HomeMy Public PortalAboutJune 12, 2023 City Council Emails701-32 DOCUMENTS IN THIS PACKET INCLUDE: LETTERS FROM CITIZENS TO THE MAYOR OR CITY COUNCIL RESPONSES FROM STAFF TO LETTERS FROM CITIZENS ITEMS FROM MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS ITEMS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES AND AGENCIES ITEMS FROM CITY, COUNTY, STATE, AND REGIONAL AGENCIES Prepared for: 6/12/2023 Document dates: 6/5/2023 – 6/12/2023 Note: Documents for every category may not have been received for packet reproduction in a given week. From:Catalina S To:Council, City Subject:TNR of unhoused cats is effective and humane Date:Monday, June 12, 2023 1:21:01 PM Some people who received this message don't often get email from catalinasavvy@gmail.com. Learn why this isimportant CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Hello, I am writing to register my support in favor of continuing TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) program(s) for the feral cats of Palo Alto. Wholesale slaughter of cats whose only crime is being born outside the sphere of humans cannot be condoned and has been proven ineffective at controlling populations. Neutering these cats to reduce birth rates and manage existing colonies is supported by studies and is the far more humane method. Silicon Valley is a progressive area with many compassionate programs and outlooks to be proud of. Let's keep this as something we can be proud of as well. Thank you, L.Catalina Soltero Registered Voter, California From:Henry Etzkowitz To:teamjulieforpaloalto@gmail.com; Rebecca Eisenberg; Roberta Ahlquist; Terry Beaubois; Marty Wasserman; Hersh Jim;Catie Fee; Khonika Gope; Orna Rosenfeld; Christiane Gebhardt Cc:Whitney McNair; Kristina Loquist; Council, City; provost@stanford.edu; Bette; Mark Granovetter; Ellen Fox; Jinx Lobdell Subject:Re: Hot Stuff, And I"m Not Just Talking Summer! Date:Monday, June 12, 2023 12:15:17 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious ofopening attachments and clicking on links. Julie Enjoy and appreciate your well written reporting and rallying. Why are you amenable to housing proposals that develop outskirts, requiring replication ofinfrastructure, rather than utilizing existing infrastructure, building high and wide on shoppingcenters, under-grounding their parking lots. CheersHenry Ps waiting for your initiative to commission a “third space” report. surely as important, if not moreimportant, shopping center viability. You have perspicaciously called attention to Palo Alto’s thirdspace gap. Your signature issue needs following up. You have been uncharacteristically quiet. Inparticular, your support with Stanford, where you have long connection, for saving oak creekclubhouse, a multi-functional sociability venue, undergoing dismantlement on your watch! Sincerely Henry Your oak creek campaigner and under the door leafletter Co-organizer, Community of oak creek residentsWww.triplehelix.net Sent from my iPhone On Jun 8, 2023, at 2:01 PM, Julie Lythcott-Haims <teamjulieforpaloalto@gmail.com>wrote:  In two weeks Council takes its summer recess, and I can't remember the last time I needed a break so badly. But don't get me wrong, I love the work. It's challenging – both intellectually and relationally – and my brain and spirit are nourished by it. (Yes, even with all the hard parts.) We Had Two Wins, Then a Wait,What??? Our community values were on display at our most recent Council meeting (June 5). Here's what I mean by that: 1. WE'RE SUPPORTING RENTERS. It's estimated that 46% of Palo Altans are renters, and unfortunately *some* find themselves in really rough circumstances. So, after years of work and advocacy from local leaders, staff, and community advocates, Council voted to strengthen renter protections beyond what the state requires, in two important ways. First, we capped security deposits at 1.5x of monthly rent (lowered from 2x). Second, we extended just cause eviction protection protocols to a whole lot more folks - basically the only renters not eligible for such protections are those: who have rented their place for less than 6 months; who rent a single family home not owned by a corporation or trust; or who rent a duplex with the landlord living in the other half. Protections include adequate notice, opportunity to resolve the issue, and for no fault evictions, relocation assistance in the form of one month's rent. I commend all the people who got us to this point, especially Lauren Bigelow at Palo Alto Renters Association who is a tremendous advocate. There is more we could do for Palo Alto renters. But I'm confident that what we've just approved will help a lot of people experience greater certainty and less stress in their living situation. 2. WE'RE PROTECTING THE PLANET Cities give off 75% of the greenhouse gasses the world suffers under, and so changing behavior within cities is the greatest opportunity for tackling climate change and staving off the worst of it. On Monday night, we heard a robust report on our S/CAP (Sustainability and Climate Action Plan), specifically on the work plan for the next two years to make continued progress toward reaching our "80/30" climate goals (meaning, reducing our carbon emissions by 80% by the year 2030). Based on changes made since the S/CAP was first implemented, we've already achieved a 53.9% decrease in carbon emissions from changing the way the city does business, which is huge. But we still have a long way to go. And the greatest volume of carbon emitted in our city now comes from our home appliances and vehicles, so individual behavioral change is what's needed to get us the rest of the way there. This is going to take a lot of compassionate, thoughtful, and persuasive conversation, including articulating a future we can look forward to. I found myself asking from the dais whether the thousands of new housing units planned for the southernmost border of Palo Alto in the San Antonio area could be a blueprint for how to develop a green community: denser housing, 100% electric, near transit, walkable to shops and amenities, all under a canopy of trees. Seems like the perfect microcosm in which to develop and perfect a city design of the future. We shall see. 3. YET WAIT, WHAT ‍♀... We had a study session on a new water treatment facility proposed for out near the Baylands on the east end of San Antonio. I'm excited about that project, yet in looking closely at the map I realized that it will built right next to the recently approved Life Moves transitional housing development for unhoused people. Frankly, I couldn't believe it. Meaning, while I am in favor of both the water facility and of the transitional housing, conceptually, my concern is why they are adjacent to one another. I asked myself how members of the prior Council arrived at the decision that it was okay to do this - to put humans in a swath of the city typically reserved for waste processing, knowing that we would never put a big utilities building near a single family or multi-family neighborhood? My heart yearned to know why unhoused humans are not rated highly enough so as to be protected from that? And why their needs are seen as so different from other humans that we can just plop them anywhere, completely away from the community of other humans, not to mention services, transit, and shops? Colleagues have implored me to accept that "this was the only possible place." But was it? I mean, isn't all of what we do a choice reflecting our values? I spoke up from the dais and you can see some of that reflected in the article below. The Palo Alto Weekly also did a piece on it which you can read here. (Please note that the term "caste" was something I alluded to in my remarks only because we'd *just* heard from members of the public about the concept of caste and whether it should or should not be a protected status in the California constitution. So I opened with something like Hearing concerns about 'caste; I cannot help but wonder if in this circumstance...) Please please also know that both the transitional housing and water treatment facility are done deals, and I'm not trying to undo them. I'm inspired by the language of Aubrey Merriman, CEO of Life Moves, who recently shared with me his vision of being "loyal to the future." As long as I'm a part of the conversation, I WILL be loyal to the future, and I will ask us to face these tough questions about values head on, through an equity lens. And as we continue to build out the city in accordance with our housing obligations, I hope we will hold ourselves accountable to do what's right for the humans among us who have traditionally been left out of the conversation or removed entirely from the map of what matters. So What Do YOU Think?Share Your Opinions With Council The City Council is a group of seven folk who are trying to do right by 68,000 people. The issues are complex and multi-faceted. There is often no consensus on what's the right approach. And, sometimes you have more expertise on an issue than we do. Sometimes we're not seeing it as clearly as we might. The city recently began putting on quarterly Neighborhood Town Hall sessions with city staff and council available to answer questions, and supported by our wonderful neighborhood leaders. The next one is this Sunday, June 11, from 3- 5:15 pm at Paly in the Peery Family Center (large gym). While all are welcome, this quarter's event is specifically for residents in the neighborhoods of College Terrace, Evergreen, Mayfield, Ventura and Palo Alto Central, and we will center the concerns the leaders of those neighborhoods have brought forth. The meeting will begin with a community social at 3:00 p.m. and conclude by 5:15 p.m. The draft agenda can be found here. I will be one of the three council members present, along with my colleagues Ed Lauing and Vicki Veenker! That's right, it's all the newbies. Come check us out! I also encourage you to pay attention to what's happening in our remaining two Council meetings before the summer break. If any of the topics are dear to your heart, consider writing us a letter at city.council@cityofpaloalto.org. Or better yet, come to the meeting either in person or on Zoom and comment. (And if you want to speak about something NOT on the agenda, that's great too - we reserve time right up front for you to speak your mind.) The agenda for June 12 is here. Highlights from my perspective are: Life Moves transitional housing project Independent Police Auditor report Pets in Need Term Sheet The agenda for June 19 was not available at publishing date. Once the agenda has been posted by the City Clerk's office, you will find it here. Highlights: FY24 Budget adoption Tree ordinance review We need your voice in the mix. And we need to listen to it. Let's Get Going, Housers! A few months ago, when I was beginning to level up my detailed understanding of the housing issues we face, I asked for advice on how I should identity myself within the movement to build more housing. Reason being, putting oneself in the camp of "NIMBY" vs "YIMBY" can be polarizing, and misleading, and even limiting. (There's great factionalism within the YIMBY movement which is a pain, if not surprising.) I was advised to use the term "houser." As in: "I believe in building more housing and getting more humans housed. I'm a houser." So... Calling all of my fellow housers!!! On Saturday August 12 we're putting on a daylong summit at my place to discuss the issues underpinning the housing challenge we face, so we can collectively level up our learning and brainstorm about next steps together. In the meantime, don't miss this must-read recent profile of our Mayor in this weekend's San Francisco Chronicle: YIMBYs love to hate her. Inside one Bay Area Mayor's anti-housing campaign. And if you haven't already bought your copy of Just Action: How to Challenge Segregation Enacted Under the Color of Law, well then just reply to this email entering yourself into a raffle for a free copy because I just bought ten copies at Books Inc Palo Alto and am giving away nine!!! Live Music Is Everywhere! With the official start of summer mere days away, we're going to be treated to music ALL summer long! Here are two ongoing weekly series, followed by periodic events: Weekly Twilight Concert Series With concerts at Rinconada and Mitchell Park every Saturday at 6:30pm, there's music to get everyone groovin'! Check out all the dates and bands for both parks here. Weekly Music For Younger Souls Every Friday, music with a more gentle vibe takes place from 6-7:30pm at the Magical Bridge Playground in Mitchell Park. It's called "Magical Music and Motion." All abilities welcome. Bring a picnic and enjoy! Here's the summer line up! Friday, June 9, 6-7:30pm Free At Mitchell Park John Henry's Farm, All abilities, All ages welcome. Gentle Melodies for younger listeners. Info here. Friday, June 9, 7-9:30pm Free at Lytton Plaza Freddy Jones Band, Earthwise Productions Saturday, June 10, 12pm-2:30pm Free at Lytton Plaza Cien Mil Mangos, Larry Ochs, Gerald Cleaver Duo- Jazz music, Earthwise Productions Saturday, June 10, 6:30-8pm Free at Rinconada Park AJ Crawdaddy, Twilight Series Concert Series Sunday, June 11, 2-3:30pm Free at Lytton Plaza Jim Campilongo Ben Davis Duo, Earthwise Productions Thursday, June 15, 6-9pm 6 Different bands with a World Music Theme Cal Avenue (3rd Thursday) I can't wait to check out this new "3rd Thursday" concept and I hope to see you there! Take an Art Walk Tomorrow (June 9) at 5pm, come and meet the artists who painted the vibrant murals on Cal Ave as they take you on a tour to show you how art and the community came together to beautify our city. The tour starts by the fountain at 2351 Park Blvd. Brought to you by the Palo Alto Public Art Program. Family Movie Nights, All Summer! Hours later, tomorrow, (June 9) bring a blanket, snacks and your favorite people to Mitchell Park for a Family Friendly Movie. Seating begins at 7pm on the athletic fields. Check out the movie line up to plan your nights all summer! Seven More Days Until the FPPCOpines About How I Earn a Living Days before the Council break, the FPPC will meet to discuss whether the way in which I earn a living violates their rules for elected officials. I don't think anyone who can be objective and unbiased about it actually believes I'm violating the spirit of the law, but whether I violate the letter of this overbroad law is a fair question, and if I DO violate the letter of the law with speeches that do not take place in the city whose whose topics have nothing to do with city policy, then we have to ask whether that law is unreasonable and should be changed. These are the questions the commission will grapple with next Thursday. I'm positively thrilled to have the support of numerous third parties including the League of California Cities, the California Political Attorneys Association, the Santa Clara Democratic Party, and the former head of the FPPC herself! As we await the outcome, I want to take a moment to thank you for continuing to buoy me with your support, whether you say something kind when I see you out and about, you drop me a message by email or on social media, or when I see your words in the newspaper. For example, look here at what Barron Park resident Jerry Underdal had to say when he went to bat for me in Palo Alto Online Town Hall, which the Weekly excerpted in their print edition. Jerry, I love this so much that I cut out and put it by the flowers in my kitchen. As I close, and thank you for reading this far, I just want to remind you that you are a beacon of light. Share your love and your laughter. Be kind to a stranger. Talk to a teen. Rescue a pet. Hug your loved ones a little more often than you normally do! xo PS/As of July 9, Mitchell Park Library will once again be open again on Sundays. A perfect place to read your free copy of Just Action whether you win one from me or check it out from the library! (And hats off to my fellow council member Vicki Veenker for pushing us to restore library open hours to pre- pandemic levels!) PSS/The beautiful flowers you see on our dining table below came from one of you - a supporter who wanted me to know that they appreciate how I show up to fight for what's right even though it makes me unpopular in some circles! THANK YOU. View this email in your browser Julie Lythcott-Haims for Palo Alto City Council 2022 julieforpaloalto@gmail.com | 3790 El Camino Real #2022 Palo Alto, CA 94306 Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list. GET INVOLVED TODAY! From:Ann H. To:Council, City Cc:council@losaltosca.gov Subject:public comment: June 12 Palo Alto City Council discussion on Pets in Need Date:Monday, June 12, 2023 11:32:54 AM Some people who received this message don't often get email from annhep@yahoo.com. Learn why this isimportant CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. City of Palo Alto Councilmembers: I am writing about Action Item 13 on your June 12th meeting agenda, "Direction on Operating Model for Palo Alto Animal Shelter, Which May Include: Negotiating A New Agreement with Pets In Need; Moving to In-House Service Delivery; and/or Issuing a New Request For Proposals" I urge the Council to require any animal control agreement or contract with Petsin Need to implement a very clear policy about feral cats. Specifically, I want the policy to clearly state that feral cats will not be released into the served communities of Palo Alto, Los Altos Hills, and Los Altos. I am a resident of the City of Los Altos, and a member of the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society. I love birds, and watching birds, and care deeply about nature and habitat for the birds. But I also love animals, including cats. 1) Feral cats do not belong in our local habitat, nor loose in our suburban neighborhoods. Research has clearly shown that cats--hungry or not--kill birds. Cats are the number- one direct, human-caused threat to birds in the United States and Canada. In the UnitedStates alone, outdoor cats kill approximately 2.4 billion birds every year. 2) Feral cats deserve humane treatment and a decent life. If these cats cannot be placed in a foster or permanent home that commits to their safety and keeping themindoors, then we as society must be responsible and humanely euthanize them--we cannot throw them back outside at risk of disease and car collisions and coyotes and other predators (plus, the birds they will kill). 3) Pets In Need must not allow volunteers or outside agencies to take cats from theshelter and release them into the served cities. If the cats cannot be placed in a loving home, they must not be released. The current PIN agreement's Feral Cat Policy is vague and dates back to the 2018agreement--if the City and PIN has not yet designed a feral cat plan, they are far overdue to meet that need. Please, strengthen your Feral Cat Policy and affirm that you will protect birds and catsand nature by eliminating releases of feral cats in Palo Alto, Los Altos and the other communities PIN serves. thank you. Ann Hepenstal resident, South Los Altos cc: Los Altos City Councilmembers Feral Cat Policy The current Agreement (2019-2024) included a term that required PIN to “Develop, in cooperation with CITY, a feral cat plan. The plan shall include how PIN handles feral cats, spay/neuter provisions, and release of feral cats. CONSULTANT shall not release feral cats within the City of Palo Alto or any of its Partner Cites”. To alleviate concerns with trap-neuter-release programs and the impact on wildlife, staff proposes to keep the same term if a new Agreement is approved by Council. This would maintain the current practice of offering rental of humane cat traps for public use, partnering with cat rescue groups for spay and neuter opportunities, and impounding feral cats for placement or euthanasia. PIN has requested that both parties work together to develop a humane feral cat program reflective of municipal best practices. City staff are agreeable to working on this with PIN and appropriate language has been added to the Term Sheet. From:Charlene Mercadante To:Council, City Subject:TNR is vital to control the community cat population Date:Monday, June 12, 2023 10:19:24 AM Some people who received this message don't often get email from pinkpawsftc@gmail.com. Learn why this isimportant CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Hello City Council, I have been a resident of Los Altos Hills for 13 years and last year started up my own verysmall cat rescue based out of my home. I am a person that cares about all animals, cats, dogs, birds, etc. For the last few years I have been helping manage a few feral community cat colonies on thePeninsula and have experienced first hand how TNR (Trap, nether, release) works to help control the homeless cat population in a way that is humane to the cats in question. One such colony that I help manage, had upward of 50 cats about 10 years ago and today wemanage a small group of 5-8 cats in that same area. A dedicated effort of TNR has been in place for this period of time. Friendly cats that may have been abandoned are rescued andrehomed. Any kittens that are born in the colony, we try to rescue quickly so they too, can have a better life to be adopted into a family. It is not easy and it is very expensive, typicallyall be paid out of the pockets of good samaritans who want to help these cats. I started Pink Paws For The Cause because shelters were full, and people finding kittens in their yard had no one to help them. The ONLY way to control the cat population is to offerspay and neuter services to the community for both feral and friendly cats. Shelters are full, there are more kittens for adoption than there are people to adopt them. When a pregnant feralcat is trapped for TNR, we work hard to get that cat spayed quickly and terminate that pregnancy to reduce the unwanted kittens left to fend for themselves outside. With reducedavailability of appointments we have been forced to triage our appointments… pregnant cats first, females next and then the males. This is no way to sterilize a colony of cats. Theyshould be trapped, brought in and fixed at once or as quickly as possible to stop the procreation. At this time getting an appointment at PIN Palo Alto for a feral cat is very difficult. There arewait lists and last minute notices.. which do not support the trappers and rescuers in getting colony cats fixed in a reasonable time period. Other cities like Mountain View can bring intheir feral community cats 2x per week and get these procedures completed for free. SVACA will take in injured feral community cats, give them the medical they require, spay and neuterthem while they are there and the return them to the rescuer to release the cat back to the only home it knows. It is easy to get appointments there and there is a real partnership with thegood samaritan rescue groups and independents that you do find in our cities. HSSV offers very similar services to the communities it serves. Before voting on whether to support TNR please do your research. Those of us that care about this cats also care very much about the birds too. It is not logical nor humane toeuthanize all the community cats to save the birds, and frankly it is not possible. There is something called the vaccuum effect. The best we can do is reduce the population byproviding spay, neuter and medical services to these community cats and rehoming the friendly ones whenever possible. Please see this source for really good information andresearch on this subject… www.alleycat.org A letter to you all really cannot cover it all, I would be happy to speak with anyone in person if you have any further questions. Thank you for helping us help these cats that no one cares about. Warmly,Charlene Charlene Mercadante Founder, PresidentPink Paws For The Cause 650-533-7979 cell 26471 Weston DriveLos Altos Hills, CA 94022 Follow us on Facebook & Instagram https://linktr.ee/pinkpawsforthecause From:Jo McDermott To:Council, City Subject:Support for Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) in Palo Alto Date:Monday, June 12, 2023 9:47:10 AM Some people who received this message don't often get email from mcdermott_jo@yahoo.com. Learn why this isimportant CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Dear City Council Members, We understand that there is a meeting to discuss Trap-Neuter Return (TNR) services for community cats in Palo Alto this evening. As Board President for Nine Lives Foundation, a feline rescue and shelter in Redwood City, I'm writing to express our strong support for TNR programs in the area. Animal welfare organizations are facing unprecedented challenges in the Bay Area and beyond, with demand for spay/neuter and intake far out- pacing supply. At Nine Lives, we have a waitlist of over 400 cats waiting for spay/neuter surgery, many of them rescued kittens that have come from outdoor colonies. We need, as a community, to provide services to spay/neuter community cats to minimize the unnecessary births of kittens outdoors. TNR has been empirically validated to be the best method for reducing feral cat populations humanely,and avoiding the prevalence of sick and injured cats on the streets. A good example is the managed catpopulation on the Stanford Campus - from an estimated population of 500 cats roaming freely on Stanfordcampus, giving birth to related litters, many of them sick or injured, the numbers declined over a managedsystem of TNR and care to a present population of virtually zero. This model of pet control is now widelyestablished. With shelters overwhelmed and under-resourced in the Bay Area and wider region, it is not possible for shelters to intake and re-home many of the cats brought in – especially feral cats who cannot be domesticated. The result is that many animals are at risk of euthanasia – as we see happening at shelters like Los Banos where they do not have the veterinary resources for spay/neuter. TNR is a humane way to drastically reduce feral populations without euthanasia. It is very difficult for animal shelters to be successful, in terms of saving lives in the community, withoutthe community and its leaders' support, both in words and action. Shelters and spay/neuter clinicsdesperately need your support. We strongly urge the council to support and fund TNR programs in the area. Regards, Jo p.s., when I tried to send this message from my Nine Lives email address it was rejected as suspected spam... your spam filters may be making it hard for your constituents to reach you, which I'm sure isn't something you want! -- Jo McDermott (she/her) Co-President, Board of Directors | Nine Lives Foundation Donate I Foster I Adopt (650) 368-1365 jo@ninelivesfoundation.org image.png From:Lissy Bland To:Council, City Subject:Health Effects of Noise, Including Airplane Noise Date:Monday, June 12, 2023 9:44:37 AM Some people who received this message don't often get email from lissybland@gmail.com. Learn why this isimportant CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. This article in today’s New York Times clearly explains how the airplane noise that many ofexperience on a regular basis is taking years off our lives. