HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 06:262 ~---- - -- C4\t:l'rU1LlllULl No ~-2~ LJ 1 1[ i I! ')JtI Li (U Ll U I[ cr I (_ V \JH rHTl'I.) °t"., 'jl C' C)- D " of Adoption September__?1, 2006 AUTHORIZING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH T & M SSOCIATES WHEREAS, the Borough of CaJ1eret, ("Borough"), i in need of specialized engineering services in connection with a Green Acre's Type Boundary Surveys for Lot I, Block 184, Clu'ome Park and Minor Subdi visi n for Lot 1, Block 184; and WHEREAS, the Borough's Engineers, T & M Assoeia es, possess the requisite skill and expertise to provide said services; and WHEREAS, T & M Associates has submitted a P posal to provide said engineering services at a total cost not to exceed $22,500. 0; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council have reviewed said roposal; and WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer has certified t at funds arc or will be available for said purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the M yor and Council of the Borough ofCarteret, County of Middlesex, State of New ersey, as follows: 1. That the proposal from T & M Associates r engineering services related to the Green Acre's Type Boundary S Irveys for Lot 1, Rlock 184, Chrome Park and Minor Subdivision for Lot I, Block 184, at a total amount not to exceed $22,500.00 billable in accordance with T & M Associates' existing contract with the Borou 'h, is hereby approved; 2. That annexed hereto is a copy of said proposal; 3. That this action is approved as an award of a professional servIces contract pursuant to N.lS.A. 40A:Il-5(1)(a). Adopted this 21st y of September, 2006 and certified as a Ir Ie copy of the original on Septem er 22, 2006. KATHLEEN M. B EY Municipal Clerk RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE CQUNCIUVIAN BELLINO DIAZ x NAPLES RIOS SITARZ x YES NO NV A.B. COUNCILMAN YES NO NY E1lli x X X X x - !ndica!( Vot( AB - Abs!::nl NV - Not Voting XOR - [ndica!!::s Vo /' tu Overrule Velo Adorle.d ~{a me:e:¡¡ng of (he MUlliciµ;¡J Council --- ' SEP-20-2006 .-..-.. -,,- dO·.);:) iJCIATES 7326716400 P.01/1Ø ~IM 748-2792 ; \~ G\-\ OF Q , '[' ~- Ó~~I.- -- ¡/jý '\~\ ¡ t"r-'! \~~\ , ! SEp 2' 1M<> ¡\".: .. LUUQ ¡' , / ELEVEN TINDALL ROAD MIDDLETOWN, NEW JERSEY 0 [7n] 6 71-6400· F¡;x (752J 671-7365- www.tandrnas&ocJates.com Fax TO: Daniel J, Reiman for Donald J, Norbu P,E. C; F_ Heather Neubacher He: Chrome Park DUrwent Project No,: CART -G0601 'ax: (132) 10 ... . For IWJIew o PIe_e ec..n-t 0 Reply o Please Recyde . Comments; r'-~-oC 4" ~~ ØZJ, cro --¡i-7n- C#{J6-~6~) '7)~~ t1-rmrðcJ C1to6-~60) Jc. ' This facsimile transmi&Sion is intend.-d for the 8ddœssee(s) indic:ated above. It may \XI 'n information that is pl'Í\lileged, conidential, or otherwiss prol8c!ed from disclosure. Any review, d~. or LI$8 of this tmnsmí on or its corrtenIs by per$On$ other than the addressee(s) is sItidIy prohibited. If you have received this 1r8l1$l'TlÌ:iisÌQn in error, please 'us invnediately by telephone, and mail the original to us at the address above, SEP-20-2006 20:35 T M ASSOCIATES 7326716400 P.02/10 ELEVEN TINDALL ROAD, MIDDLETOWN. .NJ 07 48·2.792 (732) 671·6400 . fal< (732) 671,7365 * INww,tandmassoci eS.com T~ ASSOCIATES CART -G0601 Februáry IS, 2006 Mayor Daniel J. ReimllD Borough of Carteret Municipal Building 61 Cooke Avenue Carteret, NJ 07008 Re: PreparatioD of a GreeD Acres Bou.dary Survey aud MiDor Subdivisio. Co.- Lot 1, Block 184, aDd GreeD Acres Bou.da..,. Survey {or Cllrome Park Dear Mr, Reiman: In response to your request., the following are scope of services Acre's Type Boundary surveys for Lot 1, Block 184, and Chrome P Block 184. We IIßticipate the fence line at tbe athletic track will subdivision, estimated fees to prepare Green and Minor Subdivision for Lot 1, the proposed boundmy line for the 1. B t a Î1I TOD02r8Dbic Land Survev Plat. MiDor Subdivision Plat John DuPont, the Director of Engineering, provided our Carteret High School property. The survey was prep December 2000. Therefore, in an effort to miDimize survey Survey and Minor Subdivision :Plan proposal from Mr. De proposal letter from DeMuro Associates. Tbe estimated co $5,000.00 (see DeMuro Schedule of Fees). We rccommen DeMuro Associates for these surveying services. 