HomeMy Public PortalAboutCouncil Minutes 2006 04/13MCCALL CITY COUNCIL - REGULAR MEETING APRIL 13, 2006 MINUTES TABLE OF CONTENTS CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE REPORTS PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT AGENDA BUSINESS COMMITTEE MINUTES ADJOURNMENT CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Robertson called the regular meeting of the McCall City Council to order at 6:03 p.m. Council Member Bailey, Council Member Bertram, Council Member Kraemer, Mayor Robertson, and Council Member Scott answered roll call. A quorum was present. Bill Nichols, City Attorney, was present. City staff members present were Lindley Kirkpatrick, City Manager; Roger Millar, Deputy City Manager; Carol Coyle, Grant Writer; Michelle Groenevelt, Community Planner; Rick Harvey, Airport Manager; Brock Heasley, Parks & Recreation Director; Anne Kantola, Library Director; Brenda Loftis, Human Resource Director; Allan Morrison, Golf Pro; Jerry Palmerton, Golf Course Superintendent; David Simmonds, Information Services Manager; Jerry Summers, Chief of Police; and Joanne York, City Clerk. Mayor Robertson led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROBERTSON moved to hold Public Comment before the Public Hearing and to pull AB 06-81, AB 06-86, and AB 06-85 from the Consent Agenda and move them to the Business Agenda. SCOTT seconded the motion and the motion carried. City Council Minutes — Regular April 13, 2006 Page 1 of 6 MCCALL CITY COUNCIL - REGULAR MEETING APRIL 13, 2006 REPORTS The consolidated monthly department reports were included in the Council packets. Lindley Kirkpatrick, City Manager, presented his report to the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT At 6:40 p.m., ROBERTSON opened for Public Comment. John Seevers spoke concerning the airport. He informed Council that Rick Harvey, Airport Manager, was doing a fantastic job and had made good decisions concerning the airport. He asked Council to continue to support Mr. Harvey. Mr. Seevers explained the need for a full-time airport employee and the need to get the hangars on the east side of the airport built this year. Randy St. Clair commented that it was well past time for the City to act on the matter with his company. Hearing no further comments, ROBERTSON closed for Public Comment at 6:50 p.m. At this time, BAILEY recused himself from the Council. PUBLIC HEARING AB 06-68 CUP 06-1, CUP 06-2, CUP 06-3, CUP 06-4, CUP 06-5, CUP 06-6, CUP 06-7, CUP 06-8, CUP 06-9: Construction of nine duplexes on nine lots Michelle Groenevelt, Community Planner, introduced AB 06-68. There was some discussion concerning the description of the garages. Council requested the wording be changed to be more specific. ROBERTSON opened the Public Hearing at 6:55 p.m. Scott Findlay, the developer, gave a short description of the project, emphasizing that the duplexes would be for single owners. Ellen Ganz spoke in support of the duplexes, stating that this project would open up opportunities for more people to qualify for housing. City Council Minutes — Regular April 13, 2006 Page 2of6 MCCALL CITY COUNCIL - REGULAR MEETING APRIL 13, 2006 Bill McMurray stated he was in favor of the project, that the project met the criteria and was consistent with other neighborhoods. Shane Jeffries objected to the project, noting the duplexes would be clustered together rather than spread out. Mr. Findlay was allowed time for rebuttal. He emphasized the need for rental property in McCall and said this project would be a good amenity to the town. Hearing no further comments, ROBERTSON closed the Public Hearing at 8:03 p.m. ROBERTSON emphasized that the main issue the Council was dealing with was whether or not the project was consistent with the City Code. BERTRAM said that petitions would be more effective if they were very specific and detailed the reasons for the petition. SCOTT stated that she did not want the city government to be more involved than the people wanted, and that they needed to accept the diversity of the neighborhood. KRAEMER stated his agreement with the Planning & Zoning Commission's recommendation of denial because their responsibility was to hear all sides and do the research. Based on their information, KRAEMER said the CUP'S should be denied. ROBERTSON said he did not see any basis for denying this application. BERTRAM explained that duplexes are an amenity to our community and she did not see how the Council could deny them. She also provided a clerical correction to the agenda bill. SCOTT moved to adopt the Findings & Conclusions and approve CUP-6-1 through CUP-06-9, with the amendment for a change of wording to "...an oversized garage or an attached garage with a storage shed." BERTRAM seconded the motion. In a roll call vote, SCOTT, BERTRAM, and ROBERTSON voted aye; KRAEMER voted no. The motion carried 3-1 with 1 abstention. At this time, BAILEY rejoined the Council. A short break was taken at 8:29 p.m. Council reconvened at 8:36 p.m. City Council Minutes — Regular April 13, 2006 Page 3 of 6 MCCALL CITY COUNCIL - REGULAR MEETING APRIL 13, 2006 