HomeMy Public PortalAbout2011.05.26 Regular Council MinutesMINUTES McCall City Council Regular Meeting Legion Hall (McCall City Hall - Lower Level) May 26, 2011 Agenda Call to Order and Roll Call Approve the Agenda Work Session Pledge of Allegiance Public Comment Business Agenda Consent Agenda Executive Session Adjournment CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Bailey called the regular meeting of the McCall City Council to order at 5:31 p.m. Council Member Aymon, Mayor Bailey, Council Member Scott, Council Member Swanson, and Council Member Witte all answered roll call. City staff present was Lindley Kirkpatrick, City Manager; Bill Nichols, City Attorney; Dennis Coyle, Parks and Recreation Director; Linda Stokes, City Treasurer; Michelle Groenevelt, Community Development Director; Peter Borner, Public Works Director; Carol Coyle, Grant Coordinator; Nathan Stewart, Staff Engineer; and BessieJo Wagner, City Clerk. IAPPROVE THE AGENDA 1 Mayor Bailey approved the agenda as submitted. IWORK SESSION AB 11-90 Community Development Block Grant Application for Downtown Redevelopment Carol Coyle, Grant Coordinator; and Michelle Groenevelt, Community Development Director, presented the information for the Community Development Block Grant to Council. The Council had general discussion concerning the possible costs to build the sidewalks and the amount of City Staff time to put the grant application together. There was general consensus from the Council to move forward with the project. McCall City Council Regular Meeting May 26, 2011 Page 1 of 12 Mayor Bailey led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance at 5:59 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING AB 11-92 FY11 First Budget Amendment Linda Stokes, Treasurer, presented the budget amendment to Council stating that the funds come from surplus fund balances, franchise fees, Local Option Taxes, state grant funds, and Federal ARRA Stimulus grant funds. There was a brief discussion to clarify the amendment. Council Member Witte pointed out that the information in the memo did not agree with the information in the proposed ordinance. Lindley Kirkpatrick, City Manager, suggested that due to the confusion of the memo, the Council could open the Public Hearing, but not act on the ordinance until the next regular Council Meeting. Staff would then clarify the information in the memo. Mayor Bailey opened the public hearing for the FY11 First Budget Amendment at 6:10 p.m. Mayor Bailey moved to continue the public hearing for the FY11 First Budget amendment to June 9, 2011. Council Member Witte seconded the motion. In a voice vote all members voted aye and the motion carried. AB 11-96 CUP-10-07 Shore Lodge Beach Club Continued Council Member Scott recused herself from this Public Hearing. Mayor Bailey opened the public hearing for CUP-10-07 Shore Lodge Beach Club at 6:22 p.m. Mayor Bailey indicated that since Council had heard significant testimony at the previous hearing and received numerous letters, e-mails and reports, he would request anyone wishing to speak keep their comments salient and not repeat information already provided to Council. He then asked Michelle Groenevelt, Community Development Director, for an update on additional information received. Bill Nichols, City Attorney, made a point of order, indicating that Council Member Aymon was not at the last meeting, and asked if she had listened to the transcript. Council Member Aymon indicated she had not, but that she had read all of the documents including the transcript. Mr. Nichols indicated he wanted the record to reflect that Council Member Aymon had, in fact, read the transcript. Michelle Groenevelt, Community Development Director, addressed the issue of zoning. She indicated that although extensive research had been done on zoning of the southern parcel, the McCall City Council Regular Meeting Page 2 of 12 May 26, 2011 " parcel that would be a proposed parking lot, whether it was actually partially zoned commercial or totally zoned commercial, the parcel was actually zoned residential. Ms. Groenevelt stated that with the whole issue of zoning, it would be important to clarify with the applicant. So staff will be working with the applicant and providing documentation. Ms Groenevelt stated that in terms of this application the CUP being requested was for all the parcels. Therefore the issue of zoning was not that important in the sense of the other parcels were currently zoned residential R4, therefore a Conditional Use Permit was required. Ms. Groenevelt commented that while the question of access was interesting and her department did significant research regarding easement and platting, it was not something that needed to be discussed at this time. Ms. Groenevelt continued stating that there was new public comment information in the Council packets. She also indicated that the parking issue could not be addressed by staff until additional information regarding beach club