HomeMy Public PortalAbout11/20/84 CCM158 PAYROLL CHECKS - NOVEMBER 20, 1984 8010 Robert Anderson 8011 Jill Hodapp 8012 Mark Moran 8013 Michael Rouillard 8014 Michael Sankey 8015 James Dillman 8016 Robert Dressel 8017 Francis Pumarlo 8018 Karen Dahlberg 8019 JoEllen Hurr 8020 Donna Roeh1 8021 Sylvia Rudolph 8022 Sandra Larson 8023 Janice Perterson 8024 Farmers State Bank of Hamel 8025 Commissioner of TAxation 8026 PERA 8027 Social Security-REtirement Division 836.68 609.31 838.05 914.18 1,048.44 874.79 677.39 575.56 364.91 579.83 735.03 486.53 153.75 20.00 1,450.00 822.00 712.52 401.36 $ 12,100.33 ORDER CHECKS - NOVEMBER 20, 1984 3386 Government Training Service 3387 United States Stamped Envelope Agency 3388 Pera 3389 Social Security -Retirement Division 108.00 220.70 963.94 419.33 $ 1,711.97 159 The Council of the City of Medina met in regular session on Tuesday, November 20, 1984 at 7:30 P.M. Present: Mayor, Thomas Anderson; Councilmembers, Wilfred Scherer, William Reiser, Anne Heideman, Thomas Crosby; Clerk -Treasurer, Donna Roehl; Planning and Zoning Administrator, JoEllen Hurr; Public Works Director, James Dillman; Police Chief, Michael Sankey; Engineer, Glenn Cook; Attorney, Richard Schieffer. 1. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS Moved by Heideman, seconded by Scherer to discuss the following additional items: Dockside Seminar regarding Metropolitan Agencies Motion declared carried 2. MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 7, 1984 Moved by Reiser, seconded by Heideman to approve the minutes of November 7, 1984, as presented. Motion declared carried 3. MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 13, 1984 Moved by Reiser, seconded by Scherer to approve minutes of November 13, 1984, as presented. Motion declared carried 4. SALE OF $725,000 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS Richard Schieffer explained that an error in publication of hearing notices needed to be corrected so that the Bond Opinion could be completed. He stated that the project hearing notices were not published the two times as required by State Statute. Moved by Heideman, seconded by Scherer to adopt Resolution 84-83, scheduling a Public Hear- ing on December 18, 1984 at 8:30 P.M. to consider the Hamel Sewer Repair Project. Motion declared carried Richard Ehlers of Ehlers and Associates introduced Jeanne Fredrick of their firm who would be working with Medina in the future. He explained that the cities bond rating had been upgraded from a Baa to an A and he con- gratulated the city on the way in which the city is being managed,from a growth standpoint, and the way in which the finances are managed. He presented the following five bids received at 7:30 P.M., this date: First Nat'l. Bank, St. Paul; First Nat'l. Bank, Mpls.; Moore, Juran & Co.; 9.5862% net interst rate; Price $710,790. Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood; Norwest Sec.; Allison -Williams Co; M.H.Novick & Co.; 9.6263% net interest rate; Price $711,225. Dain Bosworth, Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis; 9.3747 % net interest cost; Price $710,790. Juran & Moody; American Nat'l. Bank; 9.4592% net interest rate; Price, $710,790. Dougherty, Dawkins, Stand & Yost; 9.2341% net interst rate; Price, $713,012.50. He asked that that be allowed to tabulate the bids for accuracy before bid was awarded. Thomas Crosby arrived at 7:45 P.M. 5. WICHITA TR. STREET LIGHTS Moved by Scherer, seconded by REiser to table the request for a street light on Wichita Tr. cul de sac, at the applicants request. Motion declared carried 6. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT Arthur Peabody, Subdivision JoEllen Hurr explained that Arthur Peabody wishes to subdivide 66+ acres on Tamarack Dr. into 6 parcels, each over 10 acres in size. She stated that two private roadway agreements were needed; one for 4 lots and the other to serve 2 lots. She stated that the existing barn is 100 ft. from a new lot line and would need to be recognized, as such. Moved by Crosby, seconded by Scherer to authorize Staff to prepare a resolution approving the Arthur Peabody subdivision with the following conditions: 160 All lots to have 110 ft. frontage on cul de sac. Two roadway agreements; one for 4 lots and one for 2 lots. Right of Way on Tamarack Dr. to be dedicated. Motion declared carried Alpana Aluminum Co. Moved by Crosby, seconded by Reiser to authorize Glenn Cook, JoEllen Hurr and Jim Dillman to study the request that the city take over maintenance`ot the �cul-desar. at Alpana Alum- inum Co. Motion declared carried Planning Conference Moved by Crosby, seconded by Scherer to authorize Leonard Leuer, Ron Rogers and Tom Anderson to attend a Planning Conference on November 30th at a cost of $36.00 each. Motion declared carried Arthur Emerson Subdivision Moved by Reiser, seconded by Crosby to approve Resolution 