HomeMy Public PortalAbout20130226 - Select Board - Meeting Minutes 1 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes February 26, 2013 TOWN OF HOPKINTON Board of Selectmen February 26, 2013 A meeting of the Hopkinton Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday, February 26, 2013 at Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton, Massachusetts. Selectmen present: Ben Palleiko, John Mosher, Todd Cestari, Brian Herr. Not present: Michelle Gates. Officials present: Town Manager Norman Khumalo, Operations Assistant Jamie Hellen. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Palleiko called the public meeting to order at 6:17 PM in Room 211 and entertained a motion to enter Executive Session for the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to collective bargaining because an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the board; to discuss contract negotiations with nonunion personnel; to allow town staff Flannery, Khumalo and Hellen to participate; to consider approving minutes from previous Executive Sessions; and that the meeting will resume in open session after the Executive Session ends. So MOVED by Mr. Mosher and SECONDED by Mr. Cestari. ROLL CALL: Mr. Palleiko - Yes, Mr. Mosher-Yes. Mr. Herr-Yes, Mr. Cestari - Yes. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0. REOPEN PUBLIC SESSION: Chairman Palleiko reopened the Public Session in Room 215 at 6:40 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC FORUM: Residents were invited to share ideas, opinions, or ask questions regarding town government. Police Chief Flannery addressed the Board to announce he has decided not to renew his contract when it expires in June of this year. The Board and Town Manager thanked Chief Flannery for the contributions he has made in his role as Police Chief. A brief discussion was held on the process that could be used in choosing a successor. Pat Lynch, longtime Hopkinton resident and volunteer, presented the Board with a plaque containing Boston Marathon coins. MOTION by Mr. Cestari to accept this gift, SECONDED by Mr. Herr. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Abstained-0. Amy Ritterbusch, 54 Grove Street, President of Educate Hopkinton, invited the Board and residents to attend a fundraiser which will be held on Tuesday, March 12, from 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Bertuccis in Holliston. CONSENT AGENDA: 1. Public Session Minutes – The Board considered approval of public session minutes for 12/18/12, 1/8/13, and 1/22/13. MOTION by Mr. Mosher to approve, SECONDED by Mr. Herr. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Abstained-0. 2 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes February 26, 2013 2. Appointments – The Board considered the appointment of Evan Lowell as an at-large Hopkinton Resident Member of the Lake Maspenock Dam Advisory Committee and Frank Holland as the second Hopkinton resident of the area in the vicinity of Lake Maspenock. Evan Lowell introduced himself to the Board and explained why he would like to serve on this committee. MOTION by Mr. Mosher to appoint Evan Lowell, SECONDED by Mr. Herr. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Abstained-0. Frank Holland introduced himself to the board and explained why he would like to serve on this committee. MOTION by Mr. Cestari to appoint Frank Holland, SECONDED by Mr. Mosher. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Abstained-0. 3. Resignation – The Board considered acceptance of the resignation of Gretchen Govoni as an Associate Member of the Sustainable Green Committee. MOTION by Mr. Cestari to approve, SECONDED by Mr. Mosher. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Abstained-0. JOINT BOARDS PUBLIC MEETING: The Board of Selectmen and the Housing Authority held a joint meeting to consider the appointment of Nancy Kelleigh to the Hopkinton Housing Authority for the remainder of the current term, which expires after the 2013 Annual Town Election. Ms. Kalleigh introduced herself and discussed why she would like to be a member of the Housing Authority. The Housing Authority Members voted unanimously to appoint Nancy Kelleigh. MOTION by Mr. Herr to appoint Nancy Kelleigh, SECONDED by Mr. Mosher. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Abstained-0. GENERAL OBLIGATION MUNICIPAL PURPOSE LOAN: The Board considered approving the recommendation from the Town Treasurer to sign a General Obligation Municipal Purpose Loan in the total amount of $8,280,986 for two purposes: (1) Subject to Chapter 44, Sec. 7, $6,301,166 of the loan will account for 20 projects, in accordance with articles voted at the 2012 Annual Town Meeting; and (2) Subject to Chapter 44, Sec. 21A, the loan will also cover $2,070,000 for the outstanding balance for the Fruit Street parcel, approved as Article II of the 2002 Town Meeting. MOTION by Mr. Cestari to sign a general obligation municipal purpose loan for the total amount of $8,280,986, SECONDED by Mr. Mosher. