HomeMy Public PortalAboutCouncil Minutes 1998 04/23CITY OF MC CALL MINUTES Regular Meeting McCall City Council Thursday - April 23, 1998 Table Of Contents Call To Order And Roll Call 3 Public Comment 3 AB 98-46 Cottages At SMR......................................................... 3 Consent Agenda 4 Unfinished Business 4 AB 98-37 Block Grant 4 AB 98-38 Ordinance No. 723 4 AB 98-39 Golf Course Superintendent 5 New Business 5 AB 98-40 Airport Tax Levy 5 AB 98-41 RFP Engineering Services 6 AB 98-42 RFP Attorney Services 6 AB 98-43 RFP Prosecutor Services 6 AB 98-44 Seubert Property 6 JUB Invoice 7 .............................. Consent Order 7 AB 98-45 Riverfest 7 AB 98-47 Land Acquisition.................................................................. 8 Staff Reports 8 Mayor And Council Comments & Reports 9 Adjournment 9 2 MINUTES Call To Order And Roll Call The meeting was called to order by Mayor Kirk Eimers at 7:00 p.m. Mr. Colton, Mr. Eimers, Mr. Muller, and Mr. Venable answered the roll call. Ms. Arp was absent. A quorum was present. Members of the staff present were City Manager Brian Olson and Deputy City Clerk Cherry Woodbury. Public Comment Jackie Fields, City Engineer, commented on AB 98-47 regarding the acquisition of the Seubert property and Professional Services Agreement. She expressed concern that the I & I (inflow & infiltration) aspect may decrease the pond size to a questionable extent. Ms. Fields also commented on AB 98-41 pertaining to Request For Proposal for City engineering services. She emphasized the benefits of having an engineer on staff to administer Federal and State grants, to provide customer service, work on projects, attend Payette Lake Water & Sewer meetings, and supervise Community Development Department staff. She suggested that these features be added to the RFP. She felt that it was more economical to have an engineer in-house and suggested that a comparison be done of a staff engineer vs consultant engineer. Ms. Fields stated that she was resigning effective May 6, 1998. Covey Ruyle, owner in Woodland subdivision, expressed concern about the pit at the corner of Deinhard and Samson Trail. He stated that material had been dumped there and for 2 years there has been mounds of debris, including an above ground tank. He inquired as to whom owned the property. (It has been found out since, that it belongs to the Department of Lands). Mr. Ruyle also inquired about the addition of wording, when children are present" to the 20 MPH signs in the area. Gary Cooper, owner in Fairway Ridge, expressed concern about welfare of Golf Course. He voiced support for Randy McJunkin and wondered why the City was proposing to bring someone in from out of town. AB 98-46 Cottages At Spring Mountain Ranch Bill McMurray requested that this item be brought forward. Andy Locke, P & Z Administrator reported on the amended plat, which would vary from the traditional condominium subdivision by allowing owners to own a lot just slightly 3 larger than the actual structure. Mr. Colton moved to approve the Findings & Conclusions of the P & Z Commission, approving SUB-98-2 amended plat (both preliminary & final plats. Mr. Eimers seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Consent Agenda Minutes Of April 9, 1998 - Regular Meeting Minutes Of April 3, 1998 — Special Meeting Invoice Approval Report Dated April 17, 1998 Payroll Reports Dated April 20, 1998 Payroll Report Dated April 10, 1998 Acknowledge Receipt Of Claim For Damage — Keith Darling Acknowledge Receipt Of Claim For Damage — Wade Wilde Additional invoice item was included — airfare cancellation Mr. Muller commented on the following: - A correction to the April 3rd minutes - Payments to Magnum's, Medley's, Mr. Olson, and Toothman Orton Mr. Colton moved to approve the Consent Agenda subject to the changes noted. Mr. Muller seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Unfinished Business AB 98-37 Community Development Block Grant Jackie Fields, City Engineer, reported on Resolution No. 5-98 relating to the Community Development Block Grant. Ms. Fields explained that the resolution constitutes the "blight" area for economic development in the Downtown District. Mr. Colton moved to approve the resolution (no. 5-98) attached to AB 98-37. Mr. Eimers seconded and the motion carried unanimously. AB 98-38 Ordinance No. 723 Respecting Sidewalks Chief Carla Donica pointed out that the revised ordinance has enlarged the area to which it will pertain. There was some discussion on ownership and maintenance of the sidewalks. Comments from Ms. Arp were read by Mr. Colton. It was requested that Chief Donica contact business owners in areas needing repair and work with them to correct unsafe conditions. Mr. Colton moved to suspend the rules and read by title only ordinance (no. 723) attached to AB 98-38. Mr. Eimers seconded. At a roll call vote Mr. Colton, Mr. Eimers, 4 Mr. Venable, and Mr. Muller voted "aye". The motion carried. It was suggested that the second and third reading take place after Chief Donica has met with the business owners. AB 98-39 Golf Course Superintendent Appointment Brian Olson presented the recommendation of the selection committee. He noted that Dan Pittard, candidate of choice, had vast experience — dating back to 1978. Jeff Goodman, Golf Course Advisory Committee, commented on the success stories (and pictures) Mr. Pittard presented. Scott Davenport