84-84, subdivision of the Arthur Emerson property on Willow Dr. and Hwy. 55. Motion declared carried Abstaining, Thomas Anderson 7. GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND SALE ( CONTINUED) Richard Ehlers stated that the calculation on the bids were correct and he recommended awarding the sale to Dougherty, Dawkins, Strand & Yost, Inc. Moved by Crosby, seconded by Scherer to adopt REsolution 84-85, accepting bid of Dougherty, Dawkins, Strand and Yost, Inc. for $725,0000 General Obligation Bonds. Motion declared carried 8. WATER SYSTEM INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC HEARING, 8:10 P.M. Glenn Cook presented two alternatives for supplying water to properties west of the existing Hamel Water Service Area. One alternative is to extend the Hamel water lines and the second suggestion is to construct a well and reservoir in an area west of the Hamel Service Area. He reported that there are two wells in Hamel each pumping about 250 gpm and that there is a 50,000 gallon storage tank. He explained that a sprinkling system requires 500 gpm pumping capacity. He explained that there are 1200 acres in the area that could be served but only about 840 acres of the total, developable. He stated that the cost of the first alternative would be $425,000 and the second alternative would cost $430,000. Sheldon Coplin, 1595 Hamel Rd., asked about construction of laterals. Mr. Cook stated that cost would be over and above the cost for main line installation. Thomas Anderson stated that the city was looking for propery owners intersted in developing their property, that might be interested in a central system. John Sorum, 4005 Apache Dr., asked how it would affect his property, as he only had five acres. Mr. Anderson stated that he lives in an industrial zone and he asked whether he was interested in developing his property. Robert Mealman, 1212 Hwy. 55, asked where the water line would be constructed. Mr. Cook stated that it would be located north of Hwy. 55. Mr. Mealman asked what would happen when they widen Hwy. 55. Mr. Cook stated that it would be constructed in the road right-of-way. Mr. Mealman stated that Mlnnegasco had plans to locate lines between the railroad tracks and Hwy. 55. Bernard Roskop, 3082 Hwy. 55, Asked how he would be assessed, as he owns 40 acres of swamp. Mr. Cook stated that would be taken from the total acreage. Richard Brummer, 4125 Apache Dr., Asked how the property would be assessed. Mr. Anderson stated that it would be paid for over a 10 year period at about 10% interest. Mr. Roskop asked if the Federal Government takes care of such projects. Mr. Anderson stated that new projects are usually not funded, whereas repair projects may be funded. 0 0 0 Mr. Cook stated that Economic Development projects need to indicate an amount of 161 new jobs that will be created. Albert Yngve, partner in property west of Willow Dr., south of Hwy. 55, Stated that he would support such a project as they would like to develop their property. Harvey Dahl, 4035 Apache Dr., asked what would happen if the majority of the property owners did not want the project. Mr. Anderson stated that the City Council has the ability to make that decision. He stated that he would like to make use of the money that the Walter G. Anderson Co. would be spending on their individual system, put toward a larger system. Thomas Crosby stated that he would like to explore the possibility of purchasing from the Anderson Co., at some future date. Moved by Crosby, seconded by Heideman to close the Public Hearing. Motion declared carried Public Hearing closed at 8:55 P.M. Moved by Crosby, seconded by Heideman to discuss the project with property owners who are interested in developing their property so as to tailor an assessment district and to find out whether or not the city could utilize the Anderson Co. system, some time in the future. Motion declared carried 9. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT (CONTINUED) Resolutions regarding Walter G. Anderson Co.; Dickey Natural Systems; RMT, Inc.; Rex Gregor Moved by Heideman, seconded by Scherer to table action on resolutions for the above appli- cants until December 4th. Motion declared carried Rex Gregor, Accessory Building JoEllen Hurr reported that Mr. Gregor had begun construction of the accessory building before a variance had been granted and as a result a "Stop Work" order had been issued. Attorney, Ron Black, stated that he had tried to research the ordinance regarding primary structure and he believed that because Mr. Gregors property is used agriculturally the primary structure could be the building on which construction had started. JoEllen Hurr stated that Mr. Gregor had said that he could not combine the two parcels because of ownership but that the tax book lists both parcels in his name. Thomas Crosby asked if a variance was needed if one