HomeMy Public PortalAboutFinance Committee Minutes 2008-03-20 ACTION REQUESTED Draft: 3/26/08 Corrected: Approved: r3I FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES 3/20/08 A meeting of the Orleans Finance Committee was held in the Nauset Room at Town Hall in Orleans. Present were Mark Fiegel, Linde Macleod, Walter Bennett, Peter Monger, Cindy Suonpera, and Larry Hayward. Selectman John Hinkley was also in attendance. CO --f C) Vice Chairman Walter Bennett called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Cn Approval of Minutes No minutes were read carn Old Business can Peter Monger made the motion to reconsider the vote on Parks and Beaches budget. The motion was seconded by Cindy Suonpera,and approved 6-0-0 Peter Monger stated that with the additions made to the budget,the funding for concerts and maintenance issues have been budgeted for. Peter Monger made the motion to approve the Parks and Beaches budget which was seconded by Cindy Suonpera. The motion was approved 6-0-0. New Business BoS report Linde MacLeod reported on 3/19/08 meeting Reviewed Financial Plan H showing changes through 3/14/2008 The Nauset Regional School Committee comparison of assessments-statutory versus region agreement and the difference in charges to Orleans and Brewster was discussed. Discussion of a bill in the State Senate Ways&Means Committee that would significantly help funding wastewater treatment projects if passed. It was suggested that we write a letter in support. John Hinkley indicated that the BOS was writing a letter. There was further discussion concerning the overtime budget for the Fire Department. Top 10 List Discussed & Budget letter to BoS&TA from FinCom discussed. After comparing the two documents,the motion was made by Mark Fiegel to consolidate the letter into one document since there was so much commonality between the Top 10 List and Budget Letter. The motion was seconded and carried 6-0-0. Larry Hayward lead the discussion on each item on the Top 10 List and requested any write-ups and/or corrections be sent to him by Wednesday morning,March 26 . Committee&Department Reports None On a motion duly made and seconded,the meeting was adjourned at 9:30pmat 9:30pm. Respectfully submitted, Walter Bennett,Vice Chairman Minutes 0 11 107fin