HomeMy Public PortalAboutCouncil Minutes 1995 08/24 MINUTES McCall City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, August 24, 1995 Call to Order and Roll Call The meeting was called to order by the mayor at 7:00 PM. Messrs. Eckhardt, Killen, Martens, Colton and Ms. Arp answered the roll call. The mayor declared that a quorum was present. Staff members present were City Manager Gary Shimun, City Attorney Ted Burton and City Clerk/Treasurer Jim Henderson. Minutes of Previous Meeting Minutes o[Regular Meeting on August 10, 1995. Mr. Colton moved to approve the minutes. Ms. Atp seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Payment of Claims Payroll Report dated August 14~ 1995. Mr. Eckhardt moved to approve the payroll. Mr. Martens seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Voucher Report dated August 21~ 1.995. Mr. Eckhardt moved to approve the claims listed on the voucher reported dated August 21, 1995. Mr. Colton seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Public Comment The mayor opened the meeting to public comment. The following were heard: George Bezates, Bezates Construction, Ontario, OR appeared with respect to the bid opening for the Carico LID project. He protested the validity of the Bid Bond submitted by the apparent low bidder P&M. Mr. Henderson gave a report. Bob Furman of Toothman Orton Engineers gave a report. Mr. Burton gave a report. After discussion, the council ordered that matter to a special meeting yet to be scheduled. Arthur Wertz, Art's Sport Shop requested an amendment to the Pawnbroker's licensing ordinance to permit a transfer of location with a prorated fee as opposed to the current requirement for a new license and full license fee. After discussion, staff was directed to draft an amending ordinance. Bob Furman of Toothman-Orton Engineering appeared to present the engineers estimate on the proposed Rio Vista, Cammy Drive, and Memo Circle LID. Scott Acker made a presentation. The council ordered the matter referred to the property owners. Public Hearings Noticed for 8:00 PM. Proposed Budget for the Fiscal Year Beginning October Ir 1995 and ending September 30~ 1996. The mayor declared the time and place of the hearing. Mr. Shimun made a presentation. McCall City Council Minutes August 24, 1995 Mr. Henderson made a presentation. The mayor then opened the meeting to public testimony. Scott Davenport spoke complementing staff on their presentations. Since no one else wished to be heard the mayor closed the meeting to public testimony. a. Ordinance 687 - Annual Appropriations Ordinance for the Fiscal Year Beginning October 1, 1995. After discussion, Mr. Killen moved to suspend the rules requiring three readings and reading in full. Mr. Colton seconded. At a roll call vote, Mr. Killen, Mr. Colton, Ms. Arp, Mr. Martens and Mr. Eckhardt voted "aye." The motion carried. Mr. Burton read the ordinance by title. Mr. Killen moved to adopt Ordinance 687. Mr. Eckhardi seconded. At a roll call vote, Messrs. Killen, Eckhardt, Martens, Colton and Ms. Atp voted "aye." The motion carried. Dollar Ce~fication of Budget Request to Board of County Commissions L-2. After discussion, Mr. Eckhardt moved to approve the certification and authorize the mayor and clerk to sign. Mr. Colton seconded and the motion carried. 10. Judicia! Confirmation of Ordinar~ and Necessa~, Expense - Land Application Pro]ect. The mayor declared the time and place of the hearing. Mike Moore, Moore & McFadden, Chartered gave a report. The mayor opened the meeting to public testimony. No one wished to be heard. The mayor then closed the meeting to public testimony. Resolution 21-95 Authorizing the Filing of a Petition for Judicial Confirmation. Mr. Eckhardt moved to adopt resolution 21-95. Mr. Colton seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 11. Idaho Community, Development Block Grant Application. The mayor declared the time and place for the hearing. Mr. Shimun gave a report, noting that the council had approved the application at their last meeting. He noted that this hearing was needed because the notice for the first hearing did not contain language to the effect that