:zrison with the present •group • in.Surance plan. Ed `.'izemorr was present and reviewed the ;).irking problem on second street and stag' d that Ttcndard i;it Company anticip.° ied placing ca set of pumps on the west side of the station end ,,'told like the street opened for access as approved ::y the building permit. There followed a discussion on curb cuts, the petit : ty of the building permit and the m:' ' te•r was re- ferred to r^er'toklus for ciccrifi4atio ). Folio-vine eiscussion, =;chaufelber';er moved tr-at prior to any curb cuts, being authorized or apl,rcveJ, they must first be submitted and approved by the City Council . Ti;e motion was seconded by Archer and upon vote de- cla.red cerried un'rrimeusly. Pap ani introduced and moved the adoption of proposed C rdinance 1279 ' . , - - c iror � ','..;I Ir"t:'w.r. r?c.c... 1,-,'(� T,�: ,"i: �I '.'(�'., -',I:°t,:, ,^"'l'�C� �;i�t"-T l(.,,,r,a '? 3 9 (.,F 7 r�"... '�I L i E 4 � . tid.:. ' 'r.;.. ; r ...1 ..i 1.9 65; r \3... '`: �r. •-i f.'f•!- ^.-T _; -E r_ l,>>_�l T l 1 l "„- "l `Tl . Following, the. reeding at le.npt/, of Proposed l,rdinence ;1279, `vans moved the rules be suspended for the passage of Proposed (:',rdinance ;;'279. The motion was seconded by chcrufc* l` c.,^aer :Lod upon vote .xr=c Lc<rec' carried unanimously. Following further discussion ichaufelber er seconded the motion moving try-''. adoption of Proposed `I rdinence �'''79, w tch motion was declared carried unanir:roc.,sly. f'ap,:'ani briefly reviewed and quostit nod a method of placing the Ph mber of Commerce t ffice in the inner-fire zone. The rep: ort of the Colt. k-ourse Committee on the status of Life i emberships was reviewed at length and following. discussion, Pchccufclbe'rt; er 4::'v:d that recommendation 'C be accepted, which motion was seconded by i''apaani and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The Clerk reported on a r ort en of a copy of an ac, reerrent vi th Tudor 23 Engineering Company on the bill for "1 , 498. 80 for monuments, map and p /att . Following discussion, the matter was referred to the Attorney. A letter from James Hardy :✓cs read requesting pormissi •n for continued use of land located in the City Street for a t Monty year period. Following dis- cussion the matter was referred to Remaklus for clarification. The Mayor discussed the various appointments and stated that Blair Armstrong -.nd Bill Tvans should be appointed to the Inter-hovernmental Committee and the Golf Advisory Committee would be Glair Armstrong, Homer Colson, Al Lambert, Fred Towery and Don i ct/ahan. There followed discussion on people outside the city limits serving on committees and past appointments. Fol- lowing discussion, Pappani moved the appointments be approved mrhich motion was seconded by Schaufl ber4er and upon vote declared unanimously. A letter from Tudor Pncineering Company to 'atkins construction Company regarding the broken water lines at the Golf Course was read to the Board. A letter from the Union Pacific Railroad Company was read, which estimated . . cost of >1, 620. for the relocation of the rood north of the Airport. The sewer rates were reviewed and no action was taken on Lamberts request pending additional information. The Mayor reported meeting with Vaughn Jasper on the purchase of the equip- ment at the i'cCall Municipal Golf Course, totaling .51, 336. or a total of ;2, 3C0. for all items, including stock. He reported that Garcia would pur- chase all items other than the equipment in the amount of 51, 336. The several bills were read for p. yment : `Vi l l iam Acker Police 498.67 Donald Boos Board 33. 73 Norman Pureess Fire Department 30. 18 Clyde Archer Board 1 .00 Larry Chalfant water/sewer 375. 34 Pill r vcns Board 23. 90 Forrest Cans Police 361 . 5 i l 1 iam A. Kirk ater/2;e-wer/Clerk 325. 55 George Pappani Board 21 . 97 Robert Remaklus 97.00 A. H. Schaufe lberger :Board 21. 97 Jack Seetin all depts 669. 90 David Smith 3treets 419. 46 Norman C. Thompson Police 421 . 62 Idaho First National Bank Parks and Beaches 1Pr. 50 Association of Idaho Cities Insurcnce 157. 41 Public Employee e t i remen t Fund 337. 74 Eva i!eisinger Librarian 144.27 Eldon :?ogers Golf Course 127. 30 Elmer V. Allen Coif Course 168. 12 Pacific Northwest Bibliographical Center Library 20.00 Doris Bruce Librry 37. 50 Baker Taylor Co. Liter: ry 7. 49 Fireside Theatre Library 4. 99 Gladys Shelton Library 5. 40 , estern itore Library 2. 33 Doubleday ' Co. Library 3. 97 New Method Book cindery Inc. Library 7. 70 Chid`d'rens Press Inc. Library 3. 38 Bill smith Parks :'. Beeches 6.00 Union Gil Co. • Police 4. 55 Hibbs Laboratories Police 10.00 Forrest Gans Police 13.37 Norman Thompson Pot ice 7. 37 Jus 's 7ervice Fire Department 7. 53 Jim Madden Fire 12.00 Robert Cameron Fire 4. 50 Ed Perry Fire 3. 00 Bus Johnson Fire 3.00 c1,41 141-*, Pardon Thvill Jr Fire ecrtrcort 5.00 Donald Johnson Fire '7. 5C Norman Curccss Firc 13. 50 Don F tzwa ter Fire . 50 Coyce 2urless Fire 3.0C Eland Yel ton Jr. Fire 7. 50 Idaho Telephone Co. .4/ / de a r trier) s 113. 74 ..:ldclresoer .ph Yu1t raph Cc r c ter and .Seer .9.07 31.J t of 2ocuments Police 1 ;25 Co II Indus tries 1.'01 ice 173.20 Deal ripe and Tank Street Equip 75. 15 9e rg en t owe I Inc .;treet bites 234. 70 Kuskey L2sposa I Fe: t ice L rary 4. 00 iYorco .3tree is i. 25 /Cr .vninç Freicht I. !: s, ( cc. CDr 3. 50 Pobert Penaklus : treets 1 . 30 [:.: xter Foundry and Ldcl- inc P.Prks .ater 01.E0 AIN Jensen-P raves Co. Eclf ourse 19.82 .3ter! ing- odifiers floard 115. 00 Orewns Tic P Lmh. Co. ..ater sewer streets 12. 90 C. K. Pachinery Co. Streets 212. 17 Lee Rruno Co / f L.PLdrse 33. 40 Russell Faust Felt Course 47.81 rpnny' s C K Tire Store streets oolf course 37. 94 Slue Flame Gas Co. ter 61. 39 Star hews 7onin!..5 / &card 20. 33 Haterworks E ui ne•- t aIr 10. 72 Muutz Auto Carts ;treets, Airport, Felice 29.29 Consumers Coop. ssocigtion Cter Equipment ' 175.00 Timm Electric Ecurse 10.00 Unimasco, /nc. : reets 27. 14 May Hord,ore 4C..27 !ilson P Lrzybylski Audit 592.40 Eon 's Locers :Supply Streets, (,elf Ors. 43. 50 Fayette Lakes Lumber Library, Streets, •- ter Golf 45. 41 McL;all Cru /.. e.rdry streets • 5. 91 Shavers Police 12. 02 Dons Scd(1lery Felice uniforms 173. 30 Ehillips Petro. Co. Police 61.44 Union Pacific P. r. Street 901 . 93 Standard Cil All dept 250. 54 Don Fitzwater Fire Dept. 23. 50 Idaho Power all dept. 737. 18 City Clerk/petty cash water/se .er/streets/f.D./ police dept. 66.95 Rob 0arcia. (elf Course 650.00 Vauqhn Jasper C. C. Equipment 1575. 57 Following the reding of the bills, 3chaufelberger moved to bills be approved and ordered paid. /1ct /on was seconded hv I:.) ppani and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Trio fly reviewed was tie /da. ' Dron Clean-up .ceek and the disposal of car bodies was discussed. The request from areas outside the City limits Pr water and sewer were reviewed and possible requirements w-uld be set by. the Council pending annexation. So furthr business coming before the Board, the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the Choir. ATTEST: MAY0- 25 May 14, 1963 A continuation of the regular meeting of May 6, 196 , was held en the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Mayor Loos, Councilmen [vans, Archer, Schaufelberger and Pappani . The Mayor stated the meetinc; oas called for the purpose of considering a letter from the Hospital Eo :rd recommending Michael Crane es the new 4dministrator of the l'cColl Memorial Hospital . Foloainc discussion on the several applicants, evens moved the recommemlation of the Pospital Board be accepted, which motion was seconded by Pa,:"tani and upon vote de- clared carried unanimously. ,.- Sc aufelbcrcer introduced and moved the adoption of Proposed Crdinance 1280 AN C r'DIIIArrCE Pi-LaT I P.'C` TC ..fit` .'/ ; l", I?;': (3/,. F7 2 CF 7 ITLE I I l CF THE / V/1_L .1 /C't.: CT �- CC��Ir; '?�r,~� i� f A rv'f: 5; CT/C „• T'.r--.;a+.Ti; T(` A' A r L. C7�1' Al 3-2-3; IuJC - , lrr! .,..� t . l � .L _C` //a; :� : ^,rC`. 1 ; AND APF24 KNC'` ; i AS`OLC '.' The ordinance was road by title and a ' length, fol- . lowing which Evans moved the rules be suspended f: r the passae of the Proposed Crdinance !'28P. The motion was seconded b'i Archer and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Following further discussion, Pappani seconded the motion moving the adoption of Proposed C-rdina,,ce J230 and upon vote was declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board, the meeting was delcared re- cessed until the call of the Chair. AT TT'rT: bc4.4,4 C L E'''K June 3, 1^63 A regular meeting of theCity Council of the City of hcC : ll was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Mayor Boos, Councilmen Lappani, Archer, Schaufe lbercer. Excused Bill Evans, lilliam Kirk, clerk. fa-aani moved the meeting of May 6, 1^63 be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Archer and upon vote declared unanimously. The minutes of the previous mectinc- were read and approved as read. Jerry Browning of the L ,S Church was present and stated he wanted to ob- tain a nerrni t to sell fireworks daring the Fourth of July. It was ex- plained by Mayor Boos and Chief 4e'cer that the request had been - ranted to the Lions Club and Sections 5-3-3 of the City L-ode of McCall, Idaho 1 regarding Fireworks was rend. Jerry Browning also requested ore behalf of the L_['S Church, information on a future building sitea moos directed that a plan be submitted to the r i ldirir Inspecter with regard to set-back lines, side yard ar^as, etc. Les Ankeman of Tudor Tnr ineerinr. Company and Floyd Anderson of latkins Construction Company 'were present. Come la 'nts from 0iti7ens were reviewed and the area be cleaned up where the sewer has been in s tc l led. It wa s stated that an effort will be made to c 'ern the area up, however the rains and wet weather hod held up the cam jetion of the project. bill was presented fr,.,m the Tudor ;"-fl - ineerinc Come any in the am ount r;.otrn t of 1, 49L. 8" which hdC previously r viewed for the str ' in, of tl:a larcon site rrea. It :was recommended by '' rnak :us that this bill be tabled until :Wave T oaf man emit,/ be presort. The orevicus reelu. st of •` ec.rc-e Leone for Yerm: ssion to obtain a right of way across City property on the nark at the end of Third dtreet to cabins behind the ',ark ,"Fete / was m •de. Follo'.:'ine di cussi• a, J aorani code a motion thct an easement be l ranted for a period of one year from February 14, 196P to February 12, 1 59. The 1-!o t ion was seconded by Archer and up- on vote dcct • red carried unanimously. The aoa l ic. t ion for sewer cc n.nect ions from the Lambert Trailer court was again revie -red and a letter was read by '1-'lu"or '-oos stet inn the roc rnmendations of the Association of Idaho Cities. The letters and app .. ications are on file in the City dlerks Cffice, and followine discussion Fappani moved that customers outside the city limits be billed at .40 per trailer — occupancy per day and a monthly audit he submitted to the City .7lerk. The motion was seconded by :Archer and upon vote dc'c l,°r'ed carried unanZ- menoly letter re c, ' u''or Loos fror, din f,,ordy requesting a twenty-.year lease and for perr:a1ssi. n to ir.nf'reve land now Lein!.' used. The matter was referred to tl-eCity Attorney and an answer would be r.reee follo.vinp further study. Ordinance 4-2-4 of Chapter 3 and .section 4-2-5 on t.':e io 'iinc License Fee was reviewed and follo'win ; discussion, the matter tot. led. The extension of the existing tease between t'c City of ;' cdctl and the Fayette- '1aticnnl Forest f' r use of the l'unicipal •` irport Wass read and fol- lewin discussion, Ichrrufelberrer roved t o . eyor he ruthoriaed end in- s t rutted to extend Co La se to ,lure ?C, 1969. The mo t i r, •..