HomeMy Public PortalAboutPAGE 285all repairs Regular meeting 'ebraary 3 1942 Mayor a"olander ea ledthe meeting to order at 8: 00.� .Fk. And_erson,Fillmer, Jordan,F anden,Vena.ble,and iidmaier present. The minutes of the regalar meeting of Jan.6 were read and approved. Fullmer moved, Sanden seconded :That the Board order a town election on Tuesday April 7 for electing a mayor and 6 trustees for the term of -two years .i of ion carried. Sanden moved, Jordan seconded:To appoint C. o.Brayton,I rs.Laura Coffman and. va Venable as election judges..-otion carried. The clerk was instructed to get the prices on 150 ft.of fire hose. Fullmer moved, or tan seconded: To parcoase a spot light for the fire tr uck. ot Con carried u- or_; roll call. The finance co =ittee a roved these bills: /eld County Credit :ss'n 12.00 State of Colo. 12.50 Telephone eo. 2.70 henry :Ieber elle 19.00 C.A.Brayton 2.25 .Ault .progress 25.25 ':ern . ` .e l 1y 52.00 hotel Dewitt 2.15 I.0.0.F.Realty Co. 19.50 Ault Exchange 9.63 Firemens Ass' n 15.14 Farmers iiational .Bank 37.00 F.i.. Gardner 10.50 Copes Garage 5.00 Fire Ce pt . 8.00 home Gas - 6.45 Tars . h.B. Smith 10.00 eiult uxcIiange 21.37 Town Clerk - 4.00 Home Gas 54.50 Home Gas 15.00 Clerk 2.00 H. B. Smith 55.00 m. B j orkland 85.50 . .Schnepf 87.50 h:B.Smith 55.00 Dr.Anderson 10.00 Arthur Iarrall 22.00 Town Clerk 10.60 home Gas 85.00 R . w. mar ne 11 6.50 Edgar hotaling 1.10 Ernest Bever 2.25 Jordan moved, nderson Seconded : To allow the bills and drw warrants for the amounts.ot .on carried. Senden moved, _7idm__ier seconded:To adjourn subject te the call of tlh ayor.I.Cotion carried. ;? er� Regular meeting arch 3 1942 ay or Layor Idolander called the meeting to order at 7:55 .... . The members rr€sent:And. rson,Fullrne r, Jordan, Sanden, venable :- id __:aier The minutee of the regular meetinrn of Feb.3 ,-sere read ° ru a_ roved as read. Jr.Couglin of Denver spoke to the Board of financing the out- standing warrants wniee the town owed.Lo action as: taken. 1:r.m.ac .enzie care to the bard about toe judgement given against him in the Haney case but no action was taken. Jordan moved,Fullrner seconded :To buy 3 500 worth of Defense Bond, with Firemens _tension Funds.:= -got on carried. A letter from Fairbanks gorse 0o.stated they Lad receive_ order sent them. A communication from Pittsburgh Lteter Co.stated that for the High Cehool meter should be returned to them. Fullmer moved,Sanden seconded :to purchase 150 ft.oi 2,2 in.iire hose from the -`:arek.a pose Co. lotion carried. Sanden move:_, Anderson seconded:To get ion Siver s to audit the clerks books.---=otion carried upon roll call. The following bills acre read and a- roved by thfe finance CO rn. : To ::- n C erk 2.35 Telephone co. 4 4.50 I.0.0.P.Realty Co. 19.50 Ault •lrogress 10.55 h.B. Smith 55.00 rlome Gas - 52.30 i. V.Tinxer 7.40 h.w B. fg.Co. .48 Home Gas 6.50 Mfrs . ii. B. Smith 10.00 Jm.B jorkland 87.50 M... Schnep f 87.50 -Dr.E.nderson 10.00 H.B.Smith 10.00 Cores Garage 5.00 Fire -ert . 4.00 Home Gas 85.00 Earl Lynn 4.08 L .i cGuirk 8.16 I.H.Carrol 4.08 -gar hotaling 6.80 John Lambert 2.60 Harvey £gels ony 6.45 Chevrolet Co. 34.20 Sanden moved,Anderson moved:To allow the bills and draw warrants for the amountsJotion carried. Sander, moved ,Fullmer seconded:To a.d journ. .otion carried.