HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 06:007 ~{l'sl1lut¡nn of tfp: ~1l1nlltHIr l1f QIaderet, J'J. ]. ~,,_jf06-º] Dale Ii! AuUplioll_J.anuary 1, 2006 APPOINTING A MUNICIPAL AUDITOR fOR TIlE YEAR 2006 \VHEREAS, there exists a need for a Registered !Vlunicipa! Accountant of the Stale or New Jersey; and \VUEREAS, fumls are available [or this purpose; and 'VI-IEREAS tlJC Local Public Contracts L,a\v (N..!.S.A. 40;\:11-] c( scq.) requires (lwl the resolution authori¡;ing the award of contracts for "ProCessional Services" \vithou( competitive bids must be publicly nclvcrtiscd; NO\V, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the 1'\1<1yor and Councilor the Borough of Cartcrel as fo11o\vs: 1. Andy Hodu!ik, Uodu!ik & iv:1orrisoll, Rcgi,Stcrcd Municipal Accountunts of the State of New Jersey arc hereby appointed t\lullicip<1l Auditor for the Borough of Carteret for the year 2006. 2. That they sha11 in addition to preparing the annual audit in accordancc with the statutory requirement assist in the preparation of the 2006 !\1unicipaJ Budget; prepare sueh interim reports as may be required; attend al1 conferences and1llecting as required by the Governing Body! including [orty (40) hours related budgct mcctings and prepare the 2006 budget. J. Said appointment is aU'arcled \-vithout competitive bidding as a ProCessional Ser'v'icc under the provisions of the Local Public Contracts Law because a Cerlìfícd Public Accountant is a recognized profession licensed am.! regulated by La"'i. 4. For the performance of the aforesaid services, Andy Hodulik, IIodu1ik & I'vlorrisün shal! be paid all anllua1 fee of $31 ,000.00. 5. In addition to aforesaid fee, Andy Hodu1ik, l1odu¡¡k & Monison sball be paid an amount not to exceed $10,000.00, at an hourly rate according to rate scbedule for accounting/auditing services. 6. A notice of this action shall be published in The lIollle News Tribune as required by law all January 7, 2006 Adopted this l~t day of January, 2006 and certi!ícd as a true copy orthe original on January 2, 20U(). KATHLFEN M. BARNEY, RMC!CMC f\..lunieipal Clerk -- ----.------.- ------.---.-- RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE Ij-'COU'ClIo\lA".-=1VS.1 '''=[_'' A~F CO!'¡"'Iu'IAN_-=¡ HsP"-1 '.v I '\II.~ì r-DELLUill -. - I X_ - , -., i'/1ù'LES --l-X. J' -- 1- -. . ~~~~__H ¡L,_I -!-.- RL05- -- ~- - µ<¡¡_ ¡X'--j _¡-_ SlIARZ - - . I'---.L-I- -' --- - - X . ]lldic~I" VOle AB - Ahsent NV - 0Iut V,,:illg XU { - ¡ndic~le<; \'ute ICl (he¡¡l' " VelO --- çp- ! Ad('ptc'¡ ill;, II1cclil1g (If [hc i\!ul1icipal Cnu:!Cil ~. _ .11' nuacy 1, 2(jO.6.___ _ il..LÜ9/z, -?:2. _ CI..ER~ÇC.· ~ ~IIrIIuglr IIf (fu¡rh~r£f MIDDl_ESEX COUNTY tJrfu ;¡¡rrse~ TEL (732) 511-3800 FAX (732) 541-8925 OFFICE OF KATHLEEN M. BARNEY, RMC/CMC MUNICIPAL CLERK 61 COOKE AVENUE CARTERET, NEW JERSEY 07008 Date December 3.1J_JOO~____ TO: Patrick J. DeBlasio, Treasurer Borough of Carteret REQUEST FOR CERTIFICATION OF AVAILABLE FUNDS: For: APPOINTING A MUNICIPAL AUDITOR FOR THE YEAR 2006 Name of Account: HODULIK & MORRISON AMOUNT TO BE ENCUMBERED: Annual fee shall be paid an amount not to exceed according to schedule. Resolution #06-07 of $31.000.00 & Andrew Hodulik $10,000.~0~t an hourly rate ;r~'91¡,~ KATHLEEN M. BARNEY, Municipal Clerk CERTIFICATION OF A V AILABILITY OF FUNDS I, Treasurer of the Borough of Carteret, do hereby certifY that there are sufficient funds available in the current budget to enable the Municipal Council to authorize the entering into a contract between the Borough of Carteret and: r/o;J~ (Ie --I- ,/k,M,,>'oJ The funds available for this contract are in the Budget, in the account of: d<..0'.'ó "'-~./ :ì= - /J'; - ){¡c¡ ç.~¿,,, G "'I ").0 _ ¡J'c _).-5'/ tJ! in the amount of: 4",,1),',- J ¡ ,,00 P;v,,_... 'fr-, =- By this certification, I have hereby encumbered the above named accou~for the amount of the contract. !/:.:.::] Ã7M~ PAmCK 1. DeBLASIO, Treasurer Date: /ì--h,L-ç KMB/ cp AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION The following Resolution of of an Ordinance or of Carteret that has appeared in the Star Ledger, a newspaper which is printed and published in Essex County, New Jersey and of general circulation in said county and state. ONE (1) times, once in each issue as follows: January 12. 2006 IS a the true copy Borough -- ~'7>'!"'-- 0: ~ Notary Public of New Jersey ¿<;~Lt'" Kathleen Barney, lli\1CI. Municipal Clerk Swor~ and subscrib~d be~Q~vo-j me this nffi day of d'tfc L BOROUGH OF CARTERET NOTICE OF CONTRACT AWARDED The Borough of Carteret has awarded a contract without competitive, bld- ~~~~iC:S t; rf.J~:Ä.s~Ön~! ~~d (~~~a~e~~iISuf¡~~tr:~~ thoriZin~ it are available l~~ g«~c~ dr~~:C:.1~~idÏ- pal ClerK. Awarded to Hodullk & ~::~~~~~ Auditing Ser- vie.. lor the year 2006 Resolution #06-07 Cost an Annual fee of $31 000.00 & Andrew Hodullk shall be paid an amount not to axceed $10,000.00: at an hourly rate according to ached- ~THLEEN M. BARNEY Certified Municipal Clerk ($14.52) 19762 BOR0!IGH OF CARTERET NOTICE OF CONTRACT AWARDED The Borough of Carteret has awarded a contract without çompetitive bid- dmg as a professional service to N.J.SA. 40 A 11" (1) (a). This contract and the resolution au- thorizing it are available ~~~ ~ffP¿~c o\n~g:ç~~~i~i~ pal Clerk. Awarded to Hodulik & Morrison Services Auditing Ser- ~i~:~luf~~~h:O~~~; 2006 CO$t an Annual fee of $31,000.00 & Andrew Hodulik shall be paid an amount not to exceed $10,000.00: at an hourly rate according to sched- ule. ~~~~;~N MM~~rC~~:¡ Clerk ($14.52) 19762 ,