•a s seconded `.y Pappani and upon vote c/cai :red cc ried unc nir;nus ' v. The two bids for the repair of the sidewalk at the hospital were reviewed and CT G.; fc, 1 l ows : Lla l demaa and i I I iemson, <'7: . 75 and ,•'o lead liamca / I, 265. FoII "inr, discussion Pappani moved the Lou.. mid of llaell to— accepted ich motion r✓ns seconded by 'archer arid upon vote decinred carried unani- mously. A letter from the Sun v Hey Airlines was react by . avor ,`loos, requesting a future weetin,- 'vith the City Council . Th - letter •,'a., directed to he turned over to Stair / rm.stronc for further action. A letter from Tudor ,...nrineerinr Company r- ! ! in to w,a„e scales and labor cr standards was read by the 11 yor, and cries be filed with the City Clerk . There followed a discussion en the flannine• ve rm.ittee and narking; in the moved that it b downtown area, followin which I'appani recornrim'nded to the !Tanning Com- mittee that in the future all new business butloin' s built, that each consider the parkinn space to, be .provided. The motion was seconded by Archer, and upon vote decl:'red carried unanimously. The several t its were r, ad for , yment : 'i l t iam Acker ro l ice 444.63 Donald ?oos Loard 33.73 `yorman t"urg• ss Fire Celt 35. 18 Clyde Archer Soar;:' 1 .00 tarry Cah l fant c� ter/.sewer 3''5. 34 i l t 'Tvons 23. 90 Forrest r'rns otzce 361 . 85 ' I t iCYti ir't ier�c 254. 65 George I'appani rrr 21 . 97 .'i'obert .Teroeklus Lrr rGrl 77.00 A. F. 3cheufelber,rer 21 . 97 C. J. Seetin Ill departments 569. 90 ['avid .Frith 3treets 4/9.46 Norman C. Thompson n . ice 423. 79 '1-1don l'orers elf Course 277 . 15 2? Eva Ceisinoer Library 115. 39 Elmz r Allen 90 L f `'nurse 439.28 Ruth t ason Clerk(transient ta(;cr 2C.00 Pobert Garcia Golf Course 330. 44 1/ida' o First National ;-'arks and Peaches 100. 50 Idaho Public Retirement Retirement 389. 77 Association mf Idaho Cities Insurance 176. 79 Joye Catlin later/Sewer 104. 80 Jon Arms tram^ Co l ~/Course 144. 78 Idaho C.olf Association clues Col ` Course 20.00 Joye Catlin water/sewer for April 18. 73 Doris Bruce Library 35.43 New ''ethed Look `'indery Library 14. 72 FireSide Theatre Library 2. 79 Idaho ewer ALL departments 786. 82 Idaho State ->urplus Property Clerk .•ester se -er streets 44. 00 So/se Cascade Cott' course 13.28 • Steve Reran Co. Golf '-ourse 17.35 G 7ran.s;c'ort Clearin,. .s water Frt. 6. 16 Pacific (Nast Iron Co. ester Construction 6650. 92 Consolidated 'uppLy 'cter Const anc' oLf `-curse 670.45 2rrwn Production , Deve l opmen t Or. C:o l fe 75.45 Sizemore Chevron Fire Dept ' . 88 Star Dews Clerk, 'oninc , Wolf, I ibrary 85.77 ' 'e L L '`'uto Ports Fire Peat 1 . 17 Don 's Loccer Supply Go L f 1. 00 Timm Electric Golf ,-ourse 25. 13 Jack Hayes Ins. Co. Insurance 1518.00 Shell C'i l Co. Streets 6. 93 Jeffs Automotive Service Police 27. 84 Stoddard C i 1 Cc. race and Doarc' 58. 92 Russell F,.ust Calf '-ourse 243.60 Dorman G'urgess Fire .rep"rtment Police 39. 72 Frank Preheim Police 6. 00 "ii l L iam G. Fowler Forks and Peaches 1r7'. 40 Pill Smith Parks " Peuahes police library 9. 37 D-avid ar, hKirk Golf `"nurse 15.44. Keith Thompson Cole Course 9. 18 '.m. Acker Po ' ice 11. 60 Forrest Cans Police 11 . 62 Philips Petroleum Police 25. 57 Del Chemical '-crp Police 38. 15 Sonny's C K Tire Police Streets 11 .00 Texaco To /ice 8. 95 P^c'v • l l Cleaners Police 10. 20 Texaco Po ' ice 70. 68 ,'McCall _?rur Po ice, Clerk, 'ester/ Seer Libr 16.03 Union '76 Police 5. 60 . Dan 's shoe Papair Police Uniforms 127.60 ' estern Union bolf Course 3. 74 T. S. Denison (-o. Library 11 .08 :ion Fitzwater Fire Dept 20. 50 ('"' Jim l,adden Fire Dept 10. 50 Rob Cameron Fire Der t 1 . 50 • Boyce 2uraess Fire Dept 3. 00 Don pedley Fire Dept 3. (n Gland Yelton Jr Fire Dept 3.00 Pardon 9.' vi l l Jr Fire C'e;-,t 6.00 Don Johnson Fire Dept 7. 50 Petty Cosh reimbursement `Water sewer postage 26. P5 City of '-oise "ui ld ne Dept 1967 edition bui ldinr c:ade 6. 18 Payette La*es Boat Co. ;Snowmobile sewer equ'r 500.00 State of Idaho Dales tax on 'elf course receipts 78. 49 Followin' the r. adinq of the bills, Schru#elbercer ,.roved the bills he approved and ordered paid. The motion .Jas seconded by ' appani and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Council , the c.reet 'i:'rc was declared r^cessed un t i ' the call of the Chair. AATE CT )� 1 q.lf 1__ -6 _I T-P2 K June 5, 1 C6cf .v continuation of the recsul :'r meetinc;' of June 3, 1 68 was held on the a` eve do 'c and the folio yin: Lesiness transacted. Ve•=mf ers present were I aycr Coos, ;ouncil,r,cn hepponi, Evans, Archer and Schaufe lberr,=er. The hayor stated the meeting we.3 called at the request of Sam Hefter, Chairman of the I cCell r''ergorial r'rspito c. r; , racardin., the selection of a -:capitol .'`dministratcr to replace r)cn : t.ubsten, resigned. Following di seas ice, the recommend Lion of the; all aroerin l Hospital Co,c.rd : e that = r"rc" l., 'hi ticker, Administrator of the Council hospital be hired as the ne., ocfr,;inistrotor for the . cSell Hospital .ital . Thp flooritc l 'o_•,ru recommended that ha s c ne C:yed at a sc'ory of C, C) c�. per year, effective. June 1C, 9''6 ". In cc.`n'ition to 11w o ove salary, "i0 ould pay one half of the m ler e ex::e.a.se between the Council and the t ca l l l'oc„aitnts. ;Yr. `hitickc-r is to divide his thoe LLet"'een the t,-•io hospitals 1 as ad„inistrr to for .beth hoscit: _s. r. fter due cunsir'er . tion by the Council , s:vans moved that the recommendation of the Heso: ital board be accepted, which motion was seconded by Archer and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the ::card, the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. ATTra5: A) f-9.1 YO C Z r>r,- June 17, l f)E,, A continuation of the ret ulcer roeetin-^ of June* 3, l fic5` wvcss held on the above do to and the follo :inc business transacted. 1-;embers present were l aycr Coos, -iounc lrron Mv ns, .'rcher, ha-;pani and Schuufe 1 bere er. The -resyor .stetrod tfr m dine was called fcr t1-c- purpose of considering; the resirnotion of Coerce from the City Council . A letter addressed to the. `'over din.J read .sta_tin9 that i`r. r..oppani was beiny trans- fe red to California. and oou!d resn from the :7oc:rd effective June 24, 196 . Folioind discussion, 3chaufelberper moved the rosi:cnati n be accepted with recrot. the motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote was declared carried unanimously. !so briefly discussed was the progress of the sewage construction and the impassable streets in the ')avis _each area. .`>eetin was to Le in- structed t.:: inform the contractor to ironediately clean the area up. o further business corning before tire bo -rd, the fleetiner was declared recessed until dune 24, 1'91 n. Grt_etij ^ June 24, 1n68 A centinuetinn of the rerulcr roeetinr! of June 3, 1 '68 of the City Council of the :lily of PcS ll vets held on the above b 'e one the follo,rinr~ busi- ness truns'ected. %embers i rc•eent ',core ' 'cyor i ocs, Caounci linen 'ovons, 5choufc lber9er end Archer. 29 The Mayor stated that the meeting >..as called for the r'ur;.ose of c,-nsidering an apt o ntment to fill the vacancy croated by the resignation of George Pappani as counc i imczn. Follo.:-ino discussion of several appointees, .ichaufe !bercer moved that Blair C. f rmstrong br- appointed to fill the vacancy on the City L.ouncil created by the resignation of Ceorpe Faprani . The motion was seconded by Archer and upon vote declared ca ried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board, the meettnq was declared re- cessed until the call of the Chair. ATTC r . vL lte.de l ' r'A YCn C f_PK .. _ July 1, 1968 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Mayor Boos, Councilmen Archer, Evans and Schaufelberger. The Mayor stated the first order of business would be to administer the Councilmans Oath of Office to B. C. Armstrong, who was appointed to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of George W. Pappani. The Oath of Office was administered to Blair C. Armstrong and he was declared quali- fied. Schaufelberger moved the m eeting of June 3, 1968, be adjourned which motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Claude High was present to request the oiling of Mather Road and Forest Road starting at the junction of Mather Road with highway 55, 7001 on Mather Road and 600.E East on Forest Street. He stated all property owners had been contacted and approximately $1925. was pledged and would be available upon completeion of the paving of the requested area. The request was r tentively accepted pending width of road, road bed condition, etc. The Mayor briefly reviewed the departmental assignments and following dis- cussion, Armstrong was assigned the same departments as Pappani, resulting in no change to other members of the Council. Schaufelberger stated that it was the opinion of the Hospital Board that Armstrong be allowed to remain on the Board for the remainder of the present term. He briefly reviewed the past history of the board and following dis- cussion, no change was made. Dave Toothman was present to review the additional billing to the City of McCall in the amount of $1,498.80. He reviewed the background and contract agreements as a basis for the billing. Les Ankleman was also present and reviewed the monumenting and additional survey resulting from the request of the city which had resulted in the additional charge. Tooth- man stated the purpose of his meeting was to justify the bill and if agree- able he would refigure the bill and adjust it to fifty percent of the amount billed or $749.40. Following discussion, the Board felt the bill was justi- fied and accepted the negotiated amount. Boos reported that Dr. Droulard had requested a meeting with the City Council shortly after the Fourth of July to discuss the