HomeMy Public PortalAboutCouncil Minutes 1991 08/08McCall City Council Minutes August 8, 1991 I. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Allen called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Councilmen McCarty, VanKomen, Wallace and Larson answered the roll call. II. MINUTES The minutes of the he July 25 meeting and the recessed sessions of that meeting were considered. Wallace moved to approve the minutes as presented. McCarty seconded and the motion carried. III. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS A list of claims dated July 25 was presented. Wallace moved to approve the claims. Larson seconded and the motion carried. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items were listed on the calendar: Catering permits for Footloose on August 3 for Si Bueno, The Shore Lodge, the Mill and The Yacht Club. The Beer license for My Father's Place for 1991. Wallace moved to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. VanKomen seconded and the motion carried unanimously. V. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS AND REPORTS Councilman Mccarty reported that he had reviewed the Shockey parcel and felt that the city had no interest at the price offered. He recommended that the staff reoffer the appraised value of the parcel to the owner and so moved. Larson seconded and the motion carried. Councilman Wallace reported on progress toward the snowmachine trail land exchange. VI. STAFF REPORTS A. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT A written report noted that the CATV discussion is scheduled for August 22, that the Scott lease was executed on August 5, that the Klind well test was concluded, and that the street paving projects were underway. Additional items included a report that the administrator would be absent from the city for several days, and correspondence from D & D Lands regarding an amended land exchange. With Council consent, the D & D matter was referred to the golf committee by the Mayor. Staff asked that receipt of the Notice of claim by F. W. Bosch be acknowledged. McCarty moved to acknowledge receipt. Wallace seconded and the motion carried. Staff asked that a list of additional streets be paved and directed that the residential streets be attended to first and if any left over materials were available to use it on the Davis street extension to Ponderosa Park. Larson moved to approve paving 4th Street, Sunset, Placid and Thula as recommended by the public works director. Wallace seconded and the motion carried unanimously. The administrator also requested that an executive session be conducted for personnel matter discussion. B. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT The City Attorney's report detailed the history of the Lake Forest subdivision paving issue. Council requested that a copy of the report be forwarded to Susan Wa11. the mayor so ordered. The attorney reported that the Everett easements had been approved by his office and recorded. C. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT The treasurer submitted his report for the month ending July 31. McCarty moved to approve the report. VanKomen seconded. The motion carried. The Treasurer also reported on the copy machine failure and requested approval to rent a Xerox machine. After discussion, VanKomen moved to approve the rental of a Xerox unit for approximately $200 per month. Larson seconded. The motion carried. VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. SPRING MOUNTAIN RANCH, ANNEXATION, ZONING AND APPROVAL OF PUD GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, ORDINANCE 586, THIRD READING; A letter from O'Neil enterprises was received and entered on the record noting progress to date on the access agreement and requesting further continuation of the hearing until the August 22 meeting. No one else wished to be heard. VanKomen moved to continue the hearing to August 22 at 7:30 p.m. McCarty seconded and the motion carried. VIII. OLD BUSINESS A. ORDINANCE 590-A, CREATING A NO -WAKE ZONE ON PAYETTE LAKE, SECOND READING: The Ordinance was read by title and filed for a third reading. B. ORDINANCE 585-A, AMENDING TITLE 1, CHAPTER 1 OF THE CITY CODE, THIRD READING: The Ordinance 585 was amended. The attorney recommended that Ordinance 585 not be adopted but that 585-A to which only editorial changes were made, be substituted , the rules suspended, and adopted in the stead of Ordinance 585. McCarty moved to suspend the rule requiring that an ordinance be read on three separate occasions for the purpose of considering Ordinance 585-A. Larson seconded. On a roll call vote, McCarty, Larson, Wallace and VanKomen voted Aye and the motion carried. The Mayor announced that the rule had been suspended. McCarty moved to adopt Ordinance 585-A. Larson seconded. On a roll call vote, McCarty, Larson, Wallace and VanKomen voted Aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried and the Ordinance 585-A adopted. C. RESOLUTION 14-91, ADOPTING A SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE 585-A: McCarty moved to adopt Resolution 14-91. Larson seconded and the motion carried unanimously. D. ORDER APPOINTING AN URBAN REDEVELOPMENT BOARD; Mayor Allen asked that since Ordinance 585-A had removed the Council as the Board a new Board be appointed. He reviewed the nominations and recommendations for terms of office