HomeMy Public PortalAboutCouncil Minutes 1994 01/13MCCALL CITY .COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 13, 1994 I. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: Mayor Smith called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Councilmen LeBrett, Larson and Martens answered the roll call. The Mayor declared a quorum present. II. MINUTES: Larson moved to approve the minutes of the December 23, 1993 regular meeting. LeBrett seconded the motion and it carried unanimously on a voice vote. III. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS:- The Payroll Report for December 27, 1993 was considered. LeBrett moved to approve the payroll report as presented. Martens seconded and the motion carried. The Payroll Report for January 3, 1994 was presented. Larson moved to approve the report. LeBrett seconded and the motion carried. The Voucher Report dated December 10, 1993 was then considered. Larson moved to approve the report and pay the claims. Martens seconded and the motion carried. IV. 1994 BEER, WINE AND LIQUOR LICENSES: Larson moved to confirm the Clerk's action to issue the licenses listed for Beer, Wine and Liquor licenses as presented. Martens seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously. V. RECESS: Mayor Smith declared a recess and the retiring Council left the table and the newly-elected Councilmen, namely Dean Martens, Ralph Colton, Bill Killen, and Lance Eckhardt were seated. VI. OATH OF OFFICE: The City Clerk administered the Oath's of office to the new Councilmen and presented a Certificate of Election to each of them. VII. ELECTION OF A MAYOR: Killen moved to elect Dean Martens as Mayor. Eckhardt seconded and without other nominations, the motion carried unanimously. VIII. ROLL CALL: Martens, asked for a roll call and Killen, Colton, Eckhardt, and Martens answered the roll call. Councilman-elect Wallace did not appear. The Mayor declared a quorum present. IX. ELECTION OF A COUNCIL PRESIDENT: Eckhardt nominated Bill Killen to serve as Council President. Colton seconded and without other nominations, the motion carried unanimously. X. DECLARATION OF A VACANCY IN THE OFFICE OF COUNCILMAN: Francis Wallace, elected to the Council in the November General Election, was subsequently appointed to the Valley County Board of Commissioners. Martens moved to declare a vacancy on the City Council for a 2 year term of office to fill Mr. Wallace's position. Killen seconded and the motion carried unanimously. It was noted that at the end of the 2 year term, an individual would be elected to a 2 year term to reinstate the sequence of Council replacements. The Council discussed the process for appointing a person to the vacancy. Killen moved to invite any qualified elector of the city to submit a letter, resume or other information expressing interest in the position by the close of business on January 27 (preferably before January 25 to include those materials in the next Council packet) and to list the appointment on the next January 27 Council agenda. XI. APPOINTMENT OF A CITY MANAGER: ' The Council determined not to make a permanent appointment at this time. A motion was made and withdrawn to appoint the City Administrator as the Acting City Manager. After discussion, the City Administrator requested an Executive Session to discuss the terms of that appointment. The Council determined to meet in special session on Monday, January 17 at 7 p.m. for those purposes and staff was directed to prepare and post a notice for such meeting. XII. DISCUSSION OF CITY ORGANIZATION: After a brief discussion, the Council asked that this item also be placed on the January 17 agenda. It was so ordered. XIII. ADOPTION OF RULES OF ORDER: An abbreviated summary of parliamentary procedures was considered. After some discussion, Killen moved to adopt the abbreviated parliamentary procedures (a copy attached to these minutes) as the Rules of Order for the City Council. seconded and the motion carried. Eckhardt XIV. PUBLIC COMMENT: Richard McChrystal appeared and expressed concern about the compensation paid to police officers in the city in light of that paid by other local law enforcement agencies. Rod Davidson appeared and asked that the Council take no action until the 5th member was seated. He asked how tie votes would be resolved and was advised that when a tie occurs, the motion would fail. Duane Smith asked the status of LID No. 2 in Riverside Subdivision and expressed his needs for sewer and water in the area. XV. AGENDA ITEMS ON WHICH THE PUBLIC WISHED TO COMMENT: The agenda was moved to accommodate persons who wished to address the following items listed on the agenda: A. GOLF COURSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES, JANUARY 4, 1994: The Committee recommended increases in golf fees. Ted Whiteman, Committee Chair, outlined the Committee's recommendations and their discussion precedent to the recommendation. The Council then recognized others who wished to address the issue. Harvey Bergstrom appeared and expressed opposition to the proposal in that it was too aggressive and placed the burden on the wrong people. He proposed that the City develop a plan to buy back the Lifetime passes. Frank Brown, a committeeman, indicated his support for the proposal