HomeMy Public PortalAboutCouncil Minutes 1986 Jan-Dec2? January 6, 1986 The McCall City Council held a regular City Council meeting on January 6, 1986, at 7:30 P.M. at McCall City Hall, Mayor Archer presiding. Councilmembers present were Cliff Lutes, Marion Johnson and Larry Craig. Also present were City Admin- istrator/Clerk Arthur J. Schmidt, Councilmember elect Cliff Lee and City Attorney Robert Remaklus. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mayor Archer declared the minutes for December 30, 1985, and December 21, 1985, approved as submitted. OLD BUSINESS BILLS AND PAYROLL FOR DECEMBER 1985 Councilman Craig moved to accept and pay the bills as submitted. Seconded by Johnson. Craig, Johnson and Lutes voted AYE. Motion carried. CITY POLICY Councilwoman Johnson inquired as to the city's policy in serving special interest groups. She questioned the plowing of the oval track on the south end of McCall. Mrs. Johnson felt the policy had been to serve only nonpolotical, nonprofit and nonsectarian groups. The consensus of the concil was the policy has not been changed and will continue to be enforced in this manner. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE City Administrator/Clerk Bud Schmidt administered the oath of office to Clifford Lee. Councilman elect Mr. Gary Van Komen was not present. Mayor Archer presented Clifford Lutes with a plaque form the City commemorating 10 years of service as City Councilman. Mayor Archer declared a recess so the new Councilman could be seated. Mayor Archer called the meeting back to order. Councilmembers present were Larry Craig, Marion Johnson and Clifford Lee. NEW BUSINESS REPORT ON DEANNEX SURVEY The City Administrator reported on the deannexing survey. There wre 42 question- aires sent out to affected property owners. Two of the questionaires were re- turned as undeliverable and ten were received. Of the ten received, eight were opposed and two asked for more information. This evidence indicated that there is little support from the property owners involved for the deannexation. The council felt the information should be placed on file and there would be no further action taken at this time. DOE/EASTSIDE INTERCEPTOR PAYMENT There was discusssion concerning a $1755.00 bill for engineering services supplied by Smith and Kangas Engineers. The council referred this back to the staff and tabled the matter until the January 21, 1986, meeting. BEER, LIQUOR, WINE LICENSES - 1986 The Council noted the list of approved licenses for 1986. These are listed at the top the following page. HOSPITAL STORMSEWER City Administrator Schmidt reported on the staff work done to date to eleviate the roof and storm drain problems at the hospital. A map of the storm sewer in this area was provided to the hospital indicating that a storm drain line was available in the State Street right-of-way. The hospital is proceeding with a topographical survey of the site and are asking the city to extend their line, possibly requiring one manhole and two catch basins over a 50 to 100 foot distance. Councilman Lee moved the city will work with the hospital to connect storm/sewer drainage within the scope described in the January 2, 1986, memorandum. Seconded by Craig. Craig, Johnson, and Lee voted AYE. Motion carried. NOTARY -CITY HALL Councilman Craig moved to authorize making Jeannie Brown a notary. Seconded by Lee. Craig, Johnson and Lee voted AYE. Motion carried. 28 1986 BEER, WINE AND LIQUOR LICENSES ISSUED ON OR BEFORE 12/31/85 LIQUOR WINE WINE BEER BEER BY DRINK RETAIL ON PREMISES OFF PREMISES ASPEN MARKET RILL'S CASH GROCERY BRASS LAMP PIZZA CHICKEN ROOST CU1TY SARK RESTAURANT CIRCLE i2 MARKET FORESTER'S CLUB LAKE I3UWL LARDO'S INC. MAVERICK COUNTRY STORE MEDLEY'S SPURT'S CENTER MEDLEY'S S THE OTHER PLAC1, THE Pli.iiC THE MILL 111E PITCHER X X X X X X X X x X X X SHAVER'S OF MCCALL x x X :ilORE LODGE, INC. X X SI'BUINO X X SPORTS MARINA, INC. YACHT CLUB X X X l-IUCKLEBERRY X OLD TOWN GENERAL STORE TOLL, STATION PIZZA PROPOSAL FOR CITY LAND Kevin Muir presented a map ;and proposal to lease city property for dock construction activity. The property desired is located north of the marina and south of Mill Park. City Attorney Remaklus said this type of use was addressed in the Davis Beach issue. There were aldo concerns as to the amount of beach fron existing in the city. Council— man Lee moved to table this until the next meeting. Seconded by Craig. Craig, Lee, and Johnson voted AYE. Motion carried. USFS SMOKEJUMPER BASE REPORT City Administrator Schmidt presented a list of issues involving the Payette National Forest Service. The first issue was concerned with the metal building at the borate plant. The next question was should the city pursue full ownership of land upon which the airport runways and taxiways are placed. Item #3 dealt with the financing strategy for the sewer service to the smokejumper base site. Item #4 addressed the sewer line design. Item #5 dealt with the abandonment of 8 acres on Mission Street across from the school tennis courts by the USFS. Item #6 was concerned with the property across the street west of the new Smokejumper Base site. Councilwoman Jonnson moved the staff proceed and pursue item #1 and pursue the donation of the metal building, item #2, pursue the ownership of the taxiway; item #3 & #4, take no action on until further study other than preparing a study of the design; item #5, to seek a donation either to the city or the school district for dumpsite. Seconded by Lee. Craig, Johnson and Lee voted AYE. Motion carried. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Councilman Lee moved to appoint a Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee to develop recommendatons on the management and operation of city parks and other city property with recreational potential. To develop preliminary plans for railroad right—of— way and determination as to whether it should be acquired. Prepare a preliminary plan for development of Forest Service land considered for acquisition in conjunction with the school district; prepare a preliminary plan for enhancing beach property 29 and expmre the poss/u/L/t, of uevemp/rig crvss cvuntry jong iny paths /n c^njunct/vn with the soLf course addition and existing goLf course, And to expLvre the pvss/u/L/tr /n to / tic: rease downtown park /rig and v/si~o, parx/ns, Seconded by Craig. Craig, Johnson anu We voted c^ mof/vn carr/eu. osmsn�� asYswus �*�nzwo The c/lr Aum/n/s"ator recommended the citv xoLu off the payoff on -the telephone system which wouLu suppLv the neeueu 0.4m cut /n general rs^e"ue aI- Iarins 1"unus For f/scaL year Ipaa. counc/L°an craiy moved t" f^L Low the pLan proposed by the aum/nis+rator ^ aeCvnueu by I ee. cra/y^ Johnson and Lee voted AYs, mv+/on carried. -- sxscurows m*zmrsmi�wcs Aomss*smT Counc/Lman Craig moved we so ahpau with the svecv+vne Contract w|bi the stipuLa+/on that the dates are checked, and aLso cvrrespvnu 'We contract dates with the f/scaL year. Seconded by Johnson. cra/n^ Johnson and I voted AYs, Motion carried. C/+r Administrator presented the cvunciL with the term; vf the agreement with Shaver's concerning their water u/LL, cvunc{Lman Craig moved to accep� the asreement and authorize the mayor to sign /t. Be" nueu by Johnson. Cra/s. Johnson, and Lee voted AYs~ Motion carr/eu. rp�cron/o�cx*os azoo—AwAmo cowTnAcr Bud ci ty administrator, opened the uius on December 30, 1985 at 10:30 AM for the two pieces of equipment. ovuTic i1.m*n Lee was cvn— cerneu with the condition of the citv^s pump stations and feLt we shvuLu xoLu of spending the money on the equipment in c*se +he mvnev was needed for repa/rs, counc/Lman use moved to +auLe the u/us on both p/eces of equipment and direct the administration to request a safety inspect ion or aLL faciL/+ies by the state and vur i"surance company and direct the administrator -to proviue the counciL wi+h a�1.erna1..ve ways vI` correctirig the prou1.ems anu estima+eu cvs+s. Seconded by c.'a.s. cra/g, Johnson anu Lee vo-teu AYs, mo+ion carr/eu. cvunc/Lman Lee moved to approve change Order .0z2 a :1-13 and aut»orize the mayor -to s/s"^ aeconueu by Johnson. ora/s^ Johnson and Lee voted AYs, mot/on carr/eu^ The cvunc/L acxnowLeugeu the receipt of and accepted both the pLann/ma and zvn/ma commission minutes and the a{rport committee minutes for ULivg, cxonvsapownswcs Counc/Lwvman Johnson moved to cont /nue wi+h mr. Larry crai9 as counciI. president. Seconded by Lee, Craig, Johnson and Lee voted AYs^ mv1./vn narvr Archer assigned the c/+, uepar+ments m the council. members. assigned to the poLice and fire/ Marion Woxnsvn the sewer and water; cLiffvru use the airport and streets/ Gary vm" xvwen the Library, parks and recreation; and the maror the svLf and aum/n/strat/vn, The cvunc/Lmembers vv/csm their opposition to this -- form of organization. The appointments w/LL stand un+/L further d/sc"ss/"n, The City Council set a work session for January 1.3, zpaa at r:nm",w,, counc/�man Lee asked to have the survey he conducted be on the agenda fvr I he -/anuar/ az, :1.906 resu1.ar meet/rig. 30 The Winter Carnival. Committee requested a blanket street c::arnival. License for the Winter Carnival.. Councilman Craig moved to give them a street carnival License. ..>c.<..orr<aexa by Lee. (::rtrrra. ,.lohn<s0rr, and Lee voted AYE. Motion carried. A Letter te;,r. from John Russell was presented which is an agreement with the; I...<ardo Community council and Idaho Power. The I_ardo Community C:ounc: i l is desiring Idaho Power to do some lanclssca ping and so on. City administrator suggests this matter be turned over to they Planning and Zoning. The mayor directed the administrator to re!.fer this matter to the Planning and Zoning Committee. Counc i l meeting was adjourned of 11:44 P.M.. BILLSANDPAYROLL DECEMBER 1985 86-327 Ramon Lee Alford 328 Roger Bates 329 Hugh H. Cooke 330 Rebecca L. Jeffries 331 Elias Leija 332 Mary Jane Liberty 333 John L. Lyon 334 Brian S. Mickels 335 Edward F. Parker 336 Steve Lee Russell 337 Michael P. Whitney 338 Michelle L. Basye 339 Michael R. Tambani 340 William Wright 341 Jeannie Brown 342 Alexander Claunts 343 Smith & Kangas 344 State of Idaho 345 Clyde L. Archer 346 Michelle L. Basye 347 John Frank Carter III 348 Larry Craig 349 James Creech 350 Marion Johnson 351 Nancy Lockhart 352 Clifford Lutes 353 Robert H. Remaklus 354 Arthur J. Schmidt 355 Aloa Stevens 356 Ray Alford 357 Alta Pierson 358 Alexander Claunts 359 Elias Leija 360 John L. Lyon 361 Edward Parker 362 Steve Lee Russell 363 Michael R. Tambani 364 Donald L. Fitzwater 365 Cathy J. Barton 366 Gloria Cantrell 367 Rebecca L. Jeffries 368 Mary Jane Liberty 369 Roger D. Bates 370 Gloria Jeannie Brown 371 Larry Chalfant 372 William D. Keating 373 Dave B. Smith 374 Michael P. Whitney 375 William P. Wright 376 Hugh H. Cooke 377 Deborah Sager 378 John Lewinski 379 John Drips 300.00 250.00 300.00 200.00 350.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 250.00 250.00 150.00 300.00 250.00 200.00 250.00 250.00 17,531.75 7.68 1.00 514.60 44.62 109.51 140.89 100.51 359.48 109.51 686.76 1,448.45 109.51 460.50 732.63 350.59 633.74 1,258.59 873.19 534.01 625.32 1,060.26 142.55 735.00 347.47 393.58 857.11 323.28 1,426.41 767.40 1,405.06 701.30 536.21 769.50 392.63 1,212.25 721.34 31 380 Brian Mickels 703.40 381 Ralph R. Murray 262.01 382 State Tax Commission 1,426.15 383 Idaho First National Bank 4,058.45 384 State Auditor, State of Idaho 5,289.21 385 Association of Idaho Cities 2,365.04 386 American Family Life Assurance Co. 40.62 387 Idaho Central Employees Credit Union 730.54 388 Public Employees Retirement System 5,054.80 398 Art Mart 5.49 399 Baxter Foundary & Machine Works 740.00 400 Brundage Office Supply 83.39 401 Bruneel Tire Service 262.84 402 Century Laboratories, Inc. 72.00 403 Consolidated Supply Co. 348.65 404 Contel 907.56 405 Doubleday Book Club 19.74 406 High Country Enterprises 56.95 407 IBM 113.00 408 Idaho First National Bank 2,722.89 409 Idaho Power Co. 6,376.26 410 Ingram 58.70 411 Maxway 11.55 412 May Hardware 227.75 413 McCall Memorial Hospital 10.00 414 McCall Printing 53.70 415 Medley Sports 29.70 416 Mountain Bell .54 417 My Secretary Service 33.41 418 Norco 16.20 419 Payette Lakes Lumber Co. 197.34 420 Robert Remaklus 1,635.00 421 Rowland Brothers 120.00 422 W.O.J. Seetin 323.00 423 Shirt and Sound Works 13.75 424 Snowbird Laundry 63.45 425 Stan's Auto Parts 504.23 426 State Insurance Fund 1,078.13 427 Star News 161.16 428 Valley County 97.80 429 Wallace Shop 34.09 430 Merc, The 37.74 431 Don Aldrich 50.00 432 Dave Smith 51.75 433 Dempsey Eddins 40.75 434 Maury Ainger 37.00 435 Tim Everhart 31.50 436 Skip Taylor 5.50 437 Martin Fitzgerald 16.75 438 Tom French 66.50 439 Dana West 39.75 440 Bill Botsford 40.75 441 Harry Stathis 37.00 442 Tom Chaloupka 30.50 443 Dale Points 58.25 444 Dan Cochran 28.75 445 Doug Woods 50.00 446 Bidall Corp 63.00 447 Boise's Rigging Supply 269.30 448 Cal Gas 791.24 449 Caxton Printers 23.24 450 Dan's Saddlery 17.95 451 Gem Communications, Inc. 90.00 452 McCall Rural Fire Protection Assoc., Inc. 42.00 453 North American Philips Ser. Lighting 321.00 454 Quality Paperback Book 11.60 455 Schlofman Tractor 33.88 456 United States Postmaster 161.00 457 Water & Wastewater Equip. Co. 14.92 458 Western Equipment 266.71 459 Taylor's Trophy 20.80 460 G.A. Thompson 55.05 461 J. P. Cooke Co. 45.13 462 McCall Tire & Auto Repair 739.50 463 Cop Shop Etc. 599.97 464 Acheson Motors 87.36 465 Dean's Tire Service 168.14 32 466 Tesco Williamson 467 William Keating 468 Brian Mickels 469 John Lewinski 470 National Geographic 471 Shell Oil Company 472 Treasure Valley Bank 473 Roger Bates 474 Larry L. Chalfant 475 Hugh H. Cooke 476 Nancy Bauman Lockhart 477 Michael P. Whitney 478 Zech Muller 479 Barrons Education Series 480 Book Shop 481 Mairs Auto Parts 482 Recreation Equipment, Inc. 483 Givens, McDevitt, Pursley, Webb & Buser 484 Intoximeters, Inc. 485 Sargent - Sowell, Inc. 486 Walker Safety & Signing Co. 487 Edwards Glass 488 Sackerman's Texaco . 489 Territorial Supplies, Inc. 490 United States Golf Association 491 Intermountain International Truck 492 Jeannie Brown 493 Mark Darling 494 Steve Dye 495 Lawco 496 Rick Haynes 497 High Mountain Nursey & Floral 498 American Red Cross 499 Time Life Books 500 Arthur J. Schmidt 501 Adams News Company 502 Andy Cochrane 503 Chicago Review Press 504 Dyna Industries 505 Environmental Engineering Lab, Inc. 506 Long Valley Canvas 507 Monarch Hydraulics, Inc. 508 Stan Bohnam Co. 509 Stereo Outlet 349.83 61.64 38.05 10.00 27.95 17.72 490.87 9.14 8.71 21.60 13.00 9.09 25.00 15.43 6.25 286.76 135.82 "3,133.46 36.15 39.25 136.35 46.68 4,193.95 343.92 70.00 100.10 22.53 51.75 55.50 153.41 36.00 25.00 2.00 18.19 24.89 13.94 25.00 27.90 19.00 76.04 45.80 522.08 51.81 149.00 The City Council conducted <•a work session Tuesday, January 21. 1986 at 7:00 p.m. The council discussed the Kevin Muir propor.:•il. for access to the Payette Lake north of the Marina. They also discussed the purchasing of new equipment for .the public: works depsr tmcnt. 'T'he., discussion involved either er- buying or borrowing ,and also the usc: of the funds for other needs. Ii{efore the next regular city count:: i L meeting the city administrator will. meet with the Payette Lakes Sewer District to discuss a cooperative agreement. The McCall. city council held a regular city council meeting on January 21, 19E36 at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Archer presiding. City Administrator. /Clerk, Dud Schmidt administered the oath of office! for City Council- man to Gary Van Komen and presented him a certificate of elec:t;on. count: i lmcembers present were Marion ,.Johnson, Cliff Lee, and Gary Van Komen Also Present were City Administrator/Clerk, Bud Schmidt, and City Attorney Bob Remak lugs. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mayor Archer declared the minutes for ..January 6, 1986 approved as submitted after making they correction of the the word "nons>ecretar i a L" to" nonsectarian". PAYMENT Of: E+al...L TO MC:C;AL_L_ TIRE & AUTO McCall. Tire sV Auto presented a bill for towing and tires for 1981 to 1984. The bill had been approved on the List for December* 1935. In the absences of any action the bill. its to be paid. rxe c/tv Administrator expLa/nec the si+uat/on on the pa/oent tv am/t 1-1 & Kamaas for emaineer/ns serv/ces. rhe c/�v cvunc/1. a/ter further discussion decided the city shouLu^n+ have been u/for the add /t/onaL costs in ennineer/ns. They feL-1 the comnactiv" was /n— adequate which was an engineering error. The costs invoLveu sxouLu fa 1. -to Smith & xanyas the firm or their insurance carrier. The ci+r cAer� was instructed to draft the Letter to Smith a xamaas expI.ainins the city position. muzn �sAas pnopoam- cL/ff I_ee re�)vr+eu on Kevin mu/rs proposal. for -the Lease of city property He feu the area *r, muir wants m be Leased sxouLu be uacxf/L Led anu uevempeu into a puuL/c access, as a Loading zone and not for the | excLusive use of his firm. cL/ff I.-ee mv,ec to direct the administrator to draw up an encroachment permit or agreement with Mr. Muir to make it nvssiuLe for him to insta�l. necessary f/LL to Provide access to high water mark from -From the c/+r street at the Location shown on the drawings he has suum|t+eu^ A Lsv the agreement shvuLu incLuae an encroachment permit issued by the State Dept, of Lanus^ seconded by van xvmen. Jv�nsvn, van Kamen, uae^ voted AYs. mv+/vn carried. msaCzwo onosm �zo ooc mr^ Schmidt exnLaineu the situation am the order 013 and when Payments had taken pLace^ to Idaho Power for the hook --up to the Sewer Lift Station on the sasts/ue Interceptor projec+, Change, order 1:13 was an inappropriate soLu+ion /n resoLvins the uvuul.e Payment to Idaho Power. The aLternative /s to request reimbursement uirec+Lv from shunn^ /f ahunn :as not pa/u Idaho power and from zua^v power /f they have been pa/u twice. cL/ff Lee moved we rescind oruer = seconded by van Kamen. Johnson, van Kamen L.ee voted AYE. Motion carried. NEW auazwsas czTr m*w*os*smT ounvsY cL/ff Lee presenueu the council. with a copy of his c/tr Management Survey. cL/ff L_ee moved we adopt this anaLvs/s as general; suivance for- the administrator /n management of the city. Understanding specific items wi�l. +*xe more discussion and may be cLarif/cat/vn before it can be put in Practice. Seconded by van Kamen. Johnson, Van xomen, and Lee voted AYE- mot ivn carried. xCCALL CITY wAx4S[xEoT SUMMARY AND xwxiySIS OF A puuLIc 0oBT0w[m AND A PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT � Clirf Lee � December 1985 39 Introduction This study was undertaken to determine why our City has been in such a turmoil in the last few years and to try to determine what the majority of the people expect from City Government. The first question asks about major issues and concerns for our City. In nearly every case the answer was evident even though it was stated in different ways and using different words. In final analysis themajor problem is the City Government has lost credibility and the confidence of the people. The long going legal battle with the Sewer District; sewers running into the river; open feuds with the Police Department, City Administrator and the Golf Course management; demonstrated poor financial management and accounting have done little to instill public support and confidence. Improvements have been made but much remains to be done and it will take a great deal of effort from all of us to correct the problem. Question number ten was concerned with the organization of our City Government. Every reply indicated support for having the City Administrator (manager) directly supervise the various departments without interference and disruption and for the Mayor and Council to provide overall guidance and direction. A secondary problem is one of public image. The Council and city employees are viewed in general as uncaring, dictatorial and calloused to peoples problems. THAT IMAGE MUST CHANGE Every person, both citizen and visitor, must be treated fairly and honestly with courtesy, respect and dignity, regardless of the circumstances. Every city employee must be treated the same way by the City Government and it is the Councils responsibility to create an environment where both of these expec- tations are met. A summary sheet for each department except administration has been prepared and included in the appendix. These work sheets include more detailed comments and suggestions as they pertain to the individual departments and may provide a guide for improvement. One of the major objectives of this study was to establish some short and long range goals for our City. After reading the context and tone of the questioneer answers it is obvious there is an urgent need to make some significant changes in the way we do business. Recommendations for the immediate future (1 to 2 years): 1 am proposing we adopt three goals which in turn will evolve into other long and short range goals and objectives. 1 - Re -Earn Public Credibility 2 - Improve Local Economy 3 - Protect And Enhance Our City Environment On the following pages there isa list of tasks to accomplish these goals. These lists are not considered as complete or in any order of priority but are only intended as a guide for Council thought and study. It is now up to the Council to accept, change or reject these suggestions and imple- ment action to correct the identified problems. Goal - Re -earn Public Credibility 35 Tasks Adopt a city organization with the City Administrator supervising all departments. - Review each department workload and assigned responsibility to insure all necessary work is accomplished without overlap and at least cost. Review all job descriptions for accuracy and establish performance standards. - Conduct salary reviews with other Idaho cities to insure equality. Install a system of checks and balances in financial management which eval- uates both planning and accomplishment in accordance with state requirements. Prepare a written cooperative agreement with the Water and Sewer District and County Sheriff Department to eliminate overlap and to reduce costs to both agencies. - Discuss employees and personnel matters only in executive session. Preserve the dignity of employees - Combine jobs to insure maximum accomplishment at least cost. - Prepare long range plans for streets, water and sewer systems. Within the foreseeable future work to combine the city with the Sewer District to maximize service and minimize cost. Combine the P & Z with the Impact P & Z_to increase efficiency and streamline the building approval process. - Prepare life -cycle cost analysis on all capitol improvement and equipment purchases to maximize our dollar efficiency. - Prepare condition surveys for water, sewer and streets to identify problems and to make the priority and budget system more visible to the public. - Complete a review and update of P & Z ordinances and update the comprehen- sive land use plan.. Goal - Improve The Local Economy The McCall economic base (like it or not) is now recreation and the City must support that industry and at the same time protect the quality of life we all enjoy. Tasks - Adopt an attitude of helpfulness to new businesses and industry and not be a deterrent. Prepare long range plans to promote controlled growth (transportation, utilities and P & Z). - Enhance recreational opportunities within the City. - Paths, parks, summer and winter visitor parking. - Access to the lake. Demand a warm friendly attitude of all City employees. Work closely and in harmony with the Chamber of Commerce and civic organi- zations. Improve the visual quality of McCall by design critiques and more attention to cleanliness and clutter. - Work with the County to reacquire the old Sheep Bridge and R.O.W..for emer- gency access to West McCall. - Improve public safety. - Increase street sanding. - More safety and directional signing. - Remove the old water tower and storage building by the pump house. - Correct safety deficiencies at City facilities. - Provide street lights at critical locations. Stress people and property protection by our Police Department. 36 Goal - Protect And Enhance Our City Environment Tasks - Prepare and enforce a city ordinance on blight or ugly property to clean up some of our visual problem areas. Monitor our water, air and noise quality to prevent pollution. - Protect and enhance city beach property. Work with the School District to acquire the present Forest Service smoke - jumper facilities and develop a city park. - Incorporate walking paths and green belt areas in new subdivisions and developed areas. Develop a transportation plan to identify needed bypass or alternate access routes to reduce traffic congestion and improve the downtown environment. - Encourage lakeshore modification toward lower structures that do not block the lake view. Work toward a boardwalk or high water path from Mill Park to the City Park (or further). - Remove the old water tower. The graffiti verifies its attraction and hazard. - Adopt building design guides to assist in compatible planning. Update the comprehensive plan and support it. Develop a plan and make a decision concerning the railroad R.O.W. APPENDIX Water & Sewer Rating Comments and/or Priorities 8 3 3 Set responsible rates 5 5 6 Bring up to standard 9 5 5 Replace old lines - upgrade systems 3 6 7 Correct deficiencies 8 6 Prepare for growth 5 5 Improve water pressure in parts of town 4 3 Stop overflowing into river - back up to houses 2 10 Don't use funds to finance city 8 10 Stop dispute with Sewer District 10 3 Too high cost 7 5 Keep up with maintenance 6 6 Live within hudget/Incorporate with Sewer District 6 6 Read meters currently/Install storm drains 5 5 7 37 5.81 Summary and Conclusions The Water and Sewer Dept. is rated good but the high rates (new increase) has not been publicly justified. Suggestions Complete a detailed condition survey of the entire systems to identify problems. This will help to set priorities, prepare realistic budgets and establish defen- dable rates to users. - Clean up and get on top of the accounting and collection of fees. Coordinate closely with the Sewer District to reduce duplication and overlap in equipment, personnel and overhead. Consider combining the two organizations at some future date. - Develop long range plans for system growth. Be consistent.'in system management. - Meter reading. - Maintenance. - Service to users. Streets Rating Comments and/or Priorities 7 8 10 6 4 5 6 7 6 5 6 3 4 5 7 8 5 1 2 10 10 5 5 2 5 9 7 5 6 7 6 Pave all streets. Remove snow for special events. Upgrading and paving. More sanding on critical corners. Red light at Red Steer - more street lights, street signs. More paving, signs, curbs. Get rid of potholes. More emphasis on downtown parking. More paving. More sanding° Pave back streets. More paving. More sanding. Remove potholes - good snow removal. Pave all streets. Install street signs. Improve street conditions. Street signs. Paving and street signs. Pave dirt roads like downtown. Sand slick corners. Consider one-way traffic to reduce congestion in downtown area. 5.87 Summary and Conclusions Street work is considered good, particularly snow removal. The consensus is for a continuing paving program for backstreets. A secondary concern is for street signs and more sanding on hazardous corners. 38 Suggestions Complete a condition survey and inventory of city streets to provide an accurate cost estimate to prepare base, subbase, drainage and paving. This data can also be a basis for setting reasonable priorities. Prepare a long range transportation plan for the City to identify R.O.W. acquisition, and insure present work is in tune with long range needs. Identify problem areas and seek solutions such as one-way streets in downtown area, more off street parking, alternate routes for heavy traffic. Consider contract snowplowing in back areas of the City to reduce cleaning time and keep City crew small. Police Department . Rating Comments and/or Priorities 1 8 Protection - be fair equally. No speed traps - be profes- sional. 8 8 3 8 4 7 5 8 8 8 5 5 9 7 8 2 7 6 1 2 1 3 10 8 To harsh now - to military. Be friendly, helpful. Tougher on lawbreakers - bikes, snowmachines. Too many officers for a town like McCall. Too much turmoil and employee turnover. Patrol business district on foot. Work with young people. Help people. Enforce laws,gn snowmobiles and other RVs. Enforce laws uni- formly. Leave Police Department alone. ' Too many police. Be courteous and helpful to motorists. Be tough on robbery, vandalism, bad checks. Visibility both low high high Work harder on illegal parking and sight distance. Crack down on drug enforcement. Be good host to public. Enforce drunk driving. Cooperate with County. More profes- sional training. Too many police - concentrating of traffic tickets. Don't harass - be more friendly and helpful. Too many officers. Too harsh traffic enforcement. Protection - better management. Better management. Better drug enforcement. Reduce force - too harsh. Too much emphasis on traffic tickets.. Be more helpful and friendly - fair. Be tough on drugs, burglars. Too many officers. Stay out of politics. Help with block houses. Neiborhood watches. Be more helpful with business on shoplifting. Teenage driving and other safety programs. high low high high low low high high low low high low high high 39 Police Department (amt.) Ratin• Comments and/or Priorities Visibilit 8 2 Reduce force. Too harsh. low 1 Too much emphasis on traffic tickets. Be more helpful with business on shoplifting, teenage driving and other safety programs. high 3 10 8 8 2 5 6 8 Too many officers. Stay out of politics. Help with block houses. Neiborhood watches, be more helpful with business on shoplifting and other safety programs. Reduce force. Be more public help oriented. Stop speed traps, be more courteous. Stop drugs in schools. low high high high low high high 5.77 Summary and Conclusions For the most part people rate the Police Department good and support high visibility. Criticism - Too many officers (high cost). - Too much emphasis on traffic violations and DUIs. - Too harsh. - Too much time in vehicles with no positive contact with the public. - Chief too involved in city politics. Suggestions Be more friendly, courteous and fair. Be tough on drugs, burglarism and serious crime. - Work closer with business on shoplifting, bad checks. More personal, positive contacts. Support and promote block homes, neiborhood watch. More attention to hazardous conditions. - Slick corners and junctions. - Sight distances. - Safety signing. - Work more closely with teenage groups: driving, drugs. - Implement coop agreement with County to eliminate duplication and overlap. - Be more aware of public image. Project a more positive attitude and help sell McCall. 40 Fire_ Department Ratin. Comments and/or Priorities 8 8 5 Good department. Chief could be used in other departments. 9 8 6 Good department. 6 8 8 Too costly. 6 7 4 10 8 8 8 8 10 10 8 10 8 9 Can't afford a full time fire chief, 6 5 8 8 More contact with business, preventative work. More public relations and education. 8 8 8 7.70 Summary and Conclusions Public rating of the fire department is very good, reflecting on good performance by this volunteer outfit. Suggestions In addition to the good work in fire suppression, equipment maintenance and training, increase public awareness to hazards through more public education, prevention inspections of commercial buildings and contacts with children in theschool system. Library Rating Comments 8 3 7 10 6 6 6 10 9 9 5 8 10 9 9 7 5 7 9 9 8 10 10 5 4 7 8 6 Stay open Saturdays. Stay open Saturdays. Stay open after 5 for working people. Open Saturday. Too many people working there. I I 6 1.44 41 Summary and Conclusions The library is rated very good but we should change the hours to provide two evenings per week until about seven and be open Saturdays. Be closed during the week to bal- ance the time. Recreation Rating 4 8 8 8 7 4 3 6 1 5 3 4 5 2 5 1 7 8 6 10 10 6 5 8 0 2 5 6 2 Comments and/or Priorities Inadequate program for the local youth (age 6-15). Reduce programs for 20-30 year olds. Reduce budget - use seasonals. Turn over to private interests. Orient program to local kids. Programs lean to non-residents - non -tax payers. Expand program. More support by city council. More programs for local people. Work more with locals. Not enough adult supervision of kids activities. Not big enough to support rec. program. More kid programs in winter. Too much cross country skiing. Should be self sufficient. 5.13 Summary and Conclusions There is strong indications that the program should be self supporting and in tight financial times does not warrant a full time director. The overall rating is good but should be directed more toward school age children instead of adults. Suggestions - Review entire program for context and users. - Consider combining with another department to make maximum use of personnel. - Use summer interns more, at less cost. 42 Parks Rating 4 4 8 7 8 5 8 4 5 5 7 5 5 10 5 5 1 10 5 6 0 6 7 6 2 6 Comments and/or Priorities Proper maintenance and attention. More attractive. Maintain parks better - better cleanup. More bike and skiing paths. Increase garbage collections. Better cleanup and maintenance needed. Need more city parks - maintain present better. Increase parking at city facilities. Need more parks. Better lake access for public. Better cleanup and more tables and benches. Identify and sign public lake access. 5.54 Summary and Conclusions The rating is disappointingly low considering what we have. The quality of our parks is good but maintenance is not receiving the attention it deserves. In a tourist town, our parks reflect our image as much as any other facet of our city. We must do a better job. Suggestions Improve routine maintenance. Assign responsibility so work doesn't fall through the cracks. Select a parks advisory committee to help do a better job of planning and operation - improvement. Develop long range plans and goals for parks, user parking and recreation facilities. Identify and sign public access to the lake and beaches. Protect, enhance and expand public access to the lake including visual access. Airport Rating 7 6 5 7 9 4 7 6 7 8 5 10 6 10 6 5 8 8 8 7 • Comments and/or Priorities Lacks recognition by city. Recreation value and use. Should be self supporting. Better communications needed between council, FBO's and advisory com- mittee. We need an N.D.B. Consider noise problems. 6.95 43 Summary and Conclusions The airport and airport management is rated good but is obviously the least under- ' stood of all city facilities. Present long range planning has failed to recognize the impact of noise pollution on the community, especially as more and more jets use the facility. • The airport is an important city asset that has been managed more by default than design. This condition is changing for the better and must continue. Suggestions - We must develop more intensive plans for operation of the airport and related facilities. - Include F.B.O. 's on the advisory committee. - Contract with F.B.O. 's for day to day business of running the airport similar to the golf course. - Consider contract snow removal at the airport so city crews can concentrate on city streets. LETTER TO VALLEY COUNTY:SHE=EP BRIDGE A Letter was drafted to Valley County Comm i ss i o Hers in reference to the Sheep bridge. It addressed the fact the city has only one flow of traffic: through the city and across Payette River. The mayor agreed to sign the letter and have it forwarded to the commissioners, req uest i ng that the County reacquire the Sheep Bridge. CITY ORGANIZATION CHART The organizational chart was presented with one change being the addition of the airport maintenance under the pub L i c: works department. Councilman VanIomen moved we adopt the organizational chart for the City of McCall. Seconded by Lee. Vankomen, Johnson, and Lee voted AYE. Motion carried. Mayor Archer stated for the record that this is administrative organizes-•tion that the budgetary and the money consideration fit into this but in a some what different manner and that the Legislative power of the council would fit into i•t differently, also the Council has the power to enact ordinances that in affect can direct each department in concurrence therewith and its our duty to enforce the ordinances as we administer the departments. This provides for that through the flow, the council still has a legislative function. This also does not change the councils responsibility to enact a'budget according to state law. PROPOSED ORDINANCES FOR CITY ADMINISTRATOR Mayor Archer directed the city attorney to draw up an ordinance creating the office of adcninIstrator- for the city and have it ready at the next meeting. After- the adoption of the ordinance a resolution defining the administrators duties, responsibilities and authority will be reviewed. Councilwoman Johnson felt the council needed to be updated and kept in formed on department activities. The council will be provided with a schedule of annual goals and objectives of each department followed by quarterly reports. Mayor Archer upon concurrence of the c ounc i lmembers, he rescinded the appointment of the council people to the individual departments and the city organization will be handled as designated in the organization chart and the lines of communication will be through the city administrator as set out in a resolution yet to be adopted for the operation of the office of the administrator. The Mayor directed Mr. Schmidt to go ahead and schedule department head meetings. The issue of comp time was questioned. It was felt that department heads are exempt from the accrual of comp time further study is indicated. 44 ' WINTER CARNIVAL City Administrator Schmidt reviewed the following points of uiscussioncvncerninn the Winter carnival and the City's participation: 1. The parking area at the Airport, gravel pit and adjacent to the Huckleberry w/ LL remain open and kept clear of snow by / the City crews. The City will not plow the corral area due to | previous use; u. The City crew wilt deliver snow for snow sculptures; \ =11*, 3. The Police Department will control traffic in a pattern re- i quested by the Winter Carnival committee; 4. The City office will remain open from o:oo A.M. to zo;m» A.M. Saturday, February 1^ zpoa, � to allow unlicensed vendors to purchase a license/ 5^ The police department restrooms will. remain open Saturday and Sunday. The restrooms in the City Hall portion of the building will not be open. The city uasment toilets will. be available to the puLuic while the Amer/can Legion Concession is in operation; a. The all Terrain Vehicle Grand Prix race will go on the Lake and on to the City streets. They wish for the City streets to be snow packed for the rwce. The Council was concerned with snow packing the streets and - asked for more information. The Council also expr essed cvncern in the permit handling and requested Mr. Schmidt to follow up on this matter and set up a conference for the Mayor with the Chamber of Commerce to discuss with them the judiciousness of isswsins these permits. Councilman use moved to direct the Administrator to meet with the Chamber and approve those items discussed .and the reservations the Council has on the ATV Race, the toilets and the blanket hawker's License. This was seconded by Van Kamen and the motion carried. � DRzmv CHARLES, oMD - INSURANCE CLAIM Mr. Schmidt reported on the Brian charles, omn° claim. The claim derived from a broken water pipe in front of Si aueno^s. He claimed the failure vf . the water service made his Lose income from his Dental practice. Attorney mewaxlus | advised the City to turn this matter over to their insurance carrier. The Mayor directed the Administrator to immediately submit claims against the city to the insurance carrier. | ARSON TASK FORCE mr^ Schmidt reviewed a copy of the memorandum of understanding from the county Arson Task rorce~ The item was presented for information / purposes only. No action was taken. =~ puaLzo HEARING - RECLASSIFICATION OF ZONE- TIM & MARILYN sosm*AnT Tim and Marilyn Everhart have requested a change in zone from ^w' | I Residential to "C" Commercial on their property 1/2 mile South of � McCall City limits on the west side of Highway 55. councilman Lee | moved to grant the zone change and adopt the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law of the Impact Planning and Zoning Commission as the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law of the City Council. This was seconded by Van Kamen. The following Roll Cali vote was recvrueu: Lee AYE vanxvmen AYE Johnson AYE Motion carried. / GAUSS VARIANCE Brad and Marsha Gauss requested a variance from the 20- foot rear yard setback on the property Located 1010 N. 3rd Street, *ccall^ Council- woman Johnson moved to approve the request for variance for Brad and Marsha Gauss and to adopt the findings of fact and conclusions of Law of the City Planning and Zoning Commission as the finding and fact and ' conclusions o f law of the city council. Seconded by Lee. Johnson, Lee and vanmomen voted AYs, Motion carried. I HOTT DAY CARE rhe «vest/vn was weather a day care center in a commercial zone requires a spec/al use permi+. The Mayor referred this matter to the city attorney. . STATE *zoHw*Y_p*aozwo LANE Planning and Zoning Commission requested the council petition +:e state - highway department to create passing ( turn ) lanes in the city. The Mayor directed Mr. Schmidt to confer with the Planning and Zoning and | draft a letter to the State Highway Department with the request. IMPACT PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES ~~ The council acknowledge the rece/p+ of the Impact Planning and Zoning minutes and accepted them for filing, / � | | � , 45 AIRPORT COMMITTEE • Councilman Lee moved to adopt the recommended fee ad justment for .the airport tie downs. Seconded by VanKomen. Lee, Johnson .and VanKomen voted AYE. Motion carried. The city attorney wi l L research the fee adjustment and see if an ordinance is required. Councilman Lee moved we prohibit the flying of model aircraft in the airport area and the airspace above the airport property. Seconded by VanKomen. Lee, Johnson and VanKomen voted AYE. Motion carried. . CORRESPONDENCE • A Letter was received from Tom Kerr in reference to the Muir request for leasing City property. A letter was received from Terry ALumbaugh, CPA requesting a proposal for the city's audit. Councilman VanKomen felt a good time to acquire the auditor for the next year is within the next four months. The — Mayor directed the clerk to send out request for proposals for the city audit for fiscal year 85/86 by .June 1st, 1986. A letter from the Idaho Children's Trust was received and is to be placed on the bulletin board. • A letter from the McCall Police Department,. John Lyon, requesting STOP signs was received. The STOP signs are requested for the snowmobile crossings on the city streets. Councilman Lee moved to adopt the Chief's recommendation on placing signs at these hazardous locations.' ocat i ons.' Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, Lee and VanKomen voted AYE. Motion carried. EXECUTIVE SESSION Councilwoman Johnson moved to go i nto Executive Session for reasons of personnel. Seconded by Lee.• VanKomen, Lee and Johnson voted Aye. Motion car•r•ieca• The Mayor declared '.he meeting back into Open Session at 11252P.M. Mr. Schmidt reported that during the executive session the following was discussed: The district fire_ board needs to be contacted to discuss the details of a temporary appointment of a fire chief and to ask the fire Marshal for his evaluation of the entire fire department. The terms of the app o i ntment being to appoint a half time chief for 90 — days who is responsible for fire suppression only and who would be paid 50% of the current chief's gross pay .and including health insurance. An application will also be required along with a resume from all the potential appointees. Mayor Archer directed the administrator to carry forth with the mode of action outlined here. The Mayor stated Ida Ore approved the summer Youth Program tor our area. The Mayor recessed the meeting until 12200 noon, Thursday, January 21, 1986. The Mayor called the meeting back to. order January 21, 1986. The counci Lmember•s present were Larry Craig,. Gary VanKomen, Marion Johnson and Cliff Lee. Also present was City Administrator/Clerk Dud Schmidt. Mr. Schmidt report the results of the discussion with the Fire District. They responded by noting a half time chief was not a timely decision at this time due to .a heavy fire season and the need for getting the June, 1987 fire school underway. They expressed their desire for continuing their good relationship with the city. The Mayor acted to appoint Dale Points for 90 days as Acting Fire Chief during that period the city and district will study the organization with the State Fire Marshal. . The salary will be negotiated provided a resume and certification documents are provided. The Administrator offered additional information on the ATV race. Theroute will include a portion of Lake Street between 2nd and 3rd Streetanc:i a portion of East Lake Street , One b lock of Pine Street and one block of M i l l Road and also a portion of Art Roberts Park. The City wi L l place snow for the race on certain corners and on the streets required. The meeting was adjourned at 1:30P.M. 46 • 1 ..... 1 . , 1 • i . i C4 0 I Fv -cc I 1----1 I ■ I , 1 I ! 1 fcc .41—•,..i 1-1 - Xi \--------\) ! >-• I 1 a 1 i 1 ■ I 1 ! i I 1 1 I I ; I ,: ■ : t i ---7—--J I i \\ \\).' I ! ; \ . i 1 • E-■ I I\ ----• rx . i I 1 I I 1 , I I , I \\ \,, ■ I ' 5 ' . , ....1 I . 1 I .; -I I I lillil ' >, 1 o w z I a a: 1-4 cr z , 1 0 1 .I Z . J--■ I (..) . LI , 0 ff i i I ?...)I • 0 I‘-•-•I ..-.If I I '-..;I • • 47 i i i 1 I I • • . ' I ; I ' 1 I L 11 1 • 1 I , I . , 1 . I i , ce. ; 1 i I al 8 • . ; 1 co i .• 1 i c4 Z 0 ■-•4 Z 0 i . 1 -1 I I I al 1 C4 CI cn cn tv E-. a ce I ; I I I 1 '6 i . C.1.1 44 1=4 0 0 0 ...... H . 1 . ....1 C4 0 0 >, 1--. --J R ,. 0; ...,-,_ ; r-: 1 ; se a 1 x i a I i .- 1 P4 a i ce ea I 1-1 1 0 0 P,-; a 01 .--1 I 1 • '1 I ' _ - 1 1 { i 0/ / Z .A.eiti) Cly, L. Archer, Jr. 1 Mayor Allitil0 i I ArthurJ. •chmidt City Admin strator/ Clerk • .., • 47 February 3, 198 • The McCall City Council conducted a work session, Monday, February 3, 1986, at 7200 P.M. CounciLmembers present were Marion Johnson, Larry Craig, and Cliff Lee. Also present were Mayor Archer and City Admin- istrator Bud Schmidt. The issue on the Airport Leases that will be affected by the Forest Service Construction project was discussed. The major expense being the electrical controls are located in a building that the Forest Service has requested to be removed. The Council continued with brief discussion on various agenda items. • i The McCall City Council held a regular City Council meeting February 3, 1986. The meeting was called to order .at 7:32 F.M. Mayor Archer presiding. Councilmembers present were Marion Johnson, Larry Craig, -- Clifford Lee and Gary VanKomen. Also present were City Administrator Bud Schmidt, City Attorney Robert Remaklus and City Treasurer Michelle Basye, APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mayor Archer declared the minutes approved as submitted with the change on page 5, the Last sentence "January 21" to "January 23". BILLS AND PAYROLL - JANUARY 1985 Mayor Archer remarked on the payroll check for Councilman VanKomen. He was paid for the month of January and was administered the oath of office on January 21, 1986. VanKomen donated his check back to the City and elected to not receive city insurance. Councilman VanKomen questioned the Computer Arts, Inc., bill for $4,637.92. He felt a prior agreement bound the new Council. Councilman Craig moved to pay and approve the bills as submitted and have Bud Schmidt check this one out for verification and if proper and everything else go ahead and pay it. Seconded by Johnson. Craig, Johnson, Lee and VanKomen voted AYE. Motion carried. AWARD OF CONTRACTS (Hydro Cleaner/Tractor Backhoe) Mr. Schmidt explained the City had advertised and received bids on both pieces of equipment. The apparent Low bidder on the tractor/ backhoe was Century at $57,331.75 on the hydro cleaner it was the Marco bid at a 5 year cost of $17,475.00. He remarked on the safety — considerations of the existing backhoe. He felt there is a need for a backhoe and the hydrocleaner is essential. The City's silt build • up in the pipes is a serious problem and there needs to be an on-going , maintenance program of the sewer lines. Councilman Lee addressed Class 1 hazards in our water stations and feels that these should have a higher priority. Ted Whiteman, Sewer District Coordinator, spoke on the issue. He commented on the fact that it•would probably not be cost effective for the City to use the District cleaner for a maintenance program. Mr. Bush suggested the City Look Into contract cleaning from an outside source. Council- woman Johnson moved to go ahead and purchase and award the contract for the hydrocleaner as allowed in our budgeting process. Seconded by Craig. Councilwoman Johnson withdrew her motion and Craig his second because the issue was previously tabled until a safety in- , spection of all the facilities by the State and the City insurance company is completed and alternative ways of correcting the problems are addressed. Mayor Archer directed the Administrator to start work immediately to find the answers to all the questions that arose. ORDINANCE CREATING CITY ADMINISTRATOR POSITION Councilman Craig. moved to suspend the rules of reading the ordinance three times. Seconded by Van Kamen. The following roll call vote was recorded: Craig Yes, Johnson Yes, Lee Yes, VanKomen Yes. The motion carried. Councilman Lee moved to adopt Ordinance 0495. Seconded by Craig. Upon vote Lee, Johnson, Van Komen and Craig voted Yes. Motion carried. RESOLUTION 41-86 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR Councilman VanKomen moved to table the discussion until the next meeting. Seconded by Lee. Motion carried. AUTHORIZE SPECS AND CALL FOR BIDS - ELECTRICAL REMODEL OF PUMP STATION Councilman Lee moved that we authorize the specifications and call for • bids on the remodeling. There will be some review of the specifi- cations and we should get certification by the State Electrical Ins- pector before proceeding. I think it is appropriate to go ahead and authorize the staff to proceed with this project. Seconded by Craig. Motion carried. 48 ORDINANCE NO. 4.1W AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CITY 'ADMINISTRATION; AMEND- ING TITLE I OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF McCALL, IDAHO, .BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW CHAPTER 17 CREATING THE OFFICE OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR AND DEFINING THE RIGHTS, OB- LIGATIONS AND DUTIES THEREOF. [31 IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF !-trCT.LL, IUAFiO, AS FOLLOWS: Se_ctio_n 1. That Chapter I of the Village Code of McCall, Idaho, I:be alld the 'ame is hereby amended by the addition of a new chaptor , be known and designated as Chapter. 17 of Title I of the \'.i.l 7 nnr Code of McCall, Idaho, and to read as follows: 1-17-1: CREATION OF .OFFICE: There is hereby created the office of City Admin- ' istrator for. the City. 1-17-2: RIGHTS, DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS: The rights, duties and obligations, including the manner of appointment and removal, of the City Administrator shall be fixed by resolution, a copy of which shall be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk. Dated this 3rd day of February, 1986. Mayor Attest: • ,• • City -1erk NEW BUSINESS U.S. FOREST SERVICE SMOKE JUMPER BASE Gene Benedict, Fire Staff Officer, spoke in behalf of the Forest Service regarding their upcoming construction project. They are goingto be constructing a Smoke Jumper Complex with a Fiscal Year 86 appropriation of $2.9 million. Dennis Bowles, Lepartment of Engineer-ing, presented the Council with the diagrams for the new housing pro- Ject and the layout at the Airport. The Forest Service will put in septic systems rather than sewer Lines due to the costs involved. They will connect the . project to the City water system at the Forest Service expense of extending the eight inch Line. Mr. Benedict explained the USFS needs from the City. They are 1. Need to acs.uire the property in the. Northwest corner of the airport. This is critical at this time. It is mandatory. to purchase the area represented on the map by dash lines to assure the Forest Service has adequate off set clearance for aircraft taxiing down the taxiway. The Forest Service needs the aci.uisition .of this property taken care of before they can go into the construction mode. 2. There needs to be action on the leases that exist in the path of the taxiway. The pilot shack of Pioneer Aviation and Pass- more Spray operation need to e moved by June 1, 1986. 3. The pine trees along the taxiway path need to be removed before they enter a construction mode. The Forest Service will do this if the City wants them to. • A. Two timaLL buiLdIng located due south of the Dog Pound need to be removed. These buildings contain the power supply to .the runway Lights and the VASI system. 5. The utility pole located south of the Dog Pound must be re- located. 49 These items need to be completed by June 1, 1986. The Forest Service is Looking at 8 to 24 months of construction. Mr. Kangas said the City needs to order a title chain of said property to determine if in fact two separate pieces of property exist. If this is the case, another appraisal will need to be completed. He also stated that Mr. Hugh Harris, Federal Land Appraiser, needs to be con- tacted. Harris viewed the property as a single. ownership. Mr. Kangas stated the only property eligible under the FAA Grant is the Railroad right—of—way. Bryce Taylor, State Department of Lands, addressed the issue on the Land acquisition. The area owned by the State will be sold at a public auction.' The property in question must have an appraisal valueput on it. On the first Tuesday in March the City needs to meet with the State Land Board to get this section of property on the annual land sale plan for the State of Idaho. The State could sell to the City on an acres description based on the map presented by the Forest Service. The City could try to acquire a Quit Claim Deed for the Beaver property. Mr. Kangas stated the federal laws must be followed and no one should be contacted except Mr. Harris. No land • owner can be approached by unauthorized people concerning his property. Kangas felt his is obligated to supply the size information needed for the land acquisition since he is under contract. If the City moves .the buildings in question to the north end they will need to get a Lease from the State of Idaho for them. RECESS • Mayor Archer declared a recess at 10200 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Archer called the meeting back to order at 10220 P.M. • LAND DEDICATION Mr. Tom Kerr, Surveyor, to clear the title on. a piece of his property • he would Like to dedicate a portion of Lot 14, Block 3 Brundage Sub- division as a street right—of—way. Councilwoman Johnson moved we accept Mr. Kerr's offer and incur the costs and fees necessary for the transaction. Seconded by VanKomen. Motion carried. PAYETTE LAKES INN • This item was not discussed as Mr. Eklund was not present. RECREATION DEPARTMENT Hugh Cooke, Recreation Director, reiterated his goals and objectives. He explained the Recreation Department's constraints with facilities, funding, the population and other items. A work session is set up • for evaluation of his goals at 7230 P.M., Monday, February 10, 1986. CONSENT TO SUBLEASE AND ASSIGNMENT OF SUBLEASE City Attorney Robert Remaklus will take this matter under advisement and report back at the next meeting... It involves subleasing by McCall Air Taxi and approval of certain sublease being assigned to Mike Dorris. . • APPOINTMENT OF CIVIL DEFENSE COORDINATOR Mr. Schmidt recommended the Police Chief or his designate be appointed as the Civil Defense Coordinator. Mayor Archer appointed the Chief of Police or his designate as the Civil. Defense Coordinator or the City of McCall. Councilman Craig moved to confirm the Mayor's appointment. Seconded by Lee. Motion carried. PREPARE OVERTIME POLICY Councilman VanKomen moved to table the overtime policy until the next meeting. Seconded by Lee. Motion carried. NEXT REGULAR MEETING Mayor Archer announced that since the next regular meeting falls on a legal holiday, the meeting will be on Tuesday, February 18, 1986. COMMITTEE MINUTES • Hatt Day Care Issue: Mr. RemakLus reported that a day care is a com- mercial business and can be conducted in a commercial zone without a special use permit. ,Remaklus will send a letter to the Planning and Zoning Commission to report on this issue. • CORRESPONDENCE • The following letter was received from the Department of Commerce: • • 50 ----- John V.Evans. GOVERNOR •a State Capitol Building David 0.Porter Room 108 DIRECTOR 1. ��''�"', Boise,Idaho 83720 I -*"'�"^ qr' Phone(208)334-2470 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE January 28, 1986 Mayor Clyde Archer City of McCall P.O. Box 1065 McCall , Idaho 83638 Dear Mayor: • The Economic Advisory Council has approved the grant award to the City of McCall. The grant amount will be $393,000 of FY85 funds and $417,000 of FY86 funds; a total of $810,000 for the project. The Council also decided the project should be funded as a public facility project. There was not enough strength in the resort financing and ; commitments to qualify the grant as an economic development project. • Please be advised that the Federal budget cuts might affect the FY86 funding amount. The City may have to adjust the project if the cuts become a reality. My staff will contact city details of the grant c tract. Please administrator Bl icken tafftof my staff at 334-47 5 if you have any concerns or 1 questions. Si cerelyq • Dd. 'avid 0. Porter Director DOP:j bg f I McCall. Memorial Hospital addressed a Letter to the Mayor and Council regarding a Community Awareness Program on safety belts. The Letter is to be posted an the bulletin board at City Hall. A Letter was sent to the Department of Labor and Industry requesting a safety inspection of all city facilities. RALPH KANGAS - EASTSIEIE INTERCEPTOR Mr. Kangas informed the Council that Shunn is unable to deliver the portable generator within the time limit unless we pay an additional $450.00 The money is for electrical plugs and is not grant eligible with D.O.E. Councilman VanKomen moved to pay the $450.00 Seconded by Lee. Motion carried. WINTER CARNIVAL Mr. Schmidt reviewed his conversation with Winter Carnival Chairman -- Frank Volk. He assured Volk the City would continue to deliver snow for the sculptures. Volk asked about changing the location of the ATV Race and if the City would prepared the extra needed streets for the race if it has to be moved. Councilman Craig moved to stay with first route and if weather is bad enough they will have to look at an alternative route Like out at race track. Seconded by Lee. Motion carried. DANCE HALL LICENSE A Dance Hall License application was submitted. The location is at • 203 North 3rd Street and the fee is $20.00 per year. Craig moved we approve the application for the dance hall as submitted. Seconded by Lee. Motion carried. FLASHING STREET LIGHT • 51 A letter was receved from Police Chief John L. Lyon regarding the flashing Light at the intersection of State Street and Forest Street. • Upon investigation he recommended the Light be removed. .Councilman Lee moved to follow the Police Chief's recommendation to remove the Light adjacent to the hospital. Seconded by Johnson. Motion carried. The Mayor directed the Administrator to direct the Police Chief to study the placement of the light at Davis and Hemlock intersection. . . PROCLAMATION ' Mayor Archer proclaimed the week February 9 - 15, 1986, as Vocational Education Week. ADJOURN Councilman Craig moved to adjourn at 1156 P.M. Seconded by VanKomen. Motion carried. list of bills and payroll for January 1986. • ---CHECK--- YR NUMBER - - VENDOR / PAYEE -- --. AMOUNT 86 --00389 SHARON WOLF 46.90 86 - 00390 JOYCE KNOWLES . 46.90 06 - 00391 JULIE EDDINS 46.90 86 - 00392 ALINE PEIRCE 46.90 86 - 00393 BRIAN MICKELS 100.00 86 - 00394 EMILY WHITMAN . 46.90 . 86 - O0395 SHUNN CONSTRUCTION 1,000.00- 86 - 00396 UNITED STATES POSTMASTER 171.50 86 - 00397 • UNITED STATES POSTMASTER 171.50 86 - 00510 EXECUTONE 633.70 I 86 - 00511 VALLEY COUNTY AUDITOR 1.301.50 86 - 00512 DALE POINTS • 146.00 86 - 00513 RAMON LEE ALFORD . 300400 86 "- 00514 ROGER .BATES 250.00 86 - 00515 HUGH H. COOKE 3b0.00 86 - 00516 REBECCA L. JEFFRIES 200.00 86 - 00517 ELIAS LEIJA 383.32 86 - 00518 MARY JANE LIBERTY 200.00 , . 66 - 00519 JOHN L. LYON 250.00 86 - 00520 BRIAN S. MICKELS 300.00 i 86 - 00521 'EDWARD F. PARKER 250.00 86 - 00522 STEVE LEE RUSSELL 250.00 86 - 00523 MICHAEL P. WHITNEY 150.00 86 - 00524 MICHELLE L. BASYE 300.00 86 - 00525 MICHAEL R. TAMBINI 250.00 86 - 00526 • WILLIAM WRIGHT 200.00 86 -00527 JEANNIE BROWN 250.00 86 - 00520 ALEXANDER CLAUNTS 250.00 86 - 00529 STATE OF IDAHO 2.88 86 - 00530 ' ' UNITED STATES POSTMASTER 172.34 • ' 86 - 00531 MULTI PRODUCTS CO., INC. 58.74 • , 86 - 00532 JEANNIE BROWN 74.04 86 - 60533 Archer,Clyde • 1.00 06 - 00534 Basyer Miche&le 515.98 06 - 00535 Carter, John .I . 85.42 86 - 00536 Craig, Laryy 109.38 86 7 00537 Creech, James 135.28 86 - 00538 Johnson, Marion 100.38 86 - 00539 Lee, Clifford 109.38 86 - 00540 Lockhart, Nancy 371.67 86 - 00541 - Renaklus, Robert 687.83 86 - 00542 Schmidt, Arthur 1,445.06 . 86 - 00543 VanKomen, Gary 109.38 86 - 00544 Alford, Ramon 462.16 86 - 00545 Peirson, Alta 734.21 136 - 00546 Clatints, Alexander 490.25 86 - 00547 Leija, Elias - 636•53 86.- 00548 Lyon, John 1,263.46 ,-- , . . . 1 ' . ! • " . , I . 52 - - VENDOR / PAYEE - - AMOUNT 86 - 00599 MAXWAY 8.60 ,•.50,.., 86 - 00600 MAY HARDWARE 331.65 86 - 00601 MC CALL PRINTING • 178.40 86 - 00602 MC CALL. DRUG 21.31 86 - 00603 MEDLEY SPORTS 115.39 86 - 00604 MY SECRETARY SERVICE 63.43 86 - 00605 NORCO 49•97 • 86 - 00606 PAYETTE LAKES LUMBER 177.49 86 - 00607 RON'S SHELL.. SERVICE 47.70 86 - 00600 SEARS 50.99 86 - 00609 W.O.J. SEETIN 323.00 86 - 00610 SHAVER'S 67.30 06 - 00611 SMITH AND KANGAS 16,171.00 86 - 00612 SNOWBIRD LAUNDRY 57.60 86 - 00613 STAN'S AUTO PARTS 432.21 06 - 00614 STARLINE EQUIPMENT 106.05 06 - 00615 STAR NEWS 42.24 86 - 00616 VALLEY COUNTY 97.80 86 - 00617 WALLACE SHOP 4.21 . 86 - 00610 MERC, THE 26.2a ao - 00619 DON ALDRICH 42.00 06 - 00620 DAVE SMITH 56.25 86 - 00621 DEMISEY EDDINS 37.00 86 - 00622 MAURY AINIIER 33.25 . . 86 - 00623 TIM EVERHART 28.25 86 - 00624 SKIP TAYLOR 23.25 86 - 00625 MARTIN FITZGERALD 37.00 • „ i 06 - 00626 ' TOM FRENCH 33.25 06 - 00627 DANA WEST 37.00 B6 - 006211 MIKE CURRY • 7.50 86 - 00629 HARRY STATHIS 3.75 86 - 00630 TOM C• ALOUPKA 11.25 86 - 00631 DALE POINTS 47.00 86 - 00632 DAN COCHRAN 23.25 ......... 86 - 00633 DOUG WOODS 23.25 86 - 00634 BIDALL CORP. 9.81 136 - 00635 EARL BROCKMAN 47.00 -- • . 116 - 00636 C & S CONTRACTING • 32.19 86 - 00637 GREAT WESTERN 159.94 06 - 00638 IDAHO STATESMAN 28.00 06 - 00639 I.C.B.O. 70.00 06 - 00640 MESSURI, BATES & GIBBONS 5,000.00 86 - (>0641 . QUILL 137.21 86 - 00642 WATER & WASTE WATER EQUIP.CO. 500.28 so - 00643 WESTERN EQUIPMENT 269.22 I t16 - 00644 MC CALL APPLIANCE REPAIR 25.00 . , 86 - 00645 COP SHOP ETC. 47.82 86 - 00646 ASSOCIATED BUSINESS PRODUCTS 215.00 . .._•., 86 - 00647 KERR SURVEYING "::,132.75 86 - 00648 TESCO WILLIAMSEN 37.24 86 - 00649 LARRY CHALFANT 61.00 • : so - 00650 HUGH COOKE 6.56 i 06 - 00651 JEFFRIES CONTRACTING 7.00 86 - 00652 IDAHO CHIEF'S OF POLICE ASSOC. 50.00 336 - 00633 TREASURE VALLEY DANK . 490.87 ao - 00654 EDWARD F. PARKER ' 10.50 06 - 00655 ROBERT H. REMAKLUS 098.00 86 - 00656 MAIRS AUTO PARTS 60.02 86 - 00657 MC CALL.. RENTAL. & SALES 139.85 86 - 000sa FACTS ON FILE 25.70 86 - 00659 IDAHO AIRPORT MANAGEMENT ASSOC. 25.00 86 - 00660 COMPUTER ARTS, INC. 4,637.92 -- 86 - 00661 SACKERMAN'S TEXACO 2,156.06 06 - 00662 INTERMOUNTAIN INTERNATIONAL TRUCK 89.18 86 - 00663 MARK DARLING 33.25 86 - 00664 STEVE DYE 33.25 ....... 86 - 00665 NEAL JONES 63.24 86 - 00666 ALEXANDER CLAUNTS 12.75 so - 00667 JOHN BAKER 10.50 86 - 00668 SPORTS ILLUSTRATED 2.97 i 86 - 00669 RICK HAYNES 7.50 86 - 00670 AKERS, INC. 8.69 86 - 00671 OXMOOR HOUSE 15.24 , I 86 - 00672 •, 53 ---CHECK--- • • - VENDOR / PAYEE - - AMOUNT YR NUMBER 06 - 00672 STAN BOHNAM COMPANY 84.96 86 - 00673 TIME LIFE BOOKS 15.78 86 - 00674 ' AMERICL.EAN 120.00 86 - 00675 ANDERSON EXCAVATING 100.00 86 - 00676 BOISE CASCADE CORP. 300.00 • 136 - 00677 BUCKS BAGS 70.95 86 - 00678 DAL RIFE 262.97. 