HomeMy Public PortalAboutCouncil Minutes 2000 09/28MINUTES McCall City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, September 28, 2000 Table of Contents Call To Order and Roll Call Public Hearing Public Comment Consent Agenda Business Reports Executive Session Adjournment Page 1 of 10 September 28, 2000 City Council Minutes CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Muller called the regular meeting of the McCall City Council to order at 7:OOpm. Ms. Arp, Mr. Muller, Mr. Colton, Mr. Eimers, and Mr. Venable answered roll call. A quorum was present. City staff members present were Attorney Dave Bieter, City Manager Robert Strope and City Clerk Cathleen Koch. AB 00-108 Update from Matt Uranga on the J-Ditch Project was moved to the beginning of the business items. AB 00-109 Local Option Tax was added to the agenda. PUBLIC HEARING AB 00-80 Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Budget Amendment — Ordinance No. 744 Ms. Koch presented Ordinance No. 744 to amend Ordinance No. 733 for fiscal year 2000. She explained that the City had received additional funds to appropriate to the general fund. Ms. Arp asked why the total appropriations had gone down. Ms. Koch explained that Resolution 00-16 adopted August 5 h had reduced the total appropriations. Mr. Muller moved to suspend the rules and read by title only, one time only Ordinance No. 744. Mr. Eimers seconded the motion. At a roll call vote, Mr. Venable, Mr. Eimers, Mr. Colton, Mr. Muller and Ms. Arp voted aye. Mr. Muller moved to adopt Ordinance No. 744 and authorize the Mayor to sign. Mr. Eimers seconded the motion. At a roll call vote, Mr. Venable, Mr. Eimers, Mr. Colton, Mr. Muller and Ms. Arp voted aye. AB 00-97 was moved to the Public Hearing section with AB 00-96. AB 00-96 & AB 00-97 Ordinance No. 745 Recreation Fees & Temporary City Advisory Committees/Resolution 00-18 Fees for Recreation Department Services Mayor Muller presented Mr. Peckham with a plaque. Mr. Peckham explained that he would like the Parks and Recreation Committees to be separated. The majority of the time parks are discussed at the meetings. The Recreation Department needs a committee to discuss programs. Mr. Peckham explained that the recreation card is based upon property taxes to create a level playing field for those people living in or out of the City limits. Page 2 of 10 September 28, 2000 City Council Minutes Tomi Grote does not think the committees should be split into two separate committees. She said Council needs to reexamine the way agendas are set for the committees. They do not have time to oversee the committees they already have in place. Ms. Grote urged Council to take a second look at the ordinance and resolution. Ms. Grote was concerned with the cost of administering the Recreation Card. Mr. Strope said there was virtually no cost to administering the card. The $35 fee is based on a $100,000 assessed value of a home. Mr. Strope will be evaluating the revenue for gymnastics quarterly. Ms. Grote urged Council to remand the decision to the Parks and Recreation Committee. Lance Rogers urged the Council Members not to make the Recreation Program cost prohibitive where people can't afford it. Mr. Muller said the City might need to look into a Recreation District. Mr. Peckham pointed out that it was a good idea because Cascade does not have a Recreation Department anymore. Council discussed whether fees were high enough for non-residents. Mr. Peckham checked into the resident versus non-resident fees with other cities. Most non-resident fees start at 30 percent. Mr. Strope said the previous Parks and Recreation Committee took 4 years to review fees and never made a decision. If Council does not make a decision, the City must revert back to adopted fees. When the City considered not offering the Recreation Card, people walked out because they cannot afford the increased fees. Ms. Arp asked if the current committee was fully staffed. Mr. Peckham said there are 5 people on the committee, but they have a hard time getting together for meetings. Ms. Arp would like to try splitting the committees to see how it works. Council discussed their concerns about filling 2 committees when they already have problems filling 1 committee. Mr. Peckham mentioned that the median income in Valley County is $18,000. He struggles with seeing