and detailed the needs of the course over the near term. Rick Van Noy appeared and detailed the real costs to players of the rate increases. Duane Welch asked if Lifetime pass holders would pay the proposed surcharges. The Council then closed the meeting to public comment. The Committee recommended that the request by Lonabelle Larson for a golf pass refund, extending a pass from 1993 to the 1994 season, be approved. Killen moved to approve the recommendation. Eckhardt seconded and the motion carried unanimously. The Committee recommended that Locker fees be increased to $15 per season and Trail fees to $130 per season. Killen moved to approve the recommendation. Martens seconded and the motion carried unanimously. The Committee recommended increases in daily green fees to $18 for 18 holes on weekdays, $21 for 18 holes for weekends, $10 for 9 holes on weekdays, and $13 for 9 holes on weekends. Killen moved to approve the recommendation. Colton seconded and the motion carried. The Committee recommended changes to the season pass fees. The Council asked that either the Committee or staff attempt to define "local" and return the matter to the Council table on January 27. It was so ordered. The Council recessed from 9:12 to 9:20 p.m. on a motion by Colton, seconded by Killen and carried. B. MEMBERSHIP AND REPRESENTATION ON THE RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION: Russ Manwaring discussed the formation of the group in 1990 and the successful grant application for technical assistance awarded in 1991. He discussed the dues and invited a representative to the January 19 meeting of the group in Emmett. After discussion, Killen moved to pay the dues for the organization for 1994. Eckhardt seconded and the motion carried. C. WATER SYSTEM: 1. ENGINEER'S RESPONSE TO HDR REPORT: Rick Orton and Bill Lynard summarized their response to the HDR report which was presented to the Council on December 23, 1993. After discussion, Martens moved that the Engineer's be directed to amend the City of McCall's Water Master Plan to include an expansion of the CT Well at the proposed plant as recommended by HDR, resulting in cost savings to the city of $157,000 to $162.000 (estimated). Colton seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 2. TASK ORDER NO. 5: The Task Order would commence the predesign and design of the Water Treatment plant, design of 1994 water line construction, and determine the program for 1994 meter replacements. After discussion, Killen moved to approve Task Order No. 5 and authorize the Mayor to sign. Eckhardt seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 3. VOLUNTARY CONSENT ORDER: The Council discussed with the staff and engineer's the draft order. DEQ officials were willing to meet and further discuss scheduling. Killen moved to advise the DEQ that the order was acceptable and to authorfze the Mayor to execute the document. Eckhardt seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Following these items, the Council returned to the order of the published agenda. XVI. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS AND REPORTS: Councilman Killen asked about the status of LID No. 2. After discussion, he asked that the Ordinance creating LID No. 2 be scheduled for the February 10 Council agenda and that the property owners in the district be notified that this would be the final reading of the Ordinance. It was so ordered. XVII. STAFF REPORTS: A. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT; A written report noted rescheduling the January 17 worksession to January 24, resolution of a parking dispute between Medley's and the McCall Brewing Company, and scheduling of a special meeting to conduct a hearing on Ordinance 615 with the Valley County Board of Commissioners. The Administrator also noted receipt of the executed agreement respecting the Bike Path grant, a request by Jay Smithman to speak to the Council regarding an affordable housing program in the city, and a progress report on installation of carpet and painting at the Library and Police Department. B. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: The Attorney distributed a written report on pending litigation, and noted deficiencies in the activities of the Building Standards Advisory Committee. A separate memorandum on the status of the Urban Renewal Agency was discussed. The Council asked to schedule this matter on the February 10 agenda and to invite the Board to attend this session. The issue of the Building Standards Advisory Committee was discussed and the Council asked the staff to secure a response from the membership about their in~ent to meet and act. XVIII. BOARD, COMMITTEE AND COMMISSION MINUTES REQUIRING ACTION: A. IMPACT AREA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: The Commission recommended approval of the Sinkinson Variance request. The staff reviewed the minutes and the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law on the matter. Killen moved to adopt the Findings and Conclusions of the Commission as those of the City Council and to approve the request. Eckhardt seconded and the motion carried. B. GOLF COURSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE, JANUARY 4, 1994: This item was addressed earlier in the