HomeMy Public PortalAboutCouncil Minutes 1994 03/10MCCALL CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 10, 1994 I. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Martens, Arp, Colton, Killen and Eckhardt answered the roll call. The Mayor declared a quorum present. II. MINUTES: The minutes of the regular meeting of February 24 were presented. Eckhardt moved to approve the minutes, Killen seconded and the motion carried. The minutes of the special meeting of March 3 were considered. Colton moved to approve the March 3 minutes. Martens seconded and the motion carried. III. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS: The Payroll Report dated February 23 was considered. Arp moved to approve the February 23 report. Colton seconded and the motion carried. The Payroll Report dated February 28 was then considered. Eckhardt moved to approve the February 28 report. Colton seconded and the motion carried. The Voucher Report dated March 8, 1994 was considered. After review, Eckhardt moved to approve the Voucher report. Killen seconded and the motion carried. IV. ITEMS OF PUBLIC INTEREST FROM THE AGENDA: A. WATER SYSTEM ISSUES: 1. Plant Site: Mr. Lynard of Montgomery-Watson reviewed the technical requirements of the plant and efforts to redesign the facility to utilize less land. 2. Filter Backwash Water disposal: Mr. Orton of Toothman-Orton reviewed the alternatives for disposal of the backwash water. He recommended partial disposal of the solids into the sanitary sewer and of the supernate to the SMR Wetlands. 3. Water Supply and Pumping: Mr. Orton discussed the rehabilitation vs. replacement of Davis Beach and Lake St. pumps. In addition, relocation of the 200 hp pumps from Shore Lodge Station 'was recommended, all of which reduce the cost of the project. 4. Budget and Schedule: Mr. Orton promised a revised schedule and budget for the project. The Council returned to the Plant site acquisition issue. They reviewed a letter from O'Neil .Enterprises and discussed with Mr. O'Neil his position on the issue. He agreed to provide an additional .3 Ac. for the same price as the 3 Ac. parcel. After considerable discussion, Eckhardt moved to direct the City Attorney to prepare all documents required for acquiring the property and closing the transaction. This would acquire 3.3 acres for the appraised price pursuant to the Water System agreement with Spring Mountain Ranch. Colton seconded and the motion carried unanimously. The documents are to be returned to the Council for approval. The Council is expecting to act on the sale of the Water Revenue bonds in the near future. B. SALE OF OLD GOLF CLUBHOUSE: Hal Sager presented two offers by the Doherty's on purchase of the site. The first was with the city's removal of the buildings. The second offer was "as is" for $105,000. The Council reviewed the costs of asbestos removal. After discussion, the contingency was to be clarified to read that if the soil tests were negative, the offer could be withdrawn based on the report itself. Killen moved to accept the offer premised on the clarification of Item 5 in the offer as discussed above. Colton seconded and on a roll call vote, Killen, Colton, Arp, Eckhardt, and Martens voted Aye. The motion carried unanimously. Killen then moved to authorize the Mayor upon receipt of an amended offer, to accept the offer for the city. Eckhardt seconded and the motion carried on a voice vote. C. ACQUISITION OF PARCEL, DEINHARD-BOYDSTUN CONNECTOR; The Council reviewed the proposal by Brad Janoush to appraise the parcel for $2000. After discussion with Rand Walker and staff, Martens moved to request that Mike Eckhardt secure the appraisal on the property. Arp seconded and the motion carried unanimously. The Council asked the staff to review the agreement with Brad Janoush for professional appraisal services. D. LEASE RENEWAL, SPORTS MARINA, INC. Jim Hardy presented his request for a 10 year renewal of the upland access lease for operation of the Sports Marina, Inc. The lease was reviewed and the request requires no approval. No action was taken by the Council. The Mayor instructed staff to write to Mr. Hardy assuring him of the renewal of the lease. E. VALUED, INC., BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE: Bob Scoles appeared and supported adoption of Ordinance 615 and updated the Council on the Beautification Committee's activities. The Council asked him to assist in recruiting members for the Historic Preservation Committee and the Planning and Zoning Commission. F. KITCHEN EQUIPMENT, GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE; The Council took up the Golf Committee's recommendation on the kitchen equipment from their March 2 minutes. Mary Clemmer appeared and detailed the reasons for the renovation and changes of equipment. After discussion, Eckhardt moved to declare the used equipment listed on the Golf Committee minutes as surplus and to authorize the Lease-purchase of the new equipment for the golf clubhouse kitchen as recommended by the Golf Committee. Colton seconded and the motion carried. Colton moved for a 5 minute recess. Eckhardt seconded and the motion carried. V. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS AND REPORTS: Eckhardt asked about the status of Clement St., Golf Cart Storage and recent dog poisonings. Killen asked if the city had received its copy of the listing agreement, the status of the Kalman lawsuit, and the amendment of the Congleton lease to prohibit renewal of the lease. Colton asked staff to review the County's snow plowing procedures in Rio Vista and Carrico before the snow has melted. Martens asked the Attorney to review the Clark Case and the mutual aid agreement between the County and City police services. Martens noted the requests for reappointments by Messrs. Kerr, Fereday and Whiteman to the Transportation, Airport and Golf committees respectively. Eckhardt moved for the council to move to a Committee of the whole to discuss the appointments. Killen seconded and the motion carried. After discussion, Colton moved to direct the Mayor to nominate all three persons for reappointment as requested and adjourn the committee of the whole. Martens presented the names of Tom Kerr for a 3 year term reappointment to the Transportation Advisory Committee; Rick Fereday for a 3 year term reappointment to the Airport Advisory Committee, and Ted Whiteman for a three year term reappointment to the Golf Course Advisory Committee. Killen moved to confirm these nominations. Eckhardt seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Council requested staff to secure Committee feedback on the appointment policy from other advisory committees. VI. STAFF REPORTS; A. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: A written report noting the HDR billing, old golf clubhouse asbestos and heavy metal testing, and the Police departments report on Circus traffic problems was noted. The staff also reported on the meeting 'with the Payette Lakes Trails Committee. From that the group requested that a Joint Powers agreement be drafted to permit coordination in the engineering selection process, and contract award. Colton moved to direct the City Attorney to prepare such an agreement to submit to the Trails Committee for recommendation to the Valley County Board of Commissioners and the City Park and Recreation Committee to recommend to the City Council. Arp seconded and the motion carried. Staff also reported on efforts to activate the Building Standards Committee. After discussion, the Council determined to take up the Mobile home regulations and the amendment to the sprinkler ordinance which had been referred to the Committee but which has never met to act on those referrals. Staff also reported on the resignation of Officer Stowe from the Police Department, the rescheduling of the Audit report to the March 24 meeting, the closing of the Hoyle parcel on March 9, the attendance by staff and Planning Commission members at a conference in Boise on Saturday, March 12, and conversations with Kitty Guernsey regarding the $1 Million challenge grant for the Wastewater plant in the current DEQ budget. B. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT; The City Attorney made no report. C. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT: The City Treasurer presented his monthly report for the month of February 1994 and receipt was acknowledged by the Council. The Treasurer requested approval of the renewal of the Delta Dental Insurance plan. A rate increase of 15% was proposed in the basic premium. After discussion, Eckhardt moved to approve the Delta Dental plan renewal and authorize the Mayor to sign. Killen seconded and the motion carried. VII. BOARD, COMMITTEE AND COMMISSION MINUTES REQUIRING ACTION: A. PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE, FEBRUARY 28, 1994: The committee recommended that the Arts Fair sponsored by the Kistner's be approved and the fee set by staff. The Council referred the matter to staff. The Committee recommended that the Garnet Beach dock be limited to 4 slips as had been earlier represented to them and had been anticipated by the lease. Council directed staff to respond to the Idaho Department of Lands including a copy of the Committee's minutes, the lease, and a letter