HomeMy Public PortalAbout20210302 - Select Board - Meeting MinutesTOWN OF HOPKINTON Select Board Meeting Minutes – March 2, 2021 Remote Meeting via Zoom 6:00 PM Select Board Members Present: Brendan Tedstone, Chair,Irfan Nasrullah, Vice Chair, Brian Herr, Mary Jo LaFreniere, Amy Ritterbusch Officials Present: Town Manager Norman Khumalo, Assistant Town Manager Elaine Lazarus CALL TO ORDER:Mr. Tedstone called the public meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Mr. Tedstone called the name of each Select Board member. Mr.Nasrullah, Mr. Herr, Ms. LaFreniere and Ms. Ritterbusch responded affirmatively that they were present and could hear him. Mr. Tedstone called the names of staff members, and Mr. Khumalo and Ms. Lazarus responded affirmatively that they were present. Mr. Tedstone listed additional speakers anticipated at the meeting. Mr. Tedstone stated that the Board is meeting via Zoom Webinar, and if there is anyone attending who would like to speak during the Public Forum portion of the agenda, they must notify the meeting host in advance, and could do so by using the “raise hand” feature of Zoom. Mr. Tedstone stated that the meeting is being conducted remotely consistent with Governor Baker ’s Executive Order of March 12, 2020, due to the current State of Emergency in the Commonwealth due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus.He noted that in order to mitigate the transmission of the virus, the Board is complying with the Executive Order that suspends the requirement of the Open Meeting Law to have all meetings in a publicly accessible physical location. Mr. Tedstone stated that the Executive Order allows public bodies to meet entirely remotely as long as the public body makes provisions through adequate, alternative means to ensure that interested members of the public are provided reasonable access to the deliberations of the meeting. He noted that this meeting will include public comment. He noted that for this meeting the Board is convening by video conference via Zoom Webinar as posted on the Town’s web meeting calendar and the Board’s agenda identifying how the public may join. He stated that the meeting may also be broadcast by HCAM. He noted that the meeting is being recorded and some attendees are participating by video conference.Mr. Tedstone stated that all supporting materials that have been provided to the Board are available on the Town website via the web meeting calendar, unless otherwise noted.Mr. Tedstone reviewed the ground rules of the meeting including how speakers, board members and the public may participate. He stated that all votes taken in the meeting will be conducted by roll call vote. Board members recited the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC FORUM: Shaun McAuliffe, Health Director, provided an update on the roles and responsibilities of the Health Dept. and School Dept.,stating he is concerned there has been a 1 misunderstanding. He stated there is a clear delineation of responsibilities between the two, noting that the Board of Health is responsible for monitoring the health of all residents and working with the Schools. He stated the Schools are responsible for compliance with the Mass. Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE)including in school buses and community settings. He stated that DESE guidance clearly states that the School Dept. is directly responsible for Covid-19 case identification, close contacts and all other relevant communications to relevant parties and to the school community. He stated that like all such situations, they must report their findings to the Health Dept. He stated the Health Dept. will continue to support the School Dept. with their duties as needed, and will work collaboratively with the schools to monitor family members. He stated that monitoring school students and teachers is the responsibility of the School Dept. CONSENT AGENDA AND BOARD/COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS:MOVED by Mr. Nasrullah and SECONDED by Ms. LaFreniere to approve the Consent Agenda, consisting of approval of the Minutes of the 2/23/2021 meeting,to appoint Mohamed Haider to the Capital Improvement Committee to a term expiring 6/30/2023,and to appoint Sharon O’Reilly to the Woodville Historic District Commission, to a term expiring 6/30/2023.ROLL CALL:Mr. Nasrullah-Yes; Mr. Herr-Yes; Ms. LaFreniere-Yes; Ms.Ritterbusch-Yes; Mr. Tedstone-Yes.Vote to Approve: Yes-5, No-0. BUDGET AND CAPITAL HEARINGS:The Board heard presentations on FY22 budget proposals from the Technology, Engineering/Facilities and School Departments, and the Upper Charles Trail Committee and Trail Coordination and Management Committee: Josh Grossetti, Technology Director, stated that the IT Department develops a global IT vision for the