HomeMy Public PortalAboutPAGE 34034 Regular meeting General purposes Interest Payment of bonds Special 'Improvements Library Street & Allyys Total The finance committee Ault hardware Home Gas Detaptenn O o: , Weller Lumber Home Gas Tidma ier Chevrolet Home Gas Ludlow Valve C o . Town Clerk E.B.Smith H.B. Smith Sherman Woods 1VIcGa lley Equipment Mrs.h.B.Smith R. L.Duncan Kay jrtinusen ar,rroved these 3.26 2.25 1.55 Co. 3.15 83.05 6.49 20.80 4.77 79.80 79.80 150.00 139.40 40.00 122.80 123.30 Burman meted, iidnaier seconded:To allow the for the amounts.Motion carried. MacKenzie moved,Burroughs seconded:To adSourn of the `fayor� otion rried. (Continued) October 5 1948 3.5 5.0 8.0 2.9 2.0 1.5 22.9 Mills bills: Ault rrogress 3.96 Dept . of Revenue 42.50 Town Clerk 6.02 R. Copes 13.30 Belson Station 41.05 Ault Exchange 6.00 Home Gas 132.35 Rockwell Mifg.Co. 6.99 Town Clerk 4.00 Marion Schnepf 50.00 Collector of Revenue 87.90 Town Clerk 4.72 home Gas 5.85 Home Gas 5.77 bills and draw warrants subject to the call Clerk � �� -� Mayor Regular meeting 1overnber2 1948 Mayor Sivers called the emeting to order at 8:20 r.M. Burman,Burroughs,Ma&Kenzie,Kurtz,Patt erson & Vidmaier were present. The clerk read the minutes of the regular meeting of October 5 which were approved as read. A lettc r fromAtty Houtchens stated that his opinion on closing 3.2, beer license places was that they did not have to close. he had phonedthe State Treasurers office for their opinion. 7idma ier noved,Burroughs seconded:To grant Jm.Andrews a. building permit to build as aluminum coved coal shed(8 X 10)miotion carried. Burroughs moved,Burman seconded:To raise Sher floods salary to $ 200. per month.1otion carried. Burroughs moved,Burman seconded:To recird the prec and strike it from the minutes. lotion carried. Burman moved,Burrou;hs seconded:That all salary ra next meeting and all rai:es be retroactive as of t Motion carried. Widnaier moved,Macuenzie secondedi To grant Leila license for one year. ot' on carried. The Finance committee auproved these bills: Telerhone Co. 13 1.80 home G �s I.E.Baker 19.78 Ault Tclardware 3.60 Hotel Dewitt 5.00 H. B. Smith 79.80 Sherman Voods 150.00 Raymond Baker 20.31 Mrs.R. j.Riedel 40.00 Town Clerk 13.90 Home Gas 3.06 Town Clerk 19.00 home Gas 83.05 Clarys Texaco 18.36 Home Gas 20. 0 h.B.Smith 79.80 Lester Hobal Ludlow Valve Co. 102.55 Town Clerk Burman moved,'3Titra _er Seconded:To allow the for the amounts 'otion carried. Kurtz mp-zed, + enz'ie %conded:To ad jour M Clerk Ault :`rogress R.1.Copes Barnard not cbens Marion Schnerf Hone Gas R. Gopes Fire Dept. Kay Ma±tinassen Lester Hotaling R.L.du.ncan • John Woods 'iddimaier Chevrolet Home Gas biLis sub 'ect 4,4 eeding motion ises be tabled until he October meeting. Simpson and draw a liquor $ 3.1p0 13.78 3.70 3.19 50.00 7.30 69.73 36.00 123.30 2.75 61.40 10.60 30.50 111.90 8. 79 4.00 warrants o the call of the Mayor