HomeMy Public PortalAboutPAGE 322322 Called meeting "ugust 27 1946. Mayor Fu' imer called the meeting to soneider _lansfor r::ising money for bui l i. ng a sewer system. 8:15 Burma_n,Burroughs,Patteroon ; Jid:aier present.Clary and Hankins absent. Yr.'7seller and Ir.Longwell representing several bonding companies of Denver were 'resent and eyplie,ned that they thought the best , lan was to put the first cT 50, u0 in revenue „bonds .The rest Y.o .1d be water ors extension b®nds . The VF -. sent rernber to a .k about having a dance and the board left it to there what they sholld do as there .as some 1 oiio eround.but they should not children under 16 to e ttend. It was decided to have the bonding companies to write a letter stating how money for a sewer system would be raised and this letter to be sent to the govern :ent with the a.1llicat ion for monet to survey. Burman moved, �iidmaier seconded: To adjourn subject to the call of the Mayor .Tot ion carried. Clerk -a:yor Regular meeting September 2, 1946. The meeting was called to order at 8:10 r. . by Mayor Fullmer. Members present:Burman,Burroughs,Clary,lankins,Patterson & 4" idaaier. Minutes of the regular meeting of August 6 and called meetings og August 16 & 19 were read and approved as read. A letter from i)irs.Riedel,spoke of having a definite amounts of rent that the Lions Club was to pay just as other clubs had been doing. This ,;as to be taken up at the Club meeting. The Question of cleaning up the Tormey and Govai places was left to the Police Committee. The County health Department reported that the water tested safe. Vidmaier moved,Clary seconded:That the Clerk investigate the ai ounts that the water rates and the tax levy could be raised.Motton carried. The Clverk was asked to write the Miner Construction Co.and a&so the Bonding Companies that the ,uestion of the Seer System was to tabled indefinitely. A letter from the Municipal League stated that they did not have a regular program which would fit each towns need in hiring a GI 9 h apprentice ice but that the were sending a booklet Which might help in �p y g making out a questioeneer to the Government. The finance committee approved and ead these bills: Home Gas 2.05 Telephone Co. $ .65 Town Clerk 5.25 Beatty hardware Co. 4.98 Home Gas 20.20 home Gas 141.48 Town Clerk 2.00 H. B. Smith 68.05 earner Co. 8.50 Sherman nods 150.00 H.B.Smith 69.05 Ed.Roberts 98.40 Home e Gas 4.80 Town Clerk 2.50 Mrs . H. B. Smith 25.00 home Gas 83.05 7hite & Laney 27.63 Al Groth 400.00 Moore Equipment Co. 14.48 Town Clerk 2.00 Bobs Station 2.90 J.A.King 8.00 Chevrolet Co. 79.71 Eldon Kra$el 21.70 Hans Pearson 98.40 Town Clerk 9.00 home Gas 7.22 Hankins moved,7idrnaier seconded:To alloythe bills and draw warrants for the amounts .Mot ion carried. 7Tidma ier moved,Burman seconded:To adjourn subject to the call of the Mayor .Moit on Barr led;. Clerk Mayor Regular meeting uctoberl 194o The meeting was called to order at 8:25 ±... by leayor Fullmer. Those answering roll call were :Burman,Burroughs,Clary,.L anu2:ir.s and Patterson. fidmaier absent. Minutes of thcreular meeting of Sept.3 were read and a _-jroved as read. Burman moved,Burroughs seconded:To discontinue the curfew indefinately. Motion carried.i siren control had been installed end could not be usea only as an alarm. ester test had been decailrea safe.The resignation of C.G.hankins was tabled. Burroughs moved,Clary seconded:To raise the mills levy 5 milts the same to be applied on special improvement iand.Motion carried upon roll call Hankins moved,Clary seconded:To raise the cost of water to 1.75 for the first 2000 galons starting January 1 1947. of ion carried.