HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 06:105 2l\L'f,LllLl Wl\ III niL' Jllll1lLlLlql¡ lJt (gaëli:rct) (t\) c 4/ \ - jJ. ."c; 106--105--- Ii 'I II \1 [. '1\ I' I I " I Dale 0 ;~dl1rJ(iun_ March 9, 2006 CREATING HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACE FOR 19 WEDGEWOOD DRIVE '\TIEREAS~ Francis \Va1l of 19 \Vedge\"v'oocl Drive has requested a Handicapped Parking Space; and "'1-IEREAS, this individual has meet thc requirements of the Traffic Study Bureau for said parking space; and i I Ii 11 II ',I ',I il 1'1 I· I II \1 I II ,I I "'HEREAS. the Borough Engineer bas inspected said location and bas no objection to the approval of said Handicapped Parking Space; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Cat1crel that the fol1O\....,ing Handicapped Parking Space shall be designated: ] 9 \Vcdgewood Drive Francis Wa\! Adopted this <)\1\ day of ì\.larch, 2006 and certified as a true copy oflhc original on hlarch loth, 2006. ------.---.-'.-.-.---- KATHLEEN M. BARNEY. R!v!CICMC r..lunicipal Clerk i I '~III --~- ----~. HECOHD OF COUNCIL VUTF~ n;~~;~:I~tÜI7' =r:S! N~1~5t~:~~~I!~'''_: ~s ~I~r~ IhŒUII - --=i~~ -=li---j ~~~- -=- I ~~--rl r --- T~ rI_ -- - _LI----"_:-:LJ I~-_-_~[;~~C(=-~ Absen ~\~'~O~_~t' '~ale~_~_~_~~__r:n\W\,¡~\e~ I - l\dOjil~d al a 11lee,iílg ul ¡'c ;\:\lrli,jr,~¡j Council ~ March 9, 2006 ¡Çji!. c~,,~ ißarauglr a£ C!Ind£rd (£'( ~fIJ' . ; DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING ~" JOHN P DUPONT PE., C.M.E., PP -Ó'h. c,~";¡' DIReCTOR f-'V Jf,\\-"" March 3, 2006 DANIEL J. REIMAN, MAYOR Tfórkillp together to bllLl<7 a better Car/erd ATTN: Ms. Kathleen M. Barney, Borough Clerk Mayor and Borough Council Borough of Carteret 61 Cooke Avenue Carteret, NJ 07008 Re: Handicap Parking Review Francis WaIl 19 Wedgewood Drive APPROVED ¡);1( Dear Ms. Barney: As requested, we have reviewed the applicant's request for the designation of an on-street handicapped parking space to be located on Wedgewood Drive along the property fTontage. Based on our site visit we have determined that the property in question meets the requirements for the designation of a handicapped parking space, and furthermore, as required by NJSA Title 39:4-197.5, the subject application indicates the applicant possesses a valid disabled person identification card. Therefore, since there are no physical or regulatory restrictions for designating a handicapped parking space at this location, we have no objection to the Borough granting the applicant's request for a designated handicapped parking space in front of 19 Wedgewood Drive, subject to the approval of the Borough's Traffic Safety Officer. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact our office. Very truly yours, ~UP~ÑT'~ Director of Engineering s-?ú'{, ~ ?ii 00 \~)~/ "J cc: Ted Surick, DPW Supervisor Robert Bergen, Borough Attorney -;1 Lt. Dennis McFadden, Traffic Safety Officer / ' Patrick DeBlasio, Chief Financial Officer LX . Francis Wall ) .)h-¡ ~ JPD:ENGLASER/wo,dlhandioapped parkinglt9wedgewoodappcoval -¿¿¿J~ 'c( +d r ~k Memorial Municipal Building 61 Cooke Avenue Tel: 732-541-3847 . Fox: 732-541-4504 . 'NWw.carteret.net . Corteret, New Jersey 07008 Emoìl: dupontj@carferet.net CoPY i\ITLit .\ ltO" [Ol{ IU::,TI~ICTU) PAIU\.!'\C H)H l;,-';¡ 1\'\ HAND!C\I'J'E)) PERSON & c' LOCATIOl\: 1- !'{UVATE IŒS/DEI\CL SCHOOL _~_SH()]>P!NG OR Bl.:SI:-"'¡':SS DISTlUCT t '1fl¡J¡C:¡¡ ('UBUCH! 'ILDlNG \ DD ru:ss: ---.L9-~~Wa.QcÌ~ C (,l rto> _trl:,_h':t'J .;f-,-,--_ __Q:]jJO B (PL~'::\SI'. 