HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 06:218 2lZesolutlcTl1 n£ Hie ;Ißnrcrug[1 n£ GIUt eretJ ;FL ]_ N" --IÜ6-2t8- Do" 1,\dcp"o,,_J_uLJ'-20, 2006 AUTHORIZING YEAR 2007 ALLIANCE AGREEMENT ETWEEN THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET AND THE COUNTY OF 1 IDDLESEX 'WHEREAS, the lnterlocal Services Act, N.J.S.A.408A~1 et seq. encourages counties and municipalities to enter into interlocal contracts for t e joint provision of services in order to effechlate economies in government co ts to help reduce local property taxes; and provide lega1 authority and procedures to effectuate such agreements; and \VHEREAS, the County of Middlesex (the "County") and the B rough of Carterct (the "Borough") are desirous of entering into such an interlocal s rvices agreement to provide alcoholism and drug abuse prevention and edu tiOD services to I'vIiddlesex County residents who are also residents of the 80rou 1 ofCarteret; and \VHEREAS, pursuant to said agreement, the County is willi g to provide the Borough the sum of $21 ,549.00 from a trust account establishe with State grant funds; and 'WHEREAS, pursuant to the agreement, the Borough must rovide matching funds in the amount of $21 ,549.00 cash and in-kind services pri r to receiving the aforementioned sum from the County; and \VHEREAS the County and the Borough are authorized to en er into the above described agreement without public advertisement for bids for he same pursuant 10 NJ.S.A. 40A: 11-5(2); and \VHEREAS, in accord with N.J.S.AAO:8A-4, said proposed co tract is available and open to public inspection at the office of the Carteret Municipal C1crk, Carteret Municipal Building, 61 Cooke Avenue, Carteret, NJ, be een the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor a d Council of the Borough of Carteret as follows: I. That the Year 2007 Alliance Agreement betwee the County of Middlesex and tbe Borough of Carteret for a perio of one (1) year from January l, 2007 to December 31,2007. 2. That the Mayor and Borough C1erk are authorized t execute the Year 2007 Alliance Agreement. 3. That the original and three copies of the executed y ar 2007 Alliance Agreement with the Borough seal affixed thereto, sha I be forwarded to the Middlesex County Alliance Coordinator, and a opy of the same shall be forwarded to the Carteret Alliance Coordînat r. Adopted this 20'" day 0 July, 2006 and certified as a true c py of the original on July 21, 20 6. -- KATHLEEN M. B __ Ml!niclpal Clerk RECORD OF COUNC1L VOTE YES NO NV A.B. COUNCILMAN EY, RMCICMC -~ COUNcrUYIAN YES NO NV A.B. BELLINO DIAZ ~Ul x NAPLE RIGS ST AR x L x ___~t=i- x - ImJicJlc VOIC AS - Abscm NV - Not Voting XOR· IndlcJtcs VOl (0 Ovtrrulc Ve.w ~- Adopttd JI a fTlI'~tliílg of Ihe Ivluflici¡.JJ[ Council 20 2006 CLERK FORM 11 Grant Year: 2007 STATEMENT OF ASSURA CES I. The activities proposed herein will be conducted in compliance accordance with state and Federal statutes, as well as regulations and government. iIh the provisions of P.L. 1989,e. 51, and in olicies promulgated by eiIher Ihe stale or Federal 2. All proposed prevention/early intervention efforts have been coordi ated with existing services and sysIerns in the community and demonstrate strong linkages with existing alcoholism, dru abuse and related agencies and services. 3. The activities proposed herein identify and address identified risk factors. 4. The Municipal Alliance Committee has been consulted in the developmen of this application. 5. The proposed project is designed to be one componenI within a larger ontext of planning for alcoholism and drug abuse prevention, education and intervention in the community. 6. The proposal includes provisions for Ihe training of key alliance memb rs. The municipal alliance shall consult wiIh Ihe County Alliance Steering Subcommittee to plan such training. 7. The municipality has committed the necessary financial resources and proposed herein. dministrative support to accomplish the activities 8. The municipality shall use the proposed funding to increase the level 0 be made available by the municipality for the purposes described herei funded pursuant to section 2 ofP.L. 1983, C.531 be duplicated. funds that would, in Ihe absence of such a grant, In no case will funds supplant, or will efforts 9. The municipality shall provide data to the Governor's Council on evaluating the effectiveness of the projects funded by this grant program. leoholism and Drug Abuse for the purpose of 10. If the use of funds changes from the uses proposed herein, the municipalit guidelines established by its County Alliance Steering Subcommittee. shall request a budget revision pursuant to II. The municipality shall keep such records and provide such infonnation to e Governor's Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse and/or the County Alliance Steering Subcommittee as may be requi ed for fiscal audit. 12. The municipality shall provide a plan to the County Alliance Steering Sub ommittee to the use of unused or accrued portions of Ihe grant. If such a plan is not presented and accepted, the mu icipality shall return those funds to the Governor's Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse. 13. The facts, figures and representations made in this application, including e hibits and attachments hereto, are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Name 7/13/06 Representative of Municipal Governing Body: Carteret Daniel J. Reiman I Mayor Municipality NameITitle Date Carteret Ronald Rios / Councilman 7/13/06 Municipality Name/Title Date Chairperson of Municipal Alliance Committee: Daniel J. Tarrant 7/13/06 Date FORM 12 Grant Year: 2007 FISCAL RE illREMEN S In accepting this grant it is understood that the grantee agrees to abide by t e foJlowing rules and conditions: I. The applicant agrecs to repay any portion of the amount granted which is ot used for Ihc purpose of the grant. 2. The applicant agrees to develop a comprehensive plan to provide matchin funds equivalent to the amount of the award. 3. The applicant agrees to submit full and complete records on the m nner in which the communiIy intends to acquire matching funds in accordance with County Steering Subconunittcc regula ions. 4. The applicant agrees to submit detailed and accurate accounting of th expenditures to the funding source in accordance with County Steering Subcomnùttce regulations. 5. The applicant agrees to submit periodic reports of the progress made 'n accomplishing !he purpose of Ihe grant and the method adopted to satisfy the fundraising goals as requested by the Coun Alliance Steering SubeommiItee. 6. The applicant agrees not to use any of the funds to direclly influen e legislation or the outcome of an election or to undertake any activity for any purpose foreign to the purpose of this gran 7. In the event the applicant fails to generate matching funds at the en of the contract period, the applicant shall submit documentation explaining the failure. 8. At the end of the fiscal year in which this grant falls, the applicant shall broit a financial statement explaining its use as well as any statistics and narrative which will indicate what this grant has accomplished in accordance with CounIy Alliance Steering Subcommittee regulations. 9. The municipality or lead municipality will maintain information required Susan Naples I Councilwoman Signature Daniel J. Reiman / Mayor Namerritle of Governing Representative Ronald Rios / Councilman NamefTille of Governing Representative Joseph Sitarz / Councilman Name/Tille of Governing Representative NamefTitle of Governing Representative