HomeMy Public PortalAbout2015.11.19 Regular MinutesMINUTES McCall City Council Regular Meeting McCall -Donnelly High School Annex November 19, 2015 Call to Order and Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance Approve the Agenda Work Session Public Comment Business Agenda Consent Agenda Adjournment CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Aymon called the regular meeting of the McCall City Council to order at 5:31 p.m. Mayor Aymon, Councilor Giles, Councilor Scott, Councilor Swanson, and Councilor Witte all answered roll call. City staff members present were Nate Coyle, City Manager; Bill Nichols, City Attorney; Linda Stokes, City Treasurer; Kurt Wolf, Arborist; Peter Borner, Public Works Director; Carol Coyle, Grant Coordinator; BessieJo Wagner, City Clerk; and Lisa Kundrick, Deputy City Clerk. Mayor Aymon led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVE THE AGENDA Councilor Swanson moved to approve the agenda as submitted. Councilor Giles seconded the motion. In a voice vote all members voted aye and the motion carried. WORK SESSION 1 AB 15-222 Capital Asset Management Policy Discussion Linda Stokes, Treasurer, presented a continued discussion on Capital Asset Management Policy from the work session on September 25. Mrs. Stokes began by recalling that capital asset management is a series of policies, not just a single capital improvement plan that includes capital budgeting, project management, and asset maintenance. Mrs. Stokes defined the capital improvement plan as a long-term plan for capital expenditures, a means of mapping out future delivery and required funding, a way of demonstrating to the public the serious nature of expenditures, and a way to execute City planning documents. McCall City Council Regular Meeting November 19, 2015 Page 1 of 6 Mrs. Stokes then described the scope of the capital improvement plan. The current threshold for capital expenditures is $10,000. Mrs. Stokes presented the question of whether $10,000 is still the appropriate threshold or if it should it be higher. The lower the amount the more scrutiny there will be on projects. The Information Systems department may be involved in the process. She stated that there would also be a review committee. The question was brought up at the last meeting as to the role of citizens. Should they be on the review committee, or would there be a different committee of citizens? Mrs. Stokes suggested this as a topic for future discussions. There are also opportunities for citizen input at the planning process. Mrs. Stokes explained that the capital improvement plan has always been balanced before going to Council. The plan should also include an "unfunded list" in case extra dollars are found and projects can be moved up the list. Another part of the capital improvement planning process is identifying the City's funding strategy and creating capital reserves; for example, for one-time expenses; therefore dollars can be held in reserve and applied to capital as needed. Mrs. Stokes discussed the definition of a capital asset. At the last work session there was some confusion as to the difference between a capital asset and a capital project. Mrs. Stokes revealed the line of thinking that a capital project results in a capital asset. For a project to be part of the capital improvement plan it must have a useful life of greater than five years and it would also extend the life of the asset. Roads, infrastructure, and repairs can be capital projects. Mrs. Stokes added that after a capital improvement plan is in place, the plan needs to be funded. That is where the capital budgeting process takes place. The amount required for next year's capital becomes the budget and the plan extends into the future for the rest of the capital improvement plan. Budgeting is a matter of allocating funds for next year's capital. A component of the capital improvement policy should include some language to offer guidance; for example, if a bid comes in under budget, or if there is cost savings on a project, what is done with the extra funds. Also the opposite may apply when projects cost more than what was budgeted. Mrs. Stokes then discussed capital project management. How does the City manage capital projects? This begins by defining the project manager and their role in the process. This can be a department head, Staff, or a contractor. Some of the responsibilities of the project manager include defining the schedule, sending out requests for proposal, ensuring the preliminary work is completed, etc. The project manager will ensure milestones are met on time and the project comes in within budget, which is a very important role. Mrs. Stokes then turned to the topic of capital asset maintenance. She noted that it is important not to defer maintenance or asset replacement as it reduces the City's ability to provide services and threatens public safety. Deferred maintenance increases costs and liabilities. Strategies for funding maintenance of assets are just as important as funding assets. Putting these funding policies in place will help avoid unfunded liability from deferred maintenance. Mrs. Stokes noted that it is also important to communicate progress in this area with the public; for example, like what would be done with local option tax funding. In summary, Mrs. Stokes stated that the capital improvement policy supports long-term planning, aids in producing funding