kids eliminated because they can't afford the program. Mr. Peckham also stated that there are some scholarships to award. Ms. Arp moved to suspend the rules, read by title only, one time only Ordinance No. 745. Mr. Muller seconded the motion. At a roll call vote, Mr. Muller, Ms. Arp, Mr. Colton and Mr. Eimers voted aye. Mr. Venable voted nay. The motion carried. Ms. Arp moved to adopt Ordinance No. 745 and authorize the Mayor to sign. Mr. Muller seconded the motion. At a roll call vote, Mr. Muller, Ms. Arp, Mr. Colton and Mr. Eimers voted aye. Mr. Venable voted nay. The motion carried. Page 3 of 10 September 28, 2000 City Council Minutes Ms. Arp moved to adopt Resolution 00-18 for Recreation Fees, with the proviso that the Recreation Advisory Committee be charged to look at all recreational fee structures and come back by the end of March with a recommendation, and authorize the Mayor to sign. Mr. Muller seconded the motion. At a roll call vote, Ms. Arp and Mr. Muller voted aye. Mr. Venable, Mr. Eimers and Mr. Colton voted nay. The motion failed. Mr. Eimers moved to adopt Resolution 00-18, but change non-resident fees to 30% and a $50 Recreation Card. The motion did not receive a second. Mr. Eimers moved to reconsider. Ms. Arp seconded the motion. At a roll call vote, Mr. Muller, Mr. Eimers and Ms. Arp voted aye. Mr. Colton and Mr. Venable voted nay. The motion carried. Mr. Eimers moved to adopt Resolution 00-18 for Recreation Fees, with the proviso that the Recreation Advisory Committee be charged to look at all recreational fee structures and come back by the end of March with a recommendation, and authorize the Mayor to sign. Mr. Muller seconded the motion. At a roll call vote, Ms. Arp, Mr. Eimers and Mr. Muller voted aye. Mr. Venable and Mr. Colton voted nay. The motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENT Jean Odmark, resident, passed out visuals for CUP-00-3. She would like to protect the residential look of properties in the area. Ms. Odmark would like the sign to be attached to the building so the neighborhood can retain a residential appearance. Mr. Killen, representing Shane Newton, said that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended something consistent with the sign ordinance. CONSENT AGENDA The following items were listed on the consent agenda: • Minutes of August 21, 2000 Meeting • Invoice Approval List Dated September 25, 2000 • Payroll Report for Pay Period Ending September 15, 2000 Mr. Eimers stated that legal fees must be reduced. Mr. Muller moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Mr. Colton seconded the motion. All Council Members voted aye. The motion carried. Page 4 of 10 September 28, 2000 City Council Minutes BUSINESS AB 00-108 Update from Matt Uranga of J-U-B Engineers on the J- Ditch Project Mr. Uranga said the people installing the liners would begin the following Monday. A night crew has begun operations so construction will continue 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Mr. Uranga tried contacting property owners before starting night operations. They have only had 1 complaint. Residents have been cooperative and patient. A schedule was received from St. Clair Contractors. Mr. Strope has to review the schedule. AB 00-98 Police Department Letters of Commendation Mr. Wolf stated that the most rewarding thing is to award staff. He commended the entire police department for policing the City. All officers have outstanding performance above and beyond the call of duty. Mr. Rogers was awarded a letter of commendation for completing the Drug Interdiction Grant and patrolling with the County. Mr. Hazel, Mr. Kangas, Ms. Fredricks, and Mr. Koch received letters of commendation for the Presidential visit. Mr. Hazel also received a certificate for completion of basic training. Mr. Moore was awarded a letter of commendation for implementing the "Zone Philosophy' by using bicycle patrol and citizen contact. Mr. Donica received a letter of commendation for completing the Highway Safety Grant to reduce motor vehicle fatalities. Mr. Summers was given a letter of commendation for completing the Juvenile Justice Grant to address juvenile delinquent problems. Mr. Muller stated that the Police Chief needs a commendation for successfully passing the POST challenge test. AB 00-109 Local Option Tax Recommendation