BAILEY commented that everything that will take place on the properties will be under the new code, including the design review, and that the original plat was done under the old code. CONSENT AGENDA Some corrections were made to the Minutes. There was discussion of some of the items on the Warrant Register. BERTRAM discussed the Fair Housing Proclamation and all its implications. She stated that by signing the Proclamation, Council would be committing to all kinds of housing, including trailer homes, modular homes, etc. Lindley Kirkpatrick, City Manager, said that the Proclamation would raise awareness and acknowledge that the City of McCall valued fair housing and was committed to it. Concerning AB 06-70 and AB 06-71, KRAEMER said the City was giving up too much public beach space. BAILEY moved to approve the Consent Agenda with modifications and less the items removed. SCOTT seconded the motion. In a roll call vote, all voted aye, and the motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENT At 9:11 p.m., ROBERTSON re -opened for Public Comment. Lois Fry spoke in favor of the Fair Housing Proclamation and stated she supported having a mobile home park. Hearing no further comments, ROBERTSON closed for Public Comment at 9:17 p.m. BUSINESS AGENDA AB 06-81 McCall Improvement Committee - 2006 Gem Action Plan Carol Coyle, Grant Writer, asked that this agenda bill be tabled until a time when the representative from the McCall Improvement Committee would be able to attend. City Council Minutes — Regular April 13, 2006 Page 4 of 6 MCCALL CITY COUNCIL - REGULAR MEETING APRIL 13, 2006 The agenda bill was tabled until April 27, 2006. At this time, SCOTT recused herself. AB 06-85 Agency Agreement between McCall City Airport and McCall Aviation Rick Harvey, Airport Manager, stated the City Attorney had reviewed the Agreement, and the Airport Advisory Committee approved it during their April 6th regular meeting. BAILEY moved to adopt the Agency Agreement between the McCall City Airport and McCall Aviation, and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents. BERTRAM seconded the motion. In a roll call vote, BAILEY, BERTRAM, ROBERTSON, and KRAEMER all voted aye, and the motion carried. At this time, SCOTT rejoined the Council. AB 06-86 Funding for full-time Airport Maintenance Worker Rick Harvey, Airport Manager, introduced this bill and explained that increased fees at the Airport had provided sufficient revenue to cover a year-round employee. KRAEMER moved to authorize staff to transfer $17,477 from contingent revenue to the appropriate revenue lines, and to transfer $17,477 from contingent expense to the appropriate personnel lines. BAILEY seconded the motion and the motion carried. AB 06-72 McCall -Donnelly School District Bond Election Superintendent Terry Donicht and School District Trustee Neal Thompson gave a short presentation the school board's plan to construct a new elementary school in McCall, to expand the Donnelly Elementary School, and to expand and modernize the high school. AB 06-82 McCall Transit 2006 First Quarter Report Richard Coontz presented the McCall Transit 2006 first quarter ridership report. AB 06-87 Legislative Intent of the Scenic Route Requirements of the Zoning Code Lindley Kirkpatrick, City Manager, explained that the purpose of this item was to determine whether Council's intent was the same as outlined in BAILEY'S memo of March 24, 2006. BAILEY added that the intent as presented in his memo was to protect the Scenic Route corridor and along the highway. City Council Minutes — Regular April 13, 2006 Page 5 of 6 MCCALL CITY COUNCIL - REGULAR MEETING APRIL 13, 2006 After a lengthy discussion, Council decided to table this item and put it on the agenda for their upcoming work session. AB 06-83 Selection of Developer for the Airport East Hangar Project per the design/build Request for Proposal Rick Harvey, Airport Manager, asked Council to approve Hangar Solutions as the development firm selected for the east hangar project. Bill Nichols, City Attorney, suggested adding some additional language to the motion to specifically authorize the Airport Manager to negotiate the agreement with the development firm. BERTRAM moved to approve the development of Hangar Solutions as selected by the AAC designated selection committee for the east hangar project, and to authorize the Airport Manager to negotiate an agreement between Hangar Solutions and the Airport. SCOTT seconded the motion. In a roll call vote, all voted aye, and the motion carried. During a general discussion, BERTRAM noted that the County had closed the Annex for some services and that Council should be aware of the need to keep services open in McCall. The question was raised concerning the City's preparedness for health emergencies, such as bird flu. Mr. Kirkpatrick said he would check with Chief Summers concerning emergency response plans. ADJOURNMENT Without further business, Mayor Robertson adjourned the meeting at 11:46 p.m. William A. Robertson, Mayor ATTEST: Joanne E. York, CitClerk City Council Minutes — Regular April 13, 2006 Page 6 of 6