HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 06:188 ~\t'l?íøhdiatt of HIc '~~ørou£11 af C[m±crc±, ;N ~ 3J ~ Dale of Adoption June 15, 2006 No. 06-188 RESOLUTION OF THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET, IN THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX, DESIGNATING MIDDLESEX AVENUE REDEVELOPMENT COMPANY, L.L.C. AS THE CONDITIONAL REDEVELOPER OF THE MIDDLESEX A VENUE RESIDENTIAL REDEVELOPMENT AREA WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 05-62, passed on December 15, 2005, the Borough of Carteret (the "Borough") adopted the Redevelopment Plan for the redevelopment of the Middlesex Avenue Residential Redevelopment Area; and WHEREAS, in May 2006, the Borough issued a Request for Qualifications ("RFQ"), soliciting responses from redevelopers interested in the redevelopment of the Middlesex Avenue Residential Redevelopment Area; and WHEREAS, Middlesex Avenue Redevelopment Company, L.L.C. was the only redeveloper who submitted a response to the RFQ; and WHEREAS, after a review of Middlesex A venue Redevelopment Company L.L.c.'s response, the Mayor and Council have detennined that the response from Middlesex Avenue Redevelopment Company, L.L.c. is consistent with the RFQ and the Borough's redevelopment plan and, further, that it meets the goals and objectives that the Borough has established for the Middlesex Avenue Residential Redevelopment Area; and \VHEREAS, the Borough wishes to engage in preliminary negotiations with Middlesex Avenue Redevelopment Company L.L.c. in furtherance of entering into a fonnal redevelopment agreement, with said preliminary negotiations to include the receipt and review of additional project specific infonnation from Middlesex Avenue Redevelopment Company, L.L.c. as may be requested. NOW, THEREFORE, BE AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Carterct, in the County of Middlesex and the State of New Jersey, as follows: Section 1. Middlesex Avenue Redevelopment Company. L.L.c., with offices at 1520 Willow Avenue, c/o The Hoboken Brownstone Company, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030, is hereby conditionally designated as the redeveloper of the Middlesex Avenue Residential Redevelopment Area and has, at the sole and exclusive discretion of the Borough, the option to enter into preliminary negotiations for a redevelopment agreement with the Borough for the designated properties located within the Middlesex A venue Residential Rdevelopment Area. NO 06-188 PAGE ? nf 7 Section 2. The within designation is hereby made for a limited period of one hundred-twenty (120) days, and is further contingent upon Middlesex Avenue Redevelopment Company, L.L.c. providing any additional project related information as may be requested by the Borough. Section 3. The within designation is further contingent upon Middlesex Avenue Redevelopment Company, L.L.C. agreeing to reimburse the Borough for any and all costs associated with the Borough's review of said additional material and any subsequent efforts involved in negotiating a formal redevelopment agreement between the Borough and Middlesex Avenue Redevelopment Company, L.L.c. Said costs shaH include, but not be limited to, the cost of any and all professional consultants retained by the Borough to review said materials and/or assist the Borough in negotiations of a fonnal redevelopment agreement. Section 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately. Adopted this 15'" day of June, 2006 and certified as a true copy of the original on June 16\\ 2006. KATHLEEN M. BARNEY, RMC/CMC Municipal Clerk --~-_.- ---- -- RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE COUNCILMAN -&ELL1ím --orAl: KRUM YES X X NO NV A.B. COUNCILl\lAN NAPLES - R105-- YES NO NV A.B. X X ---. .1L- SITARZ x _ Indicate Vole AB . Absenl NV - NOI Vnling XOR - Indium:s Vo!e to Overrule Ve!o ---------------------- Adopted at a meeting of the M1.micipal Council .f---?une 15, 2006 __ ~d~.R~/~A-; Cl¡R~ ( OS-13-200S 03:44pm Frcm-~NlMDN ¡ SCOTLAND L,L,C, +973S223744 T-922 p.OOS/OOB F-29S RESOLUTION OF THE BOatOUGH OF CAltTEIŒT, IN THE CotJNTY OF MIDDLESEX DESIGNATING MIDDLESEX AVENUE IU:DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, L.LC. AS THE CONDITIONAL JU;DEVELOPEB. OF THE MIDDLESEX ."VENUE IU:SIDti:NT1AL REDEVELOPMENT AREA WHEREAS, by Ordinante No. 05-62, passe4 on December 15, 2005, the Borough of CarteTet (the "Borough") adopted the Redevelopment Plan for the re4evelopment of the Middle:;ex Avenue Resì4enùal Redevelopment Area; and WHEIŒAS, In May 2006, the Borough issued a Request for Qualifications CRFQ"), soliciting ~esponses ftom redevelopers Interested In the redevelopment of the Midqlese ( Aven¡,¡e Residential Redevelopment Area; and WHEREAS, Middlesex Avenue Rede\'e1opment Company, L.L-C. was the only redl:'leloper who subUliued a response to the RFQ; and WHEREAS, after a rCYicw of M"idlcsex Avenue Redevelopmenr Company, LL.C.'s response, the Mayor and Council have c!ctcnnined tMt the response from Midc!lese ( Avenue Redevelopment Company, LLC. is consistent with the RfQ and the Borough's redevelopment plan and. further, Ihat it meets the goals and objectives that the Borough has established for the Midc!lesex Aven¡<e Residential Redevelopment Area; and WHEREAS, the Borough wishes to engage In prelitmnaTY negotiations with Middlesex Avenue Redevelopment Company, L.LC. in furtherance of entering into a formal redevelopment agre.::ment, with satd prdim.tnary negotiations to inclu4e the receipt and review of additional project specjfic infonnation ftom MiddlesC);. Avenue Redevelopment Company, L.L.C. as may be requested. NOW, THEREFORE, BE .~D IT IS HEatEDY RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of Borough of Carteret, in the COWlty of Mic!dlesex and the State of New Jersey, as follows; Sertio!ll. MiddJese:x Avenue Redevelopment Company, L.L,C., with offices at 1520 Willow Avenue, clo The Hobok.m Brownstone company, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030, is hereby conditioDJìlly designated as Ihc:: redeveloper of the Mic!dlesex Avenue Residential Redevt:lopmero Area and has, at the sole and exclusive riiscretion of the BorougÞ, the option to enter into preliminary negotiations for II redevelopmenI agreement with the Boroqgh for me designated properties locate4 within the Middlesex Avenue Resic!ential Redevelopment Area. SediPD 2. The within designation IS hereby made for a limited period of one hundred-twenty 020) days, and is funher contingent upon Middlesex Avenue Redevelopment Company, L.L C. providing any additional project related wonnation as may be: requested by the Borough. SectiPD 3. The within designation is £unher contingent ¡¡pon Middlesex Avenue Redevelopment Company, L.L.C. agreeing to nnmbUI$e the Borough for any and aU costs 06-13-Z006 03:44pm From-~NIUD" ¡ SCOTLAND L,L,C, +Qr36ZZ3T44 T-SZZ P.ODT/OOB F-ZSB associated with the Borough's review of said additional m~tcria1 and any subsequent cffons involved in negotiating a fonnal redevelopment agreement between tbe Borougb. and Middlcst" Avenue Redevelopment Company, L.L.C. Said costs shall include, but not be linUted to, the cost of any and all professional consultants retained by the Borough to revIew said materials and/or assist the Borough in negotiations of a formal redevelopment agreement. Section 4. This resolution sh~n t }œ efti::ct immediately. nO¡o.o(ll 300002-<