use and event parking was provided by the applicant. The inference that the Herrick Street property would be used for parking would also require more staff research regarding zoning and the original Whitetail PUD. Ms. Groenevelt then addressed the issue of restrooms, and indicated that additional information needed to be submitted. Ms. Groenevelt also addressed the concern regarding access for fire trucks, stating that the Fire District had provided a preliminary review letter that indicated there would be room on the Owen Drive access to turn a fire truck around or back one in. Mayor Bailey clarified the restroom issue, indicating that current restrooms were adequate for what was currently there, but what was being proposed would need additional restrooms. Some discussion occurred regarding lake access, right-of-ways and easements. Significant research had been done, and it appeared that they did have access; however, staff would want to confirm that. Kelsie Medel, 713 Wooley Avenue, McCall, Idaho, introduced herself to Council and presented a photograph of the beach and deck area (Exhibit A) that had been photo -shopped to show the proposed property and give a visual of what 75 people on the property would look like. She also wanted to reaffirm her concern that the proposed use was not harmonious with the neighborhood and it would not be a similar use as the other single-family residences. She also raised concern regarding what would constitute an event and what the daily use could potentially be. Dennis McDowell, 1178 Brightwater, Boise, Idaho, introduced himself to Council and presented photographs of his property adjacent to Whitetail, as well as 6 additional photos (Exhibit B). He stated he believed this request was not harmonious and did not fit in a residential neighborhood. Mr. McDowell also stated that he was President of the Whipkey Lane Property Association and they unanimously opposed the project, as well. He stated he believed the development would be detrimental to the lake, the neighborhood and the City of McCall. McCall City Council Regular Meeting Page 3 of 12 May 26, 2011 " Bill Bryant, Warren Wagon Road, McCall, Idaho, also presented a photograph (Exhibit C), and indicated that the majority of his concerns were regarding Owen Road: the fact that parking along Owen Road would be significant due to overflow of proposed parking lot, and would disrupt local traffic; the headlights would be very intrusive; the increase in noise would be significant; there could be a safety issue with the increase in vehicle traffic due to the considerable amount of bike and pedestrian (including maintenance crews) traffic already on Owen Road and on the bike path along Warren Wagon road. Mr. Bryant indicated he would be saddened, also, by the impact on local wildlife. Additionally, he felt the traffic trying to get from Owen Road back to Warren Wagon would be a real problem, as the access was steep and often required significant acceleration. Hethe Clark, 251 East Front Street, spoke with concerns regarding the parking issue. Mr. Clark stated that the amount of parking spaces required for this CUP, particularly special events, would clearly require a parking lot, which would not be harmonious with the area. Mr. Clark handed out a copy of the McCall City Code � 3.8062 (Exhibit D). He believed it was the responsibility of the applicant to do a traffic study, because the proposal was not harmonious and would create significant traffic and parking issues. Judy Leister, 1073 Plymouth Road, McCall, Idaho, indicated she was a local appraiser (she handed out her resume to Council  Exhibit E) and that appraisers frequently and routinely do appraisals subject to hypothetical conditions (such as "completion per plans" or "zoning changes"), things that are not done, but are proposed in the future. She indicated that it was her opinion that enough information was known about the proposed beach club to render an opinion of value/appraisal. Ms. Leister expressed concern regarding homogeneity. She felt the beach club would affect values of nearby homes, causing depreciation. She stated that the closer you are to an adverse element (the proposed club), the greater the loss. Ms. Leister performed a survey of local brokers in 2009, and the survey indicated a loss of 45% in value for property located next to a "noisy enterprise" (i.e. gravel pit, dog boarding or kennel service, recreational camp or heavily trafficked road). She felt this survey was indicative of what property owners around Shore Lodge could expect if the CUP was approved. Bridgid Lawrence, 129 Cedar Drive, McCall, Idaho, expressed concern over agreements in the original Development Agreement signed in 2006 that had not been honored to date. She stated that specifically, the developer agreed to install a series of pathways and a turn lane. Ms. Lawrence indicated that if the developer had money to do a new endeavor, previous agreements should have been completed