HomeMy Public PortalAbout20130117 - Community Preservation Committee - Meeting MinutesTOWN OF HOPKINTON Community Preservation Committee MINUTES OF MEETING January 17, 2013 A meeting of the Hopkinton Community Preservation Committee was held on Thursday, January 17, 2013 at Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton, Massachusetts. Members present: Henry Kunicki, Jeff Doherty, Chris Waldron, Al Rogers, Ken Weismantel and Brian O’Keefe. John Coolidge and Bill Shaw were absent. The Affordable Housing Committee seat remains vacant. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Kunicki called the meeting to order at 7:15PM in Room 211. CITIZEN COMMENTS: NONE. NEW BUSINESS: ►Community Preservation Coalition – MOTION by Mr. Weismantel to approve a $2,500.00 payment to the Community Preservation Coalition for annual dues SECONDED by Mr. Rogers. VOTE to Approve: Yes-6, No-0, Absent-2. ►Legal Fees: Elmwood Farm and Whisper Way Acquisitions – DISCUSSION: Mr. Weismantel suggested that the CPC request justification from Miyares & Harrington for the high fees. Much of time billed involved discussions between the attorneys and Town employees rather than the review of legal documents. Mr. Weismantel said such discussions should be included in the retainer. Chairman Kunicki said he will express to the Town Manager the Committee’s dissatisfaction with the legal fees as well as its desire to explore alternatives. MOTION by Mr. Weismantel that the CPC approve a $1,557.50 payment to Miyares & Harrington for legal work related to the acquisition of Whisper Way SECONDED by Mr. Doherty. VOTE to Approve: Yes-6, No-0, Absent-2. Legal fees for the acquisition of Elmwood Farm will be revisited at the February meeting. OLD BUSINESS: ►East Main Street Acquisition - Mr. Doherty reported that the owner of the East Main/Wilson Street property wants to sell it without access. Access will be available through the Legacy Farms recreational development later. If the Town doesn’t purchase it, the land will be offered to developers. Mr. Weismantel noted that the Planning Board will not allow development without access. The land with the house is valued at $550,000.00; without the house, the back lot is worth $275,000.00. ►Fruit Street – Mr. O`Keefe stated for the record that the as-built for the athletic complex is complete. It had been suggested at a prior meeting that the as-built had not been done. ►Elmwood Farm – Mr. Doherty said the Conservation Restriction for Elmwood Farm has to be approved before the state will release the $400,000.00 grant. MINUTES: MOTION by Mr. Doherty to approve the December 13, 2012 meeting minutes as written SECONDED by Mr. Weismantel. VOTE to Approve: Yes-6, No-0, Absent-2. OTHER: The next CPC meeting: Thursday, February 14, 2013 at 7:15PM. 1 ADJOURN: MOTION by Mr. Weismantel to adjourn SECONDED by Mr. Doherty. VOTE to Approve: Yes-6, No-0, Absent-2. Meeting adjourned at 8:00PM. Respectfully Submitted, Elizabeth Aghababian, CPC Administrative Assistant Documents Used: 1.CPC Meeting Agenda 2.12/13/12 CPC Meeting Minutes 3.Invoices to be approved for payment 2