06 - 00679 GEOFFREY SMITH 326.52 86 - 00680 IDAHO BUREAU OF AERONAUTICS 47.04 86 - 00681 JACK KAPPAS 75.00 86 - 00682 OUTSIDE 12.95 86 - 00683 UNISOURCE CORPORATION , 22.50 86 - 00684 WOLFSTONE, DONLEY, MC MANNAMA, INC. 500.00 February :18, 1986 The McCall City Council held a regular city Council meeting February 18. • 1986 at 7:30 P.M. Mayor Archer presiding+ Councilmembers present were Marion .Johnson, Larry Craig, Clifford Lee, and Gary VanKomen. Also present were City Administrator/Clerk, Bud Schmidt; City. Attorney, Robert Remaklus; and City Treasurer, Michelle Basye, APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mayor Archer declared the minutes of February 3, 1986 approved as subm i tted. Mayor Archer also declared the minutes of the Special - meeting on February 10, 1906 approved as submitted. • COMPUTER ARTS BILL The Council questioned the contract payments for programming being made in this fiscal year when the contract was engaged in last year. Councilman Lee moved to approve the payment of the bill. Seconded by Johnson. Craig, Johnson, Lee and VanKomen voted AYE. Motion carried. OVERTIME POLICY Mr. Schmidt presented the proposed Overtime Policy. Councilman Lee recommended it be rescheduled for a work session before the next • regular meeting and in that time the city Attorney will have time to review • Mayor Archer directed Mr. Schmidt to set up a work session at 7:00 P.M. March 3, 1986 to discuss the policy. MC CALL AIR TAXI SUBLEASE AND ASSIGNMENT The city Attorney reported on the subleases. He sensed the intent was • to have a separate sublease with the city which is not the situation. Councilman Lee moved to approve the sublease with a letter from the Attorney explaining that the city was not transmitting any authority to them, and the Mayor be authorized to sign the sublease. Seconded . • by VanKomen. Craig, Johnson, Lee, and VanKomen voted AYE. Motion carried. • - RESOLUTION 01-86 • Councilman Craig moved we adopt Resolution *1-86 and the Mayor be authorized to sign and also require Mr. Schmidt to get a bond for $25,000 as Administrator/ Clerk. Seconded by Johnson. Craig, Johnson Lee, and VanKomen voted AYE. Motion carried. RESOLUTION NO.1-86 54 WHEREAS, the McCall City Code, provides that the rights, duties and obligations, including the ma nner of appointment and removal of the City Administrator be fixed by Resolution; • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE .MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MC_CALL that the rights, duties, obligati one, m thod of appointment and ci i sc:harge of the City Adm i n i strat•or of the City of McCall and the same are hereby set as follows: AGENT OF THE MAYOR: The City Administrator shall act as the agent of the Mayor in the discharge of his duties of superin- tending and controlling the employees and affairs of the City as provided by Statute, Ordinance, or City Policy. He shall report directLy to the Mayor for guidance in establishing administrative processes necessary to carry out the efficient and economic op- lr.at ion of the City. RESPONSIBILITY TO THE CITY COUNCIL: The City Adcn i n i sstr••a t or shall report regularly to the City Counc t L at its meetings on aspects of the City. which require the attention of the Council. He shall also report at the Council Meetings on matters brought to him by the • Council. He shall develop, with the advice of the Mayor, necessary administrative processes that ensure the Policies and Ordinances of the? Council are fully carried out. Reference to the Council in this and other sections of this Resolution shall mean the majority opinion of the Council. as expressed in a vote at a regularly called meeting of the Counc I 1. , POWERS AND DUTIES: The City Adm i n i estra for shall be direct lY responsible for the efficient administration of the City as Prescribed by Statute, Ordinance, and City Policy. In addition to his general duties and powers, it shall be his duty and he shall have power: (A) To see that the Laws of the State pertaining to the City, all provisions of City Law and ordinances, and all city policies are duly enforced and that all franchises, permits and privileges ..a, granted by the City are faithfully observed; (Fi) To prepare and maintain copies of an informational policy handbook covering City codes, Laws, ordinances and policies for the use of the Mayor and Council and the residents of the City; (C) To attend a l l meetings of the City Council, unless ciccused ther'efr'om by the Mayor; (D) To provide necessary supervision, and annual evaluations of a l l City departments and departmental officers with recommendations to the Mayor and City Council; (I:_) To analyze the functions, duties and activities of the var•Io,us departments, divisions and services of the City Government and to make recommendations to the Mayor for the development of • administrative procedures needed to efficiently and economically coordinate them° function% and operations; (F) To cause to be prepared and submitted to his by each department, division or service of the City Government itemized annual estimates of expenditures for submission to the Mayor and Council, with his recommendations, prior to the passage of the annual approp- riation r°ia•tion ordinance; • (0) To act as purchasing agent for the purchase of a l l supplies, good wares,mercha Trd i se, equipment and ma't'e'r'ial which may be required for the various departments, divisions, or services of the City ssub jcrct to the approval of the Mayor and City Council. (H) To execute the budget after its adoption and to keep the Mayor and City Council at all tunes fully advised of the financial conditions and needs of the City and to make recommendation's reLa'Iive;! -� to investments and financing; (I) To ensure the preparation of a unified City employee salary schedule based on job classifications with annual recommend-ations for employee placement for submission to the Mayor and City Council; (..1) To cause to be prepared and submitted to him by each department, division, or service of the City Government regular progress reports and other such reports that he may deem necessary for submission to the Mayor and City Council. with his recommendations; �� ~° iKr To ensure the development of and to offer recommenu- a / ions f"r .the City's coMprehensive Plan, short and, long range City improvements,' and planning to the Mayor and City Counc/ l, ~~rr ' <L> To act as ,he public relations officer of the City ~~ oovernvvent^ •+« endeavor to adjust •all complaints filed against any employee, uepartment^ u/v/sion^ or service thereof, and to cooperate ! with all cvmm^n|tv organizations whose. aim and. purpose is to auvanc9 the best interes+s of the City and its pe^ple` (m) To ensure the maintenance of an up—to—date inventory of all Property, real and personal, owned by +he City and to exercise ' general supervision over. the public buildings, parks, streets and other pub l /c prvper+v under the control and jurisdiction of the cifv` <w�' . Under the direction of the mavor, to supervise all c/ +, persovnet; /o/ To carry out such other duties and functions as pre- -- : scribed by the Mayor or .City oru/nances' policy or coue. . LIMITATIONS OF POWERS AND DUTIES: • The City Administrator s^* ll. ha"e no power tv exercise any policy maxima functions which are the prerogative of the Mayor vr City council or legislative functions • whatsoever, • nor to commit or bind the Mayor or City cvuncil or any member thereof to any action, plan' or program .requiring official action �r the Mayor and/or the City Council. AND co*mzaozowa; � The City EX—oFFzczo msmBsn OF BOARDS Administrator Shall •6e an'ex—officio memuer of a[l .uoarus and com— ss/ ons "pnointeu by +^e• navor and/or City cvuncilpursnan+ to Law, • with +he.ris»+ to •par+ iC/nate in all deliberations or actions, but without vote. • 1 ..OTHER OFFICE:• The office of City pmmin/s+ra+or and any / other office of t»e.c/tvpav ue held by the same person. ' ^ .- .SURETY smwo: The City Administrator shall furnish a cor- porate surety bond in the amount of twenty—five thousand dollars — ' (3;25,000.00), to be approved by the City which shall be conditioned on the fa / ,hf^l performance of the duties imposed on the City Administrator as prescribed in this Resolution. ' COMPENSATION: The City Administrator shall receive such cvmpensaf/vn as the City council shall from time to time determine | and fix .by resolution. The City Administrator shall be reimbursed i for all sums necessary for him to pay in the performance of pis duties. Reimbursement shall only be made, however, when an itemized claim has ueanpresen+eu to the City council and duly approved and allowed by the Council. . ' REMOVAL FROM OFFICE: The City Administrator may be removed from office in the manner provided by Idaho Code 50-206. +��� 'ADOPTED this __Z_q___---uav of v � / � — i m*,mn � ' / ' Attest:- ' • /41,4011 / /6//------ � City cle,/ -- 1 *ovrr DAY CARE / Mr. Schmidt presented the Council with a fetter from the City Attorney~~� addressing the Day Care issue. Mayor Archer directed Mr. Schmidt to forward the City Attorney's letter to the Planning and Zoning cvmw/ssiv stating the council has accepted this as a legal rulima. | MC BRIDE STREET RIGHT OF WAY 1 Mr, Schmidt reported on the McBride Street right of way. .The street / does not have an adequate street wiuth^ Councilman vannomen moved _ . __" . �A °" . ` tv try and secure the 10 feet vn •the south side and any of the.30 feet on the north .s/de- of the road that has not been ueuic*+eu& Seconded by Johnson. cra /y^ Johnson, Lev and wanxvmen voted AYs^ Motion carried. ....010, Mayor Archer uirecteu Mr. Schmidt to proceed with obtaining the proper right of way for McBride Street between Thula Street and Highway 55, He also directed the City Attorney to see if the city has any Leverage to require the dedication of streets up to their standard width when subdivisions are Laid out . or building permits issued. MISSION STATEMENT-ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mr. Jim Arp of the recreation department of the Payette National Forest commented on the membership, • e suggested the city have 3 or 4 people in assisting positions. He also feels the committee should be advisory for the pl*nniny and zoning commission also. councilman Lee moved. to create the parks and Recreation Advisory committee and to adopt this uocume^+ as the mission statement of the committee. H Seconded by Johnson. Craig, Johnson ^ Lee and vamKomen voted .AYE. • motion carried. . AIRPORT r-**mosR LEASES,. • - The fvllow/ny list of T-*anner • Leases were nresen+sm. ' Warren Brown 41,1 • $ 74.36 Clinton warren • 3 7*.36 � Billy W. Jeff o 74.36 n`o�°as Wooten • o • 116,00 • ' ' may *aruware 7 83.52 Councilman Craig Moved to approve the list and incluue mav Hardware and also au+hvr/ zethe Mayor to sign. Seconded by Lee. craip^ Lee, Johnson and v*nn^men voted Aye. Motion. carried i u. ' STREET LIGHTS. | ` Councilman Lee suggested •the council appoint transportation committee and not handle street Lights aS a individual item. Ray Alford, City _ . Building inspector, repotted on the existing street tight situation / and a proposed. lighting plan. Councilman Craig moved to adopt the policy as an• interim standard policy until. we get further studies done . and that we would direct the staff to Look at some of the most immediate problems we need to take care of first; duplication of lights or 'Where their /S no Lights and only the stressing problems at this point. | • Seconded by Lee, cra/n^• Johnson, Lee and vanKomen voted AYE. Motion � carried. | cvunc/ lman Lee moved to appoint an advisory committee on transportation . � and other relateu fac / l/ t /es• and that we ask for volunteers from the ^^ , cvmmun/t/ under the same criteria we did for the parks and recreation 'Seconded by craig^ Craig, Johnson, vanuvmen and Lee voted AYE. not /on carr /eu, | TRACTOR SPECS-GOLF COURSE / ' or/an m/cxels, Golf Course Superintendent, presented his need for a � new tractor along with the re�u/reu specifications for at new one, Councilman Lee moved to table t»/s unt / t. we have had a chance to rev/ew• the y"tf course's Wort: plan and the overall .needs of txe city, but still authorize Brian to Lease a tractor to do his spring work if that is necesSarr. seconded by vanKomen. Craig, Johnson, Lee and vanuomen voted AYE. mot/ "n carried. CORRESPONDENCE / A Let,er was received from the Valley County Engineer cvncern. ns the 1 Sheep Bridge issue. Councilman Lee felt that this should be addressed ~-~ by the transportation committee, Mayor Archer directed *r. Schmidt to see the State receives a copy of the correspondence between the county and the City, | . | . . - 57• T»esncrvaCxMevt permit for.. buoys at Rotary park waspresenteu. mrs, ape/slman 'w/li. be invited to attend a council meeting / n� May but with no evcourasement for her application to have a fence put up between � her prvpe,fv and the park. ........ The s ta+e F/re mar,m"l sent a Letter ^mich � look u taken + �mases a ov e en� a the ci +'^s water system and an analysis be done on the system. , The Council also received a copy of the Letter from the Governor con- 1 cern/ ny the "Governor's Task Force on zuahoans Outdoors". The Letter included a• List of the public hearing dates and Locations. The hearings will give the people a chance to give their ideas on outdoor i recreation in zuaho, Everyone was / n"iteu to attend. / COMMITTEE MINUTES -- � . • The airnor+ committee minutes were presented along with the United States Forest Service Operating Agreement. The City Attorney suggested we : • contact the rvrest Service and .considered the agreement before signing. -There were q"est /vns concerning the weight of the planes and the Price tkev *vulu be The airport committee would also like trees to be planted arv^nu the airport. • The Council acknowledged the receipt of the planning and Zoning Minutes and accepted them• for filing. __ - ' Councilman_Le=•mvvec to recess to 7:30 Monday, February 24^ 1986, secvnueu 'u, •craig.- Craig, Jvhnsvn^ vanxvmen and Lee voted AYE. ' Motion ca,r/eu,• � | The City'Council meeting. Was called back to order at 7:30 P.M. February 18^ 19864 m*'or Archer presiding. councilwemuer present were Gary vanKomen^ mar/on Johnson and Clifford Lee. Also present were City Administrator/Clerk, Bud • achm/u+ and City Attorney, Robert nemaklus^ ----. | The r/rst item. of discussion was the mission statement of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. It was requested that the Mayor instruct the committee so that they understand the time frames of . __ the pro]ect are negotiable. Certain items of the prvject,fvr example^ / the recowmenuativn of the railroad right-of-way are important +o have .by the July z^ zpaa deadline as mentioned in the mission statement. The maror appointed 7 people to serve on the parks and Recreation Advisory Committee these members were Jim *rn^ Allan Chandler, Joel oroularu' .Andy Laiulaw^ Dean Martens, Lynn miracle and Max Williamson. cvunC / lman Lee moved to confirm the appointment of these persons. Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, Vanxomen and Lee voted AYE. mot/on carried. . The staff proposed a tentative first | meeting date of March' 5, 1986 at 7:30 p.m^ at the depot. • / .The City covnc| l asked that we announce and advertise for members _�� to submit •their application to serve on the transportation cvwm/++ee° ` . , The cx"nF/ l then 'to ok vp tx� �* r Work session agenda which °as � e°|ew of .the 'Liu / goals and ouject/ves^ Gloria Cantrell, C/t� ° �iurari� n,� and �sm/ �, w��co" a'^ a Member of :the Library Board, were p� r . -_ Liurar /*n reviewed +he• act /v/ t/es and programs of the. Liurr', The covn c /I expressed its i n terest / n �xe Library ueiny open oa�uru°vs.Th e f" /jowiny yoaLs and objectives were reviewed: Other /te"s noted as pruulew areas were the city's building maintenance prosram and anapparent Posting error. The council asked the Liurary •board• meet/ny$ ue placed on their weekly calendars. Councilman cee• • moved to accept the •noalsanu objectives of the Library. Seconded __ by Jvhnsvn^ vaoxomen^ Jv:nsvn •anu Lee voted AYE. Motion carried. � covnc / Lma" Lee .moved to yo into Executive Session to discuss acquiring an interest in real prvper+v, Seconded by oanxomen. The following / roll :.,alt vote was recorded _~ vanKv°en yes ' • Johnson yes Lee yes • Motion carr |eu` / The Mayor declared a recess for five minutes. . | ' -- - - - --- -- - -----� �-~ 58"" upon r�~urn/ =, to-open aession'the Mayor directed the City Attorney to continue. :to negotiate with- the railroad fvr the r ailroau r.g»t-vf- way. The' coune/t noted its reCe/pt of the appraisal an the Railroad Property. • � � Councilman oanxvmen reqUested a Status report on a personnel issue. Councilwoman Johnson moved to s^ into svecutive •Session fvr reasons / ~...^ of personnel. . Seconded by vanxvmen. The fvllyw|ny roll call vole was recorueu: • vanxome" Yes • Johnson • Yes • • Lee Yes mo+ivncarr/eu^ Mayor Archer declared another, receSs. Upon returning +v. open Session Mayor Archer directed the administrator • to continue the investigation of the incident involving the city police — car and officer Lwij* in Weiser and to inform the Police chief to place Officer Leija vnaum/nistrative Leave with full pay un+il• the 'outcome vf the investigation and subsequent action by the ci +r is uetmrmineu. ..H6 „then ueclarea fxe.me=+ing adjourned .at 11;00 P.M. ' • . ' ' The c/ly Council meet/ ma uascalle6 back to order •at 7;30 P.M. February , 24, 190:4, *a'vr •Archer p,es/u / °y, •cvunC/ lmemuer present were oar', oanuomen,• Marion Johnson' and Clifford use. Also present were City Administrator/Clerk, Dud Schmidt and City *ttvrnev^ Robert Remaklus. The first item vfuiscussivn was +he mission statement of the Parks- and Recreation Advisory oomm/ ttee. It was requested that the Mayor instruct the cvmMi ++ee so that they understand the time fraMes of | the project are negotiable. Certain items of the project,fvr example, ~...~ the recommendation of the railroad right-of-way are imnor+an+ to have by the July z, •1906 deadline as mentioned in the mission statement. Txe•mavvr appointed 7 people to serve on the Parks and Recreation / Advisory Committee- these members were Jim o ��� Chandler, � rp, an a er, / Joel orvularu, Andy Laidlaw, Dean Martens, Lynn miracle and Max• Williamson.. Councilman Lee moved to confirm the appointment of • these persons^ Seconded by Jvxnson. Johnson, vanKvmen and Lee voted AYc, Motion car, ieu.. The staff proposed a tentative first meeting .date of• March 5, 1906 at 7:30 P.M. at the depot. | / The City counc / l asked. that we announce and advertise for members to submit txe/r,.ap*! |ca+ivn to serve on the transportation cvmmi .tee^ , The Council the? tom/ Up . the work sessivn agenda which was- a review .of the libraries sOa /S and vu]ectives'. Omr/a cantrell^ City Librarian, and Emily uewtv~s,, a member "r:the Library Board, wecep,esent, The Librarian. reviewed• .the activities anu programs of the Library. - council e^press*u its i"teres+ ` /n• the library being. open aaturuars~The | f^t!»w/ ?s goals -and objectives were reviewed: ' � : other items noted as proulep areas were the citv°s uu/ luiny maintenance program and an "pparent post/ vgerrvr. The council asked the Library � uoaru.*eet / nss be Placed on their weekly calendars. • Councilman tee moved to acce �p the soals and objectives of the Library, Seconded. \ by Johnson.- va'nKomen, Johnson and' Lee voted AYE. Motion e*rr /eu. Councilman Lee' .Moved m gv into Executive Session to discuss acquiring an interest / n real property° Seconded by vanxvmen. The following roll call vote was• recorueu: vanxv°en ves Johnson ,es• | Lee yes ~~ motion carried. The Mayor ueclareu .° recey� for five minutes. • ' Upon returning' to OpenSewsivn the Mayor directed the City Attorney / +d continuo to . negotiate With the railroad for the railroad right-of • | ' . ` way. The counc| I. noted its receipt of the appraisal. on the RaiLroau 59 Property, ovuhcilman oa°xvwen requested a status report on a personnel issue. counciLwvman Johnson moved to go into Executive Session for reasons of personnel, Seconded by oanuvmen. The fvLLvwinn rolL caLL vote was recorueu: — / vanKomen Yes Johnson Yes Lee Yes Motion carried. Mayor Archer declared another recess. upyn returning to Open Session Mayor Archer directed the administrator to continue the investigation. of .the incident involving the city police car and Officer tel in Weiser and to inform the PoLice Chief to pLace off/cer'Lei1* vnaum/n/=tra+/ve Leave with fulL pay untfl the outcome of the inve=tisatioh *nu:suusexue"t action by the city is ae+ermi"eu. `*e I6enueciare6 the meeting adjourned at 11;00 P.M. LIBRARY STAFF GOALS & 'VoJDCTIvES TO PROVIDE.FREE LIBRARY SERVICES TO ALL RESIDENTS OF THE CITY OF McCALL • TO MAINTAIN A STAFF SUFFICIENT IN NUMBERS TO ADMINISTER THE LIBRARY• TO PROVIDE CONSULTING & ADVISORY SERVICES TO THE COMMUNITY TO MAINTAIN A WORKING RELATIONSHIP WITH THE COMMUNITY OBJECTIVES: TO CIRCULATE 60.000 ITEMS IN '85-'86 TO CONDUCT.5 BOOK REVIEWS TO HOST 7CLASSES THROUGH LEWIS-CLARK & GIVE 28 TESTS WHICH REQUIRE 7 HOURS PER QUARTER ' ' TO ASSIST WITH 12,000 REFERENCE INQUIRIES TO OPERATE 35 HOURS PER WEEK TO MAINTAIN & ENCOURAGE CARD HOLDERS (2200/CITY 588 NON-RESIDENTS) TO ADD 15 LARGE PRINT BOOKS TO COLLECTION TO CONDUCT 104STODY 'HOURS FOR PRE SCHOOLERS TO CONDUCT 52 CHILDRENS PROGRAMS TO ADD 315 NEW ITEMS TO COLLECTION TO MAINTAIN THE FACILITY IN SERVICEABLE CONDITION • . t _ czyu� L. Archer, Mayor ^ ./"Ar A midt MINUTES - czT/ couwcz� WORK asoazow ! ` ' psIcoAnr'zo, 1906 • present: *avorurcu=r^ Co""c / lmp,ouers Craig, Johnsvn^ Lee and van xvmen^ City Aum/ vistratvrouu ;Schmidt and Recreation Director Hugh Cooke. This meeting Was convened as " work session to review the goals and objectives oi +he `cijv Recreation prvsram. The staff's proposed goats and "u]ect/ves for the p,vyram as follows: RECREATION DEPARTMENT 1906 oom�s: • ry provide healthful, affordable and safe year-round Leisure services for the resident and visitor populations of mccaLt, Idaho. i OBJECTIVES: � 1. Sponsor, Lead and super"/se oo activities, counted as both rvu.t / "e multiple events (classes, courses of instruction, . etc. ) and, one-time events ( � day X-C races^ e.g. ); | c, of the 50 activities ( item 1 above) schedule at Least 15 for ecementar/ school age children; n, To have participation Levels in the 50 programs ( item z above) reach a total. of mo^000 user hours representing 2,000 / rcss�r�n�y/vses� / 4. To reta/ n a revenue: wxpe^se ratio of $1.00 to $4,00 for the ,ec t/ "" prooram' n. r^ of 12 programs (or the 50 in item 1 above) that are p,ss/"e recreational pr,yroas^ requiring no skill. or p:.rs/ca / ' � ' �v, �O "" a. To cooperate, assist, support and consult with commercial and other public recreational businesses and agencies 50 times during the year, 7. To develop auvert /s/ ny and promotional materials to encourage • participation ^r awareness of all department activities; a. To provide trained staff to properly supervise each activity -�~ or approximately 1000 staff hours in direct supervision. � The discussion mCuseu on improving the quality of programs, the • philosophy -of city recrea+/vn programs, the relationship of fees and parf /c /pat /vn levels,- the benefits and liabilities of volunteer based . programs and .a 'smorsasooaro` program oner/ ma vs. an event and facility manayexent centered program. An /m*euiatefocus on mecreationrrac / lit/ planning was uiscuyseu. A mot /v^ was.maue uv van• xowe^ and seconded uv• Lee :that Mr. Co oxe -- be assigned to staff the .proposed mecreat / on anu Parks Advisory cvMmil~ee. The motivn was unanimously adopted. The st*ffiwas revues!eu to rethink the Recreation goats and objectives /n• terms of t6euiscuss''vx, and fv / mw/ oy the Recreation and Parks Advisory c"m*�,,ee^s report^ � r esuum/ t program objectives.; for FY a6-nr. X2 ^^v"= ^."^"""=' Mayor ' �� �Q�r Arthur . Scbm'vt^� cut/ Clerk / *arch s^ 1986 i / 1 The wcoal / City counc / / held a work session at 7;00 P.M. march 3, zpaa maor Archer presiding. cvuncilmemuers present were Larry Craig, oary and cLiff Lee. The topic of discussion was the overtime policy. City Att"rnev^ Bob mswaxlvs, made a few corrections in the wording of , the pv /icy. It was suggested to remove the sentence authorizing administrative leave. Also, the use of comp time should be scheduled | in advance. ^=^ At 7:30 P.M. , the McCall City Council convened the regular city Council meet / "y March 3~ 1986, Mayor Archer presiding. cvunc / /mewuers i / present were Lorry Craig, Clifford Lee, and Gary oa,women. Also | present were o/ +, Administrator/Clerk, Bud Schmidt; City Attorney, . Robert nemaulus/ .and ci ,v Treasurer, Michelle aasre. APPROVAL OF mzwursz • maror Archer declared' the Minutes of the Regular city Cov"ci . 'Meeting | of reu,uar, to, 1986 approved ;Is. suum/ ,teu. | ^ APPROVAL or BILL AND pA,ROLL FEBRUARY 1986 - | ` • Council vamxvmen questioned 'the reason for the check lo Officer Le/ ja. He also vppbseu the payment• of the bit !. to My Secretary Service for / reasons of conflict of • nterest• Councilman Lee moved that the bills be paid with the deletion of the bill to m/ Secretary Service for . $26.00. Seconded by vanxomen. craig, vanxvmen and. Lee voted AYE. / Motion •carried. � AWARD or BID- LAKE STREET PUMP STATION • The u /6 opening .for the Lift Station pumping renovation was February 26, 1.986 at A.:oop.w. the opparenj Low bidder was Priest Enterprises for a »/u of $37,784.,00, Joxn•rens»n from JUB engineering requested the ' City c"unc / l• apprvve the Notice of Award so it can be delivered. . •Jua wilt atso prepare the bid and performance bonds for the attorneys approvaL, councilman Lee moved that the bid of priest Enterprises be accepted and the contract be awarded to Priest Enterprises suuject i tv Txe •Attornev's review and approval of the contract and the Mayor ~~ be aut»or / zeu +v sign vn• uehalf of the city, the Notice of Award, tonight and tv e"ecutethe contract and Notice to Proceed upon receipt | of /eswt cv^na=t apprvval. o=co"ueu by v*nwvme". Craig, • a"xume" and Lee voted AYE. .Motion:Carried. Mayor Archer declared a recess at r:os P.M. . Mayor. Archer called the meeting hoc to Order at a:oo p.m. • . ` LAKE ACCESS-KEVIN muzn 61 u The council received a cvp, °f the proposed Lake Access Permit between the City of McCall. and wev/n mu/r~ Councilman vannomen moved we accept it and au+h^rite the Mayor to sisn. , Seconded by Lee. Craig, VanKomen | and Lee voted AYE. Motion carried. SEASON PASS FEES-GOLF COURSE The season golf Pass fees were discussed for the City of McCall Golf cours=. ' The Council received A fee schedule illustrating the golf fees at different courses +krvusxvvt the sta+e. The Staff recommends this be referred to +he'ovlf ovurse Committee for their input.' Councilman Craig moved that i+ ue: referrea uack to the Golf course Committee and try and get back tO us by th Mal sh 24, 1986 meeting.. Thccvmmi +tpe /as also asked lvjoo» at the,number "f days plav^ •Seconded by • ` /anxomen, cra/y^` Vaxnvoe,n and Lee voted Ays, Motion carried. -- '' ovsnTz:s .poLzcY ' Councilman Lee °o,eu' f"_advpt +^e' iwe pvLicv as amended. ' aecvnuwu by vanKvwen. ` cr*is, vwnxomen and Lee ,v+pu AYE.. Motion carried. ` .� � , _ ` REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL • Ida-Ore drafted a Request •for Proposal for the Administrative and Enyin-7 eerinw work on the zaanv co°mvni+v .nevelvpment Block Grant. Councilman Lee moved to approve :of the proposal and to have the Mayor direct mr^ Schmidt to proceed with zua-ore. Seconded by vanKvmen^ Craig, Lee • and vanKomen vvteu AYE." Motion carried* The Mayor directed the administrator to proceed with submitting the plans for soliciting proposals. 1 COMMITTEE mzwuTsa Airport Advisory Minutes of February 26^ 1906 were submitted. Attached to the minutes were a copy of the United State Forest Service Airport Operating Agreement-Seventh draft. The committee reviewed the draft and gave a 'clear recommenuativn^ The Mayor stated the City of McCall agrees in principal with this tentative agreement regarding the Cooper- ^tive fire control. .agreement for the McCall. Airport and the Forest --Service Seventh, oraft. Also, he directed the administrator to so notify the Forest Service in writing to that effect. • ' . IMPACT PLANNING AND ZONING • • .` ` ' ' The z"p�act pLanniwy and Zoning' Minutes Of February 24° 1986 were sub- mitted to thecvvnc/l. oo"hC/ lman Lee move we draft a letter to` ~he State of Idaho Dep'artment, of Las` anureque~t that they protect those puul(c _�ccesse° to +h lake txa+ �are, p,eev*nt and make them 'available ' for continued' uS=^ fSeco"ue4 uvcrais, crais^ vanuvmen and Leevotea AYE. Motion 'c"rr/eu. � The *avv,.u/rec+ea the administrator to draft � a letter to t^at .effec+ +v the- State Department of Lands for his signature. CITY PLANNING AND ZONING • The c/tv Planning and Zoning minutes of February 10, 1986 were submitted. There was an issue uiscusseu. vn the boat and boat trailer park/nn around the mar/na^ Councilman tee suggested this be forwarded to the parks and recreation committee. ' Mayor Archer directed mr^Schmiu+ to immeuia+elv investigate the possibility of receiving funding from the Waterways Commission for a parking facility in the marina area The Mayor accepted the minutes as submitted and/ noted the directions mau~ anu the actions taken regarding their contents and directed they --be flied apnrvpriatelv^ """"=",".`"=""=, A Letter was ,eceiveusfrv° the United State Forest Service as notification of their 20 day noliCe borate plant lease. It is a unilateral. option for /4e� ,ear /ease on the existing s/te. At the time the new s*e isdevelvpeu the rorest Service will: terminate /�"*� ��a�e~� their existing' The mavvrstat64 the council had been notified and directed the aumi"ist,ator to pjace the notice on file. • ' � `tIOsssTT REQUEST FoR *wwsxoTzow The Council receiveu a letter frvm *r. Gossett requesting annexation or the right -to have city water. Mayor Archer direct Mr. Schmidt +v +/� m � �+ � +�i nv r ,. osse 'that a a s time the City is not in a posit/on to annex his prvpertr or supnLv him with water. ....~ RESIGNATION or OFFICER LszJA . mr~ Schmidt reported he. had 'received a Letter of resignation from Officer Elias Le/ Ja, effective march 3, 1986^ Councilman Lee moved to °ccep+ this res/nna+jon. :Seconded by wanxomen^ oraiy^ v*nKvmen and• Lee`vv+eu AYE. .. wvti "n carried. *r, Schmidt asked +hat.hemaxea lempvrary appointment until +he re,/ew � � v he 'Police 'Departments 'soa[s and. "ujecf/ves have ueen .Competed, — counci}w*n vanxvmen •maue the *o+ion that we do not replace wr .ua' 'a --. until we ha'e a time to study the police Department. oecvnued by Lee. Upon u/sCussivn mr- acxm/ut. stated if a temporary emn}vvee is not */red +* • department may ' incur extensive overtime costs and u e� staffing prvulepS^ we � t+ he cvuLu `no+ assure the council the Police Department can prvteCt the city 24. hours a day with the Limited staff. The police Department meeting. to discuss Iheir ooaLs and Objectives was set up for. march oA~ 1986.- counc/ lman vanxvmen called for oues+ion. vanKomen and Leevoteu AYE; cr*ig voted NO. Motion Carried. . '• The Council received •* List of the Parks and necrea+/o" Advisory Comm- 1 members. .The first Meeting is set for march 5, 1986 at the Depot. The City Administrator reported l ~following on/�s; •� on �»e f | a. A meeting With. the Sewer District regarding cooperative proposals . for equipment usage* ! inesxaring arrangements and Long term maintenance prvnrams^ u. The Hayden water District's interest in the City's water tower. He said the tower at +his time has no 'value to us and it would cost $ao^000,00 to remove /t, mr^ • Schmidt will renor+uack to• the Hayden • | Water District with, support to their offer in acquiring the +vwer. ~�' c. A request by the Chamber .of cvmmerce for the City to pay.for half — i of the bill ,o Idaho weartiand^ -Hie. ci +v°s share being $zso^mo. Attorney nem*ulus •auv/seu +k.at this would ue•prvper^ co"ncilwan cra/g | moved wes+u / contri6u+e .t,• it and pay our shore +hisrear Which • woulu 'pr"uaul' be ���o,�oo, ae�vnueu ur'Yankv*en. mvnvn �wrr /eu- ' u. Mr. aChmiut asked. for °! l the. bits Inc the uacxhve be rejected. at | this time so the bid uvnuS can be refunded• and the mu closeu• vut. ' | Councilman Lee Moved we reject, atuius and return the uiu• uvnut, ' Seconded b/ vanuoMe",• Craig* vanxomen anuLee ,vteu AYs,• Motion carried. •` �. ' �� ' � . • . ' ` ~ ^� Mayor Archer. noted receipt of the report from the State Fire ^ Marshal. *e officially accepted. the 'report from Dill Wallis and , ! directed the•Aum/ o|s+,amr to write a Letter of thanks to them. He also released it to the public. | councilman vanwvm=n asked about +xe •pvlicv on taking the nolice car out of the city. mr^ Schmidt stated c/ tv vehicles are restricted to city . uusiness^ Councilman vanwomen asxeu the administrator to Look into the uses of the •city vehicles and eome up with some policies. Mayor Archer directed ' the Administrator to proceed with finding out the answers to the questions on the use of city veh /clet. • ci+vwttornpv^ aou memaxlus, reviewed his discussion with Mr. we*»ouse from the un/vn pac/fic Railroad.. They discussed the time frame the city ^as . tv paxe a uecis/ vn on purchasing the property. mr^ weaxouse rexuesteu txc aItornev write a Letter .setting forth •how the city intends 1 proce�u, so xe' to s � xa � ette r showing ��e city's good intentions ' to give to his management. ~� cou"c/Im*n ieem"veu to aujo a+ p� � p Seconded u ! Craig* o**w^men ° �e . 9:;i2 w vo,~~ �'s, Motion ` ` » / oa rr /e , n�^wen` nu | / / , 63• • . .: ---CHECK-,-- • YR NUMBER .. .7.. VENDOR / PAYEE - - AMOUNT 06 - 00579 . • VALLEY COUNTY AUDITOR 1,516.50 • . 86 - 00530 • STATE FARM MUTUAL -20.00 '-'"-• , . 86 00685 DON F 770.50 ITZWATER • a6 - 00606 . UNITED STATES POSTMASTER 173.74 £36 ".. 06687 . ELIAS LEIJA • 100.00 86 -. 00638 •• UNITED STATES POSTMASTER - . • .66.00 86 - .00609 .• RAMON LEE: ALFORD . . 300.00 86- - 00690 •• ROGER DATES ' 250.00 06 - 00691. HUGH H. COOKE 300.00 86 - 00692 • REBECCA L. -JEFFRIES 200.00 06 7 00693 • • ELIAS •LEIJA • • • • • 330.00 06 - 00694 . MARY JANE LIBERTY. 200.00 8.6 - 00695 .•' „ JOHN L.••LYON••• .. . - 250.00 •66 :-.• 00696 • • BRION S. .MICKELS 300.00 00697 • •• EDWARD F. PARKER 250.00 06. - 0o69a . STEVE LEE RUSSELL. 250.00 06 - 00699 • • MICHAEL P. WHITNEY 150.00 86 - 00700 . • MICHELLE L.• DASYE 300.00 86 - 007.01 . TREASURE VALLEY CHAPTER OF ICDC) • ' 60.00 . . 06 - 00702 MICHAEL R. TAMDINI 250.00 86 - 00703 - WILLIAM WRIGHT 200.00 86 - 00704 JEANNIE DROWN 250.00 86 - 00705 ' ALEXANDER CLAUNTS 250.00 86. - 00706 IDAHO FIRST NATIONAL BANK 269,500.00 • 86. - 00707 . STATE OF IDAHO 5.36 86 - 00708 Archer, Clyde 1.00 86 - 00709 Basye, Michelle • 515.98 86 - 00710 Carter, John 85.42 86 -, 00711 . Craig, Larry 109.38 86 - 00712 - Creech, James . 172.30 86 - 00713 • Johnson, Marion . 100.38 86 - 00714 Lee, Clifford ; • 59.30 86 - 007.15 Lockhart, Nancy 383.19 86. - 00716 ,. Remaklnh, Robert 687.83 . • ..--. 86 - 00717 Schmidt, Arthur 1,445.06 86 - 00718 VanKomen, Gary-, • 109.38 86 - 00719 Alford, Ramon ' • • . •• .462.16 , -- 86 - 00720 • • : PiersonAlta. • .- • 734.21 86:-. 00721' • • Cleunts, Alex . • • • 495.29 86H 00722 • ' Leija, Elias • • • • .• 805.46 86 - 00723 Lyon, John. ... • • . • • • . 1,263.46 86. - 00724 ' Parker, ED , 1,275.56 136 .- .P0725 • . Russell, Steve - .• • 753.43 86-7. 00726. • • Tambini, Michael • • . • - 905.61 86 - 00727 ',. . Points, Dale .• • . • 990.48 84 - 00720 • . : Barton, Cathy . ..• 98.27 86. - 00729 : Cantrell, Gloria • :' . . •, 818.69 86 - 00730 ' Jeffries„•Rebecca • • 359.43 .. . , . • 86 - 00731 . • ,LibertY, Mary Jane . • 373. 0 _,- 86 - 00732 • Bates, 'Roger . 914.11 06 - 00733 • . Brown, Jeannie . 323.96 86. -• 00734. • . Chalfant, Larry 1,397.85 i 86 - 00735 . • Keating, William '881.12 ! 86 -. 00736 • Smith, Dave 1,408.64 .86 .". 00737 • Whitney, Mike 772.68 86 - 00738 Wright, Bill . 524.36 .86 - 00739 Cooke, Hugh . . 772.72 537.53 86 -. 00740 NOdell, Kristy • 86 - 00741 Lewinski, John 1,216.10 86 - 00742 • ,., • • • wynn, Ed. 222.84 86 - 00743 • • •Drips, John . 722.22. 86 7.00744 707.50 .Mickels; Brian • ; -- • 86 ,- 00745 • . Murray,. Ralph • 3930.5 • • . 06 - .00746 . • • TATE TAX COMMISSION 1,600.86 06 - 00747, .. IDAHO. FIRST NATIONAL . . 4,346.27 06 - 00740 STATE. AUDITOR, STATE OF IDAHO 5,756.03 06 - 00749 • ASSOCIATION 0E-4DAHO CITIES - 2,191.21 ....- 86:- 00730- •• AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE ASSURANCE. CO. . . • 40.62 06 - 00751 • IDAHO CENTRAL .EMPLOYEES CREDIT UN. • • 736.34 1 • 06 - 00752. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEM 5,363.25 STATE AUDITOR, STATE OF IDAHO • . 5,671.51 86 •- 0073.4 • . PUBLICEMPLOYEE• RETIREMENT SYSTEM •• 5,345.46 • , 86 - .00755 . VALLEY COUNTY AUDITOR. 1,707.50 8.6 .- 00756 BRUNDAGE. OFFICE SUPPLY • 62.69 86 -.. 00757 ' ' .BRONEEL TIRE SERVICE 43.61 64 • YR NUMBER - - VENDOR / PAYEE - - AMOUNT . . 86 - 00750 CHEVRONt. USA 27.62 - : 06 - 00759 . CONSOLIDATED. SUPPLY COMPANY 176.65 86 - 00760 • CON TEL • • 1t137.51 ........,.. 06 - 00761 . •DQUBLEDAY BOOK CLUB . 30.84 86 - 00742 . .. F-STOP ' . 50.15 . . S6 - 00763. :.. . HIGH:COONTRY ENTERPRISES • . 86.60 ' .'. 86 -7..00764 ' - - 1DW . - .• • 113.00 66 ....: 06765 . . IDAHO FIRST NATIONAL BANK - • • 2,722.09 .06 00766 i:EIAIlo potjEI 6t678..69 06 - 00767 ..• .. .INORAM . • • - 197.59 0014.8 .. LAKEVIEW CHEVRON SERVICE . • , 10.50 . • . 136 - 00769 • • : MAY HARDWAR4 . • .194.00 : 86 . o070 .. - • MC CALL PRINTING . 42.40 -.- 06 -. 00771 •• MC CALL: RENTAL & SALES 130.00 86 - 00772 -MC CALL DRUG . 19.63 06 .... 00773 MEDLEY SPORTS . . 115.49 06 ,- 00774 . NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOC . 34.93 86 - 00775 NORCO 16.20 86 .- 00776 . PAYETTE- LAKES LUMBER 96.16 06 - 00777 ROBERT REMAKLUS 14159.62 06 - 00770 .. . .RON'S SHELL SERVICE . 100.09 .. . 86 - .00779. W.O.J. SEETIN 323.00 06 - 00780 SHAVER'S • 25.24 86 - 00701 SHIRT AND SOUND WORKS 201.90 06 - 00702 . SNOWBIRD LAUNDRY 65.10 06 - 00783 STAR [: EQUIPMENT 106.05 136 - <>0784 STAR NEWS • . 158.64 1k. ..... 00785 • VALLEY COUNTY 97.80 • 06 - 00786 'WALLACE SHOP 23.88 .. 06 - 00787 MERC, THE . 51.26 06 7 00700 LION ALDRICH 13.00 : - 00709. DAVE SMITH 204.25 i 86. •-• 00790 DEMPSEY EDDINS 7.50 86 - 00791 MAURY AINGER : 18.50 1 06 - 00792 TIM EVERHART 3.75 ......... •.',• - 00793 •. SKIP TAYLOR 7.50 00794 . • MARTIN FITZGERALD 7.50 66. .... 00795 TOM FRENCH 13.00 86 -. 00796. DANA WEST . . 9.25 00797 ••• MIKE. CURRY 86 - 3..75 • ' 86 - 00790 DANCOCHRAN ,3.75 86. - 00799. DOUG WOODS • 7.50 p6 - 00000 RAMON L. ALroRD . • 4.32 86 ..-• 00001. ' BAKER. N TAYLOR ' 19.99 . , 06. - 00002 • EARL BROCKMAN 60.00 ■ 86 •••• 00803 C & S CONTRACTING • • 195.30 1 86 -. 00004 •CAL GAS 051.09 06 - 00005 . GEM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. . 13.20 06 - 00006 •HAROLD DAVIS 4.50 • 06 - 00007 - STATE OF IDAHO 193.50 06 • •00800 LONG VALLEY SAND & GRAVEL. 39.00 . • 86 - 00809 QUALITY PAPERBACK BOOK 13.49 1 • 86 - 00810 UNITED STATES POSTMASTER 190.00 i 06. .L. 0081.1 WATER & WASTE WATER EQUIP.CO. 206.76 86. •••• 00812 .. WESTERNEQUIPMENT 40.57 • 86 - 00813 • MC CALL APPLIANCE REPAIR • 25.00 06 - 00814 • TAYLOR'S TROPHY , 12.00 . - 06 - 00815. MC CALL TIRE AND AUTO REPAIR 11.88 86 - 00016 COP SHOP ETC. 152.71 . • 06 - 00817 . ASSOCIATED BUSINESS PRODUCTS 279.67 06 ...- 000.18 KERR SURVEYING 366.00 86 - 00019 •TREASURE. VALLEY BANK 490.07 - _ 06:- 00020. . I3ARRONS EDUCATION SERIES 35.17 06 - 00021-. MA IRS AUTO PARTS • 235.60 06 - 00022• NEV INS AMMUNITION, INC 186.00 06 - 00823 SOUTHERN IDAHO TURFGRASS ASSOC. • 20.00 06 - 00024 MC CALL•FLORAL N GIFT 52.00 ......., ' • 86 - 00025 SACKERMAWS. TEXACO • 1.033.20 • . . 86 - 00026 IDAHO FIRE CHIEF'S ASSOCIATION • 73.94 •. . I . . . . , • • . . . . . . . i . ' , I • • . . 65-- _ °� ---o*scx--- Yn NUMBER - - usMcmn / PAYEE - - -- ----------- -' . AMOUNT aa - 00827 JEANNIE BROWN 9.01 aa - 00a2o STEVE DYE 13^00 aa _ 00029 ,INC, 2^902.1* ~-- � . 06 - < pso am-awovTnnwsrsn 3^40 ' aa L.woa31 , TIME zFs' 15^78 06 _ 0o832^ ` STAN BOHNAM CO. zso^aa aa - noo3a MARKET 5>59 . - ' DECORATING 8.95 ' . 0a - 00035.� OUTDOOR ADVENTURE . 7^50 oa" - 090.36 Jul zs HYaLop 8.50 aa - oua37� Cmn-' ��2»°*» 86 - ouosa LIFE MAGAZINE | � 16.25 aa - 00839 MIKE apAswm-A . 92.12 aa - 00840 . MIKE VOLPE 50.25 86 - 00041 STATE FIRE MARSHAL 105^00 aa - noa42` STATE OF IDAHO VOCATIONAL TECH ED. 10^00 oa - 00843• SWIXSPORT 31^50 86 - 00844 vL SERVICE LIGHTING CORP 235.80 86 - 00845. W. BILL BASHAM u°000^oo • aa - 00846 WETRC 55.00 86 - 00847 ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING CONSULTANTS . 90~00 • SECTION -- OVERTIME POLICY It is the policy of the City of McCall to avoid the need for overtime work. When over+ime is necessary and consistent with protection of the Lives and property of the citizens of ncca�l. and the efficient operation .of the various departments, such overtime shall be authorized but shall, be km:>t at, a minimum. The City retains all rights to schedule work' to avoid accrual. of vver+ ime^ Overtime work for all. Classified employees shall be defined as .—^ any time worked beyond the designated beyond forty (40) hours in an es^aul /sxeu work week. | -- SECTION 6 -- REPORTING AND RECORDING OVERTIME An employee, in order to earn compensation for overtime, must have his or her puperv/svr^s prior approval. Overtime work required to meet an emergency situation does not require advance approval:, and must be certified by the immediate supervisor for payroll purpose. SECTION 7 -- OVERTIME COMPENSATION AND COMPUTATION City employees must be compensated, either with compensatory time-off or in cash, at the rate of one and one-half times the hourly rate, for °Lt hours worked over forty hours in a seven day work week. Public Works Department and pvLice Department employees will accrue up to 56 hours of compensatory time for emergency service duty prior to the, City's payment for overtime work in cash. Police employees ~i �l. be paid in cash for overtime hours incurred during the following special events: Winter carnival. Fiddle Festival. The Fourth of July Celebration A/ / other. employees will accrue up to 40 hours of compensatory time pr /", +cr the City's payment fo, overtime work / nT:.ash. SECTION 8 -- LnpLoYsso EXEMPT FROM OVERTIME PROVISIONS Overtime compensation provisions shalt not ap/' Lv to the c/t, *um/ n/stra~vr~ the Police Chief, Fire Chief, City Clerk. City Treasurer, / Public Works Director or Recreation Director. SECTION 9 — .OVERTIME - CONDITIONS OF CIVIL OR LOCAL DISASTER In ,�� case of civil uisawter° state of extreme emersencv or local. peril.^ the overtime procedures herein cstautisheu shalt not be in effect and compensation procedures shall be determined at the time for such conditions by the Mayor and City Administrator. • 66 SECTION 10 -- COMPENSATORY TIME LIMITATIONS ` (1) No employee shall "volunteer" time to the department or division for which he/she is employed; (�)• Al �� overt /me .work. in time increments greater than 15 minutes sxal .• ue reported; /3> Failure •+o report overtime shall constitute grvun..s for ~_~ u ,sCipA / na,r act /on; (4) Department.. hea.us are responsible for managing the accrual or• overtime. . / - �rcn�� /' ott nzyu8'�. ^ Mayor• Aga ~- artbdro. Scbm.at' City Clerk �� March 10^ 1986 • .The mcc°u City Council held a'wvrx session on March 10, 1986, ,Mayor Archer Presiding cvuncilmemuers present were Larry Craig, Marion • Johnson, oary oAnmomen and cliff Lee. Also present were City Auw/mstratvr, ..Dud ac�m�u� nanuall orooxs and Ted Dodge. The work session convened ' Schmidt,. 7:30•p.m. to discuss the staff proposal of the Coals and objectives of t:e FireoepAr~ment^ As' fvlmws: .' . COALS' AND .c.Buscrzwsa FOR THE mccm-L FIRE DEPARTMENT . � | secUmn I Goals ' A. To protect life :and�property in the City of McCall by• . pro,iuinn • •1.. Professional -fire suppression. services 2. •comple+e! fire pre,en+ion/inspec+ ion program • 3. • Aue«ua+e• trainima• fvr the members of the fire uepartment 4. sstaul /Sx/ "s and maintaining cooperative' relationships with other •cnv •,x,par,men~s ~_~ 5, •sstaul /s* / na. anu ma/ nta/ nins cooperative relat/ ^"s» /ps With• a*ate and• Federal age"c/es -- B. meuuce insurance premiums paid by private citizens and / _business cv"cer"sby achieving an ISO rating of 4 withi • the next rive years. Section IT OBJECTIVES A. protectivn of Life and property ' 1, Maintain u response time of 6 minutes from ala,• to initial attack o^ Respond to zzo incidents in fire year 85-86 3. Hold the dollar mss below the o year average of ^. $167,*00 within the city 4. Complete. the formation of the Valley county Arson Force �x Task orce a nu ree +raineu personnel from txe cit, of McCall Fire Department | • 5. Activate a policy requiring at least 40 hours per man per year • 6. • Chair a •cvmmittee to prepare a personnel policy manual ! •Ia ms followed by all members • 7, Update inauevuate personal safety equipment / G. Initiate and maintain a complete set of records to further • /mprove! the c / +y^s ratings • p. *a/ rtain e«u/pwen, and station in a prvfessional •manner ax ail 'ti'mes 10. worxcmyel' with the Building Inspector *"u both pLavn/ ny anu zvnmn Commission to eL/m/ nate the• poss/ute hazaruS to (ifs. and property ' II, Initiate joint Ira /n/ ng exercises' with azn"A^ u,y,r.S. .concerning controA 'of wild f/res and aircraft .crash and � rescue ~�~ '1 | / , � � ~ ' . 67 ti /znspect /o� Programs B. Fire c p`�«e» n »»z wood Stove inspections in fire year 85 a -aa ^' '— +x uusiness comm�vn/+v m do at Least 5 • u^ e•. Work w/+� coovoerc/*Linspections per month ~~- / 3, wvrx toward a gval. of inspecting �ll. businesses in McCall. on an annual. uasis • • 4~ Issues() uurri ^y permits, tv. eL/m/na+e unattended • trash-burning calls • prevention �,, =~~, . ,`^t the fire station during. fire �, .Hold an open house at poster con+ests^ e+c^ ^ for the education of the children of McCall 6. conuucl: a+ Least one class per month in the area • schools for a better understanding by the children of LEARN NOT v"T TO BURN•7^ Produce fire safety tips to aired on the local__ . radio station i fire safety as well. as the a^ Draw up *us' encouraging serv)ceS available through the fire station, to appear � • `` �in the local newspaper image f the fire service at all 1 p^ �' Present. a professional ma�e v | .. .times , • � ` �. � � � ` � v` �� � ` � ' . . .•' ue io�u +x + vsrampt*n and ]vb uesc• r i n ti vn ' ' - - - � =u ` these Goats "nuomject / eS^ •/nw•— '`i` � ` ~.~—. ' - ,- gev=rai °p nroacx to approving anu • ouject/ `~r �`:wi~h`r� furtuer uusin�ss° the' meeting adjourned. at _ ;*6p'M.' .' • - �, ` • ` • /. ' � ' ` | ` � ' Clyde e 2. Archer; Mayor ' . ! «tt' t, ^mmm�mmx jilt -1~�~ ~�~^ . Arthur J-'�cbmidt, Clerk . • ~~^ • ' march 17' 1986 -- '••. The M---Ll City' Council held a work session at 7:00 p^m^ march 17^ 1986 nav«r. Archer' presiding. oouncilmemuers present were Larry Craig, ( Gary vannvmen, cliff. Lee, and Marion Johnson. The topics of discussion / �� incluueu 'ar/vu4 upcoming agenda items. � i� cil c ��Council convened e regular city Council: meeting..Maychr17,1986, 'Mayor Archer presiding. Councilmembers vanxvmen. H.Als« p,esenr were. "/ `' ""~' ^^~ ~'— ' -'— � c* i� a"�ve^ city At+ornev^ ' ouerf n ne�ax��s/ and City rreasurer, Michelle.e � ' � ''� APPROVAL 'OF: ' � . • There be/"s. nv °uu/ +/,»s •^r 'corrections neeueu^ mavvr , declared � na �• � zpaa and i �he w/ nutes:^f!the'neyvlar c/?, Counc/ l •Mee+ / »g «r rF `~^ | �he wvrk sess/v", */nutes of. March zo, z,u^ approved submitted. ,=" ~ , . FINANCIAL 'REPORT / items on the financ/al report cv�nc/ �*an oa«K»m�» questioned and h asea that it be prepared neu.to reflect actual cash receipts and disbursements~ • AUDIT REPORT • -- The Audit f r The City of McCall was presented by Anthvnv n=ssur/ of • ! -nessw' / ^ o°`es apiuuo»s for the fiscal year September 30, 1905^ The City Administrator reviewed an internal cost recovery ious departments would be paying for services __ � system where by �^e various.they are receiving. Councilwoman Johnson moved that the administrator + with utilities anu staff look into prorating the different department o have it and costs that is realistic to their departments, also to the ipoa-z9ar budget deliberations. Seconded by Lee. �Craig.. jvxnsvn and Lee' voted AYs, va"uomen voted wo^ Motion carried. counC / Lwvman Johnson moved we.accept the report as submitted from \ nessvr / ^ �pa�Bates. & Gibbons for the fiscal year ending September 30^ , Seconded by cra/y, cr�iy^ Johnson, vanxomen, and Lee voted *'�^ | mot / on carrieu^ _ __ . _- _ - -- ---- - � A ' DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND SAFETY REPORTS Mr. Schmidt reviewed the report from the Department of Labor and Safety The e navor directed Mr. s��miu� to respond with a plan for correction for aLL the items outlined in the report. ' ^=~ TRANSPORTATION miysion Statement Transportation prvposeu Mission Statement: Planning committee mzaazow; Prepare a Transportation Master plan for the City of McCall that will guide the city's development of transportation facilities to the year uoom*.o. DEADLINE: Recommendation on Items III,* and v,D below are due July z^1986, The 'ba lance of e f t� report is due October 1, 1986, STAFF: Public Works Director, Larry Chalfant n� a i �u/ inspector. Ray Alford Building ize�s appointed by ��e Mayor, with Council m�wasna*zp� Five �/+ anp ? ' , '.-~--,rr—'�� T'',i if it ^ shall elect. a a -' r--nit ` ts. f/r meeting. If terms of office are det=,m ^ 2. vea, e recommended with -members araWins s - 2 r�� iyear terms and 3for u year terms. ms^ m ssTzwGa; Meetings shall be noticed, open to the public c a"u action mi.nntes +o,°arue6 to the City Council to advise them of +xe: oo^v^/~tee^s'pronreSs. + ADVISORY STATUS: The committee is advisory to the City Co unc/ l^ REPORT: The Committee's recommendations shall be in the form of an action plan,txa.t will address each of the following tvp /cs; I. An executive summary of the Master plan =~ II. A map showing recommended facility developments to the year 2000 - ' zzz A narrative of the plan addressing each of the following: ^ t � the designation of arterial, A. A recommendation on cnllectors, and residential+ial s+ree+s that will provide optimally safe and efficient traffic flows in the city. o,' A recvovoe t)on on standard street profiles ( including ` asphalt, gutters, curbs, sidewalks) for arterial, cvllectvr amu'resiuen+ial streets for the City. C. Arecvonen�`+m" for mca+/nnand 'developing public parking areas in the ci+v. . .. .D.: � '.. .D.: * recommendation on Street Lighting Standards and ' pvuCies � • s, pec^oienu io*s~ a= necessary, for traffic control. devices, s/ynS and �i yna ly~ . /"=l"* /nn'street name signs,. to make the proposed street system function optimally. � F. Recommendation for acquisition of—additional. for public transportation uses and for disposal or vacaf/ vnmf unneeded property. V. The report should also consider the following: avut"trailer parking B. Bikeways/walkways - C. Handicapped Parking requirements of Idaho Code D. The Union pacific Railroad right-of-way E. Other transportation facilities that the committee ueeos. sisnifican+ ! ' ; ' ^ - - .--- -'' '^ Councilwoman Johnson moved we accept it and place it on file. •seconu eu 5 9 by Lee. Craig, Jonnso"^ van`vmen a nu Lee voted Ays^ mo+ion carried. � SMITH AND xAwsAa azu- FOR $1755~00 __ Ralph Kangasvf Smith a"u Kamaas Engineers reviewed the sequence or events that occ"rr��� w hen the uacxf| ll• of the sewer stations vns wmre completed. cvvnci /"an Lee questioned the engineering services that were required of mr. Kapyas^s firm during this time. Councilman Vam<vw*n moved m taule the issue until the next meeting when we have more / nfvrm°t /vn^ Seconded by Johnson. Craig, Johnson, vanxvmen and Lee voted AYs, mo+io" carr/em^ • SMITH AND m*wo*m-ooao SEWER PROJECT BILL `- . �A' u� � form Smith and Ka"gas was presented to the council for payment. . The bit* was for engineering services on the preliminary design costs on the Sewer nlvcx• orant. Mr. Schmidt state that these expenses are . not Grant •Eligible. *e also recommended this bill • to be. paid out of to what| the z & z Fund. bounciL°an Lee questione d o w a t the work authority. | was done.' . Councilman ^ veu that in the future there will .be no personal service v*nc� man �=�°v or professivnal'serv/q''c"ntracts evcepj in writing and. +ha+ anv addFtiOnal. veruac.cvn+,°cts•x * ar� immediately canceled. Oec«»u eu u r • vam(o^en~ cr°iy, .Jvhnsv"^ •L=e and. Vann vwen vo+eu AYs^ mo+ivn carried. ^ cvv"cilm+n tee�mowsu *vpa'• this pill.. out' of the. L.& 1. Fund. Seconded by vanK«" 'n, • Craig, uv ?s"n/ 'wanx"m en and Lee v"teu AYE. notion I carried. _ . ` ' • ` . . � r-HANGER a ' ' Councilman craiy moved to approve the T-*amaer leases on Wallace Excavating for $79.70 •and H.O. Stockton for $74,36 and direct the marvr to sion, aeconueu •u, Lee. .Craig., Johnson, Lee and v*nxomen voted AYc. Motion carrreu, PURCHASE OF SURPLUS. PICKUP - Mr. Schmidt asked to withdraw the request to purchase a surplus pickup for the public works uepar+men+- It was suggested the .public works -- department use +h= city owned panel van. Mayor Archer directed Mr. Schmidt +o. procee� with investigating the use of the panel van, I ' mn^ tEL cATLzw • �� • ' • mr Del c f} /" expresSed his poSit(on on the County aher/ff • cepartmenI prov/uing•�services fvr the entire county incluuing. with/ n the McCall C t / its. me ilL4strated the co°n*ris"n in te budgets i and perSoxne�� of'uvth t�� Sheriff -Department *nu the- McCall oepar*°en+.,. , :c*+11,nsusnes+O a comm'*e=. ue forMed to ' mox into the pvSsm/ li+,vf the c u tv aheniffuepartmen+ ue/rg•respvns|uie for • the c/tv cim/ls~: mrs... N*r' .Densox expressed xer. *ppree(a+ ivn foc the -r auu1 +ion*lcn'eraseprv,iueuuvthe McCall. Police. Maror• Ars6er • atknow!euyeuw,^ catun.^s c,nce,nS and .stated that. they Would ue taken under advisement... . . . ` . ' UNITED FIRST-WATER D zu- Th /s issue was postponed. • • � � � co*mzTTsE•novuTEa . CITY PLANNING AND ZONING ' • cvunc / lman •oanxvmen moved to grant Jim and Robin Sleight t^e special use __ Permit to allvw. uevempment of a Home Occupation, and adopt the •Finu/mas and Fact and •conclusions of Law of the City Planning and Zoning Commission | as, txe F/ nu/ nqs of Fact and conclusions of Law of the City Council.a=cvnueu by use, Craig, Johnson, vanuopen and Lee voted AYE. Motion I � carried. __ • The Mayor acknowledged the receipt of the City Planning and Zoning / minutes and uirec+euthey. be filed appropriately. | `, \ � ` ' -_�_�� -__ � � � - __- -_�_� . 70. � PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MINUTES Mayor Archer acknowledged the receipt of the Park and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes and directed they be filed appropriately. AIRPORT MINUTES -- The City Council discussed the installation of the Non Directional aeacvn, The staff is working to secure a letter from Mr. xaneas outlining the costs and scheduling of installation and the status. Mr. Schmidt reported all. that was needed to put a requested windsock in rear thesvuthenu of the runway is a $36.00 piece and a concrete pad; Councilman vaxxomen moved we expend the money to install the windsock. Seconded by Lee. Craig, Johnson, oa"Ko*en and use voted | AYE. wo+ /o.n. carrieu. -- The City Aumi"jstra+v, reported on the roo^s interest in administering jhe Tie Down' Parking Area. The Airport Committee recommended that the city staff prepare a call for bids for the management of the aircraft parking at the.McCall A|rpvrt. councilman Lee moved tv table that item until some vl'her alternatives. have been preseo+eu to the committee for `cvns/uera+ (vn~ aecv,m.ed by oanKv°en. Craig, Johnson, u*m{vmen and Lee voted AYE. mvtiv" carried.: Ordinance 4t496 was present=ujJ` +/ ecit' 'tmrnev^ It amended the fee schedule for the resident Tie Downs. The ordinance allows for a 10% u/scount: f^r the person who pays six months in advance. Councilman Craig moved to suspend the rules of reading the ordinance three times. Seconded by Johnson. The following roll call. vote was recorueu; vanxomen AYE use AYE Craig AYE Johnson AYE Motion carried. ~=~ Councilman Lee moved to adopt Ordinance *496^ Seconded by vanuvmen. The fallowing call vote was recvrueu: Lee AYE —' Craig ,AYE Johnson AYE VanKomen AYE ` Motion carried. METCALF REQUEST 'FOR ACCESS PERMIT me/or.Arcner`u Mr. Schmidt to work with the City Attorney 'to develop an agreement with Metcalf Construction. cv unc ilman Craig moved to adjourn a t 10:15 P.M. Seconded by Johnson. on, vanxomen, cr°i4° Johnson and Lee voted Avs. Motion .carried. | / ~~~ • CITY COUNCIL WORKSE.SSION 71 MARCH 31, 1986 The Mc:CaIL City Council held a work session, Mayor Archer presiding. Councilmembers present were Larry Craig, Marion Johnson, Gary VanKomen and Clifford Lee. Also present were City Administrator/clerk, Dud Schmidt and Police Chief John Lyon and approximately twenty citizens. The City Council convened' in the work session at 7230 P.M. in their chambers to review the proposed Police Department Goals and Objectives. These are attached hereto and are a part of these minutes. • The council deliberated upon these items and questioned the Chief of Police on several matters. The Council requested that additional information on the following matters be presented at a Later meeting: 1.. Area Law enforcement cooperation regarding patrol • assistance, drug enforcement, and records management. • 2. Animal control options 3. UJniform alternatives 4. Veh i c i,e mai"i•s.i ng alternatives Mayor Archer advised he was approving a request to use Mill Park on MaY 31',. 1986 for a wedd tng. He nated the resignation of, Kei-m i t Peterson from the Airport Committee and invited the council to suggest •iyersons to fill the position. Without other •busi.ness, the. Counc,il adjourned at 10:00 P.M. ' • • • , / / � L if • • Clyd- L. Archer, Jr., ayor • Att: rr ,� Arthur J. S midt, City Clerk • NMNUTES OF APRIL lth, '1986, are out of.,sequence. They follow the minutes of 4/21/86. • April. 21, 19$6 The McCall. City.Counci l•held a work session at 7200 P.M. April 21, , 19.:•;, Mayor Archer' presiding. Count Lmember<.s present were Cliff Lee Gary VanKomen, and Marlon Johnson. Councilman Lee reported on the Letter from ..Jceff:Lahen concerning rabies. He felt away of implementing ;a rabies policies is by .e!que'_i't i ng proof of vaccination when Licensed. Other upcoming :agenda it. n?i were discussed, At 7431 P.M. , "I.h.i. Mr.:C:a1.l C i'1y Council convened the regular City Counc::.i I. meeting -Of April. 21, 1986, Mayor Archer presiding. • Councci Lrmombmrs pry sent: were Marlon ..Johnson, Clifford Lee, and Gary VanKomen. Also present were City Administrator/Clerk, Ieud Schmidt, and City Attorney,-Robert Remaktue, 1 APPROVAL OF MINU'T'ES:: There being no additions or corrections needed, Mayor Archer declared the minute::: of the Regular City Council Meeting of April. 7, 1986 and the recessed portion on Apr•i 1. 14, 1986 and the work session minutes of April 14, :1986 approved as submitted. Councilman Lee moved to confirm the actions of the April 14, 1986 work session and to adopt the golf course advisory meeting minutes and amend our previous motion to include Dr i an's crew for free single passes. • Seconded by VanKomen. VanKomen, Johnson and Lee voted AYE. Motion carried. TREASURER'S QUARTERLY REPORT A financ: iaal. statement was provided to the City Council for their review. • | 7� ` � mE, & BOOZE TAX - nm- SAGER Mr. *a . Sager approached the City Council with 3 alternatives on the bed and booze, tay. • Txe 1st one was for the council to lower the Bed & Booze +ax^ The 2nd alternative was to have an election to eliminate the tax, "put it up to the people". The 3rd choice was to have an elect/on With optional taxes involved such as sales tax. He feels a . ~...., sales tax- is a more broad based tax. A work session was set to discuss the issue further on April 20, 1906 from 9;00 to 11;oo p.m. •AppozwrmcwT OF CITY COUNCILMAN Mayor Archer read a List of applicant for the position of City counc/ lwan. Included in that list are Steve Dye, Dean Hagerman, Bob McCarty, Ann (nano, Henry Shank,. JaMes Sleight and Ernest w^vus. The Council will discuss the appointment on April 20~ 1986 at the recesseseu meeting. . •�-. DE nAaz*npc-asAuTzFzcArzow 'LEASE- • Councilman oanxoMen moved• to uefer taking any action .on it•unt / l our cvmm/ tteeS report uacu to us. Seconded by Lee. Motion carried. sASTszos INTERCEPTOR-CHANGE ORDER , � counciAwar Lee mvveu• +6a�� t�eMayor. ue au+horize6 ^ s|nn •Cxa*ae Order 04' and thaf •we'req^es+a itemized statement from Ralph kann°� for• Change oraer 45: uefvre 'n /prvveu. • Seconded uv wanKome?~ Johnson vanwomen and Lee .voted AYs^ . .Motion carrieu. LAKE STREET PUMP STATION-CHANGE ORDER 41 Councilman Lee moved the mayor be authorized to sign this Change Order. i Seconded by uo»nsvr, tee, nuvmen and Johnson voted AYs^ Motion carried. The salvage from the pumpp station Was proposed for a trade with the electr/cal contractor for wvrk needed done on the pump station. BED AND BOOZE TAX ~...` The Mayor asked the City Attorney if the council can aruitrwrilv Lower the Bed and . Booze Tax~ The Attorney felt the city could but It would `' | • ue a «uestio"auje action to take in view of the fact the st*+ueref=rs +v not disturbing the tax in anyway. it is Mr. Rem*xlus^s opinion that m chanye :txa* the city would 'have to have an election, | POLICY•ow ALCOHOLIC. BEVERAGES- �. •Mayor *nche, read the •fvllvwiny pr'opvseu Policy draft: • -----------------__'---------------�----------___�------------------- / poLzcv DRAFT ' � �`� A,zI/oa ' -. ` •' ` PURPOSE: ' � � ` � • . The' purpose of *»is pvt/c, is to reduce the citv^s Liability exposure related to /ncjdents' involving-consumption of alcoholic beverages by city employees'. . POLICY STATEMENT': 4. No cil/ empmvee shall report to duty • intoxicated; 2. No c/ �/ evp mve� shall .consume alcoholic beverages while | , �~~~ � on duty; s, No city e°pm/ee Shalt .operate city equipment or a city vehicle Suhseqvent to consuming alcoholic beverages; *. Consumption of alcohvl/c •ueverayes in city offices, meeting rooms or maintenance facilities or garages- is `~ SpeCificallv prohibited; • 5, snfvrcemen+; Responsibility for enforcing this policy / •sxaLL rest upvn uepartment heads. Violations shall. .constitute cause for disciplinary action. 1 EXCEPTIONS: ~01,, wo^e _______________________________________________ .` � � Councilman Lee moved to adopt this policy with the addition of drugs. Seconded by Johnson. oam«vmen, Johnson, and Lee voted AYE^ Motion carried. : i • . . ^ , _ �� , ~, • pASamons AVIATION LEASE | ' Mr. Schmidt renorfeu on a new. lease for passmvre *w/a+/on^ It IS a lease at t^e airport for an approximate area uesiyna+euuv the airport manager.. cvunC / tman Lee moved to adopt the Lease as amended and Mayor i authorize t�e avvr +v sign. Se5Onumu by vanKome?^ oannomen^ Johnson and Lee voted AYE. Motion carr(eu. / . METCALF -LAKE ACCESS PERMIT Bud Schmidt rePvr+rm on a proposed lake access permit for Metcalf Construction. councilman Lew moved to adopt it and authorize the Mayor to sign i+, excluding item Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, Lee and v*nnooxen voted' AYs^ Motion carried. -- pLAwwzwo.Awo ZONING/BURTON WALKER *s �� 'city to recognize his property vn.Licx creex Road a°*; +r*iLer. paru under the ora, rather' clause. ` that we ,eCvynize Mr. waLxer~s prnpe,^ on Lick Cr�ek in tile Area of ci+v zopac+ Planning anuzvning le*ter 'of. March'2n, .�paa watxer"�s nonconforming use at= th&f LO�at\vn and ai=v nu change is required vn •t6e zoning Map. Seconded 6rvanKv°en, vam<owen,, Lee and Johnson voted AYE'. mot /on .carc/�uf , '` � � • • NEW BUSINESS' AIRPORT LIABILITY,- nr^ Schmidt advised .the cvuncil that Global Avi*+ionznsurance Company a division of the Home znsura«ce Company, has offered a premise liability to the c| tza t a premium o f $2,640.00$__ _� per vear, Expiration date is Ma y 1o^ 1986. The cvuncil requested additional information and the matter was rescheduled to May o^ 1986.. Fire Chief, Dale pvin+s reqUes+eu to use city fire apparatus to wash down nark/ma lots bv the Firemen's Association. Councilman Lee moved to permit this activity as re«ues+eu^ Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, Lee and oanwvwen ,oted AYE, mv+ivn carried. REFUND AIRPORT. TIE-DOWN : A request for ��,eimuursemen+ for. excess payment by Kermit Peterson for an airptane +ie_uvwn in +he amount of $105.00 was discussed. Councilman v*nKomen moved. to. approve the re/muursement^ aec^nueu by Lee. Johnson, Lee anuVan*vmen voted AYE. Motion carried. COMMITTEE :MINUTES � ` • . � � . '• • i| Committee "inufeS Of tue| Gvlf C vUrse Advisory cvmm/t tee o 9, zpaa. were' cons/uereu. . coxnci�an ]Lee'noteu +hat recommendation's contained in 't^,sk *i,x,fes had u n +c+ea upon in the approval of wnrxse,si on 1*^ 1986/ minutes . No other action was taken. • TxThe. cvunF/ i noted 'Ai p. ,t Advisory Committee minutes of April 14, 1986 The cvunc i � concurrea ~i th theCommittees consensus that /'nstaLLativ" of the NOB (Nom Directional Beacon) was the priority project for airport improvement.. Councilman use u iscusseu this equipment and .the impediments to foe .The Mayor noted receipt of the minutes / and ordered their-filing. . . Mayor Archer acknowledged the receipt of the• Impact Planning and Zoning mi nu+eS of April 14, 1,986. • Councilman Lee Moved to reappoint Harvey Bergstrom to the Impact Planning and Zoning Commission' for a term of six years. Seconded by v*nmvmen. 1..6e/ Johnson and vanxvmen voted AYE. Motion carried. ` | Mayor Archer acknowledged the receipt of the City Planning and Zoning minutes of Apr/ 1. 1, 1906 of which no action was taken. The City Planning anu. zonins m/ n"tes of April 15^ 1986 were reviewed. Councilwoman Johnson moved to approve the request for a variance of Richard and avnnie Allen and that the City adopt the Findings and Fact and Conclusions of Law v f t Planning Zoning pann/ nn a ou vn i ny cvmmiss/on dated April 15 ay the Findings City and Fact and conc[uSionS of Law of the c'rvof �c���, ,Seconded by �e�. Lee, �v�n=vn^ a�u vanwvm�n voted �rs� � *��+u" =arr<eu. • . ' • . • . ' ■ ____ T _ _ 74"� T»e minutes of the Joint Board meeting of April 15^ 1966. Mr. Schmidt on the Joint Board minutes resaruing the replacement of the plastic air piping with Stainless steel. pipe at the sewer Lagoon. Councilman oanKvmen moved to table this until. the next mee+ins^ Seconded by Lee. vanKomen° use and Johnson voted AYs, Motion carried. ~-~ CORRESPONDENCE A Letter from Jim Thacxerav was received thanking' the City for the use of the Depot building. • A Letter from the City Attorney discussing the 1984 Ketchum ballot • measure was received. Superintendent. �verett Howard of McColl-Donnelly scxvols *uuresseu a , Letter to the wa'or concerning police services. He felt the services should continue to be supplied / nAhe schools. ' A Letter was received from Supervisor LaSalle of the US Forest Service The Letter was an /nvi ,a+/on to '6eMavor inviting him to an open House for the pvrpo=e.ofgetting t»se+her~ ^ ' The city c o,pnCr} ,uis cusse,u. t*e:`appji,�`+ ivns for the Council pvsitivn. ; • ' ` cv^nc| lma +v recess this meeting until. April 20, zpaa at 7;00p.m. secv"usm':uv Jvhnyvn. -Johnson, Lee and vamxvmen voted AYE: Motion carrieu^' • Mayor Archer deCtareu the meeting back to order at 7;08 p.m. on April uo, 1906^ conncilmemuers present were Clifford Lee, Gary oanwvmen and Marion Johnsvn^ • | ' NEW BUSINESS: APPOINTMENT To FILL VACANT coumozL POSITION Mayor Archer appointed Robert McCarty to fill the vacancy on the City cou"cij^ Councilman Lee moved to confirm that appv|ntmen+, Seconded by Johnson: uvhnsv" a'nd Lee voted AYE~ VawKvwen voted NO. motion ~�~ carried. .oAT*s OF OFFICE __ � . city Clerk, aum.achm{u+" aumiois+ereu the oathe of Office of Councilman to Robert McCort)). POLICE DEPARTMENT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES- The McCall Police ar+ment oxats and Objectives mere uiScusseu, *r. Schmidt rep9r or` txe city's Winter Carnival costs/ police Department uniforms, c'ar str/pp / ~n| animal cvntrol./ anu, narcotics enfvrcemenI. • McCALL POLICE DEPARTMENT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES • ALLOCATION OF DEPARTMENT WORKLOAD GOAL 1: ency Services Objective,.A: Violence 3% | Objective D: Injury Accidents 2% Objective C: Interpersonal Violence O% Objective. D: Animal Control Emergency GOAL ` Emphasis _ Objective A: Respond tO Reports of Theft, etc . . l% Objective B: Investigate 16% | ' Objective C: Crime Prevention . . . - . 