first. Ms. Lawrence also wanted Council to know that the sales brochures and topographical map at Shore Lodge sales office did not reflect any of the agreed to paths. Mayor Bailey asked the applicant if they wished to rebut any of the comments made. Stephanie Bonney, for the Shore Lodge, stated that she had some legal issues that needed to be put on the record. First, she indicated that her statement regarding the appraisal was that "the McCall City Council Regular Meeting Page 4 of 12 May 26, 2011 " " " appraisal that was done was not the project as proposed." Secondly, she felt the pictures presented by Ms. Medel were not relevant, because they were photo shopped and because the proposed CUP would allow 50 people outside not 75. Finally, Ms. Bonney pointed out that "if the City was going to make a determination that the zoning was in fact different as it had been set forth by the City previously that was extremely serious" (Exhibit F) and needed to be fully vetted and discussed. She believed that was a due process violation and would be something they would have to address. Mayor Bailey, Mr. Nichols and Ms. Bonney discussed the zoning issue, and Ms. Bonney clarified that the applicant was requesting a conditional use permit regardless of what the underlying zoning was, so she would like the City to hold off on making a determination or allow them to participate in the discussion. Mayor Bailey and Mr. Nichols indicated they understood Ms. Bonney's concern regarding the zoning issue. Dan Scott, 501 West Lake Street, McCall, Idaho, General Manager of the Shore Lodge, Whitetail, indicated he had no additional testimony but would like to address any questions. He indicated he was not aware of any conditions of the Whitetail PUD that the current owners had not complied with, but if there were any, they would comply. Some discussion occurred regarding the turn lane, traffic studies on the highways and the need for more research on the pathways. There was also discussion regarding the Herrick Street property being used for parking, as well as what zone it was under and whether it was part of the original PUD. Ms. Groenevelt indicated that the Herrick Street parcel was currently zoned Community Commercial. Council Member Aymon asked Mr. Scott to clarify the number of dogs/size of the kennel. Mr. Scott recommended making that a condition of approval. Council Member Aymon also raised the question of where the information came from that half of the people would drive to the facility but half would walk or cycle. Mr. Scott indicated the estimate came from looking at existing amenities and included walking, biking and golf carts. A brief discussion occurred regarding the routes used by pedestrians, bikers and golf carts. Council Member Aymon then initiated a discussion regarding residences on Owen Street/Owen Drive, their access and easements/parking spaces, as well as the width of pavement. Mr. Scott indicated the fire chief had no problem taking fire trucks down and turning them around. The process of shuttling was also part of that discussion. Council Member Aymon also asked for clarification on membership eligibility, membership numbers and allowable guests. Mayor Bailey presented a summary handout (Exhibit G) of what he believed to be four key areas (economic impact, the issue of commercial use and harmony, the access and parking) that were mentioned the most frequently, his comments on each, a photograph of the Herrick property, a schematic of the proposed parking lot and a picture of four photographs of the area. Mayor Bailey indicated the Owen access onto Warren Wagon Road came up steeply to the edge of the pavement, and the City would probably want to make correcting that a condition of approval. There was also a telephone communication box that needed to be off the right-of-way of the McCall City Council Regular Meeting May 26, 2011 Page 5 of 12 " street. Mayor Bailey believed the issue of incomplete agreements also needed to be investigated further. He felt the overall issue was whether it was possible to satisfy and overcome any/all of the conditions that had been raised. If it was not possible, then he believed Council was warranted in denying the application. If it was reasonably possible, then he would recommend writing a set of conditions that would direct the applicant to do that. Mayor Bailey felt the most difficult issue to determine was "harmonious with the use and character of the neighborhood." Council Member Aymon indicated she was also concerned with maintenance, such as hours of mower operation and impact of any chemicals used to maintain landscaping. Mr. Scott felt the City would be reasonable in establishing hours and guidelines for maintenance, landscaping and clean-up after events. They discussed numbers of people at private events and open events and how Whitetail/Shore Lodge would monitor and limit attendance numbers. Council Member Aymon also asked Mr. Scott for clarification on whether members "needed" their own beachfront clubhouse. Mr. Scott said they believed it was an important amenity for the success of Whitetail. Mayor Bailey then asked Mr. Scott if he believed an issue regarding easements raised in a recent letter (possibly from Manchester) was a problem. A discussion again ensued regarding easements, access and parking. Council Member Aymon asked Mr. Scott if the property would be taxed as commercial or residential. Mr. Scott indicated he did not know, and Ms. Aymon indicated she was hoping to use the tax issue to define the type of property. The definition of commercial was discussed, as well as resident verses non-resident and member. Council Member Aymon was concerned about a parking lot on the Scenic Byway. Mayor Bailey indicated there were many trees screening the proposed lot from Highway 55. He also indicated that it may be a good idea to make access from the Herrick Street property to Owen Drive (across Warren Wagon Road) a condition. Mayor Bailey also indicated that parking along Warren Wagon Road would probably need to be prohibited. Council Member Aymon and Mayor Bailey continued to discuss issues, including enforcement of rules by the applicant, parking, traffic, character and harmony of the project for its neighborhood, testimony from neighbors, boat traffic and dock parking. Mayor Bailey indicated he felt the decision needed to be made on whether to write up a set of conditions that would direct the applicant to amend his application sufficiently to satisfy those conditions or to not proceed any further. Mr. Nichols recommended Council point out any problems to the applicant and to indicate the goal or objective that had to be met to take care of that problem. Council Member Aymon stated she read the code to be that if Council denied the CUP, Council could tell the applicant that there were certain conditions that they felt would never be compatible with the requested Conditional Use Permit. Mr. Nichols indicated that was accurate, but it was a more common practice for a Council to state the problems/issues with a desired outcome and allow the applicant to come back to Council with possible solutions; however, if Council felt, based on the evidence, that there was no way to make it work, it was better to state that and save everyone time and money. McCall City Council Regular Meeting Page 6 of 12 May 26, 2011 " Council Member Witte indicated that, in her opinion, most of the issues could be worked through; however, she was uncertain about the condition of being harmonious with the character of the neighborhood. Council Members Swanson and Aymon concurred. Mayor Bailey indicated that the lake frontage was actually about 216 feet, which was more than what was originally thought. Mr. Nichols requested a brief recess to discuss possible options with other counsel present. Mayor Bailey reconvened the Public Hearing at 8:10 PM. Mr. Nichols provided direction to the Council, and based on that direction, Mayor Bailey closed the public hearing at 8:16 pm. Council Member Aymon made a motion to deny Conditional Use Permit 10-07 for the Shore Lodge Beach Club based on non-compliance with condition number 3. Council Member Witte seconded the motion. After a brief discussion, Mayor Bailey amended the motion to include non-compliance with conditions 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11 and 12, in addition to condition 3. In a roll call vote to amend the motion, Mayor Bailey, Council Member Witte, Council Member Aymon and Council Member Swanson all voted aye, and the motion passed. In a second roll call vote to deny Conditional Use Permit 10-07 for the Shore Lodge Beach Club based on non-compliance with conditions 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11 and 12, Council Member Aymon, Council Member Witte, Mayor Bailey and Council Member Swanson all voted aye, and the motion passed. Mr. Nichols requested that Council provide any information possible to the applicant regarding specifically how they could obtain approval. Mayor Bailey stated a possible way to meet condition number 3, being harmonious with a neighborhood, would be to reduce the usage on the facility and/or to provide it with some experience over a specified period of time, like a trial period. Mayor Bailey also recommended providing proposed rules and security information to Council, if the applicant decided to proceed. Other suggestions for the applicant included: provide specific information on utilizing Owen Drive; provide more information on accessing the property from the Herrick Street lot, if additional parking was proposed there; limit the number to fewer than 75 people; and possibly eliminate or restrict the kennel, boats and/or events. Council Member Swanson recommended the applicant hold a neighborhood meeting, with the intention to reach a compromise with the neighbors before beginning the process again. Lindley Kirkpatrick, City Manager, stated that staff would prepare Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for