HomeMy Public PortalAbout02.12.09 Regular Minutes ApprovedMINUTES McCall City Council Regular Meeting Legion Hall (McCall City Hall - Lower Level) February 12, 2009 Agenda Call to Order and Roll Call Department Reports Public Hearing Public Comment Consent Agenda Business Agenda Council Discussion Committee Minutes Executive Session Adjournment CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Kulesza called the regular meeting of the McCall City Council to order at 5:30 p.m. Council Member Bailey, Council Member Delaney, Mayor Kulesza, and Council Member Scott, answered roll call. Council Member Witte and was absent. A quorum was present. In addition to the Council Members, present were Lindley Kirkpatrick, City Manager; Bill Nichols, City Attorney; Jerry Summers, Chief of Police; Eric McCormick, Golf Course Superintendent; John Anderson, Airport Manager; Michelle Groenevelt, Community Development Director; Brock Heasley, Parks and Recreation Director; Linda Stokes, Acting Treasurer; and BessieJo Wagner, City Clerk. Mayor Kulesza amended the agenda to add an executive session. COUNCIL WORKSESSION Council Member Witte joined the meeting at 5:36 City Manager Report Mr. Kirkpatrick reviewed the first quarter budget stating that the property tax revenue was as expected; however the state shared revenue is down from what was projected, down about $19,000 in the general fund. The development related revenue was down a projected $730,000 from the budgeted amount for the year. Mr. Kirkpatrick went over the suggested avenues to cut expenses to compensate for the shortfall. Much of the savings came from the general fund in salary savings through positions that had been budgeted for but not filled. For the water and sewer fund the savings will come from capital expenses. It was budgeted $150,000 in the sewer fund for I&I removal; however the required amount is only $80,000, giving a savings of McCall City Council Regular Meeting February 12, 2009 Page 1 of 9 $70,000. The lift station remodel for $475,000 needs to happen but the rest of the capital projects can go on hold. Mr. Kirkpatrick stated that staff will do a quarterly analysis of the budget to ensure that the City is on track and does not have to scramble to make adjustments. A Council Member suggested that the LOT Committee meet and take a look at the LOT revenue in order to make adjustments if necessary. Mr. Kirkpatrick stated that the Winter Carnival went well from the City perspective. Mayor Kulesza complemented the City staff for a job well done for the Winter Carnival and the Torch of Hope run with law enforcement. He stated that some of the chaperones told him that it was a wonderful experience here in McCall as for some towns hardly anyone shows up. They were appreciative of all the volunteers and community involvement with the Special Olympics. The Consolidated Department Head Report Council Member Bailey asked about the wastewater influent flow meter, would it be better for the City to only measure the City only and the District measure their own. Mr. Kirkpatrick explained that there are places where the lines merge so there is some room for error. Mayor Kulesza asked what the 2Moto race was. Mr. McCormick explained that it is a motorcycle that has been converted to a snowmobile type machine. 2Moto races were held out at the Golf Course during Winter Carnival and were very successful. They plan to make it an annual event. There was some general discussion on the stimulus funds and possible projects that may be eligible to apply. One of the projects discussed was to complete the sewer project at the airport. The Council discussed the importance of seeing the sewer project completed Chief Summers clarified staff turnover rate for the police department and why so many do not make it through the hiring process. He stated that some of the applicants do not make it through the process. He also stated that some of our officers transfer to other Cities or are terminated due to personnel issues. There was not any one reason for the turnover. Mr. Kirkpatrick clarified the process for a developer to dispute charges. The developer receives an invoice from the City of McCall; if the developer has a question about the invoice he can speak with Michelle and in some cases has made an appointment to speak with someone from CH2MHi11 to work through the dispute. Mayor Kulesza stated that the agenda was amended to add an executive session if time permits, discussion topics that the Council may discuss are the LOT program and McCall Avenue Homes, and move consent after the Business agenda. Mayor Kulesza led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:00 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING AB 09-23 CUP-08-06: Hunt Lodge Expansion and Convention Center Bob Hunt, developer and applicant for the Hunt Lodge Expansion gave a brief history of the need for a convention Center in McCall. He stated that the project is the same building presented McCall City Council Regular Meeting February 