trespass of his property by the City. July 17th at 9?00 P.M. was tentati'ely set as the meeting date. Bob Fogg was present regarding the ariat•rspraying for mosq..:itos and stated the balance of the program had been called off due to the spotting of auto- mobiles and paint damage. All parties involved had been notified of the damages to date. He further reported the information which had been available g prior to spraying by the chemical companies stated that it would not perma- nently harm any finishes and this was the only insecticide the State of Idaho would approve for spraying. Chief Acker reported on plans for the Fourth of July, and stated that eleven State Police Officers would be in McCall for liquor law enforcement and twenty to twenty-five local deputies. Other available men would be on stand- by if needed on short notice. He reported on the number of arrests in June and the tickets issued. Archer stated that he had been approached on naming a street in the Davis Bench subdivision and following discussion, it was suggested that the width of the street be reviewed prior to any action taken. Evans sated that the Fire Department had reported broken hoses resulting from using the hose on the several street washing projects. A street swee- per was briefly discussed and it was the opinion of the Board that if one could be acquired on a used basis, it shouldbe investigated. Also the possibility of flushing streets with the water wagon was reviewed. Seetin reported that theroil which had been tentatively used for dust coating the streets was not available from Brown 's shop. Evans stated that he and Seetin were trying to keep up with complaints on the contractor and were taking care of as many as possible. It would be g dvertised in the newspaper and on the radio that anyone with a legit- amate complaint notify the city prior to the time the contractor completed the job. Evans reported that the civil defense course on monitoring was to be tenta- tively started on July 8, 1968 and would consist of 16 hours instruction. Schaufelberger reported the hospital +ias running smaothly with the transi- tion of administrators. Boos reported a request from the Shriners for a parade permit on July 27th and upon discussion no objection was had by the"oard. Boos stated that the Board should consider how many lots should be sold in the Golf bourse Subdivision, and following discussion on the possibility of including a membership with the sale of lots, Remaklus reviewed the law regarding the sale of lots and the necessary legal steps which should be taken to dispose of public property. It must be sold at public auction at no less than the appraised value and no less than 6% interest. The attorney was instructed to prepare the ordinance advertising the intent to sell . The agreement with Robert Garcia at the McCall Municipal Golf Course was reviewed and in particular the rental of the club house for a six month period. Hehad requested consideration because of slow play. Following discussion on theoperation, receipts and etc. , it was the opinion of the Board that the request is premature and would be considered at a later date. Boos reported that July 15th was tentatively set as the opening for the second nine holes. Boos read a letter from the Progressive Club underwriting the cost of the golf course signs and approving a permanent Christmas tree in the Minicipal Park. A copy of a letter from Remaklus to James Hardy, regarding his request for a long term lease was read. Following discussion Evans introduced and moved the adoption of Proposed Ordinance #281, AN ORDINANCE EXPRESSING THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF MCCALL, IDAHO, TO SELL CERTAIN REAL PROPS TY BELONGING TO SUCH CITY AND NOT USED FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES; SETTING A DATE FOR SUCH SALE; DESCRIBING SAID REAL PROPERTY; SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING UPON SUCH PROPOSITION; AND SETTING FORTH THE TERMS UPON WHICH SUCH SALE SHALL BE MADE. The Ordinance was read at length following which Archer moved the rules be suspended 31 for the passage of Proposed Ordinance #281. Schaufelberger seconded the motion moving for suspension of the rules and upon vote declared carried unanimously by the Chairman. The motion movingthe adoption of Proposed Ordinance #281 was seconded by Armstrong and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The several bills were read for payment. William H. Acker Police Dept 444.63 Don Boos Board 33.73 Norman Burgess Fire Department 30. 18 Clyde Archer Board 1.00 Larry Cahlfant Water/Sever 375.34 Bill Evans Board 23. 90 Forrest Gans Police Dept 361. 85 William Kirk Clerk 254.65 George Pappani Board 21. 97 Robert Remaklus Legal 97.00 A. H. Schaufelberger Board 21.97 W. O. J. Seetin all departments 669. 90 David Smith Streets 419.46 Norman Thompson Police 416. 16 Eldon Rogers Golf Course 371. 15 Eva Neisinger Library 112.21 Elmer Allen Golf Course 439.28 Joye Catlin Water and Sewer 112.26 Robert Garcia Golf Course 484. 18 Idaho First National Parks & Beaches 100. 50 Public Employee Retirement 389. 77 Association of Idaho 'ities 176.79 Internal Revenue Service Withholding 1763.30 State of Idaho Income tax wi tlbetd 329. 17 Valley County Trust Fund 1554. 92 1554. 92 Ruth Mason Transient water sewer 10.00 Idaho Power All Departments 1058.69 Idaho Dept. of Aeronautics Airport CC and Constr. 516.00 Sheriffof Valley County Police 0. E. 8.00 Kalbus Office Equip Water Sewer 9.00 General rire Equip Co Fire Dept. 505.00 Huskey Disposal Police Library 2.00 Boyd Martin Co. Golf Course Equipmeent 99.00 Mautz Auto Parts Golf, Fire Dept, Streets 3.81 Consolidated Supply `-o Water Construction 286.66 Brown 's Tie and Lmbr Golf Course 24.50 Idaho Telephone '-o. All Dept. 211.20 Hilltop Motel andService Golf '0. E. 5. 12 May Hardware Fire, Golf, Water Streets, Police 97. 96 Texaco Police 0.E. 6. 10 Standard Oil &olf, Police Library 114.70 Van ''aters & Rogers Pater O.E. 54. 55 K. M. C. L. Police O.E. 7.85 Waterworks equip. Later Constr. 402.77 Transport Clearing Water 0.E. 3. 96 Dan 's Shoe Repair Police O.E. 17. 95 /" Paul Dehlin Golf Course 14189 Jensen-Graves Co. Golf ''ourse 12. 90 Payette rakes Lmbr. Golf Streets 7.87 Texas Refinery Corp Airport O.E. 86.77 McCall Rexall Drug Police Library 9.63 Petty Cash Water sewer 25. 55 McCall Auto Parts & Supply Streets 2. 56 Nelson Plurbing Golf Course 20.26 Haldeman & Williamson P & B, Golf Course 75. 70 The Meter Man Water 96.00 Fire Chief Mag Fire Dept 6.00 McCall Cleaners Police 9.00 Sonny's OK Tire Store Police Golf 52.62 William T. Smith Police "irport P & B 58. 12 David Smith Airport 34. 42 William Fowler P. & B. 35. 18 Fl r', I)`4 Don Fitzwater Fire and Golf 35.80 Norman Burgess Police and Fire 80. 14 Bob Cameron Fire 3.00 Don Johnson Fire 12.00 Bland Ye ' ton Jr. Fire Dept 4.50 Doyce Burgess Fire 4. 50 Rardon Bevill jr. Fire 7. 50 Don Medley Fire 1. 50 Ed Ferry Fire 7. 50 Jim Madden Fire 13. 50 Jay Johnson Golf 24. 47 David Kirk Golf 198.89 Keith Thompson Golf 189. 74 Russell Faust golf 227.47 William Acker Police 64.00 Forrest Gans Police 26.89 Frank Preheim Police 71 .70 :Vycoff Co. Fire 1 .75 Hibbs Laboratories Police 30.00 Peg's Cafe Police 9. 16 Gladys Shelton Library 5.40 Doris Bruce Library 26. 02 Doris Bruce Library oe 3.75 Baker & Taylor Library 4.87 Randaom House Library 2.49 Jay Johnson Golf Course 48. 95 Following the reading of the bills, Schaufelber moved the b : lls be ap- proved and ordered paid. The motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared unanimouseely. No further business coming befor(= the Board, the meeting was declared re- cessed until the call of the Chair. ATTEST: MAYOR CLERK July 17, 1968 A continuation of the regular meeting of July 1, 1968, was held on the above date and the followiing business transacted. Members present were Mayor Boos, Councilmen Armstrong, Evans, Archer and Schaufelberger. The Chairman s +'ated the meeting was called for the purpose of meeting with Dr. K.E. Droulard on the alleged trespass by the city at the lagoon site. Also present were Roy Watkins, General Contractor; Davis Toothman, Engineer; Les Ankleman, and Terry Roberts, representing Davis Toothman. The letter from James Schiller, Droulards attorney, to Mayor Don Boos was read and the location of the ground reviewed. Following lengthy dis- cussion, it appeared the outfall from the lagoon sites was below the U.S. Government meander line and a further discussion followed if a trespass could exist in this area. Following further discussion, the question ap- peared to be one of legal interpretation and was referred to the attornies. Dr. Droulard stated that he felt damages as a result of the outfall line were in the approximate value of from $4000 to q6000 based on the damage to t'o lots at .T30. per foot. A copy of the map was to be forwarded to Droulards attorney for his information. The conditional acceptance of the completed sewer construction program 33 was anticipated in the near future. Toothman and his attorney stated their positions regarding any request for change in the general contract and/or request in extention. Toothman reviewed the area which had been requested to be added to the sewer system in Davis Beach and East Park Street. No decision was made pending the availability of the funds for the construction. A proposal of Watkins construction Co. on service connections in the Sun- set Beach Subdivision with Rowland Brothers was read to the Board. There followed a discussion on guarantee that the service connections would be connected as provided under the general contract and a deposit made by the contractor in this amount. Schaufelberger moved the proposal not be ac- cepted and the original contract remain unchanged. The motionwas seconded by Armstrong and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Seetin reported a question of ownership of the sewerline from the Bowling Alley to Floyd Street and stated that it appeared that this portion of the line had been paid for by Max Wright. This problem arose with a request of Noel Eddins` to hook on to the sewer in this area. No action was taken pending further infor ,ation on the ownership, public right of way and the exact location of the line. No further business coming before the board, the meeting was declared reces- sed until the call of the Chair. ATTE T: fie11-41 . MAYOR CLERK July 24, 1968 A continuation of the regular meeting of July 1, 1968 was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Mayor Boos, Councilmen Evans, Archer, Armstrong and Schaufelberger. Also present was Les Ankleman representing Tudor Engineering Company. The Mayor stated the meeting for the purpose of considering additional eewep-eepstpaee-i-en Sewage line construction if adequate funds appear to be available. There