HomeMy Public PortalAboutCouncil Minutes 1969 Jan-Dec 50 Following the reading of the bills, Armstronc moved the bills be approved and ordered paid. The motion was seconded by Evans and u;oon vote declared car— ried unanimously. Na further business coming before the Board, the meeting was declared re— cessed until ( the call of the Chair. et!O'r MmYCP January 6, 1969 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of McCall was held on the above (fete and the following business transacted. Members present were Mayor &cos, °ounciime.n Evans, Schaufelberger, Armstrong, and Archer. Regarding the Surplus of monies as reported by the clerk in the "ater Revenue Fund, Evans moved the transfer of :`2,009. from the -later Revenue Fund to The general Fund be approved. The motion was seconded by Archer and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Schaufelbercer moved the meeting of December 2, 1968, be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared unanimously. The minutes of the previous meeting -=ere read and approved as read. Following discussion on the new fiscal year, Archer introduced and moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance ;Y282, AN INTEj /M AF'PPORRIAT/Cis' ORDINANCE. APPPOPP/A,T I NO TFE SUM CF : 135, 000. FOP 7!''F OPERA/( N OF THE CITY UNTIL THE V%VUAL ARI ECF' IAT ION BILL IS Ai'F.i;CVFD. Evans moved the rules be suspended for the passage of the PROPOSED OPDINAkCE i`282, which motion was seconded by Archer and upon vote declared carried unanimously. rrmstrong seconded the motion moving the adoption of PPOPCSED 01k)INAN'SE Y282 and upon vote declared carried unanimously. by the Mayor. A copy of the letter which had been written to Standard Oil Company by the City Attorney was reviewed notifying them to eliminate the sidewalk hazard at the Standard Service Station. Acker reviewed a meeting to be held in this area on Funds which would be avaiLa/ le from the Omnibus Crime Bill and the method of applying for Federal Funds under the bill . Due to the late dote of the notice, it was felt that the City would not participate at this time. The Attorney reported on the Uniform Traffic Tickets as prepared for the Idaho State Police and discussed the loyal requirements for the distribution of the copies. A letter was read from Varner Mills on the submission of proposed legislation to the Legislature. Following further discussion it was the unanimous opinion of the Council that the tickets be used by the City as soon as available. Seetin reported that the aid `'ity truck was being fixed up with a snow plow and being used a. { the Municipal Airport. He also reported that the County was acquiring a truck- and blade for use at the McCall Municipal Airport. Archer questioned the status of the Floride plant and Seetin stated that the City was in the process of updating the present equipment to be able to use with the new pump. The pump company was to assist on the final assembly. It was reported that no building permits were issued last month. Schauflcbercler stated the Library meeting had been held and a budget would be available by the next meeting. 5 . It was reported the John Jasper Blatt had not yet been resubmitted for approval . Regarding the sewer, Boos reported meeting with Avery in an attempt to install a pump to place that area into the existing sewer line. There followed dis- cussion on t :e purchase of a pump by the users in that area, however, no action was taken pending additional information on costs. The Mayor stated that ,:;ersonsol would be discussed and an executive session would be called at this time. Following the executive session the council was duly called to order by the Mayor and the Snowmobile operation in the City of Mc' all was reviewed and the request was made to publish and publicize the provision of the Snow- mobile Ordinance and state that the City Police would be instructed to make arrests for violations of Ordinance 4272, which would be published infull in the Public Interest. The BP'A' had requested Mayor Coos to a meeting on January 20, 1A6 to discuss assistance with the City in the posting of Street Signs and any other civic improvements. Evans introduced and moved the adoption of Proposed Ordinance 4283 An Ordinance VACATING- A PORT ION OF MCCALL AV,=NUE VACATING T- -- ALLEY IN BLOCKS 2 in MCCALL 'S FIRST ADDITION TO THE ORIGINAL TO :'N:SITE OF MCCALL AND PROVIDING TH T SUCH STREET AND ALLEY THEN 'VAC'•TEDD SHALL REVERT Tt THE (. WIE R OF THE ADJACENT REAL E STATC /z ON EACH SIDE THEREOF. Archer moved the rules be suspended for the passage of Proposed Ordinance 4283, which motion was seconded by Armstrong and upon vote, declared carried unanimously. Armstrong seconded the motion moving the adoption of Ordinance i4283, which upon vote declared carried unanimously. There followed a discussion of costs at the Municipal Golf Course and the im- pr. vements which were contem, lated. A meeting would be held with Toothman in the near future to determine the costs of the proposed improvements. The Clerk read a letter from the Idaho Department of Harks regarding sewage charges and the proposal of the State to install a water meter and pay sewage on that basis rather than the b0,sis as previously proposed by the city. Fol- lowing discussion, it was the opinion that a meeting :.as to be held with the City prior to any action. Schaufelberger moved the clerk be authorized to exceed the several items as budgeted for the fiscal year 1968 in payment of the December bills. The motion was seconded by Archer and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Seetin reported on a short 'Sewer School ' whichwould be held at Moscow on January 21, 22, 23, and following discussion it was the opinion of the Council that someone from the city should attend the meeting. The several bills were read for payment : William Acker Police Salary 457. 94 Don coos Council 33. 73 Norman Burgess Fire Department 30. 18 Clyde Archer Jr. Council 1 .00 Larry Chalfant Dater/Sewer 387. 25 • Bill Evans Council 23. 90 Forrest Cans Police 371 .46 "Vi l l iam Kirk Clerk 204.65 I?obert Remaklus Legal 97.00 Al . H. Schaufelberger Council 2.1 . 97 Jock Seetin all departments 657. 17 David Smith Streets 419.46 Norman Thompson Police 416. 1E Eva Neisinger Library 93. 45 Joye Catlinrater/Sewer 120.42 Blair Armstrong Counc - 1 21 . 97 Association of Idaho Cities 135. 66 Public Employee Retirement System 421. 35 General Obligation 'Voter Bond Fund Transfer 1017. 50 Shavers L :hrary clerk 1G.03 ws'F4, dt:,.r-News Library subscription 4. 00 ' Tip Top Fakery Library 3. 50 Fireside Theatre Library 2.79 Gladys :Melton L iCrary reimbusement 5. 40 Gaylord Pros Inc L. i.' rary 16.05 Helen G. ''oods, Editor Liry 7. 95 Doris Crude Library 32. 60 Children Cress Library 12. 24 P'cCall Library Postc,ae 14. 12 '1erstinc; t'fc3. Co. Li' rczry 127. 33 National 'ouncil of Teachers of I_--.. ' ish Library 1 .25 Huskey Disposal Library 'olive 2.00 Jack Seetin Do-n.rd (bond) 10.00 _ tandcrd Gil of I i :`orn. is Al ice 3. 00 Atlantic :ichfield i'ol ice 41 . 75 Norman Thompson r-'c: l ice ce 3. 77 Continental Cil Co. Police oe 37,20 Am,. Con Fitzwater Fire Dept 20. 50 • i Jim i'adden Fire Dept 4. 50 Canny Cray Fire Cep t 6.00 Sonny `r'e l ton Fi re>aeaartment 4. 50 '''ink Devil ( Fire Dept 10. 50 Don Johnson Fire >>e t 10. 50 Norman Curcess Fire Dept 10.50 Lervin Colder. Fire Dept 3.00 Thom -sons Inc. I f Course 58. 05 lcahc Tele. hone Co All departments 226. 68 General Fire Equip Fire Dept 20:00 Achesn P-'otors Police/Sewer/:later 12.45 ,Coll ''exalt £.rut; Library ` alive 7C. 50 Idaho • over all departments 1044. 78 Van ..:tern ,=oc c rs ' :er oe 49. 50 Pooh aipe and Tank Corp Street ilinr> Construction 67 .80 Valley County Airport `'onstrueti n 1c63. 20 Kenneth Johnson Continental C it Street/sewer 24. 00 Idaho First Nationel k 0oard 15.00 Valley County c;en t Golf Course 54.00 Valley County ''red Control Golf Coarse 12. 00 yccff Co. 'cter CF 2.00 John 's Texaco water/sewer 2. 25 sonny' s C.K. Tire tare ":treots 4.00 Salt Lake Strum Co. Police (dos taus) 12. 50 /ddressoraph Puttirraph water sewer 26. 95 -Sinclair Pefinina A all departments 3 '3.38 Clue Flame Gas water 57. 00 lay rear:,' re L ibr r•r water se er 11 .24 ::tote of Idaho Surplus: property water/se ,er 20.00 "a yette '-tykes Lumber water se er streets p .1 P a./ , 443. 30 Frown 's Tie nd Lumber Streets 404. 62 r"autz Auto streets :voter sewer 54. 80 Arrouhed ° achinery and Sup ly Co. Street of l inr 1500.0.0 Rowland Pros Streets 5. 00 The Pero Library 2. 42 Larry Chalfant Poard (sewer school) 75. 00 Petty cash clerks office postage 19.48 'MIN - Sports P•'arina Sewer -r c i; meat 250. 00 Vc ' Ley County Trust Fund 4th quarter FICA 999. 03 1 i Following the rcadInc of the bills, : chc.ufelberger moved the bills be as! roved and ordered paid. The motion was seconded by vans and upon vote dec.tared carried unanimously. No further business coming bef. re the lao: rD, the meeting was declared recessed until the call of tie Choir. Attest : Arrudi A-0-0-- Mayor • //-1 (-----e.-'-61--/:‘1,11"4--- Clerk 53 February 3, 1969 4 regu-lar meeting of the City `-ouncil of the City of McCall was held on the above date and tl-;e following business transacted. l'er,-7bers present were Does, "ounci lmen Archer, Sehaufelherrner, Armstrong and Ev, ns. Armstrong moved the meeting of January 6, 169 be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Jedd Bingham of Lakeview Village was present and reviewed plans for a 60 unit condominium to be constructed at Lakeview Village. and requested the status of ,.., water and sewer connection with the existing city lines. His prertim.tnary en- gineering work sh .wed the se connection would involve a 4inch pressure line and pump from the area of construction to the nearest city line. lie requested ' that the City extend their existing line from the corner of Lick Creek ;Road and Davis Avenue to a point where it would intersect the line coming from Lake View Villace, which would cost the City approximately `2,000. There followed a lengthy discussion on the projected growth of this area and other users beyond Lakeview Villeee, which should be included in any sewage co / leation program. Following discussion costs were to be determined by the City to enlarge the line and pump to take in the users b -yond the Condominium site. Following further discussion Schaufelberger moved the City purchase and install an 8 inch line from the Lick Creek Poad and Dr7vis Avenue Corner and then thence a 4 inch pres- sure line to the corner of lease lot ,:461, with the option to participate in a proposal to enlarge the line and pump from .Shriner Creek to the road in the spring of 1269, when the proof of service is necessary. The motion was seconded by Armstrong and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Mr. R, F. Mundy of the Standard Oil Company, was present on the Standard Ci Station sidewdlk hazard which has been previously discussed. He stated he had inspected the property and questioned any action that could be taken at this time. he stated that the curb cuts and gutters were installed according to State of Idaho Highway specifications. The hazards were reviewed and the pre- vious building application was discussed and changes made by the State of Idaho in the original building, permit. Possible chan:_es to alleviate the existing hazard were discussed and he slated that the Standard Gil Company would instruct the operator to take all possible precautions. A meeting. would be held at the time the snow is o :ne to deterr;:ine what course of action should be taken in the sprint. street Don Haasch wens present to request the City vacate certain portions of Fureand Lenora Streets in return for the owners needing right of ways to the City of McCall for street use. The purpose would be to straighten out the streets in that area. The owner stated he would furnish a description of the property to the City and the City would draw the Ordinance vacaiinq the streets. The Mayor requested that all departments have their budgets prepared for a later meeting . Evans reported the rates on the Fire Telephones in the Fire Department were to b increased to approximately '"50. per month. H survey was to be made on the . present and future installations. It was red ,-rted that some parts were still necessary on the completion of the fleuride connection and several objections :which hod been received were reviewed. The pump equipment personnel were to be here in the near future. Armstrong reported on the Police -eiartment employee Forest Cans, who has been off duty since December 25, 1963, due to injuries. The resolution applicable to vacation •.ay and sick leave, as now effective, was read and discussed. several provisions which should be amended to bring the policy current were reviewed and it was the opinion of the Board that all full time employees should be included under the policy. Cans 's leave and earned sick leave were reviewed. Because of the length of sick leave, it was held that Council action should be taken on his pad; for January, which was not reduced. Other factors resulting from the City of I:'cCall as being the employer were reviewed and following discussion on sick leave and vacation ay, it appeared that Cans would be six days short of f',avino full vacation or sick leave coveraee. Acker. stated that the officers 07-r. had covered for him on tost time, so there WQ9 no added cost to the City. Following further dis. ussicn, Armstrong- moved that six days pay be deducted from his next check ,nd that he be instructed to discuss with Gans the:pay- ment of the outstanding hospital bill . The motion was dee / red carried with Schaufelbereer, Cvans and f-..mstrong in favor, Archer opposed. Armstrong also reviewed the hourly operatien in the Cot ice c-partment and the change in over- time as Comp lime, and requested the projection of a to Tan force versus a three man force for the coming budeet. The operatien , usje i'qatoned on a 12 hour day with 8 hours of duty and 4 hours uf staodby. The police are a /so keening a log on duty time. 1:::emak !us reported Perton iogue Na7 on the committee t:n the region on the omnibus crime bill, and wished all cities in L.: is area to jcin the program. Fused on the information which ,'as available C'emaklus recommended the City make applica- tion to participate in the pro(;rom ii IF the option to withdraw at any time. Schaufelberger moved to ac.-:ept the' recommendation and approve thc ;'50. exp- enditure if necessary. The mot :on as sccisded by Archer and upon vote de- clared carried unanimously. Schaufelberger reviewed the hospital write-offs, and the proposed 19E9 Cu. act. Schaufelberaer read a resolution from the Library Coard requ,::sting the appoint- ment of / rlene bo.