HomeMy Public PortalAbout20210119 - Select Board - Meeting Minutes TOWN OF HOPKINTON Select Board Meeting Minutes – January 19, 2021 Remote Meeting via Zoom 6:00 PM Select Board Members Present: Brendan Tedstone, Chair, Irfan Nasrullah, Vice Chair, Brian Herr, Mary Jo LaFreniere, Amy Ritterbusch Officials Present: Town Manager Norman Khumalo, Assistant Town Manager Elaine Lazarus CALL TO ORDER: ​Mr. Tedstone called the public meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Mr. Tedstone called the name of each Select Board member. Mr. Nasrullah, Ms. LaFreniere and Ms. Ritterbusch responded affirmatively that they were present and could hear him. Mr. Tedstone called the names of staff members, and Mr. Khumalo and Ms. Lazarus responded affirmatively that they were present. Mr. Tedstone listed additional speakers anticipated at the meeting. Mr. Tedstone read a statement prepared with Mr. Nasrullah which condemned the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, stating that political opponents are neighbors and not enemies, and that violence has no place in our democracy. Mr. Tedstone stated that the Board is meeting via Zoom Webinar, and if there is anyone attending who would like to speak during the Public Forum portion of the agenda, they must notify the meeting host in advance. Mr. Tedstone stated that the meeting is being conducted remotely consistent with Governor Baker’s Executive Order of March 12, 2020, due to the current State of Emergency in the Commonwealth due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. He noted that in order to mitigate the transmission of the virus, the Board is complying with the Executive Order that suspends the requirement of the Open Meeting Law to have all meetings in a publicly accessible physical location. He stated that the Executive Order allows public bodies to meet entirely remotely as long as the public body makes provisions through adequate, alternative means to ensure that interested members of the public are provided reasonable access to the deliberations of the meeting. He noted that this meeting will include public comment. He noted that for this meeting the Board is convening by video conference via Zoom Webinar as posted on the Town’s web meeting calendar and the Board’s agenda identifying how the public may join. He stated that the meeting may also be broadcast by HCAM. He noted that the meeting is being recorded and some attendees are participating by video conference. Mr. Tedstone stated that all supporting materials that have been provided to the Board are available on the Town website via the web meeting calendar, unless otherwise noted. Mr. Tedstone reviewed the ground rules of the meeting including how speakers, board members and the public may participate. He stated that all votes taken in the meeting will be conducted by roll call vote. 1 Mr. Herr joined the meeting at this time. Board members recited the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC FORUM​: There were no public comments. COVID-19 UPDATE: ​ Shaun McAuliffe, Public Health Director, stated that Hopkinton is coming off the worst 2 weeks of the pandemic so far, with 535 cases total, and 172 cases in the last month alone. He stated there were 22 new cases over the last week, and the positivity rate was a high of 5.95%. He stated that recent cases are resulting from people not doing enough to reduce exposure, with tracing back to family gatherings, office parties, travel by air, car and train, and some work and sporting activities. He stated that recovery from this peak is within the Town’s grasp, and people need to focus on the basics with respect to face covering, distancing, hygiene, and reducing personal exposure. Mr. McAuliffe recognized Julia McDonald, a college student who is doing wonderful contract tracing work along with two nurses brought in for this purpose. He stated the State is moving into the vaccination stage, and first responders have been vaccinated. He stated that the State is focusing on getting all of the phase 1 groups taken care of and securing their second doses first, then moving to phase 2. Mr. Tedstone stated that residents are asking if Town staff will be giving vaccine injections, and it was stated that entities including CVS are giving the vaccinations, not Town staff. Mr. Nasrullah asked about how phase 2 will work with respect to identifying and making sure that recipients meet the criteria. Mr. McAuliffe stated the State is refining the process, and will provide guidance. He stated that he believes that by the time large phase 2 groups can be vaccinated, there will be several mass vaccination sites operating that can handle the volume. CONSENT AGENDA: MOVED​ by Mr. Nasrullah and ​SECONDED​ by Ms. Ritterbusch to approve the Consent Agenda, consisting of approval of the Minutes of the Jan. 5, 2021 Select Board meeting. ​ROLL CALL:​ Mr. Nasrullah-Yes; Mr. Herr-Yes; Ms. LaFreniere-Yes; Ms. Ritterbusch-Yes; Mr. Tedstone-Yes. ​Vote