Donna Glenn, chairperson, said the committee recommends a 2% hotel/motel tax and a 1% sales tax. Exemptions were considered, but there will not be any at this time. Businesses delivering within the City will have to pay the 1% sales tax (point of delivery). The first $300,000 of revenue is committed to specific areas. Anything above and beyond the $300,000 will be budgeted. Page 5 of 10 September 28, 2000 City Council Minutes Mr. Eimers moved to approve the Local Option Tax Committee's recommendation to include a Local Option Tax on the ballot for the November election and directed staff to prepare a resolution. Mr. Colton seconded the motion. Mr. Venable, Mr. Muller, Mr. Eimers and Mr. Colton voted aye. Ms. Arp voted nay. The motion carried. AB 00-99 CUP-00-3 to Operate a Medical Clinic at 143 East Lake Street Mr. Kirkpatrick presented the conditional use permit to operate a medical clinic at 143 East Lake Street. The CUP runs with the land, but only another dental clinic could locate there. At the first hearing, there was no verbal opposition to the sign. Written comments were received raising an objection to the sign. The Planning and Zoning Commission discussed the sign very little. No additional public hearing was required. Mr. Bieter pointed out that MCC 3-32-060 says Council may act when no hearing is required. Conditions can be added the approval or Council can remand the CUP back to P&Z. Mr. Colton moved to adopt the Commission's Finds and Conclusions as the Councils own and approve CUP-00-3. Mr. Muller seconded the motion. At a roll call vote, Mr. Muller, Mr. Eimers, Mr. Colton, Mr. Venable and Ms. Arp voted aye. The motion carried. AB 00-100 Standards for Banners, Flags and Other Street or Holiday Decorations Mr. Kirkpatrick explained that the resolution presented would give the City Planner the authority to approve seasonal/holiday banners. The Planning and Zoning Commission, McCall Improvement Committee Co -Chair, and Chair of the Chamber of Commerce Sign Committee have all reviewed and approved the standards. Mr. Kirkpatrick and Mr. Wolf have been tasked with enforcing the sign ordinance. Mr. Eimers moved to adopt Resolution 00-20 and authorize the Mayor to sign. Mr. Muller seconded the motion. At a roll call vote, Mr. Eimers, Mr. Muller, Mr. Venable, Mr. Colton and Ms. Arp voted aye. The motion carried. AB 00-101 Authorization to Submit Application for EPA 319 Funds Mr. Kirkpatrick explained that the grant application is for drainage improvements in Basin 13. Funds will be available for the match portions in fiscal year 2002. The work will complement the South Corridor Project. The project will also allow the City to work on the sewer problem that needs to be fixed. Mr. Eimers said the City does not need to spend money to clean up pollution not created by the citizens. Mr. Kirkpatrick pointed out that the City would have to fix the drainage problems either way. Page 6 of 10 September 28, 2000 City Council Minutes Ms. Arp moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the application and submit for funding for EPA 319 funds. Mr. Colton seconded the motion. At a roll call vote, Mr. Venable, Ms. Arp and Mr. Colton voted aye. Mr. Muller and Mr. Eimers voted nay. The motion carried. AB 00-102 Ordinance No. 747 Group Events Permit & AB 00-103 Resolution No. 00-19 for Group Event Fees Ms. Koch presented a draft of the ordinance for group events. She explained that events would need 5 or more hawkers to qualify. The permit allows for exceptions for groups operating under the local school district, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. Council suggested sending the ordinance and resolution to event organizers and the Chamber of Commerce for comments. AB 00-104 Ordinance No. 746 Utility Services Deposit Ms. Koch explained that Ordinance No. 746 was a revision. The change will allow applicants who have satisfactory payment records with other utilities to request a waiver of the deposit. Mr. Eimers moved to suspend the rules, read by title only, one time only Ordinance No. 746. Mr. Muller seconded the motion. At a roll call vote, Mr. Eimers, Mr. Muller, Mr. Colton, Mr. Venable and Ms. Arp voted aye. The motion carried. Mr. Eimers moved to adopt Ordinance No. 746 and authorize the Mayor to sign. Mr. Muller seconded the motion. At a roll call