-'d to the Library Hoard to replace Parole. Caus for the remainder of her unexpired term. Folloing discussion, , rcher moved the recommendatien of the Librory Cord be accepted and i: rdene Dodd be appointed fer the remainder of the term of Parcia Caus. The mot ;an was seconded by Fe/ens and upon vote de- clared carried unanimocusty. A letter from the eCall er-ioria/ Hospital Ooard was read recoemending the re- appointment of .zit Schaufelberer for the three year terra of effective January 1, 1969 to 1972. -'irmstrong moved the recommendation be accepted and Schaufel- berger he re-appointed for a three year term. The mott6n was seconded by FVens and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The several bills were read fir payment : Internal Pevenue Service jithholdinp tax 1, 352. 30 :2.tate of Ida/to Pt 266.02 Asscdiation of Icaho Cities Insurance 190. 50 Public Fm; lcyee Retirement :Tetirement System 465.46 lilt barn Acker Police Department 442.03 Clyde rcher Jr. Councit 1.00 Flair C. Armstrong Liouncil Con C as Council 33.57 Norman E. Our!:ess Fire ei . 30.04 Joye Catlin ater 5ewer 119.82 Larry Chalfant -rater ..4?wer 371.64 Lill Evans Council 22.80 Forrest E.. Cos : otice 357.06 'Yillicm Kirk Clerk 220-65 Eva Neisiner Liirc,ra 100. 04 Pobert Romaklus Leal .97.00 Eldon -oc.-,,-ers Golf c.;orse 308. 36 A. H. 3chaufelberger L*x Council 21 . 87 Jack Seetin All Deportments 603.46 David Smith Streets 403.35 Norman G. Thompson Po / ice 414.26 Transport Clearings Golf ,-ourse 30.83 Flue Flame ('as . ater 87. 12 Star News Liii.rcry and Loard 70. 33 Timm Electric Airport water L3tr ets 609. 15 Cob Cameron Fire Department 3.00 Doyce Purress 3. 00 PY Pardon Levitt Jr. 6.00 Danny Cray 7. 50 Jim P ft adden 6.00 Oland Yelten Jr. " 7. 50 7. 50 ff Norm5. 00an CuOuroess Don Johns -n IF 15.00 Don Fitzwater ft 25. 00 Chevron Service Fire Department 3e,ser 5. 56 Puskey Disposal Library and Police 2.00 55 Consolidated Supply rater 6. 00 Association Of Idaho Cities Dues Uoard, Clerk 118. 84 Norco -ater street 8. 98 Bus 's Service Golf, Yater, '7treets, Fire 3.78 Long Valley Farms Service Golf Course 13. 00 Arnold Machinery Co. Streets 86.85 Sinclair Refining Co. Streets, water, library pe ice 238. 81 Shell CiI Co. Police 12.49 Atlantic Richfield Police 1 .00 Phillips Petroleum Police 99. 15 Standard Cil of California Police 11 . 86 Norman aurgoss Police extra help 56. 00 tcCall Rexall Drug Police Library 5.34 Continental Oil Co. Police Sewer Streets 24. 90 Kirk Agency Library Golf Clerk bond 56.00 Petty Cash/Joye Catlin reimbursement eater sewer streets 26. 65 Payette Lakes Medical Clinic Board (Cestreich) 38. 50 Demco L i L:ra ry 16. 00 Baker & Taylor Library 388. 85 Doris Bruce Library 36. 81 McCall Library Reimburse Library 2.00 MKR Press Library 11 . 85 Tatham Stamp Coin Co. Library 1 .00 Fordham E; oip o. Inc. Library 11 . 15 Demco ibr-ery 3. 65 Valley' s Shell Service Fire Department 5. 76 Lacon Publishers Library 5.00 Idaho Telephone Co. Utilities all dept 113. 62 Idaho Power Co. All Dept. 1, 117. 37 Rife, !'i l son and Przybyls':i Hospital Board 7. 00 State Insurance Fund all Dept. 437.05 Cascade Auto Police Equipment 1,200.00 Followinc the readincr of the bills, Schaufelberoer moved the bills be approved and ordered paid. The motion was seconded by Armstrong and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the be rd, the meeting wasdeclared recessed until the call of the Chair. PaTT,:. A;Ikterielle64- HAYOR A CLERK: March 3, 1969 recular meeting of the City of Council of the City of t'c'el l was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Mayor Roos, Councilmen Schaufelbereer, .-;rmstrong, Archer and Evans. Armstrong moved the February meet ine be adjourned which motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared unanimously. The minutes of the preMious meeting were read and ar roved as reed. Several people were present representing the Progressive Club regarding the decoration of the City streets daring• the winter months. Velma Shoemaker was spokesman for the c:rou;a and stated that this decera t i nn would be due to the recreational type ,_rea, the ski meets being held here and the winter decorations could be used at the st rt of winter and continued throe hout the season. Several samples were reviewed and the cost was approximately -9267. per string for a 40' street. Some discount could be obtained if the order were placed by July 1st. Following discussion it a,apeored that 12 strings would be necessary at an approxim . te cost of .,2, 563. with the discount for 40 ' strings, although some 60 ' strings seemed to be necessary in the downtown area. There followed a discussion on decoration s and the method of financing. It appeared the City would assume the responsibility for the inste lotion, store and maintenance for the decorations. It was also reported that a three jar rental plan was available, which right be advisable for the first year, to &etormine if the decorations were satist ectory. The Committee stated they would attempt to a.-.'.. tcsin one of the deccrettins on a trial basis. Jedd 21nc ham we s present and asked if any action had been taken on his proposed sewer installation. Coos reported that the engineer hod been up but no action could be token until a later dr te. Bingham stated that the ocer:• tors were proceeding .with the condiminium portion but any additional construction for enter!;-rient of the line would up to the City, and City ownership. It was also re; orted tiw: t there was no •;t -• te participation as of this date in a l •rr;er line. The total number of units had now been incrca e_d to 80. Discussed was a pos— sible meeting to be held with t` e operators on tee 15th of larch. Carton talker was also present on the se::er land purchase aed reviewed the past history and proposal of Brown to he deeded to the City and his plan to dispose of the remainder cf the lie ,proposed to trade Ground adjacent to the present tIcCaII Cement -ry for Funeral Hcrrre use and a i ausoleum in return for ground adjacent to the beaten sites. Following lent, thy di ecuesi o, on a pos— sible trade, the request was t'-':'ee 'sneer advisement by the council . ;archer reported that the .ski Club was taakin;: applications to the FHA for a loan for the little Ski Pill and letters of Support from the Community were necessary. The Clerk was in sruc; ted to write a letter from the 'City signed by the ayor tsrc ins support of the project. veins revie ed the waste voter school, which had been recently held at tloscow and the Certification of a City r>a;• loyee as hevinc completed this course. Evans reported on water users and sever connections and the number and amount of past due users. The policy of col /potion was r-evie .cd following; which it was the opinion of the Council the water and swore should be turned off for non ;aycerrt of use. _;eetin reported the ewer Survey was not yet cam It'ted, however shout be shortly. 'he date of the hookups should be set and a date for all i; illings should be publicized and enforced. olloxvin: discussion, 'eetin was insrircted to r; port fol log✓✓i.nc the survey to the: Council and June 1, 1:36 ', be set as tic L; i l L ine dote for all users within the prescribed di eta nce if not hooked on the sewer. Hockadays sewer construction costs were revie-atedd and his re uest for reimburs— ment for ti; ' t -r.r`a in the city streets was discussed. The t-.- tat bill was 283.41 to r: o 128 feet with a 4" tranc i to line. o I lowing further discuss ion, it appeared that ads:'iticnaI infe;rot tion was necessary before any adjustment could be rr•.cde. Armstronc briefly reported on Co ,notice department operation and possible c'.czn es. Cans had been requested to pay :;50. on h : s hill at the hospital, per month, and no o/_Potion was h:c-:r by the Council to this action. There followed a short discussion on vacation pay motley and sick leave provisions. The request of the Library Ooil.rd to occuutoto funds for the ;. urchase of a new buicld' ng.vere reviC' '+ed. It Lwe the o, ir, itn rf to attorney, in view of tie irstsll•-,;ent purchase laws, that this was net possible. Coos reported a calf or`oiittee had been appointed coranosed of himself, P1air Armstrong, won I C!'ahan, Fred TO ery and f,'oerCol:son as the advisory :.?ord. letter from the :�e; artmcnt of , arks was r r.d regarding a meeting to be held on 1-.arch 25, 1 qh9, r•eg .rdinp t e proposal of sewer chorees at Donderosa :park at 8:30 a.rr'. as the designated hour and the clerk instructed to notify the Park :Je1ecrtment . A letter frc,m Tudor Enc_ ineering Co. to 'at'-fins "onstr.,cti. n Co. on the pipe failure wets reed re:,ueesting i.crr;ediate ztte•;tion. A letter fermi the l:oivc'sit, of /ca/:o to the ticw.. ll Chambcrcf Commerce stating that they would / II:, ce a Case Study for brhan _ ._ sigh -. . s a c . y, e - 1 t on f.. use bill ''85 an :reed the Counci lrrember s to individually oppose it. 57 The several bills &ere read for payment : 6a1liam Acker Police 442.03 Clyde Archer Council 1 .00 Blair Armstrong Council 21 . 86 norm Boos Council 33. 57 Norman Euraess Fire Dep• rtment 30.04 Jaye Gitlin 1/41ter Sewer 119.82 Larry Chalfant 'Water Sewer 371. 64 Bill Evans Council 23. 80 Forresi Cans Police 259. 13 "illiam A. Kirk Clerk 238. 55 Eva Neisiner Libray 88. 67 Robert Remaklus Legal 97.00 Eldon Rogers Golf Course 308.36 ,,.,, A. H. Schaufelberrer Council 21 . 87 Jack Seetin all departments 603.46 B vid Smith Streets 403.85 Norman Thompson Police 414.26 C. C. Yaterbond Fund Transfer 1, 000.00 Eldon Rogers G. C. oe 22.00 Norman Burgess . D. 9. 00 Donald Johnson F. O. 9.00 Don Fitzwater F.D. 19.00 Alin Bevil ( F. D. 3.00 Boyce Burgess F. D. 4. 50 Bland Yeltcn F. D. 3.00 Jim 14adaen F. D. 3.00 Floyd Campbell F. D. 1. 50 Canny Cray F. D. 3.00 Sar4ent-Bowel C Inc Police equipment 185.24 Standard Oil of Caliofrnia P.D. 22. 74 Li ion Oil of California P.O 9. 31 Phillips Petroleum P.J. 6. 4 Continental Oil Co. Streets 8. 58 American Oil P. D. 8.00 Nelson Plumbing Electric Sewer Library 66. 0 Shavers a er dump 22. 20 Payette Lakes Lumber streets, library water sewer 58.70 SrownTie r'. Lumber Streets 12. 69 Norco Streets 9.02 Mautz Auto Parts Police se er .':streets 40.39 Texaco Inc. Police 4. 46 Continental Cil Co. Police 47. 78 Syms-York Co. Wox2® P.D. 74. 30 Sterling Codifiers Board oE. 115.00 Sonny's G.K. lire P.D. 58.04 Idaho Surplus Pro..:erty .mangy all dept 85. 90 Sinclair Oil all dept 256. 59 General Fire Equipment F. G. 76.25 McCall Re all Jruc Police Library 9. 92 Kalbus C ' fice Equip all dept 15.28 Paul Dehlin Library 12.00 /0 , Union Pacific P. P. Co. Dump (cr, ss inp) 25.00 Arnold Machinery Streets 27.26 Petty Cash water sewer postage 25.00 Sam "rilliams water sewer 7.00 l Idaho Power all dept. 960.01 Demco $ Library 4. 10 Baker P Taylor ` Library 38.79 Evelyn Coo .`win Library 35.00 Donis Bruce Library 12. 50 Fireside Theatre Library 2. 79 Childrens Press Library 15.20 Clerk/petty cash clerk Board pose .?2. .32 Forest Gans P.D. 32.79 Association of Idaho Cities Insurance 190. 50 Idaho Retirement System PP=etirement 452. 17 Idaho Business Machines C. C. Equipment 475.00 Boyd Martin Co. C. C. oe G. C. equi:r> 456. 12 Armstrong moved the bills be approved ..nd ordered paid. The mot on was seconded by Archer, and upon vote declared carried unanimously. ar No further business coming before the board, the meeting was decl red recessed until the call of the: Chair. ATTET: G redGt" f 614 Ma r c h 7, 1969 A continuation of the regular meting of the City Counhil w-,s held on the above d to and the following business transacted. Members present were Mayor loos, Concilmen Schaufel2er: er, Armstrong and Tvans. ollek The Mayor stetec/ that the John Jasper Subc'ivi ; ;ion which had been ereviously been submitted to the r3e:rrd and returned because of the width of city streets had been resubmitted and met all requirements as set by the City. Following discussion achaufelheroer moved the platt be accepted, which motion was seconded be Armstrong r,nd upon vete declared carried unanimously. There followed a Len,•thy work session on the City budget for the 1969 fiscal year, fatlowin< which :dchaufelher§er moved the City adept a budget of ..:,627, 530. 84 carrying a 50. 5 mill levy, and the clerk be notified to proceed hi th, the nec- essary legal advertisments, setting the budget hearing for March 21, 1969. The motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business corning before the To. re, the meeting was declerdd recessed until the call of the Choir. L127 feeeoeti-,--- 4- CLFPK March 21, 1969 A c ntinuation of the recyulrrr meetina of the Cite of //ct-call was held on the above :.;'cite and the fol 'o .r 'no- boa ness transacted. '-•"emebers oresent were . ayor coos, L-ounci lmon Archer, dvons, '•rmstronr and achaufelber: er. The Mayor st: ted the rn. r t ine, was called as advertised for the Cu' c-et hearing for the adoption of the proposed budget for fiscal year 11769. Following, dis- cussion of the bu.-get i.: detail, °Vans moved and intere°uced the adoption of proposed rj in nce 4, Ai C I AI1 7C .)ThT Ah'NOL / _l T l' LL A r u r _ � _ TP,!e ., C .4 OFF!-MYALL p'r.CF3S.:RY °..r r-, F!3 L / ^ „/L I- I °3 . 7 ''. CITY ( F MCC 'L1 l. .'i6 1969, .a D F1'CINC r TAX L VY Fi:P 7C CV"( CP . .CC LL_, f.a- lC F( . Ti-! /-CAL_ Yl-;'-',. 