to Approve: Yes-5, No-0. YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICES STRATEGIC PLAN: ​ Dawn Alcott Miller, Director of Youth and Family Services, thanked those who assisted with the preparation of the Strategic Plan and the residents who worked hard to establish the Department. Ms. Miller reviewed the Strategic Plan, noting that there is concerning data regarding substance abuse, but Hopkinton does a lot right and fares better than surrounding communities. She stated that the critical strategic issues are that the Department can’t succeed by itself, residents need more clarity as to the purpose of the Department, it is challenging to be different in Hopkinton, resources are needed, and Covid-19 has created a critical situation. She reviewed the Mission for the Department, to provide access to comprehensive social services for youth and families, and to enhance behavioral health in the whole community. She noted the Vision involves prioritizing behavioral health and making sure people know where to turn when they need help. She reviewed the Values stated in the Plan, noting that if one of us is not ok, then no one is ok. She reviewed the Plan’s goals, which are oriented around the Mission, Vision and Values. 2 Board members expressed appreciation for the work the Department is doing, and asked how the Board can help. The Board discussed the importance of people getting the help that they need, the level of interaction the Dept. has with the School Department, and the emotional well being of children during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. The Board expressed appreciation for the body of work represented by the Strategic Plan, and the work that the Department is doing in the community. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICE PROPOSAL:​ Finley Perry, Chair, Growth Study Committee (GSC), joined the Board. Mr. Perry stated the GSC has been conducting a lot of research, and every time an element of growth is examined, economic development comes up as a topic that needs support. He stated that if the Town does economic development as a formal function, then an economic development (ED) position should be in the budget, working out of the Town Manager’s office He stated that the purpose of the ED office is to call attention to the fact that Hopkinton is more than a bedroom community and hosts significant corporations. He noted that the tax base is 84% residential and 16% commercial/industrial, and the GSC wants to maintain this healthy relationship. He noted that the Town’s commercial areas are small, some land is vacant or underdeveloped, and a lot of the buildings were built in the 1980’s. He stated there is a lot of competition for life science and biotechnology businesses in the State. He stated that an ED position would be the “sales and marketing” arm of the Town, and listed several responsibilities and duties of the position, including outreach to businesses and commercial real estate professionals, and assisting with the permitting process. He stated that the Planning Board has voted to support the concept. In response to a question, Mr. Perry stated that one idea is to hire a one year contract employee in the 70K - 80K range with incentives for more. He stated some people think the Town is doing fine, but it is not, and there is more that could be done. Mr. Nasrullah stated that in order to grow the community it makes sense to have a coordinated approach from one person. Mr. Herr stated that a lot of what has been talked about goes on, but perhaps randomly and not consistently; and it would be nice to have coordination so it is more effective. He stated his concern is the timing, and the real estate markets are tough right now with unusual things happening, so there may be a need to recalibrate with the commercial real estate market. He stated he is not sure that the market is stable enough to make a difference in the economic activity on the commercial side of the ledger at this time. Mr. Perry stated the biggest impact could be through attracting bioscience manufacturing. Ms. LaFreniere referred to similar positions in other communities, adding that she is worried about the Downtown area as well. Ms. Ritterbusch noted that office space needs are changing, and the Town can be prepared to adapt and fill the space that is vacated, and help with downtown revitalization. She added that at the GSC’s public forum, most residents thought this position was a good idea. Mr. Tedstone noted that with the pandemic came a hiring freeze, and limited funds could go to a police officer, teacher, etc. He noted that he is open to considering the request, but is not sure it can be justified right now when there are other positions that have not been filled. 