agreed with Mr. Black's interpretation. Mrs. Hurr stated that she did not know if the bulding met the 50 ft. setback requirements. Mr. Gregor stated that his surveyor had placed the stakes according to requirements. Thomas Adnerson asked if a house had been planned for the larger parcel. Mrs. Hurr stated that it could not meet the septic requirements. Mr. Crosby stated that he believed that, in effect, the two parcels had been combined. Mrs. Hurr stated that she had not seen any documentation to the contrary. Moved by Crosby, seconded by Heideman to grant a variance to Rex Gregor to construct an accessory building on his property on Holy Name Dr. for the following reasons: The rationale for granting the variance is because 1984 tax records indicate Rex Gregor as owner/taxpayer; f�hats At appears that lots are combined by reason of common ownership her.- and operation and that the proposed building is a proper accessory building for the property. L'.76.encll OSSess-d et Penaitw e%"„/a,lent arc: mil bci,ld,,ny Pcr n t fee a- f, * -1-v., . +h t the a.epitcant ¢'Fled 46' abi- .- u "\-c ance Richard Schieffer stated that the tae records are not conclusive and that the County Recorder records need to be researched, particularly dates; also that terms of the ordinance need to be researched. Motion declared carried Rex Gregor, Garage Setback Variance JoEllen Hurr explained that a "Stop Work" order had been issued to Mr. Gregor because the setbacks of the garage foundation did not meet those granted in the variance. Thomas Crosby stated that there three issues needed to be resolved: Penalty on garage Garage not built in authorized location Penalty for building accessory building prior to issuance of variance. 1 v 2Mrs. Hurr stated�tthhat the garage foundation had been placed 13' 1" at one corner which is 11 inches closer to the side yard lot line than was allowed. A representative of Hogar Construction stated that the Building Inspector had checked the footings and had approved pouring of the cement. Moved by Crosby, seconded by Heideman to grant Rex Gregor an additional 11 inch setback variance to construct a garage at 2592 Holy Name Dr. and to authorize staff to prepare a resolution accordingly and t$ Marge_ _normal- on-thti'--acee-s-sory bu ldi , n -val ati ef- e-bu ld ng. Motion declared carried 10. MINNEGASCO FRANCHISE Moved by Heideman, seconded by Crosby to have Richard Schieffer draft a correction summary for the Minnegasco Franchise ordinance. Motion declared carried 11. MINNESOTA EDUCATIONAL COMPUTING CORPORATION (MECC) PAYROLL SOFTWARE Moved by Heideman, seconded by Crosby topurchase the MECC Payroll Software for $238.00 plus $100 for a one day training session which Donna Roehl will attend. Motion declared carried 12. MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETINGS Discussion of options for providing minutes of Council meetings to the general public. Moved by Heideman, seconded by Crosby, to provide, at City expense, copies of Council meeting minutes, upon individual request. Motion declared carried 13. ZONING ADMINISTRATOR AND OFFICE ASSISTANT Council discussed memo from Anne Heideman regarding job descriptions and salary minimums for full time Zoning Administrator and Office Assistant. Moved by Crosby, seconded by Heideman to approve the establishment of Full time Zoning Administrator and Office Assistant posistions effective February 1, 1985 and to abolish the posist3.o�Part time Zoning Administ`rat�or andepfficee Asst,�stiaan ,,c_effe,cit �v ?}luary iI made o ha v v + e yeas c { 'n in the event 31, 1985, that full time posistions are not filled by that date. Motion declared carried 14. IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS, PUBLIC HEARINGS Moved by Heideman, seconded by Scherer to adopt Resolution 84-86, calling for a Public Hearing on December 18, 1984 at 9:00 P.M. to discuss the Hunter Dr. improvement project. and to order publication of Hearing Notice so as to fullfill State requirements. Motion declared carried Moved by Heideman, seconded by Scherer to adopt Resolution 84-87, calling for a Public Hearing on December 18, 1984 at 8:00 P.M. to discuss the Rolling Green Storm Sewer and Hunter Dr. north improvement project and to order publication so as to satify State requirements. Motion declared carried 15. BILLS Moved by Scherer, seconded by Heideman to pay the bills; Order Checks # 3386-3389 in the amount of $1711.97 and Payroll Checks # 8010-8027 in the amount of $12,100.33. Motion declared carried 16. METRO AGENCY SEMINAR Moved by Heideman, seconded by Scherer to authorize Donna Roehl and Thomas Anderson to attend a seminar on December 8, 1984 on how to deal with Metropolitan Agencies at a cost of $25.00 each. Motion declared carried Moved by Heideman, seconded by Scherer to adjourn. Motion declared carried Meeting adj urned at 10:30 P.M. r Zy /( �ke__Alerk-Treasurer