1969. Tchaufeli;eroer rieved the r le.s be suspended for the pc3.ssac e of proposed ordinance '2C4, ,.which motion was seconded by rcher, and upon veto dectured '04,, carried unanimously. Armstrong seconded the motion moving the adoption of prr-.pe ed ordinance 2'?4 which upon vete dectored carried unanimmusly. It was duly noted that toere were no protestors ;present. The sale of lots at the McCall Municipal Calf ourse sere briefly reviewed and the Attorney was instructed to check on the procedore of sale of addi- tio,nuI lois. .eetin reported on the sever line repair by at':ins Construction Co. and re- pairs whic, h. d been nude. The arrenty and Painlennce Pro.' ter:;s on several of the Large pumps .!ere reviewed. ere ph -neat Alvin hric.r;auca, Jamua 'lardy an(' John Fitz eratd, their „tt;. rney,, on the negotia- tion of a lona ter(;-7 too . , ith the t-ity of i- c--• L1 , on tAeir propertyon l'ayette T Lakes, which is c nstruct on in Lakeshore ." lvd. street right of ,Jay. The legal status was reviewed and TLssible problems were discussed. Following lengthy discussion, the written proposal was to be presented to the City for taeir consideration at the meetirgof April 7, 1969. No further business coming before the board, the meetino was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. ATTF'� . /` • • 4rimpq 25, 1969 A continuation of the regular meeting of the Council of the City of blcCell • was held on the above date and the follorine business transacted. hemhers present were lshaufelberger, ercher, -vans, ; rmsIrene and absent Soos. The O'ayer being absent, Councilman Schaufelberger presided over the meeting which h-ad been called to meet with representatives of the Side i-ark epart.ment on a proposed schedule of sewer chc:rges at the Ponderosa park. Jon Solderbloom of the State Park L:epartment reported that numerous im;nrovemenls hod been made which wuld benefit the City of KcCall, and at this time 770 trailer connections were to he available. Following discussion, the State of Idaho was to install a master meter and they ,vould be ch reed 60% of the applicable commercial sewer rote based on the water use. The State would install the water meter at their ex•uense and the readings would be made b ; the City of ',cull . Evans moved to proceed on a commercial basis of CC% of the water use with a possible adjustment to be made following reviewal of the rates at the end of the year. The motion was seconded by Armstrong and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Seetin reported the sewer pumps were again functioning properly, following re- pair by 4atkins Construction Co. The charge for Septic tank Cleaners, which would be dumping into the City Sewer System were discussed. Followinc discussion, ovens moved that the mini- mum ch •rye of 33.00 be made to dump septic tanks refuse into the system. The motion was seconded by Armstrong and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the board, the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. ATT PST . /„( /J �o ,(� r';AY,.I? • CLERK April 7, 1969 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of IcCall was held on the above date and the following 1?usiness transacted. Y2bers present were t'%ayor Coos ; Councilman '"rcher, Evans, /Armstrong and Schaufe lberaer. Armstrong moved the previous meeting be adjourned, which m tion was seconded by Evens, and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The minutes of the urevious meeting wore reed and approved as read. Alvin Kritybaum and James Hardy were present on their propo:al to the City •hich had been forwarded by their attorney to hemaklus, the City Attorney. Pomaklus read a draft of the proposed lease and fol !owine the reading, Cemaklus recommended some chunc;es be submitted ,which were discussed at length. sir-J Follo,./in1:. further discussion, ;....'ornaklus ws to further consult with their attorney to make the lea so accept-I-Jp /e on the has is of Council t;2reement. Armstron,2 moved I!- t a 1o.-7 •:e or Ica ac,reeient for the purposes f.eqbested by the Iessee, Illvin ;-7'. Kricbe:um and dames . liordy Jr. , be catered into by the City of i 'ceoll and the Lessee, upon com ! etion of an ac. reement satisfactory to b(.- ih prties. The motion v,/,':: s sec-,-,nded it. -7c±cufelLer, er, and upon vote declared carried unanimusly. Jgm s Citlesrie was ,cresent representinc, oise-Cascade Corpor... t .'on on their re,o'luest hich -ed been J.,revioosly submitted for slreet and ulley vecction. There fellowed a lenOhy discussion on the rcgo( sts and objections were raised to -0-ie vacutinn of lt,7.rn .4:6-, which ‘40.3 a re '-Con of Lakeshore Avenue and a portion of an alley, Ite -15, whre a city pumpin(), .s .,! ti,:-. n is lected. followirT further di3c05sion, ,70 ;.:;e Co.sc..7.c'e steted they ..vould su4,nii cz pro- pcsed Ordinence vacootim: the several streets far ,Thord approval . Jim ;7,rcoks and Al,: ldon Hc! Ideman '"or- present on !)Cclf of thc, ' Ph- IL ..3-ki Aqui,, CluZ.:. and rerorted a no ' C.oarct , f i.,ir,- ctors uonsistin!--, of 72 people hod been electee` and their prop,:)sed coastrNution r sultinL frr a Ion from the FPA. They I--...quEstod any assstnce iht the City of :': 2,711 r.-;iht be oLl,.: to five 1 for funds, roc -o;ine the operat ;on nf the hill, (. -?c' payment of interest and/or principel . rolloirp discussion, t;---., attorney rc,•id sect- I ns of the :31..:.7.te Constitution perta ,:nin to recaests .:hic/! o.oul opper it coc:Ic! PSI t be :7rnted. The annuct euu'it for. to 5"iscal 'ear of 19C.? ,-,',.•• orc-serted tv tho Clerk, and briefly r, vei•ord. Fello :rf :- .. ..3cussion t.'.-. afidit *.d... accE.7. ted by the :7c-a:". :7-vans report,-(:' th,- t he l-.-:-.-: been •.-,-or -::nc_ Gn thc ..vt.er nna' sewer accounts und folliii , (- 0 excznino ( -:. a, .7; !...tod !,! el net ,77; .,Jtr- users .1-1,7 ' t-7eter . 71-:or folloed a. diseus.7ien on p• .,, 1 ;--:fll7:ciLs --;nr! -• recci:end- t ?-) ;_•oet,- 14 Pode at o h! ic-r ,::•: -le. ".w./P,ns rcpprt::•d I/a -FL.7 .r ir) I.,,-., sts, colv,.-rt mo, infrno‘'r?eo r.Yn ! f.oiLle ,-/- ( :,,;:. . ::i,, in r•T(.. at(- the so,:er pa ,--,s -,e:'-e runnin: le c,•..pi-citv cf-,e !)_ ,..,e, l,' i..3,,, (.iTue Via the munhcles to -:etornine ,,,hrc- tt:•c ,--,-at.-:r ,a ; crminn intc the 3ter.-1. The city emp/oyee ::a .r-ents on t!;eir accoun were briefly revie pd. ioe f.hc s_:, /e of the rs'cs;' Irs I•n lots at the --o / f '2.:oure ?,-ite, Uomaklus siled a ne:r/ c.---rdince shnoIC !-,e pc.: seof :-:1-W _.!. 1.etter of Apru.isel from the per.,-- ,-:er t(_, confic 1- ,-, sot,e vlues .s3ould b,-_, ff :ed. The tcr.v -fas. revied folloin,:, ,41icfr. i.ivns inroduced .-,:u)d mov,d the eeption of proosd rdincnce .',1'2F, =1.-'•,,,' t:::•l!/ i, '..'7-!::- J".--• :" 1, --- 7-•- •-- / 7:•-.:hTh:-• •,' Cr-- 7:0[.• C /Tv Cr•-• ,' 17,C, IL , hi ...1 '3 7u as s•.:2e ef c.i.-(, ospd Lrdiednee ":'.:77, ,,t ,ich !--;ot -iG.n H,:-.s sucoaed b.y .o,-.:s-lron -:,.ac.• o!.,.o ,...e2tn e'ec' tooed 0,:.:- r-lcol uneairiouly. •..:cheufeterer :,,,ecGoCd tic ,--;•:.: c;evio -I.; ,-. (;ci..-tir_n ef l'reF-Gfd (..rdino. .re 2.-:'51, ,o'• ieh t.Je v- (if, ,.'Ts declored c. rried .--waily. Th, --iever..: I bl / ,7 rere r -1 for ;_ .;./nnt : Amok Villiom :(7..ker :-.,: lice !,-12. 97 Ciy,Je Zrchper .7 i_)1. n e- i I 1 . r C in 1:r,:re; Ce ,•nc: 1 27 . 27 1 I,•. c:•_ .itici / .:1]. 57 1 . 04 Jaye :-., 1 .1in : ter/.3eor L :,rry ...:. / !rnt. HIs. r :,L . ,,.- . ill -v.- os : ,.•,-)c.-ii. :-!:. 80 : LI ? -('. i. 1 ,-1 . ' . i. P-/: Lvc, o:oisin. or I..i I-,r- . ry l..i, - I T".'. DO htboo :. er.T 30',.'7. 74 Oc.uncl 21 . 27 :01 re'.-7:rtments VOL :.: :1 : 1; .L.treos 6,-56. 74 Koran IS' ,-:.pun : (-, liGe 4CC. F5 .. 61 Public :.:mpteyee Petirement -Dystam 547.08 Ascociat on of lde.hu Cities lnsurdnce 204.21 St to Insuance Fund All Oepartments 20. 62 b'o,..,pitt Pond tei-:.,1)-tion Fund Transfer 4, 495.00 Velley County Trust l:-.:nd FIC.-7 1, 333.26 ..3c:. t7- cf 1,.'oho :ithholdinL 7ex 247. 20 II Internal l'evenue Service 0 1, 282. 20 Continental ..'il Cc. 'clice 9. 67 Costs 3ervice Fire i;e ,:-.rtment 2.00 Sh vers LJu!.lp : olice -;'e:/er Libr,,:ry 35. 44 Pife, •'ilson iTrzybylski 4odit 730. 50 Van ',.7.7.ters ;,'of,/ers "a ter 1,-). E0 P,Pcers A/ c:.iery Sr . , lee. 3ey-/er 557. 64 t.F2rworks Ef_7ip . 'o. ;eter 39. 75 I'on ichern a tEr 3e ,or in,?. 73 ........ NcCall ?exalt ')rug Police, Clerk, Library 5. 43 1 Nelson Plu:-1,in ' Metric jireetc, valor, se er r. h.,. 6 .00 Frevn 's Tie :' Lnmber Co. "31reets 170. 37 /cleho Sept of 5eronoutics :-. irport Courtesy Car 473.09 Johns Texaco Librery Ew. i:ment 125.00 ;-<alt- us ofc Eqi.p ater and -'ewr 2. 40 ,- (1 :--essocreph 1-'ultirciph Lor;:, ',101,-.?r and Sewer 4. 93 Huskey Disposal L.o. Library and . () Lice 4.00 Sonny 's C,..K. Tire Store Streets 6. 00 No,-co ,3trcets ''a ter 3.30 .5oorts t.'crina S-e ver 26. 10 -ayette Lakes Lumber Ctree (s, water seer 63. 26 Col Chernict ,:or' 3treats 124.00 Ceceral Fire Lq i p Fire :_)eprboent 15. 05 Eef/ecto Products Fire ,Department 33.00 Slue Flame Cs 'ater 7)e,-.) 43. 74 '-'(-!),' I-:ardware all dept 17.29 Phil ! ips Petroleum 0o. Police 7. 00 Idaho Tele hoe all aept. 282. C7 Texaco Police 39.82 Jaye C tlin/1"'etty Cash water:sewer pos lace 25. 00 Clerks office/petty cash Coord/c ,:erk pesta9e 12.00 Idaho Sower all dept. 944.45 ftLndrd flit /-i: ll dept. 331.68 .,:ilcie Chevron Fire Dept. 4. 40 Sinclair ,flefining co. all dept 415. 73 ?' autz Auto ports il er, se,yer, streets, ol/lib 33.41 Tudor Fnciners Lord 25.00 Don Fitzwal_er F. O. 2-3. 50 cordon Cevill Jr. F. 2. 15. 50 IToh ''' itney F. . 2. 00 Dos Johnson F. D. 3. 00 Floyd Cdr. - bell F. ....,. ,_). no James ieudden F. L. 7 . 50 ob Cameron F. D. F. D. • 3.00 Doyce i7:uress r. D. 6. 00 Don Johnson F. D. 13. 50 Norman Lurgess F. C. 13. 50 ' Shell .-,:il 'Jo. votice water sewer 147.29 Union Cif Co. Totice 9.21 ho,Thten f4ifflin C- . Library 3. 47 The Dook Shop Library 5. 68 Scott '''(.tblications Library 7. 50 Allied Soak and Fductional 7eseurces Library 13. 57 .Scholastic i-orazines Library 1. 00 1-'artzberris Inc. Library 69. 80 L-on«essienal Ouarterly Litrary 7. 85 J: .t.'.L.A. Cues Library 3. 00 Z7velyn roodwin Library 41 . 64 Oemco Library 24.25 Fobert Coodwin Airport Constrction 540. 00 Idol- - Library /;ssoc. Library 1". 90 Schaufelberer moved the hit Is :: c approved and ordered paid, the motion was seconded by Arcer and upon vote dectered carried unanimous icy. 47.41" 1)41 No f.. rt,!..i ,-,r businc...s.s corrtin ldofs,ro ti.-.,:-. ...'f...,Qr , the meet In w..,7,3 deci.,,red re- cEssed until. tl-,:, colt of iF)c C.ncir. ) 3644,0,14 ...---- / .. _ - ..t !.:„.,.../ ,.._:, f o I. l.s :;, :-; :' . , I.n, .-..; I.; T1/4,;,- ns moved t :',.: r 7 ,'7 'I L'" C ''' '! r--: i- 7, - '' / ( ,-,7'.---:1, 1": l"' ,- 7:c'n '''''-; ?ri V• t ".".-' .c,C '.. •-•- 7 C rl•.=. CI ?i,.? !0 I i'"20,. .''; ty. f -li-. ,-. ',' s u,.,. :•7- t n,-: :,,,:.nc r.,. .:.; ,,nd cipi rcv,:::.tr cJ :'; r2: ,.:. c:,,,-,-. -. I, ,., -7.:ril- 1,-; 1_,:„ H It .-., 1: -.!/;:.-, ; c C I I ' ,--0 s: -,--; 3.:.--, %.- :'!. .) r ,, ,'-' '..:1„ 1::: - ..;5r Z 3 tt,,„ .3 i:, ,t--: i n F 70,:'1 r.-., ,,,: ,-- c. ,,. t--. -I( t. '.7.'[i t 1...i',: ',-1' 0 .:. :I" , I ' , 7,7 f.s:r I. i:ms s of :5 0 C.-- f 1 ,!::. s . I ;' ,,-- -., f...,rfl ,- .--,..,...-:i-1,- -!/ ,..:. -.` i'n:: ..s; :.,..r.: ,.....----.. ,s'n,! ,.1..1!.;.,c1tes .. n-• , C s . 1.n!: r-r- - i.nted tf n ':::-.. .1 ,/ tr c;on t r I 1..n. t Q t -rc' of tii* .;...., ,7," Cf. . 71-,c ....- : '!..y (.:. H,.-. ,,,-,?y ....-...-2.3. -. .,-3.:,..(77.,..] t.::,/ .1.1-7e ' y,..-,:- if [ends COCCI,; !T-7 t.," ,,,: d f :r this; -.c.;rpn 2e ••:rt I l',, -;j1., ".('C' ':1 -I i if i '',I- +: .; If-cc .1.',.. n,',.• r“ n ic,...9 cy.,,c,r ., f.--,-, 5 ,.0 r-opos r..,oi c.i. . .1... t y ' r. r),,.i H.-7,.,, r. c, ..'.-2r in-!:sci ,:...-..H-I. ininL lc:. -. lc,-.:nup '..n,...e'-,;, 0.n;:- dec / --rrec.,, 7!1“-. ./.,,H.; of , : 1..-"'l n t, cy ;:f.''.,th ,1::,:, ..:fe3 tr ±E:•121 ,,..'-; ii-;/,'. C.tt'11,./1:: ,vk a r?C! 17 17.'r C;C.: 1 C.: ,:'. t 7.: n .:''•,:,'-i- It .' ''2' .'": ,,--t.-: -,--- ,-/.:c,f t; -it ti:0 /--7. ,-,, „‘,... ..--:f n,.?,. ti--n ::,r, .-! I. -,-. n l -/.. r 1,(-• 3 t f i. re 1/cut not E-,,nc uf b ,-,,f. : ,,.. t C .q:: l'e r V : 7: I .:'' 1 e 'n,/ he ,, C.. :'CI 1 i..i ' (: r.: :. 7:r: 2.n II: r r iv. te COP .11,i c"-- c, L.-J 1-,.... (..' ,n:: ,--,o t he ! ,..--, l i C.7 I or,:-.;4),..:-nc y .:3;: i)f.: CO:I..,I--_,' 4.:,.. I I into -11-,o Tele:-.,hc,nr2 I.:,.:,r.--., H.- n , 2 r.1 ':,„:.k,e 0:1 n'i i i. nn- I ,,..:•,..-,A I s ,•-r .:,./e for H. rote,ti. fill cTVoct .nr,-. ,-).-:-.,2or 1. 1, ccii .!.,.' ,:-...',-- ) • r:Hi.. ,.-.) f tl-r, ...- r, sent 1.n.n.-.1.i_,s, t, 0 '1 on 31 .,'", ,.:-.'..:: ' cost of If n, c. .s-s -• ry, oth,sr ifE--..rn3 •,,,'.•: ich i i-•'.7' !:e t:r i b l'..1.".;'- -'1'd C,7,:i I ' L 7 out . I t ,t.:...s ,..i I so ..34..i .: ' :.:fed toy vn,n s 1:1--,(::t i'.-.n:c o u 5e if .n).!I si l,,r: LI e,' ') .., th • 'cot ice t P...- t they could ,,-. os.!:-., ib le .s.l--..:.,r..: in t I! c,- s i . :r.-..-. I I o i n! 'i sr....Ln3.-...i ,n2 ':"o-yer does st ted ti-:, t if th.,:-:? r,-.,H.1:,-, ,..c-re r - -,•..ie,.--..-.', It ,7,Ic_c,.• ',.4 ,'T,, ci.e, 7,,i re ci. 71“,--.. 1,--c, ,;(.-, l.-..et feen ti- ,-, :2ity of ' r.Hzl I :.n, t:-.n .::-:orts . ,-, rinc. ,...03 ,,-,,nd nt Icof: tii ....in ..' Sc I Lc-,.. .'. --? 1:'- recc.q-mend , ti, r of the nt -lorny for ,c.-;cept,...;,c;ce of the tc.,?,.-:. -in, -,r-•”•,:t rr n to •,,,r . th,- lc.:t.s.E,, l-..(3, [..,. ,-,;:rc-Ivod : of -.1.% in.yor i ns t:,-. :tcci to .3 ic: n. f/cc mot :-...on -(7_ S 3.000n, ed L:2/ :.-vc,,,-,3 c-, ,-.1 :./i. -c vote :-.'(:!c I rod c rried -„,,;. If 72c,v,o.ufel.bcrf. or, "-•,•• •ns; ,..,-, '.r, ,::;tr.,- ,-.,:. in l,•.vor, , rc,'--),-..r. o '.. 0 -,,, ,d. ':v.:::n s rc vie .e,,/ I!! t.-; [.../1.. tr,3 of ;71. -i...1.' r si, rye , . n,! re...-iec-rcq-... on numbc,r- of use r:5, , .c' • -,`:C i" r -.l., -::: .: 2-::i r.,. vc.noc .,,. . moo tic: nu lc.' he f,e L ..,' L . tcr in the .4.,,,,, ir,fin .'.'" t e rti'- 4! IV te."/ fiCke :Li IC C.; f,..,r I-.,-..: 7 ?t,i-: lc I- r t h r Ll:. s'c u.3...; t i'-',..- ..:. ..; ::- 1.1- le 1 r,,--,o b-7.5 - Of ic.,. ticn :7J--.,,f '--cc, t. in: ' Li ("_•I-'''.. ri C 1.-)c. ;,./fE-- ii.;.errer Lricf ly re::.::,rtrd or? -1/ o f ir, .nc iol ccno :. l i 7:':n C,f the ::q.:..C(.. I I ['unic lr.In l .",- s,,: i t. I . 1....,',,pos rei....•:.r ted on tl.,:- (7.!s i ir.7 fed cost to su,:::, ty .,,:.,, tr tc tne r:7L.fnic ...;<,. 1 club Iro.1.,...;,7 fret, 7::,..-,t. I ;k ct f.:;,,,:-rox 7., -,i 7-..E- ly ..-±7, 7...'C'f). , 'e r-e,7 -.:r 1. .!Gl t 1-,:'.t these i t er.- .s ,I. •,--.-cf '2,ee,--.1 ! rc.-.. ,c tr....." ,'n 1,.'')/- -.., 9r, '',' b:..1. : ( t. r:-.. .../....E. s t “..o.3 ,o rc 3:2 n t c-,i -.'(.." t H.- i.-1 ounc i I by irol)e rt Coo(..-7%,i n, f. r cc 3 trec t derbies lion bet .,-en , r loyj ,t res 1, cod . cc-rid, ...trec.t . Alo (7.4.-.1-c 7'.• ion .,--"..2...3 lid, 120.-ievc,,r, Qot ic-n ,,•.,_ not f-Jken , s ,c,' cic,:Fcri,,Dt ;Erni -...,. .-:, fir: t .,.,/,•,• i i,r/h /e. The /,.. 70-: I de sc r i,,-.t ion cif tree str,,,.--- Is tic I.-c:. v•ac. -.: 1-eJ f rr..,-..., ,..ic,n f-;',..nscl-r, as pre- vi c,,.:sly room,.itc,d, ,,,f). ---.. r-,....v ir? .'e n-- iv If'" c: ticri“,-...y. Fc / Lc,,,,rini discuss ict? no 6:el action ',las teken pcndine furth-r inforati a . The 1.,!ayor stcted t: at the attorney had been spendin: c• nsidereblo additional time on City business, particular4, travel expense on the se,,i.e -jo laoon system end proposed that the additional sum of '2C. i or month be at loved as expenses. FolloNin discussion, Schaufelberer rncved to authorize the expense allow.once of 20. oar month to the City Attorney - hich motion was seceded by .Armstronc and upon vote decl- red carried unanimously. Sae tin raorted problems in tl.c., sever system, which had resulted from the beck up c f ..3ewe.c-;e, when a vulve failed to properly (Derete. 