strategies, and helps keep the City's assets in good condition. It also demonstrates to the public that the City takes major expenditures very seriously. In addition, it also executes adopted planning documents. McCall City Council Regular Meeting Page 2 of 6 November 19, 2015 Mrs. Stokes stated that as part of the next steps, the policy will be presented to Council in December of 2015. Draft procedures and scoring criteria will be presented in January. Staff will start to implement the CIP process in February 2016, after which the process will be vetted by Council to use on FY17 budget planning. Following the presentation, Council agreed that the process should be kept as fluid as possible, allowing for greater flexibility instead of constraint. Mrs. Stokes commented that the process can be as brief or detailed as the Council wishes. The Council thanked Mrs. Stokes for her work on the CIP process so far. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Aymon called for public comment at 6:05 p.m. Hearing no comments, Mayor Aymon closed the public comment period. BUSINESS AGENDA AB 15-213 Request for Approval of Tree City USA Growth Award and 2015 Recertification Application Kurt Wolf, City Arborist, requested Council's approval on applying for recertification as a Tree City USA and to earn enough points to qualify for the Growth Award. The award was used last year but the City will be able to use it again this year with this recertification. Councilor Scott moved to approve the application for the City of McCall for Tree City USA and Growth Award and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents. Councilor Giles seconded the motion. In a roll call vote Scott, Councilor Giles, Mayor Aymon, Councilor Swanson, and Councilor Witte all voted aye and the motion carried. AB 15-217 FY 2017 Local Rural Highway Investment Program (LRHIP) Grant Application for Commerce Street Reconstruction Carol Coyle, Grant Coordinator, presented the FY 2017 Local Rural Highway Investment Program (LRHIP) grant application for Commerce Street reconstruction to Council. Mrs. Coyle explained the opportunity to apply for the FY16 LRHIP funding program to be used specifically for the upcoming Commerce Street reconstruction. This is excellent timing to apply for funding for this street as it is already slated for reconstruction with future Local Option Tax funding, and the grant application may be more appealing with the City being able to produce matching funds. Mrs. Coyle passed out the cost estimate prepared by the City Engineer for Commerce Street. The project would consist of 2 miles of road reconstruction to include stormwater management, multi -modal facilities, and water system improvements. LRHIP has funding available for construction projects up to $100K. Park Street was done with this funding in the past. The council that reviews these grant applications will make a decision in March. McCall City Council Regular Meeting Page 3 of 6 November 19, 2015 Councilor Giles moved to approve the submission of a FY2017 Local Rural Highway Investment Program grant application and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents. Councilor Swanson seconded the motion. In a roll call vote Councilor Giles, Councilor Swanson, Mayor Aymon, Councilor Scott, and Councilor Witte voted aye and the motion carried. AB 15-216 Request for approval of the purchase of a Half Ton Pickup Truck — Bid Number PW 16-05 Award Peter Borner, Public Works Director, presented bid proposals to the Council, of which there were three. The first bid was for a half -ton pickup truck. This year there were no specific trucks available through the State Procurement Site in Boise so Mr. Borner asked for bids from local Ford dealers. Only one bid was received from a dealer in Cascade. The lone bid was for $27,000 and was over budget, so this bid will be rejected. Mr. Borner stated he would go back to the State Procurement Site and purchase a truck from a dealer in Twin Falls, where the same truck can be had for $6,000 less. Mr. Borner would like to reject this bid and get approval to get a truck on the State Procurement Site. Councilor Scott moved to reject the Notice of Award from Bob Bates Ford for the purchase of a Half -Ton Pickup Truck. Councilor Witte seconded the motion. In a roll call vote Councilor Scott, Councilor Witte, Mayor Aymon, Councilor Giles, and Councilor Swanson voted aye and the motion carried. AB 15-214 Request for approval of the purchase of a One Ton Pickup Truck — Bid Number PW 16-04 Award Peter Borner, Public Works Director, reported that no bids were received on this request. There was no motion as there were no bids to reject or approve. AB 15-215 Request for approval of the purchase of a Crack Sealing Trailer — Bid Number PW 16-03 Award Peter Borner, Public Works Director, presented the request for approval of the purchase of a Crack Sealing Trailer — Bid Number PW 16-03 Award to Council. The low bidder was Specialty Supply but they did not meet the specifications of the bid. The specifications were written for an older model. Mr. Borner asked to reject all the bids, and the specifications will be rewritten so they are broadened and they can accept other bids from other suppliers. Mr. Borner stated that this crack sealing machine will not be needed until at least March of 2016, so there is time to get the right machine. Councilor Witte moved that we reject all bids