followed a lengthy discussion on the amount of the contract following change orders, the original amount received from the Bond Issue, and in particular the reimbursement which would yet be forthcoming from the Federal Water Polution Control Administration under the original grant. The engineer reviewed the lines in Davis Beach area and the pickup of as many users as possible which could number as high as 30. The engineering problems of clearing right-Of-way, etc. were reviewed. No action could be taken until a bid price was submitted to the City for the new construction by the Contractor. A request by the Contractor for a ten day extension was made by the Mayor and this request was tabled pending information from the contractor on the bid price of the additional work. The Mayor briefly reported on Senator Woodrow Beans letter which had been received in regard to his complaint to the Fish and Game Commission. Following discussion, Schaufelberger moved the Clerk be instructed to write a letter to the Fish and Game Commission commending them on the project and the re- moval of trash fish from the river. The motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. `Fr No further business coming before the Board, the meeting was declared re- cessed until the call of the Chair. ATTE coAtie, MA R CLERK August 5, 1968 A regular meeting of theCity Council of theCity of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Mayor Boos, Councilmen SchaufeLberger, Evans, Archer, and Armstrong. Evans moved the previous meeting be adjourned which motion was seconded by Armstrong and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Also present were three members of the State Highway Department. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The meeting with the representatives of the State Highway Department was stated to be in regard to the speed limit signs in both ends of the city and the moving of the signs by the city. The Mayor reviewed the reasons for the moving of the signs, the length of time which had elapsed since the request of the City to the State for speed reductions, and the comp- laints which had been received from the residence in the `ardo Area. The results of a field survey was reviewed by the representatives from the State on the South end of McCall and on the Nest end of McCall . Following lengthy discussion and apparent disagreement on the reduction of the speed limit on the West end of McCall„ it was the decision of the Council to make recommendations to the State Highway Department on the speed zones in the Vest end of town and accepting those pror:osed by the State in the South end of town. Lu Nard and Peg Stewart were present to make a complaint on eight cars which were in the yard of Edward Bruce which were constituting an unsightly nui- sance. The affect of having the automobiles on the premises and reduction of value in the adjoining property were discussed. Following discussion the attorney stated that the complaint was valid as it was apparently in violation of the zoning ordinance to have a wrecking yard in a class C zone. Following written notice which would be delivered by the Chief of Police the owner and occupant of the property woE.ld be informed he was in violation of the zoning ordinance and the automobiles were to be removed within ten days. The status of the sewer construction project was reviewed and the Mather Road extension was discussed at length. Following discussion, Schaufelberger moved that no further change orders be issued which motion was seconded by Armstrong and upon vote declared carried with Schaufelberger, Armstrong, and Evans in favor, Archer opposed. The Clerk reported a meeting had been set with the State Park Board at the Shore Lodge at 2:30 pm on 'ugust 9, 1968, to review problems which would be common to the City of McCall and the State Park Department re- sulting from the Ponderosa Park expansion. Remaklus briefly reported on the sale of the lots at the Golf Course and stated the minutes should duley note that no persons were present to protest the sale of lots as advertized and the sale would proceed as authorized. A letter to the city from the Union Pacific Railroad en a request for a 32 ' four plank skeleton crossing was read, stating that any labor and materials would be at City expense. 35 The request of Al Lambert for sewage and .,ater for his laundromat was read. It was reported that water would be available in that area this fall and rates would be quoted as set by ordinance. The several bids for the supplying of petroleum products to the City of McCall for the coming year were read, following which Schaufelberger moved the low bid of Sinclair for all items be accepted. The motion was seconded by Evans, and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Howard A letter from.,i011 Koskella advising the City that the new sewer line is above the existing sewer line in his area and that the sewer had backed up in the basement. Following discussion the matter was referred to Seetin. The several bills were read for payment : Sales Tax division Golf Course 122.42 Frank Preheim Police Extra 106. 12 Paul Miller " 88.00 Jim Morely " 78.00 James Brooks " 106.00 Bryan Rambo Airport Constr 1500.00 Norman Burgess Police Fire Dept. 117.02 Pegs Cafe Police oe 22. 19 Eva Neisinger Library 20.00 William Acker Police 444.23 Donald Boos Board 33. 73 Clyde Archer Jr. Board 1.00 Larry Chalfant water sewer 373. 54 Bill Evans Board 23.90 Forrest Gans Police 357.75 William A. Kirk Clerk 254.65 Robert Remaklus Legal 97.00 A. H. Schaufelberger Board 21. 97 Jack Seetin All Departments 833.33 David Smith Streets 419.46 Norman Thompson Police 416. 16 Eldon Rogers Golf Course 363. 55 Elmer V. Allen Golf Course 429.48 Robert Garcia Gold Course 356.28 Joye Catlin Water, Sewer 120.42 Blair C. Armstrong Board 21 . 97 Idaho First National Bank Parks & Beaches 100. 50 Leonard W. Ackaret Or Alpha Ackaret Int & Principal 3780.00 Eva Neisinger Library 88.31 Idaho Concrete Pipe Co. Vater OE 129. 12 Del Chemical Corp Sewer OE 64.70 B & M Equipment Co. Golf Course Const 1841.76 J H Hayes/ W. Kirk Agency Insurance 255.00 Idaho State Penitentiary Golf Course 19. 90 Huskey Disposal Lo. Police Library Parks & B 37.00 Brown's Tie and Lumber 292x.59 water, sewer 351 . 59 Timm Electric Golf OE 17.23 Norco Streets 8. 98 Blue Flame Gas Water OE 5.40 Starline Equipment Sewer OE 3. 95 Johnson Flying Service Airport 78.27 Nelson Plumbing & Electric Police 192. 33 1 Rowland Bros Nater OE 6. 50 ° John 's Texaco 'later OE 7.35 Consolidated Supply Co. Golf < Streets 75. 13 Sizemore Chevron Fire Airport CC 9.28 Idaho Telephone Co. All departments 193. 39 Shave s Parks, Water Police 40.26 Jensen Graves Co. Golf 43.25 May Hard,.rare Golf Police -a ter 32.40 Cut Rate Crazy Bob Street Oiling 200.00 Payette Lakes Lumber all departments 143. 18 Star News Board, Clerk, Police, etc 232.86 William Kirk Ins. Gold Course (bond) 10.00 McCall Drug Police clerk Library 11.61 Mautz Auto Fire Sewer Police 9. 36 McCall Cleaners Police 1. 60 3(3 Tip Top Baker Police 16. 48 Nat ' l Police Chiefs Inf. Bureau Police 8. 50 Mc''all Radiator Sho Police 41.24 The Outdoorsman Police 9. 10 Jeff 's Automotive Service Police 4.50 Van 's Shoe Repcir & Saddlery Police 1. 54 Continental Oil Co. Police . 50 American Oil 'o. Police 53. 99 Shell Oil Co. Police water sewer streets 65.23 Thompsons Inc. Golf Crse 64.85 Steve Regan Co. Golf Crse 34. 90 Don 's Logger Supply Golf Crse 10. 60 Payette Lakes Boat Co. " 3. 50 Boyd Martin Co. " 1.30 Union Oil Lc). Police 22. 36 Standard Oil Co. Golf 'treets 383.24 J. R. Selina Mfg Co. Police Equip 140.25 �° Arnold Machinery Co. water sewer streets 520.75 Idaho Power All Departments 930.42 Waterworks Equip Co Golf 'onstr 186.66 Sonny's O K Tire Store Dump oe 4. 00 Texaco Police 4.31 Idaho Sporting Goods Co. Golfe Trophies 793. 10 William Acker Police OE 64.49 Forrest Gans Police OE 30.72 Baker & Taylor Library OE 4. 55 New Method Book "indery Inc. Library 30.26 American Publishers Corp Library 17. 36 Dover rublicalions Library 8.85 Library Misc. Exp. reimbursed 26. 19 Fireside Theatre Library 5. 58 Swedenborg Foundation Ron Library .80 The Book '7hop Library 36.88 Don 's Bruce Library 21.64 Don Fitzwater Fire Department 31.00 Don Johnson " 9.00 Pardon Bevill Jr. " 3.00 Doyce burgess Is 6.00 Jim Madden " 10. 50 Bob Cameron " 7. 50 Ed Berry " 3.00 Bland Yelton Jr. " 1. 50 Norman Burgess It 15.00 Russell V. Faust Golf 281.76 Thom Nukasch Golf 115.49 Bob Bears G. C. 124. 97 Keith Thompson G. C 84. 33 David Kirk G. C. 246.21 Ed. L. Heacock G. C. 37.48 David Smith :"Dater & Sewer 90.00 ,Vi l l iam Smith Parks & Beaches 47.42 William Fowler P.-rks & Beaches 38.24 Jack Seetin Street Oiling 105.00 Donald James h'ussell Streets 8.00 J. Clifford Evans G. C 73.47 City Clerk Misc. Exp. 2 '. 10 Association of Idaho Cities 176. 79 Public Emp. Retirement System 601.21 Joye Catlin/ Clerk petty cash 25. 55 Don 's Bruce Library 10.00 State of Idaho Sales Tax 277.44 Following the reading of the bills, Schaufelberger moved the bills be approved and ordered paid. The motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board, the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the chair. 2 Arl.4 ATTEST: .? MA YOf CLERK -/ 3? September 3, 1968 A regular meeting of the City "ouncil of the City of Mc'-all was held on the above d :'te and the following business transacted. Members present were Mayor Boos, Councilmen Archer, Evans, Schaufelberger and Armstrong. Schafleberger moved that the meeting of August 5, 1968 he adjourned, which motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The minutes of the meeting of August 5, 1968 were read and approved as read. Noel Eddins was present on the construction of his new building and requested that the entrance .£rom the highway to his new store be a fortyJ.five to a fifty ,- foot of access. The circumstances were briefly reveiwed regarding the entrance necessary for semi-trucks to enter the premises for unloading, following which Schaufelberger moved that a cut not exceeding 60 feet should be authorized. 