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Abstained-0. LIAISON REPORTS: Chairman Palleiko stated the Board received a letter from the Milford Board of Selectmen inviting them to a meeting to discuss the proposed casino. Mr. Palleiko stated he has accepted this invitation and will be meeting on March 18, however, he did express in a letter to the Town of Milford the Board’s strong opposition to a casino in the Metrowest area. TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT: Mr. Khumalo asked the Board to provide three general topics that could be included in the Citizen Satisfaction Survey Update. The Board recommended getting feedback from department heads and putting this discussion on a future agenda after the Board has had time for careful consideration. Mr. Khumalo stated the last time discussion was held on the Alta Legacy Affordable Housing proposal there was a question raised regarding local preference. He stated after consultation with Town Counsel, Counsel for Alta Legacy, and DHCD, it has been determined it would be very 3 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes February 26, 2013 difficult to meet a requirement for local preference. Discussion on this topic was tabled until later in this meeting. TOWN MANAGER RECOMMENED FISCAL 2014 COMPREHENSIVE BUDGET JOINT BOARDS PUBLIC MEETING: The Town Manager presented the draft comprehensive FY 2014 Budget to a joint meeting of the Board of Selectmen, School Committee, Appropriations Committee, and the Capital Improvements Committee. Comments and questions of the Boards were addressed. TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT (Continued): Mr. Mosher stated he would like further expert information on the issue of local preference for Hopkinton residences for the Alta Legacy Affordable Housing Proposal. Mr. Khumalo provided the Board with a copy of the Council on Aging Outreach Report for information purposes. He also provided information for the Board to review relative to town work on private ways and lots to assist in developing a future policy. Mr. Khumalo provided the Board with information from Elaine Lazarus regarding placing on the Town Meeting Warrant the sale of two town owned lots on Duffield Road and Knoll Road. MOTION by Mr. Mosher to place this on the warrant, SECONDED by Mr. Herr. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0, Abstained-0. Mr. Khumalo provided the Board correspondence regarding possible town acquisition of a parcel at 25 Ash Street. The Board authorized Mr. Khumalo to begin discussions on this parcel. FUTURE BOARD AGENDA ITEMS: Mr. Mosher asked for an update on the parking situation and for a future discussion on the DPW. He recommended including on the citizen survey questions pertaining to the proposed improvements in the downtown area. ADJOURN: MOTION by Mr. Mosher to adjourn, SECONDED by Mr. Herr. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. Meeting adjourned. Correspondence to the Board of Selectmen 1. BAA Annual Payments Letter 2. Hopkinton Area Land Trust Re: Frankland Road 3. Mary Ann DeMello Correspondence: Virtual Reality/Real Danger 4. MassDOT “The Way Forward – A 21st Century Transportation Plan” 5. Tax Relief Fund for Elderly and Disabled Residents’ Annual Summary of Tax Relief 6. Mosquito Control Project at 66 Fruit Street 4 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes February 26, 2013 Summarized Transcription by //Patricia McDonnell// Date: March 14, 2013 Patricia McDonnell Certified Transcriber, OfficeSolutionsPlusLLC.com //Elizabeth Tice// Date: March 14, 2013 Elizabeth Tice, President OfficeSolutionsPlusLLC.com My commission expires August 26, 2016 On April 23, 2013 the Board approved the Minutes for February 26, 2013 with this addendum serving as remedial action to correct an error in the process for entering Executive Session on that day. The motion to enter executive session should have been as follows: Motion to enter Executive Session for the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to collective bargaining with the Hopkinton Teachers Association and the Superior Officers because an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Board; conducting contract negotiations with nonunion personnel, specifically the Police Chief; and considering approval of minutes from prior Executive Sessions; provided, however, that the following persons are invited to join the Board in the executive session: Rick Flannery, Norman Khumalo and Jamie Hellen; and provided further that the meeting will resume in open session after the Executive Session ends.