the hearing place was accessible to persons with disabilities. The mayor opened the meeting to public testimony. No one wished to be heard. The mayor then closed the meeting to pubic testimony. No further action was required or taken. Public Comment (Continued) The mayor again opened the meeting to public comment. The following were heard: 12. Ted Whiteman requested approval of the Sixth Amendment to the Inter Agency Agreement between the City of McCall and Payette Lakes Water and Sewer District regarding maintenance of the sewer system. Mr. Killen declared that he would not participate in the vote as he is legal counsel for the sewer district. Mr. Shimun gave a report. After discussion, Mr. Colton moved to approve the agreement. Mr. Martens seconded. At a roll call vote, Messrs. Colton, Martens, Eckhardt and Ms. Atp voted "aye." Mr. Killen abstained. The motion carried. Board, Committee and Commission Minutes Requiring Action 13. Impact Area Planning and Zoning Commission, Minutes o[ August 8~ 1995. Mr. Shimun reported that all action items on these minutes involved public hearings which required notice. These minutes were regarded as information only. Page 2 McCall City Council Minutes August 24, 1995 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 21. 22. 23. City Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes olr August 22~ 1995. McCall Donnelly School District Conditional Use Permit. This was a request to add two additional class rooms at the Mission Street Campus. Mr. Shimun gave a report. After discussion, Mr. Eckhardt moved to adopt the findings and conclusions of the commission and to approve the CUP. Ms. Atp seconded and the motion carried with Mr. Colton abstaining. Airport Advisory Committee Minutes of August 2, 1995. Revised Mission Statement. Mr. Shimun gave a report noting the need to revise the Airport Advisory Committee's Mission Statement. After discussion, Mr. Colton moved to approve the revised Mission Statement. Mr. Killen seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Old Business Grants of Easements. Three grants of easements were presented: (1) 20 foot sewer easement granted by Bernard and Francis Spradling; (2) 35 foot sewer, water and drainage easement granted by Bernard and Francis Spradling; and (3) 20 foot sewer easement granted by Bernard and Francis Spradling and Craig and cunme Johnson. Mr. Shimun gave a report. After discussion, Ms. Atp moved to accept the easements. Mr. Martens seconded. At a roll call vote, Ms. Atp and Messrs. Martens, Colton, Killen, and Eckhardt voted "aye." The motion carried. Ordinance 681 respecting Hawkers and Peddlers (Third Readin~). Mr. Martens moved to suspend the rules requiring reading in full. Mr. Killen seconded. At a roll call vote, Mr. Martens, Mr. Killen, Mr. Colton, Ms. Arp and Mr. Eckhardt voted "aye." The motion carried. Mr. Burton read the ordinance by title. Mr. Martens moved to adopt Ordinance 681. Mr. Colton seconded. At a roll call vote, Mr. Martens, Mr. Colton, Ms. Atp, Mr. Killen and Mr. Eckhardt voted "aye." The motion carried. Resolution 15-95 Setting Fees for Licenses 'and Permits. Mr. Eckhardt moved to adopt Resolution 15-95. Mr. Killen seconded and the motion carried unanimously. McCall Municipal Airport Improvement Project PaFment Request and Grant Reimbursement. After discussion, Ms. Arp moved to approve the payment request and the grant reimbursement request. Mr. Colton seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Ordinance 689 Proclaiming a General Cit~ Election. Mr. Martens moved to suspend the rules require reading in full and three readings. Mr. Killen seconded. At a roll call vote, Mr. Martens, Mr. Killen, Mr. Eckhardt, Ms. Arp and Mr. Colton voted "aye." The motion carried. Mr. Burton read the ordinance by title. Mr. Martens moved to adopt Ordinance 689. Mr. Killen seconded. At a roll call vote, Mr. Martens, Mr. Killen, Mr. Colton, Ms. Atp and Mr. Eckhardt voted "aye." The motion carried. Investment Circular from the Idaho State Treasurer. Mr. Henderson gave a report. Mr. Colton moved to approve the circular and authorize the mayor to sign. Ms. Atp seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Hiring o[Juvenile Officer. The council noted the request was within the authority of the Police Chief and City Manager. Page 3 McCall City Council Minutes August 24, 1995 Consent Calendar The council acknowledged receipt of the following: 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Letter for City Clerk to Jasper Subdivision Owners re: LID Memo from City Attorney re: Powers with Respect to Zoning in the Impact Area. Order re: Extension of Time for Answer or for Civil Rule 12 Motions Golf Course Advisory Committee Minutes 8-2-95 Letter from Leroy Meyer 1DOT to City Manager re: Public Hearing about the North portion of the McCall Alternate Route. Letter from Louise Everett to City Council re: Jet Skis Article in Snow Country Magazine Memo from Police Chief to City Manager re: Expenses Receipts for Food and Lodging for Weiser Police Officers during 4th of July. Letter from Helen Chenoweth to City Manager. Letter from Joy Palmer, DEQ to City Manager, re: Concept Approval of Phase I of WTP Construction. Letter from Patricia Getty of DOE to Mr. Colton re: Drug Free Schools Application Notice of Application for Idaho Power for Accounting Order from IPUC. West Central Highlands RC & D Minutes of 7-19-95. Letter from Russell Manwaring of Dept of Agri. to WCHRC&D re: Narrative Report August 1995. Letter from Urban H. Wessels Idaho Water and Wastewater Certifications to Mayor Martens re: Certified Water and Wastewater Exams - June 1995. Airport Advisory Committee Minutes of 7-13-95. Action Update dated August 14, 1995. Staff Reports City Manager. The council reviewed a written report. Mr. Shimun then requested the council approve the following and authorize the City Manager to sign the necessary documents: (a) Notice of Award of Water Treatment Plant Contract to Contractors Northwest, Co) the Contract itself, the necessary Change Orders to bring the project to budget, and (c) Notice to Proceed. Mr. Colton moved to approve the City Manager's request. Mr. Killen seconded. At a roll call vote, Mr. Colton, Mr. Killen, Ms. Arp, Mr. Martens and Mr. Eckhardt voted "aye." The motion carried. City Attorn~.. The council noted a written report. Page 4 McCall City Council Minutes August 24, 1995 44. City Clerk~Treasurer. a. Engagement Letter- Balukoff Lindstrom & Co., P.A. Mr. Henderson reviewed the letter of engagement for audit services. After discussion, Ms. Atp moved to approve the engagement. Mr. Eckhardt seconded and the motion carried unanimously. b. Mr. Henderson reported on personnel changes within his department. c. Mr. Henderson presented a report concerning the use of the old Payette National Forest Supervisor's Office building for city offices. After discussion, the council by consensus directed that options at the present location be explored. Mayor and Council Comments and Reports 45. Mr. Killen. a. Noted some discussion with citizens about the sign ordinance and their perceived need for more even enforcement. b. Noted a complaint from Craig Johnson that the common area for Village Square had been obliterated by the Hwy. 55 contractor's placement of materials and fill. c. Asked staff to continue to inform IDOT of the City's position with respect to the bypass. d. Asked about the E. Highway 55 LID easements. Was informed that Mr. Swain had not signed an easement. e. Noted and a radio spot regarding a benefit breakfast on August 26 at Legacy Park which is contrary to the parks policy. 46. Mr. Colton. Noted that he had not heard any comments about alcohol in the parks. 47. Ms. Arp. Had no comment. 48. Mr. Eckhardt. Reported that he and Mr. Shimun and Mr. Burton had met with Mr. Spink, attorney for Mr. Kahlman in the railroad right of way case and had productive discussions. 50. Mr. Martens. As about the RFP for the Wisehart property and was informed that it was still being drafted. Asked to place the Swain and Geibel easements on the agenda for August 31 along with the Carico LID bid reports. Adjournment 51. ATTEST: There being no further business, Mr. Colton moved to adjourn. Mr. Martens seconded and the motion carried unanimously. The council adjourned at 12:05 AM. Mayor Page 5