12, 2009 Page 2 of 9 and approved in 2007. He had made some changes to the landscaping and added some windows and gables to the building. The building would be designed to hold the snow load. Mr. Hunt gave clarification as to the use of the setback and the landscaping on the west side of the building. The Convention Center would have 6100 square feet of meeting space and have the capacity to seat and feed 450 people. There would also be 30 additional rooms added to the second floor of the Convention Center. The planned parking spaces meet the required amount per code for this type of use. Council Member Delaney had a concern with a number of items that were not done that the applicant had agreed to do the first time the project was approved. She wanted to know why so many of the design details were still not done, such as the trash enclosures. Mr. Hunt stated that he would use the current trash enclosure. Ms. Groenevelt stated that the expectation is that the current enclosure be modified so that the chain link fencing is screened. Mr. Hunt clarified that the siding would be added far before the project is started. Council Member Delaney had a concern that there was not a plan for sidewalks. Ms. Groenevelt clarified that their initial plan for sidewalks did not meet the City's standards and since the applicant is requesting an extension on the CUP, one of the conditions of approval is that the applicant will comply with the current standard for sidewalks at the time they submit the plans. It was clarified that applicants are not always required to have sidewalk plans at this stage, it depends on the project. Mr. Hunt stated that with the new building, the headlights from the existing parking lot will no longer be an issue for the residents on Thula as the building will block the headlights as well as act as a buffer to the noise of any delivery trucks. Council Member Witte had a concern with the amount of parking that would be needed. Ms. Groenevelt re -iterated that the project provides more parking than what the code requires. Mr. Millemann, the applicant's attorney, explained that the 19 month extension is needed for this project and that the 18 months given for this type of project by ordinance is unrealistic. He stated that it is not enough time to go through the final engineering cycle, the construction drawing cycle and then the financing cycle. Council member Delaney clarified that this project was approved back in 2007 and now they are asking for an additional 19 months to complete the project. She was concerned with the fact that they were already 18 months into the project and many things were not completed in that time. Mr. Millemann explained that what needs to be done between CUP issuance and building permit has not been advanced. The prior CUP and the time period of that CUP did not advance that part of the project. He stated that they are starting fresh on those issues. With the findings and engineering issues, he stated that our City's engineers have concurred that those issues are for the building phase of the project not at the CUP level of the project. Mr. Millemann explained that the additional rooms are there to try to recover some of loss associated with operating the Convention Center. Council Member Witte asked the City Attorney, Bill Nichols if had reviewed the findings and conclusions and what is opinion of numbers 7 and 8, making the sidewalk plan consistent with McCall City Council Regular Meeting Page 3 of 9 February 12, 2009 the standards at the time of submission. Mr. Nichols responded that the City has additional protection by these stipulations that they would not otherwise have. It gives the City assurance that at the time the sidewalks are designed they have to meet the current standards. Mayor Kulesza opened the public hearing at 6:58 p.m. Lee Hanson — 206 E. Thula — She stated that she is looking forward to the center, but not the extra two stories and people looking out the windows at her property. She questioned the setbacks and stated that she would like to see trees and a space for a sidewalk on the west side of the building. She was also concerned that there may be additional delivery trucks running their motors at night and the lights that will be on the back of the building. She is concerned with the width of the street and the street setbacks. She was also concerned with adding 30 more rooms when there are so many rooms that are empty now. She feels that there should be a fence separating the property to protect vehicles from sliding off the road. Darrell Cobb — 1550 Chris Lane — Mr. Cobb stated his support of the convention center and that he felt that it is critical to make it happen to help draw people to McCall. Ronda Sandmeyer — 636 Floyd Street — Ms. Sandmeyer stated that she welcomes the convention center and is pleased with the extensive landscaping. She stated that the new event center will block the idling vehicles; she does not feel that the windows would be a problem with the residents on