7he enin(L-er had been conic:etc.& and for a duel control sytem, the cost would be approximately ' 4, 5*:;0. to :':::.5, c,09. Further information was to be obtained to lower the costs and discussion followed on the double check vive possibility which would elimi- nate future occurence. The severe / hills were read far peyment : A,'illiam .,4cker notice 459.73 .• Clyde . /•-•cher Council 1 . 0 l:;: air rmsirena Council 21 . 87 Donald 1-oos Council .?..3. 57.7 Norman curaess 6-ire 1=heifi 3-. 04 doye Catlin 'ater/se•wer 139. 41 Larry Chalfant water/sevor 385. 33 Pill Fvans Council 2.'7? ---',a., J. Clifford :-vans (. If curse 347. 34 Forrest C• ns Police 370.46 lilliam Kirk clerk :)61 . 60 [-17,2, Niesinrer Library 9C.03 Robert lemaklus Le:pal 97.0n Eldon '7- oers Colf Coarse 203. 74 . H. ., --_-.11a LI e /P.,e r c.er Council 21 . 87 '.1 . J. el in rLi He artment °._= r16.36 Levis' Smith .1treets 412. 14 Norman Thompson aclice 42.2. 25 association of Idaho ities Insurunce 227. 61 ru!) lic rL-mplayees i::etirement Sys tern 562. 52 continent 1 ( il Jtreets 0. 40 F-ayette takes Lumber Calf Cons 1irport '-'003 ,...oter 266. 96 rlue El - me Cs cot / course of 31 . 54 Ilay Hardware all deportments 53. 77 "oyd lartin Co. Coif °arse 39. 50 Kolb6s dater / sewer 67. 50 :l a c kc-,r ,,-;;)p I. i(:.nce Coif 2our.:3e L ,:E,•: p;ont 159. 95 1-ayno Kentola C. C. L.onstr. 3. 00 Petty Cash/ L-ity Clerk :'elice C. C. Ird. Clerk 19.00 Cascade Auto do / ice 11 . 45 Dill Sexton ' otice 5. 80 4tlantic I7ichfield Co. Police 5. 29 IbbPo Telephone co. All ;:je: rtments 206. 3 astern 2tcre /...c / ice 1:3. 775 Jensen ( raves Co. Co / I Loorse 2. 40 - Union Lit o '"olice 350 re--- , oontinental Cil '-o Police 16. 72 '-:hell Oil '- o. Dump 22. 45 Shell Cil ' o. olice LOC j Pus Johnson F. 3. 3. --C ccr/ Fr-nden F. ::). 3.00 Cob Ccmeron F. C. 4. 50 -art r i s: e n I- -1,sc n F.S. 4. 50 Lanny Cray F. D. 10. 50 Ralph I-furray F. .3. 3. 00 Ernie Euraess F. O. 3. 00 Floyd Cclbol / F. D. 4. 50 Boyce Luress F. O. 7. 50 "link r,evill F. 3. 10. 50 Jim l:pdden F. ,L% 1-3. 00 Bon Johnson F. a:). 4. 50 Don Fitzwater r. L. 20.00 Van 'I. f'orc.jreiee G. C. Lquip 475.00 Caves , , rket Do / ice 5. 59 ralph :tide Chevron F. D. 6. 40 i ( . e.ne 1:Pss rtCs Cr?vE?be.'cCr'E'S 25. 00 v"erryrs ' nion :`i t f7.o1f :c:;,r3e 76. 48 e t t y Cash/Jc ye TLtcr a :f r �.00 1dafo o-%er a t i c'e,--r°rtmcnts D2,.21 t ter Jerks [ . .3rtcnt .cr.ic?r is . \.'c.n -( tors r; ,-:c rs 42.«iQ r ter 47. 50 r os,ncart :e rin; s ;e /e•r i0 I t ;_x&ti t .:`rr; ibr ry 'r 56 .::x ter Foundry :` t;`r $3. 70 c=ncrete ,';'cca''y mix t r 14. 33 2:C ...`7;. ,'c.^E: t .. rnt ,'t 197, 50 Tim,r _- iectric . . 12. 50 Sonny ' . . Tire [tore .:tree, t , i :c C. C. 1.(-!` rrcc; >tr, r: t 1 . 30 F. ?n•aus-tries >t' ver 135. .39 Ampox ., p t iL-r" ry _ 7. 90 John- 1'r:rC0 _slr' : j.,, 1rw 7c rc'.Vn 7 to cci;. L_U:,Ler ra t ice ,� ciLvrip 77. 50 r,fusicey .`:'i `• ., .ut or, r , 1r:_ ry F.00 U:;;etI r t"i i E t heIp 71 . 34 L uve Ito v_r;s con s tr. 23. 35 c.':n tr. 23. 35 :III dept. 112. 62 ,_..V l? t vn :.r,:�:";,•:d1 r'7 �.. i'.r.:-ry 'utz Lite i'r;rts Coif s {re;. t ,ieicr F, • . 12, 25 Inc. Li. . ry 23. 00 tics I c-crr-o. hic I bra ry . 50 For' ll:i t, i r- ...(_ . 1 1 5 c r ,;tor t r. r,r 55.27 Fott^ 'tnrc ti^_ rr .._'tn; ci tI;: D2tts, ,:rf,otro.n r,?cvec r%:t' ,`i tt 3 be roved ar C:ri::ere(4 id. tf:4_' l-t, t .'.in seco lilnd 5v r V':; :i, ?' Ur;•'%7E— t::rFc corned uni n ir;•-u.a t y. rU f rt u . , . ,c: s :. cr- •inr t,,: fnr r,`, t..e aet in rcl, rc d r(,-cess.r-cl unfit t c: _.. _' l of ;k:oir. 9der.lL/J fet,t1"-C4 June 2, 1969 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Memebers present were Mayor Boos, Councilman Archer, Armstrong,-.:Schaufel- berger and Evans. Archer moved the meeting of May 8, 1969 be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Armstrong and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Following discussion on the request of Boise-Cascade on the vacation of certain streets and allies, Evans introduced and moved the adoption of proposed Ordinance #286, AN ORDINANCE VACATING ALLEY IN BLOCK 6, FIRST ADDITION TO THE VILLAGE OF MgCALL, AND PROVIDING SUCH ALLEY WHEN VACATED SHALL REVERT TO THE OWNER OF THE ADJACENT REAL ESTATE, 1/2 on each side thereof. Archer moved the rules be suspended for the passage of pro- posed Ordinance #286, which motion was seconded by Schaufelberger, and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The motion moving the adoption of proposed Ordinance #286, was seconded by Archer and upon vote declared carried unanimously. 65 Regarding the Don Haasch request, the attorney stated that the additional information regarding the description of the properties to be traded had not yet been received to finish the street vacation. It was reported that several questions had been raised by Rex Campbell, on the John Jasper Subdivision and the acceptance of the plat was discussed. The double check valve on the sewage system adjacent to Cruckshanks was discussed, however, no action was taken. The Streetlite committee was to report to the Council on new locations for additional street lights. Boos stated that Bill Harris was to run a survey line bast Avereys and Harts to see if they could connect to the City sewer. Evans reported problems in getting all users onto the new sewer lines, however, all bills would be mailed with overruns for last year. He reported the new books were being worked on and should be completed sometime this week. Armstrong stated that the garbage at the public beach was overflowing the bar- rels and should be picked up oftener to avoid the unsightly condition. The trash baskets in the downtown area were to be taken care of by the JayCees however no action had been taken as yet. Temporary recepticles were to be used until such time as permanent baskets could be installed. Other possibilities were discussed such as selling adds on the recepticles to the merchants and having them purchase the baskets. Schaufelberger reported on a Hospital Board meeting and a meeting with the OEM"' health department and they had requested two rooms in the hospital. The several doctors and all interested people attended the meeting and the hosp- ital boapr�d a r ved the rental of two rooms at $125. per month on a trial ScAbasis,i the approval of the Idaho Hospital association had been requested. The intent and future porportions of the mental health program were discussed at length. Boos asked if all legal requirements had been met on the sale of the additional lots at the golf course, and it appeared that all legal publications had been made. The protection of the swimming area between the City Dock and the Yacht Club Dock were discussed as length and it was reported that a ski dock had been relocated. Several people were present on the proposed changes in the water rates, and Evans reviewed the proposed changes which were discussed at length. Following lengthy discussion the Attorney was instructed to draw an Ori nance amending the minimum charges for residential and commercial users. Boos stated that the backlog of work was building up on other employees and additional help might be necessary. There followed a discussion on the possi- bilities of having Joye Catlin for most of the day during the three month summer period. The beer application from Don Crowell was read, following which Evans moved the license be approved and granted. The motion was seconded by Armstrong and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The several bills were read for payment: William Acker Police 459.73 Clyde Archer Council 1 .00 Blair Armstrong Couocil 21. 87 Don Boos Council 33. 57 Norman Burgess Fire Dept. 30.04 Joye Catlin Water/sewer 139.41 Larry Chalfant Water/sewer 385.33 Bill evans Council 23.80 J. Clifford Evans Golf Course 347.84 r' Forest Gans PoLice 370.46 William Kirk Clerk 261 .60 Eva Ne i s i nger i®x22 Library 40.33 Robert Remaklus Attorney 117.00 Eldon Rogers Golf course 308. 95 A. H. Schaufelberger Council 21.87 Jack Seetin All Department 616.86 David Smith Streete 419. 14 Norman Thompson Police 429.25 George Guy Golf Course 593.06 William Fowler Part and beaches 101 . 10 Joye Catlin Water/sewer 46.27 William Smith Airport 76.38 Lydia Rogers Golf Course 248.63 Luvella Rogers Golf Course 204. 90 Bob Bears Golf Course 77.26 - Russell Faust Golf Course 243.68 John 0. Carter Golf Course 10.00 Norman Burgess Fire Dept 9.00 Don Fitzwater " 19.00 Jim Madden 'I 7. 50 Wink BevilL " 1 . 50 Danny Grey " 3.00 Don Johnson " 9.00 Doyce Burgess " 3.00 Floyd Campbell " 1. 50 Bland "elton Jr. " 3.00 Monte Espy Golf Course 9. 50 Del Chemical " 434. 50 Idaho State Penitentiary Police/street 117.60 Transport Clearings Police/street 3. 50 Boise Water Corp voter 9.73 Timm Electric Streets 21.44 Lawrence Gossie Golf Course 5.00 General Fire Equip Fire Department 438.00 Conso1id,, ted Supply Golf Course 258.96 Idaho Power all departments 1, 110.38 Sinclair Blk plant all departments 344.88 Waterworks Equipment Co. 217. 51 water constr. 217.51 McCall Cleaners Police 1.60 Union Oil Co " 19. 10 Atlantic Richfield " 26. 52 Continental Oil Co. " 5.45 Standard Oil Co. " all departments 115. 55 Sports Marina Golf Course 26.85 McCall Rexall Drug 'Vater/library 9.28 Kalbus Police, I&XXX fIi XX4X library clerk 53. 76 Thompson Inc Golf Co .se 17.40 Boyd Martin Co. Golf Course 878.35 G. K. Machinery Streets 47.86 Wycoff Frt. dater, Colf Course 4.25 Star News Golf sewer 23. 92 Sonny's O.K. Tire Store Dump 6.00 Roland Harrell Airport 85.00 Idaho State Library Library 2.00 Rowland Bros Water/airport 126.25 McCall Floral Library 4. 12 1 Baker and Taylor Libray 34.36 Petty Cash/Joye Catlin water/sewer 25.00 Public Employees Retirement 721 . 16 Association of Idaho Cities Insurance 227.61 Evelyn Goodwin Library 53. 92 St to of Idaho Sales Tax (golf course) 126.08 U. S. Golf Assoc Golf Course 40.00 Shavers Water 8.62 Jack McClure Golf Course 185. 55 Following the reading the bills, Schaufelberger moved the bills be approved and ordered paid. The motion was seconded by Evens and upon vote declared carried unanimously. 6? No further business coming before the council, the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. ATTEST: 19o"t4J MAYOR CLERK June 6, 1969 A continuation of the meeting of the City Council was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members presnet were Mayor Boos, Councilmen Archer, Evans and Schaufelberger, Armstrong absent. Following discussion on the proposed changes in water rates, Schaufelberger introduced dhd tadvpd the adoption of proposed Ordinance #287, an ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 811-43 VILLAGE CODE OF MCCALL IDAHO RELATING TO CHARGES FOR WATER INCREASING THE MINIMUM MONTHLY RESIDENTIAL CHARGE ELIMINATING CHARGE FOR RESIDENTIAL OVERRUN AND INCREASING THE MINIMUM MONTHLY COMMERCIAL CHARGE. The ordinance was read at length twice by title, following which Archer moved the rules be suspended for the passage of the proposed Ordinance #287. The motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Archer seconded the motion moving the adoption of Proposed Ordinance #287, which was declared carried unanimously by the Mayor. Evans was to work further with the classifications of multiple use occupancies or buildings of more than one occupancy with unequal facilities, and a meeting of the Council would be held at a later date to make further recomendations as necessary. Boos reported on the Golf ' 'ournament which would be held the first week in August and stated that advertising received from outside sources could be turned over to the Golf Course. No further business coming before the council, the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the chair. ATTEST: 1t1.11,a/.1 d� MAYOR CLERK June 19, 1969 A continuation of the meeting of the City Council was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Mayor Boos, Councilmen Evans, Schaufelberger, and Armstrong. ! Archer ime■M . Armstrong reported on the hospital board meeting wh ch had been held regarding the administrators position. The year of probation or trial was over which named Harold Whiticker as Joint Administrator of the Council and McCall Hospitals and the supervision the McCall Hospital was receiving was discussed at length. A meetin had been held with the Doctors and also with the Hospital Personell and following lengthy discussion, it was the opinion of the people that the arrangement of the administrator& supervising the two hospitals was not working out as well as had planned. The effect of any change by the 14c0all Hospital on the Council Hospital board was discussed and following further discussion the Hospital Board recommended that Harold Whiticker be released effective June 30, 1969 and Leonard Golay be offered the position of acting administrator for a one year probationary period at $650. per month and the salary be re- viewed at the end of six months. No Action was taken by the Council pending a meeting of the McCall Hospital Board with the Council Hospital Board. Evans presented a proposal to reclassify all water and sewer users and the several classifications were discussed in detail. No action was taken pending additional information on the cost of water and sewer to several users. Seetin reported the inlet line was in the lake and the pump was being installed for water at the Municipal Golf `'ouuse. No further business coming before the co, ncil the meeting was declared re- cessed until the call of the Chair. ATTEST: r ! MA/ 1,-.r'f4 R CLERK July 7, 1969 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Mayor Boos, Councilmen Archer, Schaufelberger, Evans and Armstrong. Schaufelberger moved the meeting of June 2, 1969 be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Archer and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved as read with a notation that the rental of rooms to the Mental Health Department at the McCall Memorial Hospital was subject to the approval of the Idaho Hos- pital Association. Bill Deinhard was present to request the City remove the stumps in the street right of way on the East end of Floyd Street. Following discussion, Seetin stated that it appeared the City would be able to take care of it before fall. The Attorney reported that he did not yet have adequate information on the Don Haasch trade and would try to have something by the next meeting. Seetin reported that no information had been received from Toothman on the possibility of installing a double check valve in the sewer system adjacent to Cruickshanks. Necessary work which should be done on the sewege pump and line was reviewed. Norman Burgess stated the radio had been received by the Fire Department and had been installed and was complete. It was reported the trash recepticles for the downtown area had been ordered. Boos stated that Huskey Disposal Company had been dismissed for the pickup of trash at the Public Beach and Dave Smith had been hired to pick up the trash on his own time for the same fee. Schaufelberger reported on a Hospital Board Meeting and Armstrong reported on several discussions with the Council Board and this Boards proposal to notify Harold Whiticker the 10th of July of the change in administrators effective the 30th. The Council Board had met and was aware of the pending action. Evens reported a house in the Brundage Subdivision was not hooked on to the new sewer, and :zctions should be taken to have the owner comply. Following discussion it was the opinion of the Board that the owner be notified directing him to hook on to the City Sewer System. 