HomeMy Public PortalAboutPAGE 342342 Regular Meeting February 1 1949 The meeting was called to order at 8:15 P.M. by Mayor ►rivers. Burman,Burrouths,MacKenzie,Kurtz,ratterson and Jidmaier present. Minutes of the regular meeting of January 4 were read and a1, proved as read. Clint Rouse talked to the -ea ord about forming a `service mens clut but the beard decided that they could not give permission to do this and the matter was to be taken up with tile sherriff by 1,1r.11ouse There were three applications for cemetery Supt.Tiiey were:Yarnell, Dick and Duncan.Duncan withdrew his ar,plication as ne decided that he would not take the job.1 othing was done about tie matter. The Health j'epartment reported that the water test was safe. There was a receipt for the 85% _f the liquor licenses sent in to the titate. Burman moved,Burroughs seconded:To grant a renewal of the 3, .2 beer licenses of Sarah Andrews and the 1i.F. .yost.idojsion carried. Clifford Thite declaired his intention to make application or a liquor license to sell chai r by the drink.he had to publish hi intent on 20 days before applying to the board. The board said that they would be in favor of Ghas. }Verlin.g selling his package liquor store to Dick Kumklen. The finance committe a proved these bills: Telephone Co. 3 1.55 L.E.Baker $ 30.06 R L. =ilson 3.85 home Gas 3.25 Hotel Dewitt 1.50 0.A.Brayton 1.50 H.B.Smith 90.50 Marion chnepf 50.00 Sherman 7oods 175.00 Kay idartinussen 123.30 Home Gas 9.90 Ault Grain & Bean elevator 4.18 L.E.Baker 46.80 firs . n. i3. smith 40.00 Home Gas 83.05 L. J.tieeser 60.00 AVidmai er ArE'liance 20.00 Golo.builders Uo. 21.60 Earl ::sly 60.00 Glenn Smith 2.70 John Lambert 18.00 J.. .�'ing /4.00 Glarys Texaco 18.41 Jack Minton 5.40 Gregory Martinez 5.40 John bottle 45.00 Zelson Station 4.01 C....Brayton 19.00 State Firenens Ass'n 15.29 ±asbrouck & J`eisler 78.70 Home Gas 82.60 home Gas 15.00 L.E.Baker 3.45 i.B. Smith 90.50 :Varner Co. 6.25 Kurtz moved,kacic nzie seconded:To allow the bills and draw war ants for the amounts.Llotion carried. It was decided to orders bullgdozzer for the tractor . Burman moved,MacKenzie seconded:To ad jo,rn subject to the call ®fi,%tb.e Mayor. %lotion carried. Clerk Mayor Regular meeting March 1 1949 Mayor Sivers called the meeting to order at 6:45 .c. ul. in order that some members might 4'o to a game in Greeley. Those present were : err_lan,Burroughs,l acKenzie, Kurtz,.eatt ereon &diamater. The clerk read the minutes of the meeting of February 1 which were aprroved as read. There were two petitions against granting any more liquor licenses, a third one had been taken out to get more names but had not been returned The two presented were by the i. C . T . u a tld the ministers. Clifford bite spoke to the board about just letting one place have all the business of liquor. Kurtz moved., .idma er seconded:Not to grant any more liquor licenses. The were five no and one yes. After some discussion just what trlei were voting forand low they could detsaft the issuance of angtiaer/ liquor license .Kurt% moved, idmaier seconded:To ammend the preceeding motion and make it read"to al -prove more liquor licenses".A11 present voted aye.The majority of the beard egpressed themselves as being against issuing any more licenses as they would have a lot more who would ask for licenses besides ones who had been refussed licenses before. The application was declaired lost. The finance committee exaTined and approved these bills: Horne Gas 2.90 State Compensation insurance 410 75.00 Dirk Hardware 17.51 Telephone Co. 1.70 Town Clerk 7.13 h..6.Srnith 90.50 Marion Schnepf 50.00 Sherman .foods 175.00 Kay Martinussen 123.30 L.E.Baker 35.23 home Gas 10.86 idma eer Chevrolet 5.00