HomeMy Public PortalAboutCouncil Minutes 1999 08/12CITY OF MC CALL MINUTES Regular Meeting City of McCall Thursday - August 12 , 1999 Table Of Contents Call To Order And Roll Call 2 Public Comment 2 2 Public Hearing — Quaker Hill 2 3 AB 99-74 CUP 99-3 House B & B................................................... 5 AB 99-75 VAR 99-1 John Carey........................................................... 5 AB 99-72 Golf Course Equipment.......................................................... 6 AB 99-73 Airport Hanger Leases-Seevers & Weilmunster .......................... 6 AB 99-69 Minimum Standards.............................................................. 6 AB 99-55 John Wolf Self Fueling......................................................... 7 AB 99-62 Budget 1999-2000................................................................ 8 Adjournment 10 Minutes August 12.doc Page 1 of 10 MINUTES ICall To Order The regular meeting of the McCall City Council was called to order by Mayor Eimers at 7:00 p.m. Ms. Arp, Mr. Colton, Mr. Eimers, Mr. Muller and Mr. Venable answered roll call. A quorum was present. Members of the staff present were City Manager Bill Robertson, City Attorney Dave Bieter, and City Clerk Cherry Woodbury. Public Comment A citizen resident at the senior housing expressed concern about the maintenance of Floyd Street. He stated that the condition of the road and lack of sidewalks made it a safety issue for the elderly to walk in that area. IConsent Agenda Additional items added to the Consent Agenda were Bev's Beer and Wine license application and Lardo's Catering Permit request. Pulled from the Consent Agenda were AB 99-74 and AB 99-75. Minutes Of Aug 3, 1999 — Special Meeting Minutes Of July 22, 1999 — Regular Meeting Invoice Approval List Dated August, 1999 Payroll Report Date July 30, 1999 Payroll Report Date July 16, 1999 Resolution No. 6-99 Proclaiming General Election Ms. Arp moved to approve the Consent Agenda with the addition of the two items. Mr. Colton seconded and the motion carried unanimously. IPublic Hearing AB 98-137 Quaker Hill Mr. Robertson presented background information and a summary of the Findings and Conclusions on the expansion project and Master Plan. He reported that the Commissions supported the Master Plan with conditions. Minutes August 12.doc Page 2 of 10 Ellen Morse spoke in support of the Master Plan. She reported she had 15 years of experience with camps and spoke on the awareness of safety issues when dealing with children. She had been a counselor at the camp for years and had not encountered issues with the parking of the buses, excessive noise, etc. John Fitzgerald, an attorney representing Quaker Hill, spoke on the prior actions that had occurred. He noted that when the expansion was first proposed, the directive was that a Master Plan was needed before a final decision could be made. Mr. Fitzgerald presented background history on this item, summarizing the various meetings where this item was presented. He briefly reviewed the current Master Plan document submitted to Council. He noted that the goal of the camp was to improve the use of the facilities and make it conducive to the surrounding residences. He addressed various portions of the Findings and Conclusions. He commented that a Master Plan was first submitted back in 1991 but it was never finalized and approved. He noted that a CUP had also been previously approved for the camp. He reported that in the current Master Plan submitted the parking issue was addressed. The parking area would be more than adequate since the primary transportation would be busing of people attending the functions at the camp. Mr. Fitzgerald spoke on the noise issue. He felt the restrictions should not be more stringent than those imposed at public parks, etc. He recommended a change to the proposed restricted quiet time. He felt there was no basis to impose docking restrictions and this condition should be eliminated. On the issue of no family reunions after 1999, he stated Quaker Hill had made that decision and felt there was no basis in law to make this a condition. Mr. Fitzgerald spoke on the requirement of Quaker Hill to pay for the infrastructure improvements. He felt a "later comer clause should be added to address future development in the area. He did not feel that Quaker Hill should be responsible for mitigation. He spoke on the neighborhood meetings where noise at the Lakeshore property was addressed. The proposal was to only accommodate 60 individuals in that area at one time. There would be some exceptions to this regulation such as for a special water event. Mr. Fitzgerald noted that Quaker Hill had been there since the 1930s and that the surrounding area had built up knowing of the camp's existence. He presented Council with Master Plans for Ida Haven and Pinewood. Minutes August 12.doc Page 3 of 10 Mr. Eimers and Mr. Muller would like to have documentation on the objections to the Conditions that