2. e With a property survey for the by James V. DeMuro, P.L.S., in sts for the Borough, we obntined a uro. Enclosed ¡s a January 16, 2006 for services related to the project is the Borough con1ra.ct directly with . A GreeD Acre type bOUDdary survey will be prepared for Chrome Park (see tax map sheet 76 and 79 for Block & Lot numbers) in accordance w' Green Acres and NJAC-13:40-S.1 standards. Physical features will be located within five (5) feet of the tract boundary. The interior planimetric features will be taken from the C ret aerial mapping and a scan disk from Atlantis Aerial. The T&M Site/Survey DivisioJl Booodary Survey Map Compl6tion Checklist will be used for guíclance to åssure survey pi completeness. Existing outbound comers not marked with found monumentation will be s with a capped rebar. Two concrete monument markers will be set if the property com are accessible and do not fall in concrete or asphalt pavement. If the property corners I on concrete or asphalt pavement, than a MAG Nail with a two-inch disk will be set in p]ac of the concrete marker. H:\C1lrt\G0601\Com:spondc:ncc\Rcíman~DJNß= Acms_ ChroIne f'ark.dDc ENGINEERS * PLANNERS * LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS * ENVIRO MENTAL SCIENTISTS ~ SURVEYORS CIVI~ . EL!:::CffiICAL . ENVIRONMENTAL' MEC"fANICAL . MUNICIPAL' SITE * SOLID W STE' STRUCTURAL' iRAFf:IC . TAANSPORTAilÇ"..i REGIONAL OFFICES OMS RIVER, MOORESTOWN Cl.ARK nd JUAN, PUEAìO RICO SEP-20-2006 20:35 T M ASSOCIATES 7326716400 P.03/10 -aM ASSOCIATES CART.QMiDl Frbrua.." IS, '-8116 ht:e 2 IIon>u¡;k or C'.arII:I-rt AtIB: M.yoI'DlIlie! J, ReiJu... Re: l'repuaüon 0(. Gnea Acre Jauadary Suney 011 !\íInOr SuIJcIIvWoa fbr Lot 1, IIock ..., aod c...... ACftO Boan"" Sunqr lor a.r-....... Lc: DêliverabJes: Eicht (8) copies oftbe Bolllldary SlU'Vey P t. Twelve (U) copies óftbe Prelimiaary MiD r SubdåvÍliÌon PhIt TweJwe (12) copies of the Final Minor 811 hråsion Plat Two (1) copies oltbe Fiaal Minor Subd' . ion Plat (MylaI"Reproducible) Six (6) copies of tbe Preliminary Metes aD Bounds Descriptions Sìx (6) copies of tbe Fiaal Metes and BOlin Descriptions lJafonnation to be Drovided bv Client The Client will provide any record outbound survey ofthe tr Rec;ent title search and deeds of the development parcel. Relevant record documents in the Client's possession. Exceptions Location of underground utilities and hazardous materws is n included with these services, Location of offsite planimetric features is not part oftbe leap of services. Wetlands delineation, and/ot location of wetlands deliIœati n by others are not included with these services. Topographic survey is not part of the scope of work. Testimony by the Borough Engineer is not included in this. co estimate. Schedale The boundary survey wiU be prepared within 4S days of wri en notice: to proceed and receipt of all relevant information £rom the Client. Schedule of Fees Use Municipal Billing Rates for Carteret. Item No. 2 - Chrome Park Fee $10,750 H'1Cart\0060I',cuu~cnœ~ÌIIIIII1ßJN_ Great Aaar_ Chrome PatIc,doc ~ ~ ..~ ... SEP-20-2006 ~:36 T M ASSOCIATES 7326716400 P.04/10 11M ASSOCiATES JIoruucII ofC_ ÁU1I: M-)w DuicI J....... R.: ~o '.Greø¡\onlJloaadll..,.S~aad MiD... SubclMoiø. for Lot 1,1IIuck 184, ud GreeIIACl'I!S.~ s-y r... a..--Pu1I: CUIT-G06tJ Ji'ebnary l5, 200G raeo:; Le: 3. State House CommksioD Review Land DiversioD We understand the Borough is considering a. land diversi diversion would propose to remove Chrome Park from the School property wíth the football stadium. from its Green A.cres ROSl The OSI and add a portion of the High In order to pursue this diversion, the Borough will need make a fonnal application to the NJDEPGreen Acres office and obtain approval from the Nl State House Commission. The applicatioD procedures are outlined in Seçtion 4.2 of the encl ,ScOù &""O T ru:st PN!;"dunal Guide. E:ltCeDtions , the ciMlcsioD process and with the pp1icatìon submission in accordance the 13 items noted, as deemed At yom request, we are prepared to assist the Borough application preparation and submissi01l. We wiU prepare an with Section 4.2(c)2, "Application Submission", inch"!" necessary by NJDEP Green Aaes office, Our seIVices outlined herein do not include procurement of necessary appraisals will be arranged IIIld paid for by the Bo It is understood Schedule We wi11 prepare the Diversion Application and submit it to within 30 days of authorization, Borou;h for review and approval Schedule of Fees We estimate the cost of OUT services for this project will not hem No. 3 lication The total fee proposed herein for services to be províded by T&M A H:\Cart\G0601\Corn:sponliccelReiman_DJN_Grccn Acre!1_Chrolne Park.doc , "-... SEP-20-2006 20:36 T M ASSOCIATES 11M A.,SOC::IATES BoroIIIb ofCvterd AlIa: Ma~DøidJ.