Thula. Greg Lovell —1325 Greystone Lane — Mr. Lovell stated that he was in support of the length of time needed due to the problem with getting funding for projects like the Convention Center. Mr. Hunt responded to the concerns presented stating that the idling of vehicles will be gone as the trucks will be located away from Thula. The lighting will be less as the parking lot lights will be blocked by the building and the lights on the exterior of the building will be down lit and he stated that there would be very few, if any, lights on the west exterior of the building. As for the setbacks there were discussions with the City's Building Inspector and Ms. Groenevelt and his engineer and architect, and the rear setback is 10 ft not 5 ft. He also stated that he is not opposed to putting up a fence if needed. Ms. Hanson thanked the applicant for addressing her concerns. Hearing no further comments, Mayor Kulesza closed the public hearing at 7:27 p.m. In response to Council Member Delaney's question, Mr. Hunt stated that the new Convention Center would employ an additional 10-12 people per event. Council Member Scott stated that it would be a large economic impact on the City. Council Member Bailey moved to adopt the findings and conclusions for the Hunt Lodge Expansion and Convention Center, CUP-08-06, and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary agreements. Council Member Scott seconded the motion. McCall City Council Regular Meeting Page 4 of 9 February 12, 2009 Discussion — Mayor Kulesza stated that clarification of sentence structure on page 7 of 8, item #5 should read as follows: The applicant shall, prior to the commencement of any site work or the issuance of any building permit, have submitted, and received approval for a detailed sidewalk plan. The sidewalk plan shall include street trees, benches, trash receptacles, street lights, parking spaces, bus pull-outs, green stormwater solutions, and/or any other design feature consistent with the current (at time of submission of plans) City of McCall street section. Unless installation becomes a guaranteed part of a long-term plan associated with the required turn lane, no Certificate of Occupancy may be issued until the sidewalk/street section has been installed, inspected, and accepted. Council Member Bailey and Council Member Scott accepted the change to the motion. In a roll call vote, Council Member Scott, Council Member Bailey, Mayor Kulesza, and Council Member Witte voted aye, Council Member Delaney voted nay and the motion passed. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Kulesza called for public comment at 7:40 p.m. Judd DeBoer stated that when he came to discuss the airport issue a couple weeks prior, the audience members thought that they would be part of the discussion but they were not. He stated that he would like to participate in the discussion on the airport later in the meeting. Mayor Kulesza stated that he would be welcome to participate. Ron Doane, representative of 2moto and promoter of the race, thanked the City for the opportunity to have the event in McCall. He stated that he has worked with many communities in his thirty years of promoting activities and felt that McCall was one of the better communities to work with. He thanked the City staff for their support. He stated that they did a head count of the spectators at the race and they counted 1248 attendees. The event received worldwide coverage through the national weather channel. They received no complaints and had no issues during the event. This was the worlds first ever snow bike race and have now been approached by the Winter X-games. He stated that the Chamber of Commerce was also very supportive and they hope to come again. Hearing no further comments, Mayor Kulesza closed the public comment at 7:48 p.m. BUSINESS AGENDA AB 09-28 Golf Advisory Committee Annual Report Bob Giles, Golf Advisory Committee Chairman, presented the Council with the committee's annual report. Council Member Delaney expressed concern with the lower LOT revenue, if the Golf Course was planning ahead for a decrease in revenue. Mr. Giles responded that they do not expect that all their LOT funding requests will be met and they do have a contingency plan. They are prioritizing their projects to anticipate that something may not get done due to lack of funding. Council complemented the restaurant at the golf course. McCall City Council Regular Meeting February 12, 2009 Page 5 of 9 Council Member Scott recused herself 8:08 p.m. AB 09-25 Airport - Through the Fence Proposal — Discussion John Anderson gave a summary of the history of the Airport Through -the -Fence Proposal. Mr. Anderson stated that Through -the -Fence is a concept that the FAA does not like; however they can be done. The Airport Advisory Committee feels it is a way to get more aviation development done in McCall. The issues are to ensure that the City comply with all of their grant assurances, especially economic discrimination, and maximizing revenues. The