HomeMy Public PortalAbout20130604 - Select Board - Meeting Minutes 1 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes June 4, 2013 TOWN OF HOPKINTON Board of Selectmen June 4, 2013 A meeting of the Hopkinton Board of Selectmen was held on Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton, Massachusetts. Selectmen present: John Mosher, Todd Cestari, Brian Herr. Not Present: Ben Palleiko, Michelle Gates. Officials present: Town Manager Norman Khumalo, Operations Assistant Jamie Hellen. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Mosher called the public meeting to order at 6:05 PM in Room 205. MOVED by Herr and SECONDED by Mr. Cestari that the Board convene in Executive Session for the purpose of conducting strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel with respect to the Fire Chief’s contract; to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel with respect to the Interim Police Chief’s contract; to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining of the Fire Department and Police Dispatch contract negotiations, because an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Board; to conduct contract negotiations with nonunion personnel: Bingham Greenbaum Doll, LLP; to consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property at 25 Ash Street, because an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Board; to allow Town Staff Norman Khumalo and Jamie Hellen and Richard Flannery to participate; and to convene in public session following the conclusion of executive session. ROLL CALL: Mr. Mosher - Yes, Mr. Herr-Yes, Mr. Cestari - Yes. VOTE to Approve: Yes-3, No-0. REOPEN PUBLIC SESSION: Chairman Mosher reopened the Public Session in Room 215 with the Pledge of Allegiance. VOTE AMENDMENT: The Board considered amending a vote taken at the May 21, 2013 Board of Selectmen meeting. MOTION by Mr. Herr that the Board of Selectmen amend the vote taken at the May 21, 2013 meeting by replacing the special one day liquor licenses issued to the applicants Zoll Brothers Private Cellars and Vandervalk Farm and Winery with farmers market licenses pursuant to Section 15F of Chapter 138 of the General Laws, SECONDED by Mr. Cestari. VOTE to Approve: Yes-3, No-0, Abstained-0. PUBLIC FORUM: Residents were invited to share ideas, opinions, or ask questions regarding town government. There was no one present to participate in open forum. CONSENT AGENDA: 1. Parade Permits – The Board considered approval of a parade permit for the 300th Anniversary Committee for July 4, 2013. 2 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes June 4, 2013 2. One-Day Liquor License – The Board considered approval of a one-day liquor license for Weston Nurseries. Mr. Herr asked that Item 1 be broken out. MOTION by Mr. Cestari to approve the Consent Agenda with Item 1 broken out, SECONDED by Mr. Herr. VOTE to Approve: Yes-3, No-0, Abstained-0. Mr. Herr asked if the parade permit requested by the 300th Committee was intended to be the traditional Horribles Parade. Mr. Khumalo confirmed that the Horribles Committee and 300th Committee are working in conjunction on this parade. MOTION by Mr. Cestari to approve Item 1 of the Consent Agenda, SECONDED by Mr. Herr. VOTE to Approve: Yes-3, No-0, Abstained-0. SPECIAL STATE ELECTION WARRANT APPROVAL: The Board considered approval of the warrant for the special state election to be held on June 25, 2013. MOTION by Mr. Cestari to approve the special state election warrant to be held June 25, 2013, SECONDED by Mr. Herr. VOTE to Approve: Yes-3, No-0, Abstained-0. ANTI-CASINO INTER-MUNICIPAL AGREEMENT: The Board considered execution of an inter-municipal agreement with the Towns of Ashland, Holliston, and Medway in opposition to the detrimental effects of casino development in the MetroWest region. Mr. Khumalo provided an overview of this agreement, under which Hopkinton would be the lead community relative to communications and marketing. He stated each town has agreed to an initial contribution of $25,000 toward this effort. Questions and comments from the Board were addressed. MOTION by Mr. Cestari that the Board vote to execute the inter-municipal agreement with the towns of Ashland, Holliston, and Medway to oppose the detrimental effects of casino development in the MetroWest region, SECONDED by Mr. Herr. VOTE to Approve: Yes-3, No-0, Abstained-0. FISCAL 2014 WATER AND SEWER RATES: The Board considered setting the water and sewer