HomeMy Public PortalAboutCouncil Minutes 1996 10/10 MINUTES McCall City Council Thursday, October 10, 1996 Call To Order And Roll Call The meeting was called to order by the mayor at 7:00 P.M. Mr. Colton, Mr. Martens, Ms. Arp, Mr. Eckhardt and Mr. Killen answered the roll call. A quorum was present. Minutes Of Previous Meeting(s) Minutes of September 26, 1996- Regular Meeting -- Mr. Colton moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Martens seconded. Mr. Killen requested corrections. Mr. Eckhardt requested a correction. Mr. Colton and Mr. Martens amended their motion and second to add the words "as corrected." The motion carried unanimously. Minutes of September 23T 1996- Special Meeting Mr. Martens moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Killen seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Payment Of Claims Vendor Invoice Approval List Report Dated October 7~ 1996 Mr. Eckhardt moved to approve the claims listed on the report. Mr. Martens seconded and the motion carried unanimously. PaFroll Report Dated September 24~ 1996 Ms. Atp moved to approve the payroll. Mr. Colton seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Public Comment The mayor called for public comment. The following items were moved forward on the agenda: AIP 6 - Chuck Sundb}~, Toothman Orton -- Mr. Sundby gave a report on the status of the project detailing the January 1996 Pre-Application configuration, an amendment in May 1996 and finally an October 1996 Pre-Application Amendment. Mr. Killen moved to direct staff to proceed on the basis of the amendment as presented and to further authorize staffto move forward on AIP 7 project. Ms. Atp seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Municipal Airport Aviation Lease - Steven McCarter Dale Points gave a report pointing out that some questions asked on previous leases made it difficult for him to negotiate on future leases. After discussion, council asked that the Airport Advisory Committee update the council on the Airport Layout Plan. Mr. Colton moved to approve the lease. Mr. Martens seconded. At a roll call vote, Mr. Colton, Mr. Martens, Mr. Eckhardt, Ms. Atp and Mr. Killen voted "aye." Cit~ Planning And Zoning Minutes Dated October Iv 1996 Conditional Use Permit-- 701-707 Fairway Drive-Hal Sager. Mr. Sager gave a presentation. Staff.Planner Andy Locke gave a staff report. After discussion, Ms. Arp moved to approve the Findings And Conclusions of the City Planning and Zoning Committions and approve the CUP. Mr. Eckhardt seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 10. Rural Utilities Service Grant- Solid Waste Program Progress Report - Mr. Rob Mayer, Central District Health gave a progress report on the solid waste management rural utilities services grant project. The Council recessed from 8:25 to 8:30 P.M. 11 Ice Skating Rink Location- Curtis Spaulding of McCall Ice Skating Association presented the mission of the association. Mike McCabe reviewed the history and disadvanatage of the rink on the lake adjacent to Legacy Park. Irwin Mullnick then reviewed the proposal to site the rink at Fairway Park and alternatively near Gravity Sports. After discussion, Mr. Eckhardt moved to move the item to the next agenda so that the association could get answers to questions arising from the discussion. Ms. Arp seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Board, Committee And Commission Minutes Requiring Action 12. McCall Public Librar~ Board Minutes Dated September 26~ 1996- Board VacancF Nomination Of Mary Clemmer Mr. Killen moved to convene as a committee of the whole. Mr. Martens seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Eckhardt moved to direct the mayor to nominate Mary Clemmer to the Library Board. Mr. Martens seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Killen nominated Mary Clemmer to the Library Board. Mr. Martens moved to approve the nomination. Ms. Atp seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Staffwas directed to notify that other applicant of the decision and that other committees had vacancies. 13 Cit~ Impact Planning And Zoning Minutes Dated September 24~ 1996 a. Findings And Conclusions In Support Of Denial Of Variance - McBirney - Mr. Eckhardt moved to adopt the Finding and Conclusions of the Impact Planning and Zoning Commission and deny the variance. Ms. Atp seconded and the motion carried unanimously. b. Findings And Conclusions In Support Of Denial Of Variance- Herndon Ms. Arp moved to adopt the Findings and Conclusions of the Impact Planning and Zoning Commission and to deny the variance. Mr. Martens seconded and the motion carried unanimously. c. Conditional Use Permit Application - Paradise Point Episcopal Camp Ms. Arp moved to adopt the Findings and Conclusions of the Impact Planning and Zoning Commission, including the conditions for approval contained in them and to