HomeMy Public PortalAboutCouncil Minutes 1983 Jan-DecJANUARY 3, 1983 McCall City Council held a Regular meeting Monday, January 3, 1983, at 7:11 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers WARD, LUTES and FAIRCHILD, Attorney Remaklus and Acting Secret.ary Alta Pierson. The minutes of December 6, 1982, were approved as recorded. Matt Wallace read at length his letter to the Council dated January 3, 1983, regarding the parking problem in the City, but specifically the parking at the Mountain Mercantile and the Huckleberry Cafe. In his opinion the Planning and Zoning Commis- sion approved the buildir~g permit that is in violation to Sec- tion 3-7-5 (b) "no parking within 5 feet of right of way of a public street': for the Mountain Mercantile and then later ap- proved a permit for the Huckleberry subject to a parking agree-- ment. Wallace stated that the parking in question is illegal and that it is affecting all of the businesses around it and asked that the City take action to rescind the permit for Huckle- berry Cafe. WARD inquired as to permission the Huckleberry has for parking and was told that Dave Byars, McCall Tire & Wheel Shop located across the street, has signed a letter of permiss~.on for ~'.arking required by the P & Z Commission. Wallace stated this was not legal as the property is not owned by Byars, only leased. Mike Moore, Manager of ~runeel Ti~e adjacent to the Huckleberry, expressed concern that patrons of the cafe would park in his business area in turn driving away some of his potentiaR customers. Tim Tibbits and Mary LaMarche, owners~ of the Huckleberry, felt they are legal in meeting the requirements set by the Planning and Zoning Commission of having four (4) parking spaces in front of their business which is the requirement by the code for the floor space of their dining room. Wayne Skiftun questione~ the required parking space available for each business, which was addressed by Paul Trahan with~ ex- planation of the building permit application and parking space requirements. After a lengthy discussion, it was the consensus of the Council to take this matter under advisement in order to obtsin a defi- nition of parking spaces ~n relation to square footage of a building, to work with the Planning and Zoning Commission to obtain all facts, and Trahan is to provide the Council infor- mation on the squa~re footage being used by Mountain Mercantile with such answers to be provided with the week. Attorney Mille- mann suggested the legal liability should be researched before the P&Z revokes the permit issued to the Huckleberry. Larry Schoehut, representing the Helmick and Hest~rs in regards to the Old Meadows Road being maintained by the City, stated that, sincere the road is in the city limits, these peop]~e should have the same rights that other ~itizens of the City have. He said some of the Council members think that, if funds are not available, some roads can be cut off from being maintained; this is not so--maintenance may not be the best, but it should be maintained in turn like all other roads. Remak!us advised that it is within the power of the City Council to determine which streets should be maintained and this road has not been maintained for years; and, to Crowley's question, "What is the Council bound to do?", Remaklus said the Council is to do what is in the best interest of the most people. FAIRCHILD had discussed this problem wit~ the City Superintendent, Larry Chalfant, and learned it would take 1½ hours to plow this road as there is no place to turn around and ~t isn't that simple to plow only once in awhile. Schoenhut explained they were not asking to have this as a top priority, but, when the major things were finished, this road could be done. Kim Helmick added that the whole road would not have to be plowed, just about 200 yards of it. Remaklus recomr~ended this be kept under advisement and the City needed to develop a priority formulae system for the road main- tenance. FAIRCHILD stressed the City definitely needed to set up a Capital Improvement Fund for roads. CROWLEY said he felt the City was doing much better on the. road maintenance and that Chalfant was using his men and the City equipment to the very best advantage. LUTES suggested that the County be asked if they will plow th, e e~tra 200 yards, and, if they refuse, this road should be put on the City low priority list. LUTES moved to open the road with the City equipment in a reasonable time and then approach the County to maintain it. If the County will not do this, the City ~aintain it with no firm commitment on priority. Motion was seconded by WARD and passed unanimously. Fairchild and Chalfant are to attend t~e County Commission Meeting in Cascade Monday, January 10, 1983. Attorney Remaklus presented and read at length proposed Ordi- nance No. 457, AN ORDINANCE RELATED TO ZONING; CHANGING ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CE~TAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF McCALL; AMENDING THE MAP OF ZONING OF THE CITY OF McCALL; AND DIRECTING THE CITY ENGINEER TO ENDORSE SUCH CHANGES ON SAID MAP. It was moved by WARD and seconded b~~ LUTES to s~spend the rules for the passage of proposed Ordinance No. 457. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD proposed Ordinance No. 457 be adopted. Upon vote I.UTES, WARD, FAIRCHILD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Ordinance No. 457 is duly adopted. Attorney Remakl~ presented and read at length proposed Ordi- nance No. 458. AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CER~'AIN LANDS AND TERRI- TORY TO THE CORPORATE I,IMITS OF THE CITY OF McCALL; PROVIDING BENEFITS, RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIO~S OF SUCH A~NEXED TERRITORY; AMENDING THE MAP OF ZONING; CLASSIFYING SUCH LANDS UNDER THE ZONING ORDINANCE; PROVIDING THAT A MAP OF SUCH ANNEMED AREA BE PREPARED AND FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK, REQUIRING A COPY OF THIS ORDINANCE AND MAP TO BE FILED WITH THE COUNTY ASSESSOR AND COUNTY RECORDER OF VALLEY COUNTY, STATE OF IDAHO, AND WiTH THE STATE TAX COMMISSION OF IDAHO; AND PH. OVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. It was moved by WARD and seconded by LUTES to suspend the rules for passage of proposed Ordinance No. 458. Upon vote the motion carried una~imously. It was moved by WARD and seconded by LUTES to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 458 as read. Upon vote LUTES, WARD, FAIRCHILD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Ordinance No. 458 is duly adopted. Attorney Remaklus presented and read at length propose~ Ordi- nance No. 459, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT, ORGANIZATION AND OPER~TION OF A PUBLIC CORPOR- ATION TO IMPLEMENT TITLE 50, CHAPTE~ 27, IDAHO CODE, AS AMENDED, APPROVING A CHARTER FOR SUCH CORPORATION, SPECIFYING THE POWERS, AUTHORITY AND LIMITATIONS OF THE PUBLIC CORPOR~TION, PROVIDING FOR CONTROL AND SU~'ERVIS~ON OF THE PUBLIC CORPORATION BY THE CITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. There is attac~ed to this ordinance a Charter of the Industrial Development Cor- poration of the C~.ty of McCall, Idak~o. Following lengthy dis- cussion, FAIRCHILD moved to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 459. It was moved by WARD and seconded by FAIRCHILD to suspend the rules for passage of proposed Ordinance No. 459. Upon vote the motion carried. LUTES seconded the motion that ~roposed Ordi- nance No. 459 be adopted. Upon vote LUTES, WARD, FAIRCHILD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Ordinance No. 459 is duly adopted. Remaklus reported he has talked to the real estate division of the Union Pacific office in Salt Lake advising them t~at the City is interested in acquiring the railroad right-of-ways north of 3rd street on highway 55 to the end of the line and a triangular piece of ~roperty behind the City Library and Fire Station. He read the letter dated ~-3-83 written to Mr. D. J~ Austin to this effect. To~, Kerr advised that the desoription of the property referred to should be available the end of t~e week. Tom Kerr stated that a Mr. Woods bas an encroachment in the Davis Beach area in the railroad right-of-way area that needs to be removed. Remaklus ad¥ised the City should notify Mr. Woo~s of this. Remaklus advised that the City has an appeal from the decision of the City Council of McCall filed by George Xlind and he would like to have authority from tt~e Council to make appropriate appearar~ces and defend the City in the Klind appeal in their deci- sion denying his request for a rezone. It was moved by WARD and seconded by FAIRC~ILD to have Remaklus defend the City in the Klind appeal from the decision of the Council denying his request for rezone. The motion passed unanimously. There was some discussion on the hazardous building at 906 Ann Street owned by Lyle Shockey. It was stated that a letter has been sent to Mr. Shockey to the effect that the City would like to have the Fire Department burn the building. A reply has been received from Mr. Shockey saying he would like for-the City to go ahead w~th burning the building. Remaklus stated that the West Side Pump Station will be located on Shore Lodge property instead of on Rotary Park property. The easement agreement between Shore Club Lodge, Inc. and the City was read subject to the changes requested ~n the letter received from John Edward's attorney dated December 20, 1982. The changes requested are: Including a more specific description of the ease- ment property and eliminating certain language from the proposed agreement, including a provision for completion of construction before July 1, 1983, which is open to ne~gotiation; reserving to Shore Lodge t~e r~ght to ~se the premise for snow remoYal; and a $100.00 consideration. WARD moved to adopt the Easement between the City and Shore Club Lodge In¢~. subject to changes requested by Shore Lodge. Motion was seconded by FAIRCHII~D. The motion was passed with WARD, LUTES, FAIRCHILD and CROWLEY voting AYE. FAIRCHILD brought to the attention of the Council the letter from Chalfant regarding the e~tension of building permits more than the permitted one time. Chalfant and Trahan recom~end to the Council that the permits not be e~tended a second time. FAIRCHILD moved that the City Council not renew the following building permits: #237 - Treasure Valley Construction, 101 Stib- nite Street; #228 - Vic Frabott~, 601 Hemlock Drive; #104 -Jake's Landing on Thompson Avenue; and #11 - West Shore Village on Warren Wagon Road. The motion was seconded by LUTES and upon vote carried unanimously. FAIRCHILD also directed ~he attention of the Council to another letter from Chalfant regarding snow removal on the C~ty streets and the parking of cars on the streets at certain hours. He is requesting the City Ordinance be changed to read that there weuld be no parking on City streets between the hours of 3 a.m. to 10 a.m. instead of from 3 a.m. to 7 a.m., citing the reasons he and his crew would like this change. LUTES stated that he was very much against this change and felt that it wo~ld be a mis- take to change the ordinance. Following discussion, it was the consensus of the Council that they work with Chalfant on some alternatives to his s~ggestion. LUTES referred to the letter dated December 16, 1982, from Sheriff Shepherd regarding the revised charges for prisoners kept in the Valley County Jail. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD to pay the $10.00 per day per prisoner until arraignment of pri- soners, and to authorize CROWLEY to sign the letter acknowiedg- ing the agreement. Upon vote LUTES, FAIRCHILD, WARD and CROWLEY voted AYE. CROWLEY reported on the Water Pump Grant. He stated that McCall is #1 on the Grant. If the government has the money, the grant will be awarde~. HoweYer~ whether the grant is received or not the West Side Pump Station will be put in. T~e easement for the pump station is on Lot 8 of Shellworth Park instead of on Lot 1. There was a lengthy discussion on the Lick Creek Road/McCall By-Pass. The County would like the City to sponsor and moYe ~ ahead on a'study for the By-Pass. WARD said he felt it would be possible as it would be an easement situatio~ through meadow- lands and connecting to Highway 55. Carl Whitaker mentioned that the Impact Planning and Zoning has done some work on this, too. CROWLEY said there is ar~ agree~ent in principle, but the City's wi].lingness would be subject to the cost involved. There was some discussion and questions regarding t~e d~ssolv- ing of the Impact Planning and Zoning Commission. CROWLEY stated he would report this discussion, and concern to the County Comis- sioners at their meeting on January 10. CROWLEY noted that a meeting would need to be held before Janu- ary 15, 1983, to do the following: (1) Set up the job decription for the City Administrator~ (2) Make a decision regarding the alternate p]~an offered the City by Paul Trahan, and (3) Discuss the bonding on Building Permita~. It was decided that the meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 12, 1983, at 4:00 p.m. Part of the meeting will be open to the public and part of it will be an executive session for personnel matters. A letter dated 12-8--82 has been received from Udell and Elam regarding the proposal of John Stringer and Marvin Whiteman for the development and dedication to the City of an additional eighteen hole golf course. CROWLEY recommended that the Council authorize him to write to Udell advising him of the Council's recommendation he go through the proper channels with a definite proposal. LUTES brought his recommendation to the Council for the lease- purchase of a 1981 LTD police car from an agency in Boise. He wo~ld like to ~se the money budgete~ for this year of $5,000. and make the final balloon payment of $2,000. in October, out of the 1984 budget, spreading the payment over s 2-year period. There was no objection to this from the Council, so LUTES will work with Remaklus on this lease-purchase agreement. There was also some discussion of th~ mileage of the police and comments regarding the police staying within the City limits. The Cit~ Clerk had polled the Councilmembers on December 29, 1982, o~ Susan L. Yarmak's application for a transfer of Liquor and Beer License to Jeff Muller, and Jeff Muller's application for Liquor and Beer ~,icense. Approval was given by LUTES, CROW- LEY and WARD. FAIRCHILD was unavailable. This action needed to be confirmed at this meeting. WARD moved to authorize the ~ss~ance of a City Liquor and Beer license for Jeff Muller and the trans- fer for December 31. This was seconded by FAIRCHILD and t~e motion passed unanimously. There has bee~ a request by the McCall A~ea Chamber of Com~,~erce to the City to use Mill Park as a spectator/assembly area for the snowmobile races on the Lake. Tber~ was so~,e discussion regarding the liability of the C~ty, the removal of snow, and trampling of the new grass planted there. It was suggested that the Chamber use the ares. by the Sports Marina for this purpose. The Registration and Tuition fee for the Four-Day Cross Connec- tion Control Workshop to be attended by Chalfant, Mickels and Willhoyt wa's approved by Council consensus. The following bills were read for payment: #5821 5822 5823 5824 '5825 5826 5827 5828 5829 583O 5831 5832 5833 5834 5835 5836 5837 5838 5839 584O State of Idaho Dept. of Lands Hugh H. Cooke Richard C. Jackson John L. Lyon Brian S. Mickels Larry $. Olson Ronnie D. Pomerinke Lewis E. Pratt Roger W. Rockwell Laura L. Rupe Terry A. Sharp Paul K. Trahan Royce E. Willhoyt Idaho First National Bank WETRC The Conservatory VOID Roger D. Bates Sandra K. Bates Gloria L. Cantrell 50.00 3OO 00 25O 00 25O 00 3OO 00 25O 00 25O 00 25O 00 25O 00 200 00 25O 00 250 00 25O 00 200.00 155.00 400.00 VOID 1,089.12 510.16 635.95 #5841 5842 5843 5844 5845 5846 5847 5848 5849 585O 5851 5852 5853 5854 5855 5856 5857 5858 5859 586O 5861 5862 5863 5864 5865 5866 5867 5868 5869 587O 5871 5872 5873 5874 5875 5876 5877 5878 5879 588O 5881 5882 5883 5884 5885 5886 5887 5888 5889 589O 5891 5892 5893 5894 5895 5896 5897 5898 5899 59OO 5901 5902 5903 5904 59O5 5906 5907 5908 5909 5910 5911 5912 5913 5914 5915 5916 Joye S. Catlin Larry Cb~lfant Hugh H. Cooke James F. Creech William L. Crowley John B. Drips Mary Ellen Fairchild Donald L. Fitzwater Margaret E. Fogg Richard C. Jackson Rebecca L. Jeffries Gay H. Johnson William D. Keating John R. Lewinski Mary Jane Liberty Clifford Lutes John L. Lyon Barbara J. Marmo Brian S. Mickels Ralph R. Murray VOID Alta C. Pierson Ronnie D. Pomerinke Lewis E. Pratt Robert H. Remaklus Roger W. Rockwell Laura L. Rupe Terry A. Sharp David B. Smith Paul K. Trahan Ernest E. Ward Royce E. Willhoyt Robert V. Wilson Social Security Administration Idaho First National Bank State of Idaho Tax Commission Public Employee Retirement System Association of Idaho Cities American Family Life Assurance Co. 697.54 1,300.93 735.52 138.47 26 18 745 82 110 31 8O8 57 1,016 57 662 20 383 70 851 11 884 O4 1,102 42 386 75 110 31 1,156 64 406 95 679 54 288 37 VOID 532.80 803 92 617 00 633 96 762 24 276 97 343 73 1,185 8o 721 62 116 62 646 87 341 40 5,140 85 4,554 70 1,456 75 5,234 87 2,355 83 64 34 Idaho Central Public Emp. Credit Union 334 Larry Chalfant Larry S. Olson Internal Revenue Service Postmaster Postmaster Maury Ainger Don Aldrich Rich Bollar Bill Botsford Ron Bowling Dan Cochran Tom Chaloupka Dempsey Eddins Tim Everhart Martin Fitzgerald Tom French Bill Haworth Jack Katzenberger Ken Medley Dave Smith Russ Smith Harry Stathis Skip Taylor Dana West Doug Woods McCall Fire Dept. Larry Chalfant Mike Dodds John Lewinski Brian Mickels Larry S. Olson Rob Wilson AchesOn Motors Action Express Art Mart, Inc. VOID 23 3oo oo 216 67 699 08 60.00 150.41 42.00 55.5O 43 50 8 5o lO 5O 42 00 3 5o 15 0o 22 00 65.5o 6o.5o 15.o0 37.00 15.00 85.5O 55.50 33.50 37.00 42.00 42.00 27.00 9.02 35.oo 63.75 14.88 20.00 126.12 25O.OO 33.75 95.5O VOID #5917 5918 5919 5920 5921 5922 5923 5924 5925 5926 5927 5928 5929 5930 5931 5932 5933 5934 5935 5936 5937 5938 5939 5940 5941 5942 5943 5944 5945 5946 5947 5948 5949 595O 5951 5952 5953 5954 5955 5956 5857 5958 5959 5960 5961 5962 5963 5964 5965 5966 5967 5968 5969 5970 5971 5972 5973 5974 5975 5976 Boise's Rigging Supply Boyd Martin Co. Bruneel Tire Service C & S Contracting Cal Gas of McCall Century Laboratories Chevron U.S.A. Consolidated Supply Co. Continental Telephone Co. Decker's Inc. Ebsco Subscription Services F-Stop Film and Camera Fisher Scientific Co. Gordon's Books Great Western Chemical Co. Idaho Bearing & Supply Co. Idaho First National Bank Idaho First National Bank Idaho Power Co. Idaho Sporting Goods Co. State of Idaho Ingram Kerr Surveying The Lumber Yard National Golf Foundation Newsweek McCall Appliance Repair McCall Rexall Drug May Hardware, Inc. Medley Sports Merc of McCall Men's Wardrobe Mom's Auto Parts Norco OSC Data Payette Lakes Lumber Co. Popular Photography Postmaster PRECO Publishers Weekly Scott Industrial Supply W.O.J. Seetin Shaver's Ski Snowbird Laundry Sparling Division Sports Marina Stan's Auto Parts Star News Statesman Dealer Turfgo Valley County Frank J. Volk & Assoc. Wallace-Homestead Water & Waste Water Co. Western Equipment Co. Western Printing Center Williamsen Truck Equipment Corp. Payette Lakes Water & Sewer Dist. Ernest H. Woods 44.70 118.33 104.87 25 00 9 07 28 00 4,505 88 459 95 568 27 139 04 523.50 5.75 349.00 17.27 664.31 212.96 416.52 1,051.67 5,993.96 52.40 70.40 88.82 44.00 2 23 75 00 36 00 147 22 6 53 207 27 63 20 13.34 122.66 10.23 39.41 240.80 153.99 5.99 7.OO 28.85 59.oo 18.95 278.28 26 86 6 97 38 55 176 58 3O 15 184 54 39 48 24 80 33.30 99.45 15.00 80.82 189.71 86.31 32.48 268.00 3,5oo.oo 56.5o Following the reading of the bills, it was moved by LUTES a~d seconded by WARD the bills be accepted and paid. Upon vote FAIRCHILD, WARD, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by WARD t~Je meeting be adjourned at 12:01 a.m. January 4, 1983, until February 7, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. ~C~i 6 g -May AcS~ng Secretary JANUARY 12, 1983 McCall City Council held a Special meeting Wednesday, Janu- ary 12, 1983, at 4:00 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presJ, ding. Those present were Councilmembers FAIRCHILD, WARD and LUTES and Clerk Fogg. The purpose of the call for the Special meeting was: (1) Prepare a job description for the City Administrator, (2) Discuss bonding on buildir, g permits, (3) Make a decision regarding the alternate plan for building inspector services offered the City by Paul Trahan, and (4) Discuss other personnel matters. Chairman CROWLEY informed the Council of the need of a Disaster Coordinator for the County and that he had promised the County Commissioners and John Crutcher to present Hugh Cooke's name for consideration. Cooke had indicate~ an interest in this volun- teer work and it was the Commissioner's and Crutcher's opinion that he wo~ld be an excellent candidate because of his first aid knowledge and familiarity with the area. Following discussion, it was moved by WARD and seconded by FAIRCHILD Hugh Cooke take on initial responsibility, on a temporary basis, of Civil Disas- ter Coordinator for Valley County. Upon vote motion carried ~nanimously. The parking problem at the Huckleberry was again discussed. Building Inspector T~ahan told the Council, after further inves- tigation, he still felt the Huckleberry is in compliance with the code. It was the consensus of the Council to ~phold the Planning and Zoning Commission's decision and to let t~e b~ild- ing permit given to the Mountain Merc and the Huckleberry remain as issued. An Application for Amusement Device License from Steven R. Raiser was presented for action. It was moved by WARD and seconded by LUTES to approve Steven R. Raiser's application and grant a license on four amusement devices, one pool table and one music box. Upon vote the motion oarried unanimously. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by LUTES to approve Bill Crowley's voucher for $127.50 and Rife, Przybylsk~, Thurston and Lamm's billing for $2,000.00 and order them paid~ Upon vote LUTES, FAIRCHILD, WARD and CROWLEY voted~AYE. Motion carried unanimously. There was discussion regarding Wait Whalen's sale of hot dogs and chili from a moveable vehicle at Disco Food parking lot. Conse~sus of the Council was that ar~y business for profit should pay the "Hawker's" license fee with only non-profit making organ- izations to be exempt. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by WARD to require Walt Whalen to pay a "Hawker's" license fee whenever operating hot dog stand, with this polic~ to include other ~rofit-making ventures. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. Following discussion pertinent to C. M. Company, Inc. billing of $3,474.00 against the Mill Park, it was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD to direct the Clerk to pay C.M. Company, Inc. billing of $3,474.00 on advice of Attorne~ Remaklus. Upon vote WARD, LUTE~, FAIRCHILD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. LUTES requested authorization to pay the first month's payment, between $500. to $600., on a lease purchase agreement ~with Boise Tire and Truck Rental Company for the purchase of the police car. Following discussion ~t was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD to authorize payment of an amount between $500. and $600. Upon vote WARD, LUTES, FAIRCHILD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion ~arrie~. FAIRCHILD reported that City Superintendent Chalfant had cleaned out 200 y~rds of the Old Meadows road and had contacted Dwain Peterson of Valley County and ~'he County will clean out this extra 200 yard of road until they quit plowing this Spring. It was moved by FAIRCHILE and seconded by LUTES to go into Executive session at 4:54 p.m. for discussion of personnel matters. Upon vote motion ~arried unanimously. The Open meet~.ng was resume~ at ~:50 p.m. An Amusement Device License application from C. Dwayne Ex]ey, Dudley's Family Fun and Games, for eight ($) a~useme~t devices was presented for Council action. It was moved by WARD and seconded by FAIRCHILD to approve Exley's Amusement Device application and grant a license. Upon vote, motion carried. Following discussion of the Municipal Nonproperty tax receipta, Council members prepared a City Administrator job description. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by LUTES to adjourn the meeting at 7:27 p.m. until Monday, February 7, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. JANUARY 18, 1983 McCall City Council held a Special meeting Tuesday, January 18, 1983, at 4:05 p.m., Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers LUTES, FAIRCHILD and WARD. The pur- pose of the call was a continuation of the Executive session of January 12, 1983, for discussion of personnel policy matters and business that may com~ before the Council in open session as a result of such discussion. Paul Trahan, Building Inspector, explained what his job duties were and the reasons why he did not think the position of Build- ing Inspector should be totally eliminated. He gave details on his duties: review of building plans~ building inspections, meet with various contractors, special reports to City Council and Planning and Zoning Commissions, enforcement of building codes, review of subdivision plans, update maps and etc. He stated he will provide the same services and functions that he does right now under the retainer fee of his proposed contract; he would be working with the City P&Z seoretary and would be in the City office quite often because of the maps and records needed. Also, he would be available by telephone. Chairman CROWLEY told the Council the reason he asked Trahan to address the Council was so ail members would'know what was being proposed, how it is to be done, and ~ow we meet our obligation to the Cit~. He wanted to be s~re the Cit~ isn't ~iissing it's obligation to the community and to the general public pertaining to Planning and Zoning and a Building Inspector. Following discussion, LUTES moYed the Council go into Executive session to discuss personnel matters. Motion was seconded by FAIRCHILD and upon vote the motion carried unanimously. City Council went into E~ecutive session at 4:40 p.m. Following the Executive session, Chairman CROWLEY called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. The Council was informed of the Chamber's request for use of the Porta~ Potties owned by the City and used b~' the Recreation Department. Ted Dodge of McCall Rental and Sales has complained that he feels the City is in ¢~ompetition with him on rentals of these items. Following discussion, the consensus of the Council was to have the Chamber of Commerce rent from private enterprise. Chairman CROWLEY infor~ed the Council that Police Chief Lyon had brought it to ~is attention that the City street maps need to be updated at a cost of approx~.mately $400.00 It was the con- sensus of the Council to have the maps brought up to date~ It was moved b~ FAIRC~.~ILD and seconded by WARD to adjourn the meeting at 7:16 p.m. until Monday, February 7, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. ~cting Mayor ( C",_~_ ~erk ::: ~ FEBRUARY 7, 1983 McCall City Council met in Regular session, Monday, February 7, 1983, at 7:06 p.m. Councilman CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers FAIRCHILD, LUTES and WARD, City Sviperinten- dent Chalfant, Attorney Remaklus and City C~erk Fogg. There was discussion with regards to preparation and adoption of a series of guide lines for Council reference whenever a major decision or policy change was made which would be a means of making fairly consistant decisions. The basic principles of the guide lines were: (1) Consistant with Comprehensive plan, (2) Consistant with Zoning Ordinance, (3) Demonstrable need or demands, (4) Does it do the most good for a majority of the people, (5) Fit into present City services, (6) Cost effective, (7) Applicant contributing his share? Following discussion, it was moved by WARD and seconded by FAIRCHILD to adopt the general basic policy points as read. Upon vote thc, motion carried unan- imously. The minutes of December 10, 1982, and January 3, 12, and 18, 1983, were approved with the following correction being made in the January 12 minutes: page 19 the word "200 years" be changed to "200 yards" in the next to last paragraph. Tom Kerr, representing Lester Peterso~ and Bill K~rk, explained that the annexation request made by Peterson and Kirk through the Planning and Zoning Commission was not done by correct pro- cedure, such request must be made to the City Council prior to further action. He formally requested the City Council ask for recommendation from Planning and Zoning Commission on the Lester Peterson-Bill Kirk annexation request. Remaklus advised that the Council is simply authorizing the Planning and Zoning Commissio~ to reach their final conclusion and make recommendation to the Cit~' Council as to zone change. Following d~scussion, it was moved b~, WARD and seconded by LUTES to refer t~is request to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their final conclusion and recommendation to the City Council. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. Frank Volk gave further~ ~etails on his written request to vacate Hewitt Street, platted adjacent to the property owned by George Mack, running West from Gamble Street to a dead end and, also, the vacating of the alley along the north edge of the same pro- perty. Chairman CROWLE¥'S opinion was to have our legal counsel research this matter in regard to the history of this problem. Following Volk's request that a date be set for public hearing, it was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by WARD to have a public hearing on the request on March 7, 1983. Upon vote motion car- ried unanimously. Remaklus read at length pro~sed Ordinance No. 460, AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO RETAIN McCALL PUBLIC LIBRARY PROPERTY AFTEB' DE~iAND IN WRITING TO RETURN THE SAME, PROVIDING FOR SER- VICE OF NOTICE AND FIX]lNG A PENALTY. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD to suspend the rules for passage of proposed Ordinance No. 460. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 460 as read. Upon vote WARD, LUTES, FAIRCHILD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Ordinance No. 460 is duly adopted. There was discussion on a policy of surety bonding and/or Letter of Credit requirements in the areas of construction, including multi-family units of any type, planned unit developmentS, com- mercial development and some remodels, area of subdivisions, road crossings and parallel road cuts. A letter dated January 24, 1983 from Paul Trahan addressi~,g this subject was reviewed. It was the consensus of the Council the bonding policy be taken under advisement until Remaklus could review Trahan's letter and advise the Council. A rough draft of a proposed sewer ordinance compiled by Tom Kerr was presented. Kerr said the ordinance was only a rough draft which needed technical input from Jeff Lappin, John Lewinski and Larry Chalfant. It was the consensus of the Council this ordinance be taken under advisement pending technical input from above-mentioned persons as well as the City Attor~,ey. Paul K. Trahan's contract proposal of January 20, 1983, regard- ing professional services, i~spections, and consultation for construction in the McCall area was discussed. T~e Council agreed that the Termination of Agreement should read: The Agree- ment may be terminated by either Party upon forty-five (45) days' written notice, period, omitting rest of wording. Those speaking in favor of accepting Trahan's proposal were Julie Eddins, Frank Volk and Clyde Archer. Following discussion, it was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by LUTES to accept the proposal presented by Paul Trahan, contingent upon Trahan pro- viding Errors and Omissions insurance for $1,000,000.00, to be a one-year contract with a forty-five days d~smissal notice. upon vote FAIRCHILD, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. WARD voted NAY. Motion carried. Attorney Remaklus is to prepare the con- tract. The audit proposal from Rife, Przybylski, Thurston &~Lamm of $2,000.00 for 1982/83 fiscal year was again presented for con- sideration. Clerk Fogg read at length a letter dated 12-9-82 from bookkeeper Bates and Fogg asking the Council to give this proposal favorable consideration. LUTES felt that the decision should be put off until the City Administrator is hired, as he may have a preference, and other Council members concurred. Since the above audit firm personnel has been used for advice as well as making three visits to McCall to set up books and talk with Council members and City staff regarding the City's general accounting system and budgetary reports, it was the consensus of the Council that the firm of Rife, Przybylski, Thurston and Lamm should be paid the going rate for whatever informatio~ and/or services provided this fiscal year of 1982/1983. The City of McCall Planning and Zoning Commission referred s sign violation by Ernest Woods, Woodsman Cafe, to the City Council. Paul Trahan, Building I~spector, had informed the Commission by letter, dated December 29, 1982, that the sign was in violation to the Sign Ordinance of the City Code. Plan- ning and Zening minutes note that Woods obtained the Sign per- mit on June 1, 1982, indicating that the sign would be built no higher than the existing sign, as well as noting that the sign was to be within code limits of 40 square feet on each side. No varience was granted for this sign. Trahan's letter states that the sign, as installed, exceeds thee total area by 100.72 square feet. Trahan's letter was read in full as well as the Planning and Zoning minutes referring to this matter. Follow- ing discussion, it was move~ by FAIRCHILD and seconded by LUTES to request Woods to bring the sign to code within thirty (30) days or remove it. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. The Hard Plat for Evergreen Terrace No. 3 was presented for Council approval. Chalfant asked that the Council consider obtaining bonding or letter of credit to ~nsure completion of water, sewer and streets before signing off the plats. Follow- ing discussion, it was the consensus of the Council to withhold approval of the plat until City Superintendent Chalfant advises that the developer has taken care of water, sewer and streets in this development. Evergreen Terrace to be bonded for cost of in-. stalling improvements. First Realty Auction Sales Inc.,by DeWayne Bills, requested a ~icense on behalf of Littletree Development Corp. for auction of real property February 12, 1983. Remaklu~ legal opinion was that he wo~ld not be required to purchase a "Hawker's" license for this type of operation. It was moved by WARD and seconded by LUTES to authorize Council- woman Mary Ellen Fairchild as third signator on the City of McCall General Fund Account No. 18-38037-4 and withdrawals can be made upon any two of the three signatures. Upo~ vote WARD, LUTES, and CROWLEY vote~ AYE, FAIRCHILD abstained. Motion carried. Clerk Fogg reported that Ron Delp, representing Gayle Delp and Betty L. Patrick, had catle~ asking what action had been taken with regards to his letter of December 27, 1982, filing a com- plaint against the City for the accident with City snow plow on December 20, 1982, which involved the two women. He was advised that copies of this letter were sent to City Attorney Remaklus and Wm. Kirk Insurance Agency, Inc. the City's insurance carrier. Delp commented they had not made much progress with the insurance representative and, although he didn't want to, they may have to take legal action against the City. Attorney Remaklus recom- mended no further action be taken, other than that already taken by the City Clerk, as the matter is now in the hands of the City's insurance carrier. No action taken. CROWLEY told the Council of some complaints he'd received from owners of condos and/or multi-family dwellings regarding the payment of water billings on all units whether occupied or not. Following discussion, it was the consensus of the Council that there be no change in water billing procedure. The following bills were read for payment: #5977 VOID VOID 5978 Valley County Recorder 12.00 5979 Hugh Cooke 300.00 5980 Richard Jackson 250.00 5981 John L. Lyon 250.00 5982 Brian S. Mickels 300.00 5983 Larry Olson 250.00 5984 Ronnnie Pomerinke 250.00 5985 Lewis Pratt 250.00 5986 Roger Rockwell 250.00 5987 Terry Sharp 250.00 5988 Paul K. Trahan 250.00 5989 Royce E. Willhoyt 250 D0 5990 W.L. Crowley 127.50 5991 Rife, Przybylski, Thurston & Lamm .2,000.00 5992 Wm. A. Kirk Ins. Agency 25.00 5993 CM Co., Inc. 3,474.00 5994 Richard C. Jackson 350.00 5995 Terry Sharp, Water Clerk 21.29 5996 Roger D. Bates 1,043.28 5997 Sandra K. Bates 478.44 5998 Gloria L. Cantrell 654.62 5999 Joye S. Catlin 697.54 6000 Larry Chalfant 1,267.11 6001 Hugh H. Coope 735.52 6002 James F. Creech 148.79 6003 William L. Crowley 26.18 6004 John B. Drips 688.72 6005 Mary Ellen Fairchild 110.31 6006 Donald L. Fitzwater 808.57 6007 Margaret E. Fogg 1,016.57 6008 Richard C. Jackson 312.20 6009 Rebecca L. Jeffries 442.06 6010 Gay H. Johnson 827.77 6011 William D. Keating 838.59 6012 John R. Lewinski 1~102.42 6013 Mary Jane Liberty 357.20 6014 Clifford Lutes 110.31 6015 John L. Lyon 1,156.64 6016 Barbara J. Marmo 556.53 6017 Brian S. Mickels 679.54 6018 Ralph R. Murray 140.97 6019 Larry S. 01son 236.41 6020 Alta C. Pierson 505.70 6021 Rormie D. Pomerimke 803.92 6022 Lewis E. Pratt 617.00 6023 Robert H. Remaklus 633.96 6024 Roger W. Rockwell 766.24 6025 Laura L. Rupe 470.27 6026 Terry A. Sharp 313.81 6027 David B. Smith 1,185.80 6028 Paul K. Trahan 749.96 6029 Ernest E. Ward 116.62 6030 Royce E. Willhoyt 631.67 6031 State Auditor, State of Idaho 4,912.86 6032 Idaho First National Bank 4,475.30 6033 State of Idaho, State Tax Commission 1,433.00 6034 Public Employee Retirement System 5,276.08 #6035 6036 6037 6038 6039 6040 6041 6042 6043 6044 6045 6046 6047 6048 6049 6o5o 6o51 6O52 6053 6054 6O55 6056 6057 6058 6059 6060 6o61 6062 6063 6064 6065 6066 6067 6068 6069 6070 6071 6072 6073 6074 6075 6076 6077 6078 6079 6o8o 6081 6082 6083 6o84 6o85 6086 6087 6088 6089 6090 6091 6092 6093 6094 6095 6096 6097 6098 6099 61oo 101 102 lO3 lO4 105 lO6 lO7 108 lO9 110 tll Association of Idaho Cities American Family Life Assurance Co. Idaho Central Credit Union Internal Revenue Service Postmaster Postmaster Maury Ainger Don Aldrich Rick Bollar Bill Botsford Ron Bowling Tom Chaloupka Dan Cochran Dempsey Eddins Tim Everhart Martin Fitzgerald Tom French Bill Haworth Jack Kat zenberger Dave Smith Russ Smith Harry Stathis Skip Taylor Dana West Doug Woods Lanny Axtell Rick Freudenthal Jack Fuller Shawn Fuller Dean Hovdey Paul Hovdey John Humphries Mike Isola Ric Rine Winston Yeast Larry L. Chalfant Bill Crowley Gay H. Johnson Larry S. Olson Winona Peterson Roger W. Rockwell Acheson Motors Action Express Allis-Chalmers Corp. The Art Mart, Inc. Backpacker The Baker Taylor Co. Boyd Martin Co. Brundage Office Supply Bruneel Tire Service C & S Contracting Cal Gas of McCall Cambridge Litho Cascade Auto Century Laboratories Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Chevron U.S.A. Consolidated Supply Co Continental Telephone Co. Decker's Inc. Fisher Scientific Co. Bill Hardin John C. Hover, Attorney at law Idaho First National Bank Idaho First National Bank State of Idaho Dept. Idaho Bearing Idaho Communications, Idaho Power Co. Tngram Kerr Surveying The Lumber Yard McCall Rexall Drug May Hardware, Inc. Meadows Valley-McCall Veterinary Medley Sports Merc of McCall of Admin. Federal Surplus Inc. 2,355.83 64.34 334.23 679.34 120.00 148.85 55.5O 29.00 35.50 22.00 3.50 25.5O 4o.5o 35.50 59'.00 37.00 40.5o 8.50 44.00 89.00 44.00 20.00 3.50 59.00 34.00 12.oo 36.00 93.00 27.o0 12.00 12.00 24.00 72.00 6.oo 3o.oo 2o.71 21.50 16.44 589.01 112.00 7.26 t37.77 6.oo 4.50 lO .Ol 3O .oo 178.61 659.76 32.74 132.05 245.40 188.o5 34.00 16.89 28.OO 122.68 2,400.43 665.81 544.12 49.62 189.79 47.68 1,904.98 416.52 1,o51.67 129.70 163.96 5.34 6,295.80 169.94 132.00 15o.84 14.62 231.42 294.54 5.85 98.64 #112 Milne Truck Lines, Inc. 30.00 113 Missman Electric Co. 474.00 114 Mom's Auto Parts 188.00 115 Mothering Publications, Inc. 10.00 116 Norco 34.70 117 OSC DATA 240.00 118 O'Neill International Inc. 1,450.00 119 Payette Lakes Lumber Co., Inc. 107.21 120 Robert H. Remaklus 3,119.28 121 W.O.J. Seetin 278.28 122 Shaver' s 42.49 123 Shirt & Sound Works 309.95 124 Cross Country Skier 7.97 125 Skip ' s Texaco 40.94 126 Snowbird Laundry 56.45 127 Stan's Auto Parts 449.56 128 Star News 295.68 129 Starline Equipment Co. 113.00 130 The Statesman Dealer 21.40 131 Tesco Williamsen 204.18 132 Time Life Books 8.9 8 133 Union Pacific Railroad Co. 5.00 134 Valley County 79.45 135 The Wallace Shop 50.10 136 Western Equipment Co. 573.59 137 Western Equipment Co. 1,752.29 138 State of Idaho Dept. of Employment 1,311.33 139 Terry Sharp 13.19 Following reading of the bills, it was moved by WARD and seconded by FAIRCHILD to approve the bills as read and order them paid. Upon vote, FAIRCHILD, WARD, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. CROWLEY advised that he had been approached by Bill Onweiler for a joint venture of filing for water rights on some surrounding creeks and installation of a low-head generator power station. The Council was not in favor of a venture of this type with an individual but did agree that it would be wise to investigate this potential by determining the cost of a feasibility study of filing of water rights, engineer's fees, size of plant and the cost to have it done. CROWLEY will pursue this proposed project. