HomeMy Public PortalAbout20210409 - Open Space Preservation Committee - Meeting MinutesTOWN OF HOPKINTON OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION COMMISSION 18 MAIN STREET HOPKINTON, MA 01748 (508) 497-9755 Open Space Preservation Commission 9, April 2021 Page 1 of 4 DRAFT Minutes of Meeting: 9, April 2021 The Hopkinton Open Space Preservation Commission (OSPC) met remotely on zoom as the agenda posted Present: Ed Harrow, Nancy Peters, Steven Levandosky, Shannon Soares - Administrative Assistant Absent: Brendan Tedstone Guests: Morrie Gasser, Dave Goldman, Jim Weckback, Jeff Doherty 7:00 PM: OSPC CALL TO ORDER: Mr. Harrow called the public meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Mr. Harrow called the name of each Open Space Preservation Committee member, and each responded affirmatively that they were present and could hear him. Mr. Harrow called the names of staff member, Ms. Soares, who responded affirmatively that she was present. Mr. Harrow called the names of anticipated speakers on the agenda, and those present responded affirmatively. Mr. Harrow stated that the meeting is being conducted remotely consistent with Governor Baker’s Executive Order of March 12, 2020, due to the current State of Emergency in the Commonwealth due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. He noted that in order to mitigate the transmission of the virus, the Board is complying with the Executive Order that suspends the requirement of the Open Meeting Law to have all meetings in a publicly accessible physical location. He stated that the Executive Order allows public bodies to meet entirely remotely as long as the public body makes provisions through adequate, alternative means to ensure that interested members of the public are provided reasonable access to the deliberations of the meeting. He noted that for this meeting the Board is convening by video conference via Zoom App as posted on the Town’s web meeting calendar and the Board’s agenda identifying how the public may join. He stated that the meeting may also be broadcast by HCAM. He noted that the meeting is being recorded and some attendees are participating by video conference. Mr. Harrow reviewed the ground rules of the meeting including how speakers, board members and the public may participate. He stated that all votes taken in the meeting will be conducted by roll call vote. Open Space Preservation Commission 9, April 2021 Page 2 of 4 Whitehall Conservation Mr. Harrow explained that the Friends of Whitehall and HALT had a meeting, saying that Ms. Peters along with Mr. Gasser and Mr. Regan were in attendance. Mr. Harrow referenced a report that was emailed out to the Commission members and asked if any members had any comments. Ms. Peters explained that she attempted to attend the meeting however there were technical issues. Mr. Gassier explained that the two groups agreed to the plan that CISMA presented. He continued to add that out of the meeting the idea that one person should be responsible for all of the flagging, where Chuck Dauchy is so familiar with the property he would be responsible for flagging what was to remain and remove all other flags. Once that was complete there would need to be a decision made, for example there is an apple/oak tree that could be removed or one, the other or both could be saved. Mr. Gasser explained that it was decided that whatever method of invasive species removal was required would be acceptable which includes a brush hog. In the case where items need to be removed by hand Mr. Gasser explained Mr. Regan could get volunteers to help with the removal. Mr. Gasser noted that if the Open Space Preservation Commission agreed to this plan Mr. Morrison should be notified about the plan and when work would be done. Halt and FOW would also like a week's notice of any work. Mr. Levandosky agreed the main points were notification, and Chuck Dauchy flagging. Mr. Gasser noted the two boards didn’t believe there needed to be any additional plantings. Mr. Harrow explained that he and Mr. Dauchy would be going out on April 14th at 1pm with two rain dates planned for flagging; he invited anyone interested to join. Mr. Harrow explained that he had an issue with the grove of pines and based on discussions with Matt Varrell (Hopkinton Wetland Scientist) and he concluded that all of the grove trees should be removed. Mr. Varrell also added that the pine trees should be removed as well. Motion to accept the report as written was made by Ms. Moran and seconded by Ms. Peters. Roll call vote: Steven Levandosky, Jane Moran, Nancy Peters, Ed Harrow Mr. Harrow reported that Mr. Regan removed the leaner tree, he explained that with increased traffic around the Sugar Maple it would eventually kill the tree. Added mulch or a large boulder would help to move the parking away from the tree. Mr. Harrow explained that he had given Mark Pillsbury the Whisper Way sign and was awaiting its return. Motion to add wood chips and move a boulder was made by Mr. Levandosky and seconded by Ms. Moran. Roll call vote: Steven Levandosky, Jane Moran, Nancy Peters, Ed Harrow Whitehall trail markings - The Friends of