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/06/09/health/noise-exposure-health-impacts.html? smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare Lissy Bland From:Liam Montgomery To:Council, City Cc:lenor31@sbcglobal.net; Charlene Mercadante; Jo McDermott; Jeanne Wu Subject:Letter of Support for Trap and Release Programs Date:Monday, June 12, 2023 9:42:14 AM Attachments:Dear Palo Alto Council Members.pdf Some people who received this message don't often get email from liam@ninelivesfoundation.org. Learn why thisis important CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Dear City Council Members, I am the Executive Director of Nine Lives Foundation, a non-profit cat rescue in RedwoodCity. Please find my letter attached in support of funding for vital programs like Trap and Return for community cats. It is one, if not the most, important intervention in ending thesenseless displacement and euthanasia of cats. Cheers, -- Liam Montgomery (He/Him)Executive Director I Nine Lives Foundation Donate I Foster I Adopt Our federal tax ID # is 20-2150714 Dear Palo Alto Council Members, As the leader of a feline rescue and shelter, near Palo Alto, I'm wri;ng to express the circumstances under which all animal welfare organiza;ons in the Bay Area are facing, with the intent of objec;vely highligh;ng the unprecedented challenges that exist. It's very difficult for animal shelters to be successful, in terms of saving lives in the Community, without the Community and its leaders' support, both in words and ac;on. A shelter is just bearing the consequences of what is happening in the Community it serves. While Palo Alto has affluence that enables greater funding, shelters may be forced to euthanize animals for ;me and space, and it is incumbent upon Bay Area shelters to expand their Trap and release programs to enable rescue and lifesaving support. This only happens with financial and community support to include funding, volunteerism, and dona;ons from community members. This is especially true when it comes to funding Trap and Return programs for our community cats. Funding Trap and Release programs is the key to ending the senseless euthanasia and displacement of cats. Best Friends.org, a na;onal animal welfare organiza;on has compiled research and data that fully describes the environment we're in. Per a recent study, they found that the na;onal veterinary shortage is impac;ng 56% of organiza;ons, with 22% saying they are impacted a lot and 34% saying they are impacted a great deal, which makes sustaining Trap and Release programs difficult without vital funding. Animal control and rescue organiza;ons appear to be impacted the most, as well as organiza;ons in the Northeast, Pacific, and SouthCentral regions. More data and research can be found here: hWps://network.besYriends.org/research-data/research/vet-shortage-andcompensa;on- survey-data In closing, we urge city leaders to support the community by suppor;ng their animals and those who work to save them. Regards, Liam Montgomery (He/Him) Execu;ve Director I Nine Lives Founda;on Donate I Foster I Adopt Our federal tax ID # is 20-2150714 From:Jo McDermott To:Council, City Cc:Liam Montgomery Subject:Support for Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) in Palo Alto Date:Monday, June 12, 2023 9:41:52 AM Attachments:image.png Some people who received this message don't often get email from jo@ninelivesfoundation.org. Learn why this isimportant CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Dear City Council Members, We understand that there is a meeting to discuss Trap-Neuter Return (TNR) services for community cats in Palo Alto this evening. As Board President for Nine Lives Foundation, a feline rescue and shelter in Redwood City, I'm writing to express our strong support for TNR programs in the area. Animal welfare organizations are facing unprecedented challenges in the BayArea and beyond, with demand for spay/neuter and intake far out-pacing supply. At Nine Lives, we have a waitlist of over 400 cats waiting for spay/neuter surgery, many of them rescued kittens that have come from outdoor colonies. We need, as a community, to provide services to spay/neuter community cats to minimize theunnecessary births of kittens outdoors. TNR has been empirically validated to be the best method for reducing feral catpopulations humanely, and avoiding the prevalence of sick and injured cats on the streets. A good example is the managed cat population on the Stanford Campus - from an estimated population of 500 cats roaming freely on Stanford campus, giving birth to related litters, many of them sick or injured, the numbers declined over amanaged system of TNR and care to a present population of virtually zero. This model of pet control is now widely established. With shelters overwhelmed and under-resourced in the Bay Area and wider region, it is not possible for shelters to intake and re-home many of the cats brought in – especially feral cats who cannot be domesticated. The result is that many animals are at risk of euthanasia – as we see happening at shelters like Los Banos where they donot have the veterinary resources for spay/neuter. TNR is a humane way to drastically reduce feral populations without euthanasia. It is very difficult for animal shelters to be successful, in terms of saving lives in the community, without the community and its leaders' support, both in words and action. Shelters and spay/neuter clinics desperately need your support. We strongly urge the council to support and fund TNR programs in the area. Regards, Jo -- Jo McDermott (she/her)Co-President, Board of Directors | Nine Lives FoundationDonate I Foster I Adopt(650) 368-1365jo@ninelivesfoundation.org From:Aram James To:Binder, Andrew; Gennady Sheyner; Jethroe Moore; Sean Allen; Human Relations Commission; Council, City;Shikada, Ed; Reifschneider, James; Michael Gennaco; Jeff Rosen; Joe Simitian; Human Relations Commission;Wagner, April; Josh Becker; Shana Segal; chuck jagoda; Jay Boyarsky; Perron, Zachary Subject:From The Mercury News e-edition - Is BART policing racially motivated? A closer look at data aims to find out Date:Monday, June 12, 2023 9:10:30 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________ Is BART policing racially motivated? A closer look at data aims to find out https://edition.pagesuite.com/popovers/dynamic_article_popover.aspx?guid=dda122e5-e677-42f4-bbe0- e6a7bdebd639&appcode=SAN252&eguid=28d43469-b14d-4091-b3eb-29b371b7f10a&pnum=36# For more great content like this subscribe to the The Mercury News e-edition app here: Sent from my iPhone From:Roberta Ahlquist To:Henry Etzkowitz; Gerry jurgensen; Gardener, Liz; Aram James; Donald A. Barr; Palo Alto Renters" Association;Ruben Abrica; Marni Barnes; Fred Balin; Joyce Beattie; chuck jagoda; Council, City; Cherrill Spencer; Sally Clark;Human Relations Commission; Ruth Chippendale; Sunita de Tourreil; Jocelyn Dong; Winter Dellenbach; Lenny S.via Mobilize; Rebecca Eisenberg; EPA Today; klara ernyes; Gerry Gras; Paul George @ PPJC; HRW Silicon Valley;Hüseyin Kağan Oğuz; Iza Predmdore; info@siliconvalleyathome.org; Joe Simitian; Jacqueline W Stewart; lindalopez-otero; Marie-Louise Starling-Bell; mark weiss; Bob Orrahood; Rosalinda Quintanar; Robin; Rita Vrhel;Tigard, Charles; Serkan.Uygur@wellsfargo.com; Scott Weikart; Wendy Peikes; sandra weiss; Yolanda xxx Subject:Fwd: Speak Out for Real Housing in San Jose Mon. Evening June 12 Date:Monday, June 12, 2023 8:58:04 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Please speak out if you can, email Joe Simitian, the Mayor, Mahan.r ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: <perrysandy@aol.com> Date: Sun, Jun 11, 2023 at 7:50 PMSubject: Speak Out for Real Housing in San Jose Mon. Evening June 12 DON’T MESS WITH MEASUREE! Please join Affordable Housing Network and hundreds of tenants, formerly and currently unhoused people, people of conscience, and dozens of community organizations at this Monday’s hearing on Measure E spending at San Jose City Hall. Speak out against Mayor Matt Mahan’s misguided plan to slash Measure E affordable housing funds and pretend he can “end encampments” without providing permanent housing. We will begin gathering near the first floor Council Chamber elevators at 5:30 pm to network, distribute signs, and prepare testimonies for when the hearing begins at 6 pm. In spite of their zero experience in addressing homelessness issues, the Santa Clara County Association of Realtors (SCCOAR) is aggressively mobilizing at this hearing to promote the Mayor’s misguided plan to defund affordable housing and round up unhoused people. On June 7, dozens of us picketed the SSCAOR office, chanting, “Hey realtors, you can’t hide, we can see your greedy side!” SSCOAR complained that they were “terrified” by our nonviolent chants. They are right to be scared, because they know the people of San Jose support affordable housing, not the real estate industry – as we did when we voted for Measure E in 2020. Homelessness policy is supposed to END homelessness, not just make it invisible or move people out of sight. Ending homelessness requires real, permanent, affordable housing for people to move into. Mahan and the realtors are conspiring to end the era of building affordable housing in San Jose. Realtors, landlords, and investors claim to be acting out of “compassion”, but SCCAOR has never supported affordable housing in San Jose and in fact OPPOSED Measure E when the voters approved it. Now they are joining Mayor Mahan’s “budget brigade” of wealthy property owners to pull the plug on successful programs like the County Measure A and make our housing crisis worse. DON’T LET THIS HAPPEN! SAY YES TO TENANTS & NO TO CORPORATE REALTORS!SAN JOSE NEEDS HOUSING, NOT DETENTION CENTERS! Time: 5:30 PM on Monday, June 12 Place: First Floor Council Chamber Elevators, San Jose City Hall From:Aram James To:Greg Tanaka; Tannock, Julie; Council, City; Shikada, Ed; Stump, Molly Subject:From The Mercury News e-edition - Reining in rental security deposits Date:Monday, June 12, 2023 8:54:33 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________ Reining in rental security deposits https://edition.pagesuite.com/popovers/dynamic_article_popover.aspx?guid=1f68c10e-85f1-4c1a-a740- 5bf33ab9719c&appcode=SAN252&eguid=28d43469-b14d-4091-b3eb-29b371b7f10a&pnum=3# For more great content like this subscribe to the The Mercury News e-edition app here: Sent from my iPhone From:Charlie Weidanz To:Council, City Subject:June Multi Chamber Mixer Date:Monday, June 12, 2023 8:00:20 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious ofopening attachments and clicking on links. Multi Chamber Mixer June Multi Chamber Mixer Wednesday, June 21st, 20235:30 PM – 7:30 PM Hyatt Centric Mountain View 409 San Antonio Rd Mountain View, CA 94040 Hosted By: Chambers of Commerce of Los Altos, Mountain View, Palo Alto & Sunnyvale Mix & Mingle with local businesses & enjoy light refreshments! COST:Chamber Member fee: $20Non-Chamber Member fee: $30 Proceeds for this event go directly to the Hyatt Centric tothank them for being our host venue! Register Today! This email was sent on behalf of Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce 355 Alma St Palo Alto, CA 94301.To unsubscribe click here. If youhave questions or comments concerning this email or services in general, please contact us by email at info@paloaltochamber.com. From:Corrine Fabie To:Council, City Subject:Supporting TNR Date:Monday, June 12, 2023 7:47:44 AM [Some people who received this message don't often get email from corrine419@gmail.com. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderIdentification ] CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________ I’m writing to say I support the implementation of TNR in Palo Alto, Los Altos, and Los Altos Hills, the cities served by Palo Alto Animal Control. Corrine Fabie Santa Clara County Resident From:Meow Haven Kitty Rescue To:Council, City Subject:in support of TNR Date:Sunday, June 11, 2023 11:01:24 PM Some people who received this message don't often get email from meowhaven.kittyrescue@gmail.com. Learnwhy this is important CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Please support the implementation of TNR in Palo Alto, Los Altos, and Los Altos Hills, thecities served by Palo Alto Animal Control. TNR saves lives and we fully support it to curb endless unwanted homeless kitties being born. Thank you, Akari Win Founder of Meow Haven Kitty Rescue From:Loran Harding To:Loran Harding; alumnipresident@stanford.edu; David Balakian; Leodies Buchanan; beachrides;bearwithme1016@att.net; boardmembers; fred beyerlein; Council, City; Cathy Lewis; Doug Vagim;dallen1212@gmail.com; Dan Richard; dennisbalakian; eappel@stanford.edu; Scott Wilkinson;Gabriel.Ramirez@fresno.gov; George.Rutherford@ucsf.edu; huidentalsanmateo; hennessy; Irv Weissman; SallyThiessen; jerry ruopoli; Joel Stiner; kfsndesk; karkazianjewelers@gmail.com; leager; merazroofinginc@att.net;Mark Standriff; Mayor; margaret-sasaki@live.com; maverickbruno@sbcglobal.net; merazroofing@att.net;newsdesk; nick yovino; russ@topperjewelers.com; Steve Wayte; terry; tsheehan; vallesR1969@att.net; DanielZack Subject:Fwd: Eric Holder & Bill Barr on indictment Date:Sunday, June 11, 2023 10:53:32 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Loran Harding <loran.harding@stanfordalumni.org>Date: Sun, Jun 11, 2023 at 10:11 PM Subject: Eric Holder & Bill Barr on indictmentTo: Loran Harding <loran.harding@stanfordalumni.org> Sunday, June 11, 2023 To all- This is worth hearing. Big gun merely former AGs of the US re the indictment. Trump will get convicted and then just maybe Biden pardons him. Why? Professional courtesy. Recall Nixon, recall scooter LIbby, recall people Trump pardoned. The crazy thing about this is WHY THE F did he do this???????? ALL he had to do washave somebody call the National Archives three weeks before he left office and have them come in to get all classified docs out of th WH and any at his homes as well. Just co-operatewith the law. Then if the Nat. Archives screwed up, have experts comb the WH and his home to be SURE the docs were all out. What I have to wonder is what is in these docs????????? Do they prove Trumpcommitted espionage or treason? Maybe he got bribed by the governments of Europe, Japan and Korea to provide that free military defense I always complain about. I am sure thatsomebody is bribed to do that and is richly bribed. That costs the American people hundreds of billions of dollars every year. There must be something "hot" in the documents. Nobody istalking about that. He isn't 15 years old wanting something with which to impress his pals once out of office. They say the docs dealt with national defense and plans of how to react ifthe US were attacked. I want to know if any of the docs. enriched Trump or hid any crime(s). Did he call the Pacific Fleet into Pearl Harbor or something like that? He has been out ofoffice since January 20, 2021, over two years, so if he set us up for an attack, the set up is getting old. This deal is like when Nixon played along with Watergate when the opponent he faced wasMcGovern. McGOVERN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nixon got himself impeached out of fear of McGovern. It shows that the loss to JFK in 1960 changed Nixon on a fundamental level. (2) Eric Holder to Jen Psaki: Hard to see how Trump will not be convicted - YouTube I think this ends with a pardon by Biden. L. William Harding Fresno, Ca. From:Christine N Witzel To:Council, City Cc:Lenore Delgado; Carole Hyde Subject:TNR is necessary Date:Sunday, June 11, 2023 10:25:59 PM Some people who received this message don't often get email from cnwitzel@sbcglobal.net. Learn why this isimportant CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Hello City Council Members, Please add my name to those in support of Trap-Neuter-Release. It's the most cost-effective and humane way to prevent an epidemic of kittens and homeless cats. Thank you, Chris Christine N. Witzel Barron Park From:April A. To:Council, City Subject:Release of Feral Cats in Palo Alto Date:Sunday, June 11, 2023 9:51:48 PM Some people who received this message don't often get email from adee2005@gmail.com. Learn why this isimportant CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Palo Alto City Council -- I am a Palo Alto resident and am asking that you NOT allow therelease of feral cats (neutered or not) anywhere in Palo Alto. Please do not allow this either now or at any time in the future. April Austin465 E. Meadow Drive Palo Alto, CA 94306 From:Annette Glanckopf To:Council, City Cc:Furman, Sheri Subject:Consent item: town halls Date:Sunday, June 11, 2023 8:43:19 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Just to clarify. Midtown/Palo Verde Neighborhoods have selected and published a date of October 15th for our town hall. We have asked staff to schedule Mitchell Park CC. Vice Mayor Stone and Council Member Veenker have agreed to be our representative council members. We will present key area to cover, determined by surveying both neighborhoods, in late summer, so appropriate staff will be available. thank youAnnette Glanckopf, Vice Chair Midtown Residents Association.. From:Freeze, Suzanne To:Council, City Subject:TNR Date:Sunday, June 11, 2023 8:03:16 PM Some people who received this message don't often get email from suzanne.freeze@cbnorcal.com. Learn whythis is important CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Dear Council members, I've been involved in the TRN and feeding of homeless and feral cats for over a year. It is heart wrenching work with little reward except knowing that I am making a small difference in the lives of these cats. Please fund TNR for our area to help reduce and hopefully eliminate this crisis of homeless and feral cats. Sincerely, Suzanne Freeze-Manning *Wire Fraud is Real*. Before wiring any money, call the intended recipient at a number you know is valid to confirm the instructions. Additionally, please note that the sender does nothave authority to bind a party to a real estate contract via written or verbal communication. From:Ann M. To:Council, City Subject:Please support TNR in Palo Alto Date:Sunday, June 11, 2023 6:25:34 PM Some people who received this message don't often get email from annmckillop@gmail.com. Learn why this isimportant CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Dear Council: The benefits of TNR for all are proven over and over: the cat colonies that areunder TNR care reduce their numbers considerably over several years, and, when managed correctly (the way animal charities can do it), do not rely on local wildlife for food becausethey are fed food that satisfy their nutritional needs. If looking to reduce things that hurt local wildlife, please look at habitat destruction,contaminated soil and rivers, and human density. All of these human-created activities are what is killing the environment.Thank you. From:herb To:Council, City; Clerk, City Subject:June 12, 2023 Council Meeting, Item #14: Agreement with LifeMoves for 1237 San Antonio Road Date:Sunday, June 11, 2023 5:46:59 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. JUNE 12, 2023, AGENDA ITEM #14AGREEMENT WITH LIFEMOVES FOR 1237 SAN ANTONIO ROAD How much is the City's annual operating cost commitment for theproject compared to the amount of new tax dollars recentlyapproved by the voters that is intended to be spent on housing? The project may be exempt from CEQA, but that doesn't exemptthe project from risk due to earthquakes from liquefaction,from sea level rise, and from rising ground water table. Idon't see anything in the plans that accounts for any of thoserisks. The detailed 2023 Point-in-Time housing census is not yetavailable, but in 2022 compared to 2019, the number ofunsheltered homeless in Palo Alto went down by 12% from 313 to274. How long will the typical resident stay and whatpercentage will be from Palo Alto compared to LifeMoves area ofoperation in both San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties? Herb Borock From:herb To:Council, City; Clerk, City Subject:June 12, 2023 Council Meeting, Item #13: Animal Shelter Operating Model Date:Sunday, June 11, 2023 5:30:36 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. JUNE 12, 2023 COUNCIL MEETING, ITEM #13ANIMAL SHELTER OPERATING MODELS I urge you to return to a City staff-operated Animal Shelterthat provides animal control, pet recovery/adoption services,animal care, animal health and welfare, and regional animalservices to Los Altos and Los Altos Hills, and stopcontributing money to Pets in Need to subsidize the operationsof that 501(c)(3) organization that was not formed to providethe services required by State law, but instead was formed tovalidate the no-kill movement by being an open access shelterfor all of northern California that requires operating capitalfor a larger shelter and operating expenses for additionalstaff. The staff model proposed in the staff report should be comparedto City budgets adopted prior to the existing agreement withPets in Need. Herb Borock From:herb To:Council, City; Clerk, City Subject:June 12, 2023 Council Meeting, Item #6: Grade Separation Evaluation Criteria Date:Sunday, June 11, 2023 5:14:29 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. JUNE 12, 2023 CITY COUNCIL MEETING, AGENDA ITEM #6GRADE SEPARATION ALTERNATIVES The June 20, 2023 Rail Committee meeting will be consideringadding viaduct and trench options to the evaluation criteria. Maybe you should combine your consideration of the RailCommittee's recommendation on those alternatives with therecommendation on this item #6 on the June 12 Council meetingby continuing discussion of item #6 until you receive therecommendation of the June 20 Rail Committee meeting. Herb Borock From:david jessup To:Council, City Subject:Feral cats Date:Sunday, June 11, 2023 5:07:09 PM Some people who received this message don't often get email from djessup449@gmail.com. Learn why this isimportant CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Dear Palo Alto, Despite numerous efforts over the last two decades to reduce feral cat populations using trap-neuter-release or TNR, there is no evidence that it works on a landscape scale. In fact, analysis of over a decade of intensive TNR efforts in San Diego Co and at a University in Florida,involving thousands of cats, led by some of the nations more prominent advocates of TNR, showed no substantial reduction in either population or reproductive parameters (Foley, J et al,2005, JAVMA). Indeed over 35 years of TNR on the Stanford campus has not reduced the feral cat population and cats have been periodically removed, some even translocated to new locations where newcolonies were established (metastasis not remission) (Jessup D, 2004, JAVMA). Unfortunately TNR colonies become locally known dumping grounds for cats, and along with immigrationof reproductively intact cats from adjacent areas attracted by food, and the very high reproductive capacity of cats (same Malthusian index as rabbits), TNR just doesn't work as apopulation control or reduction strategy. Claims to the contrary seldom include any reliable documentstion. Large scale periodic removal of cats from TNR colonies can help keeppopulations stable, but where do these cats go, and how is reabandonment elsewhere any different from illegal, and arguably immoral, abandonment in the first place ? Feral cats on the landscape are devastating to native small birds, mammals, reptiles andamphibians (Lepczyk et. al. 2023, Biol. Invasions) . Hundreds of millions to several billion deaths in North America yearly and much maiming and suffering. ((Loss et al. 2013, NatureCommunications). Hunting is an inherent feline instinct that is entirely separate from satiety (well fed cats kill critters just like they pounce on toys and laser lights). Feral cats do not get regular care to control fleas, internal parasites, infected bite or scratchwounds, and they die on the streets where they are abandoned often in very painful or cruel ways (hit by car, killed by predators, poisoned, shit, harsh weather in colder states). (Jessup D,2004, JAVMA). Cat feces is the only source of infective toxoplasma oocysts, a significant human disease, particularly effecting pregnant or immunocompromised people. (Gerhold and Jessup, 2013,Zoonoses in Public Health). Cats are also the only known source of the bacteria causing 'cat scratch disease' that can cause such serious illness in people and is so prevalent it is nowclassified as an occupational hazard to veterinarians and their staff. Cats are also, by far, the most common domestic animal infected with rabies (Gerhold and Jessu, 2013, Zoonoses inPublic Health). Feral cats on the landscape constitute a significant public health risk and, depending on how they have been allowed to accumulate, may be a source of legal liability. For those who believe in and support the One Health concept (optimizing environmental,human and animal health when solving social problems). TNR is not compatible with One Health. Nobodies best interests, not the cats, not the wildlife, nor the health of people or theenvironment, are well served. Sincerely, David A Jessup DVM, MPVM, Diplomate American College of Zoological Medicine, U.C. Davis-School of Veterinary Medicine-Wildlife Health Center. From:magdalena maese To:Council, City Subject:TNR Date:Sunday, June 11, 2023 5:02:17 PM Some people who received this message don't often get email from magdalena_maese@yahoo.com. Learn whythis is important CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. To All! I am a Registered Nurse and ninelivefoundation.org volunteer. I support the implementation of TNR in our community. I am even surprised that the 'Progressive' City of Palo Alto has yet to implement this act. From a Feral Feline Advocate and tax payer/property owner in the City of Palo Alto. Maggie Maese Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android From:Henry Etzkowitz To:Khonika Gope; provost@stanford.edu; Whitney McNair; Mark Granovetter; Shikada, Ed; Ellen Granovetter; OrnaRosenfeld; Catie Fee; paloaltorenters@gmail.com; Jinx Lobdell Cc:Roberta Ahlquist; Bette; Jim Hersh; Chunyan Zhou; Council, City; Rebecca Eisenberg; Kristina Loquist; Ellen Fox; John Thipphawong Subject:Follow up re oak creek neighborhood graduation Party + Date:Sunday, June 11, 2023 2:06:24 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links.