submission to the City Council. Council Member Scott returned to the meeting. McCall City Council Regular Meeting Page 7 of 12 May 26, 2011 IPUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Bailey called for public comment at 8:30 p.m. Hearing no comments, Mayor Bailey closed the public comment. BUSINESS AGENDA AB 11-87 Historic Preservation Commission Annual Report to Council Brian Corcoran, Chairperson of the McCall Historic Preservation Commission, presented a report to Council. AB 11-97 Local Option Tax (LOT) Funding Priorities Council had some general discussion on the various City projects. Mayor Bailey suggested that the Parks department request assistance from the McCall Urban Redevelopment Agency (MURA) for the gazebo project at Brown's Park. It was clarified by Lindley Kirkpatrick, City Manager, that the amount requested for the gazebo from LOT was not the entire cost of the project. He stated that the Park's Department was planning to request funding from MURA and the LOT Commission for the gazebo project. Council Member Aymon requested clarification of the location of sidewalks in the Public Works LOT Application. It was clarified that it was for the downtown area. Mayor Bailey stated that funding for many of the City projects is an ongoing issue. Council Member Witte stated that it was her understanding that the Council needed to give the LOT Commission general direction and not prioritize the entire list of projects. She stated that her priorities were infrastructure projects as everyone including the tourists and the local community would benefit, this would include the downtown sidewalk project. Council Member Witte's other priorities were projects that if not funded by LOT would be funded by tax payers such as the Golf Course; and projects that would benefit the greatest number of people rather than separate organizations were few benefit. Steve Gleason, LOT Chair, asked about the Golf Course, stating that the LOT Commission had funded the McCall Golf Course pretty heavily with the idea that they would be retiring a large debt and that the debt had been fulfilled in 2011. He stated that it was his understanding that once the debt had been fulfilled that the McCall Golf Course would not need assistance. Mr. Gleason asked if that was what it was looking like for the Golf Course. Mayor Bailey stated that what the McCall Golf Course is looking like that the Golf Course would not lose as much money as in the past but would still have deficit. McCall City Council Regular Meeting Page 8 of 12 May 26, 2011 " " Steve Gleason stated that he had received comments from other golf course owners that collect LOT funds that feel they are contributing to a fund that competes directly with their own business. Mr. Gleason indicated that the owners of these golf courses could possibly understand the need for equipment and LOT funds used for such but not for labor expenses. Mr. Gleason asked direction from Council on how much to budget for the golf course. Council Member Aymon stated that, based on comments that the City needs to have amenities that tourist come and enjoy and benefit the community, there are many tourists that enjoy the McCall Golf Course. She stated that it would be worth keeping the Golf Course in shape so that people would continue to enjoy the golf course which in turns benefits the community. Mayor Bailey stated that the LOT Commission should be as generous as they can be and consider the top priority project for the golf course and that the Material Handler/top Dresser piece of equipment would be beneficial in that it could assist with reducing some of the labor costs. Mayor Bailey stated that he was concerned with the Treasure Valley Transit's request of $45,000. He stated that he plans for some tough questions for Treasure Valley Transit during the budget process. Council Member Witte commented that the Council had asked for a more detailed budget from Treasure Valley Transit. Mr. Kirkpatrick replied that the Council would have Treasure Valley's budget for the June 17, 2011 budget meeting. Mayor Bailey stated that at the budget meeting there should be more clarity to Treasure Valley Transit's LOT request. Mr. Gleason commented that the $45,000 request was standard for Treasure Valley Transit. Mayor Bailey inquired as to how MCPAWS was doing financially. Council Member Scott stated that MCPAWS was still trending down financially compared to the prior years. Council Member Scott also commented that she had received comments that the low cost spay and neuter clinics that MCPAWS is requesting money for affects local veterinarians' ability to do business as their clients are choosing the lower cost option. Council Member Scott commented that about half of the LOT requests are from City entities and she realizes that it improves the experience of coming to McCall, and that the projects may not get done otherwise; however it is a lot of money being requested. She