1 The motion was seconded by Armstrong and upon vote declared carried unanimously. at Regarding the sale of lots at the Fairway Subdivision the Municipal Golf Course The e . lcrr,ey pre.,rrCc' lf.e cc:rtr-rcis of sale Agreements for approval for dis- cussion and approval of the Board. The provisions of the contract rbsre reviewed and questions regarding the contracts were discussed following which the Board approved at least one-third down and the balance in not more than three equal annual installments at 8% interest. A restriction of 1000 sq. ft. of living area not exceeding one story in height was also approved. The order of sale was to be determined by open bidding and the set back line was to be 50' from the property line adjoining #9 Fairway. Evans moved the contract of Sale be approved with these provisions , which motion was seconded by Schaufelberger and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Seetin reported on a meeting with Merle Ready regarding the oiling program on Nest Park Street. He reported the intersections were to be completed following the water line digging and the warming of the weather. Also 300' on Mather Road would be completed if possible. Following discussion Archer moved to com- lete the paving program on Mather Road and Forest Street and not to re-cap Vest Park Street at this time. The motion was seconded by Sehaufelberger and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Following a report by the Clerk, on monies av- iiable in the water revenue fund for reimbursement to the General Fund for water expenses, Schaufelberger moved the Council approve the transfer of $10,000 from the 'later Revenue Fund to the General Fund. The motions was seconded by Archer, and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Archer proposed that the building permits as issued by the Building Inspecte ' be reviewed on a monthly basis to the council . Upon discussion the suggestion was approved. Regarding the Sewer Construction Program, Evans stated that Pumping Station #2 was too low in the ground and should be raised, and it was also reviewed the sewer connection for the Rickart house which was not on the sewer and the efforts e., of the contractor to determine where the existing sewer lines.4ilded.. As it ap- peared to be connected to the old outfall line, the contractor was not liable for this connection and it would appear the owner would be responsible for hooking on. Seetin reported the Chitwood Garage wwhich was build too close to the street right of way last year should be moved this summer. Seetin was to contact Chit- wood regarding the move. Seetin reported that on #2 pumping station, the specifications as set forth in the contract were correct and the contractor was not liable. The error appeared to be with the engineer or the factory representative which computed the ele- vations. The ground water was all around the station and following discussion Seetin was to contact the Engineer to place the responsibility and to arrange a meeting with the engineer if necessary. P 11)0 Acker reported on a proposed schedule for the Police officers allowing six additional days off for the police based on the excess hours worked during the summer months. The hours of all officers worked were reviewed and the coverage was discussed during the days off of the various officers. No ob- jection was had by the Council, however each member was to be furnished a schedule of the days off. Seetin reviewed the possibility of trading the police car to minimize the depre- ciation cost to the city early in the model year. Following discussion, the board approved the calling for bids following the drawing of specifications. The accident involving the broken class at the McCall Memorial Hospital was briefly reviewed. The receipts of the McCall Municipal golf course were discussed and projected at . 27,000. for the past season. The club house rental of ;`"150. was dis- cussed and the request for relief on the rent paid by the operator to $75. 011111., per month for September and October woe reviewed. Boos stated the new contract for the coming year was being drawn and several changes were necessary. Fol- ' lowing a discussion of the general operation Armstrong moved the contract be modified to charge $75. per month rent for the months of September and October. The motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Boos stated that a used street sweeper could be purchased by the City on open account and should be considered. Seetin reviewed the condition of the sweeper following which Archer moved to authorize the purchase of the sweeper. The motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. A request from the Payette "akes Marina regarding a building permit for the enlarging and remodeling of the building was read and it was the opinion of the attorney that if no permanent foundations were laid in the street right- of way the permit could possibly Lc issued. The matter was tabled until the building inspector could determine the nature and extent of the request. A letter and agreement from the Union Pacific Railroad regarding the standard railroad crossing agreement was read to the Council . Following the reading Armstrong moved the Mayor be authorized and instructed to sign the agreement which motion was seconded by Evans and uaon vote declared carried unanimously. Boos stated that iwo caution lights should be installed kear the Post office and the school building. No action was taken pending further discussion. A letter from Bill Sacht from the State Highway Department regarding the rec- omendations of the City of McLall on the Speed Zones in the mouth and .'Jest ends of town was read. The Clerk reported that the last audit of the City showed several checks out- standing over a period of three years and it was the recomendation of the Auditors that these checks be canceled. Following discussion Schaufelberger moved the outstanding checks requested by 'the clerk, which were outdated, be canceled which motion was seconded by Archer and upon vote declared carried unanimous ley. A budget report for the previous eight month period was reviewd by the clerk. There followed a short discussion on theconstructon of the Golf Course Road by Brown Tie and Lumber Company. The several bills were read for payment : William H. Acker Police 444.23 Donald Boos Board 33.73 Norman Burgess Fire Department 30. 18 Clyde Archer Board 1.00 Larry Chalfant eater Sewer 373. 54 Bill A. Evans Board 23. 90 Forrest Guns Police 357.75 Ni 1 l iam A. Kirk Clerk 254.65 Robert Remaklus Legal 97.00 Albert Schaufelberger Board 21. 97 N. O. J. Seetin all departments 620. 50 David Smith Street Oiling 419. 46 Norman Thompson Ptilice 416. 16 39 Eldon Rogers Golf Course 363. 55 Elmer Allen Golf 429. 48 Robert Garcia Golf 323.24 Joye Cattin Water Sewer 120. 42 Blair Armstong Board 21 .97 Idaho First National Bank Parks and Beaches 100. 50 Association of Idaho Cities Insurance 176. 79 State Insurance Fund all Departments 221 .03 State of Idaho Sales Tax Sales Tax 264.20 Eva Neisinger Library 81.80 Public Employee Retirement System 545. 78 General Obligation Vater Bond Fund Transfer 4,017. 50 William Acker Police CE 15. 90 Doris Bruce Library 50. 30 David Kirk Golf Course 192. 80 Russell F,ust Golf Course 131 .67 '^ Robert Bears Golf course 201. 80 { Keith Thompson Golf Course 183. 62 J. Clifford Evans Golf Course 58. 96 1 Norman Burgess Fire Dept. 27.00 Lynn Dowty Golf Course 10. 50 Ronnie Basabe Golf Course 8. 78 Elmer '-'lien Golf Course 22.00 Forrest Gans Police oe 7.45 Donald James Russell street oiling 65. 31 William Fowler Parks 26.77 William Smith Parks 35. 21 Jimm Madden Fire Department 13. 50 Ed Barry Fire Dept 3.00 Frank Steard Fire Dept 3.00 Bland Ye/ ton Jr. Fire Dept 10. 50 Bob Cameron Fire Dept 12. 00 /Joyce Burgess Fire Dept 10. 50 Paul Headly Fire Dept 3.00 Wink Bevil ( Fire Dept 10. 50 Don Johnson Fire Dept 13. 50 Bus Johnson Fire Dept 6. 00 Don Fitzwater Fire Dept 37.00 Jack Seetin Equip rental street oiling 84.00 Fsnd uhor trpsit Dans Shoe Repair Police 9.00 May Hard /are Golf, Police Streets 27.77 I.P.O. A. Police oe 24.00 Mautz Auto Parts streets, golf, police 19.22 Texaco inc police oe 18. 75 McCall Rexall Drug Policeoe, library 2. 68 Union Oil Co. Police oe 7.70 Shell oil co Police oe 17. 97 The Kitchen Police 3. 96 Blackline Asphalt Sales Street oiling 3,830. 81 Idaho Sporting Goads Golf oe 39. 96 Valley County Agent Golf Course 3.00 Mc'all Cleaners Police oe 2.40 Sinclair Oil all dept 253.85 '.- Shell oil co . Golf 8. 62 Arnold Machinery streets sewer 42. 68 Standard Cil of Calif Golf 66.24 Van Waters & Rogers Vater 45. 75 General Fire Equip Fire Dept 16. 50 Nelson Plumbing Golf 7. 75 Union Seed Co. Golf 160.00 Kalbus Ofc Police water sewer 180.60 Steve Regan Co. Golf 34. 15 `lobert Remaklus Lecal 2. 31 Idaho Telephone Co. All Departments 160.05 Idaho Power All Departments 657.47 WECO Golf water 999x79 golf water 908.48 Timm Electric Golf 145.89 Norco Streets 1. 50 G. K. Machinery yo. Street Oiling 301.21 Fireside Theatre Library 2.87 David McKay Co. , Inc. Library 3.40 Demco Library 17. 95 National Geographic Library 14.00 Home Library Service Library 7. 95 Following the reading of the bills, Evans moved the bills be approved and ordered paid, and the motion wasseconded by Archer and upon vote was declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board, the meeting was dec bred recessed until the call of the Cha i-r. A T T FS : k '�� U . P 4 YO R i <,-,7-1;4~- - : CLERK. October 7, 1968 A Regul:�rr meeting of the City Council was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Memebers present were ' 1ayor Boos, youncilmen Armstrong, Schaufelberger, Archer and Evans. Armstrong moved the previous meeting of September 3, 1968, be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Archer and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. John Boesell and other engineers of the State Highway Department were present regarding the recommendations made by the City Council to the Statg Hi h- way department and stated they would reccomend a 45 mile per hour znmt e area the city had recommended as a 35 MPH limit. The letter from the City Council to the State Highway Department was re-read, outlining the reco- mmendations of the council. Mayor coos stated that 19 children loaded and unleaded at the Village Motel and he felt the recommendations as made should remain unc.'-anged. The State requested a 45 MPH limit between the Village Motel and the Sub-Station would be more realistic and enforceable. Following discussion by the members of the Council, Armstrong, Schaufelberger and Archer reaffirmed the original recommendations- of 35 MPH in this area. Acker, as Chief of Police, also recommended original recommendations be unchanged. Following further discussion, Boos stated that he would like a letter prior to any of the speed limits signs being moved or chanced. Harold Ruth, rford was present to review with the Council the vac tion of a street by the Village in 1947. He stated that at that time, a portion of a street and alley were vacated and he has nothing in writing to show that this vacated area should go with his property. 