HomeMy Public PortalAboutCouncil Minutes 1992 12/10MCCALL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 10,1992 I. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Smith called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. Councilmen Wallace, Larson and LeBrett answered the roll call. Mr. VanKomen was absent. II. MINUTES The Minutes of November 5, 12, 20 and 24 were considered. LeBrett moved to approve the November 5 minutes as presented. Wallace seconded and the motion carried. Wallace moved to approve the November 12 minutes. LeBrett seconded and the motion carried. Wallace moved to approve the November 20 minutes. LeBrett seconded and the motion carried. LeBrett moved to approve the November 24 minutes. Wallace seconded and the motion carried. III. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS; The Payroll Report dated November 24 was presented. Wallace moved to approve the Payroll Report. LeBrett seconded and the motion carried. The Voucher report dated December 7 and 8 was presented. Wallace moved to approve the Voucher Report. Larson seconded and the motion carried. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: The following items were listed on the Consent Calendar: Transportation Committee minutes for November 19, 1992; Liquor Catering Permits for Si Bueno on December 5 and 17; Transfer of a liquor license to Hans and Fritz, Inc. Wallace moved to approve the consent calendar. LeBrett seconded and the motion carried. V. CALL FOR ADDITIONAL ITEMS: No new items were noted. VI. OLD BUSINESS A. JUB, FINAL ENGINEERING BILL, 1991-1992 WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: The bill and a letter of explanation were presented. Tha Council discussed the project and elected to hold the matter until the next agenda so that VanKomen could comment. over B. LEGACY PARK: 1. Change Order No. 4: The change order was discussed and an error reducing the amount to $5658.32 was noted. After discussion, Wallace moved to approve the change order. Larson seconded and the motion carried. 2. Final Pay Estimate, No. 6, Reinco, Inc.: The pay estimate approved payment for the work identified by Change Order No. 4. Wallace moved and Larson seconded to approve the final pay estimate. The motion carried. 3. Jensen Belts Pay requests: Two requests one for $1224.50 covering work by Toothman-Orton and one covering the architects work for $750 were presented. LeBrett moved to approve the pay request covering the Toothman-Orton work in the amount of $1224.50. Wallace seconded. On a voice vote there were two Aye votes and 1 No vote The Mayor declared the motion carried. Wallace then moved to approve the pay request for $750. LeBrett seconded. On a voice vote with 2 Aye votes and one No vote, the Mayor declared the motion carried. VII. NEW BUSINESS: A. ORDINANCE 622: Ordinance 622 proposed to expand the Urban Renewal Agency Board to 7 members. Wallace moved to suspend the rule requiring that an Ordinance be read on three separate occasions. Larson seconded. On a roll call vote, Wallace, Larson and LeBrett voted Aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried and the rule suspended. The City Attorney read Ordinance 622 by title. Wallace then moved to adopt Ordinance 622. Larson seconded. On a roll call vote, Wallace, Larson, and LeBrett voted Aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried and Ordinance 622 adopted. B. ORDINANCE 623: Ordinance 623 dealt with when the public would be prohibited from walking upon the golf course. The City Attorney was instructed to read the Ordinance by title and did so. The Mayor declared that Ordinance 623 has passed first reading and directed it to the next regular agenda for a second reading. C. CITY/PAYETTE LAKES WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT AGREEMENT RELATED TO THE SCOTT/DUBOER LIFT STATION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE; After discussion, Wallace moved to approve the agreement as presented and authorize the Mayor to sign when a companion agreement between the City and the developers was approved by the City Council. Larson seconded and the motion carried. D. WINTER CARNIVAL, PERMITS FOR A STREET CARNIVAL, FIREWORKS AND ERECTING A SNOW SCULPTURE IN ART ROBERTS PARK; Wallace moved to approve all three requests as proposed. Larson seconded and the motion carried. E. CARRICO AND RIVERSIDE SUBDIVISIONS: 1. ANNEXATION: A staff report requested that the matter of annexation be referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Larson moved to direct the City Planning and Zoning Commission to consider the Carrico area for annexation. LeBrett seconded. The motion carried unanimously. 2. TOOTHMAN-ORTON WORK ORDER, ANNEXATION AND LID: A work order to undertake certain technical issues pursuant to the annexation and to engage the firm as engineers for a water and street LID was considered. A second work order engaging the firm as engineers for LID No. 2 in the Riverside Subdivision was also considered. Wallace moved to approve both engineering work orders. LeBrett seconded and the motion carried unanimously. F. NOTICE OF CLAIM, KATHY BALLARD: Wallace moved to acknowledge receipt of the claim and confirm the clerks referral of the matter to the City Attorney and Insurance carrier. Larson seconded and the motion carried. The Council recessed from 8 to 8:15 p.m. VIII. BOARD, COMMITTEE AND COMMISSION REPORTS REQUIRING ACTION: A. LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES, DECEMBER 1, 1992; The Board recommended the reappointment of Janzi Franzen to the Board. Wallace moved to confirm the nomination. Larson seconded and the motion carried. The Board recommend that a list of books be declared surplus and sold