HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 06:231 ~Zei-\O¡ut¡lllT of tIp, ~~~r1111zìl¡ of illude el, ;:w~ 21- , 06- 231 ' No __. ---- Date or doption,_Aqgnqt 1û,-2.(X)6 AUTIlOIUZINf; IMpLEMENTATION OF A HOUSING RlQIABlLITATION PI OG~I \M fNTlIECHROME NEIGHBORHOOD PURSUANT TO TIlE B RO GH'S NEIGHBORHOOD P RESERVATION PROGRAM GRANIr A REEMENT WITH TilE NE V JERSEY DEJ'ART lEN' OF COMMUNITY AFFAI S \VHEIlE,AS, the Borough of C~rteret ("BOrougJl") has been, warded (] grant in the amount of One I-Iundr d Add Twenty-Five Thousand ($1 5,000.00) Dollars from the New Jersey Depa tment o("Co11lll1unity Affairs ("NJD 'An) to establish a Neighborhood Preservatl n Program ("NP Program") 111 the Chrome neighborhood within the B rough; and , \VHEIlEAS, the NJDCA and tile Borough have entered into n Amendment of the Neighborhood Preser alion Grant Agrecment for the bove program 10 increase the original gran awa 'ct to Tv,lQ Hundred And Twe¡ ty-Five Thousand ($225,000.00) Dollars; am \VIIEREAS, the Boroug! has eveloped a comprehensive St -ategic \Vork Plan for the implementation 0 a ho !sing rehabilitation prof,'Tam ithin the Chrome pursuant to the amended }\ P Pro ram Agreement with the NJD A. NO\V, THEH£FORE B ~ IT I~ESOL VED by the Mayor and ~ounci! of the Borough ofCartcret as fal ows: ¡ I "fha the irategiC Work Plan for the imp ementation of a nel 1borl ood preservatianJhousing reha ilitatian program m t! e ChI me neighborhood is hereby al proved. , I 2 Tha the P Program Coordinator and at er appropriate om íals a -e hereby authorized and direct d to implement and calTY out the proViSlOl1S of the above described Stra egic Vork Plan, to include the h0l1S·1g rehabilitation pro ram i 1 the Chrome neighborhood, iJ confom1ance with the N"P Pr gram Agreement \,vith the NJ CA. J Tha a co y of this Resolution, and any ther required pro rô1TI ocumentation, be forvvarded t the NJDCA. Adopted thIs 10th day of f Ugllst, 2006 and certjfied as a true cop of the original on August 11, 200 ---. - LINDA A. RlVERA Assistant Municipal C erk -- ~----~ ~~OUNC!2::~1AN _ ßELLI~_~ DIAZ . ---., --_.------"~._--- ...- YES RE ORD OF COUNCIL VOTE NO ~- A.B. .- COUNCJLMAN YES NO N\/ -~ v ,,--1--- NAPL,ES ~_ ~.. -.llJ:Q.:L_~ _._ ~_ITAKZ__, ------ --- v V - -- ~"c--- ---~-_..,_._- .---KRU~~ . y -- --- --,--~----.-.- 1M x - lndicale Vol!: AR· Abs!:n N - NOI Voting XOR - Indicat!:5 Vole () Over rill!: v!:!O Adop"'''' """'" of tho M""",p" (o~ ---,-- ~.-~-~ . _ CLERK ~~ A. "'~t 10. 2006 t7.~ ,"" I