________________________________ Hi Khonika How are you? Trust all well! Congratulations on your successful defense. have you had a chance to request $500 from the city of Palo Alto neighborhood party fund for a Sunday brunchClubhouse renewal on the Green. Time to celebrate you and your Oak Creek colleagues achievements! COCRHappy to help in applying and organizing the event Sure oak creek meets criteria perhaps Provost would like to contribute additional from her underutilized social fund for undergraduates thatshould be extended up where need is as great or greater to recuperate the brunch “where we made our friends” withvolunteers from the oak creek community providing most of the labor with organizing coordination from Stanfordhousing as a regular event, following the Amsterdam neighborhood sociability space model. It would be perfect if she and Whitney would join the event and say a few words, marking the university’sassumption of stewardship over our multi-generational community, mooted for transition into Stanford’s firstCollege. Of course Santa Clara supervisor Joe, Clubhouse supporter, should be invited as an honored guest as well asKristina, perspicacious Chief of Staff, always helpful. BestHenryCOCR Community of oak creek residents, co-organizer Www.triplehelix.net Sent from my iPhone From:Tanner Jessel To:Council, City Subject:Feral cat discussion Date:Sunday, June 11, 2023 1:15:09 PM Some people who received this message don't often get email from mountainsol@gmail.com. Learn why this isimportant CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. I’m a conservationist and science communicator. It caught my interest that Pets In Need staff has implied to Palo Alto City Council, in yourcouncil packet, that a trap, neuter, return program is a “scientifically proven” best practice. I think it’s important for people of good conscience to nip that argument in the bud. The reality is, there is nowhere on earth TNR is proven effective. When these claims come up, it is important to ask how many cats were present at the start of aTNR program, how many are present now, and how long the TNR program has been ongoing. In some places, TNR efforts span multiple decades, but feral cat populations have increased. Today, cities are struggling to keep up with the unending flood of free roaming cats. Some have hit a wall finding there aren’t enough trained professionals to keep pace with spay/neutersurgeries. In any case, it is crucial to beware statements suggesting Trap, Neuter, Return is a “best practice.” It’s not, and certainly not “scientifically proven.” I’ll be following further discussions on feralcat policy in Palo Alto with interest. Thank you, Tanner Jessel From:Sherry Listgarten To:Council, City Subject:Cats and dogs Date:Sunday, June 11, 2023 10:35:24 AM Some people who received this message don't often get email from sherry@listgarten.com. Learn why this isimportant CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Dear City Council, First of all, thank you for all of the work that you do for the city and its residents andbusinesses. There seem to be an endless assortment of difficult issues, and I appreciate your studying them and figuring out how best to proceed. The feral cats issue is probably not up there on the list of important things, but I wanted toweigh in because of a blog I wrote recently about dogs being dumped in the Baylands. It was the Pets In Need person who pointed out how bad it is for the dogs, not just for the Baylands.They cannot find enough food, they starve or they eat poisoned things, or they are hungry enough that they are somewhat disoriented and get hit by cars. It's often a terrible and difficultend for the animal. Indeed, the dog that someone was looking for ended up being hit by a car and died. And that was a husky. People who own huskies think they are wild animals andcould easily survive outside. But it's just not the case. So I am mystified as to why Pets In Need seems to think that it's okay to release cats. I haven't asked them about it, so maybe cats somehow know how to avoid cars and poison, but I doubtit. Some are very adept at hunting birds, but is that what we want? My gardener loves cats, but she keeps hers indoors when she isn't walking them on a leash (really). She has an enclosure inher yard so they can be outside but not harm things or get harmed themselves. Many cat lovers I know do the same. If we cannot find a home for a cat, it's hard to know what to do if the alternative is euthanasia.But I would prefer that our shelter consider not what is best for the shelter or its marketing, but what is best/kindest for the cats and the other wildlife. I hope that you will consider this, andalso require documentation either way so we can see the impacts of these policies. We also need a shelter that will very proactively neuter cats (and dogs) in the city -- in homes or not --so this problem comes up less often. Thank you again for all of the work that you do for our city, -- Sherry Listgarten From:Aram James To:Binder, Andrew; Perron, Zachary; Jethroe Moore; Sean Allen; Council, City; Human Relations Commission; Bains,Paul; peaceandjusticecenter@gmail.com; ladoris cordell; Julie Lythcott-Haims; Reifschneider, James; Shikada,Ed; Mila Zelkha; Josh Becker; Michael Gennaco; Jeff Rosen; Rebecca Eisenberg; Shana Segal; chuck jagoda; JayBoyarsky; Perron, Zachary; Enberg, Nicholas; Javier Ortega; Supervisor Susan Ellenberg; Angie Evans; CindyChavez; Vara Ramakrishnan; Cecilia Taylor; Tina Boales; dennis burns; Kevin Jensen; Joe Simitian; Greg Tanaka;alisa mallari tu; DuJuan Green; EPA Today; Gennady Sheyner; Rob Baker; Kaloma Smith; Roberta Ahlquist;Wagner, April Subject:Randy Cox, paralyzed in police van, reaches $45 million settlement with New Haven, Connecticut Date:Saturday, June 10, 2023 1:49:06 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. NewsBreakUsed by over 45 million people Open APP Randy Cox, paralyzed in police van, reaches $45 million settlement with New Haven, Connecticut San Diego Union-Tribune I found this on NewsBreak: Randy Cox, paralyzed in police van, reaches $45 million settlement with New Haven, Connecticut Click to read the full story Sent from my iPhone From:Pamela Decharo To:Council, City Subject:Palo Alto Municipal Animal Shelter Date:Saturday, June 10, 2023 12:59:06 PM Some people who received this message don't often get email from hairintlpaloalto@gmail.com. Learn why this isimportant CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Mayor Kou and City Council Members, As both a Palo Alto Resident and a Palo Alto business owner of thirty-five years, I hope myopinion carries some weight with the council. Please consider two specific items concerning our Palo Alto Municipal Animal Shelter. Prior to 2018, the shelter was completely administered by experienced city employees trainedin animal care, rescue and customer service. Services were far more complete, the shelter was open to all and at much more citizen-friendly hours and included quite a number of servicesthat are no longer available to us today. The costs were a fraction of what they are now. It would certainly be more cost effective to return the shelter to the Animal Control ServicesDivision or at the very least, task Animal Services with the responsibility of providing oversight and to develop some sort of metric for monitoring shelter performance. We need to exhibit stronger leadership regarding certain animal care programs: TNR, spay andneuter, lower cost veterinary services for those in need, euthanasia when needed and pet surrender. The council will be deciding where this leadership is to come from. Perhaps our dedicated cityemployees who have a clear track record of success in these areas might be our best choice. This is no reflection on Pets in Need, who has clearly experienced many challenges along theway and still does a creditable job of running our shelter, but I feel we need to use our best and most cost-effective resource [our animal control personnel] at this point in time. Thank you all for the time and effort you generously devote to making Palo Alto a better placeto live, Respectfully, Pam Decharo Palo Alto, Ca From:matt@evolutionaryteams.com To:Luong, Christine; Eggleston, Brad; Abendschein, Jonathan; Council, City Subject:RE: S/CAP - Thank you! Date:Saturday, June 10, 2023 12:50:03 PM Perfect—thank you, Christine! Have a great weekend, Matt Matt Schlegel Schlegel Consulting 650-924-8923 Author: Teamwork 9.0 Website: evolutionaryteams.com Blog: evolutionaryteams.com/blog/ Linked In: linkedin.com/in/mattschlegel/ Twitter: twitter.com/EvoTeamMatt Instagram: instagram.com/MattSchlegel6 Facebook: facebook.com/mattschlegel.77 YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCLkUMHuG4HVa831s9yeoZ5Q Enneagram Quiz: www.EnneaSurvey.com From: Luong, Christine <Christine.Luong@CityofPaloAlto.org> Sent: Friday, June 9, 2023 3:28 PM To: matt@evolutionaryteams.com; Eggleston, Brad <Brad.Eggleston@CityofPaloAlto.org>; Abendschein, Jonathan <Jon.Abendschein@CityofPaloAlto.org>; Council, City <city.council@cityofpaloalto.org> Subject: RE: S/CAP - Thank you! Hi Matt, The slide deck can be found here: https://cityofpaloalto.primegov.com/Portal/viewer? id=1869&type=2. Presentations are added to the Council agendas on the Monday afternoon of the Council Meeting. Best, Christine From: matt@evolutionaryteams.com <matt@evolutionaryteams.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 6, 2023 3:18 PM To: Eggleston, Brad <Brad.Eggleston@CityofPaloAlto.org>; Luong, Christine <Christine.Luong@CityofPaloAlto.org>; Abendschein, Jonathan <Jon.Abendschein@CityofPaloAlto.org>; Council, City <city.council@cityofpaloalto.org> Subject: S/CAP - Thank you! CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Dear Brad, Christine, Jonathan and City Council, Congratulations! Thank you so much for passing S/CAP last night! Sorry I could not be there in person, but just finished listening to it all – wow, that was a 1 hour and 45 minute marathon! Thanks everyone for hanging in there and passing S/CAP unanimously. Would someone kindly send me a copy of the slide deck? Again, congratulations and thank you all! Matt Matt Schlegel Schlegel Consulting 650-924-8923 Author: Teamwork 9.0 Website: evolutionaryteams.com Blog: evolutionaryteams.com/blog/ Linked In: linkedin.com/in/mattschlegel/ Twitter: twitter.com/EvoTeamMatt Instagram: instagram.com/MattSchlegel6 Facebook: facebook.com/mattschlegel.77 YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCLkUMHuG4HVa831s9yeoZ5Q Enneagram Quiz: www.EnneaSurvey.com From:Aram James To:Binder, Andrew; Barberini, Christopher; Molly; Stump, Molly; Sean Allen; Jethroe Moore; Council, City;Reifschneider, James; Wagner, April; Shikada, Ed; Cecilia Taylor; dcombs@menlopark.org; GRP-City Clerk;citycouncil@mountainview.gov Subject:Mother bitten by a San Diego Police K9 that got loose to get $600,000 from city Date:Friday, June 9, 2023 11:53:51 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________ https://www.cbs8.com/amp/article/news/investigations/san-diego-to-pay-600000-to-mother-attacked-by-loose-k9- police-dog/509-2697ece1-acdf-4f5c-b98d-11f896dd5284 Sent from my iPhone From:Aram James To:Barberini, Christopher; Sean james; Binder, Andrew; Jethroe Moore; Council, City; Human Relations Commission;Reifschneider, James; Wagner, April; Michael Gennaco; Jeff Rosen; Shikada, Ed; Joe Simitian; Javier Ortega;Rebecca Eisenberg; Tannock, Julie; Enberg, Nicholas Subject:Police canines should be banned Date:Friday, June 9, 2023 11:46:40 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/arizona-claim-police-dog-brutality-bite-degloving- face-injury-11324799 Shared via the Google app Sent from my iPhone From:Aram James To:Barberini, Christopher; Tannock, Julie; Reifschneider, James; Binder, Andrew; Wagner, April; Sean Allen; JethroeMoore; Human Relations Commission; Josh Becker; Council, City; Jeff Rosen; Javier Ortega; Shikada, Ed; CindyChavez; Supervisor Susan Ellenberg; Jeff Rosen; Rebecca Eisenberg; Shana Segal; Angie Evans Subject:Missing police canines inflicts serious injuries ( who says police canines are safe?) Date:Friday, June 9, 2023 11:37:15 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________ https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/goodyear-police-looking-for-missing-k-9-do-not-approach.amp Sent from my iPhone From:Aram James To:Binder, Andrew; Sean Allen; Jethroe Moore; Kaloma Smith; Human Relations Commission; Council, City;Reifschneider, James; Shikada, Ed; Michael Gennaco; Foley, Michael; Josh Becker; Joe Simitian; RebeccaEisenberg; Wagner, April; ladoris cordell; Shana Segal; EPA Today; Diana Diamond; Gennady Sheyner; JeffRosen; Jay Boyarsky; chuck jagoda; Enberg, Nicholas; Javier Ortega; Supervisor Susan Ellenberg; Angie Evans;Cecilia Taylor; Cindy Chavez; Vara Ramakrishnan; Tina Boales; dennis burns; Kevin Jensen; alisa mallari tu; GregTanaka; Bains, Paul; DuJuan Green; Perron, Zachary Subject:San Jose police fail to fill vacant racial equity role - San José Spotlight Date:Friday, June 9, 2023 6:47:08 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________ A must read: See the brilliant comments of Judge Ladoris Cordell and MacArthur Genius Award winner Raj Jayadev. aram P.S. This is the same department, SJPD, that our current chief Andrew Binder came from https://sanjosespotlight.com/san-jose-police-department-sjpd-fail-to-fill-vacant-racial-equity-role Sent from my iPhone From:Planning Subject:County of Santa Clara Housing Element Update: Draft EIR Posted Date:Friday, June 9, 2023 5:39:09 PM Attachments:image002.png CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. County of Santa Clara Housing Element Update Dear Stakeholder, You are invited to review the County of Santa Clara’s 2023-2031 Housing Element Update Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR), which is available on the County webpage dedicated to this project, along with the Notice of Availability and Executive Summary. Comments regarding the Draft EIR’s analysis are invited from all interested parties. Written comments (emails are acceptable) concerning the Draft EIR for the proposed project should be directed to the individual noted below. The deadline for your response is July 24, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.; however, an earlier response, if possible, would be appreciated. Please send your response to: County of Santa Clara Planning Office Attention: Michael Meehan, Principal Planner County Government Center 70 West Hedding, 7th Floor, East Wing, San José CA 95110 Email: Planning2@pln.sccgov.org, In addition to providing written comments, the County will provide an opportunity for the public to receive information and provide verbal comments as part of a scheduled meeting before the Planning Commission, during which the project and the Draft EIR’s findings will be presented to policymakers and the public. The meeting will be held at the following time and place. County Planning Commission, June 22, 2023, starting at 6:00pm. This meeting will be held at the Board of Supervisors' Chambers, County Government Center, 70 West Hedding Street, 1st Floor, San José, CA 95110. This meeting will be hybrid and can be attended virtually or in person. A link to join the meeting virtually will be published in the agenda, which will be made available in advance of the meeting at this web address: https://sccgov.iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail_Meeting.aspx?ID=15314 Thank you for your continued engagement in the County’s 2023-2031 Housing Element Update. From:Aram James To:Council, City; Shikada, Ed Subject:Bill calling to limit use of police dogs in arrests, crowd control not moving forward - The San Diego Union-Tribune Date:Friday, June 9, 2023 4:26:30 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________ FYI: https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/public-safety/story/2023-05-31/state-lawmakers-considering-bill-that- would-limit-use-of-police-dogs-in-arrests-crowd-control Sent from my iPhone From:Luong, Christine To:matt@evolutionaryteams.com; Eggleston, Brad; Abendschein, Jonathan; Council, City Subject:RE: S/CAP - Thank you! Date:Friday, June 9, 2023 3:28:25 PM Hi Matt, The slide deck can be found here: https://cityofpaloalto.primegov.com/Portal/viewer? id=1869&type=2. Presentations are added to the Council agendas on the Monday afternoon of the Council Meeting. Best, Christine From: matt@evolutionaryteams.com <matt@evolutionaryteams.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 6, 2023 3:18 PM To: Eggleston, Brad <Brad.Eggleston@CityofPaloAlto.org>; Luong, Christine <Christine.Luong@CityofPaloAlto.org>; Abendschein, Jonathan <Jon.Abendschein@CityofPaloAlto.org>; Council, City <city.council@cityofpaloalto.org> Subject: S/CAP - Thank you! CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Dear Brad, Christine, Jonathan and City Council, Congratulations! Thank you so much for passing S/CAP last night! Sorry I could not be there in person, but just finished listening to it all – wow, that was a 1 hour and 45 minute marathon! Thanks everyone for hanging in there and passing S/CAP unanimously. Would someone kindly send me a copy of the slide deck? Again, congratulations and thank you all! Matt Matt Schlegel Schlegel Consulting 650-924-8923 Author: Teamwork 9.0 Website: evolutionaryteams.com Blog: evolutionaryteams.com/blog/ Linked In: linkedin.com/in/mattschlegel/ Twitter: twitter.com/EvoTeamMatt Instagram: instagram.com/MattSchlegel6 Facebook: facebook.com/mattschlegel.77 YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCLkUMHuG4HVa831s9yeoZ5Q Enneagram Quiz: www.EnneaSurvey.com From:Patty Irish To:Council, City Subject:Requests concerning LifeMoves Service Center Date:Friday, June 9, 2023 3:06:00 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Dear Mayor and Palo Alto City Council members: As you consider approval of the LifeMoves site and their programs, please consider commitments you can make to help insure persons housed there get the services they need including transportation to secure assistance. Also please find ways to add to the affordable housing stock in the City so they have housing options. That is basic to stopping their cycle of homelessness. Thank you, Patty Irish -- Patty Irish850 Webster St. #628 Palo Alto, CA 94301 650-324-7407 650-245-3906 cell How do you tell a story that has been told the wrong way for so long? From:Keith Ferrell To:Reifschneider, James; City Mgr; Council, City; Police Subject:Re: Vehicle on El Camino Real Date:Friday, June 9, 2023 12:56:47 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Anyone care to respond? On Tue, Jun 6, 2023 at 4:32 PM Keith Ferrell <ferrell.keith@gmail.com> wrote: Can someone explain why this bus is allowed to violate city laws? It hasn't moved in monthsand actually is storing items inside the engine compartment. Why are some RVs tagged but this one gets a pass? Which laws ais the city enforcing this week? Maybe it's because he's white. On Wed, May 17, 2023, 11:01 AM Keith Ferrell <ferrell.keith@gmail.com> wrote: This is today. Garbage on the sidewalk, in the street between the sidewalk and the bus, infront of the bus and also just blowing around the general vicinity at this point. Also, he has put up two cones covering about 10ft in front of the bus. So, I guess he has just taken control of that land as well. Has anyone at the city contacted the state, Caltrans or anyone in the state legislature or isthe city just hoping this will just become commonplace and no one will care. That seems to be the strategy in other cities in CA. On Tue, May 16, 2023, 1:55 PM Keith Ferrell <ferrell.keith@gmail.com> wrote:Thanks for the response James. I believe your response highlights why the city needs to come up with a solution. The police and other employees are spending their timeaddressing the actions of this single individual instead of using it to improve the conditions of all of the residents. What do you mean when you say, "we've not yet been able to facilitate a resolution"?What needs to be facilitated? What is keeping the city from towing and impounding the bus? I am well aware of the issues surrounding mental health. I have multiple generations ofmy own family that have struggled with mental health, including schizophrenia. The owner of the bus is parked a mile away from one of the best hospitals in the country.There are safe parking spaces, halfway houses, shelters, the Opportunity Center, etc... all within walking distance. Allowing this man to continue as he is without doing everything possible to get him thehelp he needs is worse than turning a blind eye to the trash littering the sidewalk and street around the bus. Between the leaders of Stanford, the city and the state, someone has to be able to figureout a way to rectify the situation. If the answer is to just wait him out and hope for the best, then we need a change in leadership. Here's a photo from this morning. If a lawsuit needs to be filed for ADA violations, I'msure we can get that done if that's what it will take to get the city to address the situation instead of trying to facilitate a solution with someone who clearly is not able tounderstand logic. Keith On Mon, May 15, 2023 at 12:19 PM Reifschneider, James<James.Reifschneider@cityofpaloalto.org> wrote: Good Afternoon Mr. Ferrell, Your email exchange with Councilmember Tanaka’s office, and an attached photo from on or before May 3rd, were forwarded to my attention for reply. I can appreciate your frustration. The Police Department is aware of this situation and has been outthere near-daily over the past few weeks. Unfortunately, we’ve not yet been able to facilitate a resolution. Multiple citations have been issued to the vehicle and itsowner, and we are working with the DA’s Office to see they are prosecuted. Debris outside of the vehicle has been tagged and removed by Public Works multiple times,as recently as late last week. I confirmed that, at present, the adjacent street and sidewalk are clear, although the vehicle itself remains. We will continue to payattention to the area, issuing citations and removing debris as appropriate, and also continue our efforts to connect the vehicle’s owner with appropriate resources thatmight facilitate him moving along. Respectfully, James JAMES REIFSCHNEIDER Captain Investigative Services Division Palo Alto Police Department 275 Forest Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94301 650.838.2778 (ph) 650.617.3120 (fx) From:Aram James To:Jethroe Moore; Kevin Jensen; Sean Allen; dennis burns; Council, City; Julie Lythcott-Haims; Veenker, Vicki; Greg Tanaka; Rebecca Eisenberg; Shikada, Ed; Binder, Andrew; Reifschneider, James; Wagner, April; Michael Gennaco; Jeff Rosen; Joe Simitian; ladoris cordell; chuck jagoda; Shana Segal; Jay Boyarsky; Perron, Zachary; Enberg, Nicholas; Supervisor Susan Ellenberg; Javier Ortega; Angie Evans; Sheriff Transparency; Cecilia Taylor; Cindy Chavez; Vara Ramakrishnan; Bains, Paul; alisa mallari tu; Josh Becker; DuJuan Green Subject:Help us hold Atlanta police accountable for the Cop City crackdown Date:Friday, June 9, 2023 12:03:30 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links.  