stated that she did not think that half of the funding should go to the City if they have an alternative source of funding, especially if for some of the other organizations it is a "make or break" sort of situation. Council Member Witte stated that it is nice to fund those projects that have difficulty finding funding and if funding those small projects a little money that would make a big difference then those projects should be considered. However, Council Member Witte also stated that one of the purposes of the LOT is to mitigate the effects of tourists on City services and infrastructure, so having a large portion of the funds go to City projects would be appropriate. Council Member Scott asked the questions as to whether a good portion was half of the funds. Council Member Witte responded that it would depend on the projects. Council Member Scott stated that she had always been impressed with the way the LOT Commission has analyzed and McCall City Council Regular Meeting Page 9 of 12 May 26, 2011 prioritized the applicants and feels that the Commission will come up with the correct amount for City projects. Lindley Kirkpatrick, City Manager, asked the Council how much emphasis they would have the LOT Commission put on marketing and promotions. Mayor Bailey stated that he supported all of the Chambers applications and that the Chamber brings positive results with the funding they receive. Council Member Witte stated that the only other marketing request was for the brochure for the Nordic team. Mayor Bailey commented on the request from the Manchester Ice Rink stating that their request of nearly $60,000 was a lot to ask for. He stated that there was not much information provided on their current cash flow and that may be something to request from Manchester Ice Rink. Mr. Gleason stated that he thought that the LOT Commission should look at providing some assistance to the Ice Rink. Mayor Bailey stated that he would be willing to support a reasonable percentage of what the Manchester Ice Rink had requested. Council Member Aymon supports funding MCPAWS and public transit. Council Member Aymon also suggested that the LOT Commission consider the Centennial project. Council Member Scott added that she supports events that draw people to McCall such as the Smithsonian Exhibition and the Centennial. Mr. Kirkpatrick asked the Council to consider that through the process of narrowing down the applicants for funding, that some projects need 100% of their request in order for the project or piece of equipment to be funded. There may be other projects that can do with partially funding a project. Mr. Kirkpatrick asked that the Council encourage the Commission to fund those projects 100% or not at all. He also asked that the Council direct the Commission to prioritize the projects and fully fund them and not fund the less important projects at all as opposed to giving a little funding to many projects. Council Member Witte stated that asking the applicants if they can do with less is a way to find out if the Commission could fund less. Mayor Bailey agreed stating that it should be an applicant by applicant question; however he also agreed with Mr. Kirkpatrick that it would not be favorable to fund an applicant with partial funding and then they are unable to either purchase their equipment or fund their project. AB 11-88 Economic Development Activities Request for Funding Carol Coyle, Grant Coordinator, presented the Economic Development Activities Request for Funding to Council. Mrs. Coyle stated that the Council designated $30,000 in the FY11 budget for economic development activities. On March 10, 2011, the Council approved $18,325 of that funding to be applied toward the consultant cost for the development of the Pathways Master Plan, leaving $11,675 unobligated for specific economic development activities in FY11. Larry Shake indicated that he was available and willing to attend the second year of NWCDI. The estimated cost of attendance (registration, lodging, mileage, meals) was $1200. Scholarship funds were being requested from the Idaho Dept. of Commerce, which may reduce that cost. McCall City Council Regular Meeting Page 10 of 12 May 26, 2011 Mrs. Coyle stated that McCall would again participating in America in Bloom this FY, and funding of $1000 was requested to provide lodging and meals for visiting judges and general program support (publicity, local contest materials), in conjunction with funding provided by the McCall Improvement Committee. Mayor Bailey moved to approve the funding request of $1200 for NWCDI attendance for Larry Shake, and $1000 for the America in Bloom program, and authorize the Mayor to sign any and all necessary documents. Council Member Aymon seconded the motion. In a roll call vote Mayor Bailey, Council Member Aymon, Council Member Scott, Council Member Swanson, and Council Member Witte all voted aye and the motion passed. CONSENT AGENDA Staff recommended approval of the following items: • Warrant Registers Dated May 18, 2011 • Payroll Report for Period Ending May 13, 2011 • Alcohol and Catering Licenses Activity Report • AB 11-91 Transportation, Community and System Preservation Program (TCSP) Grant for Planning Highway Corridor • AB 11-95 Approval of the Contract/MOU with Idaho Power • AB 11-89 Consultant Agreement for Historic Preservation Plan A brief discussion took place regarding the Warrant Register and to correct the minutes. Council Member Scott moved to approve the Consent Agenda Council Member Swanson seconded the motion. In a roll call vote Council Member Aymon, Mayor Bailey, Council Member Scott, Council Member Swanson, and Council Member Witte all voted aye and the motion passed. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 9:15 p.m. Mayor Bailey moved to go into Executive Session for: • Litigation — Pursuant to Idaho Code §67-2345(1)(f) To communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated Council Member Witte seconded the motion. In a roll call vote Mayor Bailey, Council Member Scott, Council Member Aymon, Council Member Swanson, and Council Member Witte all voted aye and the motion passed. Council discussed the Buxton/McCurdy litigation. McCall City Council Regular Meeting Page 11 of 12 May 26, 2011 " OPEN SESSION i At 9:41 p.m. Mayor Bailey moved to return to open session. Council Member Scott seconded the motion. In a voice vote all members voted aye and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT I Without further business, the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 9:41 p.m. ATTEST: BessieJo Wag ity Cle onald C. Bailey, Mayor McCall City Council Regular Meeting Page 12 of 12 May 26, 2011 " McCall City Council Regular Meeting May 26, 2011 Exhibit A McCall City Council Regular Meeting Ma 26 2011 hoop HemoaolAj woo suss oaf c pue sieoci z imm sloop onto - - _ a6poiaJoys y;nos au!! AlJadad liamociow w0.4 uo /fed yoeaq aye asodwi am ease yoea8 ►,'�Ihlll^ ItJifJilil tit! poogioqq6!au ue u! sioqq6!au Jo auo se al!' pamoo! INN\ li puedxa o4 u!lq6noiq seen pues GJOW wood ewe Lideaq 'Jaluao saall au' ui umei an 00!IoN .1! Paumo sAPPPc1 01-11 ueum ease goeaEi' 0 McCall City Code Section 3.8.062 (Off -Street Parking Requirements) r Type Of Use i- r_ Commercial Parking Spaces Required r Hotels, motels r__ r— Marinas Recreational Or Entertainment Dining rooms, restaurants, taverns, nightclubs, clubhouses, etc. Bowling alleys 1 per each sleeping room and 1 space for each 2 employees; in addition, 10 percent of the parking spaces shall be oversized spaces (equivalent of 2 compact spaces situated front to back) 1 per 4 boat mooring spaces within 300 feet of the marina; 1 per 2 boat mooring spaces, or a sufficient size for boat trailers within 7, mile from the marina 1 for each 100 square feet of floor area Dance floors, skating rinks Outdoor swimming pools (public) 4 for each alley or lane, plus 1 additional space for each 100 square feet of the area used for restaurant, cocktail lounge or similar use 1 for each 100 square feet of floor area used for the activity 1 for each 5 persons capacity, plus public or community or club; 1 for each 4 seats or 1 for each 30 square feet of floor area used for seating purposes, whichever is greater Auditoriums, sports arenas, theaters and similar uses t� 1 for each 4 seats i i McCall City Council Regular Meeting Exhibit D May 26, 2011 c Resume Judith Leister Certified Residential Appraiser Idaho Certification #26 Practicing Appraiser Valley County, 1986-present Manager/Partner Northwest Appraisal, LLC 1988-2009 Northwest Appraisal LLC, McCall 1994-2010 Northwest Appraisal LLC, Eagle 2005-2009 Blue Mountain Appraisal LLC, Oregon 2000-2009 Pointe Appraisal LLC, Salt Lake City, Utah 2005-2008 Certified Appraisal Instructor, Society of Real Estate Appraisers 1989-1992 Certified Real Estate Course Instructor, Idaho Real Estate Commission 1979-2004 Designated Real Estate Broker 1978-present Broker/Manager Century 21 AA Realtors 1980-1986 Century 21 McCall Real Estate 1979-1986 Licensed Real Estate Agent 1975-1978 Education: Bachelor Science University of Rhode Island, 1964 Various Post Graduate Courses Numerous real estate courses Numerous appraisal courses Appraisal experience/Residential Banks, Mortgage Lenders, FHA, VA, Conventional lending, Condominiums, PUD assignments, small income properties, higher value properties, vacation properties. Property tax hearings, county and state, various consulting assignments Appraisal experience/Non Residential Idaho Dept. of Transportation McCall City Council Regular Meeting May 26, 2011 Exhibit E vid lo 40 22 May 2011 To: City Council From: Don Bailey,Mao / (?; cc. Lindley Kirkpatrick, Michelle Groenevelt, William Nichols Subject: Whtietail Application for a Private Beach Club in a Residential Zone; CUP 10-07 As you know, for a CUP to be acceptable, each of the 12 conditions listed in Title 3 (Section 3.15.05 F) must be met. So, perhaps another way to approach the debate would be to agree on which one, or more, of these conditions, if any, cannot possibly be met. From testimony of neighboring property owners, the primary objections noted are: 1. The potential for disrupting the peace and harmony of a long-established residential neighborhood (Condition 4). 