approve the Minutes, McCall City Council, Regular Meeting, Thursday, October 10, 1996 Page 2 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Conditional Use Permit subject to the conditions contained in the conditions of approval. Mr. Eckhardt seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Ci~ Planning And Zoning Minutes Dated October 1, 1996 --Findings And Conclusions In Support Of Variance - Hotel McCall Mr. Colton moved to approve the Findings and Conclusions of the City Planning and Zoning Commission and to approve the variance. Mr. Eckhardt seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Old Business Ordinance No. 705 - Relating To Animal Drawn Vehicles - Second Reading Mr. Eckhardt moved to suspend the rules requiring reading in full for the second reading of proposed Ordinance No. 705. Mr. Martens seconded. Mr. Henderson read the Ordinance by title as follows: "An Ordinance of the City of McCall, Idaho, Relating to the Licensing of Horse-Drawn Vehicles and the Handling of Animal Waste; and Providing and Effective Date." The council requested that the word "animal" be substituted for the word "horse" in the title and the revised ordinance be returned at the next meeting for third reading. Water Treatment Plant Change Order No. 3- Contractors Northwest - Ms. Atp moved to approve the change order. Mr. Colton seconded. At a roll call vote, Ms. Atp, Mr. Colton, Mr. Eckhardt, Mr. Martens and Mr. Killen voted "aye." Water Treatment Plant Change Order No. 4- Contractors Northwest- Mr. Eckhardt moved to approve the change order. Mr. Martens seconded. At a roll call vote, Mr. Eckhardt, Mr. Martens, Mr. Colton, Ms. Atp and Mr. Killen voted "aye." PaF Request No. 9- Contractors Northwest Ms. Atp moved to approve the pay request in the amount of $432,555.01. Mr. Colton seconded and the motion carried unanimously. After further discussion, Ms. Atp moved to reconsider. Mr. Colton seconded and the motion carried. The council took no action on the original motion but directed staff to get clarification of the pay request. Notice O[Award- Kasper Street & Shiner Creek Improvements- Warrington Construction Mr. Henderson gave a report. Mr. Killen moved to approve the notice of award with the agreement being amended to reflect the completion date as 30 Jun 1997. Mr. Eckhardt seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Engineering Agreement For Facilities Planning- Addendum No. $ Mr. Killen gave report that this included what has been referred to as Phase II. Mr. Colton moved to approve the agreement addendum. Mr. Eckhardt seconded. At a roll call vote, Mr. Colton, Mr. Eckhardt, Mr. Martens, Ms. Arp and Mr. Killen voted "aye." The motion carried. McCall Bike Trail- Ke~ No. 5557- Agreement For City's Share Of Project Cost Mr. Martens moved to approve the agreement. Mr. Eckhardt seconded. At a roll call vote, Mr. Martens, Mr. Eckhardt, Mr. Colton, Ms. Apr and Mr. Killen voted "aye." The motion carried. Minutes, McCall City Council, Regular Meeting, Thursday, October 10, 1996 Page 3 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. New Business Ida-Ore Planning And Development Association - Dues Statement For FY 199 7 The council took no action on the statement. Mr. Killen pointed out that Mr. Shimun would not be able to serve on the Ida-Ore Board and requested that a council member be designated. The council by consensus appointed Ms. Atp to that position. Request Of Adiustment Of Utilit~ Account- Lakeview Village- Mr. Henderson gave a report noting that the facts supported the applicants contention that the high water usage was due to broken water lines and did not impact the sewer system. Mr. Martens moved to approve the adjustment of the sewer portion of Lakeview Village to $500. Ms. Atp seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Request Of Adiustment Of Utilitg Account - Dave Holland- Aspen Village Cond Assn Mr. Henderson gave a report noting that utility bills are due at the first of the month and penalties are imposed when the account is 10 days past due. He further pointed out that the check's endorsement showed that it was processed by U.S. Bank on the August 15th which would be consistent with a payment received either late on the 13th or on the 14th. Staff therefore recommended denial of the adjustment. Mr. Killen moved to adopt the recommendation of staff. Ms. Atp seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Planning & Zoning Commission Vacanc}, - Scott Davenport - Council remanded the matter to the Commission to consider additional applicants. Staffwas also directed to notify Mr. Davenport of the action taken. Impact Planning & Zoning Commission Vacancies- Joe Johnson and Barbara Knipe Council referred both these items to the Impact Planning and Zoning Commissions for advertisement and consideration of additional candidates. Consent Calendar Equal Employment