HomeMy Public PortalAboutCOA Minutes 2010-04-28 TOWN OF ORLEANS ORLEANS COUNCIL ON AGING BOARD OF DIRECTORS ififfiaERKS OFFV l %L28 AM 11: 15 April 28,2010 CALLED TO ORDER 1:06 PM ADJOURNED p, Members in Attendance: George Dunn,Philip Halkenhauser,Margaret Sheehan and Frank Suits Orleans COA:Elizabeth Smith Town Hall: David Dunford,Selectman Liaison; Myra Suchenicz,Assistant Town Administrator Agenda:Adopted Secretary's Report:Accepted Treasurer's Report: Reviewed 53E%Totals Janet Reinhart—COAs Fitness&Yoga instructor gave the Board a talk regarding the Walkway,the importance of exercise. The three exercise stations will have three different exercises,with three degree levels,depending on the person's ability.There is potential for outdoor classes&private group instruction. Myra mentioned a meeting tomorrow regarding the safety fe6tures of the Walkway being held at the Orleans Firehouse. May 19th voting at the COA—New safety issues were mentioned to ensure correction of the parking&walking problems due to the construction&equipment on site. Director's Report:The Medical Model,Compass,will have a photo opt soon,with the opening on June 1'. Retrofitting will include a bathroom&kitchen;there will be 20 residents/state requirements. -Liz met with several other COA directors with regards to a mental health program for several Cape towns. Dr Ellison had spoken to both professionals and the public about the concern. A program"CAPE COAST"is being formed.The professional will meet clients in different locations,first visit would be I Y2 hour,follow up visits%hour as needed. There was a need for$15K to start,a fund raiser was suggested and a Robert Wood Johnson Grant be applied for affiliated with McLean Hospital. -There will be a few changes in staff responsibilities;&updating the Monday through Friday book. ,Myra clarified the hiring procedures with Liz. -The Health screening room will have a plaque with Art McCormick&Helen Ellides names. -Shingles clinic has changed its date from May 5th to May 20h;3-7PM,call the Health Department for appointments. -Friends will buy couches&chairs for the Day Center,some of the old furniture will go to the Dennis COA. -Gazebo.is V too big heed a building permit. —Memiiiial Wail bea 6i6n-May 6th 1 PM;Ribbon Cutting-June 6th,2:30-4:30 PM. Next�olii8 riiediifiz: May 26t'1 PM.