HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 06:139 ~\2£,Lìluttl1lt Lìt Up';fM Lì1"OU£l1 ot illarfl'r£t) ~. ¿JJ- 06-139 . A ·1 No __~~ Dale of Ador!lon_m;:~ 20. I STATE OF NEW JERSEY il DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL P OTECnON GREEN ACRES ENABLING RESOL nON 2006 WHEREAS, the New Jersey Department of Environment Protection, Green Acres Program ("State"), provides loans and/or grants to municip and county governments and grants to nonprofit organizations for assistance in the ac uisition and development of lands for outdoor recreation and conservation purposes; a d WHEREAS, the Borough of Carteret desires to furth r the public interest by obtaining funding in the amount of $500,000.00 from the tate to fund the following projec!(s): Cartere! Park at a cost of $500.000.00. NOW, THEREFORE, the Governing Body/Board resolve that Donald Norbut or the successor to the office of Borough Engineer is hereby autho ·zed to: (a) make application for such a loan and/or such a gr nt, (b) provide additional application information and mish such documents as may be required, and (c) act as the authorized correspondent ofthe above WHEREAS, the State sha\1 determine if the applic ion is complete and In conformance with the scope and intent of the Green Acr s Program, and notify the applicant of the amount of the funding award; and WHEREAS, the applicant is willing to use the State's fu s in accordance with such rules, regulations and applicable statutes, and is willing 0 enter into an agreement with the State for the above named project: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVE BY THE CARTERET BOROUGH COUNCIL 1. That the Mayor of the above named body or bo is hereby authorized to execute an agreement and any amendment the eto with the State known as Carteret Park. 2. That the applicant has its matching share of the roject, if a match is required, in the amount of$500,000.00; 3. That, in the event the State's funds are less than he total project cost specified above, the applicant has the balance of funding necessary to complete the project; 4. That the applicant agrees to comply with all plicable federal, state, and local laws, rules and regulations in its performa ce of the project; and 5. That this resolution shall take effect immediatel Adopted this 20'h day f April, 2006 and certified as a true copy of the original on April 21, 006. KATHLEEN M. BA Municipal Clerk Y, RMC.CMC COUNCILMAN RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE YES NO NV A.B. COUf'lClLlvl 1'1 YES f'l0 NV /-\.ß. BELLIl'lJ DIAl KRUM x NAPLES RIDS SITARZ x 0L X x _ lndiçatt Vote AS. Absenl NV - Not Voting XOR - Indi ¡¡ItS Vote to Q\ltrru\e VtlO Adop!ed al a meeting of thc Ivlunicipal Council - STATE OF NEW, ERSEY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONM NTAL PROTECTION GREEN ACRES ENABLIN RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the New Jersey Department of Environment I Protection, Green Acres Program ("State"), provides loans and/or grants to municipal and county goven ments and grants to nonprofit organizations for assistance in the acquisition and development of lands for ou door recreation and conservation purposes; and WHEREAS, the Borough of Carteret desires to j rther the public interest by obtaining funding in the amount of $500,000.00 from the State to fund the £ lIowing project(s): Carteret Park at a cost of $500.000.00 NOW, THEREFORE, the governing bodylboard resolves th t Donald J. Norbut or the successor to the office of Borough Engineer is hereby authorized to: (a) make application for such a loan and/or suc a grant, (b) provide additional application information nd furnish such documents as may be required, and (c) act as the authorized correspondent of the a ove named applicant; and WHEREAS, the State shall determine if the application is omplete and in confonnance with the scope and intent of the Green Acres Program, and notify the applicant fthe amount of the funding award; and WHEREAS, the applicant is willing to use the State's fun' s in accordance with such rules, regulations and applicable statutes, and is willing to enter into an ah'Teemen with the State for the above named project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY HE CARTERET BOROUGH COUNCIL I. That the Mavor of the above named body or bm d is hereby authorized to execute an agreement and any amendment thereto with the State known as arteret Park ; 2. That the applicant has its matching share of the nroject, if a match is required, in the amount of $500.000.00; 3. That, in the event the State's funds are less than t e total project cost specified above, the applicant has the balance of funding necessary to complete the roject; 4. That the applicant agrees to comply with all ap licable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations in its perfonnance of the project; and 5. That this resolution shall take effect immediately. CERTlFICA ION I, Kathleen M. Barnev. Borough Clerk do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by Borough of Carteret at a meeting held on the Zj ~ day of April, 2006. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunder set my ham and the official seal of this body this 20th day of April, 2006. î< athleen M. Barney, Borough Clerk