vote, Mr. Eimers, Mr. Muller, Mr. Colton, Mr. Venable and Ms. Arp voted aye. The motion carried. AB 00-105 Joint Powers Agreement for Payette Lakes Trails Mr. Strope explained that the agreement presented defines which agencies will be responsible for maintenance of the trails. The City will receive equipment to help maintain the trails. Council asked if the equipment works. Exhibit A was missing for the agreement. The agreement will be brought to a future meeting with an answer on whether or not Mr. Peckham would have additional duties. AB 00-106 Cost of Living Salary Adjustment Mr. Strope explained that the personnel policy manual is not clear on which CPI index to use for the cost of living increase. He requested Council to clarify their intent and adopt CPI West Urban Cities 50,000 to 1,500,000 and use the July -to -July figures annually. Page 7 of 10 September 28, 2000 City Council Minutes Ms. Arp moved to clarify the Councils intent to use the CPI for All Urban Cities — West Urban Cities 50,000 to 1,500,000. At a roll call vote, Mr. Venable, Ms. Arp, Mr. Colton, Mr. Eimers and Mr. Muller voted aye. The motion carried. AB 00-107 Discussion of Grant Writer & Coordinator Position Mr. Kirkpatrick explained that he was confident in a 2 to 3 year period the grant position will bring in enough money to fund the position. The advantage of a contract position is that there's no cost to the city. Mr. Kirkpatrick pointed out that Council could have an employee and contractor working concurrently. Mr. Eimers and Mr. Muller would like to put out an RFP to see what's available. They would like to have the information in order to make a decision. Mr. Bieter pointed out if the City is considering an independent contractor, then it can't decide where, when and how the contractor will perform the job. Mr. Bieter was concerned with how the contractor would know what grants to pursue. Mr. Eimers moved to instruct staff to prepare a RFP for grant writing. Mr. Muller seconded the motion. All Council Members voted aye. The motion carried. The RFP will come back to Council before being sent out. The current position for grant writer and coordinator will continue. REPORTS City Manager — Robert Strope The City has a new cell phone provider. The City has a staff car, which will help cut down on travel and training costs. Mr. Kirkpatrick will be Acting City Manager in Mr. Strope's absence. Mr. Strope will not be at the next Council meeting. A proposal was received from Richard Roats through his law office for $33,500. The County Commissioners did not want to renew the contract, but they are allowing Mr. Roats to renew through his own law office. City Councilor — Marilyn Arp Ms. Arp asked when Council would hear the plans for the Finance Department. Mr. Strope explained that Ms. Koch would be Acting City Treasurer through the year-end close. A full-time receptionist was hired. The positions of Clerk/Treasurer and Receptionist/Deputy City Clerk will be reevaluated at the year-end. Page 8 of 10 September 28, 2000 City Council Minutes The November meeting will be held on the 16th. There will not be a meeting on the 9th or 23rd of November. City Councilor — Mayor Muller Mr. Muller moved to put the renaming of Mill Park to Warren Brown Memorial Park on the next agenda. Mr. Colton seconded the motion. Four Council Members voted aye. One Council Member voted nay. The motion carried. City Councilor — Ralph Colton Mr. Colton asked why the executive sessions couldn't be more explicit. City Attorney — Dave Bieter Authority needed to set a public hearing on the vacation of the Riffles Easement. The hearing was set for October 26th Mr. Colton moved to instruct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents regarding the Riffles Easement. Mr. Eimers seconded the motion. All Council Members voted aye. The motion carried. City Councilor — Ray Venable None. City Councilor — Kirk Eimers None. City Councilor — Mayor Muller None. Council recessed at 12:15pm. The meeting reconvened at 12:14pm. Page 9 of 10 September 28, 2000 City Council Minutes ADJOURNMENT Without further business, Mr. Muller moved to adjourn. Ms. Arp seconded the motion. All Council Members voted aye. The motion carried. The Council adjourned at 12:15pm. IlanJMuller, Mayor ATTEST: Cathleen A. Koch, City Clerk Page 10 of 10 September 28, 2000 City Council Minutes