questioned if Mr. Pittard understood that he would also be in charge of parks. It was stated that Mr. Pittard was aware of that and the budget constraints. Mr. Venable noted the improvements to the various golf courses managed by Mr. Pittard. He felt the City would be well satisfied with Mr. Pittard and superintendent. Jim Staup inquired as to how the salary would be derived — would some of it be allocated from the recreation fund since the golf course fund is an enterprise fund. Mr. Colton commented that salary had been previously discussed in connection to putting the parks under the Recreation Department. He recalled that a dollar figure had been mentioned ($6000). Mr. Eimers moved to approve the recommendation and make the offer of employment as proposed to Mr. Pittard. Mr. Venable seconded and the motion carried unanimously. New Business AB 98-40 Airport Taut Levy Mike Anderson, Airport Advisory Committee, reported on the proposed ground lease increase from the current $.125 per foot to $.185 per foot. He stated that it would not apply to existing contracts. Contracts generally are renewed in 5 year intervals, Mr. Anderson felt that the number of leases will double in the next 3 — 5 years. He also discussed the fuel flow charges. Mr. Anderson stated that in the next update of the Airport Master Plan economic development would be a goal. Under the Capital Improvement Program, the first five years have core projects. The City would be responsible for 5% match of FAA funds to undertake these projects. This percentage match would be about $50,000 which could be obtained via the County Tax Levy. The proposal is to change the mil rate from .000016383 to .000005555 which on a 5 $100,000 house (after allowed exemption) would mean a yearly tax increase of about $3.92. Mr. Olson supported the levy on the basis that the City would be able to receive a large amount of Federal and State funding for a small investment match. For every $1.00 received, the City would only be responsible for $.05. Mr. Olson commented that as the airport expanded, it would help diversify the economy and create jobs. Mr. Eimers was concerned that it would be viewed as "another increase" to the citizens. There was discussion on how the levy revenue would be divided among the three airport locations - Cascade, Donnelly and McCall. Mr. Colton moved to support the Airport Advisory Committee's request to the County to adjust the airport levy. Mr. Muller seconded and the motion carried unanimously. AB 98-41 Request For Proposal — Engineering Services Mr. Olson reported on the RFP. Mr. Muller requested that the additions mentioned previous by Ms. Fields be added and that the deadline be extended to the first of June. Mr. Eimers stated that the City needed to ensure that there is no conflict of interest if the engineering firm is working for their clients and the City. Mr. Colton commented that there is the option after receiving bids, that none are accepted and the City then hires an in-house engineer. Mr. Colton requested that the bids received be compared against what the cost has been with an in-house engineer. Mr. Muller moved to approve the Request For Proposal with additions. Mr. Colton seconded and the motion carried unanimously. AB 98-42 Request For Proposal — City Attorney Services Mr. Olson reported on the RFP for attorney services. Mr. Muller requested that the deadline be extended to the first of June. Mr. Colton moved to approve the Request For Proposal with additions. Mr. Venable seconded and the motion carried unanimously. AB 98-43 Request For Proposal — City Prosecutor Services Mr. Olson reported on the RFP for prosecutor services. Again, the deadline was to be first of June. Different review, evaluation, and selection processes were discussed. Mr. Colton moved to approve the Request For Proposal with additions. Mr. Muller seconded and the motion carried unanimously. AB 98-44 Purchase Sale Agreement — Seubert Property Mr. Olson reported on the progress of concluding the agreement. He noted several issues that still needed to be worked out and should be conditions of sale. One major issue that the BOR also recommended be done was a hazardous material evaluation. 6 Mr. Colton moved to proceed with contract and authorize the mayor to sign subject to contingencies. Mr. Muller seconded. At a roll call vote Mr. Colton, Mr. Muller, Mr. Eimers and Mr. Venable voted "aye". Motion carried. Additional Item JUB Invoice No. 981675 Mr. Colton moved to approve the invoice from JUB in the amount of $153,341.00 for various aspects of the J Ditch Project. Mr. Eimers seconded and the motion carried unanimously. It was stated that a copy should be sent to DEQ for approval and payment was to come out DEQ or BOR grant funds. A meeting is scheduled with JUB next week. Mr. Eimers requested that the pros and cons of design build contract style be compiled. Mr. Muller commented that there was still an outstanding bill to George Bezates for the sand filter project. Ms. Fields had received the bill and it was the retainage amount. Processing of the bill will be forthcoming. Additional Item Consent Order Mr. Olson pointed out additional wording pertaining to grant or gift funding (page 6) and a deadline extension to July 1, 1998 (page3). Mr. Muller moved to approve the Consent Order as amended and authorize the mayor to sign. Mr. Colton seconded. At a roll call vote, Mr. Muller, Mr. Colton, Mr. Eimers, and