for purchase of the crack sealing trailer. Councilor Swanson seconded the motion. In a voice vote Councilor Witte, Councilor Swanson, Mayor Aymon, Councilor Giles, and Councilor Scott voted aye and the motion carried. AB 15-218 Request to adopt Resolution No. 15-17 to Ratify of the 2015General Election Results BessieJo Wagner, City Clerk, presented Resolution 15-17 to ratify Valley County's canvass of the November 3, 2015 General Election. Nic Swanson and Jackie Aymon were reelected as Council members and Mayor respectively along with passage of the Local Option Tax. McCall City Council Regular Meeting Page 4 of 6 November 19, 2015 Total votes cast For Jackie Aymon Total votes cast For Colby Nielsen Total votes cast: For Nic Swanson 885 514 58.08% Result - Elected 885 420 47.46% Result - Not Elected 885 590 66.67% Result - Elected For the referendum of Ordinance 936 for imposition and collection of non -property taxes in the form of 1% sales tax and an additional 3% lodging tax the results were: Total votes cast 885 Votes for 579 65.42% Votes against 306 34.57% Results — Passed For the initiative relating to an increase in the minimum wage paid to employees by employers in the city of McCall, Idaho the results were: The total number of votes cast at said election for and against the initiative: Total votes cast 885 Votes for 409 46.21% Votes against 470 53.10% Results — Failed Councilor Giles moved to adopt Resolution 15-17 ratifying the Valley County Commissioners canvass of the November 3, 2015 General Election and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents. Councilor Scott seconded the motion. In a roll call vote Councilor Giles, Councilor Scott, Mayor Aymon, Councilor Swanson, and Councilor Witte voted aye and the motion carried. AB 15-221 Access Management Policy Review Public Works Director, Peter Borner, presented the first draft of the Access Management Policy. The policy begins with classification of streets, and then discusses access onto each classification of streets. Council asked questions about different streets and different scenarios that already exist in the City to see how the policy would work with each classification of streets. Mayor Aymon asked about lot splitting and how the separate lots would be accessed. Mr. Borner stated that ideally access should be shared between the lots when possible to avoid having three separate driveways out to the street. Councilor Swanson thought sharing driveways to smaller streets seems like it would make driveway management difficult, and Council agreed, although for larger arterial streets it makes sense. Mayor Aymon asked if the current street inventory needs to be evaluated. Mr. Borner replied that it does because classifications need to be assigned to every street in inventory. Council discussed whether the policy was too restrictive for the smaller classifications of streets but agreed that access definitely needs to be managed on the larger collectors and arterials. Mr. Borner stated the proposed policy has yet to be reviewed with Community Development, where further comments will be made, and another revision should be ready by mid -December. McCall City Council Regular Meeting Page 5 of 6 November 19, 2015 Council requested having a large map for next discussion showing the street classifications in detail. AB 15-220 Local Option Tax Implementation Update Nate Coyle, City Manager, updated Council on the status of Local Option Tax (LOT) implementation within the various departments of the City. Mr. Coyle stressed that going forward it is important to be transparent about how much revenue the City is collecting and how it is being used. The City Clerk is communicating with local agencies on how to submit collections. Interviews for a LOT administrator are taking place and the position should be filled next week. Public Works is working on the design process on implementing the first project, Commerce Street. The Finance Department is involved with the discussion on how to keep costs and revenue shared with the Community. The newly hired Communications Manager will also help with the communications element. Carol Coyle, Grant Coordinator, will be looking for funding opportunities to leverage grant money. The Information Systems Department also has a master plan to support growth. Upcoming Meetings Schedule Discussion Council discussed items for upcoming meetings. Mayor Aymon will give an update on the Legislative Committee at the December 17 meeting. City Manager Coyle proposed a special work session on December 18 for an update on Joint Wastewater Advisory Group planning projects. CONSENT AGENDA Staff recommended approval of the following items: 1. City Council Special Minutes -- March 4, 2015 2. City Council Regular Minutes -- June 25, 2015 3. City Council Regular Minutes -- November 5, 2015 4. City Council Special Minutes-- November 13, 2015 5. Payroll Report for Period Ending November 6, 2015 6. Alcohol and Catering Licenses Report 7. Warrant Registers Councilor Scott moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. Councilor Swanson seconded the motion. In a voice vote all members voted aye and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Without further business, the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 6:58 p.m. ATTEST: essieJo . g'er, Cit Cle c Ci McCall City Council Regular Me November 19, 2015 aN10 au J kie J. A4on; Mayor Page 6 of 6