to the Friends of the Library. Wallace moved to declare the books listed as surplus and to sell the entire lot to the Friends of the Library for $1.00. Larson seconded and the motion carried unanimously. B. CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION, DECEMBER 1, 1992; The Council took up the matter of vacating the plat for certain property within Timberlost V. The Commission minutes were reviewed and the Commission recommendation to vacate the plat were considered. Larson moved to approve the vacation of the plat as recommended. Wallace seconded and the motion carried. C. AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, DECEMBER 2, 1992: The Committee recommended that the city apply for a state -local grant for surveying the airport and erecting air traffic/directional signs on the airport. Wallace moved to approve the recommendation. LeBrett seconded and the motion carried. The Committee recommended that a claim be filed against the Forest Service for damage done to taxiways by helicopters during the 1992 fire season. Wallace moved to file the claim as recommended. Larson seconded and the motion carried. The Committee recommended that they serve as the selection board for recommending an airport engineer. Larson moved to approve the committee recommendation and to designate them as the review board for the process. Wallace seconded and the motion carried. D. PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE, NOVEMBER 16,1992: A letter from Tomi Grote was considered which suggested that a letter from the Mayor be written commending Kathy Killen's service to the Committee and the City. Wallace moved to direct the Mayor. LeBrett seconded and the motion carried. The Committee recommended that playground equipment be located in Mill Park. Laurie Braun and Kathy Rake appeared to present their program. Molly Eldridge, Judd Duboer, and Cutler and Nancy Umbach appeared to protest the recommendation. After discussion LeBrett moved to refer the matter back to the committee to review the needs of other community groups. Larson seconded and the motion carried. The Committee recommended that Tomi Grote and the Master Gardeners group be commended for their planting of bulbs in Legacy Park. Wallace moved to approve the recommendation, LeBrett seconded and the motion carried. Wallace moved to approve the election of the Chairman and Vice Chairman, Mrs. Grote and Mr. Martens respectively. LeBrett seconded and the motion carried. IX. STAFF REPORTS: A. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: 1. The Administrator requested the Council's approval for a Christmas consideration for all city employees. Wallace moved that the city purchase turkeys for the employees as recommended. Larson seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 2. The Administrator recommended adoption of a policy on leases at the McCall airport. Wallace moved that the policy be prepared. LeBrett seconded and the motion carried. 3. A form for a Council interrogatory was reviewed. Larson moved to authorize printing the form for the council's use. Wallace seconded and the motion carried. B. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: 1. An Attorney -General opinion on the status of the Impact Planning and Zoning Commission was presented and discussed. 2. A report on the status of Moore St. was made advising the Council that condemnation may be required to secure the right of way. 3. a report on the status of the DuBoer/Scott and city lift station agreement was made. C. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT: 1. A report on the character of the Treasurer's report as required by law was made. No action was taken. 2. The monthly report for the month ending November 30 was filed. Publication is not required and no action was taken. 3. Resolution 43-92 was presented which addressed an adjustment of a utility bill for $3.22. After discussiol, Wallace moved to approve the adjustment and forgive the interest and penalty charge. LeBrett seconded and the motion carried unanimously. The Mayor declared Resolution 43-92 acopted. X. PUBLIC COMMENT: No one appeared to comment. XI. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS AND REPORTS: Mayor Smith advanced a proposal to acquire a carpet cleaner from Kramer Vacuum and Electronics as presented to Councilman Larson. Larson moved to approve the purchase for $900 LeBrett seconded. On a voice vote there were two Aye votes and 1 No vote. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Mayor Smith asked that $2000 be appropriated from the contingency fund to support the work of the "Select Committee." Larson moved to approve the request. LeBrett seconded and on a voice vote there were two Aye votes and one No vote. The Mayor declared the motion carried. XII. CORRESPONDENCE: A. Correspondence to and from Jean Odmark: The question of the equity of metering mobile home parks was reviewed. The Mayor asked that the Council reexamine the rationale for this regulation. The Council asked that this be included in the next discussion of the water system. B. Idaho State Snow Sculpturing Competition: The use of Legacy Park and the placement of a concession stand within the park were referred to the Park and Recreation Advisory Committee. The Mayor so ordered. XIII. INFORMATION ITEMS: A letter from Jana Ware, a phosphate report on the wastewater treatment plant discharge, Idaho Perspectives No. 3 & 4, the Valley County Commission minutes of November 23 and the Action update were considered. Wallace moved to acknowledge receipt of the information items. Larson seconded and the motion carried. XIV. ADJOURNMENT: AT 9:55:11, Wallace moved to adjourn. Larson seconded and the motion carried.