rates for Fiscal 2014, effective July 1, 2013, pursuant to the Special Act of establishing the Department of Public Works in Hopkinton. A presentation was made to the Board to provide an overview of the water and sewer departments, revenues, and the reasoning behind the recommended rate increases. Questions and comments from the Board were addressed. The Board delayed voting on the rates until their next meeting and requested scenarios of three and four years be presented, keeping retained earnings over 10% and leaving enough in the capital budget for a major failure. METROWEST VETERANS SERVICES DISTRICT: The Board heard a presentation from John Givner, Director of Veterans Services, MetroWest District. Renewal of the MetroWest Veterans Services District agreement was considered. MOTION by Mr. Cestari to renew the MetroWest Veterans Services District agreement, SECONDED by Mr. Herr. VOTE to Approve: Yes-3, No-0, Abstained-0. CONSERVATION RESTRICTIONS: The Board considered executing the following: 3 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes June 4, 2013 1. Fruit Street conservation restriction for a parcel of land approximately 145 acres to be held under the joint ownership of the Sudbury Valley Trustees and the Hopkinton Area Land Trust pursuant to Article 26 of 2005 Annual Town Meeting. 2. Pratt Boundary Line Agreement for the Fruit Street-Pratt boundary line resolution/agreement. 3. Braden Woods Conservation Restriction for a parcel of land approximately 7.79 acres to be held under the Hopkinton Area Land Trust pursuant to Article 41 of 2004 Annual Town Meeting. MOTION by Mr. Cestari to approve the Fruit Street conservation restriction, SECONDED by Mr. Herr. VOTE to Approve: Yes-3, No-0, Abstained-0. MOTION by Mr. Herr to approve the Pratt Boundary Line Agreement as written, SECONDED by Mr. Cestari. VOTE to Approve: Yes-3, No-0, Abstained-0. MOTION by Mr. Herr to approve conservation restriction for 7.79 acres to be held under the Hopkinton Area Land Trust pursuant to Article 41 of 2004 Annual Town Meeting, SECONDED by Mr. Cestari. VOTE to Approve: Yes-3, No-0, Abstained-0. FRUIT STREET SOLAR FARM DISCUSSION: Mr. Khumalo presented to the Board a four step process as the next steps following 2013 Annual Town Meeting approval of Article 58. The Board reached consensus to begin the RFP process. FRUIT STREET SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATE: Planning Board Chairman Ken Weismantel provided the Board with a presentation regarding the current efforts of the recently formed Fruit Street Subcommittee. Request was made to appoint a member of the Board to this subcommittee. It was agreed to discuss this appointment when the full Board is present. TOWN MANAGER/FIRE CHIEF EVALUATIONS: The Board discussed whether to continue the past practice of having the outgoing Chairman prepare the evaluations of the Fire Chief and Town Manager. MOTION by Mr. Herr to appoint Mr. Palleiko to conduct the evaluations, with Chairman Mosher assuming responsibility if Mr. Palleiko is unable to do so, SECONDED by Mr. Cestari. VOTE to Approve: Yes-3, No-0, Abstained-0. TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT: 1. Citizen Satisfaction Survey – Mr. Hellen reported the Town Manager will be posting the Citizen Satisfaction Survey online. 2. DPW Director John Westerling provided an update on work being done on Front Street and Alprilla Farm Road. 3. DPW Director John Westerling provided the Board with a Pavement Management Program for FY 2014. 4 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes June 4, 2013 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Mr. Herr asked that discussion continue on the proposed hockey rink. He asked that updates be provided by the Town Manager, as well as Town Counsel, regarding this project. ADJOURN: MOTION by Mr. Herr to adjourn, SECONDED by Mr. Cestari. VOTE to Approve: Unanimous. Meeting adjourned. Correspondence to the Board of Selectmen 1. Department of Telecommunications and Cable Public Hearing Notice (May 2013) 2. VHB Correspondence: Legacy Farms/Route 135 Road Improvements (May 2013) 5 Hopkinton Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes June 4, 2013 Summarized Transcription by //Patricia McDonnell// Date: June 28, 2013 Patricia McDonnell Certified Transcriber, OfficeSolutionsPlusLLC.com //Elizabeth Tice// Date: June 28, 2013 Elizabeth Tice, President OfficeSolutionsPlusLLC.com My commission expires August 26, 2016