~ Be: PrqIaradoa ora GRell Á1ftS 80"""" Sun'!' .".! MiDor SubdiWiaø for Lot I,BIock 1114, &lid GI'riI:ItÂOftS~Soowyfar~r.rk Le: We trust the proposed scope of services is sufficient ferr the Borough If you have any questions concerning the information provided or call. V cry uuly yours, 7326716400 P.ø5/10 CART -GOIiOI Fotmmy 15,1IJ06 ~4 pursuetbe planned land diversion. uire additional ínformation, please 9), DONALD J. NORBUT, P.E, C,M.E. CARTERET BOROUGH OINEER DJN:han Enclosure H;\Cart\G060 l\Com:spandenœlR.eiman_DJN _GreeD Acres _ C11rome Park.do.: '0---" ~DrDugl1 Df QIurf.er ± MIDDLESEX COUNTY ~e£U 3]er1le¡; OFFICE OF KATHLEEN M, BARNEY, RMCICMC MUNICIPAL CLERK TEL (734 541-3800 FAX (732,; 541-8925 61 COOKE AVENUE CARTERET, NEW JERSEY 07008 Date 1 2006 TO: Patrick J. DeBlasio, Treasllrer Borough of Carteret REQUEST FOR CERTIFICA nON OF A V AlLABLE FUNDS: For: ssional Services Contract Survey Chrome Park T&M Associates Name of Account: AMOUNT TO BE ENCUMBERED: Not to exceed $22,500 OO:at an hourly rate esolution #06-262 CERTIFICA TION OF AVAILABILITY OF !7~ I, Treasurer of the Borough of Carteret, do hereby certify that there are su cient funds available in the current budget to enable the Municipal Council to authorize the entering into a contr ct between the Borough of Carteret a:iJd ~)M "0 ( The funds available for this contract are in the Budget, in the account of üf1-">-1 jiJ~ C - 00'1_ :=.,5 -11).. _ JD/ . in the amount of ,).)., ..<' IS>-::> - By this certification, I have hereby encumbered the above named aCcount for t e amount of the contract (o!/](?£ Treasurer c.p AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLIC TION The following is a true copy of an, Ordinance or Resolution of the Borough of arteret that has appeared in the Home News Trib ne, a newspaper which is printed in Freehold, New Je sey and published in Neptune, in said County and St te and of general circulation in said county. ONE (1) imes, once in each issue as follows: October 19, 2006 ~~o,~ Notary Public oIfìrN",wR{~y NOTARY PUBLIC OF NEW JERSEY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 2, 2011 Sworn and subscribed before me this 1'7JJ1.. day of 0 r:::l:r~ I o:l æ l.:. BOROUGH Of CARTERET NOTI~ OF CONJ.:'A<;¡ A~~~D ~~: aw~~ a ~ntr:t without competitive -bid... dins: as , professional ~~~. ~~al~~ {~ (II). This contract and the resolution authorizing it are available for _public Ins~lon in the office of the Municipal Clerk. Awarded to: T&M Associates Services: Engineerin~ SerVices- ~~r:~a~lVey- Resol\ltion #06-2&2 Cost: Not to exceed $22.500.00; at an hour- ly . rate according to schedule. KAT& M. BARN MUN '''AL CLERK ($14.081 20:l'17Ø R -() (¡ -~(,2 BOROUGH OF CARTER 20 COOKE AVENUE CARTERET, NEW JERSEY ~.<-}.<,'> "'^\{>\ THIS AGREEMENT: made this 21th of September 006 By and between: T &M Associates 11 Tindall Road Middletown, NJ 07008-1650 1 . \ ~i\i-b2(O)i : .,! ; , l , , ~: / / ...,C}·......... .,Þ"-:'~/j' ,...,-"/-::.,;;,,,,__c_,,,,,¡"'\..),i' ""'I',.'¡"'-"'" 0(.:'(· f' '~--'.;/ And the Boroue:h of Carteret, a municipal corporation, hav ng its Principal office at the Borough Hall, 6] Cooke Avenue, Cartcret, New Jersey, As per Resolution Number 06-262. THE CONTRACTOR does hereby agrce to perform the fo lowing: PROFESSIONAL SERVICE IN CONNECTION TO BO DRY SURVEY CHROME PARK. NOT TO EXCEED $22,200.00, According to the terns set forth in the Resolultion. THE BOROUGH does hereby agree to pay the Contracto the sum set forth in Resolution, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereund r set their hands and seals or caused these presents to be signed by their proper corporate officers and their corporate seals to be hereto affixed, the day and year written above, BOROUGH OF CARTE WITNESSETH BY: ~~ Munic;pal Clerk --