649 There followed a discussion on the new classification of water users and water rates as proposed and advertised and the attorney was instructed to draw an Ordinance amending the present Ordinance making these changes. There followed a discussion og the change over of the addressograph plates and the additional work necessary.jorethe next billing could be completed. The purchase of a postage meter was discussed and the total cost of the unit was approximately $235. Additional information was to be obtained and the possibility of other suppliers being contacted discussed. Armstrong reported on the Police Activity over the Fourth of July weekend and the cost of additional help and mileage in the amount of $580. The Police Department was commended for their job over the Fourth of July and the clerk was instructed to write letters to the Department of Law Enforcement, the Idaho State Police and the Liquor Law Enforcement Thanking them for their assist- ance. Boos stated that a request had been made for the City to write a letter stating their approval for appropriatiops for a road from Warm Lake to Stanley. ReMaklus stated that he had some information on this project which he would forward. The clerk reviewed the golf course receipts for the current year which appeared to be substantially increased over previous years. Boos stated that he would like to send representatives to the State Golf Convention to request the State Amateur Tournament for 1970. No objection was had by the Board and the payment of their expenses approved. A letter from the Silver Sage Council was read requesting a letter to the FHA in support of request for funds. No objection was had by the Board. Armstrong reported the Forrest Gans account at the McCall Memorial Hospital had been settled for $1900. which was approximately $300. less than the actual account. The several bills were read for payment: William Acker Police Department 459.73 Clyde Archer Jr. Council 1.00 Blair Armstrong Council 21. 87 Don Boos Council 33. 57 Norman Burgess Fire Department 30.04 Larry Chalfant Water/Sewer 385.33 Bill Evans Council 23.80 J. Clifford Evans Golf Course 347.84 Forrest Gans Police 370.44 William Kirk Clerk 261.60 Eva Neisinger Library 88. 56 A. H. Schaufelberger Council 21.87 Jack Seetin All Department 616.86 David Smith Oiling Streets 419. 14 Norman G. Thomrson Police 429.25 Idaho First National Bank George Guy Golf Course 593. 06 Joye S. Catlin '"dater/.Sewer 177. 91 ,� Postmaster Box rent 8.80 Leoanrd N. /Alpha Ackaret Parks and Beaches 3, 600.00 George Guy Expenses for men to Golf Convention 100.00 Evelyn Goodwin Library 46. 96 Transport Clearings Golf Course 7.00 McCall Radiator Shop Police 20.00 Doves Market Police 2.50 Wm bowler 'arks & Beaches 102.82 NM. Smith 'airport 38. 56 M. E. Hoss Street Oiling 75.00 Sam Williams All Departments 315.00 Joye Catlin/Petty Cash 'later sewer 51.00 Idaho Telephone Co. All De,-artments 355.61 Roland Harrell Airport 32. 50 Association of Idaho Cities Convention Charges Board 12. 50 Shell Oil Lo. Police 5.00 Geor. Guy Golf Course oe 12.00 Boyd Martin Co. %PBX Golf Course equip 268. 60 Ralph Wilde Fire Department 12. 60 Clerks Office Petty Cash reimbursement 18.40 Johns Texaco Golf Course 2.22 Lynn Dowty GC Extra Help 232.43 IFECO Golf Course Equip 211.78 Rich Personals GC 65.80 Outdoorsman Police 33. 71 Continental Oil Police 5. 54 Nester,, Store Police, water, sewer 7.43 Gen. Fire Equipment Co. Police 5.50 McCall Cleaners Police 2.80 Sinclair Oil Corp Police 38.73 Texaco Inc Police 5. 73 Standard Oil Police Sewer 98.28 A. H. Schaufelberger Board to Convention 8.24 Lester Scheline G. C. 24. 75 **j. David Kirk Golf Crse Extra Help 184.00 Luvella Evans G. C. Construction 157.65 Lydia Rogers G. C. Construction 189.34 Russell Faust G C Extra Help 204.03 Keith Thompson GC Extra Help 63.43 Consolidated Supply C. C. and 'later OE 1682.63 Union Oil 'o. Police 84. 86 Bus 's Service Airport CC Sewer 20. 37 Sonny's O.K. Dump 17. 50 Motorola Fire Department 332.00 Addressograph Mut l igraph c-orp Water/sewer 10.08 Wan Waters & Rogers Water Oe 47. 50 Haldeman & Williamson Golf OE 49. 23 Nelson Plumbing GC OE 56.89 Timm Electtric Airport 6. 30 Payette L-:kes Lumber all Departments 128.44 Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. Water Construction 9870. 17 Boise International eater/sewer 44. 64 Hill top G. C. 4. 50 Valley Pump & Equipcment G. C. 3.25 Huskey Disposal Library/Police 2.00 Idaho Peace Office Assoc. Police registration 93.00 Sargent sowell Inc. Police 20. 90 John's Texaco Street Oiling 5.00 Fire Chief Magazine Fire Department 6. 00 K. D. Adamson Streets OE 3.80 Acheson Motors Water/streets 3.00 McCall Drug Library/water police 4.89 Browns Tie and Lumber All Departments 224.76 Rowland Eros All Departments 208.05 Del Chem i c l s G1iCOURSE 36.86 Star News All Departments 177. 57 Kirk Insurance Agency Spredd 1850.00 Johnson Flying Service Airport oe 250.00 Norco Streets 7.67 Shavers Library dump police 138.77 May Hardware All Department 334.73 Jensen Greaves 'Iater/sewer 35.30 Mautz ma.to Parts Golf streets water police 118.29 Sinclair Bulk Plant Gout Course 62. 52 Leslie Berhiem Police extra help 76.00 s Jim Brooks Police Extra Help 50.70 + 31.30 Jerry Patgett Police Ext Help 83.00 Carl Franden Police Ext Help 13.00 Frank Stewart Police Ext Help 18.00 Norman Burgess Ext. Help Police 136. 00 William Acker Police oe 103. 50 Forrest Gans Police oe 5. 57 Norman Burgess Police oe 67.70 Don Fitzwater Fire Department 17. 50 Norman burgess is 9.50 James Pladden " 7. 50 Bland Yelton Jr. I. 6.00 Floyd Campbell " 1 .50 Doyce Burgess II 6. 00 71 Danny Grey Fire Department 3.00 Don Johnson " 7. 50 Idaho Power All departments 1177.02 Baker & Taylor Library 34. 99 Gaylord Bros Library 36. 15 Library Reimbursement postage and box rent 4.20 National Geographic Library 3. 50 Home Library Se vices Library 7. 95 Association of Idaho Cities Insurance 227.61 Public Employee Retirement System 558. 73 State of Idaho Sales Tax 160.70 State of Idaho Withholding tax 401. 51 Internal Revenue Service " 2263. 50 Valley County Trust Fund " 1923.79 Steve Summerfield larks & Beaches 25.00 Following the reading of the bills, Schaufelberger moved the bill be approved and ordered paid. The motion was seconded by Archer, and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Nor further business coming before the Council, the meeting was declared re- cessed until the call of the chair. ATTEST: 4 V MAYere CLERK July 24, 1969 A continuation of the regular meeting of July 7, 1969, was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Mayor Boos, Councilmen Armstrong, Evans and Schaufelberger. Archer absent. The Mayor stated the meeting was called for the purpose of considering Proposed Ordinance #288, following which "rmstrong introduced and moved the adoption of Proposed Ordinance #288, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 8-1-43, VILLAGE CODE OF MCCALL, IDAHO, RELATING TO CHARGES FOR WATER, ESTABLISHING CLASSES OF USERS; FIXING SCHEDULES OF CHARGES FOR WATER; DEFINING OVERRUN AND FIXING THE CHARGES THEREFORE. The Ordinance was read by title and read at length, and discussed following which Schaufelberger moved the rules be suspended for the passage of proposed Ordinance #288. The motion was seconded by Evans, and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Evans seconded the motion moving the adopt- ion of proposed Ordinance #288, which upon vote was declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board, the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. ATTEST * 4tha-4, AYOR CLERK �T August 4, 1969 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of McCall, Idaho was held on the above date and followinc; business transacted. Members present were Mayor Boos, Councilmen Evans, Armstrong, Schaufelberger and Archer. Armstrong moved the meeting of July 7, 196:9, be adjourned and the motion was seconded by :vans, and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Evans reported briefly on the sewer construction cleanup and also stated that the Bert Colwell home in Lardo was over 1001 from the sewer line. Following discussion, it was the opinion to have the City buy the pipe and have the owner lay it. The Rickard house in the Brundage Subdivision was again discussed and reported that Toothman 's opinion was that it was too Low to hook onto the sewer withhout an additional pump. Evans reported on water usage on the house adjacent to the Shore Lodge, however, as the house was outside the city limits, the state or county should be contacted on the possible contamination. The water & sewer bill of Jack Jackson was discussed, and noted it was a one family unit, occuppying the whole building, and it should be billed accordingly. The water & sewer billing of the Shelton Building was reviewed at length and discussed in detail and other possible methods of billing were reviewed. Each occupant or a bill to the owner for the lesser of the facilities or occupancies. An auxiliary sewer line taking in Averies, Forneys, etc. was reported to cost approximately $1`;00. This would figure approximately $375. per property owner and the owners could receive credit for the monies advanced if it were built to city specifications. Les Ankerman had presented a report to the city on the schematic diagram showing a light and horn arrangement to indicate the pump was not functioning in the Davis Beach addition. The cost was approximately ;a100, following which Schaufelberger moved to approve the purchase of the equipment for the ejector station. The motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Elaine Morrison was present to thank the city for filling the septic tank in her area and also requested the City tyke some action toward settling the dust at the U-Sery Service itation in South McCall . The Council str< ted the owner would be notified. Armstrong briefly reported on the extra help and mile. ge for the Police dept. for the mo-ith of July, which was approximately $100. Boos reported that Acker has been appointed Chairman for the Coordination with the State with the Omnibus Crime Bill. Schaufelberger briefly reviewed the recent Hospital Board meeting and stated the Hospital Board recommended the appointement of Leonard Golay as the acting Hospital Administrator. Following discussion, Schaufelberger moved the recommendation of the Hospital Board be accepted and Leonard Golay be appointed acting administrator of the McCall Memorial Hospital on the terms of employement as outlined by the Hospital Board. The motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Armstrong staged that he was acting Chairman of the Hospital Board and had re- ceived a letter from Armand Bjrd, who was executive secretary of the Idaho Hospital Association, stating that the previous request for space in the hospital from the Mental Health Department, not be granted. The financial condition of the hospital was briefly reviewed. Ernie Ward was present to present a petition to request the paving of Colorado Street. A new base and drain-be work could b:: started to have the street ready for oiling, when funds were available. Right cf way and width provisions were briefly reviewed. Seetin reported the City gravel supply was depleted, and the County was not crushing this year, no no oiling may be able to be undertaken next year. He briefly reviewed the priority of streets for oiling, and the county projects for the coming year were reviewed. Mayor Boos briefly reported on the operat- ion of the McCall Golf Course, and reviewed the illness of George Guy, the Golf Pro. Boos reported action had been taken by the Guys, to hold their contract. Boos reviewed plans and stated that adequate help appeared to be available. 73 The Silver Sage letter was received and read and the Board was unanimous in recommending the funds be granted. Remaklus read a letter from the Cascade Chamberof Commerce to the U. S. Govern- ment requesting funds for road improvement. Following discussion, the City Council stated that the Council should be on record as endorsing this re- quest. Remaklus stated that he would have additional information from Don Haasch on the drawing of the platt for the proposed trade with the City of McCall. A letter from Burton Walker was read on a 32 unit low-cost apartment house and the approval of the Zoning Commission was noted. No objection was had by the City Council, as long as any construction complied with the uniform building code. p The several bids for the supplying of petroleum products to the City of McCall for the coming year were opened and read. Following discussion, Schaufelberger moved the low bid of Sinclair Oil Company be accepted, which motion was seconded by Evans, and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Seetin reported a request of the mining company for water use for the washing of their materials. No action was taken pending further information. The Curb cut at the Post Office building was briefly discussed as to whose responsibility it was to make the entrance and exit usable. Remaklus stated he wo :ld check the code and report to the Board. The several bills were read for payment : William Acker Police Department 459.73 Clyde Archer Jr. Council 1.00 Blair Armstrong 21.87 Don Boos " 33. 57 Norman Burgess Fire Department 30.04 Joye Catlin Water/sewer 177. 91 Larry Chalfant Water/sewer 385. 33 Bill Evans Council 23. 