14% Objective D: Abuse / ubJ=ctive E. Arrest and Prosecution ~�~ a1 Other GOAL 3; Incidental to Work eptiv*^.A: ' Control Crowds Objective B: Alcoholic Beverage Laws . . . . . . 3% / Objective. C: Public D eueocy Standards, l% Objective D: Traffic ,. . . ` ^ 75 GOAL 4: 9% Objective A: Coop Agreement - Clerical COAL 5: Public Relations & Personnel roonuel • _ Objective A: .Public Assistance - Chief . . . . . ,.` 4% 1 . GOAL 6: Training i Objective A: Level of Confidence . . . . . . . . . I% ' GOAL 7 : � � �a� Police Department - Chief lO% 8�jao�zva ^u� a�= . . . i i' • GOAL 8: - � �-Objective A: Work with McCall School . ' ' ' • • __ . . .. � ' TOTAL . . ' ' ' • . _^ ' ' �__ ' ^�- moved to adopt the soaLs and Objectives that we councilman -- m« nu ui + the pvLice Department to make the conversion. discussed tonight. and u/'��/ -~nuowen, Lee, vanwvmen~ McCarty, and Johnsv" voted AYE. Motion carried. • _ ` He called the meeting back to order Mayor Archer um��*reu a recess. at 8:34 P.M. ^ • . / DOE CHANGE ORDER 45 , a Letter should accompany the pavo *n+ for $1650.00 "~~� ' --' -- f u t^ Smith and /K^»o*S ' nv `==' .s / s �This Letter shouLd s`"`= that this is LL charges on the sastsiue Interceptor the f�»a� v�� f»' any and a project, Colocij.Man Lee moved wpapp rvve this u ilL for navme«+^ ,Seconded uvVamvv°e", v nx^p en^ Lee, Johnson and McCarty voted A's` Motion carried. ' ' ' SEWER LAGOON IMPROVEMENTS -- —k � � .councilman Lee' a�reeu ~ifh the joint Board concerning car�inn the ~irat / vn pipes t^'s+�i i °� Steel. Councilman' Lee moved that the City -- agree to -- � ' as .outlined in the �»!»� Board minutes of April 15^ 1986 with ° pvuif!t*+in in the payment procedure. Seconded v �owen . by Jvxnso.n^ Johnson; an , `=e and McCarty voted AYE. Motion | carried. ICDBG • Bud Schmidt reported on the cost of inspecting an additional 1500 feet $1.04 per foot and suggested / of sewer Lines. *e reported the'cost is a t $^^ the additional. Inspections be completed. ` i moved we aLmw the extra 1500 feet for +eLe"is/vn and monitoring and cleaning Councilwoman �v�»s«» p«« for the integrity of that 1500 feet. � �o�«son and McCarty voted AYE. *»+i»" Seconded by Lee. vanxvmen^ �e^ carried. '. ' | Rick Y*reda,~ v*L[ev c«u»t» Waterways Commission, requested | of the city for the use of a strip of Land on the Lake by the Sports area. + Marina. He was in hopes of pursuing a grant to improve that , : ` Mayor Arche� u/ ' ecteu Councilman Lee to work with Mr. FerecI3Y in present / ,v his ideas to the Parks and Recreation Committee for their `"`s."e. ~` ...' | The co�uncil confirmed the Mayor direction. / � eu ss until p;oop.m, _- Mayor �rc�er �ec *r a rec� zosnr m` THE coUwc�L pms� ' ` ^ . | o" v�u z xa�'m Johnson become the President of -- the c"unc / i. Sec •nueu by Lee,' McCarty, va,xomen and Lee voted AYE. Motion carried. Councilman va owen moved` to adopt the bank resvLut/vn ^n the signature : 1 card ^nu u authorize Marion to s/yn^ Seconded by Lc=. ,".~.~~., Lee, nccar��v, and avn�so^ voted AYE. Motion carried, 1 : • _ , _ ___ , - . �u �� Local bar owner, Pal sager, discussed the issue of the Ax Local Option vn /a«/ J/m ataup and Del Catlin spoke from the audience on the .s°"=, nr, Catlin felt there are places in the city to economize. /| the tax audresseu the imposition of an optional sales The 6/scussm^ «�� e a' � �ny of �»e �x tax. tax in connec�ivnw/th the vwer _~~ The quest /^n arouse as to whether an election wa.ii needed to Lower the tax or could it be reduced by the council. Councilman vaow^men Moved that .we put the Bed and Booze on the ballot , to reduce it +« ux t^ be effective July 1, 1986 for the duration of �u m Carty vo�eu the tax. Seconded e� u uv Lee. ��e ~Johnson^ vanxomen a c AYE. Motion carried. Councilman Lee moved to adjourn at 10;03 P.M. Seconded uvvannvmen. Vanxvmen, Lee, McCarty and Johnson voted AYE. mot /on carried. Clyde Z. Archer, Jr., Ma or ' Arthur J. Sc idt.City Clerk • Minutes of Apill 7cbtile4 Out of order. . April r^ 1986 The. *coall City Council �helu a work session at 7:00 P.M. April 7, 1906 Mayor Archer presiding. Cv«ncilmeobers presen were Cliff uanKomen~ c� �f Lee^ and m"rmn Johnson• The topic of discussion ~~� was the goals cod, object ives of fhe Fireoepar+ment. At 7:30 P.M. ^ the McCall City council convened the regular city Council mee+ rns April 7, zpoa, Mayor Archer presiding. . counc/ uoepuers present were Marlon Johns"ny clffforu Lee, end Gary vanwo*en. Also present were City Administrator/Clerk, Bud Schmidt; City Attorney, Robert Remaxlus/ and City Treasurer, Michelle oasye. RESIGNATION OF COUNCILMAN LARRY CRAIG The following letter was received: • April 7, 1986 The City of McCall . Mr. Bud Schmidt McCall , Idaho' 83638 | , • Dear Mr. achm/ut, Mayor Archer and Members of the McCall City cvunc/ l; After careful consideration, I hereby submit my Letter of resignation from the McCall City co"ncil^ effective today. I am developing two new businesses and amnn with my insurance uus| ness T do not have .,he time to devote to serving on the co^nci / at this We a. e concerned citizens of *cc* LL and w/ Ll. endeavor to continue to slay / n,oLved. in the 'co*munnY and to have a positive effect on the growth "f tourism and recreation in the mccatt area, I am hoping .the City c,c..c/ t will. continue to work f or the health. ~�^ welfare and safety of the citizens of McCall. With best regards, s/Larry L. Craig _ -- �� '' � , " ` i APPROVAL or MINUTES • ' —~_—_ . . . • . 'There` ueinnno additions �� corrections needed. MaYor ,*r�her .declared ~_ . the m/ nutes` f ^ :the ueg^lar:c/ty cvunCit Meeting or March z7° 1906 and the worx session minutes of *arch. za^ zpaa apprvvec as muumi++eu^ oF .DILLS Awz :p*nRu_L^'MARCH 1906 ' • • cvunciiman •vanuvmen tivneu. ~*e payment of utility ui lls.of Revenue ax�ari°a funds. • He a/s" «uesf /vnec ,aises in the pvt/ce cen*r+went, councitman `LeeHfelt no fur+her`cxaryes in salar' shvulu be- made until the work an�!'S/s arv, completeu. • Councilman Lee moved �the bills be paid and authorize the ,aise. Seconded by Jvxnson. Lee and Johnson voted .AYE. vanK"men Voted NO. ' Motion carried. • -- FIRE GOALS AND oa.oCTzosa • , • A question. was raised concerning the Liability for events and activities Which .occur on the second floor of the fire station. Suggestions included *he Rural Fire Department obtaining a liability Policy precluding the City as Liable. councilman Lee moved to accept the eo*is and oujectivey as as.. Seconded by Johnsv"~ Lee, Johnson and vanuomen vote•AYs^ Motion carried. . Councilwoman Johnson moveu we do not advertise for the position of • Fire Chief for McCall. and that Date Points up hired as r^ll-time Fire •Chief. Seconded by vanKomen^ Lee, Johnson and v*nKomwn voted | AYE. motion carried. /• • a va"K m counc / t n .moved to start his pay at $1400 ~=' month. Motion died due tv.Lack' "f. a second'. . • • ` • sh/rce, poffer': 6ti.=n. •q estioneu Mr. Point's time .and service. com- pared +opr=y/o^sch/ef^. . ' • With n, ueC/siv"'vn °uj"��inn . ~ poin+^s salary. xe~ill Continue to '~� be p°/d h/s :=u,renfrat� unfi� a• decision' is oaue. REQUEST FOR .PROPOSAL • • ' • i -- nr. •Schmidt repvr+eu' on the req^est for proposals for the ' en ineer/ ma ! and administration services on the Idaho Community De,emnpe't Block | Grant. •*e suggested• interviews be' set up m meet. with the various firms. ' He scheduled the cvunc/ L•/nterv/ews for Friday afternv"n^ April 11. STREET LIGHT LOCATION. LIST Dud Schmidt presented the c"vnc/ l with a List of proposed corrections in the .street lighting s/ ,uat/vns, c^unci /man use moved • that we so ahead. and make the street Light .changes that are suggested on the List. ' Seconded uyva"xvmen^ Lee, Johnson and vannomen voted AYE. Motion ' carried. SUMMER YOUTH' E*pLoYmsNT :pnoonAm � An asruement was presented which lays out the kinds of +h/nos the ' city will provide ,s the things the Southwest Idaho Private Industry Council wilt nrvviue for the summer youth program. Councilman 4pe . moved ,o have.txe Mayor sign -this agreement. Seconded. by Yanuvmen. Lee, Johnson ana`vanKomen voted AYE. Motion carried. . SMITH a KAwoAsAE; $1755•p*YmswT | Ralph xa"yas^• President .of a°|t» and xangas sngineerinn' •uiscusseu the | events related' '~v :the prvulems vr the Lilt •stat /vn back fill compactiv __ /n ��he oos �ra��~ ' w�^'�ansas f���� +�e c°unci � w�s xepi }"fvrmeu of n the events and ie,p•°ware o�� tne ,6ills incurred. . . • � • �� Th e ma'o, u/rec+eu the pmMin/'strator to determine txec'sts involved uue to t:e +a"t+ruaCxnAVmater/al and °/t»vlu it 'from tire final ~_ Payment to the. cvntracm . r . ' . ` RECESS .� `• '• ` Mayor Archer. ,e�} *reu * �e� ess at 9;40 P.M. and caLleu the meet back to oruerat 2:50 p.*^ \ • �_ .����� � � ���� � � 78 SAFE DEPOSIT BOX ACCESS 1 , • Councilman oanu*men moved •to accept the resolution as presented for neW s/gna+ures :on the f tv depos't box. seconueu by Lee^ use, Johnson *nuv°n/v"en Voted AYE: ' Motion Carried. ~�~ � � �sx�ss Mn� • cEomRz*omE , ac�uTz z �Tzmv' - ^� . nr.,avb ce*ar i'°"re made � r� �uest vf the city tv Vacate their• beauti- fication' leawith•union Pacific s" xe could have the vpportunifv to . • ac�uire txe , er+v. He n*s planned to develop +he •cvrner of his' � property. *nu �e}/minate +mso„ s t ree+• r n x+-of-way^ councilwoman Johnson |I moved m pla��. mr,` neyar/mre^s request vn• file until -we receive'a recvooeraa+ /v" frvm• our'comw/tfees, Motion died due to (aCx of a second. Councilman vanKvme, mewed .to table this until the next weet /nn. Seconded by. Lee° Wept JvhnSon and vanKomen voted AYE. Motion carried. . � UNITED FIRST FEDERAL WATER BILL ~ United First Federal Savings *nu Loan Association re«ves+eu a re- duct ion in .the water bill on a house they foreclosed on. They felt $ao^00 charge was a reasonable amoun+_+v Pay vna house that should l u accept t^is.• Seconded uv v nw v�en^ Lee^ �v:nson and vanKopen voted AYE. Motion ,carried.. . .RABIES RESOLUTION- . 6. rabies resolution• was preyenteu i» a Letter from Central District • Health. nenar+*entm,vor *rcher uirec+eo the Ci.ty Administrator to � + � u•contact �� +h *ew!+h uep*r m�n an inform them +he Council elected to n take no — '� -�acti,~� ` . ' . cLEAwVp BAY.: ., , ` . ' '. ' ''` Bonnie ` oh �� of Commerce *sxeu +ue. cv u� cil• to - -- ` ' - 1S, 1paa' as "Clean-Up Councilman. Lee veu 'that ueslenate next Week as ' clean-urMeek" ~-' - r -+ • +he'6lv 'CreWs massis+ in clean up vf• l*rge• items. • - o v vanK,Mer.• :Leo,- uvunSvn anu vanxomen vv+eu AYE-. Motion carried. ' ' ' .. ,• ,• =~•conwzTTss/oonmzaazowmzwuTss • • __ . Golf Course A6,isvrvcopmi`tee minutes for-. March 21, 15oa^ were re- ceived. The covnc/ l. discussed having half-price golf fees •uuriny the slack perivd^ oanuomen moved to send it back to the Com- mission stating •we wilt approve it for up to two weeks this vear ontv^ Seconded by Lee. Lee~ Johnson and vanxopen voted AYE. Motion carried. ' for the of the McCall Golf Course for one day There was a r��«es+ ^r e «se ^ �ee o" l' rnamen+^ oo"ncilman Lee *oVeu to approve this request. ' Seconded by of the NBA/NFL Challenge Joxnson^ Lee, Johnson and vanxumen -^ voted AYE. Motion• carried. The Mayor � or a� nvw[euyeu �receint of and directed the filing of .the e Impact p• &• z ,oinu+es of 'March 10, 1986 and March 24, 1986/ also the minutes of the City p 4i minutes of March za, 1986. An Impact p -. Z. letter was discussed concerning a trailer park Located on L/c.x Creek Road. The City Attorney asked a few vuestivns of • Julie , suu/ ns. Chairman of .the Impact p " 7_ Commission, in referen'e • +^ zoning'. The Counc / t reco*m n ueu •`x^+ no •act |on •ue taken at this time. The Mayor. directed the City Attorney to follow up. on the request. .mayor Archer 'acknoWledged the receipt of a Letter tter from sa "ur* Stange •who supports •thepo- t /vn of •/ nVest/satvr because it . involves child _ Protection a wu•Cnilu •custouy and aprexens/ v" o f offenders in that area. • •/ 'wro' auu acxm|ut will attend a meeting with the Valley Mayor �rcme' msr� �v discuss ��e division of Airport funds` ~- County comp/s�. v - i 1 Hal: Sager, local usiness owner, approached the Council to determine the co^ cinS views on the "Bed and Booze" ( local option) tax. The / Mayor and Council discussed various alternatives. - ` 79 Mayor Archer. directed City rreasurer Michelle aasre to contact the State Tax cvmmiSs/ on to f /nu out• how much a 1/2 percent sales tax in the City uetwepn may 15 and September woutu produce. Bud ac»` / t / r +� e counCit •of a $640^00 expense ' for -� e«u/pment .the Lake Street .Pumping Station. 1.1e• alsv ayxeu the • Council. to ac»noWleuse a recommen:eu change in contract performance date frvm Apr i t ��o to Apr/ /� z^ 1.906. ovunc/ iman Lee.moved to .approve tha+ diaoee v,uer, Secvnuedur vanxomen^ �ee^ • Jvhnsvn anu vanKomen ',o+eu AYE. Motion carr/eu^ ` 'The p"rF:ase•vf a truck tr�Li=r for $2000.00 was u/scusseu^ � councitman Lee moved !v approve mr, Woods r-Hanger lease 'anu author- ized t*e Mayor to s/nn... Seconded by vanKomen. Lee^ Johnson and vanxomen voted AYE. Motion carried. __ Mayor Archer annOvmc=u ^elau appointed Max Williamson to the Golf cvorse cvMm/tfee and asked the Council to confirm the anpvin+ment^ ' Councilman:Lee moved• to reaffirm. the appointment of Max Williamson to the Golf Course cvmo/i ++em^ Seconded by Johnson. Lwe' Johnson and vabKomen voted• *rs^ Motion carried. • ` At 11;25. P.M. Mayor Archer declared the meeting recessed until 7:30 P.M. April 11, 1986. ' Mayor Archer CALLwd the •rogitlar City Council of April 7, 1986. hack to • order on April 14, zpa� at 7��� p^m^ cvu�nc/ �memuers present were |•Clifford Lee, Gary vanKvmen and Markin Johnson... Also nres=nt were | City *mmivistra+vr/c}erx°. auu achm/ut/ City Golf Pro.. �v�n orips wnu Goff oourse Superintendent, ar��n *�cxe�s. '` � ` � The first | tem:.ofuiscuss/o" ~�s " review of +h= proposal fo, enni"- i ee,/ ny serviCes anu aum/,/isfr*t/v~ services on , +hescvnvw 'c Community Block o,a"l. After Cooking al the C^sls^ co*pefence*nd 'c|sin*l{tr^cvu�uma" �ee`r�ow��eu Tovm�n �tman. He also -recommended Ida- Pre fvr : t^� aum,",stra~i,e. Se'v/ ^� � •` ~~- .'o^^c' `mav o* � � m o.eu, w*•en.ter , nm negotiations w.-th r ov~xm a "ortman for. emaioeer/ nn Serv/ces^ a�cvnueu by Lee: vanK«men and voted AYs�': John sv» *v�eu w^^ *vtioo carried. __ Councilman Lee mvveu We hire Ida Ore to do the administration.. uv vamwvmep^ uamxome/ , Johnson and Lee voted AYE. :Motion Seconded � -^ «r'on weso+ /a+ /vnS w/ �xuo+� �/r~s s^^u�u u� done concerning and other issues.' - - '~ / Mayor Archer aske6' fvr applications' to be submitted for the position of councilman for. txe City of McCall. - maror Archer re�ei.e6 appt/ca+/vn for the Transportation Advisory Committee'. m= appointed William A. xirx,cmn nrahn^ Michael Dixon Thomas xerr^• o!e n �^ •�a�vu�en^ Frank J. Volk, Kelly 8. ove^ Richard C.cowuerr and Tony oanzert as members of the. Transportation Commi+`==^7xe m*'or also Appointed William Kirk as the Chairman of the Committee.cvunc/ lma" Lee. Moved to c"nt/rm the appoin+meot^ Seconded by Johnson.vanxvmep^ Johnson and Lee voted AYs, Motion carried. Mayor Archer directed the City Administrator to do a study regarding the proh /u /tiv" f alcohvt /c beverages on city property. ~ ' Councilman Lee moved .to auj"ucn, Seconded by oanxomen^ •Johnson, Lee o am`omen voted AYE.. motion carried. Apr / ( 14, .1906 ' ' ' -- Mayor' ArCher c* lleu • txer.wor�. session to Order on Apr / l. 14, 1986 0 .�ounc / !me*uers prese, t. -were mar /o" J"»nsvn^ Clifford Lee and Gar � vanxvmen^ ` 1 „.--- T»e oo* �s anu ou}e, �/,�s ~~ o�� ~oe oo�� Course were •m along l the Golf Course. Committee minutes Of April. 9, zpoa^ «maw/�� . i . - ____- . _ ' __- ---_ A() .Councilmen Lee moved we adopt the ovals and Objectives and the recvmm- enuat/ vns / n theauvisvry• cvmd/ttee minutes but exclude the p"rchase of equ/pme"t vnt/ l. the golf course committee has had a chance to review thatw/ fxJvxn and or /an anu comes to us with a recommendation. *vtion died ,due to lack of * second. cvuncitwoman Johnsvn Moved we adopted the ovals and Objectives as ~-~ presented. to tis anu.xave• t»e committee wvr* together with nr^ Schmidt to resolve the Capital purchases^ •motion died due to Lack •vf a second. Councilman vanxomen moved .we accept the Goats and Objectives for the Golf Course. Seconded by Jo»ns,,n. Johnson. Lee and va"women voted oYs, Motion carr /eu. ' Councilman vanxv°enmo"eu the. Passes be Limited to the Green's weeper, Mr. ' Drips and his 3 ass/s+ants anu they be single passes. onlr, Seconded by Lee, vanxvmen and Leesvvteu AYE. Johnson voted NO. Motion carried. anxvmen moved the golf course committee meet again with Mr -- " Nickels and• John Drips to determine what equipment the definitely have and set their goals for the .main capital outlay prvsraw^ Seconded uvLee. Lee, Johnson, and vanxvmen voted AYE. Motion carried. Councilman •�ee moved to yo info Executive Session pursuant to Idaho cOue Sec 67-2345 CO relating to disciplinary of a city emnmvee, Seconded by vanKvmen^ The following roil. call vote was rwcvrueut v=vxvmen Yes JOhnsvn Yes | Lee Yes • mvtmo carried.- Mayor ArCxer •uec�^ eu fx �p �e + /ma .uacu into open session and stateu no act/ on xau uee^.�+axeo. mavnr Archer declared the meeting adjourn. ! � � � ` • �- ___ CHECK •- VENDOR / PAYEE - -._vR ` NUMBER --� •aa ',, FAY SrszwnAua 150.00 ` 86....- 00849 � STATE INSURANCE 17.007.08 • aa��_ :, LEE 300.00 ...0111.,aa - 00851 `• . • 250.00 : • oa• _ 9oa52: .. ` CoomE• 3oo^oo 86 - 00853 • REBECCA L^ • .00FFnzsa uoo^oo • 06- 0085* MARY .xwIE LIBERTY aoo,on • -- ou - 00855 w L. LYON 250,00 aa -. 09056 • BRIAN S. mzovsLa noo^oo aa - 00057 'EDWARD F. PARKER 250^00 86 - 00858 STEVE. LEE RUSSELL 250.00 aa - 00059 MICHAEL p^ WHITNEY 150^00 86 '•••• 00860 • MICHELLE L. aAaYs 300^00 06 - 00861 MICHAEL R. T*Mazwz 250^00 oa - 00862 WILLIAM WRIGHT 200^00 aa - 00863 JEANNIE DROWN. 250~00 • | •aa - 00864 ALEXANDER c�'AwTo 250.00 , _^� aa - 00865 VALLEY COUNTY AUDITOR auo^oo 06 _ 000aa UNITED STATES POSTMASTER 163^38 • ga - 00867 .DALE POINTS 152^50 oa - 00868 IDAHO WATER & WASTEWATER vo^oo oa - •00869 IDAHO HEARTLAND. INC. 150^00 � oa - •ooarV •STATE Or IDAHO 8.16 aa - 00871 • ANTONIO ToromzcA 300,00 aa`- 00872 GORDON PHILIP H. 34.50 06 -.00873 • a*smmzs cumrza 59,50 aa - ooar* xrc»ec, Clyde 1.00 • 06 .- 00075 8aoYe, Michelle 515^98 .a6 - oo8ns Ccuio. Larry 109.38 m4'- »»ar/. Creech, xumeo 146^74 aa -.. 0878. joh»aon' �arion. 100.38 _ •• na - uwarp 'Le�, .Cliff 59,3a -• oa - »waa» nemakzoa, Robert 607.03, aa 7 ooaa1 ' Arthur 1,445.06 86 - 00882 n, Cary 109.38 aa - 00803 Iockxart,•Nancy 3*4,77 ~�~ •• 06, - «»aa* Alford, Ramon *62,16 86 - 00005 piecaon,. Alta 72*^21 86 - 00886 • Coauntu. Alex 395^60 06 - 000ar Leiju. Elias 1,307.46 | oa - ooaoa Lyon, John 1,263.46 06• - »«oap 'yurkec, ED ora.�r aa - o»apo • Russell,-Steve 535`42 ^ . I..II:(:;I••:_.•• 81 YR NUMBER AMOUNT ,. -- 401 :1. Tambani, Michael 658.45 • ... - <) :: !92 . Points, Dale 990.40 ._ •O') 93 Barton, Cathy :L::`. ..34 -. 0 - 00£394 Cantrell, Gloria 692.69 £:36 -• 00895 •Jeffries, Rebecca .•,• - r: .77 £'3'6 40 276 Liberty, Mary Jane 344.90 £36 - °C)297°C)2 i'7 Bates, Roger- • 7711.:1.4 86 - 00..31$. ,• Brown, Gloria Jeannie 272.20 I3 0.'E1 9 Chalfant, Larry ,39'7.05•86 00900 Keatiang, William 536 . 00901 Smith, Dave 324.98 06 ..- 00902 Whitney, Mike 649.66 06 .. 00903. Wright, Bill 422.56 06 00904 Cooke, Hugh 772,72 _ £36 00905 • Nodell, Kristy 407.31 636 ••• 00906 Lewinski, John 1,216.10 06 -•• 00907 Wynn, Ed 27:3.91 - £:36 .... 00900 Drips, John 722.22 • 86 •• 00909 Mickels, Brian 707.50 £36 " 00910 Murray, Ralph • 151.51 136 00911 STATE TAX COMMISSION 1,400.4:1. 06 .... 00912 • IDAHO FIRST NA'T'IONAL_ 3,875J17 £:3d, .... 009:1.3 STATE AUDITOR, .STATE OF IDAHO 5,275.64 86 .... 04914 ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO CI'T'IES 2,254.40 86 ... 009:1. '1 AMERICAN FAMILY 1..IFE ASSURANCE CO. 40.62 • c6. -- 00916 • IDAHO CENTRAL.. EMPLOYEES CREDIT UN. 730.54 I 86 -• 409:1.7 PUBLIC .EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEM 4,9:1.0.19 I• 26 .... 00920 I:BRUNDAG E OFFICE SUPPLY 162.13 3,�, .... 4092'L • L+I UNF::fia... TIRE SERVICE 67:2,27 1 e,6 .... 00922 CENTURY LABORATORIES, INC: 72.00 86 - 00923 CONSOL..:I:I.iA'11::D SUPPLY COMPANY • 479.3 3 F36 00924 C;ON'T'F:.L :1,1.06.15 86 "925 DECKER'S:i3 I N(:: 43.25 86 -° 00926 DOUBLED AY 80111'; CL..138 36.9:3 06. - 00927 r:•.._<)3'T'OP • :1.4.64 £36 00!x::-`.£3 ' FISHER SCIENTIFIC :377.24 GREAT 'WESTERN T ERN -(:;HEMICAL.. COMPANY. 4:54.40 136 00930 HIGH COUNTRY ENTERPRISES 33.0:' 3,; ..• 009,31. I:I:;M • 1.263.:3::3 86 ... 0093 IDAHO FIRST t•!(1'T':CfJT•l,lL.. BANK 1,67:1..:22 116 ... O0'1'33 6,534.50 .... 00934 INGRAm 169.24 26 .... 01)9315 MAY HARDWARE ,; i. 3 r £3%, .... 00936 • MCI CAI...I... PRINTING :1.21..45 c. .... "937 .M(:' (:;AI...I... RENTAL x. SALES 3:3.00 £:;,.; .... 00930 MC CAl...l... DRUG 5.51 £36 .._ 04939 NORCO 30.05 06 -- 40940 PAYE:'T....i: LAKES LUMBER 64.92 116. -. 00941 ROBERT REMAd•Q...US 97£:3.00 06 00942 RON'S Sl"IEL.I... SERVICE 340.1'? 26 .... "943 W.O.J. ;i31ii:E'T':I:N 323.00 136 " 00944 • SHAVER'S 34.09 £:6 ... 00945 SHIRT'AND SOUND WORKS 1.47.30 06 -• 00'?46 SMITH AND KANGAS 4,960.90 06 - 00947 SNOWBIRD LAUNDRY 1.08.95 116 . P0948 STAN'S -AUTO PARTS 681.80 £:36 - 00949 ' S'T'AR NEWS 53.28 •'`£i3 136 .... 009:::16 VALLEY COUNTY 4:1..40 26 -. 4095:1 WALLACE SHOP 6::1.6£13 ' C6 - 00932 MIu:IC, THE 1:39.54 06 -.. 0095:3 DON AL_DR I(31-1 45.25 96 I1VIl;, SMITH. 75.75 1 "'" - ("955 5 IiEMP''£i)I:i:c I ii:1II:,:I:N S 34.25 r)r)•:r ,<; MAURY AINGER 81.50 -- 06 •• <)0.;,,: TIM f:::Vf:Fil-IAdR T' 87.04 86 - 00958 SKIP TAYLOR 44.50 ' MARTIN F':I:'T'i 1,1:I A1...D 60.:25 06. - 00960 TOM FRENCH I:::N(.`.I"I .51 i3<' OO'i'c:•:L i1:I:KE CURRY 23...5 £36 •••• 00962 64.00 £36 -- 00963 DAN COCHRAN £:36 -- 00964 I:IC)l.1Gi W(:)C)I:IS 81.50 06 0096'.:, I1)0K SHOP ,iif:, - 00966 C & S CON'T'RAC'T'ING £135£13.97•£136 00967 CAL (:')AS 257.19 1 n --CHECK-- -. - VENDOR / PAYEE .-- - YP NUMBEr.; AMOUNT n6 - 06Wff GEM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 67.80 • 86 - 00969 STATE UF IDAHO 2.11 86 - c09 V0 IDAHO STATESMAN 14.00 86 -- 00971 REDDOOK P1.97 .86 - 00972 UNITED STATES POSTMASTER 210.10 1 -- 00973 WESTERN EQUIPMENT 2,641.17 n6 - 00974 TAYLOR'S TROPHY 40.20 06 - .00975 MC CALE TIRE AND AUTO REPAIR 13.95 n6 - 00976 DEAN'S TIRE SERVICE 137.18 86 - 00977 TESCO WILLIAMSEN . 330.00 86 - 00979 CRAZY DOD'S CUT RATE 657.07 86 -- 00979 HUGH COOKE 23.90 06 - 00980 MC CALL SENIOR CITIZENS 6.75 1(6 - 00981. JO •N LEWINSKI 254.93 06 - 00982 . PHILLIPS PETROLEUM COMPANY • 12.95 06 -. 60983 TREASURE VALLEY BANK 190.07 86 - 00984 • IDAHO DEPARTMENT 01: EMPLOYMENT 2,750.70 06 - 00935 MAIRS AUTO PARTS 12.37 86 - 00966 AMATEUR SOFTBALL ASSOC. 50.00 86 - 00967 COLUMBIA HOUSE 3.11 06 - 00988 RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT • INC. 48.35 06 - 00909 WESTRAN INC. 26:30 0$ .- 00990 • STERLING CODIFIERS INCORPORATED 32.50 36 - 00991 FARWEST• STEEL. CORPORATION 692.25 • ' El? -. 00992 . JEFF SHELDON 60.00 R6 -• 00993 SACKERMAWS TEXACO . 2,367.90 06 - 00994 • IDAHO FIRE •CHIEF'S ASSOCIATION 38,94 86 - 00995 INTERMOUNTAIN INTERNATIONAL TRUCK 236.78 a6 - 00996 JEANNIE•DROWN. . 34.77 86 - 00997 . MARK DARLING 70.50 VV - 00990' STEVE DYE 60.25 • . 06 - .00999 • J.U.D.' ENGINEERS,INC. 5,000.00 86 •- 01000- IDHAO.'IRRIGATION PUMpERS ASSOC. .30.00 86 - 01001 . SALSKOV TRANSFER 3.40 0.6 - 01002 RICK, HAYNES, ' 39.00 • ' 06 - 01003 ROSS •LANE : • '634.00 .......... 06 -. 01004• . • ONISOURCE CORPORATION 661.20 G' - 01005. G.K. •HALL ANTI COMPANY 40.09 06 - 01006 KURT DWELLO 55.00 86 -- 01007 KIRKUS 55.00 a6 - olooc MOUNTAIN STATES PAINT 153.50 06 - 01009 NEW AMERICAN LIBRARY 19.13 06 - 01010 NORTHWEST ROOFING COMPANY 35.00 I'm - 01011 • PEOPLE • 56.50 06 - 01012 PSIA 40.00 86 - 01013 , ROGER L. PEARSON 44•99 06 - 01014 SATURDAY EVENING POST 12.97 136 - 01015 SIGNE CALLENDER 16.95 136 - 91216 VOGUE. 46.00 86 - 01017 ' WALLACE & TIERNAN ' 12.00 86 - 01010 ! WIZARD MARKETING 54.95 e6 - 01019 - WORLD .BOOK YEAR BOOK 20.95 86 - 01020 AUTOMATED BUSINESS SYSTEMS> INC. 299.00 earof --/fi,. Lk Clyde L. Archer, Jr., eyor I02. ' - ." 11111000%•,/ Arthur J. :chmidt, City Clerk .......... i. ��_ ������� ��� ___ �_ 83' May 5. 1pa6 ~~' The McCall. c/ ly cvuncil elu a, wo,x session al 7:00 P.M. May 5, 1paa, Mayor Archer Presiding. covnc/ [memuers present were cliff Lee Gary van*vmen, marion Johnson and Robert mcca",'. oitv Administrator, Dud sc^m/ut presen~eu r txeau�/ n/s�ra� /ve report. he report addressed /he following' issues: 1 , Setting a ~our of City facilities for weunesua', June 11, 19a6 at 12 noon, City *at /. c. The• extension of hours that liquor could be sold in the City � Of McCall.. 3. The status on the Block Grant- out of 3,650 feet of sewer Line that was .televis/vneu 3000 feet will be salvageable and not totally replaced. 4. The need' for .a Golf coUrse Committee Mission Statement. a. Request for an Executive Session to discuss the purchase or lease of real property. a. The City's ownership of a mobile hospital. 7. The city has received a permit for the buoys at Rotary Park. O. The prvoreysive Club will be cleaning up Community Park. Mr. William Kirk was not presen+ to answer questions concerning the City's / nsvrance.• At 7;33 p^m. , ���� mccau City Council convened the regular City | . Council meet /nn of **' Si: 1906^ Mayor Archer pres/ai "g^ cvu9c/ tmemuers present werema,/on Johnson, oary van xvmen^ Clifford Lee and 'Robert mcCar~v-� wore,present ~�r City Administrator/Clerk, 'Bud Schmidt, city Attorne', nvuert nemaolus anu 'c/tv Treasurer, Michelle aasYe, .• APPROVAL or MINUTES • There ^e/ ng n" .auuil/vn~• or corrections neeueu,• Mayor Arc^er declared the minutes of• the Regular City pounc/ l Meeting of April 21, 1906 and the recessed—Portion on Apr|l 20, • 1906 and the work session minutes of —~ April 21^ 1986, approved as s"um/ t+eu^ BILLS Amo po,nou- FOR. APRIL �poa -- Co � vunc man v a?nv~*n questioned the police overtime and the payment uv voucher for a reserve off/cer. The Administrator was going to look into it and report bac**. Councilman Lee recommended a documented investigate on what :took place with the atucker^s request for a Special use. Councilman Lee moved to approve the bills and payroll as presented. Seconded by McCarty. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and oanxomen voted AYE. Motion Carried. OLD ouazwcas USES OPERATING AGREEMENT —. Mayor Archer directed thec/tv Attorney to work with Mr. Williams of the Forest Service on the clarification Of item CO of the Operating Asreemenl, The city does no~ wish to suffer any financial respvns/uAl/ tv. PIONEER AVIATION FIXED �aso OPERATOR LEASE ! n The c/ t' •�+mr"er made some m. "or changes on the Pioneer tea'se. Council— °~n �e* *soeu the phrase ^s"u]eCt to the permit process" be •inserted aprr"r, /°,etr, ' councitman Lee °o'eu the tease agreement be approved and t�e mayor be authorized m non as amenueu, Seconded u" vanxomen. Lee, �mh,son` McCarty amid Van/ omen voted �/s * � / - e , Motion carried. | uspecnML:i4T or LAocw AND a*Fsr • ns• powas PLAN nut Schmidt ,rp^rteo on a p,vp^ eu pLa^ for resvtv/ "g the prvu /ems that ~c'. appvrent• in 'the Labor amid •Safety report. Councilman Lee felt the city has a xaz*ruous Situation at the Lake Street water Station _~ and felt there needs m be an administrative action m minimize the situation, City Administrator, Rod Schmidt, felt a response to this would be to restr/Ct one eovmvee from enter/ °a the site alone. nssoaz�Lsapzc LEASE counci �man oanxvmen moved the council accept the Lease as drawn and the ma/or he authorized lo sign / t^ Seconded by Lee. Johnson, Lee, / McCarty an0 oanxvmen voted AYc. Motion carried. - � -_ � , � -__ _ . . 84 IDAHO COMMUNITY m-ocK GRANT cnunC . /*an Lee moved •tv confirm and ratify the agreement and authorize the ma/or to sign on the City's behalf. Seconded by Johnson. Johnson Lee~ wccart'` anu o*m<vwen voted AYE. notion carr/eu, ~=~ Councilwoman Johnson move, that we enter into an agreement with Ida — Ore ore pl*nn/ng and oevelvpment Association after our attorney xas looked » 1:6 ver ��e ur�r� and ��e Mayor be authorized � affix his s/snature thereto. Seconded u, Lee. Lee, Joxnsvn^� oanuvpen and McCarty voted AYE. Motion c^rr /eu, PUBLIC HEARING TO OPEN oucmcT • A Public Hearing w} Ll. be set to reopen the budget for the ICDDG Funus. The hearing wilt u= the first meeting in June, 1986. POLICE ITEMS The following police items were discussed: 1. The stripes on the police uniforms will be removed no that the uniforms can be washed and not dry cleaned. 2. The. s+ripes will be removed from 2 police vehicles and will remain on one car only. RESOLUTION SETTING wow TAX ELECTION The City Attorney read the following resolution til—aa: • (e"tered on Page 94) / Councilman wa"xomen moved lo auv*t Resolution 0+-86. • Seconded by Johnson. vanK"men~ Johnson. Lee and McCarty voted AYE. motiov carried. C*ANos.onosRLAmE STREET pump STATION • • change'oraer nn pr se teu,:F on-on- the water station project'. The change Order was with priest slectric for an exchange of materials for work to be done. • ~°~ Councilman Lee moved the Mayor be authorized to sign this o,anse.oruer if we can establish that the values are equitable. Seconded by Johnson. ^ ^ Lee. �oxnson oanwvmen and McCarty voted AYE. Motion carried. mrs^ s*irle/.potter asked for confirmation to view the time cards. The matter will. ue• turned over to the Attorney for his opinion. Councilman vanKomen asked to see the Turf Tractor usase^ NEW BUSINESS • PIONEER AVIATION—NEGOTIATING VACATING LEASE Kirk aratin~ owner of pioneer Aviation, spoke on his behalf of vacating his lease with the c/+v^ He would like to be relocated or be paid for his lease, apzcoLcwAw FENCE AT ROTARY PARK The issue was postponed to the next Agenda. / SEWER DISTRICT ISSUES Mr. acxm/ut reported on the sewer Lagoon /ac . L / ~v negotiations; use of City sewer Lines; and equipment s x ar/ ma^ It was council's feeling in continue with neso+ iat /mns with the sewer Lines on o/em,arut Lane ha'/ ^p the h .�vxest priv,.t,. GzLocmr srcwApT_esousaT FOR WATER *r^ 'o.tewa,t requeS,eu. w,,er be supplied to his property located 2 xotxs of a mile u"wo Warren Wagon Road. Mayor Archer directed mr, Schmidt to contact :the Planning and Zoning to recommend the zoning on the area mentioned. Councilman Lee requested the staff begin the process for annexing the area on Warren Wagon Road. TURN OUTS—FIRE DEPARTMENT Councilwoman Johnson moved the staff be directed to search the budget to allow for considering this cost of safety equipment for the firemen and purchasing it^ Seconded by Lee. Johnson, Lee, vanuvmen and McCarty voted A,E, Motion carried. ^ ^ mayor Archer declared' .a recess at 10:05P,*. . °��� mavvr Archer called the mee, / ns back to order at 1o;20p.m. ' ARSON TASK FORCE . ' Citr Attorney newaxlus read the Proposed. Memorandum of Understanding for the� Ar°v"' Task Force.. . . � - ` . � counc / lwomanJ�h"svn moveu that we adopt the proposed memoranuwn of Understanding for the Valley covntv Arson and Fire investigation unit as proposed *"u author/ze the mayor• to affix his sisn*t"re there+o^ Seconded uvLee, Lee, Johnson, vannomex and McCarty voted AYE* Motion carried* � . • COMMITTEE MINUTES I oo}f cvvrse Committee minutes of May z, 1986 were not available for ' _ the meeting. . Mayor Archer acknowledged the receipt of the Transportation Committee Minutes of April 30, 1.986 and requested them to be filed *pnrvpr|a+elv. • � � zmpact plann/ng.anu zoning Minutes, 4/29/86 ' ii + for a Special .Use perMit for Bed and Breakfast An establishment' in-a. reSidential. area was requested by. Pamela •and ,. o*v/ua�w��er.Y:Cyu"ciAm*n wannvMen Moved .to sranf the issuance of the Spec/al use Perm/+ *nu adopt. t:e findings and facts .and to"clus/vns of law. of �he zMpact plann�/ *q and z"n/vy •c^mw/ss/vn as the rinuinns. *nu Facts °,mcv" cluSionS.vf LaW of• the' city council with the excen+i»n of the change...of nerShip'w/ / l. .av*v*am{callr•cavcel the specia�. ^se.. Seconded. bY Mccartr.,�MCoartv'.vamk"men, Lee and JvhnSvn uvv+� AYE. • mv+rxn- carrieu^ • vr ,ieferente, Mr.,. Al fvru will not uo any f� vr+her inS,ect/ vns on 't:iy prjec+. • -. .. ' • PARK AND ' Hugh Cooke,. recreation 6irector~ presenfeu the City CoUncil with the • ° Park a"u me,re°+mn plans. LsTTsn .oF, pszowATzow �_- . Mayor Archer read the resignation Letter of Police .Chief John Lyon. �- The Mayor stated 'he regretted the chief sees f/+ to leave at this time. • Councilman Lee moved to accepJ 'this resignation. Seconded uvvamxvmen. Lee, oanxomen,' ncc*rtvanu Johnson voted AYs^ mvtion carried. • Mayor Archer appvin+eu Ed Parker as Acting Polite Chief for a per/vu not to exceed 120 days. councilman Lee moved to confirm the appoint- ment of rd Parker as Acting police Chief for a per/vu of time and ask the staff to put together a recommendation on minimum qualifications and give us anvpnvr+uni�v to explore whatever. alternatives there are and decide whether we want to advertise or if there are some other alternatives. ' Seconded uY vanuomen^ vanKvmen^ Lee, Johnson and McCarty voted. AYE. Motion carried. •counc/ Lm*n Lee pronoseu. scheuuL/ns of four off/cers as compared to five officers. INSURANCE nspnszxwrorzvs . .Mayor Archer anpv / nteu cvunc /Aman oanK^men as a spec/al representative to work with the City Administrator with insurance ueliuera+ione^ • EXECUTIVE osaa�Ow . cvvnC . twoma^ -mxnsvn wnveu m g^ into Executive Session pursuant +o aect / ona7-u3wo�c) of Idaho Coue^ a+ 1u:zo A.M. aeconueu by oanKvmev. rhe fvlloW/ ns• nv[4 CaL} vote was recvrueu; •Lee • ` yss ` , . -- oanmomev• YES' McCarty. YES• ' : Johnson YES . ' Motion carried. ' �_ mayor Archer declared the.weet / ns back Ti/ Open Session at 12:50 A.M. z He stated ,ms Council discussed various items involving the acquisition of real estate, ! counc / lman •oannomen moved 'Co proceed with the Land purchase of the 15 s acres at the State.. Land aoaru. • Seconded by McCarty. vanwvmen, Lee, 'McCarty and Johnson voted wxs, Motion carried. • At 12;55 p.m, , Mayor Archer eu txe meeting' recessed unt/ i 7;30, • m^nuav, wavzu, 1906, • =- _ --- = � _' ^ ` - mayor , crer c I Led the cc > i meeting l i na c1 iay. LY2c 3 i . l o 86 0 c:+r <at 7.30.F'.M. , May 1.2.1` £0 6. c:Dune:i Latc!all:rc•m-s pre:rsr>cant C I i.ff ord Lee. Robert McCarty,. and Marion Johnson. Also present were City Admini=siretar/C le:!rk, Bud Schmidt and City Tre:•!a<.r>tn•er•, Michelle T3aa>ye•!. INSURANCE Wo1 Ksl:EisION Wi ti. iiam•Kirk of KIrI InSur'ance: Company presented th•re! c:ounc: i L with an .., overview Of the city's insurance limits and coverage. He noted the difference as compared to our .prior year. He estimates are current Premium to be ahproxImately $74,2000.00. Councilwoman ,Johnson moved.. we accept the =$,74,200.00 coverage which the Kirk insurance Company has offered the City with the expanded coverage over Last years consideration, I feel the service in the past has certainly been good service. Seconded by Lee. Lee, Johnson and McCarty voted AYE. Motion carried. IDAHO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT '- Tim Burgess, Resident Engineer for Toothman/Orton, updated the Counci L on the current status of the Block Grant. He presented the Council with a current Engineering report showing the savings they. have accrue-_+d with An televisioning the Lines. Councilman Lee moved we go ahead and authorize the 2nd 1.500 foot• section for •hydro',cldaning 'and TV inspection. Seconded'.by 'Johnson. Johnson, Lee and Mc Carty'.voted' AYE. Motion carried. • • Co unc..i I.maan Lee moved to appr•ovr^ addendum *1 And authorize the Mayor to sign •i'I. S condesd by McCarty.. McCarty, John son, and I€.ct votc!d AYE. Mti•t i o n c is i i ed,., . • Mayor, Archer directed.,Mr. Schmidt to draft a : Let ter to the State P Lumb i ng Board to r e.lue rt a.;r eduction in the plumbing permit fee. ' ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW OT Fxci':r. • Councilman Lee 'moved to appoint the Mayor to be the Environmenta L Assessment Off icer. Seconded by Johnson. ..Johnson, Lee, and McCarty voted AYE. Motion carried. SET PUBLIC HEARINGS Councilwoman Johnson moved that we set the hearing for reopening of the fiscal. year 85/86 budget for June 2, 1906 at 0i00F':M. foi- the opening of the budget. Seconded by Lee. Lee, Johnson and McCarty voted AYE. , Motion carried. Councilman Lee, moved we set ..June•! 2, 1986 at El 15 P.M. as the time for the revissi on of the Airport Master PLan for pub Lic.. comment. Seconded by Johnson. ;Johnson, Lee and McCarty voted AYE. Motion carried. • I POLICE ISSUES . ' • A d.icc:useio.n took place on of five man police forces versus a 'four man force. Bonnie Alien,. aaa, local business owner voiced her opinion on the cities dog pr'ob 1em and. the need for enforcement. Councilwoman Johnson tnovecl that we authorize Acting F'a.1 i c.:e Chief, Ed Parker to' Lti;re a '5th man dn' thei Department and to include him on 'thn;! scheduling and '•that ma:' have advertisementt go for a Police Chief with the definition of expectations to be defined between lt°. 'I"aar•I•ce!r' and Bud • i n the advert i mi rig, Seconded by l,,coe. Lee, ;.Johnson and McCarty voted AYE. Motion carried. The intention of the council inc 'the hiring of the "fi'fth man .is intenc:te to be for .ail.' tempos" ar•Y per i.od of time. Co unc i Lrnan Lee moved .to ask the Sheriff to submit a new proposal based on the GaaLs .and Cltajc:e:tives in consultation and signed:off by the County Commissioners. oeconcted by McCarty. McCarty, Lee and ..Johnson voted AYE. Motion carried. Mayor Archer directed the City Administrator to proceed with the advertisement for the F'o L i ce Chief position. The Mayor a Leo directed • the:! Administrator to Look at making a salary adjustment proposal and bring. it back for Counc:i L approval. Mayor Archer declared a RECESS at 10.1.0P.M. Mayor Archer ca L led the meeting back to order at 1.0:20F'.M. LICENSE r•1(iifil:i:E:MFN'T' 87 n , l'i<C< n e <:g < ement: was P1•C;°s flte?d '•t•o allow the city to use Drown Tie and Lumber P ro Pe t•Y for public parking.: Councilman Lee moved 'to agr•cea i n,ut:1!..;ta TH_<' to the Li n:if.? W 1•th.'X3Y•own Tie. and Lumber Company •t•o.. Prepare a parking area ad jaccnt.•.to the Cutty Sark, ..after the instrument 1'1as been reviewed by the City Attorney. Seconded by McCarty. Lee, McC<•arty.. and Johnson voted AYE:. Mot i an r"arr•ied. COMMITTEE MINUTES Mayor Archer acknowledged the receipt of the Go if Course Committee minutes of May 1, 1986 and directed they be filed appropriately. The Transportation Committee minutes of May 7, 1986 were not available • for di=scusssion., .,Mr, •Schmidt reported on the committees need for money for maps and copies, etc. Councilwoman Johnson moved that we authorize the Transportation Committee, with Mr. Schmidt's decision involved, • to be allowed minimal. budgeting considerations to meet their needs. Seconded by McCarty. Johnson, McCarty and Lee voted AYE. . Motion • carried. • The Airport Commltte.ai minutes of May 7, 1986 were presented. Councilman Lee•? moved to,,purch.se the portable unicorn for use by tho=se city Crews g working .id.la.ce'nt'• to the runw'ays'. Seconded by .Johnson. :John on, I-.ec and Mc Car tY votE±d AYE. t'Eot i on Li r icrJ. • ADMINISTRATION REPORT • Mr., Schnlid•t rep'<11".t•ed on '•(he moving of the bui Idiny al the airport for the r'ioneer Aviation. le.a.,e^. ' Mr. Si hmidt l e:lpol Iced` on the f iguress. the .sta•ff had .calculated for the fe=es due -an''the"F'arc•st':Service Smdkeiumper Base. T'he total was : $46:34..;3:; and with op.t.io'ns $4916.75•. Counc.,i.Lrnan Lee moved. t•o approve the calculations as presented for hookups for the Forest Service housing units on Forest Street. Seconded by Johnson. .Johnson, Lee and McCarty voted AYE, .Mot•ion :carried. STUCKER X:<EEI AND BREAKFAST • Bud Schmidt reported that the Special Use permit given to the S.tucker's had not been :cliven a specific: date to comply. Councilman L.ee moved to set 'July 3:, 1986 as being at date for compliance under the Special Use Peimi•t for the Stucker Property. Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, Lee and Mi:Carty voted AYE. Motion carried. The Mayor stated he wi l 1. attend. the AIC Convention. Councilwoman Johnson moved' the Mayan be appointed the voting delegate to represent the City of MICA L L at the AIC Convent i on in Boise, Idaho this year Seconded by Lee. Lee., Johnson and Mc:Carty voted AYE. Motion carried. Co unc:i Lwornan. Johnsson 'moved 'At'torney Remak Lus be appointed the alternate cte.•:lcy<a•ter'fot the City of Mc.CaI.1.. ;:ic)lcclnded by McCarty. McCarty, Lee and Johnson voted.AYE.,..' Motion- Carried. SEWER rl:li,Tk]C1' NE::C•dflJ:AT:EONS Mr ., Schmidt repo1•••I•ed he had teen negotiating with the District. rhe'Y a1 c work-ing on an' iI wh ic:l•1 the staff will be recommending a downward adjustment 01 the :.>c.•1w.pr• Distriet's share of the operating and maintenance Cost's of ''t I'lc SeWer Lagoon. (11.a6a, to WO1-Ic on the City hives an ownership ssha,re in 'the Taienllar•dt Lane. Xsuf:I Schmidt report Shirley Potter feels it is unnecessary to Sign a disclaimer—before reviewing' (hc 'time.•. .cards. The Fire Department will host a demonstration on residential sprinkler systems. on May 26, ' 1906. Councilman Lee reported on a Letter from Ran Delp concerning a commercial operation at the' airport. . Mr. Delp proposes a charter service from California to McCall. ' Mr. Lee reported the FE<C)'s felt it was in competition. • • Councilman Lee moved ADJOURN at 11:17P.M. Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, Lee and McCarty voted AYE. Motion carried. • 88 - VENDOR / PAYEE - . . . YR" 'NUMBER • AMOUNT -84 :- 00918 !OALLEY .COUN'T'Y AUDITOR . 1,073.50 h6 ooenip . 11NITED 'STATES POSTMASTER 165.34 • 86 - 01021 :ELIAS LEIJA 37.00 86. -01022 [ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO CITIES 45.00 , . 86. - 01023 JEFFRIE 0 S' CONTRACTING . 75.00 . . .• 06 - 01024 tRAMONLEE ALFORD 300.00 • 86 - 01025 ' ROGER BATES . 250.00 86. - 01026 • HUGH H. COOKE 300.00 . 06 -. 01027 REBECCA L. JEFFRIES 200.00 . 86 - 01020 MARY JANE LIBERTY 200.00 • 86 - 01029 JOHN L.. LYON 250.00 06 - 01030 ' • BRIAN S. NICKELS 300.00 06. - 01031 EDWARD F. PARKER 250.00 86 - 01032 ' STEVE LEE RUSSELL 250.00 06. - 01.033 . MICHAEL P. WHITNEY 150.00 86- -' 01034 MICHELLE L. BASYE 300.00 - . , • • .86 -• 91035 - MICHAEL R. TAMI3INI 250.00 • 0i0.36. WILLIAM WRIGHT 200.00 .• 06....:. 01037. JEANNIE BROWN. 250.00 ' • 86:- 01038". ALEXANDER CLAUNTS . - • • 250.00 06: 01039 :UNITED.STATES POSTMASTER .. . . 50.10 ' •. . 06'.7. 01040'. 'ARTHUR •J... .-SCHMIDT - . • . .. 45,01 06 - 01.041' •Archery Clyde , • 1.00 136 ..- 01042: Basye, Michelle •. • • - 515.90 • 01043 .•Gree6.11,.James•. • 145411 . . 86 '.--, 01044 ' . Johnson, Marion . • . 100.30 . • ' 86.H 01045' -Lee, Cliff :• 59.38 • ' • • 86.- 01046. • Remaklus, .Robert• . - . . •687.83 ..-06 .01047 -. 'Schmidt, .Arthur • - 1,491.07 .• .. 136• 7 01.040:. •VanKomen, Gary • • 109.38 86 j-, 01049. :Lockhart, Nancy. . . . 383.19 . 86 - 01050 Alford., Ramon . 440.61 • 86 - •.01051. Pierson, Alta 734.21 . . 06 - 01052 ' Claunts, Alex 672.34 86 -' 01053 Lyon, John 1,263.46 • 01054 Parker, Ed • 876.57 ......„ 06 - •01055 ' - Russell, Steve 811.13 86 7 01.056 Tambain, Mike 658.45 86 01057 Points, Dale '990.40 --. • 86 •- 01058 Barton, Cathy 100.20 ••.86. 7' 01059 Cantrell, Gloria 804.31. . • 06 7' 0.1060 . Jeffries, Rebecca 356.03 86 - 01061 Liberty, Mary Jane 441.11 86 ..-., 01.062 ' Bates, Roger 774.14 • . . 86 - 01063 Brown, Jeannie 349.85 86 - 01064 Chalfant, Larry 1,397.85 • 86. -. 01065. Keating, Bill • 697.50 06 .:7 01066. '. .Smith. Dave 1,324..98 -.- • . __..... __. .86 - 01067. 1. Whitney, Mike. . 619.31 136 77 .01068 ! Wright,. Bill • 576.24 • 86 - 01069 CoOke,. Hugh • . 772.72 •• 86. 01070 .! Nodell„-)Cristy • . - . 06.01 • . '. 86. .7.01071 i Barnett, Raymond • 204.27 136 - 01072 • Lewinski, John - • 1,216.10 . . , .06 •- 01073:. i Davidson . •. • . • 122.56 •06 - 01.074 . ' Drips., John • ' • . • • .722.22 • . •. 06 y.... •010'?5' •Mickels., Brian • 707.50 ' •• . .06 - 01076 : .Murra ,. Ralph 771.52 . . 86 -'• 01077 ' PeinkRT:-Jeff . _•••• ' . 106.55 . - 06 :- 01078" 1 . 5TATE TAX. COMMISSION . • • . ' 1,411.16 • 86 !-- 01:079 1- IDAHO 'FIRST NATIONAL. . 3,886.57 136 -- 01080 I - STATE AUDITOR, STATE OF IDAHO . • . 5,305.30 06 - 01081.- LASSOCIATION. OF IDAHO CITIES • 2,191.21 136. - .01082 ' AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE ASSURANCE CO. • . 40.62. -- 86 - .01003 IDAHO CENTRAL.. EMPLOYEES CREDIT UN, 769.09 • 01.084 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEM 4,946.74. .86 - 61035 •ADA COUNTY MARSHAL 10.00 136 - .01089. ART MART. 2.75 .06 -' 01090 BRUNDAGE OFFICE SUPPLY 69.50 4011., .• 136 -. 01091 DRUNEEL TIRE SERVICE 33.15 86 - 01092 • CENTURY LABORATORIES, INC 36.00 86 - 01093 • CHEVRON, USA 15.42 86 - 01094 CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY COMPANY . 204.92 06. - 01095 , CONTEL 1,060.41 • . . 89 --CHEEKH- : - VENDOR /....PAYEE • AMOUNT 86 • 01096• DOUBLEDAY BOOK CLUB 25.87 . . _ 06 -. 01097 :DOUBLEDAY AND COMPANY 105.83 • 86. - 01.090 F-STOP 86 • 0109 • GREAT WESTERN CHEMICAL COMPANY • • iao.00.. • . 86. -.:oi*oo :HIGH••COUNTRY ENTERPRISES • 41..8.9•••..•• 86 - .01191 . IBM • . . . '. 123.00 86 -• 01102 IDAHO •FIRST NATIONAL BANK . 4,671.22 - • 86. 7 01103 ..IDAHO. POWER• ' ' . . • 6,492.32 ' • 86• ...- 01104 • NGRAM. • . • ..• • • 180.97 • • . 86. 7 01105' NORCO ' . ' . ... • 30.23., o..- 01106 PAYETTE LAKES LUMBER . • 81.;87 • 06. - '01.107: ROBERT. REMAKLUS. . 1..363..00 136-,... 01108... W.O.J:• SEFTIN • 323.-00 06 - 01109 SHAVER'S • . • • 11-08' 06• ,-. 01110 ALASKA • • : 21.00 86 - .01111. SMITH. AND •KANOAS 11,650..00 _ 06 7 01112 • STEVE REAGAN CO. : 1,100.00 86 - 01113 ' STAR NEWS 29.25 86 - 01114 VALLEYCOUNTY• ' 137.80 06 - 01115• WALLACE SHOP 53.54 86 - 01116 MERC, THE 20.20 06z....91117 DON ALDRICH 48.25 06 _ 0111s DAVE SMITH 71.50 06 _ 01119 , DEMPSEY EDDINS 12.50 CV - 01120 MAURY AINGER 69.00 06 _ 01121 TIM EVERHART 29.50 86•-. 01122 SKIP TAYLOR 17.50 86 .... 01123 ..MARTIN. FITZGERALD • 7.50 . • 1 6 - .01124 TOM .FRENCH . • 30.75 86 _ 01125 :MIKE 'CURRY 3.75 06 01126 . .BILL BOTSFORD 19.59 01127 HARRY STATHIS .7.50 86. .....• 01128HTOM•CHAL001 A. •• • 50+25 . 86. ..... 0 i:(2'9 DAN COCHRAN - -. ' . - , 45.25 - • - . • 86• .... ollio.• : pOUO 'WOODS . .. , ' 34.50 • 86 .... 0113i :•RAMON• L. Al FORD• • • . 75.30 • 01132. . p &. S. t(*TRACTIfq0 • •• 1,259.98 ..„.....„ • 06-:-.01133....CAL. (34`5. • ' ' • • - 170,20 06, .... 01134 . CIRCLE •R 'MARKET. .• - • . .. .• 3.50• • ' __ 06 -• 01135 • DAN'S oABBLEKY • • 5.30. .• • ; 06 " "1136 STATE OF IDAHO , • - • 25.00 . • 1 • 86 .... o31 i7 . IDAI.40. StATESMAI4 • ' 75.40 . . ■ 06 .... 031 'U •• MESSURI, BATES .64 GIBBONS 2,027.00 • 06 - 01139 SCHLOFMAN TRACTOR 650.00 06 _ 01140 ,WESTERN EQUIPMENT 849.13 06 - 01141 „KERR SURVEYING 80.00 ... 86. - .01142• •HOGHCOOKE 86.52 86 - •01143 .AMCOR INC. 109.50 . . 06 - 011A4 .GOLF COURSE. SUPERINTENDENTS ASS( 145.00 - . S6 - 01145. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 15.00 • 86 - 01146 SHELL -OIL CO. 48.56 86.•-• 01147. TREASURE VALLEY BANK 490.07. 06 - .01140 . MICHAEL P. WHITNEY 5.00 • 06 - 01149 BARRONS EDUCATION SERIES 32.66 06 - 01150 .IDAHO DEPARTMENT. OF EMPLOYMENT 1,895.09 ' 86 -. 011.s1 • MAIRS AUTO PARTS 23.49 06. -• 01152 VALLEY COUNTY CLERK 429.62 • .• 86. _ 01153 ,W.S.DARLEY & .CO, 76.12 06 - 01154' IDAHO STATEFIRE SCHOOL 10.00 86 _ 011,55. .. .WILDWOOD LOG .HOMES. ' INC. 50400 • 86 - •011.56. •...WALKER SAFETY. 4. SIGNING CO. • 30.41 - 36 - 01157 SOMPUTER• ARTS, INC. 2,607..74 • , 01158 , pACkERROIS' tEXACO: • - 625.90 . . ' 06 ..... ..01:19. •• IDAHO FIRE CHIEF'S ASSOCIATION. . - •10.00. • 86 ...., 01160 . .jEANNIE .BROWN • : 50..39... 86 - 01161• LONG VALLEY 'PLUMBING • • 30.10 . . • 06 - 01162 .MARK DARLING • 33.25 96 - 01163 . •STEVE DYE . • 43.25. 86 - 01164 . j.U.D. ENGINEERS,INC. ' 675.00 - • 86 .... 01165 .. 117NCYcLOPEDIA_BRITANNICA _ . 110404 • ! _... .....- :36 7. 01166 7 TIME LIFE BOOKS 06 .- 01167- UNISOURCE CORPORATION 105.5( 06 - 01160 NEW AMERICAN LIBRARY . 26.9, i 06 -. 01169 • CITY (IF MC CALL 236.03 • I 06 - 01170 DAVID. C.•.DEN BLEYKER 153.6( 86 -• 01171 , KERMIT PETERSON 105.0( 86 - 01172 LEE DIFFENDAFFER 870.0< 90 . ^" ---cosxw--- � oEwcmR /.PAYEE - AMOUNT Yn n --- - 06 - 01173 L.N. cumTzs m SONS • 267.7; • aa - n11,7* mAzw LINE. BOOK COMPANY 1r^4c oa - »117�� ` ' mc ,om-L oomwsLLY. SCHOOL DISTRICT' 20.6C aa - 01:1;7s• . SEAMS LzxcycsTsmVAY. • ' za^»t ' 0.6. - «1r7• z 42.81„86 - 01170 SrsRsLIwo puaLzo*zws CO. , INC. , 22-36. • a6. - o1z/p RIVER VALLEY HzaT^ao 10.00• . • aa- «��ao �vsw CAREER aoowa 34. 0::aa - (mai WALT wunas 6.00 • aa - 01182 WESTERN POWER SPORTS* INC. 21.12 • � _- (/ * el-LA ~' . Clyde L. Archer, Jr', Mayor . / ^ . • At 1' , --__- __ _ , _ _ — - &cthur�J. ' hmidt, City Clerk . � ` ma, 1p, zpaa � The McCall: City Council held a work 'session at 7:00 'P.M. ' May 19, 1986 ma'or .Archer pres/uinn, counciloemoers present were Cliff Lee Gary oanuvmen, ma� ivn uvhoso" and Robert McCarty. City Administrator, Bud achmid+, Michelle a*sv~, city• Treasurer and Recreation .or |ectvr • � Hugh Cooke were .also present. In the work Session Hugh Cooke Presented the Council with the Park and =� Recreation pl"^_oraft. The counc'/ l. commended the Committee on the good job they have done. Key Sentences in the draft were, "the city's -- recreational. plan is +o promote the MCcatt area and / +^s economic , prosperity" and~. ,sh��ulu not 6e•conS/uereu self-supporting." Engineer Tim Burgess •of Toothm*n Orton Engineers reported on the status of Our Northeast Sewer p,vject. He suggested securing the main line contracts .first and then the homeowner's service Lines. He is finding it difficult s 'the in touch with all �e xvmeowners to secure in writing the needed easements' The consensus or flle Council. was to prvceeu- ' At 7:33 F .M. , the nCoall. City Council convened the regular City counc/ l meeting of May 19^1986, Mayor Archer presiding. cvunc / lmenuers present wer6 mar/ on Johnson~ Gary van Komen^ Clifford use and Robert McCarty. . Also' present were *�,c Aum/ nistratvr/clerx^ Bud Schmidt, City Attorney, Robert nemaklus noel City Treasu.e,^ Michelle Bas/e. � APPROVAL OF MINUTES • After max/ nn txe correct /ons needed* Mayor Archer declared the minutes of the Regular c/ +v counc/ l.: weet/ns of *ar 5, zpaa and the recessed Portion on May 12, zpaa, approved as submitted* CITY. FINANCE REPORT FOR APRIL 1986 -- Mayor Archer acknowledged the receipt of the Finance report and re- quested that it be filed accordingly. ~.., apzsoELMAw FENCE - ROTARY PARK Mrs. Jack apienelman requested permission of the Council to be able to plant bushes and trees between her property and Rotary Park. Her in- � tentions are to create a natural divider between her property and the ' narx, councilman use moved to appr"ve Mrs. ap /eselman's request to Plant vegetation down to the high water mark and relieve the city of � ^ ' . 91 � ; maintenance and replacement of H . materials. Seconded by vanKomen, Johnson, Lee, oanuomen and McCarty voted AYE. Motion carried.. � AIRPORT TAXIWAY" PROJECT ~_` Smith and uanyas Engineers presented the Council with two letters | on the Airport Project. One dealt with remvu / / . za, / vn costs and the , other dealt with a change in the measurement of p-uup Base course, � Councilman Lee feu both requests were inappropriate for the +olmw/ ma- ,e^s"ns: � 1. The contractor actually had expired the contract time pr /or to the time he was shut down, was actva /l/ in default under the terms of of the cont,act, Unfortunately, the Council. approved a Change or der granting an extension of time without incorporating appropriate — requirements in the contract to delete this kind of request. At the time the Change order to extend the time was made it should have stated several things. It should have stated that the con- ` tract was continued for an appropriate Length of time to c^mp|ete the project. Instead of that the Change Order was for a co~p'lete Year. z. It should have said any remoo / liza,. "n was the responsibility of / the contractor. It should have also stated that the unit costs / and the unit quantities for the uncompleted portion of the contract would remain the same as the original contract. 7 It sx"u/u also have said that any and all additional Engineering costs incurred by the city as a result of their cvntractor^s failure to complete this project on lime should have been borne | by the contractor. So the rem^u / / / za, / vn request is totally / n- l appropr /ate. and in fact z think the Engineer was remiss in not completing the Change Order to / nc/uue those other items. � � . Councilman Lee moved that both of these requests be denied. Seconded by oanxome,., Lee, Johnson, McCarty and vanuvmen voted AYs, Motion c^rr /eu^ USES BASE - DEPT. or LANDS ISSUE — mr^ Schmidt reported on the meeting at the State Land Board in which they tabled the sale of the 15 acre property. Mayor Archer directed -- Schmidt to writs a letter to the State Land Board asking that this sale � / u be placed on their r apen a of their next meeting. SEWER PRELIMINARY DESIGN PROPOSAL Kr . Schmidt reported on the cost of installing of a Line from the ! Forest Service Base tv oienharu Lane vs install / nn a gravity Line down to the Lagoon. Mayor Archer directed Schmidt to proceed toAetermine the feasibility of a feasibility study on the sewer system. _______ . _ | / o/icwomswr IL 1 ON THE COOPERATIVE Fznc AGREEMENT (Foy Airport oper- at / on and Maintenance between The City of McCall. and the Payette Na Forest Reg/ A. USDA) °�!�na / ores ^ s on ^ AMENDMENT NO. 1 . to .cvonerau,* Fire Control Agreement (For Airport Operation and Maintenance) between | . The City of McCall ` — ' and the . Payette National Forest Forest Service, Region 4 United States Department of Agriculture '~- The parties hereto have mutually agreed to amend Fart C a follows: . C. rt in M'tuall, xoreru and nnu«�utvvd = and setw,en the Said Parties that: ' ' ' 92 ' / i Added: 9. In regard to section c_8. it = hereby agr° ,1 that the City shall assist in the development of any future Environmental Ar.uivuis or Environmental Impact Statement by contributing data and other functional assistance, excluding the direct contribution of mcoc. ^—^ , ' All other provisions of the agreement referred to remain as stated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this ameuxsmvt •as of the last date written below. . / - / 4�7 / ^'/ C- ' _ (',(„A ) __ � ��:o / c�xx of *cnaz� . . ■■ ~ ////,./ .7 5./f 8-6 - __ oa:'e ,l . Regional Forester r • ' / Intermountain Region ' y Forest Service Department of Agriculture councilman Lee mvveu to approve Amendment �l. of tve Cooperative Five Control Agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign on behalf of the c /tv^ Seconded by McCarty. Johnson, Lee, McCarty voted A,s, Motion carried. POOL TABLES msUusar The Senior Citizens have requested ,hat the pool tables in the base- ment of the City Halt be donated to them. After some discussion, counc/ tman Lee moved to transfer the two pool tables to the Senior Citizen Center with. the reservation that if a Youth Center is developed, the tables can ue• transferred to the Youth center, and that the plaque ^01X14~ be transferred with the table. Seconded by McCarty. vanKomen said he would Like for the city to send a letter to La,uvs and the Rotary Club tell / "e them what is happening tv the tables, -- Johnson, Lee, McCarty and oa"xomen voted AYE. mot/on carried. nppozwr -mxos AND CLERKS FOR SPECIAL cLccrzow , The following Lis, of names was presented Julie suuins, Judge; Al /ene Pierce, Clerk; Emily Whitman, Clerk; Sharon uvlfe, Clerk; and Joyce Knowles, clerk, u^u^c / tman vannomen moved to approve me � / /s, as presented. Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, Lee, McCarty anu vanuomen voted AYE. mot / on carried. PP cAn-zw - VALLEY COUNTY SHERIFF'S "spAurMsmr / Vet ca, t / n questioned the councit on it's position in combining f/.* *ccalt Police Department and Valley County axer /ff^s Department. He iLtustrateu what he fett to be the sav / nvs in combining the 2 foyces by Looking at the city's budget. �zcc �xzcr�'c SALARY Mr . Schmidt reco°we^ueu the //re '-,. '-� 's Hata,, to be in a r"..y� of T4*50 and 1700 per moth with a ..^ ': . ^C,,: ::::, To ljf::,Vo. counL . Lman . Fee asked if this w^uLu be rerr^ac / H`c to April. r. 1p06, anu ac^*iut .aid ,es, c^unc / /man Lee moved th, the ,a /or� rv. the F.,e o^ / r be adopted at T1+50 per month and at the end of the a months pr^»^~ / ^n ~/ th satisfactory pe,mrmance sa /arx he / ncrcasrd to $1500^ This is | to he retroactive to April ,~ 19 ..>0 aeconueu by Johnson. ua^x^me" `suen if it letter hod been requested from prior empm/ers a»u was m /u -- it had not been. Mayor Archer directed Schmidt to contact the Fire Chief's former empL",er, o°nxomen requested that 'he set a cop,/ of 1 this information. Johnson. Lee and McCarty voted W,s and vanx^weo ,v/ed NO. Motion Carried. ~_ Mayor Archer uectareo a recess at 9:4 p^m. 1 Xavvr Archer called The meeting uacx to order a/ p;55 P.M. ' ` - NEW uu /itcjs 'STREET PAVING PROJECT �s�r ~� Public Works Director Larry Chalfant submitted a list of st,eets and . areas to he paved this June. co.mc . lwoman Johnson moved to allow this Paving rro]ect and authorize lxe Administrator to advertise for bids for the paving project as submitted by the Department. Seconded by Lee. Upon discussion Lee questioned the efficiency of the 1^ overlay ~— and asphalting where sub-base is unsuitable. He also felt that a street paving plan should be drawn up. Ron ov^uman, local business owner rexuesteu the paving of Railroad Avenue or adequate overlay to be done. The Council reviewed the option of a good street oiling project instead of paving. Councilwoman Johnson withdrew her motion uue to further study. use withdrew his second. • MURAL ON OLD CITY JAIL Harriet Jorgensen of the Progressive Club asked the City Council for permission to have mural painted on the old city jail at their expense. __ Lee asked that some sketches be prepared for the Parks and Recreation Committee. vanKomen moved that the Progressive Club net sketches of the proposed mural. to the Parks and Recreation Committee and if they ^ approve / t, the Progressive Club be allowed to paint a mural. on the ] old city jail and be encouraged to keep it up from year to year. ' Lee seconded. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and oanKomen voted AYE. Motion carried. Mayor Archer directed Schmidt to notify the Progressive Club or the action and what is expected of them. . COMPUTER ARTS AGREEMENT Mr. Schmidt recommended the City return the police package software and receive an extended service agreement through September so, 1906. • oannomen moved to trade the police program in for on extension on the service contract through September an, zpaa,. Lee seconded. Johnson, • •� Lee, McCarty and vanuvmen voted AYE. Motion carried. WATER sour OFF HEARINGS The Yacht Cub haS requested a hearing for their bill owing in the amount of $*rr.aa. Councilman Lee moved to set the hear/ ma for | Account t4920 for the next regular City Council meet /ma. Johnson seconded. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanuomen voted AYE. mot/on carried. The Mayor directed Schmidt to send the Yacht Club adequate notice by registered or certified mail or have the police Department ~~- serve and return of ser,ice. __ The Joe Kem I.family has also requested a hearing on their water u/ L. in the amount of $715.00., Due �o extreme medical bills they have been ^ ^ unable to pay. After some discussion, Councilwoman Johnson moved �o ^ ~ write off the Keto bill. Seconded by Lee. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and voted AYE. + / �eu va^xvmen vo . m v vn ca', . , USES HELICOPTER LEASE Mr. Schmidt reported on the z year helicopter tease, The agreement I would be between the City and the USES for a 4 month period in the amount of $476.00, This lease provides for a place for the Forest Service ,o Land and station a helicopter and is extendable if there .s an extended fire season at $12 .00 per month. Councilman Lee moved that the city agree to the Airport Tenant Lease for the Heli- copter operation pending the approval of the City Attorney and authorize the Mayor to s/yn to, ' he city. Seconded by mccartv. Johnson, Lee, mccartv and vanxome^ voted AYE. Motion carried. COMMITTEE MINUTES City pLen nina and zon/ n m■ n"te of "ay a' �v ^. �»e ma/o, � | .ec�eu � the Cit../ Attorney to write a /etter ~v *he ^,^,, of the /e^ac" service Station saying the selling of oseu cars is not permissible in that zone, The Mayor acknowledged the receipt of ~hese minutes a"u directed they be filed apprvpriatelr^ | I Airport Committee minutes - Mayor Archer appointed Jim npr^at to the Airport Committee, Councilman Lee moved to confirm the Mayor's appointment. Johnson seconded. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanxomen voted AYc. Archer directed Schmidt to notify the committee and Mr. aproat of this appointment. The Mayor acknowledged the receipt of the minutes and directed they be filed appropriately, _^ Transportation Committee Minutes of May r, 19a6. The Mayor acknow- ledged the receipt of these minutes and directed they be filed appropriately. . ' ! - ' ___ _ - ` 94 • W:I:I...L..cu"T"'T" WATER ISSUE Mr . WI I. Ic: it feels he never received a response to his •V./.:r t i•;., ... water request . The C i t y P o l i c y has been set un I.Gi s th • are annexed . The Mayor asked Schmidt to inform Wi I. Lc:ca•tt that his request is denied for this reason and unt• i I. the policy changed contingent upon completing the water ,study. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Michelle Eia:i>ye submitting her resignation has been received . Councilman Mc.:(:arty, moved to reluctantly accept XSasye'r resignation. Seconded by V::rnkomen• Johnson, Lee. McCarty and Van • 1<orneii voted AYE. Motion carried . Mayor (archer directed Schmidt to • Put together sir advertisement for the position to also send this to the business C:o I. leges in the area . I...ee asked Dasye if she could help periodically 'f'or awhile and help in the training of <a new person. rr. {.ils•ye said she ,Could . Councilman L_ee mov€:ct to adjourn. Seconded by V<anl<cicterr. Johnson, L.ee:•?, McCarty and Vani<ocnen voted AYE. Motion c:<arr ic•:rc:l . ' Meeting adjourned at 11 :15 P.M. I • Clyd- L. Archer, Jr. , Mayo Attest: Arthur J. Sc idt, Clerk • RESOLUTION #4-86 . (from Page 84) • RESOLUTION ' K • • • A RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING A SPECIAL CITY ELECTION FOR THE. CITY OF McCALL, IDAHO, STATING THE PURPOSE OF THE ELECTION, DESIGNATING THE POLLING PLACE, DESIGNATING THE REGISTRAR, DEPUTY REGISTRARS AND • PLACE OF REGISTRATION, AND ORDERING THE CITY CLERK TO GIVE NOTICE OF SUCH ELECTION. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McCALL, IDAHO, THAT: Section 1 . A special city election will be held in and for. the City 6f McCall, Idaho, on the . 24th day of June, 1986, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the City of McCall, .the following proposition QUESTION.: Shall the City Council of the City of McCall, Idaho, amend Section 4-12-3 of the Village • Code. of McCall, Idaho, to reduce from four percentum (4% ) to two percentum (2%) the non-property tax now being imposed by the City of McCall pon all sales at retail of liquor-by-the-drink including liquor, beer, wine and all other alcoholic beverages, and on all rentals of transient and temporary housing units, including hotel rooms, motel rooms, condominiums, tourist homes, and the like, for the following purposes: 95 Section. 3. That Arthur J. Schmidt, City Clerk/Administrator, is hereby designated Registrar and Deputy Registrars are desig- nated as follows, to-wit: Jean Brown, Alta Pierson and Michelle Bayse. The place of registration is the City Hall, McCall., Idaho. <._- Section 4. The Clerk, for and on behalf of the Mayor and Council, is hereby ordered to give public notice of the time . and place of holding such special city, election by posting such notice in three public places and publishing such notice in at least two issues of the Central Idaho Star News, a newspaper printed and published in the City of McCall, Idaho, the first publication of such notice to he made not less than 45 days previous to the. date of such city election and the last'•publi- cation not less than 15 days prior to the election; the notice so published shall state the place of registration and the name _ of the .Registrar .and Deputy Registrars, and the requirements . for registration Of electors for such city election and such • other information.as may be necessary to give full facts of such election and registration; said notice to contain. such 1 facts and be 'given in accordance with the requirements of Section 50-436, Idaho Code. . • Passed b1 the Council this 5th day of May, 1986. Approved by the Mayor this 5th day of May, 1986. t ,-�t t7 f , 1,6� Get E L �f� . , Mayor Attest: N City. C er• June 2, 19£36' — The Mc::Call. City Council held a work session at 7:00 P.M. June ', . 