agenda. C. CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MINUTES, JANUARY 4, 1994: The minutes appeared without the Findings and Conclusions attached. The Council asked that these minutes be placed on the next agenda with those documents attached and the minutes corrected. It was so ordered. XVIV. OTHER ITEMS ON WHICH THE PUBLIC WISHED TO COMMENT: A. ORDINANCE 658, PERMITTING SUSPENSION OF THE OPEN CONTAINER ORDINANCE IN CERTAIN PLACES AND FOR SPECIFIED PERIODS; The Council reviewed the draft document. After discussion, certain changes were directed. Killen moved to suspend the rule requiring that the Ordinance be read on three separate occasions. Eckhardt seconded and on a roll call vote, Killen, Eckhardt, Colton and Martens voted Aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried and the rule suspended. Killen then moved to adopt Ordinance 658, as amended. The City Attorney read the Ordinance by title. Colton seconded and the motion carried. B. RESOLUTION 2-94, PERMITTING THE SUSPENSION OF THE OPEN CONTAINER ORDINANCE FOR THE 1994 MCCALL WINTER CARNIVAL: Killen moved to approve Resolution 2-94 as amended. Eckhardt seconded and the motion carried. XX. OLD BUSINESS: A. SALE OF OLD GOLF CLUBHOUSE: After review and discussion of the process to date, the Council asked staff to prepare and advertise a Request for Proposals for professional Realtor services to circulate to all Realtors in the community to represent the city in this matter. B. IDAHO HOUSING COALITION MEMBERSHIP: After discussion, the matter was forwarded to the JSEC Housing Task Force to recommend whether the City should join this group. C. NOTICE OF APPLICATION, GARNET BEACH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION: This matter was referred to the Park and Recreation Advisory Committee to review for congruence with the plan approved by the Committee earlier in the year. The staff will request additional response time from the Idaho Department of Lands. XXI. NEW BUSINESS: A. ORDINANCE 657, ENFORCEMENT OF TRAFFIC AND PARKING ON SCHOOL PROPERTY; After discussion, there was no action on the proposed ordinance. B. ACCEPTANCE OF GIFT, 1971 DODGE SEDAN; After discussion, Eckhardt moved to accept the gift of a vehicle from Burr Investigations. Killen seconded and the motion carried. C. REPRESENTATIVE ON THE IDA-ORE BOARD; The Council asked staff to list all of the organizations to which Council should send representatives to discuss at the next meeting agenda. D. RESOLUTION 1-94, AUTHORIZATION TO SIGN CHECKS: The Council determined that the Mayor, the Council President and all Councilmen should be listed on the signature cards. Martens moved that Resolutfon 1-94 be adopted authorizing the signature of any Councilman on the accounts. Colton seconded and the motion carried unanimously. E. ACCEPTANCE OF A GIFT DEED FOR A WATER LINE EASEMENT: A deed from Ralph Stokes was presented. Killen moved to accept the deed and authorize the Mayor to sign the acceptance and direct staff to record the document upon execution. F. RECOMMENDATION FOR NOMINATION, PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE: The Committee recommended the appointment of Gary VanKomen to serve on the Park and Recreation Advisory Committee. After discussion of the manner in which persons would be nominated to serve on Committee's, the Council asked staff to develop a policy on the matter for presentation at the next meeting. Killen then moved to appoint Mr. VanKomen to the Park and Recreation Committee to fill the term of Dean Martens. Eckhardt seconded and the motion carried on a voice vote of 3 in favor, 1 opposed, Martens dissenting. XXII. CONSENT CALENDAR: The following items were listed on the consent calendar: Impact Area Planning and Zoning Commission minutes for December 28, 1993 Airport Advisory Committee Minutes for January 5, 1994; Application for Taxi License, Mile High Shuttle and Tours Killen moved to approve the consent calendar. Martens seconded. The motion carried. XXIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND INFORMATION ITEMS: The following correspondence was presented: A letter from the Idaho Department of Water Resources regarding the snowmobile bridge; A letter from Valley County regarding road maintenance in the area recently annexed. A letter' from DEQ, increasing the grant funds for the Wastewater Facility Planning process. A letter from the Idaho Department of Transportation regarding appointments to regional transportation committees; XXIV. INFORMATION ITEMS: The following information items were transmitted to the Council: Central District Health Department Septic/Sewage Task Force minutes, December 16, 1993 Special Meeting, Valley County Commission/Rural Fire District/McCall Ambulance Minutes, December 29, 1993 Valley County Communication Center Committee, Minutes, December 16, 1993 Seminary Information, ICRMP, AIC Reports Article on Police Staffing Notice of Settlement, McCall Brewing Co./Medley's Sports AIC City Report, January 5, 1994 Valley County Commission Minutes, December 15 and 27, 1993 Eckhardt moved to acknowledge receipt of the information items and correspondence. Killen seconded and the motion carried. XXV. and the motion carried. Clerk / ADJOURNMENT At 1:26 a.m., Colton moved to adjourn. Eckhardt seconded Mayor