80 J. Clifford Evans Golf Course 347.84 Forrest Gans Police Department 370.44 William B. Kirk Clerk 261.60 Eva Neisinger Library 72. 19 Robert Remaklus Legal 117.00 Eldon Rogers Golf Course 308.81 A. H. Schaufelberger ''ouncil 21. 87 Jack Seetin All dept 616.86 David Smith Street Oiling 419. 14 Norman Thompson Police Department 429.25 George Guy Golf Course 593.06 Association of Idaho Cities Insurance 414.09 Employee Retirement System 556. 55 William Fowler Parks & Beaches 137.09 hussell Faust Golf Course Extra Help 292.20 Lydia "ogers G. C. Construction 26.21 Lynn Dowty G. C. EH 302. 97 David Kirk G. C. EH 265.81 Keith Thompson " 271.82 Steve Summerfield G.C. water/sewer/street oiling 143.27 Leslie Berhiem Police 32.00 Norman Burgess Police 46.60 William Acker " 47.00 Doyce Burgess Fire Department 3.00 Bland Ye/ ton Jr. " 3.00 Don Johnson " 13. 50 Jim Madden 3.00 Don Fitzwater " 16.00 Norman Burgess " 15. 00 Sam Villiams Contract Labor G. C. 122. 50 Dave Smith arks & Beaches 112.50 Ct _c Joye Catlin/petty cash water/sewer 31.00 Evelyn Voodwin Library 50. 94 William Smith Parks and beaches 27.42 Clerks ofc/petty cash board, clerk/ g.C. 19. 30 May Hardware wafer police golf 233.44 Shore Lodge Police 5. 41 Huskey Disposal Library police 2.00 Hoff Lumber Co. G. C. Construction 1,000.00 Haldeman P Williamson P?B 188.40 Emmett Valley Fruit Inc. G. C. 180.00 Pacific Cast Iron Steel Co. G. C. Construction 346. 58 Bob McBride G. C. Construction 271.75 Payette Lakes Lumber all dept. 294.63 Star News Clerk/Golf 65.88 McCall Rexall Drug Police/library 10. 74 Jensen Graves Co. G. C. oe 9.45 .- Sonny's O.K. Dump 16. 00 General Fire Equipm. 'o. Fire Dept 174. 50 Valley County Veed Control Go. C. 128.25 Consolidated Supply Co. Water, G. C. 97. 80 University of Wisconsin Press Library 1 . 93 Nelson Plumbing & Elect. PSFB/wafer/sewer/streets 198.67 Sinclair Oil Police 11. 07 NECO G. C. Construction 806.09 Continental Oil Police sewer water 50.37 Idaho Power Utilities 1,200.02 Don 's 76 Service G C 5. 20 Sargent Sowell Inc Bump/street Cites 614.27 H & W Plumbing Golf/water 37.21 McCarter & Tuller Street Oiling 120.00 Western Casualty & Surety Co. Police Sewer Const 175.00 Sinclair Refining G. C. Streets 330. 33 Standard Oil Police 5. 77 Union Oil " 35.29 Shell Oil Co. " 3. 67 Hibbs Lab " 10.40 Brundage Food " 40.29 Idaho Telephone U iilities 184.09 Gaylord Bros Library 10.85 Sales Tax 218.02 Steve Summerfield draw 25.00 State Ins. Fund All dept. 416.89 Following the reading of the bills, Schaufelberger moved the bills be approved and ordered paid. The motion was seconded by Armstrong and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Regarding the Floridation equipment which had never been fully received, Schaufelberger moved the equipment be returned a request made for a refund. The motion was seconded by Evans, and upon dote dedored carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board, the meeting was declared re- cessed until the call of the Chair. ATTEST: rQ .a ,( M YOR ' CLERK -' September 2, 1969 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were: Mayor Boos, Councilmen Schaufelberger, Archer, and Arm- strong. Evans absent. Armstrong moved the meeting of August 4, 1969 be adjourned, whicl. me tion was seconded by Schaufelberger and upon vote declared Carried unanimously. 75 The minutes of the prevsus meeting were read and approved as read. Seetin reported that /atkins Construction Company had made repairs which were apparently satisfactory on the sewer system on the line crossing the river. The sewer tine adjacent to Claude Avery's, on Mather Road, was discussed and it was the opinion that the city would purchase the pipe and lay the line and all users, with the exception of Sherman Hart could hook on. The water extention on the Cemetery Rood to the top of the Cemetery hill was reviewed and Seetin reported that the Lewiston Lime Stone Company would purchase the pipe at an approximate cost of $4, 690. and the City would lay the pipe and allow credit for the cost of the pipe. The Attorney w. s to be instructed to draw a contract for this agreement. Boos reviewed the settling pond plan operation which the Company proposed to use to wash the gravel involving the reusing of the water. The N. L. Bakke Sewer line was discussed, and it was reported the City line wcs approximately 30' from the property line. The billing and receipts of the Shelton Building were briefly reviewed. Seetin reported that the Flouride equipment and parts were now available for installation, following the return of the equipment to Boise. 'here followed a discussion on a newer model or improved methods of ad: inistering flouride and no action was taken pending additional information. Members of the State Highway Depa~tment were present and Bill Sacht, District Engineer, reviewed the speed checks on the entrances to McCall from both the North and the South ends of town. The background of the postings were reviewed and current checks and methods of checks were reviewed. Following a lengthy discussion on the results which were shown by the checks, it was reported the proposal had been presented to the State Highway Board by the traffic engineer indicating a 50 mile per hour speed limit at the Village Motel, and a reduction to a 35 mph at the Chicken roost road. There followed a lengthy discussion on the signing of the limits, following which the Council unanimously protested the signing as proposed and requested that reconsideration be given to posting the 35 mph speed limit at the Village Motel rather than at the Chicken Roost Road. The Golf Course Road requests to be added to the State of Idaho secondary road system of December 6, /966, was reviewed and it was requested a new letter be written. James P. Nissula was present on the sewer line of Loraine Sigler, and stated that water and sewer were 500' away and wanted to know if the City could assist in getting these utilities to the location of the house. There followed a discussion on the cost and necessary easments which would be necessary. The operation at the Municipal Golf Course was discussed and the receipts to date reviewed. The proposed construct :'on of water hazards and Tee boxes were reviewed by the Mayor. It was reported the street lichts were being installed as instructed by the street light committee. Schaufelberger reported a request to move the zoning map from the Library and following discussion, it was reported the map could be moved to the adjacent room which is being used as a court room. Also discussed was the use by the Library, for the book mending, of the room used by the City and the Probate Court. Acker feported several occasions on which the door had been left open between the Library and the Police Stcticn. The request for the transfer of the Beer License from Lake Bowl Inc. to Milrobles Corporation, flax L. "right, Pres. was made, gnd following discus- sion, Schaufelberger moved the transfer be approved. The motion was sec- onded by Armstrong and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Seetin questioned why citations were not being issued on motorcyclists who were not wearing helmets and were in violation of the law. It was the opinion of the Board that citations should be issued and they would be disposed of follo.✓inq the appeal of the existing Law. Also discussed was the possibility of the purchase of radar equipment which could be used in conjuntion with surrounding communities. The several bills were read for payment? Nilliam Acker Police 459. 73 Clyde Archer Council9 1.00 Blair Armstrong Council 21 . 87 Don Boos Council 33. 57 Norman Burgess Fire Department 30.04 Jo ye Catlin water & Sewer 177. 91 Larry Chalfant Voter & Sewer 385.33 AMIN Bill Evans Council 23. 80 a J. Clifford Evans Golf Vourse Const 347. 84 Forrest E. Cans Police 370.46 William A. Kirk Clerk 261. 60 Eva Neisinger Library 101.03 Robert Remaklus Legal 117.00 Eldon Rogers Golf Course 308. 81 A. P. Schaufelberger Council 21.87 Jack Seetin All Departments 616. 86 David Smith Streets 419. 14 Norman G. 1hompson Police 429.25 George L. Guy doul f Course 593. .06 Evelyn Goodwin Library 67. 18 William Fowler Parks & Beaches 133.66 Russell Faust Wolf course Const 277.61 Lydia Rogers Golf Course oe 50.75 Lynn Dowty Golf Course Const 261 . 10 David Kirk Golf Course Const 182.47 Keith Thompson Golf Course Const 185. 96 Norman Burgess Police oe and eh 106. 60 Leslie Perheim Police eh . 24. 00 William Acker Police oe 44. 60 Forrest Gans Police oe 33. 59 Sam 'Williams Golf Course Lonstr 12. 25 Jack Seetin Street Oiling 25.00 Don Fitzwater Fire Department 13.00 James Madden Fire Department 4. 50 Don Johnson Fire Department 10. 50 Norman Burgess 11 9.00 Pus Johnson 11 3. 00 Ralph Murray °° 3.00 Floyd Campbell " 4. 50 Doyce Burgess " 3. 00 Idaho State Library Library 1. 50 Demco II The Book -'hop " 5.00 Idaho Dept. Commerce & Development Library 2. 50 ''Western Store " 8.00 '"`" Baker & Taylor Co. 17 80. 92 Sonny's O.K. Tire Store `Pater,, sewer, dump, airport C. C. 25. 50 j Idaho Power Utilities 1,241 . 33 1 Idaho Telephone Co. Utilities 190. 68 Hilltop motel & Service Golf Course 1 .25 George 11. Dickerson 11 30.00 Sinclair Oil Co Golf Course 61. 19 Shell Oil Co. Police oe 12.49 The Gilsabind Corporation Airport Construction 482.40 Blackline Asphalt Sales, Inc Street Oiling 2, 827. 88 Ralph °'i lde Chevron Service 'Water Fire Department 20.75 Starline Equipment Vater se.'er 12. 16 Continental Oil Co. Police OE 75.20 General Electric Supply Golf Course 582.00 Brown 's Tie and Lumber Co. Streets Colf Course 6. 15 77 Addressograph Multipraph Corporation water & Sewer 8.43 Don 's '76 ' Service Police & Gof 21. 68 Shaver's Police oe 11.02 Mautz Nuto Parts Golf Streets Police 32. 76 Rowland Brothers G. C. Constr 91. 40 Enterprises, Inc. Library & Police 4.00 Don 's Saddlery Police 71 . 85 Syms-York Co. .Cl'X Clerk 84. 50 Valley County Agent G. C. 78.75 Idaho Telephone Co. G. C. Const. (wire) 11.00 IPOA Golf Course oe 20.25 Phillips Petroleum Co. Police oe 9.33 Texaco Inc. Police 4. 82 Libby Battery & Electric Golf 21.45 Valley Pump & Equipment Golf 28.85 McCall Rexall Drug Library Police "olf 11.45 Kalbus Office Equipment Water sewer 3.67 Bond Office Equipment ,Water sewer 1 .87 Wycoff Co Golf 2.00 Idaho Industrial ''upply Co. Water 2. 40 K. D. Adamson Co. sewer oe 10. 45 • IP0A, Inc. Police oe 48.00 Mery Neisinger Library police 2. 00 Star News Clerk Golf 165. 45 McCall Cleaners Police 1.25 Westinghouse Electric Supply '-o Water oe 27.65 Arnold Machinery Co Voter sewer 20.60 Director of Prison Industries streets 29.40 Union Oil `'o. Police 5. 45 Conceete Ready Mix water 110.48 Superior Products Water 3.20 The Mitcham Specialty Co. water 96. 60 Transfer G 0 water bond fund 3, 972. 50 Association of Idaho Cities Insurance 41. 13 Public Employee Retirement System 560. 91 Steve Summerfield sewer, water, golf, streets, dump 193. 13 Haldeman & Villiamson Plumbing golf library p & B 293. 18 William Acker Police oe 70.00 Following the reading of the bills, Schaufelberger moved the bills be approved and ordered paid. Archer seconded the motion and upon vote was declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board, the meeting was recessed until the call of the Chair. ATTEST:) --74 b/ Mayor Clerk October 6, 1969 A regular meeting of the City Council was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Mayor Boos, Councilmen Evans, Archer, Schaufelberger and Armstrong. Evans moved the meeting of September 2, 1969 be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Archer, and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Boos reported a shortage or possible theft of Fire hose from the Drying Rack in the Fire Department. He stated that some had been found dt the nursing home, and at the Colf Course. Following further discussion, a letter was read from Toothman and Assoc. regarding the return of hose, which had been used by the Contractor to flush the sewer system. It was the opinion that the City 6outd get by at this time without the purchase of additional hose. Evans reviewed the possibility of a signal to be placed on the Fire House door, which would be activated when the door was opened to avoid any future thefts. Schaufelberger moved the proposal be approved, which motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Seetin reported on water installation at the Lewiston Limestone Company and the approximateey water usegge to date and the estimated revenue which would be received. The error on the description of the Snelson Property in the Bruddage Sub- division plat which had been accepted was briefly discussed. Sewer connections and extensions to several peoples property in the Lardo Area were discussed. The previous request of Jim Nisula for water and sewer line to the Sigler house was reviewed and the State Code was discussed. The citations on Helmet violations of motorcyclist were reviewed and Boos reviewed the background and change of instructions which was not to en- force the Helmet Law at this time. Schaufelberger reviewed the dog tag receipts for the past year and it was reported that facilities were not available to hold the dog for the re- quired holding period under the ordinance. There followed a discussion on dog pounds which was tabled and until additional information could be re- ceived. Boos and Seetin reported on the oil stick which had apparently come from the Boise Cascade Mill area and drained into the Lake resulting in damage to boats stored at Hardy's Boat dock. The Council recommended that letters to George Basabe and Brown Tie and Lumber Company on the dumping of oils into the lake be written. Seetin reported the County equipment should be in the City to build up some of the City streets prior to oiling. Before any additional help could be used, additional equipment would be necessary and should be considered if any money is available. The water and sewer systems could be extended with the purchase of another scoop as well ad additional snow plowing. The extensions were not possible a* with the present equipment. A letter from the McCall Memorial Hospital Board was read recommending the appointment of Don McMahan to the Board to fill the vacancy on the Hospital Board. Following discussion, Archer moved the recommendation of the Hospital Board be accepted and Don McMahan be appointed to fill the existing vacancy on the Board. The motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Blair Armstrong reported on the difficulties the Hospital was having with the X-Ray and Diagnostic equipment and that Dr. Cottrell has informed the Hospital Board that he would terminate his services