Town, including planning, budgeting and implementation,and manages the infrastructure. He noted that they support Town Hall, Police Dept.,Fire Dept., Dept. of Public Works, Parks & Rec., Library, and Senior Center. He stated that there is an increase proposed for FY22 to support a full time position that is currently vacant,and to change another position from part time to full time. He noted that other increases are due to an increase in the support for the public safety system, platform licensing for GIS and other applications, and for e-permitting. He stated that one capital item is proposed, replacement of the 4 oldest exterior cameras at the Fire Dept. and Police Dept. Dave Daltorio, Town Engineer/Facilities Coordinator,reviewed the Engineering/Facilities Department role, which includes supporting renovations,capital projects and day to day operations for all town facilities. He noted that the Department supports the Main Street Corridor Project and monitors 15 buildings with over 213,000 sq. ft. in total. He noted that efficiencies have reduced costs for custodial services,and a level service budget is proposed for FY22. He noted that new energy contracts with solar companies for the Library has saved 15%. He reviewed capital requests for the replacement of shingles on the Police Station roof, drainage improvements at EMC Park, and a study for the Center School. He noted that Center School is still being studied by the Permanent Building Committee (PBC) and the request is for $50,000 for an RFP to seek developer input. He stated they are also looking at places to relocate Town files currently stored at Center School, given the lack of heat/water after this season. Mr. 2 Tedstone asked if a metal roof has been looked at for the Police Station, and Mr. Daltorio stated it had not. Mr. Tedstone asked whether heat and water are needed for the file storage areas, and Mr. Daltorio stated it is still a working environment.Mr.. Herr asked if the Center School RFP would look at public, private use, or town use. Mr.Daltorio stated it would ask for different scenarios, not just for town use exclusively. It was noted that the Town hasn’t determined future uses for the building. Ms. Ritterbusch requested that the PBC provide an update to the Select Board before Town Meeting. Carol Cavanaugh, School Superintendent, and Susan Rothermich, Director of Finance (Schools), described the FY22 budget request of the School Department.The Schools budget process was reviewed, and it was stated that goals include maintaining academic and extracurricular programs, adding staff to accommodate increases in population, addressing growth and focusing on student needs. Ms. Cavanaugh stated there are fewer students this year than projected, but it is still a net gain over last year. She stated that the proposed budget is built based on the number of students already here, and if there is an increase in enrollment they will need to revisit personnel requests. She stated that the Town’s per pupil expenditures are less than comparable communities and the State average. It was stated that the budget request represents a 5.4% increase, and 80% of the budget is salaries. Mr.Herr asked if there would be additional spending targeted to the social and emotional well being of students. Ms. Cavanaugh stated there would be a full time adjustment counselor at the Elmwood School and a board certified analyst who would work with teachers and students. Mr. Tedstone asked about transportation costs and the impact of the pandemic. Ms. Rothermich stated that the school bus contract was renegotiated. Ms. Ritterbusch asked about the proposed budget increase for Zoom, and asked if this would be necessary if students go back to school full time.Ms. Cavanaugh stated they have budgeted for all contingencies and they don’t know for sure what will happen in the fall. The School’s capital requests were reviewed, including HVAC district-wide,boiler replacement at the Middle School, roof replacements, a new vehicle, and a 4-classroom addition to the Marathon School. Mr. Herr asked about the cost per sq. ft. for the roof repair district-wide. Mr. Nasrullah asked if modular classrooms had been looked at for Marathon School.Ms. Rothermich stated the cost is about the same, but it is more cost effective to add on to Marathon because it can’t be reconfigured for other grade levels. Jane Moran, Chair, Upper Charles Trail Committee,stated that the Committee's charge is to design, engineer and build a trail system from Milford to Ashland. She stated the FY22 budget request is for $52,300. She stated that funding is primarily used for studies needed for grants and to facilitate the work. Peter LaGoy, Chair, Trail Coordination and Management Committee, described the FY22 request for $25,000 for general maintenance of trails, including mowing and things such as cutting logs, and for parking lots, which people have expressed the desire for expansion/improvement. He stated the budget would also cover signage, trail markers, appraisals, and survey plans due to possible needs to purchase land or easements. Mr.Nasrullah asked where parking would be expanded, and Mr. LaGoy stated the Pratt Farm, Echo Trail and College Rock Park have been discussed. 