2021 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING AND FY 22 BUDGET UPDATE: ​Mr. Khumalo listed the potential non-recurring articles for the Board’s consideration for the Annual Town Meeting 3 Warrant, as listed in the meeting packet. He stated that he also shared with the Board recently the potential for a bylaw addressing the discharge of firearms in residential areas raised by residents, and recommended that the Board consider including an article for now, and as the process moves forward, it could be removed if so desired. He stated he is seeking a consensus of the Board as to whether a Firearms bylaw should be put on the warrant, with the specifics of a bylaw to be discussed at a future meeting. Mr. Tedstone noted that the State has laws regarding firearms and asked whether the Town can modify those. He stated he is concerned about protecting hunting and the gun clubs in Town. Mr. Khumalo stated the bylaw could not affect permitted gun clubs per State law, and a bylaw would address the discharge of firearms on private property and a certain distance from residences. MOVED​ by Mr. Nasrullah and ​SECONDED​ by Ms. Ritterbusch to put a placeholder on the 2021 ATM warrant for a bylaw addressing the discharge of firearms. ​ROLL CALL:​ Mr. Nasrullah-Yes; Mr. Herr-Yes; Ms. LaFreniere-Yes; Ms. Ritterbusch-Yes; Mr. Tedstone-Yes. Vote to Approve: Yes-5, No-0. Ms. Ritterbusch stated that the Zoning Advisory Committee has been discussing a Tree Cutting bylaw, and asked the Board if it would consider submitting this as a General Bylaw amendment. She stated she does not have details at this time, and can provide more information at the next meeting. She stated a bylaw would provide protection for trees and forests from clear-cutting, and require a percentage of trees be retained on a lot. She stated she would provide information for the next meeting. Mr. Khumalo proposed that the Board hold a public hearing on its proposed General Bylaws on Feb. 23. Mr. Khumalo updated the Board as to the progress of developing the FY22 budget. He stated that budget meetings are continuing, noting that the Board directed the Town Manager to develop 1% and 2.5% tax impact budgets, which are due to the Board on Jan. 26. He stated that as of today, requests exceed the revenues significantly. He stated that an informed decision can be made as to the choices through the deliberate and transparent process that will follow the budget submission. He reminded the Board that the Town Manager only has 6 to 9 days to compile the comprehensive budget after the School Dept. budget is received, and this pace is crazy, and the pressure on the finance team is intense. He stated the work is difficult and we can’t keep doing this to ourselves. TOWN MANAGER REPORT​: Mr. Khumalo stated that at the preconstruction meeting for the Main Street Corridor Project, they heard the schedule for the project, and the contractor is looking at this in phases, with phase 1 from the Common to the Rt. 85/135 intersection, and phase 2 is the remainder, with all underground work occurring in the first year and the above-ground work in the second. He stated there will be a strong communication effort with all parties coordinating. 4 LIAISON REPORTS/BOARD INVITES​: Ms. LaFreniere stated the Sandy Beach group has developed plans for use this summer, noting that the area is more than a beach, it is a park. Mr. Nasrullah stated with respect to the Upper Charles Trail Committee, work on the Campus Trail Connector is moving along, the wetland delineation is done, and the consultant has ideas as to where the Trail will go. Ms. Ritterbusch asked how all the businesses in downtown will be reached through the communication plan for the Main Street Corridor Project, as not all are Chamber of Commerce members. Mr. Khumalo stated the Town has phone numbers and/or email addresses for most of the project abutters, both residential and commercial. FUTURE BOARD AGENDA ITEMS​: There were no future agenda items identified. MOVED ​by Mr. Nasrullah and ​SECONDED​ by Ms. LaFreniere to adjourn the meeting. ​ROLL CALL:​ Mr. Nasrullah-Yes; Mr. Herr-Yes; Ms. LaFreniere-Yes; Ms. Ritterbusch-Yes; Mr. Tedstone-Yes. ​Vote to Approve: Yes-5, No-0. Adjourned: 7:30 PM Approved: February 2, 2021 Documents used at the meeting: ●Draft Minutes of the Jan. 5, 2021 Select Board meeting ●Presentation entitled “Strategic Plan 2020-2023”, Youth & Family Services Department ●Hopkinton Youth and Family Services Strategic Plan Overview ●Hopkinton Youth and Family Services Strategic Plan 2020-2023 ●Growth Study Committee Discussion with Select Board, January 19th, 2021, Create a Town of Hopkinton Economic Development Office ●Potential 2021 ATM Warrant Articles - Select Board and Town Manager, dated Jan. 14, 2021 ●Draft Article - New Trench Safety Officer Bylaw ●Draft Article - Dog Licensing - General Bylaw Chapter 62 ●Draft Article - Street Opening Permits - New General Bylaw ●Amendments to Chapter 174, Streets and Sidewalks, dated Jan. 14, 2021 ●Memo dated 1/14/21 to Select Board from Norman Khumalo, re: Staff Report, Select Board January 19, 2021 Meeting ●Script for Remotely Conducted Open Meetings, Select Board 1/19/2021 5