as of November 1, 1969. He further reported that all doctors and Board Members were present at a meeting in an attempt to remedy the situation. Approximate cost figures were discussed which would use the existing rooms with a minimum of re- modeling. Bids were to be requested for the next meeting of the Hospital Board. There followed a discussion on the Hospital acreditation and actual receipts from Medicare versus the additional costs of Medicare. Boos re- quested a report from the Hospital on the additional costs to qualify under the Medicare Program. Armstrong reported that Forest Gans has resigned from the Police Department and accepted a position of Valley County Deputy Sheriff. He reviewed the possibility of operating the police department with two officers during the winter months. Acker stated that adequate protection could not be given to the City with two men and there followed a lengthy discussion on the duties of the Police Department and the schedule that would be nec- essary. Following discussion, Armstrong stated that he would recommend a 79 three man force be continued. There followed a discussion on vacationp periods, hours, shifts, extra hours, etc. Evans reported on the water billing and stated the September billing was now being processed. Additional hours would be necessary to get the billings current. This month the additional hours would be continued until the billings and transfers are cogipleted. Sheriff Merton Logue was present and reviewed the cooperation between the City of McCall andVValley County and reviewed dhe police work by the County Deputy in McCall and what could be expected from the Deputy Sheriff. which Evans reported on several dwellings would be too Low to be hooked onto the sewer line and following discussion, no action was taken pending conference with the City attorney. , ,.. Evans reported that collections had been received from six users at the Sunset Beach subdidision for the payment of hookup connections. Evans reported on commercial meter installations and stated that 108 accounts were listed and 31 did not have meters or were faulty or could )1XX not be read. Many Wive been taken care of and several remain as of this date. Armstrong reviewed the Police Department Operation with Acker and there followed a lengthy discussion on a bill submitted by Gans for extra hours following the submission of his resignation. Following discussion, Schaufel- berger moved to approve the three man police force, based on Armstrongs rec- ommendations with changes made in operation as discussed and the Chief be authorized to look into the hiring of an additional man. The motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimeaely. The termination pay for Forrest Gans of $125. was approved. The Clerk read a resolution from the State of Idaho Department of Surplus Property which was to be spread upon the minutes designating Leonard Golay and Jack Seetin as Authorized Representatives of the City of McCall for the purchase of surplus property. Evans moved the resolution be approved which motion was seconded by Schaufelberger and upon vote declared carried unani- mously. The income at the Golf Course was briefly reviewed and the proposed expendi- tures for water discussed. There followed a discussion on the elections which would be held on November 4, 1969, and the Clerk was instructed by the Mayor to appoint the election judges and clerks, to print the ballots and take any steps necessary for holding of the election. The several bills were read for payment : State Tax Commission Sales tax at Golf -ourse 375.41 William Acker Police 459. 53 Clyde Archer Council 1.00 Blair Armstrong Council 21.87 Donald Boos Council 33.57 ,_ Norman Burgess Fire Department 30.04 Joye Catlin water/sewer 177.91 Larry ''ha l Pant water/sewer 385.33 Bill Evans Council 23.80 J. Clifford Evans Golf Course 347.84 Forrest Gans Police 370.45 William Kirk Clerk 261.60 Eva Neisinger Library 29.07 Robert Remaklus Legal 97.00 Eldon Rogers Golf Course 308.81 A. H. Schaufelberger Council 21 .87 Jack Seetin All departments 616.86 David Smith Streets 419. 14 Norman G. Thompson Police 429.25 George L. Guy Golf Course 593.06 Forest Gans Police 106.53 Lydia Rogers Golf Course 33.45 Russell Faust Golf `.ourse 236. 15 Wi l l iamFowler Pargs 82.25 Floyd Campbell Dire Department 1. 50 fP,I) Doyce Burgess Fire Bepartment 4.50 Don Johnson " 9.00 Bus Johnson " 3. 00 Mike Bishop " 3. 00 Norman Burgess " 6.00 Don Fitzwater " 16.00 Jim Madden " 9.00 Joye Catlin/ petty cash waterand seer 26.24 William Acker Police oe 25.80 Star News Board 7.50 Consolidated Supply 'dater 141.26 Haldeman & Williamson Golf constr 40.00 Atlantic Richfiled police 21 . 11 Stans Auto Parts water/streets/golf 34.46 Transport clearings streets 3. 50 Idaho Surplus Pooptery water/streets/sewer 31. 90 -• ,,, General Fire Equipment Co. Fire Dept 237. 50 Nelson Plumbing 1882(20 Golf and park 382.20 Boise Water Corporation water 9.73 Zoning Bulletin Zoning 17.00 Mautz Auto Parts .vater,Airport and fire 44.51 Rowland Bros Golf Course 48.00 Sonny's O.K. lire Store Dump 12.00 McCall Disposal police/library 2.00 Dave 's Market Police 2.89 Shaver's police/golfe 34.69 May Hardware water/golf 68.42 Payette Lakes Lumber Co. XMSX all dept 116.03 Brown's Tie and Lumber Co. water/streets/golf 515.86 Arnold Machinery Co. water 307.81 Idaho Communications Inc. Fire Dept. 30.00 Valley County Weed Control Golf 5.00 McCall Floral & gift shop board 7.73 Sinclair Refining Co. heat/all departments 259. 54 Long Valley Farm Service Golf 114. 17 Shell Oil water/golf 51.53 Bobbs-Merrill Police 7. 95 Continental Oil Co. Police 22. 57 McCall Rexall Drug library 2.79 Don's '76 ' Golf 18.75 Union Oil `'o. Police 7. 55 Cascade Auto Inc Police 47. 15 Rockwell Manuf Water 309.00 Baxter Foundry water 92.40 Wycoff Co. Water 2225 Caxton Printers Board 31.50 G. K. Machinery streets 78.30 Buss Service Golf / fire 10. 10 Van Waters & Rogers water 49. 50 Reflecto Products fire 33.00 Westinghouse Electric sewer 33.05 Sinclair Oil Police 11.81 Wilde Chevron airport, golf, police 46.86 Brundage Foods police 21. 99 001,, Standard Oil all departments 124. 59 Idaho Telephone " 156.94 Thompson Inc. Golf 15.00 Eldon Rogers Golf 18. 90 Idaho Sporting Goods Golf 841.60 Kalbus Office water/sewer 25.00 Roland Harrell airport 115.00 Assoc. of Idaho Cities Insurance 217.92 Idaho Public Retirement retirement 549.67 Valley County Turst Fund FICa 2106.36 Sales Tax State of Idaho Sales Tax for golf course 113.77 State of Idaho Income tax 452. 15 Internal revenue service " 2551.70 Evelyn Goodwin Library 112.84 81 Kim Baker Library 37.50 Gaylord Brothers " 4. 95 Book Shop " 17.74 Bemco " 24.76 Baker & Taylor " 44.26 Nat ' l Geographic Society " 3. 50 Fordham Equip " 2. 60 Radio Corp of America " 1.48 Idaho Power all departments 1539.20 Following the reading of the bills, Schaufelberger moved the bills be approved and ordered paid. The motion was seconded by Armstrong and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board, the meeting was declared re- cessed until the call of the Chair. ATTEST: JIi & .bI, 1� 9JTf✓1 / MAYOR CLERK October 17, 1969 A continuation of the regular meeting of the City Council was held on the above date and following business transacted. Members present were Mayor Boos, Councilman Evans, Schaufelberger, Armstrong and Archer. The Mayor stated the meeting was called for the purpose of considering the hiring of an additional police officer. Based on the recommendations of Chief Acker and Armstrong, Schaufelberger moved that Richard V. Nesbitt be hired for a three month probationary period at $475. per month. The motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Seetin reported the flouridation equipment was ready for installation and it was the opinion of the Council that the installation be completed as soon as possible. No further business coming before the Board, the meeting was declared re- cessed until the call of the Chair. ATTEST. 1/' MAYOR ,-. iz.., r'^ CLEI ( November 3, 1969 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of McCall was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Mayor Boos, Councilman Armstrong, Schaufelberger, Evans and Archer. Armstrong moved the meeting of October 6, 1969 be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Sherman Hart was present on the letter which had been received from the City directing him to hook onto the City Sewer System. .He stated his house was too low to hook on, and a hardship would result i.f forced to hook on because of the additional costs. He requested consideration by the Council to continue his present sewege system as is, as he was not poluting the river or the lake. ", The Ordinance was read regarding the hooking on of residences, and the dis- continuance of sewers and cesspools in the City limits. Following discussion no action was taken pending additional information from the City attorney. Arthur Nissula was present on the proposed purchase of City of McCall water rights, which were acquired with the Airport property. Following discussion no action was taken pending legal council as to the legal requirements which must be met prior to the sale of any water rights. Schaufelberger stated that the hospital has not been able to separate its Medicare costs, however the information would be available as soon as possi- ble. He further reported the X-Ray companies had been here, and would submit cost estimates to the hospital Board on the replacement of the equipment. Dr. Cottrell is continuing to read the X-Rays. A letter of resignation from Eva Neisinger as Librarian, was read. Schaufel- dm% berger moved the resignation be accepted, which motion was seconded by Armstrong, and upon vote, declared unanimously. A replacement would be recp omended by the Library Board. Schaufelberger stated that Bob Fogg had been contacting Chet Moulton re- garding State Funds which could be spent on the Airport. It was possible that Federal Funds could be dispursed through the Forest Service. Armstro,g stated he had received a letter from the Garden Committee and Civic Committee of the Progressive Club regarding the beautification of McCall during the summer months. The letter was read at length and the twelve rec- comendations were read in detail regarding additional andbetter cleanup and beauty for the City. Acquisition for additional Park areas, were discussed and a possiblity for a City Park on the Golf Course Driving Range was reviewed. The area was not being projected for use in the Golf Course planning and would make an excel- lent City Park Area. Other Reccommendations were discussed. Regarding the Police Department, Armstrong stated that he had requested an outline of duties which he reviewed incetail for each si"eft. Also recoomenda- tions on the operation of snow mobiles for the winter months from the police department were read. A suggested resolution was read on the operation re- garding areas of operation, etc. There followed a discussion on the restrict- ions of snow mobile operation and the matter was tabled until additional in- formation could be received from the attorney. Armstrong stated the Dog License Ordinance hod been reviewed and the police department stated they were contacting all owners by paper, phone and letter. In the event dogs had to be picked up, there was no pound available, and the possibility of using Dr. Colenbaughs facilities for the boarding of dogs held and the destroying of the animals necessary was reviewed. No objection was had by the Council and the Police Department was instructed to proceed. Armstrong stated the schedule of hours for the officers had been made for the next two months, which were reviewed. The statusof the City Billing of the Shelton Building was reviewed and the Mayor stated that he had been served with a summons, a complaint, ancaffidavit, .0%'' a Writ of Mandamus, which were discussed at length and stated a hearing had been set for November 5, 1969. ALL members of the Council should attend, if possible. Evans stated the September billing was almost completed and 108 additional accounts were being billed over one year ago. He also reported the Mather Raod sewer line was completed and the water line on Burns Road completed. Seetin ,eviewed the water account of the Lewiston 'lemptsegne Company, and the projected water usage was discussed. The installation of street lites as reviewed by the Council was reviewed. Boos briefly reported on the Court Reform meeting which had been held and presented floor space for the Magistrate. Also reviewed the loss of revenue after 1970. The budget proposal for District #4 was discussed and he stated a Mayors meeting was to be held prior to the next meeting of the Court Re- form Committee. The. Coif Course receipts and income from the sale of I ots for the past year were reviewed. Expenditures were discussed, and the proposed construction of a six ranch water line from #7 green to Lick Creek Raod and a flinch line from #7 green to Ready '-ane, this fall, was discussed. If this work could be completed now, the water line construction could be off the golf course for next spring. Floor plans for a new club house were presented and re- viewed. No objection was had by the council to proceed further on the plans for future poojections. Boos also reported ow the equipment sheds were to be moved next spring. The Clerk presented a contract from the Department of Employement of the �-- State of Idaho to reimburse the City for the heat for the upstairs of the Hall building, for the taking of claims during the winter months. r °'{the reading of the contract, Armstrong moved the contract be approved and which motion was seconded by Evans, and upon vote declared carried unanimously. A letter from the State Highway department regarding the posting of the speed ones in the West End of McCall was read and discussed. The several bills were read for payment : Dave Smith Parks & Beaches 10.00 William Acker Police 463.39 Clyde Archer Jr. Couocul 1.00 Blair Armstrong Council 21.67 Don Boos Council 33. 75 Norman Burgess Fire Department 30.09 Joye Catlin water/sewer 176.42 Larry Chalfant water/sewer 477.61 Bill Evans Council 22. 97 J. Clifford Evans Golf Course 345. 14 William Kirk Clerk 261.60 Eva Neisinger Library 88.56 Eldon Rogers Golf Course 306. 95 A. H. Schaufelberger Council 21.67 Jack Seetin all departments 648.42 David Smith Streets - water 519. 56 Norman G. Thompson Police 432.87 George L. Guy 593.86golf course 593.06 Richard Nesbitt Police 144.86 Association of Idaho Cities Health insurance 227.61 Retirement System Retirment 513.50 Robert Remaklus Legal 97.00 Evelyn Goodwin Library 44. 