Opportunity Commission - Notice Of Discrimination Charge And City Response Letter To Brian Petersen, Contractors Northwest, From Rich Kinder, Toothman Orton, Re Submittal No. 111.02620.1 Hydraulic Structures Testing Procedures Letter To Rich Kinder, Toothman Orton, From Brian Petersen, Contractors Northwest, Regarding Water Treatment Plant Project Letter To Rich Kinder, Toothman Orton, From Brian Petersen, Contractors Northwest, Dated September 30th On Water Treatment Plant Project Letter To Rich Kinder, Toothman Orton, From Brian Petersen, Contractors Northwest, Concerning Cracks In Steel Pipe For Water Treatment Plant Project Letter To Brian Petersen, Contractors Northwest, From Rich Kinder, Toothman Orton, Dated September 27th Regarding Water Treatment Plant Letter To Brian Petersen, Contractors Northwest, From Rich Kinder, Toothman Orton, Re Application For Payment No. 9 Letter To Senator Dirk Kempthorne From Gary Shimun On Safe Drinking Water Act Letter To Brian Petersen, Contractors Northwest, from Rich Kinder, Toothman Orton, Regarding Steel Pipe Mortar Lining Minutes, McCall City Council, Regular Meeting, Thursday, October 10, 1996 Page 4 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. Letter To Gary Shimun From Monte McClure, Transportation Department, Concerning Deinhard - Boydstun Route Memo To Chief Parker From Jim Kangas On Possible Sabotage Of Undercover Car Letter Of Thanks To Chief Parker From Larry Price, McCall-Donnelly High School Letter To Scott McDonald, Association Of Idaho Cities, From Gary Shimun On Appointment Of Bill Killen To Policy And Resolutions Committee Letters To Ted Whiteman And Wayne VanCour From Gary Shimun Concerning Appointment To Cascade Reservoir Coordinating Council Notice Of Public Hearing - Valley county Commissioners Status Report - J Ditch For Cascade Reservoir Coordinating Council Letter To Gary Shimun From Wade Bryant, FAA, On AIP Project Financial Statement Letter To Gary Shimun From Jack Gantz, DEQ, Re Addendum No 1 Facility Plan Report Letter To Mayor From Stewart Whittier Co Concerning Aerial Photo News Article On Post Office Contract Awarded Memo To Mike Combs From Pete O'Neill, SMR, On Changes To 8th Tee Letter To Ted Whiteman From Hal Sager, Mountain Lakes Realty, On Manhole Inspection Report Programs / Projects For Fall/Winter 1996-97 Recreation Department Memo To Gary Shimun From Gloria Cantrell On Library News Chamber Of Commerce -Consensus Building Workshop Chamber Of Commerce - Newsletter West Central Highlands RC & D Minutes Dated September 18, 1996 City Report Edition - October 2, 1996 City Report Edition - September 18, 1996 Idaho City Transactions - April 13, 1911 Action Update Staff Reports Cit~ Clerk/Treasurer a. Mr. Henderson asked for clarification on positions approved in the budget, but not yet analyzed. In these instances, department heads had people they intended to promote into those positions, but no salary range had been determined. Staff.was instructed to separate these from the total compensation plan and bring them forward for consideration immediately. b. Mr. Henderson reported that he was gathering and inventory of surplus property to have an auction in the near future. Cit~ Engineer The council noted a written report. Public Works Director The council noted a written report. Mayor and Council Comments and Reports Mr. Colton Had nothing further to report. Mrs. Arp - Minutes, McCall City Council, Regular Meeting, Thursday, October 10, 1996 Page 5 63. 64. 65. 66. ATTEST: Asked staff to report on the criteria for the 20 mph speed limits. Asked staff to provide a street sweeping schedule as previously requesed. Reminded council that the established policy was to advertise for position vacancies on committees and noted that Max Williamson had been appointed without the position being advertised. d. Reminded staff of the requirement for a snowmobile preliminary plan. e. Asked staff to report on the status of the comprehensive plan. Mr. Eckhardt -Had nothing further to report. Mr. Martens a. Pointed that the paving next to Legacy Park should be done when the paving contractor is in town. b. Suggested that council get updated on all Master Plans. c. Pointed out that the ice rink proposal left lots of questions and that three people had used the time of four department heads. He further pointed out that the list of things to be worked out with the city could be extensive and require significant budget expenditures. Mr. Killen - Stated that he had read the Whitetail P.U.D. Preliminary plan and that it did not seem to contain all the actions and information required in the ordinance. Adjournment Without further business, Mr. Colton moved to adjourn. Mr. Eckhardt seconded and the motion carried unanimously. The council adjourned at 11:50 P.M. Mayor City Clerk Minutes, McCall City Council, Regular Meeting, Thursday, October 10, 1996 Page 6