HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 06:237 . ~\ Cf¡n lultOlt 06-237 o t n¡ e (j.tJ 0 nit ¡)l1 0 t Q1mter t, t\1· (iJ. No ________ Date of Ad p!inn~L24p- 2006 AUTHORIZING A PRþFE SIONAL SERVICES CO ·'TRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVIÇES WITH T&M ASSOCIATE - SENSORY GARDEN DESIGN PRO ECT FOR WATERFRONT PAR WHEREAS, the Borough of (arteret, ("Borough"), is in n d of specialized engineering services with regar to the engineering design, preparation of a Landscape Plan, Planting ched Ie, preparation of bid dacume ts, processing of bid submittals and [ecomn þndat on of the award of a contract vith regard to the Sensory Garden Design Pr . eet D r the Waterfront Park; and \VHEREAS, the Borough s En inccrs, T & M AS$ociates, po scss the requisite skill and expertise to praVI e sal services; and WHEREAS, T & M A socia es has submitted a proposa to provide said engineering services at a to al co t not to exceed 52,500.00; and I WHEREAS, the Mayor anþ COt nci! have reviewed said pro po a1; and \VHEREAS, the Chief Fi ancI 1 Officer has certified that fu ds are or wil1 be avallable for said purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, B~ IT RESOLVED by the Mayor Borough of Carteret, Coun yof iddlesex, State of New Jersey d Council of the as follows: 1. That the propo al fr m T &M Associates for profe ¡anal engineering services related to th engineering design, preparati n of a Landscape Plan, Planting ched Ie, preparation of bid docum lltS, processing of the submittals nd r commendation of the award f a contract with regard to the S 11501' Garden Design Puoject for th Waterfront Park, at a total amou t not 0 exceed $2,500.00 billable in accordance with T & M Associa es' xi sting contract with the B rough, IS hereby approved; 2. That annexed h~reto s a copy of said proposal; . 3. That this actio 1 1S pproved as an award of a pr fessional services contract pursu 1t to J.S.A. 40A: 11-5(1)(a). Adopted this ~4th day of ugust, 2006 and certified as a true cop of the original on Au~ust 25, 20 6. BELLINO X DIAZ X ________ ----'.C_ _KRU1L___ J f-----.-- x _ Indicale Vole AB _ AD_lent N· No! VOling XOR - Indicates Vole I Overrule VelO f---.----- --~ KA THLEPlN M BAR ___________._ +--__ __~uniciQill._Çlerk RECþRD OF COUNCIL VOljE COUNCIL!'vIAN YES NO NV A.B. COUNCILtl-IAN .NAPLES .._ __RIDS _ SITARZ.,_. Adoptcd al a meeling of (he 1v!\lnicip~1 Co ncil I ./., J. . 7\ .. /,-~ðð".. EY, RMC,CMC ------- YES NO NV A.B. X X X -- '>?(, "~ /?h,-z? 1'" -c/ CLEr<'K ELEVEN TINDALL ROAD, MIDD ET WN NJ 07748·27 2 (732) 671-6400 * fax (732) 671-7365 "W' 'w,t8IlcirTlas~;ocii]ie8 con- TM~ ASSOCIÄ7 40th 1966-2006 ~I ANNIVERSARY Ç¢ºE-~ CART-G0601 June 28, 200 Mayor Daniel J. Reiman Borough of Carteret Municipal Building 61 Cooke Avenue Carteret, NJ 07008 Re: Waterfront Park Sensory Garden Design Dear Mayor Reiman: Pursuant to your recent request, we ar pIe sed to provide this scope f services for the above-referenced project. A sensory garden will be a elco e addition to the Water ont Park for both handicapped and non-handicapped park users. We will use existing site mapping as ba map and then consider inor modifications to the concept plan proposed for the sensory garden 0 the Phase lIB Waterfront Am nities plan previously prepared for the Borough in March of 2006. We wi I th prepare a Landscape Pia for the sensory garden featuring a wide variety of plants that will appeal 0 a k visitor's sense oftouc ,smell, etc. Also as requested, we will research and work with the Borou h to select various types ofma erial (i.e., wood, stone, metal, etc.) structures for placement within the sen ory arden. The sensory garden plan will be prep red t a scale of I" = 10'. I addition to the Landscape Plan, a Planting Schedule will be prepared, a wel as the required details £ the plantings and construction of any additional paths. Not included in he pans and specifications are the