When Atlanta announced plans to build a gigantic $90 million police training facility, dubbed Cop City by opponents, on 300 acres of forest land, a grassroots protest movement emerged led by a coalition of environmentalists and criminal justice activists. Since then, law enforcement has launched a brutal crackdown, arresting and jailing dozens of activists on flimsy charges and killing 26-year-old forest defender Manuel “Tortuguita” Terán during a raid on a forest protest encampment. The Intercept is continuing to lead on the Cop City story. We began reporting on the movement well before other major news outlets, developing sources on the ground, filing public records requests, and reporting out the social and environmental costs of the Cop City development. Now we’re investigating the “domestic terror” charges thrown at protesters and the continuing retaliation of law enforcement agencies — like a recent SWAT raid targeting bail fund organizers. Meanwhile, other national news outlets are scrambling to catch up or providing credulous, pro-police coverage that does more to obscure the truth than inform. We’re counting on support from readers to help fund our ongoing, in-depth coverage of the Cop City protest movement. Will you make a donation today? If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: DONATE $15 → DONATE $25 → DONATE $50 → DONATE $100 → DONATE ANOTHER AMOUNT → Initially, the movement to stop the project achieved real success, delaying construction and forcing concessions from the city. Deploying a range of tactics including encampments, tree-sits, peaceful protest marches, local community events, investigative research, and more, protesters were able to hold Cop City at bay. The response from law enforcement was swift and brutal: During a highly militarized raid on a forest encampment on January 18, police shot 26-year-old forest defender Manuel “Tortuguita” Terán 57 times in what appears to be a firing-squad type execution. Police claimed Terán fired a gun at a state trooper, but no gunpowder residue was found on his hands during the official autopsy. An independent autopsy requested by the family of the victim found that he was sitting cross-legged with his hands up when he was killed. On May 31, a heavily armed Atlanta Police Department SWAT team raided a private residence and arrested three organizers of legal support and bail funds for protesters and activists who have faced indiscriminate arrest and overreaching charges in the struggle to stop Cop City. It’s the first time a bail fund has ever been targeted in this way, according to civil liberties advocates. Three activists were charged with felony intimidation of an officer of the state and misdemeanor stalking for placing flyers on mailboxes protesting the police killing of Terán. If found guilty, they could each face up to 20 years in prison. 42 movement participants currently face state domestic terrorism charges and as much as 35 years in prison for allegedly engaging in minor property damage — the evidence for which is as flimsy as police citing mud on protesters’ shoes. The extraordinary repression of anti-Cop City protests demands national media attention and close scrutiny to hold law enforcement and government officials accountable for rampant violations of civil liberties. But The Intercept is one of the only news outlets providing the in- depth investigative reporting the Cop City crackdown deserves. Will you donate $5 and help support our ongoing coverage of the protest movement against Cop City, as well as the brutal police crackdown? STAND WITH THE INTERCEPT → Thank you, The Intercept team The Intercept’s fiscal sponsor is First Look Institute, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization (tax ID number 80-0951255). The Intercept’s mailing address is: c/o First Look Institute P.O. Box 27442 Washington, DC 20038 The Intercept is an award-winning nonprofit news organization dedicated to holding the powerful accountable through fearless, adversarial journalism. Our in-depth investigations and unflinching analysis focus on surveillance, war, corruption, the environment, technology, criminal justice, the media and more. Email is an important way for us to communicate with The Intercept’s readers, but if you’d like to stop hearing from us, click here to unsubscribe from all communications. Protecting freedom of the press has never been more important. Contribute now to support our independent journalism. From:mike.forster@alumni.usc.edu To:Council, City Subject:Historic homes designations - $ risk to the City Date:Friday, June 9, 2023 10:49:31 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Historic homes designations - $ risk to the City Using historic preservation without homeowner approval might expose our City to hundreds of millions of dollars in eminent domain costs. SB9 has established a new floor for the potential value of homes in California. Any homeowner can split a lot, build (at least) one new home on the new second lot, and gain financially. Any City actions without homeowner approval that would prevent the homeowner from doing so might require the City to provide just compensation for that lost potential gain. In Palo Alto, a new 1600 square foot house would cost about $500 per square foot to build, could sell for $1700 per square foot, a $1200 per square foot gain or $1.9M total gain. For 130 homes that the City might designate as historic which would prevent such a lot split and construction, the total potential risk to the City could be as much as $250M. The City should investigate this potential risk thoroughly before proceeding. Mike Forster Palo Alto Mike Forster 420 Stanford Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94306 mike.forster@alumni.usc.edu 650 464 4925 From:Rebecca Eisenberg To:Aram James Cc:Roberta Ahlquist; Sean Allen; Council, City; Human Relations Commission; Jethroe Moore; Shikada, Ed; Josh Becker; Julie Lythcott-Haims; Greg Tanaka; Joe Simitian; Supervisor Susan Ellenberg; Cecilia Taylor; citycouncil@mountainview.gov; GRP-City Council; Binder, Andrew; Wagner, April; Reifschneider, James; ladoris cordell; chuck jagoda; Shana Segal; Jay Boyarsky; Perron, Zachary; Angie Evans; Enberg, Nicholas; Javier Ortega; Vara Ramakrishnan; Jeff Rosen; Michael Gennaco; alisa mallari tu; Tina Boales; dennis burns; Kevin Jensen; DuJuan Green; Bains, Paul; Rob Baker Subject:Re: More on the debate over caste discrimination in California -Yes on SB 403 Date:Friday, June 9, 2023 10:30:10 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. The anti-SB 403 folks came out in force at the Palo Alto city council meeting on Mondaynight. Their argument appears to be that SB 403 -creates- caste where it does not exist. I spoke to the group before they left to see if I understood correctly. My understanding based onlistening to their words afterwards is that there is a fear that calling out caste could increase discrimination against Indian Americans. I promised them I would look at the law and dosome research. Having done exactly that, while I am sympathetic to their fear in a highly racist culture, I don't think it assists the movement to deny oppression in one's own ranks. Women have seenthis time and time again as minority men have made strides and broken through barriers often by leaving behind (and sometimes selling out) female and lgbtqia2s+ members of their owncommunities-- eg how homophobic voters helped fuel Barack Obama's success in California as they came out to vote in favor of prop 8 banning same sex marriage, which Obamasupported (as in, he supported banning same sex marriage) at the time. People justified it because they thought it was ok to throw women and lgbtqia2s+ people under the bus to have ablack (heterosexist) president. (Meanwhile there was a female candidate in the race that supported lgbtqia2s+ equality but "it wasn't a woman's turn" then -- and obviously hasn't beensince). We never should sacrifice the freedoms of some in order to protect a more powerful group. I am fairly confident that most Indian Americans speaking out against sb 403 are from highercastes, in part because here in Palo Alto many of the most vocal Indian Americans (the most wealthy, I should clarify) are Brahmin or of the other highest castes. While they leave theacknowledged system behind in India, they did come with their privilege, whether that privilege is acknowledged or not. Denial of privilege is a very common activity here in theUS, per above, including denying oppression within one's own ranks. But when you speak with the folks who will be protected by this law, the issue is clear. One does not and can not end discrimination by denying that it exists, and promoting Indian rightsthat are only for the highest castes is no more tolerable then the countless times that minority rights have been furthered only for minority men or women's rights have been furthered onlyfor white women. Social Justice movements must *begin* with the rights of the most oppressed, because history teaches -- as all of us forever waiting for a female president canattest-- that if we don't embrace the most oppressed from day one, we often don't get there at all. So I strongly support SB 403. Best, Rebecca Sent from my iPhone On Jun 8, 2023, at 2:20 PM, Aram James <abjpd1@gmail.com> wrote:https://calmatters.org/politics/2023/06/caste-discrimination-california/# Shared via the Google app Sent from my iPhone From:Bette To:Julie Lythcott-Haims; Council, City Subject:You have my respect Date:Friday, June 9, 2023 6:44:23 AM Some people who received this message don't often get email from betteuk@aol.com. Learn why this is important CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Dear Julie .A truly great right action you pointed underlying pattern of social abuse when unhoused persons placed in inferior living circumstances, Thank you for gift to our world.and for making the unconscious conscious. Sincerely Bette Bette Kiernan, MFT 1540 Oak Creek Drive 407 Palo Alto, CA 94404(650) 324-3639 betteuk@aol.comhttp://www.betteconsulting.com The content of this email is confidential and intended for the recipient specified in the message only. If you received this message by mistake, please reply to this message, and follow with itsdeletion. From:Jethroe Moore To:Sheriff Transparency; Aram James Cc:Rebecca Eisenberg; Roberta Ahlquist; Sean Allen; Council, City; Human Relations Commission; Shikada, Ed; Josh Becker; Julie Lythcott-Haims; Greg Tanaka; Joe Simitian; Supervisor Susan Ellenberg; Cecilia Taylor; citycouncil@mountainview.gov; GRP-City Council; Binder, Andrew; Wagner, April; Reifschneider, James; ladoris cordell; chuck jagoda; Shana Segal; Jay Boyarsky; Perron, Zachary; Angie Evans; Enberg, Nicholas; Javier Ortega; Vara Ramakrishnan; Jeff Rosen; Michael Gennaco; alisa mallari tu; dennis burns; Kevin Jensen; DuJuan Green; Bains, Paul; Rob Baker Subject:Re: More on the debate over caste discrimination in California -Yes on SB 403 Date:Friday, June 9, 2023 2:16:08 AM Attachments:Flyer - India the Modi Question - AKSC - 20230304.png CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Good morning, My concern with this issue is how to you/we become good allies on this issue, 2021 below you can read the San Jose/Silicon Valley NAACP resolution on the caste. Also attached is a recommended movie The Modi question, and would recommend you contact those in the front lines on this matter Karthikeyan Shanmugam OBRM Architect at Synthesis Systems Incorporation iamsjkk@gmail.com (601) 942-7717 Raghav Kaushik raghav131@gmail.com Sujatha Ramni sujatha.ramni@gmail.com Nalan P. nthamma@gmail.com G. Sharat Lin <sharatlin@hotmail.com> Subject: Caste Based Discrimination in the United States Sponsored by: San Jose/Silicon Valley NAACP WHEREAS, Caste system is a graded inequality based on birth, with ascending sense ofreverence and descending sense of contempt with social stigma; the Dalits (aka untouchables)are at the lowest in the caste pyramid; Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. identifies himself as anuntouchable from the United States of America; and WHEREAS, having monopolized the education for centuries by the privileged castes and theunder-privileged castes not only denied but punished for their desire for education; and WHEREAS, early migrants to the United States of America were from the privileged castes.Out of 5.4 million of South Asians, Indian immigrants count 4.32 million. According to a study from Princeton University, only 2% of Indian immigrants in the USA were Dalits and more than90 percent were from high or dominant castes; and WHEREAS, the privileged castes continuously deny the practice of caste in the USA meanwhile caste based rituals and ceremonies are openly advertised in the Internet asexclusive for the privileged castes confirm their self contradictory position on caste; and WHEREAS, when caste based networking, social media groups encourage casteism covertlyand subtly; political and social mobilization under the banner of Hindu Nationalism (akaHindutva) by the Hindu right-wing abet casteism openly in the USA; and WHEREAS, non South Asians especially Americans are unaware of practice of caste amongthe Indians made it very easy for Indians to be castist without being challenged. Hindu right-wing groups through their various organizations in the USA received $833,000 of federal COVID fund is the manifestation of the above fact; and WHEREAS, any criticism of caste is lamented as attack on Hinduism by the Hindutva groups. In the Cisco caste discrimination lawsuit, a Hindutva group filed a motion in the CaliforniaSupreme Court that allegation of caste discrimination is an intervention by the Department ofFair Employment and Housing in Hindu’s religious liberty and rights. In California textbookissue the Hindu right-wing groups mobilized 1000s of people including the children to deny the practice of caste in the USA; and WHEREAS, the practice of caste in the workplace is an extension of practice of caste by the South Asians in their day-to-day life; with privileged castes in the hiring-and-firing positions inbig corporates, control the social and cultural organizations through money power and socialnetworks and access to public offices; left the Dalits more vulnerable. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the National Association for the Advancement ofColored People stands opposed to the practices of caste exists among the South Asians in theUnited States of America and will work through the local, state and federal legislative process to make sure that such practices will be prohibited to protect the most vulnerable; and THEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the NAACP will urge all of its Units to educate themselves of practice of caste and take necessary action to expose such practices.Unit President: Jethroe Moore II Unit President’s Signature______________________________________ REV. JETHROE MOORE II On Thursday, June 8, 2023 at 10:41:35 PM EDT, Aram James <abjpd1@gmail.com> wrote: Excellent! Thank you SCCSTG for speaking out on the caste issue that so many pretend doesn’t exist. aram Sent from my iPhone On Jun 8, 2023, at 6:08 PM, Sheriff Transparency <sccsherifftransparencyinfo@gmail.com> wrote: Interesting this is now catching the attention of the State? and perhaps on local levels? One of our members wrote about this issue in a sports blog last year and called out many local high-tech companies for not 'diversifying' the diversity they brag about within their own companies. It's a big problem and for those reading this do NOT act surprised when we relay that it IS also about race. Per MANY on both fronts, the darker your skin, the less desirable in the caste or what they have brought here and 're-invented'. Dark-skinned Blacks/Brown people (regardless of ethnicity) are also a constant target of the 're-invented' caste system in the USA, specifically California. And, in every level of sports, it is a bigger problem that for the most part stays 'silent' because people do not really know what is going on. We do and we have been monitoring it as well even though that is not primarily 'our issue' with Sheriff Transparency, but it is when it comes to discrimination or harassment in the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office. Anyone not educating themselves and allowing this problem to perpetuate to a point where we may have to call it out is part of the problem. For folks in County and City government, please pay attention to this, educate yourselves,~ and do not think this issue only affects those in the South Asian communities. ~SCCSTG On Thu, Jun 8, 2023 at 2:20 PM Aram James <abjpd1@gmail.com> wrote: https://calmatters.org/politics/2023/06/caste-discrimination-california/# Shared via the Google app Sent from my iPhone From:Scottie Zimmerman To:Council, City Cc:Shikada, Ed Subject:Why Pets In Need Is Our Best Hope Date:Friday, June 9, 2023 12:11:14 AM Some people who received this message don't often get email from bigwheel.spot@gmail.com. Learn why this isimportant CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Hello members of the Palo Alto City Council and City Manager Shikada, The City of Palo Alto and the nonprofit animal rescue group Pets In Need (PIN) are currentlynegotiating a new contract. It seems obvious that events at PIN since August, 2021, have been colored by the unthinkable disaster with the seven puppies in the van. Staff changes, hirings/firings, Al Mollica’sresignation, more recent claims of unjustified euthanasia, and personal attacks on various PIN employees are a direct spinoff of the puppies’ deaths. That incident cannot be forgotten orignored or made palatable. Nevertheless, I am still loyal to PIN and support any work they continue to do. I do not believe the social network gossip. Putting aside unfair accusations against PIN, have we forgotten the terrible decisions PAPDstaff made over and over in their 50 year history of managing Palo Alto Animal Services? Volunteers (and I was one) were reluctant to read the whiteboard list of names celebrating“adopted” animals. We were afraid that we would not see the names of animals who had simply disappeared. Poof! They’re gone. Over and over. Under PAPD management there was no energy dedicated to arranging foster care for animalswho were acting up because of stress. PAAS management didn’t believe in the value of fostering. Veterinarian Bonnie Yoffe was the only person encouraging fostering, and itactually made more work for her, I believe. Meanwhile, more enlightened thinkers in Northern California were concerned about decades during which domestic animals could be dismissed as inconvenient and euthanized withoutjust cause. An alternative idea took hold: Let’s foster! • Ann Dunn who founded Cat Town got permission from Oakland Animal Services to pull stressed adult cats from the OAS shelter and put them in foster care until they were adopted. At first she just enlisted good neighbors willing to open up their homes to foster cats. Then she added the Cat Town Cafe and continued her work with more public visibility. Cat Towncontinues to rely on in-home fosters for the few cats who don’t adjust well to the cafe environment. Since 2011, Cat Town has helped over 3,100 at-risk cats and reduced theeuthanasia rate for cats at the Oakland shelter by over 75%. • Ann Chasson, one of two founders of The Dancing Cat, operates under the same principles: Many cats don’t adapt well to a shelter environment, so let’s put them up in a more home-likesetting. Open space for cats to roam and welcoming space for visitors to meet cats. Originally intending to operate in San Jose for 3 months, The Dancing Cat recently celebrated its 8th anniversary, a popular success! As a regular cat room volunteer at PAAS, I was on duty when a new cat, Babe, appeared in thecat “gallery.” On her first day at PAAS, Babe was chirpy to people who came past her solo cage (above eye level unless you’re 6’8” tall). When I stopped to talk to her, she startedpurring. But the flaw in Babe’s personality was simple: She didn’t adjust well to sharing space with other cats, all of whom were strangers to her. That meant she was not allowed tospend time in one of the two play areas in the cat room. Volunteers liked to have groups of compatible cats in the play areas. It meant they could spend time handling and snuggling thecats in the group. So Babe sat in her cage for weeks, getting little or no attention from any humans. At night, as a reward (?) staff might put her into a play area, by herself, with nohuman contact through the night. So Babe became stressed, no longer purred or chirped. And then maybe she hissed at someone? Bad cat, no foster option, euthanasia was the only answer. At that point I committed the unforgivable sin of writing an email to all the staff at PAAS. Idescribed Babe’s story and asked whether we at PAAS couldn’t do more to foster stressed cats and save lives. The response I got was rage! I’d insulted staff by proposing increased fosteravailability. I’d accused them of murder. The Volunteer Coordinator politely asked me to resign as a volunteer, after 8 or 9 years of loyal service. Travel forward in time, to the COVID pandemic. With schools and businesses closed andpeople told to stay at home, how could Pets In Need do its job? I cannot tell you how they managed access to the necessary supplies, pet food, kitty litter, toys, blankets, and medicines. I do know that they enlisted more than 150 fosters, ready to take in animals the shelter could not responsibly keep in the kennel buildings. Furry new arrivals might spend 10 days beingregistered, getting vaccinated, and given spay/neuter surgery, making them ready to go to their foster homes and wait in comfort for normalcy to return. This took planning, teamwork, andheartfelt commitment to the animals’ welfare. PIN made it look easy, and I am proud to be one of their supporters in our community. I think it would be a sad mistake to let the PIN contract lapse and turn the shelter operationover again to PAPD. Sincerely, — Scottie Zimmerman 3072 Waverley St. Palo Alto, CA 94306 From:Aram James To:Sean Allen; Jethroe Moore; Council, City; Shikada, Ed; Barberini, Christopher; Enberg, Nicholas; Jeff Rosen;Tannock, Julie; Rob Baker; Jay Boyarsky; Kevin Jensen; dennis burns; DuJuan Green; Reifschneider, James;Wagner, April; Figueroa, Eric; Foley, Michael; Michael Gennaco; Binder, Andrew; Human Relations Commission;Joe Simitian; Rebecca Eisenberg; ladoris cordell; chuck jagoda; Shana Segal; Perron, Zachary; Javier Ortega;Supervisor Susan Ellenberg; Angie Evans; Tina Boales; Josh Becker; Vara Ramakrishnan; Cindy Chavez; alisamallari tu; Bains, Paul; Greg Tanaka; EPA Today Subject:Former Alpharetta police officer and K9 handler indicted after dog attac... Date:Thursday, June 8, 2023 10:04:46 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________https://youtu.be/teNzW_oaG6w Sent from my iPhone From:Aram James To:Sheriff Transparency Cc:Rebecca Eisenberg; Roberta Ahlquist; Sean Allen; Council, City; Human Relations Commission; Jethroe Moore; Shikada, Ed; Josh Becker; Julie Lythcott-Haims; Greg Tanaka; Joe Simitian; Supervisor Susan Ellenberg; Cecilia Taylor; citycouncil@mountainview.gov; GRP-City Council; Binder, Andrew; Wagner, April; Reifschneider, James; ladoris cordell; chuck jagoda; Shana Segal; Jay Boyarsky; Perron, Zachary; Angie Evans; Enberg, Nicholas; Javier Ortega; Vara Ramakrishnan; Jeff Rosen; Michael Gennaco; alisa mallari tu; dennis burns; Kevin Jensen; DuJuan Green; Bains, Paul; Rob Baker Subject:Re: More on the debate over caste discrimination in California -Yes on SB 403 Date:Thursday, June 8, 2023 7:41:37 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Excellent! Thank you SCCSTG for speaking out on the caste issue that so many pretenddoesn’t exist. aram Sent from my iPhone On Jun 8, 2023, at 6:08 PM, Sheriff Transparency <sccsherifftransparencyinfo@gmail.com> wrote:Interesting this is now catching the attention of the State? and perhaps on local levels? One of our members wrote about this issue in a sports blog last year and calledout many local high-tech companies for not 'diversifying' the diversity they brag about within their own companies. It's a big problem and for those reading this doNOT act surprised when we relay that it IS also about race. Per MANY on both fronts, the darker your skin, the less desirable in the caste or what they have brought here and 're-invented'. Dark-skinned Blacks/Brownpeople (regardless of ethnicity) are also a constant target of the 're-invented' caste system in the USA, specifically California. And, in every level of sports, it is abigger problem that for the most part stays 'silent' because people do not really know what is going on. We do and we have been monitoring it as well eventhough that is not primarily 'our issue' with Sheriff Transparency, but it is when it comes to discrimination or harassment in the Santa Clara County Sheriff'sOffice. Anyone not educating themselves and allowing this problem to perpetuate to a point where we may have to call it out is part of the