true question is whether the FAA would accept the agreement covering those assurances. The City needs to assure that they do not lose control of the airport. Mayor Kulesza asked what the status of the relationship is between the City and the FAA. Mr. Anderson stated that the FAA stated that if the City chose to go with the Through -the -Fence Proposal the City could charge higher rates and that the City needs to be collecting the fees. There was much discussion on the need for additional land as well as discussion on comparable airports in Hailey and Driggs, Idaho. There was much discussion on the various fees and the importance that off -airport fees remain parity with on -airport fees. There are airports that have accepted a Through -the -Fence Proposal and lost FAA grant funding. Judd DeBoer stated that he would like to develop land next to the airport with a business park that would include high quality hangars, passenger terminal site if needed, and other facilities. It would bring water and sewer to that end of town for current and future growth. He stated that these improvements come with a Through -the -Fence agreement and he was under a timeline deadline set by his investor of February 28, 2009. He stated that they would comply with all the FAA regulations. Mr. DeBoer re -iterated that there would be no business park without a Through -the -Fence agreement as they need the financial assistance to make it happen. Brian O'Morrow, Brown's Industries, addressed the Council with the planning process and asked does the City want a Through -the -Fence proposal. Mr. O'Morrow referred to the Comprehensive plan and the intent of the plan and the importance it holds to the City. He gave a brief history of the process of the Comprehensive plan, the amount of Community involvement that was contributed to the planning process of the Comprehensive plan and the importance of the City utilizing the Comprehensive plan. Mr. O'Morrow tied the Through -the -Fence proposal to the comprehensive plan. Mr. O'Morrow stated they would ask that the property be annexed into the City. He stated that they need the Through -the -Fence plan approved by February 28, 2009. Mr. O'Morrow referred to a Through -the -Fence agreement in Sandpoint, Id. Mayor Kulesza stated that the airport in Sandpoint appears to advertise as a real estate venture and not a place that benefit the people and businesses of the community. Mr. O'Morrow stated that with the business park and the Through - the -Fence agreement, people can fly into the airport and have a business office across the street. Mayor Kulesza questioned how that was beneficial to the citizens of McCall. Mr. O'Morrow stated that the business park would benefit McCall and that it moves the community along with the comprehensive plan. Council Member Delaney stated that with the business park and the Through -the -Fence proposal there would be the possibility for year round sustainable jobs the idea was appealing. However if McCall City Council Regular Meeting Page 6 of 9 February 12, 2009 the hangars are built and nothing happens with the business park, there is no going back. Mr. Kirkpatrick asked where the guarantees are. Mr. O'Morrow stated that they do not have all the details worked out. Council Member Bailey suggested that if the other Council Members had input for the Through - the -Fence agreement get it to Mr. Anderson so that he could get it to the FAA right away. AB 09-29 Numerous Code Amendments - CA-08-06 & CA-08-07 Title 3, Title 8, and Title 9. Adoption of: Ordinance amending Title 3 Ordinance amending Title 8 Ordinance amending Title 9 Council Member Scott moved to suspend the rules, read by title only, one time only Ordinance No. 864, amending Title 3, as amended. Council Member Bailey seconded the motion. In a roll call vote, Council Member Scott, Council Member Bailey, Council Member Delaney, Mayor Kulesza, and Council Member Witte voted aye and the motion passed. Ordinance 864 was read by title only, third reading by Mrs. Wagner. Council Member Bailey moved to adopt as amended Ordinance No. 864, amending Title 3, and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents. Council Member Scott seconded the motion. In a roll call vote, Council Member Bailey, Council Member Scott, Council Member Delaney, Mayor Kulesza, and Council Member Witte voted aye and the motion passed. Council Member Scott moved to suspend the rules, read by title only, one time only Ordinance No. 865. Council Member Delaney seconded the motion. In a roll call vote, Council Member Scott, Council Member Delaney, Council Member Bailey, Mayor Kulesza, and Council Member Witte voted aye and the motion passed. Ordinance 865 was read by title only, third reading by Mrs. Wagner. Council Member Scott moved to adopt Ordinance No. 865, amending Title 8, and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents. Council Member Delaney seconded the motion. In a roll call vote, Council Member Scott, Council Member Delaney, Council Member