shade structures and the omate fountain indicated on the previously pr pare plans. Irrigation could b accomplished via a drip irrigation system. An irrigation plan for the se sory garden will not be prepa ed or included in the construction drawings; however, we will include a p rformance specification or the drip irrigation system for inclusion in the construction document or r separate use by the Bor ugh. Upon completion of a preliminary set f pi s and specifications, we ill meet with Borough officials to present these documents. Following ny r view comments from the Borough, the plans and specs will then be finalized and readied for publi bi . We do not anticipate th need for, or include in our scope preparation of, a Soil Erosion and Sed men Control permit applicati , as less than 5,000 square feet of area will be disturbed for the constructi n 0 the sensory garden. During the bidding period, T &M Ass ciat s will assist the Borough by answering any questions from prospective bidders. We will attend the id opening, review the ids, and also prepare a letter of recommendation award to the apparen low bidder. Construction ph e services are not included in this proposal. ENGINEERS * PLANNERS * LANDSCA E A CHi1ECTS * E~NlRONI ENTAL SCIENTiSTS * SURVEYORS CIVIL" ELECTRICAL ^ ENVIRONMENTAL. "MECHANICA 'M NICIPAl." SITE" SOLID WA,' -E * STFjUCTURAL -<; TRAF:FIC ~ TRANSPORTATiC'f-: REGIONAL OFFICES IN MOORESTOWN TOMS IVE AND CLIFTON NJ, NORR STOWN Pi'" ane SAN JUAI\i, PUERTO RIV) Le: Borough of Carteret AUn: Mayor Daniel J. Reiman 11M CART -G060 I .June 28, 2006 Page 2 Re: Waterfront Park Sensory Garden Design ASSOCIATES I anticipate completing the above-reD renc d items within 30 days ollowing approval of this scope of services by the Borough. We propos aD not-to-exceed $9,500 to perform the specified planning and design services. Thank you for the opportunity to sub it t is scope of services for his worthwhile project. Following your review of this correspondence, sh uld ou have any questions w atsoever, kindly advise. Very truly yours, T&M ASSOCIATE DONALD J. NORB T, P.E. BOROUGH OF CA TERET ENGINEER JHB:DJN:sef:scb:han cc: Kathleen Barney, Borough Cl rk Patrick DeBlasio, CFO John DuPont, P.E., C.M.E., Di ect of Engineering H:\Cart\G0601\Correspondence\Reiman_Sensory Par '_1 .doc 08/23/2006 11:54 FAX 732 541 8925 ORO OF CARTERET CLER ~001 ~ ** *****$$$$$$$$$$$ * * TX REPORT *~~ * ** *********~*****. 73254128 4 ~0f, V TRANSM1SSI0N OK TX/RX NO CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID ST. TIllE USAGE T PGS. SE!\T RESULT 4418 08/23 11:54 00'36 1 OK Ii AlJTHORl~G ."- PR Ei'iGù"'1EERl¡.óG SERvI ES GARDE;\" DKSIGN PR.OJ CT ,..CT FOR - SE:-<SORY WHEREAS, the Bo,ough of cngint:cring services with c LaI\<Jsçap. Plan, Pla.'tlÌng S h bid submittals and recomm ndaá Sensory Gorden Design Pre oct r. of ~iê1ii'l=d n::p<Jr.lt1on oÍ il ts. proce:s6ing (I f -th regard to the W.HEREAS, the Borough· ski I J and expertise to provid 5S rh£ requisite WHER£AS~ T & M A~ ac:iar ~ s.:ib~ i:! proposal LO pro\'Ic.1e sa.iù DOt to c::(c:ed S1,.;:BO.OO; and : and \\"HER£.~ the Chief ¡;in ...~obk ror:s>.id pW"pose. :'lOW, 'TJŒREFORE, ß Boro'Qgh ofCarte:ret, Count Council Qf th1: tolJows: >. TA:...'\.I ..i~':~.aQ [òr profl:$~ onal engineering giD<"riq "I:SÎ~ ?r.paratio 0 r a Land5<ope ~i;:J¡¡. c.f ~i<! docwn£ tsJ proçt:s~mg of ·Ð::I :¡}f;::;e award c' a contracf with ~s:: ?¡C~i for the W a~çr!Iont Park, a:~ S~. ';:~'GoJ'..~{j bUable in . ~(;ordanc.e with T . g ~:!n:::: -;a.~~b the Bo ugh. is hereby __ That a.nnè~r:d her ~. That dús action is: n:r."aj 2S ;n;. å'IiIo'2...-::: of a pro 5sioc.aI ~it:r:s "ontract pùtSuan to N .5_\... 4(t-\;: i·5;.l;.ta). A.iQp!<i :;;:s 2¿" day of A LlS~ 2006 and ccr-=..li¿ ¿os:a ¡rue cnpy f 'he ariai='.o:t A~g= 25, 2006 K.>,.TrIT .,~ ~I. BAA Y, RMC.û\.IC MJ1..~:~õilC!e!'L-. RECO 1:1 0 COt!NCt:.. ¥107E ~~¥ I~<.,~ c:]~a:.:-':.A..'Ii I· :iAy!.FS .y NQ i"iV I A.~, ! ) !