1906, with Mayor Archer- presiding. Counc::i Lrnember s present were Marion Johnson, Robert McCarty, CLiff Lee and Gary Vanlornen. City Administrator Bud Sc.:l•rrnidt Was also present. A budget discussion was held. Schmidt stated that the city should be viewed as a conglomerate of entities. Public Work<.r. should be a separate cost center. .. Depar••trnentsts should have a maintenance of Service budget. This looks at• nuaLity and level of str;.r•Vice•5 that are nOW provided with the number of peop le. This Leaves open.whit capital improvements are asked for. . ihi,ss. wi LI. require Less paperr. .work and reduces quickly I to Lists, costs and a. series of choices and is in. Line with the re- . •tu i re d curse on :.budge.te, In thr:•, budget lhers would be caption items and Gals and Zib jec:4 ivies by departments so they could tie the' two together and tent i fy them. Leroy Yokurn, the caretaker for the Cemetery, has asked permission to . cut out brush and dead trees on the property to the north of the .I cemetery. Some of the trees are falling and he would . Like to clean this up and use it for firewood. There was some discussion on whether .. .... . t h i s s Was city property and if the wood should be donated to a c.ivi<:: group. Remaklus said he would check on the property and would notify Schmidt. Since some civic organizations donate wood to the Senior Citizens and this area is hard to get into, Mr. Schmidt is to Let Mr. Yokum know that he can go ahead with this clean up as soon — as Mr. Remak Ius establishes that it is c i`ty property. . • Councilwoman Johnson also asked that the spelling on the new sign at ' the Cemetery be corrected. Schmidt was asked to follow through on this. Schmidt asked for an executive session regarding the acquiring an interest in rea I. property pursuant to IC 67-2345, subsection (C) , � - 96 At 7;30 P.M. ^ the l City counc| t convened the regular City Council o Co of �une �, z9oa, with mavvr. Archer presiding. Council members present were Marion Johnson, cliff Lee, Robert McCarty and Gary vannomen. Also Present' were City Administrator/Clerk Bud Schmidt and City A+tornev Robert nemaklus. ~=~ . | APPROVAL OF MINUTES • minutes of the May 19, 1986^ City Council meeting were approved as submitted. ' / BILLS AND PAYROLL MAY zpaa . The Mayor noted ,haf the format of the finance report was very in- __ format /"e^ oues+/vns were asked about the $90.00 for balloons for the Fire Department purchased from the Art mart, Schmidt will check on this. •-- ` The u/ tts and payroll were accepted as reported. | WATER SHUT-OFF HEARING/YACHT CLUB / This item was previously scheduled. Subsequently, the bill has been brought current and the item must be deleted from +:e agenda. zcoao STATUS REPORT. Tim Burgess. of Tov+hpan-Orton Engineering Company .was present and gave a report on the Ty .and camera work that xas been done. *s authorized. ^ at the last •weet|na^ 'thev proceeded w ith camera wvru up •to •1500 ft^ of additional L /nes+- zcpaactual feet was uone. *nd of this, . 285 feet is • �. of questionable cvvui+ ion and needs replacement, To replace all of these Lines would have cost $41°000. The amvuln~ +v replace•+he bad areas ' will be $13^400^ :s" there is a savings of $'47~500. This completes the suspect l| nes. • The yea'. prvulem• |s partly: because the • | city has no proper .equipment to clean the Lines. *efel* the city should consider purchasing this equ/pmenf to prevent the problem. Their design work is about nom cowplete on plans and oom complete on • • spec/f /cat/ vns, e omev Mayor Archer asked if Jhe savings could be applied on other areas ~~,,.. and Burgess said •this would be possible if funmwa was apprvveu, uut so far some it has not been approved. It has to meet certain stand- __ arus of income lewsLs^ The study is being 'done now to see if others / do qual /fv^ otxer elements of the project will need some of these funds. ' � Councilman Lee Moved to approve Addendum 02 and authorize the Mayor to sign for +he•city^ Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, •Lee, McCarty and vanwvmen voted ^nE^ Motion carried. Burgess said /f all goes well the plans. will be ,eauv at the end of June to go to uid'. ` ' . ' �n��zsa cowTno� omozw�wcs � � | memaxlus said he. hau ax ordinance prepared and had talked to Jeff �anpin of Central District Health and or^ cvlenu*unx on tx1S^ He was ` co"cerneu. auou+ control and would Like to hold' off vn this. ordinance for now. „ ' ' BUDGET HEARING) ----- Attorney nmax�u� �as drawn up an ordinance. on reopening the budget , �o permit receipt and expenditure of o393,000 of Idaho-Community Block Grant funds for FY o5-aa. Recipient- of Block Grant $393^000 � Local *atch 75,000 -already. budgeted from I&I fund There is a need to recx"ni �e as revenue the $393°000 and annrvpriationp , • for expenditure of the same funds in the same amvunt^ contract No zccmo-ao Comp III 35^ Grant t • . There were no comments on the budget change. Mayor Archer declared the hearing closeu, msmaxlus stated the Law is •there is special pro- vision to permit reopening of the budget to take advantage of State and ~~.„ Federal Grants that come in after the budget is approved. .• / |. ' . _ - . , 97 Attorney Remaklus read Ordinance#497. ORDINANCE NO. iE17 AN ORDINANCE RELATING_TO APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL 'YEAR•.ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1986; AMENDING ' ORDINANCE NO. 490 OF THE CITY OF McCALL,. IDAHO, TO INCREASE THE CURRENT APPROPRIATION TO INCLUDE EXPENDITURE OF IDAHO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS IN THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR, AND DESIG- , NATING SUCH EXPENDITURE AND PURPOSES THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McCALL, IDAHO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1.., •;That Ordinance No. 490 of the City of McCall, Idaho, passed and approved September 5, 1985, be, and the Same is hereby.amended to read as follows: There .i,s hereby appropriated to defray 'all.,necessary ex penses of. the City. of McCall, Idaho, for the fiscal year, com mencing• October •l,• 1985, and. ending September:30, 1986, .the sum of $3,082,477;.00, which said sum shall be•'appropriated; to the several'•funds• of said City as. follows;: GENERAL FUND • Administration (incl. $29,086Pev. Shar.) . $ 128,070:00 ' Planning. & 'Zoning 38,000.00 Police & Dog;Pound (incl. $3,404 Rev. Shar.) 161,588•.00 Fire Department 24,647.00 Park Department: 8,675.00 ' Magistrate Court ' ' 19,680.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 378,660.00 SPECIAL FUNDS Airport $ 101,726.00 Library (incl. $700.00 Rev. Shar.) 45,561.00 Street (incl. $9,360.00 Rev. Shar.) 188,778.00 Recreation 41,351.00 Sewer 290,793.00 Sewer Infiltration & Inflow Fund 184.,000.00 Water 157,7.56.00 Golf Course. 193,900.00. Tort Liability Insurance 9'1,325:00 Sewer Revenue Bond. 21,725.00 Capitol. ,Improvement Fund: Sewer 31,250.00 Water 30,000.00 Grants: ' State Division of Environment 93;.754,00 United States Forest Service 4.3.,500.00 Federal •Aviation .Aaministration 795,402.00 Idaho Community Development Block Grant for Sewer •Improvements 393,000.00 TOTAL SPECIAL FUNDS $2,703,817.00 TOTAL BUDGET $3,082,477.00 Passed and approved by the Mayor and Council of McCall, Idaho, this 2nd day of June424e 1986. ���_ ,; Mayor Attest: Ci Clerk 98 • i LieJtif11:In ,.;oh nso n (n(3Vd to suspc?Ild the read i rig of Ord i mince 41:497 three ti m ''; In relation to opening the budget for FY 85-06 for the Comm(A i ty Block Grant. Sc•co Tided by I.5ee, R o l l. Ca I L vole showed Lee, Johnson, Ya nNooicri and McCarty voLt nç AYE, The mayor dec Lore(' the vote unanimous in favor of the motion. Couniii.woman Johnson moved to adopt Ordinance 41,497 relating to opening 1 of the:, budget to inctu:de the Community Block Grant funds to be received and expended,. Seconded by Lee. Roll. call vote showed VanKomen, Lee, McCa) ly and McCarty voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. 1 DEER, WINE AND LICAJOR SALES ORDINANCE Remaklus stated that pursuant to House Dill 0705 of the last session of the Lets(,“ure amending the hours of sate. and Valley County Commision adopting the same ordinance, Ordi nance 0498 lies been prepared. • • ORDINANCE NO. Igge • AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES; STATING THE PURPOSE HEREOF, AMENDING SECTION 4-2-7, • OF TIE. VILLAGE CODE OF McCALL, IDAHO, TO PERMIT SALES • OF LIQUOR BY THE DRINK TO EXTEND THE HOURS OF SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT: ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE ' • 'CITY OF McCALL, 'IDAHO, AS FOLLOWS: . . Section 1. This ordinance is adopted pursuant to the provisions 'of Section-23-927, Idaho Code, as amended:by House Bill No.... 768 of the Legislature of the State of Idaho, SeCOnd RegularSeseiOn, 19.88.,. authorizing CountieS:toillowthe sale • : of 'liquOr by the drink on:a Sunday, Memorial. Dey. and.Thanke.:. pas7:4nOtOextend until 2:00 o'clitick-A:M.,i. the hours of:eele.ofMAIUOr .hy...the. drink, and further,- Purstentto.the proViSionsofOrdinance passed and aPprOved:by the i3oard. of Cdtnty,COmmissionereof Valley Cotryty;•Idaho.,. April 28, 1986, allowing such sales and extending such hours. SectiOn 2. : .:That Section 4-2-7 of. the Village Code McCall, ' Idaho, , be; and•the same is hereby amended, tO read as followsi' 4-2-7: SALE PROHOBITED: No liquor shall be sold, offered for sale, or given away upon any licensed premises during the 'following days and hours: • (A) . Christmas from two o'clock (2100) A.M. to ten o'clock (10:00) A.M. of the following day; (B) On any other day between two o'clock (2:00) A.M. and ten o'clock (10:00) A.M. of said day; (C) On the day of any State, primary or general election prior to the closing of the polls. Section 3. 'This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after July 1, 1986. Passed and approved this 2nd day of June, :1986. Attest . • A Ze:',A4 • ,4r 1r 111101 •' . . „. • (7'7- 40 - City. 1. . • • • Councilwoman Johnson moved to suspend the rules for reading Ordinance 41498 three time . Seconded by YonKomen. Roll call. vote - Johnson, 1 Lee, Veinl>omen and McCarty voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. • � --- — '-- -- �K� °� _- __'_ �. _ . vanwomen moved to auvpt Ordinance 4*98. Lee secvnueu• Roll call. vote showed McCarty, Johnson, Lee and vanxomen voted AYs^ Motion carried. __ PUBLIC HEARING -"REVIEW or *ccALL AIRPORT MASTER PLAN/UPDATE ^aa • An update As needed due to major changes and the Planned increased | ncreas activity of. the Forest Service omoxejumper base. Since. the Union Pacific has abandoned trackage and through a Land trade with the State / of Idaho, the Forest Service was able to obtain property to the west. | of the airport. There they want to house their facility with the approval of the C/tv~ Thus it became necessary to update the Master / Plan and in particular the Airport Layout to receive funding from the State and FAA. The update only addresses issues that this move im- pacts. __ Ralph xanyas~ Smith I. Kamaas Engineering,• Inc: , rep .r+e° •vn the change.. � and the prosress•Tha+ :as been made at the Airport according to the | three phases originally outlined. Two documents are needed to get a / complete "nuerst"ndims of the Master pl.ar. These are: 1. Airport L*,vu+. plan - this one is lo be approved by the FAA for . future funuinn^ and it includes the Forest Service Complex on the • ' West side of the` r^nwav^ other uraw|nys with minor changes; • / u. oe"etvpMent schedule and Financial Plan. The vr|ginal plan was to be ue"elvpeu, in 3 phases - phase 1 1985.^ Phase 2 1990 *nu Phase 3 / in 2000. Kangas reported vn• the status of Phase 1 anu 2 and .the plan for Phase 3. • He said tax support will. be required for a 20 year period and reported on projected /ncvme.of• the airport. . wavne ,p/cxwrell of FAA was present and complemented the City on updating the Airport w|+hvu+ .ueinn asked to. He noted this was a rare thing. ' Gene Benedict of the Forest Service was also present. He stated that the Master Plan Will meet their needs. • _� Councilman Lee asked about auto gas being used by planes, and Bill Dorris reported that it is being used. He stated' that he is collecting the fuel flowage. fee for the auto gas that he is dispensing to the -- planes. Councilman Lee also asked about keeping the• trees for their. aesthetic valwe, He was t.- ld +ha+ It renders the approach less useful and would reduce the value, of the investment, ! Schmidt asked •*men the trees and building WouLu need +o be removed do •it could be uuuse+eu. for, He was told that atuest /+ Would be 18 • | months. Right now they are a minor infraction but hen the runw�vs widen out They w/���� ue 'a major infraction. ' ' , The hearing was Closed by Mayor Archer. Councilman Lee moved to •adopt the master• plan Update and direct +xe Staff anu •snoineor to submit it to the State +or apnro,al^ Seconded. by Johnson. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanKowen voted AYs, Motion carr /eu^ The Mayor. directed the Administrator. and the Engineer to proceed as per motion. uanvas said the master plan Update would 'probably be approved by the atahs and FAA about the end of Julv. To get this final approval the • , � required number of copies will have m ue submitted to them. Bill Dorris of McCall. Air Tax. , strongly recommended the removal of __ the trees not only from the standpoint of the woa but for student pilots and night flyers. � The Forest aerv/ce will. remove the trees. Councilman Lee moved to ask the Forest Service to remove the trees as soon as possible. • Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and oanxomen voted AYE. _- Motion carried. . Councilwoman Johnson asked the status of the wcm^ Schmidt said at their tast meet/ny^ .the Airport committeexecommenueu to approve the design and yave ' approva l to proceed with the design at a cost of au^000. ' \ � •. . . -__-_- -- - -_- 100 ------- --- / The location of the wna is still in question. councilman Lee said he I feu it is time to net the wDa on the Airport and quit playing the Land acquisition yame^ It can be moved later, Painting on the new asphalt is to begin on Thursday, June 5th^ The aircraft will . need to be moved. The Change Order is prepared .and . ' -- signed. , Councilman Lee moved to authorize the. Mayor to sign Change Order 45 so we can expedite the painting of the taxiway and tie-downs. vannomen seconded. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanmomen voted AYs^ Motion carried. The contractor is back m do the seal coating. They will be moving in equipment later this weeo, If weather permits, next Tuesday seal coal- ins will begin. • They must have 4 days without rain, and the Airport _ will be closed 2 dars~ June 11 and 1.2, It is the contractor's respon- sibility to mark the airport. � . � REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS.: AUDIT SERVICES 'FOR 1985-86 . Earlier. +h/s• ye*r•a request was made to solicit auditors for the 85 - aa auuit: Schmidt• has prepared a request for. proposals and it' was reviewed by the m=muers^ va"women asked , •al 45 be omitted as this would ask for higher bids, • Vankomen moved to se"* Letter with *5 deleted to al :! selected' CPA firms with i n reasonable proximity of •mccal.L^ Lee seconded and the motion' carried with Johnson Lee. �coar+v and Va,mommn Voting ' | AYE. . ' .1 STREET ouaT OILING SPECIFICATIONS ' ° This information. was prepared by Public Works Director Larry Chalfant. Lee asked the'Press to publish an article on this telling the people if they •uon^t wish their street oiled, they should contact the ^mm/n- ' _- _ ! /straIor^s office. He feu that even though the roads might be torn' up later, it wiLL be beneficial to do the oiling. . Vankomen moved to accept this oiling and paving proposal as submitted. •| Johnson seconded. There was some discussion on grading the streets and getting the 'potholes filled. Schmidt said if these proposal is . approved, the .city will call for bids. Upon vote, Johnson, Lee,. • ^‘,.., McCarty'and oanwomen voted AYE. Motion c*rrieu, Schmidt was directed to see that this is accomplished. -- NEW BUSINESS . . GENTRY LA*cvSCOPzn • REQUEST . Andrew Laiulaw w^s present to represent Nancy Gentry. At the present time this landscaping is encroaching into the city Street. This project has been• re"/ewed• by the City p & z, Out the•puu lic Works. oepartoent feels this wi l l cause a problem with snowplowing' and snow storage: Beauty vs auui+ionat snow plow/ nn costs w*s discussed. nemaxlus said / this /s• a public. .street and the city does not .have the right to give this away. nemak lus' i s to take this u, er advisement and review from a legal' standpoint. Schmidt was directed to discuss • lire snow removal | Policy with oxalfant, This matter wilt be put on the agenda for the June 16th meeting. REQUEST FOR WATER METER - JEAN ocMmvx Jean oum°,x was present to request a meter be installed on her rental units to cowpete ~/ th other rental units. She said she would install the meter at her' own. e,nense. After much discussion,. the Council elected to study the problem and the Administrator is also to study tms and give a report to the City Council on June 16. COMMITTEE MINUTES CITY p & z May zo^ 1986 There was some discussion on the building perm/, for Bob scoles -- regarding his roof drains. The Mayor asked that receipt of the minutes be acknowledged and that they be f i |eu *nnr'opr iatel,. IMPACT p & z MINUTES May 12 and 27, 1986 ~_^ There was some discussion on u / lu/ oo permits ue/ ng issued without u the owner .applying for and receiving a permit from central District Health Department. Also noted was that there is no animal control ordinance in the Impact Zoning Code. . The Mayor ac x nvw��uyeu �»e receipt o� �xeas minutes and asked that I they be. filed appropriately. | / • , , - _--• ` - _ _ -_ __' _, ���� � .~'" / ' — -- --' | | zow bowmzTTsI MINUTES May 7, o1^ and za• | The Mayor acknowledged the receipt .of these minutes and asked that they be filed appropriately. ~—� CORRESPONDENCE , | A Letter has been received from will/am mcxlveen regarding the non- prvpert/ t*,. .This was read by the Mayor. ' � A Letter was received from Debra ataup of the McCall Donnelly School asking that the 6th grades of that school be allowed to use Mill Park ' | on June 4th for their end of the year picnic. This request was approved and Mrs. otaup was to be so notified. There was some discussion on the use of Mill Park.. The Administrator ^— was authvr/zeu fv, scoeuulefunctions ^mere• +he park would not be closed to anyone while. that activity was tax / nn place as mnn as it is non_ sectarian, nvnrpolit/cal or non-commercial. •zf someone requests the | park for an exclusive use that meets +xe above requirements, the City • . Council will haye; ~v review that request. � . A Le+ter has ueen received from the City of Caseade extending an invitation to the• citv of McCall. to par+icipat in their .Thunder Mountain | v Days Parade n JuMcCall. e v 3. The .Staff waS °sxeu 'to contact: the chamuer of Commerce to see� �if they wout be willing to put together a float. | • • AomzwzarmArom°a ms"onT; 1^ Park and necrea+ion Grants - Hugh Cook needs a copy• for the Park • and Recreation rile. . ' . ` 2. The old tin building that has been used by the Public Works Dept. • • / has joeen burned and cleaned up~ , 3. The'FAA has notified the city that underground storage tanks need to be registered with the Department of Health and Welfare. Dale 1 Points has completed this. *^ Information haS been solicited from street sign manufacturers and there i one estimate that street signs �uu�u be installed . . around town at a material cost of $aom».. Th/s 'wilL be proposed in next year's• uuunet. An alternative would ue to install some each ^-- 'ear, -- �. ���orner Reoaxlus said that a deed has been lost of a 1915 RR r /gh+-of-way. It will cost $150.00 to get a cop/ from Union Pacific. The Administrator was directed to Proceed with action to get this deed. '` a^ There has been a problem with the: Metcalf permit fo r Log storage on the Lake.. vanxomen moved to direct' txe *mwi"/strator to secure an amended Exhibit ''A^ showing :a s/ te north• of the Marina for Log • / storage anu tv uestroy the original. copy. 'aecvnueu by Johnson. Johnson, 4se, *ccartr and vanxvmen •vvteu A,s. motion carried. • • | The• Administrator was directed to send this exhibit' to the atafe and •*r, Metcalf. 7. A circus ,wilt ue • in town on June 3, 1986, The Fire. Department will water the elephants. They have been notified that a permit /s required before they can have the parade or circus. G. The Lake alreet •pu"p Station /s cv"pteteu and this allows the ` pw oepa,tme"l• to begin with hydrant flushing and some water measuremenls, To make sure that the water pressure is not drawn on too much, the golf course will be watered after 1;oo A.M. Hydrant flushing and testing will be done from 10:30 P.M. to z:oo A.M. There may be some discoloration and murkiness when this is started. please advise the city of any complaints. _ p, The Pollee Department has a 1902 Ford LTD that has been determined or mechanics to be unsafe for emergency ur /vi *a, It has in excess of 150^000 miles on / t. The Building Department and Aum. "/strat / vn has a smc that can be exchanged for the LTD. The markings will be removed and a portable radio will ue'useu ~-- for the building department and administration. mr. Alford has been conSulteu on this. oounc / lman Lee moved to authorize the exchange of vehicles between the police and Administration section. . Seconded by Johnson, Johnson, Lee, McCarty and oanxowen voted Ayr. Motion Carried. The Administrator will proceed with the transfer. ' / • 1 -_, . ,- 102 • . . . . . . . _ . . .__..... . . . EXECUTIVE SESSION: • . . Johnson moved to go into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 67• 2345 subsection (c-) for reasons of land acquisition. VanKomen seconded. Upon r•oLL .caLL vote Lee, VanKomen, Johnson and McCarty voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously and. the Counci I. would go into Executive Session. - OPEN SESSION: At 11:31 the Mayor declared the meeting openAo the pub L i c• Councilman Lee moved to contact the State and propose to purchase both the 17 acre parcel. and the RaiLroad right-of-way with a reNiersionary cLause. Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted Aye. . Motion carried. . . . . • WORK SESSION: There wiLL be'a wor.k .session at 730 P.M. •on Monday, June 9, 1936. • •--;:-, . . ' ADJOURNMENT: CounciLman Lee moved to adjourn. Seconded- by Johnson. Johnson, Lee, .. McCarty and- Vapknmen• voted Aye. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:40 P.M. , • . • ... . . .. . . 1 . • . . . . . ' I Atte • j/ Cly a L e9ef' L. Archer, Jr., Mayor . . . • ..1 )01 . •• • • , . , . Arthur J. S,/ midt, Clerk . . . . . i . 1 BILLS AND PAYROLL FOR MAY 1986 ...-,. . . ' ---------• •• . ..-- . , . - .. ----C1-EX.X..---. • .• • . . - YR NUMBEP • • - - VENDOR / PAYEE - -. . • AMOUNT . • . . . • .. ' (16 - oloa6 • ' . ' UNITED STATES POSTMASTER . ' 166.18 • •,'• 86 - 01087 VALLEY COUNTY AUDITOR • 2,481.00 • , 86 - 01088 • . : ADAMS COUNTY SHERRIFFS OFFICE 50.00 26 - .01103 ' , • • SHAVER'S . 5,836.93 -- 86 -- 01104 ' • , RAMON LEE ALFORD • 300.00 06 - 01185 • ROGER BATES • • ' 250.00 86 - .01106 .- . • HUGH H. COOKE 300.00 26 - 01107 ..- • REBECCA L. JEFFRIES , . 200.00 • 26 - 0118M •• •. MARY JANE LIBERTY • - • ' . • 200.00 ':. -. 0119 t..• BRIAN S. NICKELS' • . . • 300.00 . R6 - 01190 : : EDWARD F. PARKER . . . , . 250.00 n., - 01191 -I• • ' STEVE LEE RUSSELL• . • : . . .• • 250.00 .• i •01192 • ' .MICHAEL P. WHITNEY' . • • • 150.00 • Oil 93 - : MICHELLE L, BASyE • . , • . - 30,..).00 .. ' S6 -• 01194 . . . NICHAEL' R. [All IN • • . • 250.00 . i 06 - Ot195 .. . JEFF SHELDON -• 1,0.00 06 -.01196 WILLIAM WRIGHj '. . . . • • : . . 200.00 • 01197 . • • • MICHAEL P. sElLrrw,;• ' . • . . 2.C.'1.00 • r.'3. -• 011TO . • - JEANNTI.T. pRowr - 2;::Y:;.00 .. • ( 119 . AiEXADEP C!...A ,IfS . 4 fl,.., -- 01:2':.?0 . ' • ,ff•J'EkrY' '..COTI HEINKE . . . :•''.::') •- 01201 : • •• • F4fWMOD N. FJAIETT • • 0122. • • A t!fl!.E■••:: LYNN D,":•,L..,I D SI:1'! 200 :-....'.) - ,-?1207. • • • I-LiAHO NEUSPAPE A0SOY.JATION .::. 3,00 fl,'• - )12O4 UNITELi STATE r'OSTMATER 0,S - .01205 UNITED STATES_ POSTMASTER • . 166.18 r-3A -. 01206 WILLIAM A. KIRK INSUANCE 2.6140.00 , ' ....'',. -- 01207 ..• STATE OF IDAHO 189.70 ATTON OF IDAHO c:ITJ.LT. 50.00 --- 01209 - . WILLU,10 A. KIPI,:. 050 (III 11'560.00 ":1 -• 01210 • . •ASSOCATON OF IDAHO CITIES 00.00 • O1211 . SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS ' • 27.50 . f.',',.'• - 01 212 Archer, Clyde Lawrence • 1.00 • 01212 ' Basye, Michelle L. 1 ...;'..:: -• 01214 Creech, James F. 156.02 Johnson, Marion 100.38 5.3,!, - 01216 . . Lee, Clifford 59.38 ',:. :•. - 01217 ... McCarty, Robert 109.38 [ 8,'.. - 012.10 -• • Remaklus, Robert H. 26 - 01219 . • Schmidt, Arthur J. 1,491.07 . . • . . . . IIii:C 103 VENDOR / PAYEE =,i°ftat.li:T' YPi.._...1lt•JMI31":f: - 10','.x0 1 86) -.. 0,1 220 VanKomen, Gary 86 -• 0:1221 •Lockhart, Nancy B. 325.56 E.>1. 3`r., • £:36 -- 0:1.222 Alford, Ramon Lee 7311.21 36 _. 01.223 Pierson, Alta C. 352.04 [36 C)a.2;.'.4 Claunts, Alexander E. 9,).434 £136 - 01.2.x.'.'3 Den Bleyker, David C. '2.060.60 £16 (.:)12.26 VOID 8764j7_. £16 ...1.2.27 . Parker, Edwards F. E36 0122£:3 Russell, Steve Lee 86 -- 01229 .Tambani' Michael R. 658.45 5 I 06 -• 01230 Points, Dale Ellis 7.,24x7.47 :54:3.71 436 . 01231. Albright, Robyn 7,63.43 436, - 01.2:5;' Barton, Cathy J. s,�;�4 06 - 01.2.5:3 Cantrell, Gloria L. ;a.:,.9 43.':, -° 0x.2'^ . Jeffries, Rebecca L. Liberty, Mary Jane ''0 7..x43 • _ E36 ... r)1. ?3:; 774.14 86 - 0:1236 • Bates, Roger D. 86 -- 0:1237 Brown, Gloria Jeannie 27 2.20 1,397.85 436 -• 0x.;23£:3 Chalfant, Larry <. I ,:,�'-7.:50 • 4:36 °- 01.23'3 Keating, William D. 1,324.98 67 06, °- 0:1.240 Smith, Dave B. . ,.:,89.66 £1., <.):1:24:1. Whitney, Michael Peter ;f,4:3.5'1 £36 - 01.2.4 .'. • ' Wright, William P. 77.'.•'1:2 • 43;, - 01.243 . Cooke, Hugh H. 66 -° 01244 . Sheldon, Jeffrey P. 99.27 436 C):1.;2.4:5 Barnett, Raymond M. '1 7:,";.F:iO' .216..10•431:, 0:1.;:?4 5 1. Lewinski, John R. 86 -- 01247 Babineau, Dennis P. .,6.1.4•86 - 01.24£3 Davidson, Andrea Lynn 213.13 . 1 • 436 -- 012.9 Drips, John B. . . 72.-..•2 . 76.04 5/. .... 0l.25 0 Johnson, John J. 1 'l'1 .04 13l> ._. 0:12 ;:1. Johnson, Shawn • 70'1'..`:;U 436 -- 0:1.25 _` Mickels, Brian S. 70x,.40 06 •-• 01253 Murray, Ralph R. 732.42 • C36 -- 01254 • Reinke, Jeff Scott 339.49 . S6 -• 0125`, �Se�lers-Mi ae R 1.,639.62 06 - 01256 ' STATE TAX CbMMI.aS.[ON' 1.693.62.1 416 -•• 012".S7 •.IDAHO FIRST NATIONAL "" 86 •-• 01258 STATE AUDITOR, STATE. OF IDAHO 6,176.74 86 -.. 01259 ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO •CITIES • 2.062.99 436 -- 01260 AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE ASSURANCE CO. 40.62 . a6 -° 01261 IDAHO CENTRAL EMPLOYEES CREDIT UN. 749.:54 06 01.262 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEM 5.538.00 ' • £36 .... 01263 ART MART .1.14.90 136 - 01.264 ' BRUNDA(3E OFFICE SUPPLY 60.14 £36 -- 01265 BRUNEEL- TIRE. SERVICE 1.40.00 86 .... 01266 ' . CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY COMPANY 7.00 06 .... 01.2 i! '. •ONTEL • . .1,040.86 136 -- 012643 •DECKER'S INC • 166.70 £:36 ... 012 69 • DOUBLEDAY BOOK CLUB 28.043 86 ._. 01.270 DOUE:&.EDAY AND COMPANY • 88.27 86 ._. 01271 r....S'T'(:3F• . £:;6 01272 P":L'::31"3E R 45C1'E.NT':L1=:I:C: :1.:34.6.J 86 . 01274 HIGH COUNTRY_. Ii::N'T'(ii:F:F'P•:Ii<.lc:i3 • . 4<.'..0;;'.• E'; , 0! r 5 TIM_ 1:23.00 • °1 -7-6 IDAHO I.....2ST NATIONAL. DANK 1,671..22 '.V., .,.,,..,.7 I::'.. • 5,456.43 C7...,..., IDAHO I°'(.lb..l...r. . "" -•• 01274:3 1:N' kAM 122.18 . %, .. 01:T; MAY HARDWARE 30 1.42 . 86 " 012£30 ' MC CAL!... PRINTING 1.3 ,.50 86 .... 01281 ' M(:: CALL DRUG � 1.84 26 - •01282 MY SECRETARY SERVICE 4.50 . 86 " 01283 N(1R(::OJ R;5 - 01204.0:1.'204. ROWI.AND BROTHERS `24.20 - :.,!, - 0 12415 sI::ARO ;< 01286 • • 8.0.J. ; l _I 13 3 :3.00 • 01287 $I Ii1VIiEa=:'.:3 • 1.14:3.44 • ', .,?,'. 01-1:1:1':'1 AND SOUND WORKS 61.30 • 0:1.21.2`.' 8NOWI3:LRi) LAUNDRY 34.45 3,6 .... 0:1.290 STAN'S AUTO PARTS 418.02 £136 _.. 01291 • STEVE PREAGAN Co. 11.1.25 86 ••- 01292 S'T'AR NEWS 1.36.08 06 .... 01293 • VALLEY COUNTY :1.54.20 0 . .... 0:L >9:a. ' • SHOP .,..7.03 WALLACE• nL:1...A(:E:: ;i6 ... 0:1.295 • MERC. THE 26.76 5 -° '):V'96 DON ALER:I:C:1"1 60.20 ' 96 01297 DEi:MI'-':i EY E DD I:NS 0:La9'3 51..00 NiAtJRY Aa:NCJII.P. 1()4 CHECK ... . • --- -,-.- . - 7 VENDOR • PAYEE 7 - AMOUN1 • . . • ' I- U R NMBE , . .... . ' 1 • 136 _ 01299 .- - • TIIA EVFMIARI ' 1 . 15.75 . . RA - 01100 • SKIP TAYLOR 1.3,.. -• 01301 ' MARTIN FITZGERALD . . 35•25 ..s..:, .- 0130,,:! • ' TOM FRENCH . . 39.00 • 06 _ 01303 ,,' . MIKE CURRY " 7.50 ......,, 86 - 01304 • • HARRY STATHIS 15+75 S6 - 01705 . . ' • TOM CHALOUPKA 86 - 01306 . DAN COCHRAN 35.25 06 - 01307 • . • • . DOUG WOODS 39.00 86 • 01308 . • HAROLD DAVIS 33.00 86 - 01309 . . . IDAHO DIVISION OF AERONAUTICS . . 54.76 36 - 01310 .. IDAHO STATESMAN 7.00 01311 . , , SCHLCJFMAN• 'TRACTOR • 1,004.00 6 - 01312 . TURF EOUIPMENT cI) _ 01313 t . UNITED STATES POSTMASTER 19a400--- • G6 • 01314 WATER & WASTE WATER EGUIP.00• . 1 68.23 86 - 01715 WESTERN EGUIPMENT . 2.857.87 • -;., 86 -• 01a16 . • COP SHOP ETC. . , ' 17.23 • • 1 n6 -. 01317. .. ASSOCIATED DUSINESS PRODUCTS . 246.40 26 - 01318 . • .4KERR SURVEYING 30.00 • ... . • a6 - 01319 . , TREASURE VALLEY BANK ... 490.87 .• . 86 - 01320 .. . TOUT! MAN-ORTON ENGINEERING COMPANY' 26,546.36 • . n6 - 01321 • ' U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE . 170862.50•'(., •••- • 86 - 01722 . , . BOOK sHdp • :.-. ..8:. 5. 06 _ 01323 . ' Of CALL VOLUNTEER: TIRE DEPT --- . • 48.20 •1. 86•- 01324 • IDAHO OR GOODS . - : 104:63 ". - • 8TFT1 TNG CODTFTER8 TNIORPOPATED . ' ...... .231,00 .., . • :' 01"32';:, .. .• - .- --..- - - .- -- -• • - s •• s -• . 01..326 ' . 1133 IC EDDINS ,.-,-174418 .1 . 1 .H.'• •55'.00 86 - 01727 ' : .. HAL BLANTON 86 - 01328 0.M. SCOTT & SONS COMPANY . 1.147.61 ... • .1 • ... . ... 06 - 01329 ' H• 11 ANN BROWN .' .. 44.99 • . 1 06 _ 0,175.36:1. :: • MARK DARLING . , •:.. 35.25 .. ' . . 51..00 H• • . - E DYF , . r:-. ...86.- 013311 i ... STEV - • . • • •••..:':., 136' ..-.. 6133.7. ,-..;.- :,...• '.GOLF.'ASSOCIATES SCORECARD CO. . • •• : .744223.64; .:,. . •-• ., •.--:T., 86 ... .01333'.': L, ''( .LONG VALLEY FARM SERVICE "• ':-'::T.'..28.5..'20 • -,‘ ••••••• 62.19 '• ... . • . • •• ,, . 86- ......013:54),• '*, MEAL,• JONES ,.. ,,.. .. . 86. -• 0.1335.,... . • ''.•••'...jOHN BAKER • • ' • 150.00 - ••:-.:••... . . •-;,:.:...- H...-- 26 .., 01336 . •: .. ... RICK••HAYNES. , • 35.25 • '' • ....„, n6 _. 01337: .- TIME• LF IE BOOKS' . 15.78 '......' . CITY OF MC CLL A 236.00 013 - 0 . 36 - . 3n• _ . . . . 1 . LEE DIFFENDAFER F . 29 00 • 82) 1339 ' 340 DOUG LW-FE ' • . • . 7.50 '.. 86 - 01 . P AUL DUMON T 31.50 . : 86 :... 01341. ,.• • 86 - 01342. •• • • DIXIE. USA • . ' 50.13- ••. • FLOYD LILLY CO. . • i31.35 86 - 01343- , • • '.. EMIL F. FREUDENTHAL • . 84.00. • 86 - 013A4 . ' .10.00 .1 06 :.., 013.4..5. , . IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE • . • . . 36 --" 01346.: . JOHNSON BASE SCOOP. • . • . 22,50 .••.", MC CALL COMMERCIAL. REFRIGERATION - .25.00 . ••..,. 86 - 01347 SATELLITE TECHNOLOGY SERVICE:3,1NC ' . 299.50 • 1 . , .. • . 06 913,19- . . . SUNSHINE FILTERS • -. • . . , 695.88 . • , . . . . ' ' • • . . .•• ' . . . . . ,. . , .. . • • ' . •.• . ' McCALL CITY COUNCIL • • WORKSESSION . . . JUNE 9, 1986 . • • . " . . . . ' • ' The McCall City CouncAl• met on June 9, 1986t for •a work• session at ' McCall Cityllalt. The meeting was calledto order by Mayor Archer.• City Council memi.lers present were Marion •Johr,son. Cliff Lee, Bob McCarty and Gary•VanKomen. . , AIRPORT•TAXIWAY PROJECT • • Ralph Kangas and yern Hinkle appeared to further explain the overage conflicts in the airport paving .contract. • The result of the discussion was an agreement to prepare a change ordev for • the JUne 17. :L9136, . . . Council meeting to reflect the terms of the settlement. That settle-. • mcnt was for the City to 1-..., ,ly $5.000•00 and for the. city to pay for an additional 600 cu. yds. of grave!. at $11.30 per yd. (already placed) . ...... Ralph Kangas was to check with the FAA on the matter and prepare the necessary change order• . . , . . . . EASTSIDE INTERCEPTOR . , • . . . The Council reviewed the Letter frorn the TUv,sion ofEnvirdnment regarding the East• ide interceptor. 1 . . . . . '• • . ' . .. , • . __ • _,. . '_ _ ` ._� / . _- _ -_� -- ' • _--__ - 1���_- . . -- � pAYsTrs LAKES SEWER ozarmzcr NEGOTIATIONS | ` City Administrator Schmidt reported on tte progress of neeo+iuf |o"s . with the Sewer District. He reported on costs of purchasing additional | -- ! sewer plant..�canac it from the o/strict, on costs of purchasing:a ` � • c*pac|+v ifu�n +. oe/nh�ru Lane sewer line and the vpera*i»n�nd `` • ' ' -ai"~e"anc~ cwm*mof each of •The council cvncurr eu w i+x• the . • . direction being ken and directed the staff to nroceea with the 4 negotiations. ` ; . AIRPORT woa | cert* / v Airport Committee members reel, that the .cost of the Smith *nu Kanoas design.. of the ^«-site woa was exceSsive and asked that thevbe • .• Permitted to do .the wor k. The Council asked the staff :to uirect | 1•; Smith and Kangas to stop work unt / � further notice. •+he nrvjec+^ •• ! / • . ' ` �. MILL PROPERTY CLEAN-up • -- The Council w*s,auviseu of the various Liau/ l/ +Y .issues. of both• �c* |vn' 'anu / nactivn in the matter. The cvnsensus of the Council was to _ / •'` whatever was necessary to mitigate ,�� �/ �/^s liability. The ovu. lj �'' ^ 4.5.:` ' -�^ S and pi Chief advise.. the Deputy Statea of �� c oc/ �'s vn� n�on , Fire mar��a�4�aoxn vrvs, v e ou ^ � • -•-•.' - • {�` Goals and Objective's ��'�`^�r,^'"��y'• ' __-= ==^_= ` =�-===, �� . =_ _ ^__-�-- .l STREETS COALS AND OBJECTIVES | ] I. ooALt � � | To develop � network of streets that p..'oviues a safe, efficient | and orderly flow of vehicles, minimizing conflicts with pedestrians and human powered vehicles for the City of McCall . 1 ' OBJECTIVES: • " ' A. To maintain 25 miles of streets and roads in McCall as ` follows: ��• -Plow snow z7 rimes per 'ear ~— .:prea ` for winter driving and ice control - key with -- Police Department � -.To overlay or seal _coat z - 1..5 miles per year on ' priority basis -pa+co / ny and crac� ,eli ,� as requira oust .6 . / . n� yea.,- I..>''-pa . nt parking / . n�r a^y ` ,osswa /xs z time per year . -Remove s/y�t `ust` "c+ions and cvntry ' of we=ds aiony streets a,:i / ..+*r^.'`+ / on • i ` -Oracle a miles or '.^paveu �~reets a � mes pe, ve*, . ' '...Sweep streets (too ho^�s ::,.,::..r year) ' / �. -eep /ace^ install and ,ep, ., traffic �.sns and safely | . devices as require \o^ Identify future cvttec` or am: arterial streets to permit long-term planning mr the s^re=t system, • C. -aecure proper right-of-ways and dedications and realign - • . s�reets' as ne,essar, (Floyd c McBride Streets in 85-(36) D. Determine acceptable comwun/ �v standards for sidewalks, • curbs. 'commercial and residential. streets. (Reference . Transportation Committee Mission Statement) E.. Budget for FY aa-or s/yniny ^/ city streets. ' ' -- F. To assist the winter Carnival, Event with extra parking . lot plowing, tine ueL / ^er, a'.-Id miscellaneous services ' � /90 to 100 hours/ - ~_•• - ' �• ' � / ' • • | • �� . ' � . / . . • - ' _. _ . • � / �(�A ^n" �^ �� WATER SYSTEMS •|| I. SYSTEM GOALS: • i A. To provide potable water to the Wit' of McCall and . environs .of svrficie• t ,vLvme anu pressure for normal • hovsehoLu uses. . '�^ a. To provide adequate water • Lvw a,u pressure for fire fighting needs. ^ TT, OBJECTIVES: ^ a ' I. To pump, treat anx �r '.~r. , ^uo. m/ Ll /on ga / l^ns of water /m/ thin apprvx /o^ 'eH. u`, m'/es of watcr mains) for uis`r /u"t / ^n mac/ �°a' . • Tr/o` ` A. ma / ,tai ,', anu .,"n' t"r � Pw»p .tatvns 3 times ^er week /pressu,�, / �'ws pomp cv �i ' / m`, etc.) - a, Check cx/or / n'. a'd , /...r /de � 4,"u,p � /es, • auju�� as | necessary 1 C. Read mu water meters fc^m*erc/ai/ mvn+hLr • 2^ ro •r ' 'vm{°�o both routine and emerpencv caL �s for ' v .� � �.•.-4.., repair to broken Lines, vaLves^ meters, hydrants, p uwps � .�/ ' • . and thaw Lines �s required <rcfe,ence wvrxuau anw�v�|s • ''.••• •,•:.-:!,� for vo �umes> i �� '•' 3~ Tv nroviue turn-on/turn-off for service as `exues+ed •' '.�� (Es+im*tw -150 -• coo times per year) � /' 6 . 4. To renLace' update, extend and improve the water systcm '• . �� for Current and future users ` / ` `` �' ' \ ' ' A. To continue efforts to eL/minate cross-connections . ' : and uLacu flows; ' ^ B. To budget for a ovur*uLic anaL/sis ^f the mvs+em , .::1 • need= to 'ear 2020 in FY 06-07/ , o, Update and improve safety of the Lake .Street and Davis Beach pump stations as permitted; , o^' To inspect• new services at customer expense prior | to dedication. ' '��� • . �^ .....0,o. To train puxL /c Works empmpees Ti/ safe water treatment practices. __ ! . • SEWER ooN_a Amo naJrcrz/sa ` �o -:" . . m `, To nrotect ,the health or the residents of the City of mccaLl_uv coLLect/ nn and Areat . ,g human sewape and returning it to the en- °'ro,v"e � / n the most benign manner "oss/� ��. ] COLLECTION SYSTEM oaJ�nzoso; • / � • z. To p�vviue mun/cipa/ waste wate, service to eve,/ house, 'i � business and vacant uevewpahLe Land with aueq^a,eLY | ^ sized sewer L / ne for current an, future cap"c/ t, re- . ` �u/rements. ' ' - :� secure uiem`aru Lane Line access to remove most • ` . • ' septic systems st / LL /n system. (o/ / Laye Square) 2. To operate and maintain 12 sewer Lift stations and 4 . | ^ emergency power stations. 3, To maintain and repair. 20 mites of sewer colLecmr, •I' arteriaL and interceptor sewer ' ines, and anu manhoLes^ . 4. To continue to reduce z ti z by ,epLacenen+ and main- , 'e"ance programs, ` • 5. To respvri u u to � or fe�e, sewer emergency caL/s per Year. a. To train puut /c Works persvnneL in safe wastewater •_� cv/ 'ect / ^n system pr.cru"'es. ' TREATMENT SYSTEM OBJECTIVES ' | 1^ To avoid srA u/s�/.»` ,e p,.."/ ` ^ v/at/ vns Inc rY uo-aa in treating 3*5 w/ Ll . "" y. [ 1.,"s of wastewater per year. 2' To pa /^ta/ ,■ a,: .pe,,^., •'*y:, • 1.a1 ` acco,uinp lo directions --' se~ ux -Ore /v / "t- r"��. • � .oa'u. 3, To con+/ n"~ rn, �� � • ,. •,uc' l � z s^ as / ^. av" /u pLa^f '� / o �o ,e, a, , `*� ^� ,,vc*«ures, �w� *c�ummo~ exp*ns n � . ` date nr^wn. • ^u °"^^ , . , c ,» commu^i +Y. , |� � ' • _ ' _ __ . ' � -' --- r ` ^ ' / ����, , nr, Chalfant was queried about staffing for e 7-day week onera+/vn, � espec /altv in the winter snvw-ntowiny season. He was ale^ asked | whether sand co^ta be used for ice control rather than «ravcl., and . when certain streets might be paved. Chalfant identified a need for one additional crew member. He also said it was very important -- to him to get some secretarial help to vryanize files and analyze | some of the data collected. With this help he could get the infor- mation on mans the Mayor has asked for. The Mayor asked that the mans of the sewer and water systems be place in the council Chambers when comp /eteu. ' The s.arf wasasxeu to review /he ^eeu4o' worth t/ water meter reading. There was further discussion on the fvlme/ *a: Chalfant suggested putting in a separate pressuriieu water sys+em to -- the solf course for irrigation one) , with cross connec+ /^ns to the . �/ �, po��u�e °�ter system; `, ' � � `� ' .?`` r e. ` , ^ Councilman Lee-feu that a m~ of the tes, ny of water pressure and . ' fm= rates could be done by the city to Locate problem areas and save ... � / � money; ' . ` ` ' Chalfant ~~ �.jm ces' but most them are '. .~. ' -' :. the Winter ''Whieejthere-is a Problem letting anyone leave* Anotheleee? , ,i foe'h " also redelVlng.-C,)tYewitereand sewer and are being billed forethese. ee ea., The "`°`= and contacted'ethe citY to see if they could use this. tiaVeeSmieh'e..,'- '-'-e ;I' • ; Most of that Pfarking area. Chalfant asked them for enougiv'eteeniSh 'eee ' It and they: gave it to the city. It makes a much nicer areeehere. .e•..eee., ~_ � � �� � A le++~,:`espeen received from the Block or*n+ Commission stating` `' they wiil ex+enw *nu^evpa"u the Block Grant on. the basis of the survey : -- for income of residents taken by Ray Alford on comrauvatree+^ ^r"e« � ' eits. /n with +h� rest of the Grant and should occur around June 20th, ' ^ . ' ' . � ! ' ,' � /�chmidt rem|n�ed the Mayor and Council of the tour of a � �i +/ up ar+ /me +� and u u i �ain es set for weu"esuay^ June iuo^ Everyone w/ �� 'meet , ' , , - a ' c/ tv *a �! a� �u:o0 noon, !�� `` � � ' �a�: �u� reported. on the State Land Board meeting he and City *t+ornev ' |mema»tuy attended in Boise on Juneath^ They discussed the 17 acre , ' parFe� and the Railroad Right-of-way sale- This will be held some-, '+i*= in July and will be sold at public auction. The minimum � - price the 17 *cres, w/ ll be $10^000 and the o z/u acres minimum price) will be per ��r�^ Some of this is Grant el/n'ule^ and��/tx '^ � �'t *�� � ns|a ��, i .e. cost +�� ci+v auvu� , , '` 'T»e Airport Will be ctosed for 2 days to finish up the painting and/ seat coating. . / � Tvmh n would charge $1'500 m undertake a feasmili +y•an*!vsis . .r =,"es/gn work on the sewer for the Forest Service project at the - / A' port^ There mill be some additional cost for the preum|n*rp des)e, go. ` r `' Councilman Lee asked that Schmidt prepare a proposed contract _ ' basis of the letter to have read/ for s/gnima^ Schmidt said +»�v» »e e_ Engineer should be asked to prepare an aauenuum to the existing contract. Schmidt is to have e contract for the feasibility stud � ready for signing• sr � U Schmidt said he � u checked on �^e �� es� /o`o asked at the Last meeting ima ] about ,he balloons purchased »v the rive Department. These were__ printed espec)mllvfor then, zooe for p •ce`.ls each and is a years .supp ,v Also the check written to Julie Eddins was for- food for the ^riremen who had lo remain at the m/ / L R=s+:uran` fire. • ovvncii*an Leo moved to au]^urn~ o+m/omen seconded. J" �nsvn �e� il McCarty and vanKvm�n voted AYs, mot /o" c / u ' ° I d laced v /rmy1, ° �r �^�^�«�l .�� . i. azceo • .marVj Clyde L: Archer, �r' _ -_-� | -- � - -- - -----'- ----- ' i 0 � | . i McCALL CITY COUNCIL WORKSESSION ` ~~~ JUNE 16, zpoa The McCall City Council met at 7:00 P.M. on mvnuav^ !June 16, 1986, at the McCall City *all for a Work awssivn^ Members present were Mayor Archer, Cliff Lee, Robert McCarty and Gary Van Komen. Also present was City Administrator Bud Schmidt. nsousaro FOR PUBLIC RECORDS Tom Grote, Editor of the Star News, was present to discuss with the Council what information the public has the right to request from the Police Department and other departments of City Hall. He noted the ruling of the Idaho Supreme Court in the Dalton Case in 1984, and stated that as a result of this, viewing of the records can be requested by the puul/c, orv+e ,sa/u he would Like to suggest to the council they remember the Open Meeting Law was passed for a purpose. He felt the closed session is overly used. Mr. Grote also gave a handbook to the City on Public Records entitled "Idaho Media Law Handbook". COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT Schmidt said he read in the paper that the City of McCall has been awarded the Largest coao in the state - $*17,000^ The director of the State Plumbing Bureau made a personal visit to the Administrator and confirmed the fact that the city will be required to pay all plumbing costs, but there will be a 10% refund back to the General Fund as the city issues these permits. SCOLES ROOF DRAIN ac^m/ut reported that a permit was issued with no requirement to do • anything with the roof drain. QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL TOUR ~_~ Schmidt reported that additional material has been ordered for the repair of the entryway of the Library. A cost still isn't available for the signs for marking City Hall parking lot. -- There was some discussion on the 72-hour signs at the marina. They were provided by the Waterways cvmmissivn, There was a question of how the 72-hour parking area is to be policed. Acting police Chief Ed Parker monitor and answer complaints. Councilman Lee recommended that the Council go along with the requirements of Acting chief Parker and let him research this and come back to the Council. Mayor Archer .directed the Administrator and Parker to proceed along these Lines. REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING Mayor Archer called the regular City cvunC/ l meeting to order at 7:36 / P.M. and asked that it be noted that ovuncil°emuer Johnson had arrived. Other members present are noted in the Work Session meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the June 2, 1986' meeting were declared approved as submitted by Mayor Archer. OLD BUSINESS Mayor Archer appointed Mrs. Gene (Pat) Hardy to the Golf Committee. Councilman Lee moved to confirm the appointment. Seconded by Johnson. Johnson* Lee, McCarty and vannvmen voted AYE. Motion carried. Schmidt was directed to notify Hardy and the Golf Course Advisory Committee of the appointment. -- CABLE TV It was noted that the City Council has to annrvve the sale of a TV Franchise. Archer read the ordinance regarding this. Roger Leonard, purchaser of the cable franchise was present and presented his business plan. Councilman Lee moved to approve the sale contingent upon com- pletion of a legal review and preparation of the contract. Johnson seconded and Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. The motion carried unanimously. ~ ` • 1 09 REQUEST FOR WATER METER — ocMAnw Administrator Schmidt said this would have to be deleted from the agenda as there had been insufficient time of the staff to research this. It will have to be rescheduled. Schmidt was directed to contact Odmark when it was ready. Odmark offered to help with the research. ~-- Schmidt informed +hd council that priorities would -have to be set as there are so many things to be done and not enough people to do them. There was a lengthy discussion on the Water/Sewer problems of the • city. Warren Rowland and Tom Frances were present and discussed some of the problems they were aware vf^ It was decided that a staff renor+ should be completed first and then a committee could be appointed. What part of the water billing records are to be available to the public was discussed. HYDRO CLEANER BID Schmidt said there are still some of the bids here from the bid opened in December. Councilman McCarty moved to reject all bids on the Hydro ' • _ Cleaner. Lee seconded. During the discussion Lee said that earlier It was thought that the City could use Payette Lakes Sewer District's hydro cleaner but this is not feasible. According the the Engineer's report these Lines need to be cleaned. The City does need this piece of equipment and the Engineer highly recommended that the city purchase one. 'Upon vote Johnson, Lee, McCarty' and vanwvmen voted AYE. The motion carried unanimously. Lee recommended that the staff Look into a piece of equipment more economical and erficien+, The specs should not be so specific that other equipment will be eliminated. • Councilwoman Johnson moved to have the Mayor direct the staff and Public Works Department to review the cost effective date t hydro clean clean up and maintenance after it's cleaned � on sewer c eane� up and to enter bids as time and budget would accommodate. Lee secvnueu, and Johnson, Lee, McCarty and Vanwvmen voted AYE. Motion carried. Mayor Archer directed' Schmidt to proceed with this. ADDENDUM: TOOTHMAN—ORTON ALTERNATIVES FOR SMOKE JUMPER BASE rovthman—Orton representative Tim avreess was in attendance to present to the Council the study done on the sewer line for the Smoke Jumper Base. The two alternatives are a gravity line or a pressure L/ne, The City is to Let the Forest Service know they will be provided with city sewer system but the Forest Service is to provide the pipes. It was noted that any system going in there would need to fulfill the needs of all of the area that might contribute sewage in the future. The most effective system should be chosen for future needs when implementing this systew. • Councilman Lee moved to approve this contract and authorize the Mayor to sign / ,, McCarty seconded. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen : voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. | CHANGE ORDER 46: AIRPORT GRANT • This change order was voted down once. Since that time Lee has re- viewed this and found that the city was liable rv, remvu/ l/zat/vn costs up to the date of original contract. Councilman Lee moved to approve this Change Order 46^ seconded vannomen sec nu u Johnson^ McCarty and vam{vme, voted AYE. Motion and upon vote, Lee, carried .unanimvuslr^ Another change order should have been prepared concern/nn the extra Yardage of gravel in place. Schmidt was directed to follow up on this. DOE AUDIT The auditors were proposing to deduct contested items on the grant. Schmidt and Kangas appealed the auditors decision and they feel the city was given a fair ueal. The auditors made every effort to help the city. Councilwoman Johnson moved that the amount of $759^598.75 as a total for the Eastside Interceptor be accepted as final Grant. vannv°en seconded and upon "vte^ Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. Motion carried. ` • GENTRY RIGHT—OF—WAY . Andrew La/ulaw was present to ask perm/ms/vn to Leave the Landscaping - - - ___ _ -__� � � � ^�.Kl they have put in on the city right-of-way by Gentry's place of business on pine street in place. City Attorney ne*a»lus stated that the Law is not clear on granting uses of the city right-of-way. No place could he find that the city has any authority to grant the use of a right-of way to a third party, nor does the city have the right to invade the right-of-way for city purposes. =� | ' The present thinking of the Council is that if this allowed at this time, the understanding is that this a permissive use and can be re- moved by the City at any time. This is a dedicated street right-of- way and Gentry's need to acknowledge they are there at their own risk and can cause a traffic hazard or sight barrier. Attorney neoa*lus • said he would like more time and will report on this at the next meeting. • • There was also some discussion on parking of boats on the street right- of-way. Jim Sleight was present and said that when the city paved the street in.front of his home Last year they paved on his property. He had some questions on this. The Administrator was directed to review Sleight's situation, make a sketch of this and report back to the Council. Mr. Sleight also has asked for information on the water/sewer register concerning the citizens who are on water and sewer and the rates they are being charged. . Attorney Remaklus said he would study the Idaho ^ ^ Code ^ 9-311 and 59-1009 regarding public records and have an answer for Sleight at the next meeting. Shirley Potter was also present and said she wants records of all people on the payroll. She will pay charges for copies, etc., and she cannot start her investigation till fall so there is no rush on this material. • VanKomen asked again about copies of Ordinances Books for the new Council members. NEW BUSINESS BARTRON REQUEST ~=^ A request has been received from Ron Bartron for his son to be allowed to run a hot dog stand on a merchant's property this summer. He has _ been informed about the Hawker's License and wants the City Council to • | consider a waiver. The Council concurred that no waiver should be • granted. REQUEST FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF MILL PARK FOR FIREWORKS There is a request for exclusive use of MILL Park on the 4th of July to set off the fireworks display there. The Liability requirements for fireworks states that no one except the people managing the dis- play can be in the area. Councilman Lee moved to give Schmidt the • disgression of allowing the exclusive use of Mill Park for the Fireworks display if they request i+. Seconded by Johnson. The motion carried unanimously with Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voting AYE. The police will be there to keep people vut. A notice should be in the paper and barricades are to be across the entrance with a poster informing people that they cannot enter the park during the display. Also the Chamber of Commerce might be able to help vu+ e c�am ^ • LIMOUSINE SERVICE A request has been received from Matt and Pam Wall for a License to ' operate a Limousine. Service in the city. Schmidt reported that back- ground checks had been completed by the pol./ce Dept. and recommended approval of this license. These people have lived in the city for about 1 year. Councilman McCarty moved to approve the L/cense, VanKomen seconded. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. __ The motion carried. LETTER FROM SHIRLEY POTTER - NON-CERTIFICATION OF ACTING POLICE CHIEF Shirley Potter was in attendance and read a letter she had written to the Council. She quoted Idaho Code 19-5115 (a) regarding the require-- went for the Police Officers to be certified with Police Officers Standards and Training Academy. She said she had talked to the State and found that Acting Police Chief Ed Parker has not been certified. Attorney Remaklus is to check on this and Mayor Archer said he would take this under advisement, investigate and take action if deemed appropriate. Schmidt was directed to investigate, to talk with Parker and see if this has been done and if it hasn't it should be done immediately. ~ . 111 COMMISSION AND COMMITTEE MINUTES Recreation Committee and Transportation Committee Councilman Lee recommended that the Council should sit down with these committees in a work session. It is the Council's decision to pursue the Right-of-Way recommendation and to meet with these two committees in a work session on July 14, 1986, and for them to have maps, drawings and visual images to represent their proposals. The Idaho Dept. of Transportation should be contacted regarding the zoning adjacent to the Railroad. The public is to be invited to the meeting and give some input. IMPACT PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION A letter of resignation has been received from member Fred Williams. Councilman Lee moved to accept the resignation of Fred Williams. McCarty seconded and Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. Motion carried. Mayor Archer asked Schmidt to write a letter to Williams thanking him for his service, and to contact the Commission j and ask them to suggest people to serve on that Board. Lee asked about Remaklus about the possibility of combining the two commissions. There would probably need to be approval from the • county. AIRPORT COMMITTEE Schmidt said both FBOs will now have tickets at their offices to place on the transient planes. They can also lease the resident tie-downs through their offices. They will get 23X of the transient fees and •I 10X of the resident fees. Schmidt recommended the process to the Council, noting that it does not need an ordinance change. I ` Councilman Lee moved to adopt this policy for collecting fees at the Airport. VanKomen seconded. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. Motion carried. GOLF COURSE COMMITTEE In it's report, the Golf Course Advisory Committee recommended that a motor scooter costing $1197.00 be purchased forthe use of the Marshall at the Golf Course. VanKomen voted to purchase the motor scooter for the Golf Course. Lee seconded. Johnson, Lees, McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. Motion carried. Schmidt was asked to inform the committed of this decision. Mayor Archer acknowledged the receipt of these minutes and asked that they be filed appropriately. CORRESPONDENCE • A letter has been written to John Boros, State Deputy Fire Marshall, regarding the problem at the old Mill site, and was reviewed by the Council. A letter was read by the Mayor from Rick Bartron inviting the Council and Mayor to a Seminar on a sprinkler system for homes. This will be in Boise on June 30th. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT 1. Police Department's Policy on use of city vehicles • McCALL POLICE DEPARTMENT • • June 6, 1986 Purpose: To minimize the city's liabilities in the event of a vc.rticle. accident. Policy: No person, who is not a city employee, shall ride in a city vehicle. Exception a) Law enforcement personnel who are visiting • on official business. b) Person(s), who are in police custody. • 112 Person(s) who in the judgment of a police officer, whereby driving cle on the highway would cause danger to himself or the publ � d) �eraicon(x) who in the judgment of a police officer; is needed to assist in the performance ~=~ of his duties. � e) Other person(s) authorized by the Police Chief where a public safety situation exists or whore it becomes necessary to accomplish a ' | police purpose. f) Departmental vehicles shall never be used for personal business or pleasure. g) Student(s) participating in the Career Education Program at the McCall-Donnelly . v High School. Schmidt has authorized this as the administration's policy. Councilman Lee moved to confirm the Administration policy on utilization of police vehicles. vannomen seconded. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vamm*mwn voted AYE. Motion carried. u. Meeting of Payette Lakes Sewer District The meeting was very positive. They generally endorsed the direction of the City nurch*sinn sewer capacity, There is need to get all the Attorneys together and continue the negotiations. 3. City Treasurer rwceivwu with one more coming in too • n`�rc`xaver are 38 applications ^ e o �ulifieu people. Schmidt asked 2 +hinys; Late. There position does the Council want this to be; and a. What kind does b. How involved u the Council want to be in interviewing and selecting a person to fill the position. It was decided that VanKomen and McCarty would help Schmidt in choosing someone and do it as expediently as possible. ~� 4. Local Mandate Meeting on June 30th __ A Letter has been received from State Senator Smyser and State nen- resen*tive Smock asking for input on Legislative action regarding Local government. What information are they Looking for? Can anyone go to the meetiner It will probably provide means for solving problems Lvcallv. Thank them for making the change of 5X increase in mill levy. o. Monthly Meter Readings + this is to be done monthly from April It |� in the City Code �x� good heck up to see if the meter is wvrx- +�rvu�� September. It is a eov c ec | inn alright and get base figures for winter billings. 6. City Administrator recommended that the City Council meet on June 25^ or 26. The Council needs to canvas votes from June 24tx election Approve plans on oo» Grant, and the FWD should have a bid on Dust u"i `' ^s by that u*te^ If the bid is approved this could probably be completed by July *tx, It was decided . to meet on Wednesday, June 24th at noon. 7. wuw/ "/s,ratvr"S Priorities First priority is to get some staff help. Treasurer is very badly needed. Other outside help could possibly be contracted. There are calls every day on the audit. Several firms have come into __ the office to check on this. There are deadlines on the city budget. This must be worked on and no progress has been made due to a lack of time and help. The Airport Land purchase has been a top priority. Hopefully, this ~-^ will be accomplished soon. The City Election is needing some attention. Classification on salary schedule and Personnel Policy and rules is another top nrivrity^ V � � " ^" Seetin Building Purchase, Police Chief Hiring, Water Meter Research, Potter nequest, Sleight Request, Sewer Negotiations are other things needing attention. • The Community Block Grant is on schedule and the Airport Project is nearing completion. ' A copy of the costs associated with the city purchasing the sewer line will be given to the City Council members. �| Councilman Lee said all of the above things are important and hone can be neglected. Mayor Archer asked if the members would like to go into Executive session to Evaluate the Administrator for his 6 months of work, that is already overdue. Councilman Lee recommended that the Mayor do the evaluation, but the Council members submit any suggestions to him. Councilman Lee moved to recess until Wednesday, June 25, at noon. vanxvmen seconded. Johnson, Lee, mccartv and vanxvmen voted AYE. • Motion carried. Mayor Archer declared the meeting recessed until 1u:00 Noon on June 25tx^ when the City Council will meet to canvas votes. • | RECESSED MEETING OF JUNE 16, 1986 The City Council met on Wednesday, June 25, 1986, at 12 Noon. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Clyde Archer At 12:28 P.M. Members present were Cliff Lee, Bob McCarty and Gary vanmvmen. CANVAS VOTES FROM SPECIAL CITY ELECTION The meeting was called to canvas the votes of the recent Special City Election on June 24+h on the 4% Non-Property rax, • Administrator Schmidt rwnvrteu there were 213 votes cast, 94 affirmative • and 119 negative. There was a 19X turnout, 44^1n for the measure and 55.9% against. Thus, the Non-Property Tax will remain at 4%. Julie Eddins, Election Judge, was present and reported •that the polls were open from 12 Noon to o:oo P.M. There were, 200 registered voters came to the polls and 13 absentee ballots were cast. She presented the original and a duplicate election poll books to the Council, as well as a copy of the tally book, stubs from the used ballots, the remainder of the book being used, the unused ballots and the 2 Electivn Stamps. Eddins stated that the books have been signed by the Judges and Clerks, Mr. Schmidt, herself and Acting Police Chief Ed Parker witnessing. Councilman Lee moved to accept the results of the Election. The poll L ... ...^~`=" ,` foranuz1v against the measure. McCarty seconded. ^ --. `~~. t and � , .= an^omen voted AYE. The motion carried unanimously.^ Mayor Archer thanked Mrs. Eddins. Schmidt asked Eddins to sign and both",n vvv*s to indicate this is the result of the election. APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE NORTHEAST SEWER PROJECT T - ..—~. and ". `"n representatives were present to present to the".,, Council the proposed plans plans and spCcificatic,n5 for the Northeast as t nehau / l /ta~/vn Sewer Project, proposed plans and specifications • were reviewed. After considerable discussion and questions asked and Councilman Lee moved to accept the rvot»man-Orton proposal mnX of design submittal and approve it for the Mayor's signature go to bid and be presented to the State. Seconded by uannomen^upvn vote Lee, McCarty and oanK»me» voted AYE. Mayor Archer declared motion carried unanimously. _ Schmidt was asked to post notices in several p a�es� in the city to notify local contractors & vendors to register with AGC and Intermountain Contractors if they are interested in s«ucvn+ Complementary plans and specifications will ura�~/»» for this pr^jec�,rs. ~- /za+iv»s, Interested people can also contact�c�eTy/«e" to these organ- -- vothman-Orton. roothman-Orton presented an advertisement for bids to advert/ on July 9, 16 and 23 .and would like to plan to s open bid se • July 30th at 7;00 P.M. They would like �o ye� +�e auver+v» weu»esuar^ s.sneu �+ ��/s meeting so the proposed schedule c 'seme»� This will require a special city a» u e *e�, � a • | P.M. to evaluate bids *nu /c � c«unc/ � meeting on Jul ' 30th at r�u� me�ax�vs will need to be ^ ` possible, award the bid. City Attorney present at that meeting. • . . 114^ ^ Councilman Lee moved to advertise for bids on July 9, 16 and 23 with | hid vneninoy set for bid at P.M. on July 30, 1986 for the North- '� eas+ Sewer Project and authorize the Mayor to sign for the City. van - Kvmen seconded. Lee, McCarty and oanKvmen voted AYE. Motion carried. • Since the City Council has accepted the vne .cvns+ruct/on contract con- , cept, Tvothman-Orton would Like to prepare an adjustment in the Engineers contract. This change would be a decrease in Engineering services to reflect the reduction of work which had been anticipated for preparing • two contracts. councilman Lee moved to approve Payment *2 to Toothman-Orton for the d design on the Northeast Sewer project in the amount of $26^182.90. vannvmen seconded and upon vote, Lee, McCarty and oanKvmen voted AYE. Motion carried. -' The sewer service feasibility study for serving the new smvuejumper base was presented. The Council asked that this item be set for dis- cussion on their agenda for July 7, 1986. TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT Bill Kirk was at the the meeting to report on the actions of the • Transportation Committee prior to the deadline date of Jul/ 1. He gave the members the recommendations outlined by the Committee for their review. i e . There was some discussion on the recommendation of the Committee on the Deinhard Lane extension bridge over the Payette River. This is to be proposed to the State asking for their participation in *c«uiring right-of-way and construction. Councilman Lee suggested that the Transportation Committee assist the City in preparing a proposal to the State and ask Richard cvwumrv^ a member of this Committee, who has some expertise in this area, to represent the City in negotiations with the State. • Councilman Lee stated he was impressed with the recommendations of the Committee and their willingness to help reach the public with these ideas. Mayor Archer thanked the Committee for their efforts to re- vamp the city. Plans of both the Park and Recreation Committee and the Transportation Committee are to be recommended to the City Council } who will make decisions and then send them to the City P & Z Commission. -- After their review and recommendations they will send them back to the to the Council. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT z. The Folklore Society. has applied for a Grant and have requested that the city budget a trust fund for them for 1986-87. The City agreed to do so. • 2. Mr. Bartron brought by some Letters about his In-home Automatic • Fire Sprinkler Program. He has invented this system and plans to have it used in McCall. He requested that someone attend the workshop in Boise on June 30. Schmidt said the Fire Chief will attend. -' 3, Steve Dye, Valley County Probation Officer, called to invite some- . one from the City council to a Youth Conference here in McCall on July 27^ at 1:30 R.M. at Aspen Village Condominium. 4. There will be an Airport Advisory Committee meeting at 7 A.M. at the Pancake House on JuLy u, State Aeronautics people will be there to .help with the effort to get the wcm installed. 5, The State of Idaho inspector was here and inspected the sewage treatment facility. The City is generally meeting it's BOO and suspended solids poundage discharge requ/reme"ty, but sometimes cannot meet the voX reduction requirement during times of high I & I. 6. The University of Idaho is offering a writing workshop at the ' U of I Forestry Camp. They are planning to make this the U of I McCall Branch and will be offering other workshops there. Mayor Archer recessed the meeting until u:wo P.M. The meeting was cwllem •u*cx to order at u^oo P.M. | . | • • -- -- V � � ,^v BIDS ON ASPHALT PAVING Councilman Lee made the recommendation to approve the bid to Idaho • Sand and Gravel for. Asphalt Paving in the amount of $29,728.47. • VanKomen seconded and the motion carried with Lee, McCarty and van- • nomen voting AYE. BIDS ON DUST ozLz14o Councilman VanKomen moved to accept Crazy Bob's Cut-Rate bid of $11,797.u9. Seconded by Lee. Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. VanKomen amended his motion to allow the Public Works Director to go . | up to $5^000,00 on the same adjusted pro-rated cost basis. Seconded by Lee. Motion carried with Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voting AYE. ADJOURNMENT Councilman Lee moved to adjourn, VanKomen seconded and the motion carried. Mayor Archer declared the meet/nn adjourned. ^. ^ Mayor Clyde L. Archer, Jr. • «� t 4-- Arthur J. hmidt, City Clerk • CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 7, 1986 Work Session 7:00 - 7;30 The McCall City Council met for a Work Session at the McCall City Hall on July 7, 1986, at 7x00 P.M. Members prese"t were Mayor Clyde Archer, Council members Marion Johnson, cliff Lee, Bob McCarty and Gary VanKomen. Also present was Bud Schmidt, City Clerk/Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: 1, Acting Police Chief Ed Parker passed both the Physical and Oral exams at the Post Academy. The certificate will arrive in the ma/ l. Certification is not required for Police Chiefs. 2. Change Order at Airport - p209 Base Course Kangas had written a letter to the contractor and Kangas said in his judgment the city' had a better chance of ,being reimbursed by adding this into the project costs through the regular reimbursement process rather • than use the change order. The Engineer's letter .was approved as an alternative solution to the dispute related to the Base course with Idaho Sand and Gravel. 3. wcm mr, Cruzen has been contacted regarding the selling of his property for the woa, The FAA people will be in the area next summer so they may be able to •fiisxt check the McCall Airport wcm at that time if the installation has occurred. 4. Glass in Lake The Department of Lands will not clean this up. There were suggestions that some of the civic organizations might clean the area from Mill Park to the Marina and on to Art Roberts Park. 5. Police Chief Applications Schmidt reported the closing date for this was June 30th. He is rev/ew- / ne them. 6. Audit Proposals •• These are in the office but they have not been opened yet. 7. Gary Hawkins request to encroach on a sewer easement Hawkins is proposing a cantilever deck Over this sewer easement at his home along the river approximately 200 .yards south of the Highway 55 Bridge over Payette River. | Hawkins Is wilting to sign a document and have it recorded, to pay for costs if there is any problem in getting into the sewer. The Administrator recommended this be turned over the the. City Attorney for drafting such an instrument asking Mr. Hawkins to to this. • 11 68^ Report on 4th of July Weekend / Schmidt said it was an interesting weekenu with 1 motorcycle accident and a bicycle wreck, bodily injury due to firecracker explosion, one regrown t"lo/ "" °" eye due to be/ nn hit with a bottle rocket, and many police calls. Due to wea+xer, Fire Department ac� / �v was negligible. CALL TO ORDER ~~� The regular City Council session was called to order by Mayor Clyde Archer^ council members present were Marion Johnson, Cliff Leer Bob McCarty and Gary vanKomen. Others present were Attorney Bob Remaxlus, and City Administrator/Clerk Bud Schmidt. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meetings of June 9, and June 16-2S^ 1986 were re- viewed by the Council. With no corrections or additions, Mayor Archer declared the minutes approved as submitted. APPOINTMENT OF CITY TREASURER/DEPUTY CLERK Bob Hammony was nominated by Mayor Archer for appointment as Treasurer/ Deputy Clerk of the City. Councilwoman Johnson moved to appoint Mr. Bob *ammvns as Treasurer/Deputy Clerk of the City of McCall. vanuvmen seconded. cvuncilmemuers Johnson, Lee^ McCarty and vannomen vote AYE. Motion carried unanimously. Administrator Schmidt administered the Oath of Office to Mr. *ammvns ` • OLD BUSINESS FEASIBILITY STUDY OF SEWER SERVICE TO NEW SMOKEJUMF•ER COMPLEX Tvo+»Man-Orton representatives were present to discuss changes to the report and give added alternatives. Four at+erna+ives were presented and after a lengthy discussion Councilman Lee moved to accept the feasibility study. oanKvmen seconded and the motion carried unanimously with Johnson, Lee, McCarty and oanxvmen voting AYE. Schmidt said the • Forest Service has included a water line, for which $36^000 /s already ura part of the contract in their specifications. It was suggested that the Service and the Public Works Department could work together to reduce the cash cost to install the line^ It was recommended by Lee to direct the staff to put together a package and work with the Forest • Service to install the line. The Forest Service will need a complete Preliminary Design. There was a discussion on obtaining the Heacock property. Councilman / • Lee moved to adopt Alternative 01. Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, Lee, • -- McCarty and vanxvmen voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Archer directed Attorney Remaklus and Administrator to work together with the owners, Public Works Director Larry Chalfant and the Forest Service to proceed in a peaceful way and at some time go for- ward as if having to go to condemnation. IDAHO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT • Interim Report was given by Tim Burgess. Everything is on schedule. The advertisement has been given to the papers and the Health Depart- ment apnrvval has been given to the City. Revisions have been made to delete Air Testing and to extend the time frame from 100 days to 120 days. The project may not be completed this year and they may need to. come back and finish next Spring. This would put the final close out • in 1988. Councilman Lee moved to approve the cxannes^ putt/ ns out the contract for 120 days versus 100 days, to eliminate. the air testing and rely on the internal inspections at termination of the project as a change. Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, Lee, mccartv .and VanKomen voted AYs^ The motion carried unanimously. There was some discussion on getting the consent of property owners to be included in the grant. Everyone has to be notified at Least twice. { Mr. Burgess said he wanted the Council to know there would be complaints because the area would be torn up and a lot of equipment will be in the area for a short term project. It was suggested that a letter • { be written to the Railroad to ask permission to use their right-of-way • for parking the equipment. Mayor Archer directed City Attorney ~~~ aemaolus to secure such a letter. Burgess reminded the Council of the Bid Opening scheduled on July 30 • at 7:00 P.M. He asked that the Council and the Attorney be present to award the contract that evening. The Engineering fees will be reduced and a decreased addendum prepared. en vm prepare . • 117 Burgess said there are a few items to auu, The area on Colorado Street East of the Highway has not been approved yet and the easement behind Sprouse-Reitz still has to be searched out. Councilman Lee moved that the council grant permission to the Engineers to hire a Title Company to do a preliminary search 'between Railroad Street and the back of Sprouse-Reitz. VanKomen seconded and Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted A,s, Motion carried. Councilman Lee moved to approve payment of $1.00 easement for these properties: Alpine Trailer Court, Payette Lakes Trailer Court, • Albright, Godfrey and Wampler. Seconded by VanKomen. Johnson, Lee, • McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. Motion Carried. The following suggestions were maue; 1. Information to bidders - get this on first sheet. 2. The city has in the contract that each sub-contractor has to have a State of Idaho L/cense, Could he work under the General Con- tractor's L/cense. Work out Language so local contractors will • not be eliminated. • • 3, Wording on snow-plowing is not clear. 4. Include form to have General Contractor to sign off each sub-con- tractor. 5. Get Certificate of Insurance from General and Sub-contractor to have in City's possession. This is to be obtained .before any contractor uoes any work. Burgess stated he already. has this. Lee asked Remaklus to look at the Insurance Contract to see that it is up to date. • • CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY/MOUNTAIN MONKEY BUSINESS • Attorney nem*klus advised the City not to 'grant licenses to use city streets and ask the Administrator to take the matter up with the Insurance Carrier regarding liability of the city. He said that on February 19, 1986, the Idaho Supreme Court ruled that the city has ex- clus/"e control of streets under the police power. No on has a vested right to use city sidewalks for business or public streets for private gain, nor is the city stopped from enforcing it's ordinances. The city needs to advise these people they are trespassing at their own risk. The Administrator was asked to write to Mrs. Gentry not asking her to • remove the Landscaping but not granting perm/ss/on. He was also asked • to talk to the City Crew and and have them talk to him before plowing out any berms. • NEW BUSINESS OFFERS ON AIRPORT. SHED AND GOLF COURSE PICK-UP TRUCK Councilman Lee moved to declare these items as surplus to city needs and advertise for sale by posting notices on the door of the City Building and putting an ad in the Post Office with the description on • the notice where these items can be Located. VanKomen seconded. • Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. Motion carried. HELEN YOUNG WATER SERVICE Public Works Director Larry Chalfant has been writing Mrs. Young re- nard/ny water services. A letter has been received from her attorney • which proposes settlement. To carry this further would be added costs ' to the city and to mrs^ vvuny^ Schmidt' rec^mmerueu to accept the settlement and inform her she will be billed at the going monthly rate. He asked that the Attorney respond to this. Councilman VanKomen moved to. accept the offer of $50.00 per month to pay off $385.00 balance and that she pay monthly charges hereafter. • Lee seconded. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted Ars, Motion carr/eu, Mayor Archer directed ~^e• Administrator and Attorney to proceed CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PROPOSAL ON USE OF DEPOT After some discussion the City Attorney was asked to review txe contract and the Administrator is to research this. Redecoration would be up to the Chamber with permission of the City. City has agreed to main- tain the parking area and remove snvw^ It does need a new water Line installed. • • || • ' - -� � � The Chamber has also asked for permission to schedule the events at the depot. Schmidt was asked to come up with possible conclusions on scheduling. The Research Gift from the UPRR and the Federal Grant for • °°°~^°~/"°~ /o" ° l°° owed to be u+"uieu. • GARY HAWKINS REQUEST FOR bscw OVER SEWER EASEMENT ~�^ Hawkins was asked to consult an attorney and get something for the Council to review and then get it recorded. Councilman Lee moved to approve Hawkins deck contingent upon reach satisfactory agreement with a Lawyer ner+aining to an easement. Mr. Hawkins is granted permission ^ to continue construction. Seconded by VanKomen. Johnson, Lee, mccar+v and VanKomen voted AYE. Motion carried. / PAYETTE LAKES SKI CLUB MOUNTAIN TRIATHALON • This group has asked for exclusive use of Rotary park on August 16 for their meet. They will need to get a permit for this. The police need to be informed and be delegated to police and check the routes, and guidelines need to be set. Councilman Lee moved to approve exclusive use of Rotary Park by the Payette Lakes Ski CLub pending approval of routes and activities by Police, Fire Chief and Staff. Johnson seconded. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. nvtivn carried. Mayor Archer declared a recess, . � Meeting was called back to order by Mayor Archer. | ' TITLE SEARCH ON HEACOCK PROPERTY Councilman Lee moved to have the staff request and purchase a title search on the *eacvcx property so the city knows owner of record so they know who to con+act^ Seconded by Johnson. J h^s»»' Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted A's, Motion carried. COMMITTEE AND COMMISSION REPORTS • The Mayor acknowledged the receipt of the minutes of the CITY P u Z Commission of June 6 and July 1, 1986, and asked that they be filed • appropriately. A Public Hearing was held by this Commission on July z, • regarding the zoning of the property between Shore Lodge and Elevation 5000 that is being considered for annexation by the city. The Findings __ of Fact and Conclusions of Law were included along with their rec- omenuativns for the zoning. councilman Lee moved to set a Public Hearing before the City Council for August 4, 1986, at 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers on the matter of this annexation. VanKomen seconded. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. Motion carried. The Minutes of the IMPACT P & Z for June 23, zvoa, were received and Mayor Archer acknowledged the receipt of them and asked that they ue filed appropriately. AIRPORT COMMITTEE minutes of July 2, 1986 were acknowledged as received and are to be filed appropriately. There was discussion on the NOB and the recommendations of the State Fn* people present at the Airport meeting. Also discussed was the possibility of putting in asphalt in front of the r-Hangers. The Administrator is to review the costs on paving to make sure it includes excavation costs. No street money is to be used at the airport. The Airport Committee is to be notified of • the decision on naviny^ No GOLF oo*mzrrss minutes were received. CORRESPONDENCE A letter has been received from Sheriff Blair Shepherd asking for a meeting with the City Council, County Commissioners and the County -- Attorney. A lengthy discussion followed as to the service that McCall would receive if Valley County Sheriff's office were to take over the police services. The Administrator was directed to research the following things and then write a letter to Sheriff Shepherd asking for his response. When this response is received the Council can _~ determine whether to pursue this further. 1. What ordinances are to be enforced by them u^ Outline services needed and those special to McCall 3. Ask Sheriff what cost would be and if it higher than what is being paid now there would be no need to go further with this. • � | . . 119 • • Other correspondence: 1. Letter to Robert L. Braun 2. Letter from Senator McClure 3. Letter from Governor Evans 4. Letter from Gerald Ramsey, Elevation 5000 • HAN):DICAP ACCESS TO CITY HALL Attorney Remakius said he had received several caLis from people who were upset that City HaLL had no handicap access. There is one at the police entrance but that door is locked .most of the time. After some discussion it was decided that this would have to be included in next year's budget. • STATE LAND SALE July 15, 19136 is the date of the State Land Sale on the Airport land in Boise. Someone will have to be there authorized to bid and have a Cashier's check with them. • McCarty moved that Schmidt be the City -representative and have a Cashier's check for the amount discussed at the Last meeting and be authorized to bid and present the funds. Lee seconded. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. Motion carried. Councilman Lee moved to adjourn, VanKomen seconded. Motion carried. Clyd L. Archer,.Jr., M yor At :1.t: Aim /Ire Arthur J. chmidt, Clerk MCCALL CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING JULY 14, 1986 The McCall City Council met for a Special Meeting on Monday, July 14, 1986, at the McCall City Hall at 7230 P.M. City Administrator Schmidt slave his report: 1. Sunday, July 27th, Governor John Evans will be here to deliver a a certificate of award on the ICDBG. It was decided to have a Continental Eft-eakfast at City Hail at 9:30 A.M and then travel to the Goif course where the McCall Amateur Tournament will be under way, via the Block Grant Rehabilitation Area. , 2. There may be a problem at the Department of Commerce regarding the T.CDBG. Action may be re•a.uested at the July 21 meeting. 3. Tomorrow, July 15, the Land Sale auction of the Airport property will be held in Cascade. The Mayor', Attorney and Administrator are to he there. 4. The Fo Lk Lore Soc iety was not awarded the 19£36 Development Grant they applied for so will not need to be included in the City's FY 86-87 budget. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was caLled to order by Mayor Archer. Council members present were Marion Johnson, Cliff Lee, Robert McCarty and Gary VanKomen. APPROVAL OF BILLS FOR JUNE • Councilman VanKomen moved to approve the bills as presented. Lee seconded. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. Motion carried. 120 REPORTS OF TRANSPORTATION COMMITTE:E h PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE Schmidt began the discussion with the following issued: ).. Shall ,we purchase the UPRR Right--of-way? C• 7fi ',room." wwe nwrw,.A .sowiw in taw bonded. a. R-O-W cost: negotiate with UPRR to price b. Development p package: need engineering costs 3. If "yes", need to engage BOND COUNSEL Mr. Bill Kirk reviewed the Transportation Committee's report and recommendations on an arterial street system and to purchase the LJPRR Right-of-way. Questions by Lee and VanKomen regarding other R---O--W issues: ).. Develop priorities (Phases) 2. Transportation Committee (Develop Phase I) 3• Make plans known to State and County Hugh Cooke introduced the Recreation's Committees recommendations on Park and Recreation needs for the City. There were questions and discussion as to whether the city should con- sider getting support Lands that are adjacent to the ricjht--of--way• Lee felt if a bond issued could include some of this land it would solve other problems. Councilman Lee moved to acquire the Railroad Right-of-way. Seconded by Johnson. Upon vote Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. Mayor Archer declared the vote carried unanimously. There was a lengthy discussion on the right-of-way between f=irst Street and Dei shard Land and it was the consensus of the members that this land should also be acquired. Lee recommended that both Committees put together some form of phased proposals assuming the R-O-W will be acquired, and have those back to the Council as soon as possible. Schmidt said Bond Counsel should be obtained as soon as possible to help the city through the whole process. The Administrator was asked to meet with both Planning) and Zoning Commissions to review what has taken place . The City Counc. i I. agreed with the Goals and Objectives of both Committees and asked them to work on their further- recommendations. Councilman VanKomen moved to proceed with speed toward a Bond Election on November 4 General Election to try to fund this project and to engage Bond Counsel.• Seconded by Lee. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Archer thanked the members of both committees for their efforts to better the city. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Letter from Representative Stallings 2. Letter to Sheriff Blair Shepherd The Council discussed the City Administrator's Lette - to Sheriff Shepherd. They asked that the hours of foot patrol be clarified as a per year quantity and that he may also be requested to serve as Sgt, at Arms for Council meetings. ADJOURNMENT Councilman Lee moved to adjourn. Seconded by VanKomen. Motion carried. Mayor Archer declared the meeting adjourned. _ Clyde�L. Archer, Jr.,May r A : / . Arthur J. S midt, City Clerk BILLS AND PAYROLL FOR JUNE 1986 121 F . . ; .---CHECK--- YR NUMBER - - VENDOR / PAYEE -^ -• AMOUNT 1 86 - 01350 VALLEY COUNTY AUDITOR 2,221.35 ..,..., 86 - 01351 ELLIS V. SANFORD . 300.00 86 ..- 01352 UNITED STATES POSTMASTER '169.68 86 - 01353 RAMON LEE ALFORD 300.00 i 1 86 - 01354 ROGER BATES 250.00 86 - 01355 HUGH H. COOKE 300.00 86 - 01356 REBECCA L. JEFFRIES . 200.00 86 -• 01357 MARY JANE LIBERTY 200.00 86 -- 01358 BRIAN S. MICKELS 300.00 86 - 01359 EDWARD F. PARKER 250.00 86 - 01360 STEVE LEE RUSSELL 250.00 I 86 - 01361 MICHAEL P. WHITNEY 250.00 86 - 01362 MICHAEL R. TAMBINI : 250.00 a6 - 01363 JEFF SHELDON 100.00 86 - 01364 WILLIAM WRIGHT 200.00 . 1 86 - 01365 MICHAEL K. GANTZ 100.00 86 - 01366 MICHAEL R. SELLERS 200.00 86 - 01367 JEANNIE BROWN 250.00 86 - 01368 ALEXANDER CLAUNTS 250.00 86 - 01369 JEFFREY SCOTT REINKE; 200.00 86 - 01370 RAYMOND M. BARNETT • 250.00 ' '86 -: 01371 ANDREA LYNN DAVIDSON 200.00. I 86 - 01372 STATE OF IDAHO 1,226.97 86 - 01373 JOHN JOHNSON 100.00 86 - 01374 CRAIG BAKER 290.00 ' 86 - 01375 DAVID BAYE 36.00 86 - 01376 DALE POINTS 450.00 . 86 - 01377 VALLEY COUNTY AUDITOR 1,006.00 86 - 01378 IDAHO COUNTY MAGISTRATE COURT 34.50 86 - 01379 ADAMS COUNTY SHERRIFFS OFFICE 15.50 86 - 01360 Archer, Clyde L., Jr. 1.00 86 - 01381 Creech, James F. 109.10 86 - 01382 Johnson, Marion 100.38 86 - 01.363 Lee, Clifford 59.38 .,...-. , 86 - 01384 McCarty, Robert 109.38 86 - 01385 Remaklus, Robert H. 687.83 86 - 01386 Schmidt, Arthur J. 1.491.07 86 - 01307 VanKomen, Gary 109.38 • 66 - 01388 Lockhart, Nancy B. 402.41 86 - 01369 Alford, Ramon Lee 390.61 • 86 - 01390 Pierson, Alta C. 734.21 86 - 01391 Claunts, Alexander E. 352.04 86 - 01392 DenBleyker, David C. 690.64 06 - 01393 Parker, Edwards F. 876.57 86 - 0:1.394 Russell, Steve Lee 535.42 86 - 01395 Tambani, Michael R. 658.45 86 - 01396 Points, Dale Ellis 1,137.02 86 - 01397 Albright, Robyn 181.99 , . • . [ 86 - 01.398 Barton, Cathy J. 146.41 86 - 01399 Cantrell, Gloria L. , 789.75 E 86 - 01400 Jeffries, Rebecca L. 362.84 [ 86 - 01401 Liberty, Mary Jane . 197.40 1 • 86 - 01402 Bates, Roger D. 774. 86 - 01403 Brown, Gloria Jeannie 14 348.83 86 - 01404 Chalfant, Larry 1,397.05 • 86 - 01405 Keating, William D. • 697.50 06 - 01406 Smith, Dave B. 1,324.98 86 - 01407 Whitney, Michael Peter 519431 86 - 01408 Wright, William P. 468.91 86 - 01409 Baker, Craig Robert 666.99 06 - 01410 Cooke, Hugh H. __ 772.72 86 -- 01411 Cummins, Trina Marie 422.47 06 - 01412 Sheldon, Jeffrey P. 273.59 86 - 01413 Barnett, Raymond M. 556.13 86 - 01414 Lewinski, John R. 1,216.10 86 - 01.415 Davidson, Andrea Lynn 417.98 ....... 06 - 01416 Drips, John B. 722.22 86 - 01417 Gantz, Michael K. 446.87 86 - 01418 Johnson, John Joseph 590.94 86 - 01419 Johnson, Shawn 773.51 86 - 01420 Mickels, Brian S. ' 707.50 • 86 - 01421 Murray, Ralph R. 1,031.75 ' [ €36 - 01422 Papineau, David D. 196.38 86 - 01423 Reinke, Jeff Scott 581.06 86 - 01424 Sellers, Michael R. ' 616.57 ! 122 ---CHECK--- - - VENDOR MOUNT NDOR / PAYEE - - YR NUMBER 86 - 0.1.425 STATE TAX COMMISSION 1.325.72 ,...., 06 - 01426 IDAHO FIRST NATIONAL 4,186.70 86 - 01427 STATE AUDITOR, STATE OF IDAHO 6,031.99 86 - 01428 ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO CITIES 2,062.99 86 - 01429 AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE ASSURANCE CO. 40.62 86 - 01430 IDAHO CENTRAL. EMPLOYEES CREDIT UN. 819.89 86 - 01.431 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEM 4,623.81 86 - 01432 ART MART 3.95 86 - 01433 BRUNDAGE OFFICE SUPPLY . 332.00 86 - 01434 BRUNEEL TIRE SERVICE 10.00 86 - 01435 CENTURY LABORATORIES, INC 72.00 06 - 01436 CHEVRON, USA 46.81 . _ 86 - 01437 CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY COMPANY 1,342.73 06 - 01430 CONTEL 1,096.43 06 - 01.439 DOUBLEDAY BOOK CLUB 14.24 86 - 01440 DOUBLEDAY AND COMPANY 30.11 86 - 01441 F-STOP 20.93 86 - 01442 GEM FUEL COMPANY 447.15 86 -- 01443 HIGH COUNTRY ENTERPRISES 59.10 86 - 01444 IBM 123.00 86 - 01445 IDAHO FIRST NATIONAL BANK 2,738.04 86 - 01446 IDAHO POWER 6,288.35 86 - 01.447 INGRAM 159.59 86 - 01448 LAKEVIEW CHEVRON SERVICE 82.78 86 - 01449 MAY HARDWARE . 1,747.56 a6 - 01450 MC CALL PRINTING 217.03 86 - 01451 MEDLEY SPORTS 1,391.07 336 - 01452 MICHIE COMPANY 160.59 06 - 01 453 MY SECRETARY SERVICE 131.35 86 -- 01454 PAYETTE LAKES LUMBER 1,146.19 86 - 0:1.455 PIPE COMPANY 309.32 136 - 01.456 ROBERT REMAKLUS 3,906.00 ........, 86 - 01457 ROWLAND BROTHERS 516.00 86 - 01458 W.O.J. SEETIN 323.00 e6 -• 01459 SHIRT AND SOUND WORKS 46.40 86 - 0:1.460 SMITH AND KANSAS 14.516.90 86 - 01461 SNOWDIRD LAUNDRY 34.80 86 - 01462 STAN'S AUTO PARTS 237.42 I 06 - 01.463 STEVE REAGAN CO. 254.50 86 - 01464 STARLINE EOUIPMENT ' 464.08 ! 06 - 01465 STAR NEWS 149.37 86 - 01466 VALLEY COUNTY 637.10 86 - 01.467 WALLACE SHOP 100.41 . 86 - 01468 DON ALDRICH 38.00 86 - 01469 DEMPSEY EDDINS 11.25 86 - 01470 MAURY AINGER 5.50 • . 06 - 03.471 TIM EVERHART 60.25 66 - 01472 SKIP TAYLOR 9.25 86 - 01473 MARTIN FITZGERALD 18.50 136 - 01474 TOM FRENCH 24.00 06 - 01475 MIKE CURRY 24.00 86 - 01476 HARRY STATHIS 11.00 036 - 01477 TOM CHALOUPKA 23.25 06 -. 01470 DALE POINTS 25.00 86 - 01479 DAN COCHRAN 13.00 86 - 01480 DOUG WOODS 43.50 116 - 01481 RAMON L. ALFORD 41.00 86 - 01482 BIDALL CORP. 114.50 86 -- 01.483 C & S CONTRACTING 624.51 86 - 01484 CAL GAS 254.77 -- 06 -- 01405 CAXTON PRINTERS 36.82. €36 - 01486 CLEVELAND COTTON PRODUCTS 110.60 €36 - 01407 HAROLD DAVIS 45.50 06 - 01488 IDAHO STATESMAN 196.44 ....,H, 86 - 01489 LONG VALLEY SAND & GRAVEL 1,801.22 86 - 01490 QUALITY PAPERBACK BOOK 11.15 1 86 - 01491 SCHLOFMAN TRACTOR 805.75 86 - 01492 TURF EQUIPMENT 109.30 86 - 01493 UNITED STATES POSTMASTER 196.00 I .. 121 ---CHECK--- YR NUMBER - - VENDOR / PAYEE - - AMOUNT 86 - 01494 W .WESTERN EQUIPMENT 767.91 06 • 01495 KERR SURVEYING 15.00 86 - 01496 ACHESC)N MOTORS 18.68 86 - 01497 TESCO WILLIAMSEN 37.90 86 - 01498 HUGH COOKE 21.00 86 - 01499 JEFFRIES' CONTRACTING 377.26 86 - 01500 . ICMA 159.00 86 - 01501 PHILLIPS PETROLEUM COMPANY 10.59 , 86 -- 01502 TREASURE VALLEY BANK 490.87 86 - 01503 TOOTHMAN-ORTON ENGINEERING COMPANY 26.182.90 -- 86 - 01504 WESTERN AIRCRAFT MAINT. .INC 52.79 86 - 01505 STEVE LEE RUSSELL 99.53 86 - 01506 BOOK SHOP 15.30 136 - 01507 MAIRS AUTO PARTS 56.61 86 - 01508 MC CALL RENTAL & SALES 171.77 86 - 0:1509 MICHAEL R. TAMBINI 161.92 86 - 01510 NEVINS AMMUNITION, INC 113.05 86 - 01511 IDAHO SPORTING (30009 164.14 ,. JEFF SHELDON 32.00 86 - 01512 86 -- 01513 SARGENT - SOWELL. INC. 68.02 I 86 - 01514 WALKER SAFETY & SIGNING CO. 174.56 86 - 01515 JOYCE KNOWLES 58.50 06 - 01516 JULIE EDDINS 5)3.50 86 - 01517 CAMBRIDGE LITHO 125.00 06 -. 015:1.8 SACKERMAN'S TEXACO 3,665.18 06 - 015:1.9 PAT COLEMAN 40.00 1 06 .... 01520 JEANNIE BROWN 66.86 06 -- 01521 MARK DARLING 22.25 86 - 01522 STEVE DYE 18.50 86 .- 01523 J.U.B. ENGINEERS,INC. 1,440.00 86 -- 01524 LONG VALLEY FARM SERVICE 36.00 86 - 01525 NEAL JONES 48.54 ...,.. - 86 - 01526 ALEXANDER CLAUNTS 60.15 06 - 01527 JIM'S 25 HOUR TOWING 45.00 i . B6 - 01528 OUTDOORSMAN 70.95 ....- 86 - 01529 TEEN 18.95 01530 TURF COMPANY 1,495.00 . . 06 - 01531 RICK HAYNES 18.50 86 - 01532 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD 150.00 I 06 - 01533 ARTHUR J. SCHMIDT • 139.08 06 - 01534 SHARON WOLF . 58.50 06 - 01535 • EMILY WHITMAN . 58.50 86 - 01536 UNISOURCE CORPORATION 105.60 86 - 01537 G.K. HALL. AND COMPANY. 18.53 06 - 01538 NEW AMERICAN LIBRARY . 2.01 06 - 01539 CITY OF MC CALL 700.00 86 - 01540 L.N. CURTIS & SONS 3,922.79 86 - 01541 WESTERN POWER SPORTS, ' INC. 210.65 86 - 01542 DOUG LOHFF 9.25 86 - 01543 PAUL DUMONT 34.25 06 - 01544 BUREAU OF LABORATORIES 11.25 86 -- 01545 CATHY & JENKINS, UNLIMITED 1,000.00 86 - 01546 CITY OF MCCALL . 236.00 86 * 01547 CRAIG BAKER 48.00 06 - 01548 DIXIE, USA, INC. 50.13 86 - 01549 KURT'S AUTOMOTIVE 385.92 06 - 01550 MCCALL AMBULANCE SERVICE 150.00 86 - 01551 SOFTBALL WORLD NEWS , .12.00 -- . ., • ! ' | 124. . . • / ,� MINUTES | CITY COUNCIL MEETING . JULY 21, zvoa ' CALL To ORDER ^ ` ~~~ The McCall City councit met at the mccaLl City Hall on Monday, July / zz, 1906 at 7;30 P.M. The meeting was catteu to 'oruer by Mayor Clyde Archer and members present were Marion Johnson, cLifforu Lee, Robert McCarty and Gary va"xowen. others present were Administrator Bud ' Schmidt, Attorney Robert pemaxlus and City Treasurer Bob *ammons. . || APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of c/.tv cvvncit meetings of July 7 and July 14, 1906, were approved as submitted. _ AppnovAL. or pAYnou- opprvvat .of the va/rvLL as submitted was given. OLD BUSINESS Report on Airport Land Purchase Schmidt and Artier represented the city at the State Land Board auction i in cascaue, The city was the only bidder and purchased the 2.05 acres S $zu^000 per acre or $34^200^00. There was some discussion on other parcets of /and the city needs to acquire. ` | counc / twoman Johnson moved to take whatever actions required to acquire | the na . troau Right-of-way parcel, the 17 acre parcel, the Merrill. ' � parcet and the oeooer parcet. Lee seconded. Johnson* Lee, mccartr^ and vanuomen voted AYE. Mayor Archer declared the motion carried xnan/mvusLv^ IDAHO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT nounc/ tman Lee moved to approve the Northeast Sewer Rehabilitation Project Contract Amendment 4i1, and to authorize the Mayor to sign this. Johnson seconded. Johnson* Lee, McCarty and vanKvmen voted AYE. The motion carried unanim"ustv. Engineer rim Burgess reported the rv /'vw/ ng; - ! z. Homeowner's easements - 83 remaining. He hopes to finish this by Jvtr zs. r. • A per*/ , is needed from the State Highway to do work in their Right-of-way on both sides of Colorado Street and on Railroad Avenue by the Red Steer Drive Inn. z, Engineer recommended that Administrator Schmidt and puo cxatfa"t be given permission to sign change orders which do not atter the project scope~ t»atare Limited to a 5x increase in any Line item and do not exceed the estauL /shea contingency, that alt change orders be presented for co^nc/ t approval at the fvlmwima council meeting. This wouLu appL' only to change orders requiring immeu- iate action in order to prevent construction delays. i counc/ tman Lee moved to approve for authorization the recommendation Listed in item 3 memo, July 21, 1986 concerning the Northeast Sewer Project. Johnson seconded. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and oanmomen vote AYE. Motion carried unanimously. / 4. The Title Company couLu not find the easement for the sewer line behind Sprouse-Reitz that runs over to 1st Street. This wiLl. have / to be prepared. Burgess asked for an increase to cover cost of this if it runs over the budget. cvuncitwoman Johnson moved to have Burgess research this to find the boundaries where the sewer Line Lies and to proceed with working it __ into his statement as would best suit the city, and keep and submit separate statements from the *eacvcx property. Lee seconded. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanuomen voted Avs, Motion carried vnan/mvustr. Mayor Archer directed Burgess to proceed. Schmidt informed the cvuncil that; �*„ z, No approval has re+ been given for adding the East side of Colorado o+ree+ to the prvjec+, u^ aid openings on the Northeast Sewer Project wiLL be a 7 p.m JuLy 30. / n. There is a problem with the retease of funds. It was asked that intervention with pvti +/cat pressure be put on HUD through the Senators and Representatives in Washington to release the money. 1 ! ' � Councilman use moved that Mayor Archer and Administrator Schmidt be authorized to call. Senators Symms and McClure and Representative Craig 1 and Stallings and Governor Evans to make them *ware of our problem and request their intervention in correcting this. Johnson seconded. Upon vote Johnson, Lee, McCarty and oanxvmen voted AYE. Motion carried. • �- . , There was some discussion on how far the sewer line was to go on to the property at the Woodsman Cafe and motet. It was the consensus of the Council it should go to the first foundation or basement wall and . stop there; this decision is to apply to the Woodsman and any similar situation. ` • Schmidt said the release of funds for •+he first year of the zccmo � has oeen received in the amount of v393~000.00^ -- CABLE TV SALE Attorne' nemaxlus said a Letter from Roger K. Leonard of the Snake River Valley caulev/s/on stating that everything is in order. Councilman va"Kvmen moved to accept Snake River Valley caulevisivn • / Limited Partnership as the new franchisee of the City of McCall. and authorize the Mayor to sign the uocumen+s. Lee seconded. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanxomen voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. RABIES CONTROL ORDINANCE - ORDINANCE 0+99 Attorney newa: lus read the Rabies ordinance with the changes and additions. This ordinance was filed for the 2nd reading August 4, 1986. POLICE ISSUES Acting Police Chief Ed Parker was present at the meeting to report on the 4th of July activities in the city. He stated there was a younger group of people here than in previous years and this coulu probably be contributed to the Rock Concert. Due to the rain the concert was can- celled and this Left the young people to find other things to do - fist fights, setting of fireworks, etc. There were 14 officers on duty, some from other agencies helping out. The activities got out of hand, some at the Brass Lamp and at the Woodsman. Many problems were alcohol related. '_` • Councilwoman Johnson said many people had reported to her that the safety of the community was endangered, and the medical people were , -- "e,, concerned with the injuries they saw. ! ' Councilman Lee moved to petition the County to enact a County ordinance to control any °ct /"/ t /es that create an impact, such as a Rock Concert / or any other activity; that any contract with them would cause them to assist in controlling /t. Johnson seconded. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and Vanxv*e" voted AYE. Motion carried una"/mvusl,, Mayor Archer directed Schmidt to write a letter to the County to this effect. Councilman Lee moved that this letter be written. Johnson � seconded. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanxomen voted AYE. mvtmn carried. There was a lengthy discussion on the Low-profile status of the police 1 department and whether or not it has been effective. Mayor Archer | thanked Acting Chief Parker for being at the meet/ nn. ! • LETTER FROM VALLEY COUNTY SHERIFF SHEPHERD/ A letter has been received from Sheriff Shepherd regarding the costs � • and response time they can offer the city. After some discussion, � Councilman Lee moved to discontinue negotiations with the Sheriff's Department for police services and proceed with hiring a new police chief, and to thank Shepherd for his cooperation and input. Johnson seconded. Jvhnson^ use, McCarty and vanKomen voted Ars^ Motion carried. The Administrator was directed to write this letter to Shepherd to __ thank him for his cooperation and help, and to invite him to participate in the interviews of the candidates for the new police chief on Friday August S. McCarty stated that if Shepherd was not available to be there he would like to have anv+her law enforcement officer there. -~- Schmidt said a packet is ready for the Council to review and rate the o`peo� le selected from the applications. This should be back in the ' office by Friday so the top 3 can be notified and interviews set up. / 1 � • �� � ', � �� ^"" AUDIT PROPOSALS . ! Schmidt gave a report on the audit prvpvsats received. wine have been received, 2 will. not bid and the range is from $2^300 to $10^000 for one year and "" the n year b/u It ranged from $7'000 to $39^000^ /here are several within the price range of $19,200 - $2a^500. van/omen, ~_., McCarty, Schmidt and *ammons are to review, interview and proceed with a recommendation for �»e Council. , RECONCILING CHANGE ORDER, DUST ozLzwo Councilman Lee moved to approve Change Order 01 to the oust Oiling or | : the city street contract of $2^325.03^ bringing the total. to $1*,122:32 | to Crazy Bob, and authorize the Mayor to sign the change order. | Johnson seconded. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanxvmen voted A,s. The motion carried unanimously. NEW auazwcsa ._ PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY A. Purchasing of ae=tin Property The need for a Licensed Appraiser was discussed. | If the city and aeetin can agree on an appraiser the cost can be shareu, If seetin does not agree on the appraisal he wilt have to | pay the cost of another- appraiser. Schmidt was directed to proceed with getting an appraiser. | D. A request has been received from Ponderosa Park to use the City's / contract as an wourelta to do a paving project in the park. | msmaxt"s was directed to report on the legal. aspects of this. / C. Schmidt asked that Tr | na cu"m / "s^ a temporary assistant in the Recreation Department, be employed as a part time secretary in the city halt office at $3.50 per hour. There is approved money / in the budget to do th/s. The Mayor directed the Administrator to hire a part-time Secretary. D. RESOLUTION ON SIGNATURE CARDS, SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES, CHECKING ACCTS. Councilman Lee moved that under Resolution 05-o6 and *a-oa the coumcit prepare the new signature cards naming Marion Johnson. President of the cvunc/ t^ Mayor Archer, Mr. *ammons and *mmin- ' ~-~ /stratvr be authorized to sign for the city. vanxomen seconded. Checks made nut by the city require two signatures arid to open _ • the safety deposit box requires 2 people to be present, Upon vote Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanxomen voted AYE. Motion carried. oomwzrrsE AND COMMISSION MINUTES GOLF COURSE - The Committee has recommended the purchase of a 3-Gang Mower for 14^400,00 This is a budgeted item. counc . tman vanxowen moved to purchase the 3-Gang Mower for $4,400.00. Johnson seconded. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and oonwomen voted AYE. • Motion carried. vanwvmen said he would like to see the Chairman of the Committees sign . the minutes. ' The Golf Committee asked the Staff to prepare for pronvsats the pre- liminary work on the new clubhouse. Mayor Archer acknowledged the receipt of these minutes and asked that | they be fiteu apprvpriatelv, TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE / cha/rman a/ Ll Kirk was present and submitted the pr/vr /tr plan of the Transportation Committee and their specific proposals. McCarty asked that the recommendations be obtained from the Parks and Recreation committee and be reviewed with the ones from the Transportation comm/ltee. *a/o, Archer acknowledged the receipt of these minutes and -- asked that they be f/ teu appropriately. IMPACT p & Z COMMISSION *a/or Archer acxn"wteueeu the receipt of the minutes of JuLr 14, 1906, and asked that they he filed appropriately. A~tvrnev nemmxt"s was asked ..1.4, about combining the City and Impact p & z Commissions. He /s• to look into this and. report on if it can be done and how to u" /t, CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 1 In the minutes of JuLv 15^ 1986~ the Commission asked about putting a sign at the northwest corner of Lake and 3rd Street +^, ^n/ph, Turn / onl,^, The mayor directed the poL /ce Chief to took into this. ! _ ~ . � 127 | The Commission also asked that no parking be permitted on the street. Level of the land donated by the Brown family at the north end of 3rd ! Street to allow for the view of the Lake. • The Commission also referred to the Council a letter from Steve pierce ~- who is building an apartment complex on Samson Trail. He is asking to be allowed to put the electrical wiring in rv*ev instead of race- wars, This is a residential use in a commercial zone. The Building 1 Inspector was instructed to have the Fire chief review this proposal. i CORRESPONDENCE . A letter has been received from *r, James L. pline. This was referred to` txe Transportation Committee. A Letter has been received from the Department of Lanus. The City has --. at problem with people using the city right-of-war for their benefit, Muir and Metcalf. They were asked specifically to leave an open waterway there and this has not been done. Councilman Lee moved to draft a Letter to the State of Idaho pertaining � to the Dock's, Unlimited easement and object to any ties to the beach area as discussed and agreed to with Mr. Bryce Taylor on 2 different occasions and authorize the Mayor to sign this Letter for the City | Council. Seconded by vanKomen. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanwvmen | voted AYE. Motion carried. The Chamber of Commerce has asked to close 2nd Street between Lenora and park Street on Saturday, July 26, 1906, from 7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. for their Flea Market Sidewalk sale. They wilt secure a Hawker's | License and have asked the city to provide barricades. Councilman vanKopen moved to allow the Chamber of Commerce to close 2nd Street from Lenora to Park o+, on Saturday, July 26, 1906, from r:oo A.M. to 5:00 P.M. for the Flea Market Sidewalk sale^ Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanwomen voted AYs. Motion carried. -_ Dan Scott, Chairman of the water ax/ Tournament for the Chamber of Commerce and local businesses, have requested use of Rotary park for -- water skiing on the Lake. This will. be open for the public to view so Schmidt is authorized to issue at perm/ t, ! Schmidt reminded the members of the bk.' openings on July 30 at 7 P.M. ' i ADJOURNMENT Councilman McCarty moved to adjourn, Vanxomen seconded. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and oanuomen voted AYs, mot /On carried. Mayor Archer declared the meeting adjourned. • Clyde L. Archer, Jr., Mayor : Attes , Jgr A �/ ��'°._e/» . Arthur J. Schmi dt. City Clerk ^ | _- � 1 ` | . Y^ _-�A / | .. | | MINUTES . SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 30, 1986 =` The McCall City Council met on Wednesday, July 30, zpaa^ for a Special meeting at 7:00 P.M. at the McCaLL City *all, CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL � Mayor or Archer called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and City Clerk Schmidt called the roll. Answering roll call were cv"nc/ lpemuers | Marion Johnson, Cliff Lee, Bob McCarty, Gary vannvmen and Mayor Clyde Archer. Others present were Administrator/Clerk Bud Schmidt, Attorney Robert nemaklus^ Public Works Director Larry Chalfant, Rick Orton and __ Tim Burgess of Tovt»m*n Orton and 5 others. OLD BUSINESS BID OPENING: zcoao, NORTHEAST SEWER PROJECT Mayor Archer asked Schmidt for a report on the bids. Schmidt said that no bids were received for the project. Orton said he had anticipated 4 or 5 bids, however, 2 contractors dropped out as they had too much work or were out of mwn, 2 dropped out as they couldn't get bonding and the 1 remaining one had to drop out as he too was having a problem getting uvnuing^ Orton said ways to tailor bids to contracts would have to be worked out so they could bid. There was a lot of interest but contractors interested in this � size of project are having a hard time with bonding at this time. . He Suggested that it be put into 2 bids and be rescheduled. councilman Lee moved to postpone the project and plan on rebidding it again next Spring in 2 parts as discussed. Johnson seconded. Johnsvn^ Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. The motion carried unanimously. • There was some discussion on the cost and availability bedding material • for the sewer project. If it could he crushed here the cost could be cut considerably. This project would have to be bid as the cost will = • be over $10^000, Mayor Archer directed Schmidt to proceed to invest-. /gate the possibilities of acquiring gravel to the city's advantage. ___ Specifications could then be prepared to call for a quantity and quality and stockpile it until it would be used next year. x this would affect the Grant, Schmidt said he would deal wxen asked ^w �� with the regional zcoao representative through Tom Naylor. He didn't anticipate problems. The camera will be used on the lines again to ensure that no hookups are missed and to precisely Locate each one and to evaluate the I N I during the high water table period. Too+^man/or+o" will do this.^ Lee suggested- that a tour be given interested contractors this fall while the ground is bare. This way they would be able to see more clearly what is to be done. Then having a long bidding period would . give the contractors an opportunity to put the bid together. / A change order is needed for additional camera work. This will. be / prepared and ready for the August 18^ City Council meeting. It was suggested that a notice be put in the newspaper to let people know what has happened on this project. -- RECOMMENDATION BY AUDITOR SELECTION COMMITTEE ! oanxomen said the recommendation of the committee for the Auditor is . presnell—Gage and Company of Lewiston and Boise. The references con- tacted by Bob *ammons said they have been very pleaseu with the services of this firm. presneLL—Gage and Co. have also offered up to $1000^00 in additional service to the City. The committee proposes a 3—year =^ contract. Councilman vamxvmen moved to accept the bid of pre,mall—Gage and Co. / for the audit of the City of McCall over a 3—year project starting with the Fiscal Year September 30^ 1986. mcary s , Upon / vote J,h"svn^ Lee, McCarty and vanxvmen voted AYE. Archer declared . the motion carried unanimously. . 129 zCao INTERPRETATION ISSUE A problem with the interpretation of the ordinance has arisen regard- -- /rs the requirement that electrical wiring be in metal raceways in a , residential unit Ti i a commercial zone. Schmidt said the only problem : he could see is that if at some time a residential u"/ , was turned ! into - commercial ` se, A Letter from Building Inspector nay Alford � and ' /re Chief Bale Points has been received regarding the Osprey Court ue/ ny constructed on Samson Trail. They recommend this project be allowed to omit the metal raceways^ Councilman oamKome, moved to approve the Pierce project and to proceed to rewrite the ordinance so that small housing projects do not fall under the commercial division as far as electrical wiring is concerned. -- Lee seconded. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and oanxomen voted AYE. The motion carried unanimously. � Councilman vanKomen asked and was excused due to a prior cvwmi+ment^ SEETIN SHOP STATUS REPORT If the City and Mr. aee+in can agree on an appraiser each party will pay half of the cost for the appra/sal^ If either party doesn't accept the appraisal he can hire another appraiser but he wilt then pay the e appra sa cost of both appraisals. If an appraiser can not be agreed upon then both parties will hire their own appraiser. ! SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY Councilman Lee moved to accept the bids for the 1968 Chevrolet pickup truck for $40.00 from Ala" Muller, and the bid from Pat Dorris for . $48^00 for the shed as recommended by *r. Schmidt in his memo to the Council. McCarty seconded. Johnson, Lee and McCarty voted AYE and the Mayor declared the motion passed. CORRESPONDENCE — | The Letter written to Sheriff Shepherd on July uu, 19e6, was noteu, • Shepherd had been asked to sit in on the interviews for the new police : c� /��, but he be unable �o do this due �o a pr/or commitment. � -- ! Mayor Archer gave Schmidt the authority to make some calls to find a | qualified person to sit in on the interviews and to offer mileage, meals and room w:/ le in McCall for that meeting. ! . The letter written to the Valley County Commissioners regarding the suggested ordinance regarding rock concerts and similar activities was given to the Council. It was recommended that a letter be sent to the Valley County Sheriff's office along with a copy of the letter sent to the Valley County Commissioners as he will. probably be asked for his : recommendation. A letter has been received from mrs^ Gloria mvurse regarding the lack of access. to city hail for handicapped people. Attorney neoaxtuy has communicated the intention of the council to the Legal representative • of the handicapped, Mr. narcxuam/s, and he is satisfied with the report that this will be taken care of in the next budget of the city. / This letter is noted and is to be filed. ADMINISTRATOR' REPORT z. The Golf Committee meet / ny scheduled has had to be changed due to the mccal / open Tournament. They will meet Friday, August o at 7:00 A.M. at the Woodsman. ! __ z, The Parks and Recreation Committees have had trouble getting tv- i sether to isolate those limited projects that should be included in the bond .ssue, They will meet Friday, August 1. . 3. Acting Police Chief Ed Parker has been hospitalized with a • __ kidney problem. ' ! 4. John ooros, Assistant State Fire Marshall, who was an active participant in re-evaluating the City vf .mccall^y Fire oepartwe*t, died of cancer and was buried on Jul' 29. Chief Points *nu several of the volunteer fire fighters attended the funeral. . �C� � ' "�° | / o. Ponderosa Park has determined not to attempt to work under the city's paving contract for paving at the State Park. ..., ! 6. The city is Laying asphalt. The ta, /wav was completed yesterday. ! ./u|, up. Chalfant is not sure of the quantities of asphalt and has asked for $3000.00, or 75 tons of additional asphalt. A change order wiLL be neeueu^ Council approval is requested. | Councilman Lee moved to authorize an increase in the total amount up ^ to $3000.00 in the paving contract. Johnson seconded. Johnson, Lee � 1 and McCarty voted AYE. •Mayor Archer declared the motion carried. 7. Option to purchase the Merrill property. wr, Merrill accepted the --_ appraisal price of $3*^200,00. A check of $100.00 will need to be issued for this. Mayor Archer directed Schmidt to issue a check for $100 to *r. Merrill. a. The certificate of award on the zccmo was given to the City by the Governor. Both the Governor and Mr. Leroy have visited and Looked at the maps. They were encouraged by the progress of the city and it's future. 9. The Airport was closed from o:oo P.M. Last night +| l/ 7;00 A.M. this morning due to a problem on the runwav^ It was removed this 1 morning about 1o:o0 A.M. Painting at the Airport will be done in about 2 weeks, which will complete the construction of this portion of the grant project. 10. Police Chief selection will be on August a, from the three chosen to be interviewed. They are *r. a+vneueck from Sun Valley, Mr. cewalu from American Falls and Ed Parker, Acting Chief in McCall. After some discussion, councilwoman Johnson moved that the top n chosen be / n+er- viewen. McCarty seconded. Johnson, Lee and McCarty voted *Ys. Motion carried. ~�~ Councilwoman Johnson moved to go into executive session. Lee seconded and the motion carried. Mayor Archer catleu the meeting back to order. Councilwoman Johnson moved that the city have Appraiser *r. oas�aw reassess the appraisal to include the Railroad Right-of-way, to include parcels prev/ vusly not included Ti/ the appraisal as property reve,t/ns to the original owner along the Right-ofwav and for documentation of owners of parcels to he pursued by the City Attorney. After some discussion, Johnson withdrew the motion. . Mayor Archer ui.recteu Attorney nemaulus to arrive at an approximate cost of Legal fees to research the ownership of those right-of-ways in question. This will be put on the agenda for August 4^1986^ | | Councilman Lee moved to aujvurn, McCarty seconded and the motion carried. Meeting adjourned at p:wa / May Clyde L. Ar_ ------cher Jr. .| A•t�� t: / 1" f°^ ----- �- ' � ��Ar ^«rJ- S :� u�^ c/ t . Clerk •1 | . __ _ ~ ' �� � 1 ` .'^ MINUTES � czr/ cou^CzL MEETING: REGULAR MEETING . AUGUST 4^ 1986 . ` -__ CALL To.owcEm AND ROLL CALL , The McCall City council met for their regular meeting at the City Hall on Monuav^ August 4, 1986° at 7:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Clyde Archer. Roll call was taken by City Administrator/ 1 Clerk Schmidt. Answering roll call were council members Cliff Lee^ Marion Johnson, aou McCarty and Gary vanmomen. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of July uz, 1986, were approved as submitted. PAYROLL AND DILL FOR JULY Mayor Archer stated that the payroll totaled $42,500^82, and the bills for July totaled $111^951^98^ Councilman Lee moved that the bills be paid. Johnson seconded. Schmidt asked that the Council approve a bill for Idaho Sand and Gravel that a deadline hod been m/sseu^ The grant money should be here within about 10 days. This is for asphalt at the Airport in the amount of $68,061^3*^ Lee modified his motion to in- clude the bill for Idaho Sand and Gravel for $6e,861.34. Johnson seconded the modified motion, Lee, Jvhnson~ McCarty and vannvmen voted AYE. Mayor Archer declared the motion carried unanimously. | OLD noszwsaa ORDINANCE 1429 relating to dogs requiring rabies vaccinations to , obtain a dog license, wee read for the second -time. Archer noted | that ordinance 1*99 was read for the second time and directed that it be read again at the next regular meeting. ! � i 1 u.a^FonEaT SERVICE amoxsJunpsno SASE UPDATE - Schmidt said that now that the city owns the land where the amvkejumper base is going to be constructed, the city needs to take act/on on what they will allow. The city has authorized the improvements the Forest Service plans to make on city land. There is to be a pre-bid meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 12th and the bid closes on September 3rd, construct/"n is to start on -- October ist. The water pipe has been purchased and the only thing unresolved is the city sewer, If this can't be resolved in time, this __ will go unde, a separate c^ntruct, The title search has been done and the property will probably have to the condemned. Lee stated that there is an emergency on this so this work can be done this fall. The Forest Service is working with Larry Chalfant, Public Works uirector,� to see wxere he would rather have this located. The Forest Service anticipates moving on that site May z, zpaa. Councilman .Lee noted that as the City Council has received a copy of the plans and specifications of the project and that some of the project will. be constructed on city-owned property at the Airport and the city authorized the Forest Service to use this Land. oounc | !*an use moved to approve the proposed amvxejuwnmr project by the Forest Service and authorize the use of city Land for that building. oanxvmen -seconueu, Lee, Johnson, McCarty and vanwvmen voted AYE. Mayor Archer declared the motion carried unanimously. CHANGE ORDER, 1986 STREET PAVING PROJECT / Al the /ast meeting the Council authorized the Public Works Department to expe,.0 up to $3,000.00 for additional asphalt nav/ny^ The additional. cost was $716.61 for 16^5 *vns of asphalt in place. . ` Councilman v*m{vm=n moved to approve Change Order *z and approve | $716.61 in addition to the contract, and that the Mayor be authorized ' to sign.. Johnson seconded. Lee, Johnson. McCarty and Vmnxomen voted __ AYE. Motion' carried unanimously. POLICE RECOMMENDATION ON ''mzo*1 TURN ONLY" AT McCALL HoTo- oue to ill health pf Acting Chief Parker. no recommendation has been rece/vev. • _- NEW cmazwsznS Approval of Specifications' call f^ru/us and for gravel for znoao ! project - After some uiscvssivn' Councilman Lee moved to approve the . specifications for gravel crushing and call. for bids. Seconded uY nccar+v, Lre. Johnson, McCarty and va"Kvmen voted AYE. The motion carried mna^imvustv. I . - _ - � 32presenta+/ vn of Executive Budget for FY 36-87 Schmidt reported to the council that the budget is not prepared. He asked if the Council would recess this meeting tonight and meet on Friday at a;so P.M. before the Police Chief interviews at n:oo to receive this for review. Schmidt said he would then Like to have a Work Session on nonuav^ August 11th to go over the budget. Schmidt informed the Council that the Police chief Frank premo ofne c^eCir u^Alenewill sit in on the interviews for Police Chief. Schmidt is making motel reservations for him. Golf Course, uepo /,s - information for this was not obtained no this wiLL have to he removed from the agenda. Transfer of Li.luvr License at Pitcher Bar - Councilman v*nuomen moved to transfer the L/ Luvr License from Mr. Larsen to Mr. Frank Troyer - subject to final investigation of the pvl /ce, Seconded by Lee. Lee, Johnson, mccait/ and vanxomen voted *Ys. Motion carried. -- - --- - -- PUBLIC HEARING - ArwsxATzow OF LAND INTO CITY Mayor Archer announced that now is the time and place set for the Public :ear/ ny rey°ru / "s the annexation of a portion of land to the c / +' limits and discuss the zoning on that piece of Land. The following staff report was given by mr^ Schmidt. STAFF REPORT TOPIC: Annexation of real property to the City of McCall, cvmmvnlv identified as the area bounded by Shore Lodge, Payette Lake, Elevation 5000 and Warren Wagon Road. BACKGROUND: On May 5, 1986^ a request for a city water service was received from Gilbert Stewart (who owns property in the subject arm*). The City Council considered this matter in light of a policy not to extend water service outside of the city limits, The Council determined to consider annexation as a means of resolving the ma++er' and referred it to the Planning and Zoning department for consideration for annex- ation. The City P & Z cvmm/ss/vn^ on May 6, 1986, scheduled a hearing to determine appropriate zoning of this area if annexed. That hearing __ was duly noticed and conducted on July 1, 1986 in the City Council Chambers. A copy of the minutes and Planning staff report are attached. (Attachment z) . The Commission recommended "Residential B" Zone for a 150' parcel lying north of Shore Lodge. "Residential A" Zone was recommended for• the remainder of the area Also attached are a portion of the July 15^ 19e6 Commission minutes which contain a correction to the record on this matter. (Attachment II) The City Council has scheduled a public hearing on Monday August 4, 1986, at a:«w P.M. to examine the question of annexation of the parcel. (Notice, Attachment III.) PUBLIC SERVICES IMPACTS: I. LIBRARY: The Library has no out-of-town users from the area. There is no fiscal impact. II. POLICE: The area now receives police services through the Valley County Sheriff's Department. The crime rate in the area is reportedly Low and would represent a minor expansion of the police service area^ There are 36 structures in the area which would be benefited by improved patrol service, response time and reduction of confusion in an emergency situation. The city already ."atrvIs Warren Wagon Road and some of the preventative wenef' ,s now accrue without cost to area residents. III. FIRE SUPPRESSION AND PREVENTION SERVICES: 1. A Public Works- Director and Fire Chief staff report identifies various water service issues including a need for 2 and possibly 3 additional hydrants. • |' - 133 u, Of the 36 structures, 2 pay fees to the Rural Fire *ssuc/at /vn, If annexed, the Association will Lose this revenue. ($90.00) 3. Certain structures in the area are 3 stories high and cannot be reached with city fire fighting equipment. 4. Pressure and flows with certain improvements would appear to provide adequate water for fire fighting in the area. 5. Street topography and width presents serious prob- Lems +v fire apparatus access to the area. IV. SEWER asmozcso: The area is now within the Payette Lakes Water and Sewer District service boundaries and residents would continue to be served by the District, except for the Owens property which is served and would continue to be on city service (via Shore Lodge). V. STREETS: 1. Serious street and right-of-way problems exist for the streets and alleys in the development as iden- tified in the puul/c Works Director and Fire Chief's report. This problem includes narrow and steep streets, structures which may be Located in the rights-of-way and Lack of turn arounds where theme streets dead end at the shore line. 2. The narrow streets present serious snow plowing problems. 3. A sewer district pump station is located in the street •| • right-of-way. *. The city will incur substantial costs for bringing these streets to acceptable city standards; 5, Street numbering of structures should be identified, assigned and display of same re«uired. uz^ WATER asmvzosa; Water service for this area is now partially provided. To complete service to the area, additional lines and looping ~_ | of those Lines will be necessary. These imnrovements are described in the Public Works and Fire Chief's staff report. / --- rne city cannot predict the impact of the addition of certain homes to the water system. The staff exnects negligible effect on pressures and flows to all customers' • in the area. • • Approximately 13 structures now receive city water and pay the outside user ra*ws, A resident of the area now pays $12.00 (winter), $14^00 (summer) per month (water only/basic service) and the loss of revenue to the water utility is estimated at $75.00 per year per customer • o • r a total (13 X 75) Loss of $975.00. Residents will accrue this amount as a benefit of annexation. TAXATION The total current appraisal of Land and structures in this area is • $2,875^799.00 (7/30/86, Valley County Assessor's office). The current (1986) net MV for the city is $145^67*^375.00. If a simple 5X increase in the property tax were assessed in 19e6-87, the tax would be $279^665^ The effect of the annexation would be to spread the amount over an expanded base. | For example, a current year Levy rate of .001905 would be reduced to .001883, an approximate 1.2 decrease in the CITY only portion of the • Property tax (not the overall property tax) for a current city property ta"-pave,s, If the alternate method of assessing the property tax is considered, which allows cities to benefit from growth by allowing use of a 5% increase on the imputed Levy rate, a net increase in revenue in revenue to the city is Likely to result. A 5# Levy increase would • result in a rate of .00200 x applied against the MV ($145^676,375 + • 2,875,799 ~) 1*8^552,174 = $297^104^ This represents a $17^439 (of which $5^752 is directly at+r|uutau le to this annexation) estimated increase in property tax revenues to the city. The tax rate would apply to all property and no tax transfer would occur ( i .e, no reduction in taxes for current city property). 134 • Residents of the area proposed for annexation will continue to pay property taxes to various •special purpose governments, including: — Valley County — Payette Lakes Water and Sewer District (0 & M) — McCall Memorial Hospital — Payette Lakes Water and Sewer District (Bond) — McCall Cemetery — In addition a city tax will be imposed. An estimate of $1.90 per $1,000 of assessed market value is a usable figure for persons inquiring about the added cost. For illustration, a home in the subject parcel with an AMV of $50,000.00 would incur an additional $95.00 per year tax burden. If this area is annexed, it will be assessed city taxes commencing January 1, 1987. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS: The subject area is an "island" surrounded by the City of McCall. Such "islands" create public service inefficiencies and public confusion. • The area will require some investment in utility services, a part of which must be constructed at a cost to those desiring water service, and other parts at city cost. i•he street and road problems are significant but resolvable over time. The snow plowing problem must be addressed immediately. • ' 1 This small area creates a marginal impact on all city services. That margin is, however, due to the size of the area, population and number of structures, a minimal one. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Staff recommends that the subject area be annexed. Attorney Larry S h oeenhut spoke representing the Owens family stating • they had paid the hookup fee to the Sewer District and will remain with them. flights of the individual property owners must be protected, as well as the view of the Lake. His clients are I n favor of having the Shore Lodge property zoned "B" Residential and have them request a Special Use when they decide what they would like to do with their property. They would Like a buffer zone and do not object to splitting property to have Shore Lodge property "C" and other property "B". Robert Wh i play, property owner in subject area, F.O. Box Hagerman.ID protested annexation, but if annexation occurs he wants to be treated Like every other citizen of the city. Paul Owen, property owner in subject area, HC 85 Box 110 C, Bruneau,ID • opposed annexation, but felt the same as Mr. Whipkey. He agrees with the zoning recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission. John Edwards, McCall, General Manager of Shore Lodge, protested the zoning recommendation of the Planning aid Zoning Commission. They would Like to have their property zoned commercial. May'or 'Archer asked Julie Eddins, Chairman of the Impact P . Z Commission ,rLou•t the present zoning on this property. She stated that the property i iii low zone "A" Residential. She also gave some of the history of that p>r•:rF>eerty rerg,irdirtg zoning. Bob Gossett property owner in subject area, 361.7 Alpine St, Boise, ID said he felt the recommended zoning of f' & Z was good and he is opposed' to zoning any of this commercial.. • Max Collett, prope-.ty owner in subject <.rea, HC OS Box 220, Grandview, :I:t, protests: annexation with double taxtion. • CIa I.Las Weaver, property owner in subject area 4002 W. Plymouth Rd., Boise, TD, pr-is>os..e Annexation and h ighel taxes. She stated that the zoning issue was not advertised. • Gilbert Stewart, homeowner in subject area, 1920 Louisiana Dr., Nampa, ':t;, its in a dilemma lemma as he Stilt has no sewer and will not have if this is annexed. • • ' -- 135 warren Drown, mccall,' is in favor of the City council zoning Shore ^ "'' Lodge property commercial~ Three hundred stock holders won't permit anything obnoxious to be put in this area, It has been used as commercial.-for 5 or 6 years. Owens property was commercial at one time. Mrs. Paul. Owens, opposed commercial property nest to "A" Residential. As no one else wanted to be heard, Mayor Archer closed the Public Hearing session of the meeting and gave the Council the opnort^"itv to discuss this issue and ask �ue�ti vns. • A recess was declared by Archer. After 10 minutes the meeting re- cvnve"e,/. 