1/2 of the vacated street .,,, and alley which should go to his property has been fenced and blocked off for a period of 21 years. Following discussion the Attorney stated a Certified Copy of the Crdinance vacating the property could be furnished. The matter was referred to the Attorney for further action. Mr. Malone, operator of the Richfield Station across the highway from the Shore LocIgg was present on the paring problem in front of and adjacent to the Brass Lamp. The angle or parallel parking would solve the problem as now exists and the area where the second row of cars are parking should be designated a 'No Parking ' area. He stated because of the cars, customers were unable to enter his service station. Following discussion, Schaufel- berger moved that a single row of angle parking be approved, starting at the East corner of the wa.shateri: ::'hest to and beyond the Brass Lamp on the North side of Lake ;venue and the South side of the street adjacent to State High- . way 55, be designated a 'No Parking ' area. The motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously 411. Seetin briefly reported on the enfringment on street right of way by the Chitwood construction. Seetin stated that the street had not been dedicated and Chitwood would not move the garage. A survey would be necessary to de- termine the location of the street right of way, before it could be determined if the building is actually in violation of the building ordinance. Regarding the J2 Lift Station it was reported completed and acceptable. Seetin reported that on the street construction and maintenance, there has been a request for the graveling of an extension of Ready Lane. Following dis- cussion, Seetin was to contact the persons involved. Hrmstrong stated he was informed a sidewalk was to be constructed in front of the Roberts Municipal Park, and a retaining wall constructed. Following discussion on the recommendations which had previously been made to the Board, it was the opihion that no snow be plowed on the Park during the winter months. Also a permanent tree was to be planted. r^^ Armstrong reported on billings to the Police Department for the resoling of shoes, etc. , and clarified the expense, and recommended that the policy be continued as long as the City was purchasing uniforms for the police depart. Also the policy regarding the cleaning of uniforms was reviewed. Schaufelberger reported on a Library Board meeting and reviewed the last hospital board meeting. Boos stated that Garcia 's proposal for the coming year for the operation of the Golf Course were reviewed, however, no action was taken pending information from Farnworth on monies available for golf course improve- ment from the FHA. This method would apparently involve the leasing of the Golf Course. There followed a discussion on the water usage, method of financing, Months in use, following which the matter was referred to Remaklus for clarificati_ n. The contract with Garcia was being negotiated and some changes were reviewed as requested by Garcia. There followed a discussion on an area south of the railftcad tracks, fol- lowing which Remaklus was instructed to check the status of 1st street South of the Railroad right of way. Schaufelberger stated Nell Tobias had requested a stop sign be installed at the railroad crossing on Stibnite Avenue. Following discussion, no action was taken pending removal of the hi ; l, which restricted obstruction at the crossing by the school . The parking of cars adjacent to the end of the football field was reviewed. Following discussion, Schaufelberger moved that Idaho Streets between Kasper Street and Mission Road be posted no parking zones, at the end of the foot- ball field during the football games to alleviate traffic congestion during those hours. The motion was seconded by Archer and vote declared carried unanimously. A letter from Albert Romine regarding the open sewer of Jesse Main was read. Following discussion, Evans moved that Jesse Main be notified by the Mayor and the Ctiy Clerk to hook onto the sewer. The motion was seconded by Armstrong and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Seetin reported that some owners north of the Shore Lodge were discussing the formation of a sewer district for sewer c nstruction. The clerk reported on the completion of the final inspection and final grant funds from the Bederal '.°Dater Pollution Control Administration. Following discussion, Schaufelberger moved the Clerk be approved and authorized to sign the final ammended grant reducing the original amount. The motion was seconded by Archer and upon vote declared carried unanimously. A letter from Verne Emerson was read requesting the change in the lot he had purchased at the Public Auction from lot #4 to lot ;;` 9. The Attorney stated that in his opinion, the lots could be sold at public auction only, and would not advise a change based on present knowledge. However, if the transfer could legally be made, it would be to the descretion of the Council. He would further report on the legality of the request. A letter from the Idaho Department of Parks was read regarding rate nego- tiations for sewer charges on Ponderosa Park. Following discussion on the uses at Ponderosa Park, Armstrong moved that a charge of . 40 per occupancy per day and records to be turned over to the City Clerk for billing purposes be ch, rged and for purposes of this motion, an occupancy would be any unit for wl. ich the State of Echo Department of Parks imposes a charge. Follow- ing discussion the matter was seconded by Archer andupon vote decofared car- ried unanimously. A letter from Halter J. Nourse was read regarding a reduction in water rates. Following discussion, the matter was tabled without action. A letter from the zoning commission regarding the height limitations on condiminiums and recommending the original findings that the two story limitation be continued. There followed a discussion on blanket limitations and industrial cases. Frank Brown wants to he notified of the decision of the zoning commission. ""+ Seetin reported on the cost of building permits for the month of September in the City of McCall, which totaled approximately $37, 000. The several bills were read for payment : William Acker Police 444.23 Donald Boos Board 33.73 J. Clifford Evans Golf Course 188. 55 Russell Faust Golf Course 186. 00 Norman Burgess Fire Department 30. 18 Clyde Archer Board 1. n0 Larry Chalfant 'later seer 373. 54 Bill Evans Board 23. 90 Forrest Gans Police 357. 75 Villiam Kirk Clerk 254. 65 Robert Remak l us Loral 97.00 A. H. Schezufelberc,er Board 21 . 97 Jack Seetin all dept. 606.79 David Smith Streets 419.46 Norman Thompson Police 416. 16 Eldon Rogers Golf Course 363. 55 Eva Neisinger Library 105. 95 Robert Garcia Golf Course 323.24 Joye Catlin water sewer 120.42 Blair Armstrong Board 21. 97 Idaho Public E.mpl; yee Retirement System 476. 79 Assoiciation of Idaho Cities Insurance 176.79 Frank Preheim Police Extra Help 16. 00 Norman Burgess Police Extra Help 16. 00 Joye Catlin petty cash - ater and sewer postage 50.00 Doris Bruce Library 28.82 Jack Gantz Golf extra help 9. 60 Dick Remaklus Golf Extra Help 9.60 Collin Edwards " " 9. 60 Keith Thompson " " 9.60 Bland Yelton Jr Fire Department 10. 50 Vi nk Bevil ( +" 1 . 50 ,,.,,„ Paul Headly " 4. 50 Boyce Burgess Pt 13. 50 Jim Madden " 10. 50 Don Johnson " 13.50 Norman Burgess FP 16. 50 Ed Sizemore Street Equipment 150.00 Jack Seetin Golf Course OE Streets 45. 00 Water Department Sewer Golf 34.80 Roy Yokum Sewer Golf 57.70 Donald "ussell Strets sewer ? arks 30.40 William Fowler Parks 13. 77 William T. Smith ['arks 16.06 Hibbs Laboratories Police 15. 00 Phillips Petroleum Co. Police 29. 88 Union Gil 'o Police 19.06 Del Chemical Corp Police 13.30 /243 American Oil Co. Police 16.46 Sinclair Refining Police 115. 71 Berheims Sinclair Police 34.08 Sinclair Refining streets 78. 90 Standard Oil of Calif Police 7.05 Waterworks Equipment Co. Water Equipment 737. 50 Consolidated Supply Co. 'later Constr 215.05 Demco Library 22. 95 Norco Streets 1. 50 Blackline Asphalt Sales Inc Street Oiling 1, 952.41 Baxter Foundry Water oe 35.00 Pacific Cast Iron Pipe co 'Vater Constr 520. 85 Brown's Tie P Lumber Streets sewer 61. 98 Shavers Golf Course streets 56.38 Rockwell Manufacturing Co Water Const. 454. 11 Idaho Statesman Golf course 9.24 Vi l l iam Morrow & Co. Library 3. 97 Don 's Logger Supplies Golf GE 5.40 Rowland Bros AP and G C 159.00 McCall Floral Board 10.30 May Hardware Watar Golf 24.08 McCall Cleaners Poli >e 3.20 Nelson Plumbing water streets sewer 14. 06 Geneaal Fire Eq::i :ment wire Department 53.84 Ed Sizemore " 7.42 Sonny's OK Tire Store streets police 205. 72 Don 's 76 Service Fire Department 6. 99 Timm Electric Airport 10.21 Bob Garcia Golf Course oe 58.50 Transport clearings " 3. 77 Huskey Disposal Parks library police 35.00 Thompsons Inc. GC 9. 35 Wycoff Co, Inc GC 3.25 Nestern Store GC 11.48 Zoning Bulletins Zoning 17.00 Wm Kirk Ins. Agency Water oe 138.00 Kalbus later sewer Board 4. 45 Payette Lakes Lumber Golf, water, airport sewer, streets 258. 52 Idaho Power Utilities all departments 1,457. 99 Idaho Telephone All departments 109. 35 Hilltop motel golf course 5.63 Tip top bakery olice oe 15. 58 Valley County Trust Fund 1, 729.88 Director of Internal Revenue 2, 163. 10 State of Idaho Tax Collector 364. 84 State of Idaho Sales Tax 54. 59 Petty Cash Clerks Office postage 24. 80 Union Oil Co. Police 19.06 Don Fi tz-&ater Fire Department 26. 50 Following the reading of the bills, Schaufelberger m ;ved the bills be approved and ordered paid. The motion was seconded by Archer, and upon vote declared unanimously. No further business coming before the Board, the meeting was declared recessed until the call ofthe Chair. ATTF T: 4617` s` MAYOR CLERK November 4, 1968 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Wyor Roos, Councilmen Archer, Schaufelberger, Armstrong and .'-vans. Schaufelberger moved the meeting of October 7, 1363, be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Evans, and upon vote declared carried unanimbously. 