54 Kim Baker Library 4.38 Karlene Bayok Library 3. 75 McCall Public Library Reimbursing for postage, etc. 40. 16 Demco Library 9.36 PNW Bibliographic Center Library 20.00 Baker & Taylor Library 47. 92 Western Store egd4pv--ee4eeere ! library 1.00 'Radio Corp Library 6.70 Childrens Book 'ouncil Library 8.20 Norman Burgess Police extra help 7.00 Idaho Power Co. Ode utilities all dept. 880.64 Idaho Telephone Co. Utilities all dept. 187.86 Arnold Machinery (-o. water / sewer 332.88 Consolidated Supply wter 52.40 Bryan Rambo Crushing moo. street construction/oiling 1500.00 Sonny's O.K. Tire dump 11.00 Wycoff water 10.00 McCall Rexall Drug sewer dept/ library 3. 52 Thompson's Inc. golf course 76.25 Sinclair Oil Co. all dept. 244. 15 McCall Disposal Library / police 2.00 City Clerk Petty cash reimbursement 20.70 9 "_ Rife Wilson & Przybylski 6 month audit 356. 30 Pacific Cast Iron Pipe Co. XXe 70 water 170.70 Atlantic Richfield street/ golf course 3.80 General Fire equip. co. Fire dept. 25.75 Dana's Saddlery Police 80.95 Johnson Flying Service Airport 6.60 Robert Remaklus legal -golf course 3.00 May Hardware library/police/fire/airport 53. 17 Star News Board 68.35 Ruth Mason Election registrar Board 15.40 George L. Guy golf course 404.57 Jack Seetin we#er. sewer 30.50 Joye Catlin Petty cash reimbursement 61.76 Shell Oil Co. police water streets sewer 82. 53 Atlantic Richfield Police 9.38 Idaho Surplus Property Water dept. eqApment 30.00 ' Phillips Petroleum Co. Police 25. 54 Continental Oil Co. Police 14. 77 Herb Preston Fire Dept 3.00 Rod Jeffries " 3.00 Mike Bishop " 3.00 Guy Ireland Jr. " 3.00 Rardon Bevill Jr. " 3.00 Bob Cameron " 7. 50 Ernie Burgess " 3.00 Elwyn Brown " 7.50 Doyce Burgess " 3.00 Don Johnson " 9.00 Norman Burgess " 12.00 Don Fitzwater " 20.50 Jim Madden " 12.00 Following the reading of the bills, Armstrong moved the bills be approved and ordered paid. The motion was seconded by Archer and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the Board, the meeting was declared reces- sed until the call of the Chair. ATTEST: 7 ffi (,i4 d 4 /II���JMIY YOR CLERK November 6, 1969 AContinuation of the November Meeting of November 3, 1969 was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Mayor Boos, Councilmen Evans, Armstrong, Schaufelberger, and Archer. The Mayor stated the meeting was called for the purpose of canvasing the election results held on November 4, 1969. Folloofing the counting of the ballots by the Council, Archer moved the results the election as determined by the Board of Election be accepted which were as follows: Four year term as Councilman, Schaufelberger, 225; Evans, 231, Knowles, 105;. Two year term as Councilman: Wallace, 202; Archer 190, Armstrong 184. The motion was seconded by Evans, and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Schaufelberger moved the snowmobile resolution, which has been presented by Armstrong upon recommendation of the Chief of Police, be adopted as wead, and discussed, and the postings be made. The motion was seconded by Archer, and upon vote declared carried unanimously. v14:71M. No further business coming before the Board, the meeting was declared recessed until the call of the Chair. ATTEST: f9-112441 4 , MAYOR 1 'r- _ / CLERK ../ December 1, 1969 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of McCall, was held on the "�' above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Mayor Boos, Councilmen Evans, Armstrong, Schaufelberger and Archer. Also present was Francis Wallace. Evans moved the meeting of November 3, 1969 be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Armstrong and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The minutes of the meetings of November 3, 1969 were read and approved as read. Velma Shoemaker was there on behalf of the Progressive Club representing the committee on the public park area adjacent to the Golf Course on the driving range. Armstrong reviewed the area of approximately three hundred feet by nine hundred feet and stated land which had been purchased by people adjacent to the Fairways should be protected. The meeting had been scheduled for 2:00 p.m. on December 1, 1969, with members of the progressive Club and two mem- bers who were present at that meeting recommended that the Qepartment of Parks be contacted for assistance of planting of trees. Boos stated the tree planting machine would be available next spring to plant trees between the proposed park area and the lots adjacent to the fairway. There should also be a 1001 green belt area as a buffer between the park and the lots. Sherman Hart was present regarding his previous directive to hook onto the City sewer and Remaklus, the City Attorney opinion was that the contract with the Bond Holders was that all users within 3001 of the sewer be required to connect and cited legal backing for his opinion. Hart reviewed the additional cost which would be necessary on his part to hook onto the sewer. A discussion followed on the engineering of the system which did not allow him to hook on. No further action was taken following discussion. The posting of the Snowmobile signs at the Golf Course and Hospital by resolu- tion were reviewed. Shaufeiberger reported on a meeting of the Library Board and recommended that 1'artha Chitwood be appointed to replace Eva Neisinger as Librarian. Following discussion, Evans moved the recommendation of the Library Board be accepted and martha Chitwood be appointed Librarian. The motion was seconded by Archer f'"- and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Regarding the Hospital operation, Schaufelberger stated a letter had been received from Burton Walker reggrding the ambulance service, and was read stating he could no longer provide this service. The letter clarified his position and reasoning on the service. Schaufelberger also reviewed the request of the nurses for salary increases under the proposed 1,970 budget. He presented proposed room rent increases to cover the request and stated that 10% increase for all employees was proposed. He also proposed equipment for ,-xray and Radiology equipment in the amount of $60,000. The equipment could be purchased for $12,000. down and the balance payable over a five year per::od. There followed a lengthy discussion on the hagcpital operation, following which Armstrong reviewed the request to ask the City for $9, 500. toward the purchase and authorize the Hospital to purchase the equipment. There followed a discussion on letters to James McClure re- garding financial help and other possible sources of income. The matter was tabled until further information was available. There followed a further discussion on the proposed salary increases as re- quested by the hospital and the impact on all village employees. Schaufelberger reviewed the costs of Medicare at the hospital and also the duties of the hospital administrator. The request for additional information on Medicare Costs was tabled until additional information was available. Following discussion, it was the opinion of the Board that the Christmas Tree lights be turned on December 5, 1969. Evans briefly discussed the attendance at a meeting of the Probate Judge in Donnelly, and several cases were known where breakins were not punished and other cases which had been punished under the law. Following discussion, it was the opinion that it was not a City Police matter. A letter from the Standard Oil Company on the curb cuts was read and dis- " cussed. The proposal of the City was not acceptable to the Standard Oil Company from a safety standard, and it was the opinion of the Council that the station operator be notified of this liability exposure. Also discussed was the washing of the cars on the City streets by the Service Stations, which were creating hazardous conditions when the water froze on the streets. Section 5-1-48 of the City Code was reviewed and the owners were to be notified by the Chief of Police. Evans briefly reviewed the hook up fees which had been billed in the Sunset Beach Subdivision, and stated that since the billing, 21 of the occupancies , all but 10 have paid. The sewer usage at the Ponderosa State Park was reviewed, and was computed to be ..596.34 for the three month period. As the use was outside the City Limits the bill iras to be doubled and sent to the State of Idaho. Evans reported that all users within 300' of the City Sewer were not yet hooked on, and should be directed to hook on by June 15, 1919. Boos reported that 12,000. feet of water pipe was laid in the City during the year 1969. The sale of water +sights, which were acquired with the Airport Land, were discussed and referred to the Attorney for clarification. Evans stated that the water ordinances which should be in effect should be updated and corrected in the individual code books. Seetin briefly reviewed the bids he had received on several pieces of equipment however no action was taken pending information on income under the 1970 budget. A letter feom Blair Armstrong was read, resigning from the t-cC4ll Memorial Board, effective December 31, 1969. Following a lengthy discussion, the Council took no act :on on the resignation. The following applications for Beer Licenses for the year 1970. were read: The McCall '''ercantile Company; G. Joe Edwards and Ronald C. Bowling, Ron's 41; Forester's Club; Bob King, Green Lantern Supper Club; Jean R. Leone, Park Motel ; Noel B. Eddins, Noels Cash Grocery; Betty J. Abraham, Yacht Club Hotel ; Alice Spielman, Dave 's; Cart Shaver, Roger and Mary Davidson, Shaver's; Francis Frost, Chicken Roost :Supper Club; Brass Inc. ; Shore Club Lodge Inc; Shore Lodge. Following a reading of the applications, Schaufelberger moved the applications be approved and the licenses be issued. The motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. Tihe several bills were read for payment : Margaret Fogg Election Board 13.00 Kate Hayes " 13.00 Luvella Evans " 13.00 Beulah Timm " 13.00 Ruth Spielman 13.00 87 Idaho Sales Tax Sales Tax at Golf Course 10.69 William Acker Police 463.39 Clyde Archer Jr. Council 1.00 Blair Armstrong Council 21 .67 Don Boos Council 33.75 Norman Burgess Fire Department 30.09 Joye Catlin Water Sewer 176.52 Larry Chalfant water sewer 385.33 Bill Evans Council 22. 97 J. Clifford Evans Golf Course 345. 14 William A. Kirk Clerk 261.60 Eva Neisinger Library 93.38 Robert RemakLus Legal 97.00 Edlon Rogers Golf Course 306.95 A. H. Schaufelberger Council 21.67 Jack Seetin 652.02 All departments 652.02 °� David Smith Streets 422.76 Norman Thompson Police 432.87 Richard Nesbitt Police 427. 97 Library Conference Fund Library 9.00 Adirondack Chair Co. Inc. " 38.70 Baker & Taylor ft76.84 Evelyn Goodwin " 53.67 Mrs. Mabell Wallen Library dues 4.00 Transport Clearing " 8.76 National Geographic Library 9.80 Idaho State Library " 4. 50 Disneyland Records " 6.48 Baker & Taylor Co. " 17.02 Book Shop " 8. 50 Jay Morell Airport 15.00 Idaho Power All Departments 1517. 11 May Hardware Golf, water, sewer, library 10.60 Standard Oil_ ''o. street,police, sewer 183.61 Brundage foods Election Board 18.30 J. Clifford Evans Golf oe 152.60 Noels Cash Market Police 1.40 Sinclair Oil Corp all departments 245.62 Sup 't of 'documents Police 7.00 Star News Police, golf 28,00 SonnY's O.K. Tire Store Street oe 260.88 McCall Drug Library 3.64 Union Oil ompany Police oe 13.70 Payette Lakes Lumber water, sewer, airport 75.43 Bus's Service Fire Dept 9.85 Don's '76 ' Service Golf Course 69.45 Ideal Gas Co. Water 18.24 Shavers maim police 18.29 BrownTie and Lumber water, construction sewer 48. 50 Waterworks Equip Co. Golf Course 34.86 G. K. Machinery Co. ''treets 24.98 Continental Oil Co. Police 7.27 Rolwnd Bros. water, sewer 83.30 Jack Seetin sewer oe 20.00 r Kalbus Office equip water and sewer 6.95 Continental Oil Col water, streets, sewer 17.44 Roland Harrell Airport oe 201.86 Stans Auto Parts Golf Course 3.98 McCall Floral Board 7.73 Valley Auto Pares Fire Dept 9. 12 William Kirk Insurance Agency water, police golf 348.00 Johnson Flying Service Courtesy Car 3.24 Treasurer Valley County Board (printing copies) 22.20 William Fowler Parks and Beaches 14.40 Consolidated Supply water and golf course 359.80 American Oil Co. Police oe 5. 59 Bhillips Petroleum Co. Police oe 3.49 Larry Chalfant Sewer oe 60.00 Rardon Bevill Jr. Fire Department 3.00 Jim Madden Fore DeOartgemt 7. 50 r Jack Lasswell Fire Department 3.00 Mike Bishop Fire Department 3.00 Donald Johnson Fire Department 13.50 Norman Burgess Fire Department 13. 50 Donald Fitzwater Fire Department 23.50 Pacific Cast Iron Steel Golf Course 4871 .07 Nelson Plumbing Water, police, golfe, sewer 254.46 Association of Idaho Cities Insurance 255.03 Retirement System Retirement 535. 99 Valley County Tax Collector lltfh'K2lX NXBAWA MOIXXKK21 water rights 72.72 Following the reading of the bills, Schaufelberger moved the bills be approved and ordered paid, which motion was seconded by Evans and upon vote declared carried unanimously. No further business coming before the council, the meeting was declared AIN recessed until the call of the Chair. ATTEST 190Ade( / tr-04-- MAYOR z7Mridf/1 (2---.4;;;Ar CLERK December 14, 1969 A continuation of the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of McCall, was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Members present were Mayor Boos, Councilmen Schaufelberger, Armstrong, Evans and Archer. The Mayor stated the meeting was called for the purpose of meeting with the Hospital Board and consideration of the purchase of the Xray and radiol- ogy equipment. Following discussion, Armstrong moved the Council approve the Bospital Boards action in acceptance of the bid of General Electric Company on the Hospital equipment subject to cancelation by the City of MccalL, 30 days prior the shipping date of March 31, 1970. The motion was seconded by Archer, and upon vote declared carried unanimsously. No further business coming before the board, the meeting was declared re- cessed until the call of the Chair. ATTEST: s-0„,,,,..21 ,,,_ f � '' MAYOR CLERK January 5, 1970 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of McCall, was held on the above date and the following business transacted. Memebers present were Mayor Boos, Councilmen Schaufelberger, Evans, Archer. Evans moved the meeting of December 1, 1969, be adjourned, which motion was seconded by Archer, and upon vote declared carried unanimously. The oath of office of Councilman was administered to Francis E. Wallace by The '-ity Clerk, and he was declared qualified. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.