on the Board. McCarty moved to confirm the nomination of Councilman Francis Wallace to the Board for a 1 year term and as chair of the Board. VanKomen seconded. The motion carried. Wallace moved to confirm the nomination of Councilman John Larson to the Board for a 2 year term. VanKomen seconded and the motion carried. McCarty moved to appoint Eric Jones to the Board for a 2 year term. Wallace seconded. The motion carried. Wallace moved to appoint Don Eberly to the Board for a 3 year term. McCarty seconded and the motion carried. Wallace moved to appoint Clay Morgan to the Board for a 3 year term. McCarty seconded and the motion carried. The first meeting of the Board will be at the call of the chair. E. RESOLUTION 13-91, SETTING THE ANNUAL COMPENSATION FOR THE CITY TREASURER: VanKomen moved to adopt resolution 13-91. McCarty seconded and the motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. F. ADDENDUM NUMBERS 1 & 2, 1991 WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Wallace moved to approve Addendum numbers 1 & 2 to the Plans and Specifications for the 1991 water system improvement project. McCarty seconded. The motion carried. G. AWARD OF CONTRACT, 1991 WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: Brian Donaldson of JUB Engineering, presented the bid results from the August 6 bid opening and recommended as follows: That schedule A be awarded to Bezates Construction of Ontario, OR for $53,435. That Schedule B be awarded to Brown Construction of Caldwell, ID for $354,588. McCarty moved to award Bid schedule A to Bezates Construction as recommended and authorize the Mayor to sign contracts for the work. VanKomen seconded. The motion carried unanimously. McCarty moved to award Bid Schedule B work to Brown Construction as recommended nd authorize the Mayor to sign contracts for the work. VanKomen seconded and the motion carried unanimously. H. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS IN NEAL STREET A letter on instituting a lawsuit to have these tanks removed was considered. The Council asked if staff could explore whether other enforcement agencies would act to avoid the city's cost of litigation. The Mayor so ordered. IX. NEW BUSINESS A. MAY MARINA, PARKING AGREEMENT After review, VanKomen moved to approve the agreement as amended and authorize the Mayor to sign. McCarty seconded and the motion carried. B. AIC LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE, Wallace moved to approve the city administrator's attendance at AIC Legislative committee meetings for the 1991- 1992 year. Larson seconded and the motion carried. C. MILL PARK GRANT AMENDMENT This document, approving the conversion of a part of Mill Park to private uses and the land trade for the Century 21 parcel was presented. McCarty moved to approve the Amendment No 16-00385.4 with the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation and authorize the Mayor to sign. VanKomen seconded and the motion carried. D. ORDINANCE 591,AMENDING PARK REGULATIONS TO PROHIBIT FISHING AND WATERSKIING FROM THE NET PEN DOCKS This ordinance was requested by the VALUED representatives to protect the fish rearing activities off of the net -pen docks. McCarty moved to suspend the rule requiring that an ordinance be read on three separate occasions. VanKomen seconded and on a roll call vote, McCarty, VanKomen, Larson and Wallace voted Aye and the Mayor declared the motion carried and the rule suspended. McCarty then moved to approve Ordinance 591 as corrected by the City Attorney. Wallace seconded. On a roll call, McCarty, Wallace, Larson and VanKomen voted Aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried and the Ordinance 591 adopted. X. BOARD, COMMITTEE AND COMMISSION REPORTS REQUIRING ACTION A. AIRPORT COMMITTEE, AUGUST 7, 1991 The Council reviewed the minutes and requested that the Mayor direct staff to negotiate further on the revised old hanger leases. the Mayor so ordered and the minutes filed. XI. INFORMATION ITEMS; Receipt of the following information items was acknowledged: AIC City Report AIC information on legislative receptions Election calendar Letter to Valley County Sheriff from Chief Parker XII. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 8:55 p.m., McCarty moved to recess to Executive Session pursuant to IC 67-2345 subsections (C) and (B), To discuss acquiring an interest in real property not owned by a public agency and to review personnel matters. On a roll call vote, McCarty, Wallace, Larson, and VanKomen voted Aye and the motion carried. At 9:35 p.m., the Council returned to open session. Mayor allen referred the D & D Land trade matter to the golf committee and announced that employee performance had also been discussed. XIII. RECESS At 9:37 p.m., Wallace moved to recess to Wednesday, August 14, 1991 at 7 o'clock p.m. VanKomen seconded and the motion carried. RECESSED SESSION AUGUST 14, 1991 Mayor Allen called the recessed meeting to order at 7 p.m. A11 Council members were present. A FY 1991-1992 budget worksession was conducted and the preliminary plan resolved. The Council determined top conduct a special meeting at which to approve the preliminary financial plan on Monday August 19 at 12 o'clock noon. At 9:50 p.m. Councilman Wallace moved to adjourn the August 8 Council meeting. McCarty seconded and the motion carried. Attest: Arthur Schmidt City C erk