Mr. Fitzgerald mentioned. Brad Holton (on the Board of Directors for Quaker Hill) commented that this issue all started with a request for a building permit. He reported 7 meetings had taken place on this issue. He noted that in the Conclusions there was no mention of the written support for the project. He stated since 1995 two other camps had submitted Master Plans and were approved. Other camps had requested building permits and were approved. He commented that Quaker Hill was willing to work to accomplish this project and had spent about $22,000 thus far to meet requirements. He stated out of 110 notices sent to surrounding residences there were probably 5 neighbors who opposed the project. He noted that there was only about two months of the year that the lakeshore property could be utilized. He felt P & Z had been inept at addressing this issue fairly. Mr. Holton stated Quaker Hill was willing to compromise but was asking for fair treatment. Don Forsyth stated he had been associated with Quaker Hill for some 25 years and was in support of the project. He read into the record his comments. Mike Lenzi commented that the acreage presented by Quaker Hill was overstated. He opposed the expansion based on the noise issue. He felt with the expansion there would be even more noise. He would like to see some of the Conditions recommended by P & Z upheld such as the landscaping improvements. He felt the loading and unloading of buses should be in a designated area only and not on Warren Wagon Road for safety reasons. Mr. Lenzi felt the hours of usage at the lakeshore property should be restricted with no usage after 5:00 p.m. and the number limited to 35 people at one time in that area. Morene Jensen stated she couldn't believe Mr. Lenzi had gotten up and spoke in opposition. She stated there was no such thing as a problem if there was a solution. She felt private lake frontage should be opened up to the kids and the experience of attending camp was worthwhile to the kids. Julie Eddins commented that every Commission member supported Quaker Hill but were tasked to review the Master Plan to meet the criteria requirements of a CUP. She stated if Council eliminated the Conditions there would be no recommendation in effect from the P & Z Commission. Peggy Clemmer was supportive of Quaker Hill. She had attended programs at Quaker Hill and commended the camp's leadership. She stated the camp should be given fair treatment. Ms. Clemmer felt one individual had and was creating unfounded negativism. Roger Folwell, Director of Quaker Hill, voiced concern that material presented such as the Master Plan had not even been read by members of the Commission. Minutes August 12.doc Page 4 of 10 Mr. Fitzgerald clarified the 2 acres that were disputed by Mr. Lindsay. He responded that Quaker Hill did not agree on restricting family reunions as a Condition. He again stressed that Quaker Hill could impose that restriction but there was no legal basis to making it a Condition. Mr. Colton stated that the negative comments directed at Council were uncalled for. Mr. Muller commented Council would listen to the Commission but it was not in anyone's best interest to throw dirt around. Mr. Eimers commented that Council was in support of the camp. Ms. Arp inquired about parking spaces and location. Approximately 100 - 110 parking spaces would be required based on number of occupants and these were already available. Mr. Bieter commented there were City restrictions covering the use of lake and hours. He wanted to research further the issue of docking restrictions. Mr. Lindsay is to provide a plat map so the lakeshore property size can be determined. Mr. Fitzgerald noted in the Master Plan there was a plat of property. Mr. Eimers inquired about restricting the lakeshore hours of use and could imposed hours be different than at a City park. Mr. Bieter noted that by authority of Code Council could be more restrictive for certain uses. Council agreed further written comments would be accepted over the next two weeks. This item is to be on the August 26th Council meeting agenda. Business AB 99-74 CUP 99-3 1920 House B & B Bill Robertson reviewed the information on the amendment to the CUP. There were no letters of record supporting or opposing the amended CUP. Ms. Arp moved to adopt the Findings and Conclusions of the P & Z Commission. Mr. Muller seconded and the motion carried unanimously. AB 99-75 VAR 99-1 John Carey Bill Robertson reviewed the application for a variance at 1007 N. 3rd Street to reduce the setback to 0 feet. He noted that the proposal would include a covered sidewalk and the variance would ensure no obstruction in the right of way. He reported there was no opposition to this variance. Mr. Muller inquired if this would effect parking in that area. Mr. Robertson stated it would as there was temporary parking and this would now be moved to the back area of the hotel. Mr. Eimers moved to adopt the Findings and Conclusions of the P & Z