2. The problem of access to the proposed facility (insufficient parking on site; no formerly proposed offsite parking; risky bicycle and/or pedestrian access; questionable access via van or minibus; etc. See Conditions g and 11). 3. Approval of the proposed use creates a "commercial use" in a residential zone (Condition 1). 4. The proposed use will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community or will have a minimal negative economic impact on the neighborhood (Conditions 6 and ii). Addressing each of these (in reverse order): 1. Economic impact: One of the written submittals received was an estimate of the reduction in property value of a neighborhood parcel. It is not obvious that this will be the actual result if, assuming the conditional use is approved, the applicant adheres to sufficient conditions which will not directly impact neighborhood values. Perhaps comparison with other similar types of privately owned beach club or clubhouse facilities intended for private use. Additionally, the applicant could obtain appraisals from several qualified experts to support their contention that values will not be negatively impacted. 2. Commercial Use: The applicants, as described in their submittals, have not proposed a "commercial use', but a strictly "private use". The proposed use is no more commercial than the clubhouse use in, say, the Woodlands, River's Crossing, or Spring Mountain Ranch. McCall City Council Regular Meeting Page i of 2 Exhibit G May 26, 2011 c 3. Access to the property and parking: As one can see (reference the attached photos), access is problematic and the proposed on -site parking will likely be inadequate for larger groups. The applicant has proposed (verbally) the future use of the "Herrick Street" property, which is currently largely undeveloped, but there is an approved plat for development, as an area for overflow parking. People who use this area for parking could then be shuttled to the beach house property, use bicycles, or walk. The applicant must show clearly how these means could safely and reasonably be accomplished, including a proposed amended plat of the Herrick Street property. The applicant must also show that the project, if approved, "will not create excessive public cost for public facilities or services" (Condition 6). 4. Disruption of the peace and harmony of the existing neighborhood. This issue, is in my opinion, very difficult to show compliance in advance of actual use; approval or not is therefore very subjective and dependent on opinions, promises, and predictions of future conditions. The applicant has suggested that the City could impose rules of operation and then enforce these; this approach is completely unreasonable, however. Or the applicant could set in place their own rules of operation and then monitor compliance. This is the method used by most other private "clubhouse" types of facilities. Perhaps one way forward would be to approve the CUP for a limited period of time (say two years) to see if, in fact, the applicant can demonstrate adequate control of the use of the facility so as to not be disruptive to the peace and harmony of the neighborhood. The City would then have to determine whether or not compliance has been achieved (a potentially difficult and subjective task). Summarizing, I think it is possible for the applicant to amend the application with additional materials and plans, including proposed operating rules for managing the beach club operations, to gain conditional approval. If they should chose to do so, the Council will have to very carefully consider any new materials in light of the problems expressed by neighboring property owners. Is it possible to satisfactorily overcome the issues noted above? Or, if the Council decides that it is not reasonably possible for the applicant to do so, then denial of the CUP is warranted. Another, indirect, concern: Will approval of this application establish a precedent (political, not legal) for some future similar project? For example, as you may know, the State has decided to sell, rather that continue existing leases, all of the state owned residential properties around the Lake; most, or all, of these are located in the Area of City Impact. One can imagine a wealthy individual, or conglomerate, purchasing several adjacent properties and then creating a "beach club" similar to what's being proposed here. And, if another project is located in the Impact Area, the County Commissioners would have the final decision to approve or not. McCall City Council Regular Meeting May 26, 2011 Page 2 of 2 Exhibit G McCall City Council Regular Meetn" May 26.2O11 McCall City.9oiiicil Regular Meeting May 26, 201,1