Bailey, Mayor Kulesza, and Council Member Witte voted aye and the motion passed. Council Member Delaney moved to suspend the rules, read by title only, one time only Ordinance No. 866. Council Member Scott seconded the motion. In a roll call vote, Council Member Delaney, Council Member Scott, Council Member Bailey, Mayor Kulesza, and Council Member Witte voted aye and the motion passed. Ordinance 866 was read by title only, third reading by Mrs. Wagner. McCall City Council Regular Meeting Page 7 of 9 February 12, 2009 Council Member Delaney moved to adopt Ordinance No. 866, amending Title 9, and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents. Council Member Scott seconded the motion. In a roll call vote, Council Member Delaney, Council Member Scott, Council Member Bailey, Mayor Kulesza, and Council Member Witte voted aye and the motion passed. AB 09-30 Resolution for Sustainable Construction Standards The purpose of this Resolution is to further define the meaning of "sustainable construction practices" as referenced in the proposed code amendment that states, "City projects shall be built to sustainable construction standards as defined by Resolution." The purpose of the proposed code amendment is to generally outline the City's commitment to using `green' building practice without committing to established recognized programs or certifications (i.e. LEED.) Mayor Kulesza stated there needed to be some correction on the wording, the first "Whereas" should read: WHEREAS, the McCall Area Planning and Zoning Commission held public hearings on November 4, 2008 and December 2, 2008 and recommended to the City Council approval of a code amendment that proposed as follows: (D) All public projects, constructed in the Civic or Airport Zones, shall be built to sustainable standards, such as LEED Platinum or equivalent standards ''; and and the second "Whereas" should read: WHEREAS, the McCall City Council discussed this code amendment at the January 8, 2009, January 22, 2009, and February 12, 2009, City Council meetings, and based on public comments and staff concurrence, believes a specific program should not be defined by the code amendment but defined in a resolution; and and the fifth "Whereas" should read: WHEREAS, the City Council is of the opinion that it is in the best interest of the City and community to construct future City buildings and projects with "above code" building practices; and and the seventh "Whereas" should read: WHEREAS, the City shall consider the potential environmental, economic and social benefits of green buildings; and Council Member Delaney moved to adopt Resolution 09-01, as amended and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents. Council Member Witte seconded the motion. In a roll call vote, Council Member Delaney, Council Member Witte, Council Member Bailey, Mayor Kulesza, and Council Member Scott voted aye and the motion passed. CONSENT AGENDA Staff recommended approval of the following items: • Minutes from November 6, 2008 • Warrant Register printed on February 5 & 12 2009 • Payroll Report for Period ending January 23, 2009 • AB 09-22 Alcohol Beverage Catering Permits • AB 09-24 Short -Term Rental of a Loader (1-2 months) • AB 09-27 Historic Preservation Commission appointment • AB 09-26 Airport - Grant Offer AIP Project Number 3-16-0023-015, Acquire snow removal equipment (Phase 1) McCall City Council Regular Meeting February 12, 2009 Page 8 of 9 Some discussion took place to correct the minutes and clarify the warrant register. Council Member Witte moved to approve the Consent Agenda with the minutes corrected. Council Member Delaney seconded the motion. In a roll call vote, Council Member Scott, Council Member Bailey, Council Member Delaney, Mayor Kulesza, and Council Member Witte voted aye and the motion passed. COUNCIL DISCUSSION Council Member Bailey asked for a response from McPaws in relation to the letter received. Council Member Bailey stated that the LOT Committee needs to fill some vacancies. He also asked for the Ordinance and what clarifies the requirements of the different Committee seats. COMMITTEE MINUTES The Council received copies of the following minutes: • McCall Public Library Board of Trustees — December 16, 2008 • McCall Improvement Committee — January 8, 2009 • McCall Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee — November 12, 2008 • McCall Planning and Zoning Commission — October 7, 2008 • McCall Planning and Zoning Commission — December 2, 2008 • McCall Planning and Zoning Commission — January 6, 2009 EXECUTIVE SESSION Due to the late hour the Executive Session was delayed to the next Council Meeting. ADJOURNMENT Council Member Delaney moved to adjourn the meeting Council Member Scott seconded the motion and in a voice vote all members voted aye and the motion carried. Without further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:52 p.m. Bert Kulesza, Mayor ATTEST: BessieJo Wagn 3', City Cler McCall City Council Regular Meeting February 12, 2009 Page 9 of 9