HomeMy Public PortalAboutPAGE 319Regular meeting June 4 1946 Mayor Pro Tem aidma ier called the meeting to orderii at 8:10 1.MT61 in the absense of the Mayor. Those present:Burman,Burroughs,Clary,Hankins,latterson & Vidmaier. The clerk read the minutes of the regular meeting of May 7 and Called meeting of May 16 which were approved as corrected. Mr.Geo.Hi1l of the Veterans bureau talked to the board about hiring a GI under the GI bill of Rights,The board wished to hire a Gi to learn the town work.The govexnent would lay 6% of the wares and ti_e town the other 40 %.He said there shouldbe a raise by the town in *ages every three months so that at the end of the third period the town would be paying 70` .Burroughs rnoved,Hankii s seconded:To sign an aprlication for an apprent- ice for the psottion of town clerk,street supervisor,water superentandant and other duties to be done.Motion carried upon roll call. lidma ier was to talk to the man who wanted the job ..end see if the town could not wire him by the month until he saw whether he wanted the job and if the town was satisfied with his work. Lester Hotaling reported that the pump had been installed at the cemetery and also that he had investigated about assessments against the cemetery lots and ;aid that they could not be more than Eaton was charging. The Ce: etery Ass'n thought that no shruebery should be planted that spread from the roots.The price of the pump completely installed was 560.83 Vernon Frye of the ►ss' n gave the town a check for 543.00 to help to clean-up the cemetery. There was a representive of a bonding company in Denver who was present and thld the board the different way they could raise money for paying off any bonds which were made in making a sewer. There was three ways: lst.By direct taxation but as the assessed valuation was only 253.000 and only a tax of 3% could be levied on this amount,so this plan was no good 2nd.Several town ha.d organized sanitary sewer districts which could issue bonds without limit as long as they could seel the bonds. 3rd.The Town could issue sewer and water revenue bonds and charge each user a rental for the sewer but the water revenue had to be turned in on this way for redeeming the bonds. A test of the water used by the town was deelaired to be sale. Mr.Miner and engineer of Denver said that he had been over the ground and he thought that Cla ks lake would be the best place to dispose of the water from the disposal plant.His estieafe of the cost of a survey was 3900 if they did not have to go th the lake and 200 more If they did. The Eaton ditch had been suggested as a like&y place to run thddi water but t was thought that they would not like to have it. Some letters frorn Bonding Compdnies in Denver said about the same things about issuing bonds as the men present. Burroughs rmoved,Patterson seconded: That the board have a survey for a sewer system made by the Miner Construction Company of Denver,All voted aye upon roll call. The finance committee approved the following bills: Farmers fiat ional Bank 4 1007.50 Home Gas 2.20 Ault Progress 19.51 Sachs -Lawlor 2.56 Houtchens & houtchens 15.00 hotel dewitt 1.15 Telephone Go. 2.90 Town Clerk 3.20 Hans Pearson 98.40 Everett Bolinger 154.48 Town Clerk 6.00 Home Gas 83.05 J.A .ling 81.00 Chevrolet C o . 20.05 Bobs' Stat ion 13.87 Elmer Jones 14.47 John 'odds 5.20 H. .Smith 68.82 Home Gas 58.00 Home Gas 52.00 Pittsburgh ,deter Co. 1.95 Edward Roberts 42.30 Clerk 9.00 H:. b. Smith 68.83 Bherman .foods 150.00 Fire Wept. 72.00 Home Gas 6.15 Mrs.h:B. Smith 15.00 Hankins moved,Burman seconded:To allow the bills and draw warrants for the a amounts.Motion carried upo4 roll call. Burman rnoved,Clary seconded:To adjourn subject to the call of the Mayor. Motion carried. 319 Clerk M _-:yor Pro Tem