Mr. Venable voted "aye". Motion carried. AB 98-45 Riverfest Boat Races Gerry Anthony presented some history of the races. He stated that this would be an important event. Permission for overnight camping had been requested because vendors would have displays and booths. The goal was to make it a community atmosphere event. There was discussion about hanging banners and forming an internal group to maintain security. Scott Davenport commented that there were specific poles in town from which to hang banners. It was suggested that Mr. Anthony contact the Chamber of Commerce and work with them on banners, displays, booths, and hawker permit fees (such as during winter carnival). Mr. Anthony was also instructed to contact the fire chief to be advised of any fire or EMT issues. Police Chief Donica felt that there would not be the need for extra staff as long as participants remained in the park and off the roadways. There may be an issue with parking. Mr. Anthony also stated that insurance coverage was already being drafted. Mr. Anthony was working with the McCall Brewing to provide a food and beer booth. Mr. Eimers inquired why the committee had not approved the overnight camping. Mr. Peckham, Recreation Director, stated that there was an ordinance disallowing it. 7 Discussion followed on altematives that could be considered to allow overnight camping. Mr. Colton moved to approve the application contingent upon event organizers working with the required parties to make it successful with the least amount of deviations from regulations. Mr. Muller seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. AB 98-47 Land Acquisition Mr. Olson gave a report on the status of the land acquisition. He noted a hazardous materials evaluation had not been done. The proposed Professional Services Agreement would allow for work that had not been done and needed to close the sale. Mr. Eimers inquired as to the cost involved. Mr. Olson stated that there could be a $10,000 cap established and that the work could be done within a week. Mr. Eimers felt that in the future when more time allowed, bids should be submitted for such services. Mr, Muller moved to approve the contract for the Seubert site only and only for work . that had not been done. Mr. Eimers seconded. At a roll call vote Mr. Muller, Mr. Eimers, Mr. Colton, and Mr. Venable voted "aye". The motion carried. Mr. Colton moved for a 10 minute recess. Mr. Eimers seconded and motion carried. Meeting reconvened at 9:50 PM. Staff Reports City Manager Mr. Olson stated that Balukoff Lindstrom & Co was going to have a member of the firm assist the City with financial matters in the interim. Mr. Olson stated that Mike Moore, Moore & McFadden, would be available to come up the first Council meeting in May. Mr. Colton supported requesting assistance from Mike Moore and felt it would be good to have legal advisor on pending issues such as the Consent Order, Montgomery Watson case, etc. He noted that there were funds in the budget already for legal costs. Mr. Colton requested that a status report be compiled to keep track of major issues and projects. Chief Of Police Chief Donica stated that a letter would be sent out to business sidewalk issue. She reported that a town meeting was being organized for the promote a policing philosophy of good will She reported on the drug task force events 8 owners on the end of May to Deputy City Clerk - Ms. Woodbury reported on the initiation of a beautification effort for the airport. Mr. Colton suggested contacting the Alternative School for student assistance in clean up. Mayor And Council Comments And Reports Mr. Muller inquired on the status of the issue on schooling fees and Monica Trapp. Mr. Colton recalled the past Council agreed to pay some tuition. Mr. Olson pointed out that the current classes being taken do not relate to the job description. He felt Ms. Trapp had been given bad advice. Mr. Muller commented that the Golf Course Advisory Committee was considering putting in a well to provide irrigation to the course. Gravity feed to the ponds was under consideration. After more investigation, the committee will come to the Council with a recommendation. Mr. Colton inquired as to the status of the 5 Year Street Maintenance Plan that Bill Keating had compiled. Ms. Fields commented that the plan was still in effect, but some projects were moved into next year's budget. Mr. Colton commented on the Deinhard connector and that the acquisition of the Seubert property would be beneficial to this project. Mr. Venable had no further comments. Mr. Eimers reported on the BSU Environment Finance Center seminar. He stated that the City would not be able to get grant funding for past expenses and projects. He stated that for future projects, 60% funding could be obtained, but that would still leave the City obligated for 40% of the cost. Several agencies recommended the Value Engineering process and had funding available for that process. Mr. Muller commented that a possibility might exist to pay off existing debt if a Local Option Tax were to be passed. He cited an example where the base water rate could be reduced if revenue was available from the tax. Adjournment Without further business, Mr. Colton moved to adjourn. Mr. Muller seconded and the motion carried unanimously. The Council adjourned at 10:25 PM. 9 ATTEST: Kirk Eimers, Mayor Cherry WoodbDeputy City Cier