problem. For folks in Countyand City government, please pay attention to this, educate yourselves,~ and do not think this issue only affects those in the South Asian communities. ~SCCSTG On Thu, Jun 8, 2023 at 2:20 PM Aram James <abjpd1@gmail.com> wrote: https://calmatters.org/politics/2023/06/caste-discrimination-california/# Shared via the Google app Sent from my iPhone From:Sheriff Transparency To:Aram James Cc:Rebecca Eisenberg; Roberta Ahlquist; Sean Allen; Council, City; Human Relations Commission; Jethroe Moore; Shikada, Ed; Josh Becker; Julie Lythcott-Haims; Greg Tanaka; Joe Simitian; Supervisor Susan Ellenberg; Cecilia Taylor; citycouncil@mountainview.gov; GRP-City Council; Binder, Andrew; Wagner, April; Reifschneider, James; ladoris cordell; chuck jagoda; Shana Segal; Jay Boyarsky; Perron, Zachary; Angie Evans; Enberg, Nicholas; Javier Ortega; Vara Ramakrishnan; Jeff Rosen; Michael Gennaco; alisa mallari tu; dennis burns; Kevin Jensen; DuJuan Green; Bains, Paul; Rob Baker Subject:Re: More on the debate over caste discrimination in California -Yes on SB 403 Date:Thursday, June 8, 2023 6:08:32 PM Some people who received this message don't often get email from sccsherifftransparencyinfo@gmail.com. Learnwhy this is important CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Interesting this is now catching the attention of the State? and perhaps on local levels? One of our members wrote about this issue in a sports blog last year and called out many local high-tech companies for not 'diversifying' the diversity they brag about within their owncompanies. It's a big problem and for those reading this do NOT act surprised when we relaythat it IS also about race. Per MANY on both fronts, the darker your skin, the less desirable in the caste or what theyhave brought here and 're-invented'. Dark-skinned Blacks/Brown people (regardless of ethnicity) are also a constant target of the 're-invented' caste system in the USA, specificallyCalifornia. And, in every level of sports, it is a bigger problem that for the most part stays 'silent' because people do not really know what is going on. We do and we have beenmonitoring it as well even though that is not primarily 'our issue' with Sheriff Transparency, but it is when it comes to discrimination or harassment in the Santa Clara County Sheriff'sOffice. Anyone not educating themselves and allowing this problem to perpetuate to a point where we may have to call it out is part of the problem. For folks in County and City government, pleasepay attention to this, educate yourselves,~ and do not think this issue only affects those in the South Asian communities. ~SCCSTG On Thu, Jun 8, 2023 at 2:20 PM Aram James <abjpd1@gmail.com> wrote: https://calmatters.org/politics/2023/06/caste-discrimination-california/# Shared via the Google app Sent from my iPhone From:Aram James To:Sean Allen; Bains, Paul; ladoris cordell; Julie Lythcott-Haims; peaceandjusticecenter@gmail.com; dennis burns;Kevin Jensen; Sheriff Transparency; Josh Becker; Council, City; Binder, Andrew; Reifschneider, James; Wagner,April; Michael Gennaco; Shikada, Ed; Jeff Rosen; Joe Simitian; Rebecca Eisenberg; chuck jagoda; Shana Segal;Jay Boyarsky; Braden Cartwright; Diana Diamond; Gennady Sheyner; Perron, Zachary; Enberg, Nicholas; JavierOrtega; Supervisor Susan Ellenberg; Angie Evans; Cindy Chavez; Vara Ramakrishnan; Cecilia Taylor; alisa mallaritu; Greg Tanaka; Jethroe Moore; DuJuan Green; EPA Today Subject:Black Cops on the Murder of Tyre Nichols | Uncomfortable Conversations | Police Brutality FULL EP. - YouTube Date:Thursday, June 8, 2023 6:01:42 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________ > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCZtGGseycY > > > Sent from my iPhone From:Aram James To:ladoris cordell; Julie Lythcott-Haims; Sean Allen; Jethroe Moore; Kaloma Smith;peaceandjusticecenter@gmail.com; Bains, Paul; Human Relations Commission; Josh Becker; Binder, Andrew;Javier Ortega; Wagner, April; Perron, Zachary; Shikada, Ed; Michael Gennaco; Jeff Rosen; Joe Simitian; RebeccaEisenberg; chuck jagoda; Shana Segal; Jay Boyarsky; Figueroa, Eric; Patricia.Guerrero@jud.ca.gov;Reifschneider, James; Enberg, Nicholas; Supervisor Susan Ellenberg; Angie Evans; Cecilia Taylor; Cindy Chavez;Vara Ramakrishnan; Greg Tanaka; alisa mallari tu; Council, City; dennis burns; Kevin Jensen; DuJuan Green;Perron, Zachary; EPA Today; Rob Baker Subject:Black Cops on the Murder of Tyre Nichols | Uncomfortable Conversations |... Date:Thursday, June 8, 2023 5:29:10 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________ Sent from my iPhone From:Henry Etzkowitz To:Bette; Catie Fee; Kristina Loquist; Rebecca Eisenberg; Dorien jacque; Julie Lythcott-Haims; Marty Wasserman;James Hersh W.; Roberta Ahlquist; Council, City; Terry Beaubois; daisy law; mickie winkler; Jerker Lessing; OrnaRosenfeld; Firoozeh Dastmalchi; Representative Eshoo; Hom Gloria Cc:John Salois; Martin Wasserman; Ellen Fox; Jinx Lobdell; Whitney McNair; Ellen Granovetter Subject:Re: Thank you for sending Date:Thursday, June 8, 2023 5:16:47 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Ps you are seeking Suicide, the founding work of empirical sociology, where he statisticallyidentified loss of social ties as a significant cause of taking one’s life: anomic suicide Sent from my iPhone On Jun 7, 2023, at 1:14 PM, Henry Etzkowitz <H.Etzko@gmail.com> wrote:Hi Bette Interesting. On travel. Ellen, please forward piece to Bette. Suggest you two co-author, as psychologists, on the mental and social health benefits ofintergenerationality in Oak Creek, past, present and future Cheers Henry Ps gentle reminder:,Bette you were instrumental, along with other residents, inpressing Backar to eliminate round-up. It didn’t happen by itself, then or now. Organize! Sent from my iPhone On Jun 7, 2023, at 1:13 PM, Bette <betteuk@aol.com> wrote: Henry - Please share Durkheim piece —interested. A good thing done by previous management was ending Roundupuse. Needs of new management group to manage costs can beaccomplished rather than by increasing rents is by reducingexpenditures on blowing landscapes. Ecosystems benefit from leaves. That would help create a more nurturing environmentally friendly natural community. Research on healing gardens done inCopenhagen demonstrated great benefits gained by exposure to natural world. New native plantings are especially welcome and decreasemaintenance costs as well. Aligned with research of Arline Bronzaft PhD on the severe stressors created by urban noise it would be a step toward to the creation of ahealthier emotional and eco psychologically environment. The needs of residents for rent management can come together with Stanford planners needs to manage costs while concurrently creatinghealthiest possible spaces. Bette Bette Kiernan, MFT 1540 Oak Creek Drive 407Palo Alto, CA 95304 (650) 324-3639 betteuk@aol.comhttp://www.betteconsulting.com The content of this email is confidential and intended for the recipient specified in the message only. If you received this message bymistake, please reply to this message, and follow with its deletion. From:Aram James To:Sean Allen; Jethroe Moore; Sheriff Transparency; Human Relations Commission; Binder, Andrew; Javier Ortega;Reifschneider, James; Wagner, April; Perron, Zachary; Tannock, Julie; Figueroa, Eric; Foley, Michael; Shikada,Ed; Council, City; Supervisor Susan Ellenberg; Josh Becker; Michael Gennaco; Rebecca Eisenberg; Jeff Rosen;ladoris cordell; chuck jagoda; Shana Segal; Jay Boyarsky; Joe Simitian Subject:Two wrongfully convicted sue OPD-detective who allegedly bribed witnesses facing criminal charges -police union protests Date:Thursday, June 8, 2023 5:10:16 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________ > > https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/2-men-wrongfully-convicted-of-oakland-murder-file-lawsuit? utm_source=kron_app&utm_medium=social&utm_content=share-link > > > Sent from my iPhone From:Tran, Joanna To:Council, City Cc:Executive Leadership Team; Clerk, City Subject:Council Consent Questions: Item 4 (6/12/23) Date:Thursday, June 8, 2023 3:58:57 PM Attachments:image001.pngimage003.pngimage004.pngimage006.pngimage007.pngimage008.pngimage002.png Dear Mayor and Councilmembers, On behalf of City Manager Ed Shikada, please view the following links for the amended agenda and staff responses to questions from Councilmember Tanaka for Monday night’s Council Meeting: June 12 Amended Agenda Item 4 Q&A Thank you, Joanna Joanna Tran Executive Assistant to the City Manager Office of the City Manager (650) 329-2105 | joanna.tran@cityofpaloalto.org www.cityofpaloalto.org From:upcomingsales@friendspaloaltolib.org To:Council, City Subject:June Jumping, Jumbo-size Book Sale - Friends of the Palo Alto Library Date:Thursday, June 8, 2023 2:57:36 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. BOOK SALE NEWSLETTERTHIS WEEKEND ATCUBBERLEY Visit our web site CUBBERLEY USED BOOK SALES FACE COVERS RECOMMENDED Saturday June 10Main Room Members' Early Sale 9am -11amMain Room General Sale 11am - 4pmBargain Room 9:30am - 4pmChildren's Room 10am - 4pm Sunday June 11 All Rooms 11am - 4pm FEATURED IN JUNE Puzzles & Games Children's Room Gender/Pride CDs/Vinyl DVDs 4000 Middlefield RoadPalo Alto NE corner of the Cubberley Community Center (650) 213-8755 www.fopal.org Maps and Directions More information on the sales Donate your used books, DVDs, &c ALL NET PROCEEDS GO TO HELP PALO ALTO LIBRARIES Main Room In our Main Room, prices are way below what used book stores charge. Hardcover books start at $3.00 and softcover books start at only $2.00. NO NUMBERS WILL BE ISSUED FOR NON-MEMBERS FOR THIS SALE. IF YOU ARE NOTA FOPAL MEMBER SIMPLY SHOW UP AT11AM. Please note that due to crowding during the first two hours of the Book Sale, no strollers, rolling carts, etc. can be brought into the Main Room. This is for the safety of shoppers and volunteers alike. By 12:30 or so, the crowd thins out and shoppers are welcome to bring these items into the sale. Children's Book Sale The Children's Room is located in the portable next to the soccer field near Greendell School. It is entirely filled with children's books and toys. You'll find picture books, school age fiction and non-fiction, fiction for teens, award winners, non-English titles, CDs and DVDs, and books for parents and teachers, most for 50 cents or $1. Strollers are welcome in the Children's Room at any time. Bargain Books in H-2 The Bargain Room is located in Rooms H-2 and H-3 of the Cubberley main campus, between our Main Room and Middlefield Road. On Saturday, paperbacks are 50 cents, hardcovers are $1, and children's books are 50 cents each. The room also contains many records, CDs, and DVDs at $1 each. On Sunday, the room opens at 11 am and all prices are half off. Or, save even more on Sunday by buying green FOPAL reusable bags from us for $3/ea (or bring your own grocery-size reusable bag) and stuffing them with any items in the room for $5/bag. Fill four bags at $5/bag and fill a fifth bag FREE! (We no longer receive sufficient used paper grocery bags along with donations for this purpose.) News from the Library, by E-mail and RSS If you have ever given the Library your e-mail address, like this newsletter editor did when he signed up for a Palo Alto Library card, you have probably noticed that they are sendingyou one to a few e-mails per month. The Library would like you to know that the Summer Reading Program started on June 1 but you can still sign up, and that this year it's Summer Reading for a Cause, and that Mitchell Park Library will be opening on Sundays starting July 9, and probably some other things because they post more often to their blog than we send out this newsletter. You can subscribe to their blog with an RSS reader. And if like yr hmbl newsletter editor you have not been paying attention and are wondering what is open and how much the Library has a Current Library Services page. -Frank McConnell June Sale Notes June is FOPAL's busy donation time and FOPAL's members are benefiting with a Members' Early Sale. All FOPAL paid members can get in earlier than the normal 11am start time. Because of this, the normal Main Room entry procedure is changed. See the section below pertaining to the Members' Early Sale. Summer is almost here, donations are up and we've got plenty of great reads, music, and more! For FOPAL's June sale 2023, look for a unique special of Music CDs, and Vinyl, inside and outside the Main Room. Enjoy this opportunity to shop the media inventory/back stock at the June's Member's Early Sale/MES. And regarding media offerings consider the June sale as a wee sample of what will be available next month at the FOPAL Summer Super Sale. (See Nigel Jones's mention below) Main Room information notes: For June check out an equally special selection of books,carefully curated by FOPAL 60+ Section Managers! The Puzzles & Games section is FULLthis month! Gender/Pride books may be found top shelf of its respective section, theChildren's Room has a TON of terrific books, games, and puzzles received from severalgenerous donations. Also, the DVDs section is brimming with a myriad of movies for yourviewing pleasure. -Janette Herceg FOPAL Members Get the First Pick at Members' Early Sale A super big fun FOPAL Members' Early Sale is scheduled for this Saturday. Twice a year, FOPAL holds a Members' Early Sale, at which members of the Friends of the Palo Alto Library are admitted early to the Main Room sale. Members enjoy a less crowded main book room and get the first crack at FOPAL's wonderful collection of materials! Life & Sponsor Members Enter at 9am: At our Members' Early Sale, Life and Sponsor Members (and one spouse or guest) may enter at 9am and can purchase up to 100 books per membership only during that first hour. Each Life Member and Sponsor Member must give one Purchase Slip per membership to the cashier before 10am in order to purchase up to 100 books. If a Life Member or Sponsor Member exits without purchasing all 100 books, he/she may take the Purchase Slip and reenter to fill out the 100 books as long as they are purchased by 10am. Other Members Enter at 10am: Members at all other levels can enter the sale at 10am, and purchase 25 books at a time. General Public Enter at 11am: At 11am, non-members are admitted. The usual limit onpurchasing 12 books at a time lasts until there is no longer a line waiting to enter. Ticket Handout Procedure: At the Members' Early Sale, tickets are given only to members of FOPAL. Look for two check-in/ticket lines; one line for renewing members, new members, and those members without a membership card, and one line for members with their cards. To speed your way through the ticket line please find and bring your membership card! Tickets given out are for the 9am and 10am lines at the Main Room, since most people who come early are Members of FOPAL. Each Member will get just one ticket, although Life and Sponsor Members may bring one guest between 9 and 10am and Family Members may bring in their families, consisting of one other adult and minor child, beginning at 10am. No tickets will be given out for the 11am line. Join FOPAL Now: If you're not already a paid-up member, avoid delay at the sale by joining online now. -Janette Herceg FOPAL Summer Super Sale At the same time as our July Monthly Book Sale FOPAL will have another of its very successful High Value Sales. The sale will have around 2,000 items including books, ephemera, and CDs. What: FOPAL will be selling books from its High Value inventory that have an online value of $20 to $59. All books will be significantly reduced with a price range of $10 to $25. The books will cover subjects from art to travel to children's vintage, with both hard covers and soft covers. All books have been specially selected by our High Value team and will be the cream of the crop of what we have within that price range. FOPAL has just agreed to make a grant of $100,000 to help increase the Library's circulation, that is, more new books, more updated books, as well as helping to shorten the time it takes to get a book that is on hold. Literally every time you buy a book from FOPAL to put on your shelf at home it puts a bookon a shelf at one of our excellent Libraries! When: Saturday July 8th 10am to 4pm Where: The parking lot outside the Children's Room, the south west corner of the Cubberley Community Center. We look forward to seeing you. For more information on FOPAL please go to www.FOPAL.org. -Nigel Jones Puzzles and Games The Puzzles section is once again full to the max at all piece levels, including a recent large donation of 1500-2000 piece puzzles. In Games, we have lots of family favorites and a couple of new adult strategy and adult entertainment games for your summer enjoyment. The Games book section (located under Postcards) has lots of new chess strategy, casino gaming, and even magic tricks books. To the right of the Games area on the bookcase under the window are several strategy books for board and table games such as Go, Backgammon and Scrabble, among others. -Vicky Evans Children's Room Summer has begun, school is out--time to shop our sale. For foggy mornings, there are indoor games galore in our Activities section. To maintain student math skills over the vacation, there are workbooks, textbooks, and manipulatives including pattern blocks, attribute blocks, and an abacus. For a bit of drama, we offer a 4-foot-high Melissa & Doug puppet theater! And be sure to see our display of books for Flag Day, Independence Day, and Fathers' Day. Look on the World Languages shelves for books in French, Polish, and German (all particularly well stocked this month). Check the Chinese shelves for simplified Chinese reader bundles, storybook collections, manga, and parenting and educational books including Montessori. The Japanese section has many chapter books that are translations of the classics. In School-age Fiction, we have a deluxe illustrated Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (originally $40, a bargain at our low price), recent like-new Rick Riordan hardbacks, several books in the Wings of Fire series, and gift sets of The Worst Witch, Upside Down Magic, the Serafina series, and the Origami Yoda File. You can help early-grade readers sustain their reading fluency with selections from our extensive collection of the best early chapter books. For children just beginning to read, check out the books on animals, space, history, and biography in our Beginning Readers section. Finally, our Parenting section has a great selection of books for parents of babies to teens, and some for grandparents, too. -Carolyn Davidson Children's Vintage Children's vintage has some special items this month, two of them with a Palo Alto connection. David Starr Jordan's Eric's Book of Beasts from 1912 is done in watercolors with appropriate accompanying jingles. Uncle Arthur, more formally known locally as Arthur Stanley Maxwell, wrote children's bedtime stories, and we have them in a nicely preserved 5-volume set. History buffs will be happy to find many Landmark books on offer this month, all in dust jackets. From the Crusades to the conquest of the North and South Poles, the Landmark books were written by well-known authors rather than academics: war correspondents, Pulitzer Prize winners like Pearl Buck and Robert Penn Warren and other establishedwriters. We have 16 titles on the shelf this month with many more to come in the followingmonths. Plus, for those nostalgic for the "good old days" when parenting was easy and children were seen and not heard, check out our suddenly large collection of mid-century parenting books for tips and tricks to get those rascals to behave! And if history is not your thing, our fiction section includes a 7-volume set of Narnia books and The Three Investigators in French! A bit of something for everyone! Photos at fopalbooks.com. -Lisa Heitman Education & Language Special set available in June: Book History published by The Pennsylvania State University Press, Volumes 1-10 at $70. Also in this section: theories of education, language andlinguistics; reading and libraries; writing, grammar and syntax; ESL and sign language; K-12, and post-secondary education; plus teaching and education administration. See photos at www.fopalbooks.com. -Virginia Perry Home & Crafts For June, the Home section showcases beauty, etiquette, and discounts on wedding ideas from Martha Stewart and Colin Cowie. You'll also find fashion and costume design theory. Other shelves include home decorating styles and interior design concepts, including the High-Access Home. Building and remodeling titles are available, along with home organizing, home improvement, repair, and maintenance. The Crafts shelves include: floral arts and arranging; craft guides from jewelry to decoupage and mask making; delightful coloring books; and fabric arts such as sewing, quilting, knitting, and the Complete Crochet Course. Photos can be found at www.fopalbooks.com. -Virginia Perry Antiques & Collections Among the June offerings in Antiques & Collections: Rugs and furniture; Miller's Art Glass: How to Compare and Value; The Comic Book in America: An Illustrated History (1989); plus guns, watches, and antique toys. Photo can be found at www.fopalbooks.com. -Virginia Perry Poetry What is so rare as a day in June? Our poets singing us a tune. John Masefield heads the list this time. "Sea Fever," "Trade Winds" and other rhyme. Give Poetry's top shelf a look. You'll find a rare and curious book Which holds a letter by that rake Lord Byron, and it's yours to take. -Mandy MacCalla Medicine This month we offer a plethora of cardiology books, including those on the benefits and adverse side effects of statin therapy...Statin Nation, and The Great Cholesterol Myth to name a few. Read The Discovery of Insulin on how even jaded professions in the 1920s marveled at how it brought sometimes comatose patients back to life. Special offer this month are leather bound gilded paged Classics in Medicine Library bookswith writings of the greatest physicians in history. You could pay $25 a volume plusshipping on eBay, or buy them in perfect condition here for $8 a volume. Great gift foryourself, or for a favorite physician! Check out the medical texts in every specialty, and Apollo's Arrow, which examines the profound and enduring impact of the Coronavirus on the way we live. -Pamela Parke Computers This month we have our heaviest book ever, at 5.5 pounds (priced below $2/lb). Photo at fopalbooks.com. -David Cortesi Humor On The Top Shelf (photo at fopalbooks.com) One of the best collections of cartoons and certainly one of the largest is the Complete Cartoons of the New Yorker. This month we have four of them in different versions, different conditions and so different prices, but all with the same cartoons! In all we have 12 books on different topics from the New Yorker series. On the left side you will find our British humor section with books ranging from Myles,Muir, Monte, and Milligan, as well as some guys on a boat. The prize for most unusual book goes to a collection of 1000 engraved French cartoons published in 1884, Douze Années Comique. -Nigel Jones Philosophy The highest value new arrivals are on the top right shelf. In most cases you will see an insert with the current online price and the Members' Early Sale FOPAL price, with a selection of very good titles to choose from. On the lower left shelf you will see a box of journals we have never had on offer before. It is Hypatia: Journal of Feminist Philosophy, all in very good condition. The Member Special price is $15 for 36 volumes; it is only on sale as a series. And lastly, The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, four volumes, for the unbeatable price of $4. Photos at fopalbooks.com. -Nigel Jones Health Once again, the Health Section is full of information to help us investigate healthy living practices. This month, two very interesting books: Caffeinated; How our daily habit helps, hurts, and hooks us, by Murray Carpenter, and The Caffeine Advantage; How to sharpen your mind, improve your physical performance and achieve your goals by Weinberg and Bealer. Also, an intriguing kit arrived: Memory Boot Camp by Tony Buzan. Tony Buzan was an English writer, and educational consultant who popularized "mental literacy, radiant thinking and the mind-mapping technique." Get your coffee cup, and let's try this mind- mapping! -Suzanne Cholko Judaica Browse the Judaica section for books on the Jewish religion and culture including editions of the Torah and other basic texts, Kabbalah, Jewish history, the Holocaust, memoirs,Israel, Jewish Women, the Jewish American Experience and other related subjects. New this month - The Choice: Escaping the Past and Embracing the Possible; The Super Achievers: The Remarkable Jewish Contribution to Science and Human Well-being Highlighted by Nobel Prize Winners; Talmud vol. 17: The Steinsaltz Edition; A Bookshop in Berlin: The Rediscovered Memoir of One Woman's Harrowing Escape from the Nazis; Before Golda; Manya Shochat. Most fiction with Jewish themes will be found in Modern Literature/Classics or Current Fiction. Books entirely in Hebrew are shelved in the European Languages section. -Charlotte Epstein, Section manager for Judaica Donations We have made it past Drop-off Donations 3.0 and have returned to accepting donations without the need to make an appointment. HOWEVER.... We are closed for