HomeMy Public PortalAbout20130220 - Upper Charles Trail Committee - Meeting Minutes1 UPPER CHARLES TRAIL COMMITTEE Wednesday, February 20, 2013 7:38 PM Room 211, Town Hall, 18 Main St., Hopkinton, MA MINUTES Members Present: Mark Gates, Bob Snyder, Mike Resteghini, Ken Parker, Jane Moran Members Absent: Jeff Barnes, John Mosher, Brian Eberlin Town citizen present: Mavis O’Leary 1. The draft minutes of the 1/16 meeting were accepted as previously submitted. 2. A discussion regarding our town email/gmail facility was held. Some members have trouble accessing gmail or gmail attachments from their work computers. Some members are uneasy about gmail because of Google’s tendency to retain personal data. 3. Regarding the survey, Ken asked the question “How do we deal with the consequences of the survey?” No action was taken on this matter. 4. Mavis suggested gathering a round table discussion between town groups with trails interests and currently active town developers. Mavis had contacted Roy McDowell about getting together with him, Wood Partners, Pulte, UCTC, Trails Club, and Open Space. The members voted to invite this to happen on April 3 at the regularly scheduled UCTC meeting. Guests will be invited by email by Ken. The results of the survey will be distributed to attendees before the meeting, in order to expedite the discussion about these results. UCTC is looking for a continuity of town trails through these development sites in East Hopkinton. As well, UCTC wants to assure that access is provided to the public, rather than residents only. 5. Mike drafted a letter to Mr. Gorman that he wants the UCTC to review. Questions were raised about the LePelley property and what the Conservation Commission, Open Space, and the Planning Board have in mind for it. 6. Mike will prepare a segment connection to Wilson Street via lot maps. For continued survey collections, Mike will contact a pair of Hughes property abutters to seek their email addresses to send them the survey. 7. We continue to seek an easy means to identify town owned property. Ken reminded the group about the March 5 regional Upper Charles Trail meeting in Milford. 8. Mark reminded the group about the form letter that we had previously agreed to create to notify town property owners about planned walks and land inquiries. Mark will contact Elaine about this and draft a letter for this purpose for us to review at our next meeting. 2 9. Funding – skipped. 10. Mike suggested lengthening the meetings to provide work sessions during that time. The group agreed to begin the next meeting at 6:45P. 12. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM. Approved: March 20, 2013 Documents used at the meeting: Meeting agenda Map entitled “Preliminary Route for Proposed Upper Charles Trail”, Upper Charles Trail Committee, dated 9/19/12 Draft Minutes of 1/16/13 meeting