Whitehall want to mark the trails at Whitehall and are happy to provide the markers and mark the trails. The Commission spoke about signage at Cameron Woods still needing to be placed, and criss crossing signs at trails. Ms. Peters explained that it would be beneficial if the trails were marked, and Mr. Gasser explained that driveway poles are used to mark boundaries. Motion to allow Friends of Whitehall to purchase and install markers with a representative from Open Space Preservation Commission and representative from HALT. Motion was made by Mr. Levandosky and seconded by Ms. Moran. Roll Call vote: Steven Levandosky - Yes, Jane Moran - Yes, Nancy Peters - Yes, Ed Harrow - Yes Open Space Preservation Commission 9, April 2021 Page 3 of 4 8 Sylvan It was discussed that the DPW would assist in the project, Mr. Gorman will relocate the gazebo however will not return the patio foundation to original conditions. The Commission noted that other Open Space issues have been sent to the building department, Mr. Gasser would also like to note there are some addresses that have removed driveway markers. Land Acquisition The Commission spoke about the McDonough Property, noting that at one time it was owned by the Conroy family. The Conroy family also owned land that became part of the Snowy Owl subdivision. The owners of the McDonough Property attempted to go to the Planning Board to get approvals for development. Mr. Gasser reported that the latest he has heard was that the current owners are looking to build 2 homes and a cell tower on the property and turn the remaining land over to HALT. The residents on Castle Hill were in the process of placing Conservation Restrictions on their properties to prevent any future access to the McDonough property. Mr. Levandosky inquired if access was allowed for a cell tower, why wouldn’t it also be allowed for solar panels; to which Mr. Gasser explained that the current owner didn’t want to cut down the trees. There was a discussion about blue flags at Conroy and duck pond which have been up for a year. Mr. Levandosky spoke about the Conroy property noting that the Commission needs to reach out again in an attempt to acquire the property. Mr. Harrow explained that he would make an attempt to reach the owners. The Commission spoke about the importance of contacting the owners, so if in the event their plans fall through they would have the Open Space Preservation Commission in mind for potential sale. Ms. Moran added that prior to Town Manager Norman Khumalo taking the position at the town, the negotiations were between the Chair of the Open Space and the property owners. The Commission can speak to landowners however they are not in the position to discuss any money. The Commission spoke about the Conroy parcel that is landlocked. They also spoke about outstanding taxes on the Isadore property, Mr. Gasser explained that the landowners had been in contact with HALT; however HALT wasn’t willing to pay the outstanding taxes to acquire the property. Mr. Gasser noted that he has inquired about tax forgiveness and there was not a mechanism to forgive them. Dell/EMC - Mr. Harrow explained that he had written to Dell/EMC and had yet to hear anything back from them. Mr. Gasser explained that at one point he had been told if back taxes were paid they could have the land. Ms. Moran suggested bringing the tax repayment issue up to the ZAC committee, if there isn’t something currently that would be a great program for them to work on. Ms. Soares will email John Gelcich about getting in touch with ZAC members, and or how to get on the ZAC agenda. Mr. Levandosky requested that for the next meeting each member bring one parcel of interest to the meeting to discuss. Mr. Doherty is present at this time. MACC - Conference Open Space Preservation Commission 9, April 2021 Page 4 of 4 Mr. Harrow explained that he had attended a conference about crossings for animals and would be happy to share the presentation with the group. The conference was led by Chase Bernier, who is located out of Westboro. Halt Reimbursement - Mr. Gasser requested that the Open Space Preservation Commission replace the driveway poles that they have run out of; they are used to mark boundaries. A box of 100 is $65 on amazon. Motion to buy driveway poles for HALT was made by Mr. Levandosky, seconded by Ms. Moran. Roll Call vote: Steven Levandosky - Yes, Jane Moran - Yes, Nancy Peters - Yes, Ed Harrow - Yes. Mr. Harrow made the suggestion that the driveway markers weren’t so tall. Mr. Gasser explained that the vast majority of the driveway pole markers were in the woods and short of cutting them, he explained that they are mostly used for the stewart to know the boundary Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ms. Moran and seconded by Ms. Peters. Roll call vote: Steven Levandosky - Yes, Jane Moran - Yes, Nancy Peters - Yes, Ed Harrow - Yes Minutes Approved June 3, 2021 Document List Documents Location Open Space Preservation Commission Agenda 9, April 2020 Web Meeting Calendar Report about Whitehall Conservation Web Meeting Calendar ** All material listed posted on Web Calendar are also available in OSPC Files