Commission. Mr. Colton seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Minutes August 12.doc Page 5 of 10 AB 99-72 Golf Course Equipment Bill Robertson noted this was an item already in this year's and next year's budget. Mr. Pillard reported the use of the equipment this season would help the course get through the winter and in better condition for the next golf season. Mr. Pillard stated there was a 2 year guarantee and the City would not be locked into the equipment if it was not successful. No action was needed on this agenda item. AB 99-73 Airport Hanger Leases — Seevers and Weilmunster Geoff Rowe noted that AB 99-76 would not be reviewed at this time. He discussed the requests for personal hanger leases by John Seevers and Don Weilmunster. He noted the location of the hangers. In ground holding tanks could be approved for personal hangers but not FBO. Mr. Rowe will encourage the new owners to obtain sewer hookup permits. The Airport Advisory Committee had reviewed the requests and approved them. Mr. Rowe reported these leases would increase revenue to the Airport by $9,000 the first year. He stated the City was still under acting under Resolution 10-90 so these would be 20 year leases. Mr. Colton moved to approve the leases for Mr. Seevers and Mr. Weilmunster. Mr. Eimers seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Ms. Arp requested that the Minimum Standards have page numbers and the gender as neutral. AB 99-69 Minimum Standards Geoff Rowe reported that the FAA had reviewed the new Minimum Standards and the FAA had requested some minor changes. Mr. Rowe commented on the discriminatory language regarding the fueling section of the standards and how this was revised to meet the FAA recommendation. He spoke on the Agency's position on exclusive rights and under what condition someone or some activity could be excluded at the Airport. Being a public airport and accepting Federal funding, McCall must make sure not to violate the non-exclusive rights provision and permit discrimination. Mr. Rowe commented on the accounting of fuel flowage and ways to improve that process. He reported that McCall Air Taxi would be providing documentation monthly on the fuel flowage. Ms. Arp requested that the pages of the Minimum Standards be numbered. It was decided that a quarterly accounting of the fuel flowage would adequate. Pat Dorris spoke on the flowage fees and the seasonal fluctuation of the fueling business. He felt that any fuel sold at the Airport should be under a branded dealer for quality control. Minutes August 12.doc Page 6 of 10 Mr. Rowe noted the Committee had heard the request pertaining to branded fuel but did not want that incorporated into the standards. Thus, leaving the choice up to the customer. Mr. Muller inquired about some of the verbiage regarding restrooms. After comments from Council members and some small changes, Mr. Bieter recommended the standards be put in resolution format to eliminate any confusion. Ms. Arp moved to approve the Minimum Standards in resolution form with the amendments as discussed. Mr. Colton seconded and the motion carried unanimously. AB 99-55 John Wolf Self Fueling Geoff Rowe reported the Committee was still recommending site #2 for the fueling operation. Mr. Rowe commented that an economic analysis could not be used to exclude someone / business from the Airport. A check list could be used to see if an applicant meets the requirements under the Minimum Standards. Mr. Muller inquired if the self fueling operation eliminated the FBO what that would mean to service at the airport. Mr. Rowe commented that someone would have to be hired to provide services currently available. Lori MacNichol on behalf of the Committee presented the recommendation to approve Mr. Wolfs self fueling operation. She stated the request complies with the Minimum Standards. Discussion followed on compliance with restroom requirements. Mr. Rowe commented that before anything was built a form had to be submitted to FAA for compliance. Ms. Arp stated this should be looked at as any downtown business and approved if it meets the standards. She suggested a bond could be required in case the business fails. Mr. Bieter suggested that could be incorporate into the lease agreement. It was noted since the fuel tank would be in the ground and comply for hazardous materials, it would actually be an asset if the City had to take it over. Mike Dorris spoke on what this would do to his business. He felt it would put 25 people out of work. He commented that the economics was just not there for two fueling operations. He spoke on the agreement between McCall Air Taxi and Pioneer Air. He felt the only economical way for McCall Air Taxi to stay in business was to request that Mr. Wolf provide full service. John Wolf spoke on his business plans and felt most of customers would not be locals but from the surrounding areas. He also stated that his business could not take care of the Forest Service needs. Pat