HomeMy Public PortalAboutPAGE 317Called meeting (Continued) April 5 1946 Vidmaier moved,Hankins seconded:To hire h.B.Smith as. Town clerk to serve at the will and pleasure of the board.Jotion carried. Burroughs moved,Clary seconded:To hire Sherman foods as marshal to serve at the will and pleasure of the board. idotion carried. Burman moved,Hankins seconded:To hire hans .c-earson as -ark eupt. to serve at the will and pleasure of the bord..otion carried. The clerk read the month_y report. Hankins moved, idma ier seconded:To send the money which had been paid to the health officer,to the County to pair for county health office who would serve the town.Moiton carried. Patterson moved,/idmsier seconded:To make an ordinance to suiersede the one which prohibited the taking of water by outside users.iotion carried. The Mayor appointed Eatterson,hankins and Burroughs to investigate a sewer disposal plant. Pa _terson moved,Burrnand seconded:To adjourn subject to the call of the Mayor .so t i on carried. Clerk hayor Called meeting April 16 1046 The meeting was called to order by the :ayor at 8:00 P..d. in the base- ment of the library.This meeting was called to sonsider changing the irrigation ditch which runs through the park. Those present:Burman,Burroughs,Clary,Hankins & Vidm is r.i:attersonn/ absent. The clerk read the propsed ordinance repealing the ordinance prohibits ng outsider T.ak.m.ng water. Hankins moved., Vidmiier seconded:To accept the proposed ordinance as read and order it published in the Ault paper.Mot ion oanried, The ditch proposition was feet to lidmaier and he was to talk to Grand. The clerk read the proposed agreement in which the board promis,d to Vey 75.00 per year in quarterly payrnenlls and thw e d County Health Dept.nromised to do the health work in .utt. Burrough moved,Clary seconded:To accept the agreement as read for the rest of the year 1946.Motion carried. 7idmaier moved,liankins seconded:To ad jounr subject to the call of the Layor.Motion carried. -t C lerk Mayor Regular meeting 1 y 7 19 46 . The meeting was called to order by S ayor 1'ull.narij at 8:15 P•LI. Burman, Burroughs,Hankins,;atterson,Clary & 7idrnaier present. Minutes of the called meetings of April 5 and 16 were read and approved as read. Committee from the Cen._; ss'n were before the board a.nd wanted to know how things were shaping up conserning the cemetery. Burman had been to Eaton and talked with the clerk there .The Cornm.was still to inquire into the cost of the change. Mr. Dorgan of Croker & Ryan a brokerage company of Denver were at the meeting and told the board that the government advanced money for a survey of a sewer system without interest,and ig the system was not put in within five years,the honey would not have to be returned but shou.d it be put in hen the cost would be added to tje cost of the system. An old estimate of 1944 was 1 71.000 and was amde by a former health officer of - Je ld Co. Dick Curtis made application for a liquor license permitting sale by the dr ink, on his land outside of the town limits . in his application made orally,he stated that he would bring this property into the town if the license was granted but if it was not,then he would not go to the cost of this rich amounted to around $ 150.00. Burman moved, .'iidma ier seconded :That the application of Dick Curtis for a beer,wine,and spitit ions liquor be denied. X11 present voted aye. idmaier stated that after going over the proposed change in the ditch with i.Graefe,Graefe said he would like to have until fall to change his fence was in tie alley.The board thought treat would ce alright. Atty Houtchens sent a cppy of the notice he sent Dr.& Mrs.Jardan about their garage being in the street and that they should move it but that the board Was not hurrying teem too rnuch.He also stated that the notices to the places needing to be cleaned up would be sent soon. Burroughs moved,Clary seconded:To appoint C. ;Brayton as Police Magistrate for the coming two years.Lioti on carried.