donations from Sunday June 4 through Sunday June 11 to prepare the Main Room for this weekend's sale. Please hold your donations until Monday June 12. Please read our donation guidelines before you bring materials to us. All that said, our normal hours for drop-off donations are Monday through Saturday, 3pm- 5pm. (But not the week before the sale.) Suggestions? We're always eager to hear your suggestions for ways to improve our book sale. Please email us at suggestions@friendspaloaltolib.org. This notice comes to you from the non-profit organization Friends of the Palo Alto Library. No trees werefelled in the making of this e-mail. Visit our web site. Become a member by joining online. Be sure to receive your own free copy of this e-mail notice so that you'll know about all special upcomingbooks sales. To sign up, just e-mail us. We carefully protect the privacy of your e-mail address. We will notshare your e-mail address with any other organization and we will not use it for any purpose other than tosend you these notices. If you do not wish to receive these e-mail notices in the future, please reply withthe words "Remove Me" in the first line of the text. From:Aram James To:Rebecca Eisenberg; Roberta Ahlquist; Sean Allen; Council, City; Human Relations Commission; Jethroe Moore;Shikada, Ed; Josh Becker; Julie Lythcott-Haims; Greg Tanaka; Joe Simitian; Supervisor Susan Ellenberg; CeciliaTaylor; citycouncil@mountainview.gov; GRP-City Council; Sean Allen; Binder, Andrew; Wagner, April;Reifschneider, James; ladoris cordell; chuck jagoda; Shana Segal; Jay Boyarsky; Perron, Zachary; Angie Evans;Enberg, Nicholas; Javier Ortega; Vara Ramakrishnan; Jeff Rosen; Michael Gennaco; alisa mallari tu; Tina Boales;dennis burns; Kevin Jensen; DuJuan Green; Bains, Paul; Rob Baker Subject:More on the debate over caste discrimination in California -Yes on SB 403 Date:Thursday, June 8, 2023 2:20:34 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links.https://calmatters.org/politics/2023/06/caste-discrimination-california/# Shared via the Google app Sent from my iPhone From:Aram James To:Sean Allen; Jethroe Moore; Human Relations Commission; ladoris cordell; Julie Lythcott-Haims; City Mgr; CeciliaTaylor; Planning Commission; Council, City; Joe Simitian; Javier Ortega; Cindy Chavez; Josh Becker;Assemblymember.Berman@assembly.ca.gov; Greg Tanaka; Vara Ramakrishnan; alisa mallari tu; Angie Evans;Shana Segal; EPA Today; cromero@cityofepa.org; Binder, Andrew; Reifschneider, James; Wagner, April; JeffRosen; Michael Gennaco; Rebecca Eisenberg; Jay Boyarsky; Perron, Zachary; Enberg, Nicholas; Shikada, Ed;Supervisor Susan Ellenberg; dennis burns; Kevin Jensen; DuJuan Green; Bains, Paul; chuck jagoda Subject:Robert Kennedy Jr. visits the boarder. Checkout his measured tone -all facts No unnecessary posturing Date:Thursday, June 8, 2023 1:28:16 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. At 2 am this morning, I visited the border outside of Yuma, Arizona where thousands of migrants are crossing the border each week. You have to see it with your own eyes. #Kennedy24 https://t.co/Fbl4mPr44A RobertKennedyJr twitter.com Sent from my iPhone From:matt@evolutionaryteams.com To:Matt Schlegel Subject:FFF – June 2 – Fridays for Future Follow up (Week #73) Date:Thursday, June 8, 2023 1:09:26 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachmentsand clicking on links. Buckle up – in your EV car, of course – we have a lot to cover! Kimberly joined us for a very dynamic conversation. She conducted one of her world-famous ideation sessions – Yes, and! Out of the many wonderful ideas that emerged, one stood out to me – have classes of students from the community join us on Friday in front of City Hall and share their thoughts, poems, art, essays, projects and feelings about the climate. Thanks, Kimberly, for bringing out the ideas! David just finished his second Sun Trip CA from Palo Alto to Santa Monica – congratulations to David and all participants! Now he heads back to Tijuana to fulfill his mission of creating worker co-ops in every state in Mexico to build electric bike kits. Interested in supporting this project? Here’s how: 1) Need a technical partner to help produce the motor; 2) Need help to organize the management structure of the worker co-op; and 3) Need cash to “prime the pump” for the first 3 months of operations. Reach out to David or me if you know anyone who can help. And again, congratulations to David on the ride! Maria introduced us to toyi-toyi – the South African protest dance. There is no protest in South Africa without dancing toyi toyi – check it out here: https://youtu.be/TaJY8g4iIZ8. Maybe Maria will conduct a toyi toyi dance lesson for us? Angel checked and reported that she found a USC film student that is interested in making an Oscar Award-winning documentary about Greta. Thanks, Angel, for moving this project forward! Casey shared that she is working on an effort in San Jose to pilot a home electrification program that will be promoted by AARP California. If this pilot is successful, it would be rolled out to all AARP members in California and possibly beyond. Thank you, Casey, for working on this very promising approach! Rebecca made a public comment at Monday’s City Council meeting pointing the importance of picking city vendors who are equally dedicated to the city’s mission of decarbonization. Specifically, she expresses her concern about O’Grady Paving and questioning their dedication to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in both the materials they use and their operations. Listen to Rebecca’s comments here: https://youtu.be/ATK7oUJDJr4?t=7850 . Thank you, Rebecca, for making this very important point. Palo Alto City Council passed S/CAP unanimously on Monday! Congratulations to the S/CAP Ad Hoc Committee, community members, city staff and city council who have been working tirelessly towards this milestone for three years! You can watch the entire presentation, public discussion and council vote here: https://youtu.be/ATK7oUJDJr4?t=13868s. Now the implementation work begins! Speaking of implementation, here’s your monthly update on the Heat Pump Water Heater Program: As of:6/1/2023 4/27/2023 4/5/2023 Number of residents signed up on the HPWH full-service interest list 488 466 432 Number who have been sent a site assessment agreement (SAA)399 345 125 Number who have signed their SAA 280 156 70 Number of completed site assessments 111 58 22 Installations Number of installed HPWHs 12 8 1 Target Installations by 12/31/23 1000 Monthly Installation Rate Monthly Installation Rate 4 7 n/a Target Monthly Installation Rate 20 City staff are working to understand how to improve the the conversion rate of completed-assessments to installations which now stands at roughly 10%. (12/111) This understanding will inform those of us canvassing the community to sign up residents. Thank you all for your feedback on celebrity Chef Jose Andres and the City of Palo Alto’s misstep to permit Andres’ new Palo Alto restaurant to burn fossil fuel gas despite violating Palo Alto’s no-new-gas Reach code. So far responses have ranged from outrage to let it be, action to apathy. One responder reminded me to get the facts straight. Fortunately, the city has published details about our Green Building Code Requirements here: https://www.cityofpaloalto.org/City-Hall/Sustainability/Energy/Green- Building-Code-Requirements. The city reviewed proposals starting in March 2022 and discussed them publicly in June 2022, so this was in the works well before it was passed by city council in November 2022 and implemented on January 1, 2023. The relevant provision is: Require all new, non-residential construction to be all-electric. Rather than comply with our law, Andres threatened to sue the city, and the city waived the requirement. The question becomes, what to do about this transgression of democracy in our town. Perhaps Kimberly can help us with another world-famous ideation session—stay tuned! As Member Stone reminded us on Monday, Palo Alto has a global platform as a climate leader. Let’s turn this lemon into lemonade and demonstrate to the world how to electrify all aspects of our community. Thank you, everyone, for all the terrific work you are doing to decarbonize our community! Keep Up the Fight and See You Friday! The preferences of economic elites far outweigh the preferences of average Americans when it comes to policy outcomes in government. –Kate Knuth, All We Can Save, p. 131 Upcoming Events Friday, June 9, Noon: Fridays for Future Palo Alto – King Plaza in front of Palo Alto City Hall Sunday, July 23 at 1:30 pm: Climate Friends Book Club – we will discuss All We Can Save chapters 5 & 6. Details at: https://www.engageon.org/events EngageOn calendar: https://www.engageon.org/events Peninsula Peace and Justice calendar: https://peaceandjustice.org/events-calendar/ More Climate ActionFridays For Future USA is supporting People vs. Fossil Fuels distributed action June 8 through June 11. You can see all the actions here. You can also find actions on social media using the hashtag #EndTheEra. The UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP) is in December and the Local Conference of the Youth (LCOY), which drafts the US youth demands that get delivered at COP, is currently being planned. They’re looking for people to help plan the conference, and there’ll be a call for youth to participate in the conference once it’s planned (probably in August). Let me know if you want to participate. Noticing gardeners in your neighborhood who have converted to electric equipment? Thank them for taking this action! They will receive your appreciation warmly. Try it. It makes them feel good. It makes you feel good. We all need to find ways to make people feel good for taking climate action. Here are the details from the May 24 Sustainability and Climate Action Plan (S/CAP) Ad Hoc Committee meeting, the recording of the meeting can be found here, and the PowerPoint presentation can be found here. Palo Alto’s Heat Pump Water Heater Program Status See above. Weekly Photos FFF June 2: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Qt148uGrhhmYA8a3A Follow Fridays For Future Palo Alto: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fridaysforfuture_paloalto/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Fri4Future_PA Encourage your friends and family to get email notifications of FFF Palo Alto events here: https://mailchi.mp/c8c130127345/join- fridays-for-future-palo-alto You are receiving this email because you have expressed an interest in supporting climate action in Palo Alto. If you no longer wish to receive these emails, please let me know. Matt Schlegel Organizer Fridays For Future Palo Alto Cell: 650-924-8923 Email: Palo-Alto@FridaysForFutureUSA.org Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fridaysforfuture_paloalto/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Fri4Future_PA Web: https://fridaysforfutureusa.org/local-groups/palo-alto/ From:Aram James To:Sean Allen; Jethroe Moore; Rebecca Eisenberg; City Alto; Human Relations Commission; Josh Becker; DavePrice; Emily Mibach; Braden Cartwright; Shikada, Ed; Gennady Sheyner; Greg Tanaka; Julie Lythcott-Haims;ladoris cordell; Vara Ramakrishnan; Burt, Patrick; Council, City; Roberta Ahlquist; Burt, Patrick; Bains, Paul;Reifschneider, James; Diana Diamond; EPA Today; Jason Green Subject:Silicon Valley elected leader wages war with agency - San José Spotlight Date:Thursday, June 8, 2023 8:13:14 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________ https://sanjosespotlight.com/silicon-valley-elected-leader-wages-war-with-agency/ Sent from my iPhone From:Charlie Weidanz To:Council, City Subject:Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce News & Updates - June 8, 2023 Date:Thursday, June 8, 2023 8:00:25 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. NEWS & UPDATES - June 8, 2023 Third Thursday California Avenue Multi-Chamber Mixer Event Join Leadership Palo Alto 2023-2024 Stanford Summer Celebrations Avenidas Careers: Vice President of Development Palo Alto Festival of the Arts, Aug. 26-27 3rd Thursday California Ave. Palo Alto Third Thursday - A New Monthly Live Music Event Join us on Third Thursday6:00 pm to 9:00 pm June 15th, 2023 California Avenue in Palo Alto Musical groups will be playing at various locations along the street creating the joyful opportunity to explore the Ave and support local businesses. Learn More Multi-Chamber Mixer Event Multi-Chamber Mixer Please join the Chamber of Commerce of Los Altos, Mountain View, Palo Alto & Sunnyvale for an evening of Networking: Wednesday, June 21, 2023 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Hyatt Centric Mountain View 409 San Antonion Rd. Mountain View, CA 94040 RSVP Online Leadership Palo Alto 2023-2024 Participants will graduate ready to re-imagine and reshape our communitywith 21st-century leadership skills. Topics include: Local, Regional and State Government Education Arts & Culture Environment & Sustainability Housing & TransportationHealth & Wellness & More Learn More and Apply Online Here Applications are Due July 31 Contact Charlie@paloaltochamber.com for more information. Summer Celebrations at Stanford Research Park Summer Celebrations at Stanford Research Park Join us in celebrating 70 years of innovation at Stanford Research Park this summer. This event series will celebrate culture, sustainability, and STEM with activities, music, and entertainment for all ages. Individuals who work in Stanford Research Park, their friends and family, and Palo Alto residents are welcome to attend anytime between 4 pm and 8 pm on June 8, July 6, and August 3. Complimentary appetizers, dessert, and non-alcoholic beverages provided byStanford Research Park. Meals, beer and wine available for purchase from Coupa Café. More Details and Free Registration Here Avenidas VICE PRESIDENT OF DEVELOPMENT If you are an exceptional fundraiser who cares deeply about helping older adults flourish in our community and who thrives in an entrepreneurial and collaborative environment this may be the role for you! The Vice President of Development is responsible for securing funding in support of our mission to help older adults thrive in our community by providing relevant services and programs. At Avenidas, we seek to create a community that supports and celebrates older adults. We provide a wide range of programs, information, and services in downtown Palo Alto and two satellite facilities serving the mid-Peninsula thatenable people to stay active, maintain their independence, help their aging parents, or care for a spouse. Our innovative programs and compassionate staff have enriched the lives of more than 7,500 mature adults and their families each year! See our website at https://www.avenidas.org. Apply at https://www.avenidas.org/about/careers/. Palo Alto Festival of the Arts - Celebrating 40 years Celebrate the 40th Annual Palo Alto Festival of the Arts! Mark your calendarand join us for your favorite arts festival along University Avenue Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 26-27, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. There will be fun for all ages. The Festival will feature more than 250 fine art and contemporary craft artists, an interactive Kids’ Art Studio, Italian Street Painting, live entertainment on multiple stages, food, wine and microbrews. SPONSORS: Businesses interested in branding, promotional and lead generation sponsorship opportunities at this well-attended Festival may contact Claudette Mannina at 831-461-1796 or claudette@designingleads.com. ARTISTS: Applications by fine or contemporary artists are being accepted for space or waiting list consideration. Email Pacific Fine Arts Festivals at pfa@pacificfinearts.com. See full Festival details at www.paloaltochamber.com/festival. Hope to see you Aug. 26-27! This signature event is proudly hosted by: Proceeds from this event help the Chamber continue supporting our business community. See Our Upcoming Events Learn More About The Chamber ​ PALO ALTO CHAMBER & VISITORS CENTER 355 ALMA STREET | PALO ALTO | CA | 94301 | 650-324-3121 WWW.PALOALTOCHAMBER.COM This email was sent on behalf of Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce 355 Alma St Palo Alto, CA94301.To unsubscribe click here. If you have questions or comments concerning this email orservices in general, please contact us by email at info@paloaltochamber.com. This email was sent on behalf of Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce 355 Alma St Palo Alto, CA 94301.To unsubscribe clickhere. If you have questions or comments concerning this email or services in general, please contact us by email atinfo@paloaltochamber.com. From:Loran Harding To:Loran Harding; alumnipresident@stanford.edu; antonia.tinoco@hsr.ca.gov; Leodies Buchanan;bearwithme1016@att.net; beachrides; fred beyerlein; boardmembers; David Balakian; bballpod; Council, City;Cathy Lewis; Chris Field; Doug Vagim; Daniel Zack; dallen1212@gmail.com; Dan Richard; dennisbalakian;dan.richard@earthlink.net; eappel@stanford.edu; Scott Wilkinson; Gabriel.Ramirez@fresno.gov;George.Rutherford@ucsf.edu; hennessy; huidentalsanmateo; Irv Weissman; Sally Thiessen; Joel Stiner; jerryruopoli; karkazianjewelers@gmail.com; kfsndesk; leager; merazroofinginc@att.net; Mayor; Mark Standriff;margaret-sasaki@live.com; maverickbruno@sbcglobal.net; nick yovino; newsdesk; news@fresnobee.com;russ@topperjewelers.com; Steve Wayte; terry; tsheehan; vallesR1969@att.net Subject:Fwd: Can. fires millions US haz. air Date:Wednesday, June 7, 2023 4:51:39 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Loran Harding <loran.harding@stanfordalumni.org>Date: Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 4:06 PM Subject: Fwd: Can. fires millions US haz. airTo: Loran Harding <loran.harding@stanfordalumni.org> Wednesday, June 7, 2023 To all- CNN lets you read this without gouging you for subscription money. Worth reading to see the scale of this disaster. NOW recall that Californians arebreathing this junk for months on end every year. Newsom is just tone deaf on this or something. Not sure what his problem is. Stupid? We need 50 747 tankers to fight ourwildfilres. Go in with other western states to buy them. At the end of each fire season, see who needed how many drops and split up the cost. No brainer, I think. We had the 747 GlobalSupertanker 944 from Colorado for a few years. Flew out of McClellan near Sacto. 19,000 gal. capacity. It was used on the perimeter of the huge fire N. of Sacto- the Camp Fire? It wasseen in use on a fire in Chile. Live updates: US air quality polluted by Canadian wildfire smoke (cnn.com) Newsom should get with the other fire-prone western states and get this going. $5 billion would buy the planes probably. They are in bone yards in Arizona, Spain, one Republic inRussian Federation. Fifty of those could swamp a big fire. The six little planes that Feinstein got from the Coast Guard at 6,000 gal. per flight cannot do that. Here is info about the Global Supertanker 944 that we had in California. It dropped out ofservice in 2021 but this article says it was supposed to be available again by the end of 2022. We should see it fighting our endless death-dealing wildfires in the summer of 2023 inCalifornia again. It costs $16,000 per hour to have in operation, as I recall. It has now changed hands twice but is supposed to be back in operation. 747 Supertanker expected to be fire ready before the end of this year - Fire Aviation Where is Newsom on this? He just never has much to say about our months-long wildfires every single year now. Mums the word. Let's replace him with somebody who does not havehis head wedged in the wrong place. State Farm's halting new policies for homeowners' insurance in California should set have set off alarm bells in Sacto and DC, and I am sure it did. People can loose elections over stufflike that. State Farm insured 25% of the homes in California. These endless wildfires in California were just ruining their business. One idea would be a State or federal subsidy tocos. like State Farm to keep them insuring homes in California. When we spend $856 billion per year to provide a free military defense for all of Europe, Japan, Korea, on and on, theentire world, we can find some money to keep State Farm et. at. in business in California. Charity begins at home, but our government just cannot lavish enough money on othercountries fast enough. Soak the suckers and then just throw their money away on hell-holes all over the world! Then we ALSO give billions every year to countries all over the world as"aid". The streets in Fresno, Ca. are among the 10 worst streets of any community in the US. We cannot build 13 miles of freeway east of Gilroy, California. We need ~$13 billion to buildHSR Merced to Gilroy to San Jose, but Shumer got the rail money in the infrastructure bill diverted to the NE corridor. We defend the richest countries, not the poorest ones. They won't even cough up a part ofwhat we lay out for their defense. Germany finally grudgingly agreed to spend $100 billion per yr. on its defense. This after Trump complained loudly that the NATO countries will notpay their fair share. They all have HSR, affordable universities and national health care, none of which we suckers have. We need to start impeaching people, recalling people and voting people out who do notmake it clear, with dollar amounts, that they are on board to using our tax money to provide for us. We come first. Recalling Newsom in 2024 is where we in California should start. L. William Harding Fresno, Ca. From:Aram James To:Figueroa, Eric; Tannock, Julie; Foley, Michael; Michael Gennaco; Reifschneider, James; Wagner, April; Lee, Craig;cromero@cityofepa.org; Binder, Andrew; Wagner, April; Jethroe Moore; Sean Allen; Human RelationsCommission; Josh Becker; Shikada, Ed; Council, City; Rebecca Eisenberg; ladoris cordell; chuck jagoda; ShanaSegal; Vara Ramakrishnan; Jay Boyarsky; Jeff Rosen; Enberg, Nicholas; Joe Simitian; Perron, Zachary; JavierOrtega; Angie Evans; Supervisor Susan Ellenberg; Cecilia Taylor; Cindy Chavez; alisa mallari tu; Tina Boales;dennis burns; DuJuan Green; Kevin Jensen; Bains, Paul; Rob Baker; EPA Today; Gennady Sheyner; Greg Tanaka Subject:UPDATE: Cops Arrest White Neighbor Who Shot Black Mom Through Door Date:Wednesday, June 7, 2023 3:23:33 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________ https://youtu.be/bpROm3v6YmQ Sent from my iPhone From:Charlotte Epstein To:Council, City Subject:Transitional housing next to the Water Purification Plant should not be approved Date:Wednesday, June 7, 2023 3:22:15 PM Some people who received this message don't often get email from ch8r_e@yahoo.com. Learn why this isimportant CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Hello, I just finished reading the article in Palo Alto Online about the transitional housing and water purification plant to be built next to each other at the Baylands and I am opposed to the location of the transitional housing. Subjecting people in transitional housing to live next to an industrial facility seems cruel and probably offers few ways for residents to transition to anything else. What community resources will be available to them? I have lived in Palo Alto for more than 40 years and I know that housing prices no longer are within reach of even average earners but putting transitional residents in an out of the way place should not be considered. Please find another site for transitional housing as difficult as that will be. Charlotte Epstein 2192 Waverley St Palo Alto CA 94301 From:Henry Etzkowitz To:Bette; Catie Fee; Kristina Loquist; Rebecca Eisenberg; Dorien jacque; Julie Lythcott-Haims; Marty Wasserman;James Hersh W.; Roberta Ahlquist; Council, City; Terry Beaubois; daisy law; mickie winkler; Jerker Lessing; OrnaRosenfeld; Firoozeh Dastmalchi; Representative Eshoo; Hom Gloria Cc:John Salois; Martin Wasserman; Ellen Fox; Jinx Lobdell; Whitney McNair; Ellen Granovetter Subject:Re: Thank you for sending Date:Wednesday, June 7, 2023 1:14:43 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Hi Bette Interesting. On travel. Ellen, please forward piece to Bette. Suggest you two co-author, aspsychologists, on the mental and social health benefits of intergenerationality in Oak Creek, past, present and future Cheers Henry Ps gentle reminder:,Bette you were instrumental, along with other residents, in pressing Backar to eliminate round-up. It didn’t happen by itself, then or now. Organize! Sent from my iPhone On Jun 7, 2023, at 1:13 PM, Bette <betteuk@aol.com> wrote: Henry - Please share Durkheim piece —interested. A good thing done by previous management was ending Roundup use. Needs of new management group to manage costs can be accomplished rather thanby increasing rents is by reducing expenditures on blowing landscapes. Ecosystems benefit from leaves. That would help create a more nurturing environmentally friendly natural community. Research on healing gardens done in Copenhagendemonstrated great benefits gained by exposure to natural world. New native plantings are especially welcome and decrease maintenance costs as well. Aligned with research of Arline Bronzaft PhD on the severe stressors created byurban noise it would be a step toward to the creation of a healthier emotional and eco psychologically environment. The needs of residents for rent management can come together with Stanford planners needs to manage costs while concurrently creating healthiest possiblespaces. Bette Bette Kiernan, MFT 1540 Oak Creek Drive 407Palo Alto, CA 95304 (650) 324-3639 betteuk@aol.comhttp://www.betteconsulting.com The content of this email is confidential and intended for the recipient specified in the message only. If you received this message by mistake, please reply to thismessage, and follow with its deletion. From:julianneasla@sonic.net To:Council, City Subject:City of Palo Alto Tree Protection Ordinance Date:Wednesday, June 7, 2023 10:56:01 AM Some people who received this message don't often get email from julianneasla@sonic.net. Learn why this isimportant CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. CPA City Council Tree Protection Ordinance review 06-12-2023 I am writing in support of our newly adopted tree protection ordinance. It is a thoughtfully written and thorough document. A group of experts and knowledgeable and concerned citizens worked hard for months to produce an ordinance that brought Palo Alto in line with the tree protection ordinances in surrounding communities. I have been a landscape architect practicing in Palo Alto and on the Peninsula for 33 years and I have lived in Palo Alto for 28 years. I am well aware of the aesthetic value of trees on residential properties as well as the aesthetic value of trees for the neighborhood. I am also aware of the health benefits that we humans derive from a robust tree canopy coverage. Landscape Architect Magazine has published numerous well researched articles on the benefits of trees in urban areas. Such as the following: https://dirt.asla.org/2023/03/15/more-urban-trees-could-cut-summer-heat-deaths-by-a-third/ Please review the Purpose portion of our tree protection ordinance. ( 8.10.010 “Purpose” ) This portion of the ordinance clearly points out the reasons for and importance of the tree ordinance for out wellbeing and the wellbeing of our City environment. This was a tough winter for the City of Palo Alto and the state of California and much of the world. Sadly a few grand old trees throughout CPA failed to stand up to the hurricane force winds and soggy ground. However, please keep in mind as you review the ordinance that, although a few trees failed during the storms, overwhelmingly our grand old trees were able to withstand the unique storms. Our existing ordinance has procedures in place for homeowners to remove trees that are determined by expert arborists to be “too old” or dangerous. 