1 The Council discussed several issues - the area is an island outside the city limits~ several people in this parcel. are receiving city water, snow removal problems, and city srvwth^ nevmklus said he felt the requirements of the law for the public hearings have been met. Councilman Lee moved to instruct the .ci+v Attorney to prepare an � Annexation Ordinance to annex this piece of property to the City of McCall, Johnson seconded. Lee^ Johnson, McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. Mayor Archer declared the motion carried unanimously in favor of annexation. There was a Lengthy deliberation on the zoning of the property. A map marked "Exhibit o" was used to discuss property lines, buffer zvoes~ and property ownersx/ p^ councilman Lee moved that the portion of the area Ti/ question lying South or the Southerly red line on Exhibit ^A" be zoned Commercial ^o" zone and that the area Lying immediately North of that Line and ex- tending to the red line drawn in an Easterly and westerlv direction along the center of what has been designated Owens Road be zoned ^a" Residential and that the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission be followed for ^A^ Residential for everything North "+ the / / ^e drawn on Owens Roau. Seconded by vurKomen, Johnson, Lee, wcoa,,y and vavxvme`` voted AYE. Mayor Archer declared the voting — unanimous on the zoning of the subject property. 1 COMMITTEE AND COMMISSION REPORTS The minutes of the impact Planning and Zoning Commission were received. There were questions about the combining of the two Planning and Zoning cvmm/ss/ vn, Schmidt was directed to draft a letter to both Commissions to set their positive and negative comments about this idea. memaklus will check with the County on /t^ There was some discussion on the request for a Special Use Permit uv Ray Alford, a city employee, on his own nrvpertv. The City *ttv 'nev, was directed by the Mayor to give a legal interpretation on *lfvru^s and the City's situation in this matter and advise the Council. Mayor Archer acknowledged the receipt of these minutes and asked that they be filed accordingly. CORRESPONDENCE Letter has been received from Payette Lakes Water and Sewer District and a Work session wilt be set up in September for this. cvpv of ^ /ettp • from a,auv and Acoav/e/ lo wester^ Insurance has been rece/,'au informing the City of a settlement out of Court. A copy of a letter from Wayne Forrey, .uD^ has been received. - Councilman use moved to approve $1^450,00 for research of the title on the na / troau for update of appraisal and for hiring of Mr. aasham fv up- ua+e the app'a /s:At. on the Right-of-way property not to exceed $500.00. Johnson seconded: Johnson, Lee, mcca,tv and vanxvwen voted AYE. The motion carried unanimous/Y. ' | 136 - The Council wilL meet at 2:30 P.M where the budget will be presented, and at 300 P.M. the applicants for the Police Chief will be inter- viewed. There will be a Work Session on the budget on Monday. August 1 1.1. Iii at 7:30 P.M. Councitman VanKmen moved to vecess on I. Friday. August 13, at 230 P.M. Lee seconded. Motion carried unanimously. 1 ' PAYROLL AND BILLS FOR JULY 1986 --CHECK- ' YR NUMBER - - VENDOR / PAYEE - - AMOUNT 86 - 01552 269 RAMON LEE ALFORD 300.00 86 - 01553 271 ROGER BATES , 250.00 . 86 - 01554 276 HUGH H. COOKE '300.00 86 - 01555 282 REBECCA L. JEFFRIES 200.00 86 - 01556 . 288 MARY JANE LIBERTY . 200.00 86 - 01557 292 BRIAN S. MICKELS 300.00 86 - 01558 1 295 EDWARD F. PARKER 250.00 86 - 01559 1 300 STEVE LEE RUSSELL 250.00 1 86 - 01560 1 305 MICHAEL P. WHITNEY 250.00 86 -• 01561 365 MICHAEL R. TAMBINI 250.00 1 06 -. 01562 429 JEFF SHELDON 100.00 . 86 - 01563 447 WILLIAM WRIGHT 200.00 86 -- 01564 478 MICHAEL K. GANTZ 100.00 86 - 01565 481 MICHAEL R. SELLERS 200.00 86 - 01.566 493 JEANNIE BROWN 250.00 86 - 01567 549 ALEXANDER CLAUNTS 250.00 86 - 01568 690 JEFFREY SCOTT REINKE 200.00 86 - 01569 691 RAYMOND M. BARNETT 250.00 86 - 01570 692 ANDREA LYNN DAVIDSON 200.00 06 - 01571. 719 CRAIG R. BAKER 250.00 136 - 01572 720 JOHN JOHNSON 100.00 86 -- 01573 150 Clyde L. Archer 1.00 86 '- 01574 200 Michelle Basye 350.17 86 - 01575 275 Bob N. Hammons 721.43 86 7 01576 600 James F. Creech ! 120.01 86 - 01577 850 Marion Johnson 100.30 1 I 06 - 015713 1025 Clifford Lee 59.38 136 - 01579 1320 Robert McCarty 109.313 i 06 - 01500 1600 Robert H. Remaklus 687.83 . I 1 86 - 015131 1780 Arthur J. Schmidt 1,491.07 1 1 86 - 01582 1915 Gary VanKomen 109.38 86 - 01583 1200 Nancy Lockhart 306.01 i 86 - 01504 „ 100 Ramon Lee Alford .390.61 86 - 01505 1550 Alta C. Pierson 734.21 86 - 01.506 475 Alexander Claunts 352.04 I 86 - 01507 685 David C. DenBleyker 7130.52 86 - 01508 1500 Edward F. Parker 1 1,005.52 136 - 01509 1700 Steve Lee Russell . 618.77 136 - 01590 1875 Michael R. Tambani 824.47 86 - 01591 1575 Dale Ellis Points 1,137.02 86 - 0:1592 25 Robyn Albright 196.60 86 - 01.593 170 Cathy J. Barton 110.31 , 1 86 -- 01594 350 Gloria L. Cantrell 840.24 1 06 - 01595 800 Rebecca L. Hearne 304.32 86 - 01596 1150 Mary Jane Liberty . 197.40 06 - 01597 250 Roger D. Bates 774.14 . . 136 - 0:1.598 325 Gloria Jeannie Brown 331.67 . 06 - 01599 450 Larry Chalfant 1,397.85 06 - 01600 950 . William D. Keating 697.50 136 -. 01601 1800 Dave B. Smith 1,324.98 86 01602 1925 Michael Peter Whitney 519.31 - 86 -. 01603 2000 William P. Wright 4613.91 86 - ( 1604 166 Craig Robert Baker 416.29 01605 500 Hugh H. Cooke 772.72 01606 600 Trinna Marie Cummins 347.72 1 86 - 01607 1785 Jerrfry P. Sheldon 361.88 06 - 01608 168 Raymond M. Barnett 508.65 86 - 01609 1100 John R..Lewinski 1,216.10 86 - 01610 675 Andrea Lynn Davidson 264.88 1 86 - 01611. 700 John B. Drips 722.22 136 - 01612 760 Michael K. Gantz 649.87 i 06 - 01613 840 John Joseph Johnson 450.41 01614 860 Shawn Johnson 694.26 86 - 01615 1450 Brian S. Mickels 707.50 , , CHECK- - - VENDOR / PAYEE -- - AMOUNT 137 YR NUMBER 86 •-• 01616 1400 Ralph R. Murray 879.75 86 -• 01617 1475 David D. Papineau 83.56 06 - 01.618 1585 Jeff Scott Reinke 355.49 £:36 °•• 01619 1775 Michael R. Sellars 441.49 86 - 01620 2230 Thomas L. Wilson 83.56 86 - 01621 357 STATE TAX COMMISSION 1,493.78 86 •- 01622 358 IDAHO FIRST NATIONAL 4,123.92 06 -•• 01623 359 STATE AUDITOR, STATE OF IDAHO 6,080.57 86 - 0:1624 360 ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO CITIES 2,062.99 • 86 - 01625 361 AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE ASSURANCE 40.62 86 •- 01626 362 IDAHO CENTRAL EMPLOYEES CREDIT 819.89 86 - 01627 363 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYS 4,717.80 86 •- 01628 7 BRUNDAGE OFFICE SUPPLY 123.47 86 •- 01629 8 BRUNEEL TIRE SERVICE 177.14 86 - 01630 9 CENTURY L..ABORATORIES, INC 36.00 86 - 01631 10 CHEVRON, USA 32.05 86 - 01632 11 CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY COMPANY 608.11 86 -• 01633 12 CONTEL 1,065.27 • 86 - 01634 16 DECKER'S INC 232.66 86 - 01635 1 18 DOUBLEDAY AND COMPANY 45.03 86 - 01636 I 19 F-STOP 19.00 86 - 01637 20 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 148.77 86 - 01638 22 GEM FUEL COMPANY . 99.00 1 86 •- 01639 23 GREAT WESTERN CHEMICAL COMPANY 180.00 86 •- 01640 27 IBM 479.00 86 - 01641 28 IDAHO FIRST NATIONAL BANK 603.60 • 136 •-• 01642 29 IDAHO TANK & CULVERT, INC 518.14 86 •- 01643 30 IDAHO POWER 7,457.10 . 1:36 •- 01644 31 IDAHO SAND AND GRAVEL 68,861.34 86 •- 01645 ! 32 INGRAM 125.97 .: ' 86 •- 01646 ! 38 MAY HARDWARE � 255.28 86 •- 01647 40 MC CALL PRINTING 69.84 86 -•• 01640 41 MC CALL RENTAL & SALES I 290.19 86 -• 01649 42 MC CALL DRUG 10.21 86 - 01650 46 MICHIE COMPANY 339.35 86 -• 01651 51 MY SECRETARY SERVICE' 225.60 86 - 01652 53 NORCO 26.80 . 86 - 01653 55 PAYETTE LAKES LUMBER 729.61 86 - 01654 69 SHAVER'S 22.40 86 •- 01655 73 SMITH AND KANGAS 2,795.00 86 -• -01656 75 STAN'S AUTO PARTS 589.31 86 - 01.65'? 80 STAR NEWS 96.72 86 - 01658 84 VALLEY COUNTY 571.88 86 - 01659 1:35 WALLACE SHOP 88.88 1 86 - 01660 88 MERC, THE 27.56 86 -• 01661 89 DON ALDRICH 67.25 06 -•• 01662 90 DAVE SMITH 5.00 1:36 •-• 01663 91 DEMPSEY EDDINS . 31'.25 86 - 01664 92 MAURY AINGER 15.75 86 -- 01665 93 TIM EVERHART 72.50 sib ••• 01666 90 TOM FRENCH 56.25 £36 °- 01667 100 MIKE CURRY 18.50 06 -- 01660 103 HARRY STATHIS 26.75 86 - 01669 104 TOM CHALOUPKA 47.00 86 -• 01670 106 DAN COCHRAN 39.75 , 136 - 01671. 107 DOUG WOODS 45.25 • 86 - 01672 111. BAKER & TAYLOR 5.41 86 - 01673 121 CARTON PRINTERS 212.98 86 - 01.67'4 123 CLEVELAND COTTON PRODUCTS 216.34 86 -- 01.675 12.7 FRANKLIN WATTS, INC. 124.11 86 -- 01676 136 IDAHO DIVISION OF, AERONAUTICS 54.90 ' 86 ••- 01677 140 LONG VALLEY SAND & GRAVEL 624.30 86 - 01678 149 PRIEST ELECTRIC 179.83 86 -•• 01679 150 PUTNAM PUB. GROUP 201.30 • 86 -• 01680 151 QUALITY PAPERBACK BOOK 12.60 66 ••- 016131 155 SCHLOFMAN TRACTOR 36.37 86 -•• 01.602 157 UNITED STATES POSTMASTER 110.00 86 - 01.683 160 WATER & WASTE WATER EQUIP.CO. 1,006.17 86 - 01684 194 CRAZY BOB'S CUT RATE 14,753.26 86 - 0168::1 204 AMCOR INC. 306.06 ".... 86 - 01606 209 HONEYDIF'F'ERS 400.00 86 __ 016£37 255 PHILLIPS PETROLEUM COMPANY 6.22 86 •-• 01688 262 TREASURE VALLEY )SANK 490.117 r 86 - 01689 275 LARRY L. CHALFANT 50.00 . - " 86 -- 01690 302 DAVID B. SMITH 24.50 86 - 01691 343 MAIRS AUTO PARTS 1.12.:37 86 -•• 01692 354 VALLEY COUNTY CLERK 12.00 86 - 01693 356 W.S.DARL_EY & CO, 44.21 4 86 - ()1694 429 JEFF SHELDON 40.00 • 86 - 01695 440 WALKER SAFETY & SIGNING CO. 49.95 138 ! -CHECK-- AMOUNT YR NUMBER 1 - - VENDOR / PAYEE - - ■ 96.00 86 - 0:1696 1467 LARRY JOHNSON 711.71 86 ... 01697 1472 SACKERMAN'S TEXACO 39.43 86 - 01698 1493 JEANNIE BROWN 29.50 444..a 86 -- 01699 504 MARK DARLING 61.75 86 - 01700 j505 STEVE DYE 240.20 86 - 0:1701 L553 CESCO 45.25 86 - 01702 1585 RICK HAYNES 86 - 01703 611 TIME LIFE BOOKS 167.48 86 - 01704 620 STAN BURNAM CO. 149.00 06 - 01705 621 STEREO OUTLET 211.10 -I 86 - 01706 635 UNISOURCE CORPORATION 247.59 86 - 01707 649 VL. SERVICE LIGHTING CORP 232.00 86 - 01700 675 CITY OF MC CALL 59.11 e6 - 01709 6%39 WESTERN POWER SPORTS. INC. 64.00 06 - 01710 706 CRAIG BAKER 7.50 86 - 01711 709 DOUG LOHFF . 54.50 86 - 01712 - 710 PAUL DUMONT 6.55 06 - 0:1713 724 CONTINENTAL BANK AND TRUST 100.00 36 - 01714 ' 725 DARRELL K. MORRILL 22.50 06 - 01715 726 DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 2,311.39 86 - 01716 727 DEPT. OF EMPLOYMENT 17.96 I 136 - 01717 728 GARRETT EDUCATIONAL CORP : 62.00 86 - 01710 729 JOE CHAMBERLAIN 50.00 I 86 - 01719 730 MDPI 223.50 86 - 01720 1731 MOUNTAIN TITLE & ESCROW CO. 7.97 86 - 01721 1732 SKI 25.00 86 - 01722 733 UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM 20.00 86 - 01727 734 VIRGIL DONICA 162.68 86 - 01724 736 WORLD WIDE SIGN COMPANY 26.85 86 - 01725 738 XYZ BOOKS . 5,000.00 86 - 01728 740 STATE OF IDAHO DEPT OF LANDS 17.42 06 - 01729 740 STATE OF IDAHO DEPT OF LANDS 1.00 86 - 01730 741 MELVIN 7 LORNA ALBRIGHT 1.00 116 - 01734 742 EARNEST & LOLA WARD 1.00 86 - 01735 743 GORDON & DELORES RAY ._.... ....... REPORT GRAND TOTAL 166,946.50 **• ' a /, , / id, ,,..,..,„, ' May' Clyde L. Archer, . A tifivire Arthur J. 'midt, City Clerk .0" MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1986 . . CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clyde Archer cal Led the Special City Council Meeting to order on Friday, August 11, 1986, at 2:48 P.M. . 4 ROLL CALL. Council members present were Marion Johnson, Cliff Lee, Bob McCarty and Gary VanKomen. Also present were City Administrator Dud Schmidt, City Attorney Robert Remaklus and- Coeur d'Alene Police Chief Frank Premo, meeting with the City Council to interview applicants for Police .::hief, Administrator Schmidt presented a draft of the FY 86-87 budget. ......... Counc:iL4oman Johnson moved to go into Executive Session for reasons of persInnet according to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 subsection At . to con,sider hiring a public employe. Seconded by McCarty. Upon vote Johnson. Lre, McCarty. and VanKomen voted AYE. Mayor Archer declared the motion ried unanimously. • .. • 1 :3�� • ' No act / on was taken .upon returning to Open sessivn^ Schmidt informed the Council that Steve Russell has resigned from the ~_ Police Department for personal reasons, effective August 15, 1986. He will so to work for the Valley County Sheriff's vffice^ Russell asked that Schmidt that he relay tw the Council, Staff and Police Department that this not reflect anything against Acting Chief Parker. ' i The County job pays a higher salary and offers personal advancement for him. ! ma/or ArCher asked that Schmidt do some research into the County / sala,/ scale. Mayor Archer declared this meeting recessed until Monday, August 11, __ 1paa^ at 7:30 P.M. ' MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION 1 MONDAY, AUGUST 11, 1986 | CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL / Mayor Archer called the work session to order at 7;30 P.M. / Council Members present were Marion Johnson, Cliff Lee, Bob McCarty and Gary Vanmomen. Also present were City Administrator Bud Schmidt, City Attorney Bob nemaxius and City Treasurer Bob Hammons. | ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT � z. Beer and Wine License for Ray pmf dba maria"s Restaurant. vanxvmen moved to grant License subject to approval by police n=pvr+, Seconded by Lee^ motion carried unanimously. � u~ Schmidt advised the Council of the See+in shop negotiations and reAues+eu authorization to secure an appraisal. Mayor Archer a /rec,*u Schmidt contact mr, oowe/ |er and Mr. aash*m and get a quote and a time frame, and authorized Schmidt to secure and ~�` an ,ppraiser for the aeet / n u'// lu / np• � 3. A request for a permit to excavate has been withdrawn by the Boy , Scouts of A°er /ca. -, 4. � �*�~� r has oeen `'ece/veu rrom me oepar�men� vf �anus respvnuinn i • � to concerns abut the Dock's unlimi +eu~s permit and the p/ Le driver ' mcat / l". / n. Payette Laues water and Sewer District agreements - Axe need to prioritize these negotiations was confirmed. • ' a. A letter has been received from the Mosquito Abatement District ' �/ r ' no r ns the Council of a meeting in Cascade on Friday, August 1 15^ 1906. xo one will. represent the Council at this meeting. 7. It was noted that a letter has been received from mr, Frank aruneel^ that was requested by the Council. Jennifa Lorenzi of the Chamber of Commerce was nresen+, She requested additional park maintenance be addressed in the FY 86-87 budget. 1 BUDGET WORKSHOP | The City Council reviewed the proposed budget with the City Administrator i and the City Treasurer. The following department budgets were revieweu: ! Mayor and City cvuncil^ Magistrate oourt, Administrator, Treasurer, , Attorney, Planning and Zvninn^ nuiluimn Inspection, General Government, Building Maintenance and Police. ... . • The Council concluded the budget workshop and Mayor Archer declared this meeting recessed until. Tuesday August 12, 1986, at 7;00 P.M. to ' continue review of the Proposed uvuvel • i _- As announced, the Council determined to conduct an Executive Session Pursuant to hiring a Police Chief. , nounc / /mon �ee moveu �o go / n�o Executive Session under Idaho Code - • __ e Section ur'�z�o subsection A to consider hiring a public employee Johnson seconded, Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanuvmen voted AYs ^ Motion carried unanimously. ^ | Upon return from Executive Session, the Mayor reconvened the Open • Session. Mayor Archer appointed Ed Parker for the office of Chief McCall.. of Police for the City of McCall.. Councilman Lee moved to co"'/ the Mayor's appointment of rd Parker as Idaho.Police Chief of McCall, rmi Johnson se.�',meu ..And the mot /on carr/eu unanimously. . , . . —� �� 1 4 Mayor Archer directed that 'a Letter be written directing Police Chief Parker. to attend ,v three departmental problems, namely: H I.. Records and z^c/uen+ reports o, personnel records n^ personnel training ~~� - ' i Schmidt was also asked to outline terms of employment. Without further business Mayor Archer declared the meeting recessed ' • until. Tuesday, xu..us� 12, �paa^ a� r:ow P.M. | . i . MINUTES CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL SESSION AUGUST 12, zpaa /cscsaasn FROM AUGUST zz, 1906� v ^ ATTENDING: cvunc / |mem»e,s Ma'' / on Johnson, Cliff Lee, Bob McCarty and Gary van/omen, *a/^r Archer~ City Administrator Bud Schmidt and Public Works Director . Larry Chalfant. ! , REVIEW or BUDGET | The Council convened at 7:00 P.M. to continue review of the proposed city uvmset^ The following department's proposals were reviewed: I • police Library / �n/ma� Control wa+er. Fire Sewer Utility Services. ' Airport Parks Trust & Agency *counts Streets • Recreation RECESSED *csrzwn The Conc . / rec°s`*s at 10:27 P.M. upt/ / r:oo p.*. August zn^ 1906^ �...... | __ . | / MINUTES OF mccA:.L CITY couwczL -1ssrz,s OF AUGUST u' zo, 1naa) | `-oouor 1'3~ 19n6 ATTENDING: Mayor Archer, cvuncilmeomers Marion Johnson, Cliff Lee, Bob McCarty and Gary vanK^m'`n. Also present, City Administrator Bud Schmidt. The City c,unc / / addressed adjustments in the General Fund, Special. funds and Trust and Agency accounts to bring each fund and account into balance. . Councilman Lee moved to direct the. City Administrator to prepare a • tentative budget and notice of hearing for September 2, 1906, in ' • accord with the deliberations and decisions reached that evening. . | Seconded u, vanxomen^ Upon vote Lee, Johnson, McCarty and oanuomen ',- voted AYE. Mayor Archer uecLareu the mot/on carried unanimously. ' � ADJOURNMENT . councilman oanxvmen moved that the meeting be aujvurneu, Seconded by mccart'^ Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 12:no ^ -- -�� « � �^°'..�� M L. Archer, J m. ` ~.... �� , dlr. Arthur ' Gc idt, City Clerk / ~ ' , ! 14] MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING • AI.Jc;t. TT" tE, 1906 WoRKSESSION: 7:00 P.M. A Council Work Session was held to review Payette Lakes Sewer District- City of McCall proposed agreements en Dienhar••d Lane Line and re- allocation of pant capacity. A report was received from John L_ewinski > documents reviewed. The Council re•auested additional staff work. The work 5:•-:..sion terminated al '7:30 P.M. REGULAR (`::l:"I'l' l::UI.RlC':Ia.. SESSION CALL TO ORDER AND ROL..I-. CALL. Mayor Archer- called the meeting to order and directed the Clerk to• call the roll, Cnpic:i I.mek+(iber.s Lee, McCarty and VanKU(nen were preasent. ALsao present w<:;s Dud Schmidt, City Clerk/Administrator. • APPROVAL. OF MINUTES f• 1( The minutes o'f July ::;0> .1.r(i><.,, were <:P+prroveefa as submitted. APPROVAL.. OF DRAW CHECKS Mayor Archer declared the draw checks approved. OLD BUSINESS I CImc There was a LengJthy discussion on the gravel for the ICDBO and whether , there is only a Sc)le source for crushing gravel in the area. It was decided that there is more than one source, so it will have to be bid. It has been advertised and the entire project was advertised. The bids wit be considered at 4:00 P.M. and a Special. Council meeting held at t :00 L'•,M. on thurs day> August 21-, 1906 in the Council Chambers to discuss '''he bids and possibly award a contract . ORDiir1N I`ra: Schmidt d by Title Ord i ir.r nrr:r ll,19, relating to required rabies vaccinat , ons prior to issuance ( f dog Licenses. Mayor Archer declared this was the 3rd reading as required by Law. Councilman Lee moved that Ordinance 1,499 r e l a t i n g to requiring rabies vaccination prior t o isue of dog Licences by the City of Mf::i ;:iLL be adopted. Seconded by r.a l.:•. m rr> Lee. McCarty and liankomel voted AYE.. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. l l AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO DOGS; AMENDING SECTIONS 5-4-1 AND 5-4-2 OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF McCALL, IDAHO, TO PROVIDE FOR A LICENSE FEE INSTEAD OF A LICENSE TAX, AND AMENDING CHAPTER 4 OF TITLE V OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF McCALL, IDAHO, BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW SECTION 5-4-3A, OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF ' McCALL, IDAHO, TO REQUIRE A CURRENT RABIES VACCIN- ATION TO OBTAIN A DOG LICENSE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McCALL, IDAHO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Section 5-4-1 of the Village Code of McCall, Idaho, be, and the same is hereby amended to read a as follows: 5-4-1: LICENSE; TAM FEE: It shall be unlawful for any person to own or keep or harbor any doq, male or female, within the City without paying a license tax fee therefor as herein provided. • Section 2. That Section 5-4-2 of. the Village Code of McCall, Idaho, be, and the same is hereby amended to read -- as follows: - 5-4-2: LICENSE; FEE; TER*t: The license for every male dog which has been neutered and every female dog which has beer spayed shall be five dollars ($5.00) and for every female doq not spayed and for every male dog not neutered ten dollars ($10.00) per year. No license tax fee shall be paid for less that one year. 142 Section 3. That Chapter 4 of Title V of the Village Code of McCall, Idaho, be, and the same is hereby amended by the ' addition thereto of a New Section, to be known and designated as Secti3n 5-4-3A of tEVillaae Code of McCall, Idaho, and to read as follows: r 5-4-3A: RABIES VACCINATION: No license shall be issued - < for any dog unless the owner or person in charge of such dog shall present to the clerk at the time of payment of the above stated license fee for such dog, a certificate of a licensed veterinarian that such dog has been currently vaccinated for rabies. l'lc% Aubus77 . Passed and approved this 1-4t4 day of r3tme, 1986. -2 Mayor Attc:.t: i/ y' -tty C r k 1 i ORDINANCE i ;'iO<) Ordinances ;::;'SOO 1 I.ating to electrical wiring standards; for residential. occupancies Located in commercial zones was read in its entirety. Mayor Archer asked that this be put on the agenda to be read for the second time at the next 'regular meeting. , SEWAGE: 'TREATMENT PLANT F:EPA]..f•: AGREEMENT This agreement b. ',j corrected and the Mayor was authorized to sign this, with the Attorney's approval, NEW Blh!i..I:f•iE:S REQUEST FOR WA f Ii R SERVICE** C)')ONt.It::l...l... A request for water service ou'tsille tl'le? city limits in the Shady Beach I . area has been received i 1 o,n frh . an i Mrs. ,.lames O'Donnell. The Council asked t.?.i Ir,..t the l,af F research 't:hi ,:, ant give them information on Shady Beach ilt -« cr: tCt ( ' ' 5 an reports in similar z " I s ue i. i REQUEST r F GR File:F.•i;Ffr.ni ON GOLF SEASON Pr? i cil:::ii i ,a rarlue;?:>1 nr refunds on •:1clLr I .'i: sc;:•ss . s been received. 'lie:? Council asked that requests of this t' i i...I be put in writing and a description of the c i r,:umsta n c:t':'e r he given as we I. 1. as tale number of times the pass was used. REQUEST TO ADVERTISE FOR POLICE OFFICERS Advancement for pol. ic:.e off' icer's was discussed. A letter from Chief Parker reclatnuert:? i rig that Officer Dave tIenDle:?yker be appointed to a permanent pos;i t i on, as one as created by Parker's appointment to Chief. The Council asked that Parker set up requirements for DenDimyker to comply with and that POST training be completed. t anBl.eyker•'s status should not chore' s until this is taken care of. 'there should be a time table of acceptance. If post training has been completed in the last 6 months, the applicant (:loo's not need to go 't'hr'ough the city ! requirements.. f:i 't•y Staff is to c.:le%:','t back with 'talc? Council and have a salary range I or their review. , A letter from the Idaho Peace:? Officers has been received containing a ' c:e?rtific.:ate_ for Chief Parker. Mayor Archer asked that the Administrator present this to i'arker. 1='Y :Lc,S......;.:_r Tr::a!'r''T'IVF.• EIIJCCiETT' ._ SE'T"f,ih?.3 A P''UEH...IC HEAi'i:I:NG The Council further discussed the 'tentative budget and decided to delete? the Parkway Bond Fund entirely. Councilman i...ee moved t o adopt 'tree tentative budget for McCall* '.I:drato, for the year 19T-3. .... €17, and set September 2, 1.966„ at 8:0,:f P.M. es the time. for a Public Hearing on that budget. Seconded by VanKomen. Lee. McCarty and Vankome??n voted AYE. The motion carried unanimously. I"'P F<3C)NNEL. RULES After :>ovi).? (:Iir:, tss::ion, the Council lrt:ex:l that these ruLr'ea be distributed to ati. the department heads for 'th,aai1' review ber.fore? the City Council. takes final t i on. r • _-- _ - - _ _'� -_ _ -_ _ ___-__ � COMMITTEE AND COMMISSION REPORTS 142 PARK AND RECREATION - minutes of a/a/aa It was •Mle consensus of the members of the Council that a work session should be scheduled with the Park and Recreation and Transportation cvwm/ ttees^ Schmidt was directed to set up this for September 8th. ~— CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION - minutes of 8/5/86 Schmidt reported that this Commission needs advice on how to set up for proceedings to go about determining whether or not there is a zoning violation at the Idaho power Substation as has been charged by ./ox" nussel /, Attorney nemaxlvs was asked to make a recommendation on this a,u return it to the cv"nc/ l. The P & Z Commission has asked that the Council direct the Police to enforce loading and unloading in the downtown area as required in the . city ordinances. This was discussed and it was the opinion of the __ cvunc / t that the way it is being done, especially on Lake Street and at /'aruos or/ / / is not acceptable. The Administrator is to have the Police Department write Letters to the merchants regarding this prvulem^ The matter of the road easement on Samson Trait by the aeetin building was discussed at the p & Z meeting and referred to the council. Schmidt ' was asked to get a staff report on this - including whether this was / ever platted as a street, is it a street by use, does the city need a deed/easement. � A Let~", of resignation from the City P & Z has been received from Bob Hill_ Councilman Lee moved to accept the resignation of Bob Hill from the City Planning and Zoning comm/ssiv"^ Seconded by vam{omen and the motion carrieu^ Mayor directed that a letter of thanks be • sent to Mr. */ / l. COURSE ADVISORY| GOLF zsomY cowmzTrss — Minutes of a/o/aa ' The Golf Committee has asked that the city purchase the tractor that is currently being Leased by the Golf Course. Attorney nemaxlus was asked to look at whatever agreement was made and determine to what extent the city is obligated or to w`a+ benefit the city can obtain �' and to recommend the course of action. As timing is of impvr+*nee, ~~e Repaklus was asked to have that recommendation by Aug. 21. | Schmidt :.:.aid that * request for proposals on architectural fees for the ' 1 __ cluu»"'/s, has been prepared. The Golf Course Advisory Committee will ' edit the /. / nu or services to request for the Golf Course clubhouse. | Lee no~e"/ that the Committee has no authority to work with in any way � any a`e» ' ~ec, until. the prospectus has been drawn and handled through , Legal process' � � Green fees were u./scusseu and taken under advisement. This will be | discussed with the Golf Course Committee. IMPACT ptAwwzmo AND ZONING COMMISSION - Minutes of a/zz/aa No quorvn prescnt. TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE - Minutes of 7/30/86 The minutes of the Transportation Committee were discussed. The Council would like the Committee to consider stops lights at 3rd and Lake Street, oe| nxaru and Highway 35 and Park and 3rd Street. The . Council will contact the State Highway about putting in these signs if this /s decided upon. The Council �eLt that mandatory sanding should be done in certain ' areas for safety. nameLv: 1. Mission Street and Highway 55 ` 2. The Park Street Hill i 3^ par/, Street on to 3rd Street __ el. 1st Street and Park 5. Hemlock and Davis 6. o/enharu and Mission . r, Mission and at/unite . ! - '- Fixing and relocating street Lights was discussed. There has een a request for street Lights on Lick Creek Road. • These street light | changes should be taken care of before school starts. This matter w// l be held +^r 2 weeks. AIRPORT COMMIT-Jss - Minutes of e/a/aa No quv, um presa"t. / . �_ -••••• _---_ ____ •_ / 14400nnsapownswcs / A Letter has been received from Idaho State Fire Marshall Bill Wallis � �� to mr, Richard R. Sandberg regarding he Red Mill Site. Schmidt and / Fire Chief Points went to the Red Mill Site with wr~ oanuuwrn^ Mr. Sandberg assured the City that the site will be cleaned up within , 30 to 40 days. =� | »o*zwzaTx�nln^o psromT ! z, The Forest Service asked that the pa i » i� � | «»f / / the / ire activity stows uvwn n� a the Ai port be delayed 2. The Sewer ui �+r /ct has asked for a 'o/ n, board meeting. The City | , wants to waif on this. 3. nr, Bill onwe/ ler has been engaged to appraise the Swetin shop. | , He has completed this and his charge on this is $400~o0, 1^ Schmidt recommended that the City Council direct the Mayor to sign a letter and /"rmattv engage presne/ t and Gage as the city's a./o/ t^rs. Councilman va,momen moved to authorize the Mayor to sign — a totter' to engage presvet / and Gage and Company as mcca/ l^s auu / to`s, Seconded by McCarty. vam.omen amended his motion to add, to accept if Attorney *emaxlus okays this. Lee seconded the • amenumen,. Lee, McCarty and oanKomen voted AYE. Motion carried. 5. A Letter has been received from Police Chief Parker regarding the "Right Turn o,/ ,^ pr^poca/ a� the Northwest corner o f Highway ��! and L./e Strce~ , He did not feet it wvutx be in the best interest of sa/ei'y to u.. /» .s. Archer directed that a copy of this Letter be sent to the Planning and Zoning Commission. a, The Chamber of commerce has requested the use of Fairway Park for Labor oar for the old car show and uarueque festiv/ t|es, Schmidt was directed to approve the request` | r. vaL /er County has adopted an Ordinance for a permit requirement for Large assemblies; that restrvvw facilities be required, deposits made and security efforts be made. | a, After October 1^ zpaa. the city will be authorized to employ a Part time per°o"~anu purchase an economy pickup, to Patrol the city for dog c,ntr, / , This wit !. be separate from the police department ORDINANCE t501 REGARDING ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY Attorney oou nema/'lus read oruin^ 1.501 nce �V� regarding the annexing of | Ai., . 'the p,v/"er~/ just North of Shore Lodge and South of Elevation 5000 to , the East or p,.rre,` :*agon Road into the city Limits of McCall. The � ordinance was read in its entirety. This will be read three times, | and is to he on the agenda of the next regular ^eet/ ng. The mayor xirected fhe cteri, to he sure this v.oin^nce is filed with the proper / people. The anne^at /vc of file 'Lake one-qva't+r m Le out adjacent to this property was ,ii. /so discussed, as this is 'he case in the other areas where Hle La/c is ailjacen~ to areas That are in the city limits . ' RECESSING OF nscrzw6 Mayor Archer declared this meeting recessed until Thursday, August 21, ' tpaa^ at 5:oo F .M. / / MINUTES OF CITY ccJwcIL MEETING RECESSED FROM AUGUST 18, 1986 - �7 AUGUST uz^ 1986 . ' • . '• CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL � Mayor Clyde Archer salted the meeting to order at o:uu P.M counc/ lmemuers present were Marion Johnson, cliff Lee, a^u^mccartv and -- aary wanKomer. Also present were City Administrator/Clerk~ acom/ut^ n/cx Orton of Tvo+xman Orion and Arthur J. � Sand and Gravel' Rand Walker of Long Valley I. .NORTHEAST SEWER PROJECT <zc000/ GRAVE_ BIDS | �� The City Auw/ nistra~or/cLerx reported that the bids were opened at • 4:00 P.M. this date. One bid was received from Long Valley Sand and oravel^ in the amount of $74,867^00 *,, Orton reported that there » • wcrm certain adjustments and channes that couid be made to further reduce the cost of the mater /al, namely, storage at the gravel pit rather than on-city property, deletion of sales taxes and Limiting /tes+/ ng procedures. . - • _ _ � �� � . ^-,° 1 Councilman Lee moved to accept the Long Valley Sand and Gravel bid for 1 4300 cubic yards of drain rock and 6400 cubic yards of 3/4 road mix at $74,867 and direct the Mayor to sign a contract. Seconded by Vannvmen. mr- vanuomen announced ,that this firm was his business _~` client and he intended to abstain. Upon vote, cvunc/ tmemuers Jvxnson. Lee and McCarty voted AYE with oanKvmen abstaining. The motion carried. It was moved by Councilman Lee to direct the Engineer to prepare and have the Mayor sign a Change Order to the Long Valley Sand and Gravel ! contract deleting sales +ax, certain testings and permitting storage of the material at the pit, thereby reducing transit costs. The � reduction from the contract is $14^041,00 with a net cost of the contract now $60,a26.00. Seconded by McCarty. upon vote vanxomen abstained and Johnson, Lee and McCarty voted AYE. The motion carried. __• . T.I. TRACTOR SPECIFICATIONS/GOLF counas Specifications for purchase of a tractor at the Golf Course were re- viewed and amended. Councilman oanx^men moved to approve the specif- ications as amended and call for u/us^ Seconded by Lee. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanKomen voted AYE. The m^+/on carried. . / . TIT. POLICE **, ISSUES The City Administrator requested pay adjustments for Mr. oenolerker � and Mr. cLaun,s, After much discussion Councilman vanxvmen moved to raise Mr. oe,`olevker to $5.25 per hour from this time forward and raise him to $14^*00,00 upon his completion of POST Academy, and ,a .se•mr, cLaun+s to $14,400.00 as of July 1, 1906^ and +o | extend health coverage to mr, oenole'xer. Seconded by Lee. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanKomen voted AYE. Motion carried unan- imously. ` zv, EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY City Administrator Schmidt requested an executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 67-2345 subsection (c) regarding acquiring an interest in real property, namely the shop owned by Mr. Jack aee+in^ ~� Councilwoman Johnson moved to go into Executive Session pursuant to | IC 67-23*5 subsection /c> pursuant to acquiring real nroner+v^ Seconded u, McCarty. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanxomen voted AYE. / -- mot/ on can' ie,1 . , | The cv.`nc , L re,ur"ec from Executive :less/on and was called back into . open session by Mayor Archer^ Councilman McCarty moved to offer Mr. , Jack aeet/ n $25^000.00 a year for 12 years for his shop. Seconded by Lee. Lee, McCarty and vanxomen ,o.Lsx AYE, Motion carried. AoJouE»/ cov"c ' t°..` Lee moved to au/.`", ,^ ue�"nueu by McCarty. Motion carried unanimously. —zrde L. Xrcbec, Jc. � 1 Attest: - . . ~- -^ Arthur J. 8c'^�at, City Clerk ' 1 _ -- ` 1 ` ! ! 146 • MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMF.BER 2, 1986 REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL The McCall City Council met for their regular meeting at the City Hall • on Tuesday, September 2, 1986. The meeting was held on Tuesday as Monday was a legal. holiday. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Clyde Archer. Answering roll call were CounciLmembers Marion Johnson, Cliff Lee, Gary VanKomen. Also present were City Administrator/Clerk Dud Schmidt, City Treasurer Bob Hammons, City Attorney Bob Remaklus and six other people. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of Regular meeting August 4, 1986, Special meeting of August 8, 1986, and continued sessions of August 11, 12 4nd 13, 1986) Regular meeting of August 113 and recessed session of August 21, 1986. As there were... no corrections or additions Mayor Archer declared the minutes approved as submitted. • PAYROLL AND BILLS FOR AUGUST • After review of the payroll and bills Councilwoman Johnson moved to approve of these as submitted. Seconded by Lee. Johnson, Lee, and • VanKomen voted AYE. Motion carried. • BUDGET REPORT The Council wanted to further review the budget report and asked that it be put on the agenda for the next regular meeting. • Councilman McCarty arrived at the meeting. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT 1. This afternoon permission was received from Beatrice Heacock to go on her property to survey for the sewer line that will cross to the Forest Service Smoke Jumper Base. Permission• stilL has to be secured from •. the other undivided interest holder of this property. 2. Mr. Williamson. Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Committee has informed the Administrator that he will not be able to attend the special meeting on Monday, September 8, so it is requested that the meeting be scheduled on Tuesday, September 9, at 7230 P.M. This request was granted. 3. Hugh Cooke, Recreation Director for the City, is interested in offer•- i ng to host the 19137 Idaho Parks & Recreation Society meeting in McCall next fall.. It is -:a .3--day workshop and meeting. He would Like the City Counc:: i I 's endorsement to do this. Councilman Lee moved that Cooke • bid for the 1907 Idaho ParI.ecc and Recreation Society meeting to be held In McCall. Seconded by Johnson. The motion carried unanimously. 4. The State Airport Advisory Board will be in McCall on September 18, Schmidt asked if the Council would like to have a ribbon-cutting at the Airport at that time. After some discussion the Mayor directed Schmidt to ask the Airport Advisory Committee to make arrangements for this. There will he a Luncheon at Si Bueno Restaurant at 12 noon and those to be invited i n addition to the Council are the Airport Committee, Fire Chief, Tom Grote, Randall. Brooks and Chamber of Commerce rep- resentatives S. Alex Ctaunts has resigned from the McCall Police Department. This Leaves two vacancies in this department, iso both positions should be • filled at the same time. September 5th is the closing date for the app i.icat i ons. Applications have been received from all over the state. 6. The M i I. I. Part; restroom doors were ripped off the hinges a couple of weekends ago, and burned in the fire pit. The doors have been • boarded up• The city is now seeking birls on steel, industrial quality doors. An estimate of $1500.00 has bee: given. This will be put in the Park budget. 7. Refunds have been requested from 2 people from Cascade who have 'had their planes parked at the McCall Airport while the Cascade Airport • was under construction. ' Schmidt was asked to get further information ..M. on this before permission was given to grant the refunds. • • • 8. The Golf Course Committee will meet at the Woodsman Cafe on Frid,y47 morning at 8 A.M. Councilman Lee felt they should put together a . prospectus of the revenue-producing activities at the golf course. It should contain a List of thugs the city should provide and what the Golf Course Manager should provide and turn this into some kind of contract. A new contract could clarify a Lot of the problems and some- thing that could be bid. An alternative to this would be to have a city employee manage the golf course. It could be an exclusive. fran- chise and could be put out for bid. Lee said he would like to have it on record that this not a criticism of Mr. Drips. • PUBLIC HEARING ON FISCAL YEAR 1986-87 (OCTOBER 1, 1986 TO SEPTEMBER 300 19) PROPOSED BUDGET AND THE PROPOSED USES OF GENERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS The tentative budget was presented and certain amendments were adopted including an increase in the beginning balance for the General Revenue Sharing Fund and reduction of property tax levy. based on current in- formation. The uses of General Revenue were outlined as follows: $9,852.00 to the Fire Department and $12,773.00 to Building Main- teriance to offset the costs of the handicapped ramp. Councilman Lee moved to adopt the Annual Appropriation Ordinance? 4502 for the Fiscal Year 19036-87. Councilwoman Johnson moved to suspend • the rule for the 3 readings of Ordinance 502 regarding the budget for Fiscal Year 1986-87. McCarty seconded. In a roll call vote, Johnson, Lee and McCarty voted AYE. VanKornen voted NAY. The motion ._ carrier) to suspend the rules. Johnson seconded the motion to adopt Ordinance 4502. In a roil call vote Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen • voted AYE. The motion carried unanimously • CITY OF McCALL ORDINANCE NO. 56;k AN ORDINANCE TERMED "THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION BILL" APPROPRILTING SUCH SUMS OF MONEY AS ARE DEEMED NECES- SARY TO DEFRAY ALL NECESSARY EXPENSES AND LIABILITIES OF THE CITY OF McCALL, IDAHO, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1987. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McCALL, IDAHO, AS FOLLOWS: —" Section 1. Them it hereby appropriated to defray all neccnrary expenses of the city of McCall, Idaho, for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 1986, and ending September 30, 1987, the sum of $ , O,2i/.27300 , which said sum shall be appropriated to the sevefal "funds of said City as follows: I. .:ienera 1 Fund A. Governmental Accounts Mayor & Council $ / 43G. 00 Magistrate Court $ o 7 tn.00 Administrator $,_3?,7/$. 00 . Treasurer $47,46-to, 00- Attorney $AZ 9OO,ao Planning & Zoning $3? 9?IP 00 General Government /�, $ 65, 9,45.00 Building Maintenance(/-r 1QP✓ .ih4( /. 77,2,00 $ 3f'41//• GI p Police $/10/3 . .Fire. line. $9,852.00 Fed. Rev. Shari) $ 0 029.00 • • Animal Control $ /0;.2 5/•° Pub. work/Util. Services $ 3a/ 6713.E Parks $ 7,33B. ' B. Special Revenue Accounts Streets $ /g7537. , Library $ .S3,9y8•co Airport $ J3 7.27,g0 ---- Tort Liability $ 77, 9/8.0o Recreation $ S$,`,644,00 II. Enterprise Funds Water $ /8,?j 0/.0 Sewer $ 3.14.45174,,ev Golf Course $/(,,/, 1(.7.0 148 III. Trust b Agency x000uuts Infiltration and Inflow $ No, 000' 00 Sewer Capitalization/lines $ • Sewer Capitalization/plant $ _- o - Water Capitalization Fund $ 3-6 04,0."o Golf Course Capitalization $ �u' �»" "^ • Magistrate Court Bldg. Fund —' • | - /'»' Sales Sewer Revenue Bond $ �( 7�s *' Unemployment Claims $ � � "/ �� ICDBG Grant pond $ 7/3000.47 Fire xnparnt .a Fund $__ - » ._-__' TOTAL BUDGET s 3,e8ti/4 7S,°u Passed and approved this 2nd day '`r September, l986. . . _ �** � ' _ Mayor Attest: Clty uck OLD BUSINESS A. Ordinance 4,5m0, relating to electrical wiring requirements for residential structures in a commercial zone was read by title for the second reading. B. Ordinance 0501, relating to annexing real property (area bounded by Shore Lodge and Elevation 5000^ Payette Lake and Warren Wagon Road) was read by title for the second reading. | ~�^ C. Shady Beach Water Issue - James A. O'Donnell property This was brought to the attention of the Council at the Last meeting and a staff report and maps were requested. After some discussion it was decided to wait till after the Water Study is completed before any water hookups are allowed outside the city Limi+s^ Mayor Archer directed the City Administrator to /"form the o^ovnne/ls of this and to tell them of the extra costs and .'e�earcx they will be responsible for if this rexuest is «ranteu. D. Samson Trail* street right-of-way issue A staff report was given by Schmidt* and after some discussion Council- man Lee recommended to have this property surveyed all along Samson Trail* then advertise .and if no one pr,tests file it with the cvun+v^ If there a.'e prv~ st then the city can negotiate. mu/+e a large part of the adjoining land along this road belongs to the State of zuahv^ Public Works Director Chalfant was asked to research this and discuss it with Tom Kerr and bring this back t` the City cvuncil^ Chalfant is to get some estimates on the cost of t.`e survey* etc* and maybe some of this can be done next fiscal year. E. Stucker Compliance Letter Fire Chief Points and Donnelly Building Inspector Corbet who is acting as Z Staff, as McCall Building Inspector has been disqualified* being an adjacent property owner* have set up a schedule of things that need to be done and a time frame to do them to bring this building up to code. They also recommend to the Council that a change of class- ification of occupancy from a single family residency to a Boarding House be obtained. If the otucxer^s default on this agreed compliance permit will be cancelled. Councilman Lee moved to approve the letter to atucuers for operating a boarding house subject to Legal counsel* particularly pertaining to city liability and authorize the Mayor to sign . uamvvmen seconded. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and o*nxvmen voted *Ys. Motion carried. • ^ . • ' • . ��K� .'�^ Attorney nema/'lus was directed to write the cover Letter and send it from his office. NEW BUSINESS -~ A letter has been received from the Chamber of Commerce requesting that they be allowed to hang banners at the depot building relating to city oriented act/vi+ ies. Councilman vanm"mwn moved to delegate authority to the City Administrator of hanging banners at the depot. Lee seconded and the motion carried unanimously. | ' ICBM; Amendment A revision of the project scheduled has been received^ councilman vanKvmen moved to accept the contract modification and authorized the Mayor to sign. Seconded by Lee. Johnson, Lee° McCarty and Van- ___ xvwen w`~eu o,s. mv�/vn �arr/eu. Street Light change request The Administrator asked 'for $500.0o ~o move up to five tights. counc/ /man Va"x"men moved to °ut^or/ e the City Administrator to spend v500.00 for stree4 Lights. Le.` seconded and the motion carried .� unanimously. . request for' Administrator Schmidt to serve on AIC Legislative com- � A� m/ ttee has been received. councilman Lee moved to authorize the City Administrator to serve on the Association of Idaho Cities Legislative | Committee and to attend those meet/ was as listed in the letter. .' Johnson seconded. The City is to pay the expenses of the Administrator � for these meetings. Mayor Archer said heJlau also received a Letter asking him to serve^ | and he has agreed to do so. Attorney Remaklus said he felt it' was important for small. cities to have representation here and to be in . touch with the State Legislature. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and Vam{omen voted AYE. Motion carrieu, Personnel issues ..--._ Administrator Schmidt has prepared a chart of the 1% Pay plan and Is working on the job descriptions. The council will. review this and it will be discussed at the next meeting. __ aeet/ n p, ^perty Mr. aeet . n has not responded to the City's offer, so no ac,/on was taken. COMMITTEE AND COMMISSION mzwurcs . City Planning and zoning meet / ^y, August 19, zpoa No action was needed. Mayor Archer asked that it be noted that the minutes were receiveu and directed them to be filed appropriately. Area of Impact Planning and Zoning Minutes of August 25 �paa Councilman use moved to affirm the uocisivn of the McCall Area � *� re* Impact Planning and Zoning Commission of the denial. of the ^f ci�v � request of John F. Lowe and adopt the Findings of Fact and �»c� | � of Law of the Planning and Zoning i Conclusions � ^» y c^mm and Conclusions of Law of the City as the Findings of Fact � Johnson, Lee, McCarty and / ry Council.. Seconded by Johnson. � ` an w omen voted AYE. Motion carried. � v :`t The Impact Commission asked that the Council designate someone to act ^ as Inspector for the Special Use request scheduled on September zo z°uu, for Public Hearing for Ray Alford. Attorney mema���s determined that + against a"_ city -. �^ have to pay the cost as they cannot charge this c/�, hires employee. ' Councilman Lee said it bothered him that the __ someone to do a job and he puts himself in a position that he cannot do the work. Councilman wamKomen moved to hi re someone else to do the work on Mr. Atforu^s perm/t^ Seconded by � There was a Lengthy u/scuss/on on +xis~ Schmidt stated that minimum standards adopted by the city would have to be ^�� a�� +�e i ~~ was present at the meeting and asked to be hearu^ pe me�^ Alford withdraw his application for a Special Use. He did not n�ts�at�u intend to would • af/nanc/al burden on the city. Attorney memaxl-y stated `"° he that `^ pv� should withdraw his application through the Impact pc /yv". • ` | / . , � � -����� ��� �� �� 1. 1 5 aoRREspoNDENcE 1 A Letter has been w r i t t e n by the Administrator to Ralph Kangas infarm- • . mg him that he has not completed atL of his work on the as side 1 Interceptor nor the Airport, The Letter stated he would not be paid until this work is completed. ..1011e4 w. A Letter has been received from the Forest Service to the Fire Depart- , ment thanking them for the work that was done on a building fire at Big Creek by Fire Chief Dale Points and Fireman Steve Dye, The Fire Depart- . ment, in connection with the County has an Arson Task Force whose members perform this work. ADJOURNMENT Councilman Lee moved to adjourn, seconded by VanKomen. The motion carried. _.. 1' (iX 2644ti) • C 1, . rcher, Jr. Mayor Attety• ---7-------7-004 /:-- •1 . City Clerk PAYROLL AND BILLS AUGUST 1986 -CHECK- - - VENDOR / PAYEE - - AMOUNT YR NUMBER 86 - 01731 549 ALEXANDER CLAUNTS 60.36 86 - 01732 209 NANCY BAUMAN LOCKHART 59.19 06 - 01733 157 UNITED STATES POSTMASTER 174.86 86 - 01736 745 PAYETT COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPT. 10.00 86 - 0:1737 746 NEW PLYMOUTH POLICE DEPT 12.00 86 - 01738 624 VALLEY COUNTY AUDITOR 2,410.41 86 - 01739 637 STATE FARM MUTUAL 147.18 06 - 01740 677 ADA COUNTY MARSHAL • 10.00 86 - 01741 269 RAtION LEE ALFORD 300.00 06 - 01742 271 ROGER BATES 250.00 06 - 0.1.743 276 HUGH H. COOKE 300.00 06 - 01.744 2132 REBECCA L. JEFFRIES 200.00 86 - 01715 260 MARY JANE LIBERTY 200.00 06 - 01746 292 BRIAN S. NICKELS 300,00 06 - 01747 295 EDWARD r. PARKER 250.00 86 - 01748 300 STEVE LEE RUSSELL 20.00 86 - 01719 . 305 MICHAEL P. WHITNEY 250.00 06 - 01750 365 MICHAEL R. TANBINI 250.00 06 - 01751. 429 JEFF SHELDON 150.00 me, - 017:7,2' 447 WILLIAM WRIGHT 200.00 86 -- 01753 470 MICHAEL K. GANTZ 200.00 86 - 01754. 481 MICHAEL R. SELLERS 200.00 86 - 01755 493 JEANNIE BROWN ' 250.00 . . 86 - 01756 549 ALEXANDER CLAUNTS 325.00 86 - 01757 690 JEFFREY SCOTT REINKE 200.00 86 - 01758 691 RAYMOND M. EIARNETT 250.00 86 - 01 759 692 ANDREA LYNN DAVIDSON 200.00 86 -- 01.760 720 JOHN JOHNSON 100.00 86 - 01762 68 W.O.J. SEETIN 323.00 .. 86 - 01763 300 STEVE LEE RUSSELL 336.46 86 - 01764 300 STEVE LEE RUSSELL 1,272.81 86 - 01765 295 EDWARD F. PARKER 940.65 06 - 01766 747 SCHARNHORST, KYLE CAMERON 150.00 86 - 01767 308 SHUNN CONSTRUCTION 17,600.02 86 - 01768. 263 TOOTHMAN-ORTON ENGINEERING COM : 26,182.90 86 - 01769 748 LINNY C. MITCHELL 134.50 86 - 01770 . 150 Clyde L. Archer 1.00 86 - 01771 275 Bob N. Hammons 894.88 06 - 01772 600. James F. Creech 100.37 . 86 - 01773' 850 Marion Johnson 100.38 86 - 0.1.774 1025 Clifford Lee 59.30 06 - 01775 1320 Robert McCarty 109.38 66 - 01776 1600 Robert H. Remaklus 687.03 136 - 01777 1780 Arthur J. Schmidt 1,491.07 136 - 01778 1915 Gary VanKomen 109.38 136 - 01779 1200 Nancey B. Lockhart 363.98 . . 86 - 01700 100 Ramon Lee Alford 86 •- 01701 1550 Alta C. Pierson ' 390.61 731.21 151 YR NUMOER - -. VENDOR / PAYEE - - AMOUNT 86 - 01702 475 Alexander E. Claunts 352.04 136 - 017133 685 David C. DenBleyker 748.10 06 - 01764 1500 Edwards F. Parker 1,136.35 96 - 01795 1700 Steve Lee Russell 537.26 06 - 01786 1875 Michael R. Tambini - 658.45 96 - 01797 1575 Dale Ellis Points 1,137.02 86 - 01788 25 Robyn-Albright 228.74 86 - 01799 170 Cathy J. Berton 92.26 . 06 - 01790 350 Gloria L. Cantrell 621.96 136 - 01791 800 Rebecca L. Hearne 246.69 06 - 01792 1150 Mary Jane Liberty 201.28 86 - 01793 250 Roger D. Bates 774.14 06 - 01794 325 Gloria Jeannie Brown 283.38 C6 - 01795 450 Larry Chalfant 1,397.85 $6 - 01796 950 William D. Keating 697.50 e6 - 01797 1800 Dave B. Smith 1,324.98 86 - 01790 • 1925 Michael Peter Whitney 589.66 136 - 01799 2000 William P. Wright 468.91 86 - 01000 166 Craig Robert Baker 146.79 26 - 01001. 500 Hugh H. Cooke 772.72 06 - 01002 660 Trina Marie Cummins 325.01 , 06 - 01003 1785 Jeffrey P. Sheldon 158.70 06 - 01001 168 Raymond M. Barnett 540.88 , 1100 John R. Lewinski 1,216.10 96 - 01606 310 Kyle C. Sharnhorst 394.41 86 - 01607 675 Andrea Lynn Davidson 285.52 86 - 01808 700 John B. Drips 722.22 86 - 01809 760 Michael K. Gantz 625.40 ' 86 - 01810 840 John Joseph Johnson 420.25 86 - 01011 860 Shawn Johnson 449.87 e6 - 01812 1350'Brian S. Mickels 707.50 86 - 01613 1400 Ralph R. Murray 986.19 86 - 01814 1585 Jeff Scott Reinke 396.65 86 - 01815 1775 Michael R. Sellers 474.91 86 - 01816 357 STATE TAX COMMISSION 1,496.78 ; 86 - 01817 358 IDAHO FIRST NATIONAL 4.144.06 ,.....' 86 - 01810 359 STATE AUDITOR, STATE OF IDAHO 6,552.65 86 - 01619 I360 ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO CITIES 2,126.18 06 - 01620 361 AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE ASSURANCE 40.62 ...__ 86 - 01021 362 IDAHO CENTRAL EMPLOYEES CREDI1 749.54 86 - 01.822 : 363 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SY 4,814.65 ' 86 - 01823 1 624 VALLEY COUNTY AUDITOR 3,071.00 86 - 01824 157 UNITED STATES POSTMASTER 175.00 06 - 01825 : 7 BRUNDAGE OFFICE SUPPLY 135.05 01826 . 8 BRUNEEL TIRE SERVICE 96.06 , , 86 - 01827 10 CHEVRON, USA 71.61 86 - 01820 11 CONSOLIDATED SUPPLY COMPANY 283.10 86 - .91929 12 CONTEL 1,860.91 86 - 01830 16 DECKER'S INC 262.26 01831 17 DOUBLEDAY BOOK CLUB 20.11 86 - 01832 18 DOUBLEDAY AND COMPANY 55.98 86 - 01833 19 F-STOP 49.95 86 - 01834 22 GEM FUEL COMPANY ! 404.25 i 86 - 01835 23 GREAT WESTERN CHEMICAL COMPANY 570.00 ; 86 - 01036 27 IBM 291.70 86 - 01837 213 IDAHO FIRST NATIONAL BANK • 1,671.22 06 - 01030 30 IDAHO POWER 7,422.91 86 - 01839 31 IDAHO SAND AND GRAVEL • 31,198.14 . 86 - 01040 32 INGRAM 103.32 86 -- 01841 38 MAY HARDWARE 251.41 86 - 01042 39 MC CALL MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 12.50 , 86 - 01843 44 MEDLEY SPORTS 49.95 06 - 01844 51. MY SECRETARY SERVICE 49.90 86 -- 01845 53 NORCO . 28.14 86 - 01046 55 PAYETTE LAKES LUMBER 94.60 06 - 01847 63 RON'S SHELL SERVICE 59.50 86 - 01840 64 ROWLAND BROTHERS 303.80 06 - 01049 _ 68 W.O.J. SEETIN 323.00 $6 - 01850 69 SHAVER'S 63.94 86 - 01851 70 SHIRT AND SOUND WORKS 52.10 , 86 - 01852 75 STAN'S AUTO PARTS 487.42 06 - 01.853 00 STAR NEWS 108.00 86 - 01854 84 VALLEY COUNTY 631.76 86 - 01855 08 MERCt THE 22.42 86 - 01856 89 DON ALDRICH 44.50 136 - 01857 90 DAVE SMITH . , 15.75 152 ---cHECK--- AMOUNT YR NumBER - - VENDOR / 06 - 01050 91 DEMPSEY EDDINS 56.50 86 - 01659 92 MAURY AINGER 21.25 86 - 01860 93 TIM EVERHART 71.50 86 - 01661 97 MARTIN FITZGERALD 80.50 86 - 01862 98 TOM FRENCH 25.00 136 - 01863 100 MIKE CURRY 15.75 86 - 01064 104 TOM CHALOUPKA 52.75 01865 106 DAN COCHRAN 25.00 , 86 - 01866 • 107 DOUG WOODS 40.75 86 - 01867 111 BAKER & TAYLOR 10.60 i 86 - 01860 118 C & S CONTRACTING 480.00 86 - 01869 119 CAL GAS 9.42 86 - 01870 129 GEM SUPPLY CO--OP INC 1,111.75 G6 - 01871 130 IDAHO STATESMAN 21.00 86 - 01872 140 LONG VALLEY SAND & GRAVEL 171.40 -- 86 - 01873 151. QUALITY PAPERDACK BOOK 1.83 86 - 01874 152 QUILL 16.88 86 - 01875 155 SCHLOFMAN TRACTOR 966.28 a6 - 01876 157 UNITED STATES POSTMASTER 220.00 1k. - 01877 159 EARL_ WARE' 92.71 06 - 01070 160 WATER & WASTE WATER EQUIP.co. 1,900.42 86 - 01079 166 TAYLOR'S TROPHY 0.00 86 - 01880 167 G.A. THompsoN CO: 80.50 06 - olsql 178 AsSOCIATED BUsINals PRODUCTS 312.22 86 _ 01882 194 CRAZY BOB'S CUT RATE 866.13 86 -- 01883 195 HUGH COOKE 5.76 86 - 01804 207 JEFFRIES' CONTRACTING 40.38 • 06 - 01005 217 COUNTRY LIVING 28.97 06 - 01886 262 TREASURE VALLEY DANK 490.87 86 - 01807 297 ROBERT H. REMAKLUS 1,552.00 86 .... 01.800 343 MAIRS AUTO PARTS 79.92 86 - 01009 346 MC CALL RENTAL & SALES 100.50 86 - 01090 355 VICTOR HOTHO & CO. 40.23 1 86 - 01891 356 W.S.DARLEY & CO, • 46.21 86 - 01892 411 WILLIAM A. KIRK INSURANCE 53.29 86 - 01893 422 DEMCO 141.58 86 - 01894 427 HACH COMPANY ' 77.40 I 86 - 01695 455 BARGER-MATTSON AUTO SALVAGE 40.00 86 _ 01096 467 LARRY JOHNSON 1,122.00 - I 86 - 01897 472 SACKERMAN'S TEXACO 2,021.20 86 - 01898 487 DARRELL EVANS (Cancelled) 374.00 1 86 - 01899 493 JEANNIE BROWN 25.21 06 - 01900 504 MARK DARLING 40.75 1 86 _ 01901 505 STEVE DYE 19.50 . I 86 - 01902 522 LONG VALLEY FARM SERVICE 182.50 I 86 - 01903 552 BON APPETIT 27.00 06 - 01904 • 56 EVERGREEN SPRINKLER SUPPLY CO. 228.20 (36 _ 01905 567 .JOHN BAKER 27.50 86 _ 01906 580 TURF COMPANY (Cancelled) 4,300.00 - 86 - 01907 585 RICK HAYNES 39.00 86 - 01908 612 ARTHUR J. SCHMIDT 62.56 06 - 01909 632 IDAHO BUREAU OF AERONAUTICS 47.04 86 _ 01910 649 Vi.. SERVICE LIGHTING CORP 247.59 86 _ 01911 681 MAIN LINE BOOK COMPANY 17.45 86 - 01912 689 WESTERN POWER SPORTS, INC. 90.22 86 - 01913 693 IDAHO NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION(CanC 100.82 86 - 0191.4 710 PAUL DUMONT 50.00 06 - 0191.5 713 CITY OF MCCALL. 254.50 - 66 - 01916 729 JOE CHAMBERLAIN . 644.00 86 - 01917 749 BILL ONWEIILER 400.00 86 - 01918 752 CORRECTIONAL INDUSTRIES 21.40 86 _ 01919 753 EDUCATIONAL GUIDE, INC. 21.31 86 _ 01920 754 HANSON DISTRIBUTING INC. 34.99 06 - 01921 75(5 IDA-ORE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 4,725.00 -- . 86 - 01922 756 IDAHO RECREATION & PARK SCICIET 65.00 86 ••• 01923 757 I.D. CHECKING GUIDE ' 44.55 86 - 01924 758 MOUNTAIN WEST ENTERPRISES 127.00 06 - 01925 759 NOLO PRESS 41.08 40IP4, I S 153 YR NUMBER - - VENDOR / PAYEE -• - AMOUNT 86 01926 760 OL..T:D TOWN GENERAL STORE 21.:32 S 5 5.5.,0 £?h. - 019:_7 761 RIVERSIDE MOTEL. .? £3 F; - 01928 764 ROBERT WILSON '�4.00 • • 06 -•• 01929 7&' MARK LARSON 4 7.2:i 86 •- 01930 766 WESTERN STATES EQUIPMENT 80.44 86 •- 01932 768 DARRELL K. MERRILL 100.00 86 - 01933 769 LINNY C. MITCHELL. 134.50 06 -•• 01934 624 VALLEY COUNTY AUDITOR 3,071.00 06 •- 01952 1:76 TURF EQUIPMENT 4,300.00 06 -- 01953 487 DARRELL EVANS 214.00 REPORT (3RO,ID TOTAL 174, 797.55 *** MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMSER 9, 1986 CALL TO ORDER • Mayor Archer called the meeting to order at 7238 P.M. ROLL CALL Mrs. .Johnson, Mr. Lee, Mr. McCarty answered the roll call. Also attending were Bill Kirk, Chairman of the Transportation Committee, Max Williamson, Chairman of the Park and Recreation Committee, Hugh Cooke, Tom Kerr, Toni Ganzert and approximately 10 other citizens. Mr. VanKomen arrived at 7240 P.M. FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JULY 31, 1986 The Council reviewed the financial report for July 31, 1986, and the Mayor declared the report accepted. PROPOSED PURCHASE OF THE UNION PACIFIC RIGHT-OF-WAY The issue at hand was the purchase of the Union Pacific right-of-way and the development package that might be included in a bond issue. Mr. Kirk and Mr. Williamson reviewed their committee's recommendations, responded to public and council questions. General conclusions reached as a result of the discussion were: 1. City staff will prepare a cost estimate for Land acquisitons, and construction costs of the proposed improvements to be presented to the Council on or about November 1, 1986. 2. A bond issue would be scheduled as a separate election (Spring 1987). 3. A program to . inform the public of the nature of this plan should be undertaken. ADJOURNMENT Without further business, the meeting adjourned at 9254 P.M. CLy•e L. Archer, Jr , Mayor ATTE C City CLely 154 MINUTES OF CI'T'Y COUNCIL. ML:aT:I:NG REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 15, 1906 CALL TO OILER AND ROLL CALL The McCall City Council met for their reguLai- business meeting at the McCall City Hail on Monday, September 15, 1986, at 7;30 F.M. The meeting was called to order by Mayor clyde L. Archer, Jr. Councilmembers answering roll call were Marion Johnson, Cliff Lee, Bob McCarty and Gary VanKomen. Also present were City Administrator/Clerk; Bud Schmidt and City Treasurer Bob Mammane. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of September 2 and September 9, 1906, were approved as submitted. OL...Li BUSINESS — Mayor Archer asked for the third reading of Ordinance 0500 relating to to electrical wiring requirement for residential use in a commercial tone. Clerk Schmidt read this ordinance by title. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ADDITIONAL ELECTRICAL WIRING REQUIREMENTS ; AMENDING SECTION 2-1-8B OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF McCALL, IDAHO, TO REQUIRE THAT ELECTRICAL WIRING BE IN METAL RACEWAYS IN CERTAIN BUILDINGS AND PROVIDING EXCEPTIONS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McCALL, IDAHO, AS FOLLOWS: Section I. That Section 2-1-8B of the Village Code of McCall, Idaho, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 2-1-8B: ADDITIONAL ELECTRICAL WIRING REQUIREMENTS: The following additional wiring requirements shall apply within the corporate limits of the city: (A) All electrical wiring in new buildings in Pre Eerie 2 which classify as commercial or buildings of public assembly in Zone "C" commercial district and Zone Deneral commercial district shall be required to be in metal raceways. (B) All Electrical wiring in places of public assembly within the corporatelimits of the City, including but not limited to schools, churches, fraternal orders, hospitals, rest homes, sanitariums, exhibition or enter- tainment buildings, whether publicly or privately owned or operated shall be in metal raceways. (C) Exception to the foregoing provisions. Conductor operating at thirty (30) volts or less may be installed by any method. (D) Other new buildings constructed in Zone "C" or Zone "D" used strictly as residential buildings and having not more than six single family residences per structure need 'not have electrical wiring in metal raceways. (E) Residential buildings constructed in Zone "C" or "D" of more than six residential units or those having meeting rooms, game rooms, wash rooms, laundry rooms or oti.A. rooms designed or designated or designed as places of assembly for use by the tenants, I � 155 • residents or the general public shall have electrical wiring in metal raceways. • ur. let Passed and approved gust , 1986. • I Mayo ATTEST: Cit Clerk Councilman Lee moved that Ordinance 4500 be adopted. Seconded by McCarty. A roll ca l I. vote was taken and Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. Mayor Archer declared the motion carried unanimously. AIRPORT TIE-DOWN REFUNDS A request has been made for refunds of $15.00 each from Larry Ford and John Moser. Councilman VanKomen moved to allow a refund of $15.00 each to these two people. Seconded by Lee. Motion carried. PERSONNEL CLASSIFICATION PLAN Schmidt asked that a work session be held to discuss the personnel classification plan and to review job descriptions. Archer called a special work session on Monday, September 29, 1986, to discuss these items. • NEW BUSINESS FRANK VOL..i\ REQUEST FOR REFUND A request has been received from Frank Volk for a refund on water, sewer and capital improvement fees paid earlier on his Tang lewood project on Floyd and Thula Streets. He made the deposit planning to build 24 units. Later the project was resealed and only 3 have been built. The matter was referred to the City Attorney for his • recommendation. This will be on the Agenda for the October 6, 1986, meeting. • REQUESTS BY COUNCILMEN LEE & VANKOMEN Requests have been made by Lee to discuss council terms of office, and by VanKomen to discuss council meeting times. These items will be put on the agenda for the work session on Sept. 29th. UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION BICENTENNIAL A Letter has been received asking that planning begin, now for the • Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution. After some discussion and a call for volunteers for help on this, Mayor Archer appointed Shirley Potter • • as Chairman on the Bicentennial of the Constitution. Ray Alford also offered to help on this committee. :I:CMA RECOGNITION Schmidt told the Commission that McCall. could qualify for membership in the International Cities Management Association with an ordinance passed. Members asked how this would benefit the city and Schmidt informed them of the advantages. Councilman Lee moved to allow the Cl ty to go through the Recognition process for membership. Seconded by Johnson and the motion carried unanimously. MILL PARK USE REQUEST - EDNA LUNT Edna Lunt has requested exclusive use of M i l l Park on August 1987. Counci lwoman Johnson moved to grant the exclusive use of Mill Park on August 198.7, to Edna Lunt. Seconded by Lee. Motion carried. Archer directed Schmidt to notify Lunt of this action. COMMITTEE AND COMMISSION MINUTES AND REPORTS Impact Planning and Zoning Commission minutes of September 8, 1986, work session have been received. Archer acknowledged the receipt of these and asked that they be filed appropriately. 56 Minutes of the Transportation Committee were acknowledged. The committee suggested establishing standards for road construction. The council asked that the committee put this in a form that can be acted upon. It was felt that the Public Works Director and the Police be involved • in some of these decisions. Archer asked that these minutes be filed ~-^ • appropriately. � City p & z minutes of September 2, 1986' were received and acknowledged. | ^ • This Commission held a Public Hearing requested by Gary and Patricia Newby for a Variance and recommended approval of this request. Councilman Lee moved that the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law of the Planning and Zoning Commission be adopted as the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law of the City Council and the Variance be allowed as recvmmenueu^ Seconded by vanKomen' Motion carried unanimously, • The City p a Z also asked that the council review the McBride Street -' issue that had been presented to them about a year ago. Ray Alford, _ present at the meeting, was asked by the Council to give some history _ • on this. He stated that the property owners on McBride street had agreed to give the city enough Land so that a 60 foot right-of-Way could be allowed there in exchange for Less narkino requirements. Archer directed the staff to continue to negotiate with the property owners on this issue. Archer� � asked that these rc a e a e�� ue filed approp- riately. | Attorney Remaxlus arrived at the meeting. 4% NON-PROPERTY TAX Several people were in attendance to speak in regard to the removal of the Non-property Tay. Those in attendance and speaking against the tax were John Edwards, Ernie Woods, Louie Howard, *al aagar' Jane Volk, Sheriff Blair Shepherd, Tim Garber and Lynn Mitchell. The study made by Boise State University Professor Scott, P.H.D. and • Graduate Students as requested by Shore Lodge (Shore Lodge made a ty, donation to aau in conjunction with this) which came to the conclusion that McCall. is not primarily a resort community, was discussed. AMP., Councilman vanxomen moved to suspend the Non-property tax as of September 30, 1906^ This motion died due to a lack of a second. � . Councilman Lee moved to suspend collection of the tax until the City can ver/fv' through either an independent study or verification by the .