HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 06:236 2ReSDlu±TDl1 Df ±II #06-236 ~unllT£ll uf CO I1r±ere±, 2"í. :l No Dale of Adoptiof1._..Au.gust-___24.f- 2006 RESOLUTIO OF "HE BOROUGH OF CART RET MAKING APPLICATIOI TO HE LOCAL FINANCE BO RD PURSUANT TO N. .S.A. 40A:2-7(d) AND N.J.S.A. 40 :2-II(c) WHEREAS, the Boroug 0[( arteret, in the County ofMidd sex, New Jersey desires to make application to the Deal L"inance Board for its review nd approval of a proposed Ordinance authorizing v lOllS Improvements within the Bor ugh's special improvement district; and WHEREAS, the Boroug beli yes that: (a) it is in the pub ic int rest to accomplish such purpo e; (b) said purpose 0 imp ovements are for the health, w tfare, convenience or betterment oft e in bitants of the local unit or uni s; (c) the amounts to be ex ended for said purpose or im ovements are not unreasonable 0 exo itant; (d) the proposal is an ef Icient and feasible means of p viding services for the needs of the in abita ts of the local unit or units an will not create an undue financial burdep to b placed upon the local unit or nits; NOW, THEREFORE, THE BOROUGH OF JERSEY as follows: E IT RESOL YED BY THE MA' OR AND COUNCIL OF AI< ERET, IN THE COUNTY bF MIDDLESEX, NEW Section 1. The flPpli ation to the Local Finance Bo rd is hereby approved, and the Borough's Bon Counsel and Financial A visor, along with other representatives of t e Borough, are hereby au horized to prepare such application and 0 rep esent the Borough in matters r rtaining thereto. Section 2. The Cler of the borough is hereby dir cted to prepare and file a copy of the intr duce Ordinance with the Local Fi ance Board as part of such application. Section 3. T e Lo al Finance Board is hereby respectfully requested to consider such a plic ion and to record its finding, recommendations and/or approvals as pro ided by the applicable New Jersey tatute. Adopted this 24'h ay of August, 2006 and certified as a rue copy of the original on Augus 25,2006. , , , KATHLEEN M. ARNEY, RMC/CMC Municinal rlerk RI CORD OF COUNCIL VOTE NO NY A.B. COUNCILMA COUNCILMAN YES f-,BELLINO f- ,OIAZ f-,jillIlJ1 x V X - NAPLES RTOS SITAR? YES NO NY A.B. Iv , Iv X -- -, "-- x . ¡ndical~ VOle AB - Abst \ NV - NOI Voting XOR - rldica tS Vot~ IQ Ovtrruit Vela ---- r [1- Adopled at a meeting of [he Mlllli ipJI C unci I j'Ml~~~__ ~/r" , /...,-...R-L., , CCERK 0 - .