3 TOWN MANAGER REPORT:Mr. Khumalo updated the Board with respect to the FY22 budget process, noting that what is happening at the federal level is being monitored, and there may be some funding for items that have been budgeted at the local level. Mr. Khumalo stated that the Main Street Corridor Project website is up and there has been good traffic. He stated that today Mr. Daltorio received a request from the contractor to use portions of Marathon Way as a staging area for the project,and requested the Board's feedback. He noted that a staging area in that location would reduce the time the contractor is driving around to bring items in each day, and they won’t want to use areas that are in front of businesses. He noted that the Town has used Marathon Way for similar purposes before, and the area could be used for storing equipment and materials intermittently throughout the project, but not in the winter. Ms. Ritterbusch stated the Common is a picturesque area,and asked if behind Center School could be used instead. Mr. Daltorio stated that Parks & Rec.uses the area during the summer. He noted that allowing the contractor to use Marathon Way gains a half day each week of more work time, which gets the project done quicker. He noted that the area would not be used for storage of earth materials. Ms. Ritterbusch stated she would like time to think about it, and asked if Parks & Rec. has weighed in. It was noted that Marathon Way is a roadway, and is not part of the Common. Mr. Herr stated it’s not going to be a pretty place when they start work, and the construction will be visible. He stated if the work can be done faster, then the ugliness will be gone sooner. He stated it is very common to see stored items in the roadway/right of way when road construction is taking place, and encouraged the Board to allow the use. Mr. Tedstone asked about other places to store items when work is being done west of the Main St. intersection, such as on Marshall Ave. He stated he is ok with using Marathon Way if they stay off the Common and the curbing, if they don’t store earth products, and if they are doing work in this area. Mr. Daltorio stated they will have two crews, possibly working on both ends of the project at once. He stated that Marshall Ave. might be used, but Parks & Rec. would need to be consulted. He stated it is possible they could bring in a 3rd crew if there are enough staging areas. Mr. Herr asked if the plan has been reviewed with public safety officials, and Mr. Daltorio stated he will be doing that.MOVED by Mr. Herr and SECONDED by Mr. Nasrullah to approve the use of Marathon Way as a laydown area intermittently throughout the project until such time as the work east of the Main St./Cedar St./Grove St. intersection has been completed. Ms. LaFreniere stated that work will be done in this area anyway so it makes sense. Mr. Herr recommended a fence along the Common side, at least.ROLL CALL:Mr. Nasrullah-Yes; Mr. Herr-Yes; Ms. LaFreniere-Yes; Ms. Ritterbusch-Yes;Mr. Tedstone-Yes.Vote to Approve: Yes-5, No-0. Mr. Khumalo reminded the Board about the all-hands meeting on March 3 at 6 p.m. LIAISON REPORTS/BOARD INVITES: Ms. LaFreniere stated she met with the Sustainable Green Committee and they would like to do something with recycled furniture on Earth Day. FUTURE BOARD AGENDA ITEMS : Ms. Ritterbusch referred to a request to recognize Girl Scout Gold Award recipients at a future meeting. 4 MOVED by Mr. Nasrullah and SECONDED by Ms. LaFreniere to adjourn the meeting.ROLL CALL:Mr. Nasrullah-Yes; Mr. Herr-Yes; Ms. LaFreniere-Yes; Ms. Ritterbusch-Yes; Mr. Tedstone-Yes.Vote to Approve: Yes-5, No-0. Adjourned: 7:43 PM Approved: March 16, 2021 Documents used at the meeting: ●Draft Minutes of the February 23, 2021 Select Board meeting ●Board/Committee application submitted by Mohamed Haider ●Letter dated Feb. 18, 202 to whom it may concern,from Greater Boston Real Estate Board ●Memo dated Jan. 26, 2021 to Select Board from Norman Khumalo, re: Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Comprehensive Budget Transmittal, with attachments ●Town of Hopkinton; FY 2022 General Fund Sources and Uses, February 2, 2021 ●Memo dated Feb. 26 , 2021 to Select Board from Norman Khumalo, re: Staff Report - Select Board March 2, 2021 Meeting ●Script for Remotely Conducted Open Meetings, Select Board 3/2/2021 5