8.10.050 “Removal of Protected Trees” This section clearly lists the appropriate paths for removal of problematic trees. 8.10.070 “Care of Protected Trees” Describes the homeowner’s responsibility for caring for protected trees. Our current ordinance protects our neighborhoods from developers and homeowners who would like to remove trees because they are inconveniently located or because they just don’t like trees. Our urban canopy is of great value aesthetically and environmentally for individual properties, neighborhoods and our city. Please support our excellent tree protection ordinance. Thank you Julianne Frizzell JULIANNE ADAMS FRIZZELL – Landscape Architect 1175 CHANNING AVENUE PALO ALTO CA. 94301 650-325-0905 LIC. #4077 Virus-free.www.avg.com From:Nancy Moss To:Council, City Subject:proposed shelter housing Date:Wednesday, June 7, 2023 10:39:31 AM Some people who received this message don't often get email from nancymoss@gmail.com. Learn why this isimportant CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Dear City Council members, I agree completely with Julie Lythcott-Haims that it is completely inappropriate to locate the proposed homeless shelter adjacent to the Baylands and the water purification facility. Locating this population near medical andsocial services and public transportation should be a priority. Furthermore, the Baylands is a sanctuary for avian andother wildlife and for the community-at-large and is not appropriate for housing a high-need population. This plan should be discarded immediately. Nancy MossPalo Alto resident since 1966 From:David Coale To:Council, City; Shikada, Ed; Ciralsky, Philip Cc:Planning Commission Subject:Bike/ped crossings as part of the rail crossings Date:Tuesday, June 6, 2023 9:15:44 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. Dear Mayor and City Council Members, I read with interest the article in the Weekly (May 24th, link here) about the new bike tunnels as part of the grade separation effort. I support these bike/ped crosstown tunnels as part of, and before the grade separation efforts as this will help alleviate traffic, give safe passage for bikes and peds (our school kids) and point Palo Alto towards active transportation and away from cars, which supports our Sustainability and Climate Action Plan. I am writing the committee to suggest that the bike ped crossing at Seal Ave should be at Churchill instead. There was a lot of support for closing Churchill to cars all together and this option is a backup plan to the citizen’s proposal for a crossing at Churchill – still be studied more. To save time and money, go for the closed option at Churchill now and move the bike/ped crossing from Seal to Churchill. That way you only have to build one crossing that is bike/ped (where most Paly Students now cross). This is much less expensive then building two crossings, one for cars and one for bike/ped – both of which still need a lot of study (time and money) to look into and may not even be viable after great expense. This option would also give you greater room for ramp up and down should you want to consider the viaduct option or even the mixed option of lower crossings and higher track levels. Please consider this option now so that you can move forward with the rest of the design while saving time and money in the process; money that can be spent on the other crossings. Sincerely, David Coale Barron Park From:Aram James To:ladoris cordell; Julie Lythcott-Haims; Jethroe Moore; Sean Allen; peaceandjusticecenter@gmail.com; Bains, Paul;Kaloma Smith; Javier Ortega; Human Relations Commission; Binder, Andrew; Reifschneider, James; Wagner,April; Josh Becker; Michael Gennaco; Foley, Michael; Tannock, Julie; Barberini, Christopher; Jeff Rosen; Shikada,Ed; Rebecca Eisenberg; chuck jagoda; Shana Segal; Jay Boyarsky; Perron, Zachary; Enberg, Nicholas; AngieEvans; Supervisor Susan Ellenberg; Cindy Chavez; Cecilia Taylor; Vara Ramakrishnan; alisa mallari tu; dennisburns; Kevin Jensen; Tina Boales; DuJuan Green; Rob Baker; Greg Tanaka; EPA Today; Gennady Sheyner;Council, City Subject:Dream of reparations hits political reality in California Date:Tuesday, June 6, 2023 8:44:24 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. NewsBreakUsed by over 45 million people Open APP Dream of reparations hits political reality in California POLITICO I found this on NewsBreak: Dream of reparations hits political reality in California Click to read the full story Sent from my iPhone From:Loran Harding To:Loran Harding; alumnipresident@stanford.edu; antonia.tinoco@hsr.ca.gov; Leodies Buchanan;bearwithme1016@att.net; fred beyerlein; boardmembers; David Balakian; bballpod; Council, City; Cathy Lewis;Chris Field; Doug Vagim; Dan Richard; Daniel Zack; dennisbalakian; dallen1212@gmail.com;dan.richard@earthlink.net; eappel@stanford.edu; Scott Wilkinson; Gabriel.Ramirez@fresno.gov;George.Rutherford@ucsf.edu; hennessy; huidentalsanmateo; Irv Weissman; Sally Thiessen; Joel Stiner; jerryruopoli; karkazianjewelers@gmail.com; kfsndesk; leager; merazroofinginc@att.net; Mayor; Mark Standriff;margaret-sasaki@live.com; maverickbruno@sbcglobal.net; nick yovino; newsdesk; news@fresnobee.com;russ@topperjewelers.com; Steve Wayte; terry; tsheehan; vallesR1969@att.net Subject:Fwd: Apple Vision and Stanford Prof. Date:Tuesday, June 6, 2023 8:24:34 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Loran Harding <loran.harding@stanfordalumni.org>Date: Tue, Jun 6, 2023 at 8:05 PM Subject: Fwd: Apple Vision and Stanford Prof.To: Loran Harding <loran.harding@stanfordalumni.org> Tuesday, June 6, 2023. 79 years after D-day. To all- More re. Apple Vision Pro: Here are a good seven minutes from a Stanford professor who teaches classes in this. Metavision. Listen to him. First here they talk to a reporter who tried Apple Vision Pro at the conference and was absolutely blown away. Then they talk to the Stanford professor who hasLOTS of experience with this and tells what it really is all about. It won't be a day long thing every day for most people. One big issue is that the developers have produced SOME great stuff and a lot of otherwisestuff. Meta has a new improved product that does a lot of this for 1/7 the price. A question is who will get the most out of this, business, consumers, education, medicine and related,military, law enforcement, marketing? (1) Apple VS Meta: Who will dominate the Metaverse? - YouTube The professor here seems to say that his company produces aps for this used by Walmart and B of A. Employees can go in the back room and see how to deal with a difficult customer,e.g. But that's not hours per day. He says over and over that this is not conducive to that. Why would you read 2D email using this? MY thought with it is, for one, vacation vids. Amsterdam, Koln, Paris, Mexico, Joberg,Durban, all in 3D and stereo. Been to all of them and I sure wish I had it all in this tech. Again, how do you do it safely? Hire a local tough guy to accompany you for a few hours maybe.They are around. Probably call themselves "guides". Maybe great aps are rare for this so far, but won't this trigger more great aps? Consider education. Want your kid to ace all the AP courses? Use this. Imagine learning a language, or physics or chem with this. Great aps could really hype the learning process. Any benefit tosociety there? Mechanical engineering. Medicine. They show on the AAPL website for a second a human heart and it then explodes into its component parts. Bones, blood vessels.Aneuerisms. Dentistry. I have some competence in German and Spanish, but I'd love to improve both. People talking in the language. Then they repeat it slowly, und die Worter und las Palabras appearbelow. They pronounce it slowly. I think this could help a lot with language study. The real way to learn a language is to go live there and be immersed. Even marry one. I spent 33months in Guadalajara, Mexico and you really learn that way. Studied Espanol in 9th and 10th grade and learned nothing, but maybe something stuck. Pero quando ellos hablan rapido, yoentender nada. One night at Tressider, I said to the guys at the register "the other night I said quando. I meant quanto". That made them laugh. They have made a few 3D movies and this may stimulate a lot more. Sooner or later,somebody will think to make porn using this. To see more good detail re this device, go to www.apple.com. Click on Vision Pro. Then "Learn More". You'll come to a choice: "Watch the Film" or "Watch the Event". Click on"Watch the Event". Then click on "Watch the Keynote". This is 2:05:44 and covers the Mac computers. the Ipads, the Apple watch, the I-Phone. THEN, starting at 1:20:32 they cover theVision Pro a lot. The slider line is segmented and labeled, so easy to find Vision Pro. The price will fall and the bugs will get cured. One night at Ralph Grebmeier's house in Palo Alto I asked him if people in Europe were more careful with their money than Americansare. "Whoooo!" he exclaimed. Hard to spell it out, but he meant they sure are. Maybe why not available as soon in Europe at US$3,500. As AAPL improves this and lowers the price, theywon't be able to make them fast enough. Global market. Giant product. Ralph was careful with his money and owned three houses in Palo Alto. When they were in Switzerland, Ralph wanted to stay at the YMCA. That made his wife really angry. L. William Harding Fresno, Ca. From:Mohan Gummalam To:Kou, Lydia; Council, City Cc:Mohit Thawani; Anil Rachakonda; hemashukla@yahoo.com Subject:No on SB-403 Date:Tuesday, June 6, 2023 6:43:05 PM Some people who received this message don't often get email from gummalam@yahoo.com. Learn why this isimportant CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Dear Council-members Thank you Mayor Kou and the Palo Alto council for giving us the forum to say something about SB-403. It is a bill that has been poorly crafted with some very negative repurcussions. All of us at the Palo Alto thank you for asking City Manager to study SB-403 with the city lobbyist and come up with a letter to oppose it. I am attaching a letter from HAF (Hindu American Foundation) that articulates the problems with this bill.https://www.hinduamerican.org/say-no-to-sb403 Please watch Santa Clara County DA Jeff Rosen's views on SB-403: https://youtu.be/_41wmoXLHms?t=22 There are a few more articles written widely on this topic: 1. Caste bill would harm California’s South Asian communities: Legislation may bewell-intended, but the unintended negative consequences are enormous. By Barbara McGraw The Mercury News https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/04/20/opinion-caste-bill-would-harm- californias-south-asian-communities/ 2. Preliminary Thoughts on Potential Constitutional Flaws in SB 403, a California Proposal to Prohibit Caste Discrimination by Vikram David Amar https://verdict.justia.com/2023/05/16/preliminary-thoughts-on-potential- constitutional-flaws-in-sb-403-a-california-proposal-to-prohibit-caste- discrimination 3. Why California’s caste discrimination bill is itself discriminatory. Suhag Shukla https://religionnews.com/2023/05/17/why-californias-caste-discrimination-bill-is- itself-discriminatory/ 4. Not all California innovations are good: stop SB 403. Samir Karla. Capital Weekly. https://capitolweekly.net/not-all-california-innovations-are-good-stop-sb-403/ Please be mindful of articles that talks about injustices caused by "caste". I think as DA Jeff Rosen articulates, there is discrimination caused by many communities on other communities. We do not condone any discrimination - we in fact strongly oppose any discrimination. But the problem is that this bill stigmatizes South Asians, specifically, Hindu Americans - and makes them to be presumed guilty. That is an unfair proposition. I would strongly urge the city of Palo Alto to vote against SB-403. Thank you very much for your time! Sincerely! Mohan, Mohit, Anil, Hema, and many others - concerned Palo Alto residents From:Keith Ferrell To:Reifschneider, James Cc:City Mgr; Council, City; Police Subject:Re: Vehicle on El Camino Real Date:Tuesday, June 6, 2023 4:32:51 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Can someone explain why this bus is allowed to violate city laws? It hasn't moved in monthsand actually is storing items inside the engine compartment. Why are some RVs tagged but this one gets a pass? Which laws ais the city enforcing this week? Maybe it's because he's white. On Wed, May 17, 2023, 11:01 AM Keith Ferrell <ferrell.keith@gmail.com> wrote: This is today. Garbage on the sidewalk, in the street between the sidewalk and the bus, infront of the bus and also just blowing around the general vicinity at this point. Also, he has put up two cones covering about 10ft in front of the bus. So, I guess he has just taken control of that land as well. Has anyone at the city contacted the state, Caltrans or anyone in the state legislature or is thecity just hoping this will just become commonplace and no one will care. That seems to be the strategy in other cities in CA. On Tue, May 16, 2023, 1:55 PM Keith Ferrell <ferrell.keith@gmail.com> wrote:Thanks for the response James. I believe your response highlights why the city needs to come up with a solution. The police and other employees are spending their timeaddressing the actions of this single individual instead of using it to improve the conditions of all of the residents. What do you mean when you say, "we've not yet been able to facilitate a resolution"?What needs to be facilitated? What is keeping the city from towing and impounding the bus? I am well aware of the issues surrounding mental health. I have multiple generations ofmy own family that have struggled with mental health, including schizophrenia. The owner of the bus is parked a mile away from one of the best hospitals in the country.There are safe parking spaces, halfway houses, shelters, the Opportunity Center, etc... all within walking distance. Allowing this man to continue as he is without doing everything possible to get him thehelp he needs is worse than turning a blind eye to the trash littering the sidewalk and street around the bus. Between the leaders of Stanford, the city and the state, someone has to be able to figureout a way to rectify the situation. If the answer is to just wait him out and hope for the best, then we need a change in leadership. Here's a photo from this morning. If a lawsuit needs to be filed for ADA violations, I'msure we can get that done if that's what it will take to get the city to address the situation instead of trying to facilitate a solution with someone who clearly is not able to understandlogic. Keith On Mon, May 15, 2023 at 12:19 PM Reifschneider, James<James.Reifschneider@cityofpaloalto.org> wrote: Good Afternoon Mr. Ferrell, Your email exchange with Councilmember Tanaka’s office, and an attached photo from on or before May 3rd, were forwarded to my attention for reply. I can appreciate your frustration. The Police Department is aware of this situation and has been out therenear-daily over the past few weeks. Unfortunately, we’ve not yet been able to facilitate a resolution. Multiple citations have been issued to the vehicle and its owner, and weare working with the DA’s Office to see they are prosecuted. Debris outside of the vehicle has been tagged and removed by Public Works multiple times, as recently as latelast week. I confirmed that, at present, the adjacent street and sidewalk are clear, although the vehicle itself remains. We will continue to pay attention to the area,issuing citations and removing debris as appropriate, and also continue our efforts to connect the vehicle’s owner with appropriate resources that might facilitate him movingalong. Respectfully, James JAMES REIFSCHNEIDER Captain Investigative Services Division Palo Alto Police Department 275 Forest Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94301 650.838.2778 (ph) 650.617.3120 (fx) From:Winter Dellenbach To:Julianne Frizzel Subject:Re: just one of many articles in ASLA magazine Date:Tuesday, June 6, 2023 3:30:42 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. Here is address to all on City Council: city.council@cityofpaloalto.org Thanks so much for taking your time and expertise to do this, Julianne. Winter On Jun 6, 2023, at 2:43 PM, <julianneasla@sonic.net> <julianneasla@sonic.net> wrote: On the benefits of trees in urban communities https://dirt.asla.org/2023/03/15/more-urban-trees-could-cut-summer-heat- deaths-by-a-third/ I’m noting this article in my letter. Julianne Virus-free.www.avg.com From:Jeff Hoel To:UAC Cc:Hoel, Jeff (external); Council, City Subject:Request: agendize FTTP for each UAC meeting Date:Tuesday, June 6, 2023 3:23:01 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Commissioners, I'd like to request that UAC consider asking staff to agendize for each UAC meeting an item about FTTP progress. That would allow you to discuss the item if you wanted to. Furthermore, if the item wereagendized as an action item, then you could vote on what to advise Council, if you wanted to. I suggested this once before, in my message to you of 12-30-21. (See pages 13-14 here.)https://www.cityofpaloalto.org/files/assets/public/agendas-minutes-reports/agendas-minutes/utilities-advisory-commission/archived-agenda-and-minutes/agendas-and-minutes-2022/01-05-2022/public- letters-to-uac.pdf I cited as a precedent that "From 05-07-14 to 08-31-16, each UAC agenda had a scheduled item about the drought, just in case UAC wanted to talk about it." One particular topic of interest might be an updated timeline. On 12-19-22, staff presented a timeline(see page 22 here)https://www.cityofpaloalto.org/files/assets/public/agendas-minutes-reports/item-presentations/2022/20221219/20221219pptccsm-item-20.pdf that Mayor Burt thought looked pretty aggressive (see page 39 here, at 5:03:53). https://www.cityofpaloalto.org/files/assets/public/agendas-minutes-reports/agendas-minutes/utilities-advisory-commission/archived-agenda-and-minutes/agendas-and-minutes-2023/02-feb-2023/public- letters-to-uac-february-2023.pdf Thanks. Jeff -------------------Jeff Hoel731 Colorado AvenuePalo Alto, CA 94303------------------- PS: The 06-07-23 12-month rolling calendar did not schedule any FTTP topics as future agendizeditems, although it did mention "Informational Fiber Updates" and "GM Update: Fiber Hut Count (updateJune 2023)" as "To Be Scheduled." (I would like to cite this 12-month rolling calendar as a clickable link (URL), but the City's website does notcurrently allow me to do that. You can use the clickable link in the 06-07-23 UAC agenda, just afteragenda item 5.)https://cityofpaloalto.primegov.com/Portal/Meeting?meetingTemplateId=11331 From:matt@evolutionaryteams.com To:Eggleston, Brad; Luong, Christine; Abendschein, Jonathan; Council, City Subject:S/CAP - Thank you! Date:Tuesday, June 6, 2023 3:20:39 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Dear Brad, Christine, Jonathan and City Council, Congratulations! Thank you so much for passing S/CAP last night! Sorry I could not be there in person, but just finished listening to it all – wow, that was a 1 hour and 45 minute marathon! Thanks everyone for hanging in there and passing S/CAP unanimously. Would someone kindly send me a copy of the slide deck? Again, congratulations and thank you all! Matt Matt Schlegel Schlegel Consulting 650-924-8923 Author: Teamwork 9.0 Website: evolutionaryteams.com Blog: evolutionaryteams.com/blog/ Linked In: linkedin.com/in/mattschlegel/ Twitter: twitter.com/EvoTeamMatt Instagram: instagram.com/MattSchlegel6 Facebook: facebook.com/mattschlegel.77 YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCLkUMHuG4HVa831s9yeoZ5Q Enneagram Quiz: www.EnneaSurvey.com From:Friends of the Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo To:Council, City Subject:You"re Invited: Celebrate Juneteenth at the JMZ! Date:Tuesday, June 6, 2023 11:32:42 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of openingattachments and clicking on links.   