HomeMy Public PortalAbout1973-03-28 Special Meetingwould then hold a special meeting neat week for further review of the ordinance and consultation with the representative from "—ton-Aschman. Mr. Taplin inquired about the status of the :;east Mobile and Mr. Maley said that Dade County had a temporary rescue vehicle in the fire station now and it would be replaced with a new unit carrying he,rrt monitoring equipment as soon as they are received by Dade County. There being to further business on motion of Mr. Villeneuve, seconded by Mr. Brush, the meeting was adjourned at 2:45 P.M, ATTEST: eLy• Village Clerk March 22, 1973 March 28 , 1572 A Specisl Meeting of the Bel harbour Village Council was held at 1:00IM Wednesday, March. 28, 1973 in the Village Ball for the purpose of revle ing with Mr. Adel:: of Barton-Aschnar Associates limits of construction to be ^?.lin ed in the oceanfront section, Present: Messrs Beatty, Brusb, Irirtup, Taplin and Villeneuve Also presenwere: Fred v. 1°A.ey, ':illc6e "an:76cr; `;a, ''etc T ,. c;e•r, Village Clerh; and Thomas h. Anderson., Village Attorney, Mr. Ade:e discussed with the. Council various floor area ratios and dwelling unit densities for the Oceanfront. District, After discussion, Mr.Adcls paid his firm recommended that the dwelling unit density be seventy per acre; 20„, lot coverage; a building floor area ratio of 2.4; and seventeen stories or IRO' in building height, It was moved by nr. Beatty, seconded by Mr. Villeneuve that the followirg maximum limits be embodied into the propoaed zoning ordinance; height; 14 stories or 150'; 20;0 lard coverage; 2.1 part+irg; 2.8 Flom Arca Dadic:; 60 Dwelling Units per Acre; 150' front set-bacl-.; and 1,0' set -back ::n eae..,. aid, mutton passed with Messrs. Beat:.,, Brush and Villeneuve, voting "yea", Messre. i ointup and Taplin, vottr+;; "no". Beatty moved that no temlorary septic tanks be allowed in any .:e. hrildings in Dal Marbeur. Ile motion was eeemdce by Mr. 7illereuvc. After discussion the motion passed by Messzr. Brush, Drintnp, 1apl.ir and Villeneuve voting "yes"' „r. Beatty hr:oing left the mectirL at 3:15 . It was the opinion cf the council that the proposed zoning ordinance you:C. not be ready for reading at the meeting to be held on Saturday, ,larch 31st, and would instead be presented and read for passage on Saturday, April 14, 1973. There being no farther l:usiness on motion of "r. 'iarltn, seconded by r. Brush, the meeting was adjourned at 4:1: :.., AT_T7ST: Village clerk March 28, 1973 March 31, 1971 The Council cf Eal Harbour Village met Saturday, March 31, 1973 at 9:30A.'i, in the Village Hall., Present: Messrs. Beatty, Brush, Printup, Taplin and Villeneuve Aisu present were Fred 1'. Maley, Village Mauaecr; Darr ?. Wetterer, Village Clerk; and Thomas 11. Anderson, Village Attorney. On motion of Mr. Beatty, seconded by Mr. Taplin, the minutes of the previous meetings of February 24th, March 15th, March 22nd, and March 28th, 1973 were approved as submitted. Mrs. Irene Goldstein of the nay harbor Islands Elementary School asked that Bal harbour contribute '500.00 toward the air conditioning of their cafe- torium. Mr. Anderson advised the Council that they do not have the authority to pledge this money, but he would be glad to investigate how other communities authorize such an expenditure. Mr. Louis Brandt of the Regency Spa, who was present in the audience, said that the Regency would be happy to contribute the "500.00 to the F.T.A. Mr.loward Seitlin, attorney for the Sutton Carlton Apartments, requested a variance for a ten by fourteen font sign to be placed on the property for ninety days, advertising the sale of the condominiums. On motion of Mr, Villeneuve, seconded by Mr. Taplin, and voted the request was denied. Mr. Larry Cliff, speaking for the Sal Harbour Resort Assnriation, explained to the Council some of the demands the Metro Fire Department is makirg to bring their buildings up to the present Fire Code which was not in existence when the buildings, were constructed. He asked that the Council use their influence with the Metro officials to intercede for the oceanfront property owners. After discussion it was the opinion cf the Council that they could take no formal action, but that Mr. ;Maley should meet with the Dade County Fire Department officials, to see if they could resolve this problem. Mr, Taplin said he was legally challenging Dade