Dorris stated the City of Council had a card lock operation and no FBO and this did not bring in more business for that airport. Minutes August 12.doc Page 7of10 Mr. Wolf felt more business would be generated due to the cost savings offered to the pilots. He estimated the volume would be 100,000 gallons per month. He stated he would not be undertaking the business without the estimated volume. Ms. Arp felt the service should be offered to the public and let them decide. Mr. Rowe spoke on why having more than one fueling operation works at some airports and not others. Mr. Muller felt competition should not be limited. Mr. Colton inquired about how many planes must be serviced to provide the estimated revenue. Mr. Wolf stated he would be supportive of hooking up to the sewer when that becomes available. Mr. Bieter wanted to make sure that Council was aware of the option that the City could take the fueling business over and then go out for competitive bid. Mike Dorris commented on the cost of the infrastructure that was paid by McCall Air Taxi. He felt Mr. Wolf should also pay for towards the infrastructure even though the present sewer hookup location would be a long run. Mr. Eimers moved to approve Mr. Wolfs request as recommended by the Airport Advisory Committee. Ms. Arp seconded. At a roll call vote Mr. Eimers, Ms. Arp, Mr. Venable, and Mr. Colton voted "aye". Mr. Muller voted "nay". The motion carried. Mr. Muller inquired when the lease would come before the Council. Mr. Rowe anticipated it would be the next meeting. AB 99-62 1999-2000 Budget Ashley Royal reviewed the effect on the budget of removing the 3% tax increase revenue from the various funds. He reviewed the line item reductions in the funds. Ms. Arp inquired if items were eliminated what would be the long range plan to incorporate them later. Lengthy discussion followed on the changes from the previous budget proposed figures. The fund balances spread sheet figures were then reviewed with emphasis on repayment of the reserves and restricted funds. The cash flow analysis sheet was presented and discussed. Mr. Robertson discussed the potential rate increase in sewer by $6.00 per month. This increase would bring the fund to a positive cash flow. A public hearing would be required on the rate increase. Minutes August 12.doc Page 8 of 10 Mr. Robertson reported per Golf Course information received, it appeared that revenue and rounds played were ahead of last year. Council discussed the pro and cons of whether to add the 3% tax increase. Mr. Royal felt the legislative intention of the 3% was to allow for inflation. Mr. Eimers moved not to take the 3% tax increase this year. Mr. Venable seconded. At a roll call vote Mr. Eimers, Mr. Venable, and Mr. Muller voted "aye". Ms. Arp and Mr. Colton voted "nay". The motion carried. The budget will not reflect the 3% increase. Mr. Eimers moved to adopt the expenditure side of the tentative budget. Ms. Arp seconded. At a roll call vote Mr. Eimers, Ms. Arp, Mr. Venable, Mr. Muller voted "aye". Mr. Colton voted "nay'. The motion carried. Mr. Eimers moved to set a public hearing for the August 26th Council meeting on the proposed budget and consider the adoption of the current year, budget amendment and ensuing year budget. Mr. Colton seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Reports o Staff City Manger - Reported on the hiring of the new planner, Lindley Kirkpatrick - Commented on his June activity report sent to Council City Treasurer - Noted the warrant register handed out and requested approval for travel expenses for the new planner Mr. Eimers moved to approve payment of the $885.44 for these travel expenses. Mr. Colton seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Attomey - Reported on the judge's decision denying the Williamson request for deannexation City Clerk - Nothing Minutes August 12.doc Page 9 of 10 Council Ms. Arp - Inquire about letter from RH2 and if staff was in agreement with expense items in letter - Commented on expenses incurred by Council and staff during suit with JUB Mr. Colton - Requested that all meeting dates and times be E Mail Bill Robertson and Cherry Woodbury to compile report format Mr. Muller - Nothing further Mr. Venable - Nothing Further Mr. Eimers - Nothing Further Executive Session o Ms. Arp moved to go into Executive Session per Idaho Code 67-2345(f) to consider pending litigation. Mr. Colton seconded. At a roll call vote Ms. Arp, Mr. Colton, Mr. Venable, Mr. Eimers and Mr. Muller voted "aye". The motion carried. Mr. Eimers moved to come out of Executive Session. Mr. Muller seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Discussion during Executive Session pertained to sewer and water and pending litigation. Adjournment i Without further business, Mr. Colton moved to adjourn at 2:00 a.m. Mr. Eimers seconded and the motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Cherry Woodbury, City Clerk Kirk Eimers, Mayor Minutes August 12.doc Page 10 of 10