HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 06:239 ~ ~\['£\alnt¡LTn ü£ ±IF ¿¡aüW1tB11 ü£ ([ tdl'l"rt, ~. 3J. No -----.i.ü6_~ ¡ilt of Adoprion AUEust 24_-,- 2006 STATE OFNE\\1JER EYDEPARTMENT OFE~\TIRONMENTAL PROTECTIQN G tEEN ACRES ENABLING I ESOLUTION WHEREAS, the New J rsey Department of Environmenta Protection, Green Acres Program ("State"), pro vi es 10 11S and/or grants to municipa and county governments and grants to nonprofit or amz tions for assistance in the acqt . sitian and development of lands for outdoor recreati n an conservation purposes; and WHEREAS, the Borougl of C rteret desires to further the pu lie interest by obtaining a loan of $0.00 and/or gran of $ 00,000.00 from the state to flu d the following project(s): Cmieret Multi-Park Impr veme ts. NOW, THEREFORE, he g veming body resolves that Daniel J. Reiman or the successor to the office of ~ayo is hereby authorized to: (a) make appli atio for such a loan and/or such a (b) provide ad ition I application information and may be reg ired (c) act as the·a thori ed correspondent of the abov WHEREAS, the State sh 11 de rmine jf the application is co with the scope and inten of t1 e Green Acres Program, and amount of the funding aw rd; a d \VHEREAS, the applica t is illing to use the State's fund in accordance with such rules, regulations and ap licab e statutes, and is willing to e ter an agreement with the State for the above named proje t; ant umish such documents as named applicant, and plete and in confon1mnce otify the applicant of the NOW, THEREFORE, E E IT RESOLVED BY THE MA" OR AND COUNCIL OF THE BOROUGH OF C ~RT RET as follows; 1. That the Mayor of the a ove named body or board is h reby authorized to execute an agreement and flny a 1endment thereto with the St e know as Carteret Multi- Park Improvement ; an 2. That the applicant has i matching share of the projec , if a match is required, in the amount of$80 ,000. O. 3. That, in the event the tate's funds are less than the otal project cost specified above, the appJica t has the balance of funding necess ry to complete the project; and 4. The applicant agr es to comply with all applicable fe eral, state, and local laws, rules and regulatioþs in ts perfonnance of the project. 5. That this resolutio 5hal take effect immediately. Adopted this 24th ay of August, 2006 and certified as a rue copy of the original on Augus 25,2006. COUNCILMAN KATHLEEN M. Municipal Clerk -- RE CO](D OF COUNCIL VOTE 'YEs NO NY' A.B. COUNCILM N ARNEY, RMC/CMC __U-'_'_'_ _._-~-_...,,-- ------ ---~------ YES NO NY A.B. ..._~- -----. BELLINO v DIAZ X _________ _-C_ """M X .- NAPLES RTOS STTAR? --- -- X J( -~-- -.---.- -- X -- - .-----.- --.-" -- -- .--....-- x - lndicalt VOlt A~ - Absc II NV - Not Vo!ing XOR· Indica ~~ VO!t (0 Ovefiult Veto .---+---- . -..-.-. ---.-----.. -~...- ----- (' p- , Adopted ¡¡I <J mee.(ing of (hc MI'lIi~'ipJI C unci! ~UQust 21" 2006 ~~:!,"".,A -+Ju'~AV-_L ~~...-£"'t~