•• State that the Boise State study is valid. If the evaluation of that • study concludes that study is valid the City permanently suspend the +ax^ Seconded by Johnson. City Attorney Remaklus was asked for his opinion on th/s. He stated that a valid ordinance is in place and he questioned the validity of • this motion. The City cannot suspend the collection of this tax until a determination of the study is made. An ordinance is in place until. it is proven illegal. Lee withdrew his motion and asked Johnson if she would withdraw her second. Johnson withdrew the second. Councilman Lee moved to have the Staff immediately contact the Depart- ment of Commerce and see if they wiiL make a comment on this report. If not, Immediately contact the University of Idaho to engage an Economist to study the report and get back to the City as soon as • possible. Seconded by McCarty. Johnson, use and McCarty voted AnE^ oanKomen voted wAY. The motion carried. The Administrator was directed • to proceed with this act/on. A SHORT RECESS WAS DECLARED AND THEN THE MEETING WAS CALLED BACK TO ORDER BY MAYOR ARCHER ORDINANCE 0501 Ordinance 0501 relating to annexing real. property was read by the ~=~ City Administrator/Clerk by Title for the third time. Attorney Remaulus asked that action be deferred on this ordinance until the October 6, 1906, meeting. He would like to add a sever|uilitv clause to this ordinance as an extra precaution. ! / ` ~ 157 -_ DEED ON FLoYo STREET Councilman vannomen moved to accept the deed from D & I Development Company for the strip of Land adjoining Floyd Street at it's inter- section with Thula Street when same has been duly executed and approved -~_ • by the City Attorney and authorize the Administrator to record ueeu^ Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and Vankomen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. • SPECIFICATIONS FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT PAGER SYSTEM - CALL FOR BIDS Specifications for the pager system for the Fire Department have been given to the Council and a request to call. for bids was presenteu, Chief Dale Points was present to discuss this and answer questions. After some discussion Councilman Lee moved that the specifications for the pager system be approved and be submitted for bid. Johnson seconded. Johnson, Lee' McCarty and vanKomen voted AYs^ Motion carried unanimouslv. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT z^ Contract Review on Airport Grant The Airport Grant was increased by $95'9*7^00. Approximately of +^| | $20,000.00 ^ s was Land Acquisition and approximately $42,000.00 was for Airport Development. | Councilman vannvmen moved to approve the Grant Amendment and authorize the Mayor to sinn^ Seconded by McCarty. Johnson, Lee' McCarty and oanKomen voted *,s^ Motion carried unanimously. • u, At z;oo P.M. today bids were opened for the Golf Course Tractor bid. Four bids were receiveu; West oemco - Massey Ferguson $12,500^00 o � ree ea Tractor ractor - John Deere 9,553^00 Valley Pump - off brand 6,875^00 / achloffman Tractor (G.C. has this 6'677^00 Ford Tractor on Lease/Purchase now) Councilman Lee moved that the bid by achlvffman Tractor for the purchase of the Golf Course tractor be accepted in the amount of $6,677^00^ Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, Lee^ McCarty and v*nkvmen voted oYs^ Motion carried unanimously. 3^ Police Vacancies . � On Friday, September zu^ the Police Department conducted orai written and physical exams of the -- ' to the closing date on the week eecanumates that had applied prior Police Chief Parker and Schmidt recommend that Dave oenBlevkmr be fully appointed to the mccali Police Staff with a 6 months probation nerivu^ uenalev*er passed his oral. with 93n his wri+te test with 93% and also met the requirements for the ph^'� ^ i�a� +e�+ " He was 3rd highest of the canuiu*+ws^ Chief Parker also recommends for appointment Don Platt and Tom Barxeil^ These were the two highest scorers on the tests. vanK^men asked to have a copy of the scores for all 14 candidates He said he would review these and contact parker tomorrow. ^ Councilman Lee moved that Chief Parker with concurrence of of Administrator ocxmiut^ be authorized to make anpv|ntments of Police Officers upon review and approval of individual Council � mewuers^ Seconded by Johnson. Johnsvn' Lee, McCarty and wanKvmen voted AYE. Motion carried unanimously. It was decided that these officers would be sworn in at the council meeting on October 6, 1986^ Schmidt was asked to contact the -- press and ask them to be present. 4~ Ground Breaking at Smoke Jumper Base Ground breaking for the u^a^r^a^ omvxejw"ner base will be held at 1o:oo A.M. on September 17. The Mayor and City Council members are invited to *++enu^ Mayor should be prepared to participate in the actual nrvunu breaking. 5^ State Aeronautics Committee Luncheon & Airport Ribbon Cutting The State Aeronautics Committee will be here on Sept. 18 and / • will meet at Si Buenv's for lunch with the Airport Committee and others interested. The Ribbon Cutting for the new taxiway will be at 1:30 P.M. All are invi+wu^ • 158- - • a. Old Red Mill Burning -- Verbal permission was given today by phone from Salt Lake City, • for the burning of the old red m| LL^ Liability is being invest- • isateu so the city will. not e � u wri+ | ny^ Chief Points is working out all. the and this w/ � � be in protecting surrounding property. +�e ue+a/ �s and in ^—~ 7, ICMA Retirement Deferrmen+ Compensation / ^ �� 'achmiu+ informed the Council of a retirement dmfwrrmen+ compensation pLan the city might be interested Ti./ CORRESPONDENCE The Council reviewed the following correspondence: 1^ Letter to Ralph namaas r=^ mmo 2. Letter from Ralph Kanyas to Bureau of Aeronautics and Public -- Transportation 3^ Letter from Veto LaSalle, Payette Forest Supervisor 4^ Letter from Attorney McKtveen for Shore Lodge EXECUTIVE SESSION Councilman Lee moved to go into Executive Session pursuant to IC Section 67-2345, subsection (c), relating to acquiring an interest in real. nroper+y^ Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, Lee, McCarty *«�v�ns Le d voted AYE. The motion carried unanimously va»x«me» "�`v a nn Mayor Archer declared the Council in Executive Session. OPEN SESSION Mayor Archer declared the meeting Ti/ Open Session. Councilman Lee moved and seconded by Johnson that the City resubmit it's previous offer's, financial terms and accept mr^ aee+in"s adjustment of the conditions. Jvhnsvn' Lee, McCarty and uannvmen • voted AYs. The motion carried unanimously. The Mayor directed the Administrator to extend this offer to Mr. aee+in^ ADJOURNMENT Councilman McCarty moved that the meeting aujvurn^ Seconded by Yanxomen^ The motion carried. Mayor Archer declared the meeting ~�~ adjourned. • Clyde L. Ar .. , Jr. "` • Arthur J. Schmidt, Clerk | -- MINUTES or CITY couwczL MEETING SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER z, 1986 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Archer called the meet/ ma to order at 7:30 P.M. This meeting was scheduled as a work session for reviewing the employee class|r/ • cation plans^ cvuncilmemuers present were Lee* McCarty, an - Archer, *Lso present are City Aum/n/stramr/cLerx Schmidt, x«men and *amwvns and atar News reporter Randall Brooks. ^ /reas«rer Claims pavauLe for the 19e5-86 r|scaL year were considered. u/ LL -- • from Too+hm*n-Orton Engineering for surveying the route for^ the smoxejumper Base Line was added to the List for approval. / l/s from Smith & xa*aas Engineering were also added to the List for by approval after a Lengthy discussion. A motion was made Lee to Lee, and a approve the uiLLs^ Seconded by McCarty. Lee McCarty v v mv voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. «me» COUNCIL MEETING TIME After a lengthy discussion about days and times avaiiabLe' Lee requested this be placed on the next meetings agenua^ No further action was taken. ! / ^ - 159-- '__-_'' COUNCIL TERMS or OFFICE Ti ere was a Lengthy discussion about terms of two* four and six years. Lee proposed the matter be looked into by the City pmministratvr^ No further action was taken. ^ A RECESS WAS DECLARED AND THEN THE MEETING WAS CALLED BACK To ORDER. | , EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATION PLAN The council commenced review of the job descriptions* including the following positions: • Utility Service Worker Trainee ! Utility Service Worker z Utility Service Worker II Utility Service Worker III -- Utility Service Worker/Specialist IV � Utility Service Supervisor Public Works Director After a review, these were returned to the staff for editing and revision. The Council determined to review the balance of the job descriptions by scheduling a group of 3 to 5 on each agenda as an action /tem, When job descriptions have been approved* the classification of positions to pay ranges will be considered. - ----- '--' --- ! i LAND ACQUISITION, asETzw PROPERTY Schmidt advised the council that the offer had been accepted and • requested Attorney Remaxlus be directed to draw up the contract. � No further action was taken. . CORRESPONDENCE The council reviewed the following correspondence. | z^ Letter from Too-hm*n-Orton Engineering, Re: ICDBG Easements 2. Results of police testing . 3^ Letter to Lemhi County Commission � ~—` | 4. Letters from Warren Hawley, me: Railroad Right-of-Way project ! 5^ Letter from wlmin+vn^ m*� Railroad Right-of-Way Project memo from Recreation Director | -- r. us��er �rom zooT O. City Report, AIC . WITHOUT FURTHER BUSINESS THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT APPROXIMATELY zo:3o P.M. | ^� '' ~Ar /0"-°01) i Clyde . Archer, Mayor Attest: - 7 < Ofidir '~� . /�_- JP ~'�~~�~ Arthur J. Schm ^ , Clerk 3E}IsMDO 1986 BILLS AND . - -. _ �__'�� __-'_- - _ ---CHECK--- | Yn NUMBER - - VENDOR / PAYEE - - AMOUNT 86 - 01931 767 COURT MISC. REMIT. 49.00 ya - 01935 269 RAMON LEE *LFOmo nVu^ 06 - 01936 271 ROGER BATES 300.00 u5«^V» 86 - 01937 276 HUGH H. coons • �wo^w« -- aa - 01938 282 REBECCA L. JsrFnzsa aa - 01939 288 MARY JANE LIBERTY u«o^»« oa - 01940 200.00 292 BRIAN S. MICKELS nmo^oo 86 - 01941 295 EDWARD F. PARKER 250.00 � aa - 01942 __ �o� MICHAEL P. WHITNEY c�»^n» . aa _ 01943 365 MICHAEL R. TAMBINI ��o^oo 86 - 019+* 447 WILLIAM WRIGHT 200.00 | oa_ 019+5 481 MICHAEL R. SELLERS uoo^»« 86 _ 01946 493 JEANNIE BROWN z�o^»« g* _ 019*7 690 JEFFREY SCOTT REINKE zoo,Vo i aa _ 01948 aa _ 01949 ap� RAYMOND M. oAnwsTT 250^00 ea _ o�p�o 692 ANDREA LYNN DAVIDSON 200.00 ea _ o�p�� 770 KYLE Sc*Anm*oRoT 150^00 ! 386 IDAHO CITIES AND FINANCE OFFIC 75^00 / 1 60 • CHECK- (I NUMBER . - VENDOR / PAYEE - - AMOUNT 8 ) - 01954 - 150--Clyde L. Archer • - S6 • 01955 275 Bob Hammons •94 1 1 .00 06 - 0956 600 James F. Creech .88 86 - 01957 850 Marion Johnson * 3•19 1090:3-8 86 - ot958 1025 Clifford Lee ........, 86 - 0:1.959 1320 Robert McCarty 86 - 0:1960 1600 Robert H. Remaklus 86 - 01961 1750 Arthur John Schmidt 687.83. . 01962 1915 Gary VanKomen 1,491.07 86 - 01963 1200 Nancy B. Lockhart 109.38 86 - 01964 440.63 100 Ramon Lee Alford 86 - 01965 1550 Alta C. Pierson 436.22 86 - 01966 167 Thomas R. Barkell 734.21 • - 01967 555• 685 David C. Den Bleyker 28 86 - 01968 1500 Edwards F. Parker 748.10 --• 96 - 01.969 1875 Michael R. Tambani 1,136.35 86 •- 01970 1575 Dale Ellis Points 658.45 86 - 01971 25 Robyn Albright 1,213.85 ' 86 - 01972 170 Cathy J. Barton 217.70 86 - 01973 180.50 350 Gloria L. Cantrell 86 - 01974 800 Rebecca L. Hearne 976.00 Cl.' - 01975 460.41 1150 Mary Jane Liberty 86 - 01976 , 248.77 250 Roger D. Bates 1 94 - 01 977 r' Jeannie Brown 774.14 86 - 0197G 325 502.98 . 1 450 Larry Chalfant 1 26 - 01979 950 William D. Keating 1.397.85 1,362947..9580 86 - 01980 1800 Dave B. Smith 86 - 01981 1925 Michael Peter Whitney 86 - 01982 589.66 2000 William P. Wright 468.91 ! , 86 7 _01983 500 Hugh H. Cooke 66 - 01984 77'1,7.2. -TEO Trina Marie Cummins 64.17,7 86 • 01985 1785 Jeffrey P. Sheldon 160.17 06 - 01986 168 Raymond M. Barnett 692.74 86 - 01987 1100 John R. Lewinski 1,216.10 86 - 01986 310 Kyle C. Scharnhorst 33,76 86 - 01989 675 Andrea Lynn Davidson 413.75 86 - 01990 700 John B. Drips 722.22 ,...... 86 - 01991 760 Michael K. Gantz 109.3a 86 - 01992 1350 Brian S. Mickels 707.50 - 86 01993 1400 Ralph R. Murray 729.64 86 - 01994 1585 Jeff Scott REinke 539.44 86 - 01995 1775 Michael R. Sellers 420.38 86 - 01996 357 STATE TAX COMMISSION 1,445.68 06 - 01997 358 IDAHO FIRST NATIONAL 3,949.26 66 - °1998 359 STATE AUDITOR, STATE OF IDAHO 5,553.50 86 - "999 360 ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO CITIES 2,080.57 86 - 02000 361 AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE ASSURANCE 40.62 86 - 02001 362 IDAHO CENTRAL EMPLOYEES CREDIT 675.71 136 - 02002 363 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYS 4,636.27 86 - 02003 7 BRUNDAGE OFFICE SUPPLY 126.15 86 - 02004 8 BRUNEEL. TIRE SERVICE. 48.17 86 - 02005 9 CENTURY LABORATORIES, INC 190.00 86 - 02006 10 CHEVRON, USA 103.52 86 - 02007 12 CONTEL 2,382.39 86 - 02000 16 DECKER'S INC 10.00 86 - 02009 :18 DOUBLEDAY AND COMPANY . 213.56 66 - 02010 19 F-STOP 103.22 86 - 02011 20 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 17.49 66 - 02012 23 GREAT WESTERN CHEMICAL COMPANY 318.00 1 86 - 02013 27 IBM 127.00 86 - 02014 28 IDAHO FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1,671.22 86 -- 02015 30 IDAHO POWER 6,662.86 06 - 02016 31 IDAHO SAND AND GRAVEL 129,854.96 86 - 02017 32 INGRAM 149.72 -- , 86 - 02018 38 MAY HARDWARE 199.09 86 - 02019 40 MC CALL PRINTING 10.00 86 - 02020 • 44 MEDLEY SPORTS 4.75 86 - 0202:1. 51 MY SECRETARY SERVICE 85.60 86 - 02022 , 53 NoRco 29.10 . 86 - 02023 55 PAYETTE LAKES LUMBER 196.43 86 - 02024 58 PIPE COMPANY 226.85 86 - 02025 60 PROFESSIONAL ARMAMENTS 108.98 66 - 02026 61 ROBERT REMAKLU$ 1,776.00 1 02027- 86 1 63 RON'S SHELL SERVICE 245.96 86 - 02028 64 ROWLAND BROTHERS 200.00 06 - 02029 68 W.O.J. SEETIN 323.00 , 1 86 - 0203° 69 SHAVER'S 57.06 ! 86 - 0203:1. 75• STAN'S AUTO PARTS 289.23 161 -CHECK-- YR NUMBER • - VENDOR / PAYEE - - AMOUNT 86 - 02032 77 STEVE REAGAN CO. 17.20 86 • 02033 80 STAR NEWS 524.11 •--. 86 - 02034 84 VALLEY COUNTY 567.90 86 - 02035 89 DON ALDRICH 18.50 , 86 - 02036 90 DAVE SMITH 11.00 , - 86 - 02037 91 DEMPSEY EDDINS 5.50 86 - 02038 92 MAURY AIN•ER 5.50 86 7 02039 93 TIM EVERHART 56.50 86 - 02040 95 SKIP TAYLOR 3.75 86 - 02041 98 TOM FRENCH 9.25 86 - 02042 100 MIKE CURRY 5.50 86 - 02043 103 HARRY STATHIS 3.75 86 - 02044 104 TOM CHALOUPKA 13.00 86 - 02045 106 DAN COCHRAN 3.75 86 • 02046 :107 DOUG WOODS 3.75 86 - 02047 115 BOOK SHOP 213.17 86 - 02048 116 EARL BROCKMAN 10.00 86 - 02049 :110 C & s CONTRACTING 146,54 86 - 02050 119 CAL. GAS 60.00 06 - 02051 120 GLORIA CANTRELL 50.00 86 - 02052 120 GEM COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 285.36 86 - 02053 :132 GREEN HAVEN PRESS, INC 14.87 86 - 02054 140 LONG VALLEY SAND & GRAVEL 61,085.55 86 • 02055 :149 PRIEST ELECTRIC 130.00 86 - 02056 150 PUTNAM PUB. GROUP 20.04 86 - 02057 15:1. QUALITY PAPERBACK BOOK 10.60 86 - 02058 155 SCHLOFMAN TRACTOR 6.699.50 86 - 02059 161 WESTERN EQUIPMENT 492.81 1 86 • 02060 171 COP SHOP ETC. 854,98 86 - 02061 187 ACHESON MOTORS • 142.03 86 - 02062 194 CRAZY BOB'S CUT RATE 798.94 86 - 02063 195 HUGH COOKE 106.06 86 - 02064 209 HONEYDIPPERS 360.00 86 - 02065 262 TREASURE VALLEY BANK 490.87 86 - 02066 263 TOOTHMAN-ORTON ENGINEERING COM 10,832.00 „,........ 86 - 02067 275 LARRY L. CHALFANT 58.51 16 - 02068 295 EDWARD F. PARKER 86.30 86 - 02069 327 BARRONS EDUCATION SERIES 24.46 86 - 02070 336 HOME TOWN SPORTS 132.92 86 - 02071 343 MAIR13 AUTO PARTS 28.51 . 86 - 02072 346 MC CALL RENTAL & SALES 90.00 86 - 02073 :356 W.S.DARLEY & CO, 153.29 86 - 02074 378 GAYLORD 82.58 86 - 02075 411 WILLIAM A. KIRK INSURANCE 250.00 86 - 02076 428 HUGH HARRIS 1,350.00 86 - 02077 438 SHARE CORPORATION 667.67 86 - 02078 440 WALKER SAFETY & SIGNING CO. 125.54 86 - 02079 457 ( HILTON BOOK CO. 30.73 86 - 02080 467 LARRY JOHNSON 224.00 86 - 02081 472 SACKERMANtS TEXACO ; . 1,111.30 86 - 02082 487 DARRELL. EVANS , 32.00 86 - 02083 492 IN IN TR 163.97 86 - 02084 493 JEANNIE BROWN 26.01 . 86 - 02085 504 MARK DARLING 13.00 86 - 02086 505 STEVE DYE . 18.50 06 - 02087 538 IDAHO BEARING 53.06 aa - 02088 552 DON APPETIT 27.00 86 - 02089 556 EVERGREEN SPRINKLER SUPPLY CO. 703.11 86 - 02090 585 RICK HAYNES 3.75 86 - 02091. • 89 HIGH MOUNTAIN NURSERY & FLORAL 61.95 86 - 02092 608 OXMOOR HOUSE 15.24 86 ' 02093 610 STAN BOHNAM COMPANY 143.45 86 - 02094 611 TIME LIFE BOOKS 15.93 86 - 02095 612 ARTHUR J. SCHMIDT 53.77 86 - 02096 6:1.3 ADAMS NEWS COMPANY .18.43 86 - 02097 649 VL SERVICE.LIGHTING CORP 280.20 ' --- 86 -- 02098 654 IDAHO WATER & WASTEWATER • 100.00 86 - 02099 674 AUTOMATED BUSINESS SYSTEMS, IN 50.20 86 - 02100 675 CITY OF MC CALL 150.00 86 - 02101 689 WESTERN POWER SPORTS, INC. 176.34 86 -- 02102 696 PAUL DUMONT 13.00 06 -- 02103 713 CITY OF MCCAI_.L 193.00 86 - 02104 729 JOE CHAMBERLAIN 106.00 86 - 021.05 772 ASSOC PUBLIC-SAFETY COMM. 70.00 --- 162 YR NUMBER - - - VENDOR / PAYEE - - AMOUNT --- _-_. -06 - 02106 774 ALCI4EM LABORATOR1( 35.25 86 - 02107 775 EDISON RECORD CLEARANCE 33.30 86 - 02106 776 CHIEF FRANK PREMO 115.50 86 - 02:109 777 HEARTLAND CHIMNEY SWEEP 00.00 86 - 02110 779 RALPH KANGAS 10.08 136 - 02111 781 PAYETTE LAKES WATER & SEWER 3.000.00 86 - 02112 782 6 & R PRODUCTS CO. 245.8o 116 - 02113 783 HANSEN'S DISTRUBUTING, INC. 36.42 136 - 02114 785 MARK LARSON 3.75 t 86 - 02115 786 UPSTART . 31.79 8c( - 02116 787 XYZ 268.50 86 - 02117 788 JOHN F. MOSER 15.00 86 - 02110 709 LARRY FORE' 15.00 .--- 86 - 02119 790 NICE; INFORMATION BUREAU 38.60 86 - 02120 791 MCCALL AIR TAXI 121.00 86 - 02121 792 PIONEER AVIATION, INC. 161.00 86 - 02124 157 UNITED STATES POSTMASTER 169.68 86 - 02125 108 RAMON L. ALFORD 45661 6 - 02127 794 IDA. CLERKS AND FINANCE OFFICE 150.00 86 - 02128 706 CRAIG BAKER 200.00 86 - 02129 767 COURT MISC. REMIT. 45.00 86 - 02130 767 COURT MISC. REMIT. 27.99 86 - 02131 624 VALLEY COUNTY AUDITOR 2.330.41 136 - 02132 549 ALEXANDER CLAUNTS 1.424.59 86 - 02133 4 ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO CITIES 330.96 137 - 00017 16 DECKER'S INC 114.65 87 - 000la 19 F• STOP 264.17 137 - 000:19 31 IDAHO SAND AND GRAVEL 39.369.73 87 - 00020 55 PAYETTE LAKES LUMBER 106.94 87 - 00021 73 SMITH AND KANGAS 7.142.45 87 - 00022 60 STAR NEWS 47.66 87 - 00023 137 STATE OF IDAHO 31067.42 87 - 00024 161 WESTERN EGUIPMENT 22.75 87 ..... 00025 171 COP SHOP ETC. 247.77 87 - 00026 1.137 ACHESON MOTORS 36.00 87 - 00027 207 JEFFRIES CONTRACTING 823.60 87 - 00028 263 TOOTHMAN-ORTON ENGINEERING COM 4,688.30 _- 87 - 00029 337 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT 11.41 87 - 00030 395 BACKPACKER 9.00 87 - 00031 411 WILLIAM A. KIRK INSURANCE 17+50 117 - 00032 675 CITY OF MC CALL 168,50 87 - 00033 797 CANNON SPORTS 241+87 07 - 00034 798 CORRECTIONAL INDUSTRIES 350.00 137 - 00035 800 DAVE KINDALL 28.00 ! 87 - 00036 801 DARRELL K. MERRILL 34.100.00 87 - 00037 802 MRS, N.G. STUBBLEFIELD 137.50 00038 803 MILL.II MCDONOUGH • 100+00 a7 - 00039 804 GALLS INC. 804.98 87 - 00040 805 VALLEY COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 4.00 REPORT GRAND TOTAL 411,890.36 *** -- , MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL.. MEETING OCTOBER 6, 1906 REGULAR MEETING .0,... CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL The McCall City Council. met for their regular business meeting at the McCall. City Hall on Monday, October 6, 1906, at 7:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Clyde L. Archer, Jr. Councilmembers answering roll call, were Marion Johnson, Cliff Lee, Gary VanKomen* Bob McCarty and Mayor Clyde L. Archer. Also present were City Administrator/Clerk Bud Schmidt and City Attorney Robert Remaklus. 1 , . . - -- 162 -CHECK--- YR NUMDER - - VENDOR / PAYEE - - AMOUNT 35.'25 _. 02106 71%4 itaTIETIEAg6K7IT5RY --- ------ 86 - 02107 775 EDISON RECORD CLEARANCE 33.30 ----. 86 - 02108 776 CHIEF FRANK PREMO 115.50 I 86 - 02109 777 HEARTLAND CHIMNEY SWEEP 80.00 86 - 02110 779 RALPH KANGAS 10.08 86 - 02111 781 PAYETTE LAKES WATER & SEWER 3,000.00 86 - 02112 782 R L. R PRODUCTS CO. 245.80 86 -• 02113 703 HANSEN'S DISTRUBUTING, INC. 36.42 86 - 02114 785 MARK LARSON 3.75 86 - 02115 786 UPSTART • 31.79 86 - 02116 787 XYZ 268.50 86 - 02117 788 JOHN F. MOSER 15.00 86 - 02118 789 LARRY FORD 15.00 -- 86 - 02119 790 NPCS INFORMATION BUREAU 38.60 86 - 0212() 791 MCCALL AIR TAXI 121.00 86 - 02121 792 PIONEER AVIATION, INC. 161.00 86 - 02124 157 UNITED STATES POSTMASTER 169.60 86 - 02125 108 RAMON L. ALFORD 45.61 86 - 02127 794 IDA. CLERKS AND FINANCE OFFICE 150.00 86 - 02128 706 CRAIG BAKER 200.00 86 - 02129 767 COURT MISC, REMIT, 45.00 86 - 02130 767 COURT MISC. REMIT. . 27.1Z. 1 86 -- 02131 624 VALLEY COUNTY AUDITOR 2,330.41 86 -• 02132 549 ALEXANDER CLAUNTS 1,424.59 86 - 02133 4 ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO CITIES 330.96 87 - 00017 16 DECKER'S INC 114.65 87 - 00010 19 F-STOP 264.17 87 - 00019 31 IDAHO SAND AND GRAVEL 39,369.73 87 - 00020 55 PAYETTE LAKES LUMBER 106.94 07 - 00021 73 SMITH AND KANGAS 7,142.45 87 - 00022 80 STAR NEWS . 47.88 87 - 00023 137 STATE OF IDAHO 31,067.42 87 - 00024 161 WESTERN EQUIPMENT 22.75 87 .- 00025 171 COP SHOP ETC. 247.77 --. 87 - 00026 187 ACHEF3ON MOTORS 36.00 87 - 00027 207 JEFFRIES' CONTRACTING 823.60 ----- 87 - 00028 263 TOOTHMAN-ORTON ENGINEERING COM 4,688.30 87 - 00029 337 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT 11.41 87 - 00030 395 BACKPACKER 9.00 87 - 00031 411 WILLIAM A. KIRK INSURANCE 17.50 87 - 00032 67$ CITY OF MC CALL 168.50 87 - 00033 797 CANNON SPORTS 241.87 87 - 00034 798 CORRECTIONAL INDUSTRIES 350.00 87 - 00035 800 DAVE KINDALL 28.00 87 - 00036 801 DARRELL K. MERRILL 34,100.00 87 - 00037 802 MRS. N.G. STUBBLEFIELD 137.50 87 - 00038 003 MILLIE MCDONOUGH ' 100.00 87 - 00039 804 GALLS INC. 804.98 87 - 00040 805 VALLEY COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 4.00 REPORT GRAND TOTAL 411,890.36 *** ___________ _______. . • • ----- -- . MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 6, 1986 REGULAR MEETING -- CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL The McCatt City Councit met for their regular business meeting at McCatt City Halt on Monday, October 6, 1986, at 730 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Clyde L. Archer, Jr. Councilmembers answering rot I. call were Marion Johnson, Cliff Lee, Gary VanKomen, Bob McCarty and Mayor Clyde L. Archer, Also present were City Administrator/Clerk Bud Schmidt and City Attorney Robert Remaklus. i . 162 nF!'FC'OVnl... t:w MINUTES S The minutes ,fi :, CO'ti:inrl:ii:;i 15, 1"';:i6 were approved_.i.. OVialia .:i'i: submitted. ct'..ta BUSINESS 'i i'P 1(::i3?r'<.;; Tom (:i;:it`I:e i. I.y David i.ii:i7r.(it le::•yd:'r and Don f'L:a t'l' rNii:•i'(ri sworn C; City Aclmi rric:t'ra'tor!(::ti:;r't: 13ui:t Schmidt, Third r(:i<dia i n<j of Ordinance Flo. ..,(.)a.. Attorney F:enraat: Luss, recommended no action he 't i.:>n on Ordinance No. 501 because of the insufficiency. of the cic:.,;.>t':r' ip1' ion and that proposed 0cc!i 'rence No. t303 be passed tonight under suspension of the rates. Attorney RernekLunc real:! proposed Ordinance No. :.'i(')I. by 't itI.c: . Ordinance No. 503 is identic_aaL to Ordinance No. :303 except an slight c::h•arrric.c in the Legait description. ORDINANCt NO. SDI • AN ORbINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN LANbS ANb T,RRITORY TO TIIE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF McCALL; PROVIDING BENEFITS, RIGHTS AND.OBLIGATIONS OF SUCH ANNEXED TERRI- TORY1 AMENDING THE CITY ZONING MAP AND CLASSIFYING SUCH LANDS UNDER THE ZONING ORDINANCE; PROVIDING THAT A MAP OF SUCH ANNEXED AREA BE PREPARED AND FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK; REQUIRING A COPY OF THIS ORDINANCE AND MAP TO BE FILER WITH THE COUNTY ASSESSOR AND COUNTY RECORDER OP VALLEY COUNTY, STATE OF IDAHO, AND WITH THE STATE TAX COMMISSION OF IDAHO; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McCALL, IDAHO: Section 1. That the following described lands and territory located in Valley County, Idaho, which lands and territory are adjacent or contiguous to the City of McCall, 1 Valley County, Idaho, be, and the same are hereby annexed to the corporate territorial limits of the City of McCall: A parcel of land situate in Government Lot 2, Sec. 8, T. 18 N., R. 3 E., B.M., Valley County, Idaho, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of Government Lot 2, Sec. 8, T. 18 N., R. 3 E., B.M., Valley County, Idaho, The REAL POINT OF BEGINNING: Thence, S. 89° 53' W., 631.41 feet along the north line of said Government Lot 2,to the easterly right-of-way line of Warren Wagon Road, thence, S. 33° 51' 51" E., 409.23 feet along said easterly right-of-way, thence, S. 20° 02' 00" E., 253.21 feet along said easterly right-of-way, thence, S. 7° 14' 00" E., 159.24 feet along said easterly right-of-way to the extended northerly line of Lot 1, Shellworth Park Subdivision, as shown on the official plat thereof on file in the Office of the Recorder of Valley County, Idaho, in Book 1, Page 37 of Plats, thence, N. 89° 53' E., 477.87 feet along said northerly line to the 1 meander. line of Payette Lake, thence, N. 27° 33' W., 284.50 feet along said meander line, thence, N. 25° 48' W., 145.20 feet along said meander line, thence, N. 2° 11' 22" E., 353.28 feet along said meander line to the • Point of,Beginning, containing 7.791 acres, more or less. Bearings based on Recorders Plat on file in Book 4, Page 15 of Plats in the Office of the Recorder of Valley County, Idaho. And, aleo, Lots 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 of the Recorders Plat on file in Book 4, Page 15 of Plats in the Office of the Recorder of Valley County, Idaho. Section 2. That from and after the effective date of this ordinance all property included within and described in Section 1 hereof, and annexed as provided by said section, 164 shall be subject to all the statutes pertaining to the City of McCall and all ordinances, resolutions, police regulations, • taxation and other powers of the City of McCall, and all / persons and property within said lands and territory so annexed shall be and are entitled to all benefits and rights as are the persons and property Within the present corporate territorial limits of the City of McCall. Section 3. That the zoning map of the City of McCall, be, and is hereby amended to include the above described lands which such lands are hereby classified as follows: Zone A-Low Density Residential District. All of the pre- mises described in Section 1 above lying North of the center line..'.of Owen Drive. Zone B-Medium Density Residential District. That portion of the premises described in Section 1 above lying and being between the following lines: The line above described constituting , the South boundary line of the premises designated Residence A Zone and a line described as follows: Commencing at a point on the East boundary of the 1 right of way of the Warren Wagon Road which point is 88 feet North of the extended North boundary of the Shellworth Park Subdivision in McCall, Valley County, Idaho; Thence East and parallel to the North boundary of said Shellworth Park Subdivision a distance of 283.75 feet to a point; thence in a Northeasterly direction 51.5 feet more or less to a point which is 100 feet North of the North boundary of said Shellworth Park Subdivision; thence East 125 feet more or less to the high water line of Big Payette Lake. Zone C-Commercial District. That portion of the premises described in Section 1 above situate, lying and being South of the South boundary line of the premises herein designated Zone B Residential. Section 4. That the City Engineer. of McCall, his agent or such person as appointed by the Council, is hereby directed to lodge and file with the City Clerk of McCall within ten (10) days after the passage ar.d approval hereof of a map pre- pared in draftsmahlike manner which shall plainly and clearly designate the boundaries of the lands and territory annexed, pursuant to the provisions of Section 1 hereof. Section 5. That the City Clerk of McCall is hereby directed to file within ten (10) days after the passage and approval hereof a copy of this ordinance and the man, as pre- pared and lodged with him by the City Engineer in accordance with Section 4 above, with the County Assessor and County Recorder of Valley County, Idaho, and the State Tax Commission of Idaho as provided by Section 63-2215, Idaho Code, and Section 50-223, Idaho Code. Section 6. SEVERABILITY: If any one or more sections, sub-sections or sentences of this ordinance are for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. Section 7. That this ordinance shall be in full force • and effect from and after its passage, approval and publi- cation and after the City Clerk of McCall has complied with the provisions of Section 50-223, Idaho Code. Passed and approved this (4� day of , , 986. lc A test: a City C er c _ __ ���. `'.' Councilwoman Johnson moved that the council suspend the rule requiring i three readings of Ordinance No. 503^ Seconded by Lee. A roll. call vote was taken and Johnson, Lee, vanKvmen and McCarty voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. --` Councilwomen Johnson moved to adopt Ordinance wo^ 503^ Seconded by Lee^ A roll call vote was taken and McCarty* vannomcn^ Lee and / Johnson voted *Ys. Mayor Archer declared the ma+ivn: c*rrieu i unanimously. | ` FRANK vouK REFUND . Attorney newax /us requested matter be tabled until next regular meetinn^ GOLF PASS REFUNDS - -- Schmidt recommended that refunds be given to Mrs^ McDonough in the sum of $100.00 and to Mrs. Stubblefield in the sum of $137^50. Johnson moved that the council allow these refunds. Seconded by Lee. Mayor Archer called for the vote. Johnson, Lee* McCarty and oanKomen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. i _ ___ _– STAFF REPORT, CHAMBER o� COMMERCE ncausaT . � • Schmidt recommended council deny the request and negotiate a larger rental payment. Schmidt stated that Leaving the building would save ' some c»sts^ nemaxlvs stated that this is one of the ways the city ! , has been subsidizing the Chamber of cuom�y'ce^ Discussion on the use or the depot building, back room of library, oeet/ , ouilu/ ne and main city hall building and use for the public. Lee recommended that further study be made on space availability. After more discussion . the council agreed to a space study and evaluation of all properties, ' office space and all personnel needs for space^ CLASSIFICATION PLAN (Police Dept. ) Schmidt reviewed job descriptions on Patrolman z a II, corporal, L/eutenant, police Chief and Animal control off /cer. Lee moved to approve job descriptions. Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, Lee, McCarty ,_– and Vanxomen voted o,s, The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. Discussion concerning the wages of the Animal. control officer- Lee moved to proceed with recruiting the Animal Control — Officer, immediately, authorizing wages as uuuseteu^ Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vann^men voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimoustY. MEETING DAY a TIME CHANGE PROPOSAL Following more discussion to change the council meeting time to the | second and fourth Thursday of the month, Lee moved to change the meet– , ing date and time from what it is now to the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 7;00 P.M. starting next month and directed Attorney nemaxtus to draft an Ordinance to be considered at the next � meet / nn, Seconded by McCarty. Further discussion. Johnson stated she would rather Leave the meeting at Monday. Johnson, Lee, McCarty, and oanKomen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimouslv, zcm^ DEFERRED COMPENSATION PROGRAM o/scuss/ vn. Lee moved that City Administrator/Clerk proceed with this zcmA Deferred Compensation Program for the employees of the City of McCall. Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, McCartr, Lee and Vankomen voted *Ys. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS | mFp WATER SYSTEM MASTER PLAN, DAVIS BEACH WATER STATION REMODELING oiscussivn, Recommendation that City obtain most of the data. Lee ' — recommended to the council to let a contract to modify the pumping • station and then negotiate with this firm the different alternatives, � ^ one with them collecting data, one with them furnishing part of the data, one with us furnishing the data. __ _ _ _ ____ Johnson moved that we do have the safety precautions Looked into and corrected and brought up to standard, the inadequacies on the Davis Beach water station* Seconded by Lee. Discussion* Add to the motion "and to give us a condition evaluation of the pumping facilities". Johnson so modified her motion to be inclusive of that information. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and Vanmvmen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously* , N�� - / ^�u" ��-_ | Lee moved that the counc/ L negotiate with JUn Engineering on the Davis Beach Safety items to uevemp a master water plan for the City. There | was discussion and no action was taken on the motivn^ use and the City Administrator wiLL contact Jua Engineering and will return to the � cvunciL with a cost estimate before the work is started. =..., | CALL FOR BIDS. m*cnmzsx-oAcEn | Discussion of specifications. Lee moved that the council proceed . with the aquis/+ivn of a front end Lvauer/uacxhve under the generaL specifications provided, but to Look into the nossiuiLitv of finding a good used machine that wouLu meet our needs. Schmidt to advertise for a new or used under the specifications not more than * year old and/or so many hours and fuLL warranty. Seconded by vanKomen^ Johnsvn' Lee, McCarty and vanKomen voted *Ys. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimvusL', . _— ' City Administrator to Look into eL/m|nat/ ns some of the equipment the city is not using. AUTHORIZATION To ADVERTISE TO FILL NEW POSITION (UTILITY SERVICES WORKER TRAINEE, @ $6.39 hr, oLass ao/ / Lee moved that counciL authorize f/ LL/ nn of new u+| L/tr Services -- Worker Trainee position. Seconded by Johnson. Johnson° Lee, mccar+v, and vanKvmen voted AYs~ The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. | • . Discussion concerning wage and cLass of position. Recommended $5^00 to $6.39 per hour. DECLARATION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR i �*�s OF THREE SNOW PLOWING BLADES Schmidt described the three snow pLowing blades as excess property, not needed by the city. Lee moved that the cvunciL go ahead with the sate of this surplus property. Seconded by McCarty. Johnson, Lee, | McCarty and vanxomen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unan|moustv. Lee recommended the counciL ask aLL department heads to inventory ~....~ their materiaL and come up with any other items that they are not | using on a regular basis so that the city can eliminate surplus —_ equipment. / VILLAGE SQUARE ASSOCIATION REQUEST Village square Association requested that the mound of dirt be removed from the northwest corner of the airport for safety re*sons^ Request presented through Jvhnson, Lengthy discussion. The Administrator w/ Ll write to the State and ask for remove COMMITTEE AND COMMISSION REPORTS ooLf course Advisory Committee meeting minutes for September 5, Lpaa Acknowledged. Discussion concerning days of 9 hote greens fees. Lee request that the staff under the direction of the Administrator wiLL 3 ask the ooLf Course Advisory Committee for a totaL package on green fees for next ,ear. Lee moved that the golf course Life Time Sports prvyram' proposed by AlLan Muller, be apnroveu^ Seconded by oanKvmen^ Discussion. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanKomen voted *rs^ The Mayor declared the motion carried un*nimvusLv^ � '• Discussion about Request for proposaLs for Architectural/Engineering . Services. Lee objected to Items 4 & 5 because they wv^Lu probably et/m/nate any architect from mccaLL. Request those items be eliminated. Recommend some kind of artists sketch. Lee moved that the council calf. for prvpvsaLs on the new golf club hvuse^ Seconded by Johnson. -- . Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanKomen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. Transportation Committee Minute= of August 27, 1986 and September 10, 1986 acknowLeuyed~ Discussion on sidewaiks and walkways. Lee ~=~ recommended that either wr. ALforu or mr^ Chalfant ueai with aLL the recommendations and either adopt. into a form that the council can approve as standard or to come in with a recommendation on why they should not be a usa*Le uvcummnt^ No action was taken on the prvposaLs adopted by the Transportation Committee. A SHORT RECESS WAS DECLARED AND THEN THE MEETING WAS CALLED BACK To / ORDER BY MAYOR ARCHER 167---- - -- — City p & z minutes of September 16^ zpaa were received and acknowledged by cvunc/ l, o/sscuss/ on of rereuav^s plan to make 3 parking spaces between may Hardware building and Glass ahop^ McCarty recommended be referred back to p & z for further study. ~^- Impact p & z minutes of September zz, 1986 were received and , acknowledged. Letter received from mrs^ Eddins on request for combining comm/ss/vns^ Mrs. Eddins is opposed. Discussion. Tabled un+iL City P & z responds to combining both commissions. ! - Airport Committee Report of October 1, 1936 was received and acxnvwLeugeu. Discussion of wna. w/ LL submit a request for a frequency for woo from FCC. Airport *eLicop+er Parking pvL/cv A-01-86 was uiscusseg, Discussion -_ about uwzcom operator and vperation^ Vankomen recommended uwzcon operator be reprimanded in Letter form. CORRESPONDENCE 1^ Letter from Too+hman-Orton Engineering Company, re: Swoxejumper Sewer Line cos,s^ STAFF REPORT / Letter to caroL meisonuwrs and Janet nenuaLL, Researchers with the | amalL Business Development Program at the University of zuaho, re; ' Study on Bed and Booze Tax. Discussion. Recommendation that memaxlus net a ruLinn from the Attorney General about the intent of the Law. Lee moved that the council authorize the evaluation study of the Scott Report. Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and Vanxomen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. FIRE DEPARTMENT PAGER SYSTEM cLosinn date announced as October 7, 1926^ Schmidt request recess I tv * time certain, but not tomorrow, for the opening of the bids. LICENSING OF CHILD CARE CENTERS Lengthy discussion, no act / on taken. _~ ' THE MAYOR DECLARED THE MEETING RECESSED UNTIL THURSDAY OCTOBER o, 1906 -- at 5;00 P.M. C( r l xccxer. Jc.,nuvor/ Jt4/ Attest: i Arthur J �, City Clerk : - : mccxw-L CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER o, 1986 (RECESSED SESSION or OCTOBER a, 1936) | • CALL To ORDER AND nou- CALL Mayor Clyde Archer caLleu the meeting to order at 5:20 P.M. Marion Johnson, Gary vanKomen and Robert McCarty answered the roll. caLL^ City Administrator/Clerk Schmidt and Fire Chief Points also attended. ! ! RADIO-PAGER SYSTEM FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT [ . The meeting was caLleu to consider bids on the Radio-pager system for the Fire Department. The cLer: reported that one bid had been received from Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc. The bid for the specified equipment was $16°253^00 The bidder included information on a sinnLe channeL system that Chief Points determined was satisfactory , -- and resulted in a savings of nearly $3^000^00^ Mrs. Johnson moved to accept the Motorola bid, with the aL+erna+e equipment, to direct staff to negotiate a Lease/purchase financing package and authorize Mayor Archer to execute the purchase and financing agreements. This was seconded by Vankomen and Johnson, McCarty and Vankomen voted AYE. ~— Motion carried unanimously. (Mr. Lee was absent. ) • ADJOURNMENT Vankomen moved to aujvurn^ Seconded by Johnson and the ow+i . carried unanimously. � _ ,\ , �,/ ! - . , ' «� -��, /'-���___ - '^ � • , Arthur J. :cbmidt, City Clerk ^ --_- ___ __ __. _ -.M, .11111%,. 16R • MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING REGL;I...Ai: MEETING OCTOBER 20. L986 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL.. CALL Mayor Archer called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Co urrc i Lmember n ,r.e!r>ent were Johnson. L.c•;re> McCarty, VanKomcrn and Archer. AL!so present were City Administrator Bud Schmidt and nine other people. ' AI"'PROVAL.. OF MINUTES The minutes of October L> 6> and U were submitted for approval. Lee requested that in the minutes of October 6> page 4 that Hugh Cooke's name be removed and staff be inserted. Mayor Archer declared the minutes approved as corrected. PRESENTATION OF CLAIMS Lee moved that the claims be paid. ,.Johnson seconded. ,.Johnson, Lee> Mc::Carty and VanKomen voted AYE. Mayor Archer declared the motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS • INTERIM REPORT ON U.S.f'.S. SMOKE,.;UMI•:ER BASE: SEWER LINE DESIGN Mr. Or••tean presented data accumulated to elate. After discussion. Mr. Ortman stated the 6 options as follows: Option 01 -" x$129,662.00, . Option 02 - $135.368.00. Option 03 •- $148,557.00, Option 04 "- $1.54,'264.00, Option 05 -" $107,735.00 with future construction costs $44,035.00 for a total of $152,572.00, Option 06 -- $113,441.00 with future construction costs of $44,837.00 for a total of $158,279.00. Mr. Ortman recommended Option ;:2. The Forest Service prefers Option Ol and Mrs. Heac::ed : pr.e.fe,rrecl Option 0L. Lee moved that the council's preference be Option 'M':l and to go ahead wi 't'h the design on that basis. Seconded by Johnson. Leer moved to modify his motion to include the plans and specifications to Option *5. Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and Vankomen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. "-Administrator Schmidt requested that Item 7> Contract Addendum, of Nee justness be removed from the agenda. • ORDINANCE 0504, CHANGING CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATES AND TIMES TO THE 2ND AND 4TH THURSDAYS AT 7:00 P.M. • Attorney Remak lus read the Ordinance in its entirety. • ORDINANCE NO. g-61./ • AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE • McCALL CITY COUNCIL; AMENDING SECTION 1-4-1 OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF McCALL, IDAHO, FIXING THE DAYS OF • REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; AMENDING SECTION 1-4-3 OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF McCALL, IDAHO, • ESTABLISHING THE TIME FOR COUNCIL MEETINGS; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF IICCALL, IDAHO, AS FOLLOWS: • Section 1. That Section 1-4-1 of the Village Code of McCall, Idaho, be, and the same is hereby amended.to read as follows: . • 1-4-1: REGULAR MEETINGS: Regular meetings of the Council shall be held on the first second and • third fourth Mondays Thursdays of each and every month t at the building knew as the New City Hall, en I16 East Park Street next to the McCall Public Library, except that when such regular meetings fall upon a le a .1 •ay the same shall ..._ be held on the _ -=ss day: unless otherwise fixed by the Council. • AMMON --_ ___ Section %, -rhat Sacniou.l-4-3 of the Village Coda o£ -- McCall, Idaho, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: / 1-4-3: TIME OF MEETING: All meetings shall begin • P.M. unless a ~-' different• -- --- ' --- specified l meetings / in the call of such special meetings. �• ` • .. Gectioo 3. This ' in full force and `�'. effect from and after its passage, approval and publication , � as required by law. • . Dated this 30tb day of October, 1986, . '�� • �-7 �'� • • .. (°-'' . • `• � ^^- myr �7 . ` � - •^ �� • .� �`�-- .' • ` \ ''' �0°°`��" -- .�,~~�� ' � - � ~ or -__ -- _ ' __�_ _ Johnson moved that the council dispense with the rules for the three � � rocall.reauimas of Ordinance 0504^ Seconded by McCarty. A rol ca� vote was taken and Johnson~ Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. Johnson moved that the council adopt Ordinance t504 relating to the city meetings. Seconded by VanKomen. A roil call. vote was taken and mccar+v° VanKomen, Lee and Johnson voted Ars. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. vm-x REFUND newaklvs made an oral. report. Volk refund denied at this time. Attorney nemaxlus stated he is preparing a written opinion. After a uiscussion^ Attorney nemaxlus stated that he will. research further ~~� :and have an answer by the next meeting. Mayor Archer directed the matter be placed on the Agenda for the meeting of November 13~ 1986^ • _ THE MAYOR DECLARED A SHORT RECESS. THE MEETING WAS CALLED BACK TO ORDER BY MAYOR ARCHER. GOLF COURSE COMMITTEE - CONTRACT WITH CONCESSIONAIRE • / A presentation of the Golf Course Committee's draft of a call. for bids . . and contract snecificativns by Administrator Schmidt. After discussion, • • . ' McCarty moved that the golf course committee continue under the ; • assumption that they are going to develop a contract for a bid.Seconded by Lee. After further discussion, Johnson requested that the ' motion be restated. A vote was taken. The Mayor requested a roll. call � , vote. Johnson and McCarty voted NAY. Lee and VanKomen voted AYE. ^ ' The Mayor declared a tie vote and voted wAY. The Mayor declared the tie vote broken and the motion not carried. 1 VanKomen «uwstivneu Johnson's ability to vote based on a conflict of interest. Johnson requested that the conflict be defined. VanKomen . moved that all wages earned by Johnson's sons be returned to the City � .to comply with the Idaho Constitution. The Mayor declared the motion • ' , ..dead for lack of a second. Lee requested the City Administrator and Attorney Rmmaklus investigate the situation to see if any violation has occurred. , • -_,•• McCarty moved that the Golf Course Committee proceed with the format of the contract as shown to the council and bring it to a final. form for the council's review and cvvsiuera+ion^ Seconded by Lee. Discuss � ion. A roll call vote was taken. Lee voted AYE, VanKomen voted AYE, Johnson voted AYE and McCarty voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. ~— VARIANCE REQUEST OF ROBERT usT*nAu, 301 W. LAKE ST. ON HEIGHT OF A FENCE _• _. % ,FPresentation hy Administrator Schmidt. Johnson moved to approve the re«ues+ for the variance of Robert oethman and to adopt the findings of fact and conclusions of law of the Planning & Zoning of the City of McCall as tx e Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law of the City • Council. Seconded by Lee. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. • �7O ^ ' ~T*s MAYOR DECLARED A TEN MINUTE RECESS. THE MAYOR CALLED THE MEETING BACK To ORDER. RESOLUTION 45-86^ zcm* DEFERRED COMPENSATION PROGRAM Presentation by Administrator Schmidt. Discussion. VanKommn moved ^ ' that the council accept the program as long as there Is nothing in the ~~� articles that make it mandatory for a city employee to join and there is no matching provisions for the city and to authorize the Mayor to sign. Seconded by McCarty. Further discussion. Johnson, Lee, McCartv and VanKvmen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimvuslv. CLASSIFICATION PLAN The Council commenced review of the job descriptions, including the following positions: Fire Chief City Treasurer • cashier Clerk Secretary After review, these were returned to the staff for editing and rev/s/vn~ REVIEW OF WATER STUDY PROPOSALS •Aum/n/stratvr Schmidt stated that the meeting with JuB Engineering has not taken place. After u(scuss/vn' the Mayor directed Administrator Schmidt, Councilman Lee and Larry Chalfant to meet with Jua Engineering, Mr^ Elliott and El & A Engineering and present recommendations to the council. IMPACT AREA P & Z AGREEMENT EXTENSION presen+at/vns by Administrator Schmidt and Attorney nemaktus. nema»lus recommended that the City continue with the agreement until. one party or the other gives written notice that it should be terminated and then provide that a successor system will. be put in place by that date. Recommendations for continuance of the present agreement: 1^ Extend as is. 2. Either party has a right to cancel. upon four months notice in writing. | ~=~ 3^ Parties agree that if notice of cancelat/vn is given that an initially acceptable system in place of this agreement will. be -- ' agreed upon. ' 4. Further financial responsibility would be born by the County. •' Further discussion. Lee moved that the council have Attorney Remaxius ---- draw up the extension agreement as he has listed for the council. H Seconded by Mcc*rtv. Further discussion. Johnson' Lee, McCarty and • vanmomen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS • • • . HEALTH INSURANCE '• ^ ', Aumin/m+ra+vr Schmidt advised the council that the premium had raised from $63^00 to $72^e0 per person per month. Administrator Schmidt asked the council if they would Like him to Look into other health programs. oiscuss{vn. The Mayor re.l^esteu more study and a report to the council. COMPENSATORY TIME PAY—OFFS AS OF 9/30/86 Schmidt recommended pay—off of accumulated compensatory time to enable the City to start with a clean slate. Lee moved that the council • authorize the payment of the cvmnensa+ory time to the /nu/v/dvals^ Seconded by McCarty. After a/scuwm/vn, a roll. call. vote was taken and 'Johnson voted AYE, Lee voted AYE, McCarty voted AYE and v*nnvmen voted NAY. There being three AYE votes and one NAY vote, the Mayor declared the motion carried. . • ` SUMMER YOUTH PROGRAM • • Administrator Schmidt presented a letter and advised the council that next summer would be the .city's turn to run the program. Discussion. . Lee moved that the city participate in the program and directed the staff to send a letter by October 23~ 19e6^ Seconded by McCarty. =� Johnson, Lee, McCarty and v*nxomen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOnNDB RADIO TOWER Presentation by Administrator Schmidt. Schmidt advised the council that a building permit or a cvndit|on^l use permit would not be needed • m.nd also that the zoning issue had um cleared. Lee moved that the council approve the specifications and ca | t ^r bids on the NDB Tower. Seconded by McCarty. Johnson, Lee, //..uar+v and VanKvmen voted AYE. The Mayor deciared the motion carried uzum`i*^ ' ',. TELEPHONE SYSTEM 17l • Administrator Schmidt stated that is would cost the city $937^00 for a maintenance ayreement. After discussion, the Mayor directed Mr. Schmidt to investigate other options and report back to the council. • CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION, AIRPORT PROJECT Administrator Schmidt discussed the change to a Certificate of substantial Completion. After discussion, Lee moved that the council accept the Certificate of Substantial Completion and authorize +�e � -_-__ -__ Mayor to sign. Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and • vam{vme" voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. PROPOSAL TO LEASE AIRPORT PROPERTY ; Administrator Schmidt stated that Mr. miller would Like to lease the property after the Forest Service leaves. After discussion, Lee recommended that the City continue to negotiate with Mr. Miller. _-_ After further discussion, the council agreed that any facilities built at the airport must conform to the master plan. The Mayor ordered the matter referred to the Airport Committee and the Building Inspector ' for study and for them to report back to the council with their findings. • '' aoAmn, COMMITTEE & COMMISSION REPORTS The Golf Course Committee minutes of September 26, 1986, October 2, 1986 and October v° 1986 were acknowledged. After some discussion about the trees being cut down at the golf course an agreement was made that the wood h �u u �� � vu e sold. • / IMPACT P & Z minutes of October 14* 1986 were acknowledged. • `/ozTY P & Z minutes of October 7, 1986 were acknowledged. , CORRESPONDENCE - INFORMATION ONLY ' • z. Letter to Attorney uuell^ re: Whispering Forest. u~ Idaho Cities article, p/oa^ • • ' ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT - Administrator Schmidt stated that the library is providing some Saturday hours and that the hours are announced at the schools. PUBLIC WORKS - The directory has allowed an encroachment into Art Roberts Park for a buried power service to the Krahn Building. MOTOR GRADER - There are problems with the motor grader and it will cost approximately $7000^00 to rebuild the engine. The money will be • taken out of the equipment repair budget. The machine has 10'28n hours recorded at this time. • oARnsLL MERRILL - The 90 day option expires Friday on the parcel of • property at the airport. Administrator Schmidt will ask the Treasurer to issue the check even though the City has not received reimbursement • from the F.A.A. BED & BOOZE TAX - A number of people are in arrears. Approximately • $40,000 is o^+stanuing^ After discussion, the Mayor directed the • Staff to send Letters to the delinquent businesses. �- - DR. WILDEMAN - City staff have discussed with Dr. Wideman the possibility of the city crew to grade between his building and the city building. Request that a written agreement be developed. SMITH & K*NGAS STATEMENT - Discussion about the statement •anu Smith & wannas' request for an apology. Attorney Remaxlus directed to __ review the tapes and render an opinion and recommendation to the counc/ l^ McCarty moved that Attorney meo*xlus go back over the tapes and if he feels an apology is in order then the council will issue the apology, if not in order then the council will not. Lee seconded. After discussion, the Mayor directed Attorney Remaklvs to review the • tapes and make a recommendation to the counc| l^ McCarty withdrew his motion and Lee withdrew his second. SEWER BOARD MEETING - Administrator Schmidt advised the council that ' the Sewer Board Meeting would be one week prior to the next council meeting. The council scheduled a work meeting for weunewuav, November J° 1986 at 7200 n^m^ in the City Hall. • Lee moved +:a� ,»e *ee, ' y »e adjourned Seconded u� �cca �vl79 m n K . n^ Lee, cav a an "me^ voted Mayor declared the | motion carried xnaniwvuslr. / Meeting adjourned. ---------------------------------- ==^ Clyde L. Archer, Jr. , ma.yv' Arncor: ---------'---------------------- Arthur J. Schmidt, Clerk �� � MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING SPECIAL MEETING - WORK SESSION wovsmocn n^ 1986 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Archer called the meeting to order at r:oo p.m. and announced that this is a spec/al meeting . . . . work session for the purpose of considering agreements with the Payette Lakes Sewer a water o/str /ct, cvuncitmemuers present were Johnson, vanxomen^ McCarty, Lee and Mayor . Archer. Also present were Administrator/Clerk Schmidt* Public Works Superintendent Larry Chalfant, Lagoon Superintendent John Lew/ nsxi , Attorney Bill Killen, appeared for Payette Lakes sewer District, and Reporter Randall Brooks. 1 AGREEMENT WITH P*vETTE LAKES SEWER DISTRICT Administrator Schmidt presented some background of the agreement. • Schmidt stated that the agreement under study is with Payette Lakes Sewer District on sharing the r/enh*ru Lane Sewer line and purchasing excess sewer treatment plant capacity that the district now owns but w/ LL not need in the forseeaule future~ ,*mministra+or Schmidt distributed a report titled ^z & z Reduction/Plant Flow Data" and summarized the report for the council. After a tenst»v discussion, McCarty moved that the council go ahead with the negotiations with the sewer district to acquire the additional capacity as proposed ,With further study of the operation and maintenance costs. Seconded | =..„ by Johnson. After further discussion, Johnson: Lee and McCarty voted AYE and vanKvmen voted NAY. The Mayor upon hearing three AYE votes and one w*, vote declared the motion carried. - | EMPLOYEE TO as HOSPITALIZED Auw|n|stratvr Schmidt advised the council that Jeannie Brown would be ,absent from work because of a hospital stay and recuperation period. ' Administrator Schmidt stated that the City needed to replace Jeannie .while she is off work and that the city would use the excess money budgeted for N. Lockhart to pay for the temporary eo`plovee^ SNOW PLOW BLADES Administrator Schmidt stated that Mr. rh /eue has called to ask if he can yet the surplus snow plow ulaues^ Schmidt stated that mr^ rhieue r. was the only bidder. Lee moved that the council accept the bid and sell the two snow plow blades to Mr. Tx/eue, Seconded by McCarty. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and oanuv'uen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimvus/v. Johnson moved that the council go to Executive Session as provided uv Idaho Code Section 67-2345 Subsection f^ Seconded by Lee. A roll n call vote was taken and Johnson, Lee~_McCarty and. vanxomea-vote'x AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously and that the meet / nn IS now Ti/ Executive Session. •rHs MAYOR DECLARED THE MEETING BACK IN OPEN SESSION AT 1112 A.M. - Mayor Archer reported that the council had advised the attorney regarding the Ralph Kansas correspondence. There being no further uus/ness, Lee moved that the meeting be 4,111... aujourneu, Seconded by McCarty. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanuvmen voted AYs^ The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. Meeting Adjourned. Attest: Clyde L. Archer, Jr., Mayor . Arthur J. Schmidt, Clerk MINUTES OF CITY cuuwczL msErzNn REGULAR nscTz*o 173 , NOVEMBER 1 ,1'.-;.86 , CALL ro ORDER AND ROLL cALI. Mayor Archer called the meat /nn to order a, r:.00 p^*. o"u^ci |m"noers ,-',resan, were Johrx`on, vanxvmen^ McCarty, Lee and rr(Je`4 Also esent were eight other individuals. , MINUTES OF OCTOBER 21 & NOVEMBER a^ 1986 • vanxvmen stated that McCarty made the motion on development of the Golf Course contract in the minutes or October 21, 1e86. • Lee requested that a fourth item be added to the section on the Impact p 6 z, / ,em to read as follows: Further financial responsibility would be born by the County. , -- Mayor. Archer stated that on the minutes of :ove.6e, 5 that a sentence be inserted after the words "meeting declared back in open sess/ on^. Sentence to read "Mayor Archer reported that the council had advised the attorney regarding the Ralph xamaas conresponuence''. The Mayor declared the minutes accepted w ith noted corrections. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS - FISCAL YEAR 1985-86 REPORT Lee asked if the Golf Course fertilizers etc. should be bid items. Schmidt stated that he would cxecx. Lee questioned billing from � wvvuy~s Tree Service for removing stumps on the Golf Course. McCarty ! questioned billing from Dwaine aaccus for four cord of wood. Schmidt stated that the wood had been delivered to the City Shop and he would check further about where the rest of the wood is being de- . Livereu, McCarty moved that the council approve payment of the bills. seconded by Lee- Johnson, Lee* McCarty and Vankvmen voted AYE, The Mayor de- clared the motion carried unanimously. Administrator Schmidt reviewed the year-end report for the counci /, Administrator Schmidt stated that xe •was pleased with the overall. ~--rp"rt. After further discussion on the Airport budget and other mgets and grants* Johnson moved that the council accept the Fiscal _- year report as suumitteu^ Seconded, by McCarty. After further discussion, Johnson, Lee* McCarty and vannomen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimvuslv^ OLD BUSINESS _�_ __ '- ----- IMPACT p & z AGREEMENT Sharing costs with the County was u/scusseu^ nemaxlus stated that the agreement as originally enacted stays in place until it is changed by wutv61. consent. Council asked pemaxlus to meet with the County for further negotiations. No act /on was taxen. RECOMMENDATION ON ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR WATER SYSTEM MASTER PLAN Administrator Schmidt advised the council of the results of the meetings with the engineering companies, Schmidt, Lee and cAlal/aot recommended Juo Engineering for those services. Lee moved that Juy • Engineers be engaged to prepare water plan, Seconded by vanKomen- Arter further discussion, Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanKomen' voteu AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. AWARD or BIDS. 7 :::*cTmR/oAcmxoE Administrator Schmidt stated that the City received six (a) bids, the Low bid being /rvm sescv on a 210c for $41^686^00, but it does not meet specifications: Second Low bid was from Idaho Tractor on a case Sao Super s for $*4^p33.31^ which meets all specifications except for -- the transmission. The reCvmmenueu bid is from Western States Equipment Company on a cAr-416 for $51^*12,00, which =et all. the specifications. The Mayor asked if there was any discussion and a representative from Idaho Tractor presented a statement of the workings of the transmission ` stated in his u/u, Statement in behalf or staying with bid specifications resented by Larry Chalfant. A representative from Western States -qu|pmen� Company presented * statement in behalf of his bid equipment After. a Lengthy discussion, Johnson moved that the City accept the catapillar bid of $51'412,00 on the CAT Aza. upon hearing no second, the ma/or declared the motion dead. After fur/her discussion, oanxomen , moved that the council reject all bids and put the tractor back out ! for bid with Looser specifications on the synchronization of the sear u^^, upon hear / nn no second, the Mayor declared the motion dead. Lee 174^ . . I recommended that The machines he demonstrated To oeter*/ ne H. the s,nchron/ zati "^ is worth m* uifre, ^e"ce Lee moved to postpone ^warui »a / +he bid until the council saes a demonstration or the two Top machines and make a uec / s. ^n al that time: Seconded b/ Johnson. Jmx^,:io^. Lee~ McCarty and vavxomen voted AYE. The nay'or declared the motion carried ~.m~ unanimously. � The Mayor directed Administrator Schmidt m proceed with /nv| t / oy the cowpan'cs to demonstrate their equ/pmen,, t.ta,m,*en moved that mr^ Chalfant be allowed to Lease a tr:acmr until, , such time as the City Leases or purchases ^ t,^ctvr, Seconded. by Lee. Johnson. Lee, wccarty and oanKome^ voted o/c, The Mayor declared the motion carried vnan|m"u �/. -- - -- ooLr COURSE COMMITTEE naErzwo REPORT FOR OCTOBER no, 1986 Administrator Schmidt stated t1-16t. Chairman Medley is out of town and has not approved the minutes. Administrator Schmidt stated 'hat the committee had made four recommendations for bidding the ovLf Course Contract. ' | z^ That the recommended minimum bid is $155^000^00. ' z^ Specifications presented and the minimum bid be the basis for any negotiations. | 3. That the City prepare to ma/ L the Letter required by the existing contract indicating its termination on December 31^ 1986. 4. That the City ensure that there is a golf p,ofess/vnaL for the 1987 season, by setting a termination date for negotiating with Mr. Drips at which time, if no agreement is reacxeu, a caLL for bids wiLL be issued. • •After a Lengthy discussion, Lee stated that he would Like mr, Drips to submit a written critique of the contract to be reviewed at the next counciL meeting. McCarty moved that Administrator Schmidt and Mr. Drips start negotiations based on the information and notes in the proposed rough ~-~ draft contract. Seconded by Lee. After further discussion, the motion / and second were withdrawn. __ THE MAYOR DECLARED * SHORT RECESS. ' THE MAYOR CALLED THE MEETING BACK To ORDER AT 1o:03 P.M. McCarty moved that the council., before time runs out, send a Letter to Mr. Drips indicating that the past contract is not going to be renewed ` and to ask Administrator Schmidt to sit down with Mr. Drips and negotiate ' the new contract, using the guidance that he has been given with the existing rough uraft, Seconded by Lee with the understanding that the mot /on /ncLuues the amount of the contract, McCarty moved to | ncLuue , in the motion that if the contract agreement has not been reached by 1 January a~ 1987, that the counc / L shouLu bid the contract. Seconded by Lee. McCarty stated that �e wou�u Like to accomplish the agreement � within one month, but that January 8 is the ueauL /ne. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanmomen voted *Ys. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. aszTzw SHOP PURCHASE Attorney nemax /us advised the council that he had prepared a proposal . for a Reverse Type Escrow, which has been turned over to mr, aepl / n and his attorney. Attorney nemsxlus stated that until Mr, aeet / n anu his attorney respond there is nothing that can be rep^rteu, No further action taken, CLASSIFICATION ptAw , The counc / L commenced review of Job Descriptions, including the `oLmwinn pvsitim`s; pLann/ ma a Zoning/Building Inspector ~=" 1 soLr course Superintendent / ' Recreation supervisor Assistant Librarian . Librarian , The cvunc / L directed Administrator Schmidt to prepare a job description for au| Luin« Maintenance/Supervisor. After a lengthy uiscussion, Lee / moved that. the �ou descriptions be approved as modified and corrected. oecvnt,eu by McCarty, j,/msv^, 1^..:,^ mccar+i °rd v`,.l,'.~=,. ,"teu AYE. .L^ • ^~v, '^r /a,ex +^p ,"~ ; ^~ ' ,'-' /,^ ^"°^/"' � �' . ___� � — —�--- �---- - 175 AGREEMENT FOR GRADING WITH cm. wzLzEmow . McCarty moved that the council accept the agreement with or. w| Lueman on grading for drainage on the property next to City Halt and authorize the flavor to sion^ Seconded by use. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. _- sxscuTows AGREEMENT Administrator Schmidt advised the council that no other person except sxecu~vne has access to any operation or repair manuals. vanx^nen moved that the council accept the maintenance agreement and authorize , the Mayor to sign. Seconded by Lee. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. . AWARD or BIDS - NOD RADIO MAST Administrator Schmidt advised the council that the City had received _ two bids, the first being from Southern Avionics and the second being from Aviation Systems. Schmidt staled that flle second bid did not contain a uvnu, Schmidt stated that the first bid was for $3300,00 and included purchase and shipment of the radio mast for the noo in=tallation, Schmidt recommended approval of the first bid subject to the Bureau of Aeronautics' confirmation that this meets the specificaf/vns^ McCarty so moved. Seconded by Lee, After some discussion about weather and snow load, the Mayor called for a roll call vo+e.• Johnson voted AYE. Lee voted Arc. McCarty voted AYE. vanxvmen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. | Lee stated that there were some things about which he was bothered. ! 1, Quarterly reports on accomplishments. 