indicating that the city has no objection so long as the construction conforms to the lease. Killen moved to so direct staff. Martens seconded and the motion carried unanimously. The Committee asked the Council to direct the City Attorney to report on Impact fees for park services. Eckhardt moved to adopt the Committee recommendation. Killen seconded and the motion carried. The Committee recommended that snow not be piled in the Legacy Park parking lot. In lieu of the committee suggestion on the location of snow storage, the staff requested that they be permitted to determine the proper location. Martens moved to direct that snow not be stored in the Legacy Park parking area. The Committee recommended installation of snowmobile and sledding prohibition signs in Legacy Park. The Council tabled the recommendation. B. GOLF COURSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES, MARCH 2, 1994: The Committee recommended a nine hole fee of $13 for weekends and holidays. The Council determined that they had previously approved this fee and took no action. The Committee recommended ~that daily trail fees for a privately owned cart be $6 for a nine hole round and $12 for an 18 hole round. Killen moved to accept the Committee recommendation. Eckhardt seconded and the motion carried unanimously. The Committee recommended an addendum to the Golf Pro Contract to secure the $5 tournament fee. Killen advised that an addendum was not necessary and that only setting the amount of the fee was required. He then moved to set the fee for 1994 at $5. Martens seconded and the motion carried. The Committee recommended a policy on free golf privileges. After discussion, Killen moved to table the policy until the next meeting. Eckhardt seconded and the motion carried. The Committee recommended that the Senior Tournament and the Youth Tournament be added to the list of tournaments exempt from green fees, save and except for the $5 per round fee adopted above. Colton moved to direct the City Attorney to prepare an addendum as recommended. Eckhardt seconded and the motion carried. The Committee recommended adoption of the Season Pass refund policy. Martens moved to adopt the policy as amended after discussion. Eckhardt seconded and the motion carried. The Committee recommended that further investigation of the sprinkler problems at the Golf Clubhouse be undertaken by staff. It was so ordered. VIII. OLD BUSINESS: A. ORDINANCE 615, AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE, SECOND READING: The City Attorney read the Ordinance by title completing the second reading of the Ordinance. By previous Council direction, it will be scheduled for a third reading on the agenda following adoption by the Valley Commission. B. ORDINANCE 660, RELATED TO NAMING OF STREETS, FIRST READING: The City Attorney read the ordinance by title for its first reading. C. ORDINANCE 659, RELATED TO ADOPTING THE COUNCIL-MANAGER FORM OF GOVERNMENT; The recent revision to this ordinance was discussed. Eckhardt moved to suspend the rule requiring reading of the Ordinance on three separate occasions and reading in full. Killen seconded. On a roll call vote, Eckhardt, Killen, Arp, Colton and Martens voted Aye. The motion carried and the rule was suspended. The City Attorney read the Ordinance by title. Colton moved to adopt Ordinance 659. Killen seconded and on a roll call vote, Colton, Killen, Eckhardt, Arp and Martens voted Aye. The motion carried and the ordinance was adopted. D. MCCALL-DONNELLY SCHOOL PARKING ISSUE: The recent proposal to add signs for traffic direction does not require Council action. The Council took no action and referred the matter to staff. IX. CONSENT CALENDAR: The following items were listed on the Consent calendar; Airport Advisory Committee minutes of March 2; Joint Planning and Zoning Commission minutes of February 28 (distributed to Council at the March 3 special meeting); and an application for a beer license for Ridley's. Killen moved to approve the consent calendar. Martens seconded and the motion carried. X. CORRESPONDENCE: Council acknowledged receipt of letters from the Payette Lakes Ski Club regarding the SH 55 Bypass route and from Tomi Grote regarding coordination of the bikepath projects. XI.INFORMATION ITEMS; The Council received the following information items: AIC brochure "Funding Growth and Mandates", Action Update as of March 1, Valley County Commission Minutes of February 14, Valley County Communication Committee minutes, March meeting calendar. XI I. ADJOURNMENT: At 12:43 a.m., without further business, Colton moved to adjourn, Eckhardt seconded and the motion carried. Mayor