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD to adjourn at 10:06 p.m. until Monday, March 7, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Upon vote motion car- ried unanimously. Ci~yJlerk ~ ' ~ · MARCH 4, 1983 McCall City Council met in Special session Friday, March 4, 1983, at 3:35 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers FAIRCHILD and LUTES, Attorney Remaklus and Clerk Fogg. Councilman WARD was absent. CROWLEY explained the purpose of the call for the Special ses- sion and read the notice of the meeting in full. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by LUTES to hold an Executive session to consider hiring a public employee and to consider and advise its legal representatives in pending litigation. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. The Executive session concluded at 5:35 p.m. and there was no further business to be considered at this time. Chairman CROWLEY adjourned the meeting at 5:35 p.m. until Monday, March 7, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. c ing ayor~ Ci~ flerk - / ~ ~ MARCH 7, 1983 McCall City Council held a Regular meeting Monday, March 7, 1983, at 7:08 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers FAIRCHILD and LUTES, Attorney Remaklus, City Superintendent Chalfant and Clerk Fogg. Council- man WARD was absent. The minutes of the February 7, 1983, meeting were approved as recorded. Kirk Braun, Pioneer Aviation, explained the arrangments being made for the airshow at the McCall Airport on June 11 and 12, 1983. He has been working with the F.A.A. with regard to the regulations and requirements. Braun is requesting City Police help in keeping the roads and highways clear as well as ser- veillance over the crowd during the day and asked that the City clear some tie-down and parking ar~as. They will need the fire truck manned during the show both days, also. Pioneer Aviation plans to provide amb~lance stand-by for both days, Air Show liability insurance, all security, and porta potties, as well as making arrangements for licensed vendors on the field. It was moved by LUTES and secc~de~ by FAIRCHILD to give Council approval for the Air Show at McCall Airport proposal in principal pending receipt of liability insurance details from Pioneer Aviation. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Jane Volk, representing Frank Volk, inquired as to the action taken on their February 7, 1983, request for the City to vacate Hewitt Street. Remaklus had researched this property and con- cluded that this portion of Hewitt Street and th, e alley could be vacated the same as any other street. It can be vacated in the usual manner, split down the middle with one-half going to adjoining property owners. Following discussion~ it was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by LUTES to hold a public hearing on April 4, 1983, to get public input in order to make a decision as to whether to vacate or sell this property. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Joe Kelly made a complaint against City snow plowing. He wanted to know the fundamental right of a citizen to get in-. formation from the government and the action of the govern- ment itself-question seemed to be what was the City's policy on snow removal and their right to that policy. The complaint was taken under advisement in order to set up a policy on snow removal. Ralph Kangas presented an update on a proposed, three-year Airport Development program through Phase I, Airport Land Acquisition, and NDB Installation, stressing the passage of Federal legislation to fund airport development. However, there is no form of federal grant available for fiscal year 1983. Kangas gave a brief economic assessment of the McCall Airport. Wayne Pickerell, Idaho Department of Aeronautics, addressed the Council regarding Federal Grants and the procedure for obtaining such grants. State ~as helped Cities on airport projects in order to get projects ready for federal grants and, in turn, bring monies into the State. Pickerell com~.ented further on the Nondirectional Radio Beacon facility. Idaho Division of Aeronautics w~.ll be r~sp©nsible for the following items when installing a NDB v~nder a joint State/Local Project: (1) Preliminary Planning and Engineering, including site location, facility design and layout. (2) Selection and pur- chase of the NDB transmitter and associated equipment. (3) Installation of the facility, in~luding transmitter build- ing, antenna, antenna ground plane, securi~-fencing, signing, lighting, etc. (4) Establishment of an Operation and Mainten- ance Manual. (5) Obtainment of the FCC License. (6) Submission of the Application for an Instrument Approach to the FAA. The local community will be responsible for the following: (1) Obtainment of an approved facility site. The site must be held in fee title or a long term lease by the community. (2) Provide a source of primary 3 wire, 240 volt AC power to the site. (3) The construction of an approved, all-weater gravel surface sccess road. (4) Ail required construction and ela~ical permits, land use or zoning variances, etc. (5) The services of a certified journeyman electrician to connect the electri- cal power supply to the transmitter building. (6) Certification by the community that they will not attempt to restrict the use of the NDB facility, in any manner, by the flying public. (7) Pro- vide 24 hour monitoring of the facility, by the placement of an automated remote mc~nitor ~n the city police or county sheriff's radio dispatch room. (8) Provide for the ongoing operation and maintenance of the facility in accordance with an approved plan for either a VFR enr¢,ute aid or NPI approach. Pickerell summed up his presentation by giving an idea of the kind of costs in- volved in a NDB facility. It was the consensus of the Cou~cil the Airport Advisory Committee be given the opportunity te review the infor~ation presented and make recommendations to the City Council. There was a lengthy discussion regarding the feasibility of Bonding Schedule requirements for single-family dwellings over $150,000., condominiums, remodeling projects, subdivisions, commercial buildings, and control over a contractor coming in and laying a lot of lines. Chalfant asked for some sort of con- trol of cuts made in the public right of ways. Remaklus had no problem with the bonding requirement for road crossings and/or parallel cuts and large projects such as commercial buildings, condominiums, subdivisions and etc. and will research t~e pos- sibility of declaring unfinished or open foundations as public nuisances. The Easement between. Shore Club Lodge, Inc. and City of McCall for a permanent easement for the West Side pumping plant en the most Easterly portion of Lot 8 of Shel]worth-Park Addition was read at length. It was moved by FAIRCHII~D and seconded by LUTES to accept the Easement as gra~ted by Shore Lodge for the West Side Pump Station. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. The basic guide line policy previously proposed was discussed. Chairman CROWLEY explained that these are basic guide lines to serve the Council in arriving at decisions the Council must make in order to keep decision making fairly consistant w~th best interest of the City. Following discussion it was moved by LUTES and seconded by FAIRCHILD that the following resolutio~ be adopted: BE IT RESOLVED, That the following principles be adopted when arriving at Council decisions, to w~t: '(1) Is it consistant with Comprehensive Plan? (2) Is it ¢.onsistant with the Zoning Ordinance? (3) Is there a demonstrable need or demand? (4) Does it do the most good for majority of the people? (5) Will it fit into present City services? (6) Is it cost effective? (7) Is the applicant contributing his share? Upon vote FAIRCHILD, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion car- ried unanimously. Chalfant told the Council that Tudor Engineering Co. is re-- designing the design of the water pump station so that the City could invite bids on same. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by FAIRCHILD to authorize publication of a bid invitation for the chlorine contact chamber of the pump station as soon as plans and specifications ~ave been approved by Crowley and Chalfant. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. CROWLEY informed Councilmembers of his letter of March 2, 1983, to McCall Area Promotions group informing them that the City of McCall can, in no waN, allow an eve~ on its property if the three elements of gamblin~ which are chance, prize and con- sideration, are contemplated. The City received a reply from the M.A.P. group reassuring the City that they, as well as the McCall Area Chamber of Commerce, want to comply with the Valley County Prosecuter and all other laws and necessary approvals for their upcoming event. High Valley Musher's Association representative requested a permit to sell beer at the scheduled dog race sight. It was Attorney Remaklus' opinio~ that they would have to have a beer license. Following discussion, it was the consensus of the Council not to approve the request. Chairman CROWLEY commented on a letter from R~.ck Mallory of Payette Lakes Water & Sewer District that needed some personal apology. In effect, the letter stated that, according to their teohnical expertise or consultants, Larry Chalfant's proposed method of renovating some of the sand filters at the sewer lagoon were not acceptable t¢ them. In the meantime, our tech- nical experts were contacted and it turns out that Larry's method is seemly correct per study done by Tudor Engineering, so we plan to do it our way! McCall Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the Hard Plat of Village Condo II, by action taken at thee March 1, 1983, meeting. It was noted the owners are to main- tain the grinder pumps. City Superintendent Chalfant requested a letter f~'om Littletree Development Corporation assuming responsibility of the lift station. Following discussion, it ~-as moved by LUTES and seconded by FAIRCHILD the Hard Plat for Village Condo II be approved and the Cit~ Clerk ~e author- ized to execute the same on behalf of the Cit~~ upon proper execution of notary public. Upon vote the motion carried ~nanimously. The Impact Planning and Zoning Commission requested the City Council clarify the enforcement provisions of the Planning and Zoning ordinance concerning the responsibility of the functioning body to enforce the provisions in Title III. Since it was not clear to the Council what the problem was, the request was taken under advisement. CROWLEY will contact mem- bers of the Commission and report back to the Council. Mike McCabe stated that Mother's Day was coming up and many cities around the cou~try have a March for Peace or so~e type of anti-nuclear activities. He was trying t¢~ get Council ap- proval to recognize the days May 2 to 8 as an awareness week in which there would be goings-on having to do with public education on nu¢~lear issues and/or nuclear halocaust. It was the consensus of the Council to review a draft of a resolution that McCabe may be presenting at the April meeting. Citadel Corporation "T" Hangar lease on Space No. 4 for five (5) years was presented for actioa. Attorney Remakl~s reviewed the lease and could see no objection to the same. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by FAIRCHILD to approve the Citadel Corpor- ation "T" Hangar Lease at the McCall Airport for a period of five (5) years. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. The Associated Business Products agreement on a Cannon NP 120 copier for a total price of $2,395.00, less trade-in of $500.00 and government discount of $210.00, lea¥ing a balance of $1685.00 was presented. Jay Johnson, representative of ABP, agreed to monthly payments of $60. to $100. through September with the balance to be paid October 10, 1983. Following discussion, it was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by LUTES to approve the Associated Business Products Copier ~greement as described by the Clerk. Upon vote LUTES, FAIRCHILD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. The Clerk advised that the typewriter used in the Police Depart- ment was on a Maintenance Agreement with Just Copy's, Inc. w~o are no longer in business. International Business Machines will add this typewriter to the City's present Maintenance Agreement on other IBM machines for a cost of $134.00 per year, prorated~ for this year. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by FAIRCHILD to approve the typewriter IBM Maintenance Agreement II and author- ize the Clerk to execute same. Upon vote FAIRCHILD, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded b~~ LUTES tc grant the McCall Area Chamber of Commerce a Beer L~cense for beer to be consumed on the premises. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by FAIRCHILD to send Clerk Fogg to the Second Quarter District III Meeting in Boise, Idaho on March 18, 1983. Upon vote motion ~arried unanimously. City Clerk informed the Council of the Court S~mmons - For Service stating a Complaint has been filed against the C~ty in District Court by Matt Wallace, Plaintiff. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by LUTES to authorize Attorney Remaklus to make such filings that may be necessary to protect the interest of the City and/or take such actions that are necessary on behalf of the City. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by FAIRCHILD to move into Executive session for the purpose of disc~ss~.on of pending litigation with Payette Lakes Water and Sewer District. Upon vote motion carried unan~mously. The Council went into Execu- tive session at 10:20 p.m. and resumed the Regular meeting at 11:00 p.m. The following bills were read fQr payment: #140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 2oo 201 202 203 204 City of McCall - Water Revenue Bond Fund City of McCall - Water Revenue Bond Fund City of McCall - Gross Income Sewer Acct.~ Hugh H. Cooke Richard C. Jackson John L. Lyon Brian S. Mickels Larry S. Olson Ronnie D. Pomerinke Lewis E. Pratt Roger W. Rockwell Terry A. Sharp Paul K. Trahan Royce E. Willhoyt Skip's Texaco State Insurance Fund Roger D. Bates Sandra K. Bates Gloria L. Cantrell Joye S. Catlin Larry Chalfant Hugh H. Cooke James F. Creech William L. Crowley John B. Drips Mary Ellen Fairchild Donald L. Fitzwater Margaret E. Fogg Richard C. Jackson Rebecca L. Jeffries Gay H. Johnson William D. Keating John R. Lewinski Mary Jane Liberty Clifford Lutes John L. Lyon Barbara J. Marmo Brian S. Mickels Larry S. Olson Alta C. Pierson Ronnie D. Pomerinke Lewis E. Pratt Robert H. Remaklus Roger W. Rockwell Laura L. Rupe Terry Ann Sharp David B. Smith VOID Ernest E. Ward Royce E. Willhoyt Auditor, State of Idaho, Soc. Security Idaho First National Bank State of Idaho Tax Commission Public Employee Retirement System Association of Idaho Cities American Family Life Assurance Idaho Central Credit Union Idaho First National Bank Postmaster Pioneer Aviation, Inc. Postmaster Maury Ainger. Donald Aldrich Rick Bollar Bill Botsford 17,096.71 40,725.13 27,326.34 300.00 25O 00 250 00 300 00 25O 00 25O 00 25O 00 25O 00 25O 00 604 69 25O 00 599 70 11,999 98 1,053 08 6~08 22 759 40 697 54 1,267.11 735.52 144.66 26~18 688.72 110.31 808.57 1,016.57 662.20 457 68 827 77 819 10 1,102 42 464 49 110 31 1,156 64 361 35 679 54 915 75 5O8 51 803 92 617 00 633 96 764 24 564.91 321.99 1,185.80 VOID 116 62 631 67 4,867 28 4,468 70 1,423 05 5,158 4O 2,355 83 64 34 334 23 87 5O 6O 00 5OO 00 146 90 19 00 19 00 12.00 15.50 3O #205 2O6 207 208 2O9 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 25O 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 Tom Chaloupka Dan Cochran Dempsey Eddins Tim Everhart Martin Fitzgerald Tom French Jack Katzenberger Dave Smith Russ Smith Skip Taylor Dana West Doug Woods Gloria Cantrell John L. Lyon Lewis Pratt L. S. Olson Payette Lakes Ski Club State of Idaho Ponderosa State Park Gay H. Johnson Mike Isola Joe Marmo Winston Yeast Paul Hovdey Dean Hovdey Rick Frudenthal Jack Fuller Shawn Fuller Laura Rupe Acheson Motors Alaska Northwest Pub. Co. Susan Aldrich, R.N. American Library Association The Art Mart, Inc. Baker & Taylor Co. Barnes & Noble/Mail Annex Better Homes and Gardens Books Bidall Blue Lotus Boise City Police Dept. Boise Rigging Supply Brundage Office Supply Bruneel Tire Service Building Department, Inc. C & S Contracting Cal Gas McCall Chevron U.S.A. Century Laboratories Coast Marketing Group/SBC Sports Continental Telephone Co. Crafts 'n Things Dan's Saddlery Deckers, Inc. Doubleday & Company, Inc. Fisher Scientific Co. General Tire and Safety Equipment Granada Industrial Supply Hi Country Salvage & Recovery, Inc. IBM Ida-Ore Planning & Development Assoc. Idaho Blueprint & Supply Co. Idaho First National Bank Idaho First National Bank Idaho Power Co Idaho State Fire School Johnson Corporation Kerr Surveying Lakeview Chevron Service The Lumber Yard McCall Rental & Sales McCall Rexall Drug McCall Tire & Auto Repair May Hardware, Inc. Men's Wardrobe Merc of McCall Milne Truck Lines, Inc. 10.50 7.00 10.50 12.00 15.5,o 24.00 19.00 49.00 19.00 12.00 19.00 14.00 20.60 16.14 14.70 218.13 48.00 12.00 10.90 36.00 3O.OO 36.00 24.00 18.00 18.oo 57.00 42.00 67.50 200.00 18.00 156.00 25.OO 116.86 275.48 34.27 33.48 83.37 30.80 20.00 248.30 .99 198.68 605.00 3,647.04 2.93 3,273.04 28.oo 136.53 646.05 7.OO 78.95 11.75 23.76 183.83 242.70 215.90 29.50 106.10 491.62 37.22 416.52 1,051.67 6,208.25 10.00 148.28 42.00 6.5O 77.82 10.75 32 67 4 5o 56 46 54 98 64 42 99 #280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 3oo 301 302 303 304 3O5 306 307 3O8 309 310 311 Mom's Auto Parts Motorola, Inc. My Secretary Service Norco OSC Data O'Neill International, Inc. Payette Lakes Lumber Co., Inc. QBPC W.O.J. Seetin Serina Press Shaver's Shell Oil Co. Shirt & Sound Works Snowbird Laundry Southern Idaho Turfgrass Assoc. Stackpole Books Stan's Auto Parts Star News Starline Equipment Co. Statesman Dealer Tab Books, Inc. U.S. News & World Report United States Golf Association Valley County Wallace-Homestead Book Co. Wadsworth, Inc. Wallace Shop Water & Waste Water Equipment Co. Western Equipment Co. Writer's Digest Books William A. Kirk Insurance Agency McCall Police Department 79.88 184.00 3.08 57.45 236 20 1,355 62 76 58 9 35 278 28 10 70 66 76 34 90 94 50 54 3O 20 00 62 76 626 71 121 78 332.44 9.40 10.23 19.97 70.00 8O .45 10.27 18.9o 48.32 122.67 2,106.58 30.67 171.72 23.92 Following the reading of the bills, it was moved by LUTES and seconded by FAIRCHILD to accept the bills and order them paid. Upon vote LUTES, FAIRCHILD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion car- ried unanimously. Councilman LUTES announced that Lewis Pratt is graduating from Post Academy on Friday and he would be attending his graduation. Chairman CROWLEY adjourned the meeting at 11:35 p.m. until Monday,_April 4, 1983, Acting Mayor ~ at 7:00 p.m. Ci~y/lerk 31 MARCH 16, 1983 McCall City Council held a Special meeting Wednesday, March 16, 1983, at 4:14 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers FAIRC!HILD and LUTES and Clerk Fogg. Councilman WARD was absent. CROWLEY read the Special Meeting notice at length explaining the need for an Executive session to discuss the City's response to the Payette Lakes Water & Sewer District's proposal. Maureen Robertson, reporter from Star-News, wanted to register an objec- tion to the Executive session for the purpose of going over the Sewer District's proposal and coming up with a response. CROWLEY explained that this was relevant to the lawsuit which was filed against the City by the P.L.W. & S. District. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by LUTES to go into Executive session, the purpose being to consider hiring a public employee and to consider and advise its legal representative in pending litiga- tion. Upon vote the motion ¢:arI~ied unanimously. The Council moved into Executive session at 4:18 p.m. The Regular session of the meeting was reconvened at 8:07 p.m. There was discussion of the urgent need for construction of the chlorinator chamber of the water pump house, on the Shore Club Lodge property, and the water line before the rising of the water in the lake. Remaklus explained the emergency procedure process which can be instigated under an emergency resolution by the City Council. Chairman CROWLEY ~i~troduced a Resolution for bids and construction of a chlorine contact basin and water lines, the early phase of the water pump station. Following the reading of the Resolution in full by Attorney Remaklus, it was moved by Lutes and seconded by Fairchild to adopt the Resolution as read by Attorney Remaklus. Upon vote FAIRCHILD, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. Following discussion, Remaklus offered an amendment to the Resolution which ~onsists of the addition of the following words to Section 1, under NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: "and that the public interest and necessity demand the immediate expendi- ture of public money to safeguard life, health and property? It was moved by LUTES and seconded by FAIRCHILD to adopt the following Resolution, including the amendment as read: WHEREAS, there is insufficient water pressure ~n the McCall municipal water system to provide adequate domestic water for the West end of the city: WHEREAS, due to low water ~ressure there is little or no fire protection for the West end of the city; WHEREAS, the city has received correspondence from its insurance agent accompanied by correspondence from a major reinsurance company threatening to w~thdraw fire prote6tion coverage from the City of McCall because of lack of water pressure, copies of which correspondence are attached hereto; WHEREAS, in order to provide an adequate and sufficient domestic water supply and furnish fire protection to the West end of~ the City of McCall it is necessary to construct a new pumping plant to pump water from Big Payette Lake into the city water system which pumping plant should be located on the West side of the Payette River near Shore Lodge in McCall, Idaho; WHEREAS, the City of McCall has obtained an easement for the location of such water p~imp~ng system from Shore Club Lodge, Inc., on certain of its property in a suitable location for such water pumping plant; WHEREAS, construction of such water pumping plant requires the installation of a chlorine contact basin which extends below the low water mark of Big Payette Lake; WHEREAS, Big Payette Lake is now at its lowest elevation and will soon begin to fill as a result of warm weather; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to construct such chlorine contact basin and a portion of the water transmission and intake lines within the next 30 to 35 days or the water level of Big Payetta Lake will be sufficiently high to prevent construction thereof until the spring of 1984, said chlorine contact basin being about 24 feet deep. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED b~~ the City Council of the City of McCall, Idaho, as follows: 1. That an emergency exists and said chloring contact basin and water lines must be constructed forthwith before Big Payette Lake rises to prevent the same and t~at the public interest and necessity demand the immediate expenditure o~ public money to safeguard life, health and property. 2. That such chlorine contact basin and water lines shall be constructed according to plans a~d sp~.cifications prepared by Tudor Engineering Company, Boise, Idaho. 3. That the city shall advertise for competitive bids therefor in the March 23, 1983, issue of the Star-News, the official newspaper of said city, and the March 20 thru 22, 1983, issues of the Idaho Daily Statesman, Boise, Idaho, and that copies of such plans and specifications shall be delivered to the Associated General Contractors no later than March 18, 1983. 4. That such bids shall be received ~ntil 5:00 P.M., Friday, March 25, 1983, at the City Hall at McCall, Idaho, and shall be publicly opened and read immediately thereafter. Dated this 16th day of March, 1983. /s/ W. L. Crowley Council President Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. It was moved b~ FAIRCHILD and seconded by LUTES to adjourn the meeting until Monday, April 4, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Upon vote motion carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 9:02 p.m. A~c t ifig Mayor Ciky:lerk · MARCH 25, ~983 McCall City Council held a Special Meeting Friday, March 25, 1983, at 5:04 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilman LUTES, City Superintendent Chalfant, Attorney Remaklus and Clerk Fogg. Councilmembers FAIRCHILD and WARD were absent. Chairman CROWLEY announced that it was the time and place advertised for the purpose of opening of the bids for the construction of Water System Improvements, Phase I. The City Clerk had received only one bid which bid was from MacGregor Triangle Company of Boise, Idaho. Attorney Eemaklus advised the Council that, since there is not a quorum of Councilmembers present, all that can be, done is open and read the bids. MacGregor Triangle Company's bid proposal was for $122,255.00 Remaklus stated the bid proposal, including the bid bond of 5% of the b~d, appears to be in order subject to review by the City Engineer. CROWLEY announced that MacGregor Triangle Company's bid proposal of $122,255.00 would be taken under advisement for consideration at earliest meeting of Council quorum. CROWLEY adjourned the meeting at 5:14 p.m. until Monday, April 4, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Acting M~y Ci~y:lerk ~: ' MARCH 28, 1983 McCall City Council held a Special meeting Monday, March 28, 1983, at 3:40 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers FAIRCHIID and LUTES and Clerk Fogg. Councilman WARD was absent. Chairman CROWLEY announced that the purpose of the call for a Special meeting was to consider hiring a public employee and such other and further business that may come before the meeting. There was discussion regarding the bid received from MacGregor Triangle Company of $122,225.00 for Water System Improvememts, Phase I. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by FAIRCHILD the Council reject MacGregor Triangle Company's bid of $122,255.00 for Water System Improvements, Phase I, because of insufficient City funds. Upon Yore FAIRCHILD, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. It was move~ by FAIRCHILD and seconded by LUTES to go into Executive session for the purpose of interviewing a candidate for City Administrator. Upon vote the motion carried unani- mously. The Council went into Executive session at 3:45 p.m. The E~:ecutive session ~losed at 5:05 p.m. and it was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded b~~ LUTES to adjourn. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. CROWLEY announced that the meeting was being reopened as it had been prematurely adjourned and there was some unfinished busi- ness' to consider. City Superintendent Chalfant had researched the building costs of other city water pump stations and gave the figures to the Council. After lengthy discussion, it was consensus of the Council that the bid from MacGregor Triangle Company for the Water System Imprcvements, Phase I, came in considerably higher than was estimated and that the City did not have these funds available. It was moved b~ FAIRCHI~ and seconded by LUTES to go into Executive session to discuss applicants for City Administrator and consider hirir, g new City Administrator. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. The E~:ecutive session began at 5:22 p.m. and concluded at 6:25 p.m. The Council set a time for an Executive session on Wednesday, March 30, 1983, at 5:00 p.m. to complete details of hiring an Administrator. There being no further Lusiness to come before the Council, it ~as moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by LUTES to adjourn the meeting until Monday, April 4, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Acting-Mayor Cit~erk MARCH 30, 1983 A Special meeting and E~:ecutive session called for Wednesday, March 30, 1983, at 5:00 p.m. was cancel]ed by City Clerk Fogg at 5:02 p.m. because of the, absence of Councilmembers Crowley, Fairchild, Lutes and Ward. APRIL 4, 1983 McCall City Council held a Regular meeting Monday, April 4, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers FAIRCHILD, LUTES and WARD, City Superintendent Chalfant, Attorney Remaklus and Clerk Fogg. The minutes of the March 4th and 7th, 1983 meetings were ap- proved as recorded. Attorney Killen, representing John & Laurel McKinney, pre- sented a Mooring Agreement for an excursion restaurant business to be operated on Payette Lake, asking for the privilege to load and off-load patrons and supplies from the public landings at Roberts Park and Mill Park, and requesting the City's consent to obtain moorage permit for the vessel about 100 feet from the seawall fronting Mill Park. He discussed conditions and fees for these various privileges. Following a lengthy discussion on the operation of tt~is vessel, parking, provisions loading and the off-load of garbage and sewage, concern of the aesthetic quality and use of park inconsistencies, it was the consensus of the Council to take the proposal under advisement in order to make contacts with interested parties for input. CROWLEY requested Chalfant and Ward to do some research on such mooring and consent for loading. Council was in receipt of a letter from Larry I. McPherson, Clearwater, Idaho, presenting a proposal for organizing a horse-drawn carriage tour in McCall community during the summer months of 1983. Following discussion, it was the con- sensus of the Council that Chairman CROWLEY write McPhearson to explain what we understand of his proposal and how we would probably want to handle a horse-drawn carriage tour, if agreed to, and then get back to him following a more firm proposal for Council consideration. Chairman CROWLEY announced it was tee time and place advertised for a public hearing to determine whether or not to sell or vacate a street and alley in Brundage Subdivision, the exten- sion of Hewitt Street through lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Block "E" and extension of the alley along the North side of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of said Block "E". Ja~ Volk, representing George Mack, spoke in support of the vacation of both street and alley extensions. She said it was George Mack's viewpoint the City of McCall should build a road to make his lots accessible or deed the easement back to him~ in which case he will build and maintain the road at h~.s expense. Citizens appearing be- fore the Council to speak in opposition to this street vaca- tion were Blair Shepherd, Tom Kerr, and Marc Anderson giving reasons as being reluctant to give up alley access to Lake Street lots as well as opposed to giving street right of ways away. Following discussion it was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD the City retain Hewitt Street and alley ex- tensions easements. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. A "Proposed Sewer Regulations for the C~ty of Me, Call" draft, which amends the present sewer City Code, was presented for consideration. Attorney Remaklus requested an opportunity to review the ordinance and redraft for adoption. The document was taken under advisement for proper legal writing. Remaklus reported on the open, unfinished and abandoned foun- dations being classified as nuisan¢~es. The present City Ordi- nance, Chapter 5-2-1 Nuisances, would embrace those with the resolution and finding by the City that it is ~n fact a nuisance. The McCall Planning and Zoning Commission recommendations at their March 15, 1983, meeting were considered. There was no action taken on the P & Z recommendation of approYal of the annexation of the property owned by William Kirk and Lester Peterson into the City of McCall because a letter request, dated March 21, 1983, had been received from Thomas W. Kerr which read in part: "Realizing the situation the Payette Lakes Water & Sewer District is trying to get the City into, Mr. Kirk and Mr. Peterson request that the hearing on their annex- ation before the City Council be delayed to a future date". With regards to the P & Z recommendation of the approval of the Zone Reclassification of the Merc Store, Attorney Remaklus' opinion was the City Council wo~ld have to have a public hear- ing on this request, based on the State Land Use Planning Act 65-67. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by WARD to set a public hearing for May 2nd Council meeting. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. CROWLEY informed the Council of the need to appoint two (2) members to the McCall Planning a~d Zoning Commission~ vacan- cies to fill are those of Judy deReus and Roman Klott. It was the consensus of the Council to place a notice or ad in the Star-News in order to appoint persons that are interested. Correspondence from William R. Rapoport, dated March 1, 1983, was read at length in which he requested transfer of Bruce Minter's land lease underlying T Hangars No. 7 and 8 be trans- ferred to Thomas O. Wooten, his client. Following discussion it was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded b~~ WARD to authorize ~e transfer of Bruce Minter's T Hangar leases on T Hangars No. 7 and 8 to Thomas O. Wooten. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. McCall Wine and Cheese Depot submitted applications for beer and wine to be consumed on the premises with payment of $400.00 for same, which applications had the approval of Chief John Lyon. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD to approve McCall Wine and Cheese Depot applications for beer and wine to be con- sumed on the premises and grant the licenses. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Tom Kerr asked that the City ordinan~ regarding City Council action with regard to holding a second public hearing after receiving P & Z recommendations on zone reclassification and etc. be amended to comply with State statutes. Mary Benson raised questions regarding the City's local option tax, if merchants were in compliance, how many delinquents, and if the C~ty is launching an aggressive effort to collect. Clerk advised that all merchants, with exception of three, were eom-- plying and those in arrears have been sent letters setting a definite date for ~.ayment of taxes and applicable interest. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by WARD to go into Executive session to consider hiring an employee. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Council went into Executive session at 8:45 p.m. until 11:20 p.m. The following bills were read for payment: #312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 33o 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 35O 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 J. W. Crutcher Sec.- Treas. Ida. Water & Wastewater Oper. Hugh H. Cooke Richard C. Jackson John L. Lyon Larry S. Olson Ronnie D. Pomerinke Lewis E. Pratt Roger W. Rockwell Terry A. Sharp Royce E. Willhoyt Brian S. Mickels Idaho Water & Wastewater Postmaster Idaho Dept of Water Resources Idaho Dept. of Lands Margaret E. Fogg Terry Sharp Roger D. Bates Sandra K. Bates Gloria L. Cantrell Joye S. Catlin Larry Chalfant Hugh H. Cooke James F. Creech William L. Crowley John B. Drips Mary Ellen Fairchild Donald L. Fitzwater Margaret E. Fogg Richard C. Jackson Rebecca L. Jeffries Gay H. Johnson William D. Keating John R. Lewinski Mary Jane Liberty Clifford Lutes John L. Lyon Barbara J. Marmo Brian S. Mickels Ralph R. Murray Larry S. Olson Alta C. Pierson Ronnie D. Pomerkinke Lewis E. Pratt Robert H. Remaklus Roger W. Rockwell Laura L. Rupe Terry A. Sharp David B. Smith 8.00 10.00 300.00 25o.oo 25O.OO 25O.OO 25O.OO 25O.OO 25O.OO 3OO.OO 25O.OO 3OO.OO 5.OO 60.00 45.00 5o.oo 21.38 22.18 1,036.29 553.22 657.38 697.54 1,267.11 735.52 135.36 26 18 688 72 110 31 8O8 57 1,016 57 662 20 351 94 842 41 783 04 1,102 42 394 66 110 31 1,156.64 491 25 679 54 263 36 915 75 559 5O 803 92 617 00 633 96 764 24 337 54 293 73 1,185 80 #362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 38O 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 '391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 4OO 401 402 4o3 404 4o5 406 407 4O8 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 Ernest E. Ward Royce E. Willhoyt State Auditor, Social Security Admin. Idaho First National Bank State of Idaho Tax Commission Public Employees Retirement System Association of Idaho Cities American Family Life Assurance Co. Idaho Central Credit Union Terry Sharp, Water Clerk Postmaster Maury Ainger Don Aldrich Rick Bollar Bill Botsford Tom Chaloupka Dan Cockran Dempsey Eddins Tim Everhart Martin Fitzgerald Tom French Jack Katzenberger Bill Haworth Dave Smith Russ Smith Skip Taylor Dana West Doug Woods Amateur Softball Association Amateur Softball Association Gloria Cantrell Larry L. Chalfant Hugh H. Cooke Margaret E. Fogg Richard C. Jackson McCall Police Department The Art Mart Acheson Motors The Baker & Taylor Co. Baxter Foundry & Machine Works, Inc. Better Homes & Gardens Books Biddall Blue Lotus Books Brundage Office Supply Bruneel Tire Service Building Department, Inc. C R P Inc. C & S Contracting Cambridge Litho Century Laboratories Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Coast Marketing Group Continental Telephone Co. Cummins Intermountain Demco Ebsco Subscription Services F - Stop Film & Camera Fire Chief Magazine Gem Communications, Inc. Great Western Chemical Co. Hover, John C., Attorney at Law Idaho Chief's of Police Assoc. Idaho First National Bank Idaho First National Bank Idaho Sporting Goods Idaho Power Co. Ingram Killen & Pittenger, P.A. The Lumber Yard McCall Air Taxi, Inc. McCall Printing McCall Rexall Drug McCall Texaco May Hardware, Inc. Medley Sports Men's Wardrobe 116.62 631.67 4,712.73 4,300.30 1,374.30 4,939.07 2,355.83 64.34 389.78 18.80 152.10 35.5o 39.00 28.5O 14.00 10.50 25.5O 34.00 25.OO 39.00 19 00 44 00 8 5O 64 00 39 00 29 00 44.00 3O.5O 63.40 20.00 62.5O 9.15 6O.OO 62.08 6.05 16.90 31.26 25.OO 26.89 1,054.40 13.69 67.93 22.75 9.77 204.92 1,100.00 13.80 223.51 38.OO 28.00 12.07 1,441.43 199.55 55O 57 11,205 40 66 24 5 81 17 61 17 00 35 00 360.81 312 70 20 00 1,051 67 416 52 97 70 5,970 07 191 10 1,398 05 344 25 37 25 198 78 12 11 8 5o 188 9O 2 00 141 05 #439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 45O 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 Merc of McCall Mom's Auto Parts Michael C. Moore .. Motorola, Inc. My Secretary Service Norco OSC Data Pace Industries Payette Lakes Lumber Co Publishers Central Bureau Robert H. R6maklus Salskov Transfer W.O.J. Seetin Shaver's Shell Oil Co. Snowbird Laundry Sports Marina Stan's Auto Parts Star News Statesman Dealer The Statesman Sundance Dodge Inc. Time Life Books Tucker & Associates Valley County The Wallace Shop Walter F. Stephens, Jr., Inc. Postmaster Association of Idaho Cities John Lewinski 21.60 12.48 223.40 2.00 6.00 34.70 241.00 150.87 104.87 6.48 2,714.11 28.40 278.28 12.81 21.00 52.65 18.30 298.71 89.60 21 40 74 84 82 6O 8 98 234 98 497 05 15 61 13 62 8o 00 2,355 83 156 04 Following the reading of the bills, it ~as moved by WARD and seconded by LUTES to accept the bills and order them paid. Upon vote LUTES, FAIRCHILD, WARD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. It was the consensus of the Council to send FAIRCHILD, and any other Council member able to go, to the Spring District Workshop in Nampa, Idaho, April 14, 1983. The City Clerk asked for authorization to borrow $1,685. ~ 8.5% interest rate from the Idaho First National Bank, McCall Office, to pay Associated Business Products for the purchase of the Canon NP120 copier. It was the consensus of the Council to auth- orize the Clerk to proceed with paper work necessary to enable the City to borrow the $1,685.00 ~ 8.5% interest rate. CROWLEY updated the Council on the Woodman Cafe sign. Letter was sent giving Ernest Woods until March 10, 1983, to comply with the sign ordinance or have the sign removed. Woods obtained information and proper forms for applying for a variance but has not made an application as yet. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by FAIRCHILD to adjourn the meeting until Monday, May 2, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Upon vote motion carried unanimously and the meeting was adjourned at 12:48 a.m April 5, 1983. ~A~c t lng- Mayor MAY 2, 1983 McCall City Council held a Regular meeting Monday, May 2, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers FAIRCHILD, WARD and LUTES, ~ GtN Superin- tendent Chalfant, Attorney Remaklus arid Clerk Fogg. The minutes of March 16, 25, 28 and 30 and April 4, 1983, were approved as recorded. William Powers, Henry Shank, Robert and Nora Rodriquez, Larry and Debby Jones and David Byers were present to register com- plaints with regard to the recent flooding of basements. CROWLEY advised that they submit any claims, damages or whatever to the City Clerk, who will turn in such claims to the C~.ty's insurance carrier. The claim should be in letter form, addressed to the City Council, contain one's name, address and telephone number, date of occurence, brief description of what happened, and the approximate amount of the damage. Don Boos presented three proposals for location and erection of a 20' x 40' tent to be used for special promotional sales approximately five (~) times a year. After reviewing the pro- posals and discussion, it was moved by WARD and seconded by LUTES to approve proposal number three (3), which proposal locates the tent within Shaver's parking lot on 2nd Street and Lenora. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. Copies of Anti-Nuclear resolution and pertinent information were given to the Council members and Mike McCabe requested the resolution be considered at this meeting. Following dis- cussion, it was moved by WARD and seconded by FAIRCHILD the Council remain nonpartisan to any particular political move- ment and/or issue. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Chairman CROWLEY announcad that this is the time and place advertised for a public hearing to consider the Mercantile Stores Company request to reclassify the following described premises from Zone B Residential to Zone C Commercial and, also, consider said change to the Comprehensive Plan: A parcel of land in Lot 4 of Section 9, T. 18 N., R. 3 .E., B. M. in Valley County, Idaho, more particularly described as follows; to wit: Commencing on the northerly boundary of Park Street which point is 225 feet north and 2~4 feet West of the south- east corner of Government Lot 4, Section 9, T. 18 N. R. 3 E., B.M.; thence North, 40.0 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING; thence West 200.0 feet; t~en¢~e North, 106.54 feet ; thence East 200.0; thence South, 106.54 feet; to the Point of Beginning. At the Mar¢.h 15, 1983, meeting the McCall Planning and Zoning Commission recommended the approval of the zone reclassifica- tion proposed by Mercantile Stores Company to have Commercial zoning on n~th 106.5 feet of property that abuts the store, and B-Residential o~ the south 40 feet of the property with the standards used in the evaluation being: (1) The change does not require an amendment tc the Comprehensive Plan. (2) Ordinance used to make this decision were Chapters 24 and 25 of the City Code. (3) This will be beneficial to the City of McCall. Roger Fleenor, Steve Trout, Rich Jordan and Ken Patterson spoke in favor of the reclassification. Fleenor addressed the various concerns of citizens and neighborhood. Trout explained the architectural p]~ans of the building, the landscaping, and truck traffic pattern. There were comments made by Hank Shank, Rod Nielson, Marc Anderson, Tom Kerr, Matt Wallace, Mary Benson, and Bill Prouty regarding the increased tr~ck traffic on Park Street, which street, some contended, was substandard. Chair~an CROWLEY suggested the road width be verified, shoulders be built up, enforcement of parking regulations off pavement, clean up of the corner by Star News, and proper traffic signs be posted. Marc Anderso~ objected to the City financing street improve- ment on Park Street for commercial project expansion. Following lengthy discussion, it was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by WARD to uphold the recommendation of the McCall Planning and Zoning Commission as presented and approve the zone reclassi- fication of the Mercantile Stores Company wit?~ the stipulation that Park Street road width of 24 feet be verified, road shoul- ders be built up, traffic signs be ~nstalled, and enforcement of off street parking off pavement. Upon vote, WARD, LUTES FAIRCHILD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. Remaklus presented a draft of an ordinance relating to the McCall sewer system which would repeal Chapter 4 of Title VIII of the Village Code and amending Title VIII by the addition of a new Chapter 4 and oth~er suggested additions. Remaklus recom- mended that copies of the material be given to Council members for study prior to consideration at the next regular ~eeting. Remaklus presented and read at length proposed Ordinance No. 461, AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PUBLIC WAYS AND PROPERTY; AMENDING TITLE VIII OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF McCALL, IDAHO, BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW CHAPTER 10 PROVIDING FOR A PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT DRIVEWAYS CONNECTI~TO PUBLIC STREETS AND WAYS, PROV- IDING DEFINITIONS, PROVIDING SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION, PROVIDING FOR A PERMIT FEE AND PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD to. suspend the rules for passage of proposed Ordinance No. 461. Upon vote motion car- ried unanimously. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by LUTES to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 461. Upon vote WARD, FAIRCHILD, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously and Ordinance No. 461 is duly adopted. Remaklus presented and read at length proposed Ordinance No. 462, AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PAYMENT OP FINES AND PROCEDURES; REPEALING SECTION 5-4-30(A) OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF McCALL, IDAHO. It was moved by WARD and seconded by LUTES to suspend the rules for passage of proposed Ordinance No. 462. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD to adopt y~roposed Ordinance No. 462. Upon vote WARD~ FAIRCHILD, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously and Ordinance No. 462 is duly adopted. Remaktus presented and read in full proposed Ordinance No. 463, AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ZONING; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 455 OF THE CITY OF McCALL, IDAHO, PASSED AND APPROVED NOVEMBER 1, 1982, TO CLARIFY DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY REZONED THEREIN. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by FAIRCHILD to suspend the rules for passage of proposed Ordinance No. 463. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. It was moved by WARD and seconded bp LUTES to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 463. Upon vote WARD, FAIRCHILD, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanin~ously and Ordinance No. 463 is duly adopted. Chairman CROWLEY asked for a motion to have t~e City Superinten- dent, Larry Chalfant, proceed on the construction of the City's sewer by-pass line at an approximate cost of approximately $380,000.00 to $400,000.00. CROWLEY informed the Council that an app].ication for a grant has been made to help on this project with no assurance that it will be approved.. FollowiNg discussion it was moved by WARD and seconded by FAIRCHI~ to authorize the City of McCall to proceed on the building of the sewer by-pass line from Pine street to the river via Idaho and Mission streets. Upon vote FAIRCHILD, WARD, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. It was explained that the Glenn Munn garage building applica- tion will have to be presented to. the Planning and Zoning Com- mission again as there will be new figures for the plot plan. Tom Kerr stated there was a 30' road right of way in this area instead of a 50' right of way. Remaklus reported that the McCall Athletic Foundation suit against Chief Lyon and Blair Shepherd went to trial April 28. Evidence was presented on behalf of the plaintiffs as to the manner in which they intend to conduct a Calcutta and the man- ner was submitted to Judge Smith for a decision. Remaklusand Lynch are supposed to pPesent briefs as to whether or not a Calcutta conducted in,is manner is violating either of the constitutional provisions against lotteries, the Sta~ gambling law, or the State pool selling law. The proposed agreement with the b~ilding inspector was re- drafted by Attorney Remaklus in accordance with Council direc- tions. It was moved by FAIRCHILD to accept the Building Inspector Agreement as redrafted and authorize signature of same by Acting Mayor. Motion was withdrawn as it was the con- sensus of the Council to take the agreement under advisement for the Administrator's review. A public hearing dete of Monda~ June 6, 1983, was set for the Merritt Conitz zone reclassification request. At the McCall Planning and Zoning Commission meeting of April 23, 1983, the commission recommends the approval of the Variance request of Dr. Cussler and Dr. Shellworth on Lots 22 and 23 of Village Square Commercial Center. The request was to allow a medical building to be built 13 feet instead of 20 feet from the rear of the property. Standards used in evaluation were: (1) Ordina~esused to make this decision were Chapters 3-23 and 3-24 of the City Code. (2) It is not in conflict with public interest; and (3) Not allowing the Variance would deprive the property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity. CROWLEY suggested the City Attorney analyse the problem to see if the Council has to take any action as it was thought that the variance had to do w~th the Village Square convenants. It was the consensus of the Council to take this variance request under advisement for researc~h and an opinion by City Attorney Remaklus. At the April 25, 1983, meeting of the McCall Area of the City Impact Commission the commission recommends the approval of the Variance request of Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Udell to build a garage 12 feet closer to the property line than the required 20 foot setback line on the North 75 feet of Lot 31, Amended Payette Lakes Cottage Sites based on findings as follows: Notice was give~ pursuant to the McCall Area of City Impact Zoning Ordinance, Section 19-2, entitled "Notice of Public Hearing", and a Public Hearing was held on March 28, 1983, and continued until April 25, 1983, pursuant to the McCall Area of City Impact Zoning Ordinance, Section 19-3. The McCall Area of City Impact Planning and Zoning Commission pursuant to the McCall Area of City Impact Zoning Ordinance Section 19-4 (A) finds as follows: A. That non-conforming use~ of neighboring lands, structures and buildings were not the basis for the issuance or denial of the Udell variance. B. The variance was not granted as a convenience nor to permit profit to Mr. and Mrs. Udel]. C. That special conditions exist which are peculiar to Mr. and Mrs. Udell's property, wherein a literal enforce- ment of the provisions of this Ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship to them. D. That strict application of t~e provisions of the Me, Call Area of City Impact Zoning Ordinance would result in unnecessary hardship to the applicant. E. That to grant such a variance as requested b~' the appli- cants would not be contrary to the public interest. F. Undue hardship was de~o~strated by the applicant and it was found that the following special circumstances are applicable to the property: 1. The Udells are one of the only full time residents within approximately one-quarter to one-half mile to the north and to the south. 2. The Udells provide the majority of the snow removal and maintenance to Happy Day Way and Payette Drive which are the access travel ways to their p~operty. 3. The Udell lot is within the Payette Lakes Cottage sites which is owned by the State of Idaho. The Udelts are fee s~mple owners of their lot and therefore their lot is not subject to the usual State of Idsho, Department of Lands rules of a 15 foot setback applicable to the remaining leased property i~ the Payette Lakes Cottage sites. However, it is subject to the McCall Area of City Impact regulations that states the setback in A-Residen- tial is 20 feet. 4. When the Udell property was procured from the State of Idaho, t~ere were no restrictive covenants limiting height, setback or protecting the view of adjoining lots. The Udell lot is of a peculiar size because it is 200 feet long by only 75 feet in width. 5. The West end of the lot is partially consumed by several large trees. 6. The topographic map shows an approximate 43 foot drop along the length of the property and an approx- imately 30% grade along the length of the p~¢perty. 7. There is no vehicular access to t~e house itself for over six months out of the year in an average year. 8. Several situations from the same area demonstrated structures closer to property lines than the setback requirements of the Ordinance permit and in some cases there were even ¢~loser seth~acks than that which the Udells requested. 9. The proposed structure is so designed that snow will slide away from Payette Drive. 10. That the Variance does not provide any safety hazards f~om a law enforcement or safety stand- point as set out in the exhibits. 11. That the majority of affected persons were either in favor of or failed to object to the issuance of a variance. 12. That the State of Idaho, which is the largest single landowner, does not object to the variance as shown in exhibit "C" 13. The facts received at the Public Hearing permitted the Impact Area Planning and Zoning Commission to conclude that undue hardship was demonstrated by the applicant and it was found that because of the special circumstan¢~es applicable to the property, including size, shape, topography, location, traffic conditions and surroundings, a strict application of the use regulations would have: 1. Deprived the prcperty of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity; 2. The application and variance would not be in conflict with the public interest. 3. It was further found that the special conditions and circustances of Lot 31 were not the result of actions by the applicants themselves. 4. That granting of the variance as requested would not confer upon the applicant any special pri- vilege that is denied by this ordinance to ot~er lands, structures or ~.~uildi~gs in the same ~istrict. Greg Pittenger~ representing Connie White who is the owner of State lease lot directly West and behind Udell property, re- quests that the City Council deny - not follow the recommen- dation of the Impact Area Planning and Zoning Commissio~ on two grounds: (1) The request for variance was for 12 foot and it would be for 18 foot with 6 foot overhang. Public notice for a 12 foot variance is improper. (2) Ask that Coun¢~il take into account some of the inequities involved, construction of this garage in this area would mean White's lakeview lot would have the view blocked. Dave Byars, Bil] Prouty and Matt Wallace spoke in favor of t~e variance. Udell answered Pittenger's objections. Julie Eddins, Chairman of Impact Area P & Z ~ommissioD, explained the find- ings of the Commission. Following a lengthy discuss~.on, it was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD to uphold the decision of the Impact Planning and Zoning Commission. Upon vote WARD and LUTES voted AYE. FAIRCHILD and CROWLEY voted NAY. Motion was defeated. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded b)' WARD to approve the recommendation of the Impact Planning and Zoning Commission with the stipulation that either the garage overhang be eliminated or the b~ilding be set back to conform with the way it was advertised for public hearing notice. Upon v~te WARD, FAIRCHILD, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion car- ried unanimously. Tim Everhart obtained a building permit on behalf of Goodman Oil Company for an addition to an existing Commercial build- ing on August 19, 1982, paying fees of $68.50. He is request- ing a refund on this permit as the addition was not constructed. The consensus of the Council is to take the request ~,nder ad- visement for research by City Attorney. An Agreement wit~ Idaho Department cf Labor and Industrial Services relating to the Plumbing Bureau, administration of permits and fees was presented for consideration. The agree- ment was taken under advisement for research by Remaklus as to what the City's obligations are in order to receive the 10% of the plumbing fees. The Clerk read a letter from McCall Chamber of Commerce notifying the: Council that the Chamber will be sponsoring the John Strong Circ~ on June 30th. The Clerk was instructed to advise the Chamber of the Lions Club project of sponsoring a circ:us each year and ask that they coordinate dates. The City received a copy of an Application for a Permit to Make an. Encroachment on a Navigable Lake or Reservo~r by May Hardware, Inc. to install commercial moorage in Payette Lake adjacent to Tax Numbers 161 and 162 in Section 9, Town- ship 18 North, Range 3 East in Valley County. The State of Idaho, Department of Lands, solicits the C~ty's written com- ments prior to reviewing the application for a permit. Chair- man CROWLEY asked WARD to obtain the details on this appli- cation and check back with the City Administrator. Councilman WARD reported the Golf Course Commission has decided they would retain the sa~e fees this year as last year, reason being the funds were only added to the General Fund, not used for improvement of Golf Course. Golf Pro Drips is requesting Season passes for Bill and Sue Mookwitz, Ross Livingston, and four (4) Junior passes for young people em- ployed by Drips during summer. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by LUTES to approve the recommendation of Golf Pro. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Councilmember FAIRCHILD reported that t~e City maintenance crew has started work on the lift station and sewer line by the Forestry Camp/Maggie Hoskins. Also, reported her concern with open foundations w~th two or three feet of water. Chief Lyon advised that he could take care of the problem by noti- fying property owner/developer of a definite time ~.n which to remedy situation. It was the consensus of the Council to have the Police Department take immediate action with noti- fication by letter. LUTES read the recommendation f~om Police Chief Lyon for the reduction of speed limit to 25 mi]es per hour in Lick Creek Road area. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by LUTES to uphold Chief Lyon's recom~endation and approve the posting of 25 miles per hour speed limit for that portion of Lick Creek road located within the City of McCall. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Police Chief Lyon's second recommendation was concerning the pedestrian traffic on the North end of Davis Street. It was moved b~' LUTES and seconded by WARD to uphold Chief Lyons recommendation and adopt and impose a traffic regulation that there be "No Parking Anytime" from the North boundary of Cal Gas on the East, So~th boundary of the Aspens and West to Lick Creek road w~.th such areas to be properly signed. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Chairman CROWLEY read the Payette Lakes Water and Sewer District's reply to the C~ty's amendment proposal of a guarantee to provide the Sewer District 1,000,000 gallons per day lagoon space. Their reply stated such proposal amend- ment is totally unacceptable. The Nondirectional Radio Beacon (NDB) project at the airport was discussed. Following discussion~ it was moved b~~ WARD and seconded by LUTES to proceed with the NDB project. Upon vot~ motion carried unanimously. Attorney Remaklus advised the Council of the letter from W. H. Dorris, McCall Air Taxi, dated April 20, 1983. With relation to the payment of delinquent fuel taxes, Dorris is asking for Council approval to pay such taxes on a monthly basis and the tax on current deliveries of fuel to be paid by them at the time of delivery rather than by the distributor. It was the consensus of the Council to give McCall Air Taxi/ Bill Dorris until July 1, 1983, to pay arrears taxes and pay- ment of ta×es to be made for each current delivery. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. The Clerk reported that, in order to borrow $1,685.00 from the bank to pay purchase price of the copier mac~ine, the City must go on a tax anticipation note, which note must be paid out of this year's tax receipts. It was Remaklus' opinion that it was not ~ractical to go through all necessary maneuvers for $1,685. and recommended this invoice be placed with current payables and payment authorized. It was the consensus of the Council this b~lling be paid out of this year's revenue. There was a question raised as to the possibility of getting the Mill Park for a Crafts Fair around the 4th of July. This would be a commercial endeavor for artists with crafts, music and various activities. It was the consensus of the Council not to set any new preoedence as to the useage of City pro- perty which presently excludes use for commercial projects. Remaklus requested the Planning and Zening Commission Secretary to send him copies of recommendations sent to the Council in order th~ he may prepare for matters that are to be addressed at the meetings. The Council set a Special Executive Meeting for Monday, May 9, 1983, 3:30 p.m. to discuss personnel policy and up- date Administrator on litigation. The following bills were read for payment: #469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 48O 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 5OO 501 5O2 5O3 5O4 5O5 5O6 5O7 5O8 5O9 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 52O 521 522 523 524 Hugh H. Cooke Richard C. Jackson John L. Lyon Brian S. Mickels Larry S. Olson Ronnie D. Pomerinke Lewis E. Pratt Roger W. Rockwell Terry A. Sharp Royce E. Willhoyt Wolfstone-Donley-McMannama Inc. IBM Corporation Association of Idaho Cities Roger D. Bates Sandra K. Bates Gloria L. Cantrell Joye S. Catlin Larry Chalfant Hugh H. Cooke James F. Creech William L. Crowley John B. Drips Mary Ellen Fairchild Donald L. Fitzwater Margaret E. Fogg Richard C. Jackson Rebecca L. Jeffries Gay H. Johnson William D. Keating John R. Lewinski Mary Jane Liberty Clifford Lutes John L. Lyon Barbara J. Marmo Brian S. Mickels Ralph R. Murray Larry S. Olson VOID Ronnie D. Pomerinke Lewis E. Pratt Robert H. Remaklus Roger W. Rockwell Laura L. Rupe Terry A. Sharp David B. Smith Ernest E. Ward Royce E. Willhoyt Alta C. Pierson State Auditor, State of Idaho Idaho First National Bank State Tax Commission Public Employee Retirement System American Family Life Assuance Co. Association of Idaho Cities Idaho Central Credit Union Postmaster $ 300.OO 250 00 25O 00 3OO 00 25O 00 25O 00 25O 00 25O 00 3OO 00 25O 00 2,714 20 78 19 25 00 1,043 28 54O O5 735 90 697 54 1,334 75 735.52 159.13 26.18 688.72 110.31 808.57 1,016.57 662.20 447.68 827.77 783 O4 1,102 42 421 79 110 31 1,156 64 478 94 679 54 157 36 915.75 VOID 803 92 617 00 633 96 764 24 320 94 249 70 1,185 80 116 62 631 67 488 48 4,737 39 4,324.60 1,381.10 4,949.66 64.34 2,355.83 389.78 150.00 #525 526 527 528 529 53O 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 54o 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 55O 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 56O 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 57O 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 58o 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 59O 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 6oo McCall Police Department McCall Police Department Terry Sharp, Water Clerk Maury Ainger Don Aldrich Rick Bollar Bill Botsford Tom Chaloupka Dan Cochran Mike Cury Dempsey Eddins Tim Everhart Martin Fitzgerald Tom French Bill Haworth Jack Katzenburger Ken Medley Dave Smith Russ Smith Harry Stathis Skip Taylor Dana West Doug Woods Hugh Cooke Bill Crowley Mary Ellen Fairchild Larry S. Olson Royce Willhoyt Robert Wilson The Art Mart, Inc. America's Host Associated Business Products Bidall Bruneel Tire Service Building Department, Inc. C & S Contracting Chevron, U.S.A. Chevron U.S.A. Consolidated Supply Co. Continental Telephone Co. Decker's Dover Publications, Inc. Evergreen Turf Supply, Inc. Fisher Scientific Co. John W. Gambee Gem Communications, Inc. IPOA, Inc. State of Idaho, Federal Surplus ~Prop. State of Idaho Idaho First National Bank Idaho First National Bank Idaho Power Company Idaho Tank & Culvert, Inc. Killen and Pittenger, P.A. The Lumber Yard McCall Appliance Repair McCall Rexall Drug May Hardware, Inc. Men's Wardrobe Merc of McCall Mom's Auto Parts Mountain West Enterprises, Inc. My Secretary Service Norco 0 S C Data O'Neill International Palmer Chemical & Equipment Co, Inc. Pace Industries Payette Lakes Lumber Co, Inc. Don Van Cleave Robert H. Remaklus Popular Photography Ron's Shell Service Sears W.O.J. Seetin Shaver's 24 00 14 38 24 65 57 5O 69 00 45 5O 22.00 3O .5O 19 .00 12.00 29 .00 45.00 54.0o 47.50 47.5O 27.50 3O .00 74.00 57.00 15.00 40.50 42 50 49 00 210 99 67 5O 6O 00 181 92 2 79 120 00 21 53 51 4O 1,785 90 39 31 1,006 57 1,100 00 2,184 42 1,303.44 29.06 807.32 546.50 19.00 4.25 115.80 101.52 23.00 35.00 3O 00 187 60 1,890 01 416 52 1,051 67 6,154 49 205.48 2,806.25 22.56 51.95 43.07 162.51 11.70 49.45 22 76 824 80 95 49 lo 3 70 240 80 74 93 32 18 4O O8 153 97 20 00 1,310 00 10 97 61 34 29 13 278 28 22 32 #601 602 603 6O4 6O5 6O6 607 608 6O9 610 611 612 613 614 Snowbird Laundry St an's Auto Parts Star News Starline Equipment Co. The Statesman Teletronics Valley County Victor Hotho & Co. The Wallace Shop Water & Waste Water Equipment Co. Western Equipment Co. Wildwood Log Homes William A. Ki~k, Ins. Shell Oil Co. 37.75 382.49 63.08 212.12 9 4o 155 00 79 45 17 28 16 17 440 35 1,332.'55 81.00 3O .00 20.42 Following the reading of the bills, it was moved by WARD and seconded by LUTES the bills be accepted and ordered paid. Upon vote LUTES, FAIRCHILD, WARD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion car- ried unanimously. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD to adjourn the meeti~,g. upon vote motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at '11:35 p.m. until Monday, June 6, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. ~c~ti~g~Mayor / Ci~,y ~erk · / ~ MAY 9, 1983 McCall City Council held a Special meeting Monday, May 9, 1983, at 3:30 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers FAIRCHILD, WARD, and LUTES, City Administrator Smith, City Superintendent Chalfant, Attorney Remaklus and Clerk Fogg. Chairman CROWLEY announced that the purpose of this call was to consider the evaluation of C~ty personnel, pending litigation, and other business that may come before the meeting. The application of Drs. Cussler and Shellworth for a variance on lots 22 and 23 of Village Square Commercisl Center, which was taken under advisement for research by City Attorney at the May 2, 1983, meeting, was presented for discussion. The request was to allow a medical building to be built 13 feet instead of 20 feet from the rear of the property. Remaklus reported this would invade the 15 foot setback that was put there by developers and appears on the face of the plat. The City has no authority to amend the protective covenants, change the setback lines or modify the developmental documents of Village Square. The Council can approve a variance subject to applicants obtaining the approval of the property owners of Village Square. Following discussion it was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by WARD to approve Drs. Cussler and Shellworth's var~an¢~e request as stated subject to compliance with Village Square convenants. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. It was Attorney Remaklus' suggestion that an applicant should present a written document stating he is complying with protec- tive covenants and/or plats when making application to Planning and Zoning Commission for variances and eta. Chairman CROWLEY instructed the Administrator to set up a meeting with Frank Sharar and Darwin Solum,'Union Pacific Railraod repre- sentatives, who are in McCall this week~ for the purpose of dis- cussing the railroad right of ways and the possibility of the City a~quiring certain portions. Chalfant, Fairchild and Tom Kerr were appointed to meet with the Union Pacific representa- tives and City Administrator. With reference to T~m Everhart's request for a refund for a por- tion of a building permit, Re~aklus advised that, if such appli- cations are made in excess of 180 days fro~ date of payment of fee, no refund is allowable under the provisions of the Uniform Building Code. Clerk Fogg was i~structed to write a letter informing applicant there would be no refund made. It was moYed by LUTES and seconded by FAIRCHILD to approve the Wildwood Log Homes, Inc. billing for ~81.00. Upon vote FAIRCHILD, LUTES, WARD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. 47 It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by WARD to go into Executive session to discuss personnel matters and litigation. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. The Executive session convened at 3:58 p.m. and concluded at 5:00 p.m. Chairman CROWLEY adjourned the meeting at 5:01 p.m. until Monday, June 6, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. are on page 54. JUNE 6, 1983 McCall City Council held a Regular meeting Monday, June 6, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Council President Crowley presiding. Those present were Councilmembers FAIRCHILD and WARD, City Adminitrator, Jim Smith, City Superintendent Chalfant, Attorney Remaklus and Clerk Fogg. Councilman LUTES was absent. The minutes of May 2 and 9, 1983, were approved as recorded. Bob Hill informed the Council that McCall Area Promotions is ask- ing for Council support to sponsor a waterskiing tournament August 13 and 14, 1983. The course requires 600 yards of unob- structed water to be placed 200 yards off shore from Shore Lodge to Rotary Park. Permission has been secured from State Department of Lands and M.A.P. will be providing liability insurance for this activity. Following discussion~ the consensus of the Council was to approve the activity providing the swimming area is fenced off. Administrator Smith is to meet with Bob Hill to make arrange- ments for this provision. Pastor Hugh Cowles, representative of Camp Ida-Haven, was before the Council inquiring about using barrels as f~oatation devices for their swimming dock. The barrels intended for use contained a synthetic resin, which substance was not harmful according to the State Health Department, and they plan to coat the outside of the barrels with fiberglass. Administrator Smith reported the State Department of Lands does not want to allow the use of 55 gallon drums for floatation because of the rusting but will concur with City Council decision. Fol]owlng discussion the request was taken under advisement for research of Council's former policy decision and such information will be provided to them within the week, if possible. City Administrator reported that complaints regarding water pres- sure were coming in and City Superintendent Chalfant and he agree and recommend a voluntary irrigating program to alleviate the drop in water pressure. It was moved by WARD and seconded by FAIR- CHILD to adopt a resolution asking the community to voluntarily water lawns and irrigate gardens on odd/even days to compare with house numbers. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Chairman CROWLEY announced that it was the time and place for the public hearing to consider the request of Merrill W. and Mary K. Conitz to reclassify the zone of the property herein- ~after described from F-I, Urban Agriculture and Recreation, to F-3, Urban Agriculture and Recreation~ and to also consider said changes to the Comprehensive Plan: The Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter ( ~ ~ ~ SW~SE~SW~) of Section 6, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, B.M., Valley County, Idaho. At their April 5, 1983, meeting the McCall Planning and Zoning Commission approved the zone reclassification with standards used in evaluation: (1) Ordinances used to make this decision were Chapters 22,24 and 25 and (2) It is compatible with ad-- joining property. Merrill Conitz gave a lengthy presentation for his request stressing the following points: They have no plans to develop this ten (10) acres as such at this ti~e; have plans to b~ild a home for themselves and, in order to get bank finan- cing, must have this area rezoned as will need a Quitclaim Deed from mortgage holder on the one (1) acrc~ built on; stated "~'e are not asking for any improvements or maintenance on the road-- ways from the City and, once again for the records, we are not asking for any services of any kind and I would hope; as a tax- payer of McCall, that the City would not allow servioes to be provided to a given area without the s?ecifi¢ consent of the Council. So we are not here to ask for services. We are here to ask for a zone change so that we can proceed with the necessary procedure to obtain financing to build a house on this ten (10) acres etc. I can assure you that we won't be coming back when the first snow falls asking for snow removal". Conitz comments as such. Councilman WARD spoke of his concern regarding road and possible request for snowplowing. C~.ty Superintendent Chalfant's rea] con- cerns were roads and availability of water and sewer. It is his opinion that property owners building in such undeveloped areas should be required to build a standard road to City specifications and should be required to pay for water and sewer as it goes through their area. Comments were ~ade by Tom Kerr, Carl Whitaker, Mr~s. Conitz, Clay Morgan and George Klind, who made a number of comments favoring the zone change. The seven ~asic principles as it pertained to this request were reviewed and LUTES state- ment of June 1, 1983, was read. The main concems of Coun¢~ilmembers were extension of City services such as roads and road mainten- ance, snow removal and water and sewer to ~ndeve]oped areas; felt the City should allocate the resources we have for the b~.lk of the people. FAIRCHILD commented that, in view of the fact that the Conitz property borders four per acre in the Impact area, she would vote for approval with conditions that t~e City not provide snow removal snd any City services ~ntil it becomes economically feasible as determined by the Council. It was moved by WARD and seconded by FAIRCHILD that the Council approve the recommendation of the McCall Planning and Zoning Commission and grant the Marr~ll Conitz zone change request subject to limitations of no City services to be furnished until determined economically feasible, such determination to be made by the City Council, and t~e sti- ~ulation the City enforce the transition phase of F-2 zone, the buffering zone. Upon vote FAIRCHILD, WARD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. Attorney Remaklus is to research possibility of a more restrictive ordinance covering City services beyond certain distance from existing City services. Conitz thanked the Council and extende~ his appreciation. Attorney Remaklus presented and read at length proposed Ordinance No. 464, AN ORDINANCE RELATED TO ZONING, CHANGING ZONE CLASSI- FICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CZTY OF McCALI., A~ENDINO THE MAP OF ZONING OF THE C~TY OF McCALL, DIRECTING THE CITY ENGINEER TO ENDORSE SUCH CHANGES ON SAID MAP AND AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY OF McCALL. It was moved by WARD and seconded by FAIRCHILD to suspend the ru~es for passage of proposed Ordinance No. 464. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by WARD to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 464. Upon vote WARD, FAIRCHILD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously and Ordinance No. 464 is duly adopted. Upon recommendation of Administrator Smith, it was moved b~~ WARD and seconded by FAIRCHILD to adopt "Prin¢~iple No. 8. Consistant growth from within the City Center outward." to be added as an amendment to the Resolution on Principles dated March 7, 1983. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. The McCall Area of City Impact Planning and Zoning Commission requested the Council review their denial decisio~ of the Glenn Munn garage variance r~quest because of a letter from T~omas W. Kerr dated May 10, 1983, stating the right-of-way of the Warre~ Wagon road, as shown on the Quaker Hill, Munn, Gill etc. deeds, is 30 f~et wide and not 50 feet as has been assumed. The corner ¢~f the Munn garage is 21.49 feet from the deed boundary of the Munn property and the eaYe is 20.5 feet away. Administrator Smith recommends the Council uphold the Impact Area P & Z Commission's recommendation of approval of the variance in light of new findings. Following discussion it was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by WARD to approve Glenn Munn's variance request as the original denial decision was based on erroneous information and the garage will remain. Upon vote motion ¢~arried unanimously. Following discussion regarding the agreement between the Idaho Department of Labor and Industrial Services and City of McCall on the plumbing code permit applications, administration and enforcement, it was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by WARD to approve the agreement subject to notification of City Attorney Remaklus' approval. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. CROWLEY informed the Council that all the Brown's Tie and Lumber Company Deeds and legal documents necessary to make documentation conform to actual use of properties, as pro- posed in their proposal of Februaryl, 1982, and approved at February 1, 1982~ Regular Council meeting, have been receive~, reviewed and seem to be in order. It was moved by WARD and seconded by FAIRC~ILD to approve the final deeds, maps and et¢~. as presented by Brown's Tie and Lumber Co~ to the City of McCall pursuant to prior approvsl subject to review and appro- val by City Attorney Remaklus. Upon vote motion carried unan- imously. At the May 17, 1983, meeting the City of McCall Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approYal of Bruce Thompson's re- quest for a Zone Reclassification. It was moved by WARD and seconded by FAIRCHILD to set the date for public hearing on Bruce Thompson's request for Tuesday, July 5, 1983. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. A letter of complaint was received dated June 5, 1983, from property owners along Wanda Street olaiming to be plaqued by speeding drivers creating excessive dust~ conditions and of- fering options available to the City. Following discussion, it was the consensus of the Council that the City would install a "Stop" sign on Wanda Street and~ if the property owners along that street wished to purchase dust-oil and oil the street, the Cit~~ would prepare the street for such dust oil. Chairma~ CROWLEY advised that the City had presente~ a new proposal to the Payette Lakes Water and Sewer District which addresses every concern they have brought up, so far. An answer to this proposal has not been received. Chairman CROWLEY remarked that, although our City Administrator Jim Smith has been with us a very short time, it is quite ob- vious he has made a very favorable and impressionable impact on the community. Speaking to Smith he said, "I would like to personally thank him for the work done so far and am very happy to have you on board." With regard to the Encroachment Permit from the Department of Lands for May Hardware I~c. for a dock, Councilman WARD recom- mended it be approved subject to their having a "Slow" warning sign at end of the dock. It was moved by WARD and seconded by FAIRCHILD to authorize the Council President to sign the above mentioned document stating the City has no objection to Ma~ Hardware's application. Upon vote motio~ ¢~arried unanimously. John Drips, Golf Pro, requested unbudgeted e~penditures in two different areas: (1) He would like to have a Marshall to police activities on the golf course each day of the season from time they become busy until end of the season, talking about a period of 3½ months, ~ approximately $3,500. cost factor for the season. He plans to hire a retired person at about $4.00 an hour and feels the increased play will offset the additional expenditure. (2) Two of the three air conditioners are not working and he's been quoted $1,200. to $1,400. for repairs. (3) Asked for clarification regarding the payment of score cards ~ $500. and penails ~ $100. as these items were not addressed in the contract. It was the consensus of the Council to initiate the Marshalling program but keep close watch on the budget in order to warrant continuance of the program; agreed to arranging for one additional air conditioner; and, since the City has paid expenses for score car~s and pencils to dated would continue to do so. However, it was suggested they should investigate possibly placing advertising on s¢~ore cards and/or pencils. Drips recommended giving Administrator Jim Smith a con~plimentary season golf pass. Chairman CROWLEY expressed the opinion that he did not wish to set that precedent in fairness to other City staff. FAIRCHILD felt Smith was entitled te the pass as he was administering the Golf Course. Since Councilmembers, Golf Course Committee persons, and Golf Course employees are given season passes, it was suggested Smith be appointed to the GoZf Course Committee. Chairman CROWLEY appointed Smith to the Golf Course Committee. The City Administrator is to prepare a rought draft of an ordi- nance to create the City Administrator's position, will get ~nput from the City Attorney, and present the ordinance at the Regular meeting in July. Administrator Smith reported on a Park Grant application s~b- mitted. It is for $10,534.00 to be used for landscaping and labor ~ntensive, will be hiring four (4) people for two (2) months, for a volley ball pit and sod at Mill Park; shrubs and trees at Golf Course; shrubs, trees and sod at Fairway Ball Diamond; shrubs and trees at Rotary Park and the purchase of two (2) lawn mowers. Grant is ]00% with no matching funds re- quired. Other recommendations and questions by the Administrator were: (t) Go with the Uniform Building Code, amend the City ordinance, and require 65% of the building permit fee to review plans paid at the time of the application. (2) What procedure requirements concerning the Nondirec- tional Beacon at the Airport? He was advise~ to get pro- perty easement and suggested he visit with Ralph Kangas and Wayne Pickerell with regard to the NDB installation, oper- ation and maintenance requirements. (3) Wishes to utilize the procedure of using a community budget committee through July and August to prepare the City's 1983/84 budget. Consensus of Council was in favor of this committee and each Councilmember is to submit the name of a person to be approached by the City Administrator. (4) Have pre-Council meetings for clarification of informa- tion for Councilmembers with no decisions and no public input. Adminitrator is to meet wit~ the City Attorney on an ordinance amendment t¢ set up such meeting. (5) Will have sewer ordinance ready by next meeting. Wants to add water saving devices and address sewer and water refund clause. (6) Has reviewed the audit prepared by Rife, Przybylski, Thurston and Lamm and found it to be a thorough~ confident audit. In ~ight of time, he'd ~ike to recommend the Coun- cil accept their audit proposal for this ~ear. (7) He advised he had visited with Councilmembers and it had been agreed upon to send Attorne~ Remaklus, Fairchild and Fogg to the A.I.C. Annual Conference in Twin Falls on June 16-18, 1983. Following the Administrator's oom~ents, it was moved by WARD and seconded by FAIRCHILD to accept Rife, Przybylski, T~urston and Lamm's audit proposal of November ~-, 1982, for t~e 1982/83 fis- cal year, fee not to exceed $2,000.00. Upon vote FAIRCHILD, WARD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. It was moved by WARD and seconded by FAIRCHILD to approve send- ing FAZRCHILD, FOGG and RE~IAKLUS as delegates to the A.I.C. Annual Conference June 16-18, 1983, and authorize t~eir expen- ditures. Upon vote FAIRCHILD, WARD and CROWLEY VOTED ~YE. Motion carried unanimously. Duane Smith has requested reimbursement of his $500.00 per- formance deposit provided for May 1, 1978, Agreement to clean up, grade and fill old McCall city dump off Colorado street. City Superintendent Cbalfant advised that Smith has comp].ied with requirements of the agreement. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by WARD to reimburse Duane Smith the $500.00 performance deposit. Upon vote WARD, FAIRCHILD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. As requested in a letter to the City Coun¢~il, it was moved by WARD and seconded by FAIRCHILPto approve the operation of a fireworks booth by Larry Boucks and Ted E~leys, booth to be located on Highway 55 across from the Shell station on July 1, 2, 3 and 4, 1983. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Fairchild and seconded b~' WARD to approve High Country De]i's Application for Transfer of Beer and Wine li- censes to Carl T. and Shannom G. Zellars subject to Zel]ars receipt of State and County transfer approval. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. It was moved by WARD s. nd seconded by FAIRCHILD to approve Maverik Country Store's Application for Retail Wine License and John Drips' application for a Beer License, to be con- sume~ on the premises, and grant such licenses. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. A letter request for consideration of the transfer of McCall Gun and Cmtlery's Beer and Wine License to the existing car wash next to the Pancake House was presented. Following dis- cussion, it was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by WARD the transfer be approved subject to submitting the proper appli- cation, Chalfant and the building inspector's investigation as to the safety of facilities, and their receiving State and County transfer approval. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. The Maintenance Agreements for the Canon NP/120 copier was presented for consideration. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by WARD to approve t~e maintenance agreement inclu- ding the drum~ for an annual rate of $597.00, with instruc- tions to negotiate with Associated Business Products for more reasonable figure. Upon vote WARD, FAIRCHILD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. On June 1, 1983, the City received notice of Tort Claim for Matt Wallace claiming damages of $100,000.00 under the Idaho statute in connection with the issuance of the building permit to the Huckleberry and Mountain Mercantile. Copies of the notice were sent to Attorr~ey Remaklus and The City's insurance carrier, William Kirk Insurance Agency. It was moved by WARD and seconded by FAIRCHILD the Council go into Executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters and litigation. Upon vote motion carried ~nanimous~y. Council went into Executive session at 11:30 p.m. and recon- vened the Regular meeting at 12:46 a.m., June 7, 1983. There was discussion regarding the March 29, 1983, negotiated Contract with MacGregor Triangle Company to build the water chlorine basin for a sum not to exceed $102,000.00. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded b~- WARD to ratify and confirm t~e Council President's signature w~th MacGregor Triangle on contract agreement documents of March 29, 1983. Upon vote WARD, FAIRCHILD, and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unan- imously. Following discussion it was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by WARD that Bill Keating and Royce Wilhoyt each be given a $50.00 raise per month. Upon vote WARD, FAIRCHILD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. The following b~lls were read for ~.ayment: #615 Hugh H. Cooke 616 Richard C. Jackson 617 Rebecca L. Jeffries 300.00 25O.OO 100.00 #618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 65o 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 67o 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 68o 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 John L. Lyon Brian S. Mickels Larry S. Olson Ronnie D. Pomerinke Lewis E. Pratt Roger W. Rockwell Terry Ann Sharp Royce E. Willhoyt Postmaster Postmaster MacGregor Triangle VOID Roger D. Bates Sandra K. Bates Gloria L. Cantrell Joye $. Catlin Larry L. Cahlfant Hugh H. Cooke James F. Creech William L. Crowley John B. Drips Mary Ellen Fairchild Donald L. Fitzwater Margaret E. Fogg Jack D. Fuller Richard C. Jackson Rebeccal L. Jeffries Gay H. Johnson William D. Keating John R. Lewinski Mary Jane Liberty Clifford Lutes John L. Lyon Barbara J. Marmo Brian $. Mickels Blaine Murray Ralph R. Murray Larry S. Olson Alta C. Pierson Ronnie D. Pomerinke Lewis E. Pratt David H. Pulver Robert H. Remaklus Roger W. Rockwell Laura L. Rupe Michael R. Sellars Terry A. Sharp David B. Smith James E. Smith Ernest E. Ward Royce E. Willhoyt Robert V. Wilson Sate of Idaho, Auditor Idaho First National Bank State of Idaho Tax Commission 250.0O 300.00 250.00 250.0o 25O.OO 250.00 3OO.OO 25O.OO 40.00 60.00 68,400.00 VOID 1,036.29 516.24 713.83 697 54 1,250 20 735 52 135 36 26 18 688 72 110 31 808 57 1,016.57 31 72 662 20 363 32 827 77 8O9 o3 1,101 42 429.70 110.31 1,156.64 493 30 679 54 357 O8 751 68 915 75 532 80 803.92 617 00 264 47 633 96 764 24 362 35 463 01 273 34 1,185 8o 1,274 62 116 62 631 67 453 59 5,357 62 4,838 80 1,545 70 Public Employees Retirement Sys. 5,337 Association of Idaho Cities American Family Life Assurance Idaho Central Credit Union Postmaster Association of Idaho Cities MacGregor Triangle Maury Ainger Don Aldrich Rick Bollar Bill Botsford Tom Chaloupka Dan Cochran Mike Curry Dempsey Eddins Tim Everhart Martin Fitzgerald Tom French Bill Haworth Jack Katzenberger Dave Smith Russ Smith Skip Taylor 91 2,308.15 64.34 389.78 155.oo 140.00 33,600.00 59.00 19.00 14.00 7.o0 14 0o lO 5o lO 50 10 5O 12 00 lO 50 lO 5o 10 5o 3 5o 65 5o 19 00 14 oo #696 697 698 699 7OO 701 7O2 703 704 7O5 706 707 7o8 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 75O 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 76O 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 77O 771 772 773 774 Dana West Doug Woods Hugh H. Cooke Kim Dillon Brad Frank Sgt. Larry S. Olson Acheson Motors VOID The Art Mart, Inc. Baker & Taylor Company Better Homes & Gardens Books Boyd Martin Co. Brodart, Inc. Brundage Office Supply Brundage Snow Removal Bruneel Tire Service Building Department, Inc. C & S. Contracting Cambridge Litho Century Equipment Company Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. Consolidated Supply Co. Continental Telephone Co. Cummins Intermountain Decker's Inc. Farwest Steel Corp. Fisher Scientific Fodor's Modern Guides, Inc. Geltech, Inc. The Highsmith Co., Inc. John C. Hover State of Idaho - Tax Commission State of Idaho - Federal Surplus Prop. Idaho State Library Idaho First National Bank Idaho First National Bank Idaho Power Co. Idaho Sporting Goods Idaho Statesman Dealer Idaho Tank & Culvert, Inc. Ingram E. F. Johnson~Co. Killen & Pittenger The Lumber Yard McCall Rental & Sales McCall Rexall Drug Mark's Chevron Service May Hardware, Inc. Medley Sports Merc of McCall Mom's Auto Parts Mountain West Enterprises, Inc. NAS0 National Geographic Magazine Nevins Ammunition, Inc. Norco Northwestern Lamp Co. OSC Data VOID Payette Lakes Lumber Co. Publishers Central Bureau Robert Remaklus Rich Personals Ron's Shell Service Rowland Bros. Sackerman Texaco W.O.J. Seetin Shaver's Shell Oil Company Smith Power, Inc. Snowbird Laundry Sports Marina Stan's Auto Parts Star News Starline Equipment Co. Steve Regan Co. Tesco Turf Equipment Co. 12 00 10 5o 147 40 144 00 197 00 26 37 57.50 VOID 103 89 61 35 13 69 3,200 00 61 28 9 02 20 00 202 37 1,100 00 421 06 91 00 40 21 26.45 2,684.84 1,469.19 904.15 510.20 233.67 71.45 209 36 8 3O 1,540 00 24 48 1,771 96 1,279 31 34 50 6O 00 416 52 1,051 67 6,065 35 71 00 21 $0 205.48 151.69 11.52 526.10 77.93 23 50 1 4O 26 37 247 18 49 20 44 85 65 53 24 20 36.00 16.50 171.60 54.09 35.53 240.40 VOID 653.40 36.00 1,032.00 170 90 11 90 11 50 25 86 278 28 34 30 13 11 1,563 82 51 15 5.OO 218.95 104.16 29.76 18.80 82.01 61.14 54 775 Valley County Hospital 12.00 776 Valley Tools 35.00 777 Valley County Sanitation 79.45 778 Francis Williams 180.00 779 The Wallace Shop 34.14 780 Water & Waste Water Equip. Co. 4,328.35 781 Western Equipment Co. 30.13 782 Wilde Country 45.00 783 William A. Kirk Agency Inc. 60.00 784 Zundels' 37.35 Following the reading of the bills it was moved by WARD and se- conded by FAIRCHILD the bills be accepted and ordered paid. Upon vote FAIRCHILD, WARD AND CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unan- imously. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by WARD to adjourn the meeting until Tuesday, July 5, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 1:10 a.m., ~une 7, 1983. ~ting Mayor MAY 25, 1983 McCall City Council held a Special meeting on Wednesday, May 25, 1983, at 5:10 p.m. Council President Crowley presiding. Those present were Council- members FAIRCHILD, LUTES and WARD. Chairman CROWLEY announced that the purpose of the Special meeting was to hold an Executive session for discussion of pending litigation against the City. It was moved by WARD and seconded by LUTES to go into Executive ses- sion to consider pending litigation. Upon vote the motion carried unani- mously. Executive session began at 5:12 p.m. and concluded at 7:00 p.m. Chairman CROWLEY adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m. until Monday, June 6, 1983, at/~:00 p.m. ~cti~g Mayor~ C~ ~erk / // JULY 5, 1983 McCall City Council held a Regular meeting on Tuesday, July 5, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Council President Crowley presiding. Those present were Councilmembers WARD and LUTES, Administrator Smith, Superintendent Chalfant, Attorney Remaklus and Clerk Fogg. Council- wombat- FAIRCHILD was absent. The minutes of June 6, 1983, were approved as recorded. Chairman CROWLEY informed the Council there were three seats open on the McCall Planning and Zoning Commission. Following discus- sion of the names submitted, Carol Wright, Bob Hill, Gary Ertter, Peggy Bailey and Ernie Chaney, Crowley appointed Peggy Bailey, Bob Hill and Gary Ertter to serve on the McCall Planning and Zon- ing Commission. It was moved by WARD and seconded by LUTES to con- firm the appointments as made. Upon vote the motion passed unan- imously. On behalf of Lester Peterson, Tom Kerr requested the Council set ~ a public hearing date for the Kirk/Peterson annexation request. He explained the McCall Planning and Zoning Commission held public hearings on this request on January 18, February 1 and March 15, 1983. At the March 15th meeting the Commission recommended approval of annexation of the property owned by William Kirk and Lester ~ Peterson into the City of McCall and to recommend that it be zoned A-Residential. However, a letter from Thom~W. Kerr, dated March 21, 1983, requested Council action be delayed to a future date because of the situation with Payette Lakes Water and Sewer District. Following discussion it was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD to set the public hearing date for the annexation request of Lester Peterson and William Kirk property for Monday, August 1, 1983. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. 55 Chairman CROWLEY announced that it was the time and place adver- tised for a public hearing on the Bruce Thompsonrequest/fpr zone reclassification. A copy of the Public Hearing Notice is attached. ~ NO?I~?~'fP~ S was made to the following: Idaho Land Developers, OtVEN~U~.t~c~l~ff DeReus, Rula Peterson, Larry Chalfant, Marie Bliss, C~until wiu hold a,puhlie hn Hoopers, Dave Burns, Karen Haapa, Bill and Joan m~etin~ ~t ?:00 ?.~..~o~ · Lloyd Marsh, John A. Mogridge, A. R. Brown Matt Tuesday JulY 5, '1983, at the ' McCall City Hall, McCall, ange, Tom French, Green Acres c/o Gary Hawkins, ~d~ho, toconsiderthefollo~-Conitz, August J. & Olga G. Palmieri, Don & in~equest of ~ce Thom~ old Greaves, Robert Chitwood, City of McCall and son to reclassify the zone on e Thompson presented his request stating this th~ Property hereinafter d~cribed from Zone B - ove and zoned B-Residential is immediately ad- R~sidential to Zone D - Commercial which property has been cut, leveled, GeneralCommer~ial, a~dto so, in his opinion, the property is no longer a co~sider said ~hange to the C0mprehensivePlan: as adjacent property owners will be able to build _Aparcelo~la~'d~tuatein ome. Ail the property requested zone change on · eSEV~oftheSW'~$ectio~ o him but everyone affected agreed to the zone 9,,T. 18 N., R. 3 E., B.M., City of..McCall, Valley County, d he was informed that only one of the group I~ho, more pa~t~ularly one request. Street access to Thompson's property described as follows; ~ommencingattheW'/~, on Street and Railroad Avenue. City services, corner common to Secti0ns 9 are available to this property now. As to the a~d ~, T. ~ N.,.R: ~ E.. f adjoining property, Thompson felt it could do B~M., City of McCall, Valley Cqunty, Idaho; Thence, N. 0 it better. dogrees 03' W., 6?7.5 feet along .the westerly boundary nt Chalfant advised there was no problem with  the: SE!/4 of the SW',~ of dSectiong;thence, N. 89 flow as school buses use the route which is gree~ 2~' E., 2~0.0 feet nd all City services (water, sewer and fire ng the northerly boun, ry ~f Washington Street tO vailable to this property now. Reed Hawkins, E e REAL POINT 'OF ins and Associates of Boise, owners of adjacent GINNING: they had acquired McCall Tire and Wheel and .~_Thence, N. 0 degrees 03' ~.~276.0feettothesoutherly ique Store property and anticipate putting in ~ght~f-waylineofRail~oad~ with plans to be under construction this Fall. Svenue, · . ';thence northeasterly j276 ction to the rezone request. Tom Kerr spoke Set, more or less along said one reclassification stating the area is the :' ~outherly right-of'Way,~' ~l,ence,~S. 0degree~.03 E.~ of commercial services. ~.0 feet, . ' ~ · '~ '~.thence N. 89 degrees ~8" closed the public hearing and the Council con- ~.~,thenceS.~0degree~03, E., reclassification request on the following City ~4~.0 f~et~to the northerly nsider the impact, if any, the zone change '~ right-of.way ', line of ~W~ashingtonStreet,~i , . perty values. Consensus of Council was that it ~ thence, S.~89degre~ 2~' operty values, perhaps could increase them. ~W~,2100feet~thePoint°f access? Consensus that it is sufficient, no : I~eginning. i ;~Thd:ab6Ve deScriBed~ fic flow is no problem. (4) City services are ~rcelbe~ngaporti0nofthel Community positions? There was not expressed ~¥acated Plat~6f~the LAKE~ ning property owners have had proper notice ; lb. ORT ADDITION to the City ',of:McCall. ,. ' ' response either in favor or opposed to pro- . ~'NOTICE IS FURTHER (6) Aesthetic values? From testimony pro- i G'IVEN .that all it~terested i' l~rsons are invited to attend degradation and would not be made worse because i~nd be heard a'.~ said ~ meeting. , ~ ~ .lDated 'thiS~..10th.~day: of !June;~1983i ,~ . considered the points set forth in their Reso- i"~..'~'~'~Marga~e(E,Foggl ~les adopted March 7, 1983: (1) It was deter- ~6'~)5[~t~'~ "~ii~!t~g~lerk'~ ,sal is consistant with the Comprehensive Plan. ~g~7~~ ant with the zoning ordinances as well. ~) '±'here m~' ~ ~monstrable need in order to keep the Commercial area within this area. (5) It does fit into present City services. (6) Is it cost effective? Is immaterial at this point. (7) Is the applicant contributing his share? Is not appropriate to this type of request at this time. (8) Consistant growth from within the City Center outward? Is Certainly appropriate as it is con- sistant growth from within City center outward. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD the Council uphold the recommen- dation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and approve the request of Bruce Thompson to reclassify the property described in the hearing notice attached from Zone B-Residential to Zone D-Commercial as it does fit into our plan for the reasons given above. Upon vote LUTES, WARD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion car- ried unanimously. Brown's Tie and Lumber Co. legal documents were again presented to be sure that everyone is aware of exactly what is being done. It was the consensus of the Council they were comfortable as to the background of the legal papers given them if they concur with the original proposal in the minutes of February 1, 1982. Andy Laidlaw, representing Kemp and Hormachea, was before the Council regarding a change in the original plan for the tennis courts and gazebo at the junction of Warren Wagon Road and Crescent Rim Road. Laidlaw explained that last November they applied for a special use permit for three tennis courts on this property. In conjunction with those courts, two bathrooms in a covered area was shown. To address public concern certain conditions were met and, at this point, working drawings were presented for a building permit. What was originally shown as t~o bathrooms, the owners wanted a small storage area to contain a pressure tank, a water heater, and winter storage for tennis nets etc. They, also, wanted a room with a sink and refriger- ator to enable them to have potluck dinners if desired. This variation has probably increased the covered area of the gazebo about 50%. Since they have a slightly different physical gazebo structure and the Impact Planning and Zoning Commission did not have a quorum at their meeting in order to make a recommendation to the Council, it was suggested by the Commission that, since the final plans for the gazebo deviated from the conceptual drawing, Laidlaw bring the plans before the Council for con- sideration. Paul Trahan, Building Inspector, advised by letter that the required building ordinances concerning setback requirements, building size and etc. have been complied with, therefore, a building permit can be issued from that standpoint at any time. Remaklus ' opinion was it would not have to be resub- mitted for public hearing because of the simplicity of the use and the concept and, if this concept is not objected to, he would recommend Council approval subject to the Impact Planning and Zoning Commission's approval. Chairman CROWLEY suggested, in order to give the Planning and Zoning Commission some guid- ance as to how the Council sees the situation, if we do in fact grant approval subject to their approval, we state full well that this is a peculiar situation and it falls within what we consider not to be a precedent set for any material concept. Following discussion it was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD to approve the revised plan by Mr. Laidlaw on behalf of his clients, Kemp and Hormache, subject to the expedient approval by the Impact Planning and Zoning Commission at their earliest possible convenience, pursuant to the discussion we've had tonight and the points raised, the Council does not contend this to be a departure from what our codes and guide lines provides us to do. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. McCall Planning and Zoning Commission accepted the Hard Plat of Fircrest Condominium at their June 7, 1983, meeting and recommends Council approval of same. It was moved by WARD and seconded by LUTES to approve the Fircrest Condominium Hard Plat and authorize the Clerk to sign it. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. A letter request from Retail Merchants Association of the McCall Chamber of Commerce, dated June 27, 1983, asked approval for the closure of the street between Idaho First National Bank and Treasure Valley Bank for the 4th Annual Flea Market sale on July 23rd. They, also, would like to purchase a blanket Hawkers license to cover individuals selling goods. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD to grant the Chamber of Commerce re- quest with a note from the City Clerk that the Chamber give all the participants in the Flea Market the explanation that the Hawkers license is for one time only. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Being an adjoining property owner, the City received public hearing notice of Carl and Dorothy Bryning and Jim and Maxine Larkin's request to reclassify the zone on their property from A Residential to zone D General Commercial. It was the consensus of the Council not to spot commercialize but to rezone the entire strip. Comments from Council members are to be taken to the P & Z meeting by Chairman CROWLEY. Chairman CROWLEY appointed Mary Benson, Rosemary Skiftun, Bert Bunch and Tom Kerr to a Citizen Budget Advisory Committee. It was moved by WARD and seconded by LUTES to confirm the appoint- mentsas made. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. Administrator Smith reported that the Parks grant for $10,000.00 had been approved and it will be necessary to amend the 1982/83 budget in order to include these monies. Smith advised that an EDA grant application for the Sewer By- Pass line in the amount of $485,000.00 has been submitted. Also, advised they were going with Smith and Kangas on the engineering services, which are not included within the grant, and will have to be paid out of I & I funds. He will be research- ing Revenue Bond procedures in case the City would need to go this route. Smith reported the Water Station grant application is nearing completion. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD the Council adopt the resolution that Council President CROWLEY be directed and author- ized to act as official si~nator for the City on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Grant application; that he be authorized and directed to execute the Parks and Recretional Area Development Grant Agreement, Project Number SBA-004-83, and that the Acting Mayor be authorized and directed to execute the Parks and Recre- ational Area Development Grant Agreement, Project Number SBA-004-83 on behalf of the City. Upon vote LUTES, WARD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. With reference to the Water System Improvements Project, it was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD the Contract for Consulting Services between Tudor Engineering Company (Consultant) and City of McCall, Idaho, (Owner) for the Water System Improvements Project be approved as to form and the Acting Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute same upon the insertion of a qualified Project Director. Upon vote WARD, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. Administrator Smith reviewed with the Council the recommendation made for street paving this summer: McCall to Lick Creek Road $39,195., Brundage Loop $14,850., Scrub Coat for repairing road before laying new oil $9,900., and Emulsion Tact coat for seal scrub coat $2,400. The consensus of the Council was to proceed with bid advertisement. An application for Beer and Wine licenses for The Huckleberry which had been approved by Police Chief Lyon was presented for consideration. Matt Wallace protested the granting of these licenses. It was determined that the fact there is a pending lawsuit and a citizen protest is no reason for rejecting the license. Following discuss/~nwas moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD to approve the Application for Beer License, to be consumed on the premises, and Application for Wine License, Wine By The Drink, for the Huckleberry and licenses be granted. Upon vote LUTES, WARD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. Clerk Fogg advised that the Council members had been polled on June 27, 1983, regarding a request from McCall Lions Club for a fireworks sales stand at the McCall Merc parking lot for July 4, 1983. WARD, FAIRCHILD, CROWLEY and LUTES had giv~their approval. It was moved by WARD and seconded by LUTES to ratify the poll of the board regarding the McCall Lions Club fireworks stand. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD to send the City Administrator and City Clerk to the AIC Election workshop in Caldwell on July 13, 1983. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Councilman LUTES asked that the City Council formally thank the Weiser Police for their help over the July 4th weekend. It was moved by WARD and seconded by LUTES to go into Executive session for discussion of pending litigation. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. The Executive session began at 10:09 p.m. and concluded at 10:50 p.m. The following bills were read for payment: 785 VOID 786 VOID 787 Postmaster 788 Treasurer, State of Idaho 789 Hugh H. Cooke 790 Brad G. Frank 791 Michael K. Gantz 792 Richard C. Jackson 793 John L. Lyon 794 Brian S. Mickels 795 Larry S. Olson 796 Ronnie D. Pomerinke 797 Lewis E. Pratt 798 David H. Pulver 799 Roger W. Rockwell 800 Laura Rupe 801 Michael R. Sellers 802 Terry A. Sharp 803 Royce E. Willhoyt 804 Terry Sharp, Water/Sewer Clerk 805 Marsha Shriver 806 City of McCall Revenue Sharing Trust Acct. 807 J.W. Crutcher, Auditor/Recorder 808 Roger D. Bates 809 Sandra K. Bates 810 Gloria L. Cantrell 811 Joye S. Catlin 812 Larry Chatfant 813 Hugh H. Cooke 814 James F. Creech ~ 815 William L. Crowley 816 John B. Drips 817 Mary Ellen Fairchild 818 Donald L. Fitzwater 819 Margaret E. Fogg 820 Brad G. Frank 821 Jack D. Fuller 822 Michael K. Gantz 823 Richard C. Jackson 824 Rebecca L. Jeffries 825 Gay H. Johnson 826 William D. Keating 827 John R. Lewinski 828 Mary Jane Liberty 829 Clifford Lutes 830 John L. Lyon 831 Barbara J. Marmo 832 Brian S. Mickels 833 Blaine Murray 834 Ralph R. Murray 835 Larry S. Olson 836 Alta C. Pierson 837 Ronnie D. Pomerinke 838 Lewis E. Pratt 839 David H. Pulver 840 Robert H. Remaklus 841 Roger W. Rockwell 842 Laura L. Rupe 843 Michael R. Sellers 844 Terry A. Sharp 845 Jeffrey Sheldon 846 David B. Smith 847 James E. Smith 848 Russell K. Stringfield 849 Ernest E. Ward 850 Royce E. Willhoyt 851 Robert V. Wilson 852 State Auditor, State of Idaho 853 Idaho First National Bank 854 State Tax Commission 855 Public Employee Retirement System 856 Association of Idaho Cities 857 American Family Life Assurance Co. 858 Idaho Central Employees Credit Union 859 Postmaster VOID VOID 100.00 110.00 3OO.OO 200.00 25O.00 250.00 25O.OO 300.00 25O 00 25O 00 25O 00 100 00 25O 00 100 00 200 00 3OO 00 25O 00 15 62 30.00 553.OO 8.00 1,036.29 469.65 616 97 699 54 1,333 19 735 52 126 07 26 18 688 72 110.31 808.57 1,016.57 75.23 557.93 487.00 662.20 436.43 827.77 845.67 1,102.42 447.13 110.31 1,156.64 458.41 679.54 577.65 774.62 915.75 532.80 808.92 617.00 384.13 633.96 764.24 374.73 395.89 217.56 245.77 1,185.80 1,274.82 553.82 116.62 654.65 660.90 5,916.54 5,269.50 1,703.10 5,376.38 2,308.15 64.34 389.78 150.00 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 87O 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 88o 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 89O 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 9OO 901 902 903 904 9O5 906 907 9O8 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 ~33 935 936 934 Terry Sharp, Water Clerk J. W. Crutcher, Auditor/Recorder Maury Ainger Don Aldrich Rick Bollar Bill Botsford Tom Chaloupka Dan Cochran Mike Curry Dempsey Eddins Tim Everhart Martin Fitzgerald Tom French Jack Katzenberger Bill Haworth Ken Medley David Smith Russ Smith Skip Tayor Dana West Doug Woods J. R. Barnett Jim Barnett Johnny Brown Rob Dodge Jack Fuller Bernie Greenwald Paul Mann Matt Muller Ron Sanders Bob Caldwell Ron Carico Larry Chalfant Hugh H. Cooke Mary Ellen Fairchild Margaret E. Fogg Larry Johnson McCall Police Dept. National Outdoor Leadership School Larry S. Olson Winona G. Peterson Jim Smith Robert V. Wilson Acheson Motors Action Express A1 Holl' s Tire Center The Art Mart, Inc. The Baker Taylor Co. Boyd Martin Co. Brundage Offic~ Supply Bruneel Tire Service Building Department, Inc. Butt Franklin & Co., Inc. Century Equipment Co. Century Laboratories Chevron USA Chevron U.S.A. Cleveland Cotton Products Collectibles Conely Co. Consolidated Supply Co. Continental Tel. Co. of the West Cummins Intermountain Boise Dan's Saddlery F-Stop Film & Camera Fisher Scientific Co. Fodor's Travel Guides Gaylord Bros., Inc. Golf Associates Scorecord, Co. Great Western Chemical Co. Hearst Magazines High Mountain Nursery, Inc. Honeydippers State of Idaho Tax Commission Idaho First National Bank Idaho First National Bank Idaho Concrete & Pipe Co. 24.79 8.o0 129.00 139.00 12.00 8.50 19.00 15.5O 24.00 19.0o 8.50 3.5o 3.50 12.00 lO. 5o 5.oo 5o. 5o 20.50 15.5o 24.00 19.00 64.00 56.00 64.00 56.00 56.OO 56.00 56.oo 28.OO 56.00 92.00 184.00 14.37 170.00 9.94 247.11 200.00 21.13 9.50 368.03 168.oo 46.74 55.OO 25.oo 4O.5O 31.42 1.80 35.32 191.49 65.24 88o.18 1,100.00 34.82 18.95 84.OO 24.78 2,392.50 118.68 11.50 404.32 646.70 922.28 197.08 60.10 31.83 192.13 19.48 11.65 686.10 54O.OO 15.97 67.50 120.00 1,352.81 416.52 1,051.67 178,85 937 Idaho Power Co. 938 VOID 939 Idaho Statesman 940 Int ermountain Mechanical 941 Killen & Pittenger 942 Lazy 7, Inc. 943 The Lumber Yard 944 McCall Rental & Sales 945 McCall Rexall Drug 946 M & J Upholstering 947 May Hardware, Inc. 948 Medley Sports 949 Merc of McCall 950 Missman Electric Co., Inc. 951 VOID 952 Mom's Auto Parts 953 W.S. Darley & Co. 954 Nevins Ammunition, Inc. 955 Norco 956 OSC Data 957 Oxford Chemicals 958 Payette Lakes Lumber Co. 959 Postmaster 960 Preco T & A 961 VOID 962 Robert H. Remaklus 963 Ron' s Shell Service 964 Rowland Bros., Inc. 965 W.O.J. Seetin 966 Share Corp. 967 Shavers, Inc. 968 Shirt & Sound 969 Snowbird Laundry 970 Sparking Instrument Co., Inc. 971 Sports Marina 972 Stan?s Auto Parts 973 Star News 974 Superior Fire Apparatus Co. 975 Sackerman' s Texaco 976 Tucker & Associates 977 Turf Equipment Co. 978 Turf go Northwest 979 Shell Oil Co. 980 Valley County Sanitation 981 Water & Waste Water Equip. Co. 982 The Wallace Shop 983 William A. Kirk Ins. Agency 984 Valley County Landfill 985 May Hardware, Inc. 5,754.39 VOID 24.80 360.00 203.88 717.50 110.72 148.85 38.75 10.00 251.21 139.73 17.04 228.75 VOID 35.09 74.89 223.55 41.70 245.20 191.01 234.91 i8.00 i8.92 VOID 133.72 267.74 108.64 278.28 346.53 12.42 467.90 100.80 99.47 i.70 87.36 70.28 37.67 25.86 716.44 200.48 119.75 17.25 i80.45 3,411.26 10.61 7,956.77 33.00 56.06 Following the reading of the bills, it was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD the bills be accepted and ordered paid. Upon vote WARD, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unan- imously. Chairman CROWLEY adjourned the meeting at 11:25 p.m. until Monday,~ugust 1, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. ~6ting May~r v / JULY 22, 1983 McCall City Council met in Special session Friday, July 22, 1983, at 2:00 p.m. Council Chairman CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers WARD, FAIRCHILD and LUTES, Administrator Smith and Clerk Fogg. It was moved by WARD and seconded by FAIRCHILD to go into Execu- tive session to discuss City personnel matters. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. Council went into Executive session at 2:06 p.m. and closed at 6:40 p.m. Chairman CROWLEY adjourned the meeting at 6:41 p.m. until Monday, August 1, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Acting Mayor C±~f f ~1 JULY 27, 1983 McCall City Council met in Special Session Wednesday, July 27, 1983, at 10:00 a.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers LUTES, WARD, FAIRCHILD and Clerk Fogg. Chairman CROWLEY announced that this Special meeting was called in order to hold an Executive session to consider matters regarding personnel. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by LUTES to go into Executive session to consider personnel matters. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. The Council began the Executive session at 10:10 a.m., excusing Clerk Fogg from the meeting, and reconvening the open meeting at 1:30 p.m. Chairman CROWLEY adjourned the meeting at 1:30 p.m. until Monday, August iN 198~ at 7:00 p.m. A~t in~ Mayor f AUGUST 1, 1983 McCall City Council met in Regular session Monday, August 1, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers LUTES, WARD and FAIRCHILD, Attorney Remaklus and Clerk Fogg. The Clerk received a letter from Chuck Kroll, Attorney for George Klind, requesting a re-hearing before the McCall City Council concerning Mr. Klind's request for a zone change from Zone F-1 to Zone F-3. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD to set a public hearing date for the Klind re-hearing request for rezoning for Tuesday, September 6, 1983. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. Chairman CROWLEY announced that this is the time and place set for a public hearing on the request of William A. Kirk and Lester O. Peterson for the annexation and the proper zoning of the fol- lowing described tracts of land, to wit: Parcel 1: The NW¼ of the SE¼, Section 7, T. 18N., R. 3E., B.M., Valley County, Idaho. Parcel 2: Ail that portion of the NE¼ of the SW¼, Section 7, T 18 N., R. 3 E., B.M., Valley County, idaho, not now within the corporate limits of the City of McCall, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the South 1/16 corner o~ the East boundary of Section 7, T. 18 N., R. 3 E., B.M., Valley County, Idaho, the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING: Thence N. 89© 44' 10" W., 1322.13 feet to the SE 1/16 corner of said Section 7, thence, N. 0© 16' 13" E., 883.45 feet along the westerly line of the NE¼ of the SE¼ of said Section 7, thence, S. 89© 40' 53" E., 525.00 feet, thence, N. 0© 16' 13" E., 440.00 feet to the northerly line of said NE¼ of the SE¼, thence, S. 89© 40' 53" E., 511.10 feet along said northerly line, O thence, S. 0 13' 30" W., 230.00 feet, thence, S. 16© 37' 05''E., 360.64 feet, thence, S. 89© 40' 53" E., 180.50 feet to the easterly boundary of said Section 7, thence, S. 0© 13' 30" W., 747.19 feet to the Point of Beginning containing 31.5 acres, mo re of less. Attorney Remaklus recommended the public hearing be conducted in the following manner: If there is a Staff report, it be read; read recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission into the record; hear from proponents of annexation; hear opponents; allow for rebuttal of proponents to opposition; members of the Council may ask questions as they go; questions and answers and public interest; and Remaklus advised that a decision on the nearing need not be made tonight. Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendation was read by Chairman Crowley: At the March 15, 1983, meeting, action taken by the Commission recommends to the City Council approval of the annexation of property owned by William Kirk and Lester Peterson into the City of McCall, and to recommend that it be zoned A- Residential. Reasons: (1) It is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan (2) It is the property most desirable for annexation A Staff report prepared by Gay Johnson was read at length by Administrator Smith. This report included reports from City Super- intendent Larry Chalfant and Fire Chief Don Fitzwater, which reports are included as attachments to these minutes. Tom Kerr, speaking in favor of the annexation and Peterson's proposed condominium project, stated there will be sufficient water pressure with the new pump station because of a loop provided in that area; roads will be built to City standards, although they will be private and the City will have no mainte- nance of the road; Mr. Peterson does not contemplate building until he does have adequate water and sewer; and, in closing his remarks, Kerr said he does not think it will be an unmanageable burden upon the City to annex this area. Steve Millemann, attorney representing Lester Peterson, commented at length with regards to Peterson's proposed project for the area. He said they were talking about presold units, the units will not be built until sold. Peterson is most willing and interested in working with the City in terms of not building and not putting a load on the sewer until there is a by-pass line and not expecting water hookups until the City gets additional assistance from the second water pump. City can expect financial gain. Annexation is appropriate and Planning and Zoning Commis- sion recommends approval of such annexation. Millemann reiterated that annexation is the logical move for the City to take and the Council should affirm the recommendation of the Planning and Zon- ing Commission which came from two full public hearings. Lester Peterson, proponent of the annexation, informed the Coun- cil he has received specifications on water closets that cut down water use in flushing by two-thirds. These water closets will be imported from Norway to be installed in the units. Also, each building will have a fire system with two-inch line and its own fire hose and alarm system. Marion Johnson, McCall resident, spoke in opposition to the Kirk/ Peterson annexation and proposed development. Her concerns were: sewage back-up in homes this past year, inadequate water pressure, inadequate lagoon capacity, and has a question of whether there's adequate fire protection for their home now. Mrs. Johnson said she was concerned about reality today rather than proposals, would like to see our quality of life maintained, and is concerned about her home. ~She would propose a time element on their proposal for annexation at a more appropriate time. "When our facilities take care of our needs today within the City, then we can offer ade- quate protection for these proposals." Tom Kerr, proponent, spoke in rebuttal, maintaining the sewage problem is not a problem of lagoon capacity but a by-pass line. He said it is the sizing of the old line. Les Peterson stated that deferral of sump pump water and roof water will help. Marion Johnson made a rebuttal statement that she felt the City should take care of immediate problems they are facing today before em- bracing further development and new growth. There being no others present to speak for or against the annex- ation, Chairman CROWLEY declared the public hearing closed. Councilmembers expressed their different concerns: whether grants would be approved, whether the City will have the financing to FROM THE OFFICE OF CHIEF DON FITZWATER MCCALL FIRE DEPT. 300 PARK STREET P.O. BOX 197 MCCALL, IDAtlO 83638 July 29, ]983 EMERGENCY (208) 634-5200 OFFICE (208) 634-7070 HOME (208) 634-5295 To: 'Jim Smith ]City Administrator McCall, Iduho In regard to the possibility of annexing the Peterson property into the City and the building of 80. units, I feel that it would put a burden on the City Fire Department because of the known poor water supply in that area. Even though we are ut present installing another pump, I do not feel this will be enough to have adequate fire protection. There is the possibility that the City would have to purchase a 2,000 to 3,000 gallon tanker truck, and this would mean that more bays would have to be 'added to our present station, or that a substation would have to.be built in that area. On the other hand it would be'covered by Rural Fire Protection with' the charge of $35.00 per unit peryear. This would generate enough revenue that they could meet the extra requirement that it would take to give them adequate fire protection. You also stated they wanted private roads in that area. These roads would have to be built wide enough that we could get our trucks in and out without endangering them or other people's property. The buildings will have to be space far enough apart so if one.unit caught on fire it couldn']t spread to the next one. Don Fitzwater Chief - McCall Fire Dept. Chief - McCall Rural Fire Dept. DF/ap /. ....... ~RL:. Kirk and ~'m annexation request . lmpaot on .._,~. - Water- Street§ ~ · T wou:ld.'like to offer t'he~ following'.,con~nent$ reg~rdi'ng the Kir~ ~,ndl .Petersen' · request .'for annexation' to the City of )icCa.ll.· 1.. Lags. on'. 'We.have pr. oblems w.ith t~e 'SeWer Distri,ct saying'the:City .is 'using. more.than.'it's shar]e'of the lag.o.~n.:..This:annex'ation, wou~d!'iocrease the p.ortion the 'City is".~J~sing. .:.l" ' '" 2. #2'Pump Station. The City, ~n !9,79, required'Rio V~sta #5 t9 expand ·the pumping capacity of #2 S. tation.'~,']The City.did t'he work with the help 'of Tom Kerr and.Perc Shelton.' 'The Stati.oj~ increased pumping from 500 G.PiM.. to 1,000. G.'P.M. an.~ Since 1979' we!h'a'v'e had no'prob)ems'at {hat~.statiOn, which bri'ngs up a point that I would l,'ike..to make. I am not an' engineer but'I knowi'thle:,City'System. I:.have worked'With J., .U.B.ion 'flow monitoring .for'the:1977 I.& I. I have maintained the system done the maintenance and pump·work on stations 'and have done the majority.of the. I &· I work in 1978 and again starting in 1982. I,ly feelings are that if you annex these two parcels of.land and' if they are developed along' with the. vacant lots in Rio Vista #5 and the property along Pinedale and BoYdstu'n Street, we .will possibly, have the'same over- flow problems that we have experi'enced in ·the past. (The overflow in'c° Rio Vista's take or .pond.) Unti.1. the Cit)' constructs a new system, which has been .proposed from the raildroad-school-south down'Mission-River to pump to lagoon, in my opinion, 'the City has a major problem in both ~1 station on the River and'#2.statiOn in Rio Vista. 3. Inflow & .Infiltration. In 'i97G the. City¥ in conliunc'~ion with the Dis. t~'i~:t,.(tid an evaluation s~udy.and repair projc:~:t on the s~wer lines, was c~'i. ml)leted in i978. In 1982, u.~:ing the Penetryn System Report. ~,d their, fi!'i~res, the City has renewed their .effort to co~:'rec'[ sene .of th~ pr~.blem'~. l'h,::~ F'enetryn Sys'Cen'l Report stated that we had: i. eaking manhole covers 529,000 Gpd Leaking nianholes: 114.,235 Gpd Leaking .sewer pii':e'(teleview'ing)- 308,160 Gpd Leaking house connect, ions.166,000 Gpd Ninor I/I as deter.imned to not be cost effective to teleview..188,925 Gpd Total t/I: t,306,640 Gpd The.City ~has in. Octob:er and November 1982: Replaced '83 m'anhole covers .,~"~.~ 24 m~nho!es Entered 165 manholes: 78 manholes need work on the.'.ins).de and we are in .the p'rocess of repa'~ring them at'this time,, as the weaterh permits. The City may have to hire a 'i'.~ 'cont'rac~.or to determine what other work .needs' to be .done. An'ord- inance is bei. ng drawn up by Tom Kerr to handle the yard drains, sump pumps, roof drains, etc. Another problem .we are looking i'.nto is all the homes that have.been moved: from 10ts· within the City and the ser'v~ce line was not plUgged. ....'~(,_te~'.' The a,/ailabil:.itY of water for' the area lis questi ,nable. Some homes in the area have very low pressu'~e !n sur~ner months. Th follow.ing a]re 'exampl es: : , J, 'Village:I'n Mo'tel'l - West Lak~J street... 12:00 Noon: 34' lbs'. '1 12:]00 NOon . 20 lbs. Baucm,1 Residence' ZaChary L'~ej.'~.'"' .~uly' 23,,' 1982. ' 1~ 24, 1982' .7:O0.P'.R. 22 lbs. ~' 7':00 A.M. 42'.lbs. 8:00 P.M. 22 lbs. 8~30 A.M. 32 lbs.. If the City 'is able to bu~ld:.a .qew p.~pin9 station ~n .the area of the mouth 0f'Payette' River', we. would have'llde~uate water Pressure. 5. Cost to the City.. Annexin9 ;~hi'~area will cdst the City :.addit]ional man hours foP. water, an~ sewir semVi.c~ Call, and Street mainten~nce~ if' the ' streets' ..are bull[ 'for 'C~ rY. . . accel... ~;ance',. ~......~' i .. think We are 1 ack]i, ng, ..in'. adequate, ent mai'ntenan'ce time ~ithin the. City :limits':~}at.'this time. and every hour sp elsewhere is. lost. ~... 6. Mo'netary advan'tages :to the annexation. :" There are ~ units .'in.this project. In hookups this ~ould-mean $60..,.000..!n:.Ca'pital Improvement and SeWer ~took~ps and $20,000 ~n water hookups, if'.t'he:'Subdivider i'nstalls ali 'service: taps' and s[ubs. Tt~ere'~ould not'be taxes~to add to the rolls 'due to the 1978' tax freeze. ' ' "- 7, S'~reets~ I~ ~he streets, are built to Ct'ty specificatibns and paved., snow removal wilt .cost man.'hoUrs'and:equ4~ent, Bo~dstun street needs ~ be. pave'd but .dntil we.'~now :'~hat' [he '°wne¢~"of;wcant property' on B6ydltun Street. arb 9oin9' to. do, ~e should 'not' P~ve th:is street because of the water,' sewer and culvers that h'age.to':be installed tn the"right~of~wa'y· We should '.~t. pave' a ::~t~eet"~'~nd'~then''.~ke '.a ~ater and sewer c-roS{i n9 'i n' i t. Larry L';"Chal fant ' go ahead with the by-pass line and water pump~ involvement of City crews in additional services, and the f~ct that nothing has been resolved with regards to agreement with Payette Lakes Water and Sewer District. Chairman CROWLEY stated there were three things outstanding with reference to this requested annex- ation: pending lawsuit with Payette Lakes Water and Sewer District, City does not have a grant for the water pump, nor does it have sewer by-pass funding. Based on these issues, he would be inclined to deny annexation at this time. Attorney Millemann, speaking on behalf of Mr. Peterson, requested the Council table the request for the annexation until a time certain or a time uncertain at the Council's discretion. Bill Kirk joined in the request that it be tabled at this time. It was moved by WARD and seconded by FAIRCHILD to table the Kirk/ Peterson annexation request until facts and findings on litiga- tion are known and City knows status of grant money. Upon vote FAIRCHILD, WARD, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. Attorney Remaklus presented and read at length proposed Ordinance No. 465, AN ORDINANCE RELATED TO ZONING, CHANGING ZONE CLASSIFI- CATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF McCALL, AMENDING THE MAP OF ZONING OF THE CITY OF McCALL, DIRECTING THE CITY ENGINEER TO ENDORSE SUCH CHANGES ON SAID MAP AND AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY OF McCALL. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD to suspend the rules for passage of proposed Ordinance No. 465. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. It was moved by FAIR- CHILD and seconded by LUTES to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 465. Upon vote WARD, FAIRCHILD, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Ordi- nance No. 465 is duly adopted. Remaklus presented and read at length proposed Ordinance No. 466, AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTION OF CERTAIN STREETS AND VACATING AN ALLEY IN THE CITY OF McCALL, IDAHO, AND PROVIDING FOR REVER- SION OF OWNERSHIP THEREOF AND EXECUTION OF QUITCLAIM DEEDS THERETO. It was moved by WARD and seconded by FAIRCHILD to suspend the rules for passage of proposed Ordinance No. 466. Upon vote motion car- ried unanimously. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 466 as read by City Attorney. Upon vote WARD, FAIRCHILD, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. Ordinance No. 466 is duly adopted. Attorney Remaklus reviewed at length Brown's Tie and Lumber Co. proposals for donation of certain lands to the City and vacation of designated streets and alley by the City. He presented the legal documents covering such transactions for Council action for formal acceptance and authorization of Deeds. Consensus of Council was to take documents under advisement so that all Council members could review the documents before Council action is taken. The Stringer/Whiteman P.U.D. proposal for development by the Golf Course was presented by Adm. Smith with request by Stringer that the Council grant preliminary approval in concept to send on to the Impact Planning and Zoning Commission. Following a lengthy discussion, it was Council consensus, because of the fact of prejudicing the opinions and decision of the Planning and Zoning Commission, that Stringer and Whiteman should follow proper procedure by taking the P.U.D. to the Impact Planning and Zoning Commission for public hearing and Recommendation. Mary Benson reported logging trucks from Lick Creek area were not following the truck route established for logging truck pressure. These trucks are coming down Wanda Street, Sampson Trail and to Highway 55. Suggested the City could get assis- tance with maintenance of the road from logging companies using the roads. Administrator Smith is to approach the companies involved regarding the established truck route. Mary Benson encouraged the City to get some action with regards to closing off the Old Mill site area as another youngster has been injured. Attorney Remaklus is to research the responsibility of property owners and make recommendations to Council By action taken at the July, 1983, meeting, the McCall Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the request of Jim Larkin and Carl Bryning for a reclassification of their property bordering Thula Street on the west and close to the airport on the south from A-Residential to General Commercial, and to amend the Comprehensive Plan based on the following: 1. This property is in the approach zone of the Airport 2. The zone change will make it compatible with the surrounding property 3. This property is not good for high density With regard to this recommendation, the City Council has received a request from Pat Duncan, Associate Broker of Holland Realty, to hold up Council action on this recommendation awaiting action of adjoining property owners. No hearing date was set at this time. McCall Planning and Zoning Commission recommends approval of the request for a Variance of Robert and Peggy Bryan for their garage to be 16.3 feet from the front property line instead of the re- quired 20 feet, and 6 feet from the side property line instead of the required 8½ feet based on the following: 1. That special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant 2. Surrounding property owners enjoy the same privilege 3. Granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied to other lands, structures or buildings in the same district. Zt was moved by LUTES and seconded by FAIRCHILD to set the Bryan Variance for public hearing on September 6, 1983. Upon vote motion carried. At their July 25, 1983, meeting, action taken by McCall Area of City Impact Commission to recommend the approval of the By- Laws, Practices and Procedures to be adopted by Ordinance. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by FAIRCHILD to set date for public hearing on proposed BY Laws, Practices and Procedures for September 6, 1983. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Chairman CROWLEY informed the Council that John Allen's and Rich Holm's terms on McCall Planning and Zoning Commission expired as of July 1, 1983, and there is technically one seat short. Following discussion CROWLEY appointed John Allen to the McCall Planning and Zoning Commission for a six-year term. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by WARD to confirm John Allen's appointment to the McCall Planning and Zoning Commission for a six-year term. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Chairman Crowley will contact Allen and Holm to explain the circumstance of the appointment. CROWLEY announced this is the date and place set for bid open- ing for Plant Mix Asphalt. One bid was received which was from Idaho Sand and Gravel Co., Inc., Caldwell, Idaho, for $65,197.00. CROWLEY read complete bid and Attorney Remaklus found the bid with a cashier's check for $3,300.00 as bond in order. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by WARD to accept Idaho Sand and Gravel Company bid of $65,197.00. Upon vote WARD, FAIRCHILD, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. It was the consensus of the Council that the bid bond for five percent of the amount of bid could be substituted for the $3,300.00 cashier's check and the check could be returned to Idaho Sand and Gravel Co., Inc. Administrator Smith presented the McCall Sewer By-Pass Engineer- ing Service Contract with Smith and Kangas Engineers, Inc. Attorney Remaklus advised that page five (5), F. Reservations and Compliance, paragraph 1. should read: "The ENGINEER reserves the right to obtain the services of other Consulting Engineers experienced in Sewer work to prepare and execute the work which is related to the project. Consulting Engineer shall be compen- sated by ENGINEER hereinU Following reading of the contract and discussion it was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by LUTES to approve the Engineering Service Contract with Smith and Kangas Engineers, Inc. subject to acceptance by Smith and Kangas of the changes made by the City Attorney. Upon vote LUTES, FAIRCHILD, WARD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. Administrator Smith presented some proposed changes to the Plan- ning and Zoning ordinance. It was the consensus of the Council to refer the Administrator's list of proposed changes/definitions to ~the Planning and Zoning Commission for review, consideration and recommendation. The Administrator read a letter from Pioneer Aviation dated July 3, 1983, advising the City Manager that they are planning on sponsoring another Air Show for the summer of 1984, tenta- tively late July or month of August. Intent of letter is to have some opportunity to hold the Air Show more or less on an exclusive basis and to put the City on notice. It was the con- sensus of the Council to be fair to all concerned and inform any one inquiring as to the already planned Air Show. Remaklus is to look at this in a legal manner and advise. City Clerk reported the collections from the Municipal Non- property Tax to be $51,736.61 to date. A letter written to Payette Lakes Water and Sewer District from Mike Silverman, Environmental Engineer of Environmental Protec- tion Agency, dated July 22, 1983, was read by Chairman CROWLEY. CROWLEY read a letter of resignation from Councilman Ernest E. Ward. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by FAIRCHILD to accept WARD'S resignation effective as of tonight. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. On behalf of the Council, CROWLEY told Ward the Council certainly appreciated his contribution and interest. Tom Kerr inquired as to the status of the sewer ordinance. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by LUTES to approve Smith and Kangas Engineers, Inc. billing for $10,415.00. Upon vote LUTES, WARD, FAIRCHILD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion car- ried unanimously. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by FAIRCHILD to adjourn the meeting until Tuesday, September 6, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. ~ting May-or / City C~erk · ~~-' AUGUST 16, 1983 McCall City Council held a Special meeting Tuesday, August 16, 1983, at 7:04 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers FAIRCHILD and LUTES and Clerk Fogg. Chairman CROWLEY explained the purpose of the meeting was to hold a public hearing for the purpose of obtaining written and oral comments from the public on the proposed uses of Revenue Sharing funds in the upcoming budget for Fiscal Year 1983/84. The hearing notice was read in full. He informed the Council that an additional purpose of call was for regular City busi- ness that may come before the meeting. Chairman CROWLEY stated there was other regular City business to attend to at this point. CROWLEY announced that he has the pleasure to appoint Marion Johnson to serve as Councilmember until the first meeting of January, 1984. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by LUTES to confirm the appointment of Marion Johnson as made. Upon vote the motion carried unani- mously. Marion Johnson took and subscribed to the Oath of Office as read by the Clerk and assumed the duties of her position. CROWLEY advised that this is the time and place set for a public hearing on the proposed uses of Revenue Sharing funds in the 1983/84 Fiscal Year. Administrator Smith reported receiving a written petition from McCall Public Library patrons for some of the Revenue Sharing funds to be spent in the library. He, also, rep6rted the Budget Advisory Committee of four people worked with him on the budget and did a fine job. The committee recommended the Revenue Sharing money for Fiscal Year 1983/84 be allocated as it was this year: Streets $i5,000.00, Fire Department $10,000.00, and Police $5,000.00. Comments were made by Rosemary Skiftun, Bert Bunch, Tom Kerr and Mary Benson. Gloria Cantrell, Librarian, said the people want the Library open twelve months out of the year, want it open Tuesdays and Saturdays and they really want more money to go toward the book buying. She is asking for $1,500.00 of Revenue Sharing funds to go to the Library for book buying. Chairman CROWLEY spoke to the Budget Committee saying the Council and citizens of McCall appreciate very much their time and effort. There is no question that this was a very gracious move on the part of the group and the Council thanks you for everything that has be done. He stated he would be inclined to follow the recommendation of the Budget Committee as to the allocation of the Revenue Sharing Funds and see if additional funds can be raised in some other fashion, either privately or through some other arrangement in the budgetary process, for the Library. Following a lengthy discussion, it was the consensus of the Council to allocate the Revenue Sharing Funds of $30,000.00 to Streets $15,000., Fire Department $10,000. and Police $5,000. and to honor the petition from the Library for $1,500. for books if and when such allocation can be made. The Council felt that respecting the petition is essential. Administrator Smith read the following recommendations of the Community Budget Committee presented for review and consider- ation: 1. No salary adjustments until such time as the City Administrator has completed a Personnel Manual, Job Analysis, Job Descriptions; Performance Evaluations and Salary Plans; Goal - to be completed by March 31, 1984 2. Implement Uniform Accounting System starting October t, 1983 3. Purchase and input all City functions in a Computer System as soon as possible 4. Charge each department with all personnel costs, ie, F.I.C.A., P.E.R.S., and Health/Accident Insurance 5. Centralize purchasing of all City office supplies 6. Pro-rate of general expenses to departments by ratio of responsibility 7. Increase Golf Course fees 8. Develop inventory control system of City property 9. Consider increasing water rates and library fees 10. Review Health & Accident insurance to determine if all individuals being carried need be 11 Set up revolving fund for each Department for main- tenance of buildings and equipment 12. Examine liability insurance coverage and premiums 13. Council members should divorce themselves of any individual department functions. They should utilize their energies in the general policy direction of the City of McCall. There was lengthy discussion as to the Councilmembers directing their efforts toward general improvement and/ or problems of the City rather than a specific department, discussed the duties of the Council and Administrator, and the Administrator serving as laison between departments and Council. A Special meeting was set for Friday, August 19, 1983, at 2:00 p.m. for the purpose of adopting a proposed budget for publication and hearing. Administrator Smith made the Council aware of accidents in the Old Mill building and advised he had written "Chuck" McDavitt on June 17, 1983, asking him to do something about the problem and requesting something be done before the end of summer. Following the Chaney boy's accident, Smith wrote again telling McDavitt he wanted a written and specific pro- posal by their company by August 15th as to exactly what they are going to do and when they are to have it done. Smith was advised by telephone today that McDavitt is sending a written proposal by the end of the week as to how the matter is to be handled. Rosemary Skiftun brought it to the attention of the Council that none of the 1½% new increase in the Sales Tax is allo- cated to the City and, if it does become a permanent tax, the City will not be allocated a share. The Council discussed the liability of the City with regards to the old Water Tower and the shop building behind the State building. The Administrator is to research this matter and make recommendations. Administrator Smith reported he has reviewed the Building Inspector applications and made charts fullfilling criteria of job description. It was the consensus of the Council to have two Councilmembers assist the Administrator in select- ing top applicants for interviews. JOHNSON and LUTES volun- teered for this job. It was decided to ask Les Ankemann to assist from professional standpoint. Administrator Smith informed the Council of a letter from Jeff Lappin, Central District Health Department, advising of the contamination of the storm drain at Art Roberts Park and that he has posted it to no swimming. Smith told the Council they are trying to isolate the source of the con- tamination but have no answer as yet. The Chamber of Commerce inquired as to the possibility of a Golf Pass for next golf season to auction off at their McFund project. Since Golf passes have been donated only to charity in the past and this is to raise funds for the Chamber itself, it was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by JOHNSON to deny donation of a golf pass for the McFund project. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. The Antique Car group have requested closure of Lenora Street for their Antique car races over Labor Day. It is their feeling that, if such races can't be held in the City proper, they will consider going elsewhere for their show. It was the consensus of the Council to approve the closure of Lenora Street from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on one day for the Antique Car Races with merchants and/or landowners note of approval. Administrator Smith requested permission to attend a Coali- tion of Resort Cities Conference in Sun Valley on August 23rd and 24th. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by FAIR- CHILD to send the Administrator to this conference. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. There is an EPA Conference in Seattle, Washington, in September and the Administrator recommends that City Super- intendent Chalfant attend. It was the consensus of the Council to send Chalfant to this conference. The McCall Memorial Hospital Auxiliary is asking for per- mission to hold a flower sale in the Progressive Community City Park in September. Following discussion it was decided the neutral guide line standards of criteria for use on City property would be, if the group was nonsectarian, non- political, nonprofit and had self liability, their request could have favorable consideration. Clerk is to contact the ~ospital Auxiliary to see if they have liability insurance in order to meet necessary criteria. Administrator Smith recommended that a payment of $25.00 per night be made for use of the Depot building. Following dis- cussion the Council took the recommendation under advisement for study and decision at a later date. A person, not identifying himself, inquired as to the pos- sibility of obtaining a list of voters. The question was taken under advisement in order to determine the legality of supplying such a list. He, also, made a request for use of Art Roberts Park to hold an Oratory and Musical Dedication to Martin Luther King on August 27, 1983. The neutral guide lines just established and the providing of one's liability was explained. It was suggested he submit a written request to the Council by Friday. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by LUTES to adjourn the meeting until Tuesday, September 6, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 9:35~p.m. Acting Mayor / City/lerk / / ' AUGUST 19, 1983 McCall City Council held a Special meeting Friday, August 19, 1983, at 2:05 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers FAIRCHILD, JOHNSON and LUTES and Clerk Fogg. Chairman CROWLEY announced the purpose of the meeting was a budget work session and further business that may come before the Council. CROWLEY informed the Council that there had been a request for the Council to go into an Executive session for discussion of personnel. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by FAIRCHILD to go into Executive session for personnel matters. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Executive session began at 2:07 p.m. and closed at 2:35 p.m. Chairman Crowley continued the Special meeting by asking Administrator Smith to review the budget as it has been pro- posed. Estimated Revenue projections were reviewed by line items. Department budget requests were each reviewed. There was considerable discussion with regards to salary increases and the salary adjustment/wage realignment study; golf course revenues and it's being self-sustained; changes in Library budget; and streets, sewer and water with regards to their $600.00 overtime figure for week-end duty; and litigation budget. Don Fitzwater, Fire Chief, asked if employees can be given a definite time as to whether and when a wage increase could be expected or guaranteed. Following further discussion FAIR- CHILD moved that the Council grant the employees a $50.00 cost of living raise effective 10-1-83. However, FAIRCHILD withdrew the motion providing there is an indication that the salary adjustment study will be done by October 1, 1983. Following a lengthy discussion it was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by LUTES to have the entire salary readjustment pro- posal established on or before October 1, 1983. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. LUTES and JOHNSON volunteered to serve on a committee to assist Administrator Smith with such salary readjustment research. Smith advised the Council of a listing of probable savings for the City for Fiscal year 1983/84 and presented a listing of projects he plans to research in FY 83/84 that will lead to further savings to the City. A letter from Joe Pietri, McCall Chapter of the Snake River Alliance, dated August 18, 1983, was read at length. They are requesting the use of Art Roberts Park on Saturday, August 27, 1983, between the hours of 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. to present a tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr. Following dis- cussio~, ~it was moved by LUTES and seconded by FAIRCHILD the Council not allow the Snake River Alliance Group the use of Art Roberts Park because the group is not within the guide lines of being a nonprofit, nonpolitical, nonsecre- tarian and nonreligious organization or group. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. Chairman CROWLEY reported on a prior meeting regarding the proposal of land application for disposal of the City's partially treated effluent. Attorney Killan had prepared a preliminary agreement with the Basida Brothers for the spot for such disposal and it was agreed the City would pre- pare a scope of work for the preliminary engineering study which will have to be done, they are to discuss with Tom Kerr and Ralph Kangas on the procedure and set up a timetable. Administrator Smith advised he had received a letter from residents and property owners of Syringa Subdivision asking the City to place street lighting in their subdivision. The letter was read at length. It was the consensus of the Coun- cil that the Administrator should contact Idaho Power to determine the costs involved in getting lights in place, number of lights needed, and monthly cost of such lighting. Chas. McDevitt's letter of August 18, 1983, regarding the Red Mill (Boise Cascade Mill) was read in full. The letter stated, in order to preclude the creation of any situation which is~injurious to the best interests of the community, proposals to re-establish security on the mill building were to pull away the old green chain structure from the main mill building, reboard every opening in the mill and sawdust storage building and have it checked by caretaker on regular basis. Reboarding to be on an interim basis to provide ample time to remove artifacts and old steam engine to be saved as a momentum of the McCall mill, conduct a controlled burn of all of the buildings on the site, under the auspices of the fire department, and then remove the debris from the site. Administrator Smith recommended the City follow up with a letter giving a time period. Fire Chief Fitzwater recommended there be a charge for the controlled burn be- cause of the expense involved. Following discussion, the Council consensus was that the above should be accomplished by January 1, 1984. It was Bill Onweiller's recommendation that the teepee burner of the Red Mill be utilized as a museum for histor- ical services. Adm. Smith is to investigate the possibility of working with the State Historical Society with regards to the burner. The City is to receive a copy of the $1,000,000. liability insurance coverage carried on the Red Mill, same to be furnished by Onwieller. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by JOHNSON to hold an Executive session for consideration of litigation. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. Executive session began at 4:16 p. m. and closed at 5:00 p.m. Tuesday,/~ep~mber 6, 1983, A~'t m~g. ~yor vv/ Chairman CROWLEY adjourned the meeting at 5:00 p.m. until at 7:00 p.m. AUGUST 30, 1983 McCall City Council met in Special session Tuesday, August 30, 1983, at 2:00 p.m. Councilwoman FAIRCHILD presiding. Those pre- sent were Councilmembers LUTES and JOHNSON, Administrator Smith and Clerk Fogg. Councilman CR~WLEY was absent. City Administrator Jim Smith was asked to give his report on the Sun Valley Conference which he attended August 23rd and 24th. Administrator Smith reported that this conference was a meeting of most resort communities in the State of Idaho and the basic goal of the meeting was to determine ways and resources whereby resort communities could generate some more revenue. Those com- munities having representatives present were Sun Valley, Ketchum, McCall, Hailey, Coeur d'Alene and Lava Hot Springs and revenue alternatives discussed were: State Sales Tax changes, establish a Broad Base Tax, Local Otion Tax modifications, Property Tax additions and exemptions, S~te Revenue Sharing, 2% Bed Tax and combination of some of above. A group of hotel and bar people were at the meeting. Those com- menting were John Edwards, Blair Shepherd, Rosemary Skiftun, Ernie Woods, Ina Shepherd, Mary Benson and several other resi- dents who did not identify themselves. Their concerns, and/or questions were as follows: Questioned legality of McCall class- ifying itself as a tourist city (2) Tax imposed upon hotel and bar owners is unfair and detrimental to business (3) Questioned City needing the money (4) McCall having a reputation of being a tourist trap (5) Whether McCall is a tourist town or a resort town for other Idaho residents already paying State taxes (6) Suggested a road use tax (7) Council should review the local option tax for reduction or repeal (8) Rather than looking towards additional budget monies, City should address trimming services or decrease in salaries and other comments along this line of discussion. Administrator Smith summed up his report by giving recommendations of the group: (1) Each resort City Council should appoint two people to serve on boards, one from the City Council and the other from the private sector; (2) Each Resort City Council and interested citizens should meet with their State Legislators before September 6, 1983, to review with them the proposed alternatives or any others; (3) Meet each month prior to the Legislative session to compose a "shopping" list; (4) Consider- ation be given to hiring a professional lobbyist to be compen- sated by both public and private sharing expense, estimated between $20,000.00 and $25,000.00. Administrator Smith requested that the City Council endorse the Coalition of Resort Cities, appoint two Board members, set a date for meeting with our State Legislators, and set a date for meeting of the board during the week of September 26th. The Council expressed concern as to the duties of the committee, time and monies involved and whether or not it was something the citizens were in favor of. Following discussion Chairwoman FAIRCHILD asked the Administrator to talk to the Chamber of Commerce about this proposed group and project. It 'was the consensus of the Council to take the Administrator's request under advisement until the meeting of September 6, 1983. for research as to whether A.I.C. would be duplicating these efforts, money that would be involved, and input from citizens as to their interest. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by LUTES to accept the Gift Deed dated August 22, 1983, from Shore Club Lodge. Inc. to the City of McCall. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. This deed is for a property easement for the water station by Shore Lodge. Chairwoma~n~ FAIRCHILD adjourned the meeting at 4:10 p.m. until Tuesday Se tember 6, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Acting Mayor/ C:[~ty/[Jerk /~ ~ SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 McCall City Council met in Regular session Tuesday, September 6, 1983, at 7:08 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding, Those present were Councilmembers FAIRCHILD, JOHNSON and LUTES, Adm- istrator Smit~ Attorney Remaklus and Clerk Fogg. ?! The minutes of May 25, 1983, and July 5, 22, and 27, 1983, were approved as recorded. Chalrma~ cROWLE¥ announced that this is the time and place set for a public hearing on the proposed budget for the 1983/84 fiscal year. He explained further this is the time whereon citizens may appear to show cause why the budget should not be adopted as written and invited comments. Gloria Cantrelt, Librarian, said they were asked by the Citi- zen's Budget Committee to cut their budget by $3,000. and the only way to do this is to close the library for six weeks, December 19, 1983, through January 30, 1984. Mary Benson, member of the Budget Advisory Committee, remarked that the budget published for hearing was not the budget the budget committee prepared and she elaborated on the differences. LUTES reported that Councilmember Johnson and he had met to review the City employee salaries and recommend the following salary readjustments (these are not merit nor cost of living raises): (1) Lewis Pratt has been with the Police Department two years, from $14,000. to $16,000; R. C. Jackson, Dog Warden for Police Department one year, from $14,000. to $15,000.; Royce Willhoyt and Bill Keating, maintenance employees in streets, water and sewer for one year, from $14,588. to $15,000; Don Fitzwater, Fire Chief for two years, from $14,000. to $16,000; Gloria Cantretl, Librarian, from $6~.25 to $7.00 per hour; Adm. Jim Smith from $24,000. to $25,000. at time of six months employ- ment; also, Brian Mickels, Golf Maintenance Supervisor, is being considered for salary readjustment. It was further recommended to freeze anyone receiving $18,000. or more and, if there is a cost of living adjustment, it be given to those employees earning less than $18,000. No action was taken on the recom- mendations. Rosemary Skiftun, member of the ~udget Advisory Committee, questioned several budget figures, gave detailed description of budget preparation, and stated she had no confidence in any of the revenue figures and asked Council to take a serious look at the budget. Tom Kerr, Budget Advisory Committee member, urged the Council to consider going into an Accounting system rather than the present bookkeeping system. Blair Shepherd advised the Council they should address adjust- ing salaries in City to those in the County for comparatively same jobs. Les Peterson was in favor of allowing the Library the $3,000. they were asked to deduct from their budget. Attorney Remaklus advised, if funds are going to be transferred within the General Fund budget, it should not be a book entry but by Council action. It should be considered in advance prior to taking the action and be sure funds are available. Administrator Smith answered Skiftun's charge that the budget figures were not as presented to the committee, explaining he had provided f~es to the best of his knowledge. In answer to Skiftun's question as to whether or not the Coun- cil can make changes to the 4% Local Option Tax, Remaklus stated no tax shall be redefined, no rate shall be increased, no purpose shall be extended without subsequent approval of City voters. He thought the Council does have right of repeal. Chairman CROWLEY declared the public hearing closed and it was moved by LUTES to adopt the proposed budget as advertised with the understanding the Council commit adjusting downward if necessary. Motion died for lack of a second. Attorney Remaklus presented and read at length proposed Ordinance No. 467, AN ORDINANCE TERMED "THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION BILL" APPROPRIATING SUCH SUMS OF MONEY AS ARE DEEMED NECESSARY TO DEFRAY ALL NECES- SARY EXPENSES AND LIABILITIES OF THE CITY OF McCALL, IDAHO, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1984. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by JOHNSON to suspend the rules for passage of proposed Ordinance No. 467, upon vote motion carried unanimously. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by CROWLEY to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 467, with the stipulation and understanding that the Council take deliberate control in ob- serving if any further discrepancies come up of these numbers and manage in conjunction with City Administrator. Upon vote FAIRCHILD, JOHNSON, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Ordinance No. 467 was duly adopted. Chairman CROWLEY announced it was the time and place for the re~a~ng of George Klind's request for a reclassification of zone on the following described property from F-1 Urban Agri- culture and Recreation (F-1 allows 1 unit per 10 acre density) to F-3 Urban Agriculture and Recreation (F-3 allows 1 unit per 1 acre density), property described to wit: N¼, SE¼, or SW¼, Section 6, Township 18 N., Range 3, E.B.M. Remaklus ex- plained that the Klind and Bryan hearings will be adjudicative hearings and advised that such hearings be conducted as follows: (1) Comment from City staff; (2) presentation from proponents of the proposition; (3) hear from opponents of proposition; and (4) general comments from other interested persons. Limi- tation will be to address a question two times only and every courtesy will be extended to the group so that everyone has a chance to be heard. This is a fact-finding board and you are to address the Chair in order to comment. At the conclusion of the hearing the matter will be taken under a~visement for the preparation of Findings of Fact and Conclusion of Law in accor- dance with the statute and Judge Smith's opinion in the trial court. "Chuck" Kroll, representing George Klind, introduced himself and agreed with the outline of procedure given. There was no City staff report. Attorney Kroll asked that the letters in- corporated in the hearing last year be incorporated in this hearing as well and that the recommendation of the McCall Planning and Zoning Commission also be submitted here as part of the record. Kroll presented Proposed Findings of Fact and questioned George Klind in giving "Criteria for Decision". Klind is asking for City police protection and fire protection only. Citizens appearing before the Council to speak in favor of the zone change and urging approval were: Shari Katzenburger, Asso- ciate Broker with Don Fuller Realty, McCall; Tom Kerr, surveyor, McCall; Harold Apple, elementary education teacher, Rock Flat, McCall; and John Boydstun, McCall. No one spoke in opposition to the proposed zone change. In summarization, Attorney Kroll stated that George Klind has proposed a very low density development right off public access Highway 55. He's proposing the development take place at almost no expense to the City and he will bear his own costs with re- gard to road maintenance and potable water. Only City services he's asking for is police and fire protection. He asked that the Council consider the evidence presented, note the criteria has been met and there has been no opposition voiced. He asked the Council to consider Klind's proposal and grant the zone change. Remaklus noted that Attorney Kroll asked that the letters sub- mitted last year and recommendations of the McCall Planning and Zoning Commission be made a part of the record. Also, as Exhibit 1, a drawing and a plot drawing has been submitted. A tape recording of the public hearing has been made as well. Attorney Kroll made 0bjections as follows: Mr. Klind would object if Mr. Crowley does sit as President of the Council and votes on this matter and Kroll objects to the Resolu- tion dated March 7, 1983, of eight items being used as rea- sons for denying rezone application. Remaklus closed the public hearing and advised the Council will have findings and conclusions within two weeks. A Special meeting was set for Tuesday, September 13, 1983, at 3:00 p.m. for Council action on this application. Chairman CROWLEY announced that this is the time and place set for a public hearing on the application of Robert and Peggy Bryan for a Variance. There was no staff report. Peggy Bryan addressed the Council giving details of their request and urging approval of their variance for the addition of a garage and family room. At the July 6, 1983, meeting the McCall Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the request for a Variance of Robert and Peggy Bryan for their garage to be 16.3 feet from the front property line instead of the required 20 feet, and 6 feet from the side property line instead of the required 8½ feet. Reasons: (1) That special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant, (2) Surrounding property owners enjoy the same privilege, (3) Granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied to other lands, structures or buildings in the same district. No one spoke opposing the Variance. Following dis- cussion, it was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by JOHNSON to uphold the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commis- sion and approve the Robert and Peggy Bryan variance request. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. Attorney Remaklus announced that this is the time and place set for a public hearing to consider amending the McCall Area of City Impact Ordinance to include the By-Laws, Prac- tices and Procedures. There was no staff report. McCall Area of City Impact Commission recommends the approval of the By-Laws, Practices and Procedures, and was submitted to the Council to be adopted by Ordinance. Notice was given pursuant to the McCall Area of City Impact Zoning Ordinance, Section 20-2, entitled "Notice of Public Hearing", and a Public Hearing was held on May 23, 1983, and continued until July 25, 1983, pursuant to the Idaho Code 65-04 C and 67-6534. The McCall Area of City Impact Planning and Zoning Commission pursuant to the McCall Area of City Impact Zoning Ordinance Section 19-4 (A) finds as follows: Article II Membership and Officers Section 2 C The Secretary provides for the keeping of minutes and records (67-6509) (67-6536) Article VI Agenda Section 1. Agenda - Provides for Notice of Hearing Procedure (67-6509 Article VI Agenda Section 2 Procedure - Provides the Hearing Procedure for considering individual agenda items to enable due process and equal protection. (67-6534) Article VI Agenda Section 2 Procedure #8 - Provides for a written statement in the form of findings of fact and conclusions of Law. (67-6535) The conclusion is adoption of these procedures and By-Laws is necessary to bring the McCall Area of City Planning and Zoning Commission into compliance with Chapter 65 Titled Local Planning of the Idaho Code. There was no one present to speak in favor of or opposed to the amendments as proposed. Remaklus recommended that this P & Z recommendation be taken under advisement until the next regular meeting of the Council to enable him to research the possibility of being able to adopt by Resolution rather than Ordinance. There being no further comments the public hearing was declared closed and the consensus of the Council was to take the recommendation under advisement. The Council discussed the Resolutions pertaining to the dona- tion of certain lands by Browns Tie and Lumber Company to the City and Chairman CROWLEY recommended these Resolutions be taken under advisement until Tuesday, September 13, 1983, in order that each Councilmember can meet with Administrator Smith to clear up any questions they may have. Council con- sensus was to take this matter under advisement. Chairman CROWLEY asked to be excused at 9:55 p.m. because of illness. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by LUTES to appoint Councilmember FAIRCHILD temporary chairman for the remainder of the meeting. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Remaklus read in full a RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING A GENERAL CITY ELECTION, TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 8, 1983, DESIGNATING THE POLLING PLACES, DESIGNATING THE REGISTRAR AND DEPUTY REGISTRARS, AND ORDERING THE CITY CLERK TO GIVE NOTICE OF SUCH ELECTION. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by LUTES to adopt the Resolution calling for a General City Election on November 8, 1983. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. The Syringa Street Light Request cost estimate of $58.82 per month or $705.84 per year for 8 fixtures and 2 poles was presented. Following discussion it was moved by LUTES and seconded by JOHNSON to approve the 8 fixtures and 2 poles for Syringa Subdivision at $705.84 per year. Upon vote JOHNSON, LUTES, and FAIRCHILD voted AYE. Motion carried. Administrator Smith reported he has four people scheduled for interviews Wednesday and Saturday for the Building Inspector position. Council members Johnson and Lutes, Les Ankenman and Adm. Smith will be conducting the interviews. At the McCall Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on August 3, 1983, the P & Z Chairman was authorized to sign the Hard Plat for West View Condominium accepting and approving this project subject to the signature of the City Engineer. Folding review of West View Condominium project and discussion, it was moved by LUTES and seconded by JOHNSON to accept the West View Condominium Hard Plat and authorize signatures of the Acting Mayor and Clerk. Upon vote JOHNSON and LUTES voted AYE and FAIRCHILD voted NAY. Motion carried. McCall Planning & Zoning Commission referred complaints received to the Council on the sign on the roof of the Conoco Station on East Lake Street which has never been given a permit nor was one applied for. It does not conform with the Municipal Code in that it is on the roof and it is a flashing sign. Also, they report complaints are still coming in about the Woodsman sign. Adm. Smith reported receiving numerous complaints on both signs and a letter was written to Woods February 3, 1983, re- questing him to bring the Woodsman sign into compliance or remove it. Following discussion on further conversations with Woods, it was moved by LUTES and seconded by JOHNSON to direct Attorney Remaklus to send a letter to Mr. Woods advising him that he has to bring his sign in compliance to code or the Council will take measures afforded them by law. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. With reference to the Conoco sign, it was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by LUTES to have our Building Inspector notify Conoco sign person-in-charge immediately that he is not in compliance and request that he do so. Upon vote motion car- ried unanimously. Sandy Passmore, Passmore Aviation, submitted a written request for an extension of their lease on .25 acres of land on McCall Airport for five years as their present lease expires as of October 1, 1983. Adm. Smith recommended giving Passmore Aviation a lease extension until July, 1984, in order to review all such leases at the same time and, in the meantime, enable the City to get an airport survey. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by JOHNSON to grant Passmore Aviation a one-year lease extension from date of expiration, October 1, 1983, with the lease to be reviewed in July, 1984. Upon vote motion carried. A Special meeting was set for Tuesday, September 13, 1983, at 3:00 p.m. The Clerk read a letter from Marjorie Ruth Moon, State Trea- surer, advising the City that the present agreement under the Joint Exercise of Powers Act investment program expires September 7, 1983, and submitting new agreements for comple- tion so that the City may continue to participate in the Joint Powers Investment Pool. Following Remaklus' recommen- dation to approve the agreement, it was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by LUTES to approve Agreement of Joint Exercise of Powers and authorize appropriate signatures. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. The Canon Copier Maintenance Agreement was presented for con- sideration. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by JOHNSON to accept the Maintenance Agreement on the Canon copier and authorize payment of $215.00 for the next six months. Upon vote LUTES, JOHNSON and FAIRCHILD voted AYE. Motion carried. The Clerk explained that FAIRCHILD, LUTES and CROWLEY had reviewed the August payables in the amount of $48,525.81 and these bills were approved by polling the Council members on August 4, 1983. Since Ernie Ward's resignation was effective August 1, 1983, he did not check the billings. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by LUTES to confirm the approval of the August payables of $48,525.81 by polling on August 3, 1983. Upon vote LUTES, JOHNSON and FAIRCHILD voted AYE. Motion carried. The August ~acksare listed as follows: #986 Roger D. Bates $ 250.00 987 Hugh H. Cooke 300.00 988 Brad G. Frsnk 200.00 989 Jack Fuller 143.68 990 Michael K. Gantz 125.00 991 Richard C. Jackson 250.00 992 John L. Lyon 250.00 993 Brian S. Mickels 300.00 994 Larry S. Olson 250.00 995 Ronnie D. Pomerinke 250.00 996 Lewis E. Pratt 250.00 997 David H. Pulver 125.00 998 Roger W. Rockwell 250.00 999 Michael R. Sellers 200.00 1000 Terry A. Sharp 300.00 100t Royce E. Willhoyt 250.00 1002 John C. Hover 228.25 1003 Terry Sharp, W/S Clerk 19.99 1004 VOID VOID 1005 Idaho First National Bank 138,000.00 1006 Roger D. Bates 891.51 1007 Sandra K. Bates 537.33 1008 Gloria L. Cantrell 760.71 1009 Joye S. Catlin 725.81 1010 Larry Chalfant 1,359.56 t0tl Hugh H. Cooke 777.53 1012 James F. Creech 126.07 1013 William L. Crowley 25.96 1014 John B. Drips 698.62 1015 Thomas A. Forest 115.69 1016 Frank A. Farnsworth 412.70 1017 Mary Ellen Fairchild 110.09 1018 Donald L. Fitzwater 830.67 1019 Margaret E. Fogg 1,060.14 1020 Brad G. Frank 198.39 1021 Michael K. Gantz 450.84 1022 Susan M. Goodell 149.28 1023 James L. Hildleston 193.06 1024 Richard C. Jackson 675.80 1025 Rebecca L. Jeffries 445.78 1026 Gay H. Johnson 854.03 #1027 1028 1029 1030 lO31 1032 1033 1034 1035 lO36 1037 1038 1039 1040 i04i 1042 1043 1044 i045 1046 1047 1048 1049 io5o i05i i052 io53 1054 1055 1056 1057 t058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 i065 1066 1067 i068 1069 lo70 1071 lO72 1073 lO74 1075 1076 1077 i078 1079 i080 io8i i082 io83 i084 1085 1086 io87 i088 i089 1090 109t 1092 1093 io94 1095 1096 1097 i098 1099 1100 1t0t William D. Keating Donald B. Kirby Judy Linman John R. Lewinski Mary Jane Liberty Clifford Lutes John L. Lyon Mark McCleod Barbara J. Maz~o Brian S. Mickels Blaine Murray Ralph R. Murray Larry S. Olson Alta C. Pierson Ronnie D. Pomerinke Lewis E. Pratt David H. Pulver Robert H. Remaklus Roger W. Rockwell Laura L. Rupe Michael R. Sellers Terry A. Sharp Jeffrey Sheldon David B. Smith James E. Smith Russell ~. Stringfield Ernest E. Ward Steven K. Wheeler Royce E. Willhoyt Robert V. Wilson State of Idaho Auditor Idaho First National Bank Idaho State Tax Commission Public Employee Retirement System American Family Life Assurance Co. Association of Idaho Cities Idaho Central Credit Union Postmaster Postmaster Smith & Kangas Engineers, Inc. Maury Ainger Don Aldrich Rick Bollar Bill Botsford Tom Chaloupka Dan Cochran VOID De~losey Eddins Tim Everhart Martin Fitzgerald Tom French Bill Haworth Jack Kat zenberger Dave Smith Russ Smith Skip Taylor Dana West Doug Woods J. R. Barnett Jim Barnett Norman J. Corbet Rob Dodge Margaret E. Fogg Jack Fuller Bernie Greenwald Paul Mann Matt Muller Larry S. Olson Kelly Pratt Bob Smith Jim Smith Robert V. Wilson Acheson Motors The Art Mart, Inc. Associated Business Products 653.75 312.38 289.94 1,156.72 497.34 110.09 1,230.85 44.78 527.78 721.14 492.93 494.09 952.11 510.74 834.44 634.08 301.66 645.08 796.88 572.43 342.39 238.57 489.96 1,236.65 1,296.62 536.79 116.62 89.57 685.52 665.07. 6,085.74 4,490.00 1,568.90 5,714.77 64.34 2,369.05 565.57 i55.0o 60.00 7,400.00 59.00 34.00 i5.50 29.00 7.00 25.5O VOID 44.00 35.OO 18.5O 23.50 27.00 7.00 72.00 4o. 5o 3.50 12.00 3.50 42.00 36.00 545.10 36.00 5.49 42.00 36.00 24. oo 24.50 lO. 97 53.60 24.00 106.97 20.00 9.25 24.33 90.00 #1102 1103 ii04 ilO5 ~ ~t ~0~6 li07 ii08 ii09 iliO liii iii2 iii3 iii4 11i5 ill6 ill7 iii8 iii9 112o li2i ii22 ii23 ii24 i125 ii26 ii27 ii28 ii29 ii3o ii3i ii32 ii33 1134 1135 1136 1137 , 1138 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 ii45 1146 1147 ii48 ii49 ii50 ii5i ii52 ii53 li54 ii55 ii56 ii57 1158 li59 116o ii6i ii62 ii63 ii64 i165 ii66 ii67 ii68 ii69 ii7o ii7i ii72 ii73 ii74 ii75 ii76 ii77 ii78 ii39 Better Homes & Gardens The Book Shop Boyd Martin Co. Bradley's Plastic Bag Co. Brodart Brundage Office Supply & Printing Bruneel Tire Service Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Circle R Consolidated Supply Co. Contel Crazy Bob's Road Oiling Service Dean's Tire Service Decker's Inc. Dennis Stone Enterprises F-Stop Film & Camera Farwest Steel Franklin Building Supply Co. Gem Fuel Co. Great Western Co. High Mountain Nurserys, Inc. The Highsmith Co., Inc. John C. Hover Idaho First National Bank Idaho First National Bank State of Idaho State of Idaho Dept. of Unemployment Idaho Statesman State of Idaho Federal Surplus Property Idaho Recreation & Park Society Idaho Power Intermountain Appraisal Services, Inc. Killen & Pittenger Koch Asphalt Co. Long Valley Sand & Gravel The Lumber Yard McCall Plumbing & Heating McCall Rental & Sales McCall Rexal Drug May Hardware, Inc. Medley Sports Men's Wardrobe Merc Of McCall MissmanElectric Co., Inc. The Michie Co. Mom's Auto Parts My Secretary Service National Recreation & Park Association Newman Signs Norco NIPSIA OSC Data Pace Industries Payette Lakes Lumber Co. Pioneer Aviation, Inc. Pipeco Precision Sharpening Publishers Central B~reau Robert H. Remaklus Ron's Shell Service Rowland Bros. Runner S.O.S. Inc. W.O.J. Seetin Share Corp. Shaver's Sirchie Skiing Snowbird Laundry Stan's Auto Parts Star News Idaho Statesman Sterling Codifiers, Inc. Syms York Co. The T.V. Shop McCall Chamber of Commerce 27.38 78.24 21.74 199.15 60.20 59.55 141.70 25.20 2,553.77 16.53 i,86i.55 817.26 908.60 569.00 57.02 25.OO 13.31 125.07 198.25 206.39 437.81 2,946.00 25.58 1,486.82 1,051.67 416.52 1,256.40 997 38 134 40 136 40 10 00 5,945 68 1,800 00 817 40 2,504 00 23.46 92 41 65 50 186 80 15 59 364 72 21 36 8O 59 14.05 836.77 14.81 10.38 ii.98 20.00 175.50 10.50 6o.oo 244.80 71.29 504.73 6oo.oo 337.85 40.40 25.97 731.00 14.70 859.30 14.97 7OO.OO 278.28 295.28 39.17 34.77 4.99 60.37 118.49 131.74 6.OO 584.75 110.15 53.50 80.46 #1179 Teletronics 30.00 1180 Tony Meckel Excavating 2,749.25 1181 Turf Equipment Co. 16.92 1182 United Laboratories, Inc. 330.99 1183 Union Oil Co. 34.84 1184 Valley County Landfill 64.50 1185 Valley County Sanitation 144.80 1186 Valley Tools 10.00 1187 The Wallace Shop 12.48 1188 Water Resource Board 10.00 1189 Water & Waste Water Equip. Co. 1,562.53 1190 Western Equipment Co. 1,290.53 1191 Wilson Trophy Co. 68.10 1192 Mike Cury 25.50 The Council was informed of the Annual City Clerk and Finance Officer's Institute at Shore Lodge on September 19 through September 21, 1983. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by LUTES to pay the $60.00 reg~ration fee for the City Clerk to attend the Institute on September 19-21, 1983. Upon vote LUTES, JOHNSON and FAIRCHILD voted AYE. Motion carried. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by JOHNSON to go into Execu~ tive session to discuss litigation and personnel matters. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. The Executive session began at 10:40 p.m. and closed at 11:00 p.m. The following bills were read for payment: #1193 J.W. Crutcher, Clerk of Dist. Court 6.00 1194 Roger D. Bates 250.00 1195 Hugh H. Cooke 300.00 1196 Brad G. Frank 200.00 1197 Michael K. Gantz 75.00 1198 Richard C. Jackson 250.00 1199 Gay H. Johnson 380.40 1200 Donald B. Kirby 225.00 1201 John L. Lyon 250.00 1202 Brian S. Mickels 300.00 1203 Larry S. Olson 250.00 1204 Ron~ie D. Pomerinke 250.00 1205 Lewis E. Pratt 250.00 1206 David H. Pulver 125.00 1207 Roger W. Rockwell 250.00 1208 Michael R. Sellers 200.00 1209 Terry A. Sharp 300.00 1210 Jeffrey Sheldon 242.21 1211 Royce Willhoyt 250.00 1212 Postmaster 40.00 1213 Larry S. Olson 8.00 1214 Terry Sharp 22.80 1215 Publications Order Dept. 6.00 1216 City of McCall Water Bond Fund 5,087.50 1217 Robert M. Baker 298.56 1218 Roger D. Bates 829.11 1219 Sandra K. Bates 655.86 1220 Gloria L. Cantrell 739.85 1221 Joye S. Catlin 727.81 1222 Larry Chalfant 1,375.29 1223 Hugh H. Cooke 777.53 1224 James F. Creech 132.26 1225 William L. Crowley 25.96 1226 John B. Drips 698~62 1227 Mary Ellen Fairchild 110.09 1228 Frank A. Farnsworth 295.59 1229 Donald L. Fitzwater 842.45 1230 Margaret E. Fogg 1,057.96 1231 Brad G. Frank 511.36 1232 Michael K. Gantz 688.59 1233 Susan Margaret Goodell 141.82 1234 James L. Hiddleton 602.36 1235 Richard C. Jackson 675.80 1236 Rebecca L. Jeffries 538.42 1237 William D. Keating 668.17 1238 Donald B. Kirby 328.07 1239 John R. Lewinski 1,156.72 1240 Mary Jane Liberty 489.45 #1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 Judy Linman Clifford Lutes John L. Lyon Barbara J. Marmo Brian S. Mickels Blaine Murray Ralph R. Murray Larry S. Olson Alta C. Pierson Ronnie D. Pomerinke Lewis E. Pratt David H. Pulver Robert H. Remaklus Roger W. Rockwell Laura L. Rupe Michael R. Sellers Terry A. Sharp David B. S~ith James E. Smith Russell K. Stringfield Royce E. Willhoyt Robert V. Wilson State Auditor, State of Idaho Idaho First National Bank State Tax Commission Public Employee Retirement System Association of Idaho Cities American Family Life Assurance Co. Idaho Central Credit Union Postmaster J. W. Crutcher, Clerk of Dist. Court Association of Idaho Cities Bob Caldwell Ron Carico Norman J. Corbet Margaret E. Fogg Idaho Recreation & Parks Society Larry Johnson Roger Ross Jim Smith Robert Wilson Dave Smith Maury Ainger Tim Everhart Russ Smith Ken Medley Tom French Dan Cochran Mike Curry Bill Bot sford Tom Chaloupka Dana West Don Aldrich Doug Woods Action Express Acheson Motors The Art Mart, Inc. The Baker & Tayor Co. Better Homes & Gardens Blue Lotus Books Boyd Martin Co. Brundage Office Supply Bruneel Tire Service C & S Contracting Cambridge Litho Cesco Chevron U.S.A. Chevron U.S.A. VOID Consolidated Supply Co. Contel Cooperative Conservation Program Crazy Bob ' s Cummins Int emountain Demco Disco Foods, Inc. 174.94 ll0.09 1,230.85 483.34 721.14 674.73 523.54 952.11 658.3O 834.44 634.08 83.92 645.08 796.88 5O5.25 404.23 327.63 1,236.65 1,281.70 487.17 685.52 741.22 6,128.43 4,453.30 1,562.50 5,525.01 2,169.93 66.52 565.57 152.00 6.00 6O.OO 262.50 420.00 576.70 14.50 40.00 430.00 200.00 727.32 20.00 48.5O 27.00 20.00 23.50 15.00 3.5O 15.00 23.50 3.50 7.00 18.50 22.00 7.00 5.25 25.00 18.83 291.96 26.24 18.85 149.20 11.99 286.67 466.29 65.oo 72.71 36.70 1,863.10 VOID 306.70 844.32 4.00 411.18 82.32 178.94 37.92 #i3i7 13i8 i3t9 1320 132i i322 1323 1324 i325 i326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 135i 1352 1353 1354 i355 1356 1357 1358 i359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 , 1366 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 138i 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 * 1367 Doubleday Book Club F-Stop Film & Camera Fisher Scientific Franklin Building Supply Co. Gem Fuel Co. Great Western Chemical Co. High Mountain Nurserys, Inc. Highsmith Co., Inc. Honeydippers Zohn C. Hover State of Idaho Federal Surplus Prop. State of Idaho Sales & Use Tax Retctrn Idaho Concrete Pipe Co. Idaho First National Bank Idaho First National Bank IPOA, Inc. Idaho Power Co International Assoc. of Arson Invest. Killen & Pittenger, P.A. Koch Asphalt Co. LibbyAuto Electric Long Valley Plumbing The Lumber Yard McCall Plumbing & Heating McCall Rental & Sales McCall Texaco Jonathan J. McCaman May Hardware, Inc. Medley Sports Merc of McCall Moffatt, Thomas, Barrett & Blanton My Secretary Service National Fire Protection Assoc. Norco Northwestern Lamp Co. OSC Data O'Neill International Inc. William Onweiler Pacific Intermountain Express, Co. rayette Coca Cola Bottling Co. rayette Lakes Lumber Co. Preco T & A Reader's Roost Reading Research Recreational Equipment Inc. Robert Remaklus Ron's Shell Service Rowland Brothers Salmon Recorder-Herald Scott Industrial Supply Star News Shaver ' s Cross Country Skier Skyline Automotive Snowbird Laundry Smith & Kangas Engineers, inc. Stan's Auto Parts Stateman Dealer Syms York Co. Tom Meckel Sand & Gravel Turfgo Northwest Turf-seed Inc. Union Oil Co. of CA. Valley Pump & Equipment Co., Inc. W. S. Darley & Co. W. W. Grainger, Inc. Wallace Excavating, Inc. Valley County Sanitation The Wallace Shop Water & Waste Water Equipment Co. Western Fire Journal Woody's Tree Service World Affairs Materials Zimmer & Francescon, Inc. Postmaster Associated Business Products Seetin, W.O.J. 58.45 30.34 184.63 30.52 56.95 270.81 602.00 41.35 56O.OO 2,504.30 3.00 1,314.05 60.00 416.52 1,051.67 120.00 5,654.27 25.OO 2,356.95 2,268.00 26.25 32.62 621.03 206.50 112.50 134.55 140.00 371.19 94.82 13.83 198.25 192.44 62.50 46.41 39.48 243.80 32.78 3OO.OO 783.00 37.5O 99.48 5O.77 48.00 36.75 37.83 4,279.00 42.28 i86.io 3.40 19.61 220.71 172.66 19.97 213.85 57.90 11,645.00 135.29 6.oo 16602 3i2 O0 239 52 i17 58 i8 oo 135 8O 71 45 57 78 240 00 135 80 72 33 20 59 ia 95 3,750.00 5.65 2,486.60 60.O0 215.00 278.28 Following the reading of the bills, it was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by LUTES the bills be accepted and ordered paid. Upon vote LUTES, JOHNSON and FAIRCHILD voted AYE. Motion carried. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by LUTES to adjourn the meeting at 12:00 p.m. until Monday, October 3, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Upon vote~motion carried unanimously. Ac~ing l,,ay r / cit~ ~erk ~ ' SEPTEMBER 13, 1983 McCall City Council met in Special session Tuesday, September 13, 1983, at 3:02 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers JOHNSON, LUTES and FAIRCHILD, Admin- istrator Smith, Att~orney Remaklus and Clerk Fogg. CROWLEY announced the first order of business was the contin- uation of the September 6, 1983, re,sting of George Klind's request for a reclassification of zone and the question of deter- mining the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. Upon the recommendation of Attorney Remaklus, it was the consensus of the Council to review the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law as proposed by the applicant to determine which they wish to adopt or delete and/or adopt any further findings of the Council. The Council Resolution regarding the principles adopted when arriving at Council decision of March 7, 1983, was taken into consideration during the discussion of the request. It was the Council's decision that the finding that the Klind property is contiguous to the Conitz property is not a finding of fact. Fol- lowing the lengthy comments and discussion, it was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by LUTES the Council adopt the "Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law" in the George Klind case with the change the "Klind property corners on the Conitz property" Upon vote FAIRCHILD, LUTES and JOHNSON voted AYE. CROWLEY voted NAY. Motion carried. Attorney "Chuck" Kroll, speaking on behalf of Mr. Klind and other residents of the City of McCall, said he wanted to thank the Council for their time and efforts in coming to the conclu- sion as it's been a long, time-consuming process and obviously been a b~n for the Council. Chairman CROWLEY announced the continuance of the public hearing to consider amending the McCall Area of City Impact Ordinance to include the By-Laws, Practices and Procedures. Attorney Remaklus recommended that, if the Councilmembers have read the By-Laws, Practices and Procedures as recommended for approval by the Area of City Impact Planning and Zoning Commission and are prepared to accept, approve or make changes, they do so at this time. Com- ments were made by Tom Kerr and Julie Eddins. There being no others present wishing to be heard, Chairman CROWLEY closed the public hearing. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by FAIRCHILD to approve the adoption of the McCall Area of City Impact Planning and Zoning Commission By-Laws, Practices and Procedures as pre- sented to the Council. Upon vote FAIRCHILD, JOHNSON, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. The Council instruc- ted Attorney Remaklus to meet with County Attorney Lynch for technical aspects of adoption, clarification and finalization. With regard to the lands Brown's Tie and Lumber Company has offered to donate to the City, Attorney Remaklus read at length the following proposed Resolution: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of McCall owns and operates the McCall Municipal Golf Course pursuant to the provisions of Section 50-303, Idaho Code, and CWS Development Company, a general partnership has offered to donate to the City 3 parcels of land whereon to locate new golf clubhouse facilities with a reversion to the grantor if such facilities are not constructed within 10 years, and it appears to the best interests of the city to accept such deed~ and WHEREAS, the McCall cemetery has expanded over and across certain lands owned by Brown's Tie and Lumber Company, an Idaho corporation, and such corporation has offered to donate such lands to the city and it appears to be in the best interests of the city t~ accept such lands; and WHEREAS, Brown's Tie and Lumber Company has offered to donate to the city certain lands for the following purposes: 1. Certain property on the shore of Big Payette Lake joining the North end of 3rd Street, already in use by city. 2. Two tracts of land in order to provide for the widen- ing of Lake Street between 3rd and Pine Streets and for the improvement of the corner of Lake and Pine Streets; 3. A strip of land South of and adjacent to the alley through Block 3, 4 and 5 of McCall's First Addition (known as Mill Alley) in order to widen the alley; 4. An easement in Government Lots 2 and 3, in. Section 9, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, B.M., along the shoreline of Big Payette Lake, whereon to construct a pedestrian walkway; and WHEREAS, it appears to be in the best interests of the city to accept all of such lands; and WHEREAS, the City Council has examined such deeds and the maps of all of such tracts. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of McCall, Idaho, that the city accept the lands described in the following deeds: 1. Deed from CWS, an Idaho general partnership. to the City of McCall dated May 18, 1983, covering premises joining the McCall Municipal Golf Course. 2. Corporation Quitclaim Deeds dated May 25, 1983, from Brown's Tie and Lumber Company, an Idaho corpor- ation, to the City of McCall for the following: a. Lands adjacent to the McCall cemetary (1.35 acres) b. Lakeshore lands joining the North end of 3rd Street (.160 acres) c. Lands to widen Lake Street between 3rd and Pine Streets and improve corner at Lake and Pine Streets (7,707 sq. ft. and 148 sq. ft.) d. Lands to widen Mill Alley (.341 acres) e. Easement for construction of pedestrian walkway along lakeshore. Be it further resolved that the City clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to record all of such deeds in the office of the Recorder of Valley County, Idaho Approved and adopted the 13th day of September, 1983. Attest: /s/ Margaret E. Fogg City Clerk /s/ W. L. Crowtey Council President Following discussion it was moved by LUTESand seconded by FAIR- CHILD to adopt the Resolution as written. Upon vote LUTES, FAIRCHILD and CROWLEY voted AYE. JOHNSON voted NAY. The motion carried. Attorney Remaklus read at length the following proposed Resolution: RESOLUTION WHEREAS. by virtue of Ordinance No. 75 passed and approved May 7, 1934, by the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of McCall, Idaho, portions of McCall Avenue, Spruce Street and Fir Street, all in McCall's First Addition were vacated and Brown's Tie and Lumber Company, as the joining landowner has requested a quitclaim deed thereto from the City of McCall, and it appearing that such request is in order and that the city has no claim to the streets vacated by such ordinance; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance No. 466 passed and approved August 1, 1983, certain portions of Fourth and Lake Streets and a certain portion of the alley in Block 2, all in McCall's First Addition to the Original Townsite of McCall, were vacated and such streets and alley were declared to revert to the owner or owners of certain property adjoining the same, and the execution of quitclaim deeds to the said property owners being authorized by said ordinance and Brown's Tie and Lumber Company being the owner of said property; and WHEREAS, Brown's Tie and Lumber Company has requested a Quitclaim deed from the city covering certain lands extending into Big Payette Lake immediately adjacent to other lands owned by said corporation, which lands lie between Third and Pine Streets, and it appearing from maps of and inspection of said property and an inspection of the chain of title to said prop- perty as follows: 1. That said lands are accretion lands joining other property owned by Brown's Tie and Lumber Company; 2. That such property does not join other city owned property (except a tract of land at the North end of 3rd Street deeded to the city by the corporation, which deed is dated May 25, 1983). 3. That the city has never acquired record title thereto. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Council President and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to Brown's Tie and Lumber Company, an Idaho corporation, quitclaim deeds as follows: 1. A quitclaim deed to the vacated streets described in Ordinance No. 75 passed and approved May 7, 1934; 2. A quitclaim deed to the streets and alley described in Ordinance No. 466 passed and approved August 1, 1983; 3. A quitclaim deed to the accretion lands above refer- red to in this resolution. Approved and adopted this 13th day of September, 1983. Attest: /s/ Margaret E. Fogg City Clerk /s/ W. L. Crowley Council President It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by JOHNSON to adopt the Resolution as read by the Attorney. Upon vote LUTES, JOHNSON, FAIRCHILD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. Administrator Smith gave a Staff report on the SunValley Conference of August 30, 1983. A group of representatives from resort cities met to discuss the forming of a coalition of Resort Cities to determine revenue alternatives for Resort Communities. Smith recommended the endorsement of the coalition by the Council and the appointment of two members to serve on the board. K. Larson commented on the Chamber of Commerce's endorsement of the coalition. Ernie Woods asked to go on record as being opposed to any additional taxes. Further comments were made by Tom Kerr, Kermit Wolfe and Ron Goodman. Following dis- cussion it was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by LUTES to appoint two board members, one from the Council and one from the private sector, to go to the meeting at the end of the month in good faith. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. Administrator Smith is to make arrangements for a meeting here in McCall at the end of the month. An Engineer's report on the East Side Sewer Connector has been received from Ralph Kangas. Kangas was present and various aspects of the report were discussed. He gave the final cost estimate figure of slightly over $623,000. The Council dis- cussed the grant application, revenue bond procedure and sewer system as to increased pipe size and pump size needed. Chair- man CROWLEY felt the City should get moving on the project, proceed with revenue bonds, get estimates going and make sure that nothing stands in the way of time and contribution. Kangas explained that the City's agreement with him stated that the Council would review the preliminary report with specific recom- mendations and direction to proceed. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by FAIRCHILD for Mr. Kangas to proceed with the remainder of his contract with the inclusion of the increased pipe size as specified by City Superintendent Chalfant. Upon vote LUTES, JOHNSON, FAIRCHILD and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by JOHNSON to authorize the City Attorney to start the pro- cedures for the Revenue Bonds issuance relative to the East Side Sewer Connector. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. Administrator Smith reported on the interviews for City Building Inspector. The job was offered to Raymond Alford at $17,000.00 per year. He has accepted and will be here to start Monday, September 20, 1983. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by FAIRCHILD to approve the job offer as indicated by the City Administrator. Upon vote FAIRCHILD, LUTES, JOHNSON and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. The Administrator reported that Gloria Cantrell, Librarian, has requested an advancement in position and a salary increase for Mary Jane Liberty to $4.65 per hour. It was moved by FAIR- CHILD and seconded by JOHNSON to move Mary Jane Liberty into Library position requested and pay her $4.65 per hour. Upon vote JOHNSON, FAIRCHILD, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. Frank Volk has requested his Building Permit No. 222 be reacti- vated or the City refund his water, sewer and building permit fees. Administrator Smith gave background information on build- ing permit and extensions given. Volk's second extension expired March, 1983, and his request was made after the expiration date. Adm. Smith recommended the building permit fees not be refunded in accordance with the U.B.C. and that he resubmit for a new building permit with new density in line if he wishes to continue with the project. With regard to water and sewer fees, Smith's recommendation was that the City probably ought to refund the $12,000. water hookup fees but sewer hookup fees of $7,200. not be refunded, and, if Volk requests a new building permit for a new project, he'd suggest he be given credit for water and sewer fees. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by JOHNSON to acc~t the Administrator's recommendations on the Frank Volk matter. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. Remaklus will research the legality of this procedure. Adm. Smith has established a policy whereby any requests for conference attendance by any employee must be made to the Council through him. He presented Hu~Cooke's request for 3½ days wages while attending the National Conference Meeting of National Recreation of Parks Association at Kansas City, Missouri, on October 2nd through 5th, as representative of State of Idaho. Also, Cooke submitted a request to attend Idaho Recreation Parks Society meeting in Idaho Falls, September 17 through 21, as incoming President, approximate cost of $240.00 for travel, meals, and motel. It was moved by FAIRCHILD and seconded by LUTES to approve Cooke's requests for conference costs as stated. Upon vote LUTES, JOHNSON, FAIRCHILD and CROWLEY voted Aye. Motion carried unanimously. Jerry Macauly wants to put up an auto body shop on property in the Impact Area that will require a zone change in order to do so. Attorney Udell in requesting the City approve the issuance of a Special Permit to allow Macauly to pour a con- crete slab for his shop although the property has not been zoned Industrial. A Public Hearing by the Impact P & Z Com- mission on such rezone has been set for September 26, 1983. Following discussion it was the consensus of the Council to follow proper procedure and not issue a building permit until zoning has been changed. Council asked for a written request from Macauly for a zone change as his name was not on the request filed for September 26 hearing. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by JOHNSON to pay billings of Wolfstone-Donley-McMannama for $78.05 and Valley County Treasurer for $12.50. Upon vote JOHNSON, FAIRCHILD, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. Adm. Smith presented proposals for painting outside of City Hall and Library buildings for $1,950.00 and new fiber glass roofs on the City Hall and Library and roof repairs on the Fire Station and Golf Course for $6,280.00. New roofs and roof repairs are shown as four different projects to be done by the same contractor. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by FAIRCHILD to proceed with roof repairs and staining of buildings as proposed. Upon vote LUTES, FAIRCHILD, JOHNSON and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman CROWLEY read a letter of resignation from Mary Ellen Fairchild stating she must resign her position on the McCall City Council because of a move to the Seattle area in Septem- ber. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by LUTES to accept Mary Ellen Fairchild's resignation with regret. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Chairman CROWLEY thanked Mary Ellen for her work as Councilmember. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by LUTES to go into Executive session for discussion of personnel and litigation matters. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Executive session began at 6:20 p.m. and concluded at 7:33 p.m. Attorney Bill Killen reported that he had received from Mr. Nicholas, on behalf of the Sewer District, a proposal to adopt an additional fourth amendment to the Cooperative Agree- ment between the City and Sewer District. He stated, based on my review, I believe it would be fruitful and productive and helpful to both resolution of the suit and resolution of the underlying problem to get two questions answered before the City formally responds. I would like to request the City's authority to do the following: Respond to the Sewer District, by way of Mr. Nicholas, to determine two points before we make our formal resonse: (1) To ascertain whether or not the Sewer District is prepared to acknowledge to some degree that one of the major contributing factors to the high flowage that has been experienced for the last couple of years is a direct result of the excessive I & I still being experien~ced by the City in its collection syst~ (2) With respect to Amendment 1, Exhibit A of the Cooperative Agreement, which relates to the inclement allocation of the 2,000,000 designed capacity of the sewer, to confirm with hope of clarifying numbers in the proposal, what exactly their interpretation of that 2,000,000 figure is. I'm basically asking for City's authorization to respond to Mr. Nicholas to explore those two points before formal response is made to the proposal inself. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by JOHNSON to authorize Mr. Killan to explore those two points with the Sewer District. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. Killan will proceed forthwith. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by LUTES to adjourn the meeting at 7:37 p.m. until Monday, October 3, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Upon vot~mot~on carried unanimously. 8,6 SEPTE~ER 162 1983 McCall City Council held a Special session Friday, September 16, 1983, at 5:12 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those pre- sent were Councilmembers JOHNSON and LUTES, Administrator Smith and Clerk Fogg. CROWLEY informed the Council the purpose of the call was for the appointment of an interim Council member and an Executive session for personnel review. Acting ~ayor CROWLEY appointed Rosemary Skiftun as interim Council member to serve on the City Council until January 3, 198~. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by LUTES to confirm the appointment of Rosemary Skiftun as interim Council member until January 3, 1984. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. Rosemary Skiftun took the Oath of Office as sworn in by City Clerk Fogg. Chairman CROWLEY read a letter from Attorney Remaklus advising the City Council to take no action upon its approval of any refunds of fees paid for building permits, water and sewer service fees and payments into the Sewer Capital Improvement Fund: and, further, that the Council take this matter under advisement until a complete review thereof is made and the positions of the City clearly established. At this point ~r. Volk should be advised that no refund shall be made. Administrator Smith informed the Council of a letter from A.I.C. Leg- islative Committee regarding lobbying for City revenue bills. The A.I.C. plans to direct their attention to the area of raising City revenues during the 1984 Legislature. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by JOHNSON to go into Executive session for the purpose of personnel review. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. Executive session began at 5:22 p.m. and con- cluded at 6:35 p.m. It was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON for continuation of the meeting be set for Monday, September 19, 1983, at 5:30 p.m. Upon vote mot~n ca/Tried unanimously. A~ tl~g g~ayor SE?T~BER 19, 1983 McCall City Council met Monday, SeDtember 19, 1983, at 6:31 p.m. for the continuance of the Special meeting of SeDtem- ber 16, 1983. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers SKIFTUN, JOHNSON and LUTES, Attorneys Lynch and Remaklus and Administrator Smith. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to go into Executive session for the purpose of discussion of litigation and personnel matters. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. The Executive session began at 6:32 p.m. and concluded at 9:30 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. until Monday, Octo- bet 3, ~83, at 7:00 p.m. ~ct i~ng Mayor SEPTEMBER 22, 1983 McCall City Council met in Special session Thursday, Semtem- ber 22, 1983, at 2:52 p.m. Council President CROWLEy presiding. Those present were Councilmembers SKIFTUN and JOHNSON, Attorney Remaklus and Administrator Smith. Councilman LUTES was absent. It was moyed by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to go into Executive session for the purpose of discussion of personnel matters. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. The Executive session convened at 2:53 p.m. and closed at 5:10 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. until Monday, October 3, 1983, t 7:00 p.m. Ac'ting Mayo~ ini s t/rat or SEPTEMBER 24, 1983 McCall City Council met in Special session Saturday, September 24, 1983, at 9:00 a.m. Council Presi~snt CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers SKIFTUN, JOHNSON, Attorney Remaklus and Administrator Smith. Councilman LUTES was absent. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to have an Executive session for the purpose of discussing litigation and personnel matters. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Executive meeting began at 9:01 a.m. and concluded at 12:40 p.m. It was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON to adjourn the meeting at 12:40 p.m. until Monday, October 3, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Upon vote motion ct 'ng ayo//~r~~ carried unanim~ ~~tor . ' ' SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 McCall City Council met in Special session Friday, September 30, 1983, at 3:05 p.m. Chairman CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers SKIFTUN and JOHNSON, Administrator Smith and Clerk Fogg. Councilman LUTES was absent. Chairman CROWLEY announced that the purpose of the meeting was an Executive session to consider personnel matters. It was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON to go into Execu- tive session for discussion of personnel matters. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. The Council went into Execu- tive session at 3:07 p.m. and closed at 4:15 p.m. It was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON to adjourn the meeting at 4:16 p.m. until Monday, October 3, at 7:00 p.m. A~cting Mayor f OCTOBER 3, 1983 McCall City Council met in Regular session on Monday, October 3, 1983, at 7:20 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those pre- sent were Councilmembers SKIFTUN and JOHNSON, Attorney Remaklus, Administrator Smith and Clerk Fogg. Councilmember LUTES was absent. The minutes of August 1, 16, 19 and 30, 1983, were approved as recorded. Administrator Smith reported that Clerk Fogg has requested Coun- cil approval to record only action taken in the City Council written minutes as required by Roberts Rules of Order as all meetings are being taped and those tapes retained for reference. It was Attorney Remaklus' opinion that, if we didn't have the tape going, there would be the need for lengthy minutes. How- ever, we do have a taped, transcribable record of Council actions taken to back up brief minutes and he felt there is no sense wasting time and money on lengthy minutes. Council discussed possibility of duplicating the tapes in order to have a back- up copy in case of fire. Following discussion, it was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to have the City Clerk prepare the written minutes as proposed in "Robert's Rules of Order", just on actions taken and motions and resolutions carried. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Attorney Remaklus read in full proposed Ordinance No. 468, AN ORDINANCE RELATED TO ZONING, CHANGING ZONE CLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF McCALL, AMENDING THE MAP OF ZONING OF THE CITY OF McCALL, AND DIRECTING THE CITY ENGI- NEER TO ENDORSE SUCH CHANGE ON SAID MAP. It was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON to suspend the rules for passage of proposed Ordinance No. 468. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 468. Upon vote JOHNSON, SKIFTUN and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried and Ordinance No. 468 is duly adopted. The newly proposed Sewer Ordinance was discussed with concern regarding Section 8-4-10 (b) which addresses discharge into the sewer system from storm drains, roof drains, sump pumps and etc. It was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON to authorize Remaklus and Smith to perfect the necessary language to allow re~se for anyone that is effected by Section 8-4-10(b) of the ordinance. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to set the pub- lic hearing date on Larkin, Bryning, Ady and Geddes rezone applications for November 7, 1983. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Administrator Smith explained the E.D.A. Sewer Grant schedule shows final plans for whole project to be complete January, 1983, and construction not to start until April 2, 1984. The City should be extending the inlet pipe extension from the contact chamber of the water station now because of water problem and requests Council approval to investigate possibility of working around the schedule so work on this extension could be started as soon as possible; also, need a decision as to whether monies should be expended, if other arrangements cannot be made. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to direct Smith to proceed on the matter of the inlet pipe extension from the water contact chamber. Upon vote SKIFTUN, JOHNSON and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. Administrator Smith explained the City has been informed of a building violation by Bill Prouty. Prouty had requested a varience to build a deck which was denied. However, he built the deck anyway. Upon being informed of the violation, it was inspected by the Building Inspector and members of the Plan- ning and Zoning Commission and found it to be a fact. Con- sensus of the Council is to authorize Attorney Remaklus to research the specifications, measurements and actions and to further authorize Remaklus to notify them to remove it or take such action necessary. Chairman CROWLEY appointed Julie Eddins, Jim Arp, Dale DeFran- cesco and Robert East as members to the Planning and Zoning Commission for the Impact Area. It was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON to confirm the appointments to Impact P & Z Commission as made. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Wayne Pickerell, State Aeronautics Department, addressed the Council regarding a series of projects necessary to implement the Airport Master Plan, one for design, another for install- ation of non-directional beacon and one for acquisition of the required properties. In the City's agreement with the State, there was a completion date on design and land acquisition of' May 15, 1983, which is in default already. He stated that the State had no money to proceed at this time and, if the City wants to proceed with the project, he proposed the State would like to go ahead and complete the application to F.A.A. to make this a Federal project as of now and forego the State- Local advance acquisition project agreement. The State would like the City to take those steps required to get the Federal Grant, to proceed with the land acquisition project on that basis and thus releasing the prior contract agreement with the State/Local. It was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON to authorize Adm. Smith to proceed to apply for the Federal grant and to expend those funds, on the part of the City, in pursuit of that grant, approximately $3,600.00. Upon vote JOHNSON, SKIFTUN and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. Because of vacancies on the Library Board created by resigna- tion of Marcia Kulesza and Velma Shoemaker, Chairman CROWLEY appointed Bob Scoles, Faye Kerr, and Lynn Topolinski to the McCall Library Board of Trustees. It was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON to confirm these appointments. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. John Drips is requesting a waiver of the $5.00 permit fee for Municipal Nonproperty Tax application, as he cannot determine the reason for a $5.00 fee for the privilege of paying a tax. It was the Council's decision to review this procedure with Administrator Smith and make a recommendation. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to have City Hall doors open at noon for local taxpayers. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. It was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON to instruct the City Administrator and staff that 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday preceding the regular meeting of the Council be the deadline to accept items for the agenda and that the Council would sup- port that policy. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Attorney Remaklus advised that MacGregor Triangle and their attorneys want to have a closed session meeting with the Coun- cil concerning their claim for extra work on the chlorine contact basin. It was the consensus of the Council to set a meeting for Thursday, November 3. Remaklus is to confirm date and time. The Council requested Remaklus to work with County Attorney Lynch in coordinating arrangements for adoption of an ordinance on By Laws and Procedures for the Impact Area. Attorney Remaklus reported on contacting Ernie Woods of the Woodsman regarding the sign violation and is going to make the recommendation that Woods apply for a varience or special use permit. The City Clerk requests approval for appointment of Emily L. Whitman as Election Judge and Jewell E. Eddins and Cornila Klott as Election Clerks on the Election Board, compensation at Idaho Minimum wage of $2.30 per hour. These appointments were made by Chairman CROWLEY and it was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to confirm the appointments with Idaho minimum wage ~mpensation. Upon vote JOHNSON, SKIFTUN and CROW- LEY voted AYE. Motion carried. Administrator Smith gave a report on the Coalition of Resort Cities meeting. Two proposals were made: (1) As a group, they will support the A.I.C. legislative bill on State Revenue Sharing of ~% of the sales tax to be given to the Cities; and (2) Will propose the population lid on the local option tax be removed. Cities are to pursue these issues with A.I.C. Mary Benson asked about woodshed/carport building on corner of Mission and Park Street. Adm. Smith reported it was being followed up on as a building permit had not been applied for. The following bills were read for payment: Check No. 1394 Robert M. Baker 1395 Roger D. Bates 1396 Hugh H. Cooke 1397 Brad G. Frank 1398 Michael K. Gantz 1399 Richard C. Jackson 1400 Donald B. Kirby 175.00 250.00 300.00 3OO.OO 35.00 25O.OO 275.00 9O No. 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 John L. Lyon Brian S. Michaels Larry S. Olson Ronnie D. Pomerinke Lewis E. Pratt Roger W. Rockwell Terry A. Sharp Royce E. Willhoyt VOID Terry Sharp - Water Clerk J. W. Crutcher VOID Hansen & Rowland, Inc. Valley County Treasurer Michael R. Sellers Postmaster Valley County Magistrate's Office Larry Chalfant J. W. Crutcher $ 250 00 3OO 00 25O 00 25O 00 25O 00 25O 00 300.00 25O.OO Void 18.42 Void 78.05 12.5o 200.00 120.00 64.50 512.00 16.00 City of McCall-Water Rev. Bond Fund 17,518.91 City of McCall - G. O. Water Bond Fund Ramon L. Alford Robert M. Baker Roger D. Bates Sandra K. Bates Gloria L. Cantrell Joye S. Catlin Larry Chatfant Hugh H. Cooke James F. Creech William L. Crowley John B. Drips Mary Ellen Fairchild Donald L. Fitzwater Margaret E. Fogg Brad G. Frank Michael K. Gantz James L. Hiddleston Richard C. Jackson Rebecca L. Jeffries Marion Johnson William D. Keating Donald B. Kirby John R. Lewinski Mary Jane Liberty Clifford Lutes John L. Lyon Barbara J. Marmo Brian S. Michels Blaine Murray Ralph R. Murray Larry S. Olson Alta C. Pierson Ronnie D. Pomerinke Lewis E. Pratt David H. Pulver Robert H. Remaklus Roger W. Rockwell Laura L. Rupe Michael R. Sellers Terry A. Sharp Rosemary Skiftun David B. Smith James E. Smith Russell K. Stringfield Royce E. Willhoyt State of Idaho, Auditor Idaho First National Bank State of Idaho, Tax Commission Public Employee Retirement System Association of Idaho Cities American Family Life Assurance Co. Public Employee Credit Union McCall Police Department Terry Sharp - Water Clerk Postmaster 16,913.86 227.90 258.34 829.11 557 13 700 73 727 81 1,3Ol 84 777 53 138 47 25 96 698 62 55.O5 836.56 1,057.96 347.66 15.65 6oo.5o 675.80 434 56 165 14 65o 75 224 29 1,156 72 553 4O 110 09 1,230.85 197 06 721 14 584 82 336 73 952 1t 531 58 834 44 634 08 82 10 642 08 796.88 538 5O 308 47 271 87 55 O5 1,233 65 1,311 16 74 64 685 52 5,487 74 4,011 80 1,398 10 5,264.12 3,016.73 66.52 565.57 23.57 24.25 152.00 No. 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 J. W. Crutcher Maury Ainger Don Aldrich Rick Bollar Dan Cochran Tom Chaloupka Mike Cury Dempsey Eddins Tim Everhart Tom French Jack Katzenberger Ken Medley Dave Smith Russ Smith Skip Taylor Dana West Doug Woods Ron Carico Hugh Cooke Norman J. Corbet Bernie Greenwald Larry Johnson William D. Keating Richard T. Le~Gall Jeff Sheldon Royce Willhoyt Acheson Motors Action Express The Art Mart, Inc. The Baker & Taylor Co. Better Homes & Gardens Blue Lotus Books Brundage Office Supply C & S Contracting Chevron U.S.A. VOID Consolidated Supply Co. 14.00 47 00 47 00 28 5O 7 00 17 00 35 00 8 5O 38 5O 8 5O 18 5O 15 00 52 00 13 50 38.50 42 00 3 5O 110 00 171 61 323 90 12 00 95 00 7 27 22 75 36.00 3.44 25.OO 13.45 11.54 7.13 13.69 2.75 .99 1,620.23 17.24 Void 1,506.25 Crazy Bob's Road Oiling Service Dean's Tire Service Decker's Inc. Paul A. Dehlin Dennis Stone Ent. Doubleday Book Club F-Stop Film & Camera Flexible Pipe Tool Co. Fodor's Travel Guides Franklin Building Supply Co. Great Western Chemical Co. High Mountain Nurserys, Inc. Honeydippers Idaho First National Bank Idaho First National Bank 649.88 446.50 70 91 25 00 137 81 64 91 8 83 68 03 10 84 14 50 360 81 477.00 28O 00 416 52 1,051 67 State of Idaho-Dept. of Fed. Surplus State of Idaho-Sales Tax Commission Idaho Power Co. Idaho Statesman International Bus. Machines Corp. Kerr Surveying Libby Auto Electric Long Valley Sand & Gravel The Lumber Yard McCall Fire Dept. McCall Rental & Sales McCall Rexall Drug McCall Shoe Repair & Boot Shop May Harware, Inc. Men's Wardrobe Merc of McCall Missman Electric Co., Inc. VOID My Secretary Service Norco Northern Eng. & Testing Inc. Northwestern Ind. Lamp Co. OSC Data Pacific Northwest 9 00 545 O3 6,758 87 25 8O 536.00 36.00 55.94 69 78 56 94 15 O0 100 00 49 64 194 95 404.08 216.95 4.18 494.23 Void 24.75 42.32 6,817.69 65.82 243.80 15.00 No. 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 Payette Lakes Lumber Co. Precision Sharpening Ron's Shell Service Rowland Bros. Sears W.O.J. Seetin Skyline Automotive Smith & Kangas Shaver's Shirt & Sound Works Shore Lodge, Inc. Skier Sports Marina Stan's Auto Parts Star News Steve Regan Co. Tamarack Falls Machine Shop Teletronics Turf Equipment Co. Turfgo Northwest Valley County Sanitation W. S. Darley VOID Francis Wallace William A. Kirk Inc. Agency Western Equipment Co. 209.91 6.40 130.70 347.34 762.72 278.28 10 00 9OO 00 42 12 24 50 102 75 9 97 24 25 378.40 83.69 159.25 385.65 6O.OO 85.80 93.52 85.80 47.71 Void 35.00 330.00 32.21 Following the reading of the bills, it was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to approve bills as read. Upon vote SKIFTUN, JOHNSON and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. It was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON to adjourn at 10:03 p.m. until Monday, November 7, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Upon vote mot~_on~/~!arried unanimously. A~t i~g May-or / City, arM - OCTOBER 7, 1983 McCall City Council met in Special session on Friday, October 7, 1983, at 5:11 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers SKIFTUN and JOHNSON. Councilman LUTES was absent. CROWLEY announced the purpose of the meeting was to hold an Executive session for personnel evaluation and other personnel matters. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to move into Executive session for purposes stated. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. The Executive session began at 5:12 p.m. and concluded at 6:15 p.m. CROWLEY advised that Administrator Smith requests approval of roofing bill from Northwest Roofing for $2,530.00 and the paint- ing bill from Pro Painting for $850.00. It was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON to hold approval of bills up until the Council has legal opinion on the correct procedure for the bidding process which is a question area. Upon vote SKIFTUN, JOHNSON and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. Administrator Smith also requested Council approval to send Julie Eddins, Ray Atford and Gary Ertter to the Planning and Zoning workshop at Shore Lodge October 15, 1983, at a cost of $20.00 per person. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to approve sending these three people to the P & Z workshop at Shore Lodge on October 15. Upon vote JOHNSON, SKIF- TUN and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. A Special meeting date was set for Thursday, October 13, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. to discuss a meeting with Kangas and City Attorney on the Eastside Interceptor line. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to authorize Administrator Smith to contact the County Commissioners and take whatever steps necessary to insure road load limits on City streets. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. It was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. These minutes were transcribed from the tapes as neither Administrator Smith or Clerk Fogg were present at the meeting. OCTOBER 13, 1983 A Special Meeting of the City Council was held October 13, 1983, a~ 7:00 PM at City Hall. Those present were: Acting Mayor - Bill Crowley Councilwoman - Marian Johnson Councilwoman - Rosemary Skiftun City Attorney - Bob Remaklus City Administrator - Jim Smith Absent from the meeting was Councilman Cliff Lutes. Andrew Laidlaw appeared before the Council to reauest a Special Use Permit allowing him to establish a Professional Office in an existing structure located in B-Residential Zone on 1st Street between Park and Idaho Street. Councilwoman Rosemary Skiftun moved to approve the Special Use Permit for Andrew Laidlaw. Council- woman Marian Johnson seconded the motion, Motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays. Tudmr Engineers Rick 0rton and Bob Mayers discussed with the Council the Westside Water Station project. The discussion centered around two issues: 1. Tudor Engineering Company needs formal authorization to proceed with the project, and; 2. Several local individuals have expressed concern that if the City does not install at least another 60 feet of inlet pipeline on the water station, problems with currents and water depth could result. Higher costs and construction delays could also result. Rick Orton informed the City Council that Tudor Engineering agrees with the concern and that the planning and designing of the inlet line is part of the overall project scope of work and would not cost the City any more money. Councilwoman Marian Johnson moved to give Tudor Engineering authorization to proceed in developing a profile and design for the inlet line and the overall project. Councilwoman Rosemary Skiftun seconded the motion, motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays. Ralph Kangas, Engineer for the Eastside Interceptor sewer line reviewed the amended design specs for the line. He explained the project design from the sewer lagoons to Pine Street utilizing maps and drawings. Kangas at the request of the Council adjusted pipe- line sizes and pump station configurations. The changes resulted in the following additional costs to the project: $36,000 - for pipe size increase $80,000 - for electric generator for the river pump station $11,600 - for 10% contingency fee $127,600 - total adjustment The new grand total of estimated construction for the project is $751,000. City Attorney Bob Remaklus explained the time frame necessary to conduct a revenue bond election and the procedureal steps required for the bonds to be sold. He raised the question of what type of reaction the bond market would have due to the fact that: 1. the City Council has not had a Mayor for over a year. 2. the Council itself has changed members several times in the last year. In light of these conditions Remaklus suggested that the City Council wait until the new Mayor and Council members are elected and sworn in to the Council before proceeding with the revenue bond. Due to the Council's concern about the possibility of flood- ing occuring in homes along Lake Street and the dumping of raw sewage in Payette River, Councilwoman Rosemary Skiftun moved that the Council asked Ralph Kangas to work with Larry Chalfant, City Public Works Director and try to find a temporary solution to the problem. Councilwoman Marian Johnson seconded the motion, motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays. A letter from the attorney for MacGregor Triangle Construc- tion Co. was read asking for a meeting with the City Council to discuss the contract between the City and MacGreg~Triangle on the water station project. The Council agreed on November 22, 1983 at 3:00 pm. Councilwoman Marian Johnson moved to approve the audit contract with Messuri, Bates & Gibbons of Caldwell. Council- woman Rosemary Skiftun seconded the motion, motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays. City Attorney Bob Remaklus requested that the minutes show that he did not get an opportunity to review the contract before it was signed. Councilwoman Rosemary Skiftun moved to approve the tele- phone bill and the Water and Wastewater bills. Councilwoman Marian Johnson seconded the motion, motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays. After having reviewed, discussed and received confirmation from City Attorney and City Administrator, Councilwoman Rose- mary Skiftun moved to approve the roofing bill of $2530.00 for City Hall. Councilwoman Marian Johnson seconded the motion, motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays. Councilwoman Rosemary Skiftun moved to approve the paint- ing bill for the Library totaling $850.00. Councilwoman Marian Johnson seconded the motion, motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays. Councilwoman Rosemary Skiftun moved to the City Council adopt and sign the resolution intitated by State Representa- tive Lydia Edwards concerning the Horseshoe Bend Hill and the Governors' support of allocation of funding. Councilwoman Marian Johnson seconded the motion, motion carried with 3 ayes and 0 nays. No other business appearing before the City Council the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the Mayor and pursuant to the rules and A~ctihg Mayor ~ OCTOBER 24, 1983 regulations governing the Citer Council. McCall City Council met in Special session on Monday, October 24, 1983, at 7:10 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers SXZFTUN, JOHNSON and LUTES and Administrator Smith. Chairman Crowley announced the purpose of the meeting is gen- eral business and, if the Council desires, possibly an Execu- tive session to discuss the current status of the audit, personnel matters and/or any litigation items. There was discussion as to where to obtain monies for the audit received from Messuri, Bates and Gibbons for $5,043,4~? * billing to be paid out of the Administration funds. Upon vote LUTES, JOHNSON, SKIFTUN and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. There was a request that the City Hall painting bill from Pro Painting for $1950.00 be approved. It was the consensus of the Council to ~ay this billing on the due date and not before. *It was moved by ~iO~NSON AND SECONDED by LUTES to approve the audit billing of $5,043.46 Payment of moving expense for Ray Alford was discussed. It was the consensus~of the Council to pay the expense with reimbursement to the City within six months. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by SKIFTUN to pay moving expenses for Ray Alford. Upon vote SKIFTUN, LUTES, JOHNSON and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to go into Executive session to discuss any personnel matters related to the audit. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. The Executive session began at 7:55 p.m. and concluded at 9:00 p.m. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by LUTES to adjourn the meeting at 9:01 p.m. until Monday, November 7, 1983, at 7:00 p~m~ ~~carried unani~ous~~~. A~tin~ Mayor ~ ~inistrator NOV~MBER 7, 1983 McCall City Council held a Regular meeting Monday, November 7, 1983, at 7:03 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers SKIFTUN, JOHNSON and LUTES, Attorney Remaklus, Administrator Smith and Building Inspector Ray Alford. The minutes of the October 13, 1983, meeting were approved as presented. Chairman CROWLEY announced that it is the time and place advertised for the public hearings on the Larkin/Bryning and Ady rezone requests. Jim Smith, Administrator, presented the staff report on both Larkin/Bryning and Ady rezone requests as the properties are in the same approximate area, between Thula street and the airport area, where there is some Commercial areas already. The property is next to the clear zone of the airport and appears it would be in proper form to approve rezone requests from A-Residential to D-General Commercial. The McCall Plan- ning and Zoning Commission recommends the approval of the properties of Larkin/Bryning and Ady from A-Residential to D-General Commercial, using the Ordinances and Standards set forth in Chapters 24 and 25 of the City Code, and giving following reasons: (1) Property in immediate neighborhood is similarly zoned, (2) Best use of property with which the application is concerned is General Commercial. Citizens appearing before the Council to speak in favor of the rezone were Pat Duncan, representing Larkin/Bryning, and Max Pelham, representing Ady. There was no opposition to the rezone requests voiced. Chairman CROWLEY closed the public hearing portion of the hearing. Following discussion with Council members, it was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON to approve the requests of Larkin/Bryning and Ady for rezoning their pro- perty from A-Residential to D-General Commercial. Upon vote LUTES, SKIFTUN, JOHNSON and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. Remaklus was directed to draw up an Ordinance coverning these rezones. Chairman CROWLEY announced that this is the time and place set for a public hearing on the ~ezone request of Randall Geddes from Zone E-Agricultural to Zone D-Industrial. Administrator Smith gave the staff report stating the pur- pose of this zone reclassification is to bring present zoning into existing land use. Concerns to be addressed are existing ground flow in area from Aspen Lake, no City water for those Industrial facilities, might be considered spot zoning, and access to area questionable because there is no dedicated street into the area. He felt that he could not recommend rezone until these concerns are addressed. Geddes, proponent of the proposal, spoke on behalf of the rezone explaining there is no dedicated street into the area. However, there is a 70' easement, 35' belongs to the City and 35' belongs to the County, and the road is built to specifi- cations. The inflow of water has been monitored for several months during heavy run-off time and there seems to be no problem. As far as the Environmental Impact Statement, noth- ing is being used or proposed that would affect the envir- onment; anything proposed would have to be checked before any building permit could be issued. Ray Alford, Building Inspector, and Julie Eddins, Chairman of the Impact Planning and Zoning Commission, commented on the various concerns of the Geddes request. There was no citizen present speaking in direct opposition to the pro- posal. Chairman CROWLEY closed the public hearing and, following Council discussion and Attorney Remaklus' opinion, it was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by LUTES to put the Geddes zone request on hold until Remaklus researchs the roadway and gives the Council some satisfaction on its situation, which seems to be a major issue. Upon vote the motion car- ried unanimously. Remaklus was directed to research the dedication of roads in this area. Administrator Smith addressed the proposed Sewer Ordinance and the changes made. Sections discussed were 8-4-10 (B) 1, 2 and 3, Inflow and Infiltration, and 8-4-14, Water Savings ~evices. Following lengthy discussion, it was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON to approve the proposed sewer ordinance as drafted subject to the changes the City Attorney, Bob Remaklus, and Administrator Smith deems appro- priate, subject to the discussion. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. With regard to the Lester Peterson annexation, Mr. Peterson has decided to hold off at this time. Consensus of the Council was to table the matter until a later date. Ralph Kangas presented and reviewed an Engineers Service Contract proposal in line with what the scope of work was for a land application project on property West of the lagoon. Costs for preliminary phase report to be $28,170.00 and the final phase $24,560.00 for engineering. It was the con- sensus of the Council to take this contract proposal under advisement until a Special meeting at a later date. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by LUTES to allow for the aerial topographical work that is needed for the engi- neering land application work, with an approximate amount of $7,000.00 allowed. Upon vote SKIFTUN, JOHNSON, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. Paul Curtis, representing Continental Telephone Co. of the West, presented a proposal on buying the telephone system as an option to the present system. It was the consensus of the Council to take the proposal under advisement for further study. Shore Lodge has requested they be allowed to put in Romex rather than metal conduit or raceways in their new building addition. Building Inspector Alfo~ recommended they go with metal raceways for their electrical wiring. It was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by LUTES the City of McCall enforce the City Ordinance calling for metal raceways in regard to the Shore Lodge request for use of Romex. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Dr. Smith, on behalf of the Village Square Owners Association, requests the City bill each tenant of the Association directly for their water use rather than billing the Association for all water use. Following discussion of the pros and cons in going to a private system and the fact that the Association has no way to turn off water for an individual user, it was the consensus of the Council to take the matter under advise- ment until Attorney Remaklus can research the Village Square easements and covenants. There was discussion with regards to the City's issuance of a "Stop Work Order" on the Huckleberry cooler addition. The City allowed them to put a temporary cover over a cooler structure until they could get a variance or Special Use permit. The Building Inspector was in error in recommending issuance of the building permit. Lawyer Millemann spoke on behalf of his client, Tim Tibbets, and asked that the City recognize their error and lift the "Stop Work Order". Follow- ing discussion, it was moved by LUTES and seconded by JOHNSON to lift the "Stop Work Order". Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to go into Executive session for the purpose of discussion of potential litigation. Upon vote SKIFTUN, JOHNSON, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:30 p.m. and closed at 11:25 p.m. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to ~ecess this Regular meeting until Wednesday, November 9, 1983,~t 5:30 p.m. Acting ayor unanimously NOVEMBER 9, 1983 McCall City Council met in Special session Wednesday, Novem- ber 9, 1983, at 5:45 p.m. for continuance of the November 7, 1983, meeting. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers SKIFTUN, JOHNSON and LUTES, City Administrator Smith, and Superintendent Chalfant. The purpos~ of the meeting are personnel question to finish up, litigation to deal with, land application matter and further business that may come before the Council. It was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON to move into Executive session for the purposes of litigation and person- nel discussion. Upon vote JOHNSON, SKIFTUN, CROWLEY and LUTES voted AYE. Motion carried and Executive session began at 5:50 p.m. and closed at 7:25 p.m. The open meeting continued with discussion of the Eastside Interceptor Line plans and design. The design and plans were reviewed by Chalfant and Kerr and they sighted the possibi- lity of putting the pump station on the East side rather than the West side, upgrade the pump station located at Pine Street, and realign sewer line on Stibnite and Mission. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by LUTES to affirm the presented plans with the questions raised by Larry Chalfant and Tom Kerr being answered. Plans will be subject to Larry and Tom's approval. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Administrator Smith is directed to see that Smith and Kangas is so advised. A billing from Burton Walker in the amount of $5,000.00 for crushed gravel/rock was presented for consideration. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by SKIFT~N to approve the bill as reviewed and direct payment to be made. Upon vote LUTES, SKIFTUN, JOHNSON and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. The following bills were read for payment: NO. 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 Ramon Lee Alford Roger D. Bates Hugh Cooke Richard C. Jackson Donald B. Kirby John L. Lyon $ 300 00 250 00 3OO 00 25O 00 200 00 25O 00 No. 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 Brian Mickels Larry S. Olson Ronnie D. Pomerinke Lewis Pratt Roger Rockwell Michael R. Sellers Terry Sharp Royce Willhoyt Association of Idaho Cities Northwest Roofing Co. Pro Painting Continental Telephone 300.00 250.00 250.00 250~00 250.00 2QQ~QO 300..00 250.00 60.00 2,530..00 850,00 828..54 Water & Waste Water Equip. Co~ 9,250,00 IDHW Division of Environment Killen and Pittenger Ray Alford Postmaster Messuri, Bates &:~Gibbons Ramon L. Alford Roger D. Bates Sandra Bates Gloria L. Cantrell Joye S. Catlin Larry Chalfant Hugh H. Cooke James F. Creech John B. Drips Donald L. Fitzwater Margaret E. Fogg Brad G. Frank Michael G. Gantz Richard C. Jackson Rebecca L, Jeffries Marion Johnson William D. Keating Donald B. Kirby John R. Lewinski Mary Jane Liberty Clifford Lutes John L. Lyon Brian S. Mickels Blaine Murray Ralph R. Murray Larry S. Olson Alta C. Pierson Ronnie D. Pomerinke Lewis E. Pratt David H. Pulver Robert H. Remaklus Roger W. Rockwell Kay L, Rhodes Laura L. Rupe Terry A. Sharp Rosemary Skiftun David B. Smith James E. Smith Kenneth H. Walker Royce E. Willhoyt Auditor, State of Idaho Idaho First National Bank State of Idaho Tax Commission Public Employee Retirement Sys.5,473,52 Association of Idaho Cities 3,914,11 Amer. Family Life Assr. Co. Public Employee Credit Union Postmaster Postmaster Pro Painting Maury Ainger Don Aldrich Rick Bo!lar Tom Chaloupka Dan Cochran Mike Curry Jack Katzenberger Dave Smith Skip Taylor 15..00 1,513.135 230.24 80,00 5,078.39 482,98 668,77 655..40 700,36 856.18 !,277.82 776.93 122,25 623.62 911.39 954.53 llO,O~ 5.00 790,67 489,63 110.04 680.39 200~61 1,156.03 531.40 110.04 1,229.81 720.55 544.15 424.97 876.65 629.78 625.,14 744.07 39.19 641.76 721.45 36.28 389.39 334.44 110.04 1,158.29 1,238.59 319.12 685.02 5,332.63 3,852.10 1,393.00 66 52 707 27 34 10 152 10 1,100 00 15 50 10 50 7 O0 3.50 7.Oo 7.00 10.50 37.00 7.OO No. 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 Dana West American Red Cross Baker & Taylor Co. Baxter Foundry & Machine Works Better Homes & Gardens Biddall Bill's Phillips 66 Boise Car & Truck Rental Co. Boise City Police Department Boyce Recreation Inc. Boyd Martin Co. Brent Lovell Assoc. Brundage Office Supply Bruneel Tire Service C & S Contracting Cambridge Litho Caxton Printers LTD Century Laboratories, Inc. Chevron U.S.A. Chevron U.S.A. Coast Marketing Group Consolidated Supply Continental Telephone Co. Decker's Inc. Fisher Scientific Gem Fuel Co. Gem Supply Co-op Inc. Great Western Chemical Honeydippers John C. Hover Idaho Daily Statesman Idaho Power Co. 7.00 114.00 41.07 153.00 13.69 35.72 12.50 2,323.00 18.00 255.76 41.91 29.75 9.30 764.56 89.50 162.00 32.30 178.50 4.99 1,533.09 48.48 2,301.38 477 91 37 28 165 37 19 95 1,738 00 180 41 200 00 207 67 36 20 5,866 41 Idaho Sand & Gravel Co., Inc. 63,300 State of Idaho, Department of Federal Surplus State of Idaho, Department of Lands Idaho State Softball Assoc. Idaho Tank & Culvert, Inc. Ingram International Conference of Bldg. Officials Killen & Pittenger Kurt's Automotive John Lewinski Lon~ Valley Sand & Gravel Lumber Yard McCall Aooliance Repair VOID McCall Printing McCall Rental & Sales McCall Rexall Drug Matlack, Inc. Men's Wardrobe Merc of McCall Missman Electric Co., Inc. Mom's Auto Parts My Secretary Service Norco Northwest Roofing Co. Northwest Roofing Co. Northwest Roofing Co. Northwestern Ind. Lamp Co. O. M. Scott & Sons Co. OSC Data Payette Coca Cola Bottling Co., Inc. Payette Lakes Lumber Co. Phillips Petroleum Co. Publishers Central Bureau VOID Quality Paperback Book Club Robert Remaklus Rife Przybylski, Thurston & Lamm Ron's Shell Service Rowland Bros. 00 59.10 150.00 100.00 193.03 11.24 257.85 1,168.80 71.57 115.04 2,125.75 30.14 79.02 VOID 33 22 102 50 2O 36 786 84 331 23 39 56 38 25 97 25 152 90 10 5o 3,150 00 325 00 275 00 45 99 1,929 81 245 60 31.35 67.38 23-63 19.27 VOID 11.04 1,696.00 600.00 43.48 238.26 No. 1733 1734 17~ 1756 ,1757 1740 ,1741 1738 1739 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 Sachs - Lawlor Sar~eant-Sowell~ Inc. Mike Sellers Shaver's Smith & Kan~ Engineers, Inc. Stans' Auto Parts Star News Snowbird Laundry Stackhouse Sterling Codifiers Tudor Engineering Co. Turf-Seed Inc. Valley County Landfill W. W. Grainger, Inc. Valley County Sanitation Burton Walker Wallace Shop Water & Waste Water Equip. Co. Western Equipment Co. Wm. A. Eirk Ins. Agency $ 73.28 12.20 470.00 9.19 7,76O.OO 115.93 133.50 78.65 16.12 24.00 9,600 00 281 75 3 00 188 82 85 8o 5,OOO 00 76 12 768 11 233 33 155 00 Following the reading of the bills, it was moved by LUTES and seconded by SKIFTUN to approve the bills as read. Upon vote JOHNSON, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. SKIFTON voted AYE with the exception of the Northwest Roofing Co. billings and she requested it be recorded that she voted NAY on these billings. Motion carried. The Council discussed the Forester Club's delinquent muni- cipal nonproperty taxes and their transfer of liquor and beer licenses to new owners. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to enforce municipal nonproperty tax City Code 412 and proper license transferring as it applies to any delinquent taxes. Upon vote SKIFTUN, JOHNSON, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. It was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. until Monday, December 5~? 1983, at 7:00 ~p.m. Upon vote cT ng ay ~ motion carr~unanimousl~i~ / A~minisqr~ator NOVEMBER 14, 1983 McCall City Council met in Special session, Monday, Novem- ber 14, 1983, at 3:00 o.m. Acting Chairman LUTES oresiding. Those oresent were Councilmembers SKIFTUN and JOHNSON and Clerk Fogg. Councilman CROWLEY was absent. Chairman LUTES announced the purpose of the Special meeting is to canvass results of the General City Election held Tuesday, November 8, 1983. Following the canvassing of the votes by the Council, it was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to accept the official returns of the Election Board as being accurate as follows: Archer, Clyde L. - Mayor 275 votes Edwards, G. Joe - Mayor 72 votes Woods, Ernest H. - Mayor 115 votes Cheney, Ernest J. - Councilmember - 146 votes~ Craig, Larry Lee - Councilmember - 241 votes Johnson, Marion R.- Councilmember - 232 votes Wallace, Francis - Councilmember - 204 votes Upon vote SKIFTUN, JOHNSON and LUTES voted AYE and the motion carried. It was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON to go into Executive session for discussion of personnel and litigation. Upon vote motion carried by JOHNSON, SKIFTUN and LUTES voting AYE. The Executive session began at 3:30 p.m. and concluded at 4:15 p.m. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to adjourn the meeting until Monday, December 5, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Acting Chamrman [ 101 NOVEMBER 16, 1983 McCall City Council met in Special session Wednesday, Novem- ber 16, 1983, at 3:30 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers SKIFTUN, LUTES and JOHNSON, Administrator Smith and Clerk Fogg. Chairman CROWLEY announced the purpose of the meeting is regu- lar business to come before the Council. There was discussion regarding the borrowing of operational money on a tax anticipation note. Administrator Smith read in full a Resolution stating in part: "That City of McCall for the purpose of providing funds in anticipation of the collection of taxes for the fiscal year 1983/1984, exclusive of taxes required to be raised to pay the principal and in- terest thereon of the outstanding bonded indebtedness, borrow the sum of $90,000.00 and for that purpose, and as evidence of such indebtedness, and in consideration of the sums so borrowed, City of McCall shall issue a tax antici- pation note payable to bearer in the principal sum of $90,000.00 and be known as City of McCall Negotiable Tax Anticipation Note, No. 1. The note shall bear interest from the date of negotiation at the rate not in excess of 6.125 per cent (6.125%) per annum payable at maturity and shall become due and payable on or before the 25th day of Jan- uary, 1984. The principal and interest of said note shall be payable at the office of the Treasurer of the City of McCall, P. O. Box 1065, McCall, Idaho, 83638. The note shall be signed and executed by the principal officer of the City of McCall, attested by the Clerk, sealed with the City of McCall seal, and shall be in prescribed form, words and figures". Following discussion, it was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON to accept the Resolution to borrow and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to borrow $90,000.00. Upon vote JOHNSON, SKIFTUN, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried and the Resolution was duly adopted. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by LUTES to allow the Clerk to transfer $32,000.00 from General Fund MacroSavings to the General Fund checking account for use in payment of the City's current bills in addition to the Tax Anticipa- tion Note. Upon vote SKIFTUN, JOHNSON, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. Messuri, Bates and Gibbons billing for auditi~ services for the period from October 24, 1983, to November 11, 1983, for $10,913.44 was presented with an explanation there is an extension error resulting in a $560.00 overcharge. The billing should be $10,353.44. Also, a billing from Burnham, Marlow and Associates for $852.95 for copies of depositions of Tom L. MacGregor, Carl Whitaker and Jeffrey L. Lappin with regard to the Spaeth vs City of McCall was presented for consideration. Following discussion, it was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to accept and order payment of Messuri, Bates and Gibbons auditing billing with changes in the bill presented from $1520.00 to $960.00 for the Senior Auditor's 24 hours at $40.00 per hour resulting in a balance of $5,934.00,. which is correcting from listed $6,494.00, a total of $10,353.44 and the billing to Burnham, Marlow and Associates for $852.95. Upon vote SKIFTUN, JOHNSON, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. The Clerk read in full Sandra Bates letter of resignation as bookkeeper to be effective November 25, 1983. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by JOHNSON to accept Bates' resignaion. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. 102 It was SKIFTUN~S recommendation that the newly-elected offi- cials be invited to attend all sessions, all information be made available to them and ask that the budget director an- swer questions and provide any reasonable information they may want. JOHNSON suggested the Council consider asking Mayor Archer to fill in the vacancy at any time he feels ready. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN the newly-elected officers, Clyde Archer, Mayor, and Larry Craig, Councilman, be invited to attend Council meetings and be allowed inform- ation they wish from any of the staff members. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. Chairman CROWLEY recessed the meeting at 4:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. Upon continuing the meeting at 5:05 p.m., it was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON to move into Executive session for discussion of personnel and litigation. Upon vote JOHNSON, SKIFTUN, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. The Executive session began at 5:06 p.m. and concluded at 6:50 It was moved b.v JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to adjourn at 6:50 p.m. until Monday, December 5, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. Upon vo~te motion carried unanimously. Kcti:g Mayor / City :e:k NOVEMBER 22, 1983 McCall City Council met in Regular session Tuesday, November 22, 1983, at 3:00 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers LUTES, SKIFTUN, and JOHNSON, Mayor- elect Clyde Archer and Councilmember-elect Larry Craig, Admis- trator Smith and Clerk Fogg. Chairman CROWLEY announced the purpose of the meeting was an Executive session for discussion of personnel and policy mat- ters pertinent to personnel and litigation. It was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON to go into an Executive session for personnel and litigation discussion. The Executive meeting began at 3:03 p.m. and Closed at 5:20 p.m. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to adjourn the meeting at 5:20 p.m. until Monday, December 5, 1983, at 7:00 p.m. g ayor ~ City :erk ///' DECEMBER 5, 1983 McCall City Council held a Regular meeting Monday, December 5, 1983, at 7:05 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers SKIFTUN and LUTES, Attorney Remak- lus and Clerk Fogg. Councilwoman JOHNSON arrived at 8:45 p.m. It was the consensus o£ the Council to defer action on the minutes until all Councilmembers have had a chance to review them. Dale Blunk, Chamber of Commerce President, and Hal Sagar, President of McCall Area Promotions, were before the Council to promote help for the First Annual Idaho Special Olympics to be held in McCall March 16, 17, 18 and 19, 1984. A Special Olympic film was shown and Sagar commented on current plans. Attorney Remaklus reviewed changes made in the proposed sewer ordinance. He, also, read a letter received from John Hover questioning the legality of charging double sewer rates to property owners in the Rio Vista area and making a request for reduction of such charges. It was the consensus of the Council to postpone action on the proposed sewer ordinance until Remaklus has redrafted the ordinance, with amendments included, and he is to take Hover's letter under advisement to research the City's position as to the legality of the sewer charges. Administrator presented the EDA forms, subject to the Water Station Grant, that needed signatures. Attorney Remaklus could see no difficulty in proceeding with these forms now as this is setting up the mechanics for the transmittal of funds to the City. It was moved by CROWLEY and seconded by LUTES that Crowley and LUTES be the initial signators on these signature cards for EDA grant as specified. Upon vote LUTES, CROWLEY and SKIFTUN voted AYE. Motion carried. The Geddes zone reclassification request was again discussed. Remaklus advised the Council that he had researched the road Easements and they were in order. The Area of City Impact Planning and Zoning Commission had taken action following a public hearing on September 26, 1983, and recommended approval to the City Council that the Geddes and Stein property as des- cribed in the Public Notice be rezoned from E-Agricultural to D-Industrial and that Lot 57-A5 be excluded from the motion. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by SKIFTUN to uphold the Impact P & Z Commission's recommendation with regards to Geddes zone reclassification. Upon vote motion carried unan- imously. Remaklus was instructed to draft appropriate ordinance. A request had been received to separate water and sewer bill- ings to the various businesses located in Village Square rather than a billing to the Association. Following discussion, it was the consensus of the Council to bill the Association and not each business separately. The procedure for collection of delinquent water and sewer billings was discussed. Attorney Remaklus suggested, if a certi- fied letter is mailed, is not picked up and is returned, the letter be kept as proof that the City conformed to the provi- sions of the ordinance and then have Police Chief Lyon serve them with an identical document. He recommended further that the following statement be incorporated in the sewer ordinance: "The tape record should be kept by the City and be transcribed at the expense of anyone who requests the transcripts thereof" Administrator Smith advised the proposed useage of the Airport transient tie down area during the winter months and the use of the grass tie down area for snow storage. It was the con- sensus of the Council to agree to the procedure of moving the four airplanes parking on the grass area to the paved area and using the grass area for snow storage, leaving the lease fee as is. It was the consensus of the Council to put the surplus Grader Snow-wing out for bid. Attorney Remaklus was asked to contact those in charge of the Red Mill and find out what they intend to do with the old buildings which are a hazard. Administrator Smith had polled the board and received approval for payment of billings to Seetinfor $304.00 and Idaho First National Bank for $1053.67. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by LUTES to approve the~tification of prior payment of these billings. Upon vote LUTES, JOHNSON, SKIFTUN and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. Councilwoman SKIFTUN orally reviewed audit figures that she had received from Messuri, Bates and Gibbons. A Special meeting was set for December ?~ 1983, at 7~00 p..m.., the purpose being to adopt the proposed sewer ordinance as amended and to discuss publication of Christensent~ recom~. mendation regarding the Police Department. The City Clerk read the following list of Liquor, Beer, Wine and other license applications: LIQUOR - B.P.O.E. Elks Bar and Lounge, The Chicken Roost, Cutty_$ark, Forester's Club, The Mill, Shore Club Lodge and Yacht~±~ER - Aspen Market-Retail, B.P.O.E. Elks - By-The-Drink, Bill's Cash Grocery - Retail, Brass Lamp - Retail & By-The-Drink, Circle R Market - Retail, The Chicken Roost - By-The-Drink, Cutty Sark - By-The-Drink, David's - Retail, Disco Foods Inc. - Retail, Dragons Alley - By-The-Drink, Forester Club - By-The-Drink, High Country Deli- Retail and By-The-Drink, Lardo Grill & Saloon - Retail and By-The-Drink, Maria's - By-The-Drink, Maverik Country Store - Retail, McCall Gun and Cutlery, Inc. - Retail, Medley Sports Inc. - Retail, McCall Merc #20 - Retail, The Mill - By-The- Drink, Pitcher Bar - By-The-Drink, Sharlie's Soup and Sand- wich Kitchen - Retail and By-The-Drink, Shaver's - Retail, Shore Club Lodge - Retail and By-The-Drink, Si Bueno Inc. - By-The-Drink, Sports Marina, Inc. - Retail, Toll Station and Pizza Parlor - By-The-Drink, The Woodsman Cafe - By-The-Drink, Yacht Club - Retail and By-The-Drink; RETAIL WINE SALES - Aspen Market, Bill's Cash Grocery, Circle~Market, David's of McCall, Disco Foods Inc., Maverik Country Store, McCall Gun & Cutlery, Inc., Medley Sports, Inc., McCall Merc #20, Sharlie's Soup & Sandwich Kitchen, and Shavers; WINE BY THE DRINK - Brass Lamp, Dragon's Alley, High Country Deli, Lardo Grill and Saloon, Maria's, Pitcher Bar, Shaver's, Si Bueno, Inc., Toll Station Pizza Parlor and The Woodsman Cafe; OTHER - Aspen Market - 2 Amusement Devices, Dragon's Alley - 2 Pool Tables and 3 Amusement Devices, Lardo Grill and Saloon Inc. - 2 Pool Tables and 4 Amusement Devices, McCall Gun and Cutlery, Inc. - Pawn Brokers License, Shore Club Lodge - 2 Amusement Devices, and High Valley Vending - 21 Amusement Devices. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by SKIFTUN to approve the license applications as read and grant the licenes. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. The Clerk was in- structed that any license holder that was delinquent in pay- ment of their municipal nonproperty tax was not to receive their license. City Clerk Fogg requested approval of the transfer of $4,368.75 from Gross Income Sewer Fund to Revenue Bond Interest and Sink- ing Fund in order to pay Farmer's Home Administration for bill- ing of sewer bond interest. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to allow the transfer of funds as Clerk has read. Upon vote SKIFTUN, JOHNSON, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. SKIFTUN explained that audit figures showed that monies owed the General Fund Account by Capital Improvement Fund was $8,030.69, Water Revenue Bond Fund $21,382.15, and Gross Income Sewer Fund $25,386.94. On December 1, 1983, the Clerk was directed to make these fund transfers. It was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON to authorize previous transfer of those funds as read. Upon vote JOHNSON, SKIFTUN, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to go into Executive session for discussion of personnel. Upon vote SKIFTUN, JOHNSON, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. The Council went into Executive session at 9:56 p.m. Chairman CROWLEY recessed the Executive session at 11:30 p.m until Wednesday, December 7, 1983, at 6:00 p.m. / DECEMBER 7, 1983 Civy flerk - // McCall City Council met in Special session Wednesday, Decem- ber 7, 1983, at 6:05 p.m. for continuance of the Executive session of the Regular meeting of December 5, 1983. Chairman CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers SKIFTUN, JOHNSON and LUTES and Administrator Smith. 105 It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to go into Executive session for continuation of personnel discussion. Upon vote SKIFTUN, JOHNSON, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. Executive session began at 6:07 p.m. and closed at 7:38 p.m. The revised proposed sewer ordinance was discussed and changes made in open session. Proposed Ordinance No. 470, AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE CITY OF McCALL SEWER SYSTEM; REPEALING CHAPTER FOUR (4) OF TITLE VIII OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF McCALL, IDAHO, RELATING TO SEWERS; AMENDING TITLE VIII OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF McCALL, IDAHO, BY THE ADDITION THERETO OF A NEW CHAPTER FOUR (4), TITLE VIII OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF McCALL, IDAHO, TO PROVIDE FOR A SEWER SYSTEM WITHIN THE CITY~ TO PROVIDE FOR SEWER HOOK- UPS, TO PROVIDE FOR SERVICE CHARGES AND FEES~ TO PROVIDE FOR BILLING CHARGES TO RECORD TITLE HOLDER OF PREMISES SERVED, TO PROVIDE FOR TRUNK SEWER AND TREATMENT PLANT CONNECTION CHARGES, TIME OF PAYMENT THEREOF AND DISPOSITION OF SUCH FEES, PROVIDING SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION FEES~ PERMITS THEREFORE AND INSPECTION THEREOF AND DISPOSITION OF SUCH FEES; PROVIDING FOR CHANGES OF USE AND FEES THEREFORE, PROVIDING FOR DISCONNECTION AND LIENS FOR UNPAID CHARGES, PROVIDING FOR REGULATIONS REGARDING DIS- POSITION OF AND FEES THEREFORE, PROVIDING REGULATIONS, INSPEC- TION OF, AND ENFORCEMENT REGARDING HARMFUL SUBSTANCES AND EX- CESSIVE FLOWS, PROVIDING FOR HEARINGS AND JUDICIAL REVIEW, PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR FOOD WASTE DISPOSAL UNITS, PROVIDING FOR RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR DISCHARGE OF INDUSTRIAL WASTES, PROVIDING FOR TAP-INS OR HOOKUPS TO THE CITY SEWER SYSTEM, WATER SAVING DEVICES, PROVIDING PENALTIES, PROVIDING FOR A CIVIL REMEDY, AND PROVIDING SEVERABILITY, was introduced and read at length. It was moved by LUTES and seconded by JOHNSON to suspend the rules for passage of proposed Ordinance No. 470. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. It was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 470 as such. Upon vote JOHNSON, SKIFTUN, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried and Ordinance No. 470 is duly adopted. The minutes of September 6, 1983, was approved as recorded. The Council discussed the transfer of funds from Water $14,677~68~ Sewer $9,846.38 and Capital Improvement $10,739.61 to reimburse the General Fund cash account $35,000.00. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to transfer the three designated funds, water, sewer and capital improvement, to the General Fund. Upon vote SKIFTUN, JOHNSON, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. The following bills were read for payment: No. 1753 $ 300.00 1754 250.00 1755 300.00 1756 250.00 1757 200.OO 1758 25O.OO 1759 300.00 1760 250.O0 1761 250.00 1762 250.00 1763 250.00 1764 100.00 1765 300.00 1766 250.00 1767 200.00 1768 29.90 1769 29.90 1770 29.90 1771 10,353.44 1772 60.00 1773 352.50 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 Ramon Alford Roger Bates Hugh Cooke Richard Jackson Rebecca L. Jeffries John L. Lyon Brian S. Mickels Larry Olson Ronnie D. Pomerinke Lewis E. Pratt Roger W. Rockwell Laura Lyn Rupe Terry Sharp Royce E. Willhoyt James Smith Jewell E. Eddins Cornila Klott Emily L. Whitman Messuri, Bates & Gibbons Postmaster Michie Co., % Jim Thomsen Tax Anticipation Note Redemption Fund May Hardware, Inc. American Scientific Products Burnham, Marlow & Associates Idaho First National Bank Seetin, W.O.J. 3,395 82 259 07 58 20 852 95 1,051 67 331 16 106 NO. 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 180o 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 18o7 18o8 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 Public Employment Ray Alford Roger Bates Sandra K. Bates Gloria Cantrell Joye Catlin Larry Chalfant Hugh Cooke James Creech John Drips Donald Fitzwater Margaret Fogg Richard C. Jackson Rebecca Jefferies Marion Johnson VOID William Keating VOID John Lewinski Mary Jane Liberty Clifford Lutes John Lyon Brian Mickels Blaine Murray Ralph Murray Larry Olson Alta Pierson Ronnie David Pomerinke Lewis E. Pratt Robert H. Remaklus Roger W. Rockwell Kay Rhodes Laura Lyn Rupe Michael R. Sellers Terry Ann Sharp VOID Rosemary Skiftun David B. Smith James E. Smith Kenneth H. Walker Royce Earl Willhoyt American Family Life Association of Idaho State Tax Commission Retirement Sys. Assurance Co. Cities Idaho First National Bank Idaho Central Credit Union Office of State Tax Commission The Star News Postmaster Terry Sharp, Water/Sewer Dept. Marion R. Johnson Jim Smith Maury Ainger Don Aldrich Rick Bollar Bill Botsford Tom Chaloupka Dan Cochran Mike Curry MaztLn Fitzgerald Tom French Jack Katzenberger Dave Smith Russ Smith Skip Taylor Dana West Doug Woods Brian Mickels Police Department Hugh Cooke Action Express VOID Ray Alford Antiques Association of Idaho Cities Architectural Digest $ 228.04 482.98 595.53 655 40 73O 22 852 18 1,263 72 776 93 148 80 660 92 948 69 954 53 783 87 243 85 110 04 VOID 641.13 VOID 1,156.03 5o5.18 110 04 1,211 79 720 55 191 71 356 h3 913 95 685 64 662 44 744 07 641 76 1,002 43 43 33 443 32 401.51 336.81 VOID 11o.o4 1,195 58 1,197 32 324 03 684 97 66 52 2,509 74 1,371 45 3,817 8O 580 37 197 46. 14 63 89 45 22 21 62 94 66 51 12 00 13 50 8 5O 3 5O 12 00 5 00 5 00 17 oo 3 50 ? O0 35 00 3.5o 8.5o 8.5o 3.5o 30.24 18.91 4.36 35.8O VOID 10.87 38.o0 583.00 19.95 No. 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 18.64 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 Auditor, State of Idaho Better Homes and Gardens Bill's Phillips 66 Boise Rigging Supply Book Division Brundage Office Supply Bruneel Tire Service Cal Gas Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. R. W. Christensen Consolidated Supply Co. Continental Telephone Co. Dean's Tire Service Deckers Inc. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Eberle, Berlin, Kading, Turnbow Fisher Scientific Home Planners, Inc. Hot Rod Magazine John C. Hover The Idaho Statesman Idaho First National Bank Idaho Power Co. Idaho Recreation & Park Society Idaho Transportation Dept. Ingrams Jim's Towing Killen & Pittenger, P. A. VOID Long Valley Sand and Oravel MacMillan Publishing Co. May Hardware McCall Plumbing & Heating McCall Shoe Repair & Boot Shop The Merc M & M Court Reporting Moms Auto Parts $ 5,235.76 13.69 33.26 211.75 17.24 72.42 453.45 7.92 52.84 2,835.02 774.67 93.31 753.34 322.52 37.10 224.71 561.21 42.40 11.46 7 97 38 16 10 40 1,051 67 4,649 18 9 16 269 40 124 36 42.50 832.00 VOID 84.OO 67.00 100 7O 125 18 99 70 16 11 63 25 4O 01 My Secretary Service & Office Supplies 12 National Education Standards Norco VOID O'Neill International, Inc. Payette Lakes Lumber Co. Public Employee Retirement System Publishers Central Bureau QPBC Quill Corporation Robert H. Remaklus Ron's Shell Rowland Bros. VOID W.O.J. Seetin Shaver's Snowbird Laundry Spectronics Corp. Stan's Auto Parts Star News Ten Speed Press The Idaho Statesman Turfgo Northwest Valley County Road Dept. Valley County Sanitation Dept. The Wallace Shop Water-Waste Water Equipment Co. West Wind Productions, Inc. William A. Kirk Agency Wycoff Postmaster/Post Office VOID Alaska Northwest Publishing Co. 75 16 95 10 50 VOID 64 44 100 49 5,447 22 7 94 11 54 21 15 1,880 O4 242 71 12 75 VOID 278.28 62.44 42.80 46.39 316.87 46.14 6.12 6.OO 260 10 4OO 00 38 8o 23 00 1,518 72 35 00 6,415 83 43 60 150 28 VOID 18.00 Following the reading of the bills, it was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by JOHNSON to approve the bills as read with exception of Valley Pump, Recreation Department and Honedippers. Upon . vote JOHNSON, SKIFTUN, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion- carried. 107 There being no other business CROWLEY recessed the meeting DECEMBER 9, 1983 before the Council, Chairman at 8:3~.m. McCall City Council met in Special session Friday, December 9, 1983, at 9:07 a.m. for continuance of the Executive session of December 7, 1983, meeting. Council President CROWLEY pre- siding. Those present were Councilmembers SKIFTUN, JOHNSON and LUTES and Administrator Smith. It was moved by LUTES md seconded by SKIFTUN to go into Execu- tive session for personnel reasons. Upon vote SKIFTUN, JOHNSON, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. The Executive session began at 9:08 a.m. and ended at 1:03 p.m. It was moved by CROWLEY and seconded by SKIFTUN the City Council terminate Jim Smith with 30 days notice until January 9, 1984. Upon vote JOHNSON, SKIFTUN and CROWLEY voted AYE. LUTES voted NAY. Motion carried. Chairman CROWLEY is to draft a letter to Smith to notify of action taken. SKIFTUN and JOHNSON are to prepare an Administrator job des- cription. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to adjourn the m~ Upon vote motion A'~c/ting Ma~ carried unan' ously ~ DECEMBER 10, 1983 McCall City Council met in Special session for an Executive session. Neither Administrator Jim Smith nor City Clerk Fogg were present and no tape recording made so minutes could not be prepared. DECEMBER 14, 1983 McCall City Council met in Special session Wednesday, December 14, 1983, at 2:20 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those pre- sent were Councilmembers JOHNSON, SKIFTUN and LUTES and Clerk Fogg. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to go into Executive session for the purpose of personnel discussion. Upon vote SKIFTUN, JOHNSON, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion car- ried. Executive session began at 4:10 p.m. and closed at 4:17 p.m. Clerk Fogg's letter of resignation as City Clerk effective December 27, 1983, was read at length. Following discussion, it was moved by SKIFTUN and seconded by LUTES to accept Fogg's letter of resignation. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. SKIFTUN discussed her concern regarding the adjustments being made on water/sewer billings without Council approval. She made the Council aware of the City ordinance on water billing which reads that no one is to adjust or correct billings without being brought before the Council. She, also, discussed water/ sewer past due receivables of $54,000.00. Since this figure needs clarification, it was the consensus of the Council to have Auditor Tony Messuri get some staff up here to give an interpretation on billing adjustments and clarify the $54,000. figure. Clerk Fogg requested that she receive payment for accumulated compensatory time at the time of termination as City Clerk. It was the consensus of the Council to compensate Clerk Fogg for earned compensatory time. There being no further business to come before the Council, Chairman CROWLEY adjourned the meeting until Monday, Decem- ber 20, 1983, at 4:30 p.m. Ct.' g ayor / 109 DECEMBER 18, 1983 ,TON'HNSO Councilmember/~dvmsed that this meeting was only for interviews. There were no minutes taken~ nor recording made. DECEMBER 20, 1983 The following minutes were prepared from a taped recording of the meeting. Neither Administrator Smith nor Clerk Fogg were present. McCall City Council met in Special session Monday, December 20, 1983. President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Council- members SKIFTUN, LUTES and JOHNSON and Councilman-elect Larry Craig. The Executive session concluded at 6:03 p.m. Ray Alford inquired about a vehicle to use for building inspec- tions. He advised the Council that the old police car he's been using is not satisfactory to get in and out of areas in winter conditions. Following discussion, it was the consensus of the Council to go on mileage compensation basis of 256 per mile for use of personal vehicle in the interim and the Council will investigate the possibility of having a suitable vehicle available. Superintendent Chalfant is requesting approval for Bill Keating to attend a Cross-Connection, three-day school in Boise Janu- ary 2 thru 5, 1984, costs being registration $150.00, board and room $150. to $200., and approval of his taking a City truck or pay mileage for use of his personal vehicle. Following discussion, it was moved by JOHNSON and seconded'by SKIFTUN to allow streets and sewer employee, Bill Keating, to attend the Cross-Connection school at Boise State University in Boise, January 2 thru 5, 1984, and allow costs. Upon vote JOHNSON, SKIFTUN, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to go into Executive session at this time for purposes of personnel. Upon vote SKIFTUN, JOHNSON, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. Executive session began at 6:12 p.m. and closed at 7:24 p.m. A letter from John McCammon was read. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to engage John McCammon to oversee the interim business of the City Hall waiting the outcome of the audit. Upon vote the motion carried unanimously. Chairman CROWLEY adjourned the meeting at 7:25 p.m. until- Tuesday, January 3, 1984, at 7:00 p.m. Acting Mayor DECEMBER 23~ 1983 McCall City Council met in Special session Friday, December 23, 1983, at 3:10 p.m. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers JOHNSON, SKIFTUN and LUTES and Administrator Smith. Chairman CROWLEY announced the purpose of the meeting is an Executive session to discuss personnel matters. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to go into Executive session for reasons of personnel. Upon vote SKIFTUN, JOHNSON, LUTES and CROWLEY voted AYE. Motion carried. The Executive session began at 3:12 p.m. and concluded at 4:25 p.m. It was moved by JOHNSON and seconded by SKIFTUN to adopt the summary and recommendation of the Police Department as ske- letal policy from which the department will function and that it be allowed to be released to the local press. Upon vote motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to bring before the Council, Chairman CROWLEY adjourned the meeting at 4:26 p.m~ until Tuesday, January 3, 1984, at 7.:00 ~.~. mi nis t r~a~t o r JANUARY 3, 1984 The McCall City Council met in regular session Tuesday, January 3, 1984 at 7:00 P.M. Council President CROWLEY presiding. Those present were Councilmembers LUTES, SKIFTUN, JOHNSON, Attorney Remaklus and Administrator Smith. CROWLEY stated that according to the State Statutes the December bills were to be read at this time and he asked Smith to do so. The following bills were read for approval: Check No. 1927 Ramon Lee Alford 300.00 1928 Roger D. Bates 250.00 1929 Hugh H. Cooke 300.00 1930 Richard C. Jackson 250.00 1931 Rebecca L. Jeffries 200.00 1932 John L. Lyon 250.00 1933 Brian S. Michels 300.00 1934 Larry S. Olson 250.00 1935 Ronnie D. Pomerinke 250.00 1936 Lewis E. Pratt 250.00 1937 Roger W. Rockwell 250.00 1938 Laura Lyn Rupe 100.00 1939 Terry Sharp 300.00 1940 James E. Smith 200.00 1941 Royce W. Willhoyt 250.00 1942 Sandra K. Bates 679.94 1943 Idaho First National Bank 423.86 1946 Honeydippers 80.00 1947 WETRC 150.00 1948 William Keating 250.00 1949 Ramon L. Alford 482.98 1951 Gloria Cantrell 689.36 1952 Joye Catlin 852.18 1953 Larry L. Chalfant 1263.72 1954 Hugh H. Cook 776.93 1955 James F. Creech 169.46 1956 John B. Drips 660.92 1957 Donald Fitzwater 948.69 1958 Margaret E. Fogg 954.53 1959 Richard C. Jackson 783.87 1960 Rebecca L. Jeffries 238.09 1961 Marion Johnson 110.04 1962 William D. Keating 660.18 1963 John R. Lewinski 1156.03 1964 Mary Jane Liberty 505.18 1965 Clifford Lutes 110.04