HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 06:270 COUNCILMAN BElLINO .DIAZ KRUM No I 2R-ez.alutimr .af t~-e ~l1tmtg1¡ .at Qlètrí-er-et, ~ ~ ;:v ~ 06-270 D." of doption Q:tober APPROVING CHANGE ORDER #2 AND PAYMENT CE I<TIFICATE #3 2006 ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - DEFINO CC NTRACTING WHEREAS, thc Governing Body of the Borough ofCarteret ha previously awarded a contract to DeFino Contracting, in the amount of$813 689.25 for the 2006 Road Improvement Program; and WHEREAS, the Borough's Consulting Engineer for the project, r & M Associates, has advised the Governing Body that a modification t the contract is reasonable and necessary and has recommended that the aforesai, contract be modified in accordance with Contract Change Ordcr #2, attached ,ereto; and WHEREAS, Change Order #2 includes a change in thc descriptÎ< n of work to reduce and increase quantities to complete project construction an" reflects as- built qllantities; and WHEREAS, Change Order #2 provides for a net decrease in the ,jontract price in the amount of $64,957.15, resulting in a reviscd contract price of 748,704.10, including aII previously approved Change Orders; and WHEREAS, thc Borough's Consulting Engineer, T &M Associatc , has advised that the above described changes and/or modifications to the proje t were unforesecu at the time of the award of the original contract. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by thc Mayor and Be ough Council of the Borough ofCa11erct, County ofMiddlcsex, State of New Jer eyas folIows: 1. That Contract Change Ordcr #2, attached hereto and ma e a part hereof, providing tor a net decrease of $64,985.15 in the ov raII contract price, resulting in a reviscd total contract price of$748,704. 0, is hereby approved. 2. That the appropriate Borough officials arc hereby authori~ed and directed to execute Change Order #2. 3. That the Borough's Purchasing Department is hereby au horized to execute payment pursuant to Payment Certificate #3, attacheµ hereto. 4. That a copy of this Resolution and a fulIy executed copy f Change Order #2 be forward cd to the Borough's Purchasing Departn ent and to T &M Associates for distribution to DeFino Contracting. Adopted this 26th day of Q:tober, 2006 and certified as a true copy of i he original on Q:tober 27, 2006. KA'IHI.EEN M. BARNEY Municipal Clerk - RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE YES NO NY A.B. COUNCILMAN X "'AUT"''' X R~ X Y¡;S NO NY A.B. X X y Adopted at a meeting of !he Municipal Council x . Indic8!~ Vote AB . Abs,=nl NY· Not Voting XOR - Indicates Vote to 0 errule Veto / :/ Q:tobe~ 2" ?fY¥;. ../1;¡-;-..L"'?AA ';;f;1~,--z;?:,"" ~ ~ktRK Ü 26, 2006 -