441 The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Harold Rutherford was present again on his previous request for a copy of the Ordinance vacating that portion of the street and alley adjacent to his property. The matter was referred to the Attorney. The sealed bids which should have been received for the purchase of the Police car were discussed and it was noted that the bids were not in accordance with the legal advertisment and as such they should be returned unopened and a new call for bids issued. The clerk was instructed to issue a call for bids for the December meeting of the Council . Seetin reported that Jesse Main is in the process of hooking onto the City sewer. The mayor reported on a letter from the State department of Highways on the .011,, speed zones in the west end of town and stated the postings would remain as they are now posted but the State would continue to run radar checks, etc. , to see the speed zones are enforced. Schaufelberger reviewed the curb cut on the highway and the city street by Eiseman 's at his new location and although filled in, he would complete barriers for traffic control . Seetin stated he would get specifications for a proposal from Eismen for acceptance by the City. Regarding the sale of lots at the McCall Municipal Coll Course, the Attorney reported that he could find no legal basis for approving the request of Vern Emerson to chance the purchase of lot r:'4 to lot /9, which was comdleted at public auction. He stated howevr that he would investiggte the matter further ,-nd make a final recommendation to the Council . • Regarding the heighth of condominiums, Boos reported the state of Idaho had apereved construction cf condominiums at Lakeview village and that these units should be connected to the sewege disposal system of the City. There followed a discussion on the new construction and it was the conceosus that the matter could be controled as tree construction was in the City limits and would require a bui 'ding permit. Seetin reported that Chitwood stated he would remove the building if the City purchased the right-of-'way and paid for the survey. No action was taken pending additional information. A letter from Bill =vans, the director of the Volley County Civil Defense was read, regarding a radiological monitoring course and setting the week of November 11, 1968 as the time of the instruction. Evans reviewed the participation and the necessity of completing the course to remain qualified as far as County and City programs are concerned by the State of Idaho. Armstrong read a letter from the Civic Committee and Carden Committee of the Progressive Club, making several proposals as follows : 1. The placement of a permanent Christmas Tree and locating same on the municipal park area. 2. The Installation of a walk and curb of the driveway to thepublic dock. 3. The installation of a bicycle rack 's. The cleanup of the waterfront adjacent to the Roberts Park. 5. The drawing of an ordinance requiring the cleanup and care of vacant lots. 6. The enforcement of the ordinance re- quiring trash cans. 7. An adequate number of trash cans or refuse baskets in the downtown area. 8. Realignment of the sidewalk on the street in front of the Standard station becauseofits slope which creates a dangerous area when it is icy or slick. 9. The promotion and participation in the clean up in the waterfront from the lark Motel to the mill, and the hiring of a permanent cleanup man during the summer months for park maintenance. Each item was considered and the ones which would require funds, would be con- idered during the 1969 budget requests. Other items ap,^e -red to be in line with City policy and would be com•:• leted as soon as possible. The Sidewalk at the Standard Oil Station was discussed at length and the Standard Oil people stated that they would correct the sidewalk by placing the slope on the Standard oil property. This can not be done until next spring. 415 Armstrong stated that Nell Tobias had presnted a letter from the Inter-mountain Observer on stop signs and requested that a sign be installed at the railroad crossing at the School and the Airport. No action was taken pending further discussion. It was also reported that the Superintendent of Schools, John C. Riddlemoser, had requested stop signs be place on the exits from the school ground parking areas onto Stibnite Avenue and Mission Street. Armstrong moved that Seetin be instructed to install the signs as requested which motion was seconded by Evans, and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Schaufelberger reported on a meeting with the Hospital staff and stated that reccommendation regarding pay increases, etc, would be reflected in their rec- commended budget to the council . The meeting of the Library board was reported and the requested levy of 3 mills retained. The Clerk read a letter to the Department of Parks on the sewage charges as proposed at the last meeting of the Council. Schaufelberger also commented on the blocking off of the road to r'onderosa Park, which was a scenic drive. The permanent status of the road was not known. Boos reported on a meeting of the Golf Course Committee and the reccommendation to the Council was that the Contract with Robert Garcia not be renewed for the coming year and a new contract be negotiated with another pro. The committee members - were reviewed and the reasons for this reccomendation were discussed at length. Contract provisions and chances were reviewed for negotiations with a new operator. Following discussion, Schaufelberger moved the reccom- mendations as made by the Golf Course Committee be accepted and Garcia be notified of the reasons why the contract was not renewed. The motions was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Boos reviewed other pros in the area which might be available and stated that possible interviewe would be held with members of the Board in the near future. Remaklus reviewed methods of obtaiooing F. H.A. monies for Golf Course improve- ment loans and legal steps to obtain some. The incorperators and the public meetings should be held to inform the public. Future expenditures on a sprinkler system, etc, .were estimated at $60,000. including 6000 feet of pipe from the lake and a clubhouse addition which would total $75,000. There followed a dis- cussion on the irrigation costs, labor costs, and the '1.=.gali -y of the borrowing corporation. No action was taken by pending receipt of further information. Evans requested permission to rent for storage the old shop building owned by Leonard 4ckaret. Following discussion, Scha.ufelber-er moved the building be rented for 51. per year. The motion was seconded by Armstrong and upon vote declared carried unanimsossly with the exception of Evans who abstained. The several bills were read for payment : William Acker Police 444.23 Don Boos Board 33.73 Norman Burgess Fire Department 30. 18 Clyde Archer Board 1 .00 Larry Chalfant Water sewer 373. 54 Bill Evens Board 23.90 Forrest Gans Police 371.46 William Kirk Clerk 204.65 Robert Remaklus Legal 97.00 A. H. Schaufelberger Board 21. 97 Jack Seetin all Departments 630.29 David Smith Streets 419.46 Norman Thompson Police 366. 10 Eldon Rogers Golf Course 363. 55 Eva Neisinger Library 102. 89 Joye Catlin water sewer 120.42 Blair Armstrong Board 21 . 97 Association of Idaho Cities 163.08 Public Employee Retirement System 476. 79 Robert Garcia Golf Course 17. 10 City of McCall rent on club house 150.00 Robert Garcia Golf Course 172. 32 Russell Faust Golf Course 203. 50 Doris Bruce Library 32. 88 Sam Nilliams all departments 332. 50 Bland Yelton Jr. Fire Department 1. 50 Norman ^urgess " 4.00 Wink Bevill " 3.00 Danny trey " 1. 50 Don Jo`-nson " 6.00 Doyce Burgess " 1. 50 Jim Madden " 6.00 Don Fitzwater- r' 16.00 Jack Seetin G. C. Construction 180.00 Huskey Disposal Library police p 8- B 35.00 Dons '76 ' Service G. C. 5. 45 Pacific Cast Iron Pipe Co. hater Const. 420. 60 Rife, Vilson Przybylski Audit 213.75 Standard Oil of California Streets 6. 57 Roland Harrell Airport 709.75 Rowland Bros Airport GC water sewer streets 252.00 Pay Hardware se er water streets GC 24.06 Syms-York Co. Board 48. 70 WECO Sewer Construction 69.25 Consolidated Supply Co. 2kR4cR2 water oe 242.85 Idaho Power all departments 522. 51 Sinclair C. ii Fulk all c'errricrrf :. F-bert Remak l cis Coif ?. 1p Sonny 's 0 K Tire Store Streets 9.75 Idaho Fodd Products G. C. oe 22. 15 Thompson 's, Inc.. C :, lf 345.80 Blue Flame G.-s G. C. 41.74 Hertzberg new method, Inc Library 23.74 T. S. Denison <? 'o. Inc Library 2. 12 University Book Service Library 38. 88 'isplays by Sturgis Library 6. 30 National Ceographic Society 14.00 Consumers Union Library . 50 Simon & Schuster Library 4.21 American Library Assoc Library 10.00 Demco Library 13. 80 Fire Side Theatre Library 2. 79 The b=c'ck shop library 71. 19 G & B Shell Library 4.00 l Call Pexall Drug Library 2. 74 Gladys shelf-on Library 10.80 The Star News GC police sewer 49.39 Union Oil `'c. Police 77. 92 Atlantic Richfield Co. Police 50.35 Mautz Auto Police water sewer streets 31 . 59 Sinclair Oil uorp Police 45.87 George F. Cake Co. Police Equip 20. 60 Idar-:a Tele Co. all departments 146. 72 Shell oil co. Golf 3. 97 Valley County Sheriff attachment from salary 50.06 Following the re',ding of the bills, Archer moved the bills be approved and ordered paid. The motion was seconded by Schaufelbereer and upon vote de- clared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Loard, the meeting was declared re- cessed until the call of the Chair. A T TO.ST: !y li r 42f f_,t J T1'y' Ma.k)r. CLERK 'J� December 2, 1968 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of McCall was held on the aLove date and the following business transacted. Members present were '•'ayor Boos, Councilmen Archer, Evans, Armstrong and Schaufe lberger. Armstrong moved the NovemberMeeting be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared unanimously. The minutes of the preMious meting were read and approved as read, however clarified to show the rental of the Ackaret building to Evans as being partial occupancy. ,.— Chief Acker was present on the Search and Rescue meeting which had recently bee°lheld in McCall rnd questioned his personal status as far as the job is concerned and conflict of interest with the Chief of Police position. He stated he would like tc participate in the program as long as his position as Chief of Police could be covered and wo ld like the Councils approval . Following discussion by the Council, no objection was had as long as there was no conflict with the Chief of Police position. The several bids for the purchase of the police car as advertised were opened 0nd read. Following discussion Armstrong moved the low bid of the Cascade Auto of S1,200. difference between the new car as advertised and the trade in of the city be accepted. The motion was seconded by Schaufelberger and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Fob Foga was present on the Sun Valley Airlines Scheduled stoe which had been set today, and reviewed the back ground of schedules, snow conditions, boardings etc. Also discussed were the many weather items which would affect the pro- po .ed schedule daring the winter months. Fogg briefly outlined the hazzards from the snow conditions such as whiteouts, and the responsibility of the station manager to keep the pilots informed of the ground conditions. There also follo ;ed a discussion on the removal of snow at the Mu icipal Airport by county and city equipment. Following further discussion the policy as to priorty of equipment was that following complet,• ion of the plowing of the city streets, the city inspect the Airport for any necessary plowing. Schaufel- berger moved the priorty of snow plowing be up to the descretion of the street Superintendent. The motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared car- ried unanimously. The curb cut at the Standard Service Station was again reviewed and it was reported that Ralph jilde stated Engineers from the Standard Oil Company had ben informed of the hazzard. Remarklus briefly reviewed the liability of the city and Boos stated the 5tandord Oil Company was aware of the hazzard as long ago as last winter. The 0ttorney was instructed to notify the Standard Oil Company requesting the elimination of the hazzard in writing or the city • could take any steps necessary. Gravel was to be placed on the sidewalk as a temporary measure. The snow removal on the street from the Park Motel toward Brown Tie and Lumber �., Companies old office was reviewed and it was requested that the it be used as ananea for snow mobiles. Following discussion, no objection was had be the Board. Evans reviewed the Septic#condition of .:very on being too low to hook onto the City server and other houses not on the city sewer and methods which would en- able them to hook on. A survey was to he made tooetermine who has hooked on to the sewer that may not be being charged for the services. A letter from Gordon Fouch was read regarding credit for sewer construction in the City street in the amount of approximately S102. 