2. Requirements of the Chief of Police. . _ _�� Handicap access, , 4. Evaluation of Administrator and training plan. 5. Evaluation and training plan of top staff. / Lee recommended that the council set a part of the first business meeting of each month to discuss these kinds of items and run the business of i the city and then take these other issues that are coming up as a ~__ secondary part and if the council has to schedule an additional meeting each month~ do it rather than staying all night. | -- Lee requested that Administrator Schmidt make a List of the things of on going uus| msss^ so that they do not drop out of sight. Lee requested that the Mayor evaluate Administrator Schmidt and report u/ the next meeting. ' NEW BUSINESS CITY STREET REPORT Administrator presented the annual street report for approval that | s^ a it can be published in the newspaper. After a short discussion, Lee | moved that the council approve the City Street Financial Report for 19a6 and authorize the Mayor to sign, Seconded by McCarty. The Mayor � declared the motion carried unanimously. . / CITY VEHICLE POLICY Administrator Schmidt made a presentation in behalf of the Police and Fire personnel to take on vehicle home when on call in order to respond � to incidents in a timely fashion. After a Lengthy discussion,. the | Mayor directed Councilmen McCarty and vanxomen to review the Christensen . Report, contact the Police Academy and research the policy and follow up with recommendations to the council. Azc LEGISLATIVE DINNER __ The Mayor advised the council that he had been invited to the dinner and was authorized to invite as guests the District 9 Legislators and Senator and any other elected officials. The Mayor stated that the dinner was to be held at the Crystal Ballroom in Boise on November uo, 1986. No action taken. -- SCHEDULE OF NEXT MEETING The Mayor called for the City / � � nex v c vun" Meeting to be held on | Tuesday November zo, zpaa at the hour of 7;00 P.M. BOARD COMMITTEE & COMMISSION REPORTS / , AIRPORT COMMITTEE, 11 /15 Administrator Schmidt stated that there are two act /on items. � ' �� �� � __ _ 17� ^ ' `'�, sl /-��/ Proposal - Administrator scno./-it stated ,x,t the � committee s').prorts the concept of the pr^ nect, and ,ec^*m^w/, . , that if the c"xoci / approve)); the projcc ', that ,xe'e he c,,min i conditions riy .uL, adhered to!) ! ^. That L. not he permitted to undertake and engage . ^ a.., pno !act .v. t /es whatsoever. ~=~ h, He define the amount of land that he needs for his immediate future phases and set some specific time intervals for when ! he is going to occupy and construct^ c. That The Land for possible expansion of McCall. A/r lax / he . a | mwea, if the firm is wil / / no to ra:, for some kind of an option on the Lo-ml. After some u /scuss{ on' the council directed Administrator Schmidt to write a Letter requesting a design package from mr' milLer as to how Lar«e a facility and where he would like to uuiLu the fac/ / itv. _ z^ Hangar cv^struct / v,. - Committee reviewed Mr. srfinyer^s proposal. The committee recommended that Mr. Effinger be permitted ,o con- struct a hangar as roLlvws: a- At the Location identified on the map, I. That the width of the uu| Luins be expanded to *5 fee~. c. That Mr. Effinger secure all building permits and meet the existing uu/ Luiny requirements. ^' �u, That the SE waLL be constructed to accommodate a zero of Line construction in That direction. | � *r, Schmidt also staled that the committee finds that the master pion designation for T-Ha^yars included other hangar designs and cm.rinur- a+ / vns, McCarty asked if the City had received a formal request and ' was advised by Schmidt that the City had not. Schmidt stated that the committee recommended that the council extend a Lease for uu/ Lu/ nn and bare ground with the above conditions. No action ta/'en. THE pL*wwrwo AND 'ZONING MINUTES of October zz and November A, 1v06 were acknowledged by the council.. THE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE nzm]rss of October zp, 1po6 were acknowledged uv the council.. =~ THE IMPACT PLANNING a ZONING mINuTsa of October 27' 1966 were acxnvw/euoeu by the council. CORRESPONDENCE - INFORMATION ONLY , z. Letter to Azc re; rerms of office / u, Letter from Fern atuuuler /eLu 3. Letter from Attorney Eklund, re: nusseLL cvmpLa / nt ! | 4. Le��er � Idaho Power � nu�� � � Complaint o. Azc City Report — a. Excerpt, ^sortuaLL worLu^^ October 1986 AmizwzaTnArzoc REPORT FOREST SERVICE SEWER LINE - Schmidt advised that he has not heard from the nausens^ ^ expect to hear from them tomorrow to confirm option 01 configuration of the Forest Service Line. Advised that the city is getting pressure, the Forest Service is yo / ^s To loose the money if it is not ouLinateu. � Schmidt asked for the auth^, . ,y that once he hears from the ".ua,n's on the routing that he can asx Tovtxman-ur,ma" to ue: in the deign work on opt / on tz^ get it to the Forest Service as soon as possible and (hen vet it out on bid. Lee stated that the design work on opt /on ti had been approved by motion on October 21^ zpaa. . . oeGnsa AGREEMENTS - The c . |, has received *he option on the oea^*r property at Ihe airport. Schmidt stated that he wvu/u proceed with that agreement, had made a ve`uat commitment (hat the c^ +', for ^ ..+81101,, variety of ,ax purposes, only have unt / | December oz to close the / transaction. Schmid( advised the couoci / that he had agreed, by Phone~ with Mr. Harris that the city would nut the money m*e,he,° advance it, even if the city hadn't received the reimbursement yet* to ma»e sure that the city can complete the transaction. . ^ . � 77 ocxm.d~ advised +,at the atto. ..e, has drawn UP and they have c"^ri . ^.cd ^ ' ' at +: is pv . ^t some ay,eements relating to ^ur preservation of :.ei. irrigation ri;bis and capac` ` .es^ McCarty moved that the council apo,"ve the asrc. ,u"' and av,xv, . ze the Mayor to sign* Seconded ur Le... .j^ ^n^ Lc*' ncua` , • and vanxo*a.` voted AYE. The na/^r. declared _- the mot / on ca`. ied u^an.*ously, wcm POWER SUPPLY - Have asked Idaho Power for estimates. Schmidt , recommended an underground power installation at a cost of $1309.00, ! overhead power wouLu cost $2961^00^ Schmidt advised the cvunciL that if no objections he would go ahead. JOHN *swosc OF uwzvcnazrY or IDAHO - *r. Hendee called and stated that the President of the University of Idaho is going to the Board of Regents next week to ask that his nroposal., which wiL| go to the Legislature, to expand the mccaLL Forestry ocxoo / into a wccaLL field for the University. The President requested Letters of sunport from ca*p"s»e ci 'y, Schmidt requested the counc/ L sign a prepared let+er, OUTSIDE STAIRWAY FOR HANDICAPPED - Schmidt stated that Frank Volk offered to do architecturaj engineering services for $2*00�00. ofter _ _ __ ^ Lengthy c/ iscuss' on^ the c^unciL directed that *Lf.`ru do a yeneraL information study and see what options he can find. Yanu"msn slated that the Gun Club is planning on having a turkey shoot on the 23ru or November at 12 o'clock out at the snowmouiLe track. The c /uu w/ L / inform the poLice department and se~ the permit if Mere is one needed. Attorney. nemaxlus made a repov+ to the council on the nuseell. comvl" / ,, . A+ ,orne, uc.^sklvs advised the council that the city now has a copy of the 1r1� quit claim deed* acknowledged September z, 19a6, quit claiming the alleyway to the ra/ /roau. Attorney eeoaklus recommended the council accept the deed and acxnvwleuse*en+ and place it in the recmru. After a further ,cpor , from At,or^ev nema/' lus concerning title to the . -- property. The molter was tabled until ntto •'nev mema/' lus has more actions to report* - rhcra being no further business, the mayor declared the meeting *ujourneu, ~� V *� �` �" �� � ^ Clyde L. Archer, Jr., Mayor i Attest: Arthur J. Schmidt, Clerk PAYROLL AND BILLS 0CIDBER 1986 ---c*scK--- YR NUMBER - - VENDOR / PAYEE - - AMOUNT 87 - 00001 269 RAMON LEE ALFOmo 300.00 87 - 00002 271 ROGER BATES 250^00 a7 - 00003 276 HUGH H. cooxs 300,00 87 - 00004 282 REBECCA L. .EFFnzsa 200^00 87 - 00005 288 MARY JANE LIBERTY 200^00 ar - 000na 292 BRIAN S. mzcxsLa 300.00 . -- ar - 0000r 295 EDWARD F. PARKER 25o.00 ar - 0000a 305 MICHAEL P. WHITNEY ' u�o^oo 87 - n000p 365 MICHAEL R. T*mazmz 250.00 87 - 00010 4*7 WILLIAM WRIGHT 200.00 ar - 00011 481 MICHAEL R. SELLERS coo.00 _- ar - oVozu 493 Js*wwzs BROWN | 300.00 87 - 00013 apo JEFFREY SCOTT eszwKs 200,00 87 - 00014 691 RAYMOND M. BARNETT 250^00 ! 87 - 00015 795 THOMAS R aAmKsLL 300,00 87 - 00016 796 DONALD PLATT 300.00 178 • •• - -• VENDOR / PAYEE - - • YR NUMBER riwwl• 7 1 150 Archer, Clyde L. 1.00 - 0001 00042 275 Hammons, Bob N. 883437 600 Creech, James F. 102.55 07 - 00043 850 Johnson, Marion 100.38 (P3•• - 00044 7 - 00045 1025 Lee, Clifford 59.38- 0 87 00046 1320 McCarty, Robert 10 7 00047 9.3B - 1789 Schmidt, Arthur J. 1,448.63 8 - B7 - 000218_ -1915 VanKomen, Gary -------- _ 109.38 .._._ 87 - 00049 1200 Lockhart, Nancy B. 467.60 87 - 00050 100 Alford, Ramon Lee 424.71 El? - 00051 1550 Pierson, Alta C. 734.2:1. 07 - 00052 167 Barkell, Thomas R. 633.97 137 - 00053 685 Den Bleyker, David C. 748.10 87 - 00054 1500 Parker, Edwards F. 1 p 136.33 07 - 00055 1580 Platt, Donald D. 613.74 -- 07 - 00056 1875 Tambani, Michael R. 658.45 07 - 00057 1575 Points, Dale Ellis 1.169.25 87 - 00058 15 Ainger, Maurice 34.02 07 - 00059 50 Aldrich, Donald R. 03.80 87 - 00060 513 Chaloupka, Thomas 83.80 87 - 00061 515 Cochran, Dan Elwin 62.21 87 - 00062 518 Curry, Michael A. 20.43 87 - 00067 662 Darling, Mark W. 49.67 . 1 87 - 00064 715 Eddins, Dempsey 41.78 07 - 00065 725 Dumont, Paul 21.12 87 - 00066 726 Dye, Steven Charles 66.62 87 - 00067 740 Everhart, Timothy L. 36.41 87 - 00068 753 Fitzgerald, M. J. 69.41 87 - 00069 755 French, Thomas 40.62 S7 " 00070 777 Haynes, Richard M. 62.44 87 - 00071 1010 Larson, Mark A. 33.66 07 - 00072 1225 Lohff, Douglas 32.96 13'? - 00073 1801 Smith, Dave 21.12 37 - 00074 1980 Woods Doug 48.22 87 - 00075 25 Albright, Robyn 1.30.32 87 - 00076 170 Barton, CAthy J. 136.30 07 - 00077 350 Cantrell, Gloria L. 621.96 ........„. 07 - 0007B 800 Hearne, Rebecca L. 322.30 07 - 00079 1150 Liberty, Mary Jane 130.78 87 - 00080 250 Bates, Roger D. 774.14 87 - 00081 325 Brown, Gloria Jeannie 233.38 87 - 00082 450 Chalfant, Larry 1,306.34 07 -.00003 950 Keating, William D. 322.50 87 - 00084 1800 Smith, Dave B. 1,313.47 07 - 00085 1925 Whitney, Michael P. 589.66 87 00086 2000 Wright, William P. 460.91 - 87 - 00087 500 Hugh H. Cooke 772.72 07 - 00008 168 Barnett, Raymond M. 525.23 87 - 000a9 1100 Lewinski, John R. 1.216.10 87 - 00090 700 Drips, John B. 710.71 87 - 00091 1350 Nickels, Brian S. 695.99 00092 1400 Murray, Ralph R. 676.58 87 - 00093 1585 Reinke, Jeff Scott 525.33 a7 - 00094 1775 Sellers, Michael R. 405.46 87 - 00095 357 State Tax Commission 1,693.18 87 - 00096 _ • 358 jdaho First National 4,631,Q5 _ 87 - 00097 359 STATE AUDITOR, STATE 01 IDAHO 5,973.12 117 - 00098 360 ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO CITIES 2.654.46 87 - 00099 361 AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE ASSURANCE 40.62 87 - 00100 362 IDAHO CENTRAL EMPLOYEES CREDIT 775.71 67 - 00101 363 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYS 5,191.15 07 - 00102 793 DEPARTMENT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT 2,995.00 87 - 00103 806 DILL KEATING 375.00 87 - 00104 806 DILL KEATING 360.71 87 - 00105 362 IDAHO CENTRAL EMPLOYEES CREDIT 415.00 07 - 00106 359 STATE AUDITOR, STATE OF 'IDAHO 572.13 07 - 00107 157 UNITED STATES Kkart;STER 174.16 1 87 - 00108 . 187 ACHESON MOTORS 27.00 87 - 00109 774 At CHEM LABORATORY 35.50 07 - botio 602 AMERICAN RED CROSS 92.23 87 - 00111 360 ASSOCIATION OF IDAHO CITIES 790.40 07 - 00112 111 BAKER /. TAYLOR 10.60 87 - 00113 007 BEST PUBLICATION 19.45 87 - 00114 115 000K SHOP 90.46 87 - 00115 2 BRIAN MICKELS 25.00 87 - 00116 292 BRIAN S. NICKELS 300.00 07 - 00117 800 BRIGHT IDEAS LIGHTING CO. 64.70 ..fri - ()"1I '1 . 7 BRUNDAGE OFFPT ,:.AirELY 216.60 .1k 4.[1ECT --. 179 YR NUMBER - - VENDOR / PAYEE - - AMOUNT - --- a7 - 00119 118 -c-& S CONTRACTING 168.41 119 0 0120 CAL GAS 191.16 07 - 797 CANNON SPORTS 5.42 37 - 00121 00, CHARLES SCHELINE 20.00 7 - 00122 „.....- 00123 374 COLUMBIA HOUSE 80.71 811 D.I.N. PUBLICATIONS 4.75 G7 - 0012A ('Q( DONALD PLATT 300.00 87 - 0 0125 18 DOUBLEDAY AND COMPANY 80.96 87 - 00126 17 DOUBLEDAY BOOK CLUB 6.87 a7 - 00127 012 DUNN CO. 45.00 B7 - 00 120 810 DWAINE BACCUS 220.00 07 - 0012? 295 EDWARD F. PARKER 270.00 07 - 00130 07 00131 813 FA E RMRS HOME ADMIN. 3. 0 0 60. 0 - 7 - 1 20 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 205.59 002 129 GEM SUPPLY CO-OP INC 1,742.80 --! 87 - 00133 273 GLORIA L. CANTRELL 50.00 87 - 00134 23 GREAT WESTERN CHEMICAL COMPANY 380.00 87 - 00135 770 HANSEN DISTRIBUTING. INC. 36.96 87 - 00136 87 - 00137 195 HUGH COOKE 14.35 07 - 00138 ! 276 HUGH H. COOKE 300.00 87 - 00139 2718(1 127.00 07 - 00140 242 IDAHO C• IEF'S OF POLICE ASSOC;. 30.00 87 - 00141 35a IDAHO FIRST u; 1,671,22 a? - 00142 30 IDAHO POWER 4.685.07 0'? - 00143 29 IDAHO TANK & CULVERT. INC 393.36 INGRAM 271.31 87 - 00144 .32 ________ 07 0014 5 . 814 J.I. MORGAN 323.79 - 87 493 JEANNIE. BROWN 272.63 - 00146 87 00147 690 JEFFREY SCOTT REINKE 200.00 - 8 8 207 JEFFRIES' CONTRACTING 275.00 7 - 0014 El? 00149 591 JIM'S REPAIR 30.34 - 87 001 0 566 JIM'S 25 HOUR TOWING 70.00 - 5 87 00151 L (Si. 193 LARRY CHAFANT 19.- 140 LONG VALLEY SAND & GRAVEL 1,799.55 07 - 00152 817 M.A. HAUSER INC. 196.50 07 - 00153 87 00154 343 MA!R' AUTO PARTS 216.37 - 07 00155 208 MARY JANE LIBERTY 200.00 - 38 MAY HARDWARE 294.66 87 - 00156 87 00157 40 MC CALL PRINTING 275.80 - -- 87 - 00158 141 MC CALL RURAL FIRE PROTECT. AS 175.00 87 0 170 MC CALL TIRE ANT' AUTO REP AIR 23.76 - 0159 87 •... 00160 818 MCCALL AUTO PARTS 253.12 820 MCCALL. COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATIO 60.00 87 - 00161 07 00162 019 MCCALL RENTAL AND SALES 165.85 - 87 1 88 MERC, THE 57.96 - 0063 87 00 164 • :142 MESSURI, BATES & GIBBONS 17.70 - 305 MICHAEL P. WHITNEY 250.00 87 - 00165 87 - 00166 481 MICHAEL.. R. SELLERS 200.00 87 00167 365 MICHAEL. R. TAMBINI 250.00 - 87 00168 016 MONEY 15.00 - B7 00169 51 MY SECRETARY SERYCE . 154.12 - 87 00170 543 NEAL JONES 116.03 - a? - 00171 664 NORTHWEST ROOFING COMPANY 50.00 55 PAYETTE LAKES LUMBER 517.72 87 - 00172 022 PRESNELL GAGE N CO. 1,500.00 87 - 00173 87 - 00174 821 PROJECT CONSTRUCTION 6.45 87 - 00 150 PUTNAM PUB. GROUP 63.98 175 269 RAMON LEE ALFORD 300.00 87 - 00176 823 RAY L. ALFORD 100.00 87 - 00177 a? 001 691 RAYMOND M. BARNETT 250.00 - 78 282 REBECCA L. JEFTRIES 200,00 87 - 00179 61 ROBERT REMAKLUS 2.643.33 87 - 00180 271 ROGER BATES 250,00 87 - 00101 64 ROW LAND BROTHERS 49,00 87 - 00182 _. 472 SACKERMAN'S TEXACO 402.37 07 - 00183 a 155 SCHLOFMAN TRACTOR 650.00 ? - 00104 8 00125 E 69 SHAVR'S 37,65 7 - 70 SHIRT AND SOUND WORKS 87 - 00106 267.75 73 SMITH AND KANGAS 1,429.40 87 - 00107 87 00108 203 SP LI ARNG INSTRUMENT CO. ,INC. 320.10 - 00 189 8 ',TAR TAR NEWS 197.60 87 - 8 0 0 439 STOEGER H IN PUBLISG 9.56 7 - 019 579 TEEN 18.95 87 - 0011 9 824 THE RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF AMER 36.00 87 - 00192 _ -- _ -_ __ ] g (]cxscx--- - ' ' rp NUMBER - - VENDOR / PAYEE - - AMOUNT 1 87 - 00193 795 THOMAS m oAnxsLL 3004.00 ar - 00194 262 TREASURE VALLEY.BANK 490.87 ar - 00195 157 UNITED STATES POSTMASTER 198^00 87 - owzpa 356 w.a.oAmLsY & Co, zoa,aa .=~ ar - oozpr 440 WALKER SAFETY & SIGNING co, 1*5^05 ar - owzpa zao WATER & WASTE WATER souzp^co. 722^35 ar - 00199 530 wsaco 97.0* � or - uocoo 266 WESTERN AIRCRAFT mAzwT. ^zwc 110.98 ar - 00201 aap WESTERN POWER SPORTS, INC. aa^za ' ar - owzou aa wzLos uoLFs OIL 28.05 87 - 00203 284 WILLIAM D. xsATzno 375^00 ar - 0000* 447 wzLLzAm WRIGHT 000-oo ay - 00205 210 w000,^o TREE SERVICE 700.00 ar - 00206 825 ZONING BULLETIN 39,o5 ar - 00223 a*o MIKE rAmazwz 95*^60 ar - 000a* ans DAVID C. DEN aLsYnsn 576.26 87 - 00285 295 EDWARD F. PARKER 1'252.11 ar - 00286 193 LARRY cm*LrAwT 1^234.45 87 - oouar 276 HUGH H. coonc 640.71 07 - 00288 178 ASSOCIATED BUSINESS PRODUCTS 3,580,00 07 - oocap 170 ASSOCIATED BUSINESS PRODUCTS 260.00 � GRAND TOTAL aza^343.ra _______ MINUTES OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 25° 1906 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Archer called the meeting to order at r:oo F .M. cvurc' /.,emuers present were Johnson, vanxvmen, McCarty, Lee and Mayor Archer. Also present was City Administrator/Clerk Bud achm/ut^ MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 13, zpoa | ~~,, Administrator Schmidt advised Mayor Archer that the minutes of November 13 were not ready for approval. Action was deferred until the next meeting. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Administrator Schmidt advised the council that there were no materials for approval and that Treasurer nammvns^ injury was the reason claims were not submitted for anprvval^ No action taxen, OLD BUSINESS REPORT BY nszoswasmo e KswoALL^ ns; 4,4 NON PROPERTY TAX Administrator Schmidt presented a critique Of the report. Lee recommended that the summary of the report be read, Mayor Archer read the summary. After a short discussion, Lee moved that the council accept the report and pa' the bill for the preparation. Seconded by Jv/`nsvn. After further discussion, Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanKvmen voted *,s. The Mayor declared the mot /on carried unanimously. re*cron/uAcx*os PURCHASE Administrator Schmidt advised the council that Mr. Chalfant did conducted a test of the case and the Caterpillar machinery on November 20, 1986, Johnson moved that the council accept the bid from Western states � Equipment comnanv, Seconded by Lee. After a short discussion, Lee, Johnson, McCarty and vannowen voted AYE. Mayor Archer declared the mot/ on carried unanimously. CITY VEHICLE POLICY vankomen advised that a review of the Christensen Report had been done by McCarty and himself: oanxomen advised that fl:e report stated that no / city police vehicle will be outside the city Limits without authorized use: vamKomen recommended that a police our should not be outside the ^.w~ city limits unless it is on authorized official use. oaoK^men moved ,hat the council accept the Vehicle Policy with ^n^ scratched and ^c^ / changed to ^a^. Seconded by McCarty. Charlene Roth and Bonnie Allen addressed the council concerning definition of the term "on call". After a ienqthy discussion, Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanKvmen voted AYE. Mayor Archer declared the motion carried unanimously. _ -- _-__� 181 The counc . � requested that the City Administrator propose to Chic, . ~^ , Parker the addition of response time restrictions to the job descriptions of the police officers, The council stated Hiat officers that /.au purchased their homes prior to the inclusion of the restriction will . be exempt. _ The council. determined that Fire Chief Points lives within his jurisdiction! As he is employed by the Rural Fire p, ^,ect /vn District also, wzLoc WOLF OIL Mayor Archer :Addressed the purchase or railroad right-of-way where Mt , wolf's hulk plant is mca,au, Mr,. wvl./ uuu,esseu the council with » 's c^"cerns, L*e recommended that O,. :v // not make improvements until disposition of the ' .yxt-of-war is uet°`m/ nau, No act / ^n take.`. Aooswcm*, CONTRACT WITH nOOT*mAw-oprow FOR amnxcJx*`sn BASE SEWER LINE Administrator Schmidt presented amended addendum to the counci /^ Addendum covers the completion of the final construction drawings. Lee moved that Addendum ',1,* be approved and that the Mayor be authorized s/sn, Seconded by Yanxomen. Johnson, Lee' McCarty and oanKomen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. � CLASSIFICATION PLAN The council commenced review of the Job Descriptions, including the / foLmw/ ng Positions. Custodian Operator z Wastewater' Facility Wastewater Treatment plant supervisor After a brief discussion, Schmidt was directed to include who the position is directly responsible to. Lee moved that the job descriptions for Custodian, operator I wastewater Facility and wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor be approved as correc+eu^ Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and Vanuomen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. CITY ADMINISTRATOR RESOLUTION ~'- Presentation by Administrator Schmidt, Schmidt stated that the City Administrator job description is in the form of a resolution. Lee requested that the matter be rescheduled to the next meeting so that -- the council can review the resolution. The Mayor so ordered. NEW BUSINESS LAKE STREET Lzo, MR SMITH msousar Administrator Schmidt stated that Richard D. Smith of 2417 Bogus aasin , Road, Poise, Idaho 03702 has been asking and inquiring about making some of the /mprvve~ant for ° walkway or bikeway from the Yacht Club to Shore Lodge to be carried by the Highway Department as a project with the city matching funds. nr- Smith, who was not present, had stated that he would assist in forming a Lzo^ one petitioned for by property vwners and residents and use the LID to provide matching funds for the program. The council requested more data, a formal request and perhaps include the highway south out of town to the airport. After a Lengthy discussion, no action was taken. TREASURE VALLEY BANK, WATER AND SEWER BILLING Administrator Schmidt stated that the city has received a request and have agreed to the same arrangements as with United First. vanxomen moved that the city make the same arrangements as with United First Federal at $60,.00 per house. Seconded by McCarty. Johnson,. Lee, McCarty and oanKvmcn voted A,s. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. -- GOLF COURSE CONTRACT Administrator Schmidt requested additional direction from the council with consultation by the Golf comm/ttee, Schmidt requested some direction on negotiations for bid amount~ Schmidt advised the council ~~ that Mr. Drips' first alternative is a rate / ,.crease/ the second alternative is a deductible, where the fixed rate is $120,000^00/ and the third alternative is that wr, Drips w/ / !. share any Loss or gain on a .Jo/5o basis with the city using 190a as the base rea,. Lee recommended that the Mayor ask vanKvmen 'Ti: represent the council just to review the financial elements of the contract proposals. vanKomen . volunteered to do the review of the golf course uooxs. The Mayor so i directed. • �__ -__��_'___ - � —__ _ - _ 1Q� Mzaazow arArcms^n ' ' ^"� Lee addressed the draft of the Mission s'atem*nt. After a lengthy / u .scuss/on^ the Mission Statement was returned lo the Golf c ' Advisory' Committee for corrections and revisions, ^urs� ao*mo~ ComMIrnsE AND COMMISSION REPORTS A ketter from joint Powers Board of November l';'. 1906 was acknowledged -.IN, by the council which contained a recommendation on sharing Plant 0 & M i costs. Impact Planning and Zoning Commission minutes of November �o 1oa. were acknowledged by the council, -~ ^ City plann/ ny and 'Zoning Commission minutes of November IS zvea acknowledged by the council, ^ wer e , ARTS COMMISSION — McCarty advised the council of the forming of an Arts Committee and requested the Mayor appoint someone to that committee. Mayor Archer appointed Bob McCarty to the committee. -__ . CORRESPONDENCE A. Letter to sp*^ ms; discharge permit B. Letter to John Drips from Mayor regarding Contract ` C. Memo re; Pending projects D. Memo to Dept/Divisions n=; Annual. Reports E. Memo from Chief parker, progress report F. Idaho State Fire School information ADMINISTRATORS REPORT AIRPORT The Forest Service reiterates that the radio shop needs to stay at the aeetin Shop until September 30, 1987 rent free. Then they will. move to the yellow building at the north end of the airport, and not give up their Lease on this area until. 19915. at that +ime^ the yellow metal. building wilt revert to the cit/. GOLF COURSE CLUB HOUSE | *ow, Seven proposals have been received for architect services for the proposed new club house. The Administrator requested that the Golf -- Course Committee be allowed to review the proposals and reduce the number to three or four proposals; then have an interview committee who wile. bring back a recommendation to the cvuncil.^ v*nxomen moved | that use and Johnson be the two committee members from the city Council. Seconded by McCarty. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanxvmen voted A,s The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. ^ TREASURERS REPORT New accounting and payroll programs have been installed in the city's . System 36 IBM computer. omoxcJumpsm BASE Option 4:4 routing for the sewer was approved by the mausen's on the property in which they have an interest. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT � The men are now scheduled so that there is someone on duty seven days , a week. More sanding is being done at the intersections. FIRE DEPARTMENT . The Fire Department has purchased two used a /rpac/.s for Less than the cost of one new airnacx. . . FILE CABINETS The Treasurer purchased two used file cuu / oets m, the Price of one new cabinet. , __ MILL SITE SOLD | *r, Manchester has purchased site. WATER STUDY ` .ma and staff have asked to proceed with the water �uux research if ! s weather conditions hold. . Vanxowen moved to yo to Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 67-2345(b'') Evaluate Public Employee. Seconded by Lee. A roll ca // vote was � taken and Johnson, Lee, McCarty and va,mv*e`. voted AYE. The Mayor ' declared the motion carried unanimously. Executive session commenced at 9:5n P.M. ` ~ _ THE MAYOR DECLARED rxc mcc/Iwo .pAcx IN PUBLIC SESSION or 10;13 P.M. 183 The Mayor advised the public of the subject of the executive session, Council discussed floe evaluation of the City Administrator; the Mayor . reported that he had evaluated the administrator's performance as very good, and stated that his the Administrator's) dedication to his ]vu ,_— was of the highest oruer^ oanxvmen moved to accept the evalua, |on^ Seconded by Lee. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanKomen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. � | Lee moved to return to executive session to discuss an evaluation of a grievance against a public employee. Seconded by vannvmen. A roll. call vote was taken, and Johnson^ Lee, McCarty and vannvmen voted AYE. The ma/or declared the motion carried unanimously. THE MAYOR DECLARED THE MEETING BACK IN PUBLIC SESSION AT 11:27 P.M. • The Mayor stated that the council had Listened to Mr. & Mrs. Paul Aoton^s narration of the incident of November za, zpaa and to Administrator acxm/u~^s narrat | on. The Mayor asked the council how they wished to proceed on the gr /evance, The Council agreed to take no action at ' this time. | I Lee moved that the council aujourn^ Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanxvme^ voted A/s, The Mayor declared the motion ! carried unanimously. Meeting Adjourned. x7 � __ ^—_-- )� !. xlyue^L' Archer, Jr', Mayor Attest: Arthur J. Schmidt, Clerk ~_. _ � � MINUTES OF czr< COUNCIL MEETING ! REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 11^ zpaa CALL To ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Archer called the meeting to order at r:oo p.m, counc/ tmemuers present were Johnson, Y*nwvm="^ McCarty, Lee and Archer. MINUTES OF MEETINGS OF NOVEMBER zn, 1986 AND NOVEMBER 25^ 1906 The minutes of November 13, zpoa were declared approved as submitted by Mayor Archer. . Lee requested a correction of the minutes of November 25, 1986 by the addition of the words "at that time, the vellvw metal building w0.1. revert to the city" to the first paragraph of the Administrator's Report. Mayor Archer declared the minutes of November 25' 1986 approved as correc+eu^ PAYMENT or CLAIMS Johnson moved that the city make payment as suumi +teu^ Seconded by —~ Lee. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimvuslv~ OLD BUSINESS _ FINAL DESIGN APPROVAL* amoxsJumpsR BASE SEWER LINE | Administrator Schmidt advised that there were no fundamental changes in the design since last shown to the council. Lee moved that the ' council approve the plans and specifications as final and authorize ! the Mayor to sign the acceptance and make parment, Seconded by � / Johnson. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and Vannommn voted AYE. The Mayor | declared the motion carried unanimously. , l � ` � �� nzvsnasmz SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT • . Administrator Schmidt advised that the c/+/ has budgeted for the niveruenu Project. The city already ha s similar ! project underway and it may be econvwic"l�tsew�r replacement concurrently as an addendum to the block bid the w'veruenu Project cussion, Johnson moved that the vc* nra»+ project.. After a uis— ...11.0%,counc / l authorize Tootxman—Orton to � proceed with the mapping for the n/veruenu prvjec+^ Seconded by Lee. � After a Lengthy discussion, the vote was taken. The Mayor hearing . three AYE votes and one NAY vote declared the motion carried. � ENGINEERING SERVICE CONTRACT, WATER MASTER PLAN, J—u—u ENGINEERING ! Administrator Schmidt reviewed the agreement and noted changes from the first proposal. Lee^ having been involved with the negotiations, addressed the council. Schmidt stated that there is enough money .. / n the budget +o'�undertaee the study. Lee moved that the council -- approve phase z and Phase V of the contract and get the water study completed and authorize the Mayor to sign. Seconded by Johnson Johnson, Lee, McCarty and v*nKvmen voted AYE. The Mayor ueclar=`u the motion carried unanimously. voux REFUND Administrator Schmidt advised the Council that the issue by agreement of Attorney nemaxius and *r~ Volk has been delayed until +» � me»+ 1987 meeting. e January 8, | � ndmin/stra+vr Schmidt advised the Council that Mr. Volk wished t address the council on another matter^ mr^ Volk requested that ^the City support the Idaho State Snow Sculpture Competition to be held somewhere in Idaho. After a nresen+at{vn by Mr. Volk, ee moved th t the City commit the equipment, the operator and the personnel ^�o � + a • up the form, to put the snow into the form and to set ' the the preparation of these sculptures on t� « rem^«e the form in are acquired to do the tamping. Seconded by assumption that volunteers � McCarty and vanKvmmn voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried OATH OF OFFICE, PAULETTE JOHNSON, ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER | =° Paulette Johnson took the oath of office for Animal Control Offi which was administered by City Administrator/Clerk Schmidt. cer - n*wGAa CORRESPONDENCE - Schmidt Introduced Mr. Kansas. Mr^ Kangas addressed the council concerning s*sts|dm interceptor and airport^ Attorney em� un �++vr"m n x� advised that the omission of the Eastsiue interceptor from the letter was an oversight. Mr. Kannas requested letters of the projects that he had worked on. After some discussion, Johnson recommendation for m^«eu that the City provide Mr. Kansas with two Let Seconded by Lee~ Johnson^ Lee~ McCarty and v n `�r� of recommendation. a» «m� Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. » voted *Y�^ The IMPACT p & z AGREEMENT, STATUS REPORT Administrator Schmidt reviewed the Impact Planning and Zoning Status determine c ot + v s Renvrt with the Council. Schmidt recommended that the City sign the• agreement as it was presented without the cost factor being finureo in, if nv+' Leave it ^nen to r=neoo+/ation at any time. After dis- cussion and a presentation by Julie Eddins, Lee moved +�a+ the council/ l ui rmc� the Administrator and Attorney n=,al + + study this the county and explore the no/nts brought up by Mrs. Eddins uno see if the city can work towards some kind of an agreement so that the |counci � can whether or not combining building inspect /on anu~pl**n i ns service is favorable to the city, Seconded by vanKvmen^| After a short discussion, Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanxomen voted AYE. .� The Mayor declared the «u on carried unanimously.� After further discussion, Lee moved that the Council approve the= +=� ex+ens/on agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign^ Seconded by ! vannvmwn^ j^hnson, Lee, McCarty and vanxvmen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. CLASSIFICATION PLAN =..„ The council commenced review of the job descriptions, including the following nvsitivnn: ! City Administrator . Building Supervisor Administrator Schmidt advised the council that the job description for . Building Supervisor has not been completed and will be included in the next packet. A ' • 18.5 • Administrator Schmidt stated the the City Administrator Resolution was included in the packets Last meeting and the council had requested it be rescheduled to this meeting. Lee moved that the council continue with the Resolution 1-06 for the City Administrator for the 1986-87 year. Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and • VanKomen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. SEETIN SHOP, LEASE PURCHASE AGREEMENT • Administrator Schmidt advised that the City Attorney had the report on the Seetin Shop and on another matter. Attorney Remaklus discussed • the Seet i n Shop Agreement in detail. which is ready for the Mayor's signature. Remaklus advised the Mayor that there were three pages that had to be inserted, and that the agreement is in finished form. After a review of the agreement, the matter was deferred to the next meeting and staff was further instructed on items to be resolved in the — agreement. • PAYETTE LAKES SEWER DISTRICT AGREEMENTS Attorney Remaklus discussed the Fifth Amendment to the Cooperative Agreement with Fayette Lakes Sewer District. Lee requested the matter be deferred to the next meeting for action. Administrator Schmidt discussed the Reinhard Lane Agreement with • the Payette Lakes Sewer District. The Mayor deferred the matter to • the next meeting. RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY Attorney Remaklus recommended that the City accept the Quit Claim Deed from the U.P.R.R. VanKomen moved that the council accept the Quit Claim deed of conveyance of property from Union Pacific Railroad. Seconded by Lee. After a short discussion, Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. 1 SNOW REMOVAL Administrator Schmidt advised that between the hours of 300 and ' 7:00 a.m. the police department has only on call personnel. The City, trying to avoid calling out a police officer to have a car towed, requests that the council allow the plow operator to carry the warning tickets and affix them to the illegal vehicles. Schmidt advised that • any tow order would have to be given by Larry Chalfant. Attorney Remaklus approved the procedure. After a lengthy discussion, Lee •• moved that the council authorize the snow plow drivers to issue warn- ing notices to illegally parked vehicles between the hours of 300 and 700 a.m. for snow plowing purposes only. Seconded by VanKomen. After further discussion, Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS • • • GOLF COURSE WOOD VanKomen asked why the wood from the Golf Course tree trimming project isn't being used by the shop. Schmidt stated that he has talked to Brian Mickels about the wood and that it had been the practice in the • • past to provide the superintendent with wood from the course with golf course equipment. Schmidt stated he asked that they terminate that practice and Mickels agreed to do so. Wood is to be taken to the City Shop or other city facilities. • GOLF COURSE B/D VanKomen stated that he has a recommendation of $146,000 as the amount for the golf course bid. Schmidt advised that with this information he should be able to complete negotiations with Mr. Drips and return to the council with the terms agreed upon. • • ... -- BOARD, COMMITTEE AND COMMISSION REPORTS • 1. The City Planning & Zoning Commission minutes of November 18 and December 2, 1986 were acknowledged by the council. • • • 2. The Impact Planning & Zoning Commission minutes of November 24, 1986 were acknowledged by the council. • 3. The Treatment Plant, Joint Powers Board minutes of November 14. 1986 were acknowledged by the council. 4. The Airport Committee minutes of December 3, 1986 were acknowledged • by the council. • 186 co (Information only, no action required) ! 1. Letter from State Tax Commission on Annexation 2. Letter to Boyd M/ Ller re; Airport Land 3^ Letter to Dept. of Lanus from U of I r=: mccaLL FieLd Campus 4. Letter to Smith and Kan*as from Mayor Archer _ ^-~ 5^ Letter to John Edwards on anneaL of Non-Property tax^ vanKomen stated that he would Like to see the pen*Lties dropped if navment is made by the end of the month. After some discussion, VanK"men re«ues+eu that the interest and penalties in the ordinance be *mendew^ Interest should coincide with the State's rate and the • penaLt |es should be 5w per month. The Mayor directed Attorney nmmakLus to prepare the amended ordinance. 6^ Memo to empLvyews re: HeaLth Insurance | NEXT COUNCIL MEETING Administrator Schmidt advised the cvunciL that the next meeting date is on Christmas Day even(nn~ Schmidt recommended meeting be deLayed • +| l the 29th or 30th of December. The meeting was rescheduled to • December 30, 1986 at 7;00 p.m. JANITOR Administrator Schmidt stated that Jim Creech had resigned. Schmidt stated that Paulette Johnson had expressed an interest In the pns|t|on^ :Schmidt requested that the counc/ L approve her appointment to the • ' janitorial position and provide the heauh and retirement benefits. • The Council approved. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT PAVING ROAD AROUND PAYETTE LAKE Lee recommended that the city write a Letter to the County and encourage them to pave the road around the Lake. The Mayor and cvonc| L concurred. . i COUNTY GRAVEL PIT PROPERTY JUST SOUTH OF THE CITY LIMITS, EAST OF HWY 55 It has been reported that the county is planning to saLL this property. ^ Vanwomen recommended the city write a Letter stating that we feel the ~=~ county shouLd retain the 20 acres for the snowmobile race track and the gun club. va"Komen moved that Administrator Schmidt write a Letter to the VwLLex County Commissioners and request them to continue on with trying to get th e roa d around the lake paved and that th e nraveL p it be retained by the county for recreation as a snowmoh| Le race track and a nossibLe future gun club. Seconded by Lee. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unan/movsLv^ CITY CHRISTMAS PARTY Administrator Schmidt stated that the employees were planning an emnLvvwm Christmas party. After a discussion, the matter was tabled and Left to the Administrators discretion. TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE MINUTES Transportation Committee recommended +h,0 the city council send a -..:Tlesativn to the Highway Transportation Department to discuss funding the extension of oeinharu Lane lo the east across Payette River to avvustun Street as a truck by—pass route around the City Center. Lee moved that the council appoint Dick cowuwrr and the Mayor as the council's representatives to m=et with the department and allow cvwuery and the Mayor to work up a delegation. Seconded by vanno.uen. . Johnson, Lee, McCarty and Vankomen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. • ' ~ Lee moved to adjourn the meet/ nn. Seconded by vanKomen, Johnson, Lee, McCarty and o*nKomen voted *Ys, The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. THE MEETING ADJOURNED • =�. • . ° ^ BILLS AND PAYROLL NOVEMBER 1986 187 .-..-•-•CHECK•-••-•- YR NUMBER -- •- VENDOR / PAYEE •••• •••• AMOUNT 87 - 00207 150 Archer, Clyde L. 1.00 87 - 00208 850 Johnson, Marion 100.'E1 87 •- 00209 1025 Lee, Clifford 1 .00 87 -• 00210 1320 McCarty, Robert 109.3£:3 87 - 00211 1915 VanKomen, Gary 109.38 87 - 00212 1200 Lockhart, Nancy 13. 619.70 87 ••- 00213 1780 Schmidt, Arthur John 1,448.63 07 -• 00214 275 Hammons, Bob N. 853.0£3 87 •-• 00215 325 Brown, Gloria Jeannie 257.65 87 -- 00216 480 Demetriades, Cynthia A. '3£30.6£3 87 •-• 00217 100 Alford, Ramon Lee 424.71 £37 -• 00218 1550 Pierson, Alta C. 734.21 87 ••- 00219 600 Creech, James F. 128.74 137 -- 00220 167 Barkell, Thomas R. 633.97 87 •-• 00221 685 Den Bleyker, David C. '700.06 F37 - 00222 1500 Parker, Edwards I" 1,136.35 8'7 - 00223 1580 Platt, Donald Dale 613.74 87 - 00224 1875 Tambini, Michael R. 658.45 87 •- 00225 15 Ainger, Maurice 20.43 87 -- 00226 50 Aldrich, Donald R. 90.53 87 -•• 00227 513 Chaloupka, Thomas 63.14 87 - 00228 515 Cochran, Dan Elwin 21.12 87 •-• 00229 518 Curry, Michael Arthur 21.12 137 -- 00230 662 Darling, Mark W. 41.55 87 - 00231 715 Eddins, Dempsey 56.64 87 -- 00232 725 Dumont, Paul 28.Q9 137 -- 00233 740 Everhart, Timothy L. 58.26 87 -- 00234 753 Fitzgerald, M. J. 13.46 87 - 00235 755 French, Thomas 33.89 87 - 00236 777 Haynes, Richard M. 13.0() 87 •- 00237 1010 Larson, Mark A. 55.48 87 -- 00238 1225 Lohff, Douglas 34.59 87 •- 00239 •1575 Points, Dale Ellis 1,169.25 87 - 00240 1801 Smith, Dave 36.21 87 - 00241 1855 Stathis, Harry 13.00 87 -- 00242 1880 Taylor, Skip 33.66 E37 - 00243 1980 Woods, Doug 27.62 87 -• 002.44 855 .Johnson, Paulette D. 4:1..16 £37 •- 00245 250 Bates, Roger D. 774.1.4 87 -- 00246 450 Chalfan, Larry :1,3136.34 87 •- 0024'7 680 Cline, Stanley Gordon 38.8'7 87 •- 00248 950 Keating, William D. 683.21. 87 - 00249 1800 Smith, Dave B. 1,313.4'7 87 - 00250 1925 Whitney, Michael Peter 589.66 137 - 00251 2000 Wright, William P. 468.91 87 -- 00252 25 Albright, Robyn :1.72.90 87 - 00253 170 Barton, Cathy J. 102.28 87 -• 00254 350 Cantrell, Gloria L. __ 821.07 137 •- 00255 800 Hearne, Rebecca L. 329.46 87 -- 00256 1150 Liberty, Mary Jane 216.48 87 - 0025'7 169 Baker John 37.14 87 -- 00258 500 Cooke, Hugh H. 772.72 137 -- 00259 689 Dwello Curt 37.14 - 87 - 00260 168 Barnett, Raymond M. 601.85 87 - 00261 1100 Lewinski, John R. 1,216.:1.0 87 - 00262 700 Drips, John B. 710.71 87 •-• 00263 1350 Mickel s, Brian S. 695.99 87 -• 00264 1400 Murray, Ralph R. 586.44 87 •-• 00265 1585 Reinke, Jeff Scott 200.52 8'7 - 00266 1775 Sellers, Michael R. 286.61 87 •- 00267 357 STATE TAX COMMISSION 1,328.93 87 -- 00268 358 IDAHO FIRST NATIONAL 3,764.79 87 ••- 00269 359 S'T'ATE AUDITOR, STATE OF IDAHO 5,461.20 87 - 00270 360 ASSOCIATION OF :CI:IAI••10 CITIES 2,855.81 87 - 00271 361 AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE ASSURANCE 40.62 07 - 00272 .362 IDAHO CENTRAL L••:MI'-'L-0YE'ES I.:REI:ITT 415.00 87 - 00273 363 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYS 5,036.87 87 -- 00274 826 CINDY LIEMETRIALIES 81:3.9'7 87 - 00275 51 MY SECRETARY SERVICE 477.89 87 - 00276 505 STEVE I:IYE 105.00 87 •- 00277 157 UNITED STATES POSTMASTER 107.52 87 - 00278 15'7 UNITED STATES POSTMASTER 63.00 87 - 00279 363 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYS 324.40 87 -- 00280 157 UNITED STATES POSTMASTER 88.00 87 •- 00281 827 TURNKEY CONSTRUCTION, INC. 350.00 188 VENDOR / PAYEE - - AMOUNT YR NUMBER 87 - 00290 482 ABC STAMP 24.06 87 - 00291 829 ADVANCE BUSINESS FORMS INC. 312.74 87 - 00292 773 ALCHEM LABORATORY 35.55 07 - 00293 2 AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTS 7.09 M., e,„ 1 87 - 00294 612 ARTHUR J. SCHMIDT 145.41 87 - 00295 178 ASSOCIATED BUSINESS PRODUCTS 240.00 , 87 - 00296 113 BIDALL CORP. 224.34 1 87 - 00297 030 BOISE BODY SHOP SUPPLY 195.95 87 - 0029e :328 BOOK SHOP 4.29 B7 - 00299 • 7 BRUNDAGE OFFICE SUPPLY 526.32 87 - 00300 a BRUNER TIRE SERVICE 401.09 87 - 00301 lls C. & S CONTRACTING 50.54 87 - 00302 119 CAL GAS 180.12 87 - 00303 237 CHILDRENS PRESS 66.00 87 - 00304 12 CONTEL 743.51 87 - 00305 171 COP. SHOP ETC. 696.20 87 .,- 00306 189 DEAN'S TIRE SERVICE . „ 136.27 87 -, 00307 .: 16 DECKER'S INC 167.47 i 87 -.00308 831 DIANNE & JUDD DEBORE 60,000.00 87 - 00309 18 DOUBLEDAY• AND COMPANY 31.54 87 - 00310 836 DR. CAROL RISENBERG 525.00 87 - 00311 835 DR. JANET KENDALL 525.00 87 - 00312 159 EARL WARD 60.00 87 - 00313 1.26 EXECUTONE 930.00 . . 87 -, 00314 1.9 F-STOP 95.67 87. - 00315 20 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 14.85 87 - 00316 . B32 FOGGY BOTTOM PUBLICATION 23.45 87 - 00317 833 GALL'S INC. 22.00 87 - 00318 23 GREAT WESTERN CHEMICAL COMPANY 920.00 87 - 00319 133 HAROLD DAVIS 9.00 87 - 00320 209 HONEYDIPPERS 240.00 87 - 00321 • 27 IBM 127.00 87 - 00322 246 ICMA 55.00 87 - 00323 837 IDA-TRAN 46.85 87 - 00324 632 IDAHO BUREAU OF AERONAUTICS 94.08 87 - 00325 358 IDAHO FIRST NATIONAL 1,671.22 • : .4...„ 87 - 00326 30 IDAHO POWER 5,658.99 87 -- 00327 32 INGRAM 91.61 - 87 .- 00320 207 JEFFRIES' CONTRACTING 12.90 87 - 00329 591 JIM'S REPAIR 38.34 87 - 00330 35 LAKEVIEW CHEVRON SERVICE 116.80 87 -- 00331 494 LONG VALLEY PLUMBING 64.20 87 - 00332 140 LONG VALLEY SAND & GRAVEL 388.o0 1 87 - 00333 68:1 MAIN LINE BOOK COMPANY 17.45 87 - 00334 343 MAIRS AUTO PARTS 128.65 87 - 00335 38 MAY HARDWARE 194.51 87 - 00336 346 MCCALL RENTAL & SALES 10.60 87 - 00337 839 MCCALL DRUG 1.98 87 - 00338 838 MCCALL RENTAL & SALES 66.50 87 - 00339 . 845 MECKEL EXCAVATING 115.00 87 - 00340 840 OREGON EQUIPMENT CO. :1,100.00 87 - 00341 608 OXMOOR HOUSE 17.64 87 -- 00342 841 P & M EXCAVATORS 200.00 87 -• 00343 55 PAYETTE LAKES LUMBER 384.12 87 - 00344 :150 PUTNAM PUB. GROUP 49.22 87 - 00345 1510UALITY PAPERBACK BOOK 24.03 . ! 87 - 00346 108 RAMON L. ALFORD 100.00 87 - 00347 842 RIDGELINE PRESS 22.95 , 87 - 00348 472 SACKERMAN'S TEXACO 1 87 - 00349 435 SAINT MARTIN'S PRESS 46.90 87 - 00350 69 SHAVER'S 7.24 87 - 00351 70 SHIRT AND SOUND WORKS 124.15 87 - 00352 75 STAN'S AUTO PARTS 588.39 87 - 00353 80 STAR NEWS 441.42 87 - 00354 77 STEVE REAGAN CO. 555.11 87 - 00355 263 TOOTHMAN-ORTON ENGINEERING COM 1,500.00 . 87 - 00356 262 TREASURE VALLEY BANK 490.87 87 - 00357 843 TURNKEY CONST. INC. 70.00 87 - 00358 844 TURNKEY CONSTRUCTION INC. 175.50 .: . : 6 , , 1 g0__-CHECK___ _ _ VEND / poysz _ _ AMOUNT Yn NUMBER . . z�a �o � 87 - 00359 635 uwzsouncs CORPORATION �rp,�� 84 VALLEY COUNTY . ar - »«3a« a�a voc�Tzowm- TECHNICAL EDUCATION o7,00� --~~-` ar - �»��� ��a vo�uwTssl� FIREMAN �o^7o 87 - 00362 a7 - ow�a� 85 WALLACE SHOP � ��c 14^26 aa • a47 WESTERN COLLISION ^ 87 - 00364 �a1 WESTERN souzpmswT p,ap*^ou or - »»3a5 �zz WILLIAM A. KIRK zwsun*wcs ���^ou � ar - 00366 29.00 or - 00388 261 STEVE RUSSELL GRAND TOTAL 139,638,27 **~ mccALL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 30, 1906 CALL To ORDER AND ROLL CALL ' Mayor Archer called the meeting to order at 7;00 p.m. cvunc / lmemues present were Johnson, oanKomen, McCarty, Lee and Archer. • MINUTES Mayor Archer advised the council that he did not return the minutes for correction in time for thew to be placed in the packets.- No minutes were available to be approved. , PAYMENT OF CLAIMS oanxomen moved that the city payroll be apprvveu, Seconded by Joxnsvn. Johnson, McCarty, Lee and oanuopm`n voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. • r_ • OLD BUSINESS ' --- FINAL ENGINEERING REPORT,- AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Mr. Kanyas addressed the cvunc / l, F.A.A. wants to close the Land acquisition and the airport project separately, no only the close-out documents for construction project were presented. There will be more documents when final. land acquisition close-out /s accomplished. . Kansas asked the council to approve the final pa, request for the I mayor to sign. Total. to date $1,025,438,67, :the Federal share is ,• ' $858,3o5,3o, and the par request shows the project m5 complete. o'frr reviewinn the uvcuments, Lee moved that the council approve the f / ral._ report and authorize the Mayor to sign. secvnueckur oanKomen. Jvh"svp, Lee, McCarty and vanKomen voted AYE. The ma,v^c- uectareu the motion_.- . carried unanimously. •,:-, -. ` � ca. �''::` - •• • `` .� ,`` /Mr, Kansas reviewed the final project report. • us* �vveu��ha*` t^e `��v ��� council approve the final. project report and 'aut»ori�e. '6e 'maror �J -t ` sign. Seconded by Johnson. Johnson, Lee, McCarty nil varxvme" _^ ', �^ - voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unaoimvps4,. . p ' `' ' ~ ` r • *r, Kansas discussed the asphalt on the a /rpvrt, oisFussec the. " ` '' condition and remedies, and the Lights and reflectors. v�nnvmen '� � � .' ` requested that xannas put his suggestions in writing. r `.,:f v , - c~' . Administrator Schmidt advised that the city has will. �� token delivery on woa mast. The Bureau of Aeronautics w/ � inspect-within the next w6 ` or so, ` LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT, Sssrzw SHOP ' Administrator Schmidt advised that the City Attorney, Mr. aeet / n, ` � mr, oeet / n's attorney and he had negotiated the agreement f^rher, • . The agreement includes all. the changes requested at the Last meeting, it also includes a provision that the city can purchase an annu/tv• a~' • __ any time during the period of the Lease in mr, o=et/ n^s name and mr^ aeet / ns equity interest in this property terminates. This process - would allow the city to receive a u/scvunt' and continue to provide mr^ oeetin with the $zs^000 per rear for the balance of the Lease/ purchase perivu, vanKomen moved that the council approve Resolution No. 8-86 and authorize the Mayor to sign the iease. Seconded by Lee. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and v*nnvmen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. 1 90 ��T� ��s �n� em ��Rozs�zcr ��EMEma Administrator Schmidt reviewed the proposed agreements on plant capacity and the oeinharu Lane sewer line, vanxvmen moved that the council appoint Lee to research the agreement further and possibly set with Ted Whiteman at the Sewer District and return with another recommendation. ^=~~~_ Seconded by Lee. After further discussion, Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanxvmen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. � GOLF COURSE AGREEMENT / Administrator Schmidt advised that the revisions and proposed contract � specifications that have been negotiated between Mr. Drips and himself have been with attorneys present. Schmidt stated that the agreement is favorable to the City. A fixed contract sum of $146,000 was requested for by the City Council, mr, Drips refused the contract at that amount, Mr. Drips stated that $120.000 was his max /mum fixed payment without further consiueration, As an alternative, Mr. Drips requested the council increase the fees for season passes and greens fees to enable » /m to provide the requeSteo $146,000. After a Lengthy discussion and several corrections and additions to the contract by vanxvwen, Lee :111d McCarty, Vanxvmen moved that the contract price remain � $1*6^000, that the fees posted not change, but also that Ihe fees specifically not include sales tax and that the city will remove the | $3500 requirement for advertising under I-D. Seconded by Lee. THE MAYOR DECLARED A 10 MINUTE RECESS AT: p'so P.M. THE MAYOR DECLARED THE MEETING BACK IN SESSION AT v;nz P.M. After the recess, Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanwvmen voted oYE, The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. UNSCHEDULED Councilwoman Johnson asked Brian Nickels about the possibility of damage to the fairways and greens by skiers and snvwmou / lers, Michels ' stated that signs were being posted and that some sort of enforcement / was needed to keep the snowmobiles off the course. NEW BUSINESS =~�w REQUEST To LEASE AIRPORT LAND, v-1 OIL. Administrator Schmidt stated he had been discussing a request to Lease airport Land with v-z Oil. v-1 Oil is requesting an area behind the T-Hangars with appropriate se, backs for the risks and fire danger etc, for a temporary .storage area beginning immediately and have proposed $100-00 per month rent, Schmidt recommended the council approve the negotiations with these terms and conditions for at least , a temporary site at the airport. After a short discussion, Lee moved that the council grant a temporary permit to v-z oil. Company for the storage of tank and truck until such time as they provide the city with an application for a permanent lease .on the assumption that it will be a month to month Lease that can �e cancelled at any t/°e, McCarty seconded the °y+ /on. Jvhnspn^ Lee, McCarty and oanxvmen voted AYE. The m*Yor' ueFlare4' +he mot/ v^ carried unanimously. . FINANCING or a*cK*os/Lo*osn �wc���nEnsPAmTmswT RADIO Administrator Schmidt stated that Treasurer *ammons has some ideas for financing alternatives on the uacxhve/Lvauer^ Schmidt stated that for the fire department' the city hasia greater than anticipated balance of General Revenue Sharing and that the city is waiting for the audited balance so that the budget may be reopened to authorize expenditure. Treasurer *ammons explained the financing of the uackhve/Lvauer. After a discussion, vanxvmen moved that Treasurer *ammv^s proceed with the legalities and drawing the contracts to do / nterfunu borrowings on the Lease/purchase for the uacxhoe and possibly the radios and police cars, Seconded by McCarty. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and vanxvmen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unan/mouslv^ APPROVAL OF 1987 BEER, WINE AND LIQUOR LICENSES Administrator Schmidt stated that a list of the types of licenses --. applied for which have been checked by the Police Department and the city is prepared to issue is included in the packets. Schmidt stated that fees have been received along with copies of the State and County Licenwes^ Schmidt recommended that the council approve all of the Licenses Listed and make some provisions* in the event that some of these come in tomorrow, that if they meet all the requirements that the city will be able to issue l /censes, Schmidt stated that there were two exceptions, first, that if the pitcher Bar applies for * 191 License that its issuance be contingent upon payment of the Bed and Booze Tax. The city has not received an appeal, the city has received their reports, but no payments. Secondly, the Yacht Club has become a complicated situation with a Landlord, who is a second operator In the building operating under the same License. Schmidt recommended that no Licenses be issued to Dautis Pearson, one of the operators inside the Yacht CLub. Schmidt recommended that the city License the Yacht Club doing business under the names of Gibbons, Marvin M. or Buck Gibbons, etal. This would allow one of the floors in the operation to continue, but would exclude Mr. Pearson from operation. Schmidt advised that the exclusion and recommendation is based on non—payment of the Bed and Booze Tax since April 198 <with exceptions). Schmidt recommended that the council not issue a liquor license to Mr. Pearson and that the council refer the matter to the attorney for prosecution for tax evasion. Vankomen moved that the council approve all the Licenses on the List that have paid and any others that will come in and pay by the end of the year except for the Yacht Club and the Pitcher Bar and it Is contingent upon the Yacht Club and Pitcher Bar bringing full restitution of their Bed and Booze Tax before a License be issued. Seconded by Lee. After a presentation by Dautis Pearson and further discussion, McCarty disqualified himself from the vote. The Mayor called for the vote and Johnson, Lee and VanKomen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. Schmidt advised the Council that Maria's should be on the List for wine - by the drink and beer on premises. HAWKER'S LICENSE, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, B. ALLEN Administrator Schmidt advised the council on how the hawkers License for the Winter Carnival works. After a lengthy discussion, the Mayor requested a copy of the Hawkers License ordinance be included in the next packet and to include the matter on the next agenda. BOARD, COMMITTEE AND COMMISSION REPORTS. The Impact Planning and Zoning minutes of December 8, 1986 were acknowledged by the council. The Golf Committee minutes of December 5, 1986 were acknowledged and the Mission Statement was discussed. Administrator Schmidt reviewed the Mission Statement. After a Lengthy discussion, corrections and additions, Lee moved that three members of the committee be McCall City residents on three <3) year rotation terms, two members be appointed from the men's and women's golf associations and that the Mission Statement for the Golf Course Advisory Committee with terms of office amended as discussed. Seconded by McCarty. Johnson, Lee, McCarty voted AYE. The Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. • ,-MISSION STATEMENT .Gt.1.4F..COURSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE or: PURPOSLt , 'iheUaif .CourseAdvIsory Committee is established 't.o advise .'and`mukc rocammendat i ons to the McCall City Council an .matters'p n to i ni ng to the operation and ma 1 ntenance of the • McCaLL Municipal. Golf Course. DUTIES; ;: The Committee shall: 1. A•t- least annually, review the fee schedule' •foi- golf • 'activities and make recommendations to thr City Council for.• each year's fees not Later than January 10 of each • '': . At least-•annually, and not Later than November 1 of each•.yeai , review a golf course marketing p Lan, pre- pared.•by the Golf Course Pro, for the subsequent year ,and make & recommendation on that plan to the city .cauncllj • 3. At Least annually, review the golf course rules and regulations and make recommendations to the city council should changes be necessary in those rules) 4. Review and make proposals for the development of physiraL ,fact Llt'les, major course alterations, and • . other permanent improvements to the sourser ] QY ' 5. Shall rs°iew^ prior to Council consideration, the golf cvurses+aff's,,annuwl budget request and annual work plan and make recommendations to the Council for • changes, auuitionS Or deletions; ="=, • ' a. Review the golf pro contract provisions and such other policy advisory tasks as may be deemed appropriate by I I the mayor anu ci +xj;wuncil. • • • ' � , ,• ' STAFF: The Golf Course Superintendent shall. serve as the staff to this committee. *= will prepare committee minutes and have those minu+es `s|wveu and,entereu in the Council agenda in a timely fashion. Only. foklvwinn Council action, will the City Administrator• authvri,cm execution of committee recowmevuat/ons^- uQtatf Smal.L •assume responsibility Tor natif|c^tivns and reminders of meetings and assisting the committee by undertaking research providing information and corrmSM^nuimn as. mocoessarvAv develop ..,:he best possible recomwenuam(*ns full tma.cvunci �/ - — — - — MEETING TIMES/PLACES, ETC. : The comm|ttee shall meet not less than once a month, in a regular fashion on a specified uav^ time and n |ace. Such u*vr time and nlaCe shall. ue• 'i-ecorueu on the city calendar and vtherw/se`p«uiJ's»eu, ' ` . CONDUCT OF MEETINGS: ' ' All meetings shall be open to the public and meetings shall not be held in any place to which the public is denied access, '"' ` ^ '' `` '� •OFFICERS AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS: / The Committee shall elect among themselves in March of each year, a Chairman and vice Chairman, either or both of these vfv/cersrw`ut sign-the meeting-m/nu+es prior to being con- sidered by the City Council. ./,` � ' ~=~„ The Chairman shall conduct all. meetings and in his absence, the vice Chairman shall preside. When necessary, the Chairman will present and represent the committee's actions before the City Council. TERMS OF OFFICE; z^ The committee shall consist of five me*u�rs^ AppolntMent.sto the committee --__ �ua��'remvved � shall»uemaue by the Mayor with the concurrence and, ^npr^,*� of the City v oounci n t�e s^me � e '' �, r� , 00.-::;:::,;- � .z` '' z �2, ���- The Goee'r-O:Orse Advisory Committee shall conisiV of five - ..^/c - -»� • '� • .a^ /w `~ _ .^ golf, n tot •~` e •May,p,r,c,f...or submittal to the Council. Each d':.:.G0C- 4at;ou:wiLL define the term for whi.ch their rep-. , res4vit,a. ive is to be appointed to - committee, � u, rh at-Larne; t»ese three members will ,ermS. Terms vi� !. rotate and three ' Committee members shall be appointed to z terms commencing January 10, 19137. 7, *o�� members may be reappo/ ,,eu^ Persons app xteu to tel an unexpired term shall be appv/oleu for the balance of that term. members will. be residents of the City ______' - -___ - =~ The City planniny bins minutes of December za, 1906 were '- acxnvwleuyea by flhe' F / l. The Council discussed a sign for v-z Oil at the owners /�*n�ence. No action taken. . CORRESPONDENCE (INFORMATION ONLY) A. Letter from Toni sanzer+, re; wzcAp B. Letter from zooT confirming appointment 1/23/07 193 C. Letter from City of New Meadows, re:' Arson Task Force' ,. D. Letters to S-K Engineering : . • ,,,. . „...- ADMINISTRATORS REPORT NOTICE OF CLAIM Administrator Schmidt received an amended notice of CL'aIm on the /.. Lundgren matter Increasing the amount claimed from $100,000.00 to $500,000.00. _ BED AND BOOZE REASSESSMENT " Administrator Schmidt stated that the 5Xper mmnth.eccumulsting to 25% per month is workable as a penaLty. Schmidt stated th4t, the city is accepting the reports of the businedsest .thereowill. be some sort of interest charge, but the city will. dispose mfmosIt of..:Itie pemalties. ,, , ,, : .14. BROKEN PUMP SEAT Administrator Schmidt stated a pump was removed from one of the stations along the river. There were no spilL4 into theA-tiver .as the. -: ,;.,; ,(:4, city advised EPA might happen. , PIPE LEAK IN CITY HALL ,: . - , lTig,:103: Administrator Schmidt advised that water pipes are Installed, inJhe roof above the jail. cells. The cells are separated by a walt, atl the . t ,.,,,,, way up to the roof, that no heat has been in the back room forisome;:-., , 1 , time and that the pipe froze and was broken. Lee recommended a valve be installed so that the water can be turned off in that section of :'i: ',v , the building. , .,...' i ...il.: ., ...;1 ; • . . Lee moved that the meeting adjourn. Seconded by McCarty. Johnson, Lee, McCarty and VanKomen voted AYE. The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. . ) :41,i .r1 i,,,t1:.) ---- Clyde L. Archer, Jr., Mayor Attest: Arthur J. Schmidt, Clerk PAYROLL FOR DECEMBER 1986 • —CHECK-- YR NUMBER — VENDOR / PAYEE L.' - -'-' ' i .' .'ti 3 ' AMbUNt3 , . 87 - 00367 292 BRIAN S. MICKELS . - 0 .390.,0Q • , u; it -::,,I...;:: •,i"i) 4 I ; '.... ■ I ..)il A, i 87 - 00368 849 CYNTHIA DEMEtRIADES 125.00 87 - 00369 796 DONALD PLATT , , m,,,J 1300.00. 87 - 00370 295 EDWARD F. PARKER . ,056.0.g:- 1 87 - 00371 276 HUGH H. COOKE :-''' , '''' - 6d.g — -- ,c, , , ,, , :,,. ,. 87 - 00372 493 JEANNIE BROWN , 0: 9., 87 - 00373 690 JEFFREY SCOTT REINKE'H ?1 , f,; ::)o . , • o k.' 87 - 00374 288 MARY JANE LIBERTY '''' . ' ':.- -• '14 " 206,0 ' 87 - 00375 305 MICHAEL P. WHITNEY 87 - 00376 365 MICHAEL R. TAMBINI 87 - 00377 851 PAULETTE JOHNSON"' 87 - 00378 1 .•' 'cll. ,. it.i , 269 RANN LEE ALFORD ' ' 87 - 00379 691 RAYMOND M. BARNETT ': • , 2.40.0P -_ 87 - 00380 282 REBECCA L. jEFFRIES ' - " "- " ' ---20o;aq— ' - 87 - 00381 271 ROGER BATES 87 - 00382 850 STANLEY CLINE 20040 . _..._ 87 - 00383 795 THOMAS R BARKELL 30040 ; 87 - 00384 200 WILLIAM KEATING 315.00 " 87 - 00385 447 WILLIAM WRIGHT _ 200..00 87 - 00386 852 RED LION DOWNTOWNER „.:,„69.7,6 , 87 - o0387 ,a53 ASHBY INSTX.TUTE - 7 :98,.00 :7 87 - 00389 150 Archer, Clyde Lawrence 1.00-- 87 -•00390 850 Johnson, Marinon 494)•:/lg 87 - 00391 1025 Lee, Clifford • V"' i, 87 - 00392 1320 McCarty, Robert 1.6 ..3 ,,i...:, 87 — 00393 1915 Van Komen, Gary 1.09.3 87 — 00394 1200 Lockhart, Nancy B. • 87 - 00395 1780 Schmidt, Arthur John 1,514.74, 87 - 00396 275 Hammons, Bob N. 883.37 87 - 00397 325 Brown, Gloria Jeannie 308.92 .87 - 00398 480 Demetriades, Cynthia 467.38 _ . ..,..____ . 194 87 - 00399 11X Aftord, Ramon Lee 424.71 87 - 00400 . 1550 Pierson,,Alta,C.,,, 699.21 87 - 00401 856 Johnson,.Paulette 97.61 87 - 00402 167 Berke 11, Thomas R. 633.97 87 - 00403 685 DenBleyker, Dayid C. 700.06 87 - 00404 ,' , 1500' Parker Edwarda.F. 1,136.35 87 - 00405 ' 1580 PlatV, Donald, Dale 613.74 87 - 00406 1875 Tambani.,,Michael R. 658.45 07 - 00407 15- Ainger, Maurice 33.89 87 -• 00408 50 Aldrich, .Donald..R. 61.75 87 - 00409 , 513 Chaloupke, Thomas. . 33.89 87 - 00410 • 515 Cothran, Dan'Elwin . 20.89 87 - 00411 ., 518 Curry,,-MichaelArthur 13.00 87 - 00412 662,, Darling, Mark, V.. ., . 69.41 87 - 00413 715 Eddins, Dempsey 35.05 87 -.. 0.0414 725 Dumont, Paul. 34.59 87 - 00415 •1 - 7i Everhart; Timothy'L., • . 72.19 87 - 00416 753 Fitzgerald, M. J. 13.00 87 - 00417 755 French, Thomas 48.98 87 - 00418,-. , fi .' 777 .,Haynea,,Richard,. M. ,,, , , 26.46 87 - 00419 , 1010% Larson., Mark.A. .,, , 20.43 87 - 00420 i ., 1225, Lobff., Douglas , . . 34.35 87 - 00421. , ,, ..1575' P.ants4.Dale Ellis 1,160.25 87 - 00422 1801 Smith, Dave 14.62 87 - 00423 1855 Stathis, Harry 28.55 87 - 00424 1880 Taylor, Skip 33.66 87 - 00425 1890 Woodso poug , 20.43 87 - 00426 855 Johnson, Paulette 162.93 87 - 00427 168 Barnett, Raymond M. 530.06 87 - 00428 25Q Batas, Roger D. , , . 774.14 87 - 00429' :-4., ;, 4504 Chalfant, Larry , 1,386.34 ' .. .. .. 87 - 00430 .., , ,,,,680 Cline, Stanley Gordon, , 398.24 87 - 0043 • ._„.L. 950 Keating,. Wililiam q.• ,, 683.21 87 - 00432, ,„ ,.,.1, 1800 Smith, Dave..B. 1,313.47 • • 87 - 00433 .13 •925 Whitney„ Michae3. Peter 589.66 ' 87 - 00434 . ,, ,,. 2000, Wright, Wil.liain P 468.91 87 - 00435 11: .; 25,„, Albright, Robin ; , , 122.43 ...10., 87 - 00436 170 Barton, Cathy, J. 128..36 • 87 - 00437 350 Cantrell, Gloria L. 755.79 87 - 00438 800 Hearne, Rebecca L. 322.30 87 - 00439 1150 Liberty, Mary Jane 160.01 87 - 00440 260 Barry, Don 55.71 87 - 00441 ,)AT : 500 cookfivwjf4gh,11 ,,,,ti,,,,,_ . - . 772.72 87 - 00442 ,• 514r ' , '' • . - 41.78 -' 87 -„00443 . .1360 .043,0:45, ZaCili,- 9:, ., . 1 ; _., . ' , . 50.14 87 - 00444 1100„,-40•404.1400..,40b1F• : Il•1 •, i. ', 1,216.10 87 - 00445 010,, ;ZOO Dr46.,,.4. ' 87 -' 00446 -,.0,,,1350,:iNiicallyi, gr4a,p,,,b:,,,ii,, 4/. ,. ; , ‘, 695.99 87 - 00447 1400 Murray, Ralph R. ''' " 41.32 - - 87. --00448 1585 Riiinke, Jeff.Scgrz. 71.06' :2904; d:) 9d; Ili, ,)- J110-( V :., .. ft : : :...,.'1 •. . t ,1 -s,.-1:)■, ) "' JO ..;tj t, .0 'CITY tett/NAIL !AINUliES , '')"'••■-REGULAR MEETING' " ' ', ' • . , .' r i 4JARUARTI3v f1987',,• • t.;OU ': i.' Ui .4‹.... , ',; E., ' J,.. CALL TO ORDERiAND4ROLL SAW ' Li "L "-" ".' Mayor Archer cat td 'thetnieetleo=1** order at 700 p.m. Count i lmembers present were Vankomen, McCarty, Lee and Mayor Archer. MINUTES OF DECEMBER 11, '19861i,,I'' The Minutes dr Dmber 11, 1986 wire declared approved as submitted by Mayor Archer. - '' '''." " ' PAYMENT OF CLAIMS The Mayor stated that the total of the claims is $31,074.87. Vanicomen moved that the-alfrPaY the bills, Seconded by Lee. Lee, McCarty and Vankomen viied''fiYE,' -Thai Mayor declared the motion carried unanimously. ........„ OLD BUSINESS PRESENTATION BY MAYOR ARCHER The Mayor presented Larry Chalfant with a plaque to commemorate twenty (20) years of dedicated, faithful and dependable service to the City of McCall.