1:1~·lL:.j," .: L:i;iì_:!',¡r1~ If ¡!w re;)~¡jc.lt·~ p".~Lir:.t.' ,,_ 1~1 ,j PI1i.ìh(.: kn) _..~~ \!A1\1E:f.rCU\ U $ lA.fo..t\ N..I. !)J{!VEJ{'S LICE:\'SE ii 'NO ~ gg ;;¡.h 10DJfi3,5~ \DDlŒSS:J..L.We-c1,3eu)",od. ~(" ue VEHlCLE LICENSE I'LATE NUJ\.1BER c.o.xte.".e-t', LPG- :lOP NtfJ (YES OR "0) fJ ~ f)7riO~ EXPIHATION DA TE: {ß/2tJeJ 6 , NHEELCHAlR SYMI!OL LICENSE PLA TES STATE ISSUED PLACARD yes (YES OR "0) )ISABLED PERSON Ln. CA RD & DA TE 0 F ISSUE: N.J.S.A.39:4-197.6) _-f Eoõß 3/š R r-IJoœ {)d, 8'~ //sf) I -- ~OTE: Conciiuous. rCSI.1I:IlCI:S œcupj¡:G hy h~l1djcapµcd perSOn"': any mU:ljciPJ.lLlY, m;¡y, by r):dm<lll('c. t::~tabJi::b rcslriuc.d J.1Jlj¡¡g 2...;.~:es in ÍfOI11 of [esiden'c.s ocwpk.d by b.ar.dícappc.d persOns provided a. such re.rsons are !lo1de¡s of CUITent dhvtrs Jiccnses issued by this Slatc; b. the. mOlar vehicles to b~ parked in such züncs are equipped with such special attachments and devices as llJe Director of thl'.: DivÎ$Îon o[ l'.'iotO¡ Vc.hicks may deem ne.(:cssar'Y l'J ¡:::lOv~de i0r the safe: operation thcreuf by wch persons; and c. such parking is nOl otherWlse prohibited 3nd th.e pCI lTIiLting (helCof would )lot inrerfere. with the normal flow of !I'afric. USA :nUe 39:4-204 "HANDfCAP!'EO PERSON" d(:fmcd: the lerm "handicapr<:d person" a.s cmplayc.d herei ] shAll icdude all)' person, wbo h..a.s k~st the use o.f oae or 1IOfC, Limbs as I. COOsoqul::ncc of paralysis, arnpu[ation, or othl::r p<:mu.I1~.nt d;s.abiliry (Jf who i:s- pcmuncnlly disabled as lð bt lmaùk 10 ambulate wllhou¡ the ald of an ssisting dc:vi« or whose: mQbility is 'Ûth~rw¡$e iim.ile:d 25 ç(';l1iúcd by a physidan wilh a plenary JíÇ('nse: 10 practice mcdìcìnc and surgery in !his st<He: or bordering state:, USA Ti~ ~9;4~1975 Rl:Striclc.d pa.rking (or U~ by handicapped páWns; r....gub.lions. for use by pttsoa:s who have ;¡.xc. jssued a special vehicle: idc:r¡¡lf:catioo ~f"í:S y the D,Vluoo. of MOloc VdÜcb pursuant 10 the provisions o( NJSA 39:4-205, when using.a mOlor vc::híclc- 00 which í~ displayed a C,cr1.1fic.atc:, foe y.fuçh a spec¡al katifiCI.tioa card 11M beeD issued. pursuant to NJSA 39:4-206 o ~ 2/-0;::; ¿J~1~ --.::r: M -Á!. "1, - 1-7/(/ <éf p-;r . ~/~ ,~\ ..{)v) HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THE ABOVE LISTED CONDITIONS AND dOTOR VEHICLE LA WS AND THAT I WILL COMPLY WITH THEM J-J7~ W~ Signature a¡:>, I ÞPO b Date 4"~o-"('...~ 1ßa:raurth. af OIad£:rd (,2%.'~" ~ 4)~/ (~I ~o ~ \; DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING , ~. JOHN P DUPONT PE., C.M.E., PP ~~':JE~S'i~ ~~;~h 3, 2006 DANIEL J. REIMAN, MAYOR Tflwk/np It~qdher 10 huLlJ allâh'r Car/act Mayor and Borough Council Borough of Carteret 61 Cooke Avenue Carteret, NJ 07008 ATTN: Ms. Kathleen M. Barney, Borough Clerk Re: Handicap Parking Review Francis Wall 19 Wedgewood Drive Dear Ms. Barney: As requested, we have reviewed the applicant's request for the designation of an on-street handicapped parking space to be located on Wedgewood Drive along the property ITontage. Based on our site visit we have determined that the property in question meets the requirements for the designation of a handicapped parking space, and furthermore, as required by NJSA Title 39:4-197.5, the subject application indicates the applicant possesses a valid disabled person identification card. Therefore, since there are no physical or regulatory restnctlOns for designating a handicapped parking space at this location, we have no objection to the Borough granting the applicant's request for a designated handicapped parking space in rront of 19 Wedgewood Drive, subject to the approval of the Borough's Traffic Safety Officer. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact our office. Very truly yours, ~UP~ÑT,rt:: Director of Engineering s-?-cJ~ ~1Zf . ~ 7b ·0 / I'~' V .ÿ ) "J cc: Ted Surick, DPW Supervisor Robert Bergen, Borough Attorney ..¿f Lt. Dennis McFadden, Traffic Safety Officer / ' Patrick DeBlasio, Chief Financial Officer I), Francis Wall ) .JI¡_/~ JPDENGI ASfR "o,d handicapped paJ'kmg·t9"edge"oodappwul -d»¿Jp 2t ~ c¡;. ~~ Memonal Municipal Budding 6l Cooke Avenue Tel. 732-541-3847 . Fox. 732-541-4504 . wwvl/.carteret.net . Carteret, New Jersey 07008 Email: duponti@corteret.net CoPY i\ITLlt ,\ 1 ():\ I()I~ 'n:~TI~ICTE!) PAI~h.''\C H)H l ;.<..;, B\ HA]\])JCAI'I'EIJ PERSON ~ LOCATIOì\: 'I- l'IUV'\ E IŒS/I)¡:I\CL SUIOOL ___SIIOPPING OR Bl;SI';ESS DISTIUCT CIIUHCIJ PUB] .1(' HI'I LDlNG \DDRESS:-.L9-\ded.qe\Ùfltkt. :bbv€. Ca r~ -r:rl:,--- ('J.J--,--_º-li>Oi3 (PI::~t:'l' I~;~ll:.j,'· - \.:::¡~ !;¡il~ ¡f ¡]1\' r\'::,:íJ:-',1l'(~ r,':l:ir:( :,' ~I a PIÚ,.ì!t(,: J¡,I~) ~"-- '\At\1E:f.t'tu'I t.r $ I,.\fa." \DDIŒSS:.lLIN.p.djel1)"'~ þnue, VEHICLE LICENSE PLATE NUT'v1BER .'\'..1. DR]VEH'S LlCF-"SL if Wð ~ 88 ;;J.h 10D.~ Co.. yk....e-r I tJ::r f] ì dO@; . NHEELCHAIR SYM1!OL LICENSE PLA TES CPr;. :J..O-P' JlIJ (YES OR "01 EXPIHATIÜ'\ DA TE: 05f 2tJÐ <2- STATEISSUEDl'LACARD YIlS (YESOR"O) >ISABLED PERSON Ln. CARD & DATE OF ISSUE: N.J.S.A.39:4-197.6) ----P };'('J~g 3S R r--.a...œ:J.nh 8':u> I he - ~OTE: CondJUons. rcsl.je:IlC~S occupied by h~l\dicappcd pcr50[[~: an)' mu:,icipJltly, CIlJ.)', by 1),dtnJ.II('C. e:itabJj':b rc.~lriuc_d paÜ.lIl~ 1.,;.::rs irl ÍrOl'1 of r('sid~oco::.s oc~upi~.d by bar.dícapped refSO!l~ provîd!"d a. such re.rsons are holders of CUTTent dhvtrs iicCTlEe..S issued by lhì~ State: b. the motor vchìcles to bl': parked ín sueh zones are equfpped Wilh such special auachmcnls a.nd devices .as the Director of the: Divj~ion or~'iolo[ ve.Î1ieJes may de:cm ne(~cs.c;ar'Y t'J plOvide íûr the safe operation thcrc<..:f by .':iuch persons; and c, such parkíng is not otherwise prohibited and the pCI rnJlÙng the.cof v.,'auld not in:erfere with the normal flow of t.raffic. USA !ill<: 39:4-204 "HANDICAPPED PERSON" defméd: the ¡erm "handic.appcd person" as cmpk1Ycd hereil] shall icelude an:, puson, who h.as k~stl.hè ~ o_f aae Of 1Q('C limbs as a. COOse.quc:m:c of paraly~¡s, arnpUlaLÍon, or Q(hcr pcrmaD.~.nt d;sabjliry or who is pcrmancndy disabled.a$ to ~ un.abfc 10 ambul¡¡te wlthoul the aId of 4In utscing devic.t; or wbose: mobility is othcrwi"ie: Itm.i(ed as certificd by J. physidan with ¡ plenary license 10 practice medicine and surgay in this stale: or bordering $t.al~ USA Ti~ ~9;4-197.s Rc::suiclcd p~rking for use by handicapped pt.rsQDS; ro:gulAlions. foe use by persoD.$ wbO h.tve ban jssued a special ve:hicle ìdeaLi~calioo. car,ds y d:K Dèvisioo of MOlOc Vehicles pursUAcl tQ the JlIOv1sions of NJSA 39:4-205. whc-ß I,1sing iii: motOr vehicle OQ which is dispb.ycd.ll t:crbficate, for which a spec¡al Ic:atifiCI.tiOQ cud has beeo issued, pursu.a.nt to NJSA 39:4~206 0- ë>-/--O;:; {l~?~ -::r: 7Jur. /!,~, - f "TriP1-/' p-r . b-Jl~ ,~\ --CJ~ HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ THE ABOVE LISTED CONDITIONS AND .1:0TOR VEHICLE LA WS AND THAT I WILL COMPLY WITH THEM .1-~ W~ Signature a¡:J.I µf)O 6 Date