70. Following discis- sion the clerk was instructed to allow this credit tcard the sewage usage of the dwe l l i nr. The hazzard of vehicles in the road right of way for snow plowing was discussed and the police were instructed to notify the violator.3. o A letter from the Idaho Lepartment of Parks was rood reoarding the sewage rates as proposed by the City of AicCall . Followinc discussion the clerk was instructed to write the department of Parks, sending the requested in- forrcti•: n however no action was taken on any rate change, pending additional inf..r.ration. ;chaufe lberoer reported that meet i np s had been held by the Hospital Board and Library Board. Following discussion, on the turning on of the Christmas 'Tree l i hts, it was the opinion ef the council that the l ihts be turned on about december F, 1.9P8 and off after 1 :00 a.i' . each e:venino . Remaklus reported on the request of Vern Emerson for the chance of lots at the auction which had been held at the hunicipal Golf 'oorse and stated that in his opinion there could he no exchcnre of property and a substitution could not be made. He would re art his opinion in writing :h-:ich co ld be forwarded by the Clerk to Mr. '-merson. .drise The, street vacation of the % utherford area could not be looted on the County records, so the cite should rnvncale the area. The attorney ;/as to meet with Seetin on t e area involved. It 'as reported that the parking restrictions :were not bein,• enforced in front of fh• Brass Lamp adjacent to the : ichfierld station. r'emaktus reported on Farmers Porae cfministrcztion men es which are apparently available for Co l f course tmpr' vemen t and concluded the proposed arrangement by the FHA woe.,ld be legal . Loan terms were revie red and total estimated costs of the Leif Coure and ;uipment sheds and Caddy house, irrigation systems on all „ reens and Fairways, wool..,' be a,..prox imo to l y 10C, 000. The legal re- quirments for such a loan were reviewed and the mechanics of a non-profit organization discussed. Other methods of financing were reviewed and if was the opinion of the Council to further investigate prior to any committrnents as to costs, * income and etc. 'eetin was to have met with Tooth man on an estimate from an enoineer. Loos reported on the meeting of the Golf our se Commit tee on the recorn.end:;t ion for a pro for the coming year, following which Cchcu€tberr,er moved that the Golf -oorse Committees recommendation of Ceorge Guy, as the pro at the McCall ;unicipal Golf Course for the coming year be accepted on the basis of the amended contract. The motion was seconded by -Armstrong and upon vote de- clared unanimously. Roos stated that he had received a request for a contract from an employee at the ' olf Course, and the proposal was briefly discussed. However, no action .va taken. A letter from John 0iddlemoser thanking the council for the installation of the stop signs at the school was reed. The clerk road a letter from the Emmett Cit.,' Clerk, stating that the litter baskets in the down-ton Emmett area had been purchased at a cost of .'.i35.28 each. The clerk reported that Pedro Clan° had requested his :eater credit in the ,.,,,c amount of 100. on the lather "ec:d Property be transferred to his sever account at his ne.., location in the ardc area. °otlovn0 discussi n, Archer moved the transfer be a proved, which motion aas seconded by Evans, and upon vote decl red carried unanimously. The follo..inca applications for Beer licenses were read; Carl Bhaver, ioger and '"nary Davidson, c/ba shaver's; Frances Frost, dba Chicken Boost `supper Club; Gordon Titus, dba the ::Tress Lamp; Alice C. Spielman, dba Dave 's; McCall ;'-lerc- anti le °empany; C. Joe Edwards, dba Foresters Club; Jean , . Leone, dba Bark ;Motel Alpine ?oom; Cob King, dl_a r reen Lantern Supper Club; I-oel O. Eddins, dba Heels Cash Grocery; Lake Boil, Inc. ; 'usse l l Gleason, dba Vi t to e Hotel ; Betty J. Abraham, dba Yacht Club ; and the Shore Club Lodge, Inc. Cchaufelberger moved the license a, p 1 ice t ions be approved, we ich riot Lon was seconded by Armstrong and upon vete dec 'ared carried unanimously. The John Jasper -7uLdivision Plat was reviewed with the request for acceptance. Following discussion, the plat was not accepted by the council due to street width. There followed the reading the bi l_ ls: -lilliam Acker Police 444.23 Donald woos Board 33. 73 Norman E3urgess Fire Department 30. 18 Clyde Archer Board 1 . 00 Larry Chalfant Atter Sever 373. 54 Bill Evns Board 23. 90 Forrest Cans Police 371 . 46 i l l iam A. Kirk Clerk 204. 65 Robert Pema'<lus Legal 97.00 A. H. Sch:?.ufe lbcrger Board 21 . 97 Jack Seetin All Departments 643. 46 David Smith Streets 405.75 Norman Thompson Police 416. 16 Eldon togers Golf Course 190.65 Eva Neis : r ; er Library 112. 21 Joye Catlin Voter sever 120. 42 Blair .='rmstreng Board 21 . 97 Doris Cruce v Library 58. 85 Fireside Theatre L ihrary 8.29 Helen V. ' oods, Editor Library 7. 95 Caxton Printers Library 2.25 National eographic Library 3. 50 The Book Shop Library 33. 94 Valley Pump and L ipment Golf `-curse 81.89 Standard Cil of Calif strects water sewer 86.27 Arthur "altar .Airport 150.00 Joye Catlin/. etty cash water sewer 76.00 Don 's '76 ' Service Golf Course 9. 15 L . M. Equipment Golf Course 59. 50 Ni l l iam Kirk Ins. Police/library 104.00 Danny Gray Fire Dept 3.00 Paul Hcadly Pi 1. 50 Don Johnson u 4. 50 Bland Ye l ton Jr. P' 3.00 Pordon Bevill Jr. " 3.00 Jim Madden " 9.00 Norman Burgess " 9.00 Don Fitzwater " 19.00 Pacific Cast Iron Pipe Co. Voter Construction 208.20 Transport clearing Golf course 23. 57 Browns Tie S Lumber Airport water 16.00 Mautz -+uto Parts oter 2.62 Shell Oil Co. °later 3. 84 Machinery 'est Streets 90.28 Payette Lakes Lumber 'Airport/wter/etc 1, 169.89 The Meter Man Water 60.00 '.'ycoff Co. :`-.ter 3.75 McCall Rexall Drug Library - .•ater 'sever/ police 8. 40 !"'' -inclair Refining sewer `water/streets/fire 78. 90 Tax Coll< ctor .',irport tax on water dist. 72. 72 fiuskey `'isposal Police/Library 2.00 Consolid ted Supply ',Voter 74. 78 ' Fred Towery Golf i xp. 52.40 Jack Seetin Parks and Peaches 42.00 . Nelson Plumbing Police 5. 00 Johnson Flying Service Airport 5.22 Kalbus 0fc -quipment Police Equipment 81.00 Acheson Motors Prb ' ice 38.60 Union ' il Co. Police 9. 91 Star News Police 4.62 Idaho Power Co. All Departments 868.08 Public Retirement ''ystem 447. 53 Association of Idaho Cities 176. 78 Following the reading. of the b; lls, Armstrong moved the bills be approved and ordered paid. The motion was seeccnded by Evans and u:on vete declared car- ried unanim us l v. No further business coming; before the Co:,rd, the meeting was declared re- cessed until ( the call of the Chair. , 7"fie/T: of) k 13-4-714-- L:r January 6, 1969 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of /'cCall was held on the above dote and the folio ins business transacted. Members prey nt were 1'ayor boos, councilmen Fvans, .5ch.aufe lberger, Armstrong, and Archer. Regarding the Surplus of monies as reported by the clerk in the 'ater Revenue Fund, Evans moved the transfer of 2, 00A. from the 'a ter Revenue Fund to The Cenere l Fund be approved. The motion was seconded by Archer and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Schaufelber_;er moved the meeting of December 2, 1968, be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared unanimously. The minutes of the previous meetinc, ere read and approved as read. Following discussion on the new fiscal year, Archer introduced and moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance :2282, Ail IOTf .'HA A ?( Pi?/A-.T/C q CrODINANCF fPFs L1 F/ATIV; T; , i_t_: CF ' 135,000. FOP 7''F C i ,R/TL; ,d Cr TOE CITY UNTIL_ THE NU L AI ;' 7l:' 7li.'1 FILL IS AiT.T7CVrD. Evans moved the rules be suspended for the passage of the P1'CPCSPF O> F/ f4' CE .`282, which motion was seconded by Archer and upon vote declared carried unanimously. '''rmstrong seconded the motion moving the adoption of r •:CECt/EL.' :. 282 and upon vote declared carried unanimously. by the tiaycr. A copy of the letter which had been written to Standard Oil Company by the City Attorney was reviewed notifying them to eliminate the sidewalk hazard at the Standard Service >teti n. Acker reviewed a meeting t<: he held in this area on Funds which would be avai la%- le from the Omnibus Crime Bill and the method of applying for Federal Funds under the bill . 3Jue to the lute d to of the notice, it wa„ felt that the City would not participate at this time. The Attorney reported on the Uniform Traffic Tickets as prepared for the Idaho Stete Police and discussed the legal requirements for the distribution of the copies. A leiter was read frogs larner ;•'ills on the submission of proposed legislation to the Legislature. Followino further discussion it ,,,.® was the unanimous opinion, of the Council that the t ice is be used by the City as soon as available. Seetin reported th.. t the eld `ity truck was being fixed up with a snow plow and being used , i the ;'unicipal Airport. He also reported that the County was acquiring a truck and blade for use at the I"cCall I unicipal Airport. Archer questioned the status of the Floride plant and Seetin stoted that the City oo in the process of updating the present equipment to be able to use with the new pump. The pump comp-any was to as :ist on the final ass< r;hly. It was reported thet no building permits were issued lass` month. Schauflrberper steted the Librory meetinc hoer' been held and a buhect would be avai 'a.ble by the next meetine.