Logo_Full_Color_CMYK.jpg To purchase tickets for the Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo, please go to Enjoy! Online and book your visit for Tuesday, June 20. We hope to see you then! Photos courtesy of Artem Nazarov. Friends of the Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zooinfo@friendsjmz.org | www.friendsjmz.org DONATE NOW Connect with us Friends of the JMZ | 1451 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, CA 94301 Unsubscribe city.council@cityofpaloalto.org Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by info@friendsjmz.org in collaboration with Try email marketing for free today! From:Aram James To:Tanaka, Greg; Julie Lythcott-Haims; Veenker, Vicki; Lydia Kou; Jethroe Moore; Sean Allen; Binder, Andrew;Council, City; Shikada, Ed; Assemblymember.Berman@assembly.ca.gov; Joe Simitian; Cindy Chavez; JavierOrtega Subject:Complaints against San Jose police officers continue to rise new audit shows - YouTube Date:Tuesday, June 6, 2023 10:24:39 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________ FYI: > >  >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHD7gdJMTMY > > > Sent from my iPhone From:Mary Gallagher To:Council, City Subject:Renter’s Blues to Renter’s Bliss Date:Tuesday, June 6, 2023 7:53:24 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Thank you for your leadership and listening to public comment from renters. I spoke last evening to express my support for security deposit limits and just cause evictions. I also mentioned investment by foreigners in Palo Alto real estate and the illegal practices oflandlords that can adversely impact a person’s ability to lease and sustain a lease. Below is an article about foreign investment by Chinese folks. Unfortunately, foreign investment is not limited to the Chinese. Do we have a list of foreign investment by countryand % of each? If so, may you share the list with me? https://www.theatlantic.com/china/archive/2013/11/why-chinese-people-buy-so-many-homes- in-palo-alto/281234/ With an interest in homeownership for all, Mary -- Mary Gallagher, B.Sc. Aquatics Professional650-683-7102 (cell) Copyright 2022 Security Alert NoticeThe information contained in this e-mail is confidential information, presumed to be virus free, and intended only for use by the individual or entity named above. Virus protection is the responsibility of the recipient. If the reader of this email is not the intended recipient, dissemination or distribution is prohibited. If you have received this email in error,please delete the material from your computer. From:Aram James To:Sean Allen; Binder, Andrew; Council, City; Supervisor Susan Ellenberg; Cecilia Taylor; Joe Simitian; JethroeMoore; Human Relations Commission; Shikada, Ed; Wagner, April; Michael Gennaco; Reifschneider, James; JeffRosen; Joe Simitian; Rebecca Eisenberg; chuck jagoda; Shana Segal; Jay Boyarsky; Perron, Zachary; Enberg,Nicholas; Foley, Michael; Michael Gennaco Subject:Santa Clara Co.: Sheriff gives full-throated support for public release of purported racist jail texts – The Mercury News Date:Monday, June 5, 2023 10:24:43 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________ From the archives 2015-Has anything changed? https://www.mercurynews.com/2015/12/11/santa-clara-co-sheriff-gives-full-throated-support-for-public-release-of- purported-racist-jail-texts/ Sent from my iPhone From:Aram James To:Perron, Zachary; Wagner, April; Reifschneider, James; Binder, Andrew; Barberini, Christopher; Foley, Michael;Michael Gennaco; Lauing, Ed; Sean Allen; Jethroe Moore; Council, City; Human Relations Commission; JeffRosen; Joe Simitian; Rebecca Eisenberg; ladoris cordell; chuck jagoda; Shana Segal; Jay Boyarsky; Josh Becker;Enberg, Nicholas; Julie Lythcott-Haims; Angie Evans; Javier Ortega; Supervisor Susan Ellenberg; Cindy Chavez;Vara Ramakrishnan; alisa mallari tu; Cecilia Taylor; dennis burns; Kevin Jensen; Tina Boales Subject:WATCH: White Teacher Calls Black Student A Racial Slur Date:Monday, June 5, 2023 10:02:57 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________ Why is PAPD Captain Zack Perron still employed by the city of Palo Alto. Fire Zack Perron Now! https://youtu.be/-PXWoW_9YCg Sent from my iPhone From:Loran Harding To:Loran Harding; alumnipresident@stanford.edu; antonia.tinoco@hsr.ca.gov; Leodies Buchanan; beachrides;bearwithme1016@att.net; fred beyerlein; boardmembers; David Balakian; bballpod; Council, City; Cathy Lewis;Chris Field; Doug Vagim; dennisbalakian; dan.richard@earthlink.net; Daniel Zack; eappel@stanford.edu; ScottWilkinson; Gabriel.Ramirez@fresno.gov; George.Rutherford@ucsf.edu; hennessy; huidentalsanmateo; IrvWeissman; Sally Thiessen; Joel Stiner; jerry ruopoli; karkazianjewelers@gmail.com; kfsndesk; leager;merazroofinginc@att.net; Mayor; Mark Standriff; margaret-sasaki@live.com; maverickbruno@sbcglobal.net; nickyovino; newsdesk; news@fresnobee.com; russ@topperjewelers.com; Dan Richard; Steve Wayte; terry;tsheehan; vallesR1969@att.net Subject:Fwd: Appple Vision Pro Date:Monday, June 5, 2023 9:36:23 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Loran Harding <loran.harding@stanfordalumni.org>Date: Mon, Jun 5, 2023 at 9:01 PM Subject: Fwd: Appple Vision ProTo: Loran Harding <loran.harding@stanfordalumni.org> ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Loran Harding <loran.harding@stanfordalumni.org> Date: Mon, Jun 5, 2023 at 8:47 PMSubject: Appple Vision Pro To: Loran Harding <loran.harding@stanfordalumni.org> Monday, June 5, 2023 To all- Here is Apple Vision Pro on the Apple website: Scroll down to where it says "Watch theFilm". Apple Vision Pro - Apple Bet Nvidia had a hand in this. The cry is that it's too expensive. The cost of a sunroof on some SUVs. A fourth the cost of a Rollie. I think it will sell big. Apparently one can go outand shoot video with this and come home and watch it in 3D and stereo. Any good for vacations to Europe or Tokyo, etc.? Of course the usual warnings apply there. You don't weara $3,000 camera around your neck in San Francisco, e.g. One tourist did and he had it ripped off his neck. What do you think? You can wear $3 or $5,000 of tech around your neck and notget noticed by desperate people? A lot of private places, like restaurants, don't want you shooting video in there of the customers. Wonder how this would work there? Museums? I was walking down the grandcorridor in the Louvre and I just happened to glance over my right shoulder into a big gallery as I passed. In there was merely the Mona Lisa. I got in line and got my 3 seconds in front of her. They ban flash in museums since it can damage the art. Wonder if this would be allowed. But this looks like a huge winner for APPL. Go to Vanguard's Index 500 fund. See the 10 pages listing the 500 stocks in there. Numberone by dollar value invested is AAPL. L. William Harding Fresno, Ca. From:Aram James To:Stump, Molly; Stump, Molly; Julie Lythcott-Haims; Jethroe Moore; Sean Allen; Council, City; Human RelationsCommission; Shikada, Ed; Council, City; Josh Becker; Assemblymember.Berman@assembly.ca.gov Subject:Silicon Valley Has a Caste Problem Date:Monday, June 5, 2023 9:01:13 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. https://slate.com/technology/2022/07/caste-silicon-valley-thenmozhi-soundararajan.html Shared via the Google app Sent from my iPhone From:Aram James To:Lauing, Ed; Lauing, Ed; Jethroe Moore; Sean Allen; Julie Lythcott-Haims; Human Relations Commission; Council,City; Josh Becker; Assemblymember.Berman@assembly.ca.gov; Joe Simitian; Cindy Chavez; Supervisor SusanEllenberg; Javier Ortega Subject:Inside Silicon Valley"s Reports Of Casteism And Racism Date:Monday, June 5, 2023 8:47:10 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________ https://www.outlookindia.com/international/inside-silicon-s-valley-s-reports-of-casteism-and-racism-news- 266977/amp Sent from my iPhone From:Aram James To:Julie Lythcott-Haims; Veenker, Vicki; Council, City; Greg Tanaka; Josh Becker; Jethroe Moore; Human RelationsCommission; Sean Allen; Council, City; Shikada, Ed Subject:Silicon Valley Hidden Caste System Date:Monday, June 5, 2023 8:33:12 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. https://www.wired.com/story/trapped-in-silicon-valleys-hidden-caste-system/ Shared via the Google app Sent from my iPhone From:Aram James To:Burt, Patrick; Patricia.Guerrero@jud.ca.gov; Shikada, Ed; Council, City; Josh Becker; Human RelationsCommission; Assemblymember.Berman@assembly.ca.gov; Lydia Kou; Lait, Jonathan; Shana Segal; Angie Evans Subject:Unavoidable Dalit Voice Date:Monday, June 5, 2023 7:40:07 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________ https://www.allaboutambedkaronline.com/amp/rise-of-an-unavoidable-dailt-voice-a-review-of-suraj-yengde-s-caste- matters Sent from my iPhone From:Aram James To:City Alto; Lauing, Ed; Josh Becker; Assemblymember.Berman@assembly.ca.gov; Sean Allen; Jethroe Moore;Council, City; Human Relations Commission Subject:NYTimes: Isabel Wilkerson’s ‘Caste’ Is an ‘Instant American Classic’ About Our Abiding Sin Date:Monday, June 5, 2023 7:21:34 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________ https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/31/books/review-caste-isabel-wilkerson-origins-of-our-discontents.html? smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare Isabel Wilkerson’s ‘Caste’ Is an ‘Instant American Classic’ About Our Abiding Sin Sent from my iPhone From:Aram James To:Council, City; Lauing, Ed; Shikada, Ed; Josh Becker; Human Relations Commission; Sean Allen; Jethroe Moore Subject:RFK Jr Date:Monday, June 5, 2023 6:53:26 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYjGvHWq_-I Sent from my iPhone From:Roberta Ahlquist To:Gerry jurgensen; Gerry Gras; Henry Etzkowitz; Aram James; Palo Alto Renters" Association; Angie, Palo AltoRenters Association; Donald A. Barr; Ruben Abrica Subject:Fwd: Affordable Housing Network Newsletter June 2023 Date:Monday, June 5, 2023 6:28:49 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: <perrysandy@aol.com>Date: Thu, Jun 1, 2023 at 2:30 AM Subject: Affordable Housing Network Newsletter June 2023To: fyijoin us! AFFORDABLE HOUSING NETWORK NEWSLETTER JUNE 2023 In May, the Affordable Housing Network decided that instead of holding its regular June meeting on Zoom, we would join the general meeting of the Regional Tenant Organizing Network that will be held in person at the same time, 5:30 pm on WEDNESDAY, June 7. We will meet at an outdoor patio in downtown San Jose, with food, fun and english/spanish interpretation. It will be a great time to connect with other tenant organizers and leaders from around the Bay Area. If you wish to attend, please respond to this email and we will send the address and information. RSVP is necessary so we can plan for how much food we will need. ______________________________________________________ En mayo, la Red de Vivienda Asequible decidió que en lugar decelebrar su reunión habitual de junio en Zoom, nos uniríamos a lareunión general de la Red Regional de Organización de Inquilinos quese llevará a cabo en persona a la misma hora, a las 5:30 p. m. elMIÉRCOLES de junio. 7. Nos reuniremos en un patio al aire libre en elcentro de San José, con comida, diversion, e interpretacióninglés/español. Será un buen momento para conectarse con otros organizadores de inquilinos y líderes de todo el Área de la Bahía. Si desea asistir, responda a este correo electrónico y le enviaremos ladirección y la información. RSVP es necesario para que podamosplanificar la cantidad de comida que necesitaremos. DON’T MESS WITH MEASURE E! In May, the Affordable Housing Network signed on to the following REAL Coalition letter to City Councilopposing Mayor Matt Mahan’s proposal to slash Measure E funds for affordable housing: Dear Mayor Mahan, Vice Mayor Kamei, and members of the City Council: We are a broad coalition of organizations and individuals writing to ask you to support maintaining thecurrent Measure E expenditure plan. The proposed changes not only zero out funding for affordablehousing next year, but raid the funds received in prior years and create a massive long term budgetobligation to the city. This violates our commitment to voters, undermines our commitment to expandingaffordable housing, and ignores the role of affordable and permanent supportive housing in providing realhomes for people moving out of interim shelters. The destabilizing impact of rent burden, overcrowding, displacement, and the increase in homelessnessis a result of the lack of homes in our community that people can afford. As a City, we have recently madeimportant commitments to building affordable housing in more parts of the City, expanding opportunitiesand ensuring that new housing is a resource for neighborhood stability. Taking money from Measure E forband aid solutions is abandoning these commitments. Overdependence on interim shelter is a major shift in priorities, and not a responsible policy. We urge youto keep the balanced approach of the current Measure E expenditure plan.________________________________________________________________________________ Affordable Housing Network joined the hundreds of tenants, unhoused, formerly unhoused, andcommunity organizations to rally and testify against the Mayor’s plan on May 16. The few Mayor’ssupporters who testified in favor of the proposal were led by wealthy realtors and landlords, whoapparently believe that they benefit from the tight rental market that is the status quo. But San Jose’sdesperate shortage of affordable housing is causing unbearable displacement and suffering for hundredsof thousands of unhoused or rent-burdened residents. Homelessness in America is caused by national disinvestment in affordable housing going back almostfifty years. The solution is construction or preservation of some 12 million permanently affordable housingunits to address the national shortfall. Mahan and his supporters essentially claim that creating affordablehousing is “unrealistic” and “too expensive” and should be abandoned, in spite of the fact that we live inthe richest region and the richest country in the history of the world. Mahan is calling for diversion of Measure E funds to his other priorities: moving unhoused people out ofsight, increased police staffing, and establishing “no-encampment zones”. His proposalwould drastically reduce the 75% share of Measure E funds allocated to affordable housing by CityCouncil in 2022. According to a San Jose Spotlight chart, even the “compromise” proposal announced byMahan on May 24 would still cut affordable housing funds by $43 million. But defunding housing will only make homelessness get worse in San Jose – because interim housingand shelters only work when there is permanent affordable housing to move into afterward. The last timeCity affordable funds were cut, when redevelopment was ended in 2011, homelessness in San Joseexploded. In his budget message, Mayor Mahan promoted the punishment-based “Haven for Hope” shelter founded by Donald Trump’s notorious Interagency Council on Homelessness director, Robert Marbut. Marbut, like Trump, is well-known for opposing the evidence-based “Housing First” approach to ending homelessness that is used by HUD, the State of California, and by cities all across the country. Marbut claims that homelessness is not a housing problem but a behavioral problem, and is best addressed by punishment. According to him, people should just be forced to work harder until they are able to afford market rate rents. He calls his approach the “Velvet Hammer”. Without permanent affordable housing, the only way the Mayor can “end encampments” is with Marbut- style detention centers. If unhoused people ever decide to leave those centers, Mahan promises to sendout police officers to bring them back, by enforcing his edict that “we should expect unhoused residents toaccept alternatives to unmanaged encampments when offered”. Affordable Housing Network believes that the real solution is to fight for the 12 million units necessary toend homelessness and housing insecurity altogether. In the meantime, we believe that City Council’s2022 Measure E allocation of 75% to affordable housing and 25% to homelessness prevention andservices is the proper balance between permanent housing and interim solutions. Please join us in speaking out against the Mayor’s budget plan at 6:00 pm on Monday, June 12. ¡NO CAMBIA LA MEDIDA E! En mayo, la Red de Vivienda Asequible firmó la siguiente carta de la Coalición REAL al ConcejoMunicipal que se opone a la propuesta del alcalde Matt Mahan de recortar los fondos de la Medida Epara viviendas asequibles: Estimado Alcalde Mahan, Vicealcalde Kamei y Miembros del Concejo Municipal: Somos una amplia coalición de organizaciones e individuos que le escribimos para pedirle que apoye elmantenimiento del plan de gastos actual de la Medida E. Los cambios propuestos no solo eliminan losfondos para viviendas asequibles el próximo año, sino que también eliminan los fondos recibidos en añosanteriores y crean una enorme obligación presupuestaria a largo plazo para la ciudad. Esto viola nuestrocompromiso con los votantes, socava nuestro compromiso de ampliar las viviendas asequibles, e ignorael papel de las viviendas de apoyo permanentes y asequibles para proporcionar hogares reales a laspersonas que se mudan de los refugios provisionales. El impacto desestabilizador de la carga de la renta, el hacinamiento, el desplazamiento, y el aumento depersonas sin hogar es el resultado de la falta de viviendas en nuestra comunidad que la gente puedapagar. Como Ciudad, recientemente hicimos importantes compromisos para construir viviendasasequibles en más partes de la Ciudad, ampliando las oportunidades y asegurando que las nuevasviviendas sean un recurso para la estabilidad del vecindario. Tomar dinero de la Medida E parasoluciones temporarias es abandonar estos compromisos. La dependencia excesiva del alojamiento provisional es un cambio importante en las prioridades y nouna política responsable. Le instamos a que mantenga el enfoque equilibrado del actual plan de gastosde la Medida E.________________________________________________________________________________ Affordable Housing Network se unió a los cientos de inquilinos, personas sin hogar, personasanteriormente sin hogar, y organizaciones comunitarias para manifestarse y testificar contra el plan delalcalde el 16 de mayo. Los pocos partidarios del alcalde que testificaron a favor de la propuesta estabanencabezados por ricos agentes inmobiliarios y propietarios, que aparentemente creen que se beneficiandel ajustado mercado de alquiler que es el statu quo. Pero la desesperada escasez de viviendasasequibles en San José está causando un desplazamiento y un sufrimiento insoportables para cientos demiles de residentes sin vivienda o agobiados por el alquiler. La falta de vivienda en Estados Unidos es causada por la desinversión nacional en viviendas asequiblesque se remonta a casi cincuenta años. La solución es la construcción o conservación de unos 12millones de unidades de vivienda permanentemente asequibles para abordar el déficit nacional. Mahan ysus partidarios esencialmente afirman que crear viviendas asequibles es "poco realista" y "demasiadocaro" y debería abandonarse, a pesar de que vivimos en la región más rica y el país más rico en lahistoria del mundo. Mahan está pidiendo que se desvíen los fondos de la Medida E a sus otras prioridades: sacar de la vistaa las personas sin hogar, aumentar el personal policial, y establecer “zonas sin campamentos”. Supropuesta reduciría drásticamente la participación del 75% de los fondos de la Medida E asignados aviviendas asequibles por el Ayuntamiento en 2022. Según un cuadro de San Jose Spotlight, incluso la propuesta de "compromiso" anunciada por Mahan el 24 de mayo aún recortaría los fondos de viviendaasequible por $43 millones. Pero desfinanciar la vivienda solo empeorará la falta de vivienda en San José, porque las viviendasprovisionales y los refugios solo funcionan cuando hay viviendas asequibles permanentes a las quemudarse después. La última vez que se redujeron los fondos asequibles de la Ciudad, cuando finalizó laRedevelopment en 2011, explotó la falta de vivienda en San José. En su mensaje sobre el presupuesto, el alcalde Mahan promovió el refugio basado en el castigo "Refugiopara la Esperanza" fundado por el notorio director del Consejo Interagencial sobre Personas sin Hogarde Donald Trump, Robert Marbut. Marbut, al igual que Trump, es bien conocido por oponerse al enfoquebasado en la evidencia "Vivienda Primero" para terminar con la falta de vivienda que utilizan HUD, elestado de California, y ciudades de todo el país. Marbut afirma que la falta de vivienda no es unproblema de Vivienda, sino un problema de comportamiento, y la mejor manera de abordarlo esmediante el castigo. Según él, las personas deberían verse obligadas a trabajar más duro hasta quepuedan pagar los alquileres a precio de mercado. Él llama a su enfoque el "martillo de terciopelo". Sin viviendas asequibles permanentes, la única forma en que el alcalde puede “terminar con loscampamentos” es con centros de detención al estilo Marbut. Si las personas sin hogar alguna vezdeciden abandonar esos centros, Mahan promete enviar policías para traerlos de regreso, haciendocumplir su edicto de que “debemos esperar que los residentes sin hogar acepten alternativas a loscampamentos no administrados cuando se les ofrezcan”. La Red de Vivienda Asequible cree que la verdadera solución es luchar por los 12 millones de unidadesnecesarias para acabar con la falta de vivienda y la inseguridad en la vivienda por completo. Mientrastanto, creemos que la asignación de la Medida E de 2022 del Concejo Municipal del 75 % a viviendasasequibles y el 25 % a servicios y prevención de personas sin hogar es el equilibrio adecuado entreviviendas permanentes y soluciones provisionales. Únase a nosotros para hablar en contra del plan presupuestario del alcalde a las 6:00 p. m. el lunes 12de junio. From:Aram James To:Burt, Patrick; Patricia.Guerrero@jud.ca.gov; Shikada, Ed; Jethroe Moore; Sean Allen; Julie Lythcott-Haims;Veenker, Vicki; Lauing, Ed; Human Relations Commission; Josh Becker; Council, City Subject:SB 403 to fight caste discrimination Date:Monday, June 5, 2023 6:04:17 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. https://openstates.org/ca/bills/20232024/SB403/ Shared via the Google app Sent from my iPhone From:Tran, Joanna To:Council, City Cc:Executive Leadership Team Subject:Council Bundle 5/21 - 6/2 Date:Monday, June 5, 2023 5:51:52 PM Attachments:Palo Alto Fiber Status.msgRE Wondering if you could help.msgRE May 24 2023 Human Relations Committee Agenda Posting.msgRE A big pothole on El Camino Real.msgimage001.pngimage003.pngimage004.pngimage006.pngimage007.pngimage008.pngThree Large Failed Trees in San Francisquito Creek.msgFW Invitation Palo Alto City Councilmember Greg Lin Tanaka Office Hours... @ Sun May 21 2023 8pm - 815pm(PDT) (znpcook@gmail.com).msgRE Undeliverable No more water rate hikes. $5.20 is a bad joke!.msgRE Automate pedestrian walk sign at intersections.msgimage009.png Dear Mayor and Councilmembers, On behalf of City Manager Ed Shikada, please see attached staff responses to emails received in the City.Council inbox and sent to Councilmembers from 5/21 – 6/2. Thank you, Joanna Joanna Tran Executive Assistant to the City Manager Office of the City Manager (650) 329-2105 | joanna.tran@cityofpaloalto.org www.cityofpaloalto.org From:Susan Dunn To:Council, City Subject:Please approve the 2023-2025 S/CAP Date:Monday, June 5, 2023 4:32:51 PM Some people who received this message don't often get email from susan@thedunns.com. Learn why this isimportant CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Dear Palo Alto City Council, Please approve the 2023-2025 Sustainability and Climate Action Plan. The City Council has set the ambitious goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2030. It isimperative to make progress towards this goal as soon as possible. The S/CAP is the result of a lot of hard work by staff and community. It is our best opportunity to make progress soon. Very truly yours, Susan Dunn509 Coleridge Ave Palo Alto, CA 94301 From:Laura Granka To:Council, City Subject:Public Comment for June 5 2023 meeting Date:Monday, June 5, 2023 4:04:57 PM Some people who received this message don't often get email from laura.granka@gmail.com. Learn why this isimportant CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautiousof opening attachments and clicking on links. Dear Council, Thank you again for all you do. I'm unable to attend tonight's meeting but wanted to addcommentary around two items. The first: Churchill Safety Improvements Strong support for Agenda item 4 - Approval of Construction Contract with O’Grady Paving,Inc. (C23187512) for the Churchill Avenue/Alma Street Railroad Crossing SafetyImprovements Project, Capital Improvement Program Project PL-20000 in the amount of$2,265,340 and Authorization for the City Manager to Execute Change Orders up to $226,534; and CEQA status – exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c) I don't believe this should be a contentious issue given the secured funding and obvious safetyhazards with the current crossing given its heavy use with high school students, but as a resident and parent who crosses this intersection daily on foot, I wanted to voice strongsupport for making these improvements, and thank you to the transportation committee for preparing this. The second: Quiet Zone approval and studiesI don't know when this will be discussed, but I wanted to voice support for the Quiet zone at Palo Alto Ave + further studies along the Palo Alto corridor. From public meetings, I knowthere was strong support from both Planning & Transportation Committee, as well as the Rail Committee, to approve a RR Quiet Zone at the Palo Alto Ave / RR intersection, with furtherquiet zone studies along the Palo Alto train corridor. I am further advocating for this on behalf of my family and neighbors (Churchill Ave). Atherton has instituted quiet zones, Menlo Parkhas completed the quiet zone study (which included the Palo Alto Ave location), and Palo Alto's movement here (implementation + study along our corridor) is an important andwelcome remedy to quality of life for thousands of residents until the long-term grade separations are implemented. Thank you very much. All the best,Laura Granka From:Aram James To:Binder, Andrew; Jethroe Moore; Sean Allen; Human Relations Commission; Reifschneider, James; Barberini,Christopher; Tannock, Julie; Enberg, Nicholas; Wagner, April; dennis burns; Kevin Jensen; Michael Gennaco;Foley, Michael; Vara Ramakrishnan; alisa mallari tu; Josh Becker; Jeff Rosen; Rob Baker; Council, City; JoeSimitian; ladoris cordell; Rebecca Eisenberg; Shana Segal; Jay Boyarsky; Perron, Zachary; Julie Lythcott-Haims;Angie Evans; Javier Ortega; Supervisor Susan Ellenberg; Cindy Chavez; Tina Boales; chuck jagoda; CeciliaTaylor; Greg Tanaka; EPA Today; Gennady Sheyner; Bains, Paul Subject:Video: San Jose K-9 bites man’s throat for 1 minute re-igniting police dog concerns By Lisa Fernandez and Evan SernoffskyPublished July 25, 2022KTVU FOX 2 ( Andrew came from this department to Palo Alto in 2015) Date:Monday, June 5, 2023 3:59:27 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious of opening attachments and clicking on links. ________________________________ https://www.ktvu.com/news/video-san-jose-k-9-bites-mans-throat-for-1-minute-re-igniting-police-dog- concerns.amp Sent from my iPhone From:Charlie Weidanz To:Council, City Subject:June Multi Chamber Mixer Date:Monday, June 5, 2023 12:56:42 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Be cautious ofopening attachments and clicking on links. Multi Chamber Mixer June Multi Chamber Mixer Wednesday, June 21st, 20235:30 PM – 7:30 PM Hyatt Centric Mountain View 409 San Antonio Rd Mountain View, CA 94040 Hosted By: Chambers of Commerce of Los Altos, Mountain View, Palo Alto & Sunnyvale Mix & Mingle with local businesses & enjoy light refreshments! COST:Chamber Member fee: $20Non-Chamber Member fee: $30 Proceeds for this event go directly to the Hyatt Centric tothank them for being our host venue! Register Today! This email was sent on behalf of Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce 355 Alma St Palo Alto, CA 94301.To unsubscribe click here. If youhave questions or comments concerning this email or services in general, please contact us by email at info@paloaltochamber.com.