HomeMy Public PortalAbout2021-04-06 QuestionsQUESTIONS jacky 06:51 PM Why can't the Charter say a FT staff person with budget, legal and policy expertise? It has to be specific but doesn't need a title. The skill set needed is that expertise. It has to be in the Charter in my opinion. alto Barbara 06:54 PM I don't know the details, but think that you should make sure that the Council Clerk is under the oversight of the Council President (or other Council members). Since we are keeping the Council -Manager approach, we should make sure to keep the Council able to control its work. I hear Ilana's concerns; just keep it in the Council's control, which would include the selection and hiring. you are working on complicated issues and making thoughtful comments. thank you. barbara Marcy Murninghan 06:55 PM Darm mic, having problems .. . Marcy Murninghan 06:56 PM Mic's okay now . . . Sorry. jacky 07:04 PM can you please read it again? Marcy Murninghan 07:06 PM Not everyone can see all the questions. For example, I can't see anything from Jacky, Elodia, or anyone else. jacky 07:10 PM you don't have to read it again; i see it now Ilana Mainelli 07:31 PM well that won't work here now becuase we don't have a Town Clerk or staff in that office with experience in prior municipal elections. Marcy Murninghan 07:40 PM ^^^Totally agree, Anne. Absolutely. I'm talking about the whole bundle. In my view, TC role (elected, SC presence) are key. Watertown is an outlier compared to other Mass cities and towns in its current practice. Rita Colafella 07:41 PM in the near future I would like to see an at -large councilor that would represent minority groups such as POC, refugees, LBGTQ or person under 65 with a disability. The representative should come from one of these groups. This would be an add on should that there's be 10 councilors. I don't know how to structure this or if it is legal but maybe a.town diversity and inclusion officer. Elodia Thomas 07:42 PM Nine is the right number. Why would people think it appropriate to take away the right of citizens to vote for TC President? There are 12 voting precincts. We could create 6 district TC's and two at -large TC's to lighten the load. Term limits? People vote people out when they are unhappy/dissatified. Elodia Thomas 07:47 PM I agree with TCs Anthony Donato and Angie Kounelis. The TC President on the School Committee given the work load might be up for discussion. There is a benefit to have a TC- TM - SC connection given schools are take up the major portion of the town budget. Rita Colafella 07:47 PM These group would be at a disadvantage in getting on town council and I think there needs to be a.place at the table for them. jacky 07:49 PM I favor 4 year terms and election of TC Pres by TC Elodia Thomas 07:51 PM I believe the town voting for the TC President speaks to the vision and concerns of the town. Again, why would 4,000 people yield their vote to 5 people who they may or may not have voted for. 2 year terms = accountability. Tla Tilson 07:51 PM 4,000 voters turning out for a local election is a small percent of the registered voters. For the council members to fully represent their districts and to have increased voter participation , is it possible to add to the Charter mail in voting? Elodia Thomas 07:54 PM District TC's often run unopposed because they are doing a good job. Elodia Thomas 07:56 PM So TC's at large get to lock down their seat for 4 years? How does that open up opportunities to run? Chris Penland 08:08 PM As a resident, I support term limits, especially on the order of 8-12 years. This provides time to do good work, but then to enable the residents to plan for succession and raise new candidates. The fact that district councilors run unopposed for years on end shows that we do not have the choice you beleive we have. Thank you. Ilana Mainelli 08:11 PM Several comments instead of speaking on this issue: Ilana Mainelli 08:11 PM oops, forget that. ANSWERS Marcy Murninghan 06:23 PM On the matter of "building capacity," I'm preparing a submission that would anchor policy analysis and public education expertise in the Public Library, similar to the Congressional Research Service and the Library of Congress. Goal: Impartial expertise that draws on multiple resources, for the Council, School Committee, Library Trustees and public consumption. Anne Fitzpatrick (You) 06:24 PM Panelists can't ask questions in the Q&A & there is no chat available. Can Mike paste the language that he's talking about in here so we can read it? Marcy Murninghan 06:24 PM AAAACont'd from above: Begs the question: How are you reviewing public submissions? And how can we know what areas will be covered in future, as we seek to get more contributions from the community? Will due consideration be given to these "non" -CRC submissions? If so, how — e.g., what will be the process for that? Michael Ward 06:27 PM Example text might read: "Subject to appropriation, the Town Council may employ such staff and experts as are necessary to conduct the business of the town council. Such staff will be under the supervision of the Council President. The Town Council shall set the salaries of such staff." Elodia Thomas 06:31 PM Might you hire a person part-time or a consultant for a specific task? Would a designated budget amount be appropriate? Anne Fitzpatrick (You) 06:44 PM 20 attendees right now Anne Fitzpatrick (You) 06:49 PM Would a compromise be a full-time Council Clerk & a second full time position to be filled as determined as needed by the council, additional positions may be created if the council deems it necessary jacky 06:57 PM beyond clerical support... Michael Ward 07:03 PM For 2-4 (from member Hecht): "The powers exercised by the Town Council include the establishment of policies to guide the administrative branch in its exercise of administrative power. Such policies shall be reflected in the Town Council's votes, resolutions, ordinances, appropriation orders, and loan authorizations." Elodia Thomas 07:05 PM Well done Jon. Michael Ward 07:06 PM "The powers exercised by the Town Council include the establishment of policies to guide the administrative branch in its exercise of administrative power. Such policies shall be reflected in the Town Council's votes, resolutions, ordinances, appropriation orders, and loan authorizations." Marcy Murninghan 07:28 PM Where is the evidence that changing the size and composition of the Town Council is something worth doing? Seems like this is coming from left field. Anne Fitzpatrick (You) 07:30 PM Size & composition probably not but how President is elected & possible term limits are worth discussion IMO Anne Fitzpatrick (You) 07:45 PM Some municipalities elect the At Large candidate w/